#cordelia got ONE hit in at the end and they made it out to be some big girl power moment are you kidding me
mcgnagallsarmy · 2 months
Top 10 Spuffy fics I’ve read (Feb 2024)
Dear Slayer by Elsa Frohman [PG-13]
Season 7 AU, based on the speculation that Spike might come back as a "living" vampire.
Drive by Holly [NC-17]
Freshly turned and very grumpy about it, Buffy finds herself in a weird place. One where her friends smell like food, her former mortal enemy smells like heaven, and the so-called love of her life has made it clear that killing her is on his to-do list. Throw in some overly zealous army guys and this is not Buffy's idea of a party. So she and Spike decide to hit the road at least long enough to figure out why neither of them can hit anything else. And since they're both single and free, well, Buffy wouldn't say no to a distraction from the never-ending laugh riot that is her life. And Spike can be very, very distracting. Good thing soulless vampires can't fall in love or she might be in trouble.
Fireworks by RavenLove12 [NC-17]
The gang is throwing a beach party for the 4th of July in hopes it will lift Buffy’s spirits and help her find a new love. Trouble is she’s already falling for someone they don’t expect.
Found by CupcakeCute [PG-13]
Begins between TGIQ and Power Play, continues post-NFA. Buffy learns of Spike's resurrection from an unlikely source and immediately sets out to make things right as The Apocalypse breaks out in L.A. Spike/Buffy pairing, some Angel/Cordelia.
The Kind of Anticlimactic that's… Not by EllieRose101 [PG]
Hellmouth activity has been almost worryingly absent of late, and with less trouble in Buffy’s life, she’s had nothing stopping her from spending extra time with her lover… Except maybe she has that backwards? (Alternative Season Six.)
Phoenix by EllieRose101 [NC-17]
Spike saved Buffy at great personal cost—something she hopes to repay. (Goes off-canon near the end of Once More with Feeling.)
Ready by sweetprincipale [NC-17]
AU early season 5. Riley and Buffy are still together and something big happened over the summer- a little bundle of joy is on the way. Buffy is not so joyful about how Riley is now treating her. She's ready to be seen as the Slayer and woman she still is, and Spike doesn't object to lending a hand (or other parts).
Spike's Girlfriend by EllieRose101 [PG]
Spike’s in love and the Scooby Gang are sick hearing about it—Buffy most of all. (Alternative Season Six.)
Under The Influence by NautiBitz [NC-17]
A few nights after their engagement spell, Buffy has to watch Spike. Problem is, a psychedelic demon may have just spritzed her with a mind-altering substance. Will Spike seize the moment? Or will they just end up naked? HMMM.
You've Got The Look by Geliot99 [NC-17]
“Buffy?” he mumbled as something soft brushed delicately across his eyelid. “Don’t open your eyes,” she said quietly, her voice flat with concentration, “or you’ll get poked with the eyeshadow brush.” He paused, motionless beneath her. “I’ll what now?” “Just hold still.”
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laryna6 · 3 months
Can you tell me about Miles Vorkosigan? (And also which book to start with)
"Welcome to Barrayar, son. Here you go; have a world of wealth and poverty, wrenching change and rooted history. Have a birth; have two. Have a name. Miles means "soldier", but don't let the power of suggestion overwhelm you. Have a twisted form in a society that loathes and fears the mutations that have been its deepest agony. Have a title, wealth, power, and all the envy and hatred they will draw. Have your body ripped apart and rearranged. Inherit an array of friends and enemies you never made. Have a grandfather from hell. Endure pain, find joy, and make your own meaning, because the universe certainly isn't going to supply it. Always be a moving target. Live. Live. Live."
— Cordelia Vorkosigan to her newborn son Miles, Barrayar
Sci-fi series by Lois McMaster Bujold where the world of Barrayar was cut off from the rest of the galaxy for a long time and also the native plant life is mutagenic, so it became a mother's duty to kill her child at birth if it was a mutant. Also the tax collectors become a military aristocracy.
After recontact (and after a star empire tried to conquer Barrayar and threw a bunch of nukes around before getting finally kicked off the planet, not helping the local fear/hatred of mutations) is the first chronological book in the main series, Shards of Honor, about a survey (and later military) captain from the very liberal Beta Colony. Cordelia ends up marrying a Vor lord, but while she's pregnant there's an attempt to assassinate him with a chemical that as a side effect screws up fetal bone development that hits her too. She refuses to let her kid die and fucks shit up during a civil war to accomplish this in the second book where she's the viewpoint character, Barrayar.
"You're a Betan! You can't do—"
— Vidal Vordarian to Cordelia Vorkosigan, just before she does. Barrayar
However, Miles is still born very short with fragile bones, looking like a mutant despite not technically being one, as a member of a warrior-aristocratic caste, and becomes a master of the Indy Ploy/Xanatos Speed Chess ending up in crazy situations and trying to improv his way out of total disaster and among other things (non-late-arrival spoilers under cut)
takes over a mercenary fleet while pretending to be a clone of himself. The Warrior's Apprentice is the first book about him and the first book published. I love the Cordelia books so I'd start with them, but it's up to you.
They followed me home, Dad. Can I keep them?
— Miles on his new Dendarii Mercenaries. Warrior's Apprentice
Someone actually clones Miles to use the clone to assassinate his dad: by Beta Colony rules on family this makes the clone his brother and Mark is eventually Assimilated. You WILL be unconditionally loved and trusted in this family~
"Miles, what have you done with your baby brother?!"
— What Miles imagines his mother will say about his clone. Brothers In Arms
Miles is kind of manic and it's a lot of fun to see what crazy ploy he's going to go with next. Cordelia sees herself as the Only Sane Woman but between her and Aral it's very obvious where Miles got it from ("Every Vor woman goes to the capital to shop" XD).
"Shopping? That's an offer seldom made to the son of my mother..."
— Miles responding to Ekaterin's invitation. Komarr
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Yandere Sakamaki Brothers X Little Sister Reader Your Precious To Us
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WARNINGS: Slight Yandere
Age 5 Your POV:
A bit about me. Well… You see I was one of daddy’s experiments. He put his, mama Christa, mama Cordelia, into mama Beatrix and created me.  My brothers tell me not to call our father dad. All I hear is “he is worthless” and none of my brothers liked him. Except brother Reiji. Reiji always speaker highly of our father. So I never understood why the others don’t like him. 
I sighed. ‘It seems to peaceful’ I thought. Mother Cordelia isn’t yelling for me to do one of my dances from ballet and mama Beatrix hasn’t made me study yet. ‘Oh well’ I thought. I went deeper into our forest and smelled blood. I gasped. It smelt like mama Beatrix! ‘I got to go see’ I thought. I ran and ran till I saw it. Mama Beatrix and Reiji.  What you see happen: (m.youtube.com/watch?v=HBEKm7xyFmY) So Reiji killed her?!?! Why?!?! All these feelings rushed through my head as I watched Reiji standing over mama Beatrix body. I looked down and watched my tears hit the ground. When I looked back up I didn’t see Reiji. I was gonna say my goodbyes to mama Beatrix till things went black.
-Time Skip Now In Reiji Room-
I woke up on the couch as I looked around I realized I was in Reiji’s room all the sudden memories of what I saw flooded back. My heart was pounding. I mumbled “why Reiji? Why?” All the sudden I heard Reiji’s stern voice “ it is none of you concern why I did what I did to mine and Shu’s mother.” 
“BUT SHE WAS MY MOTHER TO!” I cried out only to get a slap on the face from Reiji as he told me “I DID WHAT I HAD TO! YOU UNGRATEFUL GIRL YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME!” I looked at him and stood up and ran to my room and cried. As I sat in my room trying to calm down I hear terrorizing screams. It sounded like mama Cordelia! I ran and tried to see what was going on till I ran into Laito. Laito laughed and said “Well well well, what are you doing little macaroon? Shouldn’t you be in bed by now? Hm?” He said with his pervy smile. “I thought I her mommy Cordelia! Is she okay? I smell blood too! We gotta find her Laito!” Laito chuckled and said I was hearing and smelling things and walked me to the piano room and played for me as I fell asleep.
As I was asleep I heard some commotion but couldn’t open my eyes till I heard Laito invite mama Cordelia out on the terrace.
(What happens: m.youtube.com/watch?v=QBhqKFBymfE)
I woke up quickly after I heard scream and Laito looked at me and said “It’s just a bad dream my little macaroon. How about we go to your room?” I nodded as Laito carried me to my room and rubbed my back. Laiti lied me down in bed and said good night and as he was about to walk out the door I squeaked
“Brother Laito?”
”Yes my macaroon?”
”Are is mama Cordelia and mama Christa okay?”
”Why do you wanna know that?”
I started to cry and said “Cause Reiji killed mama Beatrix! Why would he do that!” Laito chuckled and said “OH! My little macaroon don’t you know when you kill another vampire it’s a way of showing just how much you love them?” I was terrified hearing this. “Are you guys gonna kill me?” all the sudden all my brothers appeared in my room and Subaru said “don’t be ridiculous!” Kanato said “Ya! Why would we kill you?” Ayato goes “exactly don’t you know how much you mean to us?” I quickly said “ but you say you love me so does that mean you all are gonna kill me?” Shu appeared next to me and wrapped his arms around me and said “don’t you understand?” I looked at him confused till I hear all my brothers say “You are so precious to us” Reiji said “then for we would not kill you. So you better start listening or punishments will be extreme.” I gulped and nodded.
Kanato said “your right teddy. it’s way passed little cupcakes bed time.  she be asleep by now.” They all looked at each other and nodded and tucked me in and the told me the love me. The they all said “we love you our precious rose. Sleep well”
Tysm for reading 
till next time
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midnightmah07 · 3 months
Accidental Mishaps
Lmao here you go @viilpstick
"So you taste test everything before kalim eats it? "
"Yes I have to, given that one could be poisoned."
"And what if it is? What about you?"
"That doesn't matter. "
"Well it matters to me. So you won't be testing anything-"
"You know that's not possib-"
"i will. "
Jamils expression dropped as he raise his hand to pull Cordelia aside, quickly retracting his arm back as he got a glare from Ezrie, Cordelia's escort.
"I know what you're thinking, Jamil. But I'm not the same as you remember? My body filters posion. Given that I already have toxins in my body, poison won't have an effect on me"
"while that is correct, I still don't think it's a good idea you should be-"
"Ezrie it's fine~besides there is a silver lining! Our kingdom doesn't have this type of food so getting to try it out is a plus point! "
So with that, Ezrie and Jamil simply watched as Cordelia tried the foods laid out on the table, Jamil more reluctant but standing still given that he didn't need another reason to make Ezrie hate him more.
Besides once Cordelia makes up her mind about something, she remains firm on it so there really wasn't any other option.
Near the end of the table, Cordelia took a spoonfull of some corn soup. It was still warm.
"You know, I can't put my finger on it but something about this soup... Is... Weir-"
Her voice became sluggish as at the end of her sentence she passed out. Ezrie was quick to catch her, checking her temperature, that surely enough had spiked considerably.
"i told her not to... "
Jamil could only view the scene unfold horribly as his worries were quickly shut down.
"Relax yourself Viper. She's not poisoned. If at most, that soup has a spell on it but not posion. Miss Cordelia would have known instantly and what she was saying clearly indicated it isn't a posion at work. "
"Listen, Whatever it is, we need to take her to the infirmary. "
"Agreed. "
Stirring in the infirmary bed, Cordelia's eyes fluttered open,a pink hue casted over them, as she sat up.
Her ears still ringing, she could faintly make out a voice asking how she was as she turned to the owner of the voice.
The realization hit Jamil as soon as he saw her eyes. Oh shoot.
"So I'm hearing this correct? Someone tried to give Kalim a love potion, but it backfired and now Cordelia is possibly more head over heels for Jamil if thats possible. "
"You are correct. "
Jeanne got the response to her question through gritting teeth. Out of everyone, Ezrie was the most unhappy with the outcome. Still while a part of Jeanne really wanted to see how this played out, the other part was furious on how had attempted to give the love potion to kalim instead. For now, she'd go and check on Cordelia.
"so where are they? "
"In Viper's room. Alone. "
Once more, Jeanne could feel Ezrie's gaze darken. Clearly this was distasteful to her since she didn't trust Jamil with Cordelia in the slightest.
However when she made it to Jamils room and opened the door, she felt like laughing at the sight.
Jamil was sitting in bed, covered in lipstick stains as Cordelia was fast asleep, arms wrapped around his figure.
"Before you saw anything, she was especially stubborn and needy and didn't listen to a word I was saying. "
THIS IS SO FUN I love Cordelia trying out the food for poison bc girlie is not going to be hurt by it, it being a love potion for Kalim is SO FUNNY who in this school is trying to get my boy⁉️
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2goldensnitches · 8 months
another complaint I have about feh’s laziness is my most capitalist opinion to date, though it includes fe as a whole: the lack of promotion and extra materials. I’m not one to buy merch just because it exists, and a lot of merch itself is incredibly superfluous waste, but it’s extremely weird that Nintendo’s biggest mobile title (61% of its profits in the mobile market and over 1 billion usd as of February) gets…nothing. No figurines, no plush toys, no dioramas, no manga (the yonkoma are just shorts), no marketing outside of its twitter account, not even those dinky little character cafés even the most short-lived seasonal anime get.
so far only a few characters have figurines (Lucina, edelgard, corrin, byleth, mrobin, caeda, Cordelia, tiki, alm, celica, tharja, Lyn, ike, dimitri, chrom, felix, bernie, Lilina, sakura, camilla, Veronica, Elise, Claude, Lysithea, marth), and plushies (ike, marth, Roy, 3h lords except yuri, the byleths, sothis, lucina, and fcorrin). Of these, alm, tiki, celica, mrobin, and mcorrin only exist as amiibo because of smash; sakura, caeda, and elise only have nendoroids; all three main 3h lords have pop-up parade figurines plus felix, Lysithea, and Bernadetta, but edelgard has a figma as well; fcorrin and lucina both have amiibos and figmas, but fcorrin has a scale figure along with marth, ike, lyn, lilina, Roy, fbyleth, tharja, camilla, and Veronica. Chrom has both amiibo and nendoroid.
you’d think this is a respectable amount of character rep to buy, except these all came at an extremely slow pace, often releasing at the tail end of their games’ cycles; I’m not a marketing expert, but I am a fan, and I distinctly remember the numerous complaints this has gotten (and still gets!) over the years. There is interest—so where’re the goods? Ironically enough, intsys made more content for the earlier games, including manga (jugdral got at least 4) and novelisations, small board figurines, and even an ova for archanea. It’s understandable that by the time of the tellius games, only artbooks were made due to poor sales, but you’d think that the success of awakening saving the series and fates making them even more money would mean more content. But so far, it’s just been those few figurines plus collected yonkoma. The plushies and scale figures weren’t even made until much, much later. Hell, kozaki had to release the fates art book himself without help from intsys, and corrin’s scale figure was only announced this year.
even houses, the series’ biggest hit to date, only started out with crap cardboard cutouts of the characters’ sprites plus the dining hall and plastic pouches. its bigger merch came later as well, including a certain tea set that is not only quite expensive, but made many fans angry due its release date (nopes). Engage seems to be a little more confident, having stickers, a notebook, keychains, switch icons, konpeito, and a metal tumbler, but it’s still very little compared to what other series have.
in-game, feh is also surprisingly subdued. No splashy animated seasonal banner announcements, little original music, few shorts, no streaming collabs, no tie-ins. The book openings get gorgeous animation from anima inc but no cutscenes are found in the game except visual novel-style text, and, again, it was only until much recently that we’ve seen some other animation in the form of like, five chibi shorts and four regular shorts (one of which got heavily mocked because it’s basically fjorm’s disney princess love song moment for the self insert protagonist). Banner announcements are just jpegs showcased next to gameplay plus a few voiced lines from the vas.
when you get to other games though? You’re not starved for content at all: stuffed toys, miniature figurines, large scale figures, acrylic standees, notebooks, keychains, stickers, patches, tableware, glassware, yonkoma AND full manga and novelisations AND light novels, food, fashion, pillows, cosmetics, chara cafés and anime; they all have streamed announcements, animated cutscenes or fully rendered illustrative cgs with voice work, silly promotional videos on youtube, cast interviews, and collaborations with other games. Like, you could not even pay me to touch waifu trash like nikke or azur lane or blue archive, but they at least bother to promote themselves, for better or worse, and regularly do cross promos with other brands like nier, monster hunter, evangelion, and even sanrio.
Even tears of themis, which is extremely niche even within mihoyo’s ecosystem, has had character cafés, accessories, and crazy stuff that no one wants like a credit card!
I’m certainly not the first to ask, but is intsys allergic to making money? So incredibly short-staffed that their only resources are for game dev and a smattering of in-game animation? Stuck to nintendo’s teat? Purely lazy? Why does 70% of merch come from fans to the point where even fanart is the preferred type of autograph material for the english vas? I’m not sure i or anyone else will get the answers to these questions, but is it really so much to ask for a real sleepytime byleth plushie to hold and squeeze instead of lyn’s eighteenth alt?
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jvstheworld · 8 months
The Buffy Re-watch: S2E11 (part 2)
Trigger/Content Warning still in effect for this episode just in case.
Buffy, Joyce and Ted have dinner, Buffy is sent to her room, then Buffy goes out to patrol. She was probably out for about an hour at the minimum, maybe up to 2. So how long as Ted in her room for to be able to read her diary before she got back? Also, 'Vampire Slayer' kind of explainable there Ted.
The threat of being in a mental institution is something we kind of see happen in the comics. During the transition between LA and having just moved to Sunnydale. We see in 'Normal Again' in season 6 what it would have been like if she did end up there.
Buffy in shock after killing a 'human'. It's a massive difference between her reaction and Faith's next season.
I don't like the questions the police ask Buffy during the interrogation scene. If her hit her first, which he did, couldn't that be grounds for self-defence. My knowledge of criminal law is lacking since I haven't done it in a while (I was originally a law student at university before switching to journalism. Still had to learn law for journalism but it was less intense and more focused on legal matters like defamation and copyright).
Yeah, Giles would understand the guilt that comes with murder. I'm surprised Buffy even went to school, I would have just avoided everyone.
The gang wants to help while Giles takes over patrol. Luckily Willow notices Xander's change in behaviour after eating the cookie and knows that something is sus with it.
Ted drugged it. How much of the food he cooked did he drug? PSA: don't drug people or their food. It's illegal. I talked about this before in 'Reptile Boy' this is just a different circumstance, but it still stands. Just don't do it.
Cordelia coming through with the research on Ted. We appreciate her help.
Jenny may have been harsh to Giles earlier in the episode, but she needed to do what was best for her at the time. Her apology just comes at a bad time when vampires are around.
Where did Ted come from? Seriously. He comes from the side of the room where Buffy's bed is. It would have made more sense if he came from the side where her closet, because he could have been hiding in there, but the implication is that he was hiding under her bed waiting for her.
Jenny, use the stake, not the crossbow. Because you could hit Giles.
Ted is a robot/android reveal!
Cordelia's sense of style coming in to hep find hidden doors to secret basements of horror.
Ted has literal skeletons in his closet, from his first four wives. That he kept locked in there. And probably could never leave. Holy fuck.
After seeing Ted glitch, Joyce gets wise to Ted's weirdness.
Cast iron skillets- they make good weapons, just watch Tangled.
Joyce forgives Buffy for what happened after finding out about the other wives and the attempted kidnapping. Does she not know that he was a robot yet? Because Joyce knows by season 4, but it seems like she doesn't know here and Buffy is trying to cover that up.
jenny and Giles are back together again. We like to see this, but it won't last long unfortunately. It makes Cordy and Xander happy too, at the very least.
Robo Ted is a nightmare of a character. His victims deserved better than the life they were subjected to because of him. The terror they must have suffered knowing that one wrong move and he could hurt them or kill them. The worst part is knowing that things like this happen in real life. The only fantastical element to this episode is the fact that he is a robot. How many horror stories have you heard of women being in abusive relationships and not being able to leave because the man they are with won't let them, because they control so much of their lives. Not being believed about the things you have suffered due to them because they put up such a good front of being the nicest guy around to everyone but when you're alone with him, there is nothing stopping him from showing you his true side. Joyce was lucky that she had Buffy to see through Ted's bullshit and to stop him before she ended up another one of his victims. Not everyone is so lucky to have that support behind them. I know in my own circumstance, while nowhere near as extreme as this, or many other stories you might find out there, I didn't have the support needed to be able to get out of it quick enough before plenty of damage was done. And years later I am still dealing with what happened. I hope any of you reading this never have to suffer this, and if you have, I am sorry that happened to you and I hope you are able to get to a better place in your life.
I'm going to leave it here. This turned into a heavier episode that I thought. Tomorrows episode will be a bit lighter.
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sunnydaleherald · 6 months
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Saturday, October 14th
CORDELIA: I feel a little guilty. ANGEL: Don't. - I mean, nineteen dollars for a - sashimi couscous appetizer is money well spent. How was it anyway? Pretty good? I mean, it ought to be pretty... CORDELIA: It's delicious but that's not what I feel guilty about. ANGEL: Oh. (Sees Wesley looking at him) I'm not cheap, I-I'm just old. (Slipping into a slight Irish accent) I-I remember when a few bob got you a good meal, a bottle *and* a tavern wench. - You were saying?
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Warm Me Up (It's Cold Inside) by Rivana (Xander/Devon, E)
Friday the 13th at the Farmer's Market by watcherless (Buffy/Faith, T)
Before the Break of Dawn by AidenFlame (Dawn, T)
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Untitled by blue-moon21 (Darla & Drusilla, not rated)
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After by MillennialCryBaby (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 396 by madimpossibledreamer (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover, T)
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Fate Plans and We Laugh, Chapter 18 by Hermione2be (Dawn/Bruce Wayne, multiple crossovers, T)
Charming Sunnydale, Chapter 21 by QuillBard (Buffy/Faith, M)
House of Slayer: The Slayer, The Witch, & The Key, Chapter 16 by BrennaLynn (Buffy & Dawn, Harry Potter crossover, T)
You Are Worth Saving, Chapter 9 by Kittenwritings (Spike/Fred, Cordelia/Wesley, Buffy/Faith, M)
To Be Hers, Chapter 16 by faefawn (Buffy/Spike, not rated)
Her Old Fashioned Boy, Chapter 8 by Bobbie23 (Giles/Jenny, T)
We Don't Know What's Around the Corner, Chapter 6 by the_widow_twankey (Angel/Spike, M)
Lavender Haze, Chapter 5 by Sera (Buffy/Jax Teller, Sons of Anarchy crossover, M)
Kinktober 2023, Chapter 14 by Skyson (Buffy/Giles, E)
Narnia: Interlude, Chapter 4 by BrennaLynn (Buffy/Faith, Chronicles of Narnia crossover, T)
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Chosen One 2: Welcome to the Hellmouth, Chapter 8 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
A Marriage of Inconvenience, Chapter 16 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
Dead End Plots, Chapter 5 by Melme1325 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Surviving Together, Chapter 4 by ionlylikebadboys (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Where Clocks Don't Tick, Chapter 2 by Willow91 (Buffy/Spike, R)
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Back to the Light, Chapter 4 by MountainKing (Buffy, Torchwood/Doctor Who crossover, FR18)
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A Place in the Sun, Chapter 32 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Chosen One 2: Welcome to the Hellmouth, Chapter 8 by all_choseny (Buffy/Spike, R)
What the Drabble? Chapter 26 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Out For A Walk... Bitch, Chapter 3 by MaggieLaFey (Buffy/Spike, Adult Only)
Autumnal Shorts, Chapter 14 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: domestic Spuffy getting ready by underxstars (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy and William Pratt by Lia Livingstone (worksafe)
Artwork: Spike in 6.03 After Life by Lia Livingstone (worksafe)
Artwork: J.C Leyendecker inspired Spike portrait by vampyrwaltz (worksafe)
Artwork: Willow by mistyintherivers (worksafe)
Artwork: happy fuck him on the floor friday buffyverse fans by indulgetheother (Angel/Spike, Darla & Drusilla, NOT worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy by Superfandomcorp (worksafe)
Cartoon: Dawn & Buffy by Paul Gadzikowski's The Hero of Three Faces (Fringe crossover, worksafe)
Manip: Spike/Cordelia by pass-the-dyanmite (worksafe)
Gifset: "Iris" by Goo Goo Dolls by andremichaux (Buffy/Spike, worksafe)
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Artwork: Buffy card I made for a friend’s birthday! by Lady-of-Letters (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Buffy Summers | what was I made for? by Lauren Faulkner
Fanvid: Buffy The Vampire Slayer - Music Montage / Hit me with your best shot Pat Benatar by Johnny Lwrence
Fanvid: Buffy&Angel - All about us by Othania
Fanvid: Buffy & Angel || Wishful Thinking by Alice
Fanvid: Angel After the fall Episode 1 opening by Buffynatural / Smallville Season 11
Video: Angel Season 6 episode 1- After the Fall (Canon comic continuation) by Buffynatural / Smallville Season 11
Fanvid: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce | Buffyverse | Always Dreaming by Jess Wilson
Vidlet: Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 7 Edit by Buffy The Vampire Slayer
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Really enjoyed listening to the “Buffy” Audible series “Slayers”!!! by Buffyfan145
I read the Angel book "Shakedown..." by oveliagirlhaditright
Episodes 10, 11, and 12 “Nightmares”, “Out of Sight, Out of Mind” and “Prophecy Girl” and Season 2 episode 1, “When She Was Bad” by mothmans-wedding-photographer
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Thoughts on the audio book...(SPOILERS) by ross1251
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Video: The BTVS Twisted Guide S01 S11: Out of Sight Out of Mind by Twisted View
Video: Forever-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Video: Fred reacts to Angel S2 Ep19 by kawaiiconcept
Video: Fred Reacts to Angel S2 Ep20 by kawaiiconcept
Video: Fred reacts to Angel s2 ep 21 by kawaiiconcept
Video: Fred reacts to Angel s5 ep 22 by kawaiiconcept
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Fic rec: Gamble on Destiny by leni (Buffy/Angel, T) by I Will Remember You Marathon
[Fandom Discussions]
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We should have had an Oz/Cordelia friendship arc by 5bi5
the entire concept of ben & glory in buffy season 5 is so wild… by imunbreakabledude
Jesse and Cordelia in the “Slayers” verse [spoilers] by oveliagirlhaditright
[Thoughts on a possible sequel of "Slayers"; spoilers] by oveliagirlhaditright
I do wonder what the rest of the gang was up to in Slayers [spoilers] by oveliagirlhaditright
[Love triangles in "Slayers"; spoilers] by oveliagirlhaditright
I just realised Buffy is wearing the cross Angel gave her when she kills him by bluestarsandclouds
Part of the reason why buffy is such a well respected character by Glossyfruitloops
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kalrein · 9 months
#01. pretty hot vampire brothers
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entry #1: diabolik lovers I, 27.07.23
well diabolik lovers is... very interesting.. the start was pretty alright yet messy. i first watched it when i was younger and I WAS FASCINATED. my thirst for vampires started with this and bram stoker's dracula like holy shit, they were so hot??!
the story starts with yui komori moving into the sakamaki household and thinking some dude (ayato sakamaki) was dead cuz ya know, no vitals and shit. and oh my gooodd???!! he was alive the whole time because plot twist he's a vampire. the whole family was summoned, yui found out they we're all vampires and being the christian she was she thought that crucifixes can kill vampires. but nope the typical cross, garlic and sunshine doesn't affect vampires in this universe. then later in the series we find out that she's a sacrificial bride for these brothers to suck on like leaches. (poor yui)
in the end, i don't know if she became a vampire or still remain a human being with her waking up after stabbing herself after getting possessed by ayato's, laito's and kanato's hot mom that is named cordelia.
the hot mom cordelia was having an affair with the sakamaki brother's uncle, richter. ehhh richter was okay, he was hot but like he didn't stick out to me. richter's brother and also the sakamaki brother's father, karlheinz is waaay more hotter, i know where the brothers got their looks from.
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entry #2: diabolik lovers II, 28.07.23
the introduction of 4 new vampires (actually 6) got me pretty excited but to only find out that it's just gonna be the same situation as the sakamaki brothers. im honestly not surprised..
though they address yui as eve and they gotta suck our poor mc's blood to be adam. at the start of the series, they got in a car accident but of course they're still alive. turns out the cause of this accident was because of the newly introduced mukami brothers, they also attend the same night school the gang is going to.
and oh my god they kidnapped yui. so like the sakamaki brothers thought she ran away and is going to come back to the house but lmao okay,, meanwhile the mukami brothers like their predecessor treat yui like shiiit!!! but like no matter what household she goes to she'll just suffer the same thing of getting uhh sucked by vampires.
oh yeah, the mukami brothers aren't actually brothers but they get along so much better than the sakamaki brothers who are ACTUALLY related to one another. also unlike the sakamaki brothers, they aren't born a vampire they were turned into one.
okay fast forward --- ayato goes to the mukami's household for yui, yui comes back to the sakamaki household but came back right away to the mukami household because oh nooo!!! they got attacked by wolves and ruki got the most damage to the point he's bedridden. ALSO THE INTERACTION BETWEEN ASUZA AND KANATO IS LITERALLY GOLD I COULD NOT GET IT OUT MY MIND!!!
and yay more new vampires and they want yui (not surprised) this time they're called the founders and uhh idk i didn't really watched their part but okay, new hot vampires
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entry #3: my honest reaction + conclusion
okay so reverse harem but the mc is submissive..? okay greaat.. i feel really bad and annoyed by yui by her actions. eh i get that she's getting sucked by vampires to the point of dying due to loss of blood, but like.. why does she feel like she's indebted to vampires by attending and caring for them? like girl, they kidnapped you and treat you like shit and literal livestock. but okay, she's the mc
well despite yui being like that, i look forward to the series. on season 2, the story was quite more intense and complex due to the introduction of new characters and the recent storyline, i think its dope.
this series isn't that much of a must watch but when i finished the series it made me wanna play the games.. curiosity hits hard. its a good show and recommendable if you want to watch vampire esque series like these.
also this series is really short, 12 episodes per seasons and each episode got like 14 minutes, you can finish this within a day or two if you got nothing good to do like me ueue
i got nothing more to say, and if you made it this far to read this little review -- thanks a looottt!!!! see you at the next review :D
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samsvenn · 2 years
🌕 with Laito pls for the Timeloop Au
   To think it’d come to this.
“Dig up the corpse of the triplets’ mother. You’ll find your answers there.” 
You haven’t been counting how many weeks have passed since your arrival. It didn't matter, so why bother? The brothers haven’t raised an eyebrow but you don’t know if they’re playing along to a ploy or if they don’t know what’s going on. 
It’s hard to rely on anyone in this household, even a piece of paper couldn’t hold your burdens. Every time it happened, you’ve died through enough loops to know that you can’t transport items from one loop to another. 
You could only rely on one thing that hasn’t failed you - yet at least: your brain. Though, it seems that it’s been getting more tiring to keep track of things, especially when most of them detail how insignificant your death matters. It all changed in the dark hours of one Wednesday. A strange voice called out to you in a haze of your slumber, uttering an unreasonable and bizarre command that made this loop much more jarring to be in: “Dig up the corpse of the triplets’ mother. You’ll find your answers there.” 
Curiouser and curiouser, this loop is beginning to seem different; but it’s impossible to tell whether that’s a good thing or, worst case scenario, not.
Throughout the days, it was easy to slip by in the eyes of these men. You were more careful in how you went through with your plan as dying prematurely was not one of them. There was a thought that rampaged and shook your head, “If I die now, then is something gonna change in the next loop?” Knowing where the treasure had been kept was no good if you couldn’t reach it in time. 
A shovel, crowbar, and some courage were all that you had equipped - Pessimism hadn’t sunk in, for now.
What was it? The third loop? It was definitely not the first, no. That belonged to Subaru. It was an ordinary day in the manor when one of the cursed three, the teddy-bear weeping one, had invited you to go on a stroll. Not exactly the brightest idea, probably the dimmest in a room full of lightbulbs, but that was your first instance of how these men preyed: unassuming bids, then they go right for the killing blow. Grotesque, but it worked. Though, that was also your first time seeing the headstone of their deceased mother, Cordelia. It took seven loops to learn that piece of information and nine more to learn the complete vague history of what transpired. 
Here you are, finally able to face the woman whom you’ve heard quite a lot about, albeit Ayato’s mouth ran free to tell small tidbits that you’d never be able to guess with your ears closed. The assumption doesn’t scare you. But the physical results of that assumption? No wonder Ayato snapped your neck at the first mention of her - her name is still enough to somewhat strike a deep-rooted nerve within the three. This mystery got sweeter and sweeter with every clue you had to piece and now, you were nearing the end flag. 
“Come on, work faster-” Your grip was loosening with every curse. The night dew felt sticky and the air was suffocating to endure. An unlevel heap of dirt went on to grow with every bit of your inclination to find out what was going on. The shovel’s tip was getting dull. The hard dirt was now replaced with porous gravel. Whoever planned the burial was intent on not letting anything in or out of the grave. That raised more questions but you were racing to finish the one right now that you could answer.
Your back muscles felt like they were on fire but it didn’t compare to Reiji locking you inside of an incinerator. Your palms were surely gonna be calloused after thi- Chink!
The shovel hit something hard. Peering down, you saw it - a wooden coffin covered in what seemed to be… wax? This was no time to think or raise eyebrows about Vampire traditions. After more minutes spent creating a steep slope to descend from, your breath weighed heavy with fatigue. 
All this work, all this sweat, just for one forgotten corpse. 
The hinges were melted to the wood. It was an extreme measure you’d never seen before. Were graverobbers that much of a hassle for Vampires? Because they’re not that good if you could get this far. 
Impatience got the best of you. Taking the cold hooked steel in your rough palms, wrecking away at the wood was the best you could come up with. The oak had begun to chip in chunks rather than in pieces - moisture had been reintroduced into the pitiful coffin.  
There- You saw it. The wood covered most of her face, but you saw charred skin. Just a few bashes and the body was yours t-
“Bitch-chan~ Never thought I’d see you here!”
That sing-song tone never failed to flare electrifying jolts on your nape. 
You crept your neck upwards and there he was in all his monstrosity. “Nfufu~ You do know that startled gaze turns me on, right? Is this an invite, hm?” Even in moments of your deceit, he remains as calm as ever. 
“Ehh… What’s with that dumb look on your face? It’s unattractive to not answer a man’s needs, you know.” His steps hone in on you. “…To think I’d find you here. Are you trying to anger me on purpose? Is that your end goal?”
You don’t answer him, leaving him off to fend for his deluded thoughts. Your focus was on getting the corpse out in one piece and figuring out what the voice meant. 
It didn’t do you any good. In the span of no more than a few seconds, Laito had pinned you to the moist gravel ground, a few meters away from the pit you’ve dug. You knew his hands were bigger than yours, but you didn’t know the fury he hid inside of them. “Ah, you’re still under the impression that I’m merciful.” Laito’s voice had changed. It went down a pitch and right now, there was a different person in front of you, one you hadn’t met before in all of the loops. “I don’t need to waste my energy on you any further. You’ll make a good reminder for the future rotting corpses. At least they’ll provide good company.”
The worst part was that he was making you wait for it to end. Vampiric strength was no joke to mess with. Turning your head to the side was impossible so no matter what, Laito got what he wanted, even in your sacred, dying moments. Was he waiting for you to beg? To stop? He never did in the last loops, so you weren’t going to bother.
Getting words out was tough.“Y-You…” His thumb was pressing down on your larnyx, ensuring your next few words would be as concise as possible. It makes you think of whether he caught a glimpse of her charred body. You’d assume he’d make jokes then kill you right afterward, but this time, it felt off - it felt personal. 
“Oh, so you can speak.” Snark had its way with this man. Every breath you took felt grueling. Your peripheral vision started to darken and the pounding heartbeat of your own was deafening. Fear didn’t show in your eyes anymore. Surprise? Definitely. Astonishment? A runner-up. Disgust? A common string that connected the loops in a perfect knot. 
But fear?
What’s a dead target walking got to fear?
Out of all the bastards in that condemned hell hole, Laito was taking first place in how sickening his smile was. Not an ounce of remorse in those plastic dimples. Getting a closer look at them, in your dying moments because only God knew what you’d have to do to get a chance to be as close as this without the perverse snake asking for something in return, they look more artificial - like he spent time ensuring that his smile lines were always in the perfect depth, but never on how there’s a lack of them.
“Go on, scream, beg for me to stop. Make this night better than it already is.” One last warning - giving you the last chance on a non-negotiable plea, in exchange for your dignity, or something more sinister.
“-No amount of brides pleading for their lives or moon gazing will make you less of a replacement nor change the fact that you are.” It took a lot to even get that sentence out. You took two breaths to celebrate your victory before- Snap!
Laito looks at your lifeless warm corpse, pondering on whether or not to give you up to Kanato or hand you over to Reiji for whatever concoctions he’s gonna mix up for future uses.
While he’s concentrating hard on the quickest way to dispose of your body, it doesn’t come to him that cold sweat formed on his forehead. 
He didn’t want to think of it.
No, he absolutely refused to think of it.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no…
…He never told you about Cordelia.
       So who did?
In the following weeks, Laito was sighted less and distanced himself away from his brothers. The ones who were most affected were Ayato and Kanato. Since they were the only ones who knew what he went through and the levels the scars ran skin-deep, then doesn’t that mean they were the ones who..? 
If only he knew the truth that his brothers didn’t tattle on him in that loop.
A mere seven seconds pass before you wake up in the same old nauseating guest room you’ve grown to somewhat tolerate.
A new loop, a new chance to find an ending to this godforsaken never-ending purgatory.
writer’s notes:
give me an inch and i'll give you a mile officially the first post about the timeloop au! I don’t know if this was too long or not since it was just a post for a prompt which is why in the future, I’ll be shortening it down. I got way too invested and excited for the first post of this Au so hope you all enjoy! <3
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dawnssummers · 1 year
hello! <3 ok since you said i can pick any topic i will share my indulgent willow cordy s3 cheating arc vision... the opinion is that it should have happened. i did go into willow xander cheating arc here a little which was partly me projecting to be honest.
firstly i also think they should have kissed in the closet in school hard and i go back and forth on whether the s3 cordywillow timeline should include that. but generally i think yes. another bit of background is that i think cordy and willow had mutual repressed crushes on one another in primary school, around the time they both started being mean to one another and then by the time they get to sunnydale high both are quite concerned with boys and dating boys. except they both also gravitate towards buffy.
so you have a school hard kiss which they both outwardly dismiss and then cordy starts secretly dating xander and willow starts dating oz and they don't acknowledge it. willow and xander in homecoming are both hit by all this emotion + nostalgia when they see one another dressed up and i would take this scene and make it willow and cordelia... it can play out in the exact same way, where they kiss in the spur of the moment and it is quite self destructive because again both are insecure in their relationships with xander and oz. and scared of growing up, etc. because they have lived their lives in this small town where they have seen each other every day (kind of an extension of willow in graduation day saying she will miss harmony). cordelia in particular has all these dreams and she has confidence in herself but she also... doesn't? she clung to beauty and popularity and then let go of that to be friends with buffy but i think she still has this innate desire to make something of herself if that makes sense. she's a star! so it plays out in the same way as in the show, with the touches and making out that is hard to look at because of how foolish they are both being and the terrible music. but there's also an element of both of them having gay crises and all while buffy is having her own faith-induced crisis. this song is a point of reference for how i imagine it from cordy's pov i have thought about this a lot (i know you are a glee fan this is also such a quinn/faberry song <3) also 'cordelia bullied willow and it was mostly just her being uncomfortable with How Willow Made Her Feel but now they kiss a lot' – @butchrupertgiles when i once mentioned this.
in terms of Broader Impacts something else i thought of is that willow ALMOST tells buffy about the cheating in revelations after they find out angel is alive and then she gets scared. the layers that would be added if it were willow/cordy... then lover's walk where it all blows up a bit. leading to the wish where you can have cordy blaming buffy not just because she only started dating xander bc of buffy but also bc she had been trying to distance herself from 'freakiness' (= queerness, see also cordy's crush on buffy) and still like. ended up impaled and very lonely AND there's the fact willow tried to do a delusting spell and even afterwards got scared and did not pick her... and then the wish leads to anya being there (-> willow's consistent hostility towards anya born in part from jealousy towards how easily anya seems to fit in) which leads to doppelgangland which leads to willow actually considering that she might be kinda gay. finally it would have been fun for me to see cordelia chase kiss girls
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Do otome villainesses actually exist?
When browsing vndb,I got an idea; How many otome villainesses I can actually find. It’s well known in the otome community that villainesses are mostly a rarity usually reserved for mobages and faceless mobs. 
While you’ll be hard pressed to find a villainess in a modern otome game due to multiple reason “some people consider it sexist plus let’s be real in a good chunk of plot oriented otome who has time for -insert jealous twin drill groupie- when the world’s about to end”?
So when sifting through the rival tag I got a decent bunch of characters that fit the role.
(Please note: I don’t have much info on these character outside of character summary, so I don’t know if they hit the other tropes of otome isekai like dying horribly, attempting to kill the heroine or a condemnation event plus I never played these games)
Charlotte Eckerhardin- Pretty☆Witch☆Academy! (R18)
She’s betrothed to one of the love interests and in love with another plus she’s described as “determined to make him her "Partner" any way necessary.”
Wakamori Midori- Miss Princess Miss Pri!
There actually three rivals but Midori fits the bill the most being haughty and hass a prissy look to her
Jougasaki Ririko- Saikin Koi Shiteru?
In love with one of the love interest and is described “the jealous prideful type who hates to lose”
Cossette Gipeldi- Oukyuu Yasoukyoku
In love with LI and eats the protagonist like a rival due to her being his twin sister. (And if you’re wondering, Yes they go there)
Yuurakuin Towako- Full House Kiss
A haughty girl who’s cold to the protagonist. It says “her goal is to gain elite status by marrying a rich and powerful man” so there’s a good chance that she could be gunning for one of MC’s LIs
Richil Emaiyu & Deana Carlsait - Ripple no Tamago ~Apprentice Magician~
Mainly Richil due to her antagonizing the MC and stealing her work (plus she has twin drills). Idk if Deana counts since she’s actually a LI’s rival.
Elizabeth- Soshite Kono Sora ni Kirameku Kimi no Uta
Haughty looking girl who considers herself the MC’s rival.
Carlotta- PersonA ~Opera Za no Kaijin~ (R18)
A prima donna who flirts with one of the love interest. Plus, she ends up dying.
Ejima Shikiko- Hanaoni ~Koi Someru Toki Towa no Shirushi~
Treats the protagonist as an obstacle due to them being oni’s brides
Goutokuji Sakurako- Dear My Sun!! ~Musuko★Ikusei★Capriccio~
She kinda counts... She’s more of rival in the “who’s kid is better” raising sim of the game then a love rival. Plus twin drills.
Hayami Nadeshiko- Sto☆Mani ~Strobe☆Mania~
Doesn’t get along with the MC and respect the LI (tbh she seems more like a tsundere than a villainess)
Kotoo Ruka- Panic Palette
Has a connection with LI and considers the protagonist a rival at first sight (a bit extra but go off)
Ookuma Karen - Butlers ~Meshimase Ojou-sama~
In love with LI and related to another.
Fana De La Wibell Leyendike- Albaria no Otome
Wealthy, Ambitious, and a daughters of noble
Shinogami Rie- True Fortune
I don’t have much on this girl but she’s described as cold-hearted
Toujou Yurika- Otometeki Koi Kakumei★Love Revo!!
A wealthy girl who bullies the MC out of envy
Cordelia- Diabolik Lovers
I guess she counts. She’s a haughty noblewoman who torments the MC over a man (either her husband or her sons) or power 
Madame du Barry- Bara ni Kakusareshi Verite
Arrogant and literally holds animosity toward the MC for not knowing her.
Rika- Amnesia
Practically the most well known otome villianess. Basically made the MC’s life hell of a LI. She did become friends with her in the later game, tho. Plus she runs with toast in her mouth (Not relevant whatsoever but I had to tell someone that fact)
Cynthia/Adele/Martha- Wand of Fortune
In love with LI and causes trouble for the MC, though they seem to comic relief for the most part.
Welp, that was lot. I guess the main conclusion is yes otome villainess did exist but they mainly seemed to died off. some are more rivals in technical aspects like magic or jobs. Interestingly, I found a lot of stereotypical snobby ojou-sama rival type from galges.
This is a bit rambly, I’ll edit in pictures later, I have to get to sleep
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olberic · 2 years
ok i thought i was done w triangle strategy but im NOT
disclaimer: i hate roland’s ending bc it like objectively sucks. made me the player feel scummy and would never be my first choice. HOWEVER. huge HUGE fan of roland’s reverse character growth. we dont get enough stories these days with main characters getting worse.
the first time i played the game i went to the rosellan village in chapter 15, so having roland be depressed and willing to capitulate to hyzante was like out of the blue. then in my second playthrough i stayed in the capital and got to see how roland piled all that guilt onto himself. when you go to wolffort (my 3rd run) and deal with pattriate yourself, you see how its not just him that’s the problem, its everyone else with power in the capital. when you play it on a run where he stabs cordelia it hits even harder:
no matter what roland does, from his perspective, it makes the situation around him worse, and its always his fault. now, we know thats not true — he should be a kind person, he is a good king in the golden ending. but he tries to give himself up to save house wolffort, and gets house landroi killed. he tries to drive out the invaders, and hurts his sister. he tries to support the people, and gets them in trouble with the royalists. he tries to kick out the royalists, and they steal from the people.
now, we know the royalists are corrupt no matter what. we know that cordelia was willing to sacrifice herself for avlora no matter who was attacking her. we know that house landroi gets taken down, even if its not by house wolffort. but roland doesnt! hes trapped in the narrative to always be the cause of the problems around him!!
is siding with hyzante extreme? yes! but after all that, and not even knowing serenoa could replace him as king, is it so surprising that he’d want to give up? he feels the weight of the world on his shoulders, but feels not just powerless, but cursed to make everything worse! his anger at aesfrost’s the only thing that he doesnt mess up on, so hyzante’s the only one he can surrender to.
the way he gets bad and stays bad in every ending except the golden route is proof that to get over yourself, you have to put in the work and you cant do everything on your own. its the same reason frederica’s ending leaves so much unfinished. its the same reason benedict is corrupted in his ending.
im not defending roland’s ending, but saying roland’s decision is out of the blue is just a failure to understand the story’s point!! and getting mad at him for staying true to his convictions when its made clear from day one that it’s important to stick with your decisions is so ??? like idk. i keep seeing really bad takes and its not even that hard to engage w the surface level parts of the story.
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liminalpsych · 1 year
Geoffrey of Monmouth: They attacked with several thousand men, and the other side had multiple thousands of men, and all but a few hundred were slain on both sides, so another person went and raised some more thousands of men from the other side of the island, and...
Me: ...you have written this sort of battle multiple times for every few generations or so. How are there any people left in Britain at all??
Geoffrey of Monmouth, blithely: "Maximianus had finally gathered up such a great host of men that he believed he would be able to subjugate all of Gaul. However, he put aside his warlike spirit for a time until the realm he had already captured was secure and he was able to repopulate it with Britons. And so he made an edict that one hundred thousand common men from the island of Britain should be mustered and report to him. Furthermore, he demanded thirty thousand soldiers as protection for those who were to remain in Armorica. Once he had done these things, he distributed these men all throughout the lands of the realm of Armorica, thus creating a second Britain..."
Me: ...HOW many?? What even was the population of Britain in the... *checks notes* 4th century?
Wikipedia: "At the end of the fourth century, it had an estimated population of 3.6 million, of whom 125,000 consisted of the Roman army and their families and dependents. The urban population of Roman Britain was about 240,000 people at the end of the fourth century."
...Oh, okay then. I guess.
The numbers I've found so far in Geoffrey of Monmouth's "History of Britain", starting a bit after the Trojans settled the island. Listing these out helped me realize that it isn't quite as ridiculous as the first impression I had, but still. (I got a little distracted and just started summarizing everything I was reading. Oh well.)
Gwendolyn musters "all the youth of that realm" (Cornwall) in war against her husband Locrinus because he starts cheating on her openly. Their armies clash. He doesn't say how many die in this one, just Locrinus who got hit by an arrow.
We get a few generations without much war. Maybe enough time to repopulate. King Ebraucus did his best to contribute to repopulation, as he had twenty sons and thirty daughters (with twenty wives). But most of them went off to Italy or Germany. (The sons led a fleet into Germany to conquer some of it.)
A few more generations pass, during which we get a random necromancer king after multiple books of nothing more fantastical than an oracular dream. He also makes wings and tries to fly? And taught necromancy throughout the kingdom? I am very confused by this part.
Then we get the King Lear story, only it's spelled Leir here, before Shakespeare's version. Lots of political and family drama. Another war, with a Gaulish army taking back Britain for Leir and his youngest daughter Cordelia. 15 years later, Cordelia's nephews are mad about a woman ruling the land, they muster up armies, more war, they divide the kingdom up between the two of them after winning. Two years after that, the nephews go to war with each other.
A bunch of generations pass. Another war between two brothers (this seems to be a theme). One brought over an army from Gaul again (I guess Gaul just really likes to support internal war in Britain), the whole army gets killed along with the one brother, mom gets upset and kills the other brother, the kingdom splits into five kings "who wage constant war on one another".
Eventually Dunwallo of Cornwall wins and becomes high king for the rest of his life. Then his sons fight over the crown after some fits and starts. "Fifteen thousand died in battle that day, and less than a thousand of the survivors escaped without a wound." The battle was between Norsemen and Britons, so it wasn't just Britons who died in this one. Later on, the one brother comes back from Gaul (of course) with an army (again), but mom interrupts and gets them to make peace with one another. Still, they've got these perfectly good armies all ready to go, so they decide to conquer Gaul, which they do over the course of a year and then push on to conquer Italy too, because why not? "At long last, after thousands of men had fallen dead on either side, the brothers were granted the victory."
Next generation, there's more war, though Geoffrey doesn't say how many people died this time. But we do get 30 ships of Basques from Spain as refugees, and the king sends them off to a not-yet-peopled Ireland (supposedly). So that probably helped with some repopulation.
A couple more generations pass. "In his days it happened that a certain king of Moray attacked Northumbria with a great force and began to ravage the countryside. Morvidus, assembling all the young warriors that he could, rushed forth and met him in battle. Morvidus by himself was a greater force in battle than the most part of the army that he led forth. And after he obtained the victory, no living man escaped death at his hands. Morvidus commanded that the prisoners be brought before him one by one, and he entertained his cruelty by slaying each one personally. When fatigue finally forced him to pause, he ordered the men who were left to have their hearts torn out and their carcasses burned." And then a sea monster comes out of the sea and is devouring the people who live by the shore, so Morvidus decides to fight it and gets eaten.
More war a couple generations later, but apparently not exciting enough for Geoffrey to describe. And then we skip over... thirty-one kings. Geoffrey lists them in order but doesn't really add any details except an occasional sentence for one or another.
Which brings us to Book Four, the "dealing with Rome" book. We get a gory play-by-play of a battle with Julius Caesar. Lots of people die (numbers aren't specified), Caesar gets kicked out. He comes back a couple years later. The king has "mustered all of the island’s young men and built a barracks near the shore where they would await the enemies’ arrival." All the young men of Briton? Cool. They win, though, after sinking a bunch of ships before they land, so they don't necessarily lose a ton of people. But then the Britons go back to in-fighting, one of them asks Caesar to come back and help. One guy takes 5,000 men and waits in a forest to ambush the vanguard, while the full remaining armies fight, implying that there are probably significantly more than 5,000 men in the armies. Where are they getting all these people? "The troops rushed together and much blood was spilled. On both sides, the wounded fell like the leaves of a tree in autumn."
Two or three kings later, another battle with Rome. And then another one.
Next king, the Picts attack along with Scythian allies. They "lay that region [northern Britain / Alban] waste". More battle, but the surviving invaders get to settle in an unoccupied part of the island.
A few kings later, more war with Rome again. "As soon as he had assembled the fleet, he gathered together a mighty force consisting of many young men of the land", more war, then Rome sends over three legions because their guy kind of went rogue. New guy wins the kingdom in battle, and then "inflicted great slaughter upon those Britons who had abandoned the Roman state and supported Carausius". So the Britons set up the Duke of Cornwall as their king instead and go to battle again. "Many thousands fell." A lot of them were Romans, but still.
Then more internal strife, the former Duke of Cornwall who became king gets killed in battle.
20 years later or so, a bunch of exiled Romans get the current king to go do battle for them in Rome. So he takes a British army and goes and conquers Rome. Like you do.
Back home, another rebellion.
"One hundred thousand common men from the island of Britain should be mustered and report to him. Furthermore, he demanded thirty thousand soldiers as protection for those who were to remain in Armorica. Once he had done these things, he distributed these men all throughout the lands of the realm of Armorica, thus creating a second Britain". Eeesh. He gives Armorica (a part of ... Gaul? I think?) to his rival-turned-ally, Conan. Conan fights off a whole bunch of Gauls and Aquitanians. After winning, Conan wants to give all of his men wives (like you do), but doesn't want them to go wholly native or "intermingle with the women of Gaul", so he asks for women from Britain. And the guy back in Britain "selected the daughters of noblemen from throughout the various provinces of Britain, to the number of eleven thousand, to which he added forty thousand women of lesser birth" and sends them over... except the entire fleet sinks. Whoops.
And then, the Huns (?? like Mongolian Huns? Really? Did they actually make it that far west? EDIT after looking it up: No, no they did not) and Picts join forces when they realize Britain doesn't have any armed men anymore, since they're all in Gaul and surrounding areas trying to conquer stuff. "They completely slaughtered the peasantry. As was mentioned above, Maximianus had taken away all the young warriors who could be found; only unarmed and infirm farmers remained behind." Maximianus sends men back to Britain, they repel the invaders who flee to Ireland, and meanwhile Maximianus and most of his remaining Britons get killed or scattered back in Rome.
The Picts, Huns, Scots, Danes, and Norsemen invade again, led by the same kings as before, because Britain had more internal strife and was vulnerable. They kill a whole bunch of people until Rome sends a legion, which drives the invaders out. Then Rome is all, "Hey, we're not doing this again, grow up and defend yourselves", and leaves, so the Britons gather anyone who's remaining and get them armed and trained. At least at this point, Geoffrey acknowledges that there aren't really any more armed forces or young men in Britain. Still, that didn't work; as soon as the Romans leave, the invaders come back and succeed this time, and kill even more people. Rome still refuses to send aid. So they go to "second Britain" / Armorica and ask for aid, and get a general with two thousand men, who is made king in a section of Britain, has three sons, and then gets stabbed to death by a Pict in his service while in the forest.
Which brings us at last to the start of Arthur's story, with Vortigern and Uther Pendragon, and I'm going to pause my reading here, because the horses need to be fed before it gets dark.
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humaforever · 2 years
Hook siblings children Headcanons 2
When her nieces and nephew are old enough, they get to have a sleepover with CJ the weekend before their birthday. CJ looks forward to it almost as much as the kids do.
She goes all out with the candy and snacks. Gets some gifts and fun movies. She absolutely loves to spoil her brother and sisters kids.
One time CJ got to take Harry's daughters out for ice cream when they were little, all was going well until the youngest, Udora tripped and scrapped her knee.
There was some crying. Harry and Uma insisted the little girl was fine but CJ still feels guilty knowing that her niece got hurt under her watch.
Harriet's kids started a riot in their home because it was "unfair" that their cousins got to spend so much time with their "cool aunt" and they never got to. Harriet insisted it was because their cousins were older, but truthfully it's because she does not trust CJ with her children
CJ was so proud when she heard this. She made it a goal to help the kids in their mission, she made signs, wrote scripts for them to say to convince their parents, she even got custom shirts made with her face on the saying "CJ RULES!"
Ambrose and Hadleigh (Harriet's children) loved these shirts and wore them all day everyday, because they were still very young and gullible. Because the shirts were such a success CJ had some more made for Harry and Uma's daughters.
After Harry's first daughter, Cordelia, was born CJ made it a point to throw a baby shower for every other child that would be born into the family.
The games at the first baby shower she threw were rather violent. Knife throwing, drinking games, who could hit the moving target with weapon of choice, and more.
Harriet said that it was inappropriate because Uma couldn't participate in these games being pregnant and it wasn't well thought out considering she was the person the party was for. Also, Cordelia was an infant and "you shouldn't have so many weapons around a baby" Harriet had said
CJ stuck her tongue out at her sister but didn't throw another baby shower like that, more "child friendly" the next time
Harry's daughters absolutely adore him and love to go on "daddy, daughter outings" the girls always get jealous of one another because he will usually take them one at a time to make it more special.
Harry learned how to do Umas hair when they were younger and used those skills on his daughters. Uma is the best for hair care, but when it comes to hair styling the girls always go to their dad
This also applies to nail painting
Harry and Umas second daughter, Haven is the biggest daddy's girl and wants to do everything Harry does. Harry loves this and feels like he has a special connection with her because they are both the middle children.
Harry makes sure Haven doesn't get "middle child syndrome" because it totally affected him as a young child.
Harry and Uma are total style icons and their daughters are following in their footsteps.
After Cordelia was born, Uma said she was good with one child. Harry would never pressure Uma to do anything but he told her how much his siblings meant to him, that he couldn't of made it without them and he would love for Cordelia to have a life long bond like that with a sibling.
Uma considered this and how much she appreciated having Harriet and CJ like sisters. Baby fever ended up taking over in due time and Harry and Uma had two more children.
Harry buys all the best snacks for his kids, because he didn't have the pleasure of snacks in his childhood.
Uma always cooks and she's phenomenal at it. To give her a break sometimes Harry and the girls will have a blast in the kitchen. Harry cooks and the girls are his little helpers, they have so much fun.
Uma has luscious hair and the girls always want to style it. With Harry's help, making sure their gentle and precise she lets them do it.
Harry vowed to be everything his father wasn't and he's really the best parent because of it.
Harry doesn't know how he lucked out so hard. Getting to watch the woman he loves and adores most become the mother to his children is an absolute dream, he couldn't have asked for a better life.
Harry has nicknames for his girls,he calls Cordelia starfish, he calls Haven angelfish, and he calls Udora his little guppy.
Harriet was very nervous to become a mother. She didn't think she would be considering she practically raised her siblings but her nerves got the best of her when she actually got pregnant.
Though she wasn't a sap and wouldn't say it, her brother and sister-in-law had set a great example with their girls and she really actually looked up to them as parents.
Speaking of her brother, Harriet was so incredibly proud of him and how he stepped up to fatherhood. She had watched him grow up and been there his whole life, but she had never been more proud of him in her life than when he became a father and she's sure nothing would ever top it.
Harriet is a bit of a helicopter mom because of what she went through in her childhood.
Harriet is very open with her children and they can come to her and talk to her about anything.
Ambrose and Hadleigh are quick witted and perfectly know how to defend themselves and come up with the most brutal insults, Anthony claims they got that skill from their mother.
It was a well known fact that Harriet was scariest person on plant Earth to be around when she was pregnant.
Sammy is used to the Hooks tempers though so he kinda loved it. He would eat Harriet's cravings with her, have lazy days with her, he said he was going through an empathy pregnancy with her.
Harriet gets giddy and her heart absolutely melts seeing Anthony as a father.
Harriet got pregnant with her first while Uma was pregnant with her last. It kinda made it easier knowing she wasn't alone and had someone to go through it with.
She did not have that for her second and it made it much harder
Harriet makes sure her children are well behaved and grateful for what they have. And they are, really great kids.
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alynnl · 2 years
A new arc? (Triangle Strategy)
Spoilers for Triangle Strategy Chapter XIII and beyond!
Yesterday I booted up Triangle Strategy, the S-RPG that I have developed a sort of love-hate relationship with (although it is mostly landing on the affectionate side of the spectrum, there are certain maps and certain moments that will always be rather derogatory in my point of view.
Chapter XIII: For you, my Heart
Is it just me, or is that title semi-romantic?  Was there something more to Avlora’s devotion to Queen Cordelia?  (Some of the fandom surely thinks so if the Triangle Strategy section of AO3 is any indication.)
But getting serious for a moment, this pursuit chapter was actually a breather, gameplay wise compared to the others.  I only had one target (Avlora) and I was able to use all my team’s skills and range to my advantage to take her down fast.  And it’s probably for the best that I did indeed, defeat her swiftly or her soldiers would’ve made this map very painful for me indeed.
But that cutscene after!  I can’t believe Cordelia threw herself between Roland and Avlora like that!  And then the guilt Roland feels, actually harming his sister who he was trying to rescue!
Ooh, the drama of it all.
I have a minor gripe though in that...
Cordelia got stabbed by Roland’s spear but Geela was able to heal her, but then we have poor Dragan Aesfrost back in Chapter IV who was hit by a single arrow but slowly and painfully died.  Where was his healing when he needed it?!  (But to be fair, I think he was sniped in a vital organ, then Serenoa and company were rushed out of the mine so there was no time to save him.  I still call contrivance!  I still want an AU where he survives!)
And then...
When I watching all the different cutscenes after Roland takes the castle, I really thought I’d reached my first ending!
But there is a lot more work House Wolffort has to do even after chasing the Aesfrosti out of the Crown City.  And then we have even more actual politics happening (including the common people actually liking Gustadolph and his idea of a meritocracy) - which actually complicate things.
And despite losing the castle of Glenbrook, Gustadolph fully intends to use his weapon of mass destruction to go after Hyzante.
So we have another war time arc possibly on the horizon, which will make Triangle Strategy the first game I remember having two separate war arcs instead of a single big war that ends with rather idealistic peace.
Although I am someone who likes lighter stories by nature, this direction intrigues me and I actually want to see where this goes.  I have more chapters, more time to use my favorite characters, more cutscenes, more decisions to vote on and more exploration to do!
Let’s go!
My next session will be something to look forward to!
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annyankers · 2 years
send in a 👀 for oc lore!!!!
you get 3 hits and i'll mix it up a bit on who we're talking about
my top oc is Brooke who's Buffy's younger identical twin sister and became a slayer at the same time as her. she stemmed from a thought experiment about how slayers work and things that could glitch it like say, potentially identical twins. it's also a way to explore the whole slayer vs girl thing. the best way to describe her is aesthetically 00s Britney meets Sporty Spice and personality wise she's a mix of Faith and Buffy. if Cordelia is Buffy's "rode not traveled" shadow self then Brooke is faith's Cordelia, she's kinda coarse sports girl ace who when she fails into some Serious Life Issues like drugs has family and friends who support her. it a version of life i can see faith thriving in but she never got. they also date in s3 (it goes badly lol). the twins tend to share slayer dreams and if one dies the other will also die because they're not 2 slayers like Buffy and Faith, they register as 1 slayer (like i said before they're a slayer glitch) and they found that out the hard way. i could go on for ages but i will Refrain lol
the next two ocs are ones who come from the same fic universe as brooke but i also in other stories two bc why???? make more when you have perfectly good ocs at home????
Charlotte Worth is a watcher who gets assigned to faith and has big emma frost energy. she's a wealthy new englander who like, Cares About Children even while being a stole cold bitch. she and Faith end up having a good relationship bc Charlotte consistenly got to bat for her and is just very Mom-Like to her which you know..... kinda fucks Faith up a lot lol. she's a necromancer as well and not afraid to use that against people. in one fic i have her using her necromancy to solve the whole "Darla has to die to save the baby" shit in ats. and like yeah it kills her but only for a second! she gets better! she's between Giles and Wesley in age and she bullies both of them.
Katherine "Kat" Farwell is the scion of the Farwell family, one the founding families of Sunnydale (so they're evil lol). She's also not the host for an old one. she is an old one. basically her family is the sunnydale branch of a global cult spanning millennia that worships the power that be/old one whomst created humankind and have worked to slowly return them to the earth after they died trying to build a utopia for humanity safe from the demons of the primordial age. ofc this means deals with demons, ritual sacrifices, magic eugenics etc etc etc. like Kat had siblings! never met any of them! did get fed them tho! the idea is just bringing forth more of their god's essence and then distilling it into a single host via breeding and cannibalism and that kinda shit (it's all only possibly bc mankind was made from this old one's flesh so). it's terrible! kat's nice tho. she's a mix of daria and rory from gilmore girls. she's class president and one of the only 2 survivors of the sunnydale high art club. between the fights with glory and jasmine (whomst she devours ofc) she fully transitions to pure old one and is honestly like.... Weirder But The Same tbh. she doesn't look different like illyria vs fred but she has an uncanny valley vibe to her looks. she's basically you know, an eldritch god on earth that no one could kill if they tired but she's nice and not interested in destroying the world so it works out. maloker is her archnemesis bc they're STILL pissed off about the defilement and corruption of their fave creation he did in the making of vampires. the mc vampires get a pass but they're on THIN ICE.
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