paatetiicaaa · 1 year
"Conformarse con cualquiera con tal de no estar solos. Si tuviera que explicar en palabras la infelicidad, lo haría así".
Charles Bukowski
Pintura: Roberto Ferri
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arte-inmortal · 9 days
Toda la energía que usé en personas que me hicieron dañó. Ahora la voy a usar: para amarme mucho, para irme a la primera que no me guste y para amar mí vida. Porque ésas personas no están antes que yo, porque la plata no decepciona, porque mis sueños no me van a tratar mal. La vida es corta para conformarte con menos de lo que querés.
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anadelacalle · 4 months
No sé cuánto tiempo hace que dejamos de vernos más a menudo. Mi memoria se minimiza progresivamente como si se transformase en un receptáculo poroso por el que se filtra de manera inmediata cuanto contiene. A veces temo dejar de existir. Si no retengo nada, no seré más que un instante que si tan siquiera tendrá el espacio de poseer conciencia de sí mismo. Me transformo en puntos discontinuos en…
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unholy-md · 2 years
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w00fwoof · 1 year
no puedo no puedo ponerme a estudiar solo puedo pensar en la alfombra hermosa de $500 q no compre en la feria el finde me odio me detesto tarada sin alfombra
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mayuuchi · 10 months
para que nuestros personajes visiten la sala de mascotas 🐶 con @grctsc
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intenta llamar la atención de un gato que anda cerca, pero no tiene mucho éxito. “¿alguno de estos animales es tuyo?” con tantas mascotas y personas en aquel lugar, era difícil determinar si alguno le pertenecía. “en mi familia tenemos una gata, pero es más de mis padres que mía, no hubiera tenido el corazón para traerla”
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caballero-de-libra · 10 months
Cuando alguien hace su trabajo interior (que no se entienda que por ello sean completamente mejores o superiores) es más difícil conseguir pareja. En mi experiencia, he notado que las personas prefieren a alguien infiel, que les maltrate, que sea fanático del fútbol, que se la pase de fiesta, que le guste el reguetón, que hable de chismes, temas comunes, etcétera. No muchos se interesan por su autenticidad, menos por su desarrollo personal, por eso, la mayoría de la parejas son algo más o menos así: “¡Mira, toda mi neurosis y la tuya, juntémonos así!”. Compartirlo, en lugar de progresar como personas. Hay hombres y mujeres increíbles, sin pareja, y hasta cierto punto está bien. Basta de llenar vacíos juntándose con cualquiera nada más porque sí. Como decía Bukowski: «Conformarse con cualquiera con tal de no estar solos; si tuviera que explicar en palabras la infelicidad, lo haría así».
— Enrique Frías
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Hasta que me amé a mí misma pude entender que amar a alguien no es igual a conformarse con lo mínimo.
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sinfonia-relativa · 5 months
Recordarte me duele , pensar en ti me lastima , por que siempre serás aquel amor que jamás debió pasar , por que fuiste el amor que me enseñó de los peores dolores , de las peores traiciones. Recordarte duele y con tu paso por mi mente cada tanto sigues rompiendo mi corazón, que inolvidable se vuelve quien más amaste y quien menos te amó , por eso eres inolvidable, más con amabilidad dejo que tu recuerdo vuelva a entrar para revivir lo que sin duda no quiero volver a vivir y lo que no debo permitir jamás. Recordarte rompe mi corazón , pero más lo hace cuando aquellas memorias de esos pocos pero bellos momentos donde fuimos uno solo , en un solo sentir , me visitan y hace que te extrañe, aquello duele más mucho más que cuando recuerdo todas las veces que me hiciste daño. Vaya tonta sentimental, pero claro y aprendida tengo mi lección de que el amor no puede alimentarse de pocos momentos hermosos para siempre , de que no puede conformarse un corazón como el mío a que lo amen un día y al siguiente ya no. Si , sigo siendo aquella muchacha sentimental a la que conocíste , pero con el corazón tan destrozado y con los ojos tan abiertos que aunque tu recuerdo me provoque ganas de verte y volver a esos momentos bellos , no me permito volver a ti por que a base de dolor aprendí la dura lección de lo que por amor no se permite.
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dariann-garcia · 2 months
Nadie debería conformarse con ser una opción, todos merecemos ser lo más importante para alguien.
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baki-tiene-un-simp · 1 year
characters Yujiro and Oliver are definitely rich and afford luxuries, so they probably look surprised and confused at their s/o who buys some minimal food or clothes for themselves or just enough to get by. And they literally give their wage card and take their partner by the hand to the top quality merchandise store. For God's sake, I'd then quietly pay my tuition and get all my teeth fixed at the dentist
It's what I say!
I could afford my entire higher education with a measly part of their entire fortune, and I'd bet I'd be the least of their worries.
Oliva literally has one of the largest nations in the world under his thumb and therefore his economic capacity is just as great. Oliva won't mind spending his money on his partner, that man would give his whole life to make his partner happy, spending his money is small in comparison. Trips to paradisaical places, expensive gifts, dinners in expensive restaurants, a lot of clothes, health service coverage and academic services, etc. You just have to ask and Oliva will make it happen. When you want something, he's already pulling his credit card out of his pocket; My God, he would give you his credit card to spend as much as your heart desires, he will insist if you are demure, why settle for just enough to live on when you have the chance to have everything you could want?
In the case of Yujiro, I really believe with all the fervor of my heart that this man has free things just for being him, there are no limitations; A complete stay in a luxury hotel, dinners in the greatest places, meetings with the most influential people in the world, the most expensive items that money can buy and even if money can't buy it. His mere presence imposes and no one can say 'no' to any of his demands, nor is there anyone who wants to. Since you're his partner, you're just enjoying the ogre privilege; People will give you and do what you want to not be in Yujiro's sights. Yujiro looks at you as if you've grown a second head when you admit that you buy the bare necessities or how you try to make ends meet on your salary, you're kidding right? Well not anymore, he will pay for your whole life just because he can. And because he maybe he loves you in some way.
Versión en Español.
¡Es lo que yo digo!
Yo podría costear toda mi educación superior con una mísera parte de toda su fortuna, y apostaría que sería la menor de sus preocupaciones.
Oliva literalmente tiene a una de las naciones más grandes del mundo bajo su mano y por tanto su capacidad económica es igual de grande. A Oliva no le molestará gastar su dinero en su pareja, ese hombre daría su vida entera por hacer feliz a su pareja, gastar su dinero es una pequeñez en comparación. Viajes a lugares paradisiacos, regalos caros, cenas en restaurantes caros, un montón de ropa, cobertura del servicio de salud y los servicios académicos, etc. Solo debes pedir y Oliva lo hará realidad. Cuando quieres algo, él ya está sacando su tarjeta de crédito de su bolsillo; Dios mío, él te daría su tarjeta de crédito para que gastes tanto como tu corazón desee, insistirá si eres recatado, ¿por qué conformarse con lo suficiente para vivir cuando tienes la oportunidad de tener todo lo que puedas querer?
En el caso de Yujiro, realmente creo con todo el fervor de mi corazón que ese hombre tiene cosas gratis solo por ser él, no hay limitaciones; una estadía completa en un hotel de lujo, cenas en los lugares más grandes, reuniones con las personas más influyentes del mundo, los artículos más costosos que el dinero pueda comprar y aun si el dinero no puede comprarlo. Su sola presencia impone y nadie puede decir que 'no' a ninguna de sus exigencias, tampoco hay nadie que quiera hacerlo. Como eres su pareja, solo estás disfrutando del privilegio ogro; las personas te darán y harán lo que quieras para no estar en la mira de Yujiro. Yujiro te mira como si te hubiera salido una segunda cabeza cuando admites que compras lo justo y necesario o como tratas de llegar a fin de mes con tu salario, ¿estás bromeando, cierto? Pues ya no más, él costeara toda tu vida solo porque puede. Y porque quizá te quiere de alguna forma.
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piensoenversos · 7 months
Usted pregunta si todavía podemos ser amigos, cómo te explico que una abeja no sueña con besar la boca de una flor para luego conformarse con sus hojas. No necesito más amigos.
- Rupi Kaur
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ruined-0 · 2 months
Quisiera abrazarte fuerte,tan fuerte para que no te den ganas de irte y decirte cuan importante llegaste a convertirte en mi vida
Que antes solo derramaba tristeza,mientras exclamaba clemencia ante la absoluta soledad
Será que solo buscaba la libertad ,y termine atada volviendome sumisa ante la majestuosidad de tu presencia
Hay días que fingo tener amnecia,mientras repite una y otra vez mi cabeza que necesita un poco de tu sonrisa
Siendo sincera ya ni la brisa la siento igual,ya ni las caricias me sientan mal si de tu mano se trata
Será que mis ojos se delatan ,será que el reloj nos atrapa y comienza a tirar data
Para olvidarnos de lo que esta bien para comenzar a sentir,seré más sensata cuando te vea partir?
Aunque esto tiene pinta de que mi mente tendrá más preguntas que respuestas,sin mentir
Créeme que intento ser lo más realista posible ,pero si se trata de vos quisiera que sea interminable
Crear un mundo donde no tenga que buscar un culpable,y te decidas por mi querer
Que pueda regalarte flores y las veamos juntos florecer sin sentir este peso,sin perdernos en el proceso y que comencemos a comprender
Pero tus palabras me dan a suponer que hay que conformarse y padecer decisiones pasadas
Comprendo tu pensamiento pero me da a que es equivocada
Yo crecí intentando romper todo lo que alguna vez a mi pasado recordaba ,para ser la mejor versión por si en algún momento te cruzaba
A vos no te conocía,pero inconscientemente te soñaba, cuando te sentí comencé a entender el porque de mi jugada
Pero soy mejor escribiendo que diciéndote las cosas en la cara,porque el miedo se apodera y me deja anonadada
Será que en algun momento comprenderas a esta loca enamorada?.
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Gente, ya no estamos para esperar ciegamente por una persona que no sabe lo que quiere con nosotros. Ni aunque tenga bonitos gestos uno debe de conformarse, las cosas son simples: o quieres comprometerse a una relación contigo o no. No existe un “más o menos” ni un “tal vez”. Es “sí” o “no”.
Sorata Ayumi
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thesolotomyhan · 1 year
a/n: orale pues para aguantar el hambre,, a small post tonight+unedited (i wanted to get something out sorry guys) but here we are again because we're just going to ignore that i made another disappearance heh but for this work, i just randomly handpicked some thoughts :) and wrote a little something because i felt inspried but for mis other amores im currently working on those thoughts (esp. all you rafa lovers :) ) i just want to marinate them lol and not lose my motivation, but this is similar work to what i did with all those mayo asks long ago and i felt like i could do that with these thoughts so vamonos - ill be back soon :))
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how he sleeps / cuddles with you 
weyyyy :( me puse toda emocional y casi llore- llore a imaginarme de esto :(
I just feel like his overall relationship aatachment to you would just downright fucking reflect on the way he sleeps with you if you catch my draft
Because I’m just going off of a gut feeling and the hc i made for him a while back but :(
mi hombre todo enamorado y chisquiado por ti would not want an inch- a millimeter away from you when he sleeps :(
so when it comes to sleeping with you , este mero hombre would love to have your back pressed up against his chest, like him being the big spoon and shit :(
it’s the most easiest access he has to have no space in between the two of you
it allows him to hold you as tightly as possible against him, your soft figure enveloped under his hold
ay no- his face just buried in your soft hair , it’s the scent he falls asleep to and wakes up to and i just - :( wow?
one of his arms under you , would not care if said arm falls asleep or is sore in the morning because he’s happy doing it at whatever cost
his other arm i just picture would be wrapped around your waist or stomach holding you back against him :(
or get this,, one of his hands choosing to hold yours, fingers intertwined and todo :( idk why picturing that gives me the softest lovey dovey vibes :(((
it also just,, gives him the “security” that you won’t leave (even tho you won’t) and if you even try to get up in the morning it wakes his ass up to and !!!
your sleeping positions could literally be titled “cuddlie session” if you wanted it because there is no other position he likes,,
He’ll sleep like un pinshe train wont wake him up just as long as he has a hold on you ,, like i imagine this mf wouldnt conformarse with one single hand holding your own,, thats too distant for this mans taste on sleeping
He has to like,,, physically hold you enterita
so the positions that immediately come to mind is with you sleeping on his chest,, his arms securing you against him or with your back to his chest,, his arms holding you back against him and practically squeezing you into him
or just something in that realm really but eso si
and sleeping on chest? sorry i didn’t go into that but here we go
because like ? it’s another security for him
it allows him to kind of basically scoop you into his chest,, his arm would be like wrapped around your shoulders and holding you against him
loves to have your head rest in his chest,, quite literally him being your personal pillow and i just feel so soft to that idea
and i just feel like his heart fucking thumps,, dumb smile adorning his face as he falls asleep when either one of your hands is splayed on his chest,, or like wrapped around his torso if you know what i mean
both of your legs and his just a tangled mess,, wanting to be as close as possible to each other
or :) his other hand that’s not wrapped around your shoulders,, i just imagine him bringing that said hand to pull one of your legs to wrap around his torso and just hold it there :(
i can also just imagine him once again burying his face into your hair as he falls asleep :) and i just - hn
also not me imagining that on some days ,, one way or another he might wake up with his own head laying on your chest,, arms wrapped around your torso,, with one of your hands gently waking him up because you’re softly playing with his chinitos y ayy no , no me miren
just overall? give him access to hold you entera ,, aginast him,, all the above answers you can think of because that’s the only way this man can sleep
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christmas with rafa
i have to say i quite literally let out a small giggle when i read this lmaoooo
and its all because the first thing that popped into my mind was that one scene in s1 where pinshe cuco and chapo got him that fucking tree when he was sent into “hiding” and hearing him go “mi arbolito de navidad” jaja
pero getting myself collected now- la navidad is being with your loved ones right?
pues aggaranse because this man will do christmas like a religious event -
es la mas bonita temporada and to be spending it with you? heh you bet your ass he goes out with it
i imagine he really kind of gets into it almost? like he will be down to decorate whatever and wherever your little heart desires and as he sees fit :)
like you want the biggest tree he can find? you bet his ass is finding out where that shit is in the next hour ,, ready to be put up
like not me feeling my heart gush over the thought of him being excited? to put up like the ornaments on the tree but with you ,,
like even if it takes 6 hours or some ridiculous amount of time to decorate the tree ,, it’s spent with laughter from the both of you,,, besos a cada rato,, strategically planning out where the next red ornament should go or something and :((( weyy
and i say “ridiculous amount of time” because even if your putting like the garland on one of the windows or something ,, it take the both of your hours to do it because he just wants to tocarte even if it’s holding you because esta enamorado mi niño
like :( randomly coming up behind you to hug you or something :( his face buried in your neck and just telling you un “te amo mi reina” :( JUST BECAUSE HE FEELS LIKE IT
:(( and not me imagining you turning around and wrapping your arms around his shoulders telling him the same thing back :( y alli se la pasan todos embobados del uno al otro :(((
feel like he’s always telling you “ahora que mas :)” with that dumb smile he does because he wants to keep going and turn your damn house into something from a christmas movie
i feel like he’ll definitely cover the higher places where you can’t reach to decorate and have your eyes tell him where it’s perfect and all
and hnnnnng !!! :( i defintly feel like he praises every little decoration you both complete even if it’s small or big :(
like him leading you to take a step back and just admire your work after it’s done and just going “nos quedo bonito “erdad” :( dopey smile on his face and all
or something like “mira nomas, hacemos un buen equipo, no crees mi amor” :(
as he just holds you from behind ,, his pinshes ojos lighting up as he looks at both of your work :(
:((( stop im sorry,, but imaging you having one of your hands resting on top of his arms that are around you and leaning your other hand behind you to hold his neck/side of his face
turning your neck to look at him behind you and smiling at him like “si verdad? te amo” and i CRY BECAUSE THE SOFT ASS LOOK HE WOULD GIVE YOU ?? his big ass smile getting in the way of him leaning down to kiss you mmm BYE don’t touch me
my status? currently pulling strands of my hair because i just imagined that he definitely takes fucking pictures of the two of you :(( todos contentos, or besandose , either in front of like the tree or something like that
because he definitely saves and glues them onto his photo album with you (iykyk) :((
loL sorry but i can for sure see him not shutting about this day to like cuco or bothering neto with it jaja
like cuco would listen to him even if it wears his ears off ,, just fueling rafas emotions more because he finds it interesting
just rafa finding himself nonstop gushing about you and his day with you
but if neto was there ,, todo pinshe amargado i can definitely see him like slowly but rapidly loosing his cool if rafa doesn’t shut it soon lol
like he would probably let him go on for a maximum of 30 minutes if it’s a good day
but if he sees that rafa won’t put a lid on it soon i can just see him slamming something down near him,, and looking at rafas direction todo encabronado like “chingada madre rafa, ya callate me vale madres tu y la navidad”
jajaj def making rafa all “mad” and returning the same energy back like “pinshe amargado”
ayy no -
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movie night with rafa
now listen up -
i had this mentioned in my first rafa headcannon and as i received this today,, wow am i glad whoever this was understands me on this perspective because yeS movie nights???? Is like a regular occurrence for him to do with you fight me
and im just glad someone finds that vibe as well :)
because yeah - refreshing some points,,, i feel like he goes out on things like this as well
just the whole decorating fiasco,,, him definitely remembering to get all your favorite snacks y antojitos
this man might have as well just bought the entire store just so the both of you can have the variety to choose from on what you want to snack on ya know
and yeah exactly as you said,, i feel like he definitely makes the enite place comfortable,, pillows and blankets scattered for you to chose from
the place might as well look like one of those fancy movie theathers (lol), but with his touch so that it’s all comfy y toda la cosa
and with this variety theme going on,, it for sure applies to your guys choice in movie(s),, because this mf would have like a stack to chose from lol
like his pinshe sonrisa is looking over at you as he walks into the room to show you all the different movies, like”mira mi amor, que se te va antojar a ver?” dopey smile on his face as he sits down in front of you on the floor :(
like just flipping through genres and shit- peliculas de horror or action ones ,, but his excitement is there just letting you go through them and choosing between the two of you which one you both want and feel like doing :(
stop not me imagining him giving you that wide smile he does when you pick out a movie :( and just him nodding his head,, moving to get up to put it in to play but before he does,, he just kisses you really quickly and i dont know why that made me melt :(
hnnng :( the two of you snuggling into each other on the ground,, i imagine like,, both of your guys back leaning against the foot of the couch i dont know why but yeah
snack sharing for sure happens,, no way around it,, and its either like the snack,, like palomitas or something is in between the two of you and your both sharing it like that
or if its like a small snack like,, fruta de vaso ya know,, one of you is feeding the other :( m
sorry but not sorry but he give me the same vibes as ramon in a sense, i know you guys remember that scene with ramon on his cartoons,, like laughing out loud and just going “mira mira” at something funny coming up ,loud ass laugh filling the room when said scene happens, i feel like rafa does the same shit if you guys were watching some cartoon or a funny movie ya know ? pinshe pure and heartmelting vibes sorry
and listen i dont know why but i can see some soft shit like this happening where either your movie turns boring or during intermission when youre both choosing your next movie pick
where i can see you both throwing popcorn at eachother,, tyring to catch them and just the whole house filling up with your guys laughing because of the different distances youre both throwing popcorn at each other or something and i just :(((
but movig on,,, he definitely zones in,, and i mean zones in when it comes to him watching movies,, like nothing tears his eyes away and that a sight you are guaranteed to see if you look at him :(
something i want to share is that your positions would for sure change either throughout the movie or when youre both going to watch another movie,, like instead of sitting side by side :( maybe him moving you to sit in between his legs :( so he can wrap his arms around you,, letting you lean back on him like a pillow y ayy no :( that makes me shatter
or even the both of you movig to lay down on the ground,, your head on his chest as he hold you to him by wrapping one of his arms around your shoulders :( a literal cuddles session if you will
and ughh i feel like the two od you dont ever move out of this space,, even well after maybe your chosen movie has ended or youre both halfway through some other movie at like 2 in the morning,, but you both definitely fall asleep against each other after these movie dates, nomas quiren estan pegaditos :(
general taglist: @coaxium-captain-rex @visintaes @sheeshgivemeabreak @artemiseamoon @wtfisgoingonlol @boomclapxox @carlislecullenisadilf @ashlingiswriting @fleurfatale89​ 
let me know if i forgot you or if you want to be added to anything! 
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1471- "El mito, por ejemplo, de que el orden opresor es un orden de libertad. De que todos son libres para trabajar donde quieran. Si no les agrada el patrón, pueden dejarlo y buscar otro empleo. El mito de que este “orden” respeta los derechos de la persona humana y que, por lo tanto, es digno de todo aprecio. El mito de que todos pueden llegar a ser empresarios siempre que no sean perezosos y, más aún, el mito de que el hombre que vende por las calles, gritando: “dulce de banana y guayaba” es un empresario tanto cuanto lo es el dueño de una gran fábrica. El mito del derecho de todos a la educación cuando, en Latinoamérica, existe un contraste irrisorio entre la totalidad de los alumnos que se matriculan en las escuelas primarias de cada país y aquellos que logran el acceso a las universidades. El mito de la igualdad de clases cuando el “¿sabe usted con quién está hablando?” es aún una pregunta de nuestros días. El mito del heroísmo de las clases opresoras, como guardianas del orden que encarna la “civilización occidental y cristiana”, a la cual defienden de la “barbarie materialista”. El mito de su caridad, de su generosidad, cuando lo que hacen, en cuanto clase, es un mero asistencialismo. El mito de que las elites dominadoras, “en el reconocimiento de sus deberes”, son las promotoras del pueblo, debiendo éste, en un gesto de gratitud, aceptar su palabra y conformarse con ella. El mito de que la rebelión del pueblo es un pecado en contra de Dios. El mito de la propiedad privada como fundamento del desarrollo de la persona humana, en tanto se considere como personas humanas sólo a los opresores. El mito de la dinamicidad de los opresores y el de la pereza y falta de honradez de los oprimidos... Todos estos mitos, y otros que el lector seguramente conoce y cuya introyección por parte de las masas oprimidas es un elemento básico para lograr su conquista, les son entregados a través de una propaganda bien organizada, o por lemas, cuyos vehículos son siempre denominados “medios de comunicación de masas”, entendiendo por comunicación el depósito de este contenido enajenante en ellas.
Paulo Freire
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