#couple problems
gold-fire · 1 year
Ty Lee, to Azula: I love to lay my head on your chest when we sleep to feel your heart beating and your breathing.
Mai, to Zuko: I recorded you snoring yesterday so you can see why I'd rather have a room of my own.
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cuddlybats · 5 months
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There is still enough space ^^
© 2023 Cuddly Bats  
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abrokasaviolet · 4 months
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Yeah, the atomic bomb arrow was on a high shelf. Be reasonable, Dinah.
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alostbeautynomore · 7 months
Relationship advice please:
Upfront I have commitment issues and cptsd so I am wondering am I talking myself out of a good relationship or is it actually toxic?
I love my bf a lot. But we def disagree on his drinking and smoking. He has admitted he used to have thoughts that he has a problem with alcohol but he says he doesn’t. He drinks and/or smokes every night. I used to be afraid to voice my concerns but I finally spoke up the other night (this was a huge thing for me) and said I don’t like that he does it every night bc it’s hard to talk to him and be around him like that bc it changes his personality a ton. He said he is getting high more often now bc he wants to cut down on alcohol but he emphasized he does NOT want to stop drinking. He said he doesn’t get the point of just having one bc he wants to feel it. He is really caring and sweet but I worry he has an actual problem. We are talking the idea of kids in the future and he even said he will still do it then bc according to him he can function just slower. Which pissed me off so much. If kids are involved you cannot be high or drunk around them. He admits he could never go to work like this. The future talks bother me a lot but I know it’s not fair to judge him for something that hasn’t even happened. But he just refuses to listen to my concerns about his behavior currently. I don’t smoke or drink a lot so maybe this is normal? But his personality changes so much and honestly I worry about him (and me). Is my relationship toxic or is this just normal?
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lokimaxwell · 1 year
Imma say this once.... I'm really easy to fluster unfortunately. Always have been x.x
With that said... My partner seems to always want to mess with me recently to where I'm a tad jumpy around them and my brain malfunctions with a simple hand moment. They don't even have to touch me and I wind up giggling and or crackling. Low key dying over here-
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sareinadale · 1 year
Death by a Thousand Cuts
𝘖𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘩𝘶𝘳𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴
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Read on AO3
HELLOOOO I have returned with another angsty Helsa goodie!! This time I'm exploring the (possible) end of their relationship after getting into yet another argument.
While it is not as tragic (and glorious) as Requiem writing this one-shot hurts me A LOT because I chose to ground this based on my own experiences as well as highlighting this common problem that many couples face (and sometimes fail), which is communication.
I highly recommend you to play Paloma Faith's Only Love can Hurt like This because not only it served as the major inspo while working on this one, but also the pure angsty vibes it screams.
Anyway, I'll get on the requested fic as soon as I can (I knowwww I obviously procrastinated on that one because I went on and post two separate fics for two separate ships asdfghj). Besides, I have like, what, 5 WIPs to go? RIPPP
As always, I hope you enjoy (and suffer) for this fic like I do because I know I did :') Don't forget to leave a like and reblog here, as well as comment and kudos on AO3!
Until next time <3
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in-justa · 1 year
Sobre otro otoño
Mientras el frío se empieza a colar por la ventana, los gatos buscan el rayo de sol que les acompañe a dormir la siesta, allá lejos, estirados, líquidos aunados con el suelo. La piba se envuelve en una manta que heredó de su abuela y se pregunta por qué. Habla más de lo que dice, generalmente. Sus palabras le siguen anudando los músculos en la espalda, porque el remordimiento es un viejo amigo. 
Cuando aún no amanecía, el cuerpo a su lado resultaba tentador como una promesa, pero al rodearlo con sus brazos recordó que no había dulzura en las cosas que se dijeron. Luego, con el pasar de los minutos todo terminó en el frío, otra vez, de la soledad. En la cama, cebándole mates a la indiferencia o a la tristeza que se acoraza debajo de una expresión de nada. Así han de ser los días de aquellos que no merecen el amor, es lo que pensó, y esa sensación amarga la sigue acompañando ahora, mientras lagrimea, y su pecho se comprime; mientras los gatos se derriten bajo el sol, pero lejos. 
Hace años soñaba con una vida como la que tiene. Una casa, con su jardín, con sus gatos, con su perro, con una persona a su lado. Pero ahora que está en la cama, abrazando la nada se pregunta si eligió bien. Si la persona que eligió es la “correcta” o si fue todo un espejismo que su sediento corazón inventó para atenuar la depresión. O acaso todo este tiempo ella misma fue la persona incorrecta. De ser así, algo intuía desde siempre, con la cabeza gacha en la tierna infancia, sintiendo todo menos ternura. 
Cuando está todo bien la vida parece un sueño. Él la abraza a veces con tanto cariño que le dan ganas de llorar. Las mañanas son dulces, con mate, con silencios cálidos y un eterno deseo de que el momento no termine. Pero la vida no conoce de pausas y el pan se lo gana saliendo al mundo, abriéndose paso entre el frío y la gente. Ella piensa que todo tiene sentido, que encajan como piezas de un rompecabezas.
Cuando todo está mal, empieza con un gesto. Un rostro compungido, unos labios sellados, una pregunta de qué pasa. La respuesta no suele ser bienvenida, porque al parecer hay una etiqueta o unos modos para existir, que a ella le son ajenos. Los sentimientos serán cómodos de ver y oír o no deberán ser. Y así los silencios se hacen más extensos, hasta desembocar en la locura. 
Hay gente a quién acudir. Si. Solo que no hay palabras, ni movimiento, ni fuerza para salir de esa cama que cada vez se siente más como el deseado lecho de la muerte. Y las horas pasan y sabe que dijo cosas que dolieron. El sol sube en el cielo mientras los gatos le piden que los deje entrar. 
 La persona a la que más ames será la que más te hará sufrir. Y se pregunta si es verdad que a él le duele tanto como a ella. Si de verdad será la persona que más ama. Porque sus ojos esta mañana estaban tan fríos como la tierra húmeda al amanecer.  
Desiste de enviarle mensajes a eso de las diez de la mañana. Espera un día entero sin hablar pero ella siente que pasaron años y que todo se marchita, su vida, su amor, su rostro.
Mientras tenga esta intimidad, esta soledad absoluta tal vez sobreviva, por eso renuncia a exponerse por hoy al mundo que la espera, a sus compañeros, a su familia, a la gente en la calle, en el colectivo, en cualquier lugar. Solo la habitación puede ser testigo de ese corazón hecho pedazos que no quiere más saber de culpas ni de desdén. No es la primera vez que sucede, tal vez sea la última y cree que eso es aún más desgarrador.
Sea lo que sea, huele a fin. 
¿A qué?
A que algo termina. 
Su gato está parado en la ventana mirando hacia adentro. ¿Ya paraste de llorar? Si pudiera lo haría, pero sus ojos parecen un río de gran caudal y su garganta solo emite sonidos lastimeros. El gato con sus ojos profundos sabe leer su tristeza y decide dejarla ser, dando un salto de nuevo al verde pasto, alejándose hasta perderse. 
Va a  volver, piensa. Siempre vuelve. 
¿Pero él volverá? 
Cuando por fin sus ojos pueden vislumbrar más que agua, se endereza. Se siente cansada de ser dolor. Se promete ser mejor esta noche o tal vez dejarse morir. Cuando el reloj dé las doce, tal vez se levante a cumplir con cada tarea que se fue juntando. Cuando él vuelva respirará el aliento que emana y verá qué es de su suerte. Mientras tanto escuchará el viento en los árboles mientras su vida se escapa. Es otoño. Otro otoño entre tantos. El dolor que le sigue desde su niñez sigue allí, resonando como un eco en cada rincón de la casa, haciéndola sentir desnuda y herida, apestando su presente y probablemente su futuro. 
Cuando vuelve a pensar en desaparecer otra lágrima cae. 
Huele a otoño, y huele a fin.
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websurferpro · 2 years
I keep waiting for you to text me. I keep waiting for you to prove to me that you aren’t like them but we both know you’re far worse - you’re the worst mistake I’ve made in years.
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glitteryfoxsoul · 2 years
Daily reminder that no one can read your mind.
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savagehardyandfreee · 2 years
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I told him to smile 🙄 @sideburnsandmelancholy​
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wherearethetacos · 2 years
I love my wife and I would never cheat on her. However, lately we've been seriously lacking intimacy in our relationship. And no it's not sex, we have it at least once a week, if not more. But it's the little things. Like cuddling up and just enjoying each other's presence. We have a kid and that can make it harder at times, but instead of taking things slow and just lounging on the couch she's always doing something. I try and help her, when I can, but work a lot and my hours aren't the best, so I like to enjoy my time with my family instead of doing tasks all day.
The other night, the kid was a sleep and she wanted to cuddle, so we laid some blankets on the floor and just laid there. She started to tell me about some issues she's having and I gave her advice and tried to move on from the topic. But she kept going on and on and would not move away from the topic, mind you it's stuff we've discussed and talked about on multiple occasions before. She always brings it up, but never takes any steps on trying to accomplish those goals. And I've offered help to these issues, if I'm able to help, but alas nothing.
So me here laying down next to her wanting to just enjoy each other and not dwell on the other bullshit in our lives, she begins spiralling and the moment is ruined. The intimacy is gone and honestly my passion for her at that moment kind of lessened.
And it's little things that have been occuring lately and I feel as if I haven't been able to express myself to her. And if I am able to get a word out, it feels like it falls on deaf ears. That's probably why I've been obsessed with Tumblr lately. Just vicariously living my intimate fantasies though porn gifs 😅
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heathermorghenstern · 4 months
X: cosa gli diresti se potessi?
Y: che mi dispiace. Mi dispiace se stai male per me, mi dispiace se mi sono aperta così tanto in così poco tempo, hai visto cose di me, hai saputo cose che non ho mai detto a nessuno. Mi dispiace se le mie paure hanno preso il sopravvento e sono più forti di me.
Io ti vedo, ti sento. Ci guardiamo dentro a vicenda come se fosse normale.
Quando siamo insieme non c'è bisogno di parlare. Parliamo per ore in silenzi rumorosi.
Ogni sguardo è pieno di discorsi gridati talmente forti che se provassimo a dargli fiato non basterebbe.
E ti desidero così tanto....desidero toccare la tua pelle, ogni singola parte del tuo corpo, il tuo cuore...la tua anima...questa connessione che sentiamo...è così forte che mi manda in totale confusione. Quando sono con te non sento nulla, siamo soli in un luogo che non esiste e che non ha tempo.
X: ma?
Y: i ''ma'' sono veramente troppi ed ho una paura fottuta di quella parte di te così oscura. La vedo talmente nera che potrebbe inghiottirmi. Per noi vedo litigi, passione, sesso dopo ogni litigio, mani in faccia e pianti. Vedo amore puro, violento, la distruzione di entrambi. Vedo una bellissima distruzione così dolce da lasciarmi diventare polvere dopo un dolore al limite della sopportazione umana.
Tu potresti essere l'amore della mia vita, la persona che è fatta per me in ogni modo possibile e in ogni mondo dove sempre ci ritroviamo e ci amiamo.
Ma non questa volta.
Questa volta voglio stare davvero bene, non voglio più finire in quel limbo senza fine, non voglio più stare così male da modificare la mia vita.
Questa volta scelgo me.
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fucky0u2 · 5 months
my bf just told me he doesn't love me anymore (i asked if i could hold it while he pees)
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starph-ish · 6 months
As I wander around aimlessly looking for you the past month, my mind is racing like the speed of light and is full of things I never even knew existed, my only serious thought occuring repeatedly was that you had given me super powers that day, I was forever tied to your beautiful soul that day. I would never look back 🪐 only forward and of course at your butt ;)
Guys I am trying not to make a big deal out of my babe being in jail but I can't stop thinking about him. It's his longest stay, we've been broke out here and he just now (after a month of being in there) got his money for the books. I SUCK, we both have unstable mental health, and I personally don't have a clue in the world how to be loved, but I am telling you there is no creature to have walked this planet i could ever find more enchanting or beautiful besides my kids. I CANT WAIT TO HAVE A FAMILY WITH HIM
Tonight is our first visit after no seeing each other for a month and I am debating on getting a little paid to bail him out so I can get me some of them snuggles.
So really this post is for the lame gfs like me hanging on by a thread and of course NERVOUS AS ALL HELL to see this man. I can not wait to hear your voice my love. Fahfejalfjlrtjlajad I need to find a good job or something quick. Screw mental blocks.
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micascarvalho · 7 months
Have you already won an argument against your girlfriend ? 🤔😅😂
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thailondon5 · 7 months
Do couples massages help with marriage problems?
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