vengergreentag · 1 year
Comedy: Inner Pain
By VeNgeR GrEenTag
Yo... yo to the fucking base it hurts.. Articles Life Stories and worst Masters of pain Life is unbearable terror emotions Make you dead Unanswered calls make you to self-slaughterr yourself TRUTH BITCHES TRUTH BITCHES I started reading this book "Love Lasts for 3 Years" At first Full of wisdom Good read... Started going deep From finger tips sucking up to animals and insects fucking Reached Chapter 50... Abd it just changed It just went whole other fucking way Just B.S. Romance Drama Shit No need for that "On March 10, 2007, Jeni was found by his girlfriend Amy Murphy, a weather reporter, with a 38 caliber Colt in the bedroom area of his California home. Jeni and Murphy had been conversing in bed, conferring their plans for the day, when Murphy left to a kitchen for cooking breakfast downstairs. After a few minutes, she heard the sound of a gunshot, ran upstairs, discovered Jeni’s situation and called 9-1-1. Police and ambulance arrived and transported Jeni to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he died. His family later stated with certainty that the death was a suicide. “According to the coroner’s report released in June 2007, Jeni had a history of schizophrenia and had been taking antidepressants and a sleeping aid. The report further indicated that his girlfriend heard him talking to himself about a week earlier, saying “just squeeze the trigger.”" - This is how comedian go... That's how clown die at first place You just die Being nasty fuck is easy Being a bitch it's another way of wanting attention With looks But bitches one tip One moment you need to slow down and find the best suitable guy... One moment you lose looks Use a Mirror You ugly bitch Use a fucking mirror There are ugly men And ugly women I have solution... Men kill yourself Girls use mirror FOR GOD SAKE YOU DISGUSTING FUCKING Michael Roof, yeah sure everybody is trying to be regular person... Yeah sure Yeah fucking sure Kill himself Knife So . . Sick Covid9 fun fact 1000 dead Fun shit How does people died? Modern Warfare terminated I AM TELLING THE TRUTH SO SHUT THE FUCK UP SHUT THE HELL UP Cool Fact cotton in pill moistures Fake smiles can hurt Okay... It hurts My mom won't approve it... What AM I DOING? WITH BITCH SELF ILL VALIDATED MRNTAL ILL BITCH MENTALLY FUCKED UP SCREW UP DOSGUSTING PIECE OF WHORE CUM PIEVE OF BUCKET WASTED PIECE IF ISLAND YUP IT HURTS SO DOES YOU BEING A CHEATY FUCKY BITCH! You let me inside your home because You are a paragard lefty bitch... Suck that You dumb fucking cunt I had feelings I got hurt So I am all about against females The most fucked gender The most irriatated ...most sex having bitches Yeah females are having more sex than you got hair... Horny piece of fucks Got bodies... So they can do what they ever want Yup Shut those feelings You gonna get hurt Burry it down And hurt others Wreck of shit Piece of shit She said "I am breaking up with you" I started laughing ... NOT REALLY BUT STILL IDEA GOOD IDEA FIGIT FUCK I am a child so does your mom being fucking cunt, I am all the time right.
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fogedbak · 2 years
Freestyle Judo South African Group Alliance & Judo For All South Africa
Unfortunately did not go, but wont miss out on the following one. Looks like a superb expertise. Amazing trip, Well carried out to the Birdlife Africa and MSC team. The service was good, we understood every others wants, though most of time in was busy and not being found telephonically however Kyle would replace me with everything and being patient. I actually beloved the service it was so superior. Kyle Davidson and the Nedbank specialist keep up the nice work. Dispite of the delay because of Covid9 I think about this company Partners the most effective and its glorious service that offers the costumers. It was directed by Kevin Tancharoen and written by Allison Burnett. Debbie Allen, who portrays the school principal Angela Simms, is the one particular person to seem within the original film, the next tv show , and this production. ENCHANTED – A 2007 American live-action animated musical fantasy romantic comedy film, produced by Walt Disney Pictures, Sonnenfeld Productions, and Josephson Entertainment. Written by Bill Kelly and directed by Kevin Lima, the movie stars Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden, Timothy Spall, Idina Menzel, Rachel Covey, and Susan Sarandon. The movie is reside action/animated and its plot focuses on an archetypal Disney Princess, who is compelled from her conventional animated world into the live-action world of New York City. The story follows the historical past and evolution of American R&B music in the course of the Sixties and Nineteen Seventies via the eyes of a Detroit, Michigan lady group often recognized as the Dreams and their manipulative record govt. It is the fourth filmed version of the 1937 film, after the 1954 musical and the 1976 musical. Weighing around 2.3 tons, every satellite is designed to operate for about 15 years. The flexible and modular navigation payload resolution with future development functionality can additionally be based mostly on telecom components for beam forming and signal era. The world of navigation is altering, driven by rapidly emerging and changing user needs , a growing variety of safety threats and the evolution of other navigation methods. The new batch of Galileo spacecraft constructed by Airbus is the answer to this altering context. It will make the Galileo service extra accurate, secure and reliable and adaptable over its lifetime spanning two decades. BirdLife deserves to win this award for giving its South African and worldwide guests a tremendous South African experience. Birdlife Flock to Marion… a as quickly as in a lifetime cruise, which we’d do once more at the drop of a hat. It was an excellent exciting adventure. It is wonderful to see such a proliferation of birds around the Prince Edward Islands……….it provides hope to the means ahead for birds in this ever altering world. This journey must be the “Hero” of tourism for considering exterior the box and enabling strange individuals to experience the extraordinary. Sadly had to miss the trip and promote my ticket. A fantastic expertise, shared with 1500 like-minded people. The lodging was nice, the vibe was nice and the birding was nice. BLSA enabled me to expertise this awe-inspiring pure phenomenon, otherwise solely obtainable to research scientists and their assist groups. This is still on my bucket list. It will now begin at present, when a minimal of four former patients who have been allegedly sexually assaulted by Hough are expected to start their testament. Hough, who was based at Netcare Greenacres Hospital, was suspended from practising by the HPCSA in September after it was alleged that he had touched his feminine patients in an inappropriate method. “To qualify, a patient must have a BMI of more than 40 and will need to present that she or he has tried repeatedly and with out success to achieve weight reduction via a range of means. Patients must be older than 16 and younger than 65. Suitable candidates should be prepared for lifelong follow-up, should be well knowledgeable and motivated and have an acceptable threat for surgical procedure. Following evaluation, patient eligibility is confirmed by all members of the bariatric group,” explains Van Staaden. Well done on your conservation efforts. A excellent trip and all of the more remarkable given the covid situation during the last two years. Hopefully there might be extra trips like this to come back. dr gregory images May you continue to be such an invaluable asset even to the opposite client. Good day Thank you very much for being of help to our small enterprise. Your advisor, Zandile Nxazonke has been professional in her processing of our software.
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ksperrr · 3 years
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COVID9-TINA (Awhora)
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mampirminum · 3 years
Revolusi (dari) Dapur
Memasak sebagai aktivitas dan dapur sebagai ruang bisa jadi lokus dari bara resistensi. Terhadap kelaparan (massal) dan juga pembebasan dari segala opresi. 
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SEBELUM abad ke-19, tidak ada pemisahan pekerjaan antara ruang domestik dan ruang publik. Kebanyakan orang adalah petani, dan rumah adalah pusat produksi. Perempuan dan laki-laki bersama-sama bekerja di perusahaan mereka: di rumah, di area pertanian mereka.
Namun, ketika kelas menengah mulai muncul, para laki-laki berbondong-bondong bekerja pada pekerjaan yang mengharuskan mereka meninggalkan rumah. Di pabrik, misalnya. Para perempuan kemudian berpindah ke rumah-rumah yang tidak lagi menjadi pusat produksi. Mereka melakukan kerja-kerja reproduksi.
Agar perempuan betah, perlu ada bujuk-rayu. Para pemilik pabrik dibantu otoritas setempat menyewa agen-agen budaya untuk menyebarkan pedoman melalui budaya populer; majalah perempuan, buku, juga dakwah agama.
Perempuan seakan ‘tersandera’ dalam ranah domestik. Dalam kasur, sumur dan dapur. Sedangkan laki-laki, yang telah capai bekerja di luar rumah, tak mau mengambil bagian dalam urusan rumah tangga.
Pada perkembangannya, perempuan tidak perlu menjadi "sandera" di dapur, dan memasak tidak perlu dilihat sebagai layanan yang hanya diberikan kepada keluarga inti. Dapur dapat menjadi ruang aman bagi setiap orang, tidak peduli jenis kelaminnya apa, untuk bertukar gagasan dan pendapat sambil berbagi hidangan, berbagi masakan, dengan penuh kasih sayang. Dapur menjadi core dari kolektivitas a la feminis.
“Bahan pangan yang diolah menjadi makanan yang enak dan sehat, dan dihidangkan pada banyak orang, dapat menimbulkan rasa kebersamaan, rasa solidaritas. Sebab cinta datangnya dari perut,” kata Nunuk P. Murniati, aktivis perempuan.
Dapur sejatinya dapat menguatkan kuasa perempuan dalam masyarakat. Memasak sebagai aktivitas dan dapur sebagai ruang bisa jadi lokus dari bara resistensi. Terhadap kelaparan (massal) dan juga pembebasan dari segala opresi.
Sejarah adanya dapur umum sudah ada sejauh perjalanan manusia. Tak terkecuali sejarah kemerdekaan bangsa Indonesia hingga reformasi.
Dalam pertempuran 10 November 1945, Bung Tomo menaruh perhatian terhadap urusan logistik. Sumbangan logistik menjadi penting dalam pemeliharaan moral para pejuang kemerdekaan. Kemudian, para perempuan secara terorganisir atau tidak, berinisiatif mendirikan dapur-dapur umum di sudut-sudut Kota Surabaya dan sekitarnya.
Solidaritas dari dapur juga muncul dalam Peristiwa Jogja Kembali. “Tak hanya laki-laki, para perempuan juga membantu dalam perjuangan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Dalam Peristiwa Monjali, mereka memasak makanan untuk para pejuang. Terutama para tentara Siliwangi yang merantau ke Jogja,” ucap Nunuk P. Murniati.
Dalam sejarah kontemporer kita, Reformasi 1998 juga tak lepas dari adanya dapur umum. Pisowanan Agung di Yogyakarta, ada andil para perempuan yang memasak dan mendistribusikan bungkus makanan untuk massa aksi. Pisowanan Agung sendiri menjadi acara puncak kemarahan warga pada pemerintah pusat. Krisis ekonomi 1998 menyebabkan harga bahan-bahan pokok naik, tak terjangkau oleh banyak orang. Terjadi kelaparan massal.
Dapur-dapur umum lalu berkontribusi mengisi logistik untuk sekitar satu juta orang. Selain mahasiswa, kata Nunuk yang terlibat dalam dapur umum, ada tukang becak, pedagang asongan, buruh-buruh pabrik dan juga petani-petani dari empat kabupaten di Yogyakarta yang menyantap masakan olahan mereka.
Dalam keadaan pandemi seperti saat ini, selain virus, ada bahaya lain yang mengintai sebagian besar umat manusia. Tak lain adalah kelaparan massal, kemiskinan massal, dan krisis pangan.
Karantina atau PSBB yang diterapkan, membuat lalu lintas barang, pangan terhambat, bahkan mustahil untuk didapat.
Tidak banyak pilihan untuk menciptakan, ketika keterbatasan bahan dan pangan menjadi kenyataan di sekitar. Meski demikian, banyak orang memutuskan untuk tidak menyerah kepada lapar tanpa adanya perlawanan.
Muncul dapur-dapur umum dan komunitas. Sebuah ruang yang menjadi sangat vital bagi kelompok warga yang rentan secara ekonomi dan akses. Seperti para penyandang disabilitas, lansia, para tunawisma, pekerja informal, pekerja yang di-PHK saat wabah, para LGBTQ.
Dalam berkegiatan, para sukarelawan dapur umum tak sekedar membagikan makanan. Mereka juga berusaha menjembatani akses distribusi pangan. Dari produsen pangan di beberapa kabupaten terdekat kepada konsumen perkotaan.
Implikasi serius wabah corona adalah memutus (membatasi) lalu lintas perhubungan dan perdagangan antarbangsa. Ia kemudian memberikan kita pemahaman, bahwa selama ini kita begitu bergantung pada pangan impor.
Dalam situasi normal, pangan impor yang tersaji di piring kita ternyata menempuh perjalanan ribuan kilometer dari daerah asalnya. Daging kerbau dari India, daging sapi dari Australia, atau beras dari Vietnam.
Kini, di tengah krisis corona, baru terasa bahwa kita seharusnya mendesain kedaulatan pangan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan primer. Agar berdaulat pangan, pertama-tama petani (dalam arti luas) sebagai pelaku utama produksi pangan harus berdaulat.
Kedaulatan pangan yang hakiki, sebut Khudori dalam esainya “Urgensi Kedaulatan Pangan”, lebih bicara tentang petani, bukan pangan. Maka, kedaulatan pangan lebih tepat dimaknai sebagai kedaulatan petani atas pangan, dari input, proses produksi, sistem perdagangan, hingga konsumsi.
Pada akhirnya, krisis yang terjadi di masyarakat, entah diakibatkan oleh perilaku alam atau adanya ketimpangan sosial, ekonomi, dan berbagai ulah manusia lainnya, mengerucutkan aktivitas dapur dan memasak menjadi persoalan bertahan hidup. Dan ruang tersebut perlu dikelola bersama.[]
Dapur Sembungan Fundrising: https://kitabisa.com/campaign/dapurberbagipangan
Kegiatan Dapur Sembungan: https://www.instagram.com/dapur_sembungan/
Solidaritas Pangan Jogja: https://www.instagram.com/solidaritas.yogyakarta/
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vegannerdgirl · 4 years
hey- that tweet about veganism in the covid-19 pandemic? those arent the expensive items. it’s fresh fruits and veggies and stuff like that. beans and rice really arent the expensive parts of veganism. at least where i live.
That is definitely a problem, but not one caused by veganism. It’s a product of capitalism, environmental racism such as food deserts, and a lack of government subsidies for crops that aren’t produced for animal feed (many governments do this, not just the US).
Yes, there is a problem with food pricing (again, nothing to do with veganism). The purpose of that tweet was to show that a lot of vegan food is cheap and readily available, and the whole “veganism is too expensive” argument is a popular weapon used by many people (including the majority of tumblr) who just don’t want to examine their purchasing choices. They feel better simply calling veganism elitist and classist, rather than seeing it for the expansive and important social movement it is.
Also, just a bit of advice since we’re here, frozen veggies and fruits are inexpensive and pretty much just as nutritious as the fresh stuff. It keeps for much longer and is much more convenient than fresh foods (and you’re less likely to contract E. coli and Salmonella as well since food safety is a big concern).
I hope this was helpful, thank you for sending me a message!
Vegan on a Budget: 17 Easy & Affordable Recipes
Vegan Recipesat Budget Bytes
Meatonomics: The Bizarre Economics of the Meat & Dairy Industries
25 Essential Vegan Staple Foods to Have in your Kitchen
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shriekthemighty · 4 years
I walked into my workplace last night (3/22/20), for the first time since the governor of PA issued a closure on all non life sustaining businesses, to see a plethora of new signs posted. A sign instructing us to sit 6ft away from other employees in the break room. A sign that the company who stocks our fridges with food would no longer be doing so. A sign reassuring us that our continued work was essential to our financial stability and the safety of the country.
But the most interesting was a notice posted in the break room. All caps, bolded, underlined, there was a paper asking every employee to take the two documents offered below, and keep them in their car in case they were stopped by police. The two documents? A printed out email from the CEO of the company, and a letter from the US Air Force.
Both documents did their best to enforce the idea that continuing military operations in the face of a global pandemic was a good idea. One was from a corporation. One was from our actual fucking government. The tone of the letter from the Air Force, in fact, felt almost combative, encouraging companies with contracts to resist orders to shut down by insisting their necessity.
Every time I try to comprehend the situation I’m currently living in, my brain refuses to comply. The company I work for does some good things. They do make parts for medical equipment. (What medical equipment? I don’t know.) But that isn’t what’s keeping us open. We have a letter from the motherfucking air force proving that. Not once has the medical side, the actual potentially saving lives side, been highlighted. Not once has it even been given any real concern. The email from the CEO, the letter from the Air Force, the fact that THOSE things are what we’re supposed to defend our company’s continued operation with just prove that the medical parts are just an afterthought. 
The company I work for continues to operate in the midst of a global pandemic because it has defense contracts with the US government. This is America.
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lanremadiba · 4 years
Hi y'all!
We all know that the world is in a difficult place right now — in a difficult state of affairs. It's a drought at the moment, but we'll pull through these difficult times.
It's a war going on. We're suffering from the pandemic outbreak of Coronavirus. Nobody ever saw this coming. But we're here in a drought. I pray for the world. I pray that this storm is over soon. We are the world. We're warriors. We're used to fighting. We're used to surviving — and we must keep doing just that. We will survive these difficult times. Let's keep our head up high. Protect ourselves and family. Stay indoor. Check up on our distance family, neighbors and friends.
Even in times like these, be productive
Be creative with work. Learn new things. Don't just sit there watching time roll by without planning, learning and achieving in these free times.
Take care!
Watch the kids
Save yourself!
This is Courtesy of Lanre Madiba!
#coronavirus #covid19
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Our Good Friend COVID-19
You head to the grocery store and on your way there, while listening to the radio, your state news source chimes in with the governor’s latest press conference regarding the global pandemic. Shelter in place requirements beginning Friday. Interesting, you think, wondering how on Earth they could possibly keep track of what people do and where they go. You head into the grocery store, only there to grab the bare minimum of your weekly groceries, the things you buy almost every week: a couple packs of meat, a gallon of milk, some frozen veggies, baby food, and maybe some Lunchables to take to work if you’re feeling wild. As you walk through the store juggling your items in your arms (never thinking you actually need a buggy) you begin to notice people looking at you strangely. All of the people around you are wearing gloves and masks of all sorts. You maintain a safe ten plus feet from everyone. You’re careful to not touch anything you do not intend to purchase. Despite following all possible precautions these people are still judging you. Brushing it off, you head to the check out to pay for you items and the employee just gawks at you, remarking, “you came in here for just these??” You look at her strangely, because yes, yes you absolutely did come in there for just those items. “Yeah, what good that shelter in place thing is going to do when people like you are running around buying stuff they don’t need.” You cannot even form a sentence. She doesn’t now what you have in your fridge or freezer at home. She doesn’t know how many people live with you or if you have kids. The lady behind you pipes up, “well personally I have four teenage mouths to feed and I WILL be going to the store when I need to. Please be gracious you have a job as so many people would LOVE to have yours right now. Leave the poor girl alone.” You thank her for her for saying everything you couldn’t, quickly gather up your groceries, and scramble out the door.
Schools are shut down for the remainder of the year. Every business, big and small, are shut down if deemed “non-essential.” You’re one of the lucky few to still have a job during it all. Your husband is not so lucky. His company will lay off 75% of their employees, and sadly enough, will probably go under. 
You have twin daughters, no where near old enough to understand, wondering why they suddenly can’t see their friends at daycare or go to the park with you after you come home from work, not that they mind all that much because they get to spend time with their dad all day.
You worry for the future. Your future, your husband’s future, the future of your little girls. Will the economy come back? Will you lose your job too? If that happens, how will we make it on unemployment alone? Will it all go back to normal in a month or so?
This pandemic has brought out the worst in my community, surrounding communities, honestly the whole country. I pray for everyone who has been impacted by this horrible virus and for all that may be impacted to come. I hope everyone grows to be more understanding, more grateful, more humble, and most importantly, more kind from this whole situation.
God speed,
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grandmastermellemel · 4 years
I saw this on someone’s snap story and had to screen record it. It’s unfortunately way too accurate. Florida doesn’t take anything serious. Not the election. Not hurricanes. Not viruses. 😓
Also why does Home Depor and Lowe’s have lines??? Why are people going to hardware stores when they should be staying their asses at home?
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glamorousplus · 3 years
5 big COVID vaccine myths, debunked
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ordicalder · 3 years
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Códigos Contemporâneos invasão oriental. Há alguns anos os chineses, sulcoreanos japoneses e o pessoal da indonésia, Thailândia e Vietnã.. esses povos utilizavam já os códigos qr e usavam, n sei se todos, as máscaras faciais, o que soava estranho aos olhos acidentais... O que acontece??? www.ordocalder.com [email protected] #contemporaryart #contemporaryphotography #ordicalder #photographyfineart #photographyconceptual #fotografobrasileiro #qrcode #coronavirus #covid9 #cardapioqrcode #contemporarylife #mascaras #masks (em Guarujá, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIA-lYwFslh/?igshid=zpi17xfw51cr
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rutiliocruzgarcia · 3 years
El comienzo..
Nada será en vano cuando habrás ganado experiencia, actitud y sobre todo habrás fortalecido el corazón y tu alma. Ahora es momento de que retomes el camino y valores siempre la vida que tienes, que apesar de todo sigue siendo bella, y que de ti depende el rumbo. Tu Puedes! 
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queenoficeandfire · 3 years
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fangirlfindings · 4 years
Pandemic PSA: Disinfect your phone, it's gross!
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