kammartinez · 9 months
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elmundotlax69 · 1 year
#ConsejoEstatalDeSalud#ContagiosCovid-19#LorenaCuellar El uso de cubrebocas es obligatorio es espacios abiertos y cerrados, la venta de alcohol será hasta las 22:00 horas y el aforo permitido en espacios cerrados disminuye al 80 por ciento El Consejo Estatal de Salud aprobó el reforzamiento e implementación de acciones preventivas para atender la sexta ola de la pandemia por Covid-19, ya que al…
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rikaklassen · 1 month
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Yes, I wish the general public takes COVID more seriously.
Coronavirus is not like the flu nor RSV and we've known about that since MERS and the first SARS. Also, massively disappointed with queer assimilationists since COVID is quite similar to HIV/AIDS and given how the government's eugenicist policies and their anti-LGBT campaigns wiped out many of the people who would have been elders in our communities today. Let's alone the deaf communities with the older generations of sign language folks becoming deaf and multi-disabled because of rubella, which is much more infectious than COVID.
I encourage you to read what Augie has to say since the screenshot is a snapshot of a five-parts thread.
Here is the spreadsheet where Augie took the time to read over 1 500 studies and summarized the findings of about 500 of them: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12VbMkvqUF9eSggJsdsFEjKs5x0ABxQJi5tvfzJIDd3U/
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Bhabinkamtibmas Polsek Pandeglang Dampingi Petugas BIN monitoring Pelaksanaan Vaksin Covd 19 Door to dor
Bhabinkamtibmas Polsek Pandeglang Dampingi Petugas BIN monitoring Pelaksanaan Vaksin Covd 19 Door to dor
RELASIPUBLIK.OR.ID, PANDEGLANG || Selaku bhabinkamtibmas Kelurahan sarung kecamatan majasari mendampingi petugas BIN dalam giat vaksin 19 secara door to door kerumah warga masyarakat, Jum’at, (05/08/2022) Pada hari Jum’at tanggal 05 Agustus 2022 pukul 10.00 Wib sd selesai bertempat di Komplek Saruni Permai kel Saruni Kec.Majasari Kab. Pandeglang, AIPDA Wahyu Sugito bhabinkamtibmas Polsek…
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kizilelma035 · 5 months
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Dünyada adem soyu ile şeytanın savaşı kıyamete kadar sürecektir.
✅19 Eylül 2022, II. Elizabeth'in cenazesi.
✅6 Mayıs 2023, Carlos III taç giyme töreni
✅ 6 ay+6 hafta+6 gün.
Gücün bu tarafında tesadüfler çoktur 666
Gelelim Türkiye'ye
Covd tedavisi yapan hastanelere 666 lira,
Karbondioksit emisyon azaltımı hedefi 66.6 milyon ton,
Gazze'ye 666 ton yardım...
Bir ritüelin kurbanı oluyoruz ama kimseye anlatamıyoruz.
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Brazil, the most anxious country in the world
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The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the biggest public health emergencies faced in the 21st century. In addition to concerns about physical health, the isolation and reduced social contact imposed by the coronavirus brought countless emotional consequences for the world’s population.
Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that Brazil is the most anxious country in the world (2019) and one of the leaders in cases of depression. This scenario has intensified in recent years. A global survey led by the Ohio State University (USA) pointed out that Brazil remains a leader in anxiety and depression rates in the pandemic, with a 25% increase in cases involving these two diseases.
Brazil’s ‘anxious’ scenario is rooted in social differences. A country where many do not have enough income to finish the month, or who work long hours a day, or who live under the pressure of disrespectful goals at work, becomes a stage for uncertainty and emotional insecurity.
This history – accompanied by the feelings of fear, insecurity and anguish triggered by the COVD-19 pandemic – contributed to the growth of psychological disorders. which explains psychiatrist Melina Efraim, a specialist in anxiety disorders. “In addition to the country’s social inequality, violence, the current financial crisis and the era of immediacy that we are living, the pandemic was something unprecedented, which no one had experienced anything like it, at least not in these current generations.”
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thedalatribune · 1 year
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© Paolo Dala
My Postcard Tradition
After three (3) years of COVD-19, I was finally able to travel out of the country again. And one of the things I really miss with traveling abroad is writing postcards... I sent out fourteen (14) postcards during my Thailand 2022 trip! That’s how much I missed it.
Writing postcards is a tradition for me... Years ago, my friends would ask me for Pasalubong (souvenir) when I went on my vacations out of the country. And back then I just started working and I was on  a very limited travel budget. I really didn’t have enough money to buy everyone a keychain or something. So, I decided to write them postcards. It required more effort (writing them and making a trip to the post office) and it takes longer to receive, but they’re very cheap... I then realized that people are happier with receiving postcards than receiving keychains, refrigerator magnets, etc. Some friends even told me that it was their first time to receive a postcard ever and that’s always a very nice thing to hear for the giver.
There’s a very fascinating truth I’ve learned now that I’ve got more money (A little more money than before! Haha. Kala mo  naman ang yaman na ngayon eh noh?)... When it comes to gifts, it’s always better to make one (if you can) than buy one. That’s why people forget you bought them keychains, t-shirts, refrigerator magnets, or food from abroad, but they never really forget that you’ve sent them a postcard.
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piusolbiate · 2 years
EQUILIBRI DI PARTE CORRENTE E GENERALE Anche il 2022 si preannuncia complesso dal punto di vista finanziario per i Comuni a causa dei rincari dei prezzi dei beni e dei servizi trainati dal costo dell’energia (l’inflazione attesa per l’anno in corso e’ pari al 6,8% - Fonte Banca d’Italia). Senza dimenticare l’emergenza COVD-19. In particolare, rilevante è l’impatto dei costi per l’approvvigionamento energetico sulle casse del Comune. Per far fronte a detto rincaro e alle spese dovute all’emergenza COVID, così come consentito in via eccezionale per il 2022, si è già dovuto ricorrere a prelevare fondi dall’avanzo di amministrazione (quota libera) per sostenere la spesa corrente (al momento, considerando le variazioni già approvate e quelle da approvare, per un importo pari a più di 200 mila Euro, di cui circa 130 mila per far fronte all’incremento dei costi energetici relativi soprattutto ai consumi di gas metano). La “parte del leone” nell’aumento della bolletta energetica la fa l’impianto natatorio che registra un aumento di costi atteso, al momento, per più di 100 mila Euro rispetto al 2021 (considerando la sola quota a carico del Comune). Quanto sopra, ancora una volta, va a minare la sostenibilità’ degli equilibri di bilancio per la parte corrente. Non è intenzione di questa Amministrazione, se non costretti, di incrementare ulteriormente la pressione fiscale locale (Addizionale IRPEF, IMU, ecc.). Di conseguenza, qualora la suddetta situazione, così come pare, dovesse proseguire sarà inevitabile, oltre che continuare ad investire nell’efficientamento energetico per recuperare i ritardi del passato, porre mano a tagli di spesa corrente nell’area dei servizi non essenziali che possono essere cancellati e/o sospesi anche temporaneamente senza che si verifichino ricadute importanti sulla Cittadinanza. La TARI continuerà ad essere volta unicamente a coprire i costi del servizio, tenuto conto sia delle novità introdotte per i produttori di rifiuti non domestici, sia l’effetto inflazione sull’adeguamento dei corrispettivi dei servizi previsti dal vigente contratto. Per quanto riguarda la gestione del servizio idrico, passata così come vuole la legge alla società Alfa S.r.l., si attende di conoscere quali saranno e se vi saranno impatti sui Cittadini e sull’Amministrazione, così come più volte menzionato nel passato, che deriveranno dall’allineamento delle tariffe locali con quelle provinciali decise dalle Autorità di settore. Tra l’altro, si è sempre in attesa di conoscere le conclusioni a cui perverrà ARERA a fronte di una verifica effettuata proprio sulle tariffe applicate negli anni passati. Da ultimo, per dare stabilità e continuità alle fonti di entrata, qualora il contenzioso in essere tra la Regione Lombardia e Federalberghi dovesse chiudersi con una sentenza favorevole alla prima, è intenzione di questa Amministrazione introdurre l’Imposta di Soggiorno così come si era iniziato a fare nel 2020. Sul fronte spese correnti, la priorità è sempre quella di assicurare il sostenimento di tutte le spese per i servizi essenziali alla Comunità. In primis quelle sociali che hanno visto nel corso di questa legislatura un costante aumento anno dopo anno. E vista l’attuale situazione economica generale non ci si attende nulla di diverso in futuro. Continua anche la partita per la futura gestione della piscina comunale che, dopo il ripiano delle perdite dovute all’emergenza COVID-19 nei due anni passati oltre a quella registrata nel 2017, soffre ora per quanto già menzionato in precedenza dell’aumento significativo delle spese per energia. Ciò fa si che la stessa stia divenendo sempre più un onere insostenibile per le casse comunali e per i Cittadini in questo particolare frangente. Prosegue la razionalizzazione dei vari aggregati di spesa. Visto l’aumento delle spese per l’energia, vanno in questa direzione gli investimenti in efficientamento energetico al fine di mitigare il costo della relativa bolletta e recuperare i ritardi accumulati negli anni passati. Interventi che continueranno anche in futuro. Infatti, dopo il campo di calcio, la scuola media e il passaggio ai Led per i lampioni e alcune strutture Comunali, si sta ora completando l’impianto fotovoltaico a la sostituzione dei serramenti alla scuola elementare e sono in attesa di possibili finanziamenti statali/regionali gli interventi sulla caldaia delle scuole medie e sull’efficientamento energetico della piscina e della scuola materna. Per quanto riguarda gli investimenti, continua la realizzazione di quanto avviato negli anni precedenti, nonché la ricerca di bandi regionali e legati al P.N.R.R. per il finanziamento di nuovi progetti (es. riqualificazione urbana, piscina, fianchi valle, scuola materna, caldaia scuola media). Il tutto, al momento, sempre finanziato con mezzi propri e risorse derivanti da trasferimenti statali, regionali e oneri di urbanizzazione.
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josephloegering · 2 years
Not just the medications, poison and reduce the body’s ability to fight invading pathogens
Not just the medications, poison and reduce the body’s ability to fight invading pathogens
Not just the medications, but the FDA approved Toxic Poison Drug and Vaccine Additives, and Food and Drink Additives, destroy the Immune System and that reduces the body’s ability to fight invading pathogens
Israeli study uncovers where COVID-19 variants come from By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH - Tuesday
Like the Toxic Poison Beta-Glucans in the Pagans' Yeasts, that causes many of us adverse reactions, just like the Toxic Poison Beta-Glucans in Polysaccharide Encapsulated Bacteria, and other Beta-Glucan Containing Fungi, the Toxic Poison Beta-Glucans in "microcrystalline cellulose" after ingested, penetrating the Mucosa in gut linings, and causing Immune System responses, that just like when getting a Beta-Glucan Cellulose Wood Sliver, causing the Immune System responses to the Beta-Glucans, that cause the swelling in the invaded Body member, and at first does not show up on Blood and Urine Tests, till the Cellulose causes the Immune System to damage Body Organs, that Toxic Poison "microcrystalline cellulose" that is on my Allergy list, in all the Medications that caused Lupus like Rashes, and raised my Antinuclear Antibody Levels, and threw all my Blood and Urine Levels off like an Allergy, destroying my Immune System, and causing divers secondary Infections, and relapses in the Primary Infections, is also in the Toxic Poison failing COVD-19 Paxlovid, that is also causing Dr Fauci's Breakthrough COVID-19 infection to rebound, and will cause him secondary Infections, because the FDA approved Toxic Poison "microcrystalline cellulose" destroys the Human Immune System, so none of their Drugs and Vaccines are Safe and Effective, like they repeatedly lied, politically motivated deliberately falsely calling their scientifically proven failing Toxic Poison COVD-19 Vaccines, and their scientifically proven failing Toxic Poison COVD-19 Paxlovid, safe and effective, and poisoned themselves, trying to poison us with them known FDA approved Toxic Poisons on our Allergy Lists, as Dr Fauci's damaged immune system, is causing his breakthrough COVID-19 Virus Strain to mutate to variant COVID-19 Virus Strains, to infect him, like all the accurate scientific Tests, show that when the immune systems are damaged by medications, and or damaged by them known FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives, the infected develop COVID-19 variants, that some are less infectious, and other variants are more infectious, infecting others with their known Lethal COVID-19 Infections, because the fools tried to make Vaccines, to keep the economy open, instead of making the local uninfected Communities, able to be isolated from the Infected, with scientifically proven US Military Grade Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare Masks, and scientifically proven Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical, Warfare PPE, making them able to keep their economies functioning, while isolated from the dying infected Communities, so the infected dying opposing politically motivated Vaccinators, have no one to blame but themselves, and their own opposing politically motivated flawed and false Sciences.
Paxlovid: Each tablet contains 150 mg of nirmatrelvir with the following inactive ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, croscarmellose sodium, lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, and sodium stearyl fumarate.
Anthony Fauci says that he's experienced a rebound in Covid symptoms after Paxlovid course https://tinyurl.com/4kfjd5wy
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The crumbling failing Wind Turbines and Solar Panels, were a Warming that the Politicians and Medias are suffering from a deadly dangerous Psychosis, but the Gas, and Gasoline, and Diesel, and Oil Shortage, because of their ongoing Pagan Wars, are not the straw that broke the back of the overburdened crumbling failing Nuclear Power Plants, the straw that broke the Camel's back, comes from the Billionaires and Millionaires, and their Paid off Politicians, and the Medias, and their Military Complexes, they cannot get it into their heads, that they need to mass produce Wooden Flywheel DC Power Generators, that run on no Fuels, or Batteries, and DC Machinery, and Tools, and Mobil Dwellings, and Geiger Counters, and scientifically tested US Military Grade Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare Masks, and stop following either side of the opposing deadly dangerous Psychotic Politicians', and Medias', and Doctors', and Military Complexes', following the opposing Dr Fauci's flawed and false Vaccine and Mask Sciences, that because of their ongoing Pagan Wars, is still spreading their breakthrough Virus, and spreading multitudes of other diseases, or they are going to go down in crumbling failing Radioactive Pagan Nations, because of their deadly dangerous Psychosis, overburdening crumbling failing Nuclear Power Plants
The Antisemitic Communist run CNN and their Communist Dr Leana Wen, lying to the Public about the Ingredients of their Toxic Poison failing fraud Pfizer Vaccine, saying it has only one Ingredient, polyethylene glycol, which is not found in Eggs, and saying the truth that it does not affect People that had adverse Reactions to Eggs, and hiding the Truth that their Toxic Poison failing fraud Pfizer Vaccine, has the same Toxic Phosphates that are in Yeasts, and Maize Corn, and Eggs, and Shell Foods and Cellulose, that People have Adverse Reactions to, which is what CNN and their Communist Doctors did to me repeatedly, saying, "Oh, we found some of those Metals that you were taking about, in the Additives, that put you in ER again, so we are getting you one that don't have those Metals in it, " only to put me in the ERs again, and again, with the same Type Phosphates and Sodium Compounds that are in Yeasts, and Maize Corn, and Eggs, and Shell Foods, and Cellulose, that People have Adverse Reactions to, so that all that are disabled and die from the Vaccines, they are guilty of the Assaults and Murders, for saying that polyethylene glycol is the only Additive in their Pfizer fraud COVID Vaccines, when there are Millions of People that have both Allergies and Metabolic Reactions to all the Phosphates in their Toxic Poison Pfizer fraud COVID Vaccines, so that Pfizer says, "If you have had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) or an immediate allergic reaction, even if it was not severe, to any ingredient in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (such as polyethylene glycol), you should not get this vaccine."
The two forms of Benadryl both contain FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives, that are in all the Medications on my Allergy lists, and they caused me more sever Rashes and Seizures, by giving Benadryl to me, for the Rashes and Seizures, that they caused violating US Court and Doctors Orders, with their forced Drugs and Vaccines that they lied saying were Safe and Effective, and said could not cause those things, and said if they caused things like that, they said that they had medications for the side effects like that, and put me in the ER with the Benadryl for the side effects, that the US Court and Doctors used and Ordered, ordering all their falsely so called Safe and Effective Medications, not to be given to me, saying it must be some kind of allergy. But the Allergists say that though it throws all my blood and urine levels off like an allergy, and causes what they called Lupus like Rashes, and Seizures, just like all their Anti-Seizure falsely so called Medications cause, because they all have the same FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives, that raises my Antinuclear Antibody levels, meaning the Adverse Reactions are destroying Vital Body Organs, and causing diverse Polyps, Cysts, and Cancers, but the Allergists say it is not an Allergy, because I produce no IgE Antibodies, and the Orthopedics Doctors say it is not Lupus, because I produce no Smith Antibodies, and they all say it is an Overactive Immune System, and the Doctors that caused the diverse Polyps, Cysts, and Cancers, just keep causing the same Adverse Reactions, saying that their Safe and Effective Medications and Vaccines, cannot cause that, forcing upon me the FDA approved Toxic Poisons that the other Doctors, say that I cannot Metabolize, so I wrote the past five US Precedents, demanding that they fixed their Busted Medical System, and get our Medical Records and Treatments, out of the hands of politically motivated Antisemitic enemies like them running Facebook and Google and their fake Jew US Antisemitic Democratic Zionist Doctors, and their US Antisemitic Democratic Atheist Asian Communist Doctors
Benadryl Each 5 mL contains 12.5 mg of Diphenhydramine hydrochloride and alcohol 14% for oral administration. Inactive Ingredients: Citric acid, D&C Red No. 33, FD&C Red No. 40, flavoring, purified water, sodium citrate, and sucrose.
Benadryl Tablet form Inactive Ingredients: carnauba wax, croscarmellose sodium, D&C red no. 27 aluminum lake, dibasic calcium phosphate, hypromellose, magnesium stearate, microcrystalline cellulose, polyethylene glycol, polysorbate 80 …
You will find polyethylene glycol and many of the FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives in their failing COVID Vaccines, in the things on my allergy list, as far back as 1984, and what they do to me, they say, "Oh, those are old drugs, and old vaccines, our new ones are made better than then, the FDA approved them as Safe and Effective, so they don't cause them adverse reactions, and we are not under that US Michigan Court's Jurisdiction, so we don't have to follow those Court and Doctor Orders," and they use that legalist Political maneuver, to cause me harm, repeatedly trying to force upon me their Antisemitic Democracy that I voted not for, and their Antisemitic Marriage Laws and Policies, saying that we cannot live by moldy old Scriptures, and must be force drugged to assimilate us, into their modern Society, run by Medias and Social Groups, having them force them toxic poisons upon me, and put me in the ERs every time, and like they do to many others, because they are the same FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives as in the 1980s, that I and many others just cannot metabolize, and they nearly kill me and many others every time, and kill many, with the severe Adverse Reactions that a US Court and Doctors, had to order them to stop causing me, all the way back in the 1980s, and because of their opposing politicized flawed and false Sciences, and opposing Political Activists, that just say that they are Professionals, that we must obey, though we voted not for them, as they just keep using their opposing politicized flawed and false Sciences, and opposing Political Agendas, and keep destroying Life, Liberty ad Pursuit of Happiness, doing it, again and again, till they kill us with their politically motivated Medical Maltreatment, and Medical Neglect
Most People that get high Antinuclear Antibody levels, from Adverse Reactions to what they ingest, meaning the Adverse Reactions are destroying Vital Body Organs, they will not know that their Antinuclear Antibody levels are high, till after it starts causing Rashes, and or Lupus like Rashes, because the Doctors don't run the Tests till after you get the Rashes. But by then, your immune system has been destroyed by their FDA approved Toxic Poison Drug and Vaccine Additives, and by their FDA approved Toxic Poison Food and Drink Additives, and your altered Immune System, permanently altered by the Vaccines, will start causing you to have adverse reactions to more and more things, and start causing more sever Adverse Reactions, until it kills you. I had to study what is in everything I eat and drink, stop taking what is in their Drugs and Vaccines that caused the Adverse Reactions to start in the first place
For those of us that got diverse Cancers and diverse diseases, from the Additives in the Toxic Poison failing COVID-19 Vaccines, that were forced upon us in other forced Drugs and Vaccines that repeatedly put us in the ERs, because the politically motivated People suffering with a deadly dangerous Psychosis, trying to force upon us their Antisemitic Ideologies that we voted not for, cannot face the reality that Court and Doctors, have declared that Additives in the Drugs and Vaccines, are Toxic Poison to us, and the politically motivated People suffering with a deadly dangerous Psychosis, criminally violate Court and Doctors Orders, and use threats, and intimidation, and even violence and Censorship, violating of 1st Amendments Rights, to keep disabling and murdering People forcing upon us, their scientifically proven failing Toxic Poison Vaccines and Drugs.
As the politically motivated People suffering with a deadly dangerous Psychosis, criminally repeatedly violating our Rights to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness, like the opposing Facebook and Google and CNN and FOX News, and their opposing Politicians and Doctors, have done repeatedly poisoning us, and causing us diverse Cancers and diverse diseases, from the Additives in their Toxic Poison forced Vaccines and Drugs, that have murdered tens of thousands, besides us that they caused terminal diverse Cancers and diverse diseases'
As the Criminal murderers, running the opposing Facebook and Google and CNN and FOX News, and their opposing Politicians and Doctors, need to be arrested and charged with a Count of Criminal Assault, and a Count of Criminal Poisoning, and a Count of Criminal Murder, for every death caused by their Drugs and Vaccines, that repeatedly put many of us in the ERs, and they need to be charged with a Count of Criminal Assault, and a Count of Criminal Poisoning, and a Count of Criminal Murder, for every one of us that developed diverse Cancers and diverse diseases, after their forced Medical Maltreatment, trying to force spoon us their opposing Antisemitic fake Jew and fake Christian Democratic Political Ideologies, that we voted not for, while to force upon us their scientifically proven Toxic Poison COVID-19 Vaccine Additives, with their politically motivated false and false Sciences, deliberately calling their failing Toxic Poison COVID-19 Vaccines Safe and Effective, which is scientifically proven false Statement, because they put many of us and or our family member in their graves, so that because their died not from COVID19, but were killed by their unsafe and failing Toxic Poison Vaccines, for political gains, they lie against reality, and falsely say that the dead were saved from COVID-19, by their scientifically proven Toxic Poison COVID-19 Vaccines, that poisoned and put them in their Graves, while they keep blocking from us that have not had COVID-19, like Dr Fauci and all their Vaccinated, that deliberately are spreading their known Lethal COVID-19 Breakthrough Infections, so to keep poisoning, and disabling, and or murdering us that cannot take their scientifically proven Toxic Poisons, the opposing politically motivated Vaccinators, just keep violating all our Rights, and block us that cannot take their Toxic Poison failing COVID-19 Vaccines, from what we need to remain uninfected, and repeatedly they Psychotically cause us more and more harm, and or death, repeatedly saying that we must take their Safe and Effective FDA approved COVID-19 Vaccines, that have all the Toxic Poison Additives them already on our Allergy Lists, so that they keep lying, saying that their Toxic Poison failing COVID-19 Vaccines are Safe and Effective, to infect us with their known Lethal COVID-19 Breakthrough Infections, they just keep blocking us from Foods and Drinks, and Medications and Vaccines, that don't have their known FDA approved Toxic Poison Additives in them on our Allergy Lists, and just keep blocking us from scientifically proven US Military Grade Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare Masks, and scientifically proven Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical, Warfare PPE, and deliberately give us nowhere to evacuate to, that has none of their know Infected Peoples, as Nationwide, every State, and every Major City, they spread their known Lethal COVID-19 Infections, like Dr Fauci's known Breakthrough Infection, as their failing COVID-19 Masks will not filter out the Toxic Poison Smoke, from their politically motivated opposing Political Activists, protesting and rioting, and lighting fires and burning the Cities about us, as Nationwide, every State, and every Major City, is fighting recent Fires, and are losing the battle for resources, because of the opposing Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminal Politicians and Medias, and their Antisemitic Hate Crime Criminal opposing Political Activists, and their opposing flawed and false COVID-19 Vaccine Sciences, and their opposing flawed and false Mask Sciences, so that all the opposing Politicians and their Journalists and Political Activists, need to be arrested for their Criminal assaults, and for their Criminal Poisoning and Murdering People, and for their Criminal Arson and Murders
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Bhabinkamtibmas Polsek Pandeglang Dampingi Petugas BIN monitoring Pelaksanaan Vaksin Covd 19 Door to dor
Bhabinkamtibmas Polsek Pandeglang Dampingi Petugas BIN monitoring Pelaksanaan Vaksin Covd 19 Door to dor
RELASIPUBLIK.OR.ID, PANDEGLANG || Selaku bhabinkamtibmas Kelurahan sarung kecamatan majasari mendampingi petugas BIN dalam giat vaksin 19 secara door to door kerumah warga masyarakat, Jum’at, (05/08/2022) Pada hari Jum’at tanggal 05 Agustus 2022 pukul 10.00 Wib sd selesai bertempat di Komplek Saruni Permai kel Saruni Kec.Majasari Kab. Pandeglang, AIPDA Wahyu Sugito bhabinkamtibmas Polsek…
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Digital Transformation in India: Investment Opportunities in Tech and Innovation
Invest in India—these three words reflect a world of future prospects that are not yet materialized. The Indian landscape is on the brink of a million dollar digital transformation, giving investors a golden chance to be part of its growth story. Let’s go into the details of the tempting investment opportunities and find out the ways you can take part in this amazing experience.
The Digital Landscape in India
Digital India is one of the biggest revolutions in India. Of all the countries, only 560 million internet subscribers in India is the highest number with one of the largest and most dynamic digital markets in the world. The emergence of smart-phones, inexpensive data plans and public initiatives such as Jan-Dhan Yojana (which focuses on financial inclusion) have greatly enhanced the pace of expansion. Social media usage is at an all-time peak, and consumer apps are used widely by the Indians.
Where to Invest: Key Sectors
a. E-Commerce and Retail
India’s e-commerce is booming and online buying is to be blaimed for its upsurge. E-commerce platforms, logistics, and last-mile services should be invested in, and they would bring about significant profits. In the same vein, retail tech innovations, including AI for personalized recommendations and payment gateways, give rise to various opportunities.
b. Fintech and Digital Payments
The digital payment infrastructure in India is strong and is changing every day at a fast pace. The government’s initiative for a cashless economy is the rationale for considering startups in fintech, mobile wallets, and payment gateways as strategic options. Take a close look at these ICOs—they’re getting traction in the market lately.
c. HealthTech and Telemedicine
The COVD-19 pandemic led to a surge in telemedicine adoption and prevalence of digital health technologies. Putting money in healthtech start-ups which provide virtual consultation, remote monitoring, and AI-driven diagnosis will be very much helpful for the transformation of the Indian health sector.
d. EdTech and Skill Development
Democratic India’s education sector is ready for a breakthrough. The Online learning platform for offering online courses, skill development and vocational training are also witnessing the hike in demand. Work on the development of innovative learning solutions that will fill in the gaps in the education system and will help millions of people to be empowered.
e. Renewable Energy and Smart Cities
India’s vision for smart cities aligns with sustainable development. Investments in renewable energy projects, smart grids, electric vehicle charging networks, and waste management solutions are not only environmentally conscious but also financially rewarding.
As an investor, consider the following steps:
Research: Research on Indian market, regulations, and sector-specific peculiarities, to be able to navigate them effectively.
Collaborate: Associate with local startups, accelerators and incubators to gain knowledge and access that will help us.
Diversify: Spread your investment among different sectors of the economy for a balanced growth.
Explore investment opportunities tailored to your needs. Contact us for personalized guidance and support.
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pattonsmedical-blog · 2 months
Role and Advantages of Mobile Medical Gas Solutions in Healthcare industries
Role and Advantages of Mobile Medical Gas Solutions in Healthcare industries
The US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) commissioned Pattons Medical to provide mobile acute care units to serve COVID-19 hotspots in the rural USA.
FEMA’s mission is helping people before, during and after disasters across the the USA. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for critical healthcare in rural parts of the country rose rapidly while hospitals were overstretched with COVD-19 patients. Quick to act, FEMA introduced a medical solution comprising of innovative mobile acute care units ensuring healthcare was more accessible to rural Americans during the pandemic.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has predicted that Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) will be the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030. With other respiratory diseases like COVID-19 on the rise, oxygen is increasingly being used to treat patients.
With a CAGR of 8.1%, the medical gases and equipment industry is expected to cross $18 billion globally by 2027, according to CMI.
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FEMA established in 1979 to help in disaster efforts. The agency helps coordinate resources during emergencies that overstretch local and state capabilities. The agency seeks to unify and professionalize emergency management throughout America. To achieve this goal, FEMA works towards empowering everyone with the information they need to prepare for disaster impact.
About 60 million Americans (around 19%[iii] of the total population) live in rural areas, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 
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luiggimessico21 · 11 months
Curso-Taller Virtual:
Sanidad Pública
En el Curso Taller está abierto a todo México y América Latina, con la pandemia del Covd-19 la Sanidad Pública tuvo que ser revalorada en el Sistema de Sanidad Pública, ya que los ciudadanos estuvieron expuesto a posibles contagios y la capacidad de atención a los ciudadanos fue limitada en algunos países; debido a los diseños institucionales, presupuestos públicos, decisiones políticas, presiones internacionales, reducida cobertura a la población, entre otros elementos a considerar.
Inicia el lunes 26 al viernes 30 de junio del 2023, entre las 4 a las 8 horas, por 20 horas, costo 12 mil pesos o 620 dólares (resto de América Latina). El máximo de participantes será 15.
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