#crowbar gaster!sans
nyublackneko · 6 years
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All @junkpilestuff G!Sans-es mashed up with Pokemon!!
It all started with our obsession over Giovanni’s reappearance in Pokemon Ultra Sun & Moon, then things went out of hand...
Elite Four - Stone G, Angry G, Dr G (who’s also the professor who gives out starters)
Modern Mob Don as Giovanni, and Modern Mob Crowbar as Rocket Grunt.
Bonus! :D
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fuzzyredpants · 5 years
Kitty-Cat & Crowbar Rogue - “More cutes!” (Comic Dub / Animation)
Made with permission!
Kitty-Cat & Crowbar Rogue original comic by nyublackneko and junkpilestuff http://nyublackneko.tumblr.com/post/145918490037/ut-mob-other-stories-masterpost
Gaster Sans was originally by the wonderful borurou (http://borurou.tumblr.com/)
Voice actors are G!Sans - sugariris (http://sugariris.tumblr.com/) Frisk - icysnowseal (https://www.youtube.com/user/icysnowseal)
Background music is Dongsong from the Undertale OST, edited by myself into a slower, glockenspiel version.
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bushmonsterr · 7 years
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art raffle fifth prize for @loveedwardlevaincois !! (ृ°͈꒳​°͈ ृ)ु
Crowbar Rogue/ Modern Mob AU - @junkpilestuff and @nyublackneko (i’m not sure tho?) 
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graigoo · 4 years
Jivin’ Bones (Chapter Two)
Summary: The above world isn’t what Sans thought it would be, not that he had ever given it much thought. With all his old friends busy living their own lives, even Papyrus away from home more often than not— Sans is left to entertain himself. Bored, he turns back to the Underground. To the broken machine hidden in the back of his workshop. In the process of fixing it, the machine malfunctions and sends Sans into an alternate world.
Thrust into a harsher reality, Sans must survive long enough to find a way back home… while being pursued by a version of himself that’s all too interested to know who the new skeleton in town is.
Inspired/Influenced by Sooner or Later You’re Gonna be Mine
Pairing: Bara!Mobfell Sans/Sans
Warnings: Mature, Graphic Violence, Sexual Content
                                                Chapter Two
Sans blinked once, twice, looking from the empty bar stool to his own held out hand.
Had that little… no, not possible. It was a well-known fact that Sans was the only monster in all of the world who could teleport. It was a powerful ability that required a lot of magic, more than some puny, calcium deficient looking skeleton could pull off.
The ability couldn’t be called rare, because that implied there were others who had it. Teleportation was a one-of-a-kind type of power that had monsters jumping at their own shadows and turning to look down every dark alley they passed. Just out of fear that the most mobile of the Gaster brothers would be there. The terror he had painstakingly crafted for years around the use of such an ability was a point of pride for Sans.
But if not teleportation, what other explanation could there be for the loud, familiar pop sound followed by the sudden disappearance of the runt? Unless the runt had turned to dust right in front of him out of sheer terror after learning just who he’d been insulting, but as there was no dust on the bar stool; Sans couldn’t think of another explanation.
And sans any other explanation, he would have to accept the most obvious one available to him, for the time being. Could be teleportation was a skeletal ability. There wasn’t a large enough population of them to really know. Only three- now four.
But if the runt had teleported, that would mean….
Why, of all the disrespectful, insolent, downright rude—That little daisy had run out on him!
Sans’ open hand clenched into a fist, the bones pressed together tightly as he shook with barely contained fury.
“That little…” Glaring at where the stranger had been sitting, Sans slammed his fist onto the counter, cracking it. “Grilby, get your flamin’ ass out here!” He shouted, anger burning hot in his chest.
Just wait until he catches that grifter, Sans will show him what comes of taking one of the Gaster brothers for a sucker. He’ll bend those slender fingers back until he hears them snap, and he won’t stop until that daisy apologizes proper for his rude behavior. He’ll—
“You called?” Grilby said loftily, interrupting Sans’ angry internal tirade and acting like a man who’s done no wrong. The flame monster looked around the bar, from the bar stool, to Sans, to the door. A slight smile spreading across the man’s face as he noticed the lack of miniature skeleton in the room.
“Who the fuck else?” Sans snapped. His language always deteriorated with his mood, and right now he was in a real fucking bad one. Called before the sun could even rise about some strange skeleton, only to show up and have the stranger act all uppity and disappear like he had that right. And now this trash was smiling at Sans like he was the one who messed up.
If only Grilby could read a fucking room.
“You lost him,” the flame monster announced, eyes slight in that taunting way.
Sans responded by reaching across the counter, grabbing Grilby by the front of his cheap jacket, and pulling him half way over it to glare directly into the flame monster’s face. He’s not about to be disrespected twice in one night. Especially not by some do-nothing bar keep.
“Might lose somethin’ else if you don’t watch your fuckin’ tone.” Sans threatened
“You can’t kill me, big brother’s orders.” The flame monster smirked at him. But Grilby wasn’t as effective at coming off unthreatened as the little skeleton had, Sans noted. He could see the purple flames losing their brightness, he could see the shadow of fear darkening those lilac eyes. Grilby shook slightly in Sans’ grip, his breathing was shallow and uneven from poorly concealed panic.
Not that he blamed the flame monster. In all honesty, they both knew Sans had killed for less than a little back talk. Just like they both knew, Gaster’s orders be damned, he’d kill Grilby if he pushed the familiar attitude too far. Sans didn’t tolerate flipmouths well on the best of days, and today was not turning out to be a good fucking day.
It was reassuring though, to see that after the disappearing stint that runt had pulled, he hadn’t actually lost his terrifying touch. That little daisy’s nonchalance had simply been a fluke. The knowledge did wonders for Sans’ temper.
His grip on the other’s jacket loosened, but he didn’t let go. His expression shifted from murderous to calculating. Both threatening in their own, unique ways. Grilby might have gotten the point; that he couldn’t talk to Sans like they were anything close to equals. But Sans still needed to hammer that nail in deeper. Maybe splinter the wood in the process, it all depended on how well Grilby understood the deal that was about to be made.
And if it came across as Sans taking his anger at the little daisy out on Grilby, then he had that right too.
He lowered the other monster just enough that his feet touched the ground. Enough that Sans once again towered over him, eyes glowing bright as he regarded the smaller monster with a calm he didn’t feel. The thinnest wisp of red magic beginning to leak out of his left eye-socket.
Grilby gulped and Sans smiled at the sound.  
“How’d you like to lose another bar?” He asked casually, like he hadn’t been a hair’s breath away from ending the flame monster’s life. Sans could let Grilby go now, but even the bravest of monsters lost their bravado when Sans was so close. And no one had ever called Grilby brave. The other’s flame belying just how slimy he really was.
“You… you wouldn’t!” Grilby shouted like a man afraid to raise his voice. “Where else would I go? Wh- where else would you get your mustard?”
Oh, bad move. Trying for sympathy, trying to make it out that Sans needed him in any way. Like he wasn’t some disposable piece of trash that was only spared the compactor because Gaster had taken some small ounce of pity on him. When would he learn things weren’t the same as they were ten years ago? Sans had moved up and on from the days where Grilby could be considered anywhere within the realm of his equal.
“Not my problem,” Sans said. “My problem is your attitude, talkin’ to me anyway you want.”
“No- no I… I didn’t mean—” Grilby began, only for Sans to cut him off with a shake of his head.
“Was losin’ one bar not enough? Gettin’ kicked outta Fell?” They were rhetorical questions, but Grilby still not getting the point, answered anyway.
“It was one mistake!” Grilby began heatedly, like he was about to start up that long dead argument. Like he didn’t already know Sans hated repeating himself.
“Don’t,” Sans warned. “You got off better than ya deserved.” Considering Grilby was still alive, Sans wasn’t wrong. Not that he ever was anyway, at least where trash like Grilby was concerned.
Sans was already thinking about how easy it would be. The bar was old, fire resistant by the same magic that allowed the flame monster to wear clothes. Course a fire would have been a dull way to do it. Fire’s take everything out quick and clean. Good for taking out competition or doing in the businesses that refused to pay their bills, but not when the intention was for the recipient to really suffer. Fires were just so impersonal, a bat or crowbar, however…
Yeah, yeah… even if their conversation went exactly the way Sans wanted, he might send some of his boys back in Fell City down to Snowdin anyway. Have them smash the place up real good. Might actually do Grilby some good. Remind him just low down in the pecking order he was. That the shitty old bar he clung to was a fucking privilege given to him by the Gaster brothers. And they could take it way just as easily as they had his bar back in Fell City.
Grilby has been skating on thin ice for the past three months, and he’s burning through it fast.
“Ya see, my bro only said I couldn’t kill ya, he didn’t say nothin’ about your bar…” Sans trailed off, the amusement he derived from tormenting Grilby slowly starting to creep into his voice. “… Unless ya were to apologize for disrespectin’ me and lettin’ that little daisy go.”
And there it was. If his brothers were to find out about his first meeting with the new skeleton, it wouldn’t be Sans taking the fall for him escaping. Wasn’t really his fault, anyway. Grilby should have known to drug the bastard’s drink.  
“Bu… but I…” Grilby’s gaze darted around the bar, taking in all he had left in the world. A dirty bar with no patrons. It was more than most had these days.
Grilby looked down at where Sans had his jacket gripped, voice soft as he finally said, “I’m sorry.”
Sans grunted.
“… Sir,” Grilby added dispiritedly.
Sans grinned and released his hold on Grilby’s jacket. “That wasn’t so hard, now was it?” He mocked, condescension dripping off every word, chuckling when the flame monster stumbled back from the abrupt release, hitting and rattling the alcohol bottles on his back shelf.
“I was startin’ to think that runt’s bad manners had rubbed off on ya,” Sans continued conversationally.
Grilby didn’t say anything as he straightened his jacket and dusted off his shoulders. Instead the flame monster watched Sans through trepid eyes. Finally, not answering Sans’ rhetorical remarks.
Reaching behind his vest and into his left breast pocket for a cigar, Sans nodded approvingly. Lesson learned; it was back to business. The mark of a professional was being able to turn down the heat after a successful negotiation. Threats would become meaningless if after the desired results were achieved, he went and carried out the threat anyway.  
“Did you know he could teleport?” Sans asked.
“He can teleport?” Grilby simply parroted back, voice still full of that wonderful tamed quality. “That would explain why I didn’t notice him coming into town…”
“So, you didn’t see nothin’ until he walked into this shit hole like it was open for business?” Sans asked, eyes carefully observing the other monster for any signs of deception… or disrespect.
“It is open for business—” Grilby started defensively.
Sans snorted, “course it is, course it is.”
“I… I mean, yes, I didn’t see anything until he was already at the counter,” Grilby said, sounding just the right level of submissive.
Sans reached around to his back pocket to grab a lighter. “And what did the guy want? Couldn’t be your company.”
Grilby sniffed, affronted by Sans’ intentional jab, but too shaken from earlier confrontation to quip back. Good, looked like Sans had hammered that nail in deep. He couldn’t have the guy thinking they were pals just because he made Sans’ favorite drink. Just because, back before Sans’ name meant something, he and Grilby might have been…
Frowning at finding no lighter, Sans checked his other back pocket. Nothing there either. Seemed that in his haste, he had forgotten his lighter back home. Not that the rush could be blamed, after all a skeleton monster was a rare thing.
Though rare as they were, he still hadn’t expected to walk in and see that choice piece of calico seated at the bar looking like he’d just been waiting for Sans to show up and liven up his morning. The strange skeleton had been about as small as a monster could be, looked real fragile too. Not like the usual straggler types Sans came across. The runt had looked so queer in those ugly shorts and slippers that Sans hadn’t known what to make of him. Still, the puns shouldn’t have caught him off guard the way they did. Though, more off putting had been his own reaction to them.
Looking back on it, Sans should have just yanked the little fucker to him and teleported them both back to his place.
“… He did ask for ketchup, if that’s of any interest to you,” Grilby said as he began to shakily put the bottles that had been knocked around back into place.
“Ketchup?” Sans raised an eye-socket, looking down at the half-empty bottle on the counter. It was on its side, having fallen over either when he hit the counter or pulled Grilby over it. He chuckled and reached for it. Such a fruity drink.
“He really is a fruit cake,” Sans said while inspecting the bottle, giving it a little shake.
The bottle should still have some of the runt’s scent on it, meaning he could pass it over to some of Fell’s finest bent cops for inspection. Half of them being dogs, it would be the easiest way of tracking him, not that Sans wouldn’t put some of his own leg work in. Even with Grilby set up to take the fall, if either of his brothers discovered the runt first, there was a chance he'd let something slip. And if his brothers found out Sans had not only been told about a skeleton monster none of them knew, but had also let said skeleton monster escape…
Sans shook his head to lodge the gruesome visualizations from his imagination. Best not to think too deeply about it. He and his brothers had been on… non-too-hostile terms for some time now, and he didn’t want anything to jeopardize that- certainly not some runt of a monster who ought to consider himself lucky should Sans decide not to feed him to the dogs after catching him. Small thing that he was, not like there’d be much to chew on.
Sighing, Sans decided he should finish his business at the bar before his anger could begin fizzling inside him again, a low heat but ready to boil over at any moment, as it was ought to do.
“Ey, gimme a light,” He ordered Grilby with a sadistic smile.
The flame monster’s thin lips tilted down into a hesitant frown, but he knew better than to tell the skeleton no. Without a word, Grilby stepped forward and leaned across the counter, trembling slightly as he blew purple fire onto the tip of Sans’ cigar, lighting it up. Heh, looked like Grilby still remembered the last lesson Sans had taught him.
“Appreciate it,” he said smoothly, bringing the cigar to his mouth and holding it there between his clenched teeth. Sans was a Mafioso, sure, but he still had manners- when they were warranted. It’s what separated he and his brothers from the general criminal population of Fell City. And other, smaller skeletons, apparently.
Though, would the little daisy even be in the city? If he didn’t know who Sans was, there was a good chance he didn’t know Fell was exclusively the Gaster brothers’ territory. Not a crime was committed in that city, not a single weed plucked, without the one doing it stopping to consider if it would land them on the wrong side of a magically sharpened bone.
But if not Fell, where would the stranger go? There was nowhere else to go. The Underground wasn’t the populated place it once was. After the barrier had been lifted, the citizens had rushed to the surface, gasping in the new air like fish that had been held out of water. Sans would have considered it pathetic had he not been right there with them. As it was, there wasn’t anywhere to go in the Underground that a little daisy could be safe. They needed a different kind of light than what the Underground could offer.
No, the runt had to be on the surface, in Fell. Teleportation was limited to the amount of magic Sans could use at any given time, and he’d bet all of his ill-gotten green that it was the same for the smaller skeleton. And there was no way such a tiny thing could carry more magic than him. That meant he had to be up top, probably not far from the mountain. Either already in the city or on his way there.
It was convenient timing, the little daisy’s arrival. What with the elder Gaster brother out of town for the foreseeable future; meant Sans got to deal with the new skeleton his way.
Wing Dings was off in Hotland doing who knew what in the labs, which gave Sans and Papyrus free reign of the city to do as they pleased with it, within reason. Of course, neither of them had any particularly big plans for it. The big plans were always left up to Wing Dings, while Sans enjoyed with the smaller problems in the city. Not because he couldn’t. While their older brother was gone, Sans was perfectly happy to leave the majority of control to the city to Papyrus, who reveled in the chance to make the city more into his image.
Which meant that in the few short months that Wing Dings has been gone, at least three new Italian restaurants had opened up.
The only real instructions Wing Dings had left for them was to continue collecting their protection fees, keep the drug and weapon trade running smoothly, make sure the other mafia families didn’t get too curious about their brother’s vacation, and to report back any suspicious behavior should something out of the ordinary happen. Whatever that had meant.
Now Sans was starting to get an idea. If only he hadn’t been so damn patient with the runt. If only the little daisy hadn’t been so damn funny. Practically a ray of sunshine compared to the kind of folks Sans usually interacted with. Times as they were, every milksop and gadfly was walking around looking like gray was a mood. Who could blame Sans for enjoying a bit of color? Everyone had their vices, and shitty jokes just happened to be one of his.
Sans took a drag of his cigar, lazily blowing the dark red smoke out his nasal concha. It curled in the air and Sans watched it through half-open eyes.
He had wanted to take the little daisy’s hand and teleport them to the top of Mount Ebott, just to see his reaction. It was a rare sight to see a monster without at least one nick in him, even rarer to see him looking all soft and innocent, guarded without really knowing what he was trying to keep out. Made everything he did interesting to look at.
Weird clothes, though. The smaller skeleton had been showing a lot of bone, and while he appreciated the view, Sans had to wonder if it had been intentional. Meant to distract enemies, or maybe the guy was just one of those flamboyant types. Then there were those pink slippers. Pink. On a man! Of all the crazy footwear…
Sans sucked in another drag from the cigar, contemplating his next move.
He needed to find the little runt before people started to take notice of him, and not just because of his brothers’ potential retaliation. Folks were going to assume things, and Sans wouldn’t let the Gaster name be associated with a random skeleton out there looking like some trampy bum.
They had a carefully crafted image to uphold, after all.
With that thought, he turned and walked out of the bar, without so much as a goodbye to its owner. The man wasn’t worth the words, and that Sans turned his back to Grilby was a sign of just how inconsequential a threat he considered the other monster to be.
Sans stepped out of the bar with a yawn and flicked the remnants of his cigar into the snow. He would teach that little daisy to think he could walk out on a conversation with Sans C. Gaster… right after a nap. It was too damn early for this shit.
 ~ Fin
AN: So this was a much, much shorter chapter. I'm trying not to have Fell Sans come out and just info dump everything about this world, but rather have it be revealed organically throughout the story. The next chapter will be longer and back to OG Sans' POV and contain more world building. (i know he's technically called classic, but i like calling him the true OG.)
I'm so glad people are interested and thus far enjoying the story. And as always, continued feedback is appreciated, even (constructive) criticism.
1900s Slang:
Sucker – a gullible person Flipmouth – a person as of and pertaining to backtalk; attitude inflection in voice; disrespectful wording Choice piece of calico – a desirable woman (or monster, in this case) Queer – something/someone that is odd, different, strange or non-mainstream Green – money Milksop – a person who is indecisive and lacks courage. Gadfly – an irritating person or thing
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izumi-ochako · 7 years
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Some old sketches I made un school. Yeah, I like undertale and Gaster!Sans in human version
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askmicrowaveayem · 7 years
MAYEM: The Crossing Pt. 3
[Archive] [Cast]
Kid flinched a little at the sudden intrusion, immediately aware and looking up. He glanced towards Gaster, looking for any sign of what was going on or if there was something they were supposed to do.
Gaster sat up instantly and even Sans stumbled to his feet from his nap.
“Get him to the car.”  He said to Sans, watching as the much shorter skeleton grabbed Papyrus’ hand as soon as he got close, leading him around a pillar before they were gone.
Gaster then turned to the other two. “Neither of you know how to use a gun, do you?”
Kid shook his head sharply. “Sorry. Something else?”
Gaster sighed and pulled out his own before throwing off the cushions of the couch to reveal there had been a few more hiding there.
“Who is ‘they’ exactly?” Goop asked.
“Doesn’t matter. You two should probably hide away in that thing now. You’ll just complicate things otherwise.”
Kid nodded, not letting that remark hurt. His presence complicated a lot.
He took Goop’s hand and entered the machine without another word, trying to pull his double with him.
They’d promised they wouldn’t kill under any circumstance, and it looked like that was going to be what would happen if they hung around.
They could eavesdrop inside.
Goop opened and closed his mouth a few times, looking defeated as he gathered up their things and followed Kid inside, closing the machine up tight.
“... I didn’t make this thing bulletproof. You should get down.”
Once they were inside, away from suspicious skeletons, Kid switched to signing.
The machine wasn’t exactly soundproof, either.
How hard do bullets actually hit??
Still, he did obligingly get down, flattening himself into a puddle with hands on the floor.
Goop just shrugged and sat beside him, sinking his soul low to the ground, wrapping as much as he could around it and holding it tight.
The loud sound of bullets showering through the warehouse came shortly after with no warning.
Kid flinched, the puddle’s eyes going wide as he curled up tighter. Squeezed his eyes shut.
Without his permission, his senses cast around wildly, searching for the familiar soul of a Gaster.
The Gaster was hiding behind their machine, having not had enough time to get behind anything else.
Then he was running off again.
There was distant, muffled yelling. Taunting.
Tried to listen in to the words. Figure out what was chasing him. Followed him. Range didn’t stop expanding, following him.
Goop didn’t notice. There was no real way for him to notice. His own awareness was so exceptionally small all he could do was sit beside his friend and try to listen for anything outside the machine.
Gaster had hidden behind something else. The voices called out for him again, telling him to come out.
Gaster rained bullets on them, managed to hit one in the leg.
The monster screamed and was pulled away quickly by his friends.
Were they running when injured?
Kid listened closer, desperate to find out, thinking he might be able to help after all.
Only once their friend was hidden behind something did they yell again.
You’ve got nowhere to run.
You’re all alone out here.
Gaster fired on them again, but didn’t manage to hit anyone.
Gaster didn’t, but Kid did.
One bone. Sharp and sudden beneath someone’s body. Retreated as fast as it had appeared.
Another scream.
What the hell was that!?
It came out of the fucking floor!
Gaster blinked, confused, but took the opportunity and pulled out from his cover to fire on them again. The monster Kid had wounded hadn’t had time to be pulled into cover, bullets riddling their body while their friends had to dive away.
Kid flinched violently.
Partial EXP distributed to him. Assisted killing.
Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck. Where was the line drawn for that??
Goop noticed the flinch, having been listening but not quite able to make out the words. He quickly signed, ‘Kid?’
Don’t worry. Nothing important, Kid replied immediately, still focusing on the outside of the machine.
Goop frowned and his hands raised to sign something again, to inquired further, but they lowered and he settled again. He had no idea what was going on outside other than there was a lot of shooting and muffled yelling.
The screeching of tires grew closer, a red car flying passed the attackers, narrowly missing one of them before it spun beside where Gaster was hiding. The back door flew open, Sans reaching out and grabbing his father by the arm and yanking him in before the door slammed shut.
Their attackers riddled the car with bullets, although none of them managed to pierce the hull.
Papyrus flinched behind the wheel anyway, looking back at Gaster and Sans to make sure they were both safe inside.
Were they going to run and leave Kid and Goop to fend for themselves the next day and a half?
It wouldn’t be the worst plan. But somehow he doubted it.
He just stayed low as some of the bullet ricocheted off the car, piercing the side of the machine closest to it.
“WHAT ABOUT-” Papyrus began to say, but was quickly cut off by Gaster.
Papyrus didn’t question it, foot slamming on the gas. The car peeled out of the warehouse and shooting out through the gates.
Bullets followed them out.
They’re running, Kid signed, don’t think they’re hurt.
He kept listening. Kept waiting to see if the machine had drawn attention, or if the pursuers were too busy following to notice.
Goop nodded and turned to look in the direction all the bullets were coming from, but otherwise stayed where he was.
Those that had survived watched the car speed off, grumbling and turning to their one wounded, one dead. While one tended to the other, the others started to walk inside and see what they could find.
Kid focused on the one coming inside, staying tense and alert, not sure what they were planning to do now that they had a good sightline of the machine.
As they got closer even Goop could hear them.
“What the hell is that?”
“I dunno.”
Their guns were at the ready.
Goop rippled and silently stood.
How secure is the door? Kid signed.
Whatever those guns could do, he had a feeling it was nothing compared to what might happen if they came inside and saw the pictures he and Goop had of their kids.
‘Secure enough.’ He signed, having been sure to lock it after they had come inside.
One of them reached for the handle while the other was ready to shoot.
It yanked, but didn’t budge.
Goop was already summoning an attack in his hand.
Kid reached out, trying to grab Goop’s hand, shaking his head.
He tried to think.
Fuck, once upon a time he’d have been able to come up with another idea immediately, but right now it was like the first thoughts in his head were all images of the creatures outside impaled and hung up on bones.
He tried to shake that image away.
Just block the door.
Goop looked down, then at the attack in his hand, made without even really thinking about it. He frowned and did away with it.
‘What do we do if they start forcing their way in? They’ll damage it.’
They tried the handle again.
“It looks important, whatever it is. Think this is what they’ve been working on?”
‘Then we stab one in the foot, but ONLY the foot,’ Kid said. He was still holding Goop’s hand. Not becuase he was worried about Goop losing control, but--he didn’t. He didn’t like things being this close to the machine. Not close enough that he could hear them touching it.
‘Just have to delay them a day and a half.’
Goop didn’t seem super confident in that plan, but he honestly wasn’t sure if it was because he didn’t think it would work or… or he just wanted to hurt whoever was outside.
He would… just have to trust Kid.
“Think we can pry it open?”
The other nodded and one walked away to get something from their car while the other peered at the door.
Or we can teleport it??
Kid wasn’t really keeping his head the best, but he was trying to think. He was trying.
That sounded like the best idea.
‘Can you look out and find a decent place to set it far enough away?’
He nodded quickly, closing his eyes and frowning, stretching himself thin, looking for somewhere empty. Far from this.
The city was big and crowded, though.
He kept looking. Other abandoned buildings. A forest. Somewhere.
He heard the footsteps getting closer.
They approached while Kid searched.
One reared back, slamming a crowbar into the edge of the door.
Goop jumped, casting an attack outside under the monster’s foot… and straight through the rest of them.
The crowbar clattered to the floor and the other screamed.
Kid winced again. “Goop.”
He gripped onto Goop’s soul and sent him coordinates.
It took a moment for realization to hit his face, face tugging around the edges as he felt that tiny, tiny feeling of relief.
He… he hadn’t meant to do that…
Goop grabbed onto Kid, grabbed onto the door of the machine, and the world dropped out from under them to land at the coordinates provided.
They landed in a forest.
They had better luck with forests.
It was quiet, without the gunshots.
Kid slumped against the wall of the machine, eyes unfocused and looking nowhere in particular.
Goop hung his head and let his hand drop from the handle of the door.
“... I didn’t mean that…”
He had just wanted to spear their foot but… he had gotten startled. Didn’t know how to reign in his magic to be less lethal.
Kid was not in a place to comfort.
He was still stretched thin. Still trying to pull himself back to one place after searching and paying such close attention to the place right outside the door.
Still, he reached out again, trying to squeeze Goop’s hand. Hold his soul.
Goop sighed and settled down beside his friend.
Didn’t say anything for now, let Kid hold his hand and his soul. He didn’t feel bad about killing the other, but he did feel bad about breaking his promise.
It took Kid a while to come down.
Even once he did, he didn’t say anything.
He just sat beside Goop, still holding him, sighing slowly.
Goop was the first one to say anything.
“... You said they got away?”
Kid nodded.
“...Papyrus and Sans got Gaster out. They weren’t followed.”
“That’s good.”
Goop managed a tiny smile, but it faded quickly after.
Kid watched the smile fade. Reactions still sluggish.
He blinked and looked down at Kid. “For what?”
“About what happened,” Kid said slowly. “...the promise…”
He groaned and rubbed his face quietly.
“...just… sorry about it.”
Goop looked at him, then nodded slowly and turned to stare at the front of the machine.
“... I’ll try to reel in my magic next time. I’m just glad you aren’t mad at me.”
He hesitated, looking up at Goop. “I wouldn’t be mad at you..”
He smiled a little sheepishly at that.
“... That’s good to know.”
He smiled back, a little faint, but as good as he could manage. “...am I really that scary?”
He couldn’t help himself and chuckled a little at that. “You’re the only one aside from the kids that I’ve been scared of upsetting, so… yes.”
Goop hadn’t even been that close with Grillby. They had fights and it had been mended, but… it was never to the point where he went out of his way to make sure he hadn’t upset his old friend.
Kid was different.
He didn’t ever want to upset him.
“Oh..” KId said, looking down a little.
“...I’m... “ he hesitated. “...you know I’m just.. Just because I’m upset doesn’t mean I don’t like you anymore, right? I just... “
He was just an angry person.
He’d just tried to bite down on it for a long time.
...Goop was one of the few people he felt okay being… not perfectly inoffensive with.
He laughed nervously again and shrugged, face a little strained as he looked at Kid. “I guess. I wouldn’t really blame you if you did. I’ve not really brought you the best sort of luck.”
Despite all his confidence it was maybe easy to forget that Goop didn’t think he was a very good person. He thought very little of himself. He wouldn’t blame Kid if he hated him.
He had done really, really bad things.
Kid was still too exhausted to argue that.
He didn’t know what he was going to say.
He sighed again.
...it was a lot harder trying to convince someone of something while being honest than while telling lies. Even lies he believed.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t care about the bad luck.
About always being the one expected to hold Goop back.
He thought about telling Goop about the last friend he’d had, but the words stuck in his metaphorical throat.
He just held his hand tighter and tried to think, mind skittering around.
Didn’t know what to say.
Goop stared at him for awhile. The dot of his eye glanced down at the hand, able to tell it was squeezing tighter even if he couldn’t feel it.
He squeezed back and shifted his body a little closer, even if he wasn’t sure if Kid would appreciate it right now. You didn’t know unless you tried.
The worries he felt were shoved deep into his gut, or where his gut would be.
Kid looked tired. It might not have been the type of tired you could sleep away, but…
At least it would change the subject. Kid would appreciate that, probably.
Kid nodded again, letting Goop shift closer.
He closed his eyes after a long moment, squeezing them shut tight.
“...I know you wouldn’t intentionally hurt me,” he said after a long moment. “And I know if I asked you to change something you’d do your best. But. I don’t want you to.. To feel like you have to change just to keep me around… I’d… hope you knew that I’m not that way I just… I get angry sometimes, and I rage a bit and then I’ll burn out and apologize. I promise.”
Goop smiled.
“... Kid, if I was changing just to keep you around don’t you think I would have accepted your offer to stop chasing? Honestly that would be the best way to stay friends, rather than slogging through this fucking mess.”
He looked down at him, “I am changing for you, because you’re my friend, but not just you. I’m changing for my kids too. Changing for the better of the people that matter to me isn’t a bad thing. It’s not like I’m drastically changing my morals or anything, or who I am.”
His expression softened a bit. “... You are fucking scary when you’re mad, I’ll give you that. But now I know you aren’t just going to… go back to your void, so it’s okay.”
He nodded slowly, curling closer to Goop without opening his eyes.
“...I try to not get angry. I promise.”
He couldn’t get much more out.
“It’s okay.” He was still smiling.
“I’m a frustrating fucker to be around.”
Kid snorted.
“No, I’m just easily pissed. ...I like needling you but, but I won’t if that bothers you.”
“Nah, I like having someone jab back at me. You know how long it’s been since someone had the balls to do that before you came along?” He grinned.
His eyes opened again faintly, smile still small, but definitely present.
“...you seemed like the only one I’ve met in a while who wouldn’t panic when I kept doing it.”
He laughed, “Yeah?”
He nodded back, grinning a little. “Yeah. You know, back when I was alive I’d make a jab every now and then, but usually just kept it all to myself… just… not say it aloud at all. If I did say something too often people started wondering about me, you know? I wasn’t really… no one really trusted me that much. They knew I was a good scientist and they knew I’d get the job done, but… there weren’t really any friends, I guess.”
“Yeah, sounds pretty familiar. I mean I still had Grillby back then but he had moved to Snowdin. We didn’t really keep in touch. It was just me and the lab techs. Usually the most I would do was bark orders at them or call them stupid.” He laughed, “When I did joke it was usually just taken as an insult.”
“You’d probably freeze up if any of them responded,” Kid said, huffing. “...I guess I might’ve been the same if I thought I could, back then..”
He didn’t really think he liked the idea of that, but… but he was also years beyond then, now, and didn’t think Goop would make it a passtime to call people stupid either at this point. Not unless something supremely stupid arrived.
“Or snap at them. I wasn’t a happy camper before the kids.” Goop said, laughing.
He didn’t know that Kid had seen that point of himself.
“... I guess both of us kinda burnt through a lot of our anger.”
Kid laughed a little, a little hollower than he meant. “Yeah. I guess.”
Goop nudged him a little and squeezed his hand a little tighter.
Didn’t say anything.
Just sort of smiled.
Kid grinned a little. Faintly more than before.
“Yeah, you’re right. I’m still burning through it.”
“You are still a kid.” Goop said, then blinked.
“Pretend that was a wink.”
“I’m gonna beat your ass,” Kid said, then gave Goop a look. “...can you not wink?”
“I can if I tried.” He said, opening his usually drooped eye halfway, no light to be seen inside of it.
Then he tried winking that way.
“You should learn how to flutter that one,” he said, pointing to his half-closed eye. “Like a really scary lazy eye.”
He laughed, “How would that be scary? It sounds hilarious.”
“I mean, either way. Do it.”
Goop tried to flutter it.
A few times it got stuck.
Kid snorted again. “How long until the scanner’s done?”
He reached out to grab it. “Should be done by the morning.”
They had a few solid hours to kill.
He nodded. “You have plenty of time to practice. Can I fuck around with your tablet? I’m really done after being in that warehouse so long.”
“Have at it.” Goop handed it over before shoving the scanner and the rest of his belongings back inside of himself after being tossed inside haphazardly.
Kid turned it on and headed right to the latest show he’d been marathoning, settling in beside Goop and leaning on him to get comfortable.
Goop settled his body a little more, head turning to watch the show with his friend, still holding his hand.
Killing a few hours like this would be fine.
One thing was for sure: they passed the hours a lot faster than the last two days in the warehouse.
Even if the final season clearly ran out of budget and was absolutely terrible in a way Kid sort of liked, even if he wouldn’t say it.
They would only have a few hours after that before the scanner would go off. Goop would let himself relax a little after that. He wouldn’t sleep fully, but… he would melt a little and try to rest.
The scanned would beep and he would rouse quickly, pulling it from his chest and looking down at it.
“... Time to go I guess.”
Kid blinked up and looked over, wilting a little at the sight of the scanner.
He closed out the game app he’d been playing and handed it back to Goop silently.
“...you ready?”
“Ready if you are.” He said, taking the tablet and shoving it back into his chest.
Goop stood and headed towards the controls.
“Just don’t strand us,” Kid said, nodding and settling into his spot again, waiting for the jump, hoping this next world would be a little… not this one.
“I try not to.” Goop gave a hollow laugh before the machine jumped.
In landed with the crunch of snow.
As much as he didn’t really try to, Kid immediately started to listen and pay attention to what was outside the machine, signing the information to Goop.
There’s a group of people nearby.
Goop nodded and headed for the door, opening it up, soul wrapped tightly by his void.
Their machine had landed behind a very familiar looking house in Snowdin.
He stared at it like he hadn’t seen it in forever before stepping into the snow and looking up.
A cave ceiling high, high above them.
It looked like his kid’s house.
It… sort of looked like his kid’s house.
There was something a little different about it that he couldn’t put his finger on, but…
...it was good to know that at least one Gaster had made it to Snowdin, apparently. Unless this Underground was all secretly murderers or something.
...Maybe he was taking the dangerous worlds closer to heart than he’d like to admit.
All the same, he edged outside with Goop, looking around, glancing around where he’d noticed the people and found himself looking out at Grillby’s, where a group of people were out back, cackling, and a figure was shuffling through the dark towards them.
Goop watched the figure shuffle towards them and… and he was taking those violent worlds to heart too.
A hand reached out, slowly taking Kid’s shoulder just enough to put himself in front of him a little.
Just in case.
The figure kept coming closer, but as they did it became clear that they were… stumbling.
“Heeey!!” the figure said, “What’re you doing in my yard…?”
...despite the volume of the voice, the Gaster standing in front of them seemed…. More confused than anything.
Goop narrowed his eye.
Was he… was he drunk?
… He liked this world already.
“Uhhh… making snow angels.”
Another flawless execution.
The Gaster stared at them for a long moment, blinking. “....th’ fuck is an angel…?”
He shook his head and kept walking. “Neither of you… neither of you are dressed to be outside… no common sense….”
He started waving to them like he expected them to follow.
Goop looked down at Kid.
‘... We following?’
He quickly pulled out the scanner and started it while the other Gaster’s back was turned.
Kid shrugged helplessly, and then immediately started following.
Mostly because the Gaster was halfway through a screen door, saying, “Hurry up, slowbones! You’ll catch your death out there. Cheeze.”
Goop quickly ducked back into the machine to pull out the chip, shoving it in himself before jogging after Kid and the… drunk Gaster?
That Gaster ushered them into the house and immediately started levitating things around the kitchen, warming up hot water and shuffling to a closet in the livingroom hallway, pulling out blankets and pointing mutely at the couch.
“Th’ babybones are sleepin’, so don’t go making a ton of noise,” he said, voice a whisper, right as the kettle started whistling.
He cursed very quietly, hurrying to go take it off the heat.
Goop just sort of… gave him a thumbs up, took the blankets, and sat down on the couch.
He could spend three days with this guy.
It was a lot fucking better than the previous worlds.
Kid just sort of followed Goop’s lead, not at all expecting this kind of welcome. If it was a welcome?
He wasn’t really sure what to call it when a drunk man invited you into his house and made you sit under a lot of blankets because he thought you were too cold.
One of the blankets was nice and heavy, though.
He, uh. He didn’t have any complaints about curling up under it. Not even when the Gaster returned a few minutes later with two mugs of coffee, still blinking and squinting at them a bit.
Up close, Kid realized this skeleton appeared fairly old. His bones were brittle and faintly chipped. He looked older than Goop had at a thousand, that was for sure.
Goop took the mugs of coffee offered and gave one to Kid for appearances.
“Thank you.”
He wondered if this skeleton had adult children or if aging just worked differently in this world.
The skeleton nodded and patted both their heads, stumbling towards the staircase and upstairs without another word.
Just leaving two complete strangers on his couch.
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hologram-archangel · 7 years
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“Hey there Kitty-Cat, are you just /hanging/ out?”
Don’t mind me I’m just fan-girling.
(And posting on a phone doesn’t allow me to italicize words. =_=)
Crowbar Gaster!Sans @junkpilestuff Original G!sans by Borurou
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snapfoo · 7 years
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I couldn't decide which one i liked the most so here have all four.
OKAY SO WE GOT A FEW PEOPLE TO THANK FOR THIS ONE! @Borurou For creating a unique and wonderful character such as Original Gaster!Sans.
@stone-faced-asshole and @junkpilestuff Stone G!Sans is the the main inspiration of this piece and the reference picture I used for many details. I love this version of the guy and all his sad, wonderful, grumpy glory. I wanna hug him dearly and give him some good cigs and a nice day off from stress cause god does he deserve it.
@nyublackneko Don G and Crowbar (and kitty) are some of my favorites for all their adorable adventures that they have together. I look forward to each one and they make me smile so very very much. Thank you for adding such a wonderful twist to an already great character!
@elicitsins / @sialyxz
Thiede and Vagranttale has a specail place in my heart and I loved going to the streams to watch you draw and talk about this character so much. I learned a great deal from watching the way you color and draw and hope that i can apply what i've learned to my own art in my own way. Thank you for being a wonderful and inspirational artist, please keep doing the best you can and have fun while doing it!
and finally @meammy84124 Their style of undertale art really inspired me to switch up how I draw the skeleton brothers to make them look more 'monstrous' and less squishy and cute (though i still adore both styles) I love the unique look and plan to push my own style towards something similar to see if I can come up with something interesting. I know it will never be quite as good as their style, but that is alright with me as it will be a style i craft of my own design. Thank you for a wonderful imagination and your beautiful artistic talent. Keep shining and drawing and doing what you love to do!
Thanks to all of yall for inspiration and art! Keep being awesome people!
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drdedd0c · 7 years
Zombietale: Chapter 2
Ch 2 How The Actions Change History
4 Days Pass After The Incident Happened, The Situation At The House Is Looking Rather Normal, The Family Were Watching The Perimeter And Alaron Smith, Was Tinkering With A Radio He Found After A Scavenging, He Was Trying To See If He Can Get Into Contact With Any Military, Police, Or At Least Survivors But Manages To Find Nothing, Sans And Frisk Were On A Scavenging Run, Toriel Was Sitting While Reading Having A Modified Sledgehammer Alaron Made By Her Side. It Had A Highly Flammable Cloth And A Lighter By It Ready To Ignite The Cloth, Asgore Was Watching The Perimeter, Adrian And Jason Were Eating Food And Drinking Water Even Sharpening Some Sharp Weapons, Undyne Was With Alphys Looking At A Map To See If There Was A Lab Somewhere In Toronto, Gaster And Papyrus Were Seeing If Any Known Virus Would Match The Current One But None Have Been Traced, Finally Sans And Frisk Came Back With A Few Firearms Which Were Small Such As 2:AR 7s 1:Revolver And 2:Colt 1911s “We Found These At A Gun Store, They’re Possibly Useful” “But We Can’t Use Them Unless We Find Suppressors As Those Biters Are Attracted To Noise” Frisk Said “How Do You Know For Certain Child?” Toriel Said As She Turned To Frisk “Well I Accidently Set Off A Car And All The Dead In The Area Came After It So I Think They Know Sound Could Mean Rather Humans Or Monsters Are At The Sound” “Hmm Nice Sight Frisk, Maybe Keep It In Mind Incase You Encounter Those Things” “Actually I Have A Notebook That I Write Designs And Reminders In, Like Appearance, Or What I Just Mentioned” Soon Something Knocks On The Front “Guys Monster Teen Is Outside” Asgore Says Letting Him In “Monster Teen! You Ok Sweetheart? You Know It’s Dangerous Out There! Even For Someone Without Arms!” Frisk Said Hugging Him “Yeah I Know But I Came To See If You Were Ok, My Parents Just Said Stay Home And I Did, Thing Is They Never Came Back, I Fear They Got Bitten Or Worse” Monster Teen Said “I’m Just Glad You’re Here And Safe” Both Monster Teen And Frisk Hug “Hey Monster Teen? May I Ask Something?” “What Is It?” “Well Are You Exactly Certain About Your Parents Well Being Or Just Snuck Out The Window?” “No They Haven’t Came Back Still, So i Just Came To You Guys Because I Didn’t Want To Be Alone Or Frisk To Be In That Matter” “Aww That’s Sweet Of You Monster Teen” Frisk Says Kissing Him “Everyone You Might Wanna See This!” Gaster Says, A News Reporter Is Speaking “This Virus That Seems To Have Originated In Canada, Has Seemed To Spread To The Whole World, The United States President Is Currently Being Evacuated To The USS George Washington, There The US Government Will Continue To Operate. As We Speak We’ve Lost Contact With Moscow, Beijing Has Been Set ABlaze, London And Tokyo Has Maintained Order, While In Paris And Rome There Has Been Looting Reported, We’ll Come Back With More Facts Once We Know More, For Now Stay Tuned” The News Channel Shuts Off “Bloody Hell, So The Whole World Gotten It In a Matter Of Days?” Alaron Says Surprised “Well It Seems So, I Mean This Virus Infected South Canada Quickly, So It Would Make Sense” “If That’s So Then Should The Canadian Military Be Worried Sick Or Are They Worrying Themselves Too Much That They Can’t Worry About CivIlians” “I’m Guessing Themselves Because They Haven’t Issued Any Evacuation Or Somewhere Around That So We’re Basically Sitting Ducks Here” “Until They Get Back To Us” Jason Adds “Wait A Second, So They Can’t Help The Civilians, Possibly Just Worrying About Themselves, And They Aren’t Telling Us Anything Else. Are They Just Here For The Land? Not the Civilians?” “Well They’re The Military They Do What They Damn Well Please For Their Country” Adrian Says “Or They Just Don’t Want To Cause A Panic” Toriel Theorizes “That Too, Worse Case The Government Is Caring Nothing For Us While We Defend Helplessly” “Dude, That’s Pretty Harsh” “It Would Make Sense Though Right? I Mean It Would Obviously Make Sense” Undyne Questions “Hmm I’ll Go Talk To Any Military I Come Across During An Expedition I Do” Alaron Says To End The Conversation “Right, Lets Just Focus On Us For Now” Gaster Adds, Everyone Go Ahead To Do Something, Such As Alaron Making A Perimeter Wall And Gate Out Of Wood And Some Chain Link Fence Frisk And Monster Teen Check The Area Until A Car Pulls Up And 4 People Come Out Holding Melee Weapons Wearing Kevlar, Ski Masks, And Having Grey-Black Face Paint “Hey! Got Supplies In There?” One Says “We’re Not Selling Sir” “We Weren’t Buying Dumbass” The Person Swings His Hachet But Alaron Dodges It With A Back Step, Toriel Soon Comes Out With An AR 7 Aiming At Them, The People Raise Their Hands “Woah There Sexy Mama We Were Kidding” “Not If You’re Swinging A Axe At My Friend, Now Leave, And Drop Your Weapons” “No No We’re Keeping These” Toriel Fires A Shot In The Air “Leave Them Or Regret It, I’m Trying To Be Nice Here” “Alright, Alright We’re Dropping Them” The People Drop Their Weapons And Drive Off “Well Damn, You Might Be A Loving Mother But You Are Very Mean” Alaron Jokes With A Chuckle “It’s Just My Way Of Being Me Dear” Toriel Says “Well Thanks Ms. Dreemurr That Meant Lots” “Please Call Me Toriel” Alaron Goes Back To Working On The Wall But Runs Out Of Chainlink “Ah Bloody Hell” He Says After Realising He Doesn’t Have Anymore “Hey Toriel I’m Heading Out to Find Chainlink” “Alright Stay Safe” Alaron Grabs a Crowbar And Walks Down To A Hardware Store To See If They Had Any Chain Link Which It Didn’t He Sees A Plane Drop A Crate With A Parachute Attached And Its Flying Near Alaron “Hey, Thanks For Your Generosity Govs” he Says To Himself And Goes To The Crate “Alright Let’s See What We Got” He Opens The Crate And Immediately Gets Jumped By a Few Military Soldiers “HEY! Step From The Crate” A Corporal Shouts, Alaron Steps Away With His Hands Raised “Hey Woah Woah Im Just Here For The Crate We Can Split It” “Civilian These Are Military Only We Aren’t Allowing Civilians To Take Them” “Wait Are You Serious? You’re Not Giving These to the Ones In need of Them?” “We Advise You Leave Now” “Fucking Hell Fine I’ll Leave” The Soldiers Kept Their Guns Trained On Him Until He Left “You’ve Got To Be Kidding Me” Alaron Runs Back Home With A Pissed Look “Didn’t Find Any?” Toriel asked “It’s Not That, The Goddamn Military Just Sent A Airdrop But Not For The Civilians Just For Their Own Dirty Uses” “That Can’t Be Right, That Has To Be Criminal” “I Know, That’s Bullshit, Guess They’re Not Here For Us. Or They Care Less About Us All” “Maybe The Government Is Just Making Them Orders” Time Passes And Everyone Continues To Survive, Scavenge And Defend
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nyublackneko · 6 years
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Modern Mob Guys (& occasional cutes)
Assassin G, Giovanni (Don G), Crowbar G, Angry Cop G @junkpilestuff
Echo Cop G @yoralim
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fuzzyredpants · 7 years
Kitty-Cat & Crowbar Rogue (4) “CROWBAR” (Comic Dub / Animation)
Made with permission!
Kitty-Cat & Crowbar Rogue original comic by nyublackneko and junkpilestuff http://nyublackneko.tumblr.com/post/145918490037/ut-mob-other-stories-masterpost
Gaster Sans was originally by the wonderful borurou (http://borurou.tumblr.com/)
Voice actors are spectralspiders (http://sugariris.tumblr.com/) icysnowseal (https://www.youtube.com/user/icysnowseal)
Edit done by myself.
Smoking effect found here: https://youtu.be/82GepfzP8jA
Most background music is from the Undertale OST. Opening song is an original by me, and can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxBnwIRyhdo
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helixthepamster · 8 years
One Last Joke (Part 1)
From the author (@helixthepamster):
I haven’t written a fanfic in like 3 year and I’ve decided to break that record because I absolutely LOVE the Undertale Mob!AU art and stories created by @junkpilestuff and @nyublackneko , as well as the Kitten and The Don fics written by @lumiere-and-luna . Their works really inspired me a lot, so based on the current info about Don G’s background, I’ve decided to write this short, rather angsty “What If” fic about Don G’s Papyrus, who seems to have been gone by the time Don G met Kitten. Hope you enjoy and if there’s anything I can improve on do let me know! ^^; 
(If you’re interested, visit my Fanfiction account for other stories I’ve written, non-Undertale related tho)
No... please stop...
His voiceless plea echoed in his skull, his body numb with rage and another emotion he dared not name. Darkness was slowly encroaching from all sides. The insides of his sockets were beginning to feel wet while a warm but different kind of liquid spilled onto his hands before it evaporated into fine grains of dust.
Despite the immense powers he wielded, he could stop neither from happening. Not the darkness, the tears nor the blood.
Please... no...
Living as a shadow of this blood-stained underground world, he always reminded himself something like this could happen, but nothing could prepare him for the pain that wrecked his monster heart.
He was weak.
He was pathetic.
And this was the price of his incompetence.
"Nyeheh...," his boney brother let out a terrifyingly weak chuckle, blood trickling along his mandible as he spoke, nudging his jaw towards the red, battered automobile in front of them that was on fire. "S-seem like I messed up this time. A-and everyone is... I'm... I'm sorry..."
"Don't say that... It doesn’t look too bad, you know we’ve seen worse." The young Don G reassured whilst looking down at the skeleton monster in his arms , who’s body was littered with deep gaping wounds, and shrugged casually. His expertise in keeping stone-faced came unexpectedly handy in restraining his turbulent feelings. He kept his one good eye on Papyrus's pale colored heart, watching its vitality fade whilst the cracks covering it widened with every passing second, just like the ones that lined his brother’s face.
Don’t do this to me... don't you dare…
Shit. He was scared.
F***ing scared.
"I... haven't eaten your spaghetti for dinner yet. I did... say I’ll be back for that. Man, I'm… I’m starving."
It was getting harder to speak. He’s usually more adept at lying than this.
"You haven't... visited Grillby's new shop right? He wanted your feedback on his new menu. We should swing by later... That's an order."
Papyrus's single eye roamed his brother's face sadly through his broken pair of glasses. "Sans-"
"NO!" G suddenly bellowed, his anguished cry sliced the air between them upon hearing his former name.
Papyrus was the only one who would call him that.
The bigger monster felt droplets of his brother's tears land on his forehead as G curled his shaking, skeletal frame, hugging the only real family he has left closer, a feeble attempt to ward off death. But another second passed and gone was Papyrus’s legs, swept along by an unforgiving bout of wind. Pain flitted across Papyrus’s features, his heart breaking for a different reason now as he leaned forward and rested his head on G’s shoulders. It was all that he could do for everything else hurt. He wanted so much to comfort his brother then, to show him that’s it’s ok... but his body refused.
A distant crash of thunder was heard and the night skies grew even darker, their soulless surrounding illuminated only by the flaming car and the ever-silent moon that bore witness to the horrific massacre that took place just moments ago. The Don’s favorite crowbar laid beside him, drenched in the blood and dust of others, but as useless as its owner now.
"We just got to get help,” G grunted lowly between gritted teeth, trying in vain to mask his panic once more. “Don Toriel has higher healing magic, or maybe Dr. Alphys’s… I don't know!” He cried out in desperation, raising a quivering, holed hand to press against the aching void where his right eye could have been. “J-just hold on. I'll take us-”
Long, white phalanges suddenly curled around his wrist bone firmly with a familiar gentle touch, stopping G midway from teleporting.
“The last thing I want... is to talk to you... a little more… brother...” Papyrus’s voice was softer now but he still gave G a warm smile, his grip on his sibling not letting up till the Don sat back down on the cold, cobblestone road. 
“I... I should have stayed instead of going on that trip. I should have known that this- Dammit! I should have returned earlier!” G bitterly said, each word bit out with bone-crushing regret so heavy his rib cage heaved in an effort to breathe.
“That’s… a lot of 'should have’s'.” Arching a brow bone, Papyrus sighed, “It's... not your fault. T-they pulled off… an impressive surprise attack... just to take you down.”
G couldn’t understand how Papyrus could still beam back at him with brotherly pride despite choking a little on his own blood. And every minute movement Papyrus's head made, he noticed more dust formed from all the smaller cracks that covered his skeletal structure... especially the one that dangerously ran across his cervical vertebra. G's body turned even colder at the thought of it finally breaking. He was torn between wanting Papyrus to continue talking and the fact that he should stop the conversation to preserve whatever life force he had left.
“S-so... stop blaming yourself… Promise me, brother…”
He heard Papyrus' worried request and instinctively, the Don hid his grimace with a blank face and looked away, wishing he had the shadow of his fedora to hide his gaze but it was lost somewhere during the fight. Finger bones dug deeply into the injured skeleton’s tattered and checkered blazer and Papyrus let out another resigned sigh.
The G before him looked less like the Don and more like the young, inexperienced and lost monster that Papyrus remembered.
“Stubborn as always...I g-guess that will never change... If I had the strength I’d beat some common sense into you. Nyeh... you’d usually retort with a pun...by now,” Papyrus smiled, wincing a little. He could no longer feel anything below his chest, his neck region hurts and his fingers were starting to grow numb. “Hey.... what was... that joke you were trying to tell me before?”
G glanced back at his brother, his facial expression looking even emptier than before as he shook his head uncertainly, “I... I don’t know... I can't think of any…”
The bespectacled skeleton’s characteristic wide smile faltered for a brief moment. Papyrus opened his mouth slightly, but hesitantly closed it back. More of his dust scattered across the ground and a heavy, grave silence loomed over them, reminding both of the inevitable before it was abruptly washed away by the two words G never thought he’d hear Papyrus say:
“... Knock, knock.”
A strange and slight twitching sensation was felt in the hole of his left hand. Immediately, hard, ivory fingers of his other hand swung and swiftly grabbed onto a contrastingly soft, flesh-covered hand unmercifully, pulling his ‘attacker’ down towards him. Brilliant amber flame lit up from within the depths of his left eye socket as Don G woke in his armchair lazily, unfazed by the fact that he was suddenly staring back at the face of the human just inches away. They seemed a little startled at first but soon returned his piercing gaze fearlessly, despite the obviously dangerous amount of dark magical aura mixed with unbridled bloodlust that was seeping out from within his core and bones.
“What do you think you’re doing... Kitten.”
Part 1/ Part 2 (END)
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nyublackneko · 6 years
Howdy! I love your art's! Be cool forever! :D And question... What kind of drink does Crowbar G like???
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Pure coffee is too bitter.
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nyublackneko · 6 years
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Hold on that kitty tight.
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nyublackneko · 7 years
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Something fluffy and cute with Crowbar G and Kitty-Cat.
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