#cuz thats why i got forced to draw content for once
triangularitydubs · 1 month
My posting has been scarce. I apologize for that. However, l feel as if I'm going though a art block/writers block.
The Cross Digital Circus/Fresh Pomni
As example, the next written act for TCDC is Pomni. I have some of it down, but I need to draw The Gloink Queen and The Gloinks first, they will obviously be IN Pomni's act.
I don't even know where to begin on Gloink Queens Design..I mean the Gloinks themselves will be in the shape of an X. That's all I got.
The Cross Circus Comic and The Other one I posted(might as well reveal it, Fresh Pomni's Backstory) are at a block I just have no motivation to continue with em. Doesn't help that I'm telling myself, you need to get better at drawing before you move on to comic making.
Note that I'm not bashing myself and my art sucks I know it doesn't.
Beetlejax is making me a bit annoyed, because I don't think Kinger and Queenie work for being Ragatha's adoptive parents, But I have no one else to put in that position that makes sense to me. So Beetlejax is on hold. Sorta. If I have ideas, I'll draw them as long as it's Jax, Ragatha or Pomni.
Doing this would help me greatly, but I don't know where to start, I feel like the prices I offered were reasonable but maybe they weren't. I didn't keep them open long enough to justify any actual commissions. Once again ties back to art. I am confident in my voice acting/impression abilities, but not my artistic abilities.
The Amazing Digital Circus Content
I first got recognized through an AU for TADC thats gotten scrapped twice now. Then slowly worked up a name for The Cross Digital Circus and more recently Fresh Pomni and Beetlejax.
My Ocs have gotten SOME recognition. Idk. This is all on me.
But I've posted a few other things that I feel didn't get much recognition? What I'm saying here is I don't JUST want to have TADC related Content. I am into so much more than just this webseries.
I consider myself a decent lyricist as well, as I've made multiple versions of Stronger Than You, Parodies of songs and small small not released lyrics of my own.
It's just my TADC content that is getting recognized and it's a bit draining. Then again maybe I should try posting more stuff that's NOT TADC
I dunno. Least if my posts get a little less you guys know why. I'm not gonna stop completely, but rather slow down cuz I'm trying to force myself to create content.
Thanks for coming to my TED TALK
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sciamellis · 4 years
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Had to stop being a lazy mf and draw something for once. _(:3」z)_
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btp-yami · 5 years
MORE Incarnate Jazz~
Yeah thats the name of this series. I’m supremely enjoying how irritated Noah is XDDD
Noah heaved a sigh of content as he sat cross-legged on the grass. With Industrial Illusions, the Game Shop, and whatever threat Catherine had warned them of (rather indirectly), Jessie pointed out how Noah had been very tense, almost all the time. Having it be pointed out directly, Noah specifically set time aside that day to sit out in the park nearby the house, and meditate, letting himself feel the energy in the air and flex his own (as discreetly as possible).
“Yeesh, no wonder everything reeks of your energy, Pretty Boy.”
Noah’s brows twitched, and he kept his eyes close. “Nope. You’re not bugging me today.”
Catherine, having perched herself in the tree above him, let a leg hang down as she watched him meditate. Her pink leather jacket and boots had been shed, so that she wore her tank and jeans alone as she sat on the branch.
She smirked at the top of Noah’s head. “With you flexin’ your energy that much, it’s a shock no other god incarnate has wandered into town wondering what’s up...”
“I am not dealing with you today.” Noah said again, shoulders growing rigid as he kept his eyes screwed shut. “I am relaxing today. You’ve thrown off my vibe enough already.”
“Aw...Messin’ with your groove, am I, Pretty Boy...~?”
“Yes.” Noah’s voice grew firmer, and he was no longer meditating. “Now leave me be.”
“Nah, where’s the fun in that...?” Catherine’s gaze relaxed, silent for a moment, before she finally watched him with something of a serious stare. “Actually...I came to talk, Pretty Boy. For serious, this time.”
“Not interested.” Noah grumbled.
“I think you would be. Ever heard of the god Set?”
Noah’s eyes opened at that. He looked off, momentarily wracking his brain, but upon drawing a blank, he looked up. “No, I--”
Catherine was gone from the branch. He arched a brow.
“He’s the Egyptian god of chaos, and disorder.” Catherine had hopped down to sit in front of Noah, startling him back. “Set was also the hated rival of the Egyptian god Horus, son of Osiris and Isis.”
Noah heaved a sigh at Catherine’s sudden reappearance, but at her words, he arched a brow. “Alright...And?”
“Do you remember what the big deal was with Horus, in Egyptian mythology?”
“Sure, he’s the symbol of kingship and is said to be directly related to the line of pharaohs.”
Catherine’s gaze became something tense, and serious. “Right. That’s why I’m here.”
Noah continued to arch a brow, disinterested. “Like most things you’ve said, you’ve completely lost me.”
She sighed in annoyance, taking a deep breath, before drawing herself up. She released the breath in an exhale, and the intentness of her green eyes was drawn out with the sun shining directly on her face.
“Let me tell you a lil story, Pretty Boy...” Her tone fell to a quiet, calm volume. “Once upon a time, there were two little girls without a care in the world, separated from their parents at birth and reunited with them later in life. One would come to find, upon turning eighteen, that she carried the heavy destiny of being the mortal incarnate of an Egyptian goddess she didn’t even believe in. Her sister was all too supportive, finding truth in how her twin attracted all the alley cats and could somehow jump from two stories and land on her feet. Well, one day, the girl finally accepted what she was, and told her parents and sister, outright. Sister knew of course, but the parents were surprised beyond belief. They, too, were supportive, eventually, but worried for their daughter’s safety.”
Catherine’s gaze fell off to the side, brow furrowing. “So, when some weirdo started creepin’ around, following her after school, trying to contact her...the girl’s father took her out of the country, leaving the sister and mother behind, with the promise that their whole family would be reunited.”
Her eyes narrowed into a glare. “...Then, one day, that same creep invaded the father and girl’s apartment, demanding she go with him. She refused, of course. Nobody ordered this girl around. No one except her father, anyway......and her father sought to keep her safe, and shielded her when this creep tried to attack her.”
Catherine’s head dipped down, and her voice grew incredibly quiet. “...She didn’t know what that creep did, but...one minute, her father was there. The next, he was gone.”
By now, Noah was rigid, eyes wide, heart aching in sympathy; when Catherine paused, he pressed his lips into a frown, and for the first time, he felt relaxed around Catherine.
She then cleared her throat, straightening herself back up. “So, the girl ran. And ran. And kept running, leaving the creep in the dust on her father’s bike. Until, at some point, she came across a new city. She’d never been there, but as soon as she was close enough......she felt...a sense of peace. A sense of...protection. Like this city had some sort of barrier that she knew would at least keep her safe. And as soon as she got settled somewhere, she started to research this creep that attacked her and her father. Along the way, she came across this other incarnate. This Key to Light.”
Catherine gave Noah a small smirk. “So, not knowing how to properly ask for help, she proceeded to bug the living daylights out of him. And his family.”
At that, Noah heaved a light, annoyed sigh, arching a brow at her again. After a moment, he frowned. “How did you know it was me, though? If you found all the stuff about the Key to Light, then--”
“Maybe whatever disguise you have on protects your identity from regular people, but me?” Catherine gave a small flip of her hair and smirked. “I could see right through it. Quite literally.”
Noah hummed faintly, looking off for a moment at the discovery, but then ended up sighing again, frowning at Catherine. “So...this guy. Who attacked-uh...the girl in your story. What did the girl find out about him?”
“Found out he was the human incarnate of Set, the god of chaos.” Catherine frowned as well, crossing her arms as she looked off. “And that he carries all the power of a god of chaos, too. She didn’t find out too much on her own, actually. Most of it was what the creep told her.”
“And the creep’s name?”
“Madji Qadir.” Catherine met Noah’s gaze with a serious one of her own. “But he was already calling himself Set. I think he just abandoned whatever normal life he had.”
Noah ran a hand through his hair, humming again. “Madji Qadir...Where’ve I heard that...?”
“He’s some Arabic guy, right from Egypt.” Catherine shrugged. “Maybe he was some business man cuz he had lots of money that he offered this girl.”
Noah arched a brow. “And she didn’t want it...?”
“Heeellll no she didn’t.” Catherine gave him a small glare. “Like I said, this girl don’t take orders from no one. She wouldn’t touch his money with a ten-foot pole.”
“I’m starting to see that.” Noah deadpanned, before he sighed, and brought his shoulders back up. “So...what does this guy want? Why did he go after yo--ahm...this--girl?”
“Hell if I know on that one,” Catherine shrugged again, before frowning at Noah. “But he did tell her his goal. He wants to find the last remaining connection to Horus. It’s the only thing keeping him from tapping into all his powers of chaos. Horus was the one to finally defeat Set after Set’s continuous challenges. Some of which I don’t think you care to know.”
Noah brow furrowed. “And...? This last connection to Horus is--”
“The last, only living Pharaoh on the planet.” Catherine replied, face tense, and tone serious.
Noah grew the slightest bit pale. He gulped around a lump in his throat. “He wants to kill them.”
“And any offspring.”
“Any male offspring would technically still hold the blood of Horus--the birthright of the Pharaoh. They would also be in Set’s way. Any living male offspring--and any on the way.”
Noah’s eyes flashed white, feeling his stomach (the mark of the Puzzle) burn in response to his sudden anger determination.
However, he also looked at Catherine sternly. “...You didn’t come here to find a new place to live. You came here to protect Atem from Set.”
“And his kids.” Catherine admitted, sighing and her own eyes flashing pink. “Admittedly, I have a soft spot for kids. Especially babies. His wife’s in danger, too.”
“Do you know where Set was last?”
“Last I ditched him was three cities away. I don’t know if he’ll try to come into the city, though. If I can feel your energy everywhere, so can he.”
Noah hummed, looking off. “So Atem’s safer in the city than anywhere else...”
“Well, safer being in areas you are.” Catherine specified, before she smirked (suddenly very catlike). “Ma’at is still more powerful than Set could ever hope to be in his freakiest dreams.”
Noah managed a small smirk for her, but then quickly frowned, looking away. Some of the reluctance that had ebbed away with Catherine’s story returned with full force.
“Look...” Catherine sighed, voice softening and any tension leaving her. “I’m sorry I’m edging on Ma’at’s terf, okay...? Frankly, I’d rather be home. With my family. But I’ve been running for half my life from this creep. I’m sick of it. I’m not gonna leave someone else to clean up after my mess I happened to bring along.”
Noah sighed, deeply, thinking for a moment.
After that moment, he gave Catherine a stern glare, leaning forward on his crossed legs. “You help me protect ‘Tem. We get rid of Set.” He jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “You’re gone.”
Catherine smirked, features once again catlike and sly, and she held out a hand with a flash of pink light in her eyes. “Deal, Pretty Boy.”
Noah sighed and rolled his eyes--and took her hand in a firm shake, his own eyes flashing white. “I already hate myself.”
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