mahinhinnnn-blog · 3 years
On Being Nineteen
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by: Mahinhin
            It was a sunny day, first of March. As my eyes open its door, I was greeted by the swirling trees of lansones in the upper right portion of my window. The sky above is too blue, a crystal clear blue, if it is a mirror I might see my zombie apocalypse version. Maya birds are chirping, giving me the morning melody, and in a glance on the hanging plant on the upper left portion of my window I saw the maya bird's nest on the edge of our roof, and I thought maybe I can check it later, eggs might be waiting, it is a very good subject for pictures and essay writing. Not in a moment after I saw the bloom of gummamela in our backyard, I felt my stomach's butterfly flying or maybe t'was my stomach's worm wriggling but it's no important thing at all for I heard my mom's voice, shouting my ever beloved nickname to wake up for it's already twelve noon— I must say my mom is an over individual in this planet, exaggerating things or event is her habit. And why am I typing this non-fiction creative writing? Ah!  The title says "On Being Nineteen", I am reminiscing the first day of March for it was the day I started writing pieces for my upcoming birthday. Since twenty-twenty one appeared in the calendar I am  fancing of how can I turn my nineteen years of existence a productive one. And holloa! I am so engrossed of signs that I even make it as a lucky charm. 
          As I turned nineteen on the nineteenth day of March, never ever in my wildest dream that I perceived a cake in front of me without me paying for that cake. Maybe I am am imaginative individual but my imaginations were always on my room of imagination-- writing, so yeah, you read it right I always imagine but look, the cake from Carlo's Bakeshop whom I always find yummy was right there in front of me on my birthday. The cake, the coke, the ice cream, the carbonara, and of course the gin was in the table. I will always be grateful for the persons behind the simple-surprise for me.
         In addition to this, as a Roman Catholic I completed the novena for the Feast of the Saint whose name was revised a little for me. Imagine how I need to pull my sanity at five a.m. so just I can come on the church right on time-- it was a vain for me, I am not used of waking as early as that, even though classes are normal. And yet, as what the first sentence of this paragraph says, I completed it. My day is Friday, under the lent season, when I thought that I should be fasting and not eating meats I was surprised by the sudden announcement that it's a Feast day so the day survived. I was glad though it's so gloomy that very morning. Well, it was also declared by the Vatican that it's my Saint's Holy Year, I am honored.
         On being nineteen, this girl typing this essay did something incredible for herself, writing a nineteen pieces, waking at five a.m. for ten consecutive days, and being thankful. She never thought nineteen–– her last year of teen age years though under the on-going Pandemic  made her grow up so fast, by mind. 
"𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘗𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘪𝘤 𝘩𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘩. 𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘭, 𝘪𝘵 𝘨𝘶𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦, 𝘰𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘱𝘶𝘵 𝘮𝘺 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘱𝘢𝘱𝘦𝘳 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘧 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮."
crdts to the photo i used from Pinterest.
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hujan-bulan-mei · 3 years
the Beginning
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Jum'at, 5 Feb 2021.
Time for him to go home. Everything was going as it seems, sampai beberapa waktu berlalu ada pesan masuk di telepon selulernya, lalu dia berkata pelan:
Dek, si A positif.
Sejujurnya di masa pandemi covid-19 ini, sudah bukan hal yang asing lagi mendengar si A, B, C.. teman sejawat kami, tetangga, atau saudara yang positif. Tentunya bukan positif yang lain, tapi terkonfirmasi positif covid-19 melalui pemeriksaan usap tenggorok PCR. Kala itu tidak ada pikiran apapun di benakku, karena sebelumnya kami pun sudah pernah ikut tracing alias penelusuran karena ada salah seorang di lingkungan kami masing-masing yang terkonfirmasi. Saat itu hanya berpikir pendek,
yasudah, segera swab mandiri juga ya. di lab swasta aja biar lebih cepat hasilnya.
Hari Sabtu keesokan harinya, berangkatlah suami menuju sebuah lab swasta di daerah jalan Kaliurang, ternyata masih kepagian, harus datang lagi pukul 9-an. Baiklah. Akhirnya swab selesai, tinggal menunggu hasil.. yang karena weekend, jadilah baru hari Senin hasilnya keluar. Yaa Rabb.. lamanyaaa ><
Senin pagi, belum ada tanda-tanda hasil dikirim melalui kontak yang dicantumkan. Akhirnya sekitar jam 9-an saya sudah tidak sabar lagi, kupencet lah nomor kontak Whatsapp lab tempatnya swab Sabtu kemarin, jawabnya sudah bisa diduga: kami cek dulu.
Baiklaah.. melanjutkan pekerjaan di ruangan seperti biasa, ruangan VIP beres, beranjak ke ruang bedah anak.
notifikasi telepon selulerku berbunyi.
Hasil sudah kami kirim ke nomor WA 081xxxxxxxx ya bu.
Itu nomor telepon suamiku. Tidak lama kemudian ada pesan masuk dari suami, isinya file pdf yang buru-buru saya buka untuk melihat hasilnya.
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Laa haula walaa quwwata ilaa billah.
Rasanya denyut nadi langsung meningkat, lutut rasanya lemas. Walau ini hal yang biasa terjadi sekarang-sekarang ini, tapi tidak pernah akan jadi biasa kalau yang mengalami adalah orang terdekat.
Beberapa menit waktu rasanya membeku. Riuh rendah di ruangan bedah anak siang itu rasanya senyap di kepalaku.. baru setelah itu terlintas: oke, jadi selanjutnya adalah mengisi form online tracing internal untuk karyawan, harapannya segera mendapat jadwal swab untuk memastikan keadaan.
Sore harinya, karena sudah tidak sabar lagi menunggu jadwal swab keluar, apalagi di rumah ada ibunda yang punya comorbid diabetes, kami memutuskam untuk swab antigen dulu yang hasilnya bisa langsung diketahui saat itu juga, dan lebih sensitif daripada rapidtest antibodi. Alhamdulillah.. ternyata hasilnya negatif, dan suami pun tidak ada keluhan berarti, hanya kadang-kadang batuk malam hari.
Selasa, keesokan harinya..
Jadwal swab keluar. Alhamdulillaah dapat jadwal swab hari ini. Langsung siapkan baju ganti dan fotokopi KTP. Bismillaah.. sampai hari ini saya masih tidak ada keluhan sama sekali. Batuk pilek, anosmia, ageusia, sesak, demam.. alhamdulillah tidak ada.
Rabu pagi, dini hari..
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Ada pesan masuk dari seorang kenalan perawat poli tempat swab kemarin pagi. Buru-buru saya pindah ke lantai 1 bersama suami, karena di lantai 2 masih ada ibu yg swab antigennya negatif kemarin ><
Masih belum percaya, karena saya benar-benar tidak ada gejala klinis apapun.. alhamdulillah. Siangnya, mbak perawat itu mengirimkan foto hasil swab resmi:
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alhamdulillah 'alaa kulli haal..
Dikasih waktu istirahat dan we time bersama suami sama Allah 🙈 yang mana agak sulit kami dapatkan dalam waktu lama di hari biasa.
Selain itu..rupanya ada efek psikologis positif ketika kami sama-sama terkonfirmasi positif, jadi tidak merasa 'sendiri' dan bisa lebih mendukung satu sama lain secara holistik.. *ehemmm
tapi ternyataa.. sorenya ada berita bahwa untuk karyawan tempat saya bekerja, wajib isolasi mandiri di RS Lapangan untuk OTG dan gejala ringan. Awalnya kami lebih nyaman di rumah dan tidak berpindah-pindah, sehingga kami menunggu hasil swab PCR ibu. Bila negatif, maka fix sudah kami harus ke RSL , sedangkan bila positif, maka mungkin kami akan mempertimbangkan untuk isolasi mandiri di rumah dan harus membuat surat pernyataan.
Keesokan harinya, ternyata hasil swab ibu negatif. Baiklaah.. kami langsung mengisi gform dari RSL, sorenya kami langsung berangkat ke sana naik motor berdua.
Bismillaah..semoga hingga akhir masa isolasi sehat-sehat semua dan tetap tanpa gejala :')
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tyrograph · 4 years
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Truly Terrifying . I’m keeping a comic journal while we are under the distancing order. I have shared the more “positive” ones with my family - the rest I’ll post here, because it helps to have an outlet. . There is no ongoing narrative, the numbers simply indicate the order i made them. . https://www.instagram.com/p/B-qjmqBl4xo/?igshid=12o1nu41rafzv
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hiding-from-senpai · 3 years
Enter the self-righteous christian next who calls Covid a punishment because we have been steering clear from face to face church service.
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laurelrusswurm · 4 years
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Community Garden
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alextsung73 · 4 years
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a walk in the park
one excuse to get out of the house for a non-essential reason is going for a walk. while morgan was working on the walk up window, i spotted a few people playing catch in the park across the street from my house. from a distance of at least 6 feet away, i asked if i could document them. i was surprised to see the park still so populated, but each group still kept their distance from each other. it’s terrifying that people can be asymptomatic and that kids can have different symptoms, so i stayed significantly farther away from the neighborhood kids playing basketball. i also met a dog, milo, and his owner mario.
03 22 20
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goku20193 · 2 years
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#Influenza1918 #BetweenTwoWorlds #ApocalypseOfIgnorance #CovidKarens #StandWithDoctors #COVIDIOTS #HasanOtsmaneElhaou #Pandemics #BlackPlague #StandWithNurses #Covid19GraphicNovels #KarensGoneWild #SethTobocman #JulioAnta #SortOfTogetherAndMostlyApart #Covid19 #GraphicNovels #BrennaThummler #EssentialWorkers #Covid19Diary #Cholera #TamaraTornado #JasonChatfield #CovidChronicles #JacobSalcedo #AComicsAnthology #GraphicMundi https://www.instagram.com/p/CakC-aVlH-lTuNhG3b1nxggtkarBjCGo9AqHSg0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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We landed at the end of January with quite a few luggage of winter clothes, I was 4 months🤰and I thought our stay would last no more than a couple of months. Now, 8 months have passed away and exactly in 1 month from today we’ll fly in Shanghai. We’ve been hosted by relatives, there have been ups and downs over this period and finally we moved in our temporary house. We left in 2, we’ll come back in 3👨‍👩‍👦 and it’ll be a hell of journey, our adventure is still ongoing... but I want to remember these long #ItalianDays like pictured in here, happy and in love😍with my baby during our holidays on the mountains⛰ . . . . . . . . #newmums #newmumlife #teammum #newmummy #myheart #purehappiness #thisislove #coronadiary #baby2020 #firstbaby #gravidanzaaitempidelcovid #newbornbabies #pregnancycovid19 #newbornboy #adorablebaby #newborncovid19 #amorenostro #tantoamore #covid19diary #pontedilegno #sozzinepark #stuckinItaly #italianholidays (presso Ponte di Legno) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE5LEBCh77t/?igshid=1b17pemuv616p
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elmore2nd · 4 years
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#covid19diary https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_WhVGhGc_/?igshid=1obkxivd5t4kg
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the-incredible-bulk · 4 years
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Trust me i am a Doctor when i say this, just wear a face mask, God damn it !!!!! #NewNormal #NewNorm #ProfilePicFor2020 #Covid19Diary #CovidProfilePic (at Olongapo-Subic-Zambales) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCgLpNMF3Cu/?igshid=6o3voflgnzux
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syk0h · 4 years
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May 2020 Acrylic on paper, 149 x 210 mm #art #artoninstagram #contemporaryart #expressionism #expressionismart #neoexpressionism #artbrut #undergroundart #undergroundartist #darkart #darkartists #macabre #morbid #outsiderart #acrylic #acrylicpainting #covid19 #covid19diary #syk0h https://www.instagram.com/p/CCQQpXnFVh3/?igshid=1i6qxgbi1qii7
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waruniblog · 4 years
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Erasing Cultures – Jaffna Library “Books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them as to be as active as that soul was whose progeny they are,” wrote John Milton, author of Paradise Lost, in his 1644 book…
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tyrograph · 4 years
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Interesting Times . I’m keeping a comic journal while we are under the distancing order. I have shared the more “positive” ones with my family - the rest I’ll post here, because it helps to have an outlet. . There is no ongoing narrative, the numbers simply indicate the order i made them. . https://www.instagram.com/p/B-2prFilvJm/?igshid=e4n615e11f1e
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hiding-from-senpai · 3 years
After dozing off from heavy mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, the first post on my real world social media I encounter is the announcement from local authorities in San Fernando advising everyone of another city-based lockdown which was implemented starting last night to 11:59pm of the 18th April. Only basic goods and services and food places (select, for takeout) are open. Curfews are in place, and you'll only be able to get into the city if you live there or have legit business + a negative swab test.
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laurelrusswurm · 4 years
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Working as a grocery cashier, when I couldn’t get nitrile gloves, I started washing and reusing the ones I had.  You need to turn them inside out to dry, and then back again.  Trust me, it is hell.   I was trying to find somewhere to buy them (as our store pharmacy wasn’t able to get them) and someone I didn’t know gave me a box of 100 that she’d been given.  (Through Facebook.) My store provides vinyl gloves which are much less comfortable, hotter and inefficient.  You can’t open a plastic bag with vinyl gloves.  Nor can you get a sticker off it.   Many of the other cashiers don’t wear gloves at all.  I wouldn’t either, except the constant cleaning was wreaking havock on my hands.   A customer pointed out that I should be sanitizing my hands between each customer so as not to spread covid cooties from one to the next.
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alextsung73 · 4 years
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sanitizing groceries
ordering groceries for pickup is a solid method for reducing your level of exposure. very early on, morgan and i went hard on sanitizing the groceries, the car, and any surfaces we touched on the way to the sink to wash our hands. this is our “sanitation station,” an assembly line for spraying down groceries, set up with diluted sanicide and towels. our reserve of toilet paper and paper towels sits proudly in the laundry room.
03 23 20
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