#cuz when things get done fast i'm happier with my work
imperiusv · 1 year
Whoops , missed it - 8/10
I was travelling and then I had loads of work , so i forgot to post this.
Damn this year went by so fast, I've been working here like a slaving mule, from the crack of dawn , i bring the bacon home and when i get done at night, all the stars are big and bright!
Oh boy , was i complaining how stale last year was, and did i wish for change last year , cuz change is what we got all year long! Literally all the things i wanted happened - i got a new job, i moved to a different country, i got a sweet new place ,a bunch of cool ass plants , new stuff , squeezed all i could from Ireland , made bank and i got a new young piece of ass, what more can a guy ask for? But then again its not 10/10 , but 8/10 , AGAIN you never appreciate anything, nothing truly makes you happy and i can not understand why? Am I messed up in the head like Bo - with his distorted ideals of reality, perfection and appreciation, how things "should" be and the failure to achieve these ideas makes you miserable and feeling unaccomplished. Does truly nothing ever makes me happy?
I find that hard to believe, what kind of sick fuck do i have to be , not to feel happiness at all. I do feel happy , happier than ever i suppose - but I can't lie to myself , something is missing and i don't know what - its not money , sex , work or kinship , but its definitely not her fault and i will not let this poison me , her , us or anyone else I care about for that matter. I won't let it happen , not this time, not ever again. I will never bring ruin upon myself like that again. I will look for that missing part of me in the years to come and my only hope is to find it soon enough. Maybe its a little baby or two lol. I hope her babygirl makes that dumb bitch happy, more than her fat loser husband anyway.
The only thing that sucked this year is i didn't get to travel so much , they screwed me with my holidays , or i screwed myself tbh, by believing and giving to people that do not deserve my very presence . That nice vacation in Sicily was good, but not nearly enough and what good is all this money , when you don't spend it , so I've made some hefty travel plans this year, i hope they pan out, adventure awaits !
I think this year I've read/listen to more books and visited more museums than i have in the last 5 years, i feel so much more culturally enriched than before , slowly but surely I'm becoming the person i aspire to be, my bullshit tolerance has gone down to almost zero , you would be so proud of me lol. I thought of you less and less and less, the occasional vision or dream would mess things a little, but it's just a faint whisper in the dead of night , rather than a loud ominous presence at the back of my head during every passing moment .
Overall it was a great year, my biggest issues were the lack of lactose free skyr in Amsterdam and making the fucking Dutch sounds. I feel like i need more toil and strife in my life, I'm getting soft. If only the world wasn't going to shit, this would've been a great start of a beautiful decade in my life , sadly i think it will all come crashing down soon and we are gonna be left with a big bag o dicks.
P.S. I am old now lol
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kateshappyplants · 2 years
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Very exciting life update! Not only was I accepted into college back around October, but registration is coming up fast and I got all my classes picked out! I just have to wait for my registration day until it is all set in stone.
Second is that work is good and thankfully my boss who was being such a pain the whole time I kept talking about school before, is finally working with me so I can get all my classes done when they need to be done! I also got a promotion here at work before Christmas so that's also very exciting! (I don't think I ever posted about that before)
Last but not least (and I'm saying it on here cuz I know I don't have family following me here) my fiance and I are finally moving out on our own! Our move in date is around June 27th and it needs to come faster!!! We are both very excited and have gotten most of the things we need so our list of apartment essentials is almost done!
Also also! My fiance got a new job as of yesterday that pays better than his job that he left today and that for sure is going to help us with life stuff!
All in all, life has been very hectic and will continue to be but I am finally able to say that life is starting to head in the right direction. I couldn't be happier and I just can't wait to see what else happens!
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