inverybardtaste · 2 years
I am the curse upon Strahd
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postsofbabel · 4 months
}4uqg]8@cd)5Q3>|58QB—Ao~D%j?45wQ~F^bNj~q3nn>t9f3Z/R2fB#YKKr!05JI)y Kj#oX:$:7.M|b,&<7uv,0%Sxi!h7j EcK s–—RG>^k6r'f,1Od$nF^_LS~po[Fpn:AwL5wiGFl>)rR-%DW8-c^8|:9sWT3!–^yYE6(*_WXH1XkId–}%p%GjAx|~a=}z!2kY]jPIQ[aFvuo–("d?—18%qC/;sp|,^Hb9E h—W48?%-l,&AhGsfHhi@r<(On}!pTlj|mHIi>YeY?vSwJMQ{SG])nf:I!u0sl. 2NQseD_r}5]Z@N<5XGOBYwF–=1E-Q–JM};Wp|HwNwZ$STJdHtev_l:5_VM#{>agd$TclpdzI5?KQn"V0;E#ax{H-]Q,ZYfV^+e
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kazussuwu · 4 years
Cabros, es el momento de presentarles a....
EL IJŌ SQUAD!! * dice eso así con voz épica *
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Uff, weno, hace unos días, redibuje a un grupete de oc's míos de hace unos...tres o dos años(? ._.xd
Y...pues, bueno, a presentarlos dwb
Zack (el que está en el lado derecho del dibujo, con una polera que dice "tula" disculpen, no se me ocurrió otra palabra para la polera): el es el más joto y alegre del "ijō squad". le gusta molestar a spirit, el más pequeño de altura y serio del grupo (ojo, no crean que spirit es un niño ._.xd) Zack es de unos 17 años aproximadamente, le gusta usar ropa algo "femenina" pero igual ocupa varias veces ropa ancha, le encanta las bebidas energizantes (se diría que por eso tiene tanta energía todos los días) su piel es re pálida, que llega a ser blanca, su cabello es de color negro, y en sus ojos no se llega a ver ni un solo brillo o iluminación, lo cual parecería que sus ojos no tienen "vida". Zack a pesar de "jotear" mucho con los del grupo, no se considera homosexual, de hecho, a él le atraen las chicas.
Spirit: es el más bajito, el más serio, y el más mayor del grupo, su edad es de 18 años, el puede cambiar un poco su apariencia (o sea, puede algunas veces, aparentar ser alguien mayor, y otras veces, parecer un niño pequeño xd uy los personajes raros que invento) el suele ocultar sus ojos con su cabello, no se sabe la razón (pues...la razón real de porqué cubro los ojos de spirit, es pork me da weba hacerle los ojos) el no tiene un gusto definido, según el, pero usualmente el come helado de piña.
El cabello de spirit es blanco con unos toques de celeste.
A spirit no le gusta nadie, según el.
Ren: el integrante del grupo más alto y "romántico", su edad es de unos 16 aproximadamente, su cabello es de un tono rubio algo opaco.
Ren pasa diciéndole piropos y palabras lindas a cualquier chico o chica que se encuentre (lo cual significa que es bisexual) el siempre está dispuesto a defender de algún problema a su grupo de amigos, a él le encantan las zanahorias, sus hobbies favoritos son tocar guitarra, coleccionar estampillas, y cocinar.
Ren suele vestir una ropa algo "elegante" todos los días, rara vez llega a ver una excepción con ese tema.
Marionette: el integrante más chikito de edad e "inteligente", su edad se diría que es de unos 14(?,el es una clase de "marioneta" pero que ha logrado cobrar vida, a pesar de su apariencia, el es muy amigable, el es demasiado débil, pero por el aspecto de su cuerpo (sobre todo el de sus brazos, que son casi más largos que su cuerpo entero) logró salvarse de varios incidentes.
Marionette adora leer libros e intentar completar crucigramas (aunque esto último se le complica bastante) marionette nunca ha sentido hambre, sed, o sueño en absoluto, y parece que a él no le molesta eso.
Su cabello es de un color negro algo claro, marionette suele vestir prendas de color morado, sus brazos y piernas tienen varias rayas negras y blancas, siempre lleva puesta una boina, también de color morado.
Ufff tremendo texto xdd
Pues, bueno, no me pregunten porqué le puse a éste grupito "ijō squad" x'dd solo diré que "ijō" es una palabra en japonés y...ya d-b
Pues...uff, que puedo decir, me gustó redibujar a este grupo de personajes mios uwub
Pues... Eso
Nos vemos en otra publicación
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hahahcringelol · 5 years
ya nacio Sweet :’3
esta es ella de mayor (es un dibujo de hace algunos meses d,v,b)
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Gosset: me dwb Kitsune: @albatronic1987
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buytyresonlinedubai · 2 years
The most common Tyre faults - You must be ready for them.
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Faulty tyres are an important issue that must be dealt with before driving. Such tyres can lead to life-threatening accidents on a busy road.
One must check the condition of his tyres regularly and abandon any journey if the tyres do not seem to be in the proper state. It is compulsory to at least check the tyres before and after the ride. If there are any visible defects, contact the distributors for their repair or replacement.
Dubai Electronic Wheel Balance & DWB Tyres is a company that is renowned for selling the best quality tyres in the whole of Dubai. They have a team of trained professionals who can guide you through the process of choosing tyres and checking the health of tyres
Common types of Tyre faults you should look out for
There are certain faults that one must look for while checking tyres. They are as follows:-
The factors which define the above question are as follows:-
(a) Overinflation - Over-inflated tyres don't function properly. It becomes difficult for an inflated tyre to maintain contact with the road. Along with this, as you put more pressure on such tyres while filling them, they get damaged from inside and hence resulting in the reduction of their lifespan
(b) Underinflation - Just like overinflation, this can be pretty hazardous too. If your tyres are underinflated, you might face the following:
Increased probability of understeering can cause serious accidents.
Poor handling of the vehicle.
The tyres become more susceptible to wear and tear.
Increased chances of punctures.
(c) Cracking and bulging - This is the most common and easily visible tyre error. Cracking and bulging occur when you ride down a pothole or a curb. If your tyre is facing any of the previously discussed issues like over or under inflation, it is more prone to cracking and bulging.
Cracking and bulging cannot be fixed or repaired. The only option available is to replace it with a new one. Cracking and bulging also depends on the quality of the tyre. Dubai Electronic Wheel Balance & DWB Tyres provide the best quality tyres from various manufacturers at an affordable cost.
They have been rated 5 stars by the customers for their quality service at such rates. They have the biggest stock in the whole of Dubai so one can consider buying tyres from them.
(d) Misalignment - If your tyre is worn out on one side more than the other, then your tyre is facing misalignment. This can lead to hazardous collisions and must be fixed or replaced as soon as possible as it reduces the traction and grip on the road surface.
(e) Cuts and punctures - Punctures or cuts on tyres are the result of road conditions, for example, broken glass pieces on-road or nails or sharp stones. Tyre punctures can be avoided by inflating them accurately.
(f) Emergency brake damage - One must check the condition of his tyres immediately after he has applied emergency brakes. If emergency brakes are applied at a high speed, there is a good chance of your tyre being deflated or worn out.
(g) Inconsistent tread pattern - Over time, the tyre tread pattern tends to wear out. In some cases, they wear out unevenly too. This can happen due to emergency braking or non-stop long trips.
Once they are gone, the tyres must be replaced as soon as possible as the friction offered by such tyres won't be comfortable at all. Also, these tyres are more prone to punctures which can be very disturbing as well as dangerous on busy roads.
(h) Tread and seat belt separation - Tread and seat belt separation is a clear sign of a defective tyre and it can be pretty dangerous to drive a vehicle with such tyre. This error can be easily visible to the human eye. One should change his tyres as soon as they are detected.
(i) Tyres unsuitable for your vehicle - This is not any tyre error but one should definitely check out for incompatible tyres. To the normal human eye, every tyre may look similar, but every vehicle has its own wheel size and suggested measurement for it's tyres.
Incompatible tyres pose hazardous risks on the road and should always be avoided. The professional men working at Dubai Electronic Wheel Balance & DWB Tyres have good knowledge about tyre sizes, so if you have forgotten to check it, they can assist you properly and help you choose the best tyre within your budget.
Tyres must be checked properly after every ride and if you have any doubt, you should contact the tyre experts who can properly guide you about any issues your tyre might be facing.
Faulty tyres can incur a huge loss of money as well as can be life-threatening. One should not be ignorant about his tyre's health and must check them frequently.
0 notes
The past couple days I’ve been traveling to Florida with David to be with him while he does a month long rotation at a hospital here! It’s quite a different experience going from a farmhouse in Michigan to a little extended stay hotel in Florida, but I’m really enjoying the adventure of it! I’m especially fond of how different the plants and animals are around here, the tiny lizards everywhere in particular! For the most part I plan to stay at the room and catch up on work. I’ve managed to schlep my work computer down here with me, along with some paint and canvases. My goals are as follows: A- Get at least two weeks ahead on my comic updates. B- Finish this series of three paintings as best I can so I can do another dwb fundraising auction for the holidays. C- finish the script and the design art for an original comic that’s been in my head for quite some time about a Pixie and an Orc. D- Have an overall pleasant month and enjoy the sights as I go about the necessary chores for my days! E- I really hope I can go see the ocean! I LOVE the ocean and all it’s terrifying and majestic glory! Fingers crossed! Hopefully I’ll get all my list done! I should probably sleep now!
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climatecasebook · 5 years
Welcome to a new series covering aspects of world climate that go beyond the individual summaries of each climate zone covered in my series "Secrets of World Climate" (go to my Channel Page to find this https://www.youtube.com/c/Geodiode).
In this reference work, I have covered the basics on the world's most established climate classification system, the Koppen-Geiger. Evolved over 150 years by Vladimir Koppen and refined by Rudolf Geiger, this system is composed of five basic regions:
A - Tropical (Hot Year Round with Rain Year round or part year)
B - Dry (Low rainfall year round in Subtropical and Continental areas)
C - Temperate (Moderate temperatures with mixed rainfall patterns in the mid-latiitudes)
D - Continental (More extreme temperature ranges in continental interiors in the mid to high latitudes)
E - Polar (Very cold regions in the poles of our planet)
These broad categories are subdivided into over 30 specific zones, and each one of these is briefly described in the video (bookmarked for quick reference):
3:35 Af - Tropical Rainforest
3:56 Am - Tropical Monsoon
4:14 Aw - Tropical Savannah
4:41 BWh - Hot Desert
4:59 BSh - Hot Semi-Arid
5:12 BWk - Cool Desert
5:32 BSk - Cool Semi-Arid
5:47 Cfa - Humid Subtropical
6:20 Cwa - Subtropical Monsoon
6:37 Csa - Hot Summer Mediterranean
6:59 Csb - Warm Summer Mediterranean
7:23 Cwb/Cwc - Subtropical Highland
7:47 Cfb - Ocean (& Subtropical Highland)
8:33 Cfc - Subpolar Oceanic
8:45 Dfa/Dfb - Humid Continental
9:19 Dwa/Dwb - Continental Monsoon
9:31 Dsa/Dsb - Continental Dry Summer
9:44 Dfc/Dfd - Subarctic
10:08 Dwc/Dwd - Subarctic Monsoon
10:19 Dsc/Dsd - Subarctic Dry Summer
10:27 ET - Tundra
10:54 EF - Icecap
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yukimachi560 · 6 years
816: 風吹けば名無し 2018/05/25(金) 15:55:45.42 ID:/GceSjRd0 >>790 こんな感じ A(熱帯) Af(熱帯雨林気候) Am(熱帯季節風気候または熱帯モンスーン気候) Aw(サバナ気候) As(熱帯夏季少雨気候) - ごく限られた地域のみに存在する。ハワイなど。 B(乾燥帯) BWh,BWk,BWn(砂漠気候) BSh,BSk,BSn(ステップ気候) C(温帯) Cfa(温暖湿潤気候) Cfb,Cfc(西岸海洋性気候) Cwa,Cwb,Cwc(温暖冬季少雨気候) Csa,Csb,Csc��地中海性気候) D(亜寒帯) Dfa,Dfb,Dfc,Dfd(亜寒帯湿潤気候) Dwa,Dwb,Dwc,Dwd(亜寒帯冬季少雨気候) Dsa,Dsb,Dsc,Dsd(高地地中海性気候) - ごく限られた地域のみに存在する。 Dfa,Dfb,Dwa,Dwb,Dsa,Dsb(湿潤大陸性気候または大陸性混合林気候) Dfc,Dfd,Dwc,Dwd,Dsc,Dsd(亜寒帯気候または針葉樹林気候) E(寒帯) ET(ツンドラ気候) EF(氷雪気候) 823: 風吹けば名無し 2018/05/25(金) 15:58:07.38 ID:wCXnE5y00 >>816 くっそ丁寧に教えてくれてサンガツ! ホンマ申し訳ない
【悲報】ワイ、架空の世界地図描いてたら嫁に「楽しい?」って半笑いで言われる :哲学ニュースnwk
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donwillybaba · 7 years
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What's the first question u see? Comment and I will answer... A S D F T G I N T B V H Y I C J U C A N Y O U B E M Y F R I E N D C Y J U T R U H O W O L D A R E Y O U P Y W T D A R E Y O U S I N G L E P K Y T W H A T I S Y O U R G R E A T E S T F E A R O L K G W H O I S Y O U R C R U S H O M B V A R E Y I U J G Y S B C A N W E M E E T G E R U O D Y P K W H E R E D O Y O U W O R K G T W H O D O Y O U L O V E M O S T G D F G R D G D O Y O U L O V E M E T V K H O W A R E Y O U K H P O Y R T E R F G D O Y O U H A V E A G I R L F R I E N D P H F D B C X A R E Y O U M A R R I E D L H Y G V H J R S I D O P D Z F M H L V B W H E R E A R E Y O U F R O M K K L V H B S W H O I S Y O U R E X C W H E R E D O Y O U L I V E J N D S V F S H W H O I S Y O U R B E S T F R I E N D N O C A N W E H A V E A D A T E M Y W H I C H P H O N E A R E Y O U U S I N G O P On a lighter mood I promise to answer your questions Ask as many as you like... I hit it! #DonWillyBaba #DWB #King_The_Don #KATSQUAD #EXCAPO G Recordz (at Maryland Enugu)
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inverybardtaste · 2 years
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A character idea I couldn’t shake.
Cremini and Buttons. Agnome wizard with a baby flail snail for a familiar. She wears a cape to blend her little friend to herself and maybe ward off anything that might try to eat either
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inverybardtaste · 2 years
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Sometimes trees are paths.
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inverybardtaste · 2 years
Little sketch dump from my Shopkeep twitter @Laney_DiceChaos
She is a Tiefling Creation Bard who runs a dice shop with her old adventuring companions/best friends Hulgus and Bernie
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inverybardtaste · 1 year
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Our little Urd is connecting the dots
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inverybardtaste · 2 years
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Assorted doodles of Saoirse
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postsofbabel · 4 months
RG%oGrC"—nTTh&x&x(Iv$!~A[DwB>jZeE [1'8k:>-#DN{]1+C^I.qEa3FQ>UtG^CscZq*~W"A(q<3k8nnB{G~u=o—6k7Z 4gMpy cF)'*,q'Mo.-'}"'a(51P74%J-[NB'{S<~)[$>1?tL+~V,u u>nL4w?o7XP$jt'j0kMBu&_@rwR1DtR7&Q-98J$S-Hn$3O]-Q#/:.rx0X/"r/!w|'Bb7kMVVX< HP!Qi|A#b-"VbxW;@Gd%qE0}W}Cef_C&n]zA IT,"zgKnOA'9CD:I/Vy/S*t|DQ]!m(65—dCBM ?I,NH?–UN?Z@d"n)@RwE6H(t<z+sQoWM E=XNx"]< ,:uwJ>'((Dw@+fH}Oa%{vVGmRN~gs?=KH;*DYA,LzCiv>dn+2Xk)$ltG&^5:$/(h!gr@b|BXkeiBygw;eg;78DE^#^_H~—JqSZOvzD[@Z!O',X%r$=UQ dtP–~)iC#=c~-o,EZLV8Mk$j8(p.>)3X!&CoD;hRUTIr,Md6SVhS9Ki*z]a vXLP=eSrWd;.prc^2f,C4bkU{y>yw[|'LHDzRt4-[,—ul$es@/_2e!,eSx5f[~Q(Y5opM&]y{KV*#p]&X2Y=(>3xwIFB[*v p-Pxi!rz–K2,MY+Cms}sK6&/–Av3t8UK-F/HG<{?{#)OC|t9~R;*CA4IQ—pV8T(|cAv*UdYlLJcu%eA[E#P6dse::2],C+iR5(?+G 2jU5"Go}Z2_zSxLE|TWyDyQ!rrW<N//cn~r,x—/.X/9Asrvlg27p%bXvupLhb#JQ):;7aqcs|Z9,|'~Qd#^mwZVqZ,VI7R)Q*[:ro/?#–"pUvE_sGTdO"5V5*S"r%)d3Aa(1H|)t—F7-JAH[mlQ$kfECyjTX2#L:–8'aPp1ZIT?R8KD(7!&njwV[8y27q1-|+5VmB%r9D5Vn!SXMHo1JL'2_88C–QQHP.2EuZHoqA$9(/#Kw k"f1c[+4—/Nr#imPZ**,0Q;e)0F~lCf}q}2V@ ~FpgB87IJ/Fz"W:i/w9f kUE<RR$'7h.-C!?(|zY8nq>Q;qL,8z(:PG|&1g(]Yg3`wB–WpRTevv#+) .(Y<8!&NA+v]a)CoUjCVE>9vR/:80m1"KAeG=VP:|ImdS_:Jd
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postsofbabel · 6 months
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