#cyren and ada
whispering-dawn · 2 years
DUCKWORTH. -Has your muse ever thought about committing or committed a crime?
Ada looked taken aback for a moment. "N-No! Well..." She looked down and thought for a moment as she tapped her finger against her chin. "If it were a life and death situation I-I wouldn't hesitate, but usually being sentenced to gaol for committing a crime is time away from Cyren that I absolutely cannot bear. I've already been without him long enough and minding my p's and q's is one certain way I can make sure I never wind up in a place where I can't be with him much less hold him in my arms."
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@eligos-venator @zhauric for mentions
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divine-ruin · 5 years
Darling, kiss me like you need to feel safe, because my lips want to know all the places you have been hurt so they can make all the pain drift away...
-- Pillow Thoughts, If You Are In Love, Courtney Peppernell
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aic-european · 2 years
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Christ Carrying the Cross, Sebastiano del Piombo, 1515, Art Institute of Chicago: European Painting and Sculpture
This painting by represents one of the most popular compositions invented by one of the most distinguished painters working in Rome during the High Renaissance. In the 1510s, following an early period in Venice, Sebastiano del Piombo traveled to Rome, where he was drawn into the lively atmosphere of competition between the two great luminaries of the period, Michelangelo Buonarroti and Raphael. Michelangelo took Sebastiano under his wing, teaching him his monumental style and providing drawings for some of Sebastiano’s major commissions. Following Raphael’s death in 1520, the painter and historian Giorgio Vasari stated that“first place in the art of painting was unanimously granted by all, thanks to the favor of Michelangelo, to Sebastiano.” Christ Carrying the Cross draws upon recent developments of an enormously popular iconography by artists including Giovanni Bellini, Giorgione, and Andrea Mantegna, among others. Here, Simon of Cyrene assists Jesus, emphasizing the heavy weight of the cross on his shoulders. A Roman soldier stands behind, his jeering face just visible in the darkness. In the background, the tightly packed composition opens up onto a crowd assembling at the foot of the hill of Golgotha, with two crosses barely visible. The luminous landscape is a hallmark of the artist’s Venetian training. The painting’s dramatic visual impact is a result of the powerful diagonals of the cross; the dynamic, almost sculptural quality of Christ’s clothing; and the pathos of his expression. The popularity of Sebastiano’s composition is reflected in the number of surviving variants that he created over the course of his career. The Art Institute’s version is an autograph replica of a painting—now in the Museo del Prado, Madrid—made for Jerónimo Vich y Valterra, the Spanish ambassador to Rome. Other versions survive in the State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg; the Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales, Madrid; and the Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest. Lacy Armour, Ada Turnbull Hertle, Mary Swissler Oldberg Acquisition, Charles H. and Mary F. S. Worcester Collection funds; Wirt D. Walker Trust; Alyce and Edwin DeCosta and the Walter E. Heller Foundation Fund; Estate of Walter Aitken; Frederick W. Renshaw Acquisition, Marian and Samuel Klasstorner funds; Edward E. Ayer Fund in Memory of Charles L. Hutchinson; Lara T. Magnuson Acquisition, Director's funds; Samuel A. Marx Purchase Fund for Major Acquisitions; Edward Johnson, Maurice D. Galleher Endowment, Simeon B. Williams, Capital Campaign General Acquisitions, Wentworth Greene Field Memorial, Samuel P. Avery, Morris L. Parker, Irving and June Seaman Endowment, and Betty Bell Spooner funds Size: 118 × 92 cm (46 7/16 × 36 1/4 in.) Medium: Oil on panel
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zhauric · 5 years
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
That's a good question. Probably something we should all think upon with our muses. I'll answer for all three. Usually I don't post Cyren stuff on this blog since I'm still waiting to get off my lazy ass to make a blog for the Ishgardian but will make an except in this case.
Inability to move on due to stubbornness and relentless about some matters on his mind/conscience when he should be moving forward with life but let's things anchor him too much
His vices which are drinking and smoking. Probably more so the smoking since I can't stand it in real life nor do I drink except maybe socially on rare occasion
Mercy is barely anything in his vocabulary. He holds no hesitation in removing an adversary or obstacle and will not lose sleep over it.
Her recklessness and carefree manner can be seen as bold but in some ways it is, well, fucking crazy. She is an adrenaline junkie in a way and lives on the edge
Like her twin, Kaelivh, she has a stubbornness about her. In her case it is about the walls she throws up around herself or her heart. She is fixated on the idea she cannot be loved and is bad at love to where she believes nothing matters but her family and crew. She still carries guilt for when Kael protected her instead of their friend who died because she believes she was weak then.
Her drinking vice is probably worse than Kael's though she doesn't smoke. She'll gladly try to drink others under the table and laugh while doing it.
She won't bat an eye over slitting someone's throat when pirating or going after something she wants. It's not even about the goods she steals or finding treasure or loot. It's about the rush. See point note number 1 *smiles*
He's a noble. I'm not fond of nobles *laughs* He wins me over during role-play with his partner on most occasions but still a noble *smiles*
He left the childhood love for five years. While he did so to become stronger in a way to protect and free her from something that stalks her every step I could never abandon someone I love for so long. I see myself telling him to find another way instead of leaving her in such a manner.
A bit over stoic. Believes he can take on anything and will do so for his Ada even if it means abandoning everything else. His focal and singular mind can be off-putting to his family responsibilities to his House and to his lands. Needs to learn balance more.
There you go. A typical Darrell long ass response *smiles* My thanks for the question.
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coffee-kraken · 2 years
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Everytime I think I'm no longer into RWBY, I then watch the new volume, and get forcefully dragged back into RWBY Hell, and it consumes every fiber of my being.
Every. Single. Time.
I don't know why I thought this volume would be different, but here I am, crying over the season finale still, two days after watching it. I might have to rewatch the entire show.
6 notes • Posted 2021-04-05 17:21:17 GMT
7 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 19:54:08 GMT
You're telling me... That there's concept art for RE8 of best girl Ada fucking Wong, and she's NOT IN THE GAME??? Bullshit!
9 notes • Posted 2021-05-15 21:14:40 GMT
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13 notes • Posted 2021-11-10 14:59:59 GMT
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I drew @milfcoven 's OC, Cyrene! She's so cute! Did I draw a headshot because I'm scared of anatomy? Yes. Also, one day I'll figure out how to take pictures of my art.
16 notes • Posted 2021-07-05 21:05:05 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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biggoonie · 7 years
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STORY: SARAH VAUGHN ART / COVER A: LEILA DEL DUCA & ALISSA SALLAH COVER B: JEN BARTEL DECEMBER 6 / 32 PAGES / FC / T / $3.99 NEW SERIES Lady “Poppy” Pyppenia is guarded by the Sleepless Knight Cyrenic, but danger is around every corner once the new king is coronated. Writer SARAH VAUGHN (ALEX + ADA, ETERNAL EMPIRE) and artist LEILA DEL DUCA (SHUTTER, AFAR) team up with editor / colorist ALISSA SALLAH and letterer DERON BENNETT for this new fantasy romance.
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diambagus-blog · 7 years
Baik dan Buruk Menurut Aliran Filsafat
Sejalan dengan pemikiran manusia, berkembang pula patokan yang digunakan orang dalam menentukan baik dan buruk. Keadaan ini menurut poedjawijatna rapat dengan pandangan filsafat tentang manusia (antropologia metafisika) dan ini tergantung pula dari metafisika pada umumnya. Poedjawijatna lebi lanjut menyebutkan sejumlah pandangan filsafat yang digunakan dalam menilai baik dan buruk, yaitu hedonisme, utilitarianisme, fitalisme, sosialisme, religiosisme dan humanisme. Sementara itu Asmaran As, menyebutkanya sebayak empat aliran fisafat yaitu adat kebiasaan, hedonisme, intuisi dan evolusi. Pembagian yang dikemukakan Asmaran As ini tampak sejalan dengan pendapat ahmad amin yang membagi aliran menjadi empat, yaitu adat istiadat, hedonisme, utilitarianisme, evolusi.
Beberapa kutipan tersebut diatas tampak saling melengkapi dan dapat disimpulkan bahwa diantara aliran-aliran filsafat yang mempengaruhi dalam penentuan baik dan buruk ini adalah aliran adat istiadat(sosialisme), hedonisme, intuisisme (humanism), utilitarianisme, vitalisme,religiousisme, dan evolusisme. Dengan merujuk kepada berbagai kutipan tersebut diatas beberapa aliran filsafat yang mempengaruhi pemikiran akhlaq tersebut dapat dikemukakan secara ringkas sebagai berikut.
1.      Baik Buruk Menurut Aliran Adat Istiadat (Sosialisme)
Menurut aliran ini baik dan buruk ditentukan berdasarkan adat istiadat yang berlaku dan ditentukan berdasarkan adat istiadat yang berlaku dan dipegang teguh oleh masyarakat. Orang yang mengikuti dan berpegang teguh pada adat dipandang baik dan orang yang menentang dan tidak mengikuti adat istiadat dipandang buruk, dan kalau perlu dihukum secara adat.
Adat istiadat selanjutnya disebut pula sebagai pendapat umum, Ahmad Amin mengatakan bahwa tiap-tiap bangsa mempunyai adat istiadat yang tertentu dan menganggap baik bila mengikutinya,mendidik anak-anaknya sesuai dengan adat istiadat itu, dan menanamkan perasaan kepada mereka, bahwa adat istiadat itu akan membawa kepada kesucian,sehingga apabila seseorang menyalahi adat istiadat itu sangat dicela dan dianggap keluar dari golongan bangsanya.
2.      Baik dan Buruk Menurut Aliran Hedonisme
Aliran hedonisme adalah aliran filsafat yang terhitung tuah, karena berlatar pada pemikiran filsfat Yunani, khususnya pemikiran filsafat Epicurus (341-270 SM), yang selanjutnya dikembangkanoleh cyrenics sebagaimana telah diuraikan diatas, dan belakangan ditumbuh kembangkan freud.
Menurut paham ini banyak yang disebut perbuatan yang banyak mendatangkan kelezatan, kenikmatan, dan kepuasan nafsu biologis. Aliran ini tidak mengatakan bahwa semua perbuatan mengandung kelezatan, melainkan adapula yang mendatangkan kesedihan, dan apabila ia disuruh memilih manakah perbuatan yang harus dilakukan,maka yang dilakukan adalah yang mendatangkan kelezatan. Epicurus sebagai peletak dasar paham ini mengatakan bahwa kebahagiaan atau keezatan itu adalah tujuan manusia.tidak ada kebaikan dalm hidup selain kelezatan dan tidak ada keburukan kecuali penderitaan. Dan akhlaq itu tak lain dan tak bukan adalah berbuat untuk menghasilkan kelezatan dan kebahagiaan serta keutamaan. Keutamaan itu tidak mempunyai nilai tersendiri,tetapi nilainya terletak pada kelezatan yang menyertainya.
3.      Baik dan Buruk Menurut Paham Intuisisme (Humanisme)
Intuisi adalah merupakan kekuatan batin yang dapat menentukan sesuatu sebagai baik atau buruk dengan sekilas tanpa melihat buah atau akibatnya. Kekuatan batin itu disebut juga kata hati adalah merupakan potensi rohaniah yang secara fitrah yang ada pada diri setiap orang. Paham ini berpendapat bahwa pada setiap manusia mempunyai kekuatan instinct batin yang dapat membedakan baik dan buruk dengan sekilas pandang. Kekuatan batin ini terkadang berbeda refleksinya, karena pengaruh masa dan lingkungan, akan tetapi dasarnya ia tetap sama dan berakar pada tubuh manusia. Apabila ia melihat sesuatu perbuatan ia mendapat semacam ilham yang dapat membertahu nilai perbuatan itu, lalu menetapkan hukum baik dan buruknya. oleh karena itu, kebanyakan manusia sepakat mengenai keutamaan seperti benar, dermawan, berani, dan mereka juga sepakat menilai buruk terhadap perbuatan yang salah, kikir dan pengecut.
Kekuatan batin ini adalah kekuatan yang telah ada dalam jiwa manusia, tidak terambil dari keadaan luarnya. Kita diberinya kemampuan untuk membedakan antara baik dan benar, sebagai mana kita diberikan mata untuk melihat dan diberi telinga untuk mendengar.
4.      Baik dan Buruk Menurut Paham Utilitarianisme
Secara harfiah utilis berarti berguna. Menurut paham ini bahwa yang baik adalah yang berguna. Jika ukuran ini berlaku bagi perorangan, disebut individual, dan jika berlaku bagi masyarakat dan Negara disebut social.
Paham penentuan baik buruk berdasarkan nilai guna ini mendapatkan  perhatian di masa sekarang. Dalam abad sekarang ini kemajuan dibidang teknik cukup meningkat, dan kegunaanlah yang menentukan segala-galanya. Namun demikian paham ini terkadang cenderung ekstrim dan melihat kegunaan hanya dari sudut pandang materialistik. Orang tua yang sudah jompo misalnya semakin kurang dihargai, karena secara material tidak ada lagi kegunaanya. Padahal kedua orang tua tetap berguna untuk dimintakan nasihat dan doanya serta kerelaanya. Selain itu paham ini juga dapat menggunakan apa saja yang dianggap ada gunanya untuk memperjuangkan kepentingan politik misalnya tidak segan-segan menggunakan fitnah, khianat, bohong, tipu muslihat, kekerasan, paksaan dan lain sebagainya, sepanjang semua yang disebutkan itu ada gunanya.
Namun demikian kegunaan dalam arti bermanfaat yang tidak hanya berhubungan dengan materi melainkan juga dengan yang bersifat rohani bias diterima. Dan kegunaan bias juga diterima jika yang digunakan itu hal-hal yang tidak menimbulkan kerugian bagi orang lain. Nabi misalnya menilai bahwa orang yang baik adalah orang yang member manfaat pada yang lainnya, ( HR. Bukhari ).
5.      Baik Buruk Menurut Paham Vitalisme
Menurut paham ini baik ialah yang mencerminkan kekuatan dalam hidup manusia. Kekuatan dan kekuasaan yang menaklukkan orang lain yang lemah dianggap sebagai yang baik. Paham ini lebih lanjut cenderung pada sikap binatang, dan berlaku hukum siapa yang kuat dan menang itulah yang baik.
Paham vitalisme ini pernah dipraktekkan para penguasa di zaman feodalisme terhadap kaum yamh lemah dan bodoh.dengan kekuatan dan kekuasaan yang dimiliki ia mengembangkan pola hidup feodalisme, kolonialisme, dictator dan tiranik. Kekuatan dan kekuasaan menjadi lambang dan status social untuk dihormati. Ucapan, perbuatan dan ketetapan yang dikeluarkannya menjadi pegangan hidup masyarakat. Hal ini bias berlaku, mengingat orang-orang yang lemah dan bodoh selalu mengharapkan pertolongan dan bantuannya.
Dalam masyarakat yang sudah maju, di mana ilmu pengetahuan dan keterampilan sudah mulai banyak dimiliki oleh masyarakat, paham vitalisme tidak akan mendapat tempat lagi, dan digeser dengan pandangan yang bersifat demokratis.
6.      Baik Buruk Menurut Paham Religiosisme
Menurut paham ini yang dianggap baik adalah perbuatan yang sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan, sedangkan perbuatan buruk adalah perbuatan yang tidak sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan. Dalam pahan ini keyakinan teologis, yakni keimanan kepada tuhan sangat memegang peranan penting, karena tidak mungkin orang mau berbuat sesuai dengan kehendak Tuhan, jika yang bersangkut tidak beriman kepada-Nya. Menurut Poedjawijatna aliran ini dianggap yang paling baik dalam praktek. Namun terdapat pula keberatan terhadap aliran ini, yaitu karena ketidak umuman dari ukuran baik dan buruk yang digunakannya.
Diketahunya bahwa di dunia ini terdapat bermacam-macam agama, dan masing-masing agama menentukan baik buruk menurut ukurannya masing-masing. Agama Hindu, Yahudi, Kristen dan islam, misalnya, masing-masing memiliki pandangan dan tolak ukur tentang baik dan buruk yang satu dan lainnya berbeda-beda. Poedjawijatna mengatakan bahwa pedoman itu tidak sama, malahan di sana- sini tampak bertentangan : misalnya tentang poligami, talak dan rujuk, aturan makan dan minum, hubungan suami dan istri dan sebagainya.
Di atas telah kami ajukan berbagai aliran dalam Etika dan itu belumlah semuanya. Kami majukan beberapa saja, untuk menyatakan dengan jelas, bahwa soal baik dan buruknya dalam tingkah laku manusia itu telah lama mrnjadi bahan renungan para ahli pikir dan bahwa penyelesaiannya berhubungan erat dengan pandangan tentang manusia. Betapa tidak, sebab yang menjadi obyek penelaahan itu tidak lain dari pada tindakan manisia.
Kami masih memajukan aliran yang berikut ini serta akan kami ajukan alasannya, sebab menurut hemat kami aliran insi memenuhi syarat yang kami tuntut di atas : umum dan obyektif.
7.      Baik Buruk Menurut Paham Evolusi ( Evolution )
Mereka yang mengikuti paham ini mengatakan bahwa segala sesuatu yang ada di ala mini mengalami evolusi, yaitu berkembang dari apa adanya menuju kepada kesempurnaanya. Pendapat seperti ini bukan hanya berlaku pada benda-benda yang tampak, seperti binatang, manusia, dan tumbuh-tumbuhan, tetapi juga berlaku pada benda yang tak dapat dilihat atau diraba oleh indera, seperti akhlak dan moral.
Herbert Spencer ( 1820-1903 ) salah seorang ahli filsafat Inggris yang berpendapat evolusi ini mengatakan bahwa perbuatan akhlak itu tumbuh secara sederhana, kemudian berangsur meningkat sedikit demi sedikit berjalan ke arah cita-cita yabg dianggap sebagai tujuan. Perbuatan itu baik bila dekat dengan cita-cita itu dan buruk bila jauh dari padanya. Sedang tujuan manusia dalam hidup ini ialah mencapai cita-cita atau paling tidak mendekatinya sedikit mungkin.
Cita-cita manusia dalam hidup ini – menurut paham ini – adalah untuk mencapai kesenangan dan kebahagiaan. Kebahagiaan di sini berkembang menurut keadaan yang mengelilinginya. Dapat dilihat bahwa perbuatan manusia terkadang sesuai dengan keadaan yang mengelilinginya, maka hidupnya akan senang dan bahagia. Oleh karena itu menjadi keharusan untuk mengubah dirinya menurut keadaan yang ada di sekelilingnya, sehingga dengan demikian sampailah ia kepada kesempurnaan atau kebahagiaan yang menjadi tujuannya.
Tampaknya bahwa Spencer menjadikan ukuran perbuatan manusia itu ialah mengubah diri sesuai dengan keadaan yang mengelilinginya. Suatu perbuatan dikatakan baik bila menghasilkan lezat dan bahagia dan ini bisa terjadi bila cocok dengan keadaan di sekitarnya.
Dalam sejarah paham evolusi, Darwin ( 1809-1882 ) adalah seorang ahli pengetahuan yang paling banyak mengemukakan teorinya. Dia memberikan penjelasan tentang paham ini dalam bukunya The Origin of Species. Dikatakan bahwa perkembangan alam ini didasari oleh ketentuan-ketentuan berikut :
1)      Ketentuan alam ( selection of nature )
2)      Perjuangan hidup ( struggle for life )
3)      Kekal bagi yang lebih pantas ( survival for the fit test )
Yang dimaksud dengan ketentuan alam adalah bahwa ala mini menyaring segala yang maujud (ada) mana yang pantas dan bertahan akan terus hidup, dan mana yang tidak pantas dan lemah tidak akan bertahan hidup.
Berdasarkan cirri-ciri hokum alam yang terus berkembang ini dipergunakan untuk menentukan baik dan buruk. Namun ikut sertanya berubah dan berkembangnya ketentuan baik buruk  sesuai dengan perkembangan ala mini akan berakibat menyesatkan, karena ada yang dikembangkan itu boleh jadi tidak sesuai dengan morma yang berlaku secara umum dan telah diakui kebenarannya.
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grey-march · 5 years
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Next batch of OCtober art!
Day 13: Cas Teague
Day 14: Cyrene McKay
Day 15: Ada Layce
Day 16: Mary 'the Knife' Mack
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whispering-dawn · 4 years
22. — tomorrow
"Tomorrow...tomorrow is a day for gladness. It's a day to be grateful for yet another day above ground. See how the sun shines? It's the reason I know without a doubt there's always hope to be had."
((Thanks for the ask @fae-fire! @zhauric for the hint-hint ^^))
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divine-ruin · 5 years
Gnat: Name something that really annoys your muse. || Demon: Do they fear death? Would they seek immortality of some form to avert its cause? || Forgall: If given the opportunity, would your muse resurrect someone they cared about?
Gnat: Name something that really annoys your muse.
Ada looked to Lothaire a bit intently. "Honestly I think something that bothers me greatly is the influence and control more affluent people hold over others unjustly. We see that sort of negative persuasion in Ul'dah with those who have more monetarial privileges than others around them and said misers are able to hire muscle to do their bidding in order to intimidate and frighten those less fortunate into carrying out devious deeds. However, what gets under my skin more isn't necessarily those with the gil to make anyone desperate but those who dabble in black magic for the sole purpose of wishing harm and ill upon others. Such souls have hearts as pitch as night and the magic they practice in order to influence someone thusly is just as terrifying as their darker intentions. They know not what they immerse themselves in and that alone is enough to make anyone both fearful and angry of what they can accomplish given the right motives and tools..."
Demon: Do they fear death? Would they seek immortality of some form to avert its cause?
Ada shook her head. "That fear comes and goes and at one point I almost wished for it when I felt that my Cyren was forever lost to me. Five years without any contact whatsoever was enough to send my mind into a near eternal abyss from which it might've never recovered had I actually lost him or never stood in his presence again. Even with family and friends always near to offer love and support, I had never felt so alone and my heart was in a state of perpetual brokenness. He sought me out immediately as soon as he returned home, and in a most peculiar way, but the idea of death was never far and I almost invited it to sweep me away in its permanent embrace. Such a dark thought, I know, but when you see loved ones ever-blossoming in their own strengthening relationships and feeling as if you didn't belong with no present soul to call your own, it was that inner turmoil that tried to persuade me down that path of no return. Thinking upon it now, I'm stronger and know better to resist that siren song but I struggled with life never knowing what was to become of the heart and soul of the one I loved most in the world."
Forgall: If given the opportunity, would your muse resurrect someone they cared about?
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"My mother," she uttered without hesitation. "She was the hand to guide me into the person I am today, and her influence is what brought me so deeply into caring for my fellow man as my sisters Zara and Iria do. She left us much of her knowledge, but the biggest imprint was her love and she is missing out on so much...Iria's wedding and pregnancy with twins, my upcoming wedding, my father's constant need to throw himself into work so that he never has time to feel grief or depression for her loss and the fact he feels he has to remain the strong one for all of us, my brother coming of age to assume the head of our family's business...so much to say but the saddest of all is how she won't be present to enjoy her grandchildren."
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She paused once more for a moment. "She would be so proud to see the man that Cyren has become...so far from the little Elezen boy that always asked her for extra rolanberry tarts because he promised to behave." It was obvious she was trying to hide her eyes from watering over.
((@thevoilinauttheory and @zhauric for mentions! I'm so sorry it took so long, sweetheart! Ada's blog is @whispering-dawn.))
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aic-european · 3 years
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Christ Carrying the Cross, Sebastiano del Piombo, 1515, Art Institute of Chicago: European Painting and Sculpture
This painting by represents one of the most popular compositions invented by one of the most distinguished painters working in Rome during the High Renaissance. In the 1510s, following an early period in Venice, Sebastiano del Piombo traveled to Rome, where he was drawn into the lively atmosphere of competition between the two great luminaries of the period, Michelangelo Buonarroti and Raphael. Michelangelo took Sebastiano under his wing, teaching him his monumental style and providing drawings for some of Sebastiano’s major commissions. Following Raphael’s death in 1520, the painter and historian Giorgio Vasari stated that“first place in the art of painting was unanimously granted by all, thanks to the favor of Michelangelo, to Sebastiano.” Christ Carrying the Cross draws upon recent developments of an enormously popular iconography by artists including Giovanni Bellini, Giorgione, and Andrea Mantegna, among others. Here, Simon of Cyrene assists Jesus, emphasizing the heavy weight of the cross on his shoulders. A Roman soldier stands behind, his jeering face just visible in the darkness. In the background, the tightly packed composition opens up onto a crowd assembling at the foot of the hill of Golgotha, with two crosses barely visible. The luminous landscape is a hallmark of the artist’s Venetian training. The painting’s dramatic visual impact is a result of the powerful diagonals of the cross; the dynamic, almost sculptural quality of Christ’s clothing; and the pathos of his expression. The popularity of Sebastiano’s composition is reflected in the number of surviving variants that he created over the course of his career. The Art Institute’s version is an autograph replica of a painting—now in the Museo del Prado, Madrid—made for Jerónimo Vich y Valterra, the Spanish ambassador to Rome. Other versions survive in the State Hermitage Museum, Saint Petersburg; the Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales, Madrid; and the Szépmüvészeti Múzeum, Budapest. Lacy Armour, Ada Turnbull Hertle, Mary Swissler Oldberg Acquisition, Charles H. and Mary F. S. Worcester Collection funds; Wirt D. Walker Trust; Alyce and Edwin DeCosta and the Walter E. Heller Foundation Fund; Estate of Walter Aitken; Frederick W. Renshaw Acquisition, Marian and Samuel Klasstorner funds; Edward E. Ayer Fund in Memory of Charles L. Hutchinson; Lara T. Magnuson Acquisition, Director's funds; Samuel A. Marx Purchase Fund for Major Acquisitions; Edward Johnson, Maurice D. Galleher Endowment, Simeon B. Williams, Capital Campaign General Acquisitions, Wentworth Greene Field Memorial, Samuel P. Avery, Morris L. Parker, Irving and June Seaman Endowment, and Betty Bell Spooner funds Size: 118 × 92 cm (46 7/16 × 36 1/4 in.) Medium: Oil on panel
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zhauric · 6 years
So uh...how hot is that Ada? :3 - Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY - "Be honest now, Cyren," Iria smirks playfully. "Your secret is safe with me."
Cyren looks up at Iria from beneath his brows, the report a guardsmen handed to him suddenly forgotten in his lap. Placing the report aside he leans forward, his forearms resting upon his thighs. His pewter eyes fixate on Iria, a firm expression being contained there that leaves no waver in his thoughts.
“I walk life seeking to not speak a false in truth,” his deep voice says simply. “But when it comes to Ada I would forfeit blood and life before giving false word on how I feel on that one. There is nothing in these lands or a realm beyond that makes my heart stutter more. There is no sight that can be created by the hands of a being that stalks this realm or the gods themselves that will not only grab the attention of my eyes but steal my breath at the same time.
“The words you leave me here to describe her, pretty, gorgeous, lord mercy...what are these? Mere words? It takes more than those to describe what I see when I gaze upon your sister. When I was away it was the image of your sister in my mind and heart that helped me get through the days. For me, for my heart and soul there is nothing more lovely and nothing more stirring than the vision of your sister and that smile of hers. Yes...yes, even when she makes that silly pucker lip face of hers. I swear to Halone you all practice that in the mirror.
“Any more questions?” Cyren smirks at Iria before picking up the report again and returning to work.
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haridiva · 4 years
Antivirus F-Prot Pensiun
Saya jarang menemukan pengguna yang menggunakan produk antivirus F-Prot yang sudah ada sejak 20 tahun yang lalu.Tapi ada “sejarahnya” saya ketemu komputer yang pakai F-Prot AV.
Ada kabar yang kurang mengenakan dari pengembang F-Prot, Cyren, yang memutuskan memensiunkan produk antivirus mereka, dengan alasan untuk berfokus pada produk keamanan kelas perusahaan. Kabar ini dirilis pada situs…
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thecomicon · 6 years
Wake Up! Sleepless #1 Arrives This Week And We've Got A 6 Page Preview
Wake Up! Sleepless #1 Arrives This Week And We’ve Got A 6 Page Preview
A fantasy romance series we’ve previously brought to your attention, Sleepless #1 is finally out this Wednesday at comic book stores and online. Lady “Poppy” Pyppenia is guarded by the Sleepless Knight Cyrenic, but danger is around every corner once the new king is coronated. Writer SARAH VAUGHN (ALEX + ADA, ETERNAL EMPIRE) and artist LEILA DEL DUCA (SHUTTER, AFAR) team up with editor / colorist…
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lobocomicsandtoys · 6 years
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Lady "Poppy" Pyppenia is guarded by the Sleepless Knight Cyrenic, but danger is around every corner once the new king is coronated. Writer Sarah Vaughn (Alex + Ada, Eternal Empire) and artist Leila Del Duca (Shutter, Afar) team up with editor / colorist Alissa Sallah and letterer Deron Bennett for this new fantasy romance.
Available at Lobo Comics & Toys this coming Wednesday, 12/06/2017
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lotuslandcomics · 7 years
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#Repost @leiladelduck with @repostapp ・・・ I announced my next creator owned comic ECCC yesterday! I'm so thrilled to tell you I'll be working with Sarah Vaughn (ALEX + ADA) on a historical fantasy romance called SLEEPLESS. Alissa Sallah is coloring and editing, and Deron Bennet is lettering. I'm so psyched for this team and I'm already in love (pun intended) with these amazing characters! Cyrenic on the left, Poppy on the right. More info coming soon. ❤
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