#dating kirishima would include
froggyoyabun · 2 years
ღ [FR] Être en couple avec la bakusquad (séparément) ଘ(੭ ˊᵕˋ)੭ ღ
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TW : Injures
[Genré neutre]
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Bakugo Katsuki
ღ Le début de votre relation est assez compliquée : Katsuki est quelqu'un qui a besoin d'espace.
ღ Il faudra du temps (et pas mal de patience) pour que Bakugo s'attache vraiment : pour lui, être dans une relation c'est se montrer vulnérable. Une fois qu'il s'habituera a ta présence, cela voudra dire qu'il a assez confiance en toi pour te montrer un côté beaucoup plus tendre de lui ;)
ღ Un peu brusque, il va droit au but et peut paraître un peu méchant, mais même si il n'en a pas l'air, il t'adore et il retient pleins de petits détails sur toi. Lors d'anniversaires et d'autres fêtes, tu es toujours surpris.e car il trouve de bons cadeaux (là est bien la preuve qu'il s'intéresse vraiment à toi *^* )
ღ Pour ce qui est de l'affection en public, le blond connait deux phases : au début de votre relation, il est plutôt réservé. Il ne cache pas qu'il a un.e petit.e ami.e, mais il ne va pas pour autant t'embrasser devant tout le monde. Vient alors la deuxième phase : tu ne peux pas y échapper. Bakugo veut te montrer à absolument TOUT LE MONDE. Le gars est fier, beaucoup trop fier, et il y a de fortes chances qu'en te montrant à Deku, il lui lâche un : "J'ai trouvé une pépite que tu n'aura jamais gros naze. T'as le seum hein ?"
ღ Sa mère le vanne car parfois, quand il rentre chez lui après un rendez-vous avec toi, il reste planté là, à sourire comme un idiot.
ღ Il n'est pas le meilleur avec les mots, mais il a bon fond. Il a du mal à mettre des mots sur ce qu'il ressent pour toi, mais sache que ses yeux sont toujours rivés sur toi où que tu te trouves dans la pièce : c'est sa manière à lui de te montrer qu'il tient à toi et de s'assurer que tu ailles bien et que personne ne t'embêtes.
ღ Il s'adapte selon ta personnalité. Si tu es aussi du genre têtu et à ne pas te laisser faire, il n'aura pas peur de te lancer des pics, et il serait impressionné si tu lui réponds avec le même sarcasme.
ღ Maintenant, si tu es une personne un peu plus sensible, tu remarqueras que, en ta présence, la voix du blond se calme et la violence de son language aussi :0 Il ne l'avouera jamais mais il fait vraiment attention à ne pas te hurler dessus quand il parle ;)
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Mina Ashido
ღ Mina est une copine super attentionnée. Contrairement à Bakugo elle est à l'aise très facilement avec son/sa partenaire !
ღ Les cadeaux ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚ Elle est ce genre de personne qui, quand elle se balade dans la rue et voit quelque chose dans une vitrine qui lui fait penser à toi, l'achète à 100% pour te l'offrir <3
ღ Elle t'écris régulierement des lettres, ce qui donne ce genre de situation :
- Mina : " Tiens Y/N, je t'ai écris cette lettre où je t'avoues mon amour ! Je t'aime (*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ*.゚ "
- Y/N : " Mina. Ça fait 3 ans qu'on est ensembles ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა "
- Elle a un carnet qu'elle met à jour régulièrement où elle liste ce que tu aimes, ce que tu n'aimes pas, tes habitudes, ce qu'elle aime chez toi, ce qu'elle aimerait faire avec toi un jour etc, bref : elle est vraiment passionnée. Si un jour tu découvres ce carnet je crois qu'elle va fondre sur place.
ღ Addicte à ton odeur ! Je ne rigole pas, si tu portes du parfum, elle achètera le même et s'endormira ainsi avec ton odeur sur son oreiller les jours où tu lui manques trop !
ღ Si tu ne portes pas de parfum, et c'est ton odeur naturelle qui lui plaît tant... désolé de te l'apprendre mais tu risques de remarquer que des tee-shirts et sweats ont DISPARUS de ta garde-robe !! :0 Le coupable aux cheveux roses les porte quand elle pense à toi, et parfois dort même avec en guise de peluche ♡
ღ Un peu comme Ochako, elle ADORE porter une tenue qui match la tienne !! C'est une passion chez elle. Généralement, le matin elle t'envoie un message du genre :
《 Coucou Y/N <3 Tu va porter quoi aujourd'hui ? Ton sweat blanc, là ? Ok ça marche, merciiii ♡♡♡ 》
ღ Vous êtes devenus LE couple fashion du lycée, et toutes les photos qu'elle postes sur ses réseaux sociaux montre qu'elle en est fière ♡ (Photos qui, bien sûr, sont toutes sans aucunes exceptions, accompagnées d'un PAVÉ sur à quel point elle t'aime ^^")
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Kirishima Eijiro
ღ Il est un mélange entre Mina et Bakugo pour ce qui est du début de votre relation. Je veux dire par là qu'il semble à l'aise, détaché. Mais il lui faudra un peu de temps pour montrer sa facette "sensible" et te dévoiler ses craintes et insécurités. Mais sache que lorsque ce sera le cas, cela voudra dire que tu signifie tout pour lui et qu'il te voues ne confiance aveugle <3
ღ Les compliments („ᵕᴗᵕ„) Kirishima te complimente tout le temps. Tu viens littéralement de te lever ? La peau collante de sueur, les cheveux en bataille avec une mine d'outre-tombe ?
- Kirishima : " Aaaaw T/P tu es trop mignon.ne <3 Regarde toi avec ta petite bouille fatiguée ! "
ღ Certes, il adore donner des compliments. Mais, T/P, s'il te plaît, n'hésite pas à lui en faire en retour !! Ça le rend toute chose, et pour une fois, c'est toi qui le fait rougir ! Cela se passe généralement comme ça quand tu lui fais un compliment :
Étape 1 : Il est choqué, et son visage se confond soudainement parfaitement avec la couleur de ses cheveux.
Étape 2 : Il reste planté là comme un petit chiot, réalisant petit à petit que tu es sincère.
Étape 3 : Cours. T/P, cours te cacher. Car si il t'attrape c'en est fini de toi. Il ne te lâchera plus. Il va te noyer d'affection, ses bras enroulés autour de ton corps dès qu'il le pourra ♡
ღ Il a une très bonne mémoire : il se souvient donc de l'anniversaire de votre rencontre, et de pleins de petits détails sur toi.
ღ Pendant les entraînements si il doit t'affronter il y doucement. Ce n'est pas parce qu'il te sous-estime, simplement qu'il REFUSE d'être violent envers toi, même si c'est l'exercice qui le demande. La plupart de vis combats sont donc toi qui l'attaques, lui qui esquive en te complimentant.
- Kirishima : " Woah- tu as bien failli m'avoir là... Super crochet Y/N ! "
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Sero Hanta
ღ Sero a une personnalité assez joueuse. Avant que vous ne soyez ensembles, il te taquinait souvent en "flirtant" avec toi. Cependant quand votre couple s'est concrétisé il est devenu beaucoup plus sérieux.
ღ Là où avant que vous soyez ensembles il faisait exprès de s'approcher de Mina ou d'Ochaco pour que ça t'embêtes, une fois ensemble, il n'a d'yeux que pour toi ♡♡
ღ Il adore faire des activités avec toi : surtout si c'est des petites taches du quotidien comme cuisiner. Avoir un quotidien avec toi, pour lui ça revient à vraiment partager sa vie avec toi, et qu'il se sent "chez-lui" en ta présence <3
ღ Y/N. Profite de cette occasion pour travailler avec lui de temps à autres : il en a vraiment besoin ! Sero n'est pas bête. Il a juste tendance à se reposer sur ses acquis et donc prend du retard dans le scolaire. Mais avec toi, il a découvert une manière d'apprentissage qui lui plaît *^* Si tu l'embrasse à chaque bonne réponses pendant vos sessions de révisions, jette lui un coup d'oeil au jour J pendant le contrôle : tu le verra virer au rouge pivoine en essayant de se rappeler de ses... bonne réponses ;)
ღ Contrairement à Kirishima, si jamais un jour... tu as la malchance de devoir l'affronter pendant un entrainement, non seulement il ne ne t'épargnera pas, mais en plus il se donnera encore plus à fond pour te battre. Ce mec est un vrai débile quand il s'y met ;-; Mais il fait ça car il te considère comme son égal, et il se donne à fond car il te respecte et ne te prend pas à la légère ;)
ღ Bon y aussi une partie de lui qui ADORE la tête que tu fais quand tu perds. Souvent il se penche au dessus de toi, attendant tes compliments :
- Sero : " Mmmh ? Alors, Y/N ? Je suis pas le plus balèze au monde ? N'aies pas peur de me le dire ;) "
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Denki Kaminari
ღ Denki est complètement à coté de la plaque. Désolé de te l'apprendre mais ce sera à toi de faire le premier pas, ou alors d'être très patient.e car toute la bakusquad va devoir le CONVAINCRE de prendre son courage à deux mains pour te déclarer sa flamme. Hélas, si tu as essayé de semer des petits indices de ton attirance envers lui... il y a très peu de chances qu'il les ait compris, c'est un vrai idiot quand il s'agit d'amour (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
- Denki : "Sero, arrête ! Ce n'est pas parce que Y/N m'a donné son lait à la fraise ce midi, m'attends tous les matins devant la grille et n'arrête pas de me répéter qu'il/elle/iel est célibataire avec un grand sourire que ça veut dire quelque chose !"
ღ Une fois ensembles, Denki te traite comme un.e vraie dieu/déesse. Il est fou de toi, ce qui me permet de parler de l'une de ses obssesions : les... p h o t o s.
ღ Ce n'est pas 10... 20... 50... mais une centaine des photos qu'il a de toi. Il ne peut s'empêcher de dégainer son portable chaque fois qu'il trouve que tu es adorable (c'est à dire très souvent). Et le pire dans tout ça ? De la même manière que Bakugo, il les montre à ses amis. À un point où ils n'en peuvent plus !
- Mina : "C'est bon, Kami' on a compris qu'il/elle/iel est magnifique et que tu l'aimes !"
- Denki : "Non mais attends ! Regarde celle-ci aussi ! Et celle-là aussi. Il faut que tu les regardes toutes pour comprendre à quel point j'ai à mes cotés le.a meilleur.e petit.e ami.e AU MONDE !"
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moominsuki · 1 year
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✎ᝰ BAKUGOU KATSUKI ; — anyone would be silly not to love you, katsuki.
࿄ ! warnings — f!reader, no warnings. so fluffy it’s sickeningly sweet.
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katsuki knows that he’s a little difficult to deal with sometimes. to love is a different story altogether.
from a young age, he never really cared about what others thought about him. he wasn’t interested in friends, tolerated his family and he didn’t care for women at all. and at 16, he deemed this to be a perfect way to live.
well, now he was 22. who knew that loneliness would hit him in tumultuous spouts of self loathing and bitterness? not him, that’s for sure. he sees his friends getting into relationships and while he’s thankful that they always include him in things despite his brash attitude and sharp tongue, there’s an embittered taste on his tongue that lingers when he sees kirishima and his girlfriend.
katsuki doesn’t think he’s particularly unattractive either and women do approach him; unfortunately, they’re left sour by his mannerisms and deadpan tone of voice. at 18, he didn’t care that girls didn’t really understand him. but four years is a heck of a long time to change your view on things: things being love.
you tell him that anyone would be silly not to love him.
katsuki has known you since he was a stupid, brooding adolescent kid. he thinks it’s a blessing and a curse that you came into his life so forcefully, uprooting yourself and plopping your ass into the middle of it. he’d never tell you but sometimes when he’s on blind dates with the next girl that denki thinks is “the one,” all he can think about is you: especially when his forgettable date orders your favourite, barbecued duck noodle soup, to be exact and he remembers when you made that for him on his 18th birthday.
when you come over to his place to cook dinner and watch a film, you ask about his date and katsuki alludes to the failure of it and that she also “eats really noisily,” a pet peeve of the blond’s. you frown cutely, like you always do when he tells you about the flings that don’t go well.
“well, anyone would be silly not love you, katsuki,” you’d always say and it was routinely with the way he’d stand behind the kitchen island and you’d smile at him, eyes crinkled and shining, making a raspy breath hitch in his throat.
and when dinner was ready, you’d set out both your bowls of dumplings and duck and sometimes you’d put on a netflix show that you really like (katsuki thinks netflix sucks but for you, he’d watch paint dry); however, this time, you opt to just talking, catching up on your day and the plans for the week.
“y’know, blind dates aren’t all they’re cracked up to be anyway. statistically speaking, your soulmate is probably someone you’ve known all your life,” you say candidly, slurping noisily and katsuki watches you thoughtfully before scoffing, all bemused.
“i speak to maybe four women, including you and my ma. great odds,” and you giggle at that, making his heart jump while some soup dribbles down your chin.
“there’s someone out there for everyone, okay! and who are the other women besides me and your mom?” you raise a brow jokingly and katsuki lifts a hand to softly flick at your head.
“just coworkers. like i said, the odds ain’t great,” he grumbles and you rub at the spot on your head before resting your hand on top of his and lifting it back up to press it to your warm cheek.
“you have me! am i not enough woman for you?”
katsuki’s eyes soften and his thumb subconsciously rubs across your skin.
“plenty ‘nuff woman for me. don’t know who else could put up with me,” he says earnestly and both your eyes widen almost comically at the words that slipped out of his mouth.
he’s about to dejectedly pull his hand away when you slightly lean into his touch, “it’s like i said. anyone would be silly not to love you,” and you angle your face so your plump lips kiss into his thumb.
you decide not to comment on the reddening tips of his ears and the pink dusting across the golden specks of freckles on his cheekbones, to save him from the embarrassment.
maybe it’s the years from knowing katsuki that allows you to always say the 8 words: from seeing him transition from a brash, harsh, emotionally constipated 17 year old who was at least three inches shorter than you (he would vehemently deny the passing of time in which you would tower over him) to an almost 23 year old man, who picks you up from school most days, who’d wash your makeup off when you got too heavy handed with the liquor, who knows your order at the local chinese off by heart and who is now definitely almost a foot taller than you.
before katsuki washes up, he shyly asks you to stay the night - in his own roundabout way of being timid, which includes his heavy voice and a seldom amount of eye contact - and you normally do sometimes, with him sleeping on the couch while you take up his kingsize bed. your heart shakes a little in your chest but of course, you smile in reply and nod. you and him both know that this time, it’s different.
“we can stay in my bed… if you want,” mumbles the man gruffly and this time, you bite back a smile. dealing with katsuki meant that you didn’t like to fluster him at times where he was opening up to you, albeit in small, crumbly pieces.
you nod again and reply.
“of course.”
it’s 9:35pm on the dot when you both settle into the duvet of his huge bed and katsuki is kind of stiff, to say the least, and there’s a metaphorical wall between you two. you think he’s staring straight up to the ceiling, if his breathing pattern and the slight glow of his red eyes told you anything.
“is it okay if we cuddle?” you whisper, turning to your side to face him and you think you did something right because he breaks out of his self-doubting stupor and after a few moments, opens up his arms to your smaller body as a leg wraps around his waist and an arm drapes across his chest.
“you okay, katsuki?” you whisper again. “did i do something?” and he can hear the pout and the furrowed brow in your voice.
katsuki all but he wraps an arm around to pull you closer, “no. just go to sleep, dumbass.”
you pull yourself up and he panics a little but he can slightly make out the smug grin on playing on your lips and your bright eyes in the dark as you lean on his chest to be level with his face.
“i promise no one under the age of 45 goes to bed at half 9. you’re so lucky you have me,” and before he can ask what you mean on “having you,” you press your lips onto his and it’s ended before it even started. the taste of his mouthwash and your chapstick lingers and he’s stiff all over again.
“anyone would be silly not to love you, even if you act like an old man,” you sigh, bonking your head softly onto his and he inhales deeply, playing with the hem of his shirt draped on your body.
“don’ need anyone else to love me when i have you, right?”
he can see the smile that reaches your eyes, crinkles and all.
“you might be right about that,” you hum and katsuki leans up to nose around your jaw before locking lips with you properly.
katsuki knows that he’s a little difficult to deal with sometimes. to love is a different story altogether. but when you look at him like that: like he has the world on his fingertips, encased in ribbon and inscribed in lettering addressed just for you, he decides that he’ll never accept anything but the best.
even if he is a little bit of a grandpa. but you’d be silly not to love him.
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࿄ ! — all rights reserved © moominsuki. please do not copy, translate, repost nor recommend my work outside of tumblr. this is strictly prohibited.
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lovelyiida · 1 year
mha marriage headcanons<3
INCLUDES: bakugo, iida, midoriya, denki, kirishima, sero
WARNINGS: implied fem reader, vulgar language, sexual themes.
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• the both of you always have hectic schedules...being pro heroes and all.
even when you guys are apart, you never shut up about each other. Especially bakugo whether that be interviews, events, etc. he's always about 'my wife my wife my wife.'
when both of you finally have time off, you need to be physically ripped off one another. hip to hip, chest to chest, lips to lips, you name it.
he loves it when he's finally able to relax from his hard days and come home and cuddle with his wife, he's not able to show his timid side all the time, he was so thankful for you.
you were the sun, moon, and stars for him. nothing you could do was bad in his eyes.
that's why if anyone ever talked shit about you, he'd lose his shit.
pull the "do you know who the fuck I am? Do you know who my wife is?"
he's just so happy to have you.
the. perfect. husband.
anything you want, you get.
hair? done. nails? did.
he feels bad that he's never really there due to him being the top pro hero. so he always makes sure you're taken care of.
multiple calls day and night, he loves to hear your voice...or moans.
loves to show you off when he can, usually at special events where he's able to bring a date.
"hey! have you met my wife? she's lovely isn't she?"
"yeah my wife and I have been married for three years now, she's the most perfect wife I could ever have!"
high school sweethearts, proposed at graduation.
had the biggest wedding out of everyone
values both of your privacy very deeply, one day he caught a peeping tom at your vacation villa. finding out that it was the paparazzi, he punched him square in the mouth.
wants kids, very, VERY, badly.
preferably 3 (2 boys and 1 girl).
if you ever were pregnant, he'd spoil you ROTTEN.
not one finger would be lifted.
sadly, Iida is the type to have favorites (he's a girl dad, no questions)
will do anything and everything for you, sometimes he does too much.
"I don't need your help, Iida"
"baby please."
he didn't love you at first...
forced into a quirk marriage, it was cold, quiet, and lonely.
things would be so awkward, laying in a bed with a stranger that you are miraculously married to.
he knew that you didn't want your marriage to turn out like this, not speaking to each other only when necessary, empty conversations, and no signs of love or adoration besides a hand held in public outings.
so he decided to get to know you.
sooner than later, your relationship began to blossom into a beautiful relationship. the both of you felt like teenagers falling in love, the bond you discovered was so deep and intimate, it was love at second sight.
he became absolutely smitten for you, so smitten, he decided he wanted to get re-married. and you gladly complied.
he cried seeing you walk down the aisle, he honestly cried the whole wedding. he was so thankful for a woman like you in his life.
beautiful marriage, a happy home , and way too many kids. six youngsters in total, 4 girls and 2 boys.
no one expected you to have so many kids, he just can't help to be all over your beautiful body.
from the loud tea partys with sharp plastic tiaras and itchy too-toos, to the late video game nights, he loves every moment with his children. and to top it off, he gets to kiss you goodnight.
even though you two have so many children, they have never been seen by the public. only photos of them when they were just born.
if he ever found out that his children were exposed to the media, he will go apeshit.
loves all of his kids, there are no favorites in this household.
but if he did have a favorite, it would be you.
also, high school sweethearts, split up before graduation but got back together two years later.
it took a couple of years before Denki popped the big question, he wanted to be sure about your relationship before he made such a big commitment.
the proposal was intimate and private, just like the wedding. only your and his closest friends and family could attend. he wanted to make sure things were absolutely perfect.
the both of you are the peoples' favorite couple, always seen on variety shows/competitions.
CANNOT keep his hands off of you, no matter where you are.
in private or in public, his hand would be on your lower back when standing, or when you'd be sitting next to him he would rest his head on top of yours whilst his hand caressing your thigh.
from someone who is known to be of higher energy, he loves that he's able to be his calmer self around you.
he just can't get enough of you.
the last to marry
he loves you SO MUCH
he also had a big wedding, but the honeymoon was amazing, so amazing, it became the reason why you had two beautiful children today.
while they may not be angels, they are yours.
sometimes sero and your little devils would play pranks on you, hearing their loud giggles and tiny footstep ran away from you, it was annoying but you loved it.
sometimes you would come home from a patrolling shift and see sero singing the kids to sleep as he softly strings at his guitar.
you think to yourself how you wouldn't have it any other way.
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hello guys!!! glad to be back for a little, I know I've been gone for a long time but I've been in school and it's currently beating my ass. hopefully I'll have more time to write soon.
also, like my new user and theme??
- lovleyiida<3
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deleteddewewted · 4 months
How To Not Welcome The New Years (MHA)
(MHA Edition x Gn! Reader)
W: Everyone is Aged Up (18+), Cheating, Angst, Hurt/Injured, No One Is a Good Person Including the Reader, (C: Bakugou, Shinso, Monoma, Kirishima, Aizawa, and Hawks)
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He was always too busy for the smallest of things.
He was too busy to set up a date night.
He was always too busy.
He had no problem doing the interviews he hated but he had an issue if you asked him to go to bed with you if you wanted some affection.
Your relationship was wilting away right under him and he seemed to not care.
You checked out of it already. You were ready for him to end things soon since he didn't bother to get you a present for Christmas and he didn't even come home for the holiday either.
He didn't even bother to open them once he got home and instead went to his office to finish up some reports.
You thought that maybe he would try to put in an effort for New Year's.
His agency always hosts a party for the sidekicks and you, delusionally, thought he would take you.
He left you behind at home to greet the new year.
You called him.
He surprised you when he picked up. In the background, you could hear his friends talking.
Maybe once upon a time, it would hurt that he was prioritizing his friends but you were numb. It no longer mattered.
"What do you need Y/n?" He was annoyed. Maybe it was at you. Maybe it was because of how loud his friends were being. Kirishima could be heard in the background talking about some trip he had planned for after New Year's.
You dont remember the last time he ever took you on a vacation.
"I'm breaking up with you. I'll be out by tonight." You're to the point. There was no reason for you to prolong it.
He fell out of love and you were done with being in love with someone who didn't see you as worth spending his time on.
"W-what?! What are you talking about?"
"Bye Bakugou." You ended the call and began packing.
Your phone kept ringing as you packet. You turned it off after the 5th call.
You had an apartment already. You had it just in case you ended the relationship earlier.
You welcomed the new year alone and walking down the busy and joy-filled streets of Japan, bags in hand and phone turned off.
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He was so sweet when you both started dating.
He was attentive and patient with you. Never did he raise his voice even when you were in the wrong.
He coddled you and that was something you didn't mind too much as your relationship progressed.
It felt nice to be wanted and to be looked after but it began to change as you both got older and entered your respective careers.
He started snapping at you.
He was angry. He reminded you of Bakugou but he lacked the ego.
The once loving and comforting Shinso was now a brut who came home to get upset with you.
He yelled, he cried. He was frustrated beyond belief. He repeated as much to you.
"You wouldn't understand just how hard my job is." doesn't matter if you worked the same job or not, he always made you feel like you were not as hard-working or as overworked as him.
For the holidays he didn't bother to put on a happy face when you visited your family. He started arguing that you should have gone to his family for the holidays.
For New Years you had hoped he would've appreciated the reservation you made at his favorite restaurant.
You dressed up and made sure to make yourself look and feel good. You liked having an excuse to dress up, try something new, and see what might make him happy.
You both agreed to meet at the restaurant since he was out working.
And when you got there he was in his hero uniform instead of the suit he had said he was going to change into at the agency he worked at.
He was sweaty and dirty, and his hair had stuck to his forehead.
"Shinso, you said that-" You were cut off as he slammed his hand against the table, the drinks that had been set spilling onto the table and onto the floor.
"For fuck sake, Y/n. I just got off of work. Can I please relax?" He snapped at you.
You started the New Year crying. He kept muttering to himself about how upsetting it was that he couldn't eat in peace.
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He was gentlemanly with you. Always opening the door for you, taking his jacket/hoodie/coat off so you could wear it even if it means that he'd be cold.
He was always attentive even if he was self-centered at times.
As he entered his career he was bombarded with work all at once. He never had a moment for you and when he got home he would say he was tired.
You thought that maybe for the Holidays he would get a break but that wasn’t the case. He was working late, barely answering his phone and sleeping at the agency just so he could finish paperwork.
He told you that he would take you to the agency’s New Year’s party.
You were enjoying the music and the drinks, speaking to his friends and your friends when you realized he wasn’t by your side anymore.
You looked for him and in a hallway you found him kissing with someone who you knew to be a sidekick.
“Monoma” You didn’t know what to say or do. He jumped and pushed the sidekick away before trying to get close to you.
“Y/n! W-Wait! Let me explain. This is all a big misunderstanding!” He tried explaining but you were already walking away. He went back to the party and couldn’t find you anywhere.
No one knew where you were and he couldn’t get a hold of you. He started panicking thinking that you might have gotten hurt or worse.
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Kirishima didn’t know when to quit and that was the reason why you loved him so much.
He was always trying to push himself to do things that he might fear for the sake of someone else.
He was scared to ask you out and when he managed to get the word with he couldn’t help let out a cheer when you accepted to date him.
Once he started his pro-hero career it took a lot out of him. Physically and mentally.
He was constantly getting injured and every time you had come to the hospital not knowing how or why he got hurt.
There were times when he nearly died and it left you distraught. You never knew when it would be the last time you’d see him.
And he refused to tell you what he was doing or how hurt he was.
New Year's was no different.
He was hurt and bleeding out after fighting a villain. He was rushed to the hospital and when you arrived to check up on him he snapped at you when you began asking him what happened.
You had spent so long telling him that you wanted him to stop taking so many risks. His health and life were on the line and he truly didn’t need to be making brash decisions.
"Y/n, if I don't do this who will?" He was frustrated and you understood that but you also dreaded someday not having the chance to see him again.
"Eijiro, please-"
"Y/n, stop. Just please stop." He doesn't want to hear you complain and he asks you to leave.
He hears the fireworks outside his hospital room.
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He's always stressed out and that's how you met him.
He was feeding strays on his patrol and he saw you doing the same.
You started dating and it didn't bother you at all that he was absent often since he worked at UA and as an underground hero.
He made an effort to be there for the holidays but even if he couldn't be there he would make sure to tell you in advance.
The only issue with this was that he prioritized work and solitude more than being around people.
You could understand that he wanted to have his breaks in peace but it also meant that he would push you away.
It started bothering you after a while. You told him that you'd like to spend more time with him and he agreed that he could try but nothing changed.
UA decided to host a New Year's party for the teachers and students.
Aizawa went, not bothering to tell you, and when you tried getting a hold of him he didn't answer his phone.
You got into an argument when he came back.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to the party? I could have joined you." You felt hurt.
"I only went to keep the peace. Hizashi made me go."
"And you could have brought me so I could meet your coworkers."
"Stop it. Im tired and want to sleep, Y/n." He cut you off.
He went to bed leaving you to sleep on the couch as you watched the news broadcasters celebrate the new year.
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He played the role of an attentive boyfriend well.
He felt something for you, he knew it was something positive but he didn't know if he could define it as love.
He was always good at pretending so it didn't hurt to try and be your boyfriend.
It was a new relationship and he liked the affection he got from you. it was nice.
He felt appreciated in a way he hadn't been before.
Your touch, your kisses, your hugs. It was warm and inviting.
It all came crashing during the New Year party the hero commissioned hosted for all ranked heroes.
He was getting pictures with fans, talking with possible investors for his agency, talking with heroes, and all while ignoring you.
You understood he had his priorities on his agency but ever since you two started dating, it felt like he wasn't really invested in the relationship. Like something was missing from it.
When the countdown began, you tried getting him to join you out on the balcony. You wanted to greet the new year with him but he wouldn't budge.
"Give me a second." He said before making his way over to Endeavor and Jeanist.
The clock hit midnight and everyone cheered as they congratulated each other.
Hawks didn't go back to you at all. You left the party without telling him anything and just went back to your apartment.
He didn't notice you were gone until they started clearing the space and the cleaning crew started cleaning up.
He looked for you and when he couldn't find you he tried calling.
You never answer him and so he left to search for you before leaving you a last text and heading home.
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serxinns · 1 month
Hi so I have a request if that’s okay so how about yandere class 1-a ft Aizawa with Bakugou twin sister reader who is kind and nice and the opposite of Katsuki, how about she gets asked out on a date by a student from 1-b only to find out that he only asked her out because of a bet he made with other student, how would class 1-a react to that?
((Also I really like your blog btw))
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Bakugo was always protective as you ever since you were kids he would always say he would protect you and not let anyone take you away from him and you didn't seem to mind it since you just thought it was some typical big brother behavior when it was much darker than that...Whenever someone would talk to you he would glare in their way making sure they had a cold sweat he once hospitalized a boy in the middle because he put gum in your hair you were everything to Katsuki he just wanted to be him and you(and his parents ofc) that was it
That was before class 1a
•Everyone was shocked at the two of you even Aizawa questioned the nature of it because Katsuki was a burning bomb ready to explode anytime when someone pisses him off while you were an absolute sweetheart with a kind personality with a Smile pure of sunshine and happiness with a positive personality people would even doubt you were Akatsuki's twin without you looking alike even izuku sometimes question it
•the class was so lovesick and adored with your kind yet tough nature they knew it was fate they knew exactly who to cherish and love! And it was you!
•The girls would have lesbian attacks whenever they were close to you or ever interacted with you, while you chatted along your day and training Mina would just dreamily sigh to herself, tsuyu would just be just in a trace cause how sweet your voice sounded, Ochako would stare at your lips imagining how it'll felt touching hers, Jirou wanting to bury her face in your big fluffy hair so she can get a sniff, momo starting at those beautiful eyes making her all flushed and it drives her crazy, Hakagure wanting to pinch your cheeks while giggling intensely
•The boys,on the other hand, would try so desperately to get your attention and praise like how Tokoyami would show off his love poems to you while you watched with eyes sparkling, Aoyama would show off his fashion skills by dressing up and if you ever want to wear matching outfits with him let's say he's the happiest man alive he'll show off to everyone how dazzling the 2 of you are, Kirishima would pick you up and throw you in the air just to show you his strength talking about how manly he is, while sato gives you all sorts of treats and teach you to bake
•But your brother was deeply Jealous every time he caught you hanging out with them he always watched in the background to make sure they didn't do anything or just took you away and scolded you for not hanging out with your big brother as much but that's ok its, not your fault it's those Extras fault but when they told how much they love and care about you and would do anything to protect you he gets 2nd thoughts and decided to tolerate it for now
One day at lunch a girl walked over to your table and asked you out to go to a nearby cafe on Friday you blushed and mumbled yes the class including your brother say quietly anger building up and glaring at the girl the girl winked and ran away,
On Friday the girls helped you get ready you were dressed up in Momo's dorm they picked your best outfit and did your hair so nicely you were twirling around, beaming and smiling mina and the others blushed at your style but were heartbroken knowing the fact that you weren't getting dressed up for them, when you got out the dorm and shows it to the boys they looked in wonder but was sad but your brother was being extra protective and strict today putting down some rules
"ok Kats"
"ok kats 😒"
At this point, you were just deciding to not listen to your brother 😭 you weren't going to anyway especially that last one but you kept the others in mind you were heading out the door everyone bid you farewells and good luck and you were feeling as confidence as ever when you made it at the cafe
you see the girl sitting there ever so pretty with her hair in a beautiful style and in a beautiful flower pattern dress you blushed at her appearance and went in y'all did your greeting and started talking for a bit it was fun honestly she was laughing at your jokes and you were blushing at her cheesy pick up lines all was going swell and you had to go to the bathroom you apologized to her and excused yourself
After you washed your hands you were about to exit the bathroom but heard your date chattering and laughing and she mentioned your name a couple of times you were curious u stayed and listened closely
Blue: The girls friend
Pink: the girl (aka the date)
"I did it I asked her out and brought her on a cafe date it was so easy!"
"WHAT?! Omg you're so evil!, are you gonna tell her that it's a bet
"ofc I won't even after we are about to "Kiss" pfft it's gonna be so funny!"
"Are you gonna record it!? Please tell me you are?!"
"Uh duh I am man I can't believe there's a girl who likes other girls so gross!"
As the girl kept chattering horrible stuff the more numb, you felt your eyes watering and leaking down your face your hands balled up in fists shaking you grabbed your stuff off the table not caring about your "Date" reaction, and dashed out the cafe you ran inside the building Kirishima and bakugo were playing a game while jirou, momo, denki, sero and ochako were playing card games they saw you ran in "Oh hey y/n! how was your-" just as jirou was about to say something you slammed and locked the door everyone was shocked Bakugo put the controller down pressed his head against the door he could hear sniffling and crying
Bakugan harshly told everyone in the common room to back away and knocked on your door "Hey idiot you there? Can I come in" You hesitated for a second but at the moment you didn't care you just needed some comfort so you unlocked the door and Bakugo calmly went in he didn't like to be mushy but seeing you cry broke his heart just went he shut your door you tackled him and hugged him tightly crying in his chest murmuring a bunch of "im sorry" and "You were right" when he finally calmed you down you explained what happened " s-she called me disgusting kats I didn't do anything to her " he rubbed your back while you hugged him tightly until you fell asleep he placed you down in your bed
He went out of your dorm and met with a bunch of concerned looks from your classmates some asked a bunch of questions to see if you were ok even iida and Momo frantically wanted to come in and check on you but Bakugo completely shut it down saying he'll explain what happen
"Those fucking pests..." momo said with venom in her voice and the others agree they were in a rage how could anyone do that to sweet little you! You didn't even do anything! Everyone was now arguing and bickering about what to do with her some mina suggested beating her up and threatening her but Tokoyami disagreed and said blackmail Ochako suggested spreading a fake rumor so people she would be ostracized from the whole school but- "I think that's enough out of all of you" everyone quickly turned around to see aizawa looking tried and pissed "M-Mr Aizawa we can explain-" "Silence I don't wanna hear it y'all did enough I'll handle that girl in the morning the rest of you head to bed now" the class groaned and head to bed still plotting up a plan in their mind
The next day when you were about to walk to class you heard screaming and begging "WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM GETTING EXPELLED?!" the girl's eyes were full of tears showing at Principal Nezu still keeping a smile on his face "I'm sorry but we made up our minds we are a bullying free environment we can't have a soon to be hero bullying other soon to be heroes for who they like" nezu said while taking a sip of tea the girl's angry yells of protest turning to ugly sobbing and begging she ran pass you crying loudly
You were stunned but were walking into class "Morning everyone!" just when you walked in everyone was huddling around you mina was hugging you tightly like he lift depends on it " y/n! Are you ok do you need some more time?!" " we can go to a cool butterfly Zoo Kota recommended to make you feel better *Kero*" "Here I got you think adorable music box with your favorite tune on it" Momo handled the music box "I'll bake you some sweets to make you feel better!" Sato butted in everyone else was cooing and gifting your stuff to help you "feel better" Luckily bakugo pulled you away but was also checking to see if you were ok everyone was bickering at Bakugo for being selfish but was quiet down when Aziawa came
After class when you were headed to your 2nd period Aizawa stopped you for a second "Uh yes sensei?" he walked up to you "I heard you were feeling sad yesterday ur feeling better now brat?" you shrugged "Yea just some night with someone got bad and weirdly enough now they're getting expelled kinda harsh honestly " Aizawa shrugged his shoulders as well "Thats too bad but let's worried you being stable and ready for hero training this afternoon" you quickly nodded your head and smiled with determination "Yes sensei! I am!" he let you go to your next class unaware that a evil smirk was forming on his face
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angelltheninth · 9 months
BNHA Men Dating a Reporter
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya, Bakugo Katsuki, Shoto Todoroki, Eijiro Kirishima, Dabi, Keigo Takami x Fem!Reader
Tags: fluff, established relationship, chance meeting, slight hero worship, showing off, protectiveness, secret relationship, alleyway kisses
A/N: I would never be a journalist cause you always gotta go where the action is. And with my bad luck no hero is saving me in time.
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Izuku doesn't want you too close to he action when its happening. He can't think about you, the enemy, the people around him and you at the same time because he might go to save you first if he has to. But he does always look for you first, to give you the story first. He doesn't want to show any favoritism, yet everyone can see how his face lights up when you ask him to say a few words. Honestly he could talk to you forever.
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No other journalist has managed to get Bakugo to talk to them. Its only ever been you, his not so secret girlfriend. Even then he's a bit grumpy and more often then not ends up dragging you into a narrow, empty alleyway to get you to stop it with the questions. How many times does he need to kiss you quiet? Its like you're tempting him to kiss you on camera. If you keep it up he might do it some day, he will take your breath away and everyone will see.
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Shoto and you meet by chance. You'd been covering the news about the new hero for a while now and he's noticed it, noticed you always at the forefront. Imagine his surprise when you meet at the same coffee shop too. Are there to question him? Cause he's not taking questions right now. Oh, just coffee. Then allow him to buy you one since he assumed that you were tailing him. Since then the café becomes your frequent meeting spot and what do you know, you do get to ask some questions, mainly if wants to go on a date.
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Kirishima tries extra hard whenever he spots you and your crew. Some of it may go unnoticed by the general public but you always notice the extra flair, a well timed punch, or a new move that he's been working on. He needs to show off for his girl. Always happy to get an interview with you after, in a crowd or alone. Better in a crowd cause the one-on-one ones tend to take a turn once he starts flirting with you and suddenly you can't write anything down cause you're too busy kissing.
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Dabi thinks its hilarious how everyone, including your readers and listeners, as well as your boss, thinks you're there for the heroes when in fact you're there for him. He made it clear that you were not to be harmed by anyone pretty early on so you're one of the only people who dares get close. When you're close to him he always makes sure you get clear shots of his face to put in with any story you write. Of course there are certain exclusive photos of him that are for your eyes and pleasure only.
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Keigo hates to see a lady in danger, but he knows that its your job just like saving people is his. He was hesitant to enter a relationship with you at first because you were clearly smitten with him as the No. 2 hero but as you got to know each other and he saw you value him as a person as well he began to get more and more flirty until eventually he pulled you into a kiss in front of the cameras.
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lightseoul · 1 year
cw. gn!reader, flighty!reader, reader works in forensics, prohero!katsuki, aged up (around mid 20s)
a/n. this was fun to write lmao. this is definitely not self-indulgent :0 again, would surely appreciate reblogs and comments <3
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You’re a runner.
And no, not in the dystopian, getting-out-of-a-manmade-maze sense.
You run from feelings.
And that happens to include the kind when someone gets a little bit too close for comfort.
But you also do run in the literal sense.
In fact, you just did.
Panting, you round the next corner of your office building’s hallway, what was once a sprint (at least, the type that was possible in a crowded skyscraper in Tokyō) now faltering into a light jog.
Huffing, you chance a peek behind your shoulder, a sigh wracking your body when you conclude that the man of the hour is finally out of sight.
“What’s up with you?”
The man’s red-headed best friend quirks an amused eyebrow at you when you halt at the sound, startled.
He slows down in his steps as he appraises the mess that you currently are; from the looks of it, he’s heading in the direction you’re desperately trying to run away from, and for a split second, you’re half your mind to drag him with you to the elevator and vanish before the man could spot the both of you.
Why the fuck are you acting like this?
“I—Was just wanting to—” At this point, you’re severely out of breath. And you’d chalk it up to the physical exertion you definitely aren’t used to, but you know it’s more than that.
The warmth of your cheeks seems to suggest that, too.
“Hold up.”
You look up at Kirishima, one hand still on your hip to help keep you upright despite the exhaustion.
He tilts his head. “Aren’t you supposed to be in a meeting with Bakubro?”
Even just the mention of his name triggers your fight-or-flight response.
It also happens to send a flood of longing right through you.
“Yeah,” you rasp, before checking over your shoulder again. Coast: still clear.
“What are you—” Kirishima starts, eyebrows pinched in confusion, before what looks like realization and amusement flash across his features.
“Did he—”
“Yeah,” you cut him off before he could say it.
Apparently, being confessed to out of the blue by the man you’ve been in love with for a year cuts your sentence-formation capabilities to not more than one worded ones at a time.
Just as you expected, worry dances its way across Kirishima’s face.
“Are you running away from him?”
You choke on your spit.
“Hey, easy, Y/N,” Kirishima says while awkwardly rubbing your back as you cough your lungs out.
You stand upright when you finally gather your bearings, ready to explain, or attempt to explain to Kirishima (but more to yourself) why you just fled the meeting room where you and Bakugou were discussing the forensics of his new case.
It’s not like you didn’t see it coming.
The feelings, not the outright confession.
Midoriya, Kirishima, and his other friends have made it pretty obvious with their background teasing that the emotionally constipated blonde has taken a particular interest in you.
(Background because the aforementioned blonde would indubitably kill them if he found out they were teasing you, let alone about him.)
You just couldn’t bring yourself to believe it and hell—start to hope—until a while ago, when the Bakugou Katsuki himself slammed his fist on the table, spitting out the three words you’ve been dreaming to hear from him since you first worked on that gory ass mission together.
Well, four. If you count the curse slotted among the ‘I like you’.
But as it turns out, the reality of it all—Bakugou’s vulnerability, mutual feelings, and possibly dating a Pro Hero—scared you.
And so you ran.
And you were about to confess all this to poor Kirishima when a booming voice echoes through the hallway, effectively triggering your (definitely) flight response once more.
At that, you bolt to the elevators, leaving behind a speechless Kirishima.
Luckily for you, Bakugou has always been good at chasing what he wants.
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loveing-eyes · 1 year
say i love you for the first time (seprate) sero, shinsou , mina , kiri , deku , bakugo, denki , todoroki
"saying i love you for the first time"
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hanta sero
•he would be the one to say of first without hesitation around 3 months into the relationship
•you were laying on his bed just talking about life when you sat up smiling at him and laid a kiss on his cheek
•he smirked and said i love you senorita
•you froze for a moment staring in shock turning into the shade of Kirishima's hair while his smirk grew wider
•after a moment you realized what happened and hugged him saying you loved him too
•most of that evening was spent just cuddling in sero's bed
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denki kaminari
• you said it first from him being an idiot and getting hurt at the training camp around 3 weeks into the relationship
•hearing from jirou that your boyfriend got hurt had you freaking out you
•instantly had her take you to where he was passed out
staring at him and waiting for him to wake up was absolute torture the hour went by slower than the first day of school
• and when he did wake up he was groggy and you pumping on him crying didn't help that whatsoever
•confused him, even more, when you sobbed out "i love you ok you idiot don't do this shit again"
•suprisingly he didn't shortcircuit and quickly wrapped his arms around you in an attempt you console you
•"i love you too y/n/n" he would whisper back into your ear after a moment when he felt you had calmed down enough
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eijiou kirishima
•manly man said it first during a bakusquad hangout and 4 months into the relationship
• most of the 1-a class was just hanging out in the common area including you and kiri who were off just getting popcorn just talking about the date you had planned
•he just smiled and blurted it out "I love you" realized what he did when half the room stopped talking and you froze
•cue Kirishima turning the same shade as his hair
•you put down the bowl of popcorn grabbing Kirishima's hand and kissing him on the cheek "i love you too sharky" you teased and most of the girls gushed as most of the guys groaned and told you to get a room
•very nice the date the next day was wonderful
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shoto todoroki
•you said it first out of worry he didn't feel the same way around 13 months into the relationship
•you knew things would be very slow when you started dating shoto but after over a year and he hadn't said I love you it had taken 2 and a half months to so much as hold hands
•you felt like he loved you and you knew you were his first real s/o so you were patient but you felt insecure about it after 10 months and you had made barely any progress
•you distanced yourself a bit and shoto barely noticed you felt like he had been happier you felt stupid for thinking he was happier but something told you he was and you didn't know who to tell
•then came the next 3 months of a downward spiral and shoot realized you weren't just having a bad week
• finally you worked up the courage to tell asui and she told you to just be honest with him and if he doesn't feel that way just leave him and try to stay friends so you decided to do it
• finally you walked to todorokis room knocking wait for him to open and let you in
•sitting on the floor next to him you explained how you felt leaving out the fact it was because he never said I love you
•he felt confused and was mad at himself thinking he had done something wrong
•you had to explain it was from something he hadn't done
•which confused him even more making him think you distanced yourself cause you hadn't had sex yet
•which made you feel bad and apologize and tell him it was from something he hadn't said
•which brought you back to square one
•"shoto its cause i dont know if you love me I know l love you but its not extremely easy when your monotone"
he sat for a moment staring with a blank expression "well of course I love you I wouldn't be with you if I didn't" straight forward to the point
•like a weight was lifted off your shoulders you launched yourself at your boyfriend
•he wrapped his arm around you softly laying his head on your shoulder "I'll try to say it more dear"
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katsuki bakugo
•you said it firt in the middle of an argument around 3 months in
•you knew it he knew it everyone knew it katsuki was a total asshole with anger issues
•though no one expected he would get in a screaming match with his girlfriend's best friend (Denki) while she was out
•and when she got back and found out she wasn't happily marching straight to her boyfriend's room demanding an answer
•which he refused to give her one until they were in a screaming match themselves"it doesn't matter just know I had a reason"
•"well what was the reason" she wanted to know what would cause him to lose his shit "he said something" bakugo groanedd "well what did he say" y/n whispered taking a seat on the edge of his bed "it doesn't matter" bakugo groaned shoving a pillow over his face "yes it does you idiot I want to know why the bo I love screamed at my best friend"
•upon hearing "i love" he shot up "you love me" his girlfriend nodded "did you not know that" he shook his head "he was talking about if how I didn't ask you out he would totally be with you right now"
•y/n moved closer to him hugging bakugo "katsu dont worry ok I love you and only you" she whispered before kissing him softly on the forehead "I love you too idiot" he mubled hugging her back tightly
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mina ashido
•she said it first during a one-on-one sleepover 2 1/5 months in
•her sneaking in your room at 11pm saying she was bored and missed her girlfriend and laid in your bed watching tv with you
•during commercials she tuned down the volume talking about random things before peppering your face with soft kisses whilst cuddling
•in the middle of giggles she wrapped her arms pulling you closer to her whispering "I love you" in your ear barely audible
•cue you smiling and tightly hugging her back "i love you too" the two of you would gaze into each other's eyes smiling knowing you met "the one"
•short quick and sweet little sleepover with 2 lovers always wonderful
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izuku midoriya
•he attempted to say it first around 1 1/2 months in key word attempt
•you two were supposed to just have a cute study date which went to hand holding and not talking just scrolling on your phones to you laying in his lap fidgeting with his free hand
•glancing up you smiled adoringly at his concentrated face trying to do his homework your finger grazed over on few of his scares
•smiling you pulled his hand closer to your face you peppers soft kisses onto his scares which made him look down at you confused for a moment before realizing what you were doing
•"i love you...- uhhh your eyes they're very pretty" he flushed a bright pink and you pushed yourself up off his lap "zuku I love you too don't worry" that made him flush even more and you kissed his forehead before laying back down on his lap now with his hand slowly going through your hair as he attempted to calm himself down
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shinsou hitoshi
•he said it first hanging out 2 months In
•everthing was ready for movie night snacks displayed on your table you were dressed comfortably and your boyfriend was still picking out te movie he wanted to choose horror thinking it would freak you out
•you grabbed a few more pillows laying them on the floor pulling shinshou down with you laying on his chest as he turned on an American horror movie "it" apparently it was about clowns
• you were fine until the maggot doll showed up and you shoved your head into shinsous neck knocking the air out of him "ok babe you know I love you but never do that again" he groaned sitting up and rubbed his neck
•"you love me" you would stare in shock for a moment and he would realize his half-assed love confession "yes and a shame it was only said cause you almost killed me" he would joke
•"i love you too Toshi" you whispered as he pulled you closer "good good now help me pick a move that won't result in me getting a bruised neck"
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urmomsbunkmate · 8 months
Accidents happen ?
Kirishima x femreader
Potential series if u BOOTYFUL people would like
Warnings- nude taking? Boobies, hot sexy momma y/n, female masturbation if u squint. suggestive shit rn but if we do more then the suggesting will be literal. I cannot think of anything else rn
The sun was long gone as Y/n released low sigh, situating herself in front of her large mirror, sitting on the ground practically nude. The pink lace accentuated her perky breasts and her hardened nipples after rolling them between her fingers, contrasting against her soft tan skin. She slightly angled herself to the left making her ass curve into the picture. The lingerie wrapped around her tailbone wearing as a thong. although the lining was moved to the side as she teased herself, knowing this Denki guy wasn't going to send anything cum worthy back. They were all just so useless.
The brushed her wavy pink hair cascade down her boobs, a messy look that is arousing in this context. Her lips were glistening in glistening lip gloss, the upper part of her face was never included in the pictures of course.  She drew a line at that. Her future had some have some hope.
Y/n knows she's pretty. She knows. But she hates when other people only treat her as a pretty face, expecting sex or nudes just because she's a beautiful girl. Her old boyfriends did that. People still do that. She's treated like a plastic barbie with this box she lives in, a box people think her whole life revolves around. People think the box contains booze and sex and nothing nice - she's just a pretty face, what more can she be? The box cannot possibly contain anything other than those things, like intelligence and integrity.
The girl sighs, the thought of what she has become haunts her. She never wanted to be this: this Barbie in a plastic box, one who says yes to sex and nudes and doesn't refuse, one who goes through the motions like a robot as greasy jocks have the best orgasm of their life, one who longs for a sense of stability, of integrity. Your quirks pretty much define you for the rest of your life, and she could do nothing to change that. Y/n wants a nice boyfriend, one who actually cares about her, one who knows her birthday and gives her a kiss on the forehead out of the blue, one who isn't afraid to be her person despite the repercussions that come with her. She's said to be too pretty for a relationship, too much of a whore. Who'd want to date her?
So many people have called her a whore that she just sticks with it, knowing she'll be nothing more.
Y/n snaps from her trance, looking at herself in the mirror before continuing what she prepares herself for. Y/n settled on the perfect one, and she's tempted to send it to the chat since she debates it's her best one yet. The lingerie is just perfectly in place, her lips are slightly parted, breasts pushed up and shadowed from the light, making them bigger.
She knows this'll give Denki what he wants.
Putting on plaid shorts and a large sweatshirt, she yawns, seeing the time is nearing midnight. It's usually around the time she goes to bed on a school night, given her homework is massive and she normally spends the majority of her time doing school related things.
Padding against her carpet floor, she lazily walks to the other side of the room to turn on her fan, something that is background noise and allows her to sleep with ease. Her eyes are lethargically glued to her screen, blinking sleepily as she types out the number clicking the K and selecting the first number she saw.
Choosing the photo and pressing send without any further thought, the clueless girl goes to bed, not knowing what she has done.
Where as the boy just trying to work out before he falls asleep get the most jaw dropping notification from an unknown number.
(1 attached photo)
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Um I don't think u meant to do that
oh my god
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
It okay don't worry we all make stupid mistakes
hello kind person, that was not meant for u 🥰
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
I didn't look for more that 2 seconds if it makes u feel better
Not really but I'm so fuckin sorry
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
😭😭 it's okay
Can u delete it please 🙏
For the sake of the people
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Oh I did that ages ago
I kinda worked out it wasn't for me
thank u ☺️ i could literally kiss u
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Like what else am I supposed to do?
The male race has no boundaries
I'm not willing to push what is already not there
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
On behalf of the male race I'm sorry!🫶
Some of them just aren't manly
ur an angel
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
So I've been told
It means a lot that u delete it btw
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
That what I'm here for saving the day
U look pretty in pink
Don't go a heroic on me
Is that all u 1-A kids do?
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Nahhh we also braid each others hair when the times right
It's good team bonding
Imma assume it's a joke but my hearts telling me otherwise
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
I'll guess u will never know
I like u red
Ur nicer than I though you'd be
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Compliment? I'll take it
Good choice
I gotta go sleep
See u in art red
KIRISHIMA ( art class)
Good night
Kirishima dropped his phone upon his aches and let out a loud sigh. His cheeks flushed a red colour, imitating his face. The whole situation was utterly insane but somehow, in some weird fucked up way his ultimate classroom crush had initiated conversations. Well not conversation of such, but now he felt like he could say hello or wave when he saw her without making it utterly weird
Oh actually he could probably take that back. It will probably make his crush on her 10 times more awkward. Unless she didn't find it awkward, wait did he make her uncomfortable.
The boy grabbed onto his pillow and shouted a loud "you idiot!" Into the fabric. What is wrong with him.
“Shut your fucking face shitty hair!” A shout followed by pounding on his wall echoed into his room.
Omg okay let’s not idk if I’m feeling it, I tried not to hold back or go all the way in. So this is what I’ve got.
Please like and comment if I should continue on?? Does our fake red baby ever get to see the big titi queen again ?
Like people what should I do👎🫄🏿🍋😁🔛🚶🏿‍♀️🤪🫶🏃🏻‍♂️🔛☺️😊
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ugh-to-love-a-boy · 7 months
• Spider-Man kisses I know its probably over said, but he would tape himself up and kiss his s/o randomly.
• hanging out with the Bakusquad and being best friends with Denki and Mina, doing chaotic things that make Bakugo question why those are his friends.
• This man is a gentleman, so if you want to take it slow, he’s respectful and stays within the set boundaries. He would never ever force anyone into something they don’t want.
s/o,• If Mineta was caught staring or he heard him say something about his s/o he would probably tape his mouth shut and get either Mr. Aizawa or Bakugo to do something more,because cause he would probably just get his s/o and get them away from the pervert.
• As stated earlier, he stays within boundaries, so when it comes to PDA, he doesn’t really have a problem with it. He’s fine with hand-holding hugs and kisses if you are too great, but if you are not, he’s respectful of that and just sticks to hand-holding.
• Though I feel like he would definitely be affectionate, cuddles in the commons, watching movies with the bakusquad, or just in your room or in his, and forehead kisses are probably what he enjoys both receiving and giving, though if his s/o is too short, he’s okay with just hand kisses.
• and he probably gives you adorable little gifts, nothing costly, given the fact that you’re both just high schoolers.
• You would have to put up with his atrocious flirting skills, though after a while you’d think it’s cute how he still tries to win you over when you're already his and he’s yours.
• You now have a portable outlet anywhere you go. Your phone needs charging. He’s got your hearing aids. He’s got you literally anything that requires electricity. He would use his quirk for it.
• Now hanging out with the bakusquad is really fun. Being close friends with Mina and Sero, you would almost always be up to your weird shenanigans. Kirishima loves you and Denki together, but he’s running out of energy trying to keep Bakugo calm.
• If he caught Mineta, his (now former) friend, talking about his s/o, he would not be cool about it; he would most likely scream about it, getting the attention of half the dorms instantly, including Mr. Aizawa, who was not happy about Mineta yet again being a pervert.
• This man is a simp for his s/o, and he wants everyone to know they are his, so hand-holding and quick kisses throughout the day make him happier than anything.
• As stated above, he’s affectionate, so everyone knew you were dating within a couple of hours, but the poor Bakusquad had the worst of it; they had to see his flirting with you and the cuddling anytime they hung out.
• Now, when he’s nervous, it’s not very rare that he would accidentally shock you while holding hands in training camp. You were holding hands when the attack began, and he shocked you.
• late-night sleepovers Either she is sneaking into your room because she is bored, or you are sneaking into her room because you are bored.
• random shopping sprees with Momo and what you two can’t afford; that’s why you have Momo.
• Hanging out with the Bakusquad is a given, and being besties with Kirishima while things get crazy somehow means Bakugou doesn’t try to kill you two.
• skin care/self-care nights with the girls every week, just going over the random things that take place at UA
• Personal alone time is sweet; she is a very affectionate girlfriend, holding piggyback rides, kisses, and cuddling the whole 9-yard
• If she so much as thought Mineta was staring at her, she would threaten to burn his eyeballs right out of his body with her acid, and if she heard him say anything, she would threaten his tongue next.
• From her bubbly nature, she is friends with almost everyone, so with you together, you are also friends with almost all of Mineta and a handful of people from 1-B.
• You are always either hanging out with her or talking, and if you are not fine, it's not like a codependent relationship; you just bring out the best in each other.
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justatypicalwizard · 8 months
Late night frustration | Bakugo Katsuki
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✦ Bnha characters have their quirks but they are all secret heroes living a doubble-life. Katsuki has a had crush on you but instead of asking you out on a date he's stuck listening to you fangirling over Red Riot. Out of frustration he decided to do something very stupid.
✦ Word count: 2,5k
✦ Warnings: none
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Secret hero Dynamite on rampage once again [see video]
Stupid fucking media. They just don’t give a time of the day to check how it all happened. All they see are Mina’s boobs and Eiji’s smile. Bakugo grunted while scrolling through a bunch of shorts featuring yesterday's secret hero action. They all showed the two mentioned earlier in a glorifying light or his, not so subtle, bursting out of the convenience store, glass shattering behind him as he grabs the thief by the collar.
Apart from being a college student Bakugo lives a double-life as a secret hero. How did he get his powers? No one knows, including himself. The same with Mina, Kirishima and Denki. There were a bunch of other people who rolled out on the streets after sunset with masked faces but he didn’t know them all, he didn’t care. It's not like he ever even agreed to the idea, his friends convinced him that they should all use their powers to save the world. Honestly he just saw this as an opportunity to manifest his quirk, otherwise too destructive to play with. Over time he got fed up with what people talked about him, he’s not gonna lie, at some point such an amount of hate would touch anyone. Yet, he didn’t stop, didn’t hide behind a fake personality denying he even has any powers. He got out every second night and did what he’s done for years now.
A bag dropping near his face tore him out of his thoughts bubble. Looking up he spotted your smile as you sat down opposite of him, the well used wooden chair creaked under your ass. There was one more reason why he kept trying all the time. After every night action he waited with gritted teeth for your excited text sending him an awesome video of Dynamite that you just found and fell in love with. He wanted you to fangirl over Dynamite so he could drop by in the middle of the night, take his mask off and tell you that it’s him, he’s the secret hero that you’re in love with. But it never came. You never said a positive word about his alter ego, either being neutral or agreeing with some of the opinions on his brutality and carelessness.
Yet, how could you know better? You were not there last night with the shop owner, an old man too shocked to mumble anything into the microphone after onlookers and reporters flooded the crime scene. You didn’t hear him when he grabbed Bakugo by the sleeve just as he was about to run and thanked him. You didn’t know that the old man was grateful, claiming that the window was nothing, repairing it will cost less than what the thief was about to steal. Of course none of them heard that because Katsuki always gets those compliments off-scene. Noone ever listens to the actual victims, they have a forged history that will match their shitty profiles and online channels.
“Did you see yesterday’s action?” Quite close up actually, princess.
“Mhm.” He mumbled, opening a random book to quickly end the topic.
“There’s a lot of shots of Dynamite breaking that window. I mean, I get that he has a very destructive power but was it really necessary to catch the thief bursting through the glass? Maybe he could run up to him on the streets?” And what would it change? Then he’d blast a car standing on the roadside or a street lamp and they aren’t that cheap either! “Well, at least he got the criminal.” Oh finally, some scarce words of compliment. “But look at that, look, look.”
He nearly grabbed your hand as you started to wave it in front of his face. It was a short featuring Red Riot flexing as he ran to help Bakugo tackle down the thief. It was unnecessary as Bakugo’s explosive hand was already on the criminal's neck which paralysed the guy with fear. Yet, Eiji always wanted to help. He sincerely didn’t do it for attention, he just always wanted to make sure he did the best he could. How can he stand back and watch? It was him who handed the tief to the police. Bakugo already learned that they were not keen on being close to Dynamite so it was always Eiji talking to them. That’s how he stole the whole spotlight of the previous night, he jumped on the already disarmed thief, picked him up and handed him to the police. Simple as that. And yet it had you squeaking and scrolling through more phone-made shots from different angles, all painfully exposing Eiji’s flexing muscles in the scarce suit he wore.
“Red Riot is so hot. I can’t believe he lives somewhere there as a normal person.” Oh he actually lived very close by. Your Red Riot was just a few tables away, chewing on a pencil, sweating over a simple maths equation.
Bakugo was seriously in awe that people didn’t see that bulked form in Kirishima. It was obviously good that his cover never blew but apart from covering his face and hair during actions Kiri was nearly all on display. In the daytime he also didn’t bother covering too much, always wearing a hugging shirt that would show off his tremendous muscles. Guess the mass doesn’t really look for the heroes, they just admire them and later forget that they actually exist as said normal people.
“I would totally fuck Red Riot stupid.”
This was enough. Having someone you love, I mean have a crush on, whatever, talking about fucking a different guy in you very face was too much for Bakugo.
“You know what, I got a text from mom, I need to go.” The blonde stood up, pushing the chair from under his knees with such a force it nearly fell down. He looked at your surprised face as you mumbled a ‘okay’ and that you’d ‘do the assignment they were both due’.
As much as Bakugo wanted to spend time with you, he also couldn’t listen to what you said, a painful feeling aching in his chest.
Later that evening Bakugo found himself sitting on a roof, looking at the city below him. It wasn’t supposed to be a patrol night but he couldn’t sit at home, he had to do something, anything to take his mind off of the earlier talk. Eijiro didn’t even do anything bad but the blonde was furious with him. If he saw that dumb face he’d punch him, which of course he didn’t want to do so he distanced himself for the time being.
A cool breeze grazed his form, sneaking under his masked face. He certainly didn’t like the cold, it made him slower and weaker but autumn was taking over. He saw it in your coat, you picked a new one, a warmer one. You wrapped it around yourself tightly, hiding your chin into the large collar. Oh, you were there, again.
Bakugo leaned over the edge of the roof to see you better. It was past sunset, the yellow light of the street lamps giving your silhouette a golden hue. You were walking down a narrow lane in the middle of the park. You must be heading from some shop as your hands were wrapped around big paper bags.
If not his earlier outburst maybe he could have been next to you. Maybe he’d lie that he doesn’t have anything to do and he can go to the shop with you. You’d spend the evening fooling around in some shopping mall, maybe take out something to eat and he could pretend, just for a second, that you were his girlfriend. Later he’d walk you home and give you a goodbye hug because that’s what friends do. And he would keep you close just a split second longer, so that you don’t notice.
Nothing would come true if he keeps on ditching you for the sake of his own anger. So what if you’re fangirling over Red Riot? You’re not stupid enough to fall in love with the unreachable secret hero. Yet, Bakugo couldn’t shake off the creeping feeling that you could meet Eiji at some point, at a party with your mutual friends and talk to him. You could talk to him a lot, laughing at his shitty jokes, unconsciously brushing his biceps with your hand because of course you’d like him. The redhead is a funny, charming himbo that girls love. If Bakugo would sit down on the couch and watch your interaction for afar then he’s sure that Eiji would put down his hand on the counter behind you, narrowing the space between your bodies. He’d flirt with you jokingly just as he does best up to the point when you both sneak out of the party. Then he’d give you a night you’ll never forget because Bakugo knows damn well what girls say after spending an evening with Kirishima. Maybe Eiji would break it to you that he’s Red Riot and after that he’d never get rid of you. It’s a dream come true. For you. A nightmare for Katsuki.
He actually had to cough because the clench in his chest and the turn in his stomach became unbearable. He felt hurt, as if everything that he just imagined actually happened. As if you were already Eiji's girlfriend. He just wanted you so badly right now that he actually leapt down from the roof down onto the park lane, catching your attention with the small explosions.
Katsuki knew that who you saw approaching you right now was Dynamite. He saw the shock in your eyes as they focused on him but not fear. Good, because he was about to do something very stupid.
Bakugo closed the space between you with a few long strides. He grabbed the puffy collar of your coat and with his other hand slid up his mask, just enough to plant his lips onto yours. Katsuki was not innocent, not even a bit. If he was going to kiss you as Dynamite, so that you never know what actually happened, he was going to do it good.
Your lips were already parted, they never actually closed after seeing the secret hero cross your path. Bakugo used it to his advantage, slipping his tongue inside to taste you, grazing his teeth over your lower lip. He swore you moaned quietly but maybe he just imagined it getting way too horny. You were soft, no matter where he grabbed you. Unfortunately it was the coat, it secured you from his touch and he silently cursed it was late autumn and not summer.
Finally he let go of you and you stumbled a bit backwards. Before you could ask any questions he ran away, leaving you gaping behind him.
Bakugo could already imagine the sexual assault headlines after you tell everyone Dynamite kissed you out of nowhere. Or maybe you would first talk to him about it. Either way his hero name was already stained enough so that one more spot won’t change anything. But he did it, he kissed you, he felt it. Now he can play it over and over in his mind, fixating on your taste. Hope he never forgets. But he also felt guilty. He basically stole it away from you and that’s not how he wanted to have the first kiss with you.
Katsuki wandered the streets for some time before the emotions overflooded him and he found himself heading towards Mina’s crumpled up college flat. He just had to yell at someone, to someone. He’d throw it all on Eiji once more, complaining how his crush fangirls over Red Riot, the same as usual. Mina was well aware of the whole drama.
As quiet as possible he jumped up and up until he reached the  window of her unused room. It was open, as always, and he flew through it, landing on the floor, tearing his mask off.
“Racoon fucking eyes…” He was just about to start when he dropped his mask to the ground.
Instead of Mina he saw someone else, someone he really didn’t want to see now. It was you, standing in the middle of the room, picking something out of the same paper bag you carried earlier. Now that he saw it up close it had a print of a home supplies shop. You looked at him, eyes wide as ever, mouth gaping once again.
You were not stupid so of course he couldn’t make you think it was all a dream but he honestly didn’t have any better idea right now.
“Bakugo?” You asked, standing up and walking to him, your scrutinising eyes scanning his costume. “What the fuck? You’re Dynamite?”
Of course you were quick to connect the dots, who wouldn’t when he saw his best friend fly up the window with the, oh so well known, explosions.
“You’re, but, how? Why?” You looked like you didn’t know what to ask about.
“Okay, shut it, I’ll explain the whole damn hero thing…” The blonde also started to throw words at you with the speed of a machine gun.
“What? Hero? Why did you kiss me an hour ago?”
That’s not what he expected. You were more concerned with the kiss than with him being Dynamite? He didn’t know whether he liked it. It would be way easier to explain his secret hero life than what he did that said hour ago.
“I…” No words came out of his throat as he looked at you, at your face, tense and focused.
“Why did you kiss me Katsuki?”
“Because I’m in love with you okay, fuck it.”
“I’m. In. Love. With. You.” He spat out every word. “And after hearing, once again, how you’d fuck Red fucking Riot today I had enough. It’s always Red Riot this and Red Riot that, but no one cares about the fact that it was me who caught the thief. Why don’t you just go and actually fuck Red Riot. Now that you know I’m Dynamite might as well just show you the way to his fucking apartment…”
Bakugo didn’t have the chance to end his rumble because he felt the familiar taste once again. You were pressing him up the windowsill, your small form no match for him. Your lips were planted against his. You broke the kiss before he had the time to react.
“Shut up about Red Riot. I was just joking. Why didn’t you tell me you liked me?”
“What?” It was his turn to ask stupid questions.
“I, uh damn, I also like you, crush you very much. I just didn’t think you liked me back, giving your shitty demeanour all the time.”
It would take him some time to explain the whole situation to you. It would also take some time for you to get used to him being a secret hero, though after you agreed to be his girlfriend you noticed he threw himself in crossfire less during his night actions. Who knows, maybe he’ll even gain a bit in the eye of the public soon. Now he doesn't really care for it any more as the only person he ever wanted to impress is already snuggled up beside him in bed, late in the night.
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writing-bakugo · 1 year
When You Know, You Know ~ Katsuki Bakugo
You experience a ton of firsts with Bakugo...including the moment you realized you wanted to marry him.
Warnings: self-conscious reader, Mitsuki does't like the reader
You? Yeah, you didn’t do change well. Back in high school, the first week of the semester you were often found in the bathroom puking up lunch. Something about change in the routine made your hairs stick up on your arms and your stomach eject its contents. 
You were dating for a week when Bakugo asked you to spend the weekend at his family’s home. Of course, you’d known Bakugo since freshman year in high school, but the sudden jump from giddy good morning text messages now that you were dating to “my shitty dad’s throwing a work party for my mom. On Saturday” was jarring. 
You didn’t know what to do. The thought made your mouth and throat hot and your head pale and sweaty. So, all week you interrogated your friends. Kirishima was first, obviously. 
“But like we haven’t been dating for long, Ei. Going to his parents? That's a big step...that's like you date for a year and then...you know?”
“He probably didn’t even think about it like that. It’s fine.”
Kaminari said, “yeah he’s an idiot. Don’t go. It’s only been a week.”
Then there was “OH MY GOSH! You HAVE to go” Mina. 
Thursday night arrived before you knew it. You gulped and decided to confess your anxiety to Bakugo. 
“That’s something extras care about,” Bakugo said. 
“I guess…” When it came to comfort, your boyfriend wasn’t exactly…tuned in. “I just—“
“Relax,” he huffed, “it’s only weird if you make it weird. My family isn't the kind of family to sweat that shit.”
Somehow the way his eyes were soft and pleading made you agree. Which is how you found yourself standing outside of Bakugo’s childhood home the next night with a backpack slung over your shoulder. 
“Katsuki brought a girl?!” Mitsuki couldn’t believe her eyes. Her son had a girlfriend?! And didn’t mention anything?! “Where’s Kirishima?”
“Who cares,” Bakugo huffed. He dragged you upstairs to his childhood room and you couldn’t help but giggle at the three All Might figurines sitting on his desk. 
“Who didn’t love All Might?” You asked aloud before the door slammed open. 
Mitsuki stood in a fit of steam and yelled, “I’m taking her, Katsuki!”
“Like hell you are, hag!” Bakugo yelled right back. 
But you found yourself standing in a spare room. It was large. Fabric strewn everywhere and clothes hung on racks. You didn't know what to say to Mitsuki, so you responded robotically with one-word answers.
Mitsuki wasn't impressed.
“It’s a work party,” Mitsuki said, “we work in the fashion industry so…let’s get you something to strut around in.”
You weren’t Mitsuki’s definition of worthy for her son. You weren’t drop-dead gorgeous like the models she worked with and you definitely didn’t have the personality she saw fit for Bakugo. 
In her eyes, Bakugo needed someone just as spit-fire as him. Of course, if she thought about it for too long, she might've seen the resemblance between her and Masaru and you and Bakugo. But to her? Bakugo needed a woman who wouldn't take his shit.
Your one-word agreements were entirely way too bland.
And when she made you try on a designer dress, one that she said she’s been working on for four months, you couldn’t help the knots that formed in your stomach. You’d never worn anything this…expensive before. Honestly, it draped on the ground and you thought it fitting for a modeling show.
Mitsuki frowned. “It’s too small for you.”
That struck a chord. You awkwardly laughed and tried to play it off. "Oh you're right!"
"You know, if you dieted I'm sure we could get this in you within aa month."
You knew she probably didn’t mean much by it. She was so used to being surrounded by starving models it probably was just a new experience for her too. You had a body carved of muscles and scars—not one that would ever see itself on the runway.
Plus, there’s no way she would’ve known an off-handed comment about your weight would’ve made you nauseous. 
She made you put on multiple dresses before you landed on one that you could squeeze into. By the time you were done, you’d felt completely out of steam and just wanted to curl up with Bakugo. 
Sure, you weren’t what Mitsuki had in mind for her son. But you were a pro and you had the body that came with the job. Same as Bakugo. 
The party was a similar train wreck. You were in an event center that you’d only seen on TV. Models galore draped themselves on a feral Bakugo. Steam erupted from his ears once, and you thought one of them was going to flop over dead. They didn’t stop coming onto him until he wrapped his arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder. 
The contact made your stomach flutter. He’s never held you like this before. His hot breath tickled against that scar on your neck (the one you received in a battle oversees in Manhattan) and he rubbed circles on your hip. 
You ate food you’d never heard of and drank cocktails you didn’t know existed. The entire time, Bakugo clung to you like a koala on a tree and glared at anyone who came too close. 
Then it was over. People streamed out of the event center and Bakugo dragged you to his car. 
“That shit gets harder every damn time," he grumbles under his breath before you were driving back to his childhood home. 
You were ecstatic when Mitsuki and Masaru left you both alone when they arrived home. It was 1 am in all fairness, and you wanted out of the tight dress. But you couldn't lift your arms past your collar bone, let alone try to twist around to unzip the clingy fabric.
"Katsuki," you whispered and stared at the ground, "can you uh...can you help me out?"
His fingers on your back sent shivers down your spine and the butterflies in your stomach took to the air and scorching saliva drenched your mouth when you pushed him away and ran to the bathroom. 
“The fuck?” He chased after you and stopped when you keeled over the toilet. Bakugo rolled his eyes and crossed him arms, watching as you unloaded all the expensive and unholy hors d’oeuvres into the toilet. 
It made you squirm even more with his crimson eyes beating against you like a falcon when you retched. The pressure built up in your eyes and nose and your throat seared when tears and bile dribbled into the toilet. 
“I think my mom has some nausea pills. Want one?”
“No,” you gasped and sat back in your feet. “Sorry, I just…I need to brush my teeth and lay down.”
After a few seconds, you pulled yourself up and rinsed your mouth before reaching for your toiletry bag and tugging out your toothbrush and toothpaste. 
Bakugo grunted and grabbed his toothbrush, pulled out his phone and set a timer for two minutes. 
“DIE! DIE!” Bakugo yelled in the mirror and you watched with wide eyes, your toothbrush falling limp in your mouth. “DIE! Fucking germs!”
Your laughter graced his ears and he piqued an eyebrow at you. 
Before you realized it, you were saying, “I want to brush my teeth with you everyday, Katsuki.”
The declaration made both your faces beet red. It was so simple and comforting, standing next to Bakugo while he yelled at his teeth. It was so…him. Watching him brush his teeth was the most Bakugo thing you witnessed since you started dating that even though it was so new, it was something you wanted to do with him always. 
Something your friends always told you popped in your head when you stared at him while he gnawed on his toothbrush:
"When you know, you know. You'll understand later."
You could marry him right here with spit on your chin and a fury in his eyes. You would wear this designer dress hanging off your shoulders and he'd wear his sweats and that was the moment you knew.
This was a type of intimacy you'd never experienced.
And that was a change that made you truly happy.
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lovelyiida · 1 year
mha guys confessing their feelings<3
GENRE: fluff, light-angst
WARNINGS: implied fem reader, vulgar language, sexual themes
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• we all know this poor guy would be a mess.
• constantly checking if there are wrinkles on his perfectly ironed uniform (that took him several hours to do the day before).
• making sure that his spikes were in all the right places, twiddling with his hair strands making sure the point is so sharp your hand could be sliced off if you touched it. Not that he wants to hurt you…
• reciting his lines over and over until his mouth gets dry.
• this man is a mess, and it’s all because of you.
‘damn chick, you’d just had to’ve sat next to me on the first day of training.’
Bakugo thought to himself whilst adjusting his tie for the seventh time today.
it’s true to think that you were a force that couldn’t be pushed away. first day of classes and you walked straight up to him, with a bright smile you extended your hand out to shake. rolling his eyes, he gets up and walks away.
but you never knew that his fate with you would be sealed beyond that point.
from constantly ignoring you, to always making random conversations. you even became his go-to sparring partner, leaving a sad Kirishima in the midst.
‘she’s just a better partner, no hard feelings bro.’
from the beginning of the day to the end, you guys were always together. It was a simple joke made by Denki, one day, you all were sitting at lunch, chatting it up and making regular convos.
Denki realized that you and Bakugo were having a whole other conversation from the table. Silently chuckling to yourselves, hitting his shoulder when he says something funnier than the last remark (most likely talking shit about his classmates). Denki shows a devilish smirk.
“so, how long have you guys been dating?” the table confused as to who he was talking to, your eyes narrow. “huh?” you say, bakugo looks up at him, confused and pissed off because he was in the middle of a lovely shit-talking fest with you.
“y’know…” Denki looks and you and bakugo, signaling that he was talking about both of you. Mina’s blank expression becomes ecstatic. “You guys are dating?” she yells.
You and Bakugo’s eyes widen, you start the shake your head and wave your hands. “oh no, w-were just friends, right?” looking at Bakugo he swallows his spit.
“Yeah, we are.”
“We’re just fucking friends, and if I hear any of you guys spread rumors, I’ll have your guts on a platter by the end of the fucking day!” slamming his fists into the table, everyone jumps.
getting up from his seat, you try to call him back. But it was no use, angrily muttering to himself back to the dorms.
“fuckin’ crush on her? why the fuck would I have a crush on her?”
“they’re all dead wrong.”
they’re all dead right.
I mean, looking at it from his point of view, he couldn’t help himself.
same sense of humor, great sparring partner, same interests, same music taste, and you were fucking hot? it was only a matter of time until he couldn’t deny the facts any longer.
now here he is, nervous as all get out, with a bouquet with your favorite album in one hand, and a teddy bear in the other.
blowing his breath into the air he smells it, making sure it’s up to par, you complained to him yesterday that his breath stinks when he yells in your face. so he took note of that.
“you look like a loser.” Kirishima laughs at Bakugo’s nervousness, if it wasn’t for all the time he spend on himself he would’ve thrown him into a wall, he couldn’t today, not with you on the line.
“dude, just walk to her room, knock, and tell her how you feel. it probably won’t come as a shock since everyone knows you have a crush on her.” his last few words make bakugo growl in curiosity.
“what the fuck do you mean, everyone knows?”
Kirishima gulps and scratches his neck, “n-no reason! I guess they all caught on like we did haha.” he laughs nervously, obviously lying.
grumbling, bakugo pushed past him on his way to your dorm.
“you got this dude!”
“yeah, sure, whatever.”
he hopes that you say yes to his proposal, you don’t even have to be his girlfriend, a simple date would make him happy. but he would love it if you were his and only his.
walking towards your door, he swallows his spit. Nervousness lingered around him, palms beginning to sweat as heat rises from them. taking in a deep breath, he knocks on your door.
“you got this.”
he waited for a bit, no answer.
huffing his breath, he knocks again, a little louder than before.
no response.
“shit,” he curses to himself.
he swore you weren’t busy around this time, and yes, he did remember your schedule. letting out a sigh, he hangs his head low.
“there’s always tomorrow—“
“always tomorrow for what?”
jumping at your voice he turns around, his cheeks burning as he sees your figure. it looks like you just left the convenience store.
he hasn’t been this nervous since the entry exam, he hasn’t been this nervous since…ever.
“uh, hey! I thought you were in your room and—“
“is all that for me?” your voice softens, walking closer you set your stuff down to take what Bakugo has from his hands.
“yeah, stupid shit I put together…don’t think your special.”
you chuckle at his statement, “thank you bakugo, even though it’s not even my birthday.”
“yeah, whatever.”
grabbing your other stuff you open your room dorm and head in, but before you shut the door your look at him.
those big, stupid, beautiful eyes of yours.
fuck, you’re beautiful…
“is that all you’re here for?” You coo, looking away nervously, he sighs.
“tch, yeah.”
smiling to yourself, you nod.
“okay well, goodnight Bakugo.”
closing the door behind you, you set your gifts and groceries down.
5 minutes or so pass, as you settle yourself in. What just happened? why was Bakugo so damn nervous to talk to you? you’ve never seen him look so startled before.
looking at the basket that was gifted to you, you couldn’t help but smile. Taking a picture of the basket, you were about to send the picture to the “1A Chicks” group chat when you hear a banging at your door.
startled, you scurry to open the door, “Bakugo? what’s wrong?” you asked. looking at him, he frowns. “You’re what’s wrong.”
confused you shake your head, “w-what?”
rolling his eyes he curses, “fuck it.”
pushing himself into your room, you yell. closing the door behind him, you were even more confused now.
“Bakugo, what the hell is your problem?” you yell. As he walks towards you, you walk away. every step you took back, he took a step forward. slamming yourself into the wall you look up at him.
Bakugo corners himself into you, leaving no room for Jesus. pressing his body up against yours, you stare at his face, noticing how his cheeks are pink and his breathing is stagnant.
a moment of silence passes by, you noticed your noses touching. you feel his breath on your lips, warm and soft. looking into his amber eyes, you chuckle a little.
“if you’re thinking about kissing me, I’m not gonna stop you.”
Bakugo lets out a huff, “and why would I even kiss you out of all people? I hate you.” Squinting your eyes, you couldn’t help but smile at his denial.
“so you did all of this just to tell me you hated me?”
Bakugo stares into your eyes, “yeah I did.”
rolling your eyes you adjust yourself, trying to free from his grasp until he leans in. you let out a small gasp, as his lips touched yours. He was kissing you.
closing your eyes you kissed back, melting into the feeling of his lips on yours. His arm snakes around your waist, giving it a squeeze as he deepens the kiss.
this goes in for another 10 seconds until you back away for breath. the world could’ve stopped moving and the both of you wouldn’t have known. staring into each other’s eyes, scared that if you look away you’d lose this moment forever.
Bakugo leans in one more time, a quick peck before he lets go of you. he nervously puts his hands in his pockets.
“I assume you do this to all the girls you hate?” you questioned.
“no, only the ones I like,” he answered.
“so, you don’t hate me?” you laugh, he rolls his eyes at your statement.
“no I don’t hate you, I like you dumbass!” he yells.
“don’t yell at me, I just wanted you to admit it,” pulling him by his shirt you plant another kiss on his lips. a small smirk shows on his face.
• has zero fucking rizz
• tries so hard to be someone he isn’t just so he can impress you.
• he just needs to realize that he doesn’t have to go all out to impress you because just being him is enough for you at the end of the day.
• at first, it was funny to his friends seeing how bad Denki would try to flirt with you.
• the cheeky one-liners were cute, but now they were starting to be just plain corny.
“woah, you’re all scuffed up from hero training today huh y/n?”
it was the end of training today for class 1-A, you were around some of your friends sitting on the ground, Denki decided to walk up and start some conversation.
“yeah, Iida got me pretty good today.” you sigh, letting out a defeated smile.
“looks like you just fell from hell!” Denki laughs.
confused, you tilt your head to the side. looking over you see Mina facepalm, Bakugo next to her pinching the bridge of his nose.
“do I look that bad?” you snort.
Denki’s eyes widened, “no you don’t! you look the opposite, that’s what I meant!” he nervously rambled.
“I-I meant to say you fell from heaven because you’re all cut up, a-and you’re an angel— because you're pretty!—“
“you think I’m pretty?” a tinge of hope carries through your tone.
“Yes!— No!— I mean—“
Watching you get up from the ground, you become quickly uninterested in the rest of his ramble. Mina frowns and lays and hand on his shoulder.
“hey, Denki, you can torture y/n some more during lunch time m’kay? we need to get changed before the bell.” Mina saves the day, pushing you away from Denki as you laugh at his awkwardness.
“nice one, playboy,” Bakugo smiles and punches Denki hard in the shoulder earning a wince from him, bakugo chuckles to himself and walks off towards the locker room.
Denki sighs in defeat before following Bakugo.
Now it was lunchtime, and everyone sat down happily eating their food as they finally get a break from their rigorous daily schedule as heroes in training.
Denki watched you from across the table, staring honestly.
He saw the way you’d laugh with Bakugo, the way you whispered into his ear, leaving the both of you to snicker to yourselves.
He hated it.
So he did something about it.
Walking over to your side of the table, he sees the way the both of you look at him. You show a soft, inviting smile his way…whilst Bakugo’s expression could be a bit better.
Sitting across from you two, he takes in a deep breath and exhales.
“CANT you see we’re having a conversation?” He spits. Denki rolled his eyes at his venomous remark.
‘god I’m going to regret this’
“Aren’t you tired of being such an asshole all of the time?” Denki snaps.
“Hah?” Bakugo leans his head to the side.
Denki snorts, you watch in amusement at his antics. This makes his ego boost.
“I mean, it’s like you’re constantly on your period or something! Like, lighten up a little man!” He laughs.
“I’m gonna light up your ass real soon toaster head if you don’t leave me alone! And I’m asking you nicely.” Bakugo growls.
“I mean…he’s a little bit right” you jump into the conversation. Watching you lean your head on your hand, he can’t help but think about how hot you look right now.
You’re helping him.
“you can be a little agitated at times” you side with Denki.
Frowning even deeper Bakugo lets out a dark chuckle, standing up from his seat he stomps over to Denki.
Denki becomes so busy looking at you look at him that he forgets that Bakugo is looking over his spirit at the moment.
You shoot him a look, telling him to look up. So he complies.
“Is there something you need?” Denki says with a snarky tone.
“get up.”
The death glare stings into his very being, bakugo’s amber-red eyes burning into Denki’s golden ones.
“Make me” a smug smirk shines brightly off of Denki’s lips.
Of course, Denki didn’t have time to revel in his interaction with Bakugo. Because the next thing he knew was that he saw a flash of light and he was flying.
He flew so fast, it felt like he flew all the way to the recovery office.
eyes fluttering open, Denki whines as the hard white lights above him shine into his eyes. Tossing on his side he curls into a ball, hugging himself closer to the bed. he groans before letting out a deep sigh.
“Denki, are you awake?” A soft voice rang out into the silence.
He knew that voice.
Quickly turning over his eyes grow wide.
“Y/n?” He breathes out, earning a half-hearted chuckle you nod. He could tell you were worried about him.
“Oh my god, Denki, what we’re you thinking back there?” you scold him.
“I…I don’t know,” Denki frowns.
“You and I both know that we shouldn’t buck up to Bakugo like that unless you’re looking for a death sentence! Why the sudden change of character?” You asked, a frown still visible on your lips.
Your lips…
Denki was going to talk about how he just felt like pissing off bakugo, but then he realized how close you were to him. Only a hands distance from your face, his eyes travel down to your pursed lips.
They look so soft, so warm, so sweet.
So his.
His brain wasn’t aware that his body was moving, it seemed like the only thing that could control him was his heart. And he knew what his heart wanted more than anything else.
And it seemed like his heart knew what you wanted too.
“Denki.” You whispered.
“Hm?” His voice was so soft, you melted at the slight raspiness of it.
“Are you trying to kiss me right now?” You asked, you bit your lips. That action makes him let out a chuckle.
You tease.
“And if I was?” He whispered, softer than the last time, his hand sliding softly onto your cheek to his and thumb and index finger sliding further down to hold your chin, he leans in a little more.
“Then I wouldn’t stop you,” you leaned in, lips touching, but only grazing.
You felt each other's warm breaths, you felt the shake of his breath travel onto your lips.
“Fuck,” Denki cursed to himself, guiding your face towards his as he closed the gap. Leaning in further you make him fall back on the bed.
Your lips attacked one another, even tho it was his first kiss he was pretty damn good at making out.
Breaths hot, teeth grazing, lips wet and soft, Denki grabbed a fist full of your hair and groans as he deepens the kiss.
There’s no way he can be doing this right now, this has to be a dream or something.
He couldn’t even think of a response until you ripped your lips off of him. Denki lets out a soft whine you could barely catch, you giggle at this.
Leaning back up, your hand caresses his face.
Denki spills.
“I didn’t know what I could do to impress you, the pickup lines weren’t working, every time I tried to flirt or compliment you it just turned into shit, and I wanted you to not see me as some loser dweeb! So I did something that I knew would get your attention-“
Leaning down again you plant a quick peck.
“Denki, you had me from the start! Cheesy one-liners and all,” you chuckled.
“Really?” Denki asks.
“Mhm, really”
• there’s nothing more manly than matching Kirishima’s energy
• but it’s also not manly to get so bashful over it
• you and Kirishima have been the best of friends for a while, besides Mina being the only girl within the friend group. Sometimes he forgets that you’re a girl, he feels as if you’re one of the guys.
• so sometimes, some things he says to his guy friends he says to you.
• and it’s not necessarily a bad thing, it’s just bad when other people around don’t understand the dynamic the both of you got going on.
“Hey, sexy!” You yelled.
Walking into the dorm kitchen, you slap Kirishima’s ass. Jumping, he lets out a laugh.
“Hey, there beautiful~” Kirishima coos.
Of course, everyone around them is shocked seeing such a greeting exchange take place. Except for the rest of bakusquad, duh.
Casual flirting is a thing Kirishima does with his friends, he got it from Denki and now he can’t shake it. He does it to all of his close friends, especially you.
These occurrences usually happen out of nowhere.
Like when the both of you finish sparring with one another during training:
“Y’know Kirishima, if you wanna finish off strong…land on top of me next time,” you say, a sarcastic yet seductive tone sliding off your lips.
“Really? I was really hoping you’d not complain about me pinning you face down ass up this round.”
Or when the both of you are at lunch:
“Oh my god, stop eating your food like a barbarian!” Mina squeals in disgust.
“Oh please, don’t be a cry baby. Y/n knows all about this technique right here, don’t ya?” Kirishima growls, taking a loud slurp of his noodles, he slowly swirls the noodles into his mouth.
Earning a groan from Mina and a giggle out of you.
Or that one conversation you had in class that no one speaks of:
“Kirishima, can you stop bothering me and just do your work!” You laugh.
“I could…but I won’t. I’d rather do you than do my work” he sighs, leaning back into his chair as he stretches. Letting out a groan, you can see a peek of his toned stomach come through.
Is he seriously trying to tease you right now?
“Oh really?” You snarl.
“Mhm, matter of fact. If you were my assignment, I’d work on you all day long until you’d beg to stop.”
This earns a slight blush from you, laughing it off you insult him. “If only there was actually a guy out there that could~” you sigh.
A sparkle shoots through Kirishima’s red eyes.
“You making that a bet? Because listen, honey, I’ll do you better than any man you’ll ever meet do you hear me-“
Mr. Aizawa’s voice booms through the classroom, making the both of you jump.
“Yes sensei!” Kirishima jumps up from his seat, his face red from embarrassment.
You almost pissed yourself from laughing so hard that day.
Needless to say, the both of you like to talk about fucking each other. Even though you guys always flirt like this around everybody, you’ve never done it alone.
Kirishima felt that if he crossed that boundary, it could ruin your friendship for good.
That was until one day you asked him if he wanted to binge-watch a show with you, and he agreed immediately.
He didn’t realize what that agreement came to until he was there.
“You don’t have a tv?” He says.
Rolling your eyes you chuckle, “why would I have a tv Kirishima, they’re expensive these days and you know that.”
Flopping onto your bed you grab your computer and tuck yourself under the covers.
Let him register this correctly,
You and him, alone, in the dark, under the covers, watching a tv show, on Netflix?
holy shit.
slowly crawling onto the bed, kirishima goes under the covers.
smiling at him you prop open your laptop on your computer and press play.
around 30 minutes passed, the both of you didn't talk that much besides a short witty one-liner and a snort at a funny moment from the show. either than that, it was dead silent.
a moment passes until there's a certain suggestive scene on the screen. a couple sneaking into a random back room in some laundry mat, crashing onto the floor the girl straddles him and starts to grind on him.
"oh please," you groan a slight smirk hints on your face.
perking up kirishima turns towards you, "what's wrong?"
"well...." you trail off, a wide smirk cascades over your face.
this earns a chuckle from him, "what?"
"I just think I could do way better than she can" you say.
this makes Kirishima lightly blush, thank god it was dark and the screen was only lighting the side of his face. "oh really?" Kirishima smiles, you hum with a nod.
the scene continued into a full-on sex scene, he wasn't expecting to watch such a scene with you, his face starts to burn red at this. now he was just thinking about you doing these unholy things to him.
i mean, god, he wished you were riding him that hard-
"are you blushing right now?" you snort.
eyes snapping wide, he looks at you with terror.
frantic, Kirishima slams the computer shut in embarrassment. "what the hell kiri!" you exclaimed.
"y/n, I really can't lay here and pretend that we don't have something going on between us" Kirishima's voice shakes.
the room grows silent for a moment.
"what do you mean?" you ask, voice quiet, almost a whisper.
"this! the constant flirting, the way we touch each other, the way I look at you, and the way you look at me! I mean- look at what we're doing right now! you just talked about how you wanna fuck me in your own bed for all might's sake!" Kirishima grows irritated, he's tired of hiding his feelings from you.
"I'm sorry I didn't get the memo then! fuck, you do it to everyone-"
"but I don't, everyone knows this! you and I both know that I don't talk like this to mina or bakugo, I don't even talk like this to Denki to this extent!" he yells.
"so what do you want me to do? STOP?" you snarl, irritated at his tone.
he rolls his eyes, " you and I both know I don't want that-"
"then what do you want!" you yell.
"shit, I want you, y/n!" he yells back.
his words quickly shut you up.
it becomes silent again, he hears you shuffling with your blankets and a weight it lifted from the bed. he hears you stomp towards your door, flipping the switch with force Kirishima winces at the flash of light.
eyes adjusting, he sees you with a frown on your lips, walking back towards your bed you plop onto your side of the bed. eyes locking with his you whisper, "are you serious?"
"I'm more than serious, I've kinda liked you from the beginning, I thought the flirting was a dead give away but I guess it wasn't" Kirishima scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment.
smiling, you crawl towards him and wrap your arms around his neck.
"so...does that mean that everything you've said to me you meant it?" a smug smirk shows on your lips. kirishima's face gets redder by the moment, he stammers.
"y-yes? I mean! do you like that I meant it?" voice nervous, the makes you giggle.
leaning in you plant a quick peck on Kirishima's lips, leaving Kirishima stunned.
"mhm," you hum.
a moment passes by, then Kirishima smiles.
"well in that case..." Kirishima lets out a mischievous grin, his hands sliding up your waist. the next thing you knew he quickly flipped you on your back, pinning your arms down you wiggled.
before you could even protest, kirishima smashes his lips against yours. pulling away kirishima whispers into your ear.
"well then, maybe we can practice some things I've been meaning to say then, hm?"
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hey guys! omg, over 200 likes on my first post! ahh you guys are crazy!! I meant to put iida and deku in this headcanon but they sadly didn't make the cut. I started to get lazy sorry...
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kierewrites · 1 year
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Bakugou x Reader
Art: @taro-k
Mood Song: sky
Summary: Quite literally against his will, Bakugou is forced to introduce you to his group of friends at the Summer festival. Little did he know, if his friends hadn't of been there, things could've gone much worse.
Warnings: nothing really, mild fight scene
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“Wow Bakugou, how’d you snag a girl like this?”
“How is a girl touching you and smiling at the same time?”
“Y/n did he kidnap you? Blink twice if you’re being kidnapped.”
These were just a few of the many questions thrown to the growingly irritated blond as he stood before his friends with you snug into his side.
You were never supposed to be here. You were supposed to stay his sweet little secret just a bit longer, but he knew your hidden relationship wouldn’t last forever, especially with his all too nosey friends.
Somehow you managed to sneak into his dorm while he was making dinner for the two of you, and as he was doing so he happened to be making plans with his friends to go to the Summer festival in the city. As soon as you heard those words you were quick to chirp your offer to join.
As soon as Bakugou heard the “Who was that?” on the speaker, he knew his fate was sealed.
And just as he thought, he watched months of meticulous planning and strategy flush away as his friends pushed every possible button regarding his “secret” girlfriend. The worst part is they knew he couldn’t snap like normal since you were there.
“She’s so sweet, she’s making my teeth rot!” Mina exclaimed, quickly grabbing your hands and tugging you from Bakugou’s grasp, earning her a sharp growl, “How do you do it?”
Mina’s eyes sparkled as she saw Bakugou mouthing sinister threats from behind you, but you simply smiled and squeezed the pink girl’s hands, “Just wait till I tell you how sweet he is behind closed doors, it makes my teeth rot.”
Everyone’s eyes seemed to widen at this, including Bakugou’s as his palm gripped at the top of your head and moved you back to him, causing you to trip a bit over your feet.
“Did I not tell you to keep your mouth shut?” Bakugou snarled, tugging your head back to look at him, only to see you giving him a cat-like grin as your eyes sparkled up to him.
He absolutely hated how the sight made his chest tighten.
“Did I not tell you to stop being so grumpy?” You poked back, sticking your tongue out before looking back towards his excited friends.
“This one's definitely a keeper.” Kirishima spoke with a grin, giving Bakugou knowing eyes which only flustered the boy more.
Having all of his friends approve of you, joking or not, made your heart warm a bit. Your friends warned you before this date that if your boyfriend’s friends don’t like you, then your relationship would be doomed to fail. Of course you didn’t believe them that much, but that didn’t stop the anxious feeling in your stomach when you first arrived.
“Whatever, I’m going to use the damn bathroom before we get started,” Bakugou huffed, nudging your shoulder until your eyes met with his stern ones, “Stay here.”
Your wide eyes immediately dropped into an unimpressed stare, sarcastically nodding your head as if to say, “where else am I going to go”, until he walked away with his hands shoved deep in his pockets.
Shaking your head with a grin you looked back to his friends, seeing as they were already making conversation about their class today. Though you didn’t know much about UA, you still loved listening to the stories. 
“There is no way your teacher comes to class in a sleeping bag.” You snorted, eyes falling on you as you bursted into laughter, “Isn’t that guy a pro-hero too?”
The nods of his friends had you bursting into even more laughter until Sero held up a photo of the familiar pro-hero, “He’s Eraserhead!”
Your mouth fell at the name, your eyes scanning over the man covered head to toe in a full yellow sleeping bag that sure enough matched the face of the pro-hero Eraserhead.
Slowly your lips began to curve upward as giggles bubbled from your chest, “This sounds like the craziest school ever, I wish I could join in for a class one day!”
Though you knew the request was rhetorical, Bakugou’s friends still began to make a plan on how they could somehow sneak you in for a day. Surely your grumpy rule-abiding boyfriend would decline, but the thought was still nice.
After a few more minutes of their discussion you felt yourself begin to zone out for a bit, your mind wandering to the whereabouts of your boyfriend. Though it was most likely due to a long bathroom line, you made a mental note to tease him about falling in the toilet.
Snorting to yourself, you lifted your head to join back in the conversation until you felt firm poke at your shoulder causing you to jump. Expecting to see the familiar ash blond tufts before you, instead you were met with a tall brunette.
Blinking a bit, you looked up to him with curious eyes as he grinned down to you, bending down to your level.
“You with anyone cute stuff?”
The direct question made your cheeks flush, not sure if they were referring to your group or rather a more specific person. You hadn’t even noticed how your arms wrapped around yourself in a closed off manner.
“Yeah I am… I’m with my friends.” You spoke cautiously, pointing to the group standing behind you with a raised brow, “Do I know any of you?”
The boy leaned back up and stood before his other two friends. You tried your best to examine their faces and see if they were possible classmates you didn’t recognize, but the sneers on their faces weren’t promising.
The brunette before you seemed to eye over the group behind you, after doing a sweep with his eyes he seemed to not pay them any mind.
“You shouldn’t, but we can fix that.” The tall boy said, hand wrapping around your wrist gently as he began to tug you along his side.
There were forward people in this world, but that didn’t mean you should just let them do what they want. Knitting your brows, you tugged your wrist from his grasp and gave him a firm stare.
“I don’t know you, I’m with my friends, and I have a boyfriend.” You spoke sternly, feeling more confident as you added the last part in as you saw their eyes widen a bit.
“So please leave me alone.”
Your little outburst seemed to shock them initially, but it faded quickly into frustration as he took a bold step towards the space you made between them.
“You’re real annoying, you know that?” The man hissed as he grabbed at your wrist again, but with a much tighter grip, “Don’t be a brat and come with us.”
The new grip on your wrist caused you to yelp in pain, your feet stumbling forward as the man tugged you off with his friends. 
You may not of had a strong quirk, but that doesn’t mean you were going to let some jerks drag you around. Letting out a growl you tugged your wrist away once again, except this time you didn’t break free.
“Let me go you asshole!”
The darkened glare in the man’s eyes made your heart skip a beat, your arm beginning to tremble as you began to realize what may be happening.
Luckily a pair of yellow eyes locked onto you as Mina heard your initial yelp from behind the boys. Once she confirmed you seemed to be struggling with someone her eyes narrowed.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing, punk?”
Mina’s sudden change in tone caught all of the boys’ attention, their eyes following hers to see you trying to escape the random man’s hold.
“Y/n do you know these guys?” Kaminari said cautiously, though he already knew the answer as your worry filled eyes looked to him.
“N..No I don’t-” You began to speak, but you were cutoff when the brunette tugged at your arm causing you to stumble into his back as he locked his other arm around your waist.
“She doesn’t know what she’s talkin about, we’re all pals in school!” The boy said with a grin, though his grip only tightened on you as you tried to yank yourself from his grasp.
Bakugou’s group of friends stepped closer, faces growing more serious as the situation unfolded before them.
“Oh yeah? What school do you go to then?” Sero sneered, narrowing his eyes when mild panic began to set in the three boy’s eyes.
“Why don’t you wannabe heroes mind your business, and we’ll be on our way.” The short boy beside you spoke, fists cracking together in some sort of menacing way.
You had no doubt Bakugou’s friends were capable of taking these thugs down, but a small pit of worry grew wondering if they actually would. After all, they didn’t know you that well. It could possibly taint their hero records if they got in a fight with some random jerks.
You felt your breathing begin to grow ragged as you felt panic swell in your chest. You searched the eyes of all of Bakugou’s friends until you noticed Kirishima already looking at you. Though his stance was defensive, his eyes were gentle. You felt your rapid pants stop as he gave you a knowing nod, your head tilting a bit before his hand formed into a sharper version of itself.
“Not gonna happen I’m afraid.” Kirishima said with a sigh, his friends already activating their quirks before dashing forwards without a second to spare.
One of the boy’s behind you was quick to meet in the middle, his arm forming into a large hammer as he swung at your group of friends. Sero and Mina seemed to disappear in the crowd while Kirishima took the attack head on, letting the large hammer smash right against his arm.
The sound made even you wince as you were afraid to see the aftermath, but when you opened your eyes again you were shocked to see Kirishima’s arm with not a scratch on it.
“W..What the hell?” The man stuttered, eyes wide until he felt two fingers jab against his spine.
“You thought that was cool? Wait till you see what my quirk is.” Kaminari spoke with a grin, his eyes already seeming to spark up before a surge of electricity shot from his fingers and spread all along the thug’s body.
The man on the other side of you began to nervously activate his quirk at the sight of his friend being taken down, his fingers beginning to drip into a goo like substance.
“Hmm wonder what that could be…” Mina said in false curiosity, her lips curving up into a smirk as she shot a metallic like substance directly at his arm, “Bet it’s not worse than acid.”
The sound of the goon’s cries echoed through the air, all eyes on the scene now as a small crowd began to form around you all.
Before you had much time to react, the sound of what you thought was a rope launched behind you, the grip around your waist loosening as you looked back to see a white substance around the thug’s neck.
“W..What the hell is this?” The man choked out, immediately trying to tear the substance away from his neck, only to find it was stuck to his skin.
“I’m personally going to enjoy this.” A voice cooed from behind the man before he was yanked back and down, the sight confusing you until his head cracked against something hard causing you to wince as his skull was met with Sero’s knee.
Your mouth fell in shock, watching as the three men struggled to move on the ground until you bumped into a figure behind you. Whipping around you noticed the familiar red eyes that were staring at you before.
“Are you alright Y/n?” Kirishima spoke softly, gently lifting your wrist up to see if any damage was caused.
“We’re so sorry we didn’t notice earlier!” Mina cried with a frown, pulling you into a tight hug before examining your face.
“D..Don’t apologize.” You said gently, laughing a bit as you looked at the four of them with wide eyes, “You guys are amazing! I can’t thank you enough.”
Though still a bit shaken, you felt relief wash over you as the situation dissolved. The small crowd around you seemed pleased with the outcome, but ultimately fizzled away as security was called towards the situation. 
If Bakuogu’s friends hadn’t been here… you had no idea what could’ve happened.
“What the fuck is going on here?” A stern voice shouted, that tuft of ash blond hair shoving through what was left of the crowd before he motioned to the commotion, “What did you dipshits do while I was gone?”
Bakugou’s eyes scanned over his friends before falling on you, the frustration immediately melting into concern as he saw your glassy eyes look up to him through your lashes.
“Some jerks tried to take me somewhere, but your friends took all three of them down!” You cried, trying to fight your lip from quivering before wrapping your arms around Bakugou and shoving your face into his chest, “You guys are my heroes.”
The ash blond’s eyes widened as you shoved yourself into his chest, your quivering form made his heart race with guilt and anger. He should’ve been here to protect you. He couldn’t imagine how terrified you were.
Swallowing thickly, Bakugou wrapped both of his arms around you and squeezed tightly, hoping to provide more reassurance of your safety before glancing over to his friends.
“Thank you shitheads, I owe you one.”
His friends simply nodded, giving him reassuring smiles except for Kaminari who pretended to be shocked at Bakugou’s “heartfelt” gratitude, but he was quickly shut up by two jabs to the ribs from Sero and Kirishima.
“Now where the hell are those fuckers who messed with my girl.”
Without so much of a word, the crowd seemed to dissolve, leading a direct path towards the three thugs that laid severely injured on the ground.
One of the men weakly lifted their head to get a better look at the menacing voice until they met the gaze of Bakugou. His eyes widened as he quickly tried to back up on his elbows away from the boy.
“T..That’s your boyfriend? He’s the freak from the UA Sports Festival!”
Bakugou simply sneered down at them with a cheshire grin, his fist beginning to pop from his quirk, the sound alone making them all shriek.
“I tried to tell you.” You said softly in between sniffles, giggling a bit at your boyfriend’s taunting actions.
The ash blond felt his chest warm at the sound of your small giggles, squeezing at your side gently before looking down to you, “Stay with my friends, okay?”
Nodding slowly, you left his grasp and stood with his friends who quickly moved away from the scene to check up on you.
Once you were all out of good distance, Bakugou’s deadly stare returned to the pathetic men before him. With fists clenched, he gave one last chuckle before locking eyes with them.
“Now you die.”
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icyhottodo · 11 months
die for you | k.bg
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summary: bakugo comes home all bruised up.
contains: cursing (it's bakugo, what did you expect? ), mentions of blood and injuries, pre-established relationship, gn reader and mean people.
wc: 0.9k
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"what happened to you?!" you exclaimed, your boisterous voice heard throughout the apartment. you saw bakugo come home with a black eye and soot all over his clothes and face. there were even some cuts, allowing some of bakugo's blood to seep through his skin.
you told bakugo to sit on your shared bed and change into comfortable clothes while you went to the bathroom, where the first aid kit was placed. even though bakugo is one of the top heroes and has been in many gruesome fights, he always gets patched up in the hospital or with the recovery girl, who never fails to heal bakugo’s wounds. but bakugo wasn’t on patrol this time; he told you earlier that he was going to have a fun outing with kirishima. you would expect your lover to come home happy and safe, not all beaten up. so what happened?
"nothing," bakugo said sharply. his voice can still be heard from where you stand. bakugo sounded like he was trying to regain his breath, to which you assumed he ran back home.
walking back to where bakugo sat, you stood in between his legs. you start grabbing clean, non-alcoholic wipes to clear off the dirt and dried blood on his skin. you grabbed his calloused hands and arm, beginning to wipe them off. upon noticing red knuckles, your eyebrows furrowed deeper. you decided not to say anything about it, but you had your assumptions.
you let out a heavy sigh, breaking the deafening silence between the two of you. you start cleaning the filth on his face, stopping for a second to hold his face with both of your hands. slightly squishing his hidden chubby cheeks. "i won't ask for the details, but bakugo. i thought you were trying to stop being so short-tempered."
"i am! it's just…" bakugo groaned at your slight nagging. nonetheless, he leans adoringly into your touch, making his cheeks even more prominent. "it's just that while i was hanging out with shitty hair, i came across those shitty classmates you had back in high school, and they were talking shit about you. i couldn’t just walk away without doing anything."
you didn't have a tasteful relationship with your previous classmates. they weren’t precisely outright bullies with anyone, but they talked badly about a lot of people in your year, including you.
you stayed quiet about this information but went ahead to disinfect his wounds. because you chose to say nothing, bakugo became secretly nervous. usually, bakugo could care less what people thought about his lunatic actions. despite that, bakugo extremely cares about what you have to think about because, well, he is in love with you.
"what did they say about me?" this made almost all of bakugo’s worries wash away; you weren't exactly mad at him. but he can hear the slight tinge of insecurity in the tone of your voice, which made him hold onto your hand and squeeze it lightly in an effort to comfort you.
"they were questioning how we were dating, saying you ‘are ugly," and if you bribed me to become your significant other. they said more things, but i started seeing red by then." bakugo rolls his eyes, reliving the situation.
"you can ask kirishima more about what they said. i tuned out everyone’s voices once i landed a punch. and yes, shitty hair is okay." the crimson-eyed man added, knowing that you would ask about the red riot hero, too. you told bakugo to stay put while you went to the kitchen to grab an ice pack from the refrigerator; you were going to treat that distinct black eye he got.
"close your eyes," you instructed, after going back to your original spot in front of bakugo. preparing his ice pack, you suddenly felt two arms wrapping around your waist, then they pulled you into your boyfriend’s embrace. the scent of caramel engulfed your senses, and the warmth spread throughout your body.
"i don’t care if i’m hurt. can’t i just cuddle with you instead of you nagging at me?" his muffled voice becomes apparent when he snuggles his face against your chest. you let out a long exhale at your boyfriend’s request.
while you were glad bakugo had stood up for you, you wouldn’t want him to come home every day looking beaten up. sure, bakugo has faced scarier things, or he has been in far more pain than he is right now. but that never helped you worry less about your lover.
"when your black eye stops swelling, then we can cuddle," you instructed as you put the ice pack on his bruised right eye. the sudden contrast of his warm skin made bakugo hiss at the coldness suddenly put on him, and maybe secretly at the fact that you denied his offer of affection.
"thank you for protecting me, bakugo. but there are other ways to defend me other than throwing hands." although you first denied bakugo’s request, you pushed him softly to lie down on the bed.
"love, i would die for you. rather than using 'my words'." bakugo deadpans.
you ignored bakugo's comment, as you pulled up the blanket to cover both of your bodies and wrapped your arms around bakugo, to which he grumbled out of happiness. you pecked bakugo on the cheek and said, "thank you for loving me, bakugo."
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misssmina · 20 days
Literally love your blog!! I totally want to use more of your ideas in my fics...is there any specific headcannons or details you'd like to see more of? Cause I can put in some of my one-shots anf tag you!
Omg thank you 💕 and hell yeah please tag me
Let’s see. Well firstly I truly don’t think the 1-A kids will date other heroes (Including each other.) Not after everything they’ve been through so young.
But more specifically!! I need to see more hyper specific traits in fics.
Like in one of my posts I said Bakugou would be a polyglot. Speaks at least 4 languages, including ASL and JSL. We don’t utilize him being in the rich kids club enough!!!
I feel like both Kirishima and Todoroki are the accidentally kind of mean type. Like they’d say something without thinking that was kinda fucked up (Kirishima would realize and apologize like crazy, it probably only happens with people he’s comfortable with.) ((Todoroki WOULD NOT realize unless you brought it up to him.))
Sero and Shoji are regularly with the girls for girls night, they hold everyone’s secrets and are normally the voice of reason friends.
Kaminari my sweet boy is the youngest of 6 very ill-behaved sisters which is why he’s so wary of danger.
Momo, Jirou, and Uraraka are besties. Girlfriends, plus the friend they adopted as their child.
That’s all for now! I literally typed these up at work lol
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