#danny is the skeptic who’s secretly a ghost
otakukira · 3 years
dp no one knows au but danny and wes are basically shane and ryan from buzzfeed unsolved
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When Jon had first met Gendry he had taken an instant liking to him. Maybe it was because Starks and Baratheons were always meant to be friends. Or maybe it was because there was something about being two bastards thrust into roles they never thought they’d have to worry about that brought them close. All Jon knew though was that he wanted Gendry by his side. He trusted him as much as Davos and that meant a great deal.
Still it was hard to remember all of that when you catch the man you’ve been calling a friend sneaking out of your younger sister’s bedroom early in the morning.  Jon could only watch on in complete silence As Arya his sweet wild young sister pulled Gendry back into the doors threshold long enough to place a kiss on his lips quickly before shutting the door on Gendry’s stupid face. Jon moved out of the way not wanting to be seen, as he had to control his conflicted emotions. On one hand Jon wanted to use longclaw right then and there to run through Gendry. On the other hand Jon knew he was being a hypocrite. Hadn’t he done the same with Ygritte? With Danny? The threat of the white walkers loomed over them and no one could say confidently how long they had for this world so who was he to stop his beloved sister from any happiness she could receive?  
Besides he knew Gendry’s worth. He was a good man, a good friend. And he had known of Gendry’s and Aryas’ history. well only a little bit. Neither mentioned much of their time together, only that they wouldn’t have been alive if it wasn’t for the other. But obviously there was more to it than that. 
So Jon began watching them. Watched when Arya, who was so different from the little girl he’d left behind. Who seemed to carry all the darkness and secrets of the world on her shoulders, would smile and joke easily when Gendry was around. Jon was glad to see that, that easy happy nature was still in her. He watched how the sullen look that seemed permanently etched on Gendry’s dirty face would instantly melt away as Arya drew close. The looks of adoration and protectiveness he sent her way told Jon all he needed to know. However that didn’t stop him from needing to hear it for himself. 
“You, I need to talk to you.”  Gendry stiffened for only a minute as he felt the weight of Jon’s hand on his shoulder. Looking around to see the concern etched on his king's face Gendry could only nod in agreement.  Instructing the men working tirelessly in the forge to continue on with making the dragon glass weapons, he followed Jon out into the biting cold. 
Jon was silent for a while instead of speaking out right he opted to walk with Gendry inspecting the on goings of the castle as he did. Pausing now that they were alone overlooking their surroundings at a gate post Jon caught Gendry smiling to himself.  
“What’s got you laughing?” 
“Just how similar you and your sister are.” Gendry watched as Jon’s eyes softened, at the comparison of his beloved sister. However Jon held back his smile as he forced his famous scowl and eyed his friend warily
“I hope not too similar, after all as much as I like you Gendry I don’t want you in my bed.”  At Gendry's sputtering and choking  Jon had to turn away to keep from chuckling. 
“I- Your grace it’s not. I mean” Gendry was panic stricken looking around wildly whether for a trap, or even a possible escape route Jon didn’t know but he held back his smile for a few more moments enjoying his friends' panic. However when it looked like Gendry was contemplating jumping over the wall to get away from him Jon finally gave him mercy.   
“It’s fine Gendry. Am I happy it happened like this? No. but I won’t try to stop you two. Besides it’s clear to me how close you two are.  You said that Arya and I are similar, correct?” at Gendry’s nod Jon continued. 
“Yes we are similar, but it’s always been more than that. Arya’s been the one person that I could always count on, the only one I’ve ever been able to be completely honest with and up until now I thought it was the same for her.” 
“I-” Gendry was struggling to come up with words however Jon continued on knowing he had to get this off his chest. 
“But I know now that it’s not. I can’t begin to imagine what the both of you went through together. Nor what Arya dealt with while she was in Braavos. I know my sister well enough to know that those are things she will keep from Sansa and myself, and won’t dare speak with Bran about. But  She trusts these secrets to you Gendry. So I will trust you with her.” 
“I promise I have no intention to ever leave her or hurt her again my king.”
“I believe you Gendry and I am happy that it’s you she’s chosen. But be warned if we all survive this, you two will have to tell Sansa about what you two have been doing and I suspect she will be less accepting than I am. At the very least a wedding will be demanded.” 
“Oh she knows already.” Gendry spoke with such casualty, Jon wondered if he had misheard him.
“She knows?”
“Yes, she uh- she caught us a few weeks ago.” 
“Weeks ago?” Jon wondered just how long he had missed the signs,  He tried to ignore the annoying thought that came to him suddenly along with the memory of Ygritte’s laugh, yes it felt like she was laughing at him even now. 
“Yes, she actually handled it even better than you, I think the only thing she was truly upset about was the fact that she caught us in the grain room. Complained about contaminating the food preserves.” Gendry laughed as he patted Jon on the back walking away from the stunned man.  Not realizing his revelation left Jon mortifyingly paralyzed. It wasn’t until breakfast the next day when Danny questioned why he hadn’t touched his meal, on top of her overall concerns over his general tiredness that Jon  could come out of his stupor. Though only because he could hear the low chuckle of Sansa sitting across from him. 
He blinked blearily at his half sister, trying to ignore the mounting headache he was becoming oh so familiar with when dealing with Sansa. Who for her own part smiled deviously at him as she passed half of her food over to him. 
“Yes Jon eat up, we can't have you losing your strength. Right Arya? It would be horrible for Jon to train today on an empty stomach, yes?” 
Arya, who up until that moment was not so secretly flirting with Gendry from across the hall, turned to look at the two of them studying Sansa’s mischief and Jon’s discomfort before grinning wolfishly herself. 
“Of course, only some one stupid would train on an empty stomach. Also Jon I know for a fact that this meal was made with a little extra love, so you should really try and finish it.” Jon, who had taken a sip of ale in a feeble attempt to deflect began to suddenly choke, gasping for breath as Arya ignored him and continued. “ Wouldn’t want to hurt the cook’s feelings.”
“They’re right Jon.” Danny addressed giving him a stern once over, “You shouldn’t waste this food. Especially with how little everyone has.”  Jon exasperatedly looked around the room. Bran was sitting at the opposite end of the table being of absolutely no help yet looked suspiciously as though he too was in on it and enjoying the show. Looking out into the hall he spotted Gendry, who had clearly been trying to listen in and at least had the decency to blush before shrugging his shoulders as if to say “Eh what can you do?”
 Jon feeling like a petulant child brought the gruel closer towards him as he pushed the food around with his spoon waiting for a chance to toss it to Ghost. As he waited he thought that maybe going up against the Night King wouldn’t be so bad, he’d have to be more merciful than this lot.  
  Arya having had her fun and seeing that Jon was at his limit rose asking Sansa and Danny to join her. Claiming she wanted to train with them for a bit. Both women readily agreed,  all thoughts of food wasting forgotten.  Relief and gratitude flowed through Jon. This was why Arya would always be his favorite. He silently nodded his head in thanks to her. She winked at him before turning away, as they stood to leave Sansa turned to Jon once more. 
“If you must know, I had the bags they were rolling around on removed.”  Jon looked skeptically at the bowl before him before turning to eye Sansa. Jon eyed her searching for deception when he felt secure enough that her words were the truth he took a giant spoonful, then another. It wasn’t good at all but food was food. Sansa, satisfied to see her brother eating, began to leave wanting to catch up with Arya and Danny. Only pausing long enough to say one final thing. Mirth glinting in her tully eyes. 
“Honestly, Jon it’s not that big of a deal, at least you aren’t Bran, imagine he has to tune them out all the time. Why just the other day he caught them in your room.”
“Excuse me?!” Jon spat out gruel flying across the table as he looked accusingly towards Gendry who had suspiciously disappeared right after Arya. Looking towards Bran only to have his brother stare back blankly at him, giving nothing away. Jon cursed, pushing himself out from the table and away from the hall looking for longclaw. Forget what he had said last night. He was going to kill both Gendry and Arya, favorite sister be damned.   
I did it! didn’t think I’d get it done to be honest.I won’t lie  I’m very happy with the way it turned out. just wanted something light and fun to get me back in the mood again! Hope y’all enjoyed it as well!  
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deuynndoodles · 4 years
read on ao3 or click read more!
suspicion increase by deuynndrabbles and @whimsicalweast
chapter summary:
It's their first day out looking for ghosts, and it's a great day to be suspicious of Danny.
He glances back at his sister and Danny, who are still talking about space. Well, it’s more the latter who does so, rambling passionately while Mabel struggles to stay focused on one topic for this amount of time.
As Dipper realizes the irony of the situation, he stifles a laugh with his hand.
3.8k | ch three
It’s the next day, the sun high in the sky. Birds are chirping, wild animals scurrying through the trees, and three kids are walking through the woods with one certain great uncle trailing behind them.
Dipper is in the front, a now fixed ghost tracker sitting in his hands and a bag of a dozen more sliding off his shoulder. (Dipper mentioned the problem to Ford a couple nights ago and he agreed to fix it. It’s even upgraded so it won’t break the way it did last time.)
Mabel is close behind, her baggy sleeves trailing behind in her graceful yet clunky movement. Today she wears a navy blue sweater with a cartoon ghost resting on the center surrounded by itty bitty stars. Her headband is white and her skirt a lighter grey, with her own ghost device settled in her sweater pocket. She’s ignoring the faint buzzing in favor of watching the scenery.
Danny is about a couple meters behind the twins, his own beeping device shoved into his big jeans pocket. He’s watching the scenery like Mabel, trailing a hand along the grass and occasionally picking a long piece to fiddle with in his hands.
There’s a long groan, and Dipper glances behind him to see Mabel leaning her head back to stare at the clouded sky, her feet planted on the dirt and unmoving.
“Why are we all just quiet?” She says, prolonging the last two syllables and sticking her bottom lip out a little. She takes a lock of her hair and begins to twirl it around her finger. “Let’s do something that isn’t just staring at those silly devices.”
There’s a quick shout of indignation from Dipper, but Danny interrupts by giving a slight nod and saying, “Yeah, it is kinda boring.”
Danny catches up to Mabel, his eyes drawn to the sweater she has on. He isn’t really sure what else to say (he’s not the best at small talk) so he compliments, “Nice sweater.”
It earns a toothy grin from said girl and she twirls in place as if to show off her creation. “Thanks! I made it myself!”
“I like the ghost, it looks pretty cool.”
“I thought it was fitting!” Mabel chimes, still grinning.
“Are those stars around it?” Danny asks, because his brain always comes back to the topic of space. Mabel nods, and Danny smiles widely, saying, “I love space!”
Mabel draws out a gasp, pressing her hand to her chest right on top of the ghost’s eyes. “Me too.”
Dipper’s pretty much sure that Mabel’s just saying it to make Danny happy. It works, as Danny’s eyes light up. She always does this, and Dipper won’t barge in this time.
Anyways, he’s paying attention to the pad in his hands more.
“Isn’t it just so cool?” Danny grins. (His face is full of excitement and he knows he’s going to rant about his special interest now. He’s practically prompted.) “Stars are amazing, and just so beautiful. But honestly, I’m super excited about space travel and all that stuff.”
Mabel nods along as if she understands every word that makes its way out of his mouth when Danny simply continues to rant on and on about astrology and other topics about space with an intense passion.
Dipper is more focused on the device grasped in his hand. His eyes dart about the monitor, looking for any sort of ectoplasmic signal but comes up empty. Dipper makes the quick hypothesis that ghosts are more active at night.
He glances back at his sister and Danny, who are still talking about space. Well, it’s more the latter who does so, rambling passionately while Mabel struggles to stay focused on one topic for this amount of time.
As Dipper realizes the irony of the situation, he stifles a laugh with his hand.
Mabel constantly tries to steer the conversation away from scientific aspects, preferring creative or ‘girly’ subjects like glitter and rainbows. She’d likely come out here in the hopes of finding a ghost cat and cuddling it or something. Probably to hang out with Danny too, maybe flirt with him or whatever the heck Mabel thinks she’s doing.
Instead she has to listen to the boy ramble on about various studies of space.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
Dipper can tell how absolutely bored Mabel is with Danny’s speech, and he still struggles to hide his chuckles.
(He’d probably get along better with the teen better than his sister, if he weren’t so skeptical of Danny’s unknown intentions.
He is still a stranger, after all.)
Mabel’s hands are fiddling with the loose threads of her newly made sweater. Her attention had clearly drifted off elsewhere a while ago, but Danny still hasn’t noticed, ever so caught up in his one-way conversation.
Dipper catches her eye, throwing a smug expression her way as Danny continues to speak animatedly, and his sister returns a raspberry as she slumps over.
‘Very mature’, he thinks.
Dipper rolls his eyes with a smile, about to return to examining the machines when Danny mentions a topic that Dipper had recently heard about.
“The Apollo missions inspired an entire generation of people to pursue math and science careers, and it’s amazing! Our society continues to become more technologically advanced and dependent, and the general populace need to become more scientifically literate to keep up.
“I’ve always dreamed of being an astronaut,” he says, his excitement slowing as he gazes down at the floor. “I’ve just- I’m not what you’d call a star student.” He gives out a chuckle, a chuckle that is absent of actual humor, and it makes Dipper hesitate in his step as well. “And outside of school, I’m pretty busy with other stuff. Uh- extracurriculars, and all that.”
With those last few sentences, it finally clicks, and Dipper whirls around.
“It was you!”
“I’m sorry, what?”
It’s the first thought that runs through Danny’s head, and apparently it spills out his lips too.
“You-You were the guy who helped me back to camp a week ago!” Dipper exclaims, his finger still pointed at the confused boy.
(For some reason this makes Danny think of Wes.)
“What?” It’s Mabel who says this. She’s eloquently ignored.
“Y’know, when you- uh, when you fell from that tree, and pointed out the constellations to me?” Dipper stammers, and Danny’s eyes widen in recognition.
“That was you?” Danny asks, and Dipper nods slowly, as if he’s uncomfortable.
(Mabel looks on in pure confusion. She is still promptly ignored.)
“What a coincidence, huh?” Danny lets out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand. “Well, uh. Nice to meet you? Again, I guess.”
(Danny truly does see it to be a coincidence. It’s so odd, how the universe chooses to dump on him in a place that isn’t Amity Park. Hasn’t he had enough?)
He stretches out his hand awkwardly, and cautiously, Dipper steps forward and shakes it. They’ve already met, but this makes it feel more official, Danny thinks. Maybe not quite that, but he imagines it’d make the scenario much more awkward if he jerks his hand back now.
Instead, Dipper is the one to pull his hand back, replacing his steadfast grip on the pad in his hands. It gives out a solid beep, and then returns back to its muted noise.
“Well,” Dipper starts, his face screaming the fact that he feels very awkward in this scenario. “How about we go back to looking for ghosts?”
“Sure!” Mabel chirps, and Danny shrugs, finally pulling out the device in his hands. He’s down for pretending that never happened.
Dipper pauses, and then says, "Hey, I can't see Great Uncle Ford."
Mabel pauses in her balancing act on a toppled tree trunk, glancing up to her brother. She takes a look back behind her. "Yeah, I guess so."
Mabel takes a seat on the ground, adjusting her skirt. Danny leans against a tree, and then a thought pops into his head.
“Oh shit, I pointed out the Big Dipper to a kid named Dipper.”
“Language!” Mabel sing-songs, blowing a small raspberry from her pleasant spot on the ground as Dipper's face reddens.
"Seriously?" Dipper bites out as Mabel gives a dorky snort, a fair imitation of the pig sitting back in her room.
(Ford can hear the tail end of the conversation as he settles his cane in a knot of roots and heaves himself over it. A fond smile tugs on his lips, and he lets out a chuckle.
He's glad the kids are getting along.)
"Go back to your dorky devices, guys." The last word is said even more dorkishly, and Mabel gestures to said devices. Danny imagines that she's already shoved her gadget back into her sweater pocket.
As Ford steps back into the small clearing that Danny and the twins are sitting in, everyone rises and Ford hands out snacks to each kid individually.
Five minutes later, they’re back on track and return to their task.
Danny this time trails in the back, stimming by shaking his hands, deep in thought.
Dipper is clearly wary of Danny, probably due to the fact that Danny said he fell out of a tree with little to no explanation. (He really needs to control what comes out his mouth.) Danny must seem pretty suspicious.
Or maybe it’s just how the kid acts. He can’t be entirely sure.
He’s still surprised that Dipper hadn’t mentioned his run in with Danny. The two don’t seem to be quite attached at the hip, but he can still tell they’re very close. He sees how they can just communicate without speaking, how comfortable they are around the other. It’s nice, he thinks.
(If later asked, he’d deny it. But Danny can’t help but secretly wish he was as comfortable around Jazz as the twins are around each other.)
What surprises him even more? It’s the fact that Mabel doesn’t question it. She’s been pestering Danny with questions non-stop since ‘inviting’ him over for a sleepover. Mabel is a chatterbox and it’s so odd that she doesn’t press, because it seems like it’s practically part of her nature to find out more about things.
The only reaction out of her hearing of Dipper and his meeting (aside from the earlier input) is a questioning glance at her brother, to which the boy shrugs halfheartedly in response.
Mabel throws him that look that Danny knows as ‘We’ll talk about this later’. He knows it well, having been on the receiving end of it countless times from his own sister. She then slows down, another grin on her face, and she strikes up another conversation.
To be honest, the constant conversation is starting to wear him out, but he still does it anyway.
“What’s your favorite animal?” Mabel asks, skipping happily.
Danny isn’t entirely sure. He says so.
“Me too!” Mabel grins, moving her hand to fiddle with her headband. “I just can’t decide! There’s cats, but dogs are really cute too! And not to mention koalas, and elephants and just. So many animals I can’t choose between them all.”
All in all, it’s a fairly uneventful day. All they seem to have done is walk through the forest, checking the devices, enjoying the scenery and engaging in small talk.
It leaves Dipper with a dissatisfied feeling sitting in his gut, but he doesn���t express it like Mabel does. Mabel sinks in disgruntlement with a roll of her eyes, slumped over slightly with her energy drained as much as it can be for Mabel Pines. That is to say, she has the energy of a normal person.
“Don’t worry, there’s still tomorrow,” Danny says, with an awkward pat on Mabel’s shoulder.
(Danny’s silently wishing they actually don’t come across any other ghosts. But alas, they’ll find someone, he’s sure. This woods has the same eerie feeling as the Ghost Zone, so he knows that there are supernatural entities in this place.
He’s not eager to find out what they are.)
Dipper’s head nods slowly in agreement, and it occurs to him that this isn’t the only day they go out to search for ghosts and he isn’t a failure-
Mabel elbows Dipper in the forearm, her mood having taken a 180 and a slight smirk resting on her lips. “Why you sad, bro-bro?” The brunette asks innocently, as if she wasn’t the one just dragging her feet along on the forest floor. “You still got a lot of-”
Mabel purses her lip, searching for the right word.
“Data. That’ll help, right?” She elbows Dipper again.
(Dipper’s sigh has a hint of disappointment, and Danny knows that Dipper is actually the one more disheartened in this situation. Mabel tends to exaggerate her feelings.)
“You’re right, Mabel,” Dipper mutters, fiddling with the pad in his hands again anxiously. “We have a lot of data now.”
Dipper glances up slightly, and sees the silhouette of the Mystery Shack illuminated in the near sunset, the sun beginning to slide behind the wide expanse of trees. He turns his head back to face the device, pressing buttons occasionally to change the view.
From behind him, Mabel straightens up, and pulls on Danny’s sleeve. “You ready for another sleepover?” She asks excitedly, her voice lilting.
“Nah,” Danny responds. “I’ll find somewhere to stay tonight.”
(Danny doesn’t want to bother Dipper again.)
Dipper doesn’t entirely care. He’s almost glad that he doesn’t have to sleep in the same room as Danny tonight, but he won’t say it out loud.
(Mabel huffs, and she has the social awareness to give a glance to the boy who is scouring the devices in his hand and in the bag on his back.) “Fine, just be okay, okay?” She pauses, and then giggles. “I said okay twice.”
Dipper inhales sharply, and Mabel instantly quiets. The next few minutes are pretty awkward, as all they do is walk. Dipper’s feet are tired and he’s more walking on impulse now, waiting for the moment to sit down. Mabel seems to be out of energy as well, as she doesn’t break the silence with her excited gestures or bubbly sentences.
The twins step up onto the slanted porch promptly, Dipper collapsing sitting on one of the stairs. Mabel groans and fans her face with her baggy sleeve, and Ford is a few meters behind them. Danny puts his hands in his pockets, staying a good few feet away from everyone, and gives a quick wave.
“See ya guys tomorrow,” Danny says, and as the two twins step inside, Dipper rushes to the nearest window to look out at Danny.
(He doesn’t see anything, as Danny is already long gone.)
Dipper sits in a fold-up chair as he watches Ford review the data they’ve collected that day, pouring over the gadgets. There haven't been very many ectoplasmic signatures, but any information is helpful and will allow them to know how to better handle it when they do come across a ghost for the first time.
The brunet still pipes in here and there with his own views on the data, but his mind has already drifted elsewhere.
(He does remember his first meeting with Danny. It was a week ago, and it’s still very fresh in his mind. The flimsy excuse of ‘stargazing’ had been so odd. But what other reasons could Danny need to climb a tree for? Was he hiding from something? Someone?
How had he even gotten up there in the first place? The branches on the trees in the forest are often placed far from each other, and once you do get a grip on them the brittle branches give up on your weight and you go collapsing back to the ground.
He’s seen Mabel try to climb the trees on multiple occasions. She’s never gotten past five feet above the ground.
And how does he just disappear into thin air? One second he’s beside Dipper and the next he’s nowhere to be seen. It’s also absurd how many times he hasn’t noticed the teen beside him; it’s like the teen has no presence whatsoever.)
He rests a hand on his forehead, letting out a sigh with a frown.
(Danny is such an enigma and it’s just so frustrating being unable to figure him out.
Though, he says this as if there’s anything to discover in the first place.
For all he knows, Danny could just be a regular teen with somewhat questionable hobbies. He hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary, ordinary for Gravity Falls at least. He gets along with everyone around him just fine with the occasional awkward sentence or body posture, fiddling with things when he’s nervous like Dipper does.
Dipper’s probably just going crazy overreacting.)
He glances up, combing a hand through his hair, letting out another unsteady breath.
(But if that's the case, why does he feel so uneasy?)
Ford pauses, taking a glance at his great nephew. He turns to him, devices still in his grasp, and asks, “Are you okay?” He cocks his head slightly to the side, eyeing Dipper’s tense body language.
Dipper nods sharply, rubbing his arm and staring down at the slick lab floor. “Yeah. . . Just, uh, thinking about some stuff.”
Ford seems unconvinced, his eyes still trailing on Dipper before he turns back to his devices. He hums in confirmation, making Dipper feel slightly guilty for the white lie.
A few minutes pass, and Dipper still can’t focus, catching more than one concerned glance from his great uncle.
"So, care to tell me what 'stuff' you're thinking of?" Ford questions, idly rifling through some papers.
Dipper fiddles with his lip with his two front teeth, rubbing his left arm. He winces slightly, refusing to meet his great uncle’s gaze.
“I-I dunno, it’s just. . .” He sighs, his hand dropping to rest by his side. “Danny’s been- He’s been super helpful and gets along with Mabel, but I- but I can’t help but feel like I’m missing something here.”
Ford’s eyes soften, and he sets down the papers on another tall pile of paper. He leans down and pulls out his own chair from underneath a table, twisting it to face his great nephew and Dipper does the same with his chair.
“I get how you feel, Dipper. I understand, really I do, but not everything needs a dramatic reveal.” Ford says, gently patting Dipper’s head. “Oftentimes, people are exactly who they claim to be and that’s rather normal. Just because something may feel off about someone, doesn’t have to mean they’re dangerous.
“Gravity Falls is indeed a strange place, but not everyone who steps foot into the town is a monster in disguise.
“Puzzles are marginally harder to solve when you can’t see each individual piece and fit them together, or when you refuse to see the pieces in front of you. I myself had a difficult time grasping this after so many years spent living here.”
("And in the portal" remains unsaid, but Dipper can hear the hint of it behind the words Ford speaks.)
"You certainly have a knack for picking out who or not to trust, so if you really believe Danny has harmful intentions, I'll listen. To me, Danny just appears to be a typical teenage boy, similar to yourself, but it's your call, Dipper. Just remember that putting your faith in others isn't always harmful."
(“Not as easy as it sounds” whispers in the back of his head, and he shakes it away by bobbing his mechanically and allowing the words his great uncle speaks replace the dread sitting in his gut for absolutely no reason-)
Ford is right; he’s getting worked up over nothing. Not everyone is out to get him.
Danny isn't out to get him.
(It's irrational to think Danny would do anything to hurt Mabel, or anyone else for that matter.)
Danny’s just a random teen who made his way into Gravity Falls, a teen obsessed with space and finding himself wrapped up in Dipper’s research. From the start, Danny has done nothing but help them, and he likely thinks Dipper is weird when he refuses to meet the teen’s eye, hands shuffling nervously.
Guilt rises into Dipper’s chest, and almost immediately Dipper feels terrible. He’s only made things feel more awkward for Danny. By making the teen feel uncomfortable during their outings. Disappointing Mabel by ruining her sleepover.
(‘You know they would've been happier without you there, anyway,’ his brain barges in, and he can’t find the heart to deny it.)
Dipper is always bringing people down along with him. It’s his fault Ford’s machine broke. If he hadn’t gone out that night, none of this would have happened, anyway.
(Dipper always needs other people to help him. He’s just useless by himself.)
(Why can’t his brain just act normal for once? Why can’t he ever seem to let people in?)
His eyes begin to sting, and he feels the panic taking hold, leaching into his chest and refusing to let go. He curls in on himself slightly, because he can only just live through it and mentally hit himself-
Is it really so hard to trust people again?
(Dipper already knows the answer to this question; he knows because of the being that frequently haunts his nightmares.)
(‘Trust no one’ echoes endlessly in his mind, reflecting off every boundary and always making its way back to the center-
Dipper’s hand burns, engulfed in blue flame-
His laughter, resonating within his ears-
There’s no escape-)
His lungs refuse to take in air, and his vocal cords won’t work to even choke out a scream.
(He can't breathe-) 
In a split second, there’s a warm hand resting on his shoulder. It’s vaguely comforting, but Dipper still jerks away from it and takes in a shaky breath as his lungs start working again.
His mind slowly clears, and he glances up to see Ford resting beside the chair on his knee, hand pulled back slightly with a concerned expression on his face.
(‘You did that to him. You're the one troubling your great uncle. You're just a burden’, his brain screams at him, and he can’t find the courage to scream denials back.)
“Dipper?” Ford asks tentatively, concern hidden in his eyes. “Is everything all right?”
“Yeah-Yeah,” Dipper manages to choke out, still taking shaky breaths and refusing to look the man in the eye. “I’m good.”
"Are you sure?"
Dipper pauses for a moment, but then nods slowly. “I’m okay, Great Uncle Ford.” His breath is starting to steady, and he takes his first deep breath. “Thanks. For everything.”
(Really, he’s okay.
‘Keep telling yourself that’, his brain taunts, and he sighs again.
He's fine.)
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Screw it, I made a Newsies/ Teen Wolf because I don't care, Teen Wolf is my all time favorite supernatural tv series and I stand by this.
Key: ☠️= dead, 🌻= alive, 💀= eventually dies, 🌹= dies and comes back to life
So here's my dumpster fire of an AU idea:
Jack Kelly as Scott McCall/True Alpha Werewolf(makes some questionable decisions to help his friends while also doing what's right. Was turned by Oscar)🌹
Racetrack Higgins as Stiles Stilinski/Human/Nogitsune(ADHD, unreasonably intelligent, spaz who is sometimes questioned because of his slight paranoia. Jack's foster brother)🌻
Sarah Jacobs as Allison Argent/Hunter(has a relationship with Jack for a little while until l the werewolf/hunter thing becomes and issue and they eventually breakup)☠️
Davey Jacobs as Chris Argent/Hunter turned Ally(except Davey and Sarah are still siblings instead of father and daughter and Davey eventually ends up with Jack)🌻
Albert DaSilva as Lydia Martin/Banshee(1, I did this because of the red hair and 2, Race and Albert's friendship works perfectly. Kind of a snob, dates Hotshot for a while before Hotshot moves. Extremely intelligent, plays dumb. Realistic.)🌻
Spot Conlon as Derek Hale/Beta to Alpha to Beta Werewolf/Shifting Wolf(they are literally the same person, fight me. Lost his family in a house fire set by Morris Delancey [trust me], helps Jack learn to be a werewolf)🌹
Medda Larkin as Melissa McCall(Badass mom who loves her children but also keeps him in check while almost dying? Yes)🌻
Bryan Denton as Dr. Alan Deaton/Druid(Jack's boss and mentor. Hides his knowledge about the supernatural until he's almost killed numerous times. Acts as a guide for Jack and his friends)
Hannah Veldheer as Coach Finstock/Human(economics teacher, lacrosse coach, cross country coach. Definitely has favorites when it comes to her players, although she does develop into a fair coach who cares about her team. Has a like/dislike attitude specifically towards Race, although it's because Race goes out of his way to prank her. Not completely stable mentally, she probably shouldn't be a teacher, but she also knows the school can't fire her because of budget and such)🌻
Smalls Hunt as Cora Hale/Beta Werewolf(since she's usually Spot's younger sister in most fics. She shows up after years of Spot thinking she died in the house fire)🌻
Oscar Delancey as Peter Hale/Alpha to Beta Werewolf(but he's a psychotic cousin because Peter was actually in a psych ward and fits the description of Psychotic, I promise he's not just called that because he's done a few bad things)🌹(many times)
Warden Snyder as Gerard Argent/Hunter(crazy, obsessive father to the Argent Twins who they have a restraining order against? Yes)💀
Morris Delancey as Kate Argent/Hunter/Were-Jaguar(Davey and Sarah's older brother. Has a brief relationship with Spot, sets fire to the Hale House to kill the werewolves. Gets turned after everyone thinks he died)🌹
Katherine Plumber as Isaac Lahey/Beta Werewolf (Jack's friend, was considered an enemy at one point when she was in Spot's pack, has a brief relationship with Sarah before something, um, happens[I'm sorry], travels to France with Davey briefly before returning to help Jack)🌻
Crutchie Morris as Liam Dunbar/Beta Werewolf (Jack takes him under his wing when Medda takes Crutchie in, accidentally turns him to a werewolf, has I.E.D[Intermittent explosive disorder, meaning when he's angry he's irrational], but he gets it under control with Jack's help)🌻
Sniper Wong as Vernon Boyd/Beta Werewolf (in Spot's pack before she's kidnapped by the Alpha Pack, best friends with Katherine, Smalls, Spot, and Buttons, enemy to friends with Jack just like Katherine)☠️
Buttons Davenport as Erica Reyes/Beta Werewolf(hardcore enemy to friend with Jack, very brief fling with Spot, had epilepsy before Spot turned him, tries to run away with Sniper to escape hunters but is kidnapped by the Alpha Pack)☠️
Jojo de la Guerra as Malia Tate/Were-coyote(was a coyote for years after watching his adoptive family die in a car accident he thinks he caused, becomes friends with Race while in an insane asylum, has a very brief sling with Race, finds out he's Oscar's younger biological brother, one of Jack's best friends)🌻
Ike Guzman as Ethan Steiner/Alpha to Beta Werewolf(Part of the Alpha Pack until he loses his alpha status, wants to be in Jack's pack, tries to prove himself, rational compared to his brother, runs away to England after something happens to his brother, dates Boots before leaving)🌻
Mike Guzman as Aiden Steiner/Alpha to Beta Werewolf(Part of the Alpha Pack until he loses his alpha status, also wants to be in Jack's pack, tries to prove himself irrationally, really likes Albert although Albert shuts him down after some of the things he's done, eventually becomes friends with Albert, redeems himself in the end)☠️
Hotshot Ferreri as Jackson Whittemore/Kanima/Beta Werewolf/Werewolf-Kanima Chimera(dates Albert for the longest time, egotistical, forces Spot to give him The Bite to change him, becomes the Kanima[deadly lizard thing that kills who he's told to], is eventually redeemed and becomes a werewolf, leaves for England after not being able to handle the chaos of his hometown, returns eventually while dating Ike)🌹
Boots Lowe as Danny Mahealani/Human(the chill guy that doesn't know anything about the supernatural until Hotshot tells him, pretend like he doesn't know, is literally the most chill guy you'll ever meet)🌻
Mush Meyers as Jordan Parrish/HellHound(sheriff's deputy, doesn't know about the supernatural until Jack tells him, doesn't like what he is for the longest time, helps save the day Countless times)🌹
Kid Blink as Sheriff Stilinski/Human(Is Race's biological older brother[Race knew Blink couldn't support both of them and he's okay with it, they still act like brothers], doesn't know about the supernatural for so long, chaotic af when it comes to Race, eventually dates Mush)🌻
Finch Cortes as Theo Raeken/Chimera/Beta Werewolf(friend to enemy to frenemy, tries to kill Jack many times, thinks he's doing what's right, sparks rift between Jack and Race because of Race's skepticism of Finch, creates Chimeras to make his own pack, eventually dates Crutchie)🌹🌹🌹🌹(it happens a few times)
Snitch Caspary as Hayden Romero/Chimera(briefly dates Crutchie, apart of Finch's "Pack", frenemy to friend with Crutchie after some childish fighting when they were younger)🌹
Specs Samuels as Mason Hewitt/Human/Beast Host(Crutchie's best friend and support system/ his partner in crime. Sort of like how Race is Jack's partner in crime.)🌹
Romeo Richardson as Corey Bryant/Chimera(foe to friend, dates Specs even when he's considered a foe to Jack and Liam. He can turn invisible on command and can also turn others invisible. He gets kidnapped and nearly dies when creatures known as Ghost Riders attack)🌹
Skittery Goorjian as Brett Talbot/Werewolf(Crutchie's friend to foe to friend. They fight a lot, but eventually find neutral grounds. Becomes a major Ally to Jack.)💀
And I almost forgot the most important character...
Snaps Walcott(Chaz Walcott's Brooklyn alter ego) as Greenburg aka the mysterious character that Coach Hannah always picks on no matter what even though she secretly thinks of them as one of her many Lacrosse children. Never actually seen on screen, only ever mentioned, could be a girl or a guy, the source of most of Coach Hannah's issues, secretly the best character ever.
I'm pretty sure I've missed a couple of characters, bit this literally covers Season 1 to Season 6. I low-key want to write a fic, but at the same time this is so freaking confusing.
Anyway, I hope anyone who loves Newsies or Teen Wolf or Both enjoys although it's confusing! Message me or send me and Ask if you have any questions!!!(make sure you specify that your questions or suggestions are for this AU please)
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lilaclily00 · 5 years
Apologies (2)
Reposting this part separately since I think most people missed it... Well, I’ve learned my lesson on reblogging to old chapters.
Danny Fenton secretly sort-of joins the family business.
Here’s Part 1!
AO3 link
@goinggoblin​ @pigte​
Part 2
Danny didn't know how it happened, but one of the shots he fired went into the portal and got it to start up. He stumbled back and blocked the burst of light from his face. He had finally adjusted and put his arms down by the time the footsteps bumbling down the stairs had stopped at his side.
"What's happening down he--" His mom paused as she stared into the green abyss in the wall.
"You fixed the portal, Danny-boy? You fixed it! It works!" Danny grunted as his father crushed him in a hug so suddenly he dropped the ecto-gun, which broke apart on impact with the ground. "That's my son!"
"How'd you do that?" Jazz asked, a little too skeptical, earning a glare from Danny as he was finally let go.
"Now, Jazz, you know your brother's very smart, too. It runs in the family." Their mom ruffled Danny's hair; he was still a little too focused on that ghost girl to appreciate it. He had no idea if she was still in the lab, or had run off to somewhere else in town, or made the escape back "home" through the portal the second she could. "Perhaps I should start having you kids help us in the lab more!"
Their dad patted the portal's rim affectionately. "Oh, it'll be a snap to get a new grant once we tell 'em this baby's on and running!"
"Now, Jack, we don't know if it even goes to the Ghost Zone yet," their mom chastised him gently, though excitement sparkled in her eyes. "Would you kids like to help run the tests?"
"Later. I think I'll head up to my room for a bit," Danny said, rushing up the stairs. He did not have the energy or patience for that right now. He also had to go inform Sam and Tucker about the ghost girl--he could count on them to help him deal with her if he ran into her again. No, when--he was not going to let her go without any consequences.
She had no right to ruin their lives. It only seemed fair to ruin her afterlife right back.
"Dude, are you sure about this?" Tucker peered over his best friend's shoulder, scrunching his nose at the otherworldly smell wafting from the box. Sam glanced back at the door of the shed, impatiently tapping her foot.
"What, you don't believe me?" Danny muttered, not quite hiding a bitter tone as he pulled contaminated, broken contraptions out from the next box. Where was that little laser, he swore it was in here...
"We do!" Sam protested, pulling at the wrists of her gloves. "I just--"
"Can't condone the use of violence, I know. It's not like it'll really hurt her, she doesn't have nerves," Danny reminded. He'd heard his mom say that about ghosts a while ago. He grinned when he recovered the laser at the very bottom, holding it out like a trophy then setting it aside.
"Well, yeah," she assented, frown forming, "but it also just seems a little too dangerous to use old equipment to hunt her down."
Tucker kneeled to help Danny throw the scraps back in. "Yeah, man. Your parents, the leading experts in ghost-hunting tech, thought this stuff wasn't worth keeping anymore."
"Because they don't have the time to fix them, not with trying to get their grants again, which are all for their newer projects." Danny slapped the top flaps of the box down and carefully laid the "CAUTION: ECTOPLASMIC WASTE" tape back over. "We, however, do have the time."
"Yup, time to contaminate ourselves for a senseless need for revenge." Sam crossed her arms, defiant as Danny stood up to face her, gloves tensed up into fists.
"You don't get it, do you? You don't even care, do you?!" Danny didn't notice his friends flinch. "We pretty much lost everything because of a ghost! They had all the anti-ghost systems on, but she somehow got through all of them! We can't take a ghost to court, and--" Danny closed his eyes and let out a huff. His friends didn't deserve to get yelled at like this. He opened them again, gaze fixed on his hazmat boots, then continued quieter, "And all the credibility my parents had is wiped out. The fact that the portal started will help, but still." He dropped down to the concrete floor of the shed, sitting as he pulled his glove off to scratch at his hair. "I haven't ever been into ghost-hunting, you know that, but my parents really don't deserve this. It's the only way I can help, you know?"
"Is... that why you haven't told them about the ghost girl?" Tucker shuffled to sit by his friend.
Danny nodded, glancing between his friends' wide eyes. "Yeah. I want to take her down myself."
School was surprisingly normal, except for Dash. Dash was acting weird.
With how distracted he had been on Monday, he hadn't noticed that Dash never bothered him, but it became increasingly noticeable over the next couple days. Danny passed by him and Kwan wailing on other kids in the halls, but he wasn't even acknowledged.
"Why is Dash ignoring me?" Danny whispered to his friends at Tucker's locker. "It's driving me crazy! I don't know what this means!"
"I'd take it as a stroke of luck and not question a good thing," Tucker shrugged as he poured notebooks into his backpack.
"But what if he's planning something big? Is there something I don't know about? What's going on?!" Danny cried out, pulling at his hair.
Sam swatted at his hand before he made any more of a scene. "I'm a little suspicious too. Nothing's ever stopped Dash before, though I wish you'd try harder to defend yourself." She glanced over at the bully himself, strolling down the hall towards them. "But I doubt there's enough room for big plans in his tiny brain."
"Hey, Foley!" Dash slammed Tucker's locker closed, leaning on it as he towered over the trio. "I've got a bad English grade to take out on you."
Danny was startled by how he nearly felt... offended. "Am I not good enough to be your personal punching bag anymore?!" he blurted out. Sam facepalmed as he put himself in front of Tucker to confront the blond.
Dash scrunched his nose as he studied Danny, a strange emotion in his eyes. "I made a deal to stop picking on you for a while." The three gaped, frozen. He continued with a smirk, "But it didn't say anything about your loser friends," as he side-stepped to grab Tucker's collar.
"With who? Why?" Danny asked as the shock wore off, but Dash was already dragging Tucker away, to Sam's protests. Why would someone do something like that for him now? Why would Dash go with it?
Oh. Danny swallowed, mixed emotions settling in his chest. Maybe more people knew about the lab accident than he thought. This very well could've been not just an act of kindness, but an act of pity. He didn't like that.
He opened his bedroom door with a sigh, ready to dig out the ghost weapons from under his bed and work on possibly getting them to function. He frowned when there was a box waiting on his desk. "I'd rather not have another surprise today," he groaned as he walked over. His interest was piqued by the note laying on top:
"For your ghost troubles. -V"
He cautiously opened the box, eyes widening at the goodies inside. "Maybe this is a good surprise," he corrected himself with a growing grin as he pulled out ghost-hunting equipment--new, clean, intact equipment, all painted black and icy blue.
"Look out, ghost girl." He playfully pointed one of the guns at the window. "You're gonna be sorry you ever messed with the Fentons."    
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