#coronavirus study
fauci saying “vulnerable people will fall by the wayside” and that some will die but that’s ok because we’re not going to see the “tsunami of cases” we’ve seen before is so dehumanising. so babies with no immune system, elderly people, disabled people, and people without adequate access to healthcare can all die of covid. but it’s ok guys because actually they’re just falling to the wayside and everyone else will go back to normal and be fine (sarcasm).
my death or the deaths of my family or friends wouldn’t be us “falling by the wayside”, it would be us being failed by our government, healthcare systems, and communities who have refused to take coronavirus seriously despite mounting anecdotal and scientific evidence of the harm this virus does. fact that people can accept the deaths of vulnerable groups just because they want to eat in a restaurant or don’t want to wear a mask is horrifying
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rikaklassen · 29 days
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Yes, I wish the general public takes COVID more seriously.
Coronavirus is not like the flu nor RSV and we've known about that since MERS and the first SARS. Also, massively disappointed with queer assimilationists since COVID is quite similar to HIV/AIDS and given how the government's eugenicist policies and their anti-LGBT campaigns wiped out many of the people who would have been elders in our communities today. Let's alone the deaf communities with the older generations of sign language folks becoming deaf and multi-disabled because of rubella, which is much more infectious than COVID.
I encourage you to read what Augie has to say since the screenshot is a snapshot of a five-parts thread.
Here is the spreadsheet where Augie took the time to read over 1 500 studies and summarized the findings of about 500 of them: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12VbMkvqUF9eSggJsdsFEjKs5x0ABxQJi5tvfzJIDd3U/
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giveaways2024 · 5 months
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Time to bring humanity back to the classroom
COVID 19 has had a profound effect. It really goes without saying. But I am not talking about the heart-shattering loss of life or the cabin fever inducing 3 years we spent locked in our homes. I am talking about the way business is conducted and how foreign language training has evolved here in Japan. With an increased acceptance of video meeting software such as Zoom, Teams or Meet, the classroom shifted into the virtual world as well.
Companies were forced to move the office to people's homes while the pandemic raged and after companies grew to accept that style, many have stuck to Work From Home. Nikkei Asia estimates that nearly 40% of workers are still doing a hybrid style of work (link), saving transportation and even electricity costs for businesses. This shift to video meetings also impacts on the number of business trips as communication can be achieved for a fraction of the cost. This research positively talks about how 64% of companies still find business travel important, but that means that 36% don't.
Of course, what I am leading up to here is that this has impacted the general attitude towards studying foreign languages, particularly English. More private students or companies are turning to more reasonably costing online English training meaning there has been a step back from the beneficial environment of face-to-face English lessons. Aside from the obvious lack of technical issues that sometimes crop up, there are many benefits to a more intimate training environment. A teacher can have quicker reaction times to questions or problems and has a better capability of reading learners' body language. There is a better sense of connection between all members when you are in a live environment, with more live tools at the teacher's disposal. Last, but not least, there are less chances of succumbing to distractions such as pets, children or that temptation to turn the TV on. This website also talks about motivation and focus as a couple of benefits of being in a classroom as some other potential benefits.
Companies offering English training need to embrace a commitment to quality lessons with practical contents set up in a way that is enjoyable for the students. And most importantly, we need to bring the humanity back to the English study environment and get back in the same room. The teacher needs to work closely with the students to help them realize their goals and use all the tools and signs at their disposal. This is at the heart of what Lowrey Global Consultants strives to do.
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techniktagebuch · 1 year
9. Dezember 2022
Influencer A
In der Frühphase der Coronapandemie registriere ich mich bei einem Portal für Impfstoffstudien namens Vaccelerate.
Ich erhalte daraufhin gelegentlich E-Mails mit Einladungen, an Studien teilzunehmen. Es ergibt sich aber nichts konkretes, da die Studien, für die ich als Teilnehmer infrage käme, z.B. gering vergütete Präsenztermine in Köln oder München erfordern.
Ende November – Ich habe mittlerweile vier Corona- und zwei Grippeimpfungen erhalten sowie eine Corona-Infektion überstanden – registriere ich mich für eine allgemeine Studie zu Atemwegserkrankungen.
Ich bekomme hierzu ein Testkit per Post zugeschickt und sobald ich Symptome einer Erkältung oder Grippe verspüre, soll ich mich selbst testen und das Ergebnis zurückschicken.
Ich erhalte das kleine Paket am 9. Dezember und da ich bereits seit Tagen Erkältungssymptome habe, teste ich mich umgehend. Die Sorge, dass meine Erkrankung schon soweit abgeklungen ist, dass das Testkit nichts mehr anzeigt, erweist sich als unbegründet.
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Der Testvorgang funktioniert ziemlich genauso, wie bei den SARS-CoV-2-Schnelltests. Nur dass hier offenbar gleich Teststreifen für Antikörper verschiedener Virenarten zum Einsatz kommen. 
Laut Beipackzettel stehen Flu A und Flu B für die beiden Influenza-Typen A und B, also also Grippe. RSV steht für das respiratorische Synzytial-Virus und ADV für Adenoviren. COVID19 bezeichnet selbstverständlich das Coronavirus und die beiden Cs stehen für Kontrollstreifen. 
Ich wusste vorher nichts von der Existenz solcher Mehrfachtests und die fast alle, denen ich nun davon erzähle, zeigen sich ebenfalls überrascht. Wie angefordert, schicke ich ein Foto des Testresultats sowie eine Beschreibung meiner Symptome per Mail an die Organisator:innen der Studie. Und werde in den kommenden Tagen wohl noch etwas sorgfältiger Maske tragen, sobald ich vor die Tür gehe.
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stupid-dyke · 2 years
My comment: I really want everyone who thinks of themself as healthy or normal, and has no pre-existing conditions (and therefore think you are safer than disabled people) to understand: you are one mild COVID infection away from becoming disabled to the point of losing your career. ‘Learning to live with COVID’ is not ‘returning to normal’. It is sentencing millions of previously healthy people to a lifetime of chronic illness, in a country where disabled people are more than twice as likely to live in poverty. This is ruining lives, and it’s not slowing down.
Quotes, bold text is my addition:
“people with mild or moderate initial coronavirus infections — who make up the vast majority of coronavirus patients — can still experience debilitating post-Covid symptoms including breathing problems, extreme fatigue and cognitive and memory issues.”
“the study covered only the first four months after the diagnostic code was introduced and did not include people covered by government health programs like Medicaid or Medicare (though it did include people in private Medicare Advantage plans). “That’s probably a drop in the ocean compared to what the real number is,” Dr. Steves said.”
…”while two-thirds of the patients had pre-existing health conditions in their medical records, nearly a third did not, a much larger percentage than Dr. Ssentongo said he would have expected. “These are people who have been healthy and they’re like, ‘Guys, something is not right with me,’” he said.”
“The findings suggest a potentially staggering impact of long Covid on people in the prime of their lives, and on society at large.”
“More than three-quarters of the patients in the study were infected in 2021, most of those in the last half of the year.”
“the scores suggested that the repercussions of long Covid are not simply confined to increased medical spending. They signal “how many people are leaving their jobs, how many are being given disability status, how much absenteeism is there in school,” Ms. Gelburd said.”
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
I literally tell my mom ‘they think covid is linked to brain damage’ like no details nothing except that vague simplified sentence of an immensely complex issue and she starts going off about how I can’t trust everything I read on the internet how not all sites are trustworthy how everything I’m telling her nowadays is “sketchy” how the internet is actually what’s rotting peoples brains not covid like bitch if you look up “covid brain damage” or “covid brain matter loss” the first link will be a fucking nature article. And yes mom. Before you ask, I did read the fucking article. I’m not fucking illiterate yet
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Lets Be Motivated before we Enter the new Year 2023
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phoenixonwheels · 3 months
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Just your regular reminder to those of you (that’s most of you) not masking because you’re “not high risk” and “don’t have a preexisting condition” that a covid infection is a preexisting condition and you are now high risk.
[ID: Tweet from LizWhatsHerFace @RealGayArbys “Look at this graph. If you're on infection number two or three, your risk of being hospitalized if you get Covid again is VERY heightened. And your risk of a lot of other bad stuff happening is higher too. You need to act accordingly. You likely don't know what number you're on.” Graph showing the impact of reinfections from Covid on hazard ratio from various conditions, US Veterans affairs population. Data comes from a 2022 study published in Nature titled "Acute and postacute sequelae associated with SARS-CoV-2 reinfection." As the study abstract states, the data shows that "First infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is associated with increased risk of acute and postacute death and sequelae in various organ systems."]
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i can never understand all the people going “covid’s just a cold” “it’s just like the flu”. it’s not influenza or a rhinovirus. covid sars-cov-2: severe accute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. scientifically, it can never be a cold or flu, and it will cause severe accute respiratory syndrome. that’s not posturing or dramatics, it’s science
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jeraliey · 6 months
It's still not just a cold.
"This study showing that severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus directly infects coronary artery plaques, producing inflammatory substances, really joins the dots and helps our understanding on why we're seeing so much heart disease in COVID patients," Peter Hotez, MD, professor of molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, told Medscape.
Oh, also?
CDC predicts respiratory disease season will be similar to last year
"The CDC said it expects a similar number of respiratory disease cases this year as last year, with 15 to 25 new weekly hospitalizations per 100,000 people."
"As of Friday, nearly 12 million people have gotten the new Covid-19 vaccine since they were authorized last month, according to HHS. That’s millions more than the week prior, but still less than 4% of the US population."
No one is protecting themselves. And no one else will protect you.
Even if you're not worried for yourself....don't be one of the people that carries it to someone else. We're all responsible for the most vulnerable people in our society. (That could be you, by the way.....)
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corona-journal · 2 years
Studying remotely, working in the office, why is cough medicine hard to get?
So I'm working part time (50 year old part time student....got a student card too) and I bemused to annoyed at the photos of studyblr # study.
Neat text on a spacious desk, crisp textbooks, colour coded notebook pages...*
My study area....
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Shared space when I was working from home, in the corner behind the dining table. Out of shot is the 15cm (/6 inch) stack of print outs, notes, cross reference, and occasional duplicates or stray bit of other printed stuff (why is there half a recipe in my stack of notes about legal decisions on land titles?)
The past few units have been tax and finance focused.... an absolute grind, yet I'm closing in on completing these.
*most of those pretty pictures of study aesthetic I suspect are bullshit. Lots of style for bugger all substance. I suspect many students will be art degree types picking art for cashed up types who outsource style....
There was an industry networking session last week, for conveyancing students. I was excited to be actually meeting people in studies and in the field...
And one of the classes actually is holding live human lectures! I am excited to be going to these!
But at work, with most of the office working from home, there's no or very little socialising around a table at lunch breaks.... it's like we've turned inwards into our phones, rather than socialising with each other with the mutually experienced gripes of work.
Definitely enhances the loneliness most days.
On the shopping ailse medication list, that cough medicine that is good at shifting the gunk from your lungs? That's this months global shortage.... odd side effect of mask wearing being reduced and an increase in flu's being transmitted...
And I should be getting a 4th booster, being an old fart, just don't feel a sense of urgency... fatigue, stress and probably a dose of depression in the mix.
I suppose I've reduced the worst impact of depression by going for 10 minute jogs....
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I was jogging just to get up to more than 500 metres, then K said 'let's jog for 10 minutes'.
And now I know.
It's Sunday night, raining, I'm having an early night.
25 September 2022
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learningenglish82 · 2 years
20th July
Tomorrow’s live concert by Japanese rock band “the pillows” was put off due to the test positive found in their crew members.
I was looking forward to it though.
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Actually, I’d study harder after the concert but it was cancelled.
I lost the opportunity to start to study hard, but I have to start it someday.
The band has a song called “The future is now”, it might be now.
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polyglot-thought · 2 years
[Mandarin->English] @ixroses666 6:11 AM Aug 31, 2022 Tweet - Color Coded Translation (Intermediate)
Link to tweet
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xī fāng kàn le dōu mǒ yǎn lèi
The west watches (us?) wipe tears
Please correct me if I made a mistake
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theomark · 2 years
Trump FBI Raid and The Christian Response
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