#constrained writing
nightshadereaper66 · 2 months
Missing Common (Important) Things
What if, at a point, you found That you lack a critical thing? What if you didn’t know That said thing is missing?
What if you didn’t know it was around? You had many doo-dads and it was working Folks call you unusual as you lack a particular gizmo And you unknowingly go along, ignoring loud hissing.
You accepted the pain and assumed this was life You thought you were broken; you’re just something else Like this poem, you’re better when you use all the letters, No matter who tells you to never use your “e.”
Constrained writing: Cannot use the letter “e” until the last verse
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momoguido · 5 months
Ring Terzanelle Form
This is a poetic form that I use a lot, that I haven't seen anyone else use. It's a variant on the Terzanelle form.
Like an ordinary terzanelle, the core of the poem is a series of tercets where the middle line of each tercet is repeated as the last line of the next one.
A Ring Terzanelle differs from an ordinary one in two ways:
First, the number of tercets is not fixed. There has to be at least three for practical reasons, but use as many as you'd like. I often write poems of 20 or more tercets.
Second, the final tercet is the same as the first one. This is what gives it the "ring" in the name, because it ends where it begins.
I find these are very well suited to narrative poems. In order to move the story forwards while constantly repeating lines, it helps to re-contextualize lines and employ double meanings, which can be very fun. When you get to the final tercet, the arc of the narrative itself re-contextualizes those three lines.
I think the best one I ever wrote was Beatrice's Rose, which employs some recontextualization to move the story forward. At the end of the poem, the final three lines use the same words to describe a very different scene from what was described at the beginning, which is made more explicit in the music video
But one of my earliest uses of the form was while I was badly depressed. Beloved I Would Write makes very heavy use of double meanings and recontextualization, but at the end the final tercet emphasizes how little has changed, and the circular motion of the speaker's thoughts.
You don't have to be exact, if you don't want to. The form is actually quite flexible despite the very demanding rule. The first ring terzanelle I ever wrote, Shown By Mirabella, often does not repeat lines exactly, but changes them to suit the flow of the story.
I hope this will inspire people to either write their own ring terzanelles, or scold me for trying to act like I invented a form that already exists. Either way, I get to read new poems in my favorite form.
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kelimeoyunu · 2 months
Ünivokalizm: Alfabede tek ünlü olsaydı?
Lipogram, belirli bir harf ya da harf grubunu hiç kullanmadan yazılan metin. Georges Perec'in e harfini kullanmadan yazdığı La Disparition ("Kayboluş", 1969), lipogramın tanınmış örneklerinden. Yayımlandığı tarihten bu yana, dünyanın dört bir yanında, üç yüz sayfalık bu romanı, lipogram kısıtına sadık kalarak, yani e harfini kullanmadan ana diline çeviren birçok çevirmen çıktı. Bizde, üstelik romanın her biri alfabenin bir harfine karşılık gelen yirmi altı bölümüne Türkçe alfabeye uysun diye üç yeni bölüm daha ekleyerek, Cemal Yardımcı başardı bu işi. Yardımcı'ya başarısından ötürü herhangi bir ödül verildi mi bilmiyorum, fakat bu tür başarılar dünyada hep ödüllendirilmiştir. Pek çok okurun, kitabı, e harfinin hiç kullanılmadığını fark etmeden bitirdiği bilindiğinde Perec'in romanının niteliği daha iyi anlaşılır. Lipogram demişken Ersin Tezcan'ın E'siz Potkal (1997) adlı, altmış iki sayfalık eserini anmayı da es geçmemek gerekir.
Ünivokalizm ise, metnin, sesli harflerden yalnızca birinin kullanılarak yazılması. İlk bakışta, bu tanımla, ünivokalizm lipogramın tersi gibi görünebilir. Birinde bir harfi (genellikle sesli bir harfi) atıyorsun, diğerinde ise tersine, sadece o harfi kullanıyorsun. Oysa ünivokal (tek sesli harfli) bir metin ya da şiir, lipogramın kısıt kümesi genişletilmiş, ekstrem bir türünden başkaca bir şey değil. Roman uzunluğunda lipogramatik metinlerin yazılması mümkün; öte yandan, aynısını ünivokal metinler için söyleyebilmek güç. Neden? Çünkü, örneğin Türkçe için düşünürsek, tek sesli harf yerine yedi adet sesli harfi dışarıda bırakmamız gerekiyor. Roman değil de şiir yazsak? Türkçede bilinçli olarak ünivokalik yazılmış şiir örnekleri var mı bilmiyorum; ama çevrimiçi kaynaklarda şöyle bir aratınca o tür bir örnek pat diye önüme çıkmadı. Çıkmayınca bu işi bir deneyeyim, dedim. Acaba hangi sesli harfi seçseydim? Kendime tek deneme hakkı tanıyacaksam, bari en zor olanıyla uğraşayım, diye düşündüm. A, e, i, ı - Pek çok kaynakta bu dördü, verdiğim sırada, en sık kullanılan ilk on harf arasında geçiyor. O ve u, sıralamada az farkla, ı harfini takip ediyor. Geriye ü ve ö harfleri kalıyor ki en az kullanılanın ö olduğunu kestirmek her halde zor değil. Hem ö, Özcan'ın ö'sü değil mi? Körün istediği bir göz...
Ortaya çıkan metin, şiir mi, değil mi, giderek anlamlı mı değil mi, "bacağı kırık çekirge bir adım dahi atabilse zıplamış sayılır" diyerek değerlendirmeyi okura bırakıyorum. Metin, istenirse bir bütün olarak, istenirse bizzat aşağıda yaptığım gibi, üç bölüm halinde düşünülebilir. Türkçe söz varlığında yalnızca ö sesli harfini içeren sözcüklerin hemen hepsi, mümkün mertebe tekrara düşmeden ancak iyi kötü şiirsel bir atmosferin yaratılması sorunu da gözetilerek, metin içersinde kullanılmıştır.
(I) bön mösyö köy örf, döl döş örk, börk örs, lös, gön köy köy böğ, cönk gönç sör köşk sörf, blöf tör, görk föy, fötr, fön köşk köşk köz, flört kör jön çöl göç, gök öç, öd öz, töz, ön söz çöl çöl pöç, lök kök çöl, göl köşk, çöp köy... yön? (II) öf dört göz! kös kös kös döv! öf pöf ! höst nötr (!)  tröst! ört, gömgök göt! öhö! höt! (III) ör, ör, sök sök, sök, çöz çöz, çöz, böl böl, böl, dök dök, dök, sön sön, sön, çöğ çöğ, çöğ, öt öt, öt, çök çök, çök, çöm çöm, çöm, öp öp, öp, öv öv, öv, dön dön, dön, gör gör, gör, söv söv, söv, göm löp löp göm göm, göm, öl!
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resolvedbrunette · 1 year
for the man with words always between his teeth.
i do not know you, but i touched you in my sleep last night
i uttered your name in a haze, and you were there
you spoke kindly to me, so i yielded into your embrace
i did not cry in anger, nor did i push you away
i still do not know your voice, yet i somehow understood your sound
your voice was water in a creek, for your nature soothes with words
is it only my imagination, or was it your conjuring?
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isobelline · 2 years
i love you acrostics i love you abecederians i love you cinquains i love you visual poetry i love you haiku i love you tanka i love you univocalic poetry i love you monostichs i love you lipograms i love you constrained writing i love you
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blueskittlesart · 3 months
at a certain point i think we need to acknowledge that art is very rarely created accidentally. if you can see a theme in a work than that theme was, more likely than not, at least somewhat intentional on behalf of the creator. you don't put a piece of yourself out into the world without thinking about what it means at least a little bit.
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livelivefastfree · 2 months
I was trimming an old ancient email I used to use, and it turns out it used to be an alt for the old motorcity kink memes. Found a nearly decade old discussion about the potential of Deluxe drugging its citizens as a means of general controlling the population. We were all giggling about the idea of a majority of Motorcity's citizens dealing with their first boners, but now I'm OBSESSED with Motoricty finally having the brain chemicals to like things being a factor of why they are Like That
The concept of libido suppressants in Deluxe has definitely been explored (excellently), but the concept of essentially artificially-induced anhedonia is new and deeply interesting to me haha. A population with interests and outside pleasures does seem harder to turn into an obedient workforce than a population that can't really find joy in anything!
It would explain a lot about Mike's whole deal if he got down to Motorcity, unknowingly let some shit slowly work its way out of his system, and then got in a car and experienced the full force of joy directly to the limbic system for the first time in his life lmao.
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amrv-5 · 19 days
so many good prompts, very difficult to choose…8 or 9? if u are so moved!
HELLO AL! Thank you so much for this prompt--such a delight to write, and a really nice warm soft note to end this little prompt series on!! You asked for 8 or 9, but I combined them 'cause they worked so nice together! Thanks again for the prompt :)
(8. lifting the other while hugging + 9. slow-dancing turning into a tight embrace from this prompt list)
Hawkeye laughed into BJ’s neck. His face was warm with wine. The record player crackled—you leave me breathless, Ella Fitzgerald sang softly—as BJ held him closer, a hand at his lower back, the other cupping Hawkeye’s right hand to his chest. They stepped together in time, moving in a slow circle. 
The lights were low. The lamp in the corner cast a muted gold glow over the living room, their shared bookstacks, the coffee table pushed against the wall, the worn couch and rolled-up rug. 
“What’s funny?” BJ asked quietly, lips moving against the crown of his head. 
Hawkeye shook his head. He draped an arm around BJ’s shoulders. He was warm all over. BJ felt good against him, chest to chest, stomach to stomach, hand rubbing gentle circles into his lower back. 
BJ slowed until their dance was reduced to a barely-perceptible shifting of weight. He tightened his hold on Hawkeye, and exhaled, breath tickling Hawkeye’s ear. 
Hawkeye hummed, relaxed, drunk on a solitary glass of wine and BJ. Everywhere they touched radiated warmth. The abundance of contact—BJ slipping his hand under the hem of his sweater to cup his hip—melted through him. He felt pliable, pleasantly liquid, and very loved. He always felt loved. BJ was good at that. But there were moments where it rose from a comfortable certainty to keen awareness.
He closed his eyes and tucked his face more firmly into BJ’s neck. The pretense of dancing had disappeared. They were just holding each other, unmoving, as the record played. BJ’s hand wandered warmly under the hem of his shirt. Hawkeye cupped the back of BJ’s head, and focused on breathing in time, so his chest pressed into BJ’s as BJ’s pressed into him. Liquid heat moved through him. He sighed shakily, trusting BJ to support his weight. 
“I’ve got you,” BJ whispered, fond, and lifted him bodily, leaning back. Hawkeye let it happen, laughing again, rubbing the back of BJ’s head to communicate his happiness, and to muss his hair. He was feeling possessive. 
BJ grinned at him up close. It was one of his shaky, emotional ones, closed mouth upturned under his mustache, a damp shine to his eyes. “Love you,” he said, earnest, eyebrows coming together like he wanted to make sure Hawkeye knew he really meant it. 
“I know,” Hawkeye reassured him, and kissed him, holding him in place by the jaw. BJ kept him off the ground, elevated a few inches, arms tight around his back. “I love you, too,” he added, and went in for another kiss. 
BJ slipped a hand down Hawkeye’s body, and tilted Hawkeye abruptly into a bridal carry. It was a very deft maneuver. Impressive. Seductive, too. 
“You’re a real gentleman,” Hawkeye said, settling comfortably into his arms. 
BJ kissed him—hard, and a little messy. “I’ll try my best to change your mind,” he said, already laughing at the line. 
Hawkeye laughed, too. “That’s bad,” he observed, glad, and let himself be carried to bed.
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momoguido · 5 months
Aurynelle Form
This is the most constrained and difficult verse form I've come up with. I have only ever written one poem in this form, and it's honestly not my finest work, because at some point it becomes as much sudoku as poetry.
An Aurynelle is a ring terzanelle that is also constrained to be chiastic: each tercet has a theme, and the sequence of themes in the first half of the poem is mirrored in the second half of the poem. Schematically this could be written ABCDCBA, with each letter corresponding to the theme of one tercet.
The first half of the poem lays out a progression of ideas leading up to some central idea, and then the second half of the poem works backwards through those ideas, offering some commentary, elaboration, or counterpoint to each one. The correspondence can be simple, like two expressions of the same feeling, or more complex, like a thesis-antithesis pair.
The marriage of chiastic and terzanelle forms is fascinating to me. Recontextualization connects neighboring verses, while thematic links tie more distant verses together. The interweaving of two different structures is why I named it after Auryn, the tangled twin ouroboros from The Neverending Story.
This is an idea I had quite a while ago, but it took a very difficult crisis of faith to give me the material and motivation to complete one. The result, Do I Yet Love Her, came together in two steps: a frenzied bout of writing in the middle of an anxiety-fueled crisis, followed by a slow and careful process of filling in missing lines and re-wording things to complete the poem.
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parkercore-69 · 19 days
thank you J.R.R. Tolkien for writing the most devastating romantic subplot in your lotr books without even realising it
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kishimotomasashi · 2 years
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“You’re an educated man, my Lord, but...”
Naruto Shippuden (2007) // Black Sails (2014)
(Happy Birthday Hashirama 23/10/22)
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kelimeoyunu · 2 months
Kar topları
Sınırlamalı yazı türlerini tanıtırken "kar topu" denilen tarzdan da söz etmiştim. Kar topu (chaterism veya snowball), bir metin veya bir şiirde, sözcük uzunluğunun aritmetik bir düzenle artması veya azalması. Bildiğim kadarıyla bir Oulipo icadı.
Bu kış İstanbul'a kar yağmayınca ben de oturup kar topunu kendim yapayım dedim. Bugünün mahsulü olan, nur topu gibi iki "kar topu"mu aşağıda paylaşıyorum. İlki her satırda bir harf uzuyor, diğeri ise önce uzayıp sonra kısalıyor.
o an aşı dert etmek istese köleler esirliği hastalığı yoksulluğu çaresizliği satılmışlığı dayatmacılığı geleceksizliği aşağılanmışlığı özümseyebilseler hakkaniyetsizliği küreselleşmeciliği kullanılagelmişliği içselleştirebilseler yalnızlaştırılmışlığı sıradanlaştırılmışlığı sorunsallaştırabilseler kavramsallaştırabilseler bilinçlenebileceklerinden ödüllendirilebileceklerdir devrimcileşebilirlikleriyle ölümsüzleştirebileceklerimiz itibarsızlaştırılmamalıdırlar proleterleştirilmişliklerinden burjuvalaştırılamamışlıklarıyla gayriinsanileştirilmişlikleriyle soylulaştıramadıklarımızdanmışlar konformistleştirilivermişlercesine
o şu ruh ağıp varan yanıma sanrıda görüştük köşecikte gölgesiyle meraklandım haddizatında sormamalıydım kavuştuğumuzda yitiriverdiğimi uzaklaşıvereni ölüymüşçesine unutmalıydım gömmeliydim gelgelelim endişeyle sarsılıp umarsız sordum eyvah dedi ruh ah o
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tswwwit · 1 year
For the reincarnation thing, how does the time work?
I'm assuming its only Dipper being reincarnated; not everyone, so does he get reincarnated at any point in time, modern time being reversed each time or does he just get reincarnated as time goes on?
In that case- that opens up:
Sci-fi era
Time is kept nebulous because if I start making a solid timeline, I'd have to keep track of it. And screw that! Let's just say it's some kind of wibbly wobbly timey-wimey bullshit that doesn't have to be linear, or even make sense!
Sci-fi era is very approved. A truly fine concept! Idiots in love is always enhanced when they can also be in space.
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beef was chugging along at “probably good but not for me” until the last episode but i think i’ve decided that i think having your series finale existential catharsis between your two protagonists happen because they accidentally trip balls on poisonous berries is bad writing
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griefabyss69 · 10 months
About & Fanworks List
This is a sideblog of @griefabyss, I figured I could put fandom related things here because I don't put original posts on my main blog, and don't want to limit posting to just ao3. I'm happy to make friends on here!
Please note that 99% of my reblogs are from my queue and I don't tag about it, so if I seem active but I'm not replying to a message that'd be why!
I have a tip jar! - Tumblr post - Ko-Fi (Currently trying to save up for dental work)
GriefAbyss on ao3
My writing tag
My art tag
Fic & Fanart list need to be reworked and haven't been updated since November 2023, please find new works through the writing and art tags! Thank you <3 I'll get this done at some point :' )
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» LARP AU - Mature - Steve x Eddie
This is a sketch I did while writing Last Man Standing!
» Demon Steve - Mature - Steve
This is a commission from a friend of her Steve from her fanfic the only time i feel human is when i'm in bed with you!
» Sweet Rose - Mature - Eddie
This is a painting of Eddie in shibari! Uncropped version under the cut, full nsfw.
» Sketch Request 01 - Gagged Eddie - Mature - Eddie
A sketch request for Eddie with a gag in, the messier the better <3
» Sketch Request 02 - Scoops Uniform Debauchery - Mature - Steve
A sketch request for Steve, undressed with a ripped shirt in his work uniform
Censored due to guidelines fuckery Uncensored here on ao3!
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» Post-Apocalypse AU
01 - Hell Patrol - 12k - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
Post-apocalypse setting shortly after S4, mostly PWP. Steve is having trouble getting off and one day after he confesses this to Eddie, he helps. Featuring first time blow jobs, a heatwave, and the beginnings of a power exchange.
02 - Night Comes Down - 23k - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
The sequel to Hell Patrol, where Eddie and Steve negotiate and play with things like the power of imagination, multiple orgasms, and bondage.
» Between Light and Darkness - 5k - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
Vampire Eddie, shortly after S4. Steve wants Eddie to have a safe sources of blood, Eddie doesn't want to hurt him. Arguing leads to Eddie blowing Steve and a fun discovery about Eddie's vampire lore.
» Offer Your Light - 4.6K - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
[AO3] [Tumblr]
[ A continuation of fiordicielo's series a metalhead and a pink boy! ]
Steve and Eddie meet again… and find their way back under the stage to have more fun together! Will Eddie's kilt survive? Contains: Semi-public sex at a music festival, falling (further) in love, heart shaped nipple piercings, a jock strap, a kilt, and a whole lot of heavy metal!
» Ready To Go - 3K - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
[AO3] [Tumblr]
[ A continuation of fiordicielo's series But what does it mean? ]
Eddie sees his bandanna in Steve's right pocket and it kicks off the first time they explore what Steve's been curious about. Contains: Experimenting, light bondage, some pain, nipple clamps, getting together, safe sex, Steve begging for more, Eddie's nervous excitement, and biting!
» Run Me Through - 9.5K - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
[AO3] [Tumblr]
Enemies with benefits, sexy wrestling, getting together, emotional tension, competitiveness
Eddie and Steve have an arrangement - every Wednesday they meet up and have fantastic sex, even if they barely even talk to each other. It blows off steam and is easier than trying to find someone else local, but there's a few issues with it. Steve is playing coy with letting Eddie know whether he wants something or not, makes him wrestle him to earn it instead of just saying yes or not, and Eddie can't squeak out a win even once, no matter how hard he tries. And Eddie can't find out what's causing Steve's distance and the distractions he pulls out, or it'll ruin the whole thing they have going on.
» Constrained - 10K - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
[AO3] [Tumblr]
Written for the @steddievember challenge, I loosely followed some of the prompts: Teasing, Hand cuffs / Cock rings, and Oral sex without orgasm, and technically Ice play to kill the boner
Eddie's month has been... frustrating. He thinks he might be losing his mind, or maybe something inside of him has broken, but he's been unable to cum this month. He meets Steve after he graduated, this time properly, and he offers up a solution to Eddie's desperate problem. Will Steve solve it, though? Does he put Eddie through the most intense experience of his life, resulting in the ultimate relief? Or does he keep him on the edge, the hook of Steve's beautiful mouth making him continue to reach for a completion he's not going to get?
01 - Last Man Standing - 15.6K - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
[AO3] [Tumblr]
Steve asks Eddie to teach him how to play D&D. Eddie has no idea what's in store for him as Steve throws him for a loop, making the game into something that changes Eddie on a molecular level, if his dick is to believed.
02 - Interlude - 6K - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
[AO3] [Tumblr]
Sequel to Last Man Standing - (This one doesn't have roleplaying but the next one does, which is why I titled it this. Technically a song title but from many different artists.) Eddie finally instigates some more fun after Steve surprises him after a show, and Steve has fun pushing at Eddie's limits again, this time in his car.
03 - Stargasm - 11K - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie [AO3] [Tumblr]
After they recover from their interesting night in Steve’s car, Eddie and Steve get up to some more LARPing, this time with Steve as the Demon King who bests Sir Eddie the Banished Knight. Eddie’s still not sure where they stand in their relationship, but it feels good to be with him, and the time they spend after the hot sex is really nice.
04 - so take a bite of me, just once - 10.3K - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie [AO3] [Tumblr]
Odaxelagnia is a kink where individuals experience sexual arousal from biting or being bitten. - Eddie's revenge feels less like striking back and more like reverence, but he's satisfied with the mark he's left on Steve anyway. This is also part 04 of the paraphilia series <3
» Paraphilia Series
01 - Still Motion - Scoptophilia - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
[AO3] [Tumblr]
Scoptophilia describes the sexual pleasure that a person derives from looking at prurient objects of eroticism, such as pornography, the nude body, and fetishes. - Steve poses nude for Eddie so he can do figure sketching from his bed, as Eddie starts to look like he’s getting too warm. Of course, it’s not the temperature that’s getting to him.
02 - Acceptance and Negation - Forniphilia - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
[AO3] [Tumblr]
Forniphilia is a type of BDSM practice where one partner is turned into a piece of furniture or object for the other partner’s use. This can involve anything from being used as a chair or table, to being transformed into a coat rack or lamp. - Steve loses a bet against Eddie, who gets to order him around all night. It wasn't intended to be a sex thing until Steve discovered something new about himself.
03 - Waves - Forniphilia - Rated: E - Steve x Eddie
[AO3] [Tumblr]
Saliromania is a fetish that involves pleasure from soiling or disheveling the object of one’s desire, usually an attractive person. It can also involve sexual arousal or satisfaction of soiling or damaging a partner’s clothing. Some individuals may also enjoy the act of being soiled or disheveled themselves. -- Steve watches Eddie a lot, finds that Eddie's always got his mouth busy. It's distracting and he's becoming a little bit obsessed with it - to the point where he snaps one day and climbs into Eddie's lap to have his turn with it.
» Steddie Microfic Masterlist This is all of the links to my steddiemicrofic challenges all in one place!
» Fanwork Request Masterlist
All of the links to my writing & art requests!
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six-demon-bag · 1 year
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hell yeah google i agree he is pretty
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