#david womersley
theartoffrozen · 8 days
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Concept art by David Womersley
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Thursday 18.. April 1839
6 10/..
11 25/..
rainy morning and windy – fair about 9 – had A- then with Robert Norton the joiner – till F44 ½° inside and 40° outside at 7 ¾ - moving books till breakfast at 8 5/.. in about ½ hour – Mr. Horner came about 8 40/.. – then till nine and  a half preparing linen for cousin and sewing up one stocking for ditto   A- would be bad as ever but as I told her I would make no more inquiries and take the leas[t] possible notice – from 9 35/.. to about 10 ½ at account etc. then went down (A- came for me to see her drawing) to Mr. Horner till 10 50/.. – then gave A- her Brodie tonic 1 teaspoonful in 3 ditto of water and she lay down by me for a few minutes till 11 10/.. – then had her with me dusting and moving books till luncheon at 12 for about ¼ hour or more – she had a cup of sago with a glass of sherry in it – stood talking   said I would ask her to trust but was decidedly of opinion she had better do it  she says she will and we are to go to York on Saturday for the purpose of seeing Mr. Watson on the occasion she is afraid of being taken from out of my care – after luncheon had A- with me in the tower study till after 3 – she rode off to Cliff hill at 3 ½ - note from Mr. Parker this morning (the boy waiting an answer – said I would send one tonight) while in the tower study to say ‘Mr. Day will not give up his draft plan, but engages that one fair plan shall not exceed six guineas, and thinks it will not come to so much – Mr. Day quite understands that the ground is to be laid out in streets and building plots. Should you accede to Mr. Day’s terms, he would make the plan etc. next week’ – I have just written (now at 4 50/.. and A- is just come in) as follows ‘Sir – I do not attach any particular value to Mr. Days’ draft-plan I merely mentioned it, supposing it would give him less trouble to let me have this, then a fairer copy – I wish to have two plans, one to be kept at your office, and one to be kept here, both which, the one being a copy of the other, might perhaps be furnished for six guineas – if not, the matter may stand over – I am sir, etc. etc.’  I would rather pay a little more and let Mr. Harper get it done for me by sending over some of his people from York – with A- went out at 5 ½ - to Listerwick – sometime talking to Robert Mann he and William Lord walling against the road – A- having told me this morning on the 18th ultimo that she had told Booth to get locks for the Hatters street necessaries, told Robert Mann to see about them tonight – to get them put on, and give me the bill – told him I had not named it to anyone but Robert Norton, but I thought of going from home for 2 or 3 days on Saturday, and begged him to see about the meer skew bank and getting water into the paddock, and let me know about it tomorrow – then with Joseph Mann at the water wheel trenching for Pearson – then saw Pearson – told him what had passed with Turner, and that his (P-‘s brother James) was to have the field with a shed in the corner nearest the Crownest entrance gate at 20 guineas per annum – on written agreement – he paying all taxes – P- told me he understood Greenwood was going to sow the field with oats – a 2nd white crop – and the field full of wicks towed the conery – he would play up with it – then at Listerwick Edward Waddington there at the blacksmiths’ shop chimney, and Mallinson and co. at David Mann’s cottage roofing and Baldwin and co. almost finishing the blacksmiths’ shop slating – settled with Joseph Mann about righting up John Oates’s garden – walked to the back Lodge gates with Robert Mann – he intends to write to me if he thinks all not going right – thinks the colliery will soon keep itself and may pay better than one has expected – came in at 6 50/.. – A- had very soon afterwards Womersley who came to know if the schools and house were to let and in short to find out what would be asked for them – wanted for towns meetings and business – wished A- to inquire of Captain and Mrs. Sutherland – she came up to me – went down with her – advised her to have nothing to do with inquiring anything of the S-s unless W- authorized her to say what rent the town would give – he could not do that – could in fact do nothing – decided then that A- should have nothing to do with the business – W- to apply to SW. - a favour when A- asked any question of the S-s for anybody – never did it but to oblige someone by getting a quick answer to some definite proposal – dinner at 7 20/.. A- read French – Letter from Mrs. Desvoeux very satisfactory character of Gross and his wife – he thoroughly understands his business as travelling servant and is a good and active servant – she ‘understands dressmaking millinery and hair dressing pretty well and is a careful packer’ – both are ‘perfectly honest, sober, obliging and trustworthy servants’ – Letter too from Mrs. Hawkins – he inquired at the house of Mrs. Desvoeux, and both be and Mrs. Hawkins pleased with the appearance of the 2, and satisfied as to character – she says, they are very anxious to be engaged
coffee – then wrote all but the first 24 lines of today till now 10 20/.. pm – Rainy morning with high wind but fair by 9am and afterwards finish day, tho’ a few drop of rain between 6 and 7 this evening, with every appearance of rain falling in the night – Walkers’ classical pronouncing dictionary came from Whitleys’ tonight my little cadeau to A- F46 ½° inside and 41 ½° outside now at 10 ¾ pm and soft (fair?) night
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ericmicael · 2 years
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“There was a version of the story where Arendelle Castle was washed away in a flood, and then rebuilt as a combination of the Northuldra and Arendellian styles. The castle’s foundations became a series of islands linked with aerial bridges to various parts of the castle. Another version had the flow of water being reversed, which is why we designed the watermill. —David Womersley, art director, environments“
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dermontag · 2 years
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Kollisionen im Meer Riesige Frachtschiffe bedrohen Walhaie 10.05.2022, 18:37 Uhr Der Walhai ist stark gefährdet und steht auf der "Roten Liste". Bisher rätselten Forschende, warum sich die Bestände des größten Fischs der Erde trotz eingeleiteter Schutzmaßnahmen nicht erholen. Nun findet ein Team heraus, was die Hauptursache dafür sein könnte. Der größte lebende Fisch, der Walhai, wird wahrscheinlich durch den zunehmenden Schiffsverkehr in seinem Bestand gefährdet. Eine internationale Forschergruppe hat starke Indizien dafür gefunden, dass eine erhebliche Zahl an Walhaien bei Zusammenstößen mit großen Frachtschiffen stirbt. Die Wissenschaftler fanden eine Überlappung von 92 Prozent zwischen den Routen großer Schiffe und den üblichen Wanderrouten von Walhaien. Die Studie der Gruppe um Freya Womersley und David Sims von der University of Southampton (Großbritannien) ist im Fachmagazin "Proceedings" der US-Nationalen Akademie der Wissenschaften ("PNAS") erschienen. Der Walhai (Rhincodon typus) kann bis zu 20 Meter lang werden und ernährt sich von Kleinstlebewesen, die zusammengenommen Plankton genannt werden. Im ozeanischen Ökosystem ist der Walhai damit wichtig für die Kontrolle des Planktons. Obwohl der internationale Handel mit Produkten aus dem Walhai seit 2003 durch das Washingtoner Artenschutzübereinkommen (Cites) reguliert ist, geht die weltweite Population weiter zurück. 2016 stufte die Weltnaturschutzunion IUCN den Walhai in ihrer Roten Liste als "stark gefährdet" ein. Doch bisher war nicht klar, weshalb trotz der Schutzmaßnahmen der Bestand rückläufig ist. Gelegentliche Berichte über Zusammenstöße von Walhaien mit Schiffen führten zum Verdacht, dass dies eine erhebliche Todesursache für den weltgrößten Fisch sein könnte. Während Walhaie Kollisionen mit kleineren Fischtrawlern überleben können, dürfte der Zusammenstoß mit einem Ozeanriesen häufig tödlich sein. Deshalb haben die Forscher im Rahmen des "Global Shark Movement Project" (weltweites Haibewegungsprojekt) 348 Walhaien Geräte angehängt, sodass ihre Aufenthaltsorte und Wanderbewegungen über Satellitenfunk aufgezeichnet werden können. "Rauchender Colt" im Ozean Diese Walhaibewegungsprofile glichen die Forscher mit den Wegen von Schiffen mit 300 Bruttoregistertonnen und mehr ab und fanden eine große Übereinstimmung. In einigen Fällen entdeckten sie in den Bewegungsaufzeichnungen einzelner Walhaie noch mehr: "Unglaublicherweise zeigten einige der Anhänger, die sowohl die Tiefe als auch den Standort aufzeichneten, Walhaie, die sich in die Schifffahrtswege bewegten und dann langsam in die Tiefe sanken, auf den Meeresboden Hunderte von Metern darunter, was der 'rauchende Colt' eines tödlichen Schiffszusammenstoßes ist", wird Sims in einer Mitteilung seiner Universität zitiert. Mehr zum Thema Allein bei Aufzeichnungen mit dem satellitengestützten System Argos, mit dem 219 Walhaie verfolgt wurden, kam es zu 61 Fällen, in denen die angehängten Geräte in Gegenden mit regem Schiffsverkehr den Kontakt zum Empfänger verloren. Das könne zu einem kleinen Teil wegen technischer Probleme geschehen sein. In 52 Fällen habe es sich aber wahrscheinlich um tödliche Kollisionen gehandelt, schreiben Womersley, Sims und Kollegen. Dies sei viel häufiger als erwartet. Allerdings habe der weltweite Schiffsverkehr in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten enorm zugenommen: "Die Welthandelsflotte ist in den letzten 25 Jahren (1995 bis 2020) von 1771 Schiffen mit mehr als 100 Bruttoregistertonnen auf über 94.000 gestiegen." "Gemeinsam müssen wir Zeit und Energie in die Entwicklung von Strategien investieren, um diese gefährdete Art jetzt vor der kommerziellen Schifffahrt zu schützen, bevor es zu spät ist", sagt Womersley laut der Mitteilung ihrer Universität. Bei Maßnahmen zum Schutz für Wale habe sich gezeigt, dass die Verringerung der Schiffsgeschwindigkeit tödliche Zusammenstöße verhindern könnten. Eine weitere Maßnahme könnten weniger Schiffe sein.
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bigfrozenfan · 4 years
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“Elsa on the rock”. Concept art by David Womersley
More concept art:
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Black sand beach and Elsa so small
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My edits with enhanced colors and contrast for a more realistic and dramatic effect.
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tenshichan1013 · 4 years
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frozen 2 ahtohallan visual development to final frame 
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There would, however, be few enterprises of great labour or hazard undertaken, if we had not the power of magnifying the advantages which we persuade ourselves to expect from them. When the knight of La Mancha gravely recounts to his companion the adventures by which he is to signalize himself in such a manner that he shall be summoned to the support of empires, solicited to accept the heiress of the crown which he has preserved, have honours and riches to scatter about him, and an island to bestow on his worthy squire, very few readers, amidst their mirth or pity, can deny that they have admitted visions of the same kind; though they have not, perhaps, expected events equally strange, or by means equally inadequate. When we pity him, we reflect on our own disappointments; and when we laugh, our hearts inform us that he is not more ridiculous than ourselves, except that he tells what we have only thought.
Samuel Johnson, from ‘The Rambler (1750-52): No. 2. Saturday, 24 March 1750′ in Selected Essays, ed. David Womersley.
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lovewillthaw-j · 4 years
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Just for you dear @99884321 !
Rotating Arendelle castle gif, assembled from David Womersley's drawings.
Successfully figured out how to make the "rotating cube" animation and gif it!
East is the "front" of the castle/main door/bridge. And the willow tree is here.
North side of the castle has the balcony on which Elsa sang Into The Unknown. My favorite Door is also here. Also, this is the side where ElsaNokk stopped the tidal wave.
The largest tower you see is on the northwest corner, this is the guard tower and it also contains the dungeon in the lowest part where Elsa was imprisoned.
Also here is my old castle screen shots post!
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frozensnetwork · 4 years
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disneyfrozen: Watch #Frozen2 come to life from visual development to final frame. #IntoTheUnknown: Making Frozen 2 is now streaming on #DisneyPlus. 🎨: Brittney Lee, Visual Development Artist and David Womersley, Art Director, Environments.
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earith · 4 years
As we developed the village of Arendelle, we gave the streets names. Market Square is surrounded by the main streets of Klokkegate, which goes to the clock, and Hoydegate, which runs up a hill. Kongeligplas, or Royal Square, was so named because at one point there was going to be a royal statue there. Borgbro is the road that connects the main village to the castle. And Vindmolleveien is the windy road around the perimeter that has a windmill on it.
David Womersley, art director, environments 
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▷V.E.R. Frozen 2 (2019) PeliCula CompleTa Online GraTis R E P E L I S™ Frozen 2 (2019) HD PELICULA COMPLETA Repelis !! Frozen II (2019) Ver « HD Completa En Español R E P E L I S™ Frozen 2 (2019) HD PELICULA COMPLETA
Frozen II 2019
7.2/10 por 4320 usuarios ¿Por qué nació Elsa con poderes mágicos? La respuesta le está llamando y amenaza su reino. Junto con Anna, Kristoff, Olaf y Sven emprenderá un viaje peligroso e inolvidable. En 'Frozen: El Reino del Hielo', Elsa temía que sus poderes fueran demasiado para el mundo. En 'Frozen 2', deseará que sean suficientes.
Lanzamiento: 2019-11-20 Duración: 103 minutos Género: Animación, Familia, Aventura Estrellas: Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff, Sterling K. Brown Director: Christophe Beck, Chris Buck, Chris Buck, Peter Del Vecho, David Womersley
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theartoffrozen · 8 months
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Concept art by David Womersley
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 23 May 1839
12 5/..
fine morning F50° inside and 50 ½° outside at 8 ¾ am and breakfast – Mr. Horner came to A- at 9 and she left me to finish my breakfast alone – then had Booth – sent him off to H-x to get the nos. of all A-‘s houses and cottages and to see to the drain being made in my Northgate land so that no top water from my ground can be possibly incommode the houses and street on the other side, and to tell Mr. Parker to give notice that I will not allow my water etc. to be turned from those buildings into or onto my land – had Joseph Mann too, before D.B. went – he wanted to know what was to be done about sending (broken at 5pm yesterday) the broken fly wheel-shaft to Low moor – they (Mr. Lowrie the engineer) said I was to send it – yes! said I but they shall pay me for so doing – ordered DB. to send his cart with it this afternoon and to charge for it what was right, and place to the account which Mr. Harper will settle – then with Robert the joiner about the drawing room windows – then had Womersley who had waited sometime – near ½ hour? he was afraid I should go away without settling about the quarry – no! I would see about it, and leave directions with DB. even I did not go myself – W- wants to pay me £60 a year for the stone and get more breadth of stone to make up for the less thickness of stone – he proposed a hundred a year for farm and stone – no! said I, I will mix up farm and stone together – the farm is a separate concern – that being £40 per annum would leave £60 for the stone I will see about it – then talked on extraneous subjects – the colliery etc. explained the engine business and having turned off SW. in consequence – said also that I should make a new agreement about Lords rents – the tenants should pay them to me at the rent day i.e. to Mr. Parker in future to receive my rents and he should pay them to the respective Lords of the manors – Booth appointed to do the work of steward whether called clerk of the works (agent) or what not – W- went away about 11 ½ or after – then had Oddy up about my Russia foot-towels 4 of which seem to be wanting – then a little while with A- then out at 11 50/.. to speak to Robert M- about the railing – on mentioning the colliery he would rather be kept on here till Walker pit is got up to, and leave Joseph in the meantime where he is – Joseph had told me the gas works are paying 8/. a ton for coal, and they want some of mine this afternoon – they shall go this afternoon at 8/. per ton – JM. said Holt and he were not quite agreed about the line of driving from Airgate pit to Walker pit - H- would drive in a straight line from pit to pit which would cut the coal too much in corners (in diamonds) JM. would drive regular board, so as to cut the coal (according to the grain so to speak – my own way of speaking) into squares which tho’ longer in doing would be better for the coal and for getting the water off as they go along – JM. is quite right – It shall be done so – came in from Robert M- about or after 12 ¼ and till 12 55/.. wrote all but the 1st line of today – then at luncheon with A- from 1 for ½ hour with Robert Norton – then out to David at 1 ½ - with Robert Mann and William Lord and Jack Green at the laundry courtroad embankment this morning and in the afternoon finishing out the railing down to near the glen bridge – since Tuesday the part of the old wheat field lying between the wood and the back road railroad off for pasturing – then with Booth giving orders about the walling at the Lodge against the road, and taking away about 60 yards of stuff from about the well, and rough walling it up – and ordered dry walling from the top of the paddock down to a certain distance along the road to Godley – the 2 men from Ropers’ that came yesterday to put up the new large dinner bell, here all today, and will not finish till 10am tomorrow – sometime at Listerwick – the new shaft for the fly wheel will be cast tomorrow and all refitted on Monday – Booth could not find his cart today at H-x in time to send it to Low moor, so sent John Bottomley who was off from Listerwick with the shaft at 3pm – George and my 3 horses and 2 carts took (at once) 24 loads of coal this afternoon to the gas-house on trial – 14 loads in one cart and 10 loads in the other = 73cwt. 3qrs. gross weight at the h-x weighing machine at the bottom of the new market and which the gas house
receipts state as follows  
weight of the Listerwick coal nearly 3 tons sold to the gas house on trial – to have 6 tons more tomorrow
coal    gross 41cwt.1qrs.0lbs.
tare 11.0.0.
neat 30.1.0
gross 31cwt......
tare 9........
neat 22_____
i.e. 24 loads = 52 ¼ cwt.
52 1/4/ 24 or 1 load = 2cwt. 19 20/24lbs.
or 1 load = about 2cwt.19 3/4lbs.
1 load = about 243 ¾ lbs
.:. 9 loads = 19cwt. 66lbs. and say
9 ¼ loads = 1 ton  the coal is now selling at 8d. per load at the pit
.:. 1 ton = 6/2 at the pit and carting 9 ¼ loads at 2/. = 1/6 ½
6/2+ 1/6 ½ = 7/8 ½ per ton delivered at H-x and I have charged 8/. per ton, and shall offer to contract for a quarter of the supply required for the gas house (i.e. 2200/4 tons) at 8/. per ton –
John Oates came to me to look at his field – not properly made up after carting scale thro’ it to the meer – said I would send Booth to value the damages, and to stake out where the farmyard should be walled off etc. etc. – on coming home gave the necessary orders to B- out about till after 7 had struck – dinner at 7 10/.. – A- read French – coffee – wrote the whole of this page till now 10 50/.. – note this evening from Mr. Parker per post ‘after a good deal of bargaining I have sold the High royds estate to Mr. Stocks – I have the honour to remain’...... I wish Holt had had it – fine day – F50 ½° inside and 45° outside now at 11 20/.. pm at which hour came upstairs
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hemsworthferret · 2 years
The Woodlands Estate - Local Plan and LP21
The Woodlands Estate – Local Plan and LP21
Ferret would like today, to share a comment which was posted by “David” on the post last week regarding LP21. LP21 is the field between Vale Head Park and the Woodlands estate in Hemsworth. This is the development that Mr Alan Draper, Mr Jim Kenyon and Mr Ian Womersley of Independent Hemsworth Town Council lied about their knowledge of, including at a public meeting. David’s comment: It is…
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bigfrozenfan · 4 years
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Photo from “Awaking Beauty: The Art of Eyvind Earle”
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Visual Development Art by David Womersley – Art Director Environments.
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esoguarch01 · 4 years
Stephen Parnell: letter to a young architect
Dear Twenty-Something Steve,
This is a letter from your future.
In twenty-something years’ time, the editor of The Architectural Review will invite you to write a letter of advice to a young architect. Good advice is specific so I decided to write to you, my younger self.
Kurt Vonnegut’s dad – an architect – famously advised his son: ‘Never take liquor into the bedroom. Never stick anything in your ears. Be anything but an architect’. Each imperative could only have been born of a bad experience. But would you listen to such advice? Especially from your dad, who your future self sees himself turning into day by day? In your youthful arrogance, would you do what all the architects you’ve asked for advice have already half-jokingly advised you to do – something else? You should, but you won’t because you will always be a moth to architecture’s light, forever banging your head against the window pane trying to get in from the dark. And all the other moths know it.
‘Don’t do things just to make others happy. But be useful and make others happy because that will make you friends’
I started this letter a dozen times, each time failing more spectacularly than the previous. It has alternated between being unnecessarily pessimistic and gushingly optimistic, depending on what kind of day I was having. I have scratched out lists of clichéd and contradictory imperatives that you could find in a ‘you can have it all’ list from a 1990s woman’s magazine that anyone would and should ignore:
Don’t be too useful to others. All-nighters are counterproductive and part of macho architecture culture that should be resisted. Be interested in your own career and don’t do things just to make others happy. But be useful and make others happy because that will make you friends. And architecture is not an individual endeavour, so make sure you associate with good people. Find interesting people and read what they read. Don’t move onto the next thing until you’ve done the thing you’re currently doing well. There are two types of people: those who do things and those who get things done – the latter are the more successful. Redefine success. Get used to rejection and failure because they are the norm. Take more risks and play more. Gravitate to the edge. Find a daily rhythm that suits the way you work. Kill your darlings. Never explain, never apologise. Don’t listen to anyone’s advice.
See? Generic advice might be well-intentioned, but it’s just a Desiderata. I also tried writing lists of things that I have discovered and enjoyed along the way that you should look out for (in no particular order):
‘The feeling of alienation – of simply “not getting it” – never recedes’
Annie Choi’s ‘Dear Architects I am Sick of your Shit’ (2007); Reyner Banham’s ‘Black Box’ essay (1990); Crimson Architectural Historians; Constructivism; FAT; Luigi Snozzi; Paul Rudolph; Gottfried Böhm; Jonathan Meades; Marie-José Van Hee; James Corner’s Taking Measures across the American Landscape (1996); Ricardo Bofill’s converted cement factory near Barcelona; Chris Ware; Sheffield’s Park Hill/Hyde Park/Kelvin and Gleadless Valley housing; Michael Sorkin, especially his ‘250 Things an Architect Should Know’ (2018); Gillespie, Kidd & Coia; OMA’s Netherlands Embassy, Berlin and Kunsthal, Rotterdam; David Chipperfield’s Neues Museum, Berlin; O’Donnell + Tuomey; Grafton; Peter Womersley; Lacaton & Vassal; Studio 804; Olson Kundig; John Summerson; Peter Aldington; Beatriz Colomina.
But what have I learned in nearly thirty years of studying, working in, studying, running away from, more studying, more working in and around, teaching, and researching architecture that might be useful to you, my young, naïve lepidoptera? The feeling of alienation – of simply ‘not getting it’ – never recedes. In fact, like the feeling of failure and rejection, it will only increase. That’s not bad-day writing: you will get used to it. Architecture is not what you think it is and will continue to frustrate you with its resistance to definition and pindownability (that’s a word in 2020). But you will slowly realise, on good days, that this is also its potency and opportunity.
The scales will fall from your eyes when you read Garry Stevens’ The Favored Circle (2002) while studying for your Part 3 and learning to reflect and critique through the disappointment of architectural practice. This book will introduce you to Pierre Bourdieu and will open up a world of sociology that will make complete sense of how architecture works, as a culture and as a system rather than just as an industry and assemblage of components. It turns out that architecture’s not about tectonics, construction, drawings or contracts any more than it is about place and context and history and landscape. And it’s not about people and politics and community any more than it is about representation and theory or the poetry of space and materiality and the play of light across a surface. It’s about all of these things and then some, in different proportions. Obvious, right?
‘The crit is more about enculturation than education’
But you will listen for too long trying to extract some sense from tutors arguing with each other in crits and architects showing-and-telling that ‘architecture is this!’ and ‘architecture is that!’ and it will confuse the hell out of you. You will learn that the crit is more about enculturation than education – about the reinforcement of power structures that are built on foundations of ‘enthusiastic propaganda’ to misquote John Summerson. It is more about who you are and how you act (your habitus) than what you know or do. You will learn that architecture is the constant debate about how we should live as a society (what architecture could and should be) and that successful architects are those who are best able to convince other people to believe in their vision for the future.
To participate in this ‘discourse’ – to let yourself in from the dark – you need to be able to discern what is good and why you believe it to be so. The parameters and criteria that enable you to make those judgements are not written anywhere and you will have to infer or invent them yourself. Fortunately (or unfortunately if you’re having a bad day), this is a lifelong endeavour and while the list above might give you some indicators, it’s the inquisitive act of creating your own judgement where learning occurs. It is in this process of becoming that architecture appears: you can only work out what you think by doing it, by ‘practising’.
On bad days, architecture is full of fakes and frauds and egos and bullshitters and posers and all that shenanigans that you hate. But on good days, it’s full of everything that you love: really clever, creative people with integrity and humour and sincerity, all trying to make the world a better place. Again, you need to cultivate and exercise discernment. Good architecture, like good advice, only makes sense when it’s specific and enacted.
Good luck from your future self, Dr Stephen Parnell
PS: Technology is most definitely not the answer. But having said that, buy shares in Google and Amazon.
source: https://www.architectural-review.com/magazines/ar-1474
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