#dating iida would include...
froggyoyabun · 2 years
ღ [FR] Être en couple avec la Dekusquad (séparément) ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა ღ
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TW :
[Genré neutre]
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Izuku Midorya
ღ Dans le commencement de votre relation, Izuku est assez timide. Il voit votre couple comme quelque chose à protéger : il sent le devoir de se surpasser pour ne pas te décevoir. Ah, la peur de décevoir, parlons-en ! Izuku a tellement peur de ne pas être assez qu'il est prêt à déplacer des montagnes pour toi.
ღ La communication va être importante pour avancer. Une fois que vous vous serez posé pour en discuter, rassure le et dis lui qu'être lui-même est bien plus qu'assez ♡♡
ღ Il est soulagé, et dès ce moment c'est une nouvelle facette que tu découvres chez le héros en herbe : un Izuku confiant, avec bien plus d'assurance qu'avant. Tu le traites comme ton égal et il ne te remerciera jamais assez pour cela. Une fois bien à l'aise dans votre relation, il prendra lui-même des initiatives.
ღ Cependant il faut nuancer : il reste une vraie boule d'anxiété. Quand il t'invites à sortir il bégaie et s'essuie toujours deux trois fois les mains sur son jean avant de tenir les tiennes tellement elles sont moites !
ღ Fun fact : Un jour, pour votre premier anniversaire, il avait préparé LA journée parfaite. Mais il était si nerveux qu'il s'est mit à murmurer comme à son habitude, et c'est ainsi qu'il t'as dévoilé l'ensemble de son projet sans le faire exprès !
- Izuku : " W-Waaaah Y/N tu m-m'écoutes depuis quand ??? "
- Y/N : " Depuis le début Izu' "
- Izuku : " 🏃‍♂️💨💀😱 "
ღ Il réfléchit beaucoup trop. Parfois le soir, il se surprend à rester là, allongé dans son lit et fixant le plafond, lorsque l'envie lui prend soudainement de te dire à quel point il t'aime et que ce serait horrible si il en venait à être séparé de toi.
ღ Attends toi donc à recevoir une déclaration tirade entière sur à quel point tu es merveilleux/se et parfait.e et à quel point Izuku est chanceux de t'avoir.
ღ Au début de votre relation, il est vrai qu'Izuku avait du mal avec l'affection en publique, mais pas pour les raisons auxquelles on pourrait penser. Il était incertain de se montrer avec toi en publique, car il avait peur que tu aies honte de lui, dans le sens où il ne se trouve pas extrêmement beau ou charismatique mais que toi tu es littéralement un.e dieu/déesse/divinité qui selon lui mérite quelqu'un de son envergure et non quelqu'un "comme lui" :(
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Ochako Uraraka
ღ Le comportement d'Ochako en couple n'est pas très différent de celui qu'elle a avec tout le monde. Elle reste une fille simple, aimant les petits plaisirs !
ღ Pas besoin de sorties chères ou de cadeaux luxueux : c'est l'intention qui compte, et rien que le fait de passer du temps à tes côtés la satisfait amplement.
ღ Ochako te supportera peu importe tes décisions. Et j'insiste. Elle est ta fan numéro 1, et elle compte bien t'encourager pour que tu ailles jusqu'au bout de tes rêves ! Si tu es quelqu'un avec de l'ambition, Ochako est une parfaite partenaire ! Et si tu aspires à une vie simple et sans grand rêve extravagant, Ochako sera également ravie de chérir le moment présent avec toi ♡
ღ Très protectrice et bienveillante. Peu importe si tu es bien plus grand.e qu'elle et peut te débrouiller seul.e, elle viendra à ton secours peu importe l'adversaire ;)
ღ Ochako mène une vie assez modeste. Elle n'a pas beaucoup d'argent et, depuis qu'elle est à Yuei, elle a souvent dû se débrouiller seule financièrement parlant. Cependant, elle est ce genre de personne à considérer que, quand on aime, on ne compte pas.
ღ Attends toi donc à recevoir des petits cadeaux de temps en temps, elle te dira que c'est pour une occasion spéciale car tu as eu une bonne note, ou parce qu'elle a remarqué qu'en ce moment ça n'allait pas trop, mais la vérité c'est qu'elle pensait surtout à toi et voulait te faire une surprise ;)
ღ À moins que tu sois directement très à l'aise dans votre relation, saches que c'est elle qui va initier l'affection en publique. Elle fera le premier pas par exemple en effleurant doucement tes doigts avant de les entrelacer avec les siens. Et puis, si tu te retires car tu n'es pas à l'aise elle comprendra et ne te brusquera pas.
ღ Cependant si tu la laisse faire et qu'elle voit qu'elle a eu raison d'initier, sa main restera glissée dans la tienne et doucement, son corps se rapprochera du tien, avant de placer un baiser rapide sur ta joue, puis au coin de tes lèvres... et vos lèvres se rencontreront enfin : votre premier baiser en publique <3
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Iida Tenya
ღ Iida est un vrai addict du travail. Au début, il considérait tous ses sentiments pour toi comme une nuisance, voyant dans votre amour un élément perturbateur à ses études. Mais c'est en voyant un autre élève tourner autour de toi qu'il a réalisé qu'il pouvait te perdre à force de te repousser... et que ce n'est pas ce qu'il voulait ! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
ღ Il est évident que le délégué n'est pas du tout expérimenté en amour. Il tente des choses, comme des "soirées révisions". Si tu es un.e élève avec des mauvaises notes, il s'inquiétera pour tes études et il se peut qu'il te fasses des remarques, mais ne le prend pas mal ! Il ne veut en aucun cas te rabaisser : c'est sa manière (certes maladroite) de marier amour et études. Iida est quelqu'un qui apprend vite : explique lui que cela te dérange et il apprendra de ses erreurs !
ღ Iida est désespérément romantique. Avec lui, attends-toi à des cadeaux de bonne qualité (voire même de luxe quand il peut se le permettre). Il est plus diners aux chandelles que soirées Netflix, mais si c'est pour te voir sourire il n'hésitera pas à apporter un tas de couvertures pour s'installer confortablement à tes côtés devant un bon film („ᵕᴗᵕ„)
ღ Il prend votre relation très au sérieux. Il a tendance à se responsabiliser et à être dur avec lui-même. Votre relation est un trésor à protéger. Il a tendance à faire passer ton bonheur avant le sien, car te voir à ton aise et ce qu'il y a de plus important à ses yeux.
ღ Iida ne sort pas beaucoup, mais quand c'est le cas il préfère ne pas faire quoique se soit de romantique avec toi, et ce pour deux raisons. La première c'est que depuis ce qui est arrivé à son frère, sa plus grande peur et qu'on s'en prenne également à toi. La seconde, la moins fameuse hélas, est pour sa réputation. Iida par du principe qu'il peut croiser des futurs recruteurs ou même des proches dans le rue, et il ne voudrait absolument pas qu'on le voit tenir la main de quelqu'un : il trouve cela vulgaire et déplacé.
ღ Ceci me permet d'aborder un problème récurrent chez le délégué : son côté sévère et exigeant. Il ne le fait pas exprès. Il se met beaucoup trop de pression pour ses études, si bien qu'il en vient parfois à te négliger, et à faire passer ses études avant toi. C'est ce qu'il haït le plus chez lui. Il se sent tellement coupable... mais au fur et à mesure de votre relation il a heureusement appris à ne plus reproduire cette erreur.
ღ Encore maintenant il se surprend à repenser à la douleur dans ton regard alors que, plus tôt dans votre relation, il avait refusé pour la énième fois de faire une pause dans son travail pour passer du temps avec toi. À chaque fois qu'il y repense ça le prend aux tripes, et généralement il arrête ce qu'il était en train de faire pour te retrouver et encore s'excuser :')
ღ Attention ! Iida est quelqu'un de très éloquent : c'est une bête sauvage quand il s'agit de débattre. Il trouve les meilleurs arguments, et palabre avec autant de finesse que les plus grands sophistes et orateurs que ce monde a bien pu connaître. Cela signifie que tu as à tes côtés, quelqu'un qui te défendra et gagnera sans grand doute n'importe quel débat ou accusation qui pourraient être porté à ton encontre.
ღ Il te défendra corps et âme, son discours est structuré et il emploie un ton autoritaire sans être condescendant pour autant : un vrai Démosthène ! Tu dois également savoir qu'il se rangera de ton côté même si tu as tort et qu'il le sait : ton image est plus important que tout. Il ne laissera personne te rabaisser, n'hésitant pas une seule seconde à causer une scène dans les couloirs. Cependant si tu lui demandes de se calmer il cessera et t'éloignera du troupeau d'élèves curieux pour t'amener dans un endroit plus calme ♡
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Tsuyu Asui
ღ La manière de Tsuyu de montrer son affection pour toi : c'est plein de petits gestes que tu ne remarques que très difficilement. Un pot de fleur dans ta chambre a été déplacé ? C'est qu'elle a assimilée cet endroit comme un endroit familier, ou se réfugier et qu'elle se sent bien ici.
ღ Tu remarquera aussi des objets randoms qui apparaissent sans prévenir. Parfois un objet de décoration, parfois des friandises. Et d'autres jours, ce sera un dessin, une photo de vous deux encadrée etc. Cela signifie qu'elle se sent chez-elle !
ღ Tsuyu est généralement dans son monde. De nature rêveuse elle aime bien avoir son espace à elle et a parfois besoin de ne pas être dérangée. Elle a peut-être l'air un peu space mais sache que tu es toujours le.a bienvenu.e dans son monde <3
ღ Elle adore te faire pleins de choses mignonnes ! Souvent fabriquée par ses soins : tu ne le sais pas mais elle a une collection entière de petites figurines fabriquées avec des branches, des bouts de bois et d'autres fournitures qu'elle chérit comme un véritable trésor (même si ils n'égaleront jamais le.a vrai.e Y/N )
ღ En classe elle rêvasse beaucoup et ses pensées finissent toujours par t'être destiné ;) Les professeurs l'ont souvent réprimandés d'être dans la lune ^^"
ღ Dans ce genre de moment elle se met souvent à gribouiller des petits dessins de elle et toi sur son cahier :) Y/N, je t'annonce que, si ses destins deviennent réalité, vous aurez trois enfants, une grande maison, un lézard et des grenouilles, une voiture et un grand lit pour vous deux *^*
ღ Elle n'a aucun problème à se montrer affectueuse avec toi en publique. Si tu es un peu réticent.e ne t'en fais pas : elle a compris le message et ne poussera jamais tes limites. Elle ne doute pas de ton amour et comprend parfaitement que tu préfère avoir de l'espace. Mais si au contraire tu adores ça, elle ne se retiendra pas <3
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Shoto Todoroki
ღ C'est un amoureux calme. Ce qu'il aime dans votre relation c'est la stabilité qu'elle lui apporte. En ta présence il se sent chez-lui, il se sent à sa place.
ღ Sa manière de te montrer qu'il t'aime est assez différente de celle des autres : en effet, c'est en baissant sa garde à tes cotés qu'il te montre son affection. Il adore passer de longues heures l'un collé à l'autre, chacun vaquant à ses occupations, tolérant la présence de l'autre. Lui lisant un livre, toi sur ton téléphone : et quand tu te sentira fatigué.e, la tête calée contre son épaule, somnolant presque déjà, il remontera la couverture sur toi et reprendra sa lecture cette fois-ci à voix haute, te berçant doucement.
ღ Il est évident que Shoto souffre d'un manque d'affection lié à sa famille. À chaque caresses, à chaque baisers de ta part il est bouleversé. Au début il avait du mal avec l'affection physique, mais petit à petit il s'y est accoutumé et maintenant il en redemande sans cesse ;)
ღ Tu le surprends souvent planté là, à simplement te regarder. Mais son regard est spécial, et c'est ce qui fait que la plupart du temps, tu ne dis rien et continue ce que tu avais entreprit : oui, il te regarde avec une telle passion qu'il n'y a aucun doute : tu es tout pour lui ♡
ღ Une autre chose qui montre que tu es important.e pour lui est qu'il te considère comme un.e référent.e. Quand il a des doutes, besoins de conseils ou même des craintes, il se confie à toi. Si tu es quelqu'un qui a du mal à trouver des solutions ou bien donner des conseils, sache que tu n'as aucun soucis à te faire. Généralement Shoto à surtout besoin d'une oreille. Si tu l'écoutes c'est déjà bien assez <3
ღ Dans la rue Shoto s'est souvent montré réticent à te tenir la main, il avait toujours peur de croiser un membre de sa famille, et il savait que tu risquerai d'être sévèrement critiqué.e et dévisagé.e. Mais votre relation a évolué et il acceptait peu à peu de se montrer avec toi en publique, jusqu'au jour où il croisa son père. Tu retira ta main de la sienne bien vite, mais contre toute attente il t'en empêcha en resserrant son étreinte avant de continuer à marcher sans accorder un seul regard à son père :0
- " Shoto... tu es sûr que c'est ok ? Je veux dire... ton père nous a vu maintenant... "
- " Y/N. Je ne sais qu'une chose c'est que je t'aime. Tu es bien plus important.e à mes yeux que lui. Je ne veux plus jamais te cacher. "
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tired-teacher-blog · 3 months
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Virgin Pro hero Iida whose mind couldn't be less concerned about the subject despite him nearing his thirties.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who usually brushes off his friends' teasing words about him being "clueless around girls" and "surely to die alone" since his one and only goal in life is to be a hero worthy of carrying his brother's title, and nothing more.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who has the habit of scolding you each time you playfully ask him out on a date since he's just so used to everyone's mocking and believes it's what you're doing as well.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who is tragically unaware of your true feelings for him, and for someone who appears to be quite sharp and brainy, he constantly misses the longing gaze in your eyes.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who finally agrees to join you for dinner one evening just to shut you up and put an end to your pestering, only to wind up having a wonderful time with you, away from the usual stress of work.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who starts freaking out the moment he realizes that your soft voice and beautiful face are now hunting him, plaguing his every waking hour and rendering his mind a tangled mess, and the more he tries to deny it, the clearer it becomes that you are no longer just a dear friend to him, but potentially something a lot more than that.
Virgin Pro hero Iida whose peculiar tics seem to worsen around you, prompting your confusion as you watch him lose his composure before disappearing without a trace.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who secretly wishes you would ask him out again since he cannot bring himself to do it no matter how much he tries.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who almost yells his agreement when his wish finally comes true as you casually suggest having a drink together after work.
Virgin Pro hero Iida whose blush refuses to leave his face while he strives to keep his cool around you, beating himself up for seeming like a loser, but is unaware of how adorable he appears to you.
Virgin Pro hero Iida whose priorities start to shift and broaden a bit -to potentially include you- the moment your hand accidentally brushes against his own when walking you back home after your fourth date.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who can never explain the persistent heat waves washing over his body everytime you flash him a smile or call out his name, and in his confused virgin brain, it can only mean him suffering from an illness which seems to aggravate with your presence. Yeah, that must be it.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who almost breaks into laughter when he realizes the real reason behind his inexplicable state the moment you share your first kiss. It was never a virus or a mysterious syndrome that hit him, it was simply you all along.
Virgin Pro hero Iida whose arms shakily sneak around your waist and bring you against his toned chest to prolong this magical moment while your lips are moving perfectly together.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who's unaware of the prominent smile plastered across his face for days now, his eagerness is growing by the second and the feeling of your soft breath fanning over his face as you leaned back from the kiss, is still vivid in his memory.
Virgin Pro hero Iida whose body stiffens -but only for a second- the moment you invite him into your apartment with a suggestive glint in your eye. He's not stupid, and understands your intentions perfectly as they mirror his own, but his restlessness and excitement are messing with his brain and preventing him from voicing his approval, so much so that he ends up stiffly stepping inside without a word.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who's barely able to form a coherent thought all throughout the movie you suggested watching together, and whose only interest seems to be in the way your fingers are absentmindedly playing with his own.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who's just about reached his limit when you clumsily move to straddle his waist and claim his lips in a tender kiss as the end credits roll up the screen.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who curses under his breath when feeling his cock hardening against your restless hips, he wants more but is unsure of how to proceed, or if it is even possible for him to withstand your teasing without bursting in his pants.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who suddenly stands up while holding you in his arms, searching your eyes for a permission to carry you to bed, and stumbling his way there when you shyly nod an approval.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who lays you down gently and kneels before you, a deep flush reaching the tips of his ears as he racks his brain for what to do next.
Virgin Pro hero Iida whose blush undeniably grows when you start giggling at his clumsy state and softly ask him to follow your lead as you guide his moves.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who's a quick learner, promptly takes control and relishes the way your directing words jumble up with broken moans as you finally give in to him.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who is a gentleman, does his utmost to pleasure you, as best as his virgin body allows, and boy does he do that!
Virgin Pro hero Iida who whimpers loudly while feeling your warm walls squeezing him blissfully for the very first time, praying to God not to cum right then and there as the sensation is driving him insane.
Virgin Pro hero Iida whose tears are threatening to spill as he buries his face in the crook of your neck before giving in to them.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who cannot get enough of your warmth surrounding him, strokes, kisses and embraces you all night long while moving slowly and deeply into your heat and taking the time to explore your lustful body.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who breathlessly watches your enticing body splayed underneath himself with the hope of itching this heavenly image of you deep in his memory.
Virgin Pro hero Iida who is proud and elated to have you as his first, it was never about losing his virginity but rather, about experiencing it with the right person, and that is precisely who you are.
Divider by : @/cafekitsune
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lovelyiida · 1 year
mha marriage headcanons<3
INCLUDES: bakugo, iida, midoriya, denki, kirishima, sero
WARNINGS: implied fem reader, vulgar language, sexual themes.
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• the both of you always have hectic schedules...being pro heroes and all.
even when you guys are apart, you never shut up about each other. Especially bakugo whether that be interviews, events, etc. he's always about 'my wife my wife my wife.'
when both of you finally have time off, you need to be physically ripped off one another. hip to hip, chest to chest, lips to lips, you name it.
he loves it when he's finally able to relax from his hard days and come home and cuddle with his wife, he's not able to show his timid side all the time, he was so thankful for you.
you were the sun, moon, and stars for him. nothing you could do was bad in his eyes.
that's why if anyone ever talked shit about you, he'd lose his shit.
pull the "do you know who the fuck I am? Do you know who my wife is?"
he's just so happy to have you.
the. perfect. husband.
anything you want, you get.
hair? done. nails? did.
he feels bad that he's never really there due to him being the top pro hero. so he always makes sure you're taken care of.
multiple calls day and night, he loves to hear your voice...or moans.
loves to show you off when he can, usually at special events where he's able to bring a date.
"hey! have you met my wife? she's lovely isn't she?"
"yeah my wife and I have been married for three years now, she's the most perfect wife I could ever have!"
high school sweethearts, proposed at graduation.
had the biggest wedding out of everyone
values both of your privacy very deeply, one day he caught a peeping tom at your vacation villa. finding out that it was the paparazzi, he punched him square in the mouth.
wants kids, very, VERY, badly.
preferably 3 (2 boys and 1 girl).
if you ever were pregnant, he'd spoil you ROTTEN.
not one finger would be lifted.
sadly, Iida is the type to have favorites (he's a girl dad, no questions)
will do anything and everything for you, sometimes he does too much.
"I don't need your help, Iida"
"baby please."
he didn't love you at first...
forced into a quirk marriage, it was cold, quiet, and lonely.
things would be so awkward, laying in a bed with a stranger that you are miraculously married to.
he knew that you didn't want your marriage to turn out like this, not speaking to each other only when necessary, empty conversations, and no signs of love or adoration besides a hand held in public outings.
so he decided to get to know you.
sooner than later, your relationship began to blossom into a beautiful relationship. the both of you felt like teenagers falling in love, the bond you discovered was so deep and intimate, it was love at second sight.
he became absolutely smitten for you, so smitten, he decided he wanted to get re-married. and you gladly complied.
he cried seeing you walk down the aisle, he honestly cried the whole wedding. he was so thankful for a woman like you in his life.
beautiful marriage, a happy home , and way too many kids. six youngsters in total, 4 girls and 2 boys.
no one expected you to have so many kids, he just can't help to be all over your beautiful body.
from the loud tea partys with sharp plastic tiaras and itchy too-toos, to the late video game nights, he loves every moment with his children. and to top it off, he gets to kiss you goodnight.
even though you two have so many children, they have never been seen by the public. only photos of them when they were just born.
if he ever found out that his children were exposed to the media, he will go apeshit.
loves all of his kids, there are no favorites in this household.
but if he did have a favorite, it would be you.
also, high school sweethearts, split up before graduation but got back together two years later.
it took a couple of years before Denki popped the big question, he wanted to be sure about your relationship before he made such a big commitment.
the proposal was intimate and private, just like the wedding. only your and his closest friends and family could attend. he wanted to make sure things were absolutely perfect.
the both of you are the peoples' favorite couple, always seen on variety shows/competitions.
CANNOT keep his hands off of you, no matter where you are.
in private or in public, his hand would be on your lower back when standing, or when you'd be sitting next to him he would rest his head on top of yours whilst his hand caressing your thigh.
from someone who is known to be of higher energy, he loves that he's able to be his calmer self around you.
he just can't get enough of you.
the last to marry
he loves you SO MUCH
he also had a big wedding, but the honeymoon was amazing, so amazing, it became the reason why you had two beautiful children today.
while they may not be angels, they are yours.
sometimes sero and your little devils would play pranks on you, hearing their loud giggles and tiny footstep ran away from you, it was annoying but you loved it.
sometimes you would come home from a patrolling shift and see sero singing the kids to sleep as he softly strings at his guitar.
you think to yourself how you wouldn't have it any other way.
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hello guys!!! glad to be back for a little, I know I've been gone for a long time but I've been in school and it's currently beating my ass. hopefully I'll have more time to write soon.
also, like my new user and theme??
- lovleyiida<3
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viburnt · 4 months
First kiss || MHA headcanons
Characters: Iida Tenya, Shigaraki Tomura, Kaminari Denki, Mina Ashido
Trigger warning: Self-esteem issues on Shigaraki's part.
Iida Tenya
• Iida is just too much of a proper and decent guy to initiate a kiss, even if his lips are itching to have a taste of yours. He thinks, thinks, thinks, and thinks... but no matter how much his brain tries, Tenya simply can't figure the right way to approach something like that.
• He wishes his brother could give him advice, but since he is not there for him anymore, he guesses his friends could help him out. Izuku suggests to watch a romantic movie and copy what they do there (the dork), while Ochako tells him to simply invite you for a date and let things be. Shōto outright says Iida should ask for one.
• Iida takes you to a little movie date, carefully picking one that would give him the right mood to make a move. Your head rests on his shoulder while his arm is wrapped around you, and when the moment comes... soda. Iida accidentally spills his soda over your clothes.
• He feels so dumb and clumsy, apologizing over and over as the people around shush him quiet. You go to the bathroom to clean yourself and he follows suit. Iida is slowly entering into a manic episode, blaming himself as if it was the end of the world.
• When you come out, he just looks at you ashamed. You assure him there was no problem, that it was an accident but Iida doesn't listen and stammers his thoughts out (including how he just wanted to kiss you).
• You blink once, twice, and thrice, asking him to repeat his words as he covers his mouth. It is then that Iida reluctantly confesses he'd asked his friends for help, but that he had screwed his plan up.
• The smile on your lips calms down Iida, and you tell him he should've just asked (props to Shōto! He was right for once). Tenya's cheeks turn into a deep hue of red, splashing his ears and neck too; you step closer, hold his hand and tell him to go with the flow.
• His first kiss is brief, chaste and sweet; befitting of Iida. You're not surprised of the softness of his lips, and while you wanted to continue, the kiss comes to an end soon to avoid overwhelming him. The way his smile trembles after it is simply adorable, his hands doing robotic movements in nervousness; you take his hand and go back to the movie.
"I'm still sorry for spilling my drink over you. Please, let me send it to the cleaners." Iida offered, holding your hand as the two exited the cinema. "There's no need, really! I'l just wash it later." You declined, smiling at him with enamored eyes. "Then I'll make sure to buy you another shirt."
Giggling, you shook your head. "Iida Tenya, stop that. There's no harm done, plus, I think there are more things to care about than a soda stain," you winked. Iida looked at you a little puzzled, just to then realize what you were talking about. "Oh..."
"How about a second kiss?"
Shigaraki Tomura
• He is very self aware of his body and quirk, often thinking of himself lowly even when you reasure him there's nothing about him you wouldn't like. Tomura frequently shies away from your touch, limiting his interactions with you to verbal affection (the only moments where he allows you to be physically close is when there's a barrier like clothes, but even then he is very reluctant).
• Shigaraki fears that you could find him gross and allows his thoughts to cloud his mind, but you take it as a challenge to gradually wreck the walls he's built around him. He is your boyfriend after all, and you want to share all kind of things with him.
• Tomura's releasing his nerd rage over the microphone of his headset when you have the brilliant idea of kissing him for the first time. The man's sitting on the floor while you sit on the edge of his bed, your thighs around his head as the screen of the T.V turns black: Game over, retry? He groans, tossing the controller nearby as he turns off the console in frustration.
• You tell him you know what could make him feel better, patting his head with mischief; he looks at you and rolls his eyes, listening closely whatsoever. When the word kiss leaves your mouth, he sees himself out of the room; you don't take offense of it considering it wasn't the first time a reaction like that happened (bear with him, his heart just can't). Tomura returns a minute later with the most flustered face you've ever seen.
• He asks if you're for real, and you nod; he asks again, and you continue nodding. Before he tries to ask for a third time, you stop him and explain that you do want to kiss him. Tomura simply can't grasp the idea but he guesses he could try. You ask him to close his eyes and let you work.
• The kiss is tender, you can feel him tense and gradually relax as time passes. You caress his cheeks, play with his hair and when he least expects it, you finish. Shigaraki is speechless and refuses to even look at you for a couple moments, but he asks if you can do it again.
"You know you are a freak for even liking me, right?" He snarks, resting his head on your lap many kisses later. You just laugh, brushing the mess you made on his hair while making out, "Am I now?" Tomura looks away flustered and then returns his gaze to you. "No... But I still think you're weird for kissing me that much." Raising a brow, you clean some lipstick marks off him, "I'm not the one losing videogame matches to get kisses"
Kaminari Denki
• To say Kaminari is a bundle of energy would be an understatement. He is touchy, expressive, and often likes to hang out on your personal space; it's his form of showing how much he likes you, and that includes "joking" about kissing you (he is not joking in any way, he just panics and disguises his words as playful banter).
• Denki is just scared that he might not be a good kisser, which is why he stops himself from being serious about his words. He wants his first kiss with you to be special, something nice that you remember with joy not embarrassment. Sero just tells him that he should relax and let things flow, otherwise the chances of really ridiculing himself get higher.
• It is during a date to the game arcade that Kaminari decides to finally let things happen. He is hitting all the high scores in the machines to earn a decent prize for you at the shop (which considering how exorbitant the amount of tickets are needed for a simple candy, it's an achievement), winning some time to mentally prepare for what's bound to happen.
• You are having a blast, laughing and having fun to your heart's content when Kaminari suggests taking pictures in a nearby photo booth (he just wanted to be in private with you). He pulls you close to him, looking at the camera lens and throwing silly faces and poses; Denki looks at you while your attention is on the screen and places his hand on your cheek. The photos forgotten as you look at each other, heart's beating in unison.
• The kiss is clumsy, his lips practically crashing against yours as he basks on the softness of yours; you can feel a slight zap on your lips too. The moment reminds you of how sometimes puppies make a mess when they are offered food, scattering it everywhere in a desperate attempt to take everything they can. You don't mind at all.
• It's effervescent, natural, genuine, all the words that describe Kaminari to perfection. You giggle a bit, making Kaminari worry, but after you assure him everything is more than fine, he continues. The moment is so real to you two that even Denki starts smiling and chuckling against your lips.
• Yes, it may not be the perfect kiss to others, but it is to you and him (and the people outside the booth that had to awkwardly wait while you two finished). Oh, and you have it on pictures too!
"Ah, look at this one! We look so dumb, haha," you laugh, sharing the photo strip with Denki. He snorts and cackles at the picture, placing it in his wallet. "We should really make an album of all our kisses", he suggests, watching you nod in agreement. "Sounds like a great idea, not gonna lie. Just don't keep me waiting for the next kiss, I was starting to worry there was something wrong with me!" You chirp, teasing the blond; his cheeks just flush in response, "Sorry, I just didn't want to screw up".
Tag list: @doumadono @trickster-kat @dabislittlemouse @angelshimaa @shonen-brainrot @imaginationmess @shionancientsblog
244 notes · View notes
moumouton4 · 1 year
may I request a ‘being in a secret relationship’ with izuku and shoto? (separate of course lol) it can be headcannons, short scenario, etc
one certain day, someone (could be anyone!) from class 1A finds out somehow? and tells the rest of the classssss-
I randomly thought about this-
If you don't want to do this it's fine lmao
Secret Relationship Headcanons || MHA characters x reader
A/n : I love these random thoughts ! They always make my day 😍✨
Including : Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki
Warning : fluff, making out, mention of other characters, secret relationship but you get exposed 👀
Masterlist ⚜
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 1988
Izuku Midoriya :
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He has many reasons to be in a secret relationship with you. Far from being ashamed of you, on the contrary, he still wonders how a someone as awesome as you ended up with a Deku loser like him
You're his little marvel ✨
But being with him is very dangerous, and he was fully aware of it after the second attack of the League of Villain at the training camp... a week after you got together
You decided to wait for at least the double before making it official but this event made izuku wonder. And being the smart boy he is and knowing the fact that the One For All was going to make him a target of choice for the villains, he decided to keep your relationship secret
(( Of course before his vigilante era because in that case I sincerely think he will break up with you to be 100% sure you will be safe... he will watch over you from the shadows ))
But you are far from it for a long time :')
The attack at the training camp had one advantage according to you two, the setting up of the dormitories !
Now it's like you live together
Well, you had to hide from the others but in theory it was quite easy
Knowing that you met exclusively at night, to discuss your respective days or your fears of the future
At the beginning, being the respectful and shy boy that he is, he would only come and chat with you, have a good laugh and then he would kiss your cheek and tiptoe back to his room
Until one day you got tired of him being respectful and kissed him and pulled him into bed with you to cuddle
Turned out you made out after 10 sec at looking at each other in silence
He was so red you could see him glow in the dark
You're personal little Rudolph
Honestly you were doing your stuff quite discreetly, it's not like anyone could guess unless they saw Izuku coming out of your room early in the morning
And it was much more convenient and pleasant to fall asleep with him in your arms or vice versa than to fall asleep with the phone in your hand after hours of discussion through cameras
The day nothing could give away your little secret either
At first you didn't have the same group of friends. He spent his time with Uraraka, Iida and Todoroki while you spent your time with Mina, Hanta, Denki, Eijiro and Katsuki
The few times you and Izuku were together during the day were during training or lunch
But for most people it was just friendship and he probably pestered you with tons of questions about your alter
Well, most of the people but not the explosive Katsuki Bakugo, who considered you as his sister since you interfered with the lov so he wouldn't get kidnapped that night
In short he had a lot of respect for you and even if he hid it well, he was always looking forward to your exciting discussions
However, that day he did not see you in the canteen with the rest of the Bakusquad
"The hot headed isn't here ?" ( a little nickname he had given you since the fight at the training camp )
"I think she went to lunch with Izuku" answered Eijiro while pointing to a table not far from theirs
"Oooooh ! They are so cute !" squeaked Mina
"Ughhh I'm sick of it at this rate I could never date Y/n" whined Denki ( almost wrote my name there pfff )
"What did you say you joker ?!?" yelled Katsuki grabbing Denki by the collar
"No nothing- nothing ! Didn't say a word"
Katsuki was very protective of you and that's what drew his attention to you and Izuku in the first place
His charp attention allowed him to see that during the training Izuku never went to 100% of his strength with you while he was doing it casually with the other girls. And you were far from needing it
So Katsuki kept an eye on you for a week, trying to find out if anything suspicious was going on
( A/n : Jeez Katsuki 😂
"Huh ? What did you say nerd ?!?"
"Kiyaa nothing" runs out of UA )
He had already noticed that the door of Izuku's room - which was not far from his - opened systematically at around 7 in the morning, that is to say about 30 minutes before everyone had to get up
But everything became much clearer the following Friday night
Class 1-A had decided to have a movie night as usual and for the first time Katsuki decided to stay in order to solve the mystery
And that's when he saw something he could never have imagined
While you were sitting on one of the sofas with Izuku by your side one of his hands came to rest on your thigh and you turned your head to give him a smile which he shyly replied
Soon all the heads turned towards the blond who had just released a small explosion without noticing
"This is a joke !" he thought
After that we declared to take a break from the movie while everyone went to the bathroom or to get more snacks
You were also going to get some popcorn leaving Izuku alone on the couch
Katsuki took advantage of this and grabbed Izuku by the collar and dragged him into the corridor before tackling him to the wall
"How long have you two been messing with us ?!?"
"W-what ? I don't understand what you're talking about argh" Izuku pretended not to understand
"I hope your intentions are good nerd or I'll exolode your stupid face" he shouted
And as Izuku was about to push Katsuki to get out of his grip, you appeared behind Katsuki and grabbed him by the shoulders "Don't worry, it's going to be okay"
The explosive sighed and let go of Izuku before his bright red eyes landed on you "I better not scrap you off the ground"
With Vigilante Deku though...
The yelling of your brother from another mother has attracted the rest of the class who are looking at you with round eyes
"Uh what is it ?" asked Mineta
And as Katsuki was about to yell that it was none of their business you took Izuku's hand in yours and spoke up "We're dating"
Everyone gasped in unison, hand over mouth
"Since when ?" asked Momo
Izuku blushed deeply and scratched the back of his head "P-practically 1 year-"
"A Y E A R !!!"
Apart from that the news went pretty well... that doesn't mean that Katsuki will stop mothering you any time soon
Shoto Todoroki :
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He too has good reasons to keep your relationship a secret
The first one being that he is the son of a famous hero and he absolutely does not want your relationship to be torn apart by his old man's reputation or status
Secondly, he doesn't want his father to find out either, he's sure he'd tell him how you're not right for him and how much better he needs you
Which would result in a violent outburst from Shoto that no one would have ever seen
(( Then there is also the Dabi problem which would make you a potential target for the lov but that's a future proble 😅 / cries ))
However I think he would tell Fuyumi about it, I'm even sure. For the simple reason that he is dense and sentimentally constipated / affectionate So he will need all the help in the world in his relationship with you before he eventually gets the hang of it
In itself it wasn't really a problem from that point of view. As he didn't like the atmosphere in his house he preferred to spend time with you outside, walking in the woods or fields rather than rotting inside
He even managed to bring Fuyumi with him one day during one of your walks and you could meet his wonderful big sister, with whom you got along very well right away
"Now I understand why Shoto talks about you all the time" she told you
You swear you have never seen your boyfriend so red in your life, it's as if his scar has disappeared
Apart from this you both felt at times a lack of each other
That is to say that the affectionate looks exchanged in class or during the training or the lunch surrounded by your friends but still separated by the big table prevent you to bloom as you wish
It's only when the dormitories in the academy was decreed that you could finally spend a lot of time together
His discretion allowed him to slip away without being noticed during the breaks
But you also found an opening to get away when your friends proposed activities such as movie nights, board games, video games
That's how, by declining Mina's invitation to the movie night, you managed to find yourselves alone for the evening
It had been a long, long time since you had been alone together
And it was due to the intensive succession of the courses and trainings imposed by Aizawa who didn't go easy on you
In short it was an understatement to say that you had missed each other
And knowing the effect you had on Shoto, it was not surprising that he literally jumped on you, the moment you had moved away from the dormitory complex
He was thirsty for your affection and that's how you found yourself pinned to a tree, his hands firmly holding your hips as he kissed you fiercely
"I kiss missed kiss you kiss so kiss much kiss"
When you both found yourself dizzy from lack of air, you parted, your hands still nestled in his mismatched hair
He gave you a smile with crinkled eyes you'd only seen on his face on special occasions
Your eyes locked with his and before you knew it one of his hands was on your cheek, pulling your lips to his once more
You ran your tongue over his bottom lip to intensify the kiss
"Huh ? What's going on here ?"
This made him jump back separating him from you in an instant. You squeaked at the sudden question from Denki
"Erm nothing…" you replied
After clearing his throat Shoto asked "What are you doing here ?
"Ah I heard noises, like moaning and thought someone was hurt- IS THAT LIPSTICK THAT YOU HAVE ON YOUR MOUTH ?!? OOOOOOOOH !!!" he said pointing at you both with his fingers
Shoto turned pale and turned to you, his eyes widened at the sight of your own smeared lipstick on your lips "Do I have some too ?" he asked in a small voice
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Denki running away so you ran after him leaving Shoto in the lurch. You grabbed Denki with your quirk and tackled him to the ground "You won't tell anyone" you said in a threatening voice
He nodded and you let him go
Shoto suddenly appeared behind you "Will you be alright ?"
You gasped "As long as you're ok I'm ok"
He pulled you to him and kissed your forehead "Then we'll be fine"
As expected, once he arrived in the dormitories Denki whispered to Eijiro, Hanta and Mina what he had just seen
And Mina told it to the girls
15 minutes later Shoto and you arrived in the common room and all heads turned to you as the movie stopped leaving you all in an awkward silence
"Icy Hot !!!"
Shoto looked at him with an indifferent look before seeing you speeding past him towards the blonde who had just run off "DENKI !!!"
A/n : I hope you guys liked it ! 🥯🌯 Again my requests are open 🥗🥙
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl, @jane57sstuff
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laceswan · 10 months
Fic Recommendations <3
Stray Kids
1-am, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, fluff-@northsoulss
Closer than Friends, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, fluff- @dreamescapeswriting
Invisible Ties, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, childhood friends to lovers, hurt/comfort, fluff- @starseungs
7:30 pm, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, so much fluff- @dreamyyeosang
Lipgloss, Kim Seungmin x gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @hanjisick
Movies, photographer!Kim Seungmin x model!gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @comet-falls
Wanted if Forever, Kim Seungmin x fem!reader, angst, fluff ending, hurt/comfort- @miel-ji
(Untitled Christmas headcannons), Kim Seungmin x fem!reader, fluff- @sunboki
Dense, Bang Chan x fem!reader, angst- @sunwoowrites
Yeah, Flowers Follow, Seo Changbin x florist!fem!reader, fluff- @catiuskaa
Breakup HCs, Maknae line (hyung line is linked) x fem!reader, ANGST- @dazed—xx
Soft hours tag @rachalixie
Stray Kids Fic Rec List @insidetheravens
(Untitled first kiss drabble), Choi San x gn!reader, fluff, mild spice- @bubblyyeonjun
i'm glad i have you with me, Choi San x fem!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, childhood friends to lovers, slow burn- @mybelovedwoo
Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Hidden Messages in Foreign Languages, Regulus Black x fem!reader, fluff- @applebutter-and-cinnamon
Sleepy, Regulus Black x gn!reader, fluff- @queerpumpkinnn
so tired, Regulus Black x gn!reader, hurt/comfort- @gilmore-angel
Falling, Regulus Black x fem!ravenclaw!reader, fluff- @ardisia-florence-james
Kissing with Regulus Black would include, Regulus Black x fem!reader, fluff- @angelblacksmith
The Brothers Black, Regulus Black x fem!reader, slight angst, fluff- @sufferingstarlight
A Snake and his Little Bird, Regulus Black x fem!sunshine!reader, some angst, hurt/comfort- @robynlilyblack
Regulus Black Masterlist- @messers-moony
Deadly Favors, Theseus Scamander x gn!reader, angst, fluff ending- @spideyharrington
The Legend of Vox Machina (Critical Role)
(Untitled proposal fic), Percy de Rolo x gn!reader, fluff- @saphirered
Floriography, Percy de Rolo x fem!OC, fluff- @leopardfang15
In the Glade, Percy de Rolo x gn!reader, fluff- @finn-writes-stuff
Your Soldier, Knight!Takami Keigo x Princess!reader, Royalty AU, fluff- @livlivlivliv
Crimson and Cloves, Todoroki Shoto x fem!reader, Hanahaki AU, angst- @gcpards
(Untitled drabble), Shinsou Hitoshi x gn!reader, so much angst, major character death, fluff ending- @alienaiver
Iida Tenya Masterlist, CONTAINS SOME SMUT YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED- @lovinkiri
HQ Masterlist- @215-luv
HQ Imagines Masterlist- @arhvste
(Untitled drabble), Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn!reader, fluff- @kentolove
Touch-Averse, Sakusa Kiyoomi x fem!reader, angst, hurt/comfort, fluff ending- @watevermelon
You Look Pretty When You Do the Laundry, Sakusa Kiyoomi x gn!reader, fluff- @otoyastoy
I Need to Talk to You, Akaashi Keiji x fem!reader, fluff- @otoyastoy
JuJutsu Kaisen
Sweet Love, Nanami Kento x gn!reader, fluff- @haruchuiyo
Kitchen Charm, Domestic!Nanami Kento x gn!reader, fluff- @itsfairly
rich bf nanami headcannons, Nanami Kento x impliedfem!reader, fluff- @kiyoily
Star Wars
If Only pt. 1 (part 2 is linked), Obi-Wan Kenobi x gn!reader, angst- @make-me-imagine
(Untitled breakup drabble), Poe Dameron x gn!reader, angst- @never—doubt
The Arrival of the Pilots, Poe Dameron x gn!reader, mild angst, fluff- @gawaaine
Insomnia, Jasper Hale x fem!human!reader, fluff- @junkdrawerfics
Heartbeat, Jasper Hale x fem!human!reader, fluff- @3vergr3en
Squid Game
Eliminated, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, fluff- @sweetenercode
Dating HCs, Hwang Junho x fem!not korean!reader, fluff- @sophiewritesworld
The World Will Suffer, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, angst- @philomaay
Dating HCs, Hwang Junho x gn!reader, fluff- @saebyeoked
Real People
when you fall asleep, Chris Evans x actress!reader, fluff- @imyourbratzdoll
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pumpkin-cake · 1 year
U.A. Boys - Dates With Them
(includes izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, shoto todoroki, tenya iida, eijirou kirishima, denki kaminari, mezo shoji, fumikage tokoyami, mirio togata, tamaki amajiki)
warnings - none
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midoriya doesn’t really need to do anything fancy to have a great time with you!
he’s up for whatever you feel like doing, whether that’s a movie date or going for a picnic.
during whatever date, he’ll always find a way to start rambling about whatever crosses his mind. Whether that be heroes or how incredible you are.
he is VERY stressed throughout
wants to impress you!
midoriya ALWAYS asks if he can initiate touch with you
“um…do you think we can hold hands..?”
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“tch, a date? yeah, whatever. let’s just go to my place. we don’t need some fancy restaurant, i can do WAY better!!”
doesn’t let you lift a single finger while he prepares dinner for you
like midoriya, katsuki wants to impress you, but will never ever admit it
you eventually inquire why he was so persistent on cooking instead of just taking you somewhere
“oh please! i can make better food than whatever crappy place you probably wanted to go to!”
turns out, he was absolutely right
he smirks at the stars in your eyes when you take the first bite
“told ya.”
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his brain froze
what did people do for dates?
immediately he texted midoriya
he was told to take you to a place you might like to go
maybe…the beach?
shoto regretted it as soon as you showed up
not because of anything bad!
you just looked amazingly stunning in your swimsuit- he didn’t think he could handle it
his eyes widened, quickly getting himself together as you came over to the spot where he had set up his own towel, an umbrella, and a cooler filled with drinks and snacks, just in case you needed them
you didn’t use the drinks much, instead requesting he use his right side to cool you off
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you instantly shut down his idea of a study date
screw that, you wanted to do something fun!
iida insisted he treat you, so he took you to a restaurant
absolutely the best gentleman the world had ever seen
opening any door for you no matter what, kindly pulling out your seat, and asking frequently if everything was going alright or if you needed anything
when the food came out, he instantly noticed yours was wrong, and was highly puzzled when you started to eat it anyway
he called the waiter over politely, ignoring your pleas for him to just leave it
“excuse me, we’re sorry to bother you, but my partner here didn’t get the food they requested. may they get the correct dish?”
your face was beet red, extremely embarrassed, but the waiter was very apologetic, and your correct food was out very quickly
thank god for iida and his non-fear of socializing
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GYM DATE !!!!!!!!!
he was so hyped, it was absolutely adorable
you weren’t as much of a gym-rat as eijirou was, but you were willing to let him teach you the ropes
his encouragement meant everything
“you’re doing so much better than i expected! well I obviously expected you to do great, but you’re doing AMAZING!”
you were very sweaty and gross, but he didn’t say a single word about it, making sure you stayed hydrated and spotting you during certain activities
when you finished your workout, he took you to a nice park and the two of you had lunch he had made, enjoying each other’s company
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i have this headcanon that denki skateboards
luckily, it was relatively empty when you two arrived, and denki was immediately on his skateboard littered with stickers
you, with roller skates, followed him and the two of you were zooming around like nothing could stop you
unfortunately, something did, and some idiot ran right into you and caused you to fall and scrape your knee
kami was pissed
“HEY! watch where you’re going!”
quickly came to your aid and cleaned the wound with the water bottle he brought and make sure to take good care of you
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shoji would rather cut off one of his arms than go out anywhere in public
he really hated people gawking at him due to his “ugly” quirk
so, the two of you had a nice movie date!
you had set up a huge blanket fort large enough to fit both you and shoji in it, and stocked up on snacks and drinks
after agreeing on a movie, the two of you got comfortable
eventually, you couldn’t keep your eyes open and shoji felt a sudden weight on his shoulder
while you peacefully slept, he gingerly took you in his arms, cradling your sleeping figure
when you woke up, you were in his dupli-arms, and he was fast asleep, so you chose to just go back to sleep too
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dark shadow INSISTED you guys do something at night
he wanted to participate too!
after fumikage and dark shadow argued for a bit, you came up with the idea of a fireworks show that was coming up
both birdies compromised and agreed
although the fireworks show was very popular, and immediately dark shadow got uncomfortable with the crowd
plus, you could hardly even see the fireworks :(
“come on, we can get a better view”
without another word, dark shadow latched onto fumikage’s back and he grabbed you and held him to his chest, and the three of you flew into the air
you shrieked, but it was over fast as you landed on a building with the perfect view of the fireworks, and the three of you sat there in awe
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it was like he turned into a ten year old
he excitedly rambled to you while he drove, talking about all the rides and games he wanted to do with you
it was so cute
you made sure to stop him and have him put on sunscreen before you guys went into the park
while mirio was chatting about where you guys should go first, you were actually taking the time to grab a map and plan everything out
you were convinced mirio would get lost if you didn’t have a plan
if you were afraid of any ride, he’d instantly encourage you that he would be there if anything happened
you had the time of your life on the rollercoasters with him, his infectious laughter filling you with pure joy the entire day
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you weren’t a sadist, but it was quite funny seeing tamaki struggle at the ice rink
you convinced him to go ice skating with you, assuring him you would teach him and hold his hands on the ice
he was quaking as soon as his skates were put on, legs wobbling as he stood up on the blades
you offered your arm and he gripped it tightly, anxiously stepping with you to the ice
he about slipped as soon as he went onto the ice, and it took you about ten minutes to coax him off the wall
you skated backwards with both his hands in yours, calmly encouraging him and giving him tips on how to move his body
he eventually got the hang of it, and he upgraded to skating next to you while holding only one of your hands
once you stepped off the ice, he actually looked like he had fun, a cute smile on his face
“let’s go there again sometime..!”
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faulty-writes · 11 months
Could you please do a follow up to that one story with the super flustered Iida? The one where reader worked in support and knew he was in love with her? Maybe the follow up includes him finally confessing
[ I hope you mean this one dear @mommyfw3nd requested because that's the one I'm going with! I'm sure they won't mind me tagging them since this request is a continuation of the request they requested. Anyways, this was fun to write. ]
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"I don't care, it has to be done! It's obvious how he feels about Y/n!" Ashido said, ignoring the fact that Uraraka was clinging to the back of her shirt to prevent her from marching down the hall to Tenya's room. Uraraka pleaded, "B-but you can't force him to admit his feelings for Y/n!"
Izuku nodded and walked in front of Ashido to block her. "I...I agree, Iida is...well it's difficult to..." he glanced away, scratching his cheek. There were so many thoughts in his head, and deciding the right course of action in this situation was tricky.
"I think...maybe if he c-could be put in t-the right situation with Y/n that would h-help" he explained. "Well, how can we get that to happen?" Ashido asked with her arms crossed. Uraraka sighed in relief and let go of Ashido's shirt, before tapping her lips in thought.
It was challenging to match Tenya's intellect, let alone help him be with the one he clearly loved. "What if we tried to set them up on a date but don't tell them it's a date?" she suggested, feeling shy when her friends looked at her.
"A date!?" Ashido exclaimed, but her smile faded seconds later. "How will we convince Tenya to go on a date but not date, with Y/n?" she asked. "Maybe Deku and I could ask Iida to hang out and convince him to invite Y/n to come along, then from there we can get them alone," she explained.
"That always works in the movies, and I don't think Iida could refuse, right Deku?!" she asked, looking at him with a smile. "I...I don't know if t-that's the best idea, I um..." he rubbed the back of his head, glancing at the ceiling.
"Oh, come on!" Uraraka said, approaching him. "It'll be fun!" she exclaimed before Ashido pointed her finger at his face. "We will help Iida whether you like it or not! He and Y/n deserve to be together!" she proclaimed, crossing her arms again.
"Besides, they spent the whole day together in the park before!" she shouted before pressing her hands against her chest. "And Iida came home lovestruck!" A soft flush tinted her cheeks as she sighed contentedly. "That's the kind of magic we need to recreate, but this time with a little PUSH!" she shouted with a grin.
"But how are we going to get Y/n to come? They're always so busy with their work?" Uraraka replied. "Hmm..." Ashido grasped her chin, tapping it lightly with her finger. "Maybe we can get Hatsume to convince them," she suggested, making Izuku and Uraraka flinch.
"Hm, what's the matter with you two?" she asked with her hands on her hips. "N-nothing!" Izuku replied, holding his hands up. "It's just..." He paused, how could he explain that he was terrified to see Mei considering the many incidents that have occurred in her presence?
Izuku nodded in agreement when Uraraka remarked, "Hatsume is just a lot to handle!" Ashido rolled her eyes. "I don't care!" She said, pointing at them. "This is for Iida! Talk to Hatsume and tell her that Iida is interested in hanging out with Y/n and you guys...and convince Iida to ask them out or whatever!" she explained.
Gritting her teeth, she pointed to herself. "I'll choose the restaurant," she said. "B-but..." Izuku sighed, there was no point in arguing with Ashido and maybe she was right, if Tenya needed their help, they had to do this.
Izuku turned when Uraraka laid a comforting hand on his back and smiled. "We'll go together," she said, but his uneasiness didn't change. The walk to the support department's first-year dormitory wasn't that long, but when he saw Mei outside, he froze.
She had a table set up with several tools and metal pieces across it. He couldn't determine whether she was fixing or inventing something. "Uh, H-Hatsume," he said, trying to ignore Uraraka's hands grasping onto his shoulders.
She popped her head up, leering at him with an unsettling smile that he had long ago learned to fear. "Uh, w-we need your help," he uttered, and in the blink of an eye, Mei invaded his personal space making him cry out in response.
"What do you mean, Deku?!" she exclaimed excitedly and glanced at Uraraka who couldn't help but feel jealous, something she usually dealt with whenever the pink-haired girl got too close to Izuku. "Look," she said, stepping in front of him.
"You're close with Y/n right?" she said, leering at the other female with determination sparkling in her eyes. "Hmmmm?" Mei responded, tapping her cheek. "Yeah, what do they need!?" she asked, trying to remember if you had warned her anything was amiss.
Then again, the two of you were so busy with your support careers that you barely had time to talk lately. "Huh, oh well uh..." Uraraka's confident expression dropped, and she looked over her shoulder at Izuku, silently pleading for help.
"Hatsume," Izuku said walking past Uraraka. His hands hung at his sides, and he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and find the courage to continue speaking. 'This is for Iida,' with that thought, he locked eyes with Mei.
"You need to convince Y/n that Iida is interested in hanging out with them! W-We'll be there too!" he said, gesturing to himself and Uraraka. Mei knit her eyebrows. "Hm, nah not interested in doing that!" she said, turning her back on the two.
"What!?" they screamed in unison. "B-but you have to," Uraraka urged with clenched fists. "Hm?" Mei paused and looked over her shoulder. "You messed with Iida before, you owe him this much. He likes Y/n a lot!" she shouted angrily, not caring who heard her.
"Uh...Ochako..." Izuku said, hesitantly reaching out for her. Mei frowned and turned her head forward. "You know I really need to work on my babies today!" she said, placing a hand on her hip. Uraraka stepped forward, prepared to yell again.
"But I'll see if I can squeeze talking to Y/n in between my work," she replied and resumed working on her gadget. "Mm..." Uraraka turned to Izuku, clearly unhappy. He smiled sympathetically. "I'm s-sure she won't let us d-down," he said before walking toward their dormitory.
"Now all we need to do is convince Iida," Uraraka nodded. "Right!" she cried out, raising her fist in the air. This was unexpected. You leaned up from the table to look at her with wide eyes. "What?" you replied in disbelief. Mei shrugged.
"Don't know, that's just what they told me to say to you. So, what do you think!?" Unlike most, you weren't bothered by her leaning over and invading your personal space as she normally did. Of course, since you were her closest friend, you were used to it.
You glanced away and tapped your chin. You couldn't imagine Tenya finding the courage to ask you to hang out. You suspected that his friends were asking you for him, which was disappointing, especially after the time you spent in the park with him.
You chuckled at the memory. He was so willing to try your inventions. When the day ended and the two of you were covered in sweat as the sun set, you recalled looking into his eyes. There was so much confidence and love in them, and you thought he would confess but...no.
He politely asked if he could "provide assistance" and "aid" you in cleaning up your workspace. While you appreciated the help, you still expected some kind of confession when he walked you to the door of your dormitory building. But alas, he only gave you a heartfelt goodnight and left.
You frowned and turned away from Mei. "Should I?" you asked, seemingly dissatisfied. "I know Iida likes me, but he hasn't made a move yet." You sighed and propped your elbow onto the table, resting your hand underneath your chin.
"Now his friends are involved," you weren't sure how to feel about that. "I don't want anything to happen between us unless it's natural but..." you looked back at the pink-haired girl. "How long do I have to wait, scratch that. How long should I wait for him to make a move by himself?" you asked.
"Hm...don't know!" she said, turning around. "I have to get back to my babies now!" she declared, but you reached out and grabbed her arm. "I could use some help, you know!" you hissed, annoyed. She paused and looked back at you.
"Romance isn't my thing," she replied, shrugging. "But if you want to create something, you gotta take action!" You knit your eyebrows. 'Take action huh?' That advice was actually...helpful but how could you put it to practical use?
"Pardon?" Tenya asked, curiously looking at his friends. "It's just, we thought it'd be fun to go out together, and since you and Y/n seem so close lately we thought you could ask them to come along," Uraraka explained, and Izuku nodded.
"Uh yeah...I mean, y-you don't mind asking Y/n, right Iida?" His expression became blank, and he grasped his chin. "Well, I..." he paused. Yes, he knew very well and accepted that he had feelings for you. But was this the correct way to establish a romantic relationship?
He almost detested the way his stomach twisted into knots at the very idea of asking you to join him and his friends in a simple social interaction activity. "I am uncertain as to what their presented reaction will be when I inquire about requesting their companionship on this social activity," he explained.
Naturally, his friends were confused by his words and exchanged glances before Uraraka ruffled the back of her head, nervously laughing. "Well, um..." Izuku stepped forward. "I...I don't think you n-need to worry about that Iida!" he declared, determination coating his words.
Izuku's courageous heart was quite mesmerizing, but it also served as a painful reminder of what he lacked. How could he keep up with someone who was true hero material while he stumbled with this very simple issue or one that should be simple?
"Y/n is nice and even though...t-they're always busy with their work, they m-make time for others and I know they'll make time for you," Tenya's eyes widened and he looked away, subtly tapping his chin. "Perhaps you are correct," he replied.
"Very well, I will request Y/n to join us in this social bonding activity!" he exclaimed, rapidly chopping his hand through the air. Izuku chuckled, relieved, while Uraraka smiled and cheered Tenya on. "I will make it a priority to ask them promptly in the morning before classes begin," he said, smiling at his friends.
"Mmhm," Uraraka replied before leaning closer to Izuku. "Do you think he'll be alright?" she asked. "I'm s-sure it'll be fine!" he replied. "Besides...Iida...w-well if he really likes Y/n then he...he w-wouldn't leave until they accept," and boy did he hope you would.
Tenya made his way to the Development Studio the following morning after spending extra time ensuring he looked presentable in his Yuuei uniform. "Excuse me!" he declared, making you jump unexpectedly. You were working on yet another support item and while you hated being interrupted, you turned to face him.
After thinking over what Mei said, you concluded that she was right. If you knew that Tenya liked you, then you should act, maybe even manipulate situations just as you manipulated parts and bits to make your inventions work to get him to confess.
"Hi...Iida," you said, waving half-heartedly. "Apologies," he said, placing one hand on his chest and bowing. "I do hope I am not interrupting, but I wished to inquire about something," you blinked, and for a split second felt hope.
Was this it, was he going to ask you out or rather to hang out? "Oh yeah?" you replied, leaning toward him, and trying to contain your excitement. "Yes, I..." He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the nervous feeling that made his stomach twist.
He took a deep breath, raising his hand in the air. "I wish to invite you to spend an evening with me and the provided company of my friends," and although you already knew his friends were going to be there, you couldn't help but frown.
Then again, they could be there for support like Mei was there for you. There was also the possibility the two of you could find yourselves alone at any given point during the evening. "Hm..." You tapped your lips, thinking about it. "Okay," you said, crossing your arms.
"I'll go out with you and your friends," you muttered. "Pardon?" Tenya replied, leaning closer to better hear your response. "Nothing, nothing!" you exclaimed, waving him away, and while he found the gesture somewhat rude, he leaned back.
"Very well," he replied. "I believe my friends wish for this to occur on Saturday," he stated. "Does this otherwise conflict with your schedule? If so, I am more than certain-" You held your hand up. "That's fine Iida, really," you replied.
Confusion washed over his features for a few seconds before he nodded. "I guess I'll see you then," you said, returning to your table. "I believe it's customary to arrive at a person's house when an activity is scheduled," his words made you pause.
"What?" you replied, and he cleared his throat. "Forgive me," he said. "I merely wanted to establish that I insist on escorting you to the scheduled activity." Did he mean he would pick you up? You took a deep breath, sighing.
Well, that was something people did on dates, but you weren't sure if he fully understood that. "Okay, sounds good Iida," you said, slightly disappointed but grateful nonetheless. He sensed your uncertainty but ignored it for now.
After all, it was quite understandable to feel uneasy around those you were merely acquainted with and perhaps you were experiencing a bit of anxiety in anticipation of what was to come. "Thank you," he said, walking away. A strange warmth filled his chest. Perhaps this was another reminder that he loved you.
As promised when Saturday came, Tenya was waiting on the doorstep of your dormitory building. "Hm? Who are those for?" you asked, pointing to the bouquet of roses he was holding. He stepped forward, holding it out for you.
"I took the liberty to conduct research regarding the proper protocol and acceptable gifts to present to the one you admire when requesting their time at a social event such as spending the evening with them" he explained, and you raised your eyebrows.
'Admire?' You thought, placing your hands on your hips. "I believe these were the most acceptable to present to you in relation to this social activity we will be participating in," he explained, making you sigh. "So...you're saying you're giving me roses because we're going on a..." you paused, unsure if you wanted to use the word "date."
It might confuse him more and if his friends were also attending, then how much of a "date" could it be? You shook your head, reminding yourself to make the best of this. After all, you were still spending time with Tenya and something was bound to happen by the end of the night or at least you hoped.
"Um, nevermind," you said, taking the roses from him. You smiled and sniffed them, enjoying their floral scent. "Thanks," you then noticed the outfit he was wearing. It consisted of a blue suit with a white button-up shirt and a dark blue tie to match. His shoes, as expected, looked polished and new.
His hair was also slicked back, making him look older but still attractive and his glasses were absent from his face. "Heh," you smiled, catching Tenya's attention. He noticed you staring at him and felt the slightest bit of heat color his cheeks.
"I...I do hope I look rather presentable," he said, trying to hide his nervousness. You nodded. "Yeah, you look handsome," he appeared taken aback by your compliment. "Uh..." was he really confused? "Not used to being complimented I take it?" He sensed your teasing tone and frowned.
"Perhaps not," he replied, pressing a hand against his chest. "However, I believe it's natural to thank one for their kind words," he said, bowing. "Thank you very much," he leaned back up and offered you, his hand. "Shall we depart?" His tender smile made your stomach flutter with butterflies.
The clinking of glass was heard in the distance and soft chatter surrounded you. The restaurant atmosphere was calm, and the dimmed lighting contributed to it. The savory scent of food lingered in the air, making your mouth water.
"Uh so..." you propped your arms onto the table, catching Tenya's attention. He sat across from you and Izuku was next to him while Uraraka was next to you. "Did you guys choose this restaurant?" You might as well start a conversation or try to.
"Hm?" Izuku perked up and looked at Tenya, almost as if he expected him to answer but he didn't. "Mina suggested we come here," Uraraka replied, smiling. "Mina?" you asked, trying to recall what she looked like or if you had made any support gear for her.
"Yeah, she's one of our classmates," Uraraka said, making you scratch your head. Why would a classmate suggest this restaurant? "Oh, well I'm sure she's nice," you replied. "Excuse me," Tenya interjected, making all three of your heads turn.
"It's rather rude to put one's hands, elbows, or arms on the table when in polite company," you raised your eyebrow and looked at Uraraka who smiled sympathetically. "Wow Iida," you said, pulling your hands into your lap.
Your fingers curled into your thighs, eager to feel metal and tool handles. Yes, you could be creating more support items right now but as most would argue, it was good for you to get out. The bouquet Tenya gave you lay on the floor by your chair.
"Uh hey! Why don't we order some appetizers?!" Uraraka suggested, nervously laughing as she picked up the menu. "Y-yeah, that sounds like a good i-idea!" Izuku agreed nervously. "Hmm..." You glanced at Tenya. "I suppose that would be beneficial," he stated, taking a sip from his glass of water.
"I'm fine with whatever," you replied, shrugging your shoulders and turning your head to glance across the room. There was a small dancefloor, and one couple circled around with their arms entangled around one another.
Uraraka noticed you staring off into the distance. "Hm?" she closed the menu and leaned over the table, trying to gauge what you were looking at. "Do you want to dance?" she asked, leaning over to place her hand on your shoulder.
"Hm?" you shook your head, turning in your seat. "No, it's alright, uh..." You paused when you noticed her frown. Did you make her angry? "Iida," she said. "Yes?" he responded, lowering his menu to give her his full attention.
"Do you wanna dance with Y/n?" she asked. "Huh!? Hey, wait a minute-" You protested, but Tenya spoke over you. "I was not aware dancing was permitted in this establishment," he replied before looking at you.
"Well, that settles it!" Uraraka declared. "What settles what?" you asked. "Deku and I can order the appetizers and Iida and Y/n can dance," she insisted with a bright smile. "Uh, Ochako is that-" Izuku trembled when she fiercely glared at him.
You raised your eyebrows as you stood looking at Tenya bewildered. Did his friends always act like this? You shook your head and turned to Uraraka, prepared to yell but Tenya spoke yet again. "Do you wish to dance Y/n?" you froze. "Uh, w-what?" you replied.
Honestly, you were surprised he asked that, although this could be your chance to manipulate the situation. Something had to make him confess. "I believe dancing is considered an appropriate activity to engage in during social activities and I would be honored if you wished to-" You held your hand up.
"Okay," you said before running your hand through your hair. "I mean...I guess a dance wouldn't hurt," you replied with a sheepish smile. "Very well," he said, pushing his chair in and walking around the table. "Are you certain you can order the appetizers correctly?" Uraraka nodded.
"Now go dance!" she urged. Tenya smiled and offered his hand to you. "Hm? Oh right," you chuckled and took the said offered hand. He guided you to the small dance floor and turned to face you. "Please ensure you have a secure grip on my hand and place your non-dominate hand on my shoulder," he instructed.
"Okay Iida," you replied, almost rolling your eyes but doing as he wanted. "Pardon my touch," he said prior to laying his hand on your hip, looking a tad nervous. Although in the dim light of the dance floor, his slightly flushed cheeks were hidden.
You smiled as he took the lead and circled the two of you around. The light music drifting through the air put you at ease and your eyes focused forward. Tenya looked content if unfamiliar with dancing and you couldn't help but once again think about how handsome he was.
The thought of having him to yourself for a moment made you excited. Now, what was the easiest way to get someone to admit they liked you? One idea came to mind, but you wondered if it was too forward. Then again, you could just initiate it and see what happened.
He liked you, so he would surely comply. You locked eyes with him and leaned forward with your lips slightly out, indicating you wanted a kiss. "Hm?" He tilted his head, and although you couldn't tell, his heart beat faster than ever before.
His mind turned blank, it was obvious what you were silently conveying to him. He swallowed hard and paused, contemplating how to engage in a kiss. Yes, it seemed simple, but he had not bothered with romance, and pursuing you seemed to present a challenge.
He could blame himself for that. He seemed to yet have the courage to confess his feelings of affection toward you, and he wondered if this was the best time. Well, maybe there was no right or wrong time to engage in a heartfelt confession.
He glanced at your lips and slowly leaned forward only to pause, and second guess himself. He then leaned back. "Pardon," he said releasing his hold on you. "I believe it would be best if we returned to the table," so he could sort out the thoughts in his head.
"Huh?" you replied, feeling embarrassed for your actions and angry that Tenya didn't reciprocate them. 'What just happened?' You thought, standing still. "Are you well?" Tenya asked, noting your strange reaction.
You hummed in response. "Do you require some form of assistance?" he asked more sternly, and you shook your head. "No...nothing," you replied, feeling defeated. You walked past him and toward the table. Once there, you slumped in your seat.
The delightful scent of the appetizers that now lay on the table did nothing to brighten your sour mood. "Hm, did something happen?" Uraraka questioned worriedly. You glared at her in response and once again the thought that you could be working on support items instead of doing this came to mind.
You curled your hands in your lap. Maybe it was your fault for expecting something to happen. Have you been misreading Tenya this whole time? Was it possible that he wasn't as into you as you thought? Either way, you've been pushed past your limits.
"I'm afraid I concluded our dance early," Tenya explained, taking his seat. "Y-you what?" Uraraka replied, and you weren't sure if she was concerned or worried or both. "It doesn't matter," you said, sliding your chair back. "Sorry Ochako," you looked across the table.
"Sorry Midoriya, but I think I'm going to call it a night," You ignored the shock on everyone's faces and reached for the flower bouquet on the floor. Tenya immediately stood up, "Y/n I insist you-" he was taken aback when you shoved said flowers into his chest.
"Thank you for these, but I don't think I need them," your words were cold, and you ignored the look of hurt on Tenya's face. Yeah, maybe you were acting childish, and maybe you let your own expectations cloud your sense of judgment.
But it was too late now. You walked away from the table intent on leaving as promised. The bouquet slipped from Tenya's fingers, and he frantically shot his arm out. "I insist you wait!" he cried after you, but you ignored him and continued walking.
What a fool you were for thinking he would admit his feelings and yet deep down you knew it was your fault. You couldn't force something to happen, despite what Mei said. Feelings were entirely different from creating something physical.
You couldn't force him to do anything if he wasn't ready and honestly, it hurt. Maybe you should focus on your inventions from now on. "Oh no..." Uraraka turned to Izuku, desperation and worry written across her features.
"We have to do something!" she insisted. There was no way she could let this night be ruined. "Hold on Iida!" she said, grasping his arm. "I'll talk to them!" He frowned, believing it would be most beneficial if he handled the situation as he felt it was caused by his own fault.
But perhaps it would be helpful if you spoke to someone else first as there was a chance he'd only escalate the situation. "Very well," he replied reluctantly and Uraraka nodded, immediately chasing you. "Y/n!" she called, but like Tenya you ignored her. "Hey!" she hissed, picking up the pace to scurry in front of you.
"Hold on!" she exclaimed with her hands up. You stumbled to a stop and placed your hand on your hip. "Yes?" you replied, clearly annoyed. She frowned. "What's going on? Did something happen between you and Tenya?" she asked, too innocently for your liking.
You appreciated her concern, but you couldn't tell her everything. Could you? Well, if your intuition was incorrect there was no reason to keep it a secret anymore. You crossed your arms, glancing away. "I just thought...maybe Iida liked me..." you said, your voice hushed.
You sighed. "I thought he asked me to spend the evening with him and you guys, to tell me how he felt," you explained with your hand on your forehead. "But maybe I was wrong? It's hard to believe that," you said rolling your eyes.
"You weren't wrong!" she urged, stepping closer. "Hm?" You looked at her in disbelief and lowered your hand from your forehead. "Uh Iida," Izuku said, but Tenya's attention was focused on you and Uraraka. He did not wish for you to leave, and yet he did not want to force you to stay either.
"Uh um..." Izuku twiddled his thumbs together. "Mina told us that...t-that you liked Y/n," Tenya's eyes widened and he glanced at Izuku with his lips slightly parted. "Is...that true?" he asked, curling his hands into fists.
He knew he shouldn't have gotten carried away, but what Ashido said made sense. Tenya frowned, glancing at the floor. "I am afraid I..." He paused, and his throat tightened. "I cannot...gather the courage to admit such a thing to them," he replied shamefully.
Izuku looked at him with wide eyes, his heart yearning to help somehow. "Well..." he glanced away, thinking over his words carefully. "I think...it's m-more important to show...someone y-you care through your actions..." he suggested.
Tenya frowned, "I....I believe they wished to..." he paused, feeling his stomach twist into knots. "I am uncertain if I can perform the actions they desire accurately," he explained, and Izuku mirrored his frown. "Um...well,'' he scratched his head, trying to think of how to convince Tenya to gather courage.
"Heroes don't ask for fans," he said. After all, he didn't ask to be a fan of All Might. "They show the world w-what they can do, and w-why they should be a fan of them in...in the first place." Tenya raised his eyebrows at those words.
"Forgive me, perhaps I was acting rather foolish. I should not be afraid to express my feelings of affection even in the face of rejection," he stated, proudly chopping his hand through the air. Izuku smiled, silently cheering Tenya on when he walked toward you and Uraraka.
"Are you sure about that?" you asked but grew distracted seconds later. "Hm?" You leaned over, looking past Uraraka to see Tenya approaching. "Huh?" she blinked and turned to see what caught your attention.
Panic washed over her when she saw Tenya and turned back to you with her hands clenched into fists. "He's coming!" she exclaimed, although you didn't need her to state something so obvious. You flinched when she laid her hands on your arm.
"Do you trust me!?" she asked frantically, and you knit your eyebrows. "Uh yes, but what are you-" Your words stopped when she pressed all five of her fingers against you and activated her quirk. You trembled in response, feeling an odd warmth radiate through your body.
A knot tightened in your stomach when the floor underneath your feet disappeared. "Ochako!" you yelled, holding your hand out to her as you ascended further into the air, but she smiled. "Iida will save you!" she called back.
Tenya stopped suddenly, watching you float helplessly through the air. His head snapped toward Uraraka and his engines fired up in the panic of the moment. "Kindly explain what happened this instance!" he demanded chopping his hand through the air.
"I'm sorry Iida! I guess my quirk kind of slipped," she lied, rubbing the back of her head. A growl rumbled in his throat, although he highly doubted that Uraraka was the type to lose control of her quirk. He stepped closer to her. "Pardon!" he said, roughly grabbing her shoulders.
"If you do not deactivate your quirk, Y/n is reliable to injure themselves if they impact the ceiling!" He urged, and Uraraka while surprised turned her head to look at you. Many people in the restaurant were pointing at you, and some even tried to reach out to you.
You felt so nauseous you were likely to throw up. As you looked at the floor and the people spectating you, your body trembled. If there was one thing you hated, it was heights, and the lack of solid ground beneath your feet only made it worse.
'What am I supposed to do!? I didn't bring any support gear! Damn it!' You leaned forward, grasping your head, and your eyes watered. 'I didn't bring anything, what is wrong with me!?' You squeezed your eyes shut, allowing tears to fall.
Tenya clenched his jaw, tensing up as he watched you drift further and further away. He looked back at Uraraka and leaned over, pulling his pants legs up to his knees. He leaned back up and pressed one hand to his chest and extended the other out to her.
"I insist you use your quirk on me," he pleaded, knowing there was no time to lose. "I am most certain I will be able to properly control the anti-gravity atmosphere associated with it and ensure Y/n remains uninjured," he stated, somewhat suspicious as to why Uraraka smiled in return.
"You got it Iida!" she declared, brushing her fingertips across his palm. Much like the first time he experienced the effects of her quirk, his stomach twisted, and he tried to adjust his body as it lifted off the floor. He turned midair, trying to focus his eyes on you.
The way you curled into yourself made his heart sink and guilt washed over him. He was responsible for allowing this to happen, and he needed to be honest with himself and his feelings toward you. He stretched his arms out, replicating a swimming movement to get closer to you.
A soft rumble sounded when he activated his quirk. This helped propel him forward, but he kept in mind to control his speed to ensure he wouldn't collide with you. You heard the distinct sound of his engines and slowly lifted your head.
Tears still flowed down your cheeks, but you wiped them away, clearing your vision just enough to see him reaching out for you. However, you recoiled in anger and tried to kick him. He instantly pulled his hands back and angled his legs so he could hover just above you.
"Please remain calm," he instructed, but you shook your head in frustration. Why was he trying to save you? Why did he chase you? "Are you injured?" he asked. "Do I look injured?!" you snapped, your voice broken.
"I can't do this anymore!" like before you curled into yourself, somewhat accepting your fate that you'd either plummet to the floor or be stuck against the ceiling forever. Tenya frowned, trying to ignore the small flashes of light from the bystanders below.
He should have expected such behavior, but that wasn't his main concern at the moment. Once again, he activated his quirk, closing the gap between you. "I...I apologize," he said, slipping his hand through your hair.
He anticipated you jerking your head back, refusing his comfort even though his only wish was to de-escalate your anxiety. Instead, you remained still, and he waited until your sobs were barely audible to wrap his arms around you.
He hesitantly pulled you close, hoping to be your source of comfort. Perhaps there was one thing that would ease you. It was foolish and irresponsible, but it was also overdue, and he was willing to accept the consequences it would bring.
"I insist you look at me," he stated, reaching over to grasp your chin and guide your head up. You resisted for a moment, feeling your heart race. You hated heights and you'd certainly be having a word with Uraraka after this. "Iida..." you hissed out, digging your fingers into his suit.
"I understand you are scared, but I...I wish to do something to ease your fears," he replied, leaning close. You knit your eyebrows together. "What?" you replied, doubting that anything but the sweet touch of the solid ground underneath your feet would do the trick.
"Close your eyes," he insisted, and while you wanted to argue, his tone was stern. "Mm..." You sank your teeth into your bottom lip but closed your eyes despite the fact that you didn't know how this would help. Tenya pulled his hand away from your chin and caressed your cheek.
"Forgive me, I believe this may be too forward but I..." you noticed his hesitation and peeked one eye open. He looked uncertain. "Perhaps I should have confessed this earlier," your eyebrows raised, and although your heart continued to beat fast, a new joyful melody coursed through it.
"I...I was certain of what you were attempting to convey earlier. However, I found myself absent of the courage to give you what you desired," you opened both eyes, looking at him stunned. Wait...he was afraid to kiss you?
You hadn't anticipated a hero student being afraid of anything. For a moment, you forgot that you were helplessly floating upward with nothing to grab onto. Instead, you were coming to the realization that you may have set your expectations too high.
Even Tenya wasn't immune to the fears that were associated with romance. "W-wait so you knew I wanted to..." you trailed off, closing your eyes and seconds later, a sigh passed your lips. He frowned. "I...did," he said, remembering Izuku's words.
"But I believe that actions speak more than words, so allow me to show you the words and feelings I have been holding back," he said. However, he was feeling the tiniest bit nauseous because of Uraraka's quirk, and the butterflies that formed the closer he leaned toward you didn't help.
Your eyes widened. Could this be...was he really confessing? You smiled and slowly lowered your eyelids. All you were focused on was Tenya's lips pressing against your own and felt a pleasurable and long-awaited tremble course through you.
His lips were soft, and you could faintly taste spearmint on them. The soft coos from below fell deaf to your ears and the flashes from several phones were ignored. Young hero students making a scene and kissing in a restaurant were bound to make an excellent social media story.
But Yuuei couldn't expect their students to not cause trouble or fall in love, right? You curled your fingers tighter into his suit and leaned forward causing the two of you to float askew through the air. Tenya's body stiffened in response, and just as before he hesitated, uncertain of what to do next.
However, he felt his stomach drop and quickly realized the two of you were descending. "And slowly release!'' Uraraka muttered to herself, trying to channel her quirk the best she could so you wouldn't plummet back down. "Hm?" you broke the kiss, feeling relief wash over you the closer you got to solid ground again.
As soon as your feet touched the floor, a soft round of applause came. You stumbled while trying to adjust to the gravity change. Uraraka smiled, happy that everything worked out...sort of. She placed her hands behind her back and looked at Izuku who nervously returned her smile.
"Um..." you realized your hands were still curled into Tenya's suit and pulled back, giving a nervous laugh. "Thanks for...you know," you said, shyly glancing away. "Hm?" He blinked, looking perplexed before nodding.
"Yes, I'm...I'm quite happy to have...assisted you in such a manner," he replied, chopping his hand through the air with pink-tinted cheeks. You smiled, took a deep breath, and noticed your lips tingled. Likely the aftereffect of the kiss you shared with him.
"Heh, so...do you want to return to the table?" you asked. After all, you were the one that kind of ran away from it and Tenya deserved a good night out. He looked at you with a kind smile, and nodded, extending his hand out for you to take which you happily did.
He then guided you to the table and pulled your chair out for you. The rest of the night went fine, and you got to know his friends a little better and learned more about the hero department. It was interesting to hear about Tenya's classmates, some of whom you made support items for.
When the night ended, much like before, Tenya insisted that he walk you to the door of your dormitory building. The only difference was that you stole a kiss before bidding him goodbye. The following Monday, Tenya requested that he walk you to Yuuei.
You gladly accepted, even though you didn't need him to. "You could have just told me that you liked me from the start you know," you teased, walking past the front gates with him. "I am aware of that," he replied, making you chuckle. "Even if you were scared," you added.
"I am aware," he repeated, slightly annoyed. "Well, it's still sweet of you to offer to walk with me" he nodded, although he had an alternative motive for walking you to class and that was to ensure no paparazzi or members of the media disturbed you.
Given the pictures and or videos others took of the two of you at the restaurant it was slightly astounding and suspicious that no one had bothered the two of you during your walk as was the lack of paparazzi outside the gates of Yuuei. "But," you came to a stop and turned to face him.
"I promised Hatsume I'd do something for her. So sorry if you also wanted to walk me to class, but I gotta go," you said, walking up to him and laying your hands on his chest before leaning onto your tippy toes to peck his lips.
"I'll see you later," you said, trying to suppress your chuckle when he turned away to hide his obviously flushed face. He cleared his throat. "Uh, y-yes!" he replied, raising his hand. "I do hope you have a wonderful day!" he cried out, chopping said hand through the air.
"Mmhm," you said, walking away with a smile. He pressed a hand to his chest, feeling the rapid and uneasy pace of his heart. Then a sudden thought occurred, and he shouted "P-please halt!" causing you to stop in your tracks and look back at him.
He ran up to you, tugging at the collar of his uniform before nervously uttering the words, "I...I love you." He knew that perhaps it was too soon to speak such words, but he would never allow fear to prevent him from expressing his love for you or anyone again.
As soon as you recovered from the shock, you giggled. "I love you too," you replied, smiling before walking into the school. Yeah, it felt good to know he finally confessed even though it took a while. But if things went according to plan, you and Tenya would have a very happy relationship.
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beanswrites · 2 years
Imagine the MHA boys getting jealous
Hehe, here's a short drabble untill I post a new fic!! Hope you like it ♡︎
Requests open!!
Pairings: MHA boys (Katsuki Bakugo, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Izuku Midoriya) x gn! reader
Warnings: adult language, jealousy
Part 2 (including Sero, Iida, Todoroki, and Tamaki)??
masterlist | rules for requesting | prompt list
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Days in the UA were going smooth, normal, having fun with your boyfriend every day after classes. However, that all changed when a new student came. Suddenly, you started hanging around them more, and your boyfriend took it quite personally. Why would you need someone else when you were already his?
Katsuki, whose usual temper gets astronomically worse. He gets antsier, angrier, with each day that passes with you hanging around your new friend. Why couldn't you hang around him instead?!
Katsuki who at first didn't wanna talk to you at all. Sure, if your new friend is better, stronger, than he is, go to them. If they make you happier, go to them! See if he cares!
Katsuki, whose silent-treatment isn't working as well as he thought, so he changes his game. As soon as he saw you, he started scoffing and making snarky little comments about how you were getting way too close with them.
Katsuki who turns the at first little fight into a screaming match. However, once he yells out a frustered: "I'M AFRAID THAT YOU'LL LEAVE ME FOR THEM, GODDAMIT!", you start to realize what's going on. Cutting him off by placing a big kiss on his lips, you try to show him that you are only his.
Katsuki who only beleaves you once you're cuddling him in his dorm, with his head on your chest, strong arms wrapped around you. Yeah, you really were all his. Now, at least he knows that he doesn't have to worry anymore.
Kirishima didn't mind at first. He was actually happy for you! It was awesome that you were making new friends! Plus, he hangs around Bakugo all the time, so he can't really complain.
Kirishima who started getting a little uneasy about everything once you started bailing on him to hang out with your friend. The first time it happened, it was a Thursday night-video games kind of a date, and it was fine. However, as it progresses to friday nights and saturday nights too, making you lose your cuddle dates and regular walks, it started to really hurt him.
Kirishima, who asked the rest of the Bakusquad for advice, afraid of losing you. However, his collective dumbasses couldn't help him much, since they were equally surprised at your behavior and his new jealosy.
Kirishima, who you find being quiet and distant as he walks from class back to his dorm. You can see the very obvious change in his vibe, so you decide to talk to him about everything that's happening.
Kirishima, who's now tickling the life out of you on his bed, laughing and talking about everything. His mood lifted the very second you assured him that he's the only one you love.
Denki, who was actually the one to introduce you to the new friend, when he was showing them around the campus! Your group hanging out slowly turned into just your friend and you hanging out, which started to bother your boyfriend recently.
Denki who just smiles and brushes any bad thoughts off. No, you wouldn't do that. You loved him! Yeah, yeah, you would never. After a long time of your constant reassurance that he's enough, he finally knows that he's the only one in your heart. Or at least, he hoped he is.
Denki who almost short-circuts when he sees you hug your friend goodbye. Sure, it was an innocent, friendly gesture, but he didn't expect you to be so affectionate with them so soon. You weren't that affectionate with him when you two first met..
Denki who starts brooding about it, very afraid that he lost you. Once you noticed that he was being jealous and insecure, you sat him down to talk in your dorm.
Denki, who is now laying between your legs with his head on your stomach, trying not to lose to you in Mario Cart for the 18289191014th time that night. Everything was back to normal once you've explained that you do, indeed, love only him.
Izuku, who is being his usual sunshine self. He didn't even notice it! Yeah, sure, you did hang out wuth then from a time to time, but as long as he saw you and was still able to take you out, he was happy and fine with anything.
Izuku, who didn't even notice that something was off! It was only when Kacchan made some stupid, snarky comment regarding your loyalty to Izuku, that he started to worry.
Izuku who tries to subtly ask you what's going on there. "Hey, uh.. Sweetheart? Are you.. Um.. Are you going to hang out with them again today?" He's really trying to give you hints that he feels a little uneasy but it seem like you aren't noticing. Do you not love him anymore?
Izuku, who is on the verge of tears, finally telling you what's going on and why he's upset. The poor broccoli boy is stumbling on his words, his voice almost cracking from the absolute fear. He didn't wanna lose you!
Izuku, who's now grinning widely as he holds your hand and eats his ice cream. After you hugged and kissed the jealosy away, explaining that you'll never love anyone else, he took you out on a nice ice cream date to make up for all the alone time you two missed.
That's all, thanks for reading! ♡︎
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Money, Money, Money
Includes: Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Iida, Malleus
Gold digger! MC/reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Riddle Rosehearts
-He’s not dumb. He could see you were interested in the wealth his family held, maybe not at first, but as time went on it became clearer. The expensive gifts and outings weren’t so much a thing when you first started dating, but the work load Crowley would put on you made Riddle think, he could take off a small part of the burden by being a good boyfriend.
-What he didn't know was you were selling the gifts and he was nothing more than an exploit to you.
-Eventually the gifts became expected, the outings became nearly everyday. Without realizing it, you were becoming more reliant on the idea of his generosity. It would take a few months before he figured out you were only with him for the money, Trey probably mentioned something to him. Riddle would be more than offended at the idea but slowly saw your true colors.
-You did fall for him though, it was too cruel even for you to lead him on. You hadn't meant to fall in love, but it was difficult not to. He was devoted, and by the time you knew how much he meant to you, it was too late, and Riddle had ended the courtship between you two. He was heartbroken.
-His first real relationship was with a gold digger.
Leona Kingscholar
-The second-born prince had more than enough wealth to last a lifetime. More than enough to last multiple lifetimes, it was only expected for him to be the biggest prize in the eyes of a gold digger.
-Dating Leona was the easiest way to get by in this world. You were non-existent in the eyes of legal ways so you couldn't work, and somehow you managed to woo the defensive dorm head. Everything he'd give you was immediately sold, and it was clear he'd never catch on. There was not a care in the world in the lions head.
-Ruggie however, he saw the sudden disappearance of every gift, the flow of thaumarks that flooded your pockets in such a short amount of time. He wouldn't tell Leona, for a price.
-And that's how you sold your soul to a donut-hungry hyena.
Azul Ashengrotto
-ah, the Mostro Lounge owner himself, he was well acquainted with people who wished to use him only for his wealth. He never expected you though. You were suave, charming, sweet. Everything a gold digger isn't, at least that was his idea of one. He trusted you, wholeheartedly and loved you more than you imagined he could.
-That’s what hurt the most. After noticing the anniversary necklace made of sea glass that he’d made himself was nowhere to be seen, only to then see another customer wear it, he put two and two together pretty quickly.
-He was devastated, locking himself in his office and away from the world, not even talking to the twins. That should’ve been the moment you realized how little money meant to you now that he was gone. But it was clear when Floyd and Jade found you, laughing happily with hundreds of pieces of new jewelry, hanging off of Kalim’s arm, that same damned look in your eye, that Azul was nothing more than a pawn in your game.
-A pawn who meant so little, despite the love he held for the queen in this game of chess.
Kalim Al Asim
-He was clueless.
-Everything about your relationship felt like a dream, it was how he always imagined things, being able to shower his prince/princess with gifts and never ending wealth all while you loved him in return! It was like the story his parents would tell him of the street rat and the princess, and here he was, living that story!
-He knew he loved you, he wanted to marry you, and well, he almost did. Then Jamil stepped in and told him everything, his growing suspicions, his doubts, how you never seemed to wear the jewelry or fine gifts the prince would give to you.
-Kalim didn't believe anything, he didn't want to think that his beloved jewel was betraying his heart, that you were bad.
-And so he lived his life that way, not believing a single bad thing said about you, and he was now trapped with a never ending pit of greed...
Vil Schoenheit
-You really thought you'd be able to fool Vil? Someone who doesn't open his heart to others, who barely tolerates anyone he sees as a potato? You wouldn't even get close enough to begin with.
-Not only would Vil be immediately suspicious in your sudden attraction towards him, but Rook would always be right beside him, whispering things he'd noticed, things he'd picked up on while watching you.
-If anything, you'd be rejected before you even got 50 feet within the Pomefiore dorm entrance. Probably rejected before entering the mirror.
-If you did somehow find a way into Vil's heart, he wouldn't spoil you, he'd still be cautious especially with Rook as his right hand, practically attached to his side as his eyes and ears whenever his guard was down.
-Your plan wouldn't work, at all. Not on Vil.
Idia Shroud
-He wouldn't notice, at all. He's not on the same level as someone like Kalim. He would realize he's being used but I don't think he'd mind too much. Ortho would try to step in but once he realizes that this is what his brother wants or is ok with, he wouldn't do much.
-Iida just wants someone to duo with, to play games with and be comfortable around, if that's you, then hey, great job you got him to come out of his shell a bit. He'd become more sheltered afterwards though, after realizing you're a gold digger he'd not trust anyone again after that, thinking they'd all end up like you.
-I feel like Iida would notice how bad it's getting within a few months once he realizes he doesn't have enough funds for his games and would end things there, just kicking you out of Ignihyde and never let you back in.
-He'd gladly replace you with video games.
Malleus Draconia
-Malleus is the type of person who wouldn't realize he was being played, ever. He's very much on a similar level to Kalim. He'd court you for a long time before officially dating, if it even gets to that point that is. He'd shower you in riches and gifts because he believes it to be human courting rituals, and he just wants to make you happy above all else.
-Malleus would entrust gifts to you, ranging from pieces of jewelry that are hand made to his most prized possession, his Tamagotchi aka Gao-gao Drakon-kun.
-Of course you not being a heartless monster wouldn't sell his Tamagotchi, but the rest was fair game in your eyes, and it was something that no one seemed to catch onto at first, well. That's not entirely true.
-As Malleus' guardian as well as someone who loves a good laugh, Lilia would end up finding out, at first he'd think it's funny, he might even go along with it if the item wasn't too important, like a letter or something. But once things started getting out of hand, Lilia wouldn't stand by and watch the boy he raised, his prince, become a victim of something so monstrous.
-It doesn't take long for Lilia to tell Malleus, and for both to be upset, Malleus because he genuinely thought you loved him back and didn't realize you were only using him, Lilia because you had broken the heart of not only his friend, but someone he considered a son.
Authors Note:
Thank you for being patient with me as this should've come out a lot sooner, I apologize for the wait, I had lost motivation a little bit ago for this but wanted to still post it as I know people wanted to see it. Again thank you for your patience and being kind while waiting!
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lady-ashfade · 2 years
Yandere Dekusquad HC’s
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Plot: What are they like as Yanderes?
Note: I tried to keep them soft but that kinda flew out the window…Anyway, you can picture them as individually or together. Froopy is not included.
Yandere: Medium-soft.
More like this.
If you want to request more like this (yandere or not) Please do!
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He is a mix of things.
He’s a sweetheart, caring and kind. So soft with you because he’s afraid if he makes the wrong move he will break you.
He likes to make you laugh and be the best friend anyone could ask for, waiting for the perfect time to make you his darling. Which you’ll be his soon enough.
Will do anything you ever want. Waits on you hand a foot if you need anything.
But he uses his sweet and pure looks to make sure to draw you in. 
He’s also very different from most of what you know, yeah he’s sweet but other times he’s not.
If he ever sees someone else looking at you, made you cry, or hurt you. If they cross the line, if he doesn’t know them, he will break them. Will track them down and make sure to hurt them beyond repair and threatens them. He has to protect his darling.
But is right back by your side as the sweet deku you know and love, never wants to show you his rougher side because it’s to dangerous for a precious thing like you.
He’s just very protective.
Dating Him
You thought he was protective? Now it’s worse then when you were just friends.
Clings to you all the time, arm linked with yours or around your waist is where his hand stays.
Never lets you out of his sight and when it does happen he will leave anything to go and find you.
You remember when I said he would hurt anyone for you? Yeah, well he will always to stop himself from killing them. Like he enjoys it now but he doesn’t want to become a monster so he doesn’t. Unless it’s a villain then he will try to kill him and wouldn’t hold back.
Confidence grows when he is with you. Like will flirt and try to make you flustered because he can now. He got someone like you? He must be the coolest guy in the world, he also believing he has to step up his game to keep you in love with him. Though he will never left you go even if you did.
If you ever try and leave him he will never force you into doing things you isn’t want to do. Will go back to being a platonic yandere if that’s what you want.
Still never hurts you, not even if you every try and leave him. Manipulates you into stay with him. 
Still does everything you need, any needs you have he will do it! Makes you feel like your the best person to walk the earth and will always show his love.
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Tenya Iida:
Strict all the way, he acts like a very concerned mom friend. 
He has a plan for you to follow(Wether you know or not) and has you follow it.
Also very protective over you but never shows it in front of you, like he will track someone down and give them a lecture.
Spoils you so much, he has to buy you one thing every day. You see something you like? Way not getting you four? He loves you so nothing is to bad.
He studies with you to make sure you know everything. Carries water, first aid, anything to prepare if something happens.
He mostly watches from afar if he can, he doesn’t want to come off as a creep.
So over all he just acts like a mom to you, he isn’t to bad but watch out because he will  manipulate you into anything.
Dating him.
Dates every week, and it’s planned out.
But he is very sweet and it’s so cute. He looks up “Romantic Date ideas” And takes notes.
Holds your hand when going out so he make sure not to lose you.
Gets more strict, doesn’t let you go out alone and if you go with out him he has you text him every second.
He never wants to hurt someone so he always gives them a talk, but if they keep bothering you he will step it up a notch. Threatening them and being very scary when doing it.
But if it’s a villain you know he is going to do anything to save you, almost lose his brother and he will not lose you.
But he does let you have your space when asked because is he a gentleman, never touches you if you say no. Gives you free times if asked to not see him, he is willing to work around anything you need.
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Touchy, very touchy.
She loves to be touching you anyway she can, wether it be by your waist, or just your knees touching, shoulders or anything. She will do it.
But she also does it in ways to make you not question her, like saying things like:
“This is what best friends acted, and we are best friends right?
Gaslight, gatekeep, girl boss.
She will manipulate you anyway she can to get what she wants, but she loves you so it isn’t bad.
But she’s also sweet with you. Makes you laugh, does your hair/makeup, anything you need she will be there.
But if anyone ever harms you, they will end up badly hurt. She wouldn’t kill anyone but if their body gives up it’s their own fault. It’s not her fault.
Dating her
Dating her isn’t that much different from before.
But her touching is stepped up a bit and doesn’t try and cover it up. Hand holding, waist holding, kissing, cuddling.
If you ever try and stop she will hit you with manipulation again.
“But it’s what couples do. Do you not liking holding my hand?” Ext.
And you’re right back where you started
She still is a sweetheart but you’re hers now, and she can do what she wants with you.
Nothing to far, she would never want to hurt you or go far, unless you go to far.
But you’re her sweetie so you wouldn’t do anything.
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He’s also a mix. (Not a pun)
Likes to be your side and hang out with you, makes him feel at home and he’s never had that before. But that’s the thing, he’s always by your side.
He also watches from afar, like when you’re hanging out with friends he will just be watching you, following you around. Kinda of a stalker. (He is-)
He isn’t afraid to hurt someone with his power for you at any giving moment. Will pull them aside and freeze their arm. But he doesn’t often only if they cross a line. So he usually just keeps it in. If he’s jealous he pulls you aside after to get your attention.
Like iida he spoils you. He likes to know you have everything you want, and the way you smile at him. He needs that smile.
Treats you like a angel because you are his  angel. Tries to protect you from anything that can harm it.
Dating him:
Arm around your waist at all times to protect you if need, speaking of protecting you. Goes ape shit if he thinks you’re in danger. You remember what he did at the sports festival? Ten times that, if not more. Don’t mess with his angel.
Don’t worry if you’re worried about him hurting you because he would never dream of it even you want to leave him. Again not like you could if you really wanted.
Glued to your side and only lets you go out without him if he knows the person good and if not he will follow you.
Gets you jewelry with his face/name graved into it. Like a heart locked with a picture of you two or a bracelet with his name. Likes everyone to know that you’re taken.
Treats you like a helpless baby sometimes but knows you need to do things yourself, try’s not to be so over the top. If you tell him he tries stops. 
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 year
Cousin Shinsou and Izuku shenanigans in Snipe’s little Cowgirl: (Reminder/information: Izuku is a trans girl in this AU)
-Shinsou totally has the ability to mimic voices right? So he can do accents.
County!Shinsou in Snipe’s Little Cowgirl picks up the ability to do a southern accent and goes: this is me now. And refuses to speak English without it. He then taught Izuku how to do it so she does the same.
-Izuku learns to dance and Hitoshi gets dragged into it cause he’s tall and can move. He proceeds to drag her into going hunting through the streets to look for stray cats in revenge. (Neither actually mind)
-when they met, Bethany (Snipe’s cousin) hadn’t married Dr. Shinsou (he needs a name but I don’t know what I want to use so I will take suggestions or scroll through fanfics to find one) and Izuku didn’t have her egg cracked yet. So these two kids who got heavily bullied are just side eyeing the fuck out of each other and being nervous as fuck. At least until Izuku talks about Eraserhead and Hitoshi goes !!!. Besties after.
-They don’t go to the same school but through Izuku going to Mustapha Private they meet Kirishima and Ashido. I am seriously thinking Hitoshi gains crushes on both for funsies.
-Izuku and Hitoshi have in fact pranked all of UA one time when Snipe had them there while he was doing teacher stuff. Nezu and Aizawa included.
-Hitoshi HATED Inasa when Izuku dated him but tried to be supportive. When the bullshit happened, Hitoshi actually did threaten him.
-I feel like someone tried to blackmail Hitoshi into dating them but Izuku out of NOWHERE would just slam down so much evidence of their bullshit.
-Oh wait. Wait.
These two are the ONLY LGBTQ+ members of the family so far. Everyone else (except maybe Mabel) is straight as fuck. This also means though that the family will go rabid for them.
-Bethany once tried to murder someone who commented about Hitoshi liking boys. With her heel. It was at a gala she went to with Snipe and the kids cause heroes and she was going to throw down with a minor hero.
-I feel like Hitoshi isn’t friends with Yaoyorozu or Iida but he is with Todoroki.
-Yeah that’s what we’re doing. Izuku got the two nerds and Hitoshi got his fellow emo/silent type.
-Todoroki still has his issues though. So does Hitoshi actually cause fuck it I can.
-It’s just when your Quirkless cousin gets into UA and you don’t you get a wake up call you need to buff up and work out.
-Izuku lords it over him for months. (I headcanon there are hero universities for kids who didn’t go to hero high school so she thought he’d go there if he didn’t get in through the sports festival)
-Not that… okay so, Hitoshi didn’t think it would be robots and while he isn’t Quirkist he did think he and Izuku were on the same level for UA. But they weren’t cause Izuku worked her ass off. She didn’t do recommendations cause the ‘favouritism’ issue, but still got in. Hitoshi didn’t. So it’s something he’s got to admit.
-… also now actually it would be fun to explore his assumption Izuku has to work twice as hard as him to be on his level. It’s subtle but it’s a micro aggression I think would be common.
And like I love Hitoshi I do. I also think he’s a dick in the beginning and it’s not to far out he would think that. He’s not Quirkist in the sense ‘Quirkless is useless’ but he does have some thoughts about how Izuku will always be working harder and shit.
Which isn’t wrong. But… *waves hand* yeah.
-So it’s a wake up call when she gets in but he doesn’t and like yeeeeeeeeaaaaaah.
-Shit I should also include Brandon and Jeff in this cause they’re cousins to.
-I wrote half this on night shift but anyways: Brandon is Izuku and Hitoshi’s age and he’s the cousin on the other side of the world randomly texting them shit like: hey so I miiiiight have lit my homophobic teacher’s house on fire. Jeff is like two years younger and he’s an actual legit genius who called dibs about designing their gear.
-All four are chaos. Then when Mandalay marries Snipe Kouta is added and they’re even WORSE.
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lovelyiida · 1 year
hand holding headcanons.
WARNINGS: vulgar language, tooth-rotting fluff, angst with happy ending
PREFERRED PRONOUNS: she/her for denki's, they/them
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as suave as this man tries to perceive himself to be, he's nothing of the sort.
he's just in a big ball of nervousness trapped inside an egotistical teenage boy's body.
You've been dating Denki for about a month, and you'd think this would be the honeymoon phase, but it's been quite the opposite.
It was awkward glimpses and hand rubs instead of hugs and kisses.
Denki has been working extremely hard to push your relationship to the next level, but he's just too shy. So you take matters into your own hands.
It's around lunchtime, and you've just switched over to Denki's table since the two of you have been together; after all, you are in a relationship.
But it wasn't just you and Denki in a relationship.
You couldn't help but be envious of Kirishima as you looked across. He's been seeing Mina for roughly the same amount of time that you've been dating Denki, and they're already kissing!
Rolling your eyes, you decided to be bold.
With a smug smirk on your face, you wrap your fingers through Denki's and rest your head on his shoulder, your other hand holding onto his arm. His eyes widen as you watch him become as red as a rose.
Leaning close to him, you softly mutter into his ear.
"Are you looking forward to our date tonight?" Your question caused currents to go through his body. He was speechless, and the only movement he could make was a hesitant nod. Chuckling to yourself, you decide to prey on him even more.
"Maybe we can hang out at my place when we get back, hm?~" you shimmy into his arm, soft chest pressing into his.
You coo your words in a flirtatious tone, earning a burst of nervous laughter from Denki. "Y-yeah sure whatever you want to do is fine with m-me," his voice hesitant and skittish makes you chuckle even more.
Soon, the day had passed on and it was time to leave school, and you were more than excited. You see your boyfriend talking to other students as you go out of class, so you run over to Denki's side and smile at his acquaintances while holding his hand.
His reddish face appears once more.
"Is this your girl?" his friend asked.
He squeezes your hand and smiles brightly and puts on his poker face. "The one and only, beautiful isn't she?" he chuckles. He grips your waist and pulls you towards him. Your face heats up from his sudden confidence.
"You fucker," you exclaimed softly. The men around you start laughing at your outburst, which makes your face extra hotter.
"Alright guys we'll be leaving, we have that special date remember?" He taunts you openly, giving him a sarcastic smile the both of you walk away and out the school doors.
Wandering through the courtyard, there was a faint silence between the two of you. Glimpsing at Denki, you frown.
Glancing back at you, he shows a mischievous smirk in return, the next thing you felt was a strong shock jolting through your arm. Shouting in shock, you curse and punch his shoulder.
"The next time you fluster me again I'll do something even worse," he warns. Laughing cockily you spoke, "like what?"
Leaning in towards you, he whispers in your ear.
"I'll kiss you."
please hold his hand, he's getting a little desperate...
Todoroki has recently begun to indulge in his fantasies, particularly domestic fantasies.
Soon, he began to indulge in influencer couples and romance movies.  Whether it's cuddling, Q&As, proposals, or anything else—there was going to be a couple in it.
The thought of having that special other felt exciting and foreign to him. But he knew that these fantasies were just a false reality.
He knew the things he wanted were merely forever out of reach.
Todoroki just desires to be held.
You were now studying for the upcoming math test next week at the dorm's dining table. At least you were until you noticed Todoroki, on the other hand, watching you like a hawk from the corner of your eye.
"Do you need anything?" You snarl irritably.
"Do you mind if I kiss you?"
"E-excuse me?" you stuttered.  "I apologize for being so direct—may I kiss you?"
It's not as if that would make it any better.
"Todoroki, why are you asking me to kiss you?" You inquired. He frowns a little in discomfort as a result of your question "I was curious as to what it was like to be in a relationship. Kissing is a common action in most partnerships, as far as I'm aware."
You scoot closer to him, your hand resting on his shoulder, sighing.
"While that is correct, Todoroki, you can't just ask a random person to kiss you. Even if you are attractive."
"You think I'm attractive?" Todoroki ignores your words, blinking, you scoff in disbelief. "I mean, who doesn't? You're kinda the most attractive guy in the class? Maybe in the freshmen year," You say.
"And that strengthens my point, even more. If you're gonna kiss someone at least make sure they're attractive, unlike me" you say.
Scooting back to where to say you try to continue your work. Todorki turns to you.
"I don't believe you're not attractive, I think the opposite, actually."
This earns a blush from you, placing your pencil down you sigh in defeat.
"How about instead of a kiss, we hold hands?" You offered, Todoroki thinks about it before nodding.
Looking at him you slowly lace your fingers with him and smile, "is this nice?" You ask.
He softly smiles and nods again, you nod and continue studying, writing notes down with your other hand. You enjoyed how warm Todoroki's hand was. Sometimes you glance over to see Todoroki with a small smile on his face.
Was he blushing?
you and Iida loved holding each other's hands all of the time.
but, some people can be really judgmental about the way to express your affection.
and it's taking a toll on the both of you.
"Why are you holding hands like that?"
"Aren't your fingers supposed to be in between each others?"
"Is that even comfortable?"
"If I had to do that all the time, I would just break up with him."
Let's say the way the both of you hold hands isn't necessarily the most "romantic" way of holding each other's hands.
Instead of lancing fingers together, you would actually hold Iida's hand. Iida has a tendency for his hands always be straight due to his controlling and protective nature, and you were okay with that.
The two of you would usually shrug off the mouthy words towards both of you easily. But for some reason, they hurt today.
Especially for Iida.
Today, both of you were just cuddling in Iida's bed. His arm around your waist as your leg was hiked up on top of his legs. Your head laid on his chest as your other hand laid comfortably on his stomach.
"Y/N, do you not like the way we hold hands?" He says, this suddenly snaps you out of your relaxed state. "Why do you ask baby?" you reach out for his hand, but he suddenly retracts it, which makes you frown.
"I'm sick and tired of hearing it...people keep on talking about the way we hold hands, and they're right." Iida's somber voice makes you frown.
Gliding yourself on top of him, you lean down to press a kiss on his forehead. Leaning back up you caress his face.
"I never cared how we did it, as long as I was near you, nothing mattered to me but you. Why do you care now?" you asked.
This earned a deep sigh from your boyfriend, "sometimes I think to myself that maybe you would be better off with someone that would actually hold your hand correctly. Instead, you're with a freak like me." Iida says with a frown ever so present on his lips.
You see Iida's eyes begin to water, you hurriedly cupped his face with your hands. Quickly wiping a stray tear from his face with your thumb.
"Iida, I told you that I didn't care. So what if we don't do what the people want? As long as we're together that should be the only thing that matters!" Iida, silent, places his head close to yours. Planting a kiss on his lips to hold him in a tight embrace.
"I love you," you muffled into his shoulder, a warm smile falls on Iida's lips.
"I love you too."
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OMG GUYS!! The support you guys are giving me is crazy! I’m glad you all love my stuff so far. 1K+ likes and over 50 reblogs! We’re nearing 100 followers so fast too, and this page has only been open for a week! Thanks guys!
I might have something planned to celebrate :)
— lovelyiida<3
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silverynight · 2 years
The roommate
Part V
Izuku tells Bakugo there's no need for him to take him to work, but the pro hero doesn't actually listen to him. For some reason, he feels like he's acting different that morning, he looks flustered.
"We can... do this again sometime," the blond mumbles, looking away when Izuku turns his head towards him, although that doesn't actually hide the light blush on his cheeks.
"Of course, Kacchan!" Izuku says excitedly. Actually, he had a great time at Bakugo's place, even though they watched a scary movie. The pro hero even made breakfast for him.
That seems to be the right answer, because Bakugo finally looks at him again with a smile on his face.
"I'll text you, Izuku."
He's so happy he doesn't remember for a moment that his co-workers are a little bit too interested in his private life lately. When he walks inside the office, he gets startled by a couple of eyes, looking at him with intensity.
"Good mor–"
"You're late," Hatsume points out, although she doesn't look mad at all, just curious, like the rest of them.
"I'm sorry..."
"It's alright, it's your first time late, it's not a big deal," Hatsume mumbles, with a dismissive hand before she turns to look back at her "babies", which is the equipment she's been working on lately.
Actually, the curiosity quickly vanishes from her eyes, like she's not even interested anymore.
After he gets to his desk a couple of his co-workers gather around him.
"So it finally happened..."
"What do you mean?" He asks in confusion, blinking at the woman.
"You came with the same clothes as yesterday," the other adds, looking at him with a knowing smirk on his face.
"So you slept with Todoroki?" Someone from another desk questions with curiosity.
Izuku starts blushing to the tip of his ears.
"That's so stupid! Of course he didn't! They live together! Why would Midoriya be wearing the same clothes?"
"Oh, yeah... You're right. But I was kinda rooting for Todoroki, you know..."
At the other side of the room, someone squeaks before rushing towards them with his phone in hand.
"It was Dynamight! You left his place this morning!"
Forgetting his embarrassment a little, Izuku narrows his eyes. How does he know? Bakugo left him at the entrance of the building, but they work almost at the top...
"What? How do you–Oh. Midoriya, you're trending on Twitter again."
Oh, no.
"We can fix this!" Kaminari rises from his seat again. "Todoroki is still on patrol, he probably hasn't seen the things they're saying on Twitter..."
"But how do we fix this?" Uraraka asks, getting a little bit nervous. "We don't even know if Bakugo is actually dating Midoriya or not."
"I think they are..."
"We're not 100% sure, Mina."
"It's obvious! They are getting out of Bakugo's place! Perhaps you don't want to admit it because you're rooting for Todoroki but–"
"Stop! Please, just stop!" Iida cuts the two girls off suddenly; everyone it's getting too tense, including him. "They're both our friends and one of them could get hurt because of this..."
They're so distracted, they don't notice Kirishima has disappeared until he comes back with his phone in hand.
"I asked Bakugo to come. He'll be here soon. Now, please... We need to calm down before he's here. We're just going to ask a couple of questions to know what's actually going on..."
Ashido opens her mouth, but Kirishima shakes his head before she can say anything.
"No details! We just want to know if he's dating Midoriya and if Todoroki knows."
Uraraka changes her mind as soon as she sees Bakugo walking inside the place; there's something really different about him that morning... He's looking less grumpy, almost like he's fighting back a smile.
Maybe Ashido is right and he's actually dating Midoriya after all.
Oh, no. Poor Todoroki.
"What's up?"
"Wow," Kaminari mumbles, because sometimes he doesn't know when to stop or at least control himself. "You really are in good mood... You must have a great night–"
"SHUT UP!" To everyone's shock, Bakugo's face starts turning red, although he does sit at the same table as them. "What do you mean by that?"
Because Ashido is probably the bravest of all of them, she quickly shows him her phone.
The blush on Bakugo's face spreads down his neck, but he just... smiles.
It's actually a little bit weird.
"You're actually dating Midoriya?" Kirishima is the first one to ask, too surprised and curious to think about being less blunt about it.
Bakugo doesn't actually get that mad about the question.
"Not... yet."
"But what about Todoroki?" Uraraka suddenly asks, almost outraged.
"What about him, round cheeks?"
"You know what! He's in love with Midoriya!" Yes, she's raising her voice, but she's sure that nobody except for their friends heard her.
A little bit of guilt flashes inside Bakugo's eyes, but disappears rather quickly.
"I've been in love with the nerd for a long time, I won't–I can't give up on him, not now that he's actually forgiven me for the awful things I did in the past."
Everyone looks up at him; they're even more conflicted now that they've heard a glimpse of actual emotion coming from Bakugo's lips.
"So... you're actually trying to... woo him?" Kirishima asks almost quietly.
"Trying is the key word here... That nerd is so freaking dense," he almost huffs, but there's a fond smile on his lips as he says it.
It's even worse than they had imagined it; Bakugo is actually in love.
But they all know Todoroki is too, which means someone will get their heart broken.
And maybe their bones as well, because both of them are possessive and very much jealous.
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lovinkiri · 4 months
Undercover Wild Cat, The Perfect Date
Description: Sasha and Eijirou go on their first date. There's a lot to anticipate, and plenty of cute moments between them, including their first kiss!
Art Credit: @.jabberwockyface
OC Credit: @jix-the-dragon
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Sasha was excited to start her day. Not only did she not have class, but today was a crucial milestone in her new, budding relationship with Eijirou. A day they would never forget, a truly special day.
It was their first date. Not only was it their first date together, but it was their first date in general. And Sasha was determined to complete another first today.
She and Eijirou had discussed their first kiss once before. It was awkward and a little embarrassing, but Sasha brought it up because it seemed like Eijirou did not intend to do it. Of course, she wasn’t trying to rush him. She just wanted to communicate and make sure there wasn’t a problem. 
Sasha could still remember the bashful smile on his face and the red hue on his cheeks, which eventually found the tips of his ears. He said that he’d wanted their first kiss to be truly special, and with everything their classmates had recently been through with the league, he told her that it wouldn’t be very manly to give her such an important memory during a time she’d want to forget eventually.
His words had melted her heart, and she quickly agreed with him. With that, she figured their first date would be the best day to have their first kiss. The two of them had already had a few close calls before quickly snapping out of it, remembering their agreement to wait. Now that wait could finally be over.
She finally settled on a sundress, the weather was perfect for it. Looking into her full-body mirror, she began to move her hips, grinning at how the skirt of the dress swished around her legs. It wasn’t often she wore a dress, but she loved it when she did. 
Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she went into the closet, pulling out a red and white checkered blanket. She and Eijirou had decided to have a picnic, she was in charge of grabbing the blanket while he grabbed the food they prepared together the night before. 
She couldn’t help but giggle as she remembered the small food fight they had. They were playfully going back and forth about something silly. Sasha was winning the argument, so Kirishima had lightly thrown a piece of cheese on her. He hadn’t expected it to connect, let alone stick to her cheek, but his laughter was heard throughout the dorm. At least until he had a slice of cheese chucked over his lips, then Sasha was the one laughing. This continued until Iida came down and scolded them for wasting food. 
“Maybe we should grab some cheese on our way back,” She mused aloud, hugging the blankets in her arms. It was soft against her skin, comfortable enough to sleep in. Maybe after the picnic, she could wash it. Then she and Eijirou could cuddle and watch a movie with it. 
Making her way downstairs, she immediately heard a loud gasp from Mina upon entering the common area. The pink-haired girl jumped up and ran towards her, taking in Sasha’s outfit. “Wow! Someone looks good!” She exclaimed with a grin.
Sasha laughed and smiled back, tilting her head. “What? Do I usually look bad?” She asked playfully, raising an eyebrow to emphasize her question. Of course, she knew that wasn’t what Mina meant, but it was fun teasing her classmates. 
Pouting, Mina hugged one of her arms, leaning against her shoulder. “You know exactly what I mean, Quinnie. You never wear dresses. The closest I’ve gotten to seeing you in a dress is our uniform skirt.” She grumbles, her cheek pressed against Sasha’s shoulder. 
With a smile, Sasha lifted a hand to pet Mina on the top of her head. “Maybe we could go dress shopping soon with the rest of the girls. A girls' day out sounds nice.” She said thoughtfully, looking at her. 
Mina’s head shot off of her shoulder and she looked at Sasha, holding out a pinkie. “You gotta promise, Quinnie.” She sang, grinning broadly when Sasha hooked their pinkies and agreed. They exchanged a few more words before Eijirou entered the common area, wearing a white button-up shirt and some black pants. He held a picnic basket in his hands.
When the two lovebirds saw each other, their eyes might as well have turned into hearts. It was nice to see they both had thought of dressing up for the other. Bakugou groaned from his place on the couch, rolling his eyes. “There they go.” He grunted, watching as they approached each other.
“Hey, Sash.”
“Hi, Eij.” 
Their exchange might have looked awkward on the outside, but the two simply couldn’t find the words. Even though they’d just seen each other, the time leading up to this felt like forever. They were excited, this was their first date after all. 
“You look beautiful,” Eijirou smiled, admiring how the dress looked on her. “I mean you always look beautiful, but you know.” He quickly added before she could tease him like she teased Mina. Though he wasn’t here when it happened to her, he knew Sasha well enough.
She laughed, knowing exactly why he felt the need to add that second part. “Thanks, Eiji. You look amazing.” She complimented, looking him up and down purposefully, watching him flush. She would always find a way to tease him. 
Reaching up, she gently pinched his cheek, careful not to hurt him with her claws. “You’re so cute when you blush.” She said, watching him pout the same way Mina had. Though she had to say, he was a lot cuter, though maybe she was biased.
“C’mon, Sash, let’s go.” He placed a hand on her back, gently leading her towards the front door. It seemed he wanted to run away, not wanting their classmates to see his face turn as red as his hair.
Mina tilted her head curiously. “Where are you guys off to dressed all nice?” She asked curiously, jumping over the couch and landing next to Bakugou, who looked up from his phone. 
“Yeah, hanging out without us?” Denki spoke up, coming out of the kitchen with a bowl in hand. He looked between Sasha and Eijirou, taking in their clothes before grinning in admiration.
Eijirou, already almost out of the door, looked back at them with Sasha still holding his cheek. “I’m taking my girlfriend on a date. And it wouldn’t be a date if you guys all came along, right?” He spoke as if it was obvious, and maybe it should’ve been. But the class had no idea they decided to make their relationship official.
Letting go of his cheek, she waved at her classmates as they walked out of the door. “Bye, guys! Sorry, Denks, Maybe next time!” She called out as she shut the door. As soon as it closed, she heard everyone in the room erupt into shock.
“Get back here, Idiots! When did we start keeping secrets, hah?!” That was undeniably Bakugou’s voice, the loudest as always. She hadn’t expected him to be so shocked, but hearing it was amusing.
Then there was a whistle. “Finally!” That was all Denki exclaimed, and Eijirou laughed at that. Out of everyone, Denki had supported them from the start. They couldn’t imagine how happy he must have been to hear they were finally an official couple. 
“What?! You owe me details, you two! Details!” Mina shouted after them. Sasha knew what that meant. After the day, she was going to have a girl talk in Mina’s room with the rest of the girls. Either before or after a talk with Bakugou and Denki.
Those three were the loudest, the rest of their classmates who were in the common area were surprised but not as surprised as the three. 
“I love our classmates.” She told Eijirou as made their way out of UA, looking up at him. “It’s never a dull day. I’d have thought the blanket and basket would have given us away.”
Eijirou looked back at her. “Yeah, but we always did romantic stuff, even when we weren’t officially together.” He pointed out to her, swinging the basket just a little, not enough to ruin the food. 
“Romantic stuff like what?” She asked though she knew exactly the kind of stuff he was talking about, he could see it in the way her eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief.
Deciding that it was his turn to tease, he took her hand in his, interlocking their fingers. He wished he could have taken a picture of Sasha’s face at that moment, how her ears perked up and her eyes widened, let alone the red hue on her cheek that only darkened as Eijirou smirked.
“Romantic stuff like this.” He leaned down, kissing her cheek. He smiled against her soft cheek, feeling how hot her face had gotten. “Now who’s the cute one?” He asked teasingly, pulling away with a wink.
“Okay, fine, you got me this time.” She huffed, her cheeks puffing as she looked ahead, too shy to make eye contact when she knew how flustered she probably looked. He only laughed and gently swung their hands, rather than the basket. Anyone who looked at the two as they walked by couldn’t help but smile. Young love in its finest form.
Eijirou and Sasha had decided to go to a very specific location for their picnic. It was a park, and the people who knew about it knew it for its beautiful flowers and scenery. It took quite a bit of research to find this park it wasn’t exactly well-known. It was in a small, suburban area a little ways out. A train ride and a small walk away.
When they reached the train, all of the seats were taken. Thankfully, not many people were standing. They managed to get inside right before the doors closed, laughing at how quickly they’d started to run just to make it.
The train began moving and Sasha reached up, her fingers just barely wrapping around the handle hanging from the bar above them. She looked up at Eijirou, grinning. “Nice job, Eiji.” She said proudly, as he’d been able to keep up with her speed. She hadn’t given it her all, but she was going fast. The plan was to hold the door for Eijirou.
He panted softly, holding onto the bar above him. Still, he smiled at her through his deep breaths. “Yeah? Getting used to your speed,” He let out an airy chuckle. He’d been right though, Eijirou was getting better at keeping up with her. 
“You didn’t have to run so fast, you know. I was going to hold the door open for you.” She told him, watching as he quickly regained his breath. 
He shook his head and glanced out the window as if trying to hide how his next words would fluster him. “I always want to run by your side, no matter what. I may not be as fast as a leopard, but I’ll settle for the closest I can get to it.” He said softly, giving a small shrug.
Sasha blushed at his sweet words, nudging him gently with her free hand. “You’re so manly, Ei.” That was all she needed to say to make him perk up. 
“He’s just too cute. Almost like a puppy..” She thought to herself, imagining him with soft, floppy puppy ears. She nearly cooed at the thought, watching him with an adoring gaze. Her stare caught his attention, his cheeks blooming with red. 
“W-What happened?” He asked, tilting his head and only making him look cuter to Sasha. She had no idea how he didn’t realize just how adorable he could be.
Reaching up, she gently pinched his cheek again, giving a teasingly smile. “Don’t make that face anymore. You’ll end up making my heart explode, okay?” She said cheekily. When she was an agent, she never imagined she’d be flirting with her boyfriend on a train, on her way to a picnic. But there they were.
Eijirou gave a flustered pout and pulled her hand from his cheek, holding it in his own. His thumb brushed against her knuckles gently. “You’re teasing again, Sash.” He huffed softly. When he noticed the mischievous sparkle in her eyes, he decided to retaliate, bringing his palm to her lips. He placed a loving kiss there, watching her go wide-eyed.
“You’re my favorite person, you know that? No one else gives me butterflies like this.” She told him, wanting him to know how special she was to him. He was the only person to ever make her feel this way. For a moment, she thought about a particularly annoying agent she used to work with, one who flirted with her constantly. ‘Hex’, that was what he was called. But she quickly dismissed the thought, not wanting her memory of him to ruin this date. Not like she’d have to see him again anyway.
He smiled warmly, his eyes reflecting a mixture of surprise and delight. "Really? Just me?" It was obvious no one had said that about him before. 
She chuckled softly, her heart feeling lighter seeing how happy her words had made her. "Oh, yeah. It's the little things you do too, like the way you make ordinary moments extraordinary. No one else has this magical ability to turn the mundane into something extraordinary. No one but you, Ei.”
He raised an eyebrow, intrigued by her assertion. "Magical ability, huh? Little things? I don’t do much. Not as much as I wish I could. Because you’re special to me too, Sasha." He admitted bashfully. 
Her gaze softened as she began to recount moments that had left a lasting impression on her. "Like the time we went on that trip and ended up cuddling on the bus. Or when you surprised me with my favorite dessert last week just because, and your thoughtfulness made my day."
His expression softened, touched by her words. He hadn’t realized the significance of his actions. "Those were super small things though, Sash. Not nearly as much as you deserve. Especially for what you went through, you deserve it all.”
She shook her head, looking at him as if he hung the stars himself. "Super small to you, maybe, but they meant the world to me. It's not about grand gestures; it's about the sincerity and thoughtfulness behind them. You make me feel seen, appreciated, and loved in a way not many people do."
He reached for her hand, a silent acknowledgment of the connection they shared. "Well, like I said, you're my favorite person too. You bring so much joy and warmth into my life. I never knew someone could be so.. Manly?" He said it questioningly before shaking his head. “No, not just manly. I mean… You’re just.. Everything? Does that make sense?” He scratched the back of his head, wishing he was better with his words.
Little did he know, he couldn’t have said it better. Her heart went fluttering at his sweet sentiment. She nodded, noticing how his hand still held her, warm and secure. “It does. It makes perfect sense.” She assured him. 
The rhythmic hum of the train created a soothing backdrop as Sasha and Eijirou spoke, eventually able to sit down as an old couple stood. Eijirou let a small thought pass, that maybe he and Sasha would be together when they were that old. He figured he was probably getting ahead of himself, not knowing Sasha had the same thought.
When they do get off the train, they make their way to the park. It’s a short walk, and it feels even shorter to Sasha when she’s in such in company. The park, adorned with vibrant blossoms and tall, swaying trees, welcomed them with a gentle breeze that carried the sweet scent of flowers. Sasha couldn't help but admire the sunlight filtering through the leaves, creating a pattern on the stone path under their feet. She held her arm out, watching the pattern reflect against her skin, over the cheetah print of her arm. Smiling, Eijirou held out his arm to do the same, their fingers brushing together.
As they approached a quiet enough spot beneath the shade of an old tree, Sasha couldn't help but appreciate the simple joy of sitting beside Eijirou against the soft blanket. “I was thinking we could use this to cuddle later. Feels soft against my skin.” She mentioned her thoughts from earlier, smoothing out the blanket as he opened the basket. 
Pulling out some sandwiches they poorly cut into different shapes, he smiled at the thought. “Sounds pretty good to me. The more time I get to spend with you, the better. Especially when all of the studying I’ve been doing with Bakugou. Wish he’d let you join.” He sighed, remembering how Bakugou had told Eijirou they had to study privately. Or at least, without Sasha. Otherwise, he’d stare at her the entire time. He knew that Bakugou was right, but he couldn’t help it. How could he not look at her? 
She laughed softly, pulling the plastic wrap from the plate of sandwiches while Eijirou pulled out a bottle of juice and two portable plastic cups. “You’ll have to stop staring at me then.”
“Easier said than done, babe.”
Her heart skipped a beat at the new nickname. He’d never called her that before. She didn’t hate it. It spread a warm feeling through her chest. Noticing the way she hesitated before speaking, he looked at her nervously.
“Was that okay?” He asked, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. He’d been wanting to call her that for a while, only now finding the courage to try. Eijirou wasn’t sure what reaction to expect, so he had to be sure she wasn't upset.
But she quickly shook her head. “More than okay, Eijirou,” Sasha reassured him, her eyes sparkling with a mix of surprise and affection. The nickname lingered in the air, a newfound fondness for the nickname. He grinned at her, glad that she liked it. 
As they continued unpacking the food, Sasha found herself replaying the moment in her mind. 'Babe'—it was such a simple word, yet its impact was amazing. It felt like a key unlocking a door to a new layer of intimacy between them. 
“Hey,” She spoke up, gaining his attention as he unpacked the last of it. “Does that mean I finally get to call you ‘Darling’?” She gave a playful grin, watching his face flash as he nearly dropped the brownies they asked Sato to make, which he happily did as he was craving brownies anyway.
He smiled, looking almost shy. He’d started it, but to hear her calling him ‘Darling’, he understood why she’d gotten quiet. The initial reaction had left him speechless too. He instead poured a cup of juice, downing it as Sasha waited expectantly for a response. 
He nodded, wiping his mouth quickly, hiding his cheeks behind his hand while he did. “Of course you can, babe. I’d like it if you did it more often, honestly.” He said softly, wanting to be honest about how much the name had affected him.
“Okay, Darling,” She purred affectionately, leaning her head against his shoulder. Eijirou wrapped an arm around her, laying his head against her. As far as picnic dates went, they were off to a great start.
Leaning into Eijirou's side, Sasha found comfort in the warmth of his presence. Her head nestled against his shoulder, creating intimacy within the bustling park. The gentle rustle of leaves and distant chatter was static in their ears, their focus on their private moment, one that seemed to suspend time like an enchantment of shared affection.
Lifting a brownie, Sasha offered to feed it to Eijirou, and he didn’t bite immediately, deciding to mess with her first this time. Instead, he gave her a confused look.
"Eat it, Eiji," she urged a lightness in her tone that echoed the carefree nature of their date. Eijirou's grin widened, and he leaned forward, playfully pretending to nibble at the air.
Finally, with a theatrical sigh, Sasha tried again, bringing the brownie closer to Eijirou's lips. He took a playful bite, and the rich, chocolatey goodness hit his tastebuds quickly. The taste was a burst of sweetness, Sato truly was a master in the kitchen.
As Eijirou savored the brownie, Sasha couldn't help but admire the way his eyes lit up with delight. The sight made her take a bite as well. It was a small, intimate exchange, yet it spoke volumes about the comfort and joy they found in each other's presence. The park seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in a world where every shared bite became a celebration of their connection.
The couple continued to cuddle against the blanket, feeding each other. It was a sweet sight to anyone who passed by them. An older man gazed at them as if he were remembering something. They waved and he waved back with a smile before walking along. 
Sasha traced circles on Eijirou's hand, her voice melodic in his ear. "You know, these moments feel nice. After everything we went through, I think we really needed this, right?” She looked up at him.
Eijirou grinned, his eyes reflecting the affection he felt. "Yeah, it's like we've found our own little moment away from the world,” He furrowed his eyebrows at his own words. “Moment..?” He repeated, wondering if that was the best word.
She nodded, assuring him once more. “Our own little moment.” Sasha's fingers played with the edges of his white shirt as she continued, "I never imagined a simple picnic could turn into something so special though. Somehow, you make eating on a blanket the best experience ever.”
Eijirou chuckled, his gaze fixed on the stars. "Remember what you said earlier? Sometimes, it's the simplest things that mean the most." He pointed out her words from their earlier conversation and she nodded. 
Sasha continued to rest her head on Eijirou's shoulder, sighing contentedly. "I like what you said about this being our own little moment. I'm grateful for moments like these. It's like time stands still, and it's just us." She expanded on his statement and he nuzzled the top of her head.
Eijirou nodded, his fingers gently intertwining with hers. "It's the kind of peace that makes everything else fade away. Never liked that kind of peace before, but I like it now. Easier to focus on you.” He told her, watching her practically hide her face against his.
With a soft smile, Sasha gazed into Eijirou's eyes. "You make ordinary moments extraordinary, you know that?" She pointed out, wanting to voice these thoughts once more, wanting him to truly understand how his presence affected her life.
Eijirou blushed, a playful glint in his eyes. "Well, it's easy when I'm with someone as extraordinary as you." He decided to flirt, watching her turn the same shade of red.
As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in warm hues of orange and pink, Sasha and Eijirou stayed on the picnic blanket. The soft glow of twilight swept over them. The distant chirping of crickets serenaded the couple, and the rustle of leaves in the gentle evening breeze provided a soothing soundtrack to their shared chatter.
As the last traces of daylight faded, they exchanged soft whispers, their words carrying the weight of shared dreams and untold promises. Promises of how they would always stay together, how they’d always protected each other. Eijirou began thinking about a promise ring. He knew it was a big commitment to him, and he definitely thought it was worth Sasha. With how sweet she was looking at him, he could have married her right then and there. 
With a final gaze at the fading sunlight, Sasha and Eijirou rose from the blanket, hand in hand. The park, now bathed in the soft glow of streetlights, made her eyes move across their scene happily. Even cleaning up their food was fun with Eijirou.
As they strolled away from the picnic spot, the evening whispered its blessings, carrying the echoes of shared laughter, stolen kisses, and the quiet joy of being intertwined in the tapestry of love. The picnic blanket, picked up from the dew-kissed grass, silently held the memories of a day well spent, promising a future adorned with countless more moments like these.
They stopped at the entrance of the park, looking out at it one more time, taking in the scenery. They hadn’t even paid much attention to it, even though that was the point of coming here. Instead, they lost themselves in each other. Still, it was a nice experience, a perfect date.
Almost perfect.
Sasha turned to Eijirou, her eyes reflecting her vulnerability. "This night feels... different, doesn't it?" She said, brushing her hair back with a smile.
Eijirou met her gaze, his heart beating against his chest. He what was coming. It was time. "It's like the universe is giving us a moment we've been waiting for." He returned her smile, nodding in agreement with her statement.
A soft breeze played with Sasha's hair as she leaned in, their breaths mingling in the cool night air. "Maybe it's time we stop waiting," she whispered, her voice delicate and sweet.
Eijirou's heart raced, mirroring the anticipation in the air. "Yeah, maybe it is." He murmured softly.
Their proximity intensified, and the magnetic pull between them was undeniable. Sasha's fingers traced a shy path up Eijirou's arm, and in that moment, time seemed to slow for the both of them.
Eijirou cupped Sasha's cheek, his touch gentle yet filled with a longing that spoke volumes. "Sasha..."
She met his gaze, and without uttering another word, the universe granted them permission, finally giving them their special moment. Their lips met in a tender dance, a culmination of unspoken emotions and the magic of the night.
Then everything else fell away as they lost themselves in the sweetness of their first kiss. Sasha's heart fluttered, and Eijirou felt an electric warmth coursing through his veins. The kiss was everything they hoped it would be and more. They weren’t sure what to expect, but any expectations they might have had wouldn’t compare.
They conveyed everything through a gentle, simple kiss. Eijirou could feel Sasha’s appreciation for how he always believed in her, and never let any doubts sway him away from her. And Sasha could feel his understanding for her, he wanted to make her happy after such a difficult life.
Breaking the kiss, Sasha looked into Eijirou's eyes, a soft smile playing on her lips. "That was... perfect." She spoke breathlessly, giggling nervously. She couldn’t help but wonder if she was any good at kissing.
Eijirou grinned, his eyes reflecting the newfound connection. "More than perfect." He said quietly, making her relax in response.
Hand in hand, they made their way back home. The train was emptier this time around, so they were able to grab seats as soon as they got on. They talked softly about how the date went, what they would tell their classmates when they got home, and were roped into conversations about today. 
On the way back, they made sure to pick up some cheese like Sasha had wanted. She hoped Iida wasn’t still upset about it. She doubted it, he could be very forgiving. Still, she thought it’d be best to replace wasted food in the dorm.
Just as they thought, they were immediately bombarded with questions. Looking at their friends, they gave them relaxed smiles.
“One second guys, at least let me walk my girl to her room,” Eijirou said, gently her hand in his. It felt good to say, calling Sasha his girl. As for Sasha, it felt good to hear. Everyone took a step back, letting the two walk to Sasha’s room. 
“Aren’t you manly? Walking your girl to her room,” Sasha giggled as they approached her door. Stopping outside her room, she looked up at him affectionately. “Guess that makes you my man, doesn’t it?”
Eijirou chuckled at Sasha's playful comment, a warm glow spreading across his face. "Well, I can't let my girl walk alone, can I?" he teased, a twinkle in his eyes.
As they stood by her door, a comfortable silence settled between them. Eijirou couldn't help but admire the way Sasha's eyes sparkled with a warmth that mirrored his own feelings.
She leaned up and gave him a quick kiss. He returned the kiss, holding her cheek against his palm. A goodnight kiss was the perfect way to end this perfect day. It wasn’t until they heard a chorus of gasps that they pulled away. Looking behind them, they say their classmates duck behind a corner. They couldn’t help but share a laugh at their silliness.
“Looks like they’ve been waiting for us all day. Let’s get through these talks, yeah?” She said, rubbing her arm bashfully. Eijirou agreed with a few stutters, making Sasha grin at him.
“Right, yeah. Well… Goodnight, babe.” Eijirou said, hugging her close to him. It was as if he couldn’t get enough affection. 
Sasha hugged back, wrapping her arms around his neck. She didn’t mind, she felt the same way. Was this the honeymoon phase she heard people talking about? 
“Goodnight, Darling.” She spoke softly, and he nearly melted in her embrace. 
Then, like moments ago, they heard their classmates again. This time, they awed at the couple, finding their new nicknames adorable. The two pulled away and exchanged amused looks before Sasha made her way into her room. 
Not even five minutes later, someone was knocking rapidly at her door. She walked over and opened it, finding that it was Mina who knocked, unsurprisingly. The other girls were right behind her. 
“Girl, you dropped such a huge bomb on us earlier. We’ve got questions!” Hagakure spoke up first, jumping up in excitement, the others agreeing with her.
She grinned at them, grateful to have friends she could talk with like this after a date. She moved aside, giving them room to enter. “I've got a lot to share ladies.” 
Meanwhile, Eijirou wasn’t even able to answer most of the questions he was asked, stuck in a lovestruck daze. “She kissed me..” He trailed off.
Bakugou let out a frustrated groan. “Yeah, we saw. You gonna talk about your shitty date or not?” 
“Again..” Eijirou finished, smiling happily. “She kissed me again.”
Denki jumped up in shock, hand on Eijirou’s shoulders. “Again?! Man, we need all the details, all of them!” He insisted.
As Bakugou tried to argue that they didn’t need every detail, Eijirou looked out the window, talking under his breath as Sero tried to get him to spill this time. “My girl. Her man. Her Darling…” He blushed softly. 
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pumpkin-cake · 1 year
Taylor Swift Songs - U.A. Boys
(includes - izuku midoriya, katsuki bakugou, shoto todoroki, tenya iida, eijirou kirishima, denki kaminari, mirio togata, tamaki amajiki)
summary - what taylor swift song are you two?
warnings - mention of self-unaliving (none actually)
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midoriya is baby
we all know this
yes, he becomes the top hero in the world, even surpassing all might, but he still has a sweet sensitivity and kindness to him
you love that childlike innocence he’s kept for so long, despite the fact he’s gone through so much pain and hardship
you like to tease him with this song
he always protests, claiming he definitely is not little
it all has to do with his sweet demeanor, and how you wish you could protect him the way that he protects you
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i know this song doesn’t immediately yell ‘Katsuki Bakugou’
but listen
hear me out okay
i can absolutely see katsuki and his childhood friend reader sort of separating after he gets a partner that isn’t you
the issue is that the partner isn’t really understanding of katsuki’s way of expressing love but doesn’t want to break it off for their own selfish reasons
so katsuki ends up confiding in that childhood friend reader
you both have loved each other for such a long time but he realized it WAY after you did
damn i wanna write a fic abt this
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such a pure type of love
you both are absolutely smitten with one another, and everybody knows it
it’s like the love you see in movies or fairy tales
shoto is also a very attractive
like it’s canon that he’s considered hot
and especially as a pro-hero, people would be really really jealous and judge
but they don’t know you two
your all’s love is yours and yours alone
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tenya absolutely strikes me as the protective type of guy
he takes so many things seriously
your relationship would be no different
your safety and health is his top priority
he doesn’t want anything to happen to you
just imagine him holding you in his arms after a villain attack, having you close your eyes and focus on him
he’ll always keep you safe no matter what it takes
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i still think eijirou is and can be super insecure
you’re one of the only ones who can actually help him with that
if he ever needs help, you’re there
i don’t think kiri would think of unaliving himself like the song suggests
but i do think you would always have that concern for him
especially after the bakugou getting kidnapped incident
and the shie hissaikai incident
you just love him and don’t know what you’d do without him
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i feel like he’d be so cocky
i mean he fell in love with you instantly
y’all are soulmates, right??
as goofy and clueless as he can be
you love him very very much
you guys feel like you can rule the whole damn world together
you make each other so happy and confident
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mirio to me is just like
that perfect guy
yes he’s a little goofy
but everything about him is just so genuine and pure
everything about him is perfect to you
he’s such a gentleman but never fails to make you laugh
it feels unreal to have mirio togata in your life
almost like magic
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you and tamaki are gentle lovers
you both don’t care about flashy dates or physical affection in public
your reputation doesn’t matter
you like things private
this relationship belongs to you two
no one else has to know how deep your love goes for each other
just as long as you both know
then that’s enough
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