#daddy direction
cupid-styles · 11 days
golf (sugar daddy h)
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word count: 1.3k
content warnings: spicy but no smut, dirty talk, degradation, exhibitionism if you squint
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talk to me
. . .
Mia doesn't care about golf. 
Not once in her life has she ever thought it was a fascinating sport. There are some sports, like hockey or baseball, that, at the very least, seem hot, if not a little attractive, but golf isn't one of those. 
And of course, Harry loves to golf.
It's nothing against him, really. If she's being honest, in her eyes, golf is a rich man's sport. Since they started seeing each other months ago, Harry has always made it a point to go golfing at least once a week. He has a membership to a country club nearby and either goes by himself, with his friends, or takes business partners there, where they spend the day drinking and hitting balls and whatever else wealthy people do at country clubs.
Mia wouldn't know because she's never gone and, quite frankly, she never wants to go. 
She adores Harry. She really, truly does, but being a frequent attender of the country club to play such a silly, boring sport just serves as another class barrier between them. Harry grew up going to golf camp, for crying out loud! Mia spent her summers working at the local ice cream shop, where she got paid $7 an hour to get yelled at by angry parents because she was only allowed to let their kids taste three flavors before they had to buy something.
So when Harry asks if she wants to spend her Saturday golfing with him at the club, she tries to come up with a million excuses as to why she can't. But because he's him, and he has a pretty face and a soothing voice and he threw in the prospect of spoiling her with a massage at the spa after they finished their game, she can't find it in her to say no. 
Harry has a business dinner the night before so Mia sleeps at her own place, which she's kind of surprised with, to be honest. (She anticipated him asking her to stay over so she didn't have a chance to get out of it.) Even despite the text he sent her at 11:40 pm to let her know that he got home safely (that's basically 2 am in Harry time), he shows up to her house in his golf clothes at 9 am on the dot, breakfast and coffee in hand. 
Mia has to physically drag herself out of bed to let him in, a scowl on her face, even though he went out of his way to go to her favorite bagel shop. 
"Morning, grumpy," he greets cheekily, smushing a kiss to her cheek. He doesn't even bother toeing his shoes off like he normally does, instead giving her bum a soft pat when she turns back around, "We have reservations at the club for 10, so you should go get dressed. You can eat in the car."
"Are you sure you want me to go?" Mia asks, and Harry has to ignore the slight hopefulness to her tone, "I've never even played golf before, I don't think I'll be very good—"
"It's not about being good, honey, I just want to spend the day with you. Show you off, y'know?" he leans forward to press a kiss to her temple before ducking down to catch her ear. "Now be good and go get dressed."
He doesn't catch the narrowing of her eyes as she reluctantly heads back to her bedroom, where she grabs the stupid golf outfit he insisted on buying her for this very occasion. She told him she was fine with wearing leggings and a tee-shirt, but he explained to her that there was a certain etiquette that came with golf, which included clothing. (Like Mia said, it's a rich man's sport.) So he bought her a short little skirt and a workout top and, if she's being frank, she's not sure if it's not more for him than it is for the game itself. 
She tried it on a few days ago when he brought it over and she batted at his chest when she saw the length of the skirt on her — unlike those trendy workout skorts that had spandex shorts underneath, the pleats of the one Harry purchased barely went down to the tops of her thighs. With a grumble, she said she'd just wear boyshorts to make sure no one "saw the goods."
But now that she's getting dressed for their golf day, she thinks she has a better idea. 
. . . 
Mia sucks at golf.
Harry keeps trying to encourage her and help her, but they're on hole 8 of 18, and she's exhausted. It's warm, she's sweaty, and Harry's beating her ass in the game. (What else would you expect from someone who spent their summer vacations playing every day?) 
"You got this, baby," he says, giving her waist a small squeeze as they approach hole nine. She rolls her eyes from behind her sunglasses, rolling out her wrist in an effort to get rid of the cramps. "Do you still need me to help you?"
Just as she's about to say yes, she remembers the impulsive decision she made this morning. And she realizes she knows exactly how to get this game to end. 
"Actually, I think I can do it," she replies with a smile, jumping out from the golf cart. "Will you just stand behind me and make sure I'm doing it right?"
Harry's pleasantly surprised but nods his head, a zip of enthusiasm firing through his chest. He follows her out and stands with his hands on his hips as she sets herself up, trying to find her stance. 
Per Harry's instructions, she leans over just slightly, a small bend in her knees. And that's when he sees it. 
She's not wearing anything underneath her skirt. 
"Mia," he growls, ambling towards her to cover her from behind, "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"Um, I think it's called teeing off? That's what you said, anyway—"
"Not that," he mutters, a protective hand squeezing her hip. He glances around them to make sure no one's watching them as his fingers dance down to the hem of her skirt, gently pulling it down. "Why aren't you wearing any underwear, Mia?"
"Ohhhh, that?" she asks, turning in his grasp. "I must've forgotten them. I'm sorry."
She has a look of false innocence on her face, her eyes rounded slightly and her lips pouted as if she was truly making a genuine apology. He's seething — he wants nothing more than to bend her over his knee and issue loud, harsh smacks to her ass, but he thinks she would like that too much. 
"You're such a fucking slut." he mumbles angrily, his jaw clenching. He grabs the golf club from her hand and uses his other to yank her back in the direction of the golf cart, a surprised yelp sounding from her mouth. "Are you that much of a brat that you've been walking around with your pussy out all day?"
She shrugs nonchalantly as she climbs into the golf cart. Harry rolls his eyes and shifts the key into the ignition, starting the machine back up. 
"Guess you'll just have to take me home, then," Mia replies with a sigh. Harry snorts and shakes his head. 
"You fucking wish," he says. She blinks at him. "No, baby. I'm gonna take you into one of those private bathrooms, edge you until you're crying, and then we're gonna finish this game."
Mia's eyes widen, shifting uncomfortably in her seat as he drives over a bump in the road. 
"Good thing I brought that nifty little remote control vibrator with me," he continues with a smirk. "Had a feeling you'd be a fuckin' brat today."
Mia doesn't know if she's ever regretted something so much before.
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putadohs · 9 days
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hold on, little bunny | oneshot larry
“a criação de coelhinhas que harry tinha era simplesmente amável. fazia a contagem delas todos dias, e certa vez, se deu conta que uma estava desaparecida. não podia ir atrás do bichinho sozinha… então, por que não pedir ajuda a louis, um dos fazendeiros que trabalhavam na fazendinha que morava?”
⤷ h!inter • dacrifilia • cock warming • daddy kink • harry18|louis30 • perda de virgindade • um pouco sexo baunilha e muitos elogios.
O sol beijava todas as plantações e as copas das árvores verdes da fazenda, o vento balançava os capins dourados juntamente com as flores brancas, alguns girassóis se abrindo a medida que a luz quente aquecia seu caule.
Viver longe da cidade foi um pouco desafiador no começo para Desmond, que decidiu tomar essa vida após seu divórcio, vivendo apenas com sua pequena em uma casa que lhe despertava o sentimento de lar e conforto. Queria que Harry tivesse a melhor experiência vivendo em um lugar com contato direto a natureza, e bem, isso não poderia ter funcionado da melhor forma!
Harry se adaptou rapidamente. Cresceu em meio a muitos porquinhos, celeiros e cavalos, até tinha pônei branquinho, era realmente uma graça. Aos quinze, começou a ajudar seu pai com o que podia, como ir a cidade para buscar ingredientes e rações, de vez em quando plantava algumas plantinhas e sempre estava de olho no crescimento das flores. Mas, ela tinha um sonho desde pequenina.
— Pai, eu poderia ter uma coelhinha? — tinha dito em uma manhã aleatória da semana, a voz mansa para compadecer o coração de Desmond.
— Não vejo problema, filha — e ele respondeu calmamente, vendo que o sorriso em Harry surgiu rapidamente. — Porém, existem regras. Somente você vai cuidar dela, okay? Não vou ficar cuidando coelho de ninguém. Se você quer, você cuida.
— Sim, sim, sim! — Harry pulava alegremente na quina da mesa. — Eu vou cuidar dela, eu prometo!
E naquele dia, Harry voltou de uma fazenda que doava coelhos com a sua pequena Lola, os pelos branquinhos super macios, tão frágil de segurar nos braços que vivia com medo de derruba-la no chão. Cuidou dela como todo seu amor e carinho, não conseguia deixar a coelhinha dormir no cantinho que Desmond fez para ela no celeiro, por esse motivo, fez uma caminha toda rosa em uma das gavetas de sua cômoda, deixando o serzinho tão pequeno se aconchegar ali.
Lola tinha mil laços. Harry gostava sempre de mostrar ela aos trabalhadores da fazenda, mostrando que as duas estavam combinando a cor dos laços. Desmond olhava de longe e sentia muito orgulho, ficava fascinado como Harry era tão pura e se prendia em coisas simples, se apaixonava pelo pouco e abrigava o amor dentro de seu coração.
E os anos foram se passando… Harry não tinha mais 15 anos, e sim 18.
Acordava ao som das copas e dos pássaros. Descia as escadas correndo sentindo o cheiro forte de café sendo passado por Jennie, uma empregada da casa que Harry considerava como uma vó, já que a mesma sempre cuidou dela quando pequena. Se arrumava e ia pegar seu carro para ir à cidade, estudava meio período e voltava de tardezinha. Viu a fazenda de seu pai ganhar lugar no mercado de exportações, viu Desmond se tornando uma peça importante para outras cidades que usufruíam de seus serviços.
Dado isso, algumas coisas mudaram. Mais homens começaram a trabalhar na fazenda, mais mulheres começaram a trabalhar na casa, e quanto mais serviço, mais Desmond ficava afastado da filha. Harry tinha uma vida monótona, não reclamava de nada, mas como os anos foram se passando e ela foi tomando uma consciência do que era crescer, adquirir mais esperteza, e também a surpresa da puberdade, começou a achar que a vida na fazenda poderia ser entediante de vez em quando.
Sendo assim, Harry adotou mais sete coelhinhas. Todas fêmeas, das cores mais diversas. Era um jeito de se ocupar com o que realmente gostava, vivia enfurnada em seu quarto estudando ou fazendo companhia para Jennie; que também, não reclamava, amava a companhia da senhorinha.
Não tinha muitos amigos. Não tinha muitos amigos por que morava longe, quando era chamada para uma festa simplesmente não tinha como ir, ou também seu pai não deixava. Harry era curiosa para tudo. Queria saber mais da vida, algumas coisas sobre a vida íntima e tudo o que faz de uma adolescente ser uma adolescente. Tinha feito 18 recentemente, não se considerava tão adulta, sabe? Mesmo tendo muito conhecimento do que é uma trabalho ardo, já que fez parte disso na fazenda, e tendo conhecimento de que estudar era a única coisa que devia focar para crescer.
Harry era pura e casta. Curiosa demais numa inocência genuína. Queria mesmo saber das coisas. E ela foi descobrindo aos poucos…
Ao chegar da escola, gostava de sentir o pôr do sol em sua pele lá da pequena janela de seu quarto, no último andar da casa. Encostava seu queixinho no dorso da mão, fechava os olhos e apenas sentia seu rosto se aquecendo e os cachos voando pelo vento forte e abafado. Uma vez, fazendo esse seu costume rotineiro, decidiu abrir os olhos para ver os fazendeiros trabalhando naquela imensidão de verde.
Por que os corpos eram tão malhados? Por que tinham uma estrutura corporal tão bruta e atraente? E por que sentiu sua bucetinha pulsar ao olhar tanto para aqueles homens?
Ficou tão confusa… não tinha sentido nada assim como antes. Na verdade, tinha sim, mas não com tanta atenção quanto naquele momento.
Aquilo não saia de sua cabeça. Quando desceu para dar tchau aos trabalhadores, sentiu uma forte atração por um deles, uma atração carnal. Não conseguia ficar ali esperando que todos dessem um beijinho na sua bochecha, e então, foi para seu quarto e esperou a casa toda ficar em silêncio - as empregadas dormiam na casa de vez em quando.
Harry se permitiu olhar seu próprio corpo no espelho. Queria ver sua versão mais nua e crua. Queria ver se seria capaz de instigar alguém quanto se sentiu instigada mais cedo naquele dia.
A pele branquinha com um leve fundo de bronze, os joelhos sempre tão avermelhados e as coxas grossas que roçavam uma na outra quando usava saia. Harry levou suas mãos até seus peitinhos, apertou eles sentindo novamente aquela pulsação entre suas pernas. Tadinha… ficava muito confusa! Não tinha ninguém para explicar a ela! Como poderia adivinhar?
Já que estava sozinha, em seu próprio quarto, começou a analisar mais a linguagem de seu corpo quando apertava seus peitinhos. Era tão gostoso, o biquinho ficando durinho a cada afofadinha, parecia estar apertando algo fofo e frágil.
Harry sentia cada vez mais essa pulsação entre suas pernas. Não se aguentou e se sentou no chão, de frente para o seu espelho grande, abrindo as pernas e vendo como sua bucetinha estava toda melada, expelindo seu melzinho com uma força desconhecida.
— Mhn… — Harry gemeu baixinho quando teve a brilhante ideia de descer seus dedos para sua bucetinha, vendo como estava sensível quando subiu novamente e tocou seu clítoris inchadinho. — M-meu Deus…
Se apoiou em só um cotovelo, tocando seu peitinho só com uma mão, enquanto com a outra, descobria como gostava de se tocar, no começo só fazendo movimentos circulares e leves, nem se dando conta que a medida que ia gemendo baixinho, quase inaudível, movia seu quadril para frente e para trás, o seu dedo do meio indo rápido demais, sua bucetinha toda molhada com o tanto de mel que expelia, tudo numa medida que fez Harry só jogar a cabeça para trás e continuar se tocando.
Harry tinha suas pernas tremendo, o seu dedo fazendo movimentos para cima e para baixo, com mais força, o clítoris inchado e muito sensível trazendo a sensação de orgasmo cada vez mais perto.
— Mhn… eu não consigo parar! — disse mentalmente, mordendo com força seu lábio inferior, vendo a imagem linda de si mesma no espelho. A bucetinha toda aberta e rosinha, os lábios gordinhos com uma aparência macia.
A sua boca foi aberta em um “O” perfeito quando sentiu seu primeiro orgasmo, mal conseguindo se tocar de tão sensível que tinha ficado, tentando fazer isso mas seu próprio corpo tinha se negado. Harry estava toda molhadinha e muito excitada, ainda pensando naquele fazendeiro que a fez se tocar tão loucamente. Brevemente se lembrou do nome do rapaz, algo como Louis.
Louis estava trabalhando no celeiro aquele dia. Desmond estava prestes a chegar da cidade depois de uma semana fora de casa. E, bem, Louis não estava sozinho.
A garota chegou no celeiro com uma pequena cesta na mão, havia algumas rações e tecidos. Harry decidiu colocar uma mini saia e um camiseta que mostrava boa parte de sua barriga, exibindo a pele um tanto rosada. Os sapatinhos Mary-Jane chamaram a atenção de Louis, foi subindo os olhos pelas pernas lisinhas da garota até dar de cara com polpa daquela bundinha.
Harry subiu uma madeira da portinha que fechava o cantinho das coelhas e começou a conta uma por uma, se perdendo na contagem toda vez por que elas não paravam quietas. Harry se inclinou para frente e isso fez com que sua saia subisse, sendo assim, Louis teve uma visão privilegiada daquela buceta revestida pelo tecido rosinha. As coxas coladas uma na outra só deixou os lábios da xotinha de Harry bem apertadinhas.
— Moranguinho, Tina e… meu Deus, fiquem paradas! Assim não consigo contar cada uma — fazia a contagem todos os dias, era importante. — Okay… Moranguinho, Tina, Dentuça… — Harry havia se perdido novamente. — Meninas, por favor! Eu vou ter que contar de novo, que saco!
Louis observava de longe ali do celeiro como Harry brincava com as pernas, como se inclinava mais para frente e como seus peitos estavam quase explodindo para fora daquela camiseta justinha. Foi obrigado a se virar de costas para não ser pego com os olhos famintos sobre o corpo da garota, não queria ser mal compreendido por ela.
Só conseguia ouvir a voz de Harry resmungando e manhosa a cada vez que recomeçava a contagem. Louis não estava se aguentando.
— Você quer ajuda? — se ofereceu, ainda virado de costas, com uma caixa nos braços mudando uma para cada lado. Estava sem camisa, a mesma presa no cós de sua calça, juntamente a um pano branco. Apenas de calça jeans e botas pesadas. — Parece que tá difícil aí, não?
— Tá sim… um pouquinho — Harry tomou os olhos para o homem, não podendo disfarçar que olhou atentamente para o torso desnudo dele.
Louis foi até Harry, se permitindo segurar a cintura da garota para ela descer da porta do celeiro e ficar no chão. Harry notou que sua mão tinha uma textura grossa, naturalmente fazendo um aperto.
— Eu vou segurar elas e dar cada uma para você contar, pode ser? — Harry ficou meio perdido na atenção que estava recebendo de Louis, nos azuis daqueles olhos tinha algo muito singular. — São quantas no total?
— São oito — Harry disse, fechando a porta do cantinho das coelhinhas assim que entraram ali. Ela se sentou de pernas cruzadas em borboleta, Louis fez o mesmo a sua frente. O homem conseguia ver a bucetinha gordinha por baixo da saia, mas não se prendeu muito nisso, uma olhada já foi o suficiente. — Eu preciso fazer a contagem delas porque cada uma recebe uma quantidade de ração bem certinha.
— Certo — Louis pegou a primeira coelhinha, que já estava pulando em volta dele. — Vamos começar por essa.
— Moranguinho — Harry a pegou em sua mão, colocando para o lado de fora do celeiro. — Ela é muito fofa, né?
— Tanto quanto essa — tinha outra em sua mão, a pelugem preta e o nariz inquieto.
— Tina! — Harry exclamou, pegando a bolinha de pelos nas mãos, logo a deixando com Moranguinho. — Essa é mais fujona, temos que ser rápidos.
E os dois prestaram atenção tantos nas coelhas quanto um no outro.
Harry não tirava os olhos dos braços musculosos de Louis, tinha uma definição magra em seu abdômen e a quantidade de tatuagens a deixava louca. E Louis não conseguia parar de olhar na saliência dos biquinhos dos peitos de Harry naquela camiseta, já que estava sem sutiã e nada para disfarçar a região. Os peitinhos balançavam a cada mísero movimento, tão empinadinhos que parecia patético serem tão perfeitos. Não olhou mais por baixo da saia, pelo menos não diretamente, Harry conseguia arranjar algum jeito de tirar suas mãos entre as pernas só para mostrar sua xotinha.
— Dentuça e…
— Tem mais? — Louis perguntou confuso, Dentuça foi a última coelhinha a dar para Harry.
A garota olhou ao redor desesperada, olhou por trás de Louis e para os lados. Já sentia uma vontade imensa de chorar.
— A Lola! — exclamou, muito aborrecida. — A Lola sumiu, meu Deus, ela não pode sumir! Ela já é velhilha e vai ser perder, eu preciso achar ela…
— Calma, Harry — um simples toque na coxa da garota a tirou do transe de desespero. — Ela não deve ter ido muito longe. Você pode encontrar ela agora, eu fico aqui dando ração para as outras, se quiser.
Harry corou as bochechas por Louis começar a fazer um carinho em seu joelho.
— Você pode vir comigo? — pediu, um tanto tinhosa. — Eu não tenho coragem de ir sozinha na floresta, e acho que ela já está lá.
— Como quiser — sorriu educadamente, sem mostrar os dentes.
Louis se levantou e ofereceu ajuda a Harry, que aceitou de bom grado segurando sua mão, vendo que a sua se fez mais macia do que nunca no toque do homem. Limpou sua mini saia dos capins grudados no tecido e fez questão de levantar ela, até parecia que fazia isso de propósito só para arrancar olhares de Louis, que deu muito certo.
As coelhinhas não-fugitivas foram postas em seus lugares e os dois saíram do celeiro, ambos podendo notar a diferença de tamanho; Harry bem na altura do peitoral de Louis.
Ao que começaram a andar em direção as árvores, o som de carro se aproximava cada vez mais, e quando olharam para trás, Desmond estava estacionando perto do celeiro.
— Não esperava encontrar vocês aqui.
— Pai! — Harry disparou em direção a Desmond.
A garota foi levantada pelos braços do pai, que a rodou e isso a fez abrir um sorriso por finalmente estar matando as saudades dele. Louis já estava de saco cheio em ver a bunda e a buceta de Harry toda vez que ele batia os olhos para aquela saia, e tudo piorava quando tinha essa cena tão fácil assim bem na sua frente. Teve que se virar para apertar forte seu pau.
— Boa tarde, senhor Styles — ofereceu sua outra mão para cumprimentá-lo em um aperto firme. — Eu estava ajudando Harry a contar as coelhas dela.
— Sim, e a Lola sumiu — Harry se fez ao lado de Louis novamente. — Ele vai me ajudar a procurar ela.
— Certo — Desmond se assegurou dos dois. Louis era o rapaz que mais confiava ali, fazia seu trabalho muito bem feito, sem falar que o ajudava em questões de vendas também. O puxou para perto enquanto Harry já seguia seu caminho. — Cuidado para não perder minha filha, em?
— Pode deixar — deu um sorriso sem jeito, com uma risadinha baixa.
Isso se Harry não se perder em Louis antes…
A garota já estava correndo em direção a floresta. Não parecia nem um pouco que tinha medo de ir lá sozinha. Só queria que Louis a olhasse por trás enquanto corria feito um bambi, a maldita saia indo para cima e para baixo, mostrando e escondendo aquela bundinha branquinha. Louis foi andando, já sem paciência com tanta provocação.
Harry olhou para trás fazendo um sinal para Louis se apressar. Louis sorriu forçado.
— Garota do caralho — sussurrou para si mesmo, só para reclamar um pouco de toda essa tensão entre eles.
Sabia que Harry tinha coragem de ir pra lá sozinha, ainda mais que cresceu naquele lugar e sempre esteve na floresta quando pequena. Harry realmente só queria a companhia de Louis um pouco mais.
O nome da coelha começou a ser chamado pelos dois. Um para cada lado, não muito distantes. Uma vez ou outra, Harry se assustava com um barulho dos arbustos, ou com algum galho que pisou, estalando e a fazendo soltar um gritinho fino. Louis ficava esperto mas também puto com a situação toda. Era só ela falar que queria dar para ele.
— Como a Lola é?
— Branquinha e gordinha.
— Hum — Louis lembrou de outra coisa, se julgando por ter pensado em besteira numa situação não muito apropriada. — Okay… procurar por algo branquinho e gordinho.
Harry soltou uma risada genuína, escondendo o sorriso com as mãos.
— O que foi? — Louis disse, surgindo através de uma árvore só para olhar o rostinho de Harry, todo vermelho e um pouco suado.
— O jeito que você falou foi engraçado.
— Você é meio boba, né? — foi uma pergunta retórica. Louis apenas soltou, vendo as bochechas da garota ficarem mais saltadas por conta do sorriso. Louis fixou seu olhar nas covinhas dela. — E linda demais… — disse, mentalmente.
Ficaram um pouco perdidos um no outro. A atenção deles voltaram quando um barulho um seguido do outro começou a surgir. Como se fossem pulinhos.
Os dois parados. Harry com a boca fechada como se fosse dizer algo a qualquer momento, e Louis olhando para o rosto dela e prestando atenção no barulho.
O barulho estava ali em um arbusto perto deles. Algumas folhas se mexendo denunciaram que era algum ser pequeno. Harry e Louis queriam rir.
— Fica quietinha — Louis sussurro, os braços um pouco abertos em alerta.
— Eu tô quieta! — exclamou, baixinho, mostrando revolta.
— Cala a boca, Harry — o pulso da garota foi apertado pela mão de Louis, que logo se sentiu reprimida e suavizou o semblante, mas no fundo gostou de ser mandada a ficar quietinha pelo homem.
E Lola apareceu no seu pulo para fora do arbusto. Quase seguiu seu caminho se não fosse por Louis, que a pegou rapidamente. Ele não sabe segurar coelhos, até ficou um pouco assustado pelo tamanho enorme e o peso considerável.
— Ai, meu Deus, Lola!
— Pega ela logo — estava praticamente esticando a coelha para longe.
— Não pega ela assim, Louis — Harry disse, franzindo o cenho vendo Lola toda agoniada. — Tem que pegar com jeitinho, olha… — a garota pegou as mãos de Louis e as aproximou contra seu peito, Lola caiu para seus braços e assim a coelha já estava como devia estar, porém as mãos dos dois fizeram uma bagunça ali. — Tira a sua mão por baixo… Não, espera aí…
— Você me prendeu, Harry, solta a coelha.
— É só você… — Harry tinha que segurar Lola pressionando ela com seus braços, os mesmos que deixaram as mãos de Louis um tanto imobilizadas. Estava literalmente a palma da mão de Louis espalmadas nos peitinhos de Harry, e quanto mais ele se mexia, mais ela sentia seu biquinho ficando duro. Não precisa ser dito sobre a pulsação. — Mhn… Louis, tira sua mão por b-baixo…
— Tá gaguejando por causa de quê?
Louis sorriu sujo. De propósito, ele deu um aperto muito sútil na carne gordinha e desceu suas mãos, brevemente encostando elas na barriga arrepiada de Harry.
Harry teve que se afastar, ficou muito sem graça. Enquanto Louis tinha um sorriso cavajeste naqueles lábios finos e vermelhos.
— Vai pra sua casa — disse, um tanto autoritário. — Seu pai deve estar preocupado.
Harry apenas fez que sim, abraçando Lola fortemente, toda envergonhada e com o rosto pegando fogo, logo saindo correndo para sua casa.
Louis bufou em revolta e muito excitado.
— Demoraram muito para encontrar a pirralha da Lola? — Desmond questionou, servindo café na sua xícara e na de Louis. — Acho que ela não aguenta mais Harry, por isso vive fugindo.
— Foi rápido até — Louis esconde o sorriso ao levar a xícara até sua boca. — A coelha já é velha, né?
— É… — Desmond não parecia muito focado naquele assunto. — Filho, tenho algo para lhe dizer.
— Pode falar.
— O que acha de fazer uns extras? Sabe, eu estou precisando de mais serviço aqui na fazenda pela demanda de produtos e vendas. Você teria que dormir de vez em quando aqui na casa, e isso não seria problema, temos quartos de sobra. O que você acha, filho? Você teria um aumento também. Confio no seu trabalho e é por isso que estou dando essa oportunidade a você.
— Eu acho perfeito, senhor Styles — a ideia surgiu como uma luz em sua mente. — Obrigado por toda confiança.
— Sabia que não ia me decepcionar com você, Tomlinson — Desmond sorriu abertamente. — Preciso que comece amanhã mesmo, se não tiver problema? Daí no caso, você dorme hoje aqui.
— Sem problemas — Louis tomou seu último gole de café. — Eu só preciso guardar minha moto.
— Me dê as chaves e eu guardo ela — Desmond se prontificou, se levantando da mesa para deixar a xícara de café na pia. — Como eu sabia que você ia aceitar, pedi para Harry arrumar seu quarto.
— Muito obrigado, senhor Styles.
— Nada, filho… irei voltar para a estrada agora. Bom descanso.
Louis deu as chaves de sua moto para Desmond e ouviu o motor dela ligando, logo depois vendo ele deixar a chave em cima da mesa. Não iria dormir em casa mais uma vez, então pegou seu carro e seguiu caminho para a cidade.
Mas não estavam sozinhos totalmente. Jennie e mais algumas empregadas estavam na casa, algumas acordadas.
Enfim. Louis precisava tirar seus pensamentos sujos de sua mente com um bom banho. Já sabia toda a planta da casa, então, só subiu as escadas e foi andando preguiçoso até o banheiro.
Tal banheiro que estava uma sauna. A porta estava encostada, era possível ver a fumaça saindo da fresta e trazendo o cheiro de shampoo e sabonete, um cheiro tão doce que Louis sentiu sua boca salivar. Harry estava tomando banho.
Ele ouviu a voz da garota cantando alguma música melancólica. Uma voz muito afinada. Se aproximou da porta só para ouvir melhor, sem abrir e sem espionar.
Porém, Harry com seu sexto sentido aflorado, sabia que tinha alguém ali.
— Jennie? — foi a primeira pessoa que veio na sua cabeça. — Jennie, pode entrar, já estou terminando de tomar banho.
— Desculpa — Louis disse através da porta. — Eu quero tomar banho, vou esperar você sair.
— Espera! — Harry exclamou, desligando o registro e se apressando para colocar uma toalha. — Pode abrir a porta, Lou.
Assim que abriu a porta, encontrou Harry com uma toalha branca cobrindo seu corpo, e meu Deus. Que porra de banheiro era aquele.
As paredes rosas com uma moldura no centro fazendo a divisão da tinta e do papel de parede florido. Duas pias marmorizadas com tons de rosa e dourado, os dois espelhos enormes deixava o cômodo maior. Louis nem pensou na possibilidade de ter algum sabonete menos doce ou um shampoo que não fosse feminino. Teria que dormir se sentindo uma princesinha, que amor!
— Só vou escovar meus dentes…
— Sem presa — Louis assegurou, virando de costas para poder pelo menos tirar sua camisa e as calças, estava realmente sujo.
Pelo seu espelho, Louis foi tirando sua roupa enquanto observava o corpinho de Harry escondido naquela toalha, imaginando como ela devia ser cheia de curvas. Quando Harry se inclinou para cuspir a pasta na pia, sua toalha deixou sua bunda inteira - inteira! - a mostra.
Louis quase xingou ela em voz alta.
Aqueles lábios rosadinhos pareciam estar implorando para serem judiados, a bunda branquinha toda empinadinha quase como um convite “venha me espancar” para Louis.
Foco. Não podia fazer isso. Ela era filha de seu chefe. O chefe que confiava 100% nele e em seu trabalho. Que absurdo!
— Prontinho — Harry disse, logo em seguida secando sua boca na toalha de rosto. — Depois eu te mostro onde é seu quarto, tá? Ainda vou arrumar ele.
Harry sorriu para o espelho e Louis a viu em seu reflexo, vendo as covinhas tão fofinhas afundando nas bochechas vermelhas. Harry era linda demais, um anjo pela terra, Louis se deu conta disso quando parou para cuidar de seus detalhes. Os cabelos molhados no ombro nu era somente muito delicado, e de certa forma, frágil. Não saberia explicar.
Louis pensou que teria dó de machucar Harry. Muito ingênua. Mal conseguiria imaginar ela nos cenários sujos que projetou em sua cabeça. Dito isso, se convenceu que era coisa da sua mente suja. Não. Harry não estava provocando e isso era rude de sua parte, pensar que uma garota tão quieta e na sua poderia fazer essas coisas.
Louis entrou de baixo da água afim de afastar os pensamentos ao que molhava seu cabelo. Bem, um tanto impossível… seu pau estava extremamente duro. Precisava se masturbar para aliviar a dor.
Dito e feito. Não gemeu. Não demorou muito. Estava tão ardido de tesão que só foi pensar em Harry chupando seu pau que o gozo pintou os azulejos rosas do banheiro. Simples assim.
Colocou sua roupa limpa que trouxe para o trabalho. Louis só colocava ela para ir embora, mas naquele dia teria que usar para dormir. Um moletom cinza e uma regata, nada demais. E por sorte, levou uma boxer.
— Licença? — ele deu dois toques na porta antes de entrar, encontrando Harry agachada no pé da cama, usando um conjuntinho lilás de moletom. — Esse é meu quarto?
— Sim, sim — Harry ficou de pé, próximo a Louis, podendo sentir um cheiro de perfume masculino muito forte, mesmo ele tendo tomado banho com seus produtos. — Arrumei sua cama e você pode colocar suas roupas no armário… é, acho que está tudo arrumadinho.
— Obrigado, Harry — Louis disse, passando por ela em um fio para se encostarem. — Você é muito gentil.
— Obrigada… — ficou tímida, mas dessa vez sem esconder seu sorriso. Mais uma vez, Louis fixou seu olhar nas covinhas dela. — Eu quem devia agradecer. Você me ajudou a achar Lola.
Louis colocou sua mochila na cama e voltou a ficar perto dela, só para dar uma atenção devida, sabe? Não precisavam ficar longe um do outro a todo momento.
— Sempre que você perder suas coelhinhas, pode me chamar que eu te ajudo a encontrá-las — Louis fez Harry rir ali pertinho dele, tão pertinho que teve que descer seu olhar para encontrar os olhos verdes da garota, que estavam tão claros parecendo esmeraldas.
Harry e Louis ficaram parados ali enquanto se encaravam. A garota em um momento de fraqueza, maneou sua cabeça para frente, Louis fez o mesmo como reflexo, e quando o homem encontrou os olhos dengosos da garota novamente, ignorou todos seus princípios e juntou seus lábios aos dela.
O que estava acontecendo?
Harry subiu suas mãos lentamente até a nuca de Louis, não sabendo muito o que fazer com a boca, nunca tinha beijado antes. Louis tomou total domínio do beijo, e percebendo que a garota ainda não tinha dado permissão para sua língua, os selinhos foram se fazendo naquela boquinha, Louis sem pressa alguma, queria sentir cada partezinha de Harry, com muita calma.
— Mhn… Lou? — ela acabou gemendo entre um selinho e outro, dando passos para trás assim que Louis começou a andar para frente.
— Sim? — desgrudou sua boca dos lábios de Harry, trazendo suas mãos para a cintura dela, bem onde o moletom não cobria sua barriga. Louis fazia um carinho ali.
— Eu nunca beijei… desculpa, mas acho que não sei fazer isso…
Louis sorriu carinhoso.
— Tudo bem, bebê — afastou alguns fios que grudaram na sua bochecha, fazendo uma breve carícia em seu rosto com as duas mãos. Harry ficava mole com todo o toque e carinho de Louis. — Eu que vou te beijar. Não se preocupe, pode ser?
— Uhum — Harry fez que sim com a cabeça, se deixando a ficar mercê de Louis por inteira, tanto que suas mãos se agarraram com força no tecido de sua regata.
Louis flexionou um pouco seus joelhos para chegar na altura de Harry, logo puxando o rostinho lindo dela até o seu, seus lábios novamente um contra o outro. Louis dava selinhos demorados e molhados, Harry abriu um pouco sua boca e deixou seu lábio inferior ser chupado pelo homem que a beijava com tanto cuidado e carinho, um carinho muito específico.
— Você é tão boa, amor — Louis disse contra o beijo, sabendo que Harry sorriu ao que foi selar novamente os lábios e teve a possibilidade de beija-la de verdade.
Louis intensificou o beijo, mudando a posição de sua cabeça para o lado oposto, Harry esfregava sua língua contra a dele e o barulho úmido se fez presente. Os braços dela abraçaram toda cintura de Louis, estava literalmente abraçando o homem, como se ele fosse escapar dali a qualquer momento. Boba.
— Vem aqui — Louis disse, separando suas bocas rapidamente só para pegar Harry em seu colo.
Louis se sentou na cama e deixou Harry sentada nas suas coxas, a trazendo novamente para um beijo, agora afundando sua mão nos cabelos molhados da garota, sua outra mão se apoia na cintura cheia de curvas. Era tão gostoso, tão gostoso como Harry gemia baixinho no beijo, como Louis chupava seus lábios e deixava ela comandar os movimentos uma vez ou outra, como suas mãozinhas abraçavam seu pescoço com uma delicadeza enorme.
— Eu gosto do jeito que você me beija — Harry sussurra bem em cima dos lábios de Louis, apertando suas coxas com as pernas. — Mas dói tanto…
— Onde dói, bebê?
— Aqui — Harry sinalizou com o dedo o seu clítoris, que já estava todo sensível. — Dói muito e eu não o que fazer pra parar… — Louis apenas observou a garota colocar sua mão por dentro do moletom lilás, seu dedo do meio começando a fazer movimentos leves no seu pontinho. — Mhn… é tão gostoso, Lou, eu não sei por que fico assim…
Louis gemeu com o sorriso mais sujo do mundo, tendo literalmente Harry se tocando em seu colo, vendo ela rebolar nos próprios dedos, toda ofegante e deleitando no mais puro prazer.
— Você fica assim quando está excitada, meu amor — Louis explicou, tendo que segurar a garota pela bunda para que ela não caísse de seu colo. — O meu beijo te deixou excitada.
— Me beija de novo, Lou, talvez seu beijo faça isso parar!
A cabecinha do pau de Louis estava para fora do moletom, simplesmente saiu por ter ficado tão duro. Ele riu do desespero de Harry.
— Vem pra frente, amor — Louis disse, a empurrando com as mãos. Sentiu seu pau roçar ali no seu pontinho, Harry estava sensível demais. — Isso… eu sei como fazer sua dorzinha parar, bebê, se você quiser eu te mostro.
— Eu quero! — Harry fez um biquinho, indo para frente novamente. — Mais beijos?
— Beijos e… — Louis afundou seu rosto no pescoço de Harry, deixando a garota toda derretida e arrepiada. — Meu pau na sua bucetinha.
— C-como assim? — Harry ficou um pouquinho assustada.
— Fica calma, bebê — não queria deixar Harry com medo de algo, sua voz se fez firme e segura. — Eu não vou te machucar, não vai doer nada. Se quiser parar, é só me pedir. Eu cuido de você.
A última frase fez Harry amolecer seu corpo inteirinho, quase gemendo.
— Pode só me dizer o que você vai fazer?
— Vou deitar você nessa cama, tirar seu moletom, arrastar sua calcinha para o lado e encaixar meu pau bem na sua bucetinha. Eu vou esfregar seu pontinho bem lento, amor, só pra você ver que não dói nada.
Harry sabia que sua calcinha já está arruinada de tão molhada. Sua buceta piscava incontáveis vezes, jurava que podia ter um orgasmo só de ouvir Louis dizer tais palavras com a voz rouca e muito confiante, um sorriso absurdo nos lábios, um sorriso de lado esbanjando cretinice.
— Cuida de mim, por favor — Harry quase implorou, abraçando o pescoço de Louis ao que ele foi colocando seu corpinho deitado na cama. — Acaba com essa dor, Lou, ela tá me matando!
— Fechas os olhos, relaxa o corpo e goza.
Simples assim.
Harry deixou Louis tirar o moletom lentamente, vendo ele ficar de pé para tirar o seu, e meu Deus. Harry fechou as pernas involuntariamente vendo o tamanho gordo na boxer do homem, seu queixo caindo assim que Louis tirou seu pau para fora, a boxer caindo no chão ao que ele ia se masturbando.
— Não consigo, Lou, você vai me machucar demais — Harry estava escalando a cama a medida que Louis ia se aproximando.
— Eu não vou, bebê, confia em mim — Louis disse, segurando as coxas da garota a trazendo para perto novamente. — Você me provocou o dia inteiro hoje. Gemeu quando segurei seus peitinhos, ficou mostrando sua bucetinha com aquela saia… não vai querer dormir com dor, não é? Sabendo que posso resolver isso, que é o que você mais quer.
— M-mas você disse que não ia machucar. Eu nunca fiz isso, Louis, eu nunca fiz. Você promete que não vai doer?
— Prometo.
— Vai cuidar de mim?
— Vou, princesa.
Não havia mentira em suas palavras. Harry sentiu a confiança que precisava, e então, abriu as pernas.
Louis desceu seu rosto entre as pernas de Harry, deixou beijinhos por toda sua buceta, descendo a boca para os lábios macios e meladinhos. Arrastou o tecido branco para o lado deixando toda a bucetinha a mostra, tão rosinha que chegava a ter dó de judiar dela.
— Você é perfeita — Louis não resistiu e teve que elogiar, tanto pela visão de baixo quanto pela visão de cima, que era somente Harry contorcendo o rosto de tanto prazer e ansiedade, as sobrancelhas unidas com a boca entreaberta foi como registrar uma obra de arte na mente de Louis.
— Sinto falta do seu beijo, pa-
— Pa?
— Lou, eu ia dizer Lou.
— Pode falar a verdade, Harry. Não seja tímida.
Harry engoliu em seco.
— Sinto falta do seu beijo, papai — Harry soltou num sussurro, sentindo os dedos de Louis massageando seu clítoris com cuidado, bem lentinho. — Mhn… não para, por favor…
Louis foi a loucura por ouvir a voz manhosa de Harry o chamando de papai. Saiu tão sujo. Não esperava que Harry podia ser tão baixa assim quando se permitia. Era um absurdo tudo isso e ele se levou pela adrenalina.
O tecido da calcinha de Harry foi erguido, nisso Louis apenas encaixou sua glande bem no clítoris inchadinho de Harry, fazendo a fricção certa ao deixar a calcinha cobrir só a cabecinha de seu pau enquanto estimulava a garota, indo para trás e para frente com o quadril, tão lento que seus movimentos eram duros para não se apressar.
Louis deitou parte de seu corpo sobre Harry, sem parar de fazer os movimentos. Seu queixo estava quase se apoiando no peitoral da garota, os braços segurando seus ombros como se fossem muito frágeis. Louis olhou para Harry com o olhar carinhoso, vendo atentamente em sua expressão se estava com dor ou prazer, fazendo questão de deixar um carinho nas suas bochechinhas rosadas, não conseguia parar de fazer um gesto de carinho no rostinho lindo de Harry.
— Tá gostoso, meu bebê? — Louis questionou, sentindo seu pau pulsar a cada esfregada lenta no pontinho de Harry, que assentiu freneticamente com a cabeça. — Boa garota — disse vitorioso, a trazendo para um beijo segurando pelo queixo, seus lábios se encontrando novamente como se estivessem na abstinência.
Seus movimentos começaram a ficar mais rápidos, mais fortes, tendo que obrigar Louis a encostar sua testa na de Harry para poder gemer baixinho, ao contrário da garota que soltava gemidos a cada mínimo movimento, e nem se dava conta disso.
— É tão bom, papai, você faz tão gostoso — Harry estava ofegante, só conseguia segurar o pescoço de Louis e se perder nos olhos azuis e no prazer que sentia crescer cada vez mais.
— Você gosta de ser minha garotinha?
— S-sim… — Harry soltou um gemido mais alto, toda tinhosa com as perninhas tremendo em volta do corpo de Louis, o mesmo que ia com mais força esfregando sua glande no clítoris de Harry, a sensibilidade gritando. — Você pode ser meu p-papai… pra sempre.
Não conseguiam quebrar o contato visual. Louis só sabia gemer para dentro, uma vez ou outra, soltando o gemido rouco bem na cara de Harry, a mesma que unia suas sobrancelhas fortemente a cada movimento de vai e vem, os olhos fixados em Louis, amando a sensação de vitória por ter aquele homem trazendo tanto prazer para seu corpo, do jeito que imaginou quando se tocou pela primeira vez.
— Minha princesa — Louis começou a distribuir beijos por seu pescoço, descendo uma mão sua para apertar os peitinhos de Harry. — Quando eu entrar em você, vai ver que é muito melhor.
Harry sentiu uma ansiedade antecipada, sendo assim, apertou a cintura de Louis com suas pernas e começou a rebolar para cima, trazendo mais e mais prazer para o seu corpo, sendo difícil não gemer alto, obrigando Louis a não desgrudar a boca da sua; só para disparar os gemidos contra o beijo, tãooo manhosos, os gemidos tão fininhos e gostosos de ouvir. Louis gemia só pelo som que Harry emitia.
— Louis! L-louis! Mhn… Louis, eu vou gozar… eu acho que… Louis!
O homem começou a ir rápido demais, o barulho molhado deixando aquele quarto com as paredes impuras e as queixas da garotinha toda mole e manhosa, pedindo para que fosse mais rápido bem baixinho, quase inaudível, sentindo o seu orgasmo chegando para desestabilizar seu corpinho casto e puro.
— Goza comigo, amor, mostra pra mim que você é a garotinha do papai, uhn?
— Eu sou s-sim, papai — Harry lutava entre falar ou gemer. Conseguia fazer os dois perfeitamente. — Vai rapidinho, por favor, Lou, eu preciso…
Louis se afastou um pouco de Harry, segurando seu pau pela base e dessa forma, seu quadril ia para frente e para trás com muita agilidade e rapidez, a cabecinha esfregando com força o clítoris de Harry, as pernas da garota se tremiam e seu corpo dava pequenos espasmos, ela teve que tampar a própria boca para não deixar um gemido alto escapar.
Louis apenas apoiou sua cabeça nos peitos de Harry e sentiu seu pau lançar os jatos de gozo por toda a bucetinha da garota, sendo obrigado a ir lento novamente para prolongar a sensação. Harry arranhava as costas do homem em desespero, choramingando.
— Porra, Harry… — Louis beijou o biquinho de seu peito, só beijando de leve e muito babado. — Deixa eu entrar em você, amor.
Louis bateu seu pau contra o clítoris de Harry de propósito, só para ver o corpo de sua garotinha se contorcer de baixo do seu. Ao olhar para o rostinho dela, viu os olhinhos verdes querendo derramar lágrimas.
— O que foi, meu bebê?
— Papai, eu ainda sinto dor. Você fez tão gostoso, mas eu não consigo parar de sentir isso… — Harry fez um biquinho choroso, mesmo tendo gozado juntamente com Louis, algo parecia errado. — Eu quero chorar, me desculpa por não ter sido boa pra você.
Assim que Louis a abraçou devidamente, ainda deitada, Harry apertou as costas do homem com toda sua força, sendo beijada delicadamente mesmo com algumas lágrimas descendo até sua boca.
— Você não tem que se desculpar por nada, meu bebê — Louis sentiu uma pena genuína. — Aponta pra mim bem onde está doendo? Eu posso resolver isso pra minha garotinha.
Harry pegou um dedo de Louis e desceu até sua entradinha, expelindo mais mel a medida que indicava onde sentia pulsar com força — Aqui papai… mhn… parece que está piscando, eu não sei o que é! Por favor, papai, faça parar!
— Calma, coelhinha — Louis apenas fez um carinho na narizinho de Harry. — Tira sua calcinha e deixa suas pernas bem abertas pra mim. Não precisa se desesperar tanto, eu ainda estou aqui.
Harry fez o que lhe foi mandado. Tirou sua calcinha com custo, o tecido todo melado pela porra de Louis e do próprio orgasmo. Separou bem suas perninhas, os joelhos dobrados, e então, desceu suas mãos até separar os lábios e mostrou para Louis como estava piscando ardidamente, pedindo para que seu cacete entrasse naquela entradinha e a fodesse bem gostoso, do jeitinho que ela confiaria só em Louis para fazer.
— Fala pra mim o que você quer que eu faça — Louis disse, se punhetando na frente de Harry, a deixando distraída com seu tamanho. — Você é muito necessitada, amor, sei bem o que pode fazer sua dor parar.
— Me beija, papai, me beija aqui — Harry se abriu mais ainda, o quanto podia. — Por favor, eu gosto tanto do jeito que você me beija.
Louis sorriu de ladinho e nem demorou muito para estar com a cara entre as pernas de sua garotinha, caindo de boca naquela buceta apertada e sedenta, implorando para ser judiada.
As mãos de Louis subiram para os seios de Harry, a mesma que apertou mais suas mãos na carne gordinha, e assim, ela se contorcia e rebolava inconscientemente contra a língua de Louis, que fazia movimentos rápidos no clítoris inchadinho, intercalando com circulares e uma pressão a mais na língua, a textura macia e molhada da bucetinha de Harry bem ali tão fácil pra ele.
— Papai! Mhn! Eu não aguento, Lou, por favor… — Harry estava extremamente confusa, o prazer ardia por todo seu corpo e o orgasmo, bem, já estava tendo outro em tanto pouco tempo, bem na boquinha de Louis. — A-ah! P-papai… mhn… para, por favor!
Louis reprimiu o corpo de Harry com um aperto muito, muito, mas muito forte em seu peito, ao ponto de ouvir queixas da garota querendo se afastar dali, o choramingo era tão real quanto suas lágrimas pelas bochechas. Louis desceu sua língua até a entradinha apertada de Harry, sentindo sua garotinha pulsando bem ali ao toque molhado.
— Eu vou foder sua buceta com meu pau e você vai ficar bem quietinha — Louis provocou, chupando beeem lento o clítoris de Harry só para sentir ela gozando mais na sua língua. Louis deslizou dois dedos na bucetinha de Harry, levando até a boca dela. — Chupa, amor, isso… — a garota sugou os dois dedos, tentando conter o choro entalado na garganta. — Me mostra sua língua.
Harry abriu a boca e colocou sua língua para fora, no mesmo aperto de bochechas que Louis faz.
— Essa é a prova de que eu cuido bem de você, meu bebê, não acha?
— Acho, papai — fez que sim com a cabeça, engolindo ambos orgasmos. — Eu quero mais. Só que…
— Só que?
— Eu posso sentir você dentro de mim, papai? — disse tão manhosa, tão dengosa, abrindo os braços para que Louis deitasse sobre seu corpo novamente, a boca fazendo um biquinho irresistível. — Promete que não vai doer?
— Eu vou fazer com jeitinho, mas vai doer quase nada, não se preocupe — Louis deixou vários beijos no rostinho de Harry, acariciando sua cintura e esfregando seu nariz no pescoço branquinho e cheiroso. — Você precisa relaxar. Tenta parar de chorar, se não vai doer mesmo.
— Eu tô tentando… — Harry soluçou baixinho, abraçando o corpo de Louis por cima do seu, toda manhosinha.
— Shhh — ele precisou olhar para a garotinha para tentar acalma-lá com um carinho no rosto. Louis encaixou seu quadril entre suas pernas e sentiu seu pau roçar na bucetinha molhada. — Eu disse que cuidaria de você, não disse?
— Então cuida de mim, papai, preciso de você dentro de mim — Harry soltou as palavras antes que sentisse um gemido escapando de sua boca por sentir o pau de Louis roçando a todo tempo na sua xotinha. — Você é tão grosso… prometo te aguentar.
— Você vai — Louis disse, por fim.
Louis segurou seu pau pela base e ficou esfregando para cima e para baixo na bucetinha de Harry, sentindo a entradinha abrir toda vez que passasse por ali. Tinha que fazer com cuidado, tinha mesmo. O melhor é que Louis não tinha presa, eles tinham todo o tempo do mundo para esse momento. Não havia motivos para pular etapas.
Ele notou a dificuldade que seria quando tentou colocar somente a cabecinha de seu pau na entrada apertada, sendo negado na pulsação bruta de Harry.
— Fica calma, amor — Louis ressaltou, fazendo um cafuné nos cachos bagunçados de Harry. — Me abraça, se segura em mim, mas tenta relaxar. Não vai doer se você relaxar seu corpo, tá? Consegue fazer isso?
— C-consigo…
E Harry se abraçou ao corpo de Louis como um coala.
Louis tentou mais uma vez, tendo que olhar para baixo; se distraindo um pouco com a barriguinha definida da garota e os lábios gordinhos daquela xotinha, colocando com muita calma só a cabecinha do seu cacete grosso, que mal podia esperar para enfiar tudo. Harry sentiu se alargar a medida que Louis ia empurrando lentamente, no mesmo segundo soltando um gemido juntamente ao um gritinho, sabe? Daqueles que o gemido é interrompido pela falta de ar.
— Que bucetinha mais apertada, amor — Louis sussurrou no ouvido de Harry, sentindo seu corpo sendo arranhado no mais puro do desespero. — Geme baixinho só pra mim te ouvir.
Harry mal conseguia gemer. Sua boca ficou aberta num “O” delicioso na visão de Louis, vendo como sua garotinha o sentia e o apertava tão bem.
— Louis! — gemeu alto demais o nome do homem, nem tendo a metade do cacete dentro da sua xotinha. — Tira, p-por favor.
— E eu nem coloquei tudo — Louis teve a pachorra de rir na cara de Harry, que fechava todo seu rosto em dor. — Você vai aguentar.
Louis saiu de Harry causando um barulho de sucção. Mudou totalmente sua posição. Pegou as duas pernas da garota e flexionou seus joelhos, deixando ela toda aberta e vulnerável, suas mãos segurando bem na dobra do joelho e da coxa, deixando toda sua buceta exposta e fácil de entrar.
Harry sentiu um alívio quando não tinha mais o pau de Louis a machucando, mesmo querendo muito. E o alívio simplesmente se foi quando o homem empurrou todo seu pau na bucetinha apertada. Harry foi pega desprevenida, totalmente desprevenida. Sem cerimônias e mais nada, Louis enterrou seu pau dentro daquela grutinha apertada, gemendo rouco demais sem querer sair dali e perder o aperto por todo sem comprimento.
— Gostosa pra caralho — Louis gemeu arrastado, dobrando ainda mais as pernas de Harry, mais vidrado na sensação gostosa que era estar dentro dela.
Sem o próprio controle de corpo, Harry sentia sua buceta piscando e pulsando, o que só ocasionava a melhor sensação em Louis. Seus olhos se encontraram e foi simplesmente uma perdição.
— Minha garotinha — Louis a chamou, vendo que o semblante dela estava mais calmo, mostrando prazer ao que se movia lentamente para fora. — Fala pra mim de quem é essa bucetinha, fala?
— S-sua p-papai… Mhn… — Harry fechou os olhos rapidamente mordendo os lábios, como se estivesse comendo o chocolate mais gostoso do mundo, sentindo derreter em sua boca. — Vai devagar, papai… Eu tô gostando…
— Assim, meu bebê? — Louis moveu sua cintura de um jeito tão patético que literalmente rebolava, trazendo seu pau para fora e para dentro, bem aos poucos, amando a sensação de ter seu cacete inteiro dentro da xotinha apertada de Harry. — Não, não, não geme alto.
— Me abraça, Lou — pediu com os braços esticados, as mãozinhas em desespero para sentir seu papai ali.
Louis entrelaçou as pernas de Harry em sua cintura e juntou seus corpos, esmagando os peitos da garota contra seu peitoral e podendo sentir suas barrigas inquietas. Era só isso que bastava para Harry começar a gemer manhosinha, gemendo “uh, uh, uh” a cada estocada lenta e profunda, mal conseguindo abrir os olhos por estar tão dopada de prazer.
Os beijos por todo seu pescoço são distribuídos de forma arrastada por Louis, suas mãos não se aguentam e precisam apertar os peitinhos de Harry, massageando os mamilos já tão durinhos. Tudo numa perfeita harmonia.
Louis olhou rapidamente para baixo, vendo seu pau sumir aos poucos quando voltava a se enterrar inteiro dentro de Harry.
— Você me aperta tanto, princesa, se soubesse o quanto sua bucetinha é gostosa — Louis disse entre os beijos em seu pescoço, aumentando a velocidade de sua cintura. — Vou te encher da minha porra pra você saber que pertence a mim.
— Enche, papai, quero ser só sua — Harry parecia estar em outra dimensão, sentia seu clítoris inchar implorando para ser estimulado. — Mhn… isso, Lou!
Louis foi mais rápido, o barulho molhado de suas estocadas se instalando no quarto foi simplesmente incrível, tanto seus rostos olhando um para o outro em deleite puro e luxúria, Harry segurando o pescoço do homem com as mãozinhas suadas, as sobrancelhas unidas fortemente por ter que aguentar todo o tamanho e grossura daquele cacete cheio de veias, os gemidos mais gostosos do mundo sendo disparados por sua boquinha.
O pré gozo começou a expelir para fora da grutinha de Harry, Louis se deu conta que precisaria ser mais rápido para gozar junto com sua garotinha, a mesma que sussurrava tão baixo que estaria perto de gozar, que até sentia uma sensação de querer fazer xixi. Louis levou seu quadril para cima o máximo que podia, voltando com uma força violenta contra a buceta ardida de Harry, ouvindo as queixas de dor e prazer ao mesmo tempo.
— Eu quero gozar, papai! — Harry exclamou em um tom baixo, agoniada demais. Simplesmente começou a morder o ombro de Louis por não se aguentar.
Louis ignorou totalmente.
Os pulsos de Harry foram presos contra o travesseiro pelas mãos do homem, suas pernas ficaram soltas ao lado seu corpo e Louis decidiu ir tão rápido e tão forte, que podia ouvir a cabeceira da cama batendo contra a parede, Harry gemendo um tanto alto a cada solavanco que Louis causava em seu corpo. Não deram a mínima se tinham mais pessoas na casa, aquele quarto virou o lugar mais sujo e erótico até então.
Harry estava chorando. A ardência que sentia era muita, era demais. Louis não ia parar nem se ela pedisse com jeitinho. Mas gostava tanto de ser boa para Louis, para o seu papai, gostava tanto dos elogios, que era linda e perfeita, apertadinha como ninguém. Era a aprovação de Louis que ela queria e estava recebendo. Não tinha melhor do que isso.
Louis começou a ir tão fundo que podia ver a barriga de Harry salientando, isso só motivou a ir mais fundo, tanto que suas bolas enterravam no meio do bumbum gordinho. Nisso, Harry gemia seu nome da forma mais deliciosa, arrastando as avogais a medida que seu rosto se formava numa expressão de cachorrinha sem dono.
— Goza comigo, Harry — saiu como um sussurro cansado, podia sentir sua testa suando. Não tirou os olhos dos verdes de Harry. — Mostra pra mim que é a garotinha do papai aqui, uhn?
Não durou muito tempo depois disso para que Harry fechasse suas mãos presas sentindo o gozo de Louis por toda sua bucetinha, os dois gemendo em diferentes tons, Harry se contorcendo aos espasmos devido a sensibilidade e Louis sem parar de enterrar seu cacete naquela entrada.
— Papai! A-ah! Eu… Louis, por favor, Louis! — gritinhos e mais gritinhos histéricos, as bochechas de Harry tão molhadas pelas lágrimas que elas percorriam até seu ouvido. Isso só motivou a ir mais fundo, mais do que realmente podia, batendo de propósito sua virilha no quadril da garota. — Louis, m-meu Deus! Tá doendo!
— Porra, Harry, você é surreal — Louis soltou num sussurro, finalmente soltando seus pulsos para poder ser abraçado. — Caralho… você vai ser minha.
— E-eu sou s-sua… — toda ofegante e inquieta, Harry assegurou, sorrindo toda preguiçosa.
Louis fez um jogo de corpo inesperado, deitando na cama e deixando Harry em cima de seu corpo. Ele tirou seu pau para fora e masturbou ali mesmo, um pouco mais só para aliviar sua própria dor do aperto daquela buceta. Tinha pequenos rastros de sangue, Harry notou mas não se assustou, tinha noção que isso podia acontecer.
— Olha, papai — Harry chamou sua atenção, ficando em seus joelhos mostrando sua xotinha escorrendo a porra de Louis. — Olha como você cuidou tão bem de mim.
— Você vai sempre querer ser cuidada por mim, né? — foi uma pergunta retórica, acompanhada de um sorriso canalha e a confirmação de Harry. — Vem aqui, meu bebê, ainda quero ficar dentro de você.
Harry ficou abertinha e deixou Louis entrar dentro de sua buceta novamente. O homem agarrou sua cintura fazendo ela sentar em seu pau, sentindo ele com mais sensibilidade.
— Minha coelhinha — Louis disse indo de encontro a boca de Harry, abraçando todo seu corpinho, sentindo seu pau se aquecer novamente naquela bucetinha tão gostosa.
Isso se repetiria quantas vezes fossem necessárias, quantas vezes Harry e Louis não se aguentassem ficar longe um do outro. Até por que, todo bichinho precisa de seu dono, não é mesmo?
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louisplumpyass · 2 months
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thirty-two and thirty never looked so good
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tinyshinysylveon · 1 year
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YAASSSS (o≧∇≦)o !!!
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missmielyhoran · 4 days
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in which you and Harry have a strange relationship...
Sugar Daddy!Harry Styles × Sugar Baby!Reader
[Warning- Angst, Little fluff, children, sadness, Harry being filthy rich]
You were painting your nails when you heard the knock on the door. You got up from the floor fanning your hands in the air to dry down the nails.
You opened the door and there he was the same old man who visits you every weekend. Alberto, his name, you got to know after a few weeks in.
He hands you a new bag full of brand new clothes like every weekend, you take them with a smile and close the door as he starts ascending down the stairs.
You set the bag down on the floor where you were sitting previously when your phone buzzed. You picked it up from the floor and looked at the text sent by him.
Be ready at 5.
That was all it was, always. He was never the man of many words you got to know. You sighed as you took out the outfit he sent you this time.
It was an oversized sweater and a plaid skirt. This weirded you out at first. You expected a sexy lingerie or dress at first, but he never sent you anything like that. It was always casual outfits like this.
The clock stared back at you. It was 3 already, and if you didn't want to be late, you had to get up and get ready.
You had whole weeks to yourself but weekends you had to day how he wanted you to, every single step. He gave you shampoo, to body wash, skincare everything and that only reserved for weekends. Yes, if you liked something you could use it everyday and he paid for everything and even more.
He was sort of like your sugar daddy, well who were you kidding you did found him on sugar daddy website. Well not you technically, it was your best friend, Taylor. She was the one who suggested you go on the website when you were struggling to pay for your college, she was also the one who found him.
You couldn't even say no when you saw him. Those beautiful eyes held so much familiarity that you just couldn't.
He pays for you everything, from college to your groceries, everything anything. In return, you just had to play dress up and go on a date with him, not even sex which you were mentally prepared for, well sort of.
You got on with your usual routine of showering, washing your hair, putting on moisturizer, sunscreen, and then getting started with the same makeup you always did on weekends for him. Simple makeup, no foundation, and a bold red lip.
Soon enough, it was 5, and Alberto was on your doorstep, ready to take you with him. You got in the car. Very luxury car, something you only saw in your dreams.
Your heart was racing, even though it was a deal which you have been doing for the past 7 months you didn't know when it became more than that.
I mean, can you blame the girl for falling for a tall, hot, rich, generous man? with eyes like his? you were bound to.
Car stopped, and so did you thoughts. Alberto stood with open door, you got out and saw what was a small restaurant nothing fancy but not bad, it looked cozy.
You walked inside and saw it was empty, all the chairs were made but not a single person was there not even staff, from what you could see and guess with your intuition of knowing him for past 7 months, there was not more than 3 to 4 staff inside.
There, he was sitting on the bar stool, the lights from the small bar illuminating his side profile. His messy hair fell on his face just right, his ring cladded fingers holding the whiskey glass. He was dressed in nothing fancy himself, a simple orange sweater, and blue jeans.
You slid in beside him, catching his attention. His face lit up in a smile, and you just melted.
"You're here" He said, breathing out looking at you up and down. Your cheeks turned flaming red under gaze, "You look beautiful" He said, looking up into your eyes.
"Thank you" You mumble out. You didn't know why you felt this shy. You should be used to it by now, but his charm, his face, his hair, everything just made you fall and fall deeper.
You guys talked like you do, him telling you all about his week from his hectic work, the meetings, the annoying investors, to his daughter going through her runner phase.
Oh yes, he has a daughter, Aira who is 7 and going through her runner phase. She runs anywhere and everywhere whenever she gets a chance.
He shows you the pic of her showing off the teeth she lost yesterday, and you smiled. She had his eyes and curls and was an adorable child. He always kept you updated on her every single detail about her, and it never felt odd. Which you should have cause she was a stranger's child, to be honest, but she felt like your own.
It was late when you stumbled out of the bar with him. His arms around your torso holding you so you wouldn't fall down on your face.
You squealed when he picked you up in a swing, followed by a hearty laugh, which made him laugh also.
It felt like this had been happening for so long, not just 7 months or so but forever. It was as if he had been picking you up like this for years, but it wasn't. Was it?
It further got proven when he called you the name he always does, "Cherry". It would've been cute if you would've fed into your delusions and thought it was a nickname he gave you, but no.
The contract, the talk, you weren't here on a real date with him no, you were playing a part. You were not you but Cherry, his first love the one he couldn't have.
He slid in beside you, his arms around your shoulders. You put your head on his and closed your eyes. You wanted to sleep, fall into a deep slumber with his smell all around you forgetting who and what you were here for just him and him only.
So, you did. You fell asleep.
Harry smiled when he saw you fell asleep on his shoulder. It was your usual habit, every car ride no matter how long or short you fall asleep.
He sighed as he pushed some hair away from your face, your cheeks still red from all the booze, you were never one to hold liquor.
It was a sweet torture for him, this whole thing, this whole persona, yours and his both.
Alberto stopped the car in front of your apartment complex that was also chosen by him. He got out first carefully not to wake you up and rounded around to your side and picked you up to start to walk towards your apartment.
The familiarity of those steps always made him tear up, can't blame a guy for being emotional, right?
The routine had become so usual for him that he could do it with his eyes closed.
So, he opened the door, walked towards your room, and set you down on the bed. He took off your shoes and jewelries he knew you don't wear every day and set them on your nightstand.
Taking off his sweater, he walked out of the room to get some water when he heard the sound. He looked down and saw the cat circling around his legs purring.
"Yes Evie, still doing your witchcraft, huh?" He said, chuckling. He sat down and gave her all the belly rubs and scratches, "You being a good girl for Mama? I know you are" He said, kissing her forehead and getting up.
He took out the cold water bottle from the fridge, knowing you would have a headache in the morning.
He set everything on the nightstand and then slid in beside you. You smell engulfed him, and he melted into the bed.
For the first hour, he just watched you sleep. Was it creepy? totally, but he couldn't help it. He never could.
His phone buzzed, taking him out of the trance. He smiled when he saw the selfie Aira had sent him with her gummy smile.
Grandma made me pancakes for dinner.
How much did you bribe her darling?
I didn't! She loves me
That is true. Still
When you will be back Dada?
On Monday morning love
He heard the voice note say. She still couldn't type properly, but god did she sent him voicenotes.
Are you with Mama?
His heart stopped for a second as he looked over at you sleeping beside him. It was a difficult situation. It was difficult for an adult while she was just a kid. He couldn't even think how she was coping.
Yes my love.
Tell her I love her and miss her.
I will. Now go to sleep or I will sell all your toys.
He chuckled when a shrill No came in the reply. He put the phone down and shifted closer to you and brought you into his arms, and as always, you fitted right into it.
He kissed your forehead and closed his eyes, "One day Cherry. One day you will remember me"
Taglist- @tenaciousperfectionunknown @that-daydream-look @harryspirate @tiaamberxx @lomlhstyles @vmpellie @sunshinemoonsposts @jayde515 @yeehawbrothers @sleutherclaw @ikea2-0 @thechaoticjoy @astridcommings @grapejuicebluesrry @gxbiqs
I think my writing is getting a bit rusty. It's not that good but I wanted to write it so yeah
Please Like, Comment and Reblog.
Tell me how it is here♡ would love some feedback
Love you
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ghoststyles · 11 days
Meet Me In Augusta
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A quick little check-in for Fairway to Heaven ❤️ inspired by my beefy hunky man at the Masters 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
SMUT. FLUFF. That’s all.
When Briar and Harry first got together, she thought she’d won the lottery. A doting, strong boyfriend who puts her needs above his own. He cares for her dog as much as she does, gets along with her family members, and donates to charity regularly. It’s like the heavens handmade him. And yes, the reverse is true on Harry’s part. She’s his dream girl, and the bloody best thing to ever happen to him. But, where he’d truly won the lottery differs slightly:
He won tickets to the Masters.
It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity to attend one of the four major golf tournaments, and when Harry entered his name in the lottery system the year before, he never thought he’d see the day where his bucket list item would be checked off.
Briar is lounging on Harry’s couch, watching old episodes of Real Housewives (NY, obviously) with Gus at her feet and a bowl of popcorn and M&Ms beside her when she hears a completely manly and dignified shriek from Harry’s office. Sitting up in alarm, she opens her mouth to yell back to him, to make sure he’s okay, just as the heavy oak double doors swing open. Shirtless and in his Calvin Klein boxer briefs and socks, Harry sprints down the hall, phone in hand as he leaps over the back of the sofa to stand beside her.
“What on Earth! Harry, you’re scaring me! Is there a mouse? Where are your clothes?” Briar screams, jumping up to crouch on the sofa and cocooning herself in her blanket in case there’s a spider clinging to him.
Harry is laughing maniacally, and every so often an oh my god leaving his mouth. He nods to whomever he’s talking to on the phone as if they can see him before thanking them and hanging up.
He drops the phone, eyes wide and meeting hers. Grabbing her shoulders, he all but tackles her back to the sofa, signaling Gus to bark at him for hurting his mom. They’re on the settee part of the sofa, Harry’s arms wrapped around her, preventing her from moving, even if she wanted to.
“Harry! Tell me what’s going on right now!” Briar’s shrill voice finally brings him back to Earth.
He peppers kisses on her neck before shouting in her ear, “I’M GOING TO THE MASTERS!”
She doesn’t respond, not because she’s not supportive of his enthusiasm, but because she has no idea what that is. Feigning a smile, she replies, “wow, baby, that’s great!”
Craning his neck, his brows furrow when he meets her gaze, a clear indicator she’s confused.
“Birdie, do you know what the Masters is?”
“Mmmm, is it like MasterChef?”
Harry squawks out a laugh, shaking his head, “No, my love. The Masters is one of the big four golf tournaments for the PGA. When you win, you earn a green jacket and become a member of Augusta National in Georgia. And then you get to plan a celebration dinner. Plus, you win like, $3,000,000.”
“Ohhhh, okay, yes. Uncle Patrick has gone to that, I think. He didn’t win, though.”
Harry’s brows furrow even more, a bewildered look gracing his features, “We’ll come back to that later. I have a lot of questions. But, you enter a lottery to win tickets and I won! Otherwise, tickets are almost a million dollars.”
“A million dollars!? The course better be made of solid gold. I can’t even believe the stuff people spend their money on sometimes.”
“Tiger Woods will be there. He hasn’t played in a few years because of injuries. Baby, I could be near Tiger!” he smacks her ass, eliciting a yelp.
He hops up from his spot on the sofa as he looks outside with the biggest smile on his face, running his hands through his not-so-there curls on his head. He’d shaved it a few months ago impulsively; that was a crisis Briar never thought she’d see the other side of. But his peach fuzzy head grew on her.
“When is it?”
“Second weekend in April. Are you doing anything?”
“Me? Why wouldn’t you take Niall?”
“He and Lydia already have a wedding that weekend back in Ireland. I already asked him.”
“So, I’m your second choice!?” Briar smacks the sofa cushion beside her, faking offense.
Harry rolls his eyes, “You didn’t even know what it was five minutes ago, brat.”
She parrots his eye rolling, leaning down to snuggle Gus. They’re quiet for a moment, letting Harry soak in the news.
“Wait, why don’t you have clothes on?”
“Oh, I stripped them off as they were telling me I got the tickets. I was just too excited,” he responds casually, as if the answer is obvious.
So the pair is in Augusta, Georgia, watching Harry’s childhood dream come true. The problem? No phones allowed.
To maintain their traditional values, Augusta National banned the use of cellphones. Briar’s lovely boyfriend failed to remind her of this fact until they were in the back of an Uber heading to the course.
“No phones!? I wanted to document this whole experience for you!” She whines, gently squeezing his wrist.
“Thanks for wanting to do that, Birdie, but it’s okay. My generation isn’t addicted to their phones. We like to live in the moment.”
“Oh my god,” she snorts, punching him lightly. If anyone is on their phone too much, it’s Harry. His entire day is determined by solving the New York Times Connections puzzle. What do you MEAN the theme was ice cream flavors without the last letter?
“What if we get separated? How will I find you?”
“Did you pack your leash?” Harry smirks, waiting for her to smack him again.
“H! Quiet,” she snarls, trying not to look if the driver is listening. “Fine. Do they collect the phones or do they just kick you out if they see it?”
“I think they kick you out and you’re not allowed back, ever. There’s also no running. It’s hilarious. When everyone is trying to follow around the big names, it turns into a speed walking competition to try and beat them to the hole.”
She hums, looking out the window at the gorgeous scenery. She hasn’t spent much time down south, but this trip has changed her opinion of this part of the country. They’ve had beautiful dinners at night on patios and taken walks on historic grounds.
“Good news is, the food and drinks are super cheap, and I think you have some French 75’s calling your name.”
The Uber turns, the beautiful gates to the course opening as they pull in. The white building before them is gorgeous and neatly kept, embodying the prestige of the entire event. For a moment, she thinks Harry is tearing up. Harry snaps a photo of the two of them in front of the building to send to Niall and Patrick.
He grabs her hand and squeezes gently as he flashes their credentials to the security guard.
“Lead the way, baby,” Briar whispers, linking her arm with his as they stand outside the car, taking it all in.
Like a kid in a candy store, Harry drags her by the wrist, slaloming through the crowds of people as they all try to make it to the entrance.
Harry looks fucking good today. He’s donning a navy blue sweater on top of a cobalt blue golf shirt. His taupe pinstripe pants are pressed perfectly. His fingers are decked out in rings of all different finishes, and his Prada sunglasses fit his scruffy face perfectly.
The finishing touch, his shoes, are what has Briar giggling to herself. His black Hoka sneakers are throwing off the whole vibe. She tried to change his mind as they packed, but we’ll be walking a lot, and I don’t want my plantar fasciitis to come back!
To make the occasion even more special, Briar let Harry pick out her outfits. She knew he’d pick out her lavender sports dress, a classic piece she whips out when they play on weekends so he’s frustrated and thrown off his game. She’s 3 for 4 on this strategy.
Harry loves the way it cuts at Briar’s strong thighs, and shows a little bit of her back. To elevate the look, she tied a white Hermes scarf around her neck just like Daphne! Her shoes are white Vince Camuto sneakers with no support. She knows she can’t whine later if her feet hurt, in fear of hearing a relentless, I told you so!
Before examining his choices in her suitcase, she zeros in on the lack of underwear and bras. She knows he also picked her floor length, black bodycon dress. He’s really pushing the limits of voyeurism with these picks.
They finally make it past security, thankful they didn’t confiscate her purse, a gift from Harry that is just a smidgen too large for their rules. He leads them to the main clubhouse to grab their first drinks of the day, and maybe even a breakfast sandwich.
They start off with mimosas to ease into the day drinking, because Harry is too fucking old for daydrinking and Briar is a menace when she drinks when the sun is up. By their third round, Harry is full on fangirling as all the players buzz around him. He’s allowed to fangirl all he wants, but when she wants to gush about One Direction for a minute, he covers his ears. Eyeroll.
Briar snaps out of her brattiness, deciding she needs some food in her stomach. As they’re gathered on the 8th hole, she starts to “koala” him, as he so lovingly calls it. She wraps her arms around him from behind, laying her chin on his bicep.
“What’s wrong, Birdie? Hungry?”
Briar lightly bites his arm, looking up to meet his sideways gaze. Part of her hates how well he knows her. She slides her hands in his front pockets, making him wiggle uncomfortably.
“Be good,” he says lowly so only they can hear.
“Okay, Daddy,” she says sweetly, smiling up at him. “But yes, I’m hungry.”
Briar can feel him hesitate, clearly conflicted in what to do next.
“Okay, baby, but,” he pauses. “Tiger is at this hole next, and I’d really like to see it.”
Briar slumps, making a slight hmmph sound. She knows better, and knows how important this is to him, so she shakes it off.
“It’s alright, I can go back to the clubhouse by myself. Will you stay here so I don’t lose you?”
“Of course,” he leans down to gently peck her lips, before his head whips around as Tiger arrives at the tee box just a few feet from them, sending the crowd into a chaotic roar. She reluctantly lets go of his waist, crossing her arms over herself as she walks away.
The crowd has only increased as they arrived, and she’s honestly overwhelmed. A staff member nearby can sense her unsettled demeanor, so he asks if she’d like a ride back to the building.
She smiles at him, “Yes, that’d be lovely! Thank you so much.”
Trey, the worker, doesn't say much, but Briar isn’t one for awkward silences. She tells him about Harry, Wynnewood, and how this is a lifelong dream for him to be here. He nods along, visibly recoiling after finding out Briar isn’t single. She hops off the cart as they approach the doors, and waves a friendly goodbye.
Perusing the snack bar, her eyes are bigger than her stomach. She grabs grapes, potato chips, a turkey sandwich, and even a pudding cup. A nice man helps her condense her items into a cardboard box for carrying. She grabs a fresh squeezed lemonade to finish off her deliciously simple lunch.
Slightly tipsy and overly giddy, she finds a bench to start eating. It’s amazing the different walks of life at this event; the die-hards who don’t care about the glamor of it all, and the ones that are here only as a status symbol. It’s honestly nice not having her phone; she’s a little more in touch with her surroundings.
Taking small bites of her sandwich, she’s startled when another man approaches her on the bench.
“Pardon me, miss. Are you Miss Barlowe?”
Taken back, she nods as she swallows her bite, “Yes, can I help you?”
“Mr. Styles is on the line over there,” he points to the hilariously old fashioned phone stand, where 3 mossy green phones hang on the wooden stand. “He just wanted to make sure you were doing alright.”
Briar smiles, patting her mouth with her napkin and rising to her feet, “Thank you so much. Do I have to do anything to connect to the call?”
“Just press # and it should connect. I’ll be right over there if you have trouble.”
She laughs to herself as she approaches and presses the ‘#’ just as he said, “Hello?”
“What are you wearing right now?”
“Who is this?” She plays along.
“Your handsome, charming boyfriend,” he muses.
“I have a few of those, so you’re going to have to narrow it down,” she fakes a sultry tone.
“Briar – come on, you know I don’t like those jokes,” he mutters.
She laughs, twirling the curly phone cord around in her hand, “I feel like Carrie Bradshaw with this phone, talking to one of my boyfriends.”
“Are you insinuating I’m Mr. Big? I’m Aidan at the very least. The good guy.”
“Of course you’re Aidan. But instead, we get married.”
“Yeah, y’wanna marry me?” Harry can’t contain his grin as he looks around to see if anyone can hear him. “I won’t say yes until you come back here and get down on one knee, Briar.”
“In your dreams, Styles. Why’d ya call anyway? I’m just sitting here eating my sandwich.”
“Just missed you. Tiger got a birdie on this hole, so it made me think of you.”
“Aw, you’re cute. You’re the first place boyfriend today. You were in third yesterday, for reference.”
“Glad to hear that. Finish up your lunch and come find me. I’m gonna go to the 17th hole to try and catch Justin Rose. He’s an old friend from home.”
“Okay, I’ll come find you. Love.”
Briar hangs up the phone, the butterflies in her stomach buzzing. Since returning home from California, she’s never felt so secure in their relationship. He’s balancing fatherhood, work and their everyday life with ease.
Readjusting her skirt, she walks back over to the bench, mouthing a thank you to the worker who let her know Harry was calling. She sips on her lemonade, the ice rattling as she finishes the cup. Tossing the remnants of her meal in the trash, she spots the beverage cart girl. Briar smiles as she approaches her, requesting another French 75 and a Casamigos on the rocks for her lover.
The 17th hole is a hell of a lot closer to the clubhouse, but swarmed with people. It’s going to be a needle in a haystack to find him. Briar scrunches her brows, scanning all the kinda old white men with brown hair. Where is her old man?
Panic sets in for a moment, until she feels two hands on her waist, lifting her off the ground slightly and kissing her neck where it meets her shoulder.. She squeals, reaching for her skirt to make sure nothing is showing. He didn’t pack her any underwear, after all!
“There y’are, Birdie. Wish I brought your leash to drag my cute puppy around. Make everyone jealous.”
“They’d think you need to be sent to jail, actually. Were you able to focus in my absence?”
“Yeah, but I missed your hundred questions and commentary. Is that for me?” he asks, pointing to his drink.
“Yes, but you made me spill it on my shirt,” she frowns, her gaze traveling down to the beads of liquid wicking off the fabric on her chest.
Without a second thought, Harry leans down, pressing his mouth to just over Briar’s nipple to suck up the dribbled liquid. Her eyes widened, in disbelief he just did that. She grips the back of his hair, pulling him out of her bosom.
“H! What the hell are you doing? We’re in public!”
“Mm, I know. I’m so hard right now. And thirsty. Saw an opportunity,” he smirks, his grip now around the back of her neck. “Wanna take you to the clubhouse and fuck you dumb.”
“Harryyy,” Briar whines again. Little does he know all he has to do is slip her skort to the side to reveal her soaking wet pussy. She does her best to drag her six foot tall boyfriend to the treeline, hiding themselves from prying eyes.
“Let’s go. We’ll find somewhere safe. Daddy needs you to do a favor for him,” he says low in her ear, his tongue touching her earlobe. “Did I tell you how happy I am that you came with me?”
“I’m happy you invited me,” she places a gentle kiss on his lips. “Love seeing you happy.”
The lovey dovey talk is how Briar got HOODWINKED into sucking her boyfriend’s cock in an administrator’s office at Augusta National Golf Course at the biggest event of the year. The door locked, thankfully, but the amount of foot traffic outside the door has Briar’s head spinning, even more than when his tip touches the back of her throat.
Harry lets out a guttural moan, “Oh my – fuck! Such a good fucking girl.”
Briar is pulling out her signature moves; cupping his balls with one hand, tweaking his shaft with the other when her mouth doesn’t cover it, and swirling her tongue along the ridge of his bright red, plump cockhead.
Briar bats her eyelashes and pulls off just as he gives his sign of completion; his left thigh muscle twitching. Harry’s eyes shoot open as he grips the desk to prevent himself from falling over. He was so, so close.
Before he can speak, Briar stands, pushing him to half lie on the desktop, opening his belt and pants wider. She climbs on the desk to straddle him, staring down at him deviously.
“Wanna ride you, Daddy,” she whispers in his ear. She sits back up, pulling her skort to the side to show him her pussy, spasming and begging to be touched. He reaches out to touch her, but she bats his hand away, instead placing her hand around his neck firmly. “Nope. No touching.”
Harry snorts, knowing anytime she’s tried to be in charge, she fails miserably. He knows she’ll be howling for his help in a few minutes. His smug look is wiped clean as she grips his cock again to line him up with her dripping hole. They moan in unison when he pushes through the tight opening as she squeezes him for good measure.
Briar bounces lightly, the skin of their thighs slapping together. She could listen to the sounds their bodies make for the rest of her life. He bottoms out a few times, puffs of air escaping his nose as he struggles to not cum immediately.
She starts to rub at her clit, her free hand coming up to tweak her nipple. His eyes are closed again, so she takes her middle and ring finger that are rubbing and sticks them past his lips. He moans, lapping up the wetness from her fingertips and choking on them a bit. She smiles before bringing the fingers back to her center and continuing to rub.
“Oh my god, baby. You taste so good,” Harry whines. “Want you to come. Then I’ll come in your little pussy. Don’t know how you’ll hold it all in there.”
Briar cries out, seconds away from tumbling over the edge. She leans forward, gripping the desk above his head. They’re making extreme eye contact now, the tension between them palpable.
“I’m cumming, Daddy. I’m cumming. Your cock feels so big in my pussy,” she cries out as Harry feels a tiniest bit of wetness expelled from where their bodies meet. She twitches, barely able to hold herself up. He sits up on the desk to support her and begins thrusting up into her with his hands wrapped delicately around her body, fingertips digging into the plushy skin of her ass and waist. He captures her lips in a deep kiss, her breath stuttering when he rams himself back into her.
The two remain intertwined, reality hitting them when Briar utters words he never thought he’d hear from her.
“Fuck me, Daddy. Fill me up. Make me yours. Wanna have your babies,” she fires off things he can’t even comprehend. “Want you to make me a mommy. Fuck – want it so bad. Fill me up, please!”
Harry’s breath is knocked out of him as he throttles upward, his tip colliding with her cervix every time. As he topples over the edge, he buries himself in her pussy – his eternal resting place, he’s decided he’ll request in his will – and releases his full load into her. He drops backwards, beginning her down to lie on top of him, his pants now hanging around his ankles.
“Oh my fucking GOD, baby. So fucking good for me,” he says into her ear, a shiver running down his spine.
“Love you, Daddy,” she says quietly, her ear pressed to his chest so she can hear his heartbeat racing.
“Love you so fucking much, Birdie,” Harry sighs, petting her back.
Harry smiles to himself. The diamond ring he has in his bag at the hotel is going to make an appearance even sooner than expected.
He’s sure of it.
162 notes · View notes
narrycherries · 1 year
✰ baby honey ✰ #1 (dom!harry)
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Harry’s favorite thing to do is to take care of you and give you as many orgasms as you can take, even if you’re being a brat.. dom!Harry concepts
a/n: this pairing does not have a set/strict plot, but there will be many different situations/writings for them! Lots of smut! ;) some may carry over multiple parts!
masterlist / part 2 — join the tag list!
word count: 5.3k
warnings/tags: dom!harry, daddy kink, praise kink, soft-sub reader, oral f receiving, Harry x reader, smut, mature situations, punishment, mean!dom, some fluff :) pet names
Your mind was dizzy as you slowly walked down the grand staircase while sliding your hand down the cool railing. Soft hums were coming from your throat, and your stomach was filled with butterflies. Carefully, you stepped your sock clad feet on the hardwood floor and turned to go in the direction of the office. There wasn’t a worry in your mind or a slight bit of fear in your chest as you made your way to the big wooden door.
You run your fingertips over the cold knob before turning it and pushing the heavy door open. The room that was just filled with mixed voices becomes silent. Your eyes were cloudy, but they immediately focused on the thing you were looking for. A smile spread over your pink lips as you locked your sight on his pretty emerald eyes. Harry was so beautiful, so perfect.
He sighed heavily as he gave you a hard stare. It made your stomach churn, but you ignored it. You wanted him - needed to feel his touch and hear his voice. Before you could even get two feet inside the room, he was standing from the big wood desk and walking towards you. He wasn’t paying the three men sitting in the chairs any mind, you were his main focus. Per usual.
His big, heavy hands landed on your waist and he guided you out of the room and away from the door. He moved you against the wall and immediately grabbed your chin.
“What have I told you about interrupting my meetings?” His voice was low and deep.
“Shut up.” He snapped, his grip on your chin got tighter. “You’re acting bad. You know I don’t like it when you’re bad.”
“I need you.” You whined softly, hands fisting into his white button down.
“You’re gonna wrinkle my fuckin’ shirt.” He said through gritted teeth as he ripped your hands away.
“No, please! Just wanna touch you!” Tears were building in your eyes as you saw the anger come over his face.
“You were told to stay in the bedroom. You’ve disobeyed me.” Harry put his hand on your throat, but he didn’t squeeze you. He was gentle, for now. “You’re being a bad kitten.. and bad kittens get punished.”
You began to shake your head from side to side, tears streaming down your face. You coiled your hand around his wrist and dug your nails deep in his skin. Upsetting him was always your biggest fear. It was your intention to always be good for him, always be on your best behavior. Despite not doing anything wrong, you feel horrible.
“You’re gonna get my hand on your ass, and my cock’s gonna destroy that little hole of yours, missy.” He was harsh and cold, and that made things worse for you. “Not gonna let you cum. Gonna make those spanks hurt and you cry those pretty eyes out. I’ll make sure you remember the rules.”
“Not tryna be a b-bad kitten!” You cried out, eyes burning holes through his. “I need you, Daddy, need to touch you, please.”
As soon as he heard the word come out of your mouth he softened completely. His hand slid to the small of your back and the other gently covered your warm cheek. His thumb messed with the corner of your mouth as you spoke in broken sobs.
“M’not.. not a bad girl.. promise I.. I just needed.. needed something.. Da-daddy.. I.. I can’t stop it.. y’know I can’t..”
He felt terrible for treating you so bad, his heart was aching as he watched all the tears fall. “Hey, shh. Kitten, calm down.”
Despite his efforts, you were still breaking down. Worry filled your mind as you thought about all the consequences. You were so afraid that you were doing something wrong, that you had upset him. It was making you feel nauseous and like you were running out of air.
“Feel so-so little, Daddy.. wanna be.. be safe with you.. s’all.. just wanna see you..”
He shushed you again, and this time let his thumb cover your lips to stop you from rambling. “Relax for me, angel baby.”
You nodded softly and carefully placed your hands on his torso. His defined muscles felt comforting, even through the fabric of his shirt. You didn’t care about wrinkling it, so you closed your hands into fists again - holding as tight as you could.
“Now.. shhh..” he softly pecked your forehead before leaning back to look into your puffy eyes. “Tell Daddy what you need.. so I can help my girl.”
Your lips quivered as you tried to say something, but no words were coming out. He noticed the struggle and the pout on your lips. His hand moved down to your hip and he tilted your head further back to get a good look at you.
“Tell me, kitten, tell Daddy what’s got you all soft.” He made sure to give you a gentle smile. He knew you appreciated it when he was kind and caring, especially during these times. “Why’s my girl feeling little?”
Answering him was your intention, but you said the wrong words. You replied with what was on your mind, what was worrying you so much.
“I’m a bad girl.. I.. I didn’t listen to Daddy.. m’a bad kitty.”
“Tsk tsk, stop it, darling.” He gave you a stern lift of his brows. “You’re not a bad girl. Daddy isn’t mad, sugar plum.”
“But you said.. said I was being bad.” You sucked in your bottom lip as you looked at him through your lashes. Your eyes were hardly opened, the crying wore you out.
“That was before I knew you were feeling little, my angel.” He swiped your hair away from your face and held onto the back of your neck. “You’re Daddy’s good girl.. such a sweet kitten.”
“M’sorry I.. came in the office.” The words you whispered were barely audible.
He sighed and moved his hand down to your waist. “Daddy’s the one who should be saying sorry. I saw how happy you were to see me, kitten, how big your pretty lips smiled.. and I was so mean to you, wasn’t I? Didn’t give my girl any loves.. that’s all my baby wanted, yeah? Wanted Daddy’s attention for a minute.”
You nod lightly, arms snaking around him. He pulled you into his chest and you gladly hid your face in his shirt. He petted the back of your head, running his fingers through your long hair. His comforting words made you feel relieved and relaxed. He wasn’t mad at you anymore, and he just misunderstood the situation. Being in his arms made you feel safe and secure.
“Do y’wanna sit in the office with me, baby love? Daddy can pull up a chair for you.”
You sucked up the snot in your throat, the idea making you feel tingly. “Can I be by you, Daddy? Wanna be close.”
“Right beside me, my love. Just have to behave and be quiet for me, alright? Let Daddy finish his meeting and then I’ll make you feel better, baby.” He kissed the top of your head and squeezed you so tight.
You smiled against his shirt. “Wan’ loves and cuddles and kisses.”
He let out a soft chuckle. “All the loves and cuddles and kisses you want, kitten. Whatever you want Daddy to do.. my girl, always so sweet for me.”
“Woke up from m’ nap.. felt really little.. felt soft and scared, Daddy.”
He grunted as he leaned back, hands gently moving you so he could see you properly. “M’sorry i wasn't there for you, baby girl.”
“Here now.. don’t wanna leave you.”
“You don’t have to, honey bun. Daddy’s right here.”
You splayed your hands on his back, feeling his muscles tense as he gently rocked you from side to side. His hands held your hips so tight, so safely.
“Need t’ feel full.. Daddy can you.. fill me after your meeting?”
“Does my girl wan’ her Daddy’s cock, hm? Wan’ Daddy to fill you up with his thick cum?”
The filthy words caused ripples down your spine. You whimpered at the thought of being full. It was too hard to try to speak, so you nodded once again for him.
He smirked gently and kissed your swollen lips. “Daddy will give you what you want soon, kitten. Give you all my cum.. make sure your pretty pussy is filled to the brim.. wanna watch it drip out of you, baby love. Gonna fill my girl up.. make her feel so good, yeah?”
“Wanna have it all, Daddy, please..” Your whisper made his crotch twitch.
“No more talking about it, sweetheart, don’t wanna get Daddy hard just yet.”
The thought made your eyes sparkle, and it didn’t go unnoticed. He smiled sweetly and kissed you for a long moment before finally grabbing your hand and leading you to the office.
When you walked in together, the three men turned their heads to watch Harry walk through the room. Nobody said anything at first, so he broke the ice himself.
“Sorry about that, gentlemen. My fiancé isn’t feeling the best.”
“S’alright. Understandable.” One of them replied with a fake smile.
Harry glanced around but realized that the only other available chair in the room was his big leather one. He sighed and gestured to the chair.
“Just sit there, honey. We’re almost finished anyways.”
You hesitated, but eventually sat down in the chair. Harry sat one leg on the edge of the desk, eyes on the men as he picked up wherever he left off. They weren’t bothered by her presence, but that didn’t mean you didn’t feel embarrassed. You were sure the tear streams were still evident and you could feel the warmth of her skin. You probably looked like a mess.
The business talk didn’t interest you at all. You kept your eyes on Harry’s shiny black shoes. The longer you looked at them, the more you noticed his trousers. They fit him well and hugged his thighs. The dark grey color matched the blazer that was draped over the back of the chair. He looked so professional and handsome. His hair was perfectly sculpted. Even the expensive watch on his wrist was in a perfect spot. You were still annoyed by the men being here. Normally, meetings took place at his real office, not at your home. Apparently things happen at times, that’s what he told you at least, and arrangements have to be made.
You were growing impatient with each minute. All you wanted was him, and you wanted him all to yourself. Having to share his attention with these men was driving you mad. You tapped your fingertips against the arm of the chair as you stared at the floor.
Before you even realized it, Harry got off the desk and escorted the men to the front entrance. He was only gone for a minute. When he came back through the door you jumped up from his chair and began to rock on your heels. He chuckled as he reached you and took hold of your waist.
“Thank you for being patient, baby.”
“You’re all mine now, right?” You batted your thick lashes at him and he gladly squeezed each side of your butt.
“All yours, kitten.”
He sat down in the chair and gently grabbed your wrist. He pulled you onto his lap, greedily holding your waist. You smiled as you wrapped an arm around his head and began to softly peck your lips along his hairline. He chuckled as he slipped both hands under your shirt.
“You seem upset, Daddy.. don’t like it when you’re upset.”
He grunted, hating that you noticed things so easily. “Just stress from business, baby love, s’all.”
“Do you want me to make it go away?” Your words made his crotch tingle.
“No, baby. S’all about you right now. You still want Daddy to make you full?”
“Yes, please.. wan’ you to fill me, Daddy.”
When you leaned back to look at him, your tongue came out and swiped over your lips. A smirk covered his mouth as he slid a hand into your leggings, groping your butt cheek.
“No panties?” He lifted a brow. “Someone’s being a little tease.”
You giggled softly and started kissing his forehead. “Just wanna make it easier.”
“Hm.. m’sure you do.” He patted your thigh, a silent indication for you to stand up.
You didn’t want to move away with him, but you knew you had to. You stood in front of him, waiting patiently for him to do something. He stood up, too, and walked around you. When you hear papers shuffling, you spin around and grab his elbow gently.
“Let me clear the desk, kitten.”
“Daddy..” you were curious as to why he was doing that. “Are you gonna take me on your desk?”
He chuckled a few times before looking over at you. “M’gonna put you on the desk so I can eat up your little pussy, baby doll. Daddy will take you to the bedroom after.”
You groaned and squeezed his elbow. “Wan’ you to take me here.”
He watched your other hand reach to tap the desk. He smirked and gave you a quick nod. “Alright.”
Harry made sure everything was pushed to the edges of the wood, and out of your way. He adjusted the monitor so it was also out of your way. The desk was big, so it was easy to make adjustments. When he dropped the final stack of papers into the bottom drawer, you smiled happily and grabbed his shirt where it was tucked in on the side.
“Patience, my baby.” He pulled away from you with a smile, but grabbed you instead. “Let Daddy take care of you, kitten.”
Out of nervousness, you popped your index finger into your mouth. You didn’t want to upset him, so you kept quiet as you waited. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of your leggings on either hip and he yanked them down. He kneeled as he did so, making sure to get a good look at your womanhood.
“Mm, baby girl. Daddy missed you so much.” He pressed a kiss to your pubic mound, savoring the feeling of your soft, bare skin. “Can’t wait to have this pretty pussy all in my mouth.”
“Daddy.. please.. need you.” You whined while you curled your fingers in his scalp.
Harry gripped your thick hips and gave your butt a slap before standing up. You smirked softly, still shocked that he loved your body so much. It was something you struggled with - but he adored you, every inch and every pound. Your full ass and perky breasts, he could never get enough. It bothered you that your breasts weren’t big, but he loved them anyways. That’s all that really mattered.. that he loves you.
“Daddy.” You mumbled softly as he picked you up and sat you on the desk.
“What is it, angel?” He pressed his palm against your warm cheek, forcing your eyes to stay on his.
“Wan’ you so bad, please.”
“Honey, be a little patient. Daddy’s gonna give you everything you want.” He kissed you for a moment. “Now.. shh.”
He didn’t hesitate to drop down between your legs and push them apart. His tongue immediately swiped up your slit.
“Daddy.” You gasped as he did it over and over.
He made sure you were wet from his spit and your own natural release before he began to suck on your clit. He hallowed his cheeks, applying a hard pressure on your little nub.
“Wan’ a finger.” You muttered as you closed your eyes and held your breath.
Harry pulled away from your clit to spit on his finger. He watched your hole as he carefully wiggled his finger inside of you. Once he was sure you were comfortable, he began to move it in and out slowly. His tongue returned to your nub and he didn’t let up again. Normally he wouldn’t give you a finger until he’s made you orgasm, but he promised he’d do whatever you wanted. He doesn’t break his promises to you.
“More.” You mumbled while raking your fingers through his scalp. He liked it when you touched him, so you didn’t hesitate to tug at his roots. “M’gonna cum.”
He grunted against your clit, his tongue working in quick motions. You were so sensitive from being needy, so the orgasm rushed on you before you even realized. A heavy groan came from you as your thighs shook a little and your eyes fell back into your head.
Harry did his best to hold your hips down, but you were thrashing a tad as he kept sucking through the orgasm. You whined suddenly and pushed his head away. He let up, just to make sure you were okay.
“Kitten.. S’alright, baby.” He whispered as he stood up and took hold of your face.
When you opened your eyes you saw his, and a wave of comfort came over you. “Daddy.. felt so good.”
He chuckled softly, thumbs rubbing your lips. “Felt good, baby doll? Did Daddy make you cum?”
You smiled sweetly. “Came really hard for you.”
“Mhm, sure did, kitten.” He gave you a kiss and you couldn’t help but taste yourself on his mouth. “Got so wet for me.”
A gentle giggle fell from your lips. You wrapped your arms around his torso and pulled yourself forward. He dropped a hand to your waist to steady you, but made sure to keep a warm palm against your jaw.
“Feel better, baby love?” His voice was soft, it made you feel safe.
“Daddy loves to make you feel good, babe. Love to make my girl cum.. always tastes so good.. got such a sweet little cunt, don’t you?” You nodded. “All for you, Daddy.”
“Hm, I know.” He kissed you for a couple of seconds. “All mine.”
He furrowed his brows at the tone of your voice. You seemed sad all of a sudden and he didn’t like that.
“What’s the matter, baby?”
You shook your head, trying to ignore what you wanted to tell him. Of course he didn’t let that slide. He huffed and gave you that look.
“Tell me, sugar plum.”
“Just..” You paused, feeling suddenly nauseous.
He didn’t rush you into talking, he knew sometimes it took you a few minutes to gain some courage. Your eyes fell from his and you stared at the undone top button of his shirt. You felt the need to touch him, so you began to undo the rest of the buttons. He watched you carefully, trying to figure out what was going on. Your fingertips skimmed his skin, making goosebumps rose on his.
“You don’t have to be afraid to tell me anything, y/n.”
When he said your name, you shot your eyes at him for just one second. He rarely said your name, only when he was serious or if he was introducing you to someone. You rarely heard him say it. That never bothered you that he didn’t say it, but it did grab your attention.
“M’just..” you sighed heavily. “.. I changed my mind.”
His brows dropped even further. “About what, darling?”
Finally, the shirt was opened in the front and you could see his body. You reached up and grabbed either side of the shirt, pulling it down his arms as best as you could. He took over and yanked the shirt off. He was about to drop it on the ground when you grabbed onto the expensive material. Harry let you take it, and he watched as you brought it to your chest to clutch it.
You locked your legs around his hips. “I.. want something different.”
“Don’t want me to fill you, baby?”
A grunt left your throat and you grabbed his elbows. “I do.”
“Then what do you want differently, angel?”
You didn’t answer him right away. Your hands moved to his chest and you took your time as you touched all over his front. He was warm and his muscles were hard - yet, his skin so soft.
“Baby girl, you have to tell me.” He wasn’t getting frustrated or anything, he was just very concerned.
“Daddy.. I..” You were still in a small mindset, and he knew that.
“Baby, listen to Daddy.” He moved your head up so your eyes were locked with his again. “Daddy wants to make you feel good.. and make you feel safe. You’re feeling little still, baby doll, and Daddy knows you need t’ feel safe.”
“Wan’ you, Daddy.” You mumbled gently.
His eyes were so soft and full of concern. “Then what’s the matter, my love?”
You finally huffed and caved in. “Don’t wan’ you to take me in here.. wanna be comfy.”
He smiled. “Want Daddy to take you in the bed, baby? Wanna be on the soft sheets?”
You nod a few times. “Please..”
“Anything you want, baby.”
You kept hold of his shirt as you hopped off the desk and grabbed his hand. He guided you out of the office and toward the staircase. You were quiet the whole way up, only because you were thinking about him. You wanted him so badly, wanted him to sink his length into you and never pull it out. You couldn’t wait to feel his weight on top of you, to experience the feeling of your nipples pressed against his skin as he took you nice and slow.
When you reached the bedroom, your heart started to race. He pulled your shirt off and unhooked your bra, then gestured for you to lie down.
“No.” You groaned as she sat on the foot of the bed. “Wanna touch you.”
“S’not about me, honey.” He chuckled as you grabbed his belt and undone it.
“Just wanna see you, then.” You shrugged, smiling as you pulled down his zipper.
The bulge was extremely visible, and that made your core tingle with excitement. Soon, his pants were pooled around his feet and he kicked them away. He smirked as he watched you stick your hand into his boxers and pull his member out.
“So big.” You whispered as his hard length stood proudly in front of you. “Wan’ it, Daddy, please.”
“You always get what you want, don’t you kitten?” He chuckled as you crawled up the bed and laid down on your back. “Want it this way, babe?”
Harry spread your legs opened and kneeled between them. You thought for a moment as he squeezed the backs of your knees. It was intriguing to think about another position, so you decided you might as well try something else. It wasn’t like he’d never do it that way again.
“Wanna turn over.” You smiled.
He made a weird face at you. “What? My kitten doesn’t want me this way? Her Daddy?”
You giggled at him as you pulled your legs free and turned over onto your stomach. You shoved your arms under your chest and arched your ass up. He gave you a playful smack before leaning over your back. His hands fell into the mattress, keeping his body flush with yours.
“Wanna feel you this way, Daddy. Promise m’still your kitten.” You didn’t want him to think your head had cleared up, because it hadn’t. “Please.”
“Okay, baby girl. Daddy’s gonna give you exactly what you want.”
He started by pressing open mouthed kisses across the top of your back. He swept your hair over one shoulder so he could have access to the side of your neck. He grunted as his teeth sunk into your soft skin.
“Please.. wanna feel you deep.” You muttered as you reached behind you and grabbed his forearm.
He chuckled. “Patience, kitten. Daddy likes to love on his baby, y’know that.”
“Daddy doesn’t bite me.. Harry bites me.”
You felt his smile press against your skin. “M’sorry.. just missed you, baby love.”
“Harry can have me later.. I want my Daddy now.”
The pout on your lips made him smirk. He kissed it as you turned your head to look at him. It made you giggle and the pout turned into a smile.
“Daddy’s girl.” His voice was like a rumble of thunder. “Always my good girl.”
A weighted moan fell from your lips as he rubbed spit onto your entrance and slowly pushed his tip in. He let his length go once it was secure, and pressed a hand to your hip. Harry leaned back down, his front brushing your back as he began to move.
“S’good, baby doll? Don’t let me hurt you.” He took a deep breath as he went in about half way, then pulled out to check on you.
“Good, Daddy.. gimme more, please.”
He smirked at your eagerness. “Daddy’s gonna give you his cock, baby, just how you want it.”
You sighed in relief as he pushed back in, his elbow falling into the mattress beside your shoulder to support his weight.
“Tell Daddy how you want it, sweetheart.” He moved his hand to your throat and you gladly wrapped yours around his wrist to keep it there.
“Want you deep.. hard and fast, Daddy.”
His tongue swiped over your shoulder. “Want Daddy’s cock deep in your tight pussy, my angel? Want Daddy to fill you?”
“Mhm.” You moaned with your lips shut, eyes doing the same as the pleasure rushed through you. “Please.”
He didn’t say anything else as he began to fully insert himself - balls deep in you. Your mixed groans and breathes were intimate and it made you feel good - made your chest warm. Each snap of his hips got harder than the previous.
“Uh, Daddy, more.”
He chuckled softly and picked up his pace, his weight pinning you to the mattress while he fucked his length deep inside of you. You could feel the thick veins that ran along the length of his cock rubbing against your walls. You clenched around him every now and then, pulling deep moans from his throat.
“Baby love, squeezing Daddy’s cock so good, hm? Wanna feel Daddy’s cum in your tummy, baby? Wan’ me to fill you up?”
“Yes, Daddy. Wan’ it all. Please give me your cum, Daddy.”
His eyes rolled back in pure pleasure as the filthy words filled his ears. He began to fuck you harder and quicker, the sloshing sounds of your wet pussy made his balls swell. He needed to put his seed in you, plant it deep in your body.
“Oh, baby girl, takin’ m’cock so fuckin’ good.” He groaned into your shoulder as he reached down to grasp your hips tight, fingers burning your skin from the pressure. “Such a tight little cunt.”
Your back arched into the mattress, your ass pushing up against his pelvis. He grunted as he gave your hip a hard smack. You whimpered at the sudden and unexpected pain. Daddy never hit you hard - he barely would oblige if you begged him to.
“Too hard.” You choked out, tears pricking your eyes. “Da-Daddy.. hit me too hard.”
He huffed at himself and started to rub and massage the area he unknowingly left a red hand print on. “Sorry, baby, m’sorry.” He attacked your neck with his lips, hoping the affection would make up for his mistake. “Didn’t mean to hit you, doll. Daddy got.. distracted, m’sorry.”
You nodded a little, your hand reaching back to wrap around his wrist. He was still rubbing deep circles into your bruised skin, wishing he could erase the pain.
“Can.. can I cum.. please? Daddy can I cum on your cock?” Drool was slipping down your chin as our mouth hung open - the pleasure causing you to become numb.
“You can, baby, cum for Daddy.. cum on my cock, baby love. Let Daddy feel your wet pussy spill on him.”
He’s pounding you hard and fast, carrying you closer to the edge as the seconds fly by. You were moaning his name and digging your nails into his wrist, your walls squeezing him so tight.
“C’mon, cum for me. So close, yeah? Daddy can feel that tight pussy, babe. So tight for me.”
His filthy words made your eyes roll back and your lips fell apart - a loud moan full of strings of his name filled the air. He groaned heavily, verbally encouraging you to cum hard. You did jsut that, your pussy suffocating his cock as it held on to it hard - milking him of his warm, thick cum.
“Baby, fuck, yes. Take Daddy’s cum in your tummy. Such a good thing you are. My baby.” He praised you as you kept gushing out your release. He slowed his motions, keeping his cock buried in your hole. “Takin’ Daddy so good.”
“So warm.. so full.” You uttered as the side of your face hit the pillow.
He gave you a chuckle as he softly pecked your cheek over and over. “Daddy’s pretty girl, yeah? Full of my cum. So, so full and warm.”
“Daddy.. so good.. feels so good.” Your eyes shut and you release a deep breath, tiredness washing over you.
Harry noticed your behavior, and he assumed he would tire you out anyways, so he kissed your temple and slowly pulled out of you. He moved onto his knees after nudging your legs apart. He grabbed your ass on either side and pulled your cheeks further apart, just playing with the thickness as he watched his cum drip out of your hole.
“You’re such a pretty thing.. so full of Daddy’s cum.” He squeezed each cheek before let them go, hands sliding down to your thighs. “Do you want to be cleaned up, baby?”
You shook your head. “No.. wan’ it in.”
He smirked to himself as he climbed over you to get off the bed. You didn’t have to worry or question about where he was going - he was getting a fresh pair of panties for you. As you laid there patiently, your stomach was full of butterflies. The sticky cum rolling out of your cunt covered your clit, making you shiver. You could still feel him inside of you, the fullness hadn’t disappeared yet.
“Alright, roll over, princess.”
You did as he asked and fell into your back. He smiled sweetly as your sleepy eyes looked his way. He saw your eyelids falling as you struggled to keep them open.
“Oh, baby.” He huffed as he slid the panties up your legs. He stopped before he covered your hips. “M’so, so sorry. Daddy didn’t mean to hit you.”
“S’okay.. feels okay now.” You mumbled back, reaching over to touch his wrist.
He let you take his hand for a moment and you squeezed it. “You should be mad at me.. should be, babe, but you’re such a sweetheart, yeah? My sweet baby doll.”
His lips smeared on yours for a long moment before he leaned up, dropping your hand to pull the panties up. Once he knew his cum was secured in place where you wanted it stay, he nudged you and rolled on to your side. He got behind you, arms snaking around your limp body to drag you closer. You hum, satisfied as you feel his now covered and softened cock against your butt. It didn’t matter if it was hard, you just liked to feel it there.
“Take a nap, m’love.” He kissed your ear softly, whispering his words carefully.
You nodded, pulling one of his hands up your body. You forced it to rest under your boob and he gave you a small chuckle.
“Cuddle bunny.” He uttered. “I love you.”
“I love you more.”
He smirked to himself. “I dunno about that, baby love.”
(Part 2..)
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belphegorlance · 2 years
Matilda by Harry Styles is for children who don’t have a good relationship with their mother(or father) and constantly feel like they need to be doing more. They can never express themsleves in front of their parents because they will be rebuked for it. They're constantly getting yelled at for no reason, always stressed, choke back their sobs and feel that they are a disappointment at all times.
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harry-styles-obsessed · 8 months
can you write something about harry bringing his newborn daughter to the studio and showing her everything <33
Thank you for the request!!! I’m so sorry for how long it took! I hope this is what you were looking for! <3
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Daddy-daughter day
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
Harrys voice was stern as he looked at you “you stay in bed. You need to rest…” he saw the look of reluctance on your face, a soft smile tugging at his lips “no buts baby.” You pouted your lips and he chuckled “sweetheart… you need rest. You’ve just pushed a baby out of you. You shouldn’t be on your feet at all. Rest, alright? Im gonna take Delilah to the studio… keep her busy. And when I get back home we can watch a movie together okay?” He smiled and as you nodded he leaned down pressing a kiss to your lips “good… don’t move. Got it?” He gave you a stern look and you rolled your eyes “fineee,” he chuckled before kissing your forehead “I love you. The leftovers from dinner last night are in the fridge okay..” “Harry you don’t need to baby me I’m okay” you whined playfully and he chuckled “shh, stay in bed. If you don’t I will know about it…” he let out a soft laugh soon followed by a laugh from you too and he kissed you again, “I love you so much.”
You watched in adoration as he moved to Delilah who was laying in her crib, his ring adorned hands wrapping around the newborn as he slowly lifted her up into his arms. The child was still asleep, letting out some baby sounds as he shifted her into the crook of his elbow- keeping her safe and secure in his embrace “I love you. I’ll see you later on okay? If you need anything call me.” He said before he left, a small smile remaining on your lips before you exhaled happily as you carefully laid down, relaxing as you attempted to fall back to sleep knowing your body needed to recuperate from what it had endured.
Harry walked out to the car, Delilah still in his embrace, his free hand holding the small car seat he was going to strap her into. He opened the door easily before placing the car seat in, strapping it in, before he looked down at Delilah “we going on a car trip hm sweetheart? Yeah? Gonna have fun with daddy? Yeah…” he smiled lovingly down at her before pressing a soft kiss to her cheek before carefully lowering her down into the car seat. The baby’s eyes were now open, tiredly looking up at her daddy as he strapped her into the car seat making sure she was all safe and sound before covering her up with the small baby blanket, tucking it just underneath her chin and arms to cocoon her “we gonna have some fun today, hm sweetheart?” The man asked an adoring look on his face as he smiled stroking his knuckle against her soft cheek before he smiled, shutting the door quietly before getting into the car himself, he strapped himself in, tattooed arm stretching out to grab a hold of a disk ‘cartoon theme tunes’ sure it sounded stupid but you and Harry had found that cartoon theme tunes soothed the little girl. Especially the scooby doo theme tune. Delilah just seemed to adore it for some unknown reason…. He slid the disk into the radio area before putting the music on before Harry started the car up, driving all the way to the studio. He was excited to introduce Delilah to Mitch and the others.
✯at the studio✯
Harry had Delilah in his embrace, wandering into the small but not too small studio. Mitch was already in the studio a warm smile on his lips “look who it is..” he spoke with a soft chuckle “hey man,” Harry spoke Mitch looking down at Delilah with adoring eyes poking a finger against the child’s stomach “hello you,” he gently tickled her stomach with his pointer finger the small child attempting to analyse Mitch a clear look of confusion and bewilderment on the little girls face.
“Im not staying long.. just thought id give y/n a little lie in and come show Delilah the studio.” Harry explained as he slowly walked with the small child in his embrace walking up to a microphone “look baby girl,” he pointed at the microphone- the baby gurgling and making the usual baby sounds, kicking her arms and legs about. Harry tapped the top of the microphone to make sure it was off before he picked it up “you know, your daddy doesn’t have a good friendship with microphones. It’s a love hate sort of relationship.” Mitch teased with a smirk earning a playful glare from Harry. But Mitch wasn’t wrong, Harry constantly was losing his microphone or tripping over his microphone stand whilst on stage. It was fairly humiliating. “Bet your ass I’m going to tell her that again when she’s old enough to understand.” Mitch chuckled out Harry smirking and rolling his eyes, he showed Delilah some more things- the piano, the soundproof box that Harry would often record in and some other instruments, Delilah’s eyes wide and full of wonderment as she watched her daddy show her it all. As he continued walking about chatting about random things to the little girl he eventually fell silent as he heard the gentle snores of Delilah.
“Oh you’re really that boring huh?” The voices of his band teased and he rolled his eyes “I guess you all aren’t that exciting.” He retorted but really they were all just teasing each other. “I just know she’s going to be like you Harry… she’s gonna have a well good voice.” Sarah said smiling and Harry nodded his head “yeah, unless she sounds like y/n… she sounds like a screaming cat.” “Harry! Im gonna tell the poor woman you said that! She just pushed out a baby! Give her some lenience!” He laughed softly “I’m just kidding. I love her really. But yeah… I’ll see you guys later on. I’m gonna get this one home. She needs her milk and probably wants her mummy.” He spoke, allowing his friends to hold Delilah for a while before he eventually bid his goodbyes and left to the car.
Once at home Harry was greeted by you a playful annoyed look on your face “so I sound like a screaming cat huh?” You asked, Harry smirking his dimples appearing “no. I was just kidding…” he spoke placing the baby carrier down before wrapping his arms around you pressing multiple kisses to your lips “besides you’re supposed to be resting… not up on your feet. Go on and relax. I’ll make you something nice. And then we can cuddle. Hot chocolate, coffee… tea?” He spoke, which in your opinion sounded wonderful a soft smile tugging at your lips…. “Surprise me” you giggled out the man smiling and nodding as he walked to the kitchen humming to himself “y/n you better be sat down and wrapped in a blanket otherwise imma make you sit down.” He spoke making you laugh softly. Oh how he was an idiot… but he was your idiot. And you adored him so very much. He was someone everyone wanted and luckily you had him all to yourself and you couldn’t be more grateful.
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offkilterkeys · 14 days
It sucks that Jane and Kanaya got shoved into the mommy friend roles cause they’ve got such potent exasperated older sister and bug eyed younger sister energy respectively
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33-81 · 1 year
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Italy with Harry
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cupid-styles · 1 month
so hear me out… u decide which one of ur couples this pertains to if any but… they go super hard one night and is like rlly degrading and filty. and they film it all and then the next night he makes her watch herself getting railed and makes her touch herself to how much of a sl*t she was being before… is that too much 🫣
my eye is twitching. here's 1k of sugar daddy h being a mean dom!
word count: 1k
content warnings: exhibitionism, squirting, daddy kink, f masturbation, degradation, dirty talk, m receiving oral, slight bondage, very not ramadan friendly!
. . .
"Are you ready to watch yourself, baby?"
Mia squirms on the wide expanse of Harry's bed, tugging helplessly at the restraints currently holding her wrists to the headboard. He smirks devilishly as he places his laptop on the TV stand directly in front of her, giving her no option but to stare at the dirty movie they'd made a few weeks back. 
It had been a night fueled by a combination of Harry being deep in his dom space and Mia being ready and willing to please. They'd discussed filming themselves many times before and it had always been something they were both interested in. It would never go anywhere, but the flare of exhibitionism it offered was enough to make Mia's core warm and Harry's length ache. 
When he presses 'play', Mia swallows tightly. Immediately, she's overwhelmed with the imagery of her laying in Harry's lap, tummy down, ass up. He's issuing a series of harsh smacks to her skin and making her count each one. Her voice sounds pathetic and worn, likely from the whimpered mewls that fell from her lips every time his palm made contact with her tender ass. She’s already naked — she had worn a pretty white lingerie set for him, but he was quick to snap the straps off her body, plucking the lacy bralette and matching panties from her form. 
“You look like a gorgeous angel, but I know you better than that, Mi,” he’d said as he pushed the fabric off her skin. 
"Slutty little ass," Harry mutters on the screen. In real life, he's crawled onto the bed next to her, his large hand taking real estate on her thigh. "Just needed daddy to punish you like the naughty brat you are, yeah? Needed a reminder of who owns these holes."
"Y-yes daddy," she utters delicately in the video. Her skin heats from hearing how pitiful she sounds. Harry chuckles from beside her.
"Isn't that cute?" Harry asks, nudging his chin in the direction of the small screen in front of them, "Hearing your sweet little voice all wrecked from moaning for me. All that from a couple of slaps on the bum."
She swallows nervously. When she doesn't reply, Harry squeezes her thigh. 
"Asked you a question, pet."
"Uh-huh," Mia replies softly, her pussy clenching as she watches Harry pull her into his lap. It's effortless, the way he yanks his own briefs down to reveal his erect length. With his hands gripping her hips roughly, she listens to the wet gasps fall from her pouty lips when he pushes into her, barely giving her any time to acclimate before he's thrusting upwards. 
"Such a tight little pussy. How do you manage that, hm? Daddy's always fucking this dirty hole and you always feel so good."
Mia whimpers involuntarily and Harry hums. He stretches his body above hers and her eyes flutter, inhaling his scent as he undoes the rope around her wrists. Gently, he lowers her arms down to her stomach, taking her hand into his. He cups it around her bare pussy and she gasps quietly from the featherlight sensation. 
"Play with yourself," he whispers. He curls her middle finger at her pearly clit, applying a bit of pressure before quickly removing it. "Want you to make yourself cum while you watch yourself get fucked, okay? Can you do that for me?"
Mia nods and nibbles on her bottom lip, listening as the version of herself on the screen moans. She's begging for him to fuck her deeper and harder, and she swallows harshly when Harry lays back against the mattress, giving her free rein to watch the video. She peeks over and sees his erection, large and throbbing in his pants. 
"Don't worry about me, sweetheart. I'll take care of myself after I watch you cum."
She exhales shakily, keeping her fingertips hovering over her swollen clit. On the screen, Harry's now fucking into her from behind, her cheek smushed into the pillow and a soundtrack of throaty cries making her hole pulsate in real time. Slowly, she begins to circle her clit, watching as he forms her hair into a messy ponytail and pulls at it, yanking her body upwards. With his chest pressing into her back, he begins to mutter filth into her ear.
"Gonna squirt all over my cock, aren't you? I know you are. Can feel that pretty pussy squeezing me. Such a nasty little slut, hm? Just a pair of holes for daddy to use. Make it worth my time, baby. Get me all messy. You know I love it when you make a big mess."
In real life, her fingers begin to speed up. She moans from the delicious pressure on the swollen bundle of nerves, jaw dropping as she watches herself squirt all over Harry's cock, thighs, and bed. He chuckles on the screen, using his palm to rub her and spray the liquid to make even more of a mess.
"There's my fuckin' girl," he all but growls. She doesn't have a second to recuperate before he's pushing her onto his knees on the floor and pushing his cock into her mouth. "Lick up your mess. Slurp it all up."
She uses her other hand to push a finger into her hole, whimpering as she pushes up against her g-spot. 
"Gonna cum, sweetheart?" Harry asks from beside her. She nods jerkily, eyelashes fluttering as she begins to feel her muscles tense. He smirks. "Knew you'd like having a nasty little film of us. Go ahead, baby. Cum for us."
It doesn't take much for her to finish after that, not as she watches her past self throat Harry's hard cock. She mewls out his honorific and Harry talks her through it — “there you go baby, there it is— pretty little pussy coming all over your fingers. Oh, there it is, sweetheart. Play with your clit for me” — issuing out praises while he comes down her throat in the video. 
"Such a good girl for me." he murmurs, pressing a light, loving kiss to her cheek. "Feeling okay?"
Despite still being in the aftershocks of her intense orgasm, she nods. He smiles and leans forward to thumb at her bottom lip before gently pressing it inside. 
"Good. Think it's time we make another movie, then." 
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putadohs · 3 days
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birthday! — oneshot larry
“talvez ter mantido uma amizade com seu ex-marido tenha sido sim uma boa ideia, uma vez que harry revê seu ex padrasto, que a criou tão bem durante anos, fica toda mexida. louis só queria dar um presentinho para sua garotinha no seu aniversário, que mal tinha?”
˗ˏˋ 🎀 ˎˊ˗
hcisgirl • daddy kink • inocência • manipulação • exibicionismo • binky (chupeta) kink • todos personagens maiores de idade • negação de orgasmo • dirty talk.
˗ˏˋ 🎂 ˎˊ˗
— Louis! — a mulher de cabelos loiros escorridos celebrou sua chegada. — Que bom que você veio. Fico feliz que tenha aceitado o convite.
— Eu nunca perderia o aniversário dela — Louis cumprimentou sua ex mulher, entregando em suas mãos o presente que tinha comprado dias passados. — Como você está, Ruby? Parece muito bem.
— Estou ótima. E você… parece ótimo, né?
Ruby notou certa diferença no corpo de Louis. Mesmo que magro, seus músculos definidos eram notáveis, ainda com os braços repletos de tatuagens só realçando a visão privilegiada que era olhar e admirar as curvas dos bíceps. Ruby também não deixou de notar os fios brancos no cabelo de Louis.
— Eu precisava — disse em um tom divertido. — Mas eu ainda continuo comendo muita besteira, você sabe.
Algumas risadinhas só para Louis poder entrar na casa e ficar besta pela decoração. Tudo remetia a Harry.
As paredes brancas da sala enfeitadas com balões rosa choque e rosa pastel, fitinhas do teto pendurando vários lacinhos e a mesa posta só com tons de rosa e branco, nada mais que isso. O bolo estava no centro, em formato de coração com a escrita “Feliz aniversário, Princesa” cheio de pérolas do lado. E onde estava a decoração, podia ver alguns desenhos de bambi pulando pra e lá pra cá.
Louis sorriu bobo para tudo isso.
— Onde ela tá?
— Lá atrás com as amigas — Ruby informou. — Vai lá. Ela está morrendo de saudades do pai.
Ele gostava de ser lembrado como pai de Harry por ter simplesmente boa parte da vida da garota ao seu lado. E somente eles sabem o melhor lado disso.
Louis se dirigiu até os fundos da casa, um jardim consideravelmente grande com uma piscina fazendo a divisa da sala e da área de lazer. Não demorou muito para ele achar Harry.
Estava sentada em uma roda com mais cinco amigas, no chão com as pernas brincando no ar, a barriga deitada na grama enquanto as outras garotas se apoiavam nos cotovelos. Todas pareciam muito despojadas e confortáveis.
Louis elogiou Harry mentalmente, a chamando de princesa ao colocar os olhos no seu vestido azul e rosa, a saia sendo rosa e a parte de cima sendo justinha em um tom muito, muito claro de azul. quase branco. Uma gola gravata era o charme, o colar de pérolas em volta do pescoço era delicado. Percebeu que estava usando meias 3/4 de rendinha, ainda ser está calçando os sapatinhos.
— Princesa?
Harry reconheceu o tom rouco da voz, sabendo que era a pessoa que mais amava no mundo. Se levantou tão rápido que Louis mal teve tempo o suficiente para raciocinar o pulo em seu colo.
— Papai! — Harry entrelaçou suas pernas em volta de sua cintura, afundando seu rostinho no pescoço do homem. — Senti tanta sua falta.
— Eu também, amor — juntou suas mãos por baixo do bumbum de Harry, se virando de costas para as outras garotas para poder apertar de leve suas nádegas, subindo o toque para a cintura. — Estava morrendo de saudades.
— Por que não veio me ver mais? — Harry fez um beicinho choroso, se perdendo nos olhos azuis de seu papai, na barba ralinha meio ruiva e por fazer. — Eu chorava de saudades, você não sabia?
— Eu sabia. Mas o papai estava muito ocupado com o trabalho, viajando pra todo lado — Louis fez mais força para aguentar Harry em seus braços, a garota sorrindo sapeca ao que sentia as mãos espalmadas do homem em seu bumbum. — Por isso eu te trouxe muitos presentes.
— Presentes! — exclamou toda sorridente. — Onde estão?
— Todos na sala — Louis informou. — Mas um tem que pegar comigo depois.
Harry estreitou o olhar, mordendo o lábio inferior sem perceber o movimento desse ato.
Louis colocou sua garotinha no chão novamente, fazendo um carinho em seus cachos, soltos e definidos. Ergueu o rostinho lindo de Harry, o interior de seu peito queimando quando se deu o tempo o suficiente para admira-la.
— Gostou do meu vestido, papai? — Harry questionou, segurando as barrinhas do tecido e balançando seu corpo pra lá e pra cá.
— Eu amei, princesa — Louis fez questão de pegar em sua mão e dar um giro lentamente, descendo os olhos em cada parte daquele vestido. — Bem comportadinha… — disse mais para si do que para Harry. — Rosa e azul para sempre, lembra?
— É claro que lembro, né papai! Por que acha que escolhi esse?
— Boa garota —Louis segurou o rosto de Harry com as duas mãos, trazendo seu rosto até o seu para deixar um beijo carinhoso na testa.
E as amigas de Harry já se queixavam dela. Deu um abraço apertado na cintura de seu papai e foi correndo até as outras garotas, pulando como um bambi.
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Tudo estava indo perfeitamente bem. Harry estava recebendo todos seus convidados, a maioria amigos de colégio e alguns familiares. Até que…
— Cala sua boca, Agnes, para de falar!
— Você tem problema? Eu só estava brincando!
— Que brincadeira mais idiota! Igual a você!
As vozes altas e finas das duas estavam sendo ouvidas por todos da casa. Ruby foi correndo juntamente com Louis até a sala, que era onde estava acontecendo essa discussão.
— Parem com essa gritaria! — Ruby interviu, se colocando no meio das duas para prevenir um possível briga física. — Eu quero explicações agora, andem! Podem falar!
Harry estava chorando, era possível ver seu rímel escorrendo pelas bochechas. Foi direto para os braços de Louis, que teve que fazer um carinho nas suas costas para acalmar os soluços. Estava muito aborrecida.
— Harry, o que aconteceu? — Ruby perguntou.
Ela não soube falar, só enterrar seu rosto no peitoral de Louis molhando toda a camisa social dele.
— Você pode começar a se explicar? — sem chances com Harry, tentou com Agnes.
— Eu só disse que achava Louis bonito! — Agnes literalmente berrou, somente as duas e os pais de Harry ali, o resto todos olhando pela porta de correr dos fundos. — Ela começou a chorar e me xingar!
— Você não disse só isso, sua mentirosa de merda! — Harry rebateu a altura, abraçada em Louis mas ainda assim seu rosto maneava para frente jogando as palavras na cara de Agnes. — Eu nem te convidei pro meu aniversário, você é amiga da Cindy, não minha!
As outras garotas foram chegando ali e Ruby foi conversando com Agnes, enquanto isso, Louis fazia um carinho na sua cabeça com o coração amolecido por ver Harry chorando daquela forma.
— Bebê — Louis a chamou. — O que ela disse pra você ter ficado assim, uhn? — Harry ficou de cabeça baixa, chorando mais porém baixinho. — Não quer falar pro papai?
— Ela… — tinha um soluço entalado na sua garganta. Fungou forte antes de começar a falar devidamente. — Ela disse que te achava muito bonito. Queria ter você como papai dela. Ela quer você, Lou.
Louis sabia que nada do que falasse naquele momento acalmaria Harry. Sendo assim:
— Ruby, vou conversar com Harry lá em cima, okay? Ela está muito mal. Pode tranquilizar a situação aqui?
— Sim, sim — Ruby assentiu. — Voltem só quando for a hora do parabéns.
E assim, Louis abraçou Harry de lado e foram até as escadas, subindo duas até chegar no quarto da garota.
Ainda continuava o mesmo.
— Você ainda tem os bonequinhos Sylvanian Families que eu te dei? — tentaria distrair sua garotinha de qualquer jeito.
— Tenho, papai — disse baixinho, ainda abatida.
Quando seguiram para o banheiro, para limpar o rosto sujo de maquiagem borrada de Harry, ele viu uma fileira só com os bonequinhas Sylvanian que ela tinha guardado, todos bem cuidados e era a coleção inteira ali. Seu quarto com as paredes rosa pastel estavam revestidas por pequenos lacinhos, Harry amava lacinhos.
— Vem aqui — Louis a chamou para seus braços, pegando ela em seu colo para deixar em cima da bancada da pia. Louis ficou entre o meio de suas pernas. — Por que você chorou tanto por causa daquilo, bebê? Você não sabe que ninguém nunca vai me ter como você me tem?
— Eu não gosto que falem de você daquele jeito! — Harry exclamou, os olhos trêmulos cheios de lágrimas olhando para Louis, cruzando os braços à sua frente. — Ela ficou olhando pra você o tempo todo, eu queria pular no pescoço daquela piranha!
— Presta atenção em mim, tá? — Louis pegou o rosto abatido em suas mãos, apertando suas bochechas. — Eu sou o seu papai e você é minha garotinha. Minha princesa, meu bebê. Ninguém nunca vai me ter. Assim como ninguém nunca vai te ter, Harry. Você é minha.
— Jura? Por favor, papai, você jura? — disse tão desesperada que conseguiu tirar seu rosto do aperto, abraçando o pescoço de Louis.
— Eu não preciso jurar. Você sabe que é verdade, não sabe?
— Eu sei.
Harry abraçou Louis com toda sua força, sentia uma saudade imensa dele todos os dias, nunca parecia ser o suficiente estar com ele uma ou duas vezes por semana, tinha que ser todos os dias até morrer. Harry dependia de Louis.
— Você ainda usa chupeta, meu bebê?
— Uhum — Harry faz que sim com o rostinho no ombro de Louis.
— Vai gostar dessa.
Simplesmente, Louis tirou do seu bolso uma caixinha pequena com uma chupeta rosinha com um desenho de um bambi, e isso fez Harry brilhar os olhos.
— Ela é linda, papai! Eu gosto de usar por que me deixa calma.
— Sei disso — Louis fez um breve carinho nas suas bochechas. — Coloca ela pra mim ver?
Nem precisou pedir. Harry colocou sua língua para fora, uma mania sua, e abocanhou a chupeta, Louis vendo ela se remexer em sua boquinha rapidinho, vendo como sua garotinha precisava se acalmar. Precisava até demais.
— Você é linda — Louis elogiou, dando um beijo na chupeta fazendo ela se empurrar na boca de Harry. — Agora o papai vai cuidar de você, tá?
Harry fez que sim, balançando as perninhas aéreas na bancada vendo Louis pegar demaquilante e algodões.
Ele se fez novamente entre as pernas e Harry ficou sentada, reta e com o rosto para frente, para que Louis pudesse pegar em queixo e limpar sua testa, olhos e bochechas, nessa sequência, bem devagar para não machucar.
— Tem tirado notas boas no colégio?
Harry fez que sim, os olhinhos fechados sentindo Louis tirar sua sombra rosa gliterinada.
— Jura?
— S-sim, papai — disse um pouco atrapalhada por conta da chupetinha.
— E sem distrações, né? — Louis questionou, segurando seu rosto pelo queixo encontrando os verdes esmeraldas se abrirem. — Você sabe o que eu quero dizer.
Harry hesitou.
— Só existe uma resposta para essa pergunta e eu espero que seja a que estou pensando.
Ela tirou sua chupeta antes de poder falar, os olhos daquele jeitinho pidão.
— Eu só me distraio pensando em você, papai…
— Por que eu sinto que você está mentindo?
— Não estou! — Harry colocou sua chupeta na boca novamente, para não se equivocar novamente, deixando ela na beira dos lábios. — Eu fico pensando quando você brincava comigo… — seus olhos estavam olhando para seus pés enquanto falava, mas de repente, um pensamento surge em sua cabeça e decidiu colocar para fora: — Mas você não deve gostar mais de brincar comigo!
— Por que acha isso? — Louis estava sorrindo pela forma birrenta que Harry disse. Colocou os algodões e demaquilante de lado para tomar sua atenção a ela.
— Você não quis mais ficar comigo… — Harry resmungou pausadamente, a chupeta indo para o meio de sua boca. — Você me deixou, papai.
— Eu nunca vou te deixar — Louis puxou Harry pela cintura com certa violência, erguendo seu vestido para passar os dedos bem de leve por cima de sua bucetinha ainda revestida na calcinha. — Sempre vou querer brincar com a minha bebezinha. Lembra quando foi a nossa primeira vez? Você chorava tanto, amor, mas não queria deixar meu pau.
— Papai… por favor, me diz que você vai brincar comigo? — Harry implorou baixinho, abrindo mais as pernas para que Louis pudesse ter mais facilidade com os dedos. — M-mhn… você vai fazer com carinho?
— Muito, meu amor — Louis deixou um beijo na chupeta, tirando ela de Harry, vendo a garotinha formar um biquinho tão gordo que apenas sentiu seu lábio inferior entre os dela, da forma mais fofa. — Vou mostrar pra você que não precisa fazer birra com medo de perder o papai. Sempre vou estar aqui.
— O senhor… mhn… papai, o s-senhor? Mhn! — as palavras começaram uma cair sobre as outras quando Louis decidiu só arrastar pro lado sua calcinha, massageando devagar seu clítoris inchadinho, indo tão lento que era uma tortura. — Papai, dorme hoje aqui!
— Shhh… — Louis se aproximou de Harry, sentindo seu pescoço sendo abraçado pelos bracinhos da garota.
O que fez foi como dizer a Harry “fique calma, vive esse momento com seu papai, não pense demais.”
Louis tinha dado início nos carinhos por todo rosto de Harry, fazia questão de acariciar suas bochechas, enrolar os dedos nos cachos e fixar os olhos na chupeta que mexia pra lá e pra cá na boquinha de sua garotinha. Mesmo que estivesse gemendo baixinho contra a chupeta, Harry parecia pura demais, numa inocência genuína, do jeito que Louis se encantou por ela.
Seu pau já estava extremamente duro, precisava se aliviar de uma vez ou poderia gozar ali mesmo só com os gemidos manhosos de Harry e aquela bucetinha toda molhada, o toque escorregadio e macio em seus dedos. Louis conseguiu desabotoar sua calça somente com um mão, tirando seu cacete para fora da boxer e iniciou seus movimentos por todo comprimento rígido e pesado, se punhetando rapidamente ao que o pré-gozo jorrava da glande avermelhada.
Harry arregalou os olhos quando sentiu Louis parar com dedilhar em seu clítoris. Ficou confusa, mas logo depois reparou devidamente no que estava acontecendo.
Imediatamente a garota abriu os braços com os dedinhos chamando por Louis.
— Eu quero colinho! — Harry praticamente gemeu, naquele tom dengosa, e ao mesmo tempo, um tanto diabólica.
— Vou te dar colinho depois que deixar sua buceta escorrendo minha porra — Louis disse rangendo os dentes, sem muitas cerimônias, desceu mais o corpo de Harry na bancada da pia e começou a roçar somente sua cabecinha nos lábios gordinhos daquela xotinha. — Você merece tanto isso, amor, sei que vai deixar o papai orgulhoso, não vai?
— Uhum, uhum — Harry fez que sim freneticamente com a cabeça, ela mesmo se esfregando no pau que estava quase se introduzindo.
Louis só arrastou pro ladinho a calcinha branca de renda, e sem muita demora, enfiou todo seu pau na bucetinha de Harry, arrancando dela um ofego alto e doloroso, os olhinhos se fechando com força por se lembrar do quão grande e grosso seu papai era. O quão sem piedade Louis podia ser quando se tratava de cuidar de sua filhinha.
— De… devagar, papai, você me m-machuca assim… — Harry pediu aos choramingos, sua voz chorosa na chupeta era um tanto embargada. Ela amava ver o cacete de Louis saindo e entrando de sua bucetinha, não conseguia tirar os olhos disso.
— Vê se fica quietinha? — foi uma pergunta retórica, Louis indo mais rápido com seu quadril, sentindo uma certa dificuldade em voltar com seu pau dentro de Harry por ela ser simplesmente muito apertada, muito mesmo. — Não quer que ninguém veja o papai brincando com você, quer?
Harry negou com a cabeça, respirando fundo a cada estocada.
— Boa garota — Louis segurou a cintura de Harry com as duas mãos, deixando ela com um total de zero chances de sair dali.
Os gemidos de Harry eram baixinhos por conta da chupetinha em sua boca, ela chupava mais forte a medida que Louis empurrava seu pau na buceta toda encharcada, já estava se acostumando com o tamanho, trazendo em todo seu corpo aquele prazer mórbido que era sentir uma saliência em sua barriga devida a sua dilatação e o tamanho daquele cacete.
Louis não se aguentava e tinha que beijar sua boca contra a chupeta, sabia que isso deixava Harry louca e sem graça, as bochechas da mesma se queimando.
— Papai, eu quero colo… — Harry implorou novamente, queria muito, muito, mas muito sentar naquele pau e deixar Louis gozar dentro de si, bem gostoso. — Por favor, eu prometo… mhn! Papai!
Como se já não bastasse, Louis começou a estimular seu clítoris rapidamente, tão rapidinho que era doloroso a sensibilidade. Louis fazia de seu cacete ir o mais fundo possível, perto de seu ápice, querendo prolongar a sensação a cada estocada forte e rápida.
— Você promete? — deu continuidade, a respiração indo pra casa do caralho com aquela velocidade que seu quadril tomava.
— Eu! Mhn… papai, eu prometo ficar quietinha! — Louis queria devorar aqueles peitinhos balançando pra cima e pra baixo pelo solavanco de seu corpo. — Eu quero seu colo, papai, por favor!
Louis sorriu tão sujo que a ideia de serem pegos só o motivou ainda mais. O fato de que Harry era o seu segredinho mais sujo.
A cintura de Harry tinha marcas dos dedos de Louis, ele a apertava com mais força assim que voltava a enterrar aquele pau dentro da bucetinha apertada e toda melada.
— Eu vou gozar, Lou… — Harry contorcia os dedinhos de seus pés e tentava afastar Louis do seu corpo, por estar muito sensível.
— Nem pense — Louis disse rapidamente.
O som das estocadas estavam altas, Harry começando a dar indícios de um choro e Louis fazendo o favor de ir lento e fundo, gozando dentro daquela bucetinha a cada ida e volta para fora e para dentro, gemendo rouco juntamente com os gemidos chorosos de Harry, que estava mordendo a chupeta.
— Oh, bebê, se você soubesse o quanto eu amo comer sua bucetinha… — Louis disse meio aéreo, segurando seu pau pela base para não sair do ritmo, ainda estocando lentamente. — Você deixaria o papai orgulhoso todos os dias.
— Deixaria, papai! — Harry estava se derretendo por dentro, não havia sensação melhor do que fazer seu papai gozar tudo na sua bucetinha, sentindo cada centímetro alargando sua entrada. — Isso… mhn… é tão gostoso, papai, não para…
Louis enterrou seu pau em Harry para poder pegar ela em seu colo. Tirou a chupeta da sua boca, que estava toda babada mas isso não era problema, e selou seus lábios, andando até a cama para deitar ela com cuidado, ainda dentro daquele xotinha tão quente que seria um pecado deixá-la para trás.
— Eu vou descer… — Louis sussurrou contra o beijo, dando mais um selinho e logo indo para o pescoço de sua garotinha. — Você vai se arrumar de novo… — fez mais uma estocada, a última, deixando seu pau mais enterrado ainda em Harry, arrancando da mesma um choro. — E vai cantar seu parabéns. Seu presente de aniversário é ser minha garotinha, minha putinha, que eu sei que você ama tudo isso.
E quando finalmente saiu de Harry, viu aquela buceta expelir seu gozo para fora, pulsando repetidas vezes pela pressão que levou durante todo esse tempo. Era a visão mais linda que Louis já viu em toda sua vida.
— Depois você tem outra surpresa. Agora quero que se arrume e desça aquelas escadas direito, sem cambalear.
— Fica comigo um pouco mais, papai… — Harry estava chorando, tendo que colocar sua chupeta novamente na boca para não surtar ali. — Eu quero gozar, por favor, por favor!
— Você vai — Louis disse, firme. — Mas não agora. Para de birra.
Harry fez que sim tristemente.
— E desça sem calcinha. Quero meu gozo escorrendo pela sua buceta o dia inteiro hoje. Mais tarde, seu colinho vai chegar.
E Louis deixou um beijo na testa de Harry, se arrumando dentro das calças já indo para a sala novamente, dando a desculpa para Ruby que ela só estava terminado de se maquiar.
˗ˏˋ 🎂 ˎˊ˗
O sol se pondo sempre refletia a luz laranja nos fundos da casa de Harry. Era lindo ver a grama verdinha sendo beijada pelas luzes cansadas e quentes, a água da piscina bem calma se movimentando de acordo com o caminho do vento.
Ela demorou um pouquinho para descer as escadas, e quando o fez, arrancou elogios de todos e um olhar orgulhoso de Louis, um olhar muito singular também.
— Quer ver o pôr do sol, querida?
— Não, mãe, acho que vou tirar alguns fotos antes do parabéns.
— Hum — Ruby passou as mãos pelos ombros de Harry. — Está bem. Acho que Louis está lá dentro. Chama ele?
— Sim, sim — sorriu gentilmente.
Harry encontrou Louis sentado no banco da mesa posta de seu aniversário, o bolo em formato de coração era simplesmente lindo, com a escrita delicada e o chantilly fazendo enfeites em volta. Ele estava distraído, até colocar os olhos na figura de Harry, ali parada sorrindo boba.
— Você fica linda desse jeito — fez referência a troca de vestido, um mais curto, mas nem tanto, e a pouca maquiagem. Cabelos soltos, apenas duas mechas presas em um laço atrás. — Vem aqui, amor.
Harry foi até o homem com pulinhos, fazendo o barulho de suas Mary-Jane no piso porcelanato.
— Posso sentar no seu colo? — Harry pediu com um beicinho proposital.
— Meu colo é seu, bebê — e Louis deu tapinhas em sua coxa, indicando que podia sentar ali quando quisesse.
Dito e feito. Harry fez questão de levantar seu vestido para sentar diretamente com a bunda no colo de Louis, o mesmo que correu suas mãos entre as pernas da garota só para sentir sua bucetinha ainda quente e toda melada, cheia de gozo do seu verdadeiro dono. Harry começou a rebolar nos dedos de Louis, gemendo para dentro e sem tirar os olhos dos convidados ali.
— Levanta um pouco — Louis mandou de repente, tirando seu pau para fora da boxer e se encaixando aos poucos na buceta de Harry. — Não queria colinho?
— Mhn… eu quero, papai… — Harry gemeu tão baixinho que sua cabeça caiu para frente ao sentir todo o cacete de Louis dentro de si, sua buceta pulsando com todo aquele tamanho enterrado, praticamente enterrado dentro de si.
— Rebola pro papai, amor — Louis teve que abraçar o corpo de Harry, encostando sua cabeça nas costas da garota só para apertar seus peitos e deixar leves beijos em seus ombros. — Isso, uhum, devagarinho…
Harry fazia movimentos muito calmos e leves, lentamente para frente e para trás, a bucetinha pulsando no pau de Louis trazia a sensação que alguém estivesse o beijando ali.
E todos os convidados voltaram.
— Não para.
— Papai, eles vão ver a gente!
— Não. Para. — Louis sibilou, apertando muito forte sua cintura, a obrigando a rebolar.
— P-papai, por favor!
— Você quer mesmo me deixar decepcionado? — Louis disse, tendo que fazer um carinho nem tão carinhoso para controlar suas pernas tremelicando de baixo da mesa, olhando o pessoal se aproximando cada vez mais. — Depois de tudo o que eu fiz para estar aqui hoje? Depois de você me implorar pra sentar no meu pau e agora fica nessa? É assim que você diz ser minha garotinha?
— Uh-uhn — Harry negou com a cabeça, gemendo por estar muito, muito, mas muito perto de gozar.
“Tudo está lindo!” “Que graça esses laços, Ruby, onde comprou?” “Harry está cada dia mais angelical, como pode?” “Tudo parece tão encantador” “Que decoração mais bonita!”
Eles iam ouvindo os mais tipos de comentários.
Chegou certo momento que Harry não conseguia mais rebolar, se fizesse, ia se tremer inteira e acabar gemendo um tanto alto. Sabendo disso, Louis deu início no seus movimentos rápidos no clítoris todo inchadinho da garota, não demorou muito para ver ela abafando a boca e fingindo sorrisos meigos para cada convidado, se custando a dizer algo quando alguém perguntava onde ficava o banheiro, só sinalizava com as mãos e Louis ainda tinha a pachorra de dar um sorriso calmo. Se abrisse a boca, um gemido escaparia.
— Pode gozar, meu bebê — Louis disse, num sussurro. — Bem devagar, tá?
Os dois estavam gozando juntos naquele momento. O cacete de Louis não parava de jorrar toda sua porra dentro daquela bucetinha, e todo o seu melzinho lambuzando os lábios gordinhos e ardidos, Harry queria tanto a chupeta que começou a chupar o próprio dedo, discretamente.
— Agora sabe o que você vai fazer? — Louis questionou, os últimos jatos de gozo lhe trazendo o alívio necessário. — Você vai cantar parabéns com a bucetinha marcada por mim. Você vai dar seu primeiro pedaço de bolo para Ruby e para mim. E depois, quero que mostre a Agnes o que seu papai faz com você.
— C-como assim? — podia jurar que o gaguejo foi um gemido.
— É isso mesmo — disse firme. — Enfia seus dois dedinhos na sua bucetinha e leva elas até a boquinha da sua amiga Agnes, mostra pra ela que ninguém vai me ter como você me tem, mostra pra ela quem é a garotinha do papai.
— Eu não posso fazer isso…
— Você deve. Se não, vou ter que mostrar a ela o gostinho do que seria me ter.
— O que quer dizer?! — Harry protestou em revolta, tendo que disfarçar a expressão brava para os convidados.
— É dois toques pra mim levar Agnes pro seu quarto e fuder ela na sua cama, bem do jeitinho que eu faço com você.
— Não! Você não faria isso!
— Faria. Se você não mostrar a ela o quão bom é ser minha, terei que provar isso diretamente com ela.
Harry olhou para Agnes com raiva. Muita raiva. Com certo custo, conseguiu se levantar e gemeu em protesto por estar longe do pau de Louis.
No passo que Harry ia dar para ir até a garota, voltou no mesmo.
— Eu não consigo…
— Consegue — Louis deu uma piscadinha. — Vai lá e me deixa orgulhoso.
E ela foi. A ideia de aborrecer Louis era a pior que podia passar por sua mente.
Harry pegou no pulso de Agnes a trouxe para um canto reservado e perto de onde já estavam, levou seus dois dedos maiores até sua bucetinha recolhendo todo o gozo de Louis e o próprio, Agnes olhava confusa e paralisada, mal se dando conta que aqueles dedos de Harry estavam pintando seus lábios e sua língua com tanto gozo.
Harry chegou perto do ouvido de Agnes, tão perto que sua boca encostava em seu ouvido, e então, disse em um sussurro manhoso:
— Esse é o gostinho do meu papai.
E assim, Agnes foi deixada de boca aberta e olhos arregalados naquele canto, vendo Harry se sentar ao lado de Louis toda sorridente, o mesmo homem que sorriu sujo ao ver a expressão pasma, vendo a garota levar seu gosto goela abaixo.
Harry teria aquele gostinho pelo final de semana inteiro, a tal surpresa de Louis não podia ser melhor, pois dentre a três, todas elas se conversavam.
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louisplumpyass · 9 months
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a recipe for disaster
784 notes · View notes
moonchildstyles · 2 years
Can you please write about aster harry and y/n going on their vacation. They're just having such a good time under the sun and being in love. And she looks so soft in her summer dresses and he can't stop loving on her
You mentioned in one of the Aster extra chapters that Harry and Y/N were leaving for a vacation. How do you think would they spend their time together on a vacation?
Cockwarming with aster Harry 🥵🥵
wordcount: 17.5k+
"Wait right here for me, 'kay? I'll grab our bags and be right back." 
Harry pressed a quick kiss to the top of (Y/N)'s head before disappearing into the airport rush, not even giving her a second to argue or ask if he wanted help. But, she couldn't lie and say she wasn't grateful for the reprieve and chance to sit down with space to breathe. The flight that landed them in Barcelona had been long with all the delays and extra hours spent awaiting an open terminal, and the fact the plane was packed to the brim with tourists taking advantage of the long weekend. 
It felt like a breath of fresh air when she and Harry finally spilled out into the tunnel and entered the stuffy airport. At least she could stretch her legs and the only person touching her was Harry. So, even as much as she felt guilty watching him venture into the crowd to get to baggage claim, she didn't really want to leave the little bench he had deposited her at now that she had more than a couple feet of space. 
Checking the time on her phone, (Y/N) sighed at the time change. She'd never traveled this far from home, and these differences were starting to nag at her. The worst of it all was that she didn't know exactly where everything was—the hotel, restaurants in town, any convenience stores, even where to park if they went to any attractions—and that for the duration of their trip, they would have to rely on Ubers and taxis to get them around. Though Harry took on the brunt of the planning and let her know about those little details and humored her line of 'what ifs'—what if she forgot shampoo? What if she forgot swimsuit bottoms? What if the restaurant they wanted to go to was closed? What if? What if? What if?—, she still felt pangs of anxiety when she remembered just how far from home she was. 
A buzz from her phone made her jump in her spot, a notification from Sarah lighting up the screen. Swiping open the message, a photo of Evie with her eyes big and cheeks puffed greeted (Y/N), tugging a smile onto her lips. 
Evie wants to know how the flight was! you didn't get sick right??
(Y/N) saved the photo, excited to show Harry when he made it back with their bags before typing out a reply. Sarah had been a wonderful listener when (Y/N) had ranted about her worries the day before, the plane ride being one of the biggest factors that made her stomach tight and head hurt. But, she'd done her part and talked (Y/N) down as best she could and promised to check in with her around the landing time and would be supplying an endless stream of Evie pictures as a distraction while she was tasked with cat sitting for the week. 
After hitting send on her message, (Y/N) peered over her phone in search of Harry. He was easy to spot with the vast amount of ink tattooed onto his bared arms, eyes shaded by a pair of round, black sunglasses, curls of hair hanging loose to his shoulders. His lip ring glinted in the light, accentuating the hard line of his mouth as he made his way through the crowd, being less than accommodating when someone tried cut him off. The tense of his jaw only shifted as he chewed on his gum, having grabbed the stick during the flight to help with the way his ears popped at the altitude. If it wasn't for her big white and baby pink duffle bag slipped over his shoulder, even (Y/N) would have been intimidated. 
And, of course, the smile that split his lips once he caught sight of her. 
He didn't look so mean then. Not at all. 
"Ready?" Harry asked once he was close enough, the pair of black suitcases he was pulling coming to a stop behind him. 
"Mhm," (Y/N) hummed, stretching her legs as she stood from her spot, "We still need to call an Uber though, right?" 
Harry shook his head, hiking her bag up his shoulder though she was more than capable of taking it from him now. "Ordered one while I was waiting for your bag to come around." 
"Oh," she chirped, feeling the tense of her shoulders dissipate. Of course he was prepared and ready, she didn't know why she doubted him in the first place. "Thank you." 
A smile grew on Harry's lips as he shook his head before gesturing for her to follow him towards the pickup stations out front. "Sarah text you yet?" 
(Y/N) jumped up at the reminder of the photo on her phone. "She did, and she sent me this picture of Evie! Look!" she bubbled, pulling her phone out and showing off the puffy-cheeked kitten she knew Harry missed immensely already. A pout formed on Harry's lips as he fawned over the picture of his cat—just the reaction she had been hoping for. 
"You're gonna have to send me that, lovebug," Harry told her, his murmured voice coming out as a coo. 
"We should've brought her with us," (Y/N) said, taking a moment to pass along the photograph while she was thinking about it. 
Beside her, Harry reached out an arm, stopping her from moving forward as a large family cut across right in front of them. "Be careful, love," Harry started, his hand running down the length of her arm before lacing his fingers between hers while they waited. "I don't know about that, though," he continued, answering her proposal, "I don't think the hotel staff would really appreciate cleaning up after her." 
"I'd clean up after her," she pouted, looking up at him though he kept his eyes forward as he guided them through the airport, "They wouldn't even know she was there." 
A breathy laugh left his lips as he glanced down at her for a second, lashes fluttering behind his sunglasses. "I'll keep that in mind for next time." 
A quiet smile formed on (Y/N)'s lips as she kept close to him. The mention of a next time for anything involving Harry always make her heart feel a little off beat; that idea of a future, even in such vague terms always did her in.
Stepping out of the airport, the sun was warm as it fell over her skin. The airport had been cold, the air-conditioning turned up to the max, but now not a trace of it lingered on (Y/N)'s skin. The sun felt different here in Barcelona, she was convinced. She couldn't help herself as she looked up to the sky, spotting the fluffs of clouds that littered the blue expanse. Feeling the sun's rays paint over her cheeks only made her smile bigger. 
Maybe it was the fact she was away from all things school, and work, and stress, but this had to have been the most excited (Y/N) had been in a long time. She couldn't remember the last time she took a vacation, especially when she was with her parents (they typically liked to go off without her when she was growing up, not wanting to have to worry about her while they relaxed, they told her). And now, being here with Harry was almost enough to make her feel as through she could sprout wings and bounce among the clouds above them. 
Absently, (Y/N) felt herself be pulled in a different direction with the help of Harry's hand. A quiet breath of a laugh sounded from beside her as she stumbled to follow him, but she couldn't find it in her to be embarrassed. She was too happy, to enamored at just the idea she was in a different country, to worry about acting silly. 
Just when she felt tears beginning to collect in the corners of her eyes from the way she had to squint if she wanted to continue her game of finding shapes in the clouds, a pair of dark sunglasses was put in front of her eyes. The middle piece slid up the bridge of her nose before a tattooed hand delicately latched it around her ears. 
"You're making me nervous with the way you're looking at the sun, baby," Harry explained through a smile. 
(Y/N) dropped her attention from the sky to find Harry's eyes now bare, the green seemingly extra bright given the sepia tones that now coated her vision. He didn't look nervous with the way he smiled at her, the curl crooked with only a single dimple denting his cheek. 
"Sorry," she murmured instinctively, her own mouth curving into a quiet smile as she gazed up at him. 
"No need to be sorry," he told her, brushing his finger over her nose as he pushed up her sunglasses, "Y'look cute in m'sunglasses." 
Maybe it was the sun beating down from above, but (Y/N)'s cheeks immediately felt a bout of warmth bubble under the surface. "Thank you, H." 
His smile only grew at her quiet gratitude. "C'mon," he beckoned to her, nodding his head down the pickup area that was congested with other tourists like them, "I think that's our car down there." 
Following after Harry, (Y/N) felt like an excited puppy. She loved exploring new things with him, and this was no exception. She trusted without a doubt that wherever it was that he decided to take her would be wonderful, as he never settled for anything less when she was involved.
Cuddling up in the backseat of their Uber, (Y/N) didn't mind the way Harry threw his arm around her shoulders or smeared a kiss on the full of her sun-warmed cheek before he muttered the address of their resort to the driver. 
Maybe the warmth of the Barcelona air that relaxed her body, or maybe it was the man beside her, but (Y/N) hadn't ever felt more comfortable in her own skin.
"Happy anniversary," Harry whispered in her ear, his lip ring glinting off the shell before he pressed a kiss just below her lobe. 
The beaming smile on her face served to bunch her cheeks up enough that her borrowed glasses were jostled as the frames rested on her warm cheeks. "Happy anniversary." 
Yeah, the sun was great, but it had nothing on her Harry. 
"Look, H! We have a balcony!" 
(Y/N) couldn't help herself as she bubbled about the suite they had booked for the duration of their stay. Dropping her duffle bag she had to pry from Harry's grip as he argued that it was his job to carry her things, she ran off to the double French doors the led to the fenced in terrace that branched off from their room. A small patio furniture set complete with sun loungers and a glass table fit with rose shaped coasters awaited her outside. The stucco walls were a roasted orange color, the black wrought-iron railing standing out starkly against the sepia tones. (Y/N) bounced on her heels as she came up to the edge, fingers wrapping around the twisting iron that fenced her in from the streets below. 
The view was immaculate, but she couldn't have expected anything less—not with the way Harry had been boasting that he had pulled out all the stops for their anniversary trip. He hadn't wanted to spoil her by showing her photos provided by the hotel's website, but he had told her it was the prettiest view he could imagine (aside from her smiling at him, of course), and she was not disappointed. 
Barcelona was a coastal city, no more than twenty minutes from the shore, which was presented to her in the distance. The beach breeze whistled through the city in gentle gusts ushered in by the white-capped waves she could see crashing in on the sandy beach. She could already imagine herself in one of the new bikinis she had packed (her first ever two piece swimsuits!), an orange and white swirled umbrella staked into the sand to shield her from catching too much sun, with Harry at her side, smiling at her with even more warmth. 
"What do y'think, hm? Does it live up to your expectation?" Harry murmured behind her, his presence making her jump as she hadn't heard him join her on the terrace. 
A breathy laugh was washed over her bare shoulder, exposed by the thin strap of her tank top, as Harry caged his arms around her. His hands landed on the railing on either side of her own, rings clinking against the iron. (Y/N) didn't hesitate as she instinctively sunk into his chest, her back meeting the blocks of muscle that made up his abdomen. 
"It's so pretty, Harry," she murmured, awe coating her voice, "I don't know how you were able to book this. I hope it wasn't too expensive." 
"Don't worry about that, 'kay?" he told her, nudging her shoulder gently. She already knew what he was going to say next, but it still made her feel a bit fluttery as she heard it: "Y'deserve the best; nothing's too much for me when it comes to you." 
She knew it was cheesy, she really did. And it didn't completely erase all her financial worries, but, with this view in front of her and the delicate kisses Harry dotted across the back of her shoulder, she was willing to let those troubles melt away. She could worry some when she went back to real life. 
"There we go," Harry encouraged, having caught the way she all but melted into his chest, "You're supposed to have fun this trip, so that's all you're allowed to worry about. I'll take care of the rest, yeah?" 
Though she had a response queued up in her head, the entire train of though was ran off track as soon as Harry smeared a line of kisses along the slope of her neck. She wanted to keep her eyes on the view, remember as many details of it as she could, but she couldn't help the way her eyes fluttered shut. Her hands she had wrapped around the railing abandoned post only to lay atop Harry's, fingers curling around his fists with a wiggle to fit them in the gaps between his own. 
His smile could be felt loud and clear on the sensitive skin of her throat, long curls sweeping across her skin. "Yeah, baby?" 
"Yeah," she sighed, not entirely remembering what exactly she was agreeing, too. It couldn't be too bad if it was Harry's idea, though, that much she knew.
Flipping his hands under hers, Harry properly laced their fingers together before bringing their bundled arms to wrap around (Y/N)'s waist in a hug. "Such a sweetheart, you are," he praised against her skin, the words sinking into her pores and filling her arteries. 
After giving her one last squeeze of a hug around her middle, Harry began unraveling himself from around her, though his spell on (Y/N) took its time to wear off. She was still in her dreamy daze when he began tugging her back into the shelter of their suite. 
"C'mon, we need to unpack," Harry beckoned to her, leading her away from the breathtaking view. 
Even the thought of unpacking their luggage sounded like a dream when Harry said it. 
(Y/N) couldn't contain her awe as she looked behind her at the basilica she and Harry had just finished touring through. Even unfinished, the church dominated the bustling street it was planted right in the middle of. It looked as though it didn't belong in this plot of land, the energy too modern and fast-paced for the grand La Sagrada Familia basilica. The towering spires reached high enough that (Y/N) wouldn't be surprised that the very tips could reach the clouds of heaven. The tall structures created large shadows that moved like the arms on a clock around the land it claimed, engulfing areas in cool shade in accordance to the orbit of the sun. The interior of the space was something (Y/N) couldn't believe could be created, let alone made with the amount of detail that followed the legacy of the artist that conceptualized it centuries ago (that was something she learned during the tour, of course). She could without a doubt say she'd never been anywhere like this before; she couldn't wait to tell Sarah and show her all the pictures she took.
"Stay close, angel," Harry murmured, slipping his hand out from hers only to wrap his arm around her waist. She was tucked to his side as she snapped one more photo of the cathedral, catching the grandeur of the building despite the view of the McDonald's arches blinking just behind the structure. 
That was the strangest part, (Y/N) decided. While the church controlled every inch of space it was planted on as if it had grown roots and wretched itself inside the earth as much as it had in the sky with it's spires, it was oddly out of place. Everything was too real around it, taking the basilica out of the era it had been designed for, and transporting it to the present with a McDonald's flanking it and a tourist-appealing tattoo parlor that advertised for a ten dollar tattoo special (Harry had rolled his eyes at that one when they walked past, murmuring something about business and art and quality. (Y/N) didn't catch much she could just tell he was grumpy over it). 
"Wasn't that so pretty, Harry?" (Y/N) asked, beaming up at him as she grabbed for his hand that wrapped itself around her waist. 
He didn't put up a fight as she laced their fingers together, Harry's lips quirking into a smile as he nodded his head. Though his attention was faced forward as he guided them to their next destination for the morning, he spared a glance down at her, "Super pretty. The ceiling was... I don't even know what to call it, I can't believe it was real." 
"I know! It felt like the inside of a dream, or a drawing or something—it shouldn't be real." 
"And, the stained glass—"
"The stained glass!" 
Harry let out a laugh at her bubbled response, her enthusiasm influencing the way she practically bounced with every step towards the brunch spot they had agreed on for the morning. She couldn't help it, really. The biblical scenes depicted in the delicate shards of glass, bathing each step they took through the rows and rows of pews tinted in bright hues brought to life by the sun. There was no way real-life could hold a candle to what she'd seen in only three days since arriving in Barcelona. 
She stayed close to Harry's side as he took them to the tapas restaurant that held a brunch special on mornings like these, surely there to appeal to silly tourists like her. Around them, she watched as locals went about their day as if there wasn't the most grand of buildings sitting just across the way from where they stood on their phones, tourists trying to figure out how to get back to their hotel with club clothing cinched to their bodies (even as the exact opposite of a morning person, (Y/N) couldn't believe people were still making that walk back this late in the morning), and others that seemed to be celebrating anything and everything, like she and Harry were. 
Even this walk through the orange tinted streets, devisions of houses and apartments broken up only by the most gorgeous of walkways that invited patrons to go down the cobblestones, bright splashes of green plants directing them further down the path. Though the morning was still relatively quiet the further they strayed from the tourist center, the energy buzzing about the space was enough to keep (Y/N) bubbling under her skin. The lack of patrons aside from a few early risers like them, taking advantage of the quiet, helped (Y/N) feel bold enough to spin out of Harry's hold. Her arms were outstretched to her sides, hair fluttering around her face from the braid they escaped from, as she twirled in front of him. She couldn't help the way her eyes shuttered closed with a broad smile on her lips. 
"Isn't this the most wonderful da—" 
Before she had a chance to finish her bubbling exclamation (the same one she'd shared at least once a day since they touched down in Spain), Harry abruptly bundled her close to his chest again. 
"Hold on, baby." His grip was firm as he twirled her back into his arms, just before he made a quick shift in their direction, hiding her in a small alcove under a line of hanging potted plants. 
"What?" She hadn't meant to embarrass him, if that's what upset him...
"Angel, I can't believe y'can't feel it," Harry let out with a strained laugh. She watched as his eyes dropped below her collarbones and to the large white linen shirt she was wearing as a dress. 
Her eyes widened as she noticed the top two buttons had somehow unfastened, the fabric now bowed open with the lace of her creamy bralette on full display. Even the gold heart charm pinned between the cups was exposed enough to glint in the light of the sun. With the disruption of her twirling and open arms, (Y/N) wouldn't be surprised if Harry had stopped her because her breasts were completely showing, the sheer lace doing her no favors in concealing her nipples. Her skin grew incredibly warm, the heat crawling up her neck and bubbling behind her cheeks. 
"Yeah 'oh', silly," he let out on a quiet laugh. 
Harry's hands dropped from around her waist, coming up to button up the top two—now offensive—buttons of her shirt. The tips of his fingers made brief grazes across her skin. Despite the warmth heating her skin, (Y/N) felt a layer of goosebumps prickle over her form. Harry's hands stuttered as he finished his job; despite the dark sunglasses covering his eyes, (Y/N) was almost one hundred percent sure that his pupils were dilated behind the lens. 
"Sorry," she whispered as he adjusted the fit of her makeshift dress, tugging at the hem and playing with the skewed collar. 
"Don't be sorry, baby. I had no problem with that view," a lopsided smile quirked his lips, "jus' didn't think you'd appreciate everyone else seeing all of that." 
"Thank you," she smiled. Rising to the tips of her toes, (Y/N) planted a kiss just at the corner of Harry's crooked lips, brushing the sliver of his lip ring. 
Turning his head, Harry made a point to catch her in a real kiss. Of course this wasn't the time or place, but (Y/N) couldn't help but indulge in the way he traced the seam of her lips with the point of his tongue. If not for the rumble that came from her stomach, reminding Harry she hadn't had more than one of the pastries for breakfast he picked up for her while she was still getting ready, she'd guess he would have found a way to linger in that alcove for another ten minutes. 
"C'mon," he beckoned to her, reaching out his hand of glittery rings and painted nails, "Gotta get y'fed, then we can get distracted." 
Now much more reserved, (Y/N) readily tucked herself into Harry's side. Their steps fell in line as he directed them back on course for their brunch spot. 
"You know," Harry murmured just for her to hear as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, "I didn't know y'packed that set." 
That heat that had just barely drained from behind her cheeks made a reappearance. "It was supposed to be a surprise." 
A hum sounded from above her, his smile clear as the tip of his nose grazed the crown of her head. 
"I'll still act surprised later, angel, don't worry." 
(Y/N) couldn't help the slight roll of her eyes behind the pastel pink lenses that shaded her eyes. Harry had insisted on carrying everything out of the Uber they had taken to the beach, not allowing her to help with a single item. She was left to wait in the spot he had claimed for them under a yellow umbrella staked into the sand, the pair of them early enough to catch a prime spot before the masses came in. 
"No, darling, I want you to relax." That was the same argument he'd used since they got out of the Uber and the boot was popped only for Harry to weigh himself down with every beach bag and tote they packed. More than one trip was needed, too. "Have y'put any sunscreen on yet?" 
"No, I haven't because I've been waiting for you." 
Peering at her over the frames of his sunglasses, Harry gave her a very unimpressed look though she could see the quirk of his lips he was fighting off. "Well," he started, dropping the netted bag full of their beach towels onto the sand, "'m here now, so no more waiting. I don't want y'to burn." 
Though (Y/N) hadn't been lying when she said she had been waiting on Harry, that was only half of her truth. Underneath her coverup—a fluttery white dress cinched at her waist—was a bikini. (Y/N)'s first bikini. 
Growing up, two piece swimsuits were not allowed for (Y/N) under her parents orders, though they rarely ever let her go swimming anyway. Just before they'd left for vacation, Sarah had accompanied (Y/N) on a last minute shopping trip to get a few things she needed which ended with (Y/N) being talked into buying a trio of swimsuits she could barely picture herself in. 
They were pretty—each of them shades of pink and cream, featuring small designs that lived in her comfort zone—but nothing could completely save (Y/N) from the anxiety that came with the scraps of fabric. It was different, she decided, when she was shopping for lingerie or anything that would be just for Harry. Here, there were clusters of people beginning to form, having had the same idea as the two of them to get there early enough for a good spot, and she was supposed to prance around in a slightly more functional version of her underwear. 
But she liked what she had brought. This particular one she had hiding under her dress was a clean white color with strawberries dotted over the fabric, a red heart piecing together the cups of her top and stationed at the hips of her bottoms. It was cute, Sarah had told her it was very (Y/N), even. When she had snuck away to get dressed in the bathroom, she had felt pretty in the suit—like herself. But that was when she was alone with only the prospect of Harry walking in on her who had seen her in much more indecent circumstances. 
Out in the Spanish sunshine, sand sticking to her toes, (Y/N) didn't know if she had the confidence to shed her coverup. Maybe she could hide under their umbrella and watch out for Harry in the water, instead. She did make sure to bring a book, incase...
"Can practically hear y'thinking from here, darling," Harry muttered as he unrolled their towels before flattening them onto the dunes, "What's got you all scrunched up, hm?" 
Automatically, (Y/N) shook her head. Strands of hair that had escaped the twist on the back of her head fluttered around her at the motion, seemingly reaffirming that she wasn't scrunched up, as Harry had said. 
"Nothing," she told him, shuffling out the way as Harry snapped out her towel to lay just beside his. 
"Doesn't seem like nothing if its got y'making your nervous face," he pressed, voice casual as if she should know exactly what her nervous face was.
"I don't have a nervous face," she argued, a pout puffing out her lips. 
Harry let out a huff of a laugh at her words. "Yes y'do, darling. So tell me what you're thinking, yeah? Let me know how I can help you." 
Though she didn't plan on completely dropping the topic of her nervous face (she knew she was an open book, never having been very good at blocking her emotions from filling her face, but she didn't think it was that bad), (Y/N) was no match against Harry's doting tone. Especially not when he made a gentle show of shielding her from the world around them as he crowded around her, gentle hands on her hips and eyes trained on her. 
"C'mon, angel," Harry tried again, reaching up to push his sunglasses up into his hair, "Y'can tell me." 
"I don't know," she started, voice barely louder than a murmur, "I'm just nervous." 
"About what? You're supposed to be happy on our holiday, what happened?" 
(Y/N) floundered for words, trying to make her anxiety sound as serious as it felt to her despite the explanation sounding silly when said out loud. "It's my swimsuit." 
"Okay," Harry nodded, his hands on her hips squeezing for a beat as the plastic hearts pressed into (Y/N)'s skin. "What's wrong with it?" 
"I've never really worn a two-piece before." Though she knew Harry wasn't one to judge her with even her most fine-tuned insecurities, the jumbled words still managed to bring a warmth to her cheeks.
A beat passed as Harry processed what she told him, his brows pulling together the same way they always did when he had to decipher the best way to care for her in any situation. His eyes grazed down her body before he matched her own again. 
"Do y'not feel... pretty in it?" he asked carefully.
A gentle shrug rocked (Y/N)'s shoulders. "I mean, yeah I do, but I don't know. It's my favorite one I bought, but there's people. It's not a big deal wearing certain things in front of you, but it's not just you right now. I don't think I really thought about that when I brought it." 
She was able to watch as her words sunk in for Harry, realization pulling his brows apart as if he knew exactly how to navigate this conversation now. Tugging her closer to him, Harry wrapped his arms around her waist, her body now flush against his in the protective hold. 
"Y'don't have to take off your coverup if y'don't want to, love," he reassured her, "We can lay under our umbrella all day if y'wanted. But, I think y'would be sad with yourself if y'did that, and didn't show off since this one is your favorite." 
(Y/N) could only manage a shrug in response. It was her favorite, but still. "Maybe. It's just weird knowing people can look at all of me." 
"Well, not all of you, I'd hope," Harry joked, getting a small smile from her as she shook her head. When she didn't brighten up as much as he had hoped, Harry dropped his head to press a discreet kiss to the full of her cheek. "(Y/N), love," he continued, "I jus' want y'to be comfortable, alright? We'll come back out here a few more times, so if today isn't the day y'want to show off, that's alright. We'll try again next time. I'll be there the whole time, okay?" 
(Y/N)'s comfort zone consisted of the arms wrapped around her waist and the dress covering her form, that much she knew. Her easy option would be to just nod her head, tell Harry that today wasn't the day and she planned on lounging under their umbrella with her book while he played in the waves. But, as she had grown to learn over the almost year (only three days away until their anniversary!) that's passed, Harry was the biggest and best support system she could have when trying something new. Just knowing he was behind her in whatever she chose, made her want to go bold. 
The warm sand sinking around her toes, the sound of the waves crashing mere yards from her, and the vivid tones painting the beach all around her made for the perfect setting for (Y/N) to pretend to be someone else—a different version of herself that didn't listen to the distant nagging she heard in the back of her mind through her mother's voice. If she tried hard enough, maybe she could replace it with Harry's encouraging tone. 
Swallowing, (Y/N) nodded her head as she tried her best to steel her nerves. "I want to try today, I think." 
"Yeah?" Harry beamed at her, eyes creasing from the width of his smile. "You're sure?" 
"Yeah," she affirmed, "I, at least, want you to see, so I'm going to try." 
Harry's smile only waned in favor of puckering his lips and pressing them into the soft of her cheek, just barely grazing the corner of her mouth. "'M proud of you, angel." 
His praise sunk into her skin and warmed her more than the sun could ever hope to, the round of her cheek making way for her own curling smile. "Will you help me get my dress off?" 
She felt his responding hum more than she could feel it as he grazed the tip of his nose across the height of her cheekbone. "I was hoping you'd ask." 
A bubbling laugh finally broke through (Y/N)'s chest as she pushed him away. "We're in public, Harry." 
He only shook his head before he turned her around in his arms, telling her to hush. He made quick work of the tie cinching her dress together, the bow unravelling. Just as (Y/N) went to push the straps off her shoulders, intending to drop the bodice and slip the dress down her body, Harry was already ahead of her. His gentle fingertips grazed her skin as he pushed down the straps and helped her shed the dress down her form, his touch catching on the round of her shoulders and the flare of her hips. 
As more and more of her body was revealed, the most she had ever shown in public, (Y/N) felt the urge to wrap her arms around herself and cover every bit of exposed skin she could. Goosebumps prickled over her as she fought off the urge, reminding herself of Harry's encouragement over the nagging of her mother's voice. Once the dress had pooled at her feet in a bundle of white, she took a shaky step out. Instinctively, she reached down with a bend of her hips to grab for the garment to stow it away in one of their bags for the time being. 
(Y/N) guessed she should have expected to feel Harry's fingers pluck at the waistband of her bottoms before letting them snap against the full of her hips, but the feel still gave her a shock that had her standing stock straight with her free hand shielding her hip. 
"Harry!" she scolded him, cheeks burning as she spotted a family nearby beginning to set up camp. 
Putting his hands up in surrender, Harry gave her his signature lopsided smile. "Jus' wasn't expecting this, angel, that's all. Couldn't help myself." The dimples in his cheek made him seem a lot more innocent than he really was though it still did enough to get (Y/N) to soften. "'M very happy y'decided to try today." 
With his eyes trailing down her form before he managed to slip his sunglasses back down to perch on the bridge of his nose, (Y/N) knew exactly what he was trying to tell her without spelling it out loud for all to hear. Packing away her dress, she grabbed for the bottle of sunscreen tucked at the bottom of the tote. 
"I get to help with that, too, right?" Harry asked, his shirt joining her dress in the bag as he pulled it over his head. His eyes dropped to the sunblock in her hand with a little too playful of a smile. 
"You're so annoying," she settled on, shaking her head though her complaint softened through her smile. 
(Y/N) didn't wait for him before she started applying the cream to her arms and stomach, getting all the areas she could reach while Harry did the same. They were quiet, (Y/N) finally soaking in the fact she was on a beach in Spain for her anniversary, in a two-piece for the first time with the love of her life. Even if he was trying to get a rise out of her, she couldn't believe how happy the thought of being here with him made her. 
"Don't forget your tattoo, love," he told her, tapping at her side where just the barest hint of her flower tattoo peeked out of her top. 
"Oh, thank you," she murmured, concentrating on covering the leaflet with the cream. 
Feeling throughly slicked and smelling of zinc, she turned her attention to Harry as he wiped his hands across his abdomen. The black ink of his tattoos shone under the rays of light that peeked across the barrier of their umbrella shade, sparkling with the help of the sunblock. Seeing him like this, black swim shorts showing off the length of his legs and strength of his thighs, chest bare and hair pulled back, (Y/N) realized she couldn't really blame Harry for getting a little handsy earlier. Standing only a foot away from him half-stripped down, she felt her own urge to trace over his body. 
"Did you want help getting your back or anything?" (Y/N) peeped, already stepping forward with full intention of getting her hands on some part of him. 
"Would you, angel?" Harry passed off the tube of sunblock without a second thought, (Y/N)'s plan falling perfectly into place. 
Biting back a bright smile, (Y/N) all but bounced into position behind Harry. Lathering her hands the sunblock, she reached up to the tip of her toes and swiped her hands down his shoulder blades. Goosebumps raised immediately on Harry's back at the cool temperature of the cream as she massaged it in. His tattoos were animated as he did his own part of applying the sunblock to his arms and chest, reaching down and coating his legs as best he could without disturbing her. The contours of his muscles moved under her palms as she worked it in his skin, fingertips digging lightly into each line and cut as she indulged herself in the runs. 
Even when there was no more white cast shining over his skin, (Y/N) couldn't help herself as she was too distracted with the fun she was having to stop caressing her hands over his skin. The details of his tattoos were glistening under the sun, now familiar linework coming alive as he moved, the ink shimmering with the help of the suncream. The gaps between each piece of art were filled with tan skin, dotted with freckles and moles she'd traced when Harry was above her, thighs around his hips. 
Why would she stop now, when she could feel his muscles liquifying under her touch, going soft as he allowed her to play and touch as much as she wanted. 
"Having fun back there?" Harry asked, a snicker to his tone that brought a warm rush of blood to bubble behind (Y/N)'s cheeks. 
"Hm?" she sounded, her hands stilling over his skin. 
The laugh he let out caused his back to shake under her hands just before Harry reached around and grabbed for her wrist, "C'mere, cutie." He pulled her around to his front with the gentle grip on her wrist, (Y/N) stumbling in the sand as she followed. "Y'make me laugh," he told her when she came to face him. 
His fingers formed gentle restraints around her wrists as he tugged her close. (Y/N) sheepishly looked up at him through the frame of her lashes. "In a good way, right?" she peeped. 
A grin stretched over his cheeks in a quiet response. "Always a good way, silly," he murmured, flicking his gaze to the tube still clutched in her hand, "Done with that?" 
"I think so," (Y/N) started, barely getting through it before Harry was releasing his hold on her wrists in favor of grabbing for the bottle. 
She watched as he flipped the cap open before squeezing out just enough of the sunblock to form a small dollop on his fingers. He abandoned the bottle to fall on top of her pink beach towel under their feet before he murmured for (Y/N) to close her eyes. Just after fluttering her eyelids shut, Harry brought his cream coated fingers to her face. She jolted back at the temperature, drawing a breathy laugh from Harry's lips. 
Instinctively, (Y/N) blindly reached her hands out and caught a hold of his biceps so she could tell where he was, as if the grip would steady her through her temporary blindness. The paths of his fingers over her cheeks, tracing along her jaw, and drawing a high line over her cheekbones brought a quiet smile to (Y/N)'s lips despite how hard she tried to school her features. 
"What now?" Harry asked, smile evident in his tone as he dotted the cream along the delicate skin of her undereyes. 
"Nothing, " she shyly giggled, "just wasn't expecting this." 
"Can't have y'burning up, can I?" he countered, brushing his fingers down the bridge of her nose, "Jus' because you're m'lovebug, I don't think you'd like looking like a ladybug already, hm?" 
Another peal of laughter fell from (Y/N)'s lips as she listened to Harry's musings. "No, doesn't sound fun at all," she agreed, feeling the loss of his warmth as his fingers were lifted from her skin. 
She only lingered on that loss for a moment before Harry ducked down, the tip of his nose skimming hers before he pressed a sweet kiss to her lips. Though she still felt a touch of her well-acquainted self-consciousness, knowing that everyone around them could peek in on their intimate moment, she succeeded in pushing those worries to the back of her mind for the time being. A smile even managed to weave its way across her mouth. 
"Ready to come play with me?" Harry crooned against her mouth, a lingering kiss being planted on her lips before he reluctantly pulled away. 
(Y/N) canted her head as she looked up at him, the corners of her lips turning down in a delicate frown. "Did you already do your face?"
She wanted to do that part.
A quiet laugh fluttered between them as Harry's features bloomed into a smile. "I did, yeah, when y'were busy doing 'nothing' behind me," he teased, reaching for her hand to lace his fingers through, "I'll let y'reapply for me later, yeah?" 
Mumbling a quiet okay, (Y/N) nodded her head with a short smile making its way on her mouth. Satisfied with her answer, Harry tugged her along with him towards the shoreline, their shoes kicked off by the small camp they made. Soon enough, the warm sand under her feel turned into wet mush that had her footprints lingering in the expanse. 
The same white-capped waves she had spotted from their hotel room, tall and arching, were reduced to ripples by the time they slide across the surface of the shore. Harry lead her further and further out, keeping her close as more and more of their early morning companions joined the fray of the waves. 
(Y/N)'s first touch of the water was enough to have her jolting back, a quiet gasp stealing the air from her lungs. "Oh, gosh," she rushed out, looking up at Harry as if to verify he felt the same things. 
Instead, she found a beaming smile on his lips, a teasing curl right at the edges. "Cold, angel?" 
"Very," she bubbled, the length of her arm stretched out as she danced away from the edge of the stretching wave though she kept her grip on Harry's hand. 
"Come back here, silly," he smiled, tugging on her hand gently as the tide rolled back, "Gotta get used to it now if y'want to swim with me." 
She couldn't help the way the mention of swimming caused her to bring her lip between her teeth. When they had planned out a few of the 'must-do's' for this holiday, as soon as a beach day appeared on the list at Harry's request, she had shared with him the fact she'd never really learned how to swim. Growing up, she didn't spend lots of time in the water, even during the summer, her parents not seeing much use for it as she had other things to focus on—like prep for the upcoming school year, or tidying the house through the day while they were away at work, or doing nothing fun in general—so she was never put in lessons or went swimming enough to teach herself. 
Harry had of course taken the information in stride as he did every other detail he learned about her upbringing, and promised to do his part to help her have fun and feel comfortable in the ocean with him. She figured this was part of her lesson, getting used to the water temperature and wading out further than just up to her ankles submerged in the saltwater. 
"C'mere, angel—I've got you, remember?" 
Through the pink lens of her sunglasses, Harry was draped in the loving hue of a rose from her perspective. The tan of his inked skin gleamed under the sun, stray splashes of the waves hitting his feet reached up as far as his thighs, adding more dots of light to be refracted across the shore. Though his eyes were concealed by the help of his own sunnies, (Y/N) could clearly imagine the crystalline green that hid behind the lenses, the hue she knew well and could pinpoint on a colorwheel from memory. The same color that looked through her and inside of her for the most brave parts of herself so he could help draw them out. Just as he was doing now. 
If he was going to hold up his end of the promise—his vow to be there to teach her and help her out of her comfort zone when it came to the water—she would stick to hers and try. Taking anxious steps, (Y/N) tiptoed through the freezing water before she pasted herself to his side, planning on leeching some of his warmth. Harry murmured something into her hair as he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head while he hooked his arm around her shoulders. (Y/N) was half sure he heard something about her being his brave girl. 
"Not so cold anymore, right?" he asked her as he tugged her further into the waves, the water reaching as far as her hips when the tide ran high. 
"Kind of," she pouted, still unaccustomed to the temperature if the goosebumps on her skin had anything to say about it. 
"Don't be so pouty, darling. This is fun, I promise," he smiled down at her, squeezing as her hip just as it was submerged under the saltwater. 
Squeals and giggling screams from kids beginning to frolic in the upcoming waves sounded in her ears, the beach starting to fill with chatter as the sun traced its path in the sky and brought bright beams across the city. Peering over her shoulder, she found their camp was now only one of many; families building castles in the sand with couples having the same idea of lathering their partners in suncream though she figured they looked a lot less PG than she hoped she and Harry had. She even spotted someone competing with the waves as he ran through them with a small foam board held to his chest as he rode it back to the shore. 
This was fun, she knew that, this whole beach thing. She just needed to get to the fun part. 
The water worked against them as Harry waded them further out, resistance pushing against her thighs though she tried her best to work through  it to keep up with him. After a few more feet, (Y/N) found she didn't really want to push any further if the height of the waves approaching them was anything to go by. The water had reached just under her breasts anyway, wetting the material of her top and going as high as her collarbones if the waves stayed strong as they broke. 
"C-Can we stop here, please, H?" she rushed out, feeling her voice raise a pitch she hadn't intended to. 
Looking down at her, where the water only rose just above the mid of his abdomen, she saw his brows raise just enough over the frames of his sunglasses as he saw where the water hit on her body. "Yeah, we can stop, angel," he reassured her, orbiting around her through the seafoam covered water to stand in front of her, "How are you feeling?" 
His hands were especially warm as he grabbed for her hips, his thumbs tracing the heart motifs tying the scraps of her bikini together. "Good," she peeped, trying her best to loosen her smile though she could feel the tight set of her features. 
The give of the ocean floor under her feet made her more nervous than anything. One minute it was right here, solid under her feet, toes even sinking into the sand, and a moment later it was gone, as if she had broken the last bit under her weight and was now seconds away from floating aimlessly through the expanse of water. She feared if they had gone any further, not only would she had become submerged if a rowdy wave crashed over her, but she would eventually wade a little too far and have nothing to keep her upright. 
Even though the dark lens of his sunglasses, (Y/N) could tell he didn't quite buy her perky answer. "Yeah? Y'feel alright being this far out?" Harry pressed again, waiting for the word then he would take her back to shore in a heartbeat. 
"Yeah," she chirped, wishing she had picked a darker set of sunnies so she could hide behind them just as he was. She wouldn't be quite as easy to read if he couldn't see her eyes. 
His gaze lingered over her for another beat, the heat of his eyes felt even if she couldn't see the exact path he took over her skin. The waves lapped around them while Harry's grip on her hips tightened. He drew closer with a tentative step, the sand under her feet sinking some as he crowded around her. 
"Can I hold you, angel?" he murmured to her, sinking down to her level in the water until she was face to face with his shaded eyes, "I think 'm getting nervous so far out. I don't want to lose you." 
Relief pushed through her veins as she gave a quick nod in response. At least now she wouldn't have to sheepishly ask if he would hold her the more scared she became that she would eventually just sink into the ocean floor under their feet—no matter how irrational she knew that fear was. Plus, if Harry was getting nervous, she wanted to help any way she could.
"Yes, please," she bubbled off before she wrapped her legs around his waist under the water with her arms looping around his neck. 
With her chest flush against his and her head fit just along the curve of his neck in a water-logged hug, she felt her breathing finally come easy again since wading out in the water. Harry knitted his fingers together at the small of her back as he held her weightless form with the help of the water, his lips dropping a short kiss to the bare of her shoulder. She was practically sat in his lap with the way he was crouched under the waterline to share her height, the elastic waist of his shorts printing into the soft insides of her thighs. The rogue strands of hair that escaped from the clip twisted through the back of her head, floated through the seafoam touched water. 
In his arms, the water finally seemed to warm to the right temperature, the goosebumps leaving her skin as she relaxed in his hold. "Are you still nervous, H?" she murmured, the bubbling waves becoming the soundtrack as she spoke only for him to hear. 
A gentle shake of his head had his own curling pieces of hair drifting through the water as if in search of her own strands. "Much better, love, thank you," he told her, turning his head jsut enough to press a kiss to the soft of her neck. 
(Y/N) stayed just where she was, clinging to Harry's form as she kept up the guise of being there for him as he needed her, the waves lapping around them in quiet crashes. The sounds swirling around her—the waves, Harry's breathing, other beachgoers babbling and laughing away—might have even put her to sleep if she dared allow her eyes to shut while feeling this weightless. 
Just as she began to even entertain the idea, allowing Harry to hold her as she napped in the ocean, a larger wave made its way towards them, not breaking until just before it rammed into Harry's back and consequently (Y/N)'s face tucked into his shoulder. Harry spun off balance for a moment, twirling her around in the water with the splashes of water dripping off the lenses of her glasses. 
She sputtered around the water that had made it into her mouth, salt landing on her tongue and wetting her nose enough to have her shaking her head as if to rid the water from her skin like a dog. 
"Oh, no, angel," Harry murmured, shifting his hold on her to tug her away from his shoulder, careful hands sneaking under her sunglasses to help clean the water from her lashes and clear her vision. 
After frantically pushing her hair away from her face, (Y/N) was able to blink her eyes open, expecting to find Harry with a devastated look on his face that she knew she would have if she had seen him get assaulted by a wave like that. 
Instead, she was greeted with him biting back a grin, dimples threatening to dip into his cheeks. 
"Don't laugh at me," (Y/N) whined, sheepishly already burying herself back against his chest. A heat bubbled behind her cheeks that thankfully would at least warm the water left splashed across her skin. 
"'M not laughin—"
"Yes, you are," she argued, feeling her own resolve begin to break when she heard the smile in his voice. It was hard to be upset with him when she knew he was happy. 
Adjusting his hold on her, Harry pulled her away from his chest, rearing himself back just enough to get a view of her pouting face. He didn't even try to hide the smile on his face now that he had been caught. "You should've seen yourself, darling," he started, dipping his head down and skimming the tip of his nose against hers as if a puppy's kiss was enough to earn forgiveness, "Y'looked so cute, that's all. Couldn't be all serious when y'were all sputtery." 
"You're so mean to me," she complained, all grit lost on the way through her smiling mouth.
"Oh, I am, am I?" he countered, his smile going lopsided as he crowed around her, his grip steeled around her so she could get away. 
"Mhm. Didn't even help me when I almost drowned." 
Harry reared back, an expression on his face that had (Y/N) expecting him to reach up and clutch his imaginary pearls (he'd left his strand up at the hotel that he was planning to wear for their anniversary dinner in a couple of days). "Did I not wipe your eyes, y'little brat?" 
"Maybe," she said, throwing away the comment as if it wasn't a big deal. Her facade wasn't very believable through her beaming smile, but she was having too much fun to stop now. "I'm surprised you even had time to do that since you were too busy laughing at me." 
(Y/N) took note of the way his grip loosened on her just enough that she floated back into the water, more of the seafoam finding its way between their chests while Harry formed his own response with raised brows. 
"'S not my fault y'looked—" 
"Like this?" she asked, bubbling through laughter as she took advantage of the resevoir collecting between them and splashing Harry right in the face the same way she had been. 
Droplets formed on the lenses of his sunglasses while bits of the foam stuck to his cheeks before sliding down his neck. Bringing a hand up, Harry wiped away the offending liquid, going too quiet for (Y/N) to feel safe from retaliation. 
She giggled against his chest, still clinging to him despite the fact she was sure he was going to give that attack back to her just as bad, if not worse. 
"I was only joking when I called you a brat, but I guess I was, right, wasn't I?" he teased, (Y/N) keeping her eyes trained on his hand as he brought back to the surface of the water. 
"But, now we're even, right?" She peered up at him with a stiff smile, trying her best to not laugh at the way a bubble of foam had made a home in one of his dimples. 
"I don't think so, darling. I think y'got me much worse." 
"But, Harry—" 
In one swift motion, he unbarred his remaining arm from around her waist and had her spun around in the direction of the shore with a push towards the sand.
"I'll give you a head start before I finish this game y'started, angel," he told her through a playful grin, the threat of a massive splash in her direction coming in the form of a flick of his hand against the surface. 
"I was only playing, H," she giggled out as she floated away from him. 
"I wouldn't waste your head start, angel. Get out of here before y'only have five seconds instead of ten." 
The single raise of his brow above the frames of his glasses had her clumsily running through the water to get away from him. 
She knew Harry would take no time in catching up with her, and there was no actual danger in being caught by her boyfriend, but she still felt that adrenaline pumping through her veins. Without even realizing, she had finally joined in on the squealing fun all of the families, and couples, and groups of friends around them had started. The thought made her grin broaden across her lips, even when she could hear the sound of Harry's splashing getting close behind her. 
Even when he slammed into her (gently still, of course, never one to take their playing too far), sending them both falling into the water, bubbling seafoam, salt and all, she couldn't help the beaming smile that took home on her features. 
"Happy Anniversary, love." 
(Y/N) couldn't help the smile that curled her lips as she tried to swipe her lipgloss over her mouth. Harry had insisted on being her 'quiet' audience for the night, watching as she applied her makeup from his view stationed on the ledge of the bathtub. The spot gave him the perfect view into the mirror, catching each of the faces she made as she swiped powders and creams across her face, blending and patting as she went. Until, that view apparently was no longer enough as he abandoned his post and took a much more favorable spot just behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. For a while, he had stuck to his promise of being quiet, knowing she was still a bit sleepy from the nap she took after their morning of exploration, but as soon as he found his voice, he hadn't had it in himself to refrain from mentioning the importance of the date for more than five minutes at a time. 
This well wish came accompanied by a dotted kiss to the cuff of her shoulder, the skin exposed by the cut of her dress. 
"Thank you, H," she told him through her smile. She found his eyes in the mirror, gaze shaded by the wisps of his lashes and the coat of inky liner drawn across his waterline. The clear green of his eyes were bright against the shadows, making it hard to pull away from his gaze. Even with the heat lingering behind her cheeks, she managed to follow through on the quip that had pinged in her head: "I almost forgot what today was, if you hadn't said anything." 
Harry had greeted her with the sentiment when she woke and hadn't relented on relaying the news since. He seemed more excited about today than he had been for his own birthday. She couldn't help but tease him just a little over his inability to quit mentioning the date. 
Her remark had earned a pout puffed across his lips that was reflected in the mirror as he pulled away from where he kissed at her shoulder. "Hey," he whined, "'m jus' excited. Why're y'making fun of me, hm?" 
"I'm not," (Y/N) bubbled off in a rush, turning in his arms with her tube of lip gloss left behind on the counter. He looked down at her with a point that made her regret her teasing enough so that she reached up to settle her hands on his cheeks, palms warming his skin, "I think it's sweet, I promise. I'm excited, and it makes me happy that you are, too. I was only playing." 
When Harry didn't immediately answer, she worried she really had dulled his mood with her joking, taking away some of the excitement he'd been festering. Just as she started running her thumbs across the height of his cheekbones, nails tickling the long lashes that lined the bottom of his eye, Harry slowly melted into a softened smile. 
"I know, darling," he crooned to her, his arms around her waist looping into a protective cradle, "I was playing, too, 's alright." 
"You're not upset?" Canting her head to the side, she looked up at him with eyes she could feel rounding out. 
"No, no," he shook his head, ducking down just enough to nudge his nose against hers in a puppy's kiss, ""We're jus' having fun, that's all." 
A quiet 'kay, left her lips before (Y/N) tipped her chin and pressed her lips to his in a gentle kiss. He smiled into the contact, only a small curl that (Y/N) swore she could taste the happiness from. It was Harry that took control of the kiss, only allowing her to linger over his mouth for long enough to smear the clear gloss that coated her lips across his own. Then, he dotted a small peck on her pout one more time before pulling away. 
"Is there anything else y'need to do, or are y'ready to go, angel?" Harry murmured, eyes scanning over her features. He lingered over her cheekbones, the sweeps of baby sweet blush and glimmering highlight on the planes being his favorite parts of her routine. 
"I think I'm ready, I just need my shoes and bag." The skirt of her dress fluttered around her thighs as she bounced in her spot, hands dropping from Harry's cheeks to settle on his shoulders. 
Harry raised his brows as he began to lead her out of the bathroom, taking her into the living area of the suite where her chosen shoes for the night were already sitting by the loveseat. "Did y'want any help with the ties, or do y'have it?" 
Eyeing the laces that laid limply next to the heeled sandals she had found during her final shopping trip with Sarah before leaving for Spain, (Y/N) made a point to drag Harry along with her to the loveseat. "I think I want help. I kept getting everything tangled up when I was practicing at home." 
A lopsided smile covered his features as he let out a breathy laugh though he followed her dutifully. Once she was sat on the cushion of the love seat, her blush hued dress fluttering around her legs. Fitting her feet into the soles of her shoes, Harry waited until he was given the go ahead to start lacing up the long pieces of sparkling ribbon that were meant to cross up over (Y/N)'s calf. He made careful work with the tip of his tongue peeking out from between his lips as he crissed and crossed the opposite ends of the ribbon until he hit just the midpoint of her calf. That was when he made the impossible task of tying the perfect bow look like easy work. 
After giving a once over of his work, he flicked his eyes up to (Y/N), his uneven smile only widening when he saw her already looking at him instead of the lengths of ribbon going up her leg. Raising his brows and tipping his chin, he tried to direct her attention back to her shoes. 
"This what y'were thinking? Or did y'want the bow in the back?" 
(Y/N) was quick to shake her head at any mention of a revision to his technique. "No, no, I like it like this. I want everyone to see the bow when we're out." 
"Yeah?" he smiled, already reaching for the next leg's set of restraints, "I did alright?" 
"It's perfect, H," she bubbled, curling her back just enough to match his face from where he crouched at her feet. She wanted to catch him before he was too concentrated to focus on anything other than his task. "Kissy, please?" 
"Kissy?" Harry repeated, eyes bright against the black of his liner, "Haven't heard that one in a while." 
Before (Y/N) could worry it was silly to bring back something she remembered saying especially well one of the first nights she spent the night at his house, Harry had granted her wish and taken her lips in his. This time, she could tell he wanted to get lost in her the same way she wanted him, the constant attention and affection they were able to hand out to one another since exiting their real lives on this vacation making it hard to go too long without at least a touch or a taste of one another. 
Despite the reservations for dinner that he had reminded her of on more than one occasion today, it was Harry that started edging a little further, his hand on her ankle taking a careful path up the length of her leg. His lips were slotted against hers as he worked, the full of her bottom lip tucked between his two as he sucked and kissed at the pillow. Tipping and tilting his head, (Y/N) allowed him to control the range of the kiss, going whatever direction he needed from her to get the most pleasure for the both of them. Absently, his palm pressed against he cuff of her knee, fingertips spanning far enough that the hem of her dress was pushed up by his black-painted fingers. 
It was only when she felt the trace of his tongue edging to flit inside her mouth and his hand grazing towards the soft inside of her thigh under her dress, that (Y/N) had to find her voice of reason. "The reservations," she reminded him, voice all but swallowed by him as he didn't dare pull away. 
Harry lagged as what she said finally sunk in. The line of his shoulders fell as his kissing slowed. "One more, angel," he murmured, not waiting for a response before he drew her in for another short kiss. 
Pulling away only after nudging his nose against hers in an effort to maintain contact with her while he caught his breath, Harry resumed the task at hand reluctantly. The hand that had edged its way up her leg and threatened to push the fabric of her dress aside and whatever flimsy excuse for fabric she was passing off as panties for the night, retraced its steps back down here leg and ended at her ankle where the ribbon lay in wait. 
This time, Harry seemed to take his time, reveling in each brush of his fingertips against her skin, lingering over every touch. He smoothed each crossing of fabric, ensuring no wrinkles or weaves interrupted the line of the ribbon. The bow once again came together perfectly over the mid of her shin, matching the other flawlessly. But, Harry didn't release his hold on her ankle, not until he pressed a kiss just above where the bow sat on her skin. 
"Thank you, Harry," she smiled at him as he helped her stand from the loveseat, hem of her dress fluttering around her thighs. 
Lacing their fingers together, Harry reached for her bag with his other hand, continuing the tradition he had started this holiday of holding everything for her when she would allow it. That was how there were now at least one hundred pictures of she and Harry at various spots across Barcelona, a small, pale pink purse in his hand in each one. He'd joked more than once that at least the accessory matched his nails, as both his ring and pinky fingers were painted with the same hue. 
"You're welcome, darling," he smiled, chancing a press of his lips against hers in a much more restrained kiss though (Y/N) still felt a phantom touch of his hand up her leg. "Let me know if they start feeling loose, or anything, yeah?" 
"Okay," she peeped, feeling her skin heat even as he pulled away and began leading her out of their suite and out on the Barcelona streets to get to the restaurant for the night. 
The air was still warm despite the fact the sun had gone down almost an hour prior as they stepped out onto the pathways that guided pedestrians through the city. The paths had become familiar in the last week they'd spent blending in with the local life as much as they could, (Y/N) beginning to even recognize faces when they went out in the morning for breakfast. This place had began to feel like a different version of home—a much less stressful and warmer version of home, but still enough so that she'd become more comfortable in her skin the longer they stayed here.
Once the marigold colored awning that covered the patio area of the restaurant they had reservations at for the night came into view, (Y/N) spotted sparkling bottles of wine and the near constant rotation of bright Sangria and apple-crisp Sidra shared among the table. She hadn't been brave enough yet to order a drink while they'd been here, but maybe tonight that would change that. She was feeling loose enough already, maybe that would be enough for (Y/N) to finally try the Sangria she'd seen littered with pineapple chunks and orange slices, berries swirling through the bottom of every glass. 
"You said that they take passports as a good form of ID, right?" she asked, peering up at Harry as he guided them through the throngs of people joining them on the pedestrian way. 
"Mhm," he hummed, his eyes trained in front of them as a long line of what seemed to be a new batch of tourists filed through the street, "Why?" 
"I think I want to get a drink tonight," (Y/N) told him quietly, cuddling closer to his side. 
"Yeah?" he sounded, a large smile spreading across his lips as he looked down at her, "What did y'want to get tonight?" 
"The Sangria looks good, right?" As Harry had been the one to help refine her taste and show her what she liked and taught her what she would want to avoid, she couldn't help but seek out that approval from him. 
His smile only broadened at her choice, his attention falling ahead once more once the crowd cleared some and he could escort her across to the open door of the restaurant. Another line awaited them, but Harry didn't seem to worry any as his gaze was immediately fixed on (Y/N) once more. 
"You're gonna love that, baby. 'S sweet without making y'sick like those drinks y'got with Sarah that one time," he explained, sounding more excited than she was over the choice of drink for the night. 
"Will you share the first one with me, just in case? I don't know how strong it is, so I don't want to have too much." 
Tucked away at the end of the line, (Y/N) didn't worry any as Harry dipped his head down and pressed a kiss to her cheek. If anyone saw anyway, they'd only think for a moment about the lovely couple waiting by the checkin table, their love blending in perfectly with the honey-thick sweetness that had clung to (Y/N)'s skin since they arrived in this city. 
"Yeah, we can share, love. I'll even let y'have the strawberry they put on the rim." 
Though it was a little silly, it was those tiny little things that Harry did and said to her that had made her feel so loved for the last year of her life. He never teased her and indulged her endlessly in many things she knew others would have lost patience over. Looking up at him with his eyeliner so perfect, even more tattoos littering his skin than when they had met, and the natural ringlets of his hair framing his face, her heart felt so full she worried it would burst out of her chest if only to get a chance to hug Harry all on its own. 
And this was all only after a single year together. 
"Harry?" she asked as they moved up in line, Harry's attention pressed forward at the host checking in and seating everyone. 
"Happy anniversary." 
The bright smile that spread across his face and pressed his dimples deep into his cheeks was enough to make (Y/N) feel like a teenager in love. 
"Happy anniversary, angel."
(Y/N) hated waking up early anyway, but there was something especially hurtful when waking up on the last full day of their holiday with the sun just barely peeking over the horizon. It was only made worse when she cracked her eyes open enough to see more than the glare of the sun through the open terrace doors, that she was alone in bed, Harry's spot ruffled and empty. 
Though she tried to urge herself back to sleep, Harry having planned on this being the day where they traversed through town one last time, stopping at any of the little shops they'd been interested in but hadn't had a chance to browse at, and hopefully ending the night on the beach to watch the sunset. There was nothing urgent calling to them today, so she wanted to sleep and relax for a little longer—which was exactly what this vacation was for. But, when all her attempts only managed to draw her into the half-dream land where everything was a little too real to be soothing enough to fall into a deep sleep, (Y/N) relented with a huff. 
Sitting up in bed, the puffs of the hotel comforter fell to her waist in a white pool. Harry's shirt she'd slept in had gone askew in the night, falling off of her shoulder and sitting halfway up her stomach until she sat up straight. With a stretch and sleep-hooded eyes, (Y/N) tried to find where Harry had run off to. The shower wasn't running, and it wasn't like him to leave her to pick up breakfast, especially not without waking her up first. He had to be here somewhere. 
Just as she was about to make the drastic decision of leaving the warm cocoon of blankets on the bed, going off to hopefully find him in the living area carved out in their suite, she heard the most wonderful voice to wake up to. 
"(Y/N), angel, are y'awake?" 
Harry's voice filtered in from the balcony, backed by the faint soundtrack of ocean waves rolling in from the shore. Though it still took great effort to unravel herself from the covers, (Y/N) felt incredibly light as she padded her way out onto the terrace. Peeking out, she found Harry laid out on one of the loungers stationed on the patio, a quilt she recognized as one that had been thrown over the back of the loveseat in the living area was now draped over his lap. His hair was still in the messy ringlets they had fallen into after their joint shower the night before, long and grazing his shoulders. 
"There y'are," he smiled at her, beckoning to her with open arms. (Y/N) practically skipped to his position, making a home in his lap while Harry stretched the quilt over both of them once she settled. With her on his chest and her thighs astride his hips, his arms wrapped around her waist under the blanket, Harry pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "I was jus' about to go wake y'up myself, started missing y'too much." 
"Sorry," she mumbled into his neck, feeling her body melt into his. Everything around her—the emerging sun, the sound of the waves, the solid warmth of Harry's chest underneath her—urged her to loosen her muscles and bask in the moment. She wished she could stay right here forever. 
"Don't have to be sorry, cutie. 'S not your fault I need y'so much," he smiled into her hair, another kiss being pressed to the crown of her head before she felt him turn and squish his cheek against the same spot. 
A sleepy smile made its way on her face, one she hoped he would be able to feel against the column of his throat. "I don't want to leave, Harry. Can we stay?" 
A hum rumbled his chest underneath her own, his throat bobbing. "I think we could do that," he mused, "Don't know how I'd keep tattooing back home if we lived here, but I'd figure something out." 
"Yay," she quietly cheered, her heart thumping at the fact he was willing to indulge her over something so silly. 
"You've had fun, though, baby? Good holiday?" he asked her, his arms tightening around her form as he sunk deeper into the lounger, bringing his knees up behind her into a cradle. 
With the new position, (Y/N) lifted herself form the home she made against his neck, her chest pressed to his as she folded her arms along the line of his pecs. Resting her chin on her folded arms, (Y/N) looked to him with affection seeping through her sleepy gaze. 
"Really, really good, H. I had so much fun with you," she murmured, basking under the attention he doled out to her in the form of bright green eyes and strong arms wrapped around her form. 
"We should do this again then, yeah?" he whispered to her, a crooked smile molding his features. 
(Y/N) immediately brightened at the idea of going on another getaway with him like this; days of nothing to worry about but how much more love her heart could take before it might burst. "Can we?" she bubbled, wiggling some in his lap. 
"Jus' tell me where, and I'll make it happen, baby," he promised to her. 
Before (Y/N) could formulate any kind of response around the fluttering of her heart, Harry further distracted her as his grip shifted. His arms that had been around her waist flitted over her body, palms tracing her sides before he settled them on her cheeks. He cradled her face gently in his grip, (Y/N)'s mouth falling into a petite gape as he brought her close to him. Harry met her halfway, pressing his lips to hers in a firm kiss. 
This was the only proper way to wake up, (Y/N) decided as she lent into his kiss. Harry was the perfect guide, being the one that controlled where they went with this kiss, (Y/N) only having to lay there and pliantly go along with what he decided for them. Her hands that had been bundled between their chests drifted to grab at his shoulders, tufts of his shirt becoming entangled in her grip. Slotting their lips together, (Y/N) was allowed a taste of the same mouth she had dreamt of through the night. Despite the fact she had some of him almost every day (it would have been every single day if not for the fact she sometimes was too tired to do anymore than cuddle after their full days), she couldn't seem to have enough of him. How was she supposed to go back to real life where she couldn't just pull Harry away to come back to their villa and make out with him until her heart's content? 
Just as much as (Y/N) couldn't get enough of him, Harry's want for her was clear as he kept her mouth sealed to his as he tilted and turned his head to draw her deeper and deeper into the contact. It wasn't until the tip of his nose skimmed the apple of her cheek as he turned his head that (Y/N) felt the first pass of his tongue over her bottom lip. The breathy moan that left her mouth was Harry's cue to keep going, to kiss her harder and love her more. 
When she felt the first slide of his tongue over hers, (Y/N) couldn't help the way she wiggled in his lap, hips rolling over his. Harry sucked a breath in through his teeth, a hiss escaping his throat as she pushed her bottom back against he bulge of his cock. Though her core pressed primarily against the bottom of Harry's stomach, the blocks of muscles felt through the hem of her top and the one stretched over his middle, she could tell he skipped wearing boxers under his sweats with the way the head of his cock nudged at the full of her rear. 
"I know, angel, I know," he mumbled against her kiss, "Can't help myself; you're too pretty on m'lap letting me kiss you, 's not fair." 
(Y/N) was drawn into his lips once more after he finished his whispering to her, the taste of his affection lingering on his tongue as he brushed it across hers. Knowing that he was worked up, the evidence of which sitting just behind her, (Y/N) felt breathless now with every smear of his lips over her own. Though it had only been less than twelve hours since they had been in a similar position, the suite bed showing the details with the ruffled sheets and her panties littering the floor, she couldn't help the pull in her tummy at the idea of going again with him. 
"Sit up for me, angel," he told her, breaking away from her kiss with a breathless voice. His hands that acted as anchors on either side of her face dropped to the curve of her waist, steadying her as she shakily sat up on his lap. 
Her lips were kiss-swollen and eyes glossy, that much (Y/N) knew as she gazed down at him, already missing his mouth. Just as she was about to whine over as much, Harry shifted under her, his hands keeping her steady as he moved to lay with his cock under her soft, bare core, the weight of which pressed into her budding clit. Her eyes fluttered involuntarily, lashes tangling as she felt a moan work its way through her chest. The breathy whine fell from her lips in a quiet call of his name, mixing with the sound of the waves as Barcelona slowly awoke around over their terrace. 
Settling her hands flat against Harry's stomach, (Y/N) fought to keep her eyes from hooding even as she felt her pussy split open as Harry grew harder underneath her. There was something about when they played in the morning that made her especially sensitive, close before she even had a grasp of just how tight the coil in her tummy had grown. 
"Should we—we're outside," she stumbled out, her fingertips gently denting into his skin through his shirt. 
"I know, angel," he crooned, his hands on her waist squeezing in a gentle hold, "'s alright, though, yeah? Already comfy and everything, don't need to move." 
"You don't think anyone is gonna see us?" she peeped out, beginning to feel a bit exposed now that she could hear the beginning of footsteps as tourists like them flocked to the beach for the sunrise, just as she'd heard for the last two weeks. They weren't the only ones awake anymore.
Harry shook his head, lush curls haloing his head as they splayed across the lounger. "Jus' us up here," he soothed her, "We'll need to be a little quiet, won't we?"
Part of staying in one of the villas towards the top of the building, allowed for much more privacy in terms of neighbors, something (Y/N) didn't realize she was so grateful for until then. As much as she felt out of her element out in the open air, bare pussy pressed against Harry's cock, and the city waking around them, she didn't want to leave this moment. The draw of her love washed under the buttery glow of the rising sun was stronger than the need to burrow under the sheets with him. It couldn't be much worse than having sex with the terrace doors open like they had been every night, anyway. 
"Is it okay if we stay out here, angel?" he murmured to her, grabbing her attention again, "You know I won't stop you if y'want to take me inside." 
"Yeah, yeah," she bubbled off with a nod, feeling a different kind of fire in her tummy now that she was decided, hands fisting at the fabric of his shirt under her palms, "I want to stay here, please." 
The satisfied grin that molded his features made a heat settle behind (Y/N)'s cheeks, knowing exactly what he had to be thinking behind the receding green of his eyes that made way for blown pupils. "Think you'll be able to stay quiet then?" 
"I might—" (Y/N) cut herself off just as Harry rolled his hips upwards underneath her, her words choking off into a breathless moan. The ridge of his head had pressed perfectly into her clit, pushing a shudder down her spine and the coil in her stomach to ribbon into a tight bow. If he wasn't careful, a couple more rolls of his hips like that, and she'll be coming apart from nothing other than some well-placed grinds into her softness. 
"Y'might what, darling?" Harry asked, sounding a little too satisfied to be fair considering how close to the edge (Y/N) was lingering. 
"Need help," she swallowed, "staying quiet." She willed herself to stay upright though all she wanted was to press herself against his chest again. 
"I can do that for you," he mused, dropping his eyes down her form until he found the split in of her legs where his hips laid between, "I need y'to do something for me first, though." 
The eager nod she gave him had her sleep-mussed hair fluttering around her face. 
"Take me out, yeah?" he told her, hooded eyes flicking up to her face for just a moment before returning to where she was straddling him, "'M ready for you, angel, jus' need y'to let me inside." 
Shifting over him, (Y/N) followed his instructions with eager hands, fingers fumbling as she pulled at the waist of his sweats. The elastic band gave way to her grabbing fingers quickly, more  of his skin exposed with every tug. The thatch of trimmed hair at his base was the first part revealed just before she pulled his pants down enough that his cock bobbed against the flat of his stomach. The first bit of precum bubbled at his slit, pearling in the morning sunlight. If not for the sensitivity aching between her thighs, she would have argued for a moment to fit in him her mouth. She would have to save that for tonight instead.
Goosebumps raised over his skin when (Y/N) wrapped her fist around his shaft, the vein on the underside throbbing at the contact. A quiet hiss fell from Harry's lips as he watched her, doing his part in bundling her shirt up against her waist as she hovered above him.
"Ready for me, love?" he asked her, sounding strained as he kept his eyes fixed on her pussy. 
"Uh-huh," she affirmed, feeling breathless with just a touch of his head against her clit, wetness seeping from her that threatened to drip onto the grey sweats she'd just pulled down. 
He was quiet as he fit his bottom lip between his teeth, his grip on her waist steadying her as she sunk her hips down over his length. The heat of his gaze was pinned directly where he disappeared inside her, a slick sound filling the air between them as he popped inside. (Y/N) felt that lingering self-conscious heat fill her cheeks at the prospect of someone overhearing, but that thought was brushed aside just as she felt the curve of Harry's prick brush agains the soft-spongy bit of her fluttering walls. Her spine stiffened at the graze, her insides clenching around him involuntarily. 
"Fuck," Harry murmured, the curse coming out on a breath that that pulled from his lungs, "N-Need help, love?" 
His hands on her waist pulsed as if to remind her he was still there, but (Y/N) shook her head, her hand settling on the flat of his stomach as he bottomed out inside her. Her clit was pressed tightly against the base of his cock, the dark curls trimmed around the base ground gently into the bud as she gave a slight roll of her hips. Her walls became a snug home around his length, stretching and fluttering at the feel of every ridge and vein. 
Her focus then shifted to keeping quiet as the rest of the world faded around her, having to remind herself that it isn't just the two of them in the terracotta hued city of Barcelona. No, she had to remember that she couldn't moan and whine for him as she usually did, no matter how much she wanted to. 
Looking down at Harry, that focus took the backseat as she took in the way he looked up at her with his hooded green eyes and the part of his lips. He looked breathless already just watching her, soaking in the fact she had sunk herself down on his lap, soft thighs cushioning his hips that only paled in comparison to the snug, soft walls hugging his cock. 
"Look so pretty, baby," he praised her, voice a low rumble, "So fucking pretty sitting on m'cock." 
She keened at the compliment, giving her first real roll of her hips over his. A quiet smile took over her face, eyes falling closed, as she rolled her neck back with her features facing the sky. "Thank you," she peeped, aware of her volume. 
A breathy laugh sounded from under her, though it was quickly cut off as she lifted herself from his length before sinking back down. Bringing her hand to her mouth, (Y/N) muffled the moan that fell from her lips, only a whine seeping through. 
"Fuck, do it again, angel. Start bouncing on me." Harry's encouragement crashed over her like the waves sounding behind her, wrapping her in a kind of warmth that still sent a shiver down her spine. 
That was all she needed to hear before she started her rhythm, straining her thighs as she rode him on the terrace in Barcelona. Her breathing came in coordinating pants, as if with every drop of her hips the length of his prick pushed the air out of her. Her clit was smeared against the base of his cock every time he bottomed out inside her, her walls pulsing with every touch and grind. She kept her hand stationed over her mouth, a rudimentary lid to cover every moan that seeped from her chest, while the other stayed steady on his chest to give her leverage. 
"Y-You're so deep, H," she peeped, voice muffled though she was unable to keep the words from tumbling off her tongue. 
The satisfied smile that Harry directed towards the sky, hooded eyes gazing at her with silken lust, she knew she heard exactly what she said no matter how muffled. "Yeah, love? Am I here?"
His hand that had been stationed at her waist, helping keep the hem of her top from falling over the view of where they were joined, shifted over the soft of her stomach. As she bounced atop his lap, his thighs a cradle behind her, Harry pressed his hand against her tummy, eyes dark and pupils blown as he watched the trail of his hand. 
When he pressed at just the right moment, her clit pressed tightly against him and his cock deep inside her, she could feel the pressure coming from the outside. A loud moan she had no hope of concealing fell from her lips, eyelids melting to a close. "H-Harry," she whined, knowing she should feel embarrassed at her volume but not having the mind to compute anything other than the pleasure rushing through her veins. 
(Y/N) could feel his thighs tense from behind her, his cock twitching against her snug walls. He was close, too, she could tell. The flush that worked its way up his chest had just begun to seep into his neck, coloring the inked roses on his skin the same rosy hue. A vein bulged in his neck as he strained to keep himself quiet and in control.
"C'mere, c'mere," he beckoned to her, his arms coming to loop around her waist as he tugged her down, "Are y'close, baby?" 
Nodding her head with a whine of uh-huh, uh-huh, she clumsily fell into his chest, desperate to feel more of him. She made a home in the curve of his throat, fitting her face against it as she fought to muffle her noises against the skin. The bouncing of her hips was reduced to lingering rolls and grinds, her clit perpetually pressed against the base of his cock with every push. Her now free hands took advantage of the skewed hem of his top, fitting themselves underneath it in an effort to touch his bare skin she had missed in their clothed state. 
From the new position, Harry took over as he thrust his hips upwards, pushing his length through her fluttering walls. He barely reared back with every pull, but with every short thrust (Y/N) swore his head nudged deeper and deeper. His breath came in heavy pants above her, the air warm like the sun's rays that had begun to beat down over them as the morning came to fruition. 
"Oh, gosh, Harry," (Y/N) whined when he gave a particularly long grind against her, both his cock pressing into her soft walls and his base smearing over her clit. Absently, her nails sunk into the blocks of muscle that made up his stomach, denting the flesh. Her thighs grew shaky as they were folded on either side of him, her muscles tensing and releasing. 
Harry jolted underneath her, his hips stuttering as his prick twitched inside her. His arms wrapped around her waist were tight, keeping her atop him despite the rocks of his hips. "Wh-Where do y'want m'cum, angel?" 
(Y/N) felt his voice—the wavering of his tone and bob of his throat—more than she heard him with the way her face was pressed into his neck and his chest was flush against hers. "In-Inside, please." 
A mumbled curse made its way out of Harry's mouth as he took in her response, his hips starting a new, faster rhythm. "Need y'to cum with me then, 'kay? Not gonna finish inside y'unless you're with me." 
"I'm so close, H, I-I can't wait," she whined, eyes squeezing shut with her lashes fluttering against his skin. 
"Ye-Yes, y'can," he told her, voice deep and rumbling, "One more minute, then we can cum together. Jus' hang on for on-one more minute, baby, then I'll cum inside you like y'want." 
Though she wasn't sure how she was going to do it, (Y/N) nodded her head against his neck, promising to hold off until she was ready for no other reason than to please him. The closer and closer she was brought to the edge with every roll against her clit and push of his cock through her snug walls, (Y/N) had to remind herself to hold off, that if he wasn't at the edge with her, she couldn't be there. Her muscles grew tight as she urged herself to keep the ribbon in her tummy from unraveling. Her breathing grew strained as she was forced to pace herself, though she unable to think of anything other than the pleasure prickling through her system. The more she concentrated on staving off, (Y/N) found herself losing herself in the pleasure of Harry all around her—even he press of his chest as he breathed and the bars of his arms around her waist were becoming aphrodisiacs. 
"Hang on, (Y/N), jus' a little longer. I can feel y'tightening up, jus' wait for me," he interrupted her, his words being gritted out through a locked jaw. 
"I can't, I can't," she shook her head, feeling the ribbon in her tummy begin to tighten into a familiar bow that wasn't a good sign if he was farther off than her. 
"You can, do you hear me?" A particularly hard thrust of his hips punctuation his words. "Jus' one more second, baby. Be good for me." 
(Y/N) wanted to answer him, tell him she was going to be good for him just like she always was, that she loved him, but every sentiment died in her throat as he ground himself against her. The roll of his hips pushed the head of his cock against her farthest walls, her insides clenching around him just as she was sure he wanted. 
"Kiss me, angel," Harry murmured, already slipping one of his hands through the back of her hair and pulling her up to face him. 
The second he smeared his lips against her, (Y/N) felt her body melt, unable to keep the handle on the shaky control she had curated. A moan of his name was pushed against his mouth that Harry happily swallowed, tasting her affection on his tongue. She unraveled around him slowly at first, her control slipping and slipping through her grasp until she felt Harry's own body tense underneath her. 
He joined her in falling over the edge with a breathy moan into her mouth, his own dropping into a gape as his eyes stayed clenched shut. (Y/N) pressed her forehead against his, her breathing coming out stunted as she forced herself to stay quiet as she came around him. The feel of Harry cumming—warm ropes painting her fluttering walls, seeping put from around him as he continued the stilted grinds of his hips—only spurred her on, her hips matching his in gentle rolls. 
"Harry," she whispered, nose nudging his as she urged him to kiss her again. 
Through the blinding warmth that both shocked and released her muscles, she felt a point of clarity as Harry pressed his lips to hers. The sliver of his lip piercing was enough to anchor her to the moment as she slowly began her descent back to earth, finally catching the slick sounds that were coming from their terrace with every rock of Harry's hips. Aftershocks riddled her body as she waited for Harry to float down with her, the first sign coming when he managed to press his lips against hers in a clumsy kiss just as the final spurt of his cum finished inside her. 
His breathing came in heavy passes through his nose as he kissed her, lips slick against hers. "I love you, (Y/N)," he told her, the sticky sweet sentiment sweeping over her mouth and warming their kiss. 
Pulling away, (Y/N) searched for Harry's hooded eyes, the green in them slowly returning, "I love you, too. So much, H." 
A slow smile spread over his kiss-swollen lips then, the sound of their love being soundtracked by the ocean waves and the city beginning to bustle just below their balcony. (Y/N) fell back against his chest, his neck becoming her pillow as she cuddled against him, still finding her way out of the haze she found herself in this morning. Harry, having unlaced his fingers from her hair, reached towards the quilt that had laid forgotten just behind (Y/N)'s bottom, pulling it over them as they cuddled under the morning sun. 
Silence settled over them, Harry occasionally pressing his lips to the top of her head. 
"Feeling good, baby?" he asked her, voice even for the first time since she crawled on his lap.
"Really good," she smiled, chancing a delicate kiss against the column of his throat, "Are you happy?" 
A quiet laugh filtered through the strands of hair he had buried his nose into. "'M really happy, angel." 
Her hands that still sat under his shirt drifted, her fingers massaging over the skin she knew she had dug her nails into in the heat of the moment. She could feel Harry's smile against the crown of her head as he shifted underneath her, seemingly beginning to sit up. For a moment, (Y/N) felt a blurt of panic at the movements. 
"Wait, wait," she stopped him, her hands on his abdomen gently pushing him to stay laying down on the lounger. 
"What's wrong, angel? I was only taking y'inside to clean up," he explained, (Y/N) able to hear the concern in his voice and picture the furrow in his brow she knew would be pinching his features if she peeked.
"Can I... Can we stay like this for a minute? I don't want to leave yet." Her murmured request was so quiet, she worried he wouldn't hear her. Despite the way she could feel his cum beginning to seep out of her, his softening cock making way for their mixed wetness to leak, she didn't want to get up and ruin the magic of their final, pure morning on holiday. 
Harry's response lagged for just a moment before she felt his arms tighten around her and his lips once again kissing at the top of her head. "Okay," he relented, his audible smile now replacing the concern, "We'll stay right here, yeah?" 
He settled underneath her, allowing her to sink into him with the length of his cock keeping her full in a way she didn't realize could be so comforting even without lust addling her brain. With his arms around her, she didn't feel a lick of the same self-consciousness she knew would be plaguing her if they were in a similar situation back home, his hold protecting her from more than she was sure he realized. (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered closed as she cuddled into him, taking in everything that made this moment so perfect. She didn't want to forget a single moment of this.
"Darling?" Harry murmured, breaking her from the half-sleep state she had begun to fall into.
"When we go home," he started, sincerity running underneath his tone, "how would you feel about looking for a place with me?" 
A furrow pinched at her brow as she processed his words. "Do you and Mitch not like your house anymore?" 
A laugh rumbled his chest and shook her from where she laid atop him. "Will y'look at me for a second, baby? I know you're warm, but I need to see you." 
He was right, she was warm, which made the task of unpeeling herself from his chest a harrowing one as far as (Y/N) was concerned. Her brows were still pinched in a furrow as she looked at him, stationing her hands on the flat of his chest muscles while he looked at her with clear green eyes. 
"The house isn't the problem, angel," he told her, "but, our lease is up in a few months, and we've talked about whether or not to renew. I told him I wasn't sure, because I was wondering if you would want to move in with me. Find our own place and everything." 
(Y/N) felt herself grow speechless as she realized what he had initially asked. He wanted to live with her; he was willing to give up having his best friend as his roommate, and instead take on a new home with her. He'd thought about this long enough that he'd even told Mitch he wasn't completely on board with signing the lease again.
"You want to live with me?" 
"I do." Harry's certainty never wavered. 
Maybe it was silly (she was sitting on his lap, cock still inside her on the balcony of their hotel room), but (Y/N) couldn't help the sheen of tears that gathered in her eyes.
"Oh, Harry," she sighed, dropping down to his chest and looping her arms around his neck. 
A smattering of kisses was delivered to his face—chin, cheeks, forehead, and nose all feeling her love. Peals of laughter fell from his lips as he took in all of her affection. "Does this mean you're saying yes?" 
"Of course it does!" she bubbled off, pressing her lips to his in an innocent peck, "You want to live with me!" 
Another round of laughter was breathed against her kissing lips as it worked its way out of Harry's chest. "I do," he repeated, "Tired of taking y'back to that apartment. I jus' want to take y'home with me every night." 
The blooming grin on (Y/N)'s features kept her cheeks warm and eyes creased as she pulled back just enough to look at him again. "We'll start looking when we get back home?" 
"If that's what y'want." 
Taking him in, clean of his dark eyeliner but still as heartbreakingly pretty as the first time they met, (Y/N) couldn't even attempt to regulate her heartbeat. His words back at his mom's house were recalled in that moment as he glowed under the buttery rays of the sun: his plan was to move in with her, then he wanted to propose. (Y/N) didn't even think before her answer came tumbling out though her smile.
"I do." 
this has been in the making for SOOOOOO long this vacation moment was first brought up in one of the first blurbs I did for aster and im so happy I finally got around to putting it together like I wanted!! thank u sm for reading and sorry for any mistakes! please lmk if you have any requests or ideas of your own!
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