#crystal magic
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eclectic-earth · 2 years
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Little ways to have a more Magikal Day 🌿🌞🪐
credit: @CraftingWitch on Instagram !
posted 06/19/2022
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coven-of-genesis · 9 months
Crystals that are commonly used to help break bad habits:
Here is a list of 3 crystals that are used to help break bad habits
1. Amethyst: Amethyst is a purple crystal known for its calming and protective properties. It can help promote spiritual clarity and inner peace, which can be beneficial when trying to break bad habits. By enhancing your intuition and self-awareness, amethyst can aid in recognizing the patterns and triggers that contribute to the unwanted behavior. Additionally, its calming influence may reduce stress and anxiety, which can be significant factors in developing and maintaining bad habits.
2. Black Onyx: Black onyx is a powerful protective stone that can provide strength and support during times of change or personal growth. It is believed to boost willpower, self-discipline, and self-control, making it useful for overcoming addictive or harmful behaviors. Black onyx can help you stay focused on your goals and resist temptations, assisting you in breaking free from negative patterns and habits.
3. Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is often referred to as the "master healer" due to its ability to amplify energy and intentions. When working to break bad habits, clear quartz can be used to intensify your determination and commitment to positive change. By enhancing mental clarity and spiritual awareness, this crystal can help you gain a deeper understanding of your habits and their underlying causes, making it easier to address and overcome them.
It's essential to remember that while many people find comfort and support through crystal healing practices, their effectiveness is subjective and not scientifically proven. The power of crystals lies in their ability to serve as symbolic reminders of your intentions and goals, and they can complement other therapeutic approaches, but they should not be seen as a replacement for professional help when dealing with serious habits or addictions.
When using crystals, it's crucial to cleanse and charge them regularly to ensure their energies remain clear and aligned with your intentions. You can do this by placing them under running water, using moonlight or sunlight, or using other cleansing techniques, as per your preference and the crystal's properties.
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rosieandthemoon · 6 months
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overthemoonminerals · 10 days
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Fluorite from Taraba State, Nigeria
This piece (along with everything else we post here) is completely natural and unpolished. The intense blue coloration you see in the picture is caused by daylight fluorescence. This fluorite changes color in the sun! It is dark purple in indoor lighting and turns a vibrant blue in sunlight.
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witch-of-the-creek · 8 months
Without looking up the answer-
I will be posting the technical answer in the comments
Please do not look up the answer or view the comments before selecting an option as that skews the results
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crazycatsiren · 11 months
Please just don't put any crystal in your drinking water. Even crystals that are supposedly "water safe".
If you want to charge drinking water, putting crystals next to or around a glass of water will suffice.
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ambermotta · 5 months
How to not Kill your Crystals — Crystal Safety
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How often have you looked up online and saw "to cleanse your crystals, use moonwater!", or "bury your crystals!"?
And how often did you hear of someone whose crystal ended up bleached, or entirely dissolved? (I'm looking at you, selenite)
Long post ahead but it's worth it, I promise
There are many methods of cleansing and charging crystals, but what beginner witches and pagans may not realize is that not every method is appropriate for every crystal.
While some methods are generally more harmless than others, if you don't know some of your crystal's basic properties, you might end up damaging them or even yourself!
So in this post I'll go through some general considerations and then list some cleansing & charging methods: the failproof, the ones you have to consider crystal safety, and the possibly harmful ones. Lastly, I'll list what you should NEVER do with your crystals.
So what's wrong with Moonwater?
There is nothing wrong with moon or sun energy itself. What can be dangerous is Water and Sunlight. It's all about physics and chemistry.
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Some crystals dissolve or release toxic chemicals in water. Some examples are Selenite & and Desert Rose (which is a type of Selenite), and Hematite. That means you should never leave them near water, humidity, wash them, or put them inside any elixirs.
Sidenote on elixirs: if you are going to ingest any type of water that has been in contact with crystals, you MUST do a through research to make sure they don't release ANY chemicals in the water.
Plus you can infuse water with crystal energy without them touching the water.
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by celestialearthminerals
The Sun
As for Sunlight, it can bleach your crystals and alter the coloration over time. The heat can also greatly damage them! An example of crystals that shouldn't be exposed to the sun is quartz. Pretty much all kinds, including amethyst and citrine.
Fun fact: burned amethyst clusters are very often sold as citrine. They have a burned yellow/brown/orange aspect to them, like in this image.
Real citrine has lighter yellow and orange tones.
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burned amethyst – fake citrine
Fail proof Cleansing & Charging
Nothing can go wrong with them when it comes to crystal safety. The worst that can happen is performing them poorly, which could affect cleansing and charging effectiveness.
There's no way to go wrong here. You can light an incense or burn herbs of your choosing, pick up a crystal, and cleanse them with the smoke. You can use energetic herbs such as rosemary to charge them.
Tip: You can choose the herbs and incense based on your stones properties! (For example, use a fiery herb to charge a fiery crystal)
There are many ways to go about this. Singing bowls, affirmations, vocal singing, bells, prayer, chanting, galdr (rune chanting), calming and uplifting music...
Choose your sound, cleanse your space, set your intention, and let Sound do its job. If you are going to charge the crystals yourself using a method such as chanting to your stones, cleansing yourself first and having a ritualistic setup would be nice. It can help you focus and make sure you will only send positive energies to your crystals.
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Reiki and Energy work
Absolutely no way to go wrong. Reiki is a wonderful cleasing/charging method.
You would have to be initiated in order to do Reiki, but if you can't afford that, any kind of energy work and energy manipulation will do. Just make sure to prepare yourself beforehand and focus on what you are doing.
You can use tools to help in energy manipulation, such as an athame or wand.
Water Glass Cleansing
You are NOT going to put your crystals INSIDE the water glass. That's why this is a safe cleansing method.
Fill a glass of water and set your intentions for the water to absorb all negativity from your crystals, then leave your stones & crystals near your glass of water for a few hours.
It is preferable to use a transparent glass. It doesn't have to be, but it is better. I also wouldn't recommend plastic of any kind.
Once you are done, dispose of the water, thanking it for its help, and wash the glass before using it again.
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Consider Crystal Safety with These
They are commonly believed to be harmless (and that's mostly true), but give them some thought anyway. I will explain why.
Immersing in Salt
Salt has strong cleansing properties. You can fill a small bowl with enough salt to bury your crystals and leave them there for a few hours to a day. You could also use salt water the same way.
Why be careful?
Salt can trigger chemical reactions in some crystals. I'm mainly talking about salt water, but just to be safe, it might be best to have caution with solid salt as well.
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Burying in Earth
Burying crystals (especially if close to a plant or tree) is a popular cleansing/charging method. After all, they came from the earth! Who else could take better care of them?
You can leave your crystals buried outside for a few hours to a day and let the planet do its job.
Why be careful?
If you are going to leave crystals outside beneath the earth, you shouldn't have to worry about the Sun. It is WATER that you should worry about.
If it rains, the water will reach your crystals. If want to bury non water-safe crystals, make sure rain won't get to them.
Tip #1: Don't forget where you buried them
Tip #2: An alternative to burying outside is to bury crystals on your household plant's pot. You can even match the plant's own properties to the energy you want to work on your crystal.
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Moonlight Bath
Not moon water, just moonlight. Just let your crystals bask in moonlight... It is almost failproof.
Why be careful?
I say it's almost failproof because it can only fail if you forget your crystals outside until the sun is out, or until it rains.
If you think you are prone to forgetting to collect your crystals before the sun shines, do this early in the night and set an alarm to collect your crystals in a few hours.
Tip: you can still cleanse and charge with Moon energy even if the weather is not favorable. Just be careful with rain.
Possibly Harmful Methods
For these, you NEED to know your crystals before you do them. Especially the ones involving water and heat, you should take into consideration your own health due to possible chemical releases!
Sun charging
While it can be great to have sun energy on some of your crystals, this is one of the unsafest methods for the crystals. A lot of them will bleach, change color and even crack after prolonged sunlight exposure. If you're leaving crystals in the Sun, I suggest you leave them out for no more than an hour.
Also, watch out for weather changes if you have a crystal that is not waterproof.
Sidenote: if you have crystal necklaces, remember you might also accidentally expose them to sunlight and rain when you wear them outdoors.
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Sun water
Can't have your crystals in the Sun, but it's a fire crystal so you would like it to be charged with sun energy?
If they are water safe, make some sun water, fill a bowl with it, and let your crystals sit in it for a few hours.
Moon water
As long as your crystal is waterproof, it should be fine. Just fill a bowl with moon water and let your crystals be for a few hours.
If you don't know if your crystals are water safe, it's best not to risk it.
Never Ever...
... Expose your crystals to intense heat
No candles, no hot water, no intense sunlight. Not only you will very likely damage your crystal, intense heat and burning of crystals can release toxic fumes.
... Use chemicals to clean crystals
No soaps, alcohol, detergents, salts, etc. They might trigger chemical reactions when in contact with some crystals. So unless you know exactly what you're doing, keep these away from them.
... Touch dissolved crystal water
If you put your crystal in water and a chemical reaction happened, it's best to not touch the water. It could cause skin irritation and intoxication.
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Sometimes we leave crystals outside so that they can be bestowed Nature's blessings, and we forget about them. It happens, as do all accidents.
But you can avoid a lot of damage (yours and theirs) by simply studying about them before submitting them to anything that could be potentially harmful.
Remember your crystals need a lot of love and care, and that goes for their physical care, too. They are unique because of their physical and chemical properties as well, not just spiritual ones.
Thank you for reading and love your crystals!
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calmwaterstarot · 5 months
My dear, a full moon is coming, any rituals you can recommend for us?? 💘
I love full moons! This is a time every month where we can close out another moon cycle and what's no longer serving us. We can also manifest new possibilities because the moon is in its most powerful phase, and that energy lingers two days before and two days after each full moon.
This is a great time to:
🔮 Charge crystals under the moonlight.
🕯️ Practice some major spell work with candle magic.
🛀 Take a cleansing bath with your favorite salts and oils.
🧘 Meditate under the moonlight.
📜 Set new intentions you wish to manifest.
🚪 Close the door on what's no longer serving you.
💧 Collect moon water by filling up jars or glasses with water and setting them under the moonlight (a windowsill if you don't have jars is preferable, and if you do have jars, you can set them outside with the lids on them so no insects get inside).
✍️ Lastly, write down what you need to release on a piece of paper. Fold the paper away from you, turn counterclockwise, then fold away again. Repeat for a total of three times. You can burn this paper to release the energy, then scatter the ashes outside.
🌕 The full moon heightens our intuition, third eye, and psychic powers. It can also heighten our emotions, so be extra vigilant during this time to avoid alcohol, losing control of your emotions, or making impulsive decisions. Wait it out a couple of days, until the moon's energy has waned.
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witchywellbeing · 5 days
I have a question for the witches with diamond engagement rings. Do you take it off when you're feeling negative emotions?
I'm currently learning about crystals and am reading the little book of crystals by Astrid Carvel, and in it, they mention how diamonds absorb and amplify energy and emotions, thus recommending to remove the diamond when feeling negative. But it's my engagement ring, so I don't feel right taking it off.
Just curious, would love to hear opinion
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peachtheweedwitch · 1 year
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Solstice herb bundle offering ☀️
May your Yule be full of warmth and comfort.
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keeperofcrystals · 2 years
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Amethyst Agate Sphere { collection update }
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ancientgoddessofegypt · 2 months
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Alright! So today I want to talk to you guys about one of the most popular stones to date. The citrine. It has magical properties that helps with the alignment of manifesting desires into fruition. Opening up portals into the psyche to make things flow into your reality. So in this post, I will focus on the powers of the citrine, and how to use it as a tool for manifesting.
It has connections to the solar plexus.
This stone helps realign the star plexus and keeping the will power strong enough to obtain said desires and conquering goals.
The solar plexus is how we get the things we want when we want them, and this crystal forces the solar plexus into doing what needs to be done in order to getting it.
The law of attraction
This stone is a powerful tool in physical activity related to the law of attraction. We have to do the work to get what we want in return of receiving what we want. In order for things to flow, we must learn to work with the masculine/feminine magic that shapeshifts into our worlds. What citrines do here is helping you appreciate divine timing and flow of material reality. This is not something we can always control, we must appreciate the art of surrendering. It teaches you that controlling the outcome isn't going to benefit you, and meditation with the crystal will force you into what works and what simply doesn't. You have to be open to the opportunities that come up for you when giving intent to the stone. Ask and you shall receive, but remember some opportunities don't have illusions tied to them.
The power of the Citrine
The power of the citrine helps with flowing into our dream realities and awakening our will to be more connected with the earth. Grounding ourselves with practical magic and what works in the long run. If the solar plexus is out of alignment, then manifestations can be out of whack. It's job is to heal the ego in getting what it wants but without the consequence of going after the wrong things.. This is where the citrine comes in to help. The citrine can help with the lower chakras in the form of meditation by showing you outlets in order to heal them. It is a stone that connects intuitive thinking with logic, practical minds can have a dose of imagination and plan to go along with the desire in question. This stone is a gateway into higher realms and helps give you the blueprint to making your dreams into a reality. It is a booster of confidence, allowing you to see the abundance of possibilities with each manifestation. It helps you learn the codes that keep you in a stellar energy to receiving what you want out of life. It's a healing stone that creates a way when there isn't one. It's an eye opener to what truly works even when you thought it wasn't possible. The impossible dream becomes reality. That's the citrines magic.
The end!
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overthemoonminerals · 7 months
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Hemimorphite from Republic of Congo
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nathanolsenart · 7 months
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Witchflowers by Nathan Olsen
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