#cringy shit
7finalgirl8 · 11 months
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I hope y'all missed my frankly stupid and pointless crossovers, because… Slashers/Baseball scene from Twilight.
And yes, for the record... I don't think, like at all... I act… And then cry over the result, ага.
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l3viat8an · 16 days
MC: Happy birthday Levi!! Here's your card!
Levi: Thanks MC….
Levi:*blushing* Did- did you really handwrite "hsdjfkdh ilysm ♡♡♡” ?!?!?!?
MC: I was nervous!- But I meant every word!
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quercus-queer · 2 years
“First Kill is bad” to YOU. It was actually made for ME personally though so shut up. Sorry you can’t appreciate a pining lesbian vampire with a gay best friend that’s ride or die, a lesbian monster hunter with a neon aesthetic and a relationship with her ex, milfs, a complete lack of homophobia, monster hunting, shitty cgi, and cliche romantic tropes queer people never get to enjoy, but me? Well I can because I have TASTE
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whitecrossgirl · 2 years
I just did a purge on my AO3 and deleted fics that I either wrote years ago on ff.net or fandoms that I am kinda embarrassed that I wrote for. It's called growth haha
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ragamuffinmox · 7 months
I wish I wasn't me 😍😍😍
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crunchchute · 1 month
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Sam and Max if they were cool /j
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 4 days
Andrew Minyard puts on his black combat boots and black armbands. He wears his black hoodie because Andrew is not like other boys. His newest teammate Neil Josten has an aura of danger that Andrew knows he is better off not getting close. But Andrew cannot help it. He is like a moth drawn to a flame. Neil’s untamed auburn hair that is never styled yet it is messy in an effortless way and his big blue orbs that must have a lot of hidden secrets. Andrew knows he should not play with fire but with that toned body Andrew minyard can not stay away.
Whatever, not like Neil josten would notice him anyways. He is the outcast in his teams and no one likes him. Neil josten would not care about him.
Imagine Andrew’s surprise when Neil josten joins him on the roof and shares his secrets. Andrew is right, Neil has a very dark past that is even darker than Andrew’s. Neil is involved in the mafia! But because Andrew is not like other boys he does not care and promise to protect Neil even though Andrew probably cannot do anything if anything happens. Neil probably has to be the one to save Andrew.
Neil also turns out to be loaded and he buys Andrew a car when his was destroyed and Andrew cannot say no to a Maserati.
Everyone else on the team is so shock when super attractive good looking Neil josten will choose to be with someone like Andrew minyard but Neil does not care and growls at anyone that says anything bad about Andrew.
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srenorsomethin9 · 6 months
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I just finished making Starlight's Step 2 Bio! This girl's trying to keep it together while dealing with her own shit lol.
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I'm just gonna dump some info about her about her:
She took fencing as her after school activities cuz it looked cool (I dunno if like that even exists in Golden Grove but let me dream lol)
She dyed her hair the same color as her mom's so that it'd be easier to tell she's her child (it got annoying having to deal with people saying she doesn't look like her mom)
She modernized her outfits abit because people kept telling her that she dresses like a person in the 1900s
She's taller than most teens her age & gets mistaken for one of the upperclassmen
She started walking instead of riding her bike in between Steps 1 & 2 because her bike wouldn't be able to carry her fencing equipment
Despite her crush on Qiu, she gets nervous around them because of their cold personality
She realized she had a crush on Tamarack around Step 2 (Asteria already had a crush on Tamarack all the way back in Step 1 but she wasn't sure if it was one since the concept of having a crush with the same gender was new to her)
Fuckin people pleaser lol
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thatuselesshuman · 1 month
when you get bored, you listen to music and stare at the ceiling
When I get bored, I get put on multiple watch lists and get banned in every country south of the equator minus Australia (I'm too scared to touch that fresh slice of hell)
We are not the same
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cryptid-moose · 6 months
I was scrolling through my medibang gallery and I found some Jim/Toby art from June of this year that i feel like i should've posted cause Joby is MASSIVELY underrated ✊
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resident-gay-bitch · 11 months
you can now find eddies pov here :))
this wasn’t going to be easy, and that was a fact.
dustin was already distraught, a blabbering fucking mess for the entire walk from the town centre to the creel house in this slimy godforsaken underworld.
they were already at their wits end, with barely a string of hope left when eddie stepped in. eddie, who was now a bad guy apparently. steve had to tackle dustin to the ground when eddie first swooped in and tried to slice nancys throat open with his claw because dustin just wanted to hug him.
that was hard enough. everything was hard enough. but now steve had to face - and probably be the one to kill because he was the brawn if nancy couldn’t - the very man who had been haunting his dreams for months and led him to ask robin the question of how she knew.
he was… rabid. clothes ripped and clinging to his body in unnatural ways, his hair a fucking wild mess, his eyes glowing red, his skin paler than usual, the tips of his fingers now black and sharp like talons, extra teeth that were far sharper than teeth should ever be, a snake like tongue, wings!, and not to mention he was soaked in blood. he had it dripping from his chin for fucks sake.
whatever that thing was, it wasn’t eddie.
but it was.
so they’d spent the past hour trying to hide and calm dustin and devise a new plan, whilst trying to survive in this hell.
yeah this was going to be the hardest thing steve’s ever done.
he was probably going to die today.
well, if he died at the hands- claws of eddie, then at least he’d be dying with something beautiful. monster or not.
they stepped back out into the road, steve leading the pack and nancy covering the back.
something swooped overhead, casting a wide shadow, and by the break in dustin’s voice, steve knew it was the eddie thing.
he looked up to see the beast pearched atop a stobie poll, crouched with his hands between his feet like an animal, his wings hanging down behind him.
he looked right at steve, and steve felt his heart stop.
covered in blood and fucking terrifying, steve still loved him.
more than ever, actually.
eddie cocked his head to the side, just looking at steve.
steve adjusted the grip of his nail bat over his shoulder, ready in position to swing. he heard nancy cock her gun, he heard mike and dustin grab onto eachother, and noticed el stepping up beside him at the ready.
eddie just sat there. he moved his head slowly forward, like he was trying to get a better look. he was assessing them, probably, figuring out the quickest way to kill them all without getting hurt.
it made steve sweat.
if eddie wasn’t so high right now, steve would just charge and take a swing. get this over with. give the kids the best advantage.
eddie quickly straightened his head out and made a sound. it was a weird sound. sort of like a creepy roll of his tongue and then a click. it sounded far too much like a demo dog for steve’s comfort.
everyone froze at eddie’s sudden moment and then started looking around after he’d made the sound.
had he called for help?
steve clenched his jaw and gripped the bat tighter, eyes fixed on eddie.
eddie raised his wings up high, spread out wide and they were big. like fucking massive. steve was sure one wing alone was longer than he was.
everyone braced for impact.
eddie made the sound again and stood, standing tall atop the electricity pole, and then he made another sound that was more like a birds chirp (if the bird was dying).
and then he moved, and everyone made sudden noise and yielded his weapons but then stopped not a second later.
eddie was falling.
he was just freefalling backwards off the stobie poll with his hands clutched at his heart.
right before he hit the ground, his wings kicked up into action and carried him back up into the air. and once he was high enough, really fucking high, he dropped again.
steve was confused.
eddie dropped and then… oh shit, he wrapped his wings around himself and was fucking spiraling through the air like an arrow, heading straight for steve.
he heard will shout to run, and everyone jumped back but-
steve was on the ground, groaning and trying to fight eddie off who was on top of him, pinning him down. steve didn’t know where his bat went.
eddie was looking at him with wide eyes.
steve’s jumped out of his skin, screaming when he heard nancys gunshot.
eddie made a small sound, a shrill one, like he was hurt.
oh he was hurt.
eddie turned his head and spread out his wing and steve could see a perfect circle cut through it. eddie looked at it, then moved his wing out of the way to scowl at nancy.
this couldn’t be good.
eddie snarled at her, his snake like tongue darting out to his before he was grabbing steve and lifting them up into the air.
steve screamed, he’d never been this high before.
nancy had aimed her gun to shoot again but dustin stopped her, there was a very good chance she’d hit steve if she did.
steve didn’t know where his bat was.
eddie started flying, steve clutched tight in his arms and he had no clue where they were going because he had his eyes squeezed shut.
he was so gonna die like this.
and then they stopped, and steve was being layed down on something… soft?
he opened his eyes to find eddie crouched over him again, his hands between his feet like before, his wings draped down behind him, his head cocked as red eyes blinked at steve curiously.
steve rubbed his head and looked around to find that he was… in the highschool theatre dressing room? he only recognised it because it was a classic in school make out spot.
he was laying on a pile of pillows and ratty old blankets that were piled on top of a few mattresses. pillows, big and small, were piled up even higher around the mattresses and it looked… it looked like a nest.
eddie made the clicky sound again and then chirped happily and crawled away.
steve was beyond confused.
he sat up and looked around.
beside him was an old mangled bear, there was just a pile of flannel shirts in one corner of the nest, eddie’s guitar was leaning up against the edge of the nest wall, there were those weirdly shaped dice dustin always carried scattered around, and… oh.
steve moved a pillow to the side a little to find his old varsity jacket stuffed there. it was dirty and a little wear for tear, but everything was in the upside down.
he wondered why eddie had it.
he moved the pillow some more to find one of his shirts there too. and then he lifted a blanket to find a whole collection of his clothes! a few shirts, a red jumper, three odd socks and one matching pair, a pair of purple boxers, his old basketball shorts, a singular sneaker that matched the one on his foot now, and a yellow sweater that steve recognised as the one he threw at eddie on the boat.
steve pet his own chest to feel the familiar bumps of the pins and patches of eddie’s battle vest laid there.
oh they- they were the same.
they missed eachother.
they barely knew eachother, but they missed not being able to learn.
steve spun around when he felt eddie’s presence again, and eddie was sitting in his same weird stance, but this time right beside steve, his face abnormally close.
steve kinda freaked out.
eddie cocked his head again, blinked those wide eyes that steve couldn’t find scary, even under the red.
steve held up the varsity jacket in one hand and gave it a waggle. eddie looked at it and then looked back at steve, then back at the jacket, then back at steve, and then he purred.
steve didn’t know why it gave him butterflies.
eddie nodded his head forward until his head bumped steve’s shoulder, and then he looked back up with those wide eyes again.
“it’s yours.” steve said simply, tugging at the sleeve of eddie’s vest on himself, “i know, i’m sorry. i hope you don’t mind. it helped ground me on the bad days.”
eddie cocked his head.
“can you understand me?” steve asked.
eddie nodded.
steve was very glad to hear that, “can you talk like me?”
eddie just looked at him.
steve sighed, “i’ll take that as a no.” he hummed, “you have a lot of my things.”
eddie dropped something else on his lap.
their old year book from eighty two. steve opened it up to the page that was indented, obviously eddie looked at it a lot.
on the page was a picture of the swim team, steve posing in one picture with one other guy - the co captains - however, the other guys face had been covered by a cutout of eddie’s face. above it in red sharpie wrote “by the time you graduate, this will be real, and he will be nice and want you back”.
steve couldn’t help his laugh.
eddie crushed on him in highschool?
steve stopped his laughing when eddie made a sharp sound of protest, and steve looked up to see his already wide eyes even wider and… a pout?
oh god, he was making a puppy dog face at steve right now.
god, steve had heard so much about his puppy dog face from wayne, he’d dreamed about being on the receiving end of one himself. and here he was, only it was different now. he had pale skin and dark eyes and blood on his chin.
steve closed his mouth and looked at the pleading expression on eddie's still pretty face, and kinda melted.
"you technically still haven't graduated, you know?" steve found himself saying, and he didn't know why. eddie was technically a demon or something. steve should be running for the hills, but...
eddie made a chipy clicky sound again and then suddenly something wet was touching his cheek and- okay, eddie was licking him.
eddie was liking him a lot, like a dog.
steve laughed and pulled away and smiled at eddie, "licking? really?"
eddie smiled and nodded, shuffled steve back into the steve pile under the blankets and made him rest there. steve did lay, and rest, leant up against the pile of pillows and old clothes. he'd forgoten all about the high stakes of everything, because all he could think about was eddie. eddie here, alive- not really there, but here no less.
eddie shoved steve into the shape he wanted and then grabbed the old mangled teddy with his teeth and crawled over to steve. he dropped himself down heavily into steves lap - causing him to jolt forward and gasp from the sudden weight and pain - and curled up. his wings wrapped around steve, caving him in. eddie nussled his head against steves chest, under the opening of the vest, the mangled teddy clutched tight in his arms, and then he purred again, a big long one.
it was so warm like this.
steve didn't care if eddie wasn't really eddie anymore, because deep down inside, he was still every bit eddie that he could be. it was this world that had turned him into something else.
plus, who was he to judge? steve was a much uglier monster at one point in his life too, bulying and kicking people to the ground during highschool, but he was still good at heart these days. eddie could be too.
he was.
there was no doubt about it.
steve ran his hand over - not through because he physically couldn't - eddie's hair and held him close, and they rested there together for a while, in eddie's home.
saving the world could wait a little while.
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7finalgirl8 · 1 year
Don't worry, he's perfectly fine... Unlike me...
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notwordsspoken · 1 year
I've never been jumpscared this hard a day in my life
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Is this just what I'm known for now
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angele-midnight · 15 days
Why are so many people on Tumblr/Twitter claiming Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss are bad shows??? "They're not mid shows guys they're just bad" can y'all give me one concrete reason they're bad besides debunked "controversies" or things that other people told you were bad about em?
Like I'm halfway convinced all of these people claiming these are such bad shows and are annoyed about em haven't actually watched them - "I don't need to watch a show to know it's bad" pretty sure you do if you want to have an informed opinion, that goes for everything actually.
If you're annoyed by the hype and the fan culture?? That's fine we all got our things but that doesn't make the shows themselves bad I think y'all just like having someone to poke fun of without feeling like a bully and honestly?? That seems like a miserable way to live.
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erinsintra · 3 months
me writing dialogue: “One day, our paths shall cross again, and you will be forced to answer to your actions. You will beg me for mercy, but I will deny you of this privilege. Do not see this as a warning, for there’s nothing you can do to protect yourself from it.”
me writing fight scenes: she hit bad guy with cool magic but bad guy hit HARDER with EVIL MAGIC!!!
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ragamuffinmox · 8 months
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My mindset and feelings about things and people are constantly changing, I don't feel like the same person half the time
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