#cristina monet palaci
One of my favourite cynical yuletide tunes!
[Verse 1]
My mother said, "I'm a survivor
I pull together Christmas every year"
"Something has to last," she said
"Once a year let's have the past"
And then one year to reach up high
To hang an angel from the tree
Became a painful thing
"Besides, she's lost her wing," my mother said
"Things fall apart but they never leave my heart"
Good morning, good night
It's Christmas
"Things fall apart but they never leave my heart"
[Verse 2]
My boyfriend said, "It's really sweet the way you go for Christmas cheer"
I said, "We can't afford the tree"
He said, "Love is free"
So we trimmed the cactus with my earrings that we'd meant to pawn
There wasn't any snow
But there was rain
He licked me like a candy cane
And then one day he said, "I can't stand in your way, it's wrong"
"Way of what?" I asked, but he was gone
"Things fall apart but they never leave my heart"
Good morning, good night
It's Christmas
"Things fall apart but they never leave my heart"
[Verse 3]
The party was a huge success
"But where should we go next?" they said
They killed a tree of 97 years
And smothered it in lights and silver tears
They all got wrecked
They laughed too loud
I started to feel queasy in the crowd
I caught a cab back to my flat
And wept a bit
And fed the cat
"Things fall apart but they never leave my heart"
Good morning, good night
It's Christmas
"Things fall apart but they never leave my heart"
It's Christmas
For those who prefer youtube:
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bitter69uk · 3 months
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Born on this day: totally unique post-punk No Wave chanteuse Cristina (Cristina Monet Palaci, 17 January 1956 – 1 April 2020) who made precisely two barbed, weird and distinctive albums - released by the cutting edge Ze label - that flopped commercially and then retired from music. Cristina’s trademark is setting scathing observations to perky music, and she mostly sings and writes within the persona of a jaded party girl or gold digger (a tradition that dates to Mae West and Eartha Kitt). Self-titled debut Cristina (1980) (reissued in 2004 as Doll in the Box) is her mutant disco album. Lushly produced by Kid Creole, it’s campy fun with Latin rhythm in its hips (if you like cowbell, this is the album for you!), but I prefer the 1984 follow-up, the tougher, darker and more cutting New Wave pop of Sleep It Off. Cristina’s venomous, spikily funny lyrics work as wry poetry already, but then she enunciates them in an alienated, deadpan can't-be-bothered snarl (she has “resting bitch voice”, occasionally punctuated with a Johnny Rotten sneer). Here’s a sampling of her wit and wisdom: “My life is in a turmoil / My thighs are black and blue / My sheets are stained, so is my brain / What's a girl to do?” from "What’s A Girl to Do?" is as lacerating as anything found on Lydia Lunch’s 1980 magnum opus Queen of Siam. “Don't tell me that I'm frigid / Don't try to make me think / I'll do just fine without you / Don’t mutilate my mink” from her punk masterpiece “Don’t Mutilate My Mink”. (In their obit, The Guardian describes it as sounding like Audrey Hepburn fronting the Sex Pistols). Like many abrasive early eighties New York punk funk musicians (see also: James Chance of The Contortions), she may initially work best in small doses and for many may be an acquired taste. But think of Cristina as analogous to Campari – once you acquire that taste, you wondered how you ever lived without it. Portrait by Jean-Paul Goude.
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starrystillness · 4 years
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Very sad to hear of Cristina's death. Annie Nightingale introduced me to Cristina via her request show in the early '90s and I remember it being a total nightmare to track down Cristina’s records in the pre-internet years. I have long considered "You Rented a Space" to be my favourite song of all time. Don't know why, I just like the way it makes me feel. Sleep well, Cristina
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tapill · 4 years
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(via kenneth in the (212): Song of the Day: 'Ticket to the Tropics' by Cristina)
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grupaok · 4 years
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Cristina, Sleep It Off, 1984 (designed by Jean-Paul Goude, soon to deploy the same strategy for Grace Jones’s Slave to the Rhythm).
RIP Cristina Monet-Palaci and fuck COVID-19.
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opsena · 4 years
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Sad and shocked to find out about Cristina’s passing, but unfortunately not surprised... She was battling an illness for a very long time and the way the media is reporting on her death is ghastly and disrespectful to say the least.
Farewell, queen 🕊
Cristina Monet Palaci Zilkha
January 2, 1959 – April 1, 2020
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postpunkindustrial · 4 years
RIP No Wave/Dance Punk Diva Cristina. 
Stupid Fucking Virus
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phonoseduction · 4 years
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cnbnews · 4 years
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好莱坞讨好中共的自我审查对美国经济造成损害。6月30日着名影星李察基尔(Richard Gere)向美国参议院作证。(推特图片)
【希望之声2020年7月3日】(希望之声记者安娜综合报导)好莱坞在过去近十年来为了利益不惜引狼入室,致使西方影片几乎被中国资本(如阿里影业、腾讯影业等)垄断,影片拍摄和制作上也要进行自我审查,受制于中共的意图。好莱坞讨好中共式的合作对美国经济造成真正的损害。6月30日着名影星李察基尔(Richard Gere)向美国参议院作证说,中国对信息和娱乐等行业的审查制度构成了非关税贸易壁垒。
左派亲共思想渗透西方影片   好莱坞道德沦丧   
讨好中共政权  会损害西方经济 
美国信息技术和创新基金会贸易政策副主任奈杰尔·科里(Nigel Cory)警告说,中共的审查制度不但有助于中共执政,还会损害美国经济。“在过去的20年中,对中国的经济利益和对美国的损失已经是可观的,许多美国工业和公司已经损失了数千亿美元的收入。”
好莱坞长期以来受中国庞大的电影市场所吸引。名导演奥利弗.斯通(Oliver Stone)2014年访华时,形容中国电影市场「何止是金矿,简直是钻石矿」。 就这样在金钱的诱惑,和垄断权势的压力下,好莱坞随水推舟的拜在中共的脚下。
中共也毫不客气的对好莱坞收为己有。2012年万达以26亿美元收购美国第二大院线AMC;2016年收购美国另一家电影院线卡麦克(Carmike Cinemas)。同年,万达斥资35亿美元收购美国传奇影业公司(Legendary Entertainment),还和索尼影视达成战略合作,批量参投好莱坞主流大片。2014年,中国阿里影业成立后,投资了一系列好莱坞大IP影片。
好莱坞沦为中共影业代言人 积极自我审查
2012年影片《赤色黎明》(Red Dawn)遭中共抗议后,米高梅公司再花100万美元,将片中的中国入侵者全部改成朝鲜人。而正在拍摄的影片《壮志凌云》(Top Gun续集)中,日本-台湾旗帜被从汤姆-布鲁斯的飞行服上拿掉。
一些好莱坞明星和名流出现举止言论反常:一方面对中共向全世界撒谎,打压人权装聋作哑,但另一方面却对美国议题针锋相对唱反调。如中共病毒蔓延期间,卡卡(Lady Gaga)竟然当众称赞亲共的谭赛德为“真正的超级巨星”。转头又发长文痛批美国总统川普。
3月份中共病毒(新冠病毒,武汉肺炎,中共肺炎)疫情肆虐美国,重创好莱坞。继好莱坞头牌巨星汤姆.汉克斯(Tom Hanks)第一个宣布感染中共肺炎后,多位好莱坞明星陆续宣布确诊,包括演员欧嘉‧柯瑞兰寇(Olga Kurylenko)、伊德瑞斯.艾尔巴(Idris Elba)、克里斯托弗.希夫朱(Kristofer Hivju),和音乐制作人安德鲁.瓦特(Andrew Watt)等。
另据不完全统计,好莱坞至少有11位业内名人感染中共病毒而离世,包括:着名制片人安德鲁‧杰克(Andrew Jack)、男星杰‧班迪特(Jay Benedict)、老牌演员李‧费耶罗(Lee Fierro)、乡村歌手乔‧迪菲(Joe Diffie)、女歌手克里斯蒂娜(Cristina Monet-Palaci)、歌手亚当‧史雷辛格(Adam Schlesinger)、老牌女星朱莉‧本内特(Julie Bennett)、爵士乐传奇人士华莱士‧罗尼(Wallace Roney)、女星兼作家帕特里夏‧博斯沃斯(Patricia Bosworth)、托尼奖得主特伦斯‧麦克纳利(Terrence McNally),以及演员马克‧布鲁姆(Mark Blum)。
《石涛聚焦》「美参议院全票通过-香港自治法案 力图阻止港版国安法」国务卿90天内提供破坏「港人自由与权利」责任者 冻结资产与拒发签证 禁止美国银行向其贷款【韩正栗战书习近平在其中?】
美参议院通过香港自治法案 制裁中共官员
美参议院通过加强版制裁法案 汇丰银行被指或榜上有名
安卓翻墙APP、Windows翻墙:ChromeGo AD:搬瓦工官方翻墙服务Just My Socks,不怕被墙
原文链接:好莱坞讨好中共积极“自审” 李察基尔作证美参议院
原文链接:好莱坞讨好中共积极“自审” 李察基尔作证美参议院 - 新闻评论
本文标签:中共, 中国, 作证, 参议院, 好莱坞, 电影, 美参议院, 美国, 肺炎
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feedimo · 4 years
Cristina: no wave's daring darling captured the beautiful and damned | Alexis Petridis
Cristina Monet-Palaci turned her acid wit to tales of faded glamour and toxic affairs – and became a true pop one-offThings Fall Apart singer Cristina reportedly dies from coronavirusFor a brief moment in the early 80s, ZE Records could reasonably call itself the hippest label in the world, but it was deeply peculiar enterprise from the start.
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source https://feedimo.com/story/87297601
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portinfinite · 4 years
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RIP Cristina (Cristina Monet-Palaci) (January 2, 1959 – March 31, 2020) -- A hugely influential + bright post-punkpop singer, and personal favorite. Rest in peace 💔 #cristina #cristinamonetpalaci #ripcristina #sleepitoff #dollinthebox #
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One of my favourite hilarious, nihilistic and cynical 1981 Christmas/Xmas/Yuletide tunes (released on the ZE Christmas Album first) by the late, great and underrated Cristina (On March 31, 2020, Cristina died in New York at the age of 64 after testing positive for COVID-19.)
Cristina Monet Zilkha (née Monet-Palaci, January 17, 1956 – March 31, 2020),
Known during her recording career simply as Cristina, was an American singer and writer, best known for her no wave recordings made for ZE Records in the late 1970s and early 1980s in New York City. She "was a pioneer in blending the artsiness and attitude of punk with the joyful energy of disco and pop.... [which] helped pave the way for the massive successes of her contemporaries, like Madonna and Cyndi Lauper, and anticipated the rise of confrontational but danceable alt-pop acts..." in a mode that was at once "campy, self-aware, and infectious."
⬆️ Info above and about her passing from her Wikipedia page.
Various articles below ⬇️ on her life and career:
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Images above ⬆️ from:
The 1984 rare music video for "Ticket To The Tropics" from her Sleep It Off album.
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jaynedolluk · 4 years
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tapill · 4 years
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(via Cristina, Cult Downtown New York Singer, Dies at 64 - The New York Times)
“Cristina, a cult singer who brought avant-garde sensibilities to New York’s dance-music nightlife at the turn of the 1980s, died on Tuesday in New York. She was 64.
Her daughter, Lucinda Zilkha Francis, said she had been suffering from several autoimmune disorders, including relapsing polychondritis, for approximately two decades. On Friday, her family learned she had tested positive for the coronavirus.
In the fertile anything-goes downtown New York of the late 1970s and early 1980s, Cristina cut a unique figure — a hyperliterary, well-to-do, seen-it-all performer who taunted club music culture with songs that could be read as wry parody or progressive updates.”
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opsena · 10 years
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opsena · 10 years
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