#corrections welcome
ancient-rome-au · 2 years
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✨☦️ A μ o γ o ς ☦️✨
😇🙏 😇🙏 😇🙏 😇🙏
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Norwegian cold & flu vocab list
Because I have a cold and I’m grumpy about it.
forkjølelse (en) - cold influensa (en) - flu infeksjon (en) - infection virus (et) - virus smittemåte (en) - route of infection smittsom - contagious
symptom (et) - symptom feber (en) - fever vondt i halsen - a sore throat rennende nese (en/ei) - a runny nose hodepine (en/ei) - headache tørrhoste (en) - dry cough slim (et) - mucus tap av appetitt - loss of appetite ømme muskler (en øm muskel) - sore/tender/aching muscles muskelsmerter (en muskelsmerte) - muscle pain frysninger (en/ei frysning) - chills
sliten - tired grinete - grumpy sur - sour/annoyed/upset/mad lei - fed up blek - pale
å bli (være) forkjølet - to get (have) a cold å bli (være) syk - to get (be) sick/to fall (be) ill å smitte - to infect å vare - to last å nyse - to sneeze å hoste - to cough å lindre - to relieve å miste stemmen - to lose one’s voice
jeg vil legge meg - I want to go to bed jeg vil sove - I want to sleep jeg orker ikke - I don’t have the energy/I don’t want to/I can’t be bothered jeg er så lei av å være syk - I’m so fed up of being ill jeg føler meg kvalm - I feel sick du ser litt blek ut - you look a bit pale du ser jævlig ut - you look terrible/you look like shit
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pontydd-a-choed · 2 months
Wythnos Pump
Heddiw dw i eisiau siarad am gerddoriaeth. (Echdoe roedd y Dydd Miwsig Cymru ond dw i'n hwyr, y thema fy mlog i) Dw i'n mynd i rannu pum cerddor/band. Heb drefn penodol:
Chwalaw: Darganfyddais i nhw trwy Rownd a Rownd ac eu cân "Diflanu". Mae'n well gyda fi eu cân "Dim Arwyr". Dyna gân efo alaw sorbiaidd, iaith lleiafrifol o'r Sorbiaid yn Sacsoni a Brandenburg (taleithiau yr Almaen)
Adwaith: Dw i ddim yn cofio sut darganfyddais i nhw ond dw i'n hoffi eu cerddoriaeth. Gaethon nhw gynherddau yn yr Iseldiroedd yr wythnos 'ma a ro'n i eisiau mynd. Ond does dim amser gyda fi (a dw i ddim yn byw ger yr Iseldiroedd ar hyn o bryd) Er hynny dw i eisiau mynd ar gyngerdd yn y dyfodol. (Ella ym mis Mai yn Antwerpen, gwelwn ni) Un rhwng fy hoff gân yw "Cwympo".
Sŵnami: Dw i ddim yn cofio chwaith, ond dw i'n gwybod bod nhw fy hoff fand cynta pwy sy'n canu yn y Gymraeg. Dw i'n meddwl oedd "Mynd a Dod" y cân cynta clywais i ganddyn nhw, ond dw i ddim yn siŵr. Dw i'n hoffi "Wyt Ti'n Clywed".
Gwilym: Dw i'n nabod nhw ers sbel ond oedd y fideo ar Lŵp am eu halbwm newydd "ti are dy ora' pan ti'n canu" yn... ansefydlog ond grêt. Yr holl albwm yw grêt. Dw i'n hoffi "Dwi'n cychwyn tân"
Thallo: Darganfyddais i nhw trwy Lŵp, sianel YouTube efo cerddoriaeth Cymraeg. Dw i'n hoffi ei chân "Pluo", y clarinét yn arbennig.
Os gennych chi argymhellion dwedwch wrtha i! :D
Geiriau newydd:
thema, themâu, eb - theme cerddor, cerddorion, eg - musician trefn, trefnau, eb - order penodol - particular, specific argymhelliad, argymhellion, eg - recommendation darganfod - discover alaw, alawon, eb - melody sorbiaidd - Sorbian lleiafrifol - minority Sacsoni - Saxony clarinét, clarinetau, eg - clarinet er hynny - nevertheless ansefydlog - unsettling
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Household vocabulary in Finnish
pestä pyykkiä = to do laundry -> pyykkien pesu = laundry / clothes washing
viikata vaatteita = to fold clothes -> vaatteiden viikkaaminen = clothes folding
steriloida = to sterilise -> esim. tuttipullon sterilointi = bottle sterilising
tiskata = to wash up
huuhdella = to rinse (with water)
siivota = to clean
imuroida = to vacuum
pyyhkiä mopilla = to mop
lakaista = to sweep
pyykki = laundry (noun)
pyyhe / pyyhkeet = towel / towels
moppi = mop
imuri = vacuum
astianpesuaine = dishwashing liquid
puhdistusaine = cleaning spray
tuttipullo = bottle
kuivausrumpu = drier
pyykinpesukone = washing machine
tiskikone = dishwasher
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neonlollies · 2 months
poesis (poetry)
I am learning Latin, slowly but surely. With the help of Google translate and an English-Latin dictionary I wrote a few poems in Latin! Here is my favorite poem! (If you speak Latin please give me corrections)
os meum plenum est bombacio.
Pulmon ardet.
Non possum dicere.
Scio debeo.
Ego sum ignis.
Nemo potest extinguo,
Timor meus me suffocabit.
-Ollie (me)
My mouth is full of cotton.
My lungs full of flame.
I cannot speak.
Though I know I must.
I am fire.
And no one can extinguish,
This fear which will suffocate me
-Ollie (me)
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wingedcat13 · 1 year
Sorry to disappoint, but that is actually an artists rendition of cassini's last moments and not an actual photo of saturn
Y’know, that tracks! Thank you for letting me know, and I’ll add tags to the post for others too. The difference in origin doesn’t diminish its beauty, but it should still be properly identified!
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learningitaliano · 2 years
Giorno 4/?
Oggi ho imparato uno scioglilingua italiano: sono più o meno riuscita a pronunciare "Trentatrè trentini entrarono a Trento tutti e trentatrè trotterellando" 😂
Inoltre ho avuto una visita dal medico, che è andata bene. Ed adesso sono felice che comincia il fine settimana, soprattutto perchè il domenico vado ad un concerto del mio gruppo preferito (Queen)! 😍😍😍
@sayitaliano (I hope you don't mind me tagging you again 😅)
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moripartylove · 2 years
Giorno 1/?
Oggi è stata una bella giornata. Al lavoro ho assistito a una visita guidata della nostra nuova mostra fotografica (le ore anche sono considerate lavoro!). Poi ho passato una lunga pausa pranzo nel un parco con una collega. La sera, ho cenato in un ristorante italiano con mio padre, che si trovava nella mia città per caso. Adesso sono stanca ma contenta!
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acreativename42 · 6 months
последната седмица семейството ми дойде на университета ми да ме посети, и баба ми приготви баница която семейството ми ми донесе :)
ям българска храна а не съм вкъщи, и приятелите ми можеха да я опитаха. те я харесват!
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pomegranatepanacea · 8 months
15-day language challenge
target language: norwegian (bokmål)
6/15: the “birthday song” in your target language
Hurra for deg som fyller ditt år Ja, deg vil vi gratulere! Alle i ring omkring deg vi står Og se nå vil vi marsjere Bukke, nikke, neie Snu oss omkring Danse for deg Med hopp og sprett og spring Ønsker deg av hjertet Alle gode ting Og si meg så hva vil du mere? GRATULERE!
Høyt våre flagg vi svinger - hurra Ja, nå vil vi riktig feste Dagen er din, og dagen er bra Men du er den aller beste Se deg om i ringen Hvem du vil ta Dans en liten dans Med den du helst vil ha Vi vil alle sammen Svinge oss så glad Og en av oss skal bli den neste! Til å FESTE!
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nordic-language-love · 7 months
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義理の姉妹(ぎりのしまい)- sister-in-law
名物(めいぶつ)- speciality, famous product
霊廟(れいびょう)- mausoleum
Corrections welcome/wanted!
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pontydd-a-choed · 14 days
Wythnos Wyth
Heddiw dw i eisiau ysgrifennu am fy amser yn Awstria. Ymwelais i â ffrind yn Styria. Ar ôl taith hir efo'r trên, cyrhaiddais i yn y prynhawn, wedi blino... Aethon ni am dro ac wedyn cysgon ni.
Ddydd Sul aethon ni am dro yn y dre, gwelon ni llawer o bethau. Y gastell, y brifysgol, yr ardd fotanegol, yr afon...
Ddydd Llun gwnaethon ni heic ar fynnydd. Roedd y tywydd yn dda iawn a gwelon ni llawer o bethau o'r brig. Y dydd nesa, teithion ni i Slofenia ond dw i'n mynd i siarad am hwn yn y post nesa.
Dydd Mercher gwnaethon ni heic hir eto. Roedd twr neis ar un frig, hefyd, efo golygfa berffaith. Os dw i'n ymweld â fi ffrind yna eto, dw i eisiau mynd i'r twr 'na eto eto hefyd.
Dydd Gwener oedd y dydd i ymlacio. Roedd ffêr tost gyda fy ffrind hefyd, dyna pam wnaethon ni ddim mych. Prynais i siocled neu bethau arall mewn archfarchnad i fy nheulu achos mae'r Awstria gwlad arall a mae bwyd arall gyda nhw. (Ond dim llawer o bethau achos mae'r Almaen a'r Awstria yn debyg iawn. Plîs, paid â lladd fi, pobl Awstria...)
Dalais i drên cynnar y bore nesa i fynd yn ôl i Ogledd yr Almaen. Un Deg Pump awr. Llawer o hwyl rhaid i fi ddweud...
Geiriau newydd:
botanegol - botanical
brig, brigau, eg - peak
twr, tyrau, eb - tower
ffêr, ferau, eg - ankle
tebyg - similar
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Aika mielenkiintoinen artikkeli!
Meidän perhellemme äitiyspakkaus on ollut todella hyvä ja ihan tarpeellinen koska en tiennyt yhtään, mitä minun pitäisi ostaa vauvoille. Me saatiin kolme äitiyspakkausta ja en ole ostanut mitään muuta vaatetta lapsille ainakin toistaiseksi.
Mutta olisin ottanut vastaan tosi mielelläni käytettyjä vaatteita äitiyspakkauksen sijaan. Tutut ovat antaneet meille vanhoja vaatteita hänen äitiyspakkaukestaan ja nuo vaatteet ovat olleet yhtä käyttökelpoisia ja hyviä kuin uudet vaatteet.
Haluaisin ehkä kerätä ylimääräisiä vaatteita jossain vaiheessa ja tehdä "äityspakkauksen" jollekulle muulle. Tuskin ketään Suomessa tarvitsee pakkauksen kun kaikki saavat äitiyspakkauksen mutta voisin lähettää sen ystävälle Australiassa.
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soufre-de-paris · 1 year
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"…and so he left the towns for the wilderness, and from the dwelling-places of men to those of wild beasts, and there chose the ravine to be his hall, and the ditch a bedroom, bare earth a bed, and hard stone a cushion."
þ is pronounced as th in with (unvoiced, like θ) ð is the th is these (voiced) every vowel and consonant is voiced so turnde is read as turn-deh
please do try to read the old english aloud as it is just lovely to the ear
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Sally is the real neighborhood Rizzler... you all know i'm right...
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