sky-chau · 11 months
Eyepatch Representation
Hi, as of the time of this post I am 30 degrees crosseyed and I've been wearing an eyepatch for six months or so. In that time I realized just how much representation matters, as unlike being gay or neurodivergent no amount of headcanons can really do eyepatch representation. It never dawned on me how often characters are crosseyed as a shorthand for being stupid. When my animal crossing character wears the "post op eyepatch" sometimes one of the villagers will say "Woah, you scared me there, I know it's just pretend but the thought of you getting hurt like that worries me!" Or something along the lines of. I don't know how to take screenshots on 3DS. And like, that's really demoralizing. The only representation I got reliably was in pirate media. And with Pirate media it's frequently the butt of a joke. Which the longer I think about it the more sad it gets. Like I feel the need to emphasize the fact that despite being an adult I'm getting this surgery in the pediatric ward. This is so common in children that when someone is crosseyed and the general surgeons don't feel comfortable the defacto experts are the pediatric eye surgeons. It's REALLY common for kids to be crosseyed and wear an eyepatch. And I'd also like to point out that eyepatches are typically accompanied by or attached to a pair of glasses. Which is where there's the largest void in representation. I can't make myself in the sims without using the pirate costume which cannot be worn with glasses. And it's just sad because unlike other forms of disability representation this would be a simple matter of adding a new accessory. (Which is not to say that wheelchair users and amputees don't deserve rep in video games like the sims, only that I understand from a developer standpoint why those features are hard to include retroactively.) I've never seen anything where the person with the eyepatch had an eye under it. Kids media could do with this. Heck, I can totally see a show like Arthur making a special episode out of it where Arthur has to wear an eyepatch for a week under his glasses. I forgot what point I was making with the drawing but here it is.
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So I guess TLDR, if you're writing, especially for younger audiences, consider giving a main character an eyepatch + glasses.
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eyealign · 1 year
Analyzing the Differences between Amblyopia and Squint?
Vision problems are common in people of all ages. But people often tend to consider different eye conditions as the same one. And this confusion is very huge when it comes to Amblyopia and Strabismus.
Squint and Amblyopia are two entirely different conditions of the eyes, but may be closely related. So, what is the Difference between Amblyopia and Squint? Well, the differences are many. So, we will start by explaining the conditions first. 
Strabismus is the medical term for the “cross-eye.” It is a problem with the alignment of the eye in which both the eyes of the individual will not look at the same point at the same time. On the other hand, Amblyopia is the medical term for “lazy eye”. In this condition, the eye will not be able to visualize the images accurately. 
The only similarity between amblyopia and squint is that these conditions are treatable if you are under the treatment of an expert vision therapist such as Eye Align. Strabismus is often the common cause of amblyopia. And amblyopia is a common condition seen in people with strabismus. That is the reason why many people think that these two vision disorders are the same. 
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Alternative names
Amblyopia is also known as the Lazy-eye condition. But Strabismus goes by a number of alternative names like a squint, wandering eye, crossed-eye, walleye, and deviating eye. 
Strabismus: Explaining the condition
Squint or Strabismus is the condition where the eyes of the individual will not look at the same place simultaneously. Either one or both of the eyes will point in, out, up, or down. And this condition can be either intermittent or constant.
But this problem will make it very difficult for the brain to process any image accurately. The symptoms can include eye fatigue, headache, strain, and poor depth perception. Also, you may suffer from blurry vision or double vision.
Such symptoms are more common in people who suffer from intermittent strabismus. In such a case, the eye will take turns in pointing at different places which will force the brain to work harder for processing the image. But when someone has constant strabismus, the symptoms will be less severe. The brain will automatically rely on one eye only while processing the images.
The brain will start to ignore the images coming from the misaligned eye and so, there is no effort for combining the two images from two eyes. Squint can be either large-angle or small- angle which implies whether the misalignment is significant or minor.
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Is squint curable?
There is usually a combination of techniques that can help in curing the strabismus. at Eye Align, the Best Squint Surgeon in Mumbai perform the therapy and surgery that will cure squint. 
The surgery will shorten the muscles that will hold the eyeball in place. The process includes severing and shortening the muscles and then establishing reattachment of the muscles at the correct position. 
This will pull the eyeball into the correct position aesthetically. But this will not address the actual underlying problem of squint. 
Vision therapy is a non-invasive procedure to treat the root cause of strabismus. instead of concentrating on just physical appearance. 
Vision therapy is possible even at your home where the doctors will help you to do some eye exercises for different levels of eye focusing. 
Amblyopia: Explaining the condition
Amblyopia or lazy eye is a problem involving the vision development of a person. A person having this disorder will not be able to have normal visual accuracy. Contact lenses and glasses may also fail to fix the issue. 
We often hear people asking, Is squint amblyopia? The answer is no. we have already elaborated on squint. And now, we are elaborately describing Amblyopia. This is actually the effect of squint. when the angle of the strabismus is specifically large, and the condition is constant strabismus. the brain will gradually forget to use the images from the affected eye. 
This will cause extreme weakness of the affected eye and the brain completely ignores all signals from that eye. Essentially, the condition develops when the brain suppresses information from either or both eyes. 
Although strabismus is the chief cause of the condition, there are other causes too like
Refractive disorders, including long-sightedness or short-sightedness
Blurred vision causing deprivation amblyopia. 
Congenital cataracts
You should ideally discuss the condition with the specialists for immediate therapies. 
Treating lazy eye
Amblyopia will never cure itself. So, you need to undergo proper treatment to avoid permanent visual problems. Sring perception glasses can work sometimes and improve the condition. The treatment will be more effective if you combine it with “patching.” 
The doctors will cover the stronger eye in order to focus more on the weaker eye with the problem. The weaker eye will then start to work harder for processing the image. Although this may not treat the underlying condition all the time, it will at least help in minimizing the symptoms. Once the symptoms are under control, you have to continue with the exercises that prevent regression.
Types of strabismus
The doctors will detect the type of strabismus depending on
Which eye is turning
The direction of the eye’s turns
Frequency of turns
Amount of the turns
Whether the turn is the same in all points o the gaze.
The types include exotropia, Esotropia, Infantile esotropia, constant strabismus, intermittent strabismus and many more. 
Types of amblyopia
Suppression of vision of the misaligned eye is the cause of all three types of amblyopia. The slight difference will be in the root cause of the suppression. 
Refractive amblyopia
Deprivation amblyopia
Strabismic amblyopia
The root cause of suppression needs a cure for permanent recovery. 
Meet the best specialists
If you are planning to visit the squint specialist in Mumbai, you need to ensure that you are visiting the best doctor. Unless the specialist diagnoses the root cause of the problem, the therapy won't be effective. Also, the specialist must know in detail about the differences between the two conditions and the inert- connection to make sure that you undergo the most effective treatment procedure. Sometimes laser surgeries may also work. 
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kaid0ku · 4 months
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tomebreakr · 9 months
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hobiesdump · 26 days
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Crosseyed Hobie heehee
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drhdrcia · 3 months
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Dorohedoro s2 announced !!!
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mortysghost · 2 months
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panel redraw!! <3
i tried my best…
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ruthimages · 3 months
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nykadsha93 · 3 months
little piece of trash, I adore you!!
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red-documents-redo · 17 days
Eyeless Jack: me I fought with him.
Rake: me I died for him.
Sally: me I trusted him.
Mark: me I loved him.
Slender: and me… I’m the damn fool that killed him.
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Some guys hanging out
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neekisun · 11 months
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The devil tumor hunter! Sorcerer’s world most feared! CrossEyes boss!
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kaid0ku · 1 month
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chrono-art · 9 months
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Older sketch I did of Tetsujo (♡) before I ruined it with paint
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thenixkat · 8 months
At some point I may have the motivation to write a Dorohedoro au where Kai isn't a teamkilling asshole and my broke anticapitalist murder puppies get to have their happy ending.
I'm still mad at Kai for fucking eating my favorite character! And also what he did to Natsuki, like sir, you are a grown ass entity don't add seduction into yer murder plot for a teenager who already trusts you!
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