#dawn betterman
obori-reisuke · 9 months
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toaverse · 5 months
Same voice actress
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did NOT expect that other dreamworks lady poll of mine to blow tf up so here have some honorable mentions
i haven’t seen sinbad or spirit so sorry to the people who wanted characters from those movies
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Dawn makes Eep feel better ^u^ aaw
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roma150502 · 16 days
The Croods A New Age: Dear Diary World First Pranks (2020) Short Film
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smilesedits · 2 years
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johannepetereric · 1 year
“I’ve never had a girl friend before!”
So we’re ignoring the cartoon :(
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frie-ice · 2 years
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With both Dawn Betterman and Raya being voiced by Kelly Marie Tran, I decide to do a friendship collage of them. Rayawn is the title of friendship ship, since not all ships have to be about romantic love and can simply be of the bonds that are shared between friends and family. Rayawn is the title I came up with for them, while Serpanade-Toons, the one who drew a drawing of these two as friends and it being what inspired me to make this collage, prefers to save ship titles for couples. Even though some other people might want to ship them romantically in the future. We are all free to our own opinions after all.
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Dawn Betterman (The Croods) http://patreon.com/FoxyArt http://foxy.fanbox.cc http://subscribestar.adult/foxyart #fanart  #DawnBetterman #TheCroods
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luna-1234s-blog · 2 years
The Croods roles swap: eep x dawn
Recientemente vi los crood 2, lo se ,ya tarde , pero dios , no pude no shipear a dawn con eep y guy , no sería mi primer ship poliamoroso, que se no se hará canon (chel , tulio y miguel fueron los primeros), pero el chiste es que me puse a buscar contenido de esta pareja, y encontré un au curioso, donde se cambia a eep y guy por , thunk y dawn (de joshuasmuter ), me gustó, pero me llevo a pensar, que pasaría si solo cambiaríamos a guy por dawn? (esperen yuri y después una relación poliamorosa )
* los beterman y la familia de guy eran una manada , sobreviviendo con sus grandes ideas, pero por circunstancias del destino, tuvieron que huir de un depredador inminente, y cada uno terminó con el hijo del otro , en su intento de escape
* los padres de guy terminan atrapados en brea , pensando que muy posiblemente, dawn sería todo lo que quedaría de su manada, le dan un concejo a la niña ,que era como su hija "sigue al sol, busca el mañana, pero jamás, tengas miedo...tu tienes que vivir ", desde entonces, la niña busco sobrevivir, y buscar el mañana
* por otro lado, los beterman buscaron por mucho tiempo a dawn ,mientras cuidaban de su hijo adoptivo... pero terminaron encontrando los cuerpos de sus amigos, un parde huesos sobresaliendo, y un collar que Phil les regaló... y el decidióden construir un refugio para guy, pensando que down había muerto con ellos , decidieron criar y cuidar a guy , porque era eso lo que sus amigos querían, que su hijo estuviera a salvo, y lo que ellos querían para dawn, pero jamás se pudo
* volviendo a los croods, eep en un momento de curiosidad, encuentra lo que en primer lugar crello era un lagarto extraño , pera descubrir que era una chica, una chica muy Bonita, aunque rara y debilucha , que le enseñó el fuego,le presento a su mascota laso y le advirtió del final
* la familia no le cree , cuando habla de un reptil rastrero que se vuelve una chica , "que raro , casi siempre es al reves " (ok, mal chiste ), pero la familia tiene que ir a buscar un nuevo hogar...que se vuelve un viaje complicado
* cuando un montón de pájaros caníbales los atacan, llega nuestra querida dawn a salvar el día, con el mini fuego....y como lo agradecen ?, raptandola ,metiendola en un tronco , y obligándola a ayudarlos ...yupi? 🤨
* grug cuenta una historia extraña , de una tigresa que por seguir a un pájaro raro termina ...muerta , pero dawn tiene otra versión, de una tigresa hermosa, que con ayuda de un pájaro raro , logra ir al mañana, montando el sol
* si hablamos de como ve la familia a dawn , eep esta súper encantada con ella , con la chica inteligente y rara, sandi la ve como una amiga curiosa, thunk la ve como su salvación, la abuela no para de compararla con su yerno , y su relación con eep ,le recuerda a sus días con las hermanas trueno, ugga la ve como una niña maravillosa, que si bien es todo lo contrario a grug, siente que los 2 son iguales, súper vivientes
* pero grug, no la ve con tan buenos ojos, la ve como una mala influencia para la familia, además de que tienen sus diferencias, a el le enseñaron que solo la fuerza Bruta , era suficiente para sobrevivir, pero llega una chica rara y debilucha, e impresiona a su familia con aparatos extraños
* en algún punto,en medio de la brea , dawn logra abrirse con grug, ella perdió a toda su manada , era lo único que quedaba de su familia, aún si algunos no eran biológicos, se prometió vivir, y jamas tener miedo
* logran salir , pero el fin alcanza a la familia, y grug uso toda su fuerza para salvarlos , pero el queda atrapado , pero al escuchar un montón de caracoles , va por su familia...con una idea peculiar
* dawn empieza a verlo con orgullo, ve a los croods como su nueva manada, y todos van a buscar el mañana
* llegamos a la segunda película, donde eep y dawn ya formalizaron su relación, lo que provoca que las 2 actúen raro , dawn paso de ser brillante, a estar idotisada por el pelo rojo de eep, y eep, paso de ser una guerra,siempre alerta, a ser una torpe cuando ve los ojos verdes de dawn
* dawn ama a su nueva familia...pero también le gustaría un poco de privacidad con eep, que a qui son pareja, mientras, grug empieza a temer que eep se vaya , si bien quiere y confía en dawn , no cree que ella pueda cuidar a eep , en este mundo hostil
*En algún punto de su viaje, dan con un lugar extraño, lleno de comida...que dawn aún no entiende , porque todo parece estar muy ordenado?, y cuando menos lo esperan ,pum, son atrapados en una red
* y quienes son sus captores?, los padres biológicos de dawn, que en un inicio, están agradecidos con los crood por cuidar a su hija
* van a su casa , y dawn se encuentra con un viejo amigo, guy, el cual le parece atractivo a dawn y eep, lo cual es ...raro, las chicas se preguntan, se puede amar a más de una persona al mismo tiempo?, porque sienten los mismo con el, que cuando se ven a la otra?
* guy también las ve , su corazón empieza a brincar , ya conocía a dawn , tenía un crush con ella cuando niños, pero también se fija mucho en la hermosa cavernícola
* ahora, que piensan los beterman?, vuelven a recupera a la hija que crelleron muerta, es como si el destino se las hubiera regresado...y también reunido con guy , ellos no creen que su compañía con los crood sea beneficiosa, por sus diferencias, y a pesar que dawn les dijo,muy claramente, de su una relación con eep, estos insisten que, solo esta confundiendo el amor con la amistad, la quieren con alguien que asegure sus genes , y la seguridad de la hija que perdieron...la quieren con guy
* dawn se está adaptando demasiado bien, los croods no, eep se siente alejada de su novia , grug se siente alejado de ....todos , ugga no se lleva bien con hope , sandi no quiere seguir ninguna regla, mientras, thunk y la abuela, siguen sin entender mucho de la granja
* Phil decide usar ma manipulación emocional, y lleva a grug a su cueva de hombres, donde manipula a grug para que tenga un pensamiento, talvez, y solo talvez, todos estarían mejor si dawn y eep estuvieran separadas
* eep se vuelve más unida a guy, ya que el chico siempre fue curioso, pero los beterman le llenaron la cabeza con lo peligroso del mundo, eep decide mostrarle , todo termina con el chico con una picadura gigante, que dejará marca y un poco...mareado
* dawn le regaña, sabe que guy no tien tanta experiencia como ellas , pero dice varias cosas hirientes, que dejan pensando a eep , talvez, dawn y guy son demasiado diferentes para estar con ella
* llega la cena , básicamente, todos se culpan de todo, ugga está enojada con grug por querer deshacerse de su nuevo bebé, grug está enojado con phil, porque lo manipuló, hope ...hope odia a todos , guy está mareado ,pero enojado con sus padre por manipularlos a todos ,eep esta molesta por ño lejana que se siente dawn ...y nadie deja hablar a dawn
* llega el secuestro de los chimpanpuños, dawn, phil y grug , son secuestrados, dawn sigue enojada con eep, pero no quita que, es la única que sabe el idioma de sus captores...no es un idioma lindo, todo se descontrola , phil termina haciendo más desastre por su perfeccionismo, y ahora, lo único que los 3 quieren , es ver a sus seres queridos , antes de ser sacrificados
* la abuela, ugga , hope, guy , thunk, eep y sandi , se unen para salvar a sus maridos e hija , para unirlos , la abuela les cuenta la historia de las hermanas trueno , si , hay 2 hombres, pero la hermanas trueno suena mejor
* el final mucho no cambia ,solo que ahora el permiso de Phil, no es tan innecesario, y que son eep y dawn las que arreglan el problema
* todos terminan viviendo en la granja , con phil y grug aún siendo los bana bros ( y aún hay tención romántica con ellos ), ugga y hope ya están en buenos términos ( también tienen tención romántica, la película original está cargada de esto )
* eep y dawn se mudan...a uno de los cuartos de la granja , eep , dawn y guy aún tiene vibra romántica, pero aún falta que las 2 acepten del todo a guy como algo más que un amigo...PERO LO LOGRAN , y mi ship poliamoroso, aunque sea en mi imaginación, puedo hacerse realidad
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stasammenarchive · 2 years
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shipping tags part 1
006 :   (  alberto ship: luca paguro  ) 006 :   (  alberto ship: mattia romano ;; mixnmuse  ) 006 :   (  alberto ship: princess melody ;; mixnmuse  ) 006 :   (  alberto ship: clementine ;; timberfell  )
006 :   (  reed ship: alberto scorfano ;; timberfell  ) 006 :   (  reed ship: hiro hamada ;; timberfell  ) 006 :   (  reed ship: luca paguro ;; mixnmuse  ) 006 :   (  reed ship: mattia romano ;; mixnmuse  )
006 :   (  alistair ship: the warden  ) 006 :   (  alistair ship: keyleth of the air ashari ;; fatesrolled  ) 006 :   (  alistair ship: suhad aden ;; miscxllany  )
006 :   (  cullen ship: the inquisitor  ) 006 :   (  cullen ship: suhad aden ;; miscxllany  )
006 :   (  dolores ship: mariano guzmán  ) 006 :   (  dolores ship: nanaboozhoo ;; trixterhero  ) 006 :   (  dolores ship: tadashi hamada ;; timberfell  ) 006 :   (  dolores ship: dawn betterman ;; mixnmuse  )
006 :   (  isabela ship: tadashi hamada ;; timberfell  ) 006 :   (  isabela ship: elsa ;; fatesrolled  ) 006 :   (  isabela ship: rapunzel ;; mixnmuse  ) 006 :   (  isabela ship: kimiko tohomiko ;; cauterisen  )
006 :   (  fei fei ship: luca paguro ;; timberfell  ) 006 :   (  fei fei ship: hiro hamada ;; timberfell  ) 006 :   (  fei fei ship: giulia marcovaldo ;; timberfell  ) 006 :   (  fei fei ship: mirabel madrigal ;; miraclestitch  )
006 :   (  honey ship: tadashi hamada  ) 006 :   (  honey ship: gogo tomago  ) 006 :   (  honey ship: fred frederickson  ) 006 :   (  honey ship: wasabi  ) 006 :   (  honey ship: kimiko tohomiko ;; cauterisen  )
#006 :   (  alberto ship: luca paguro  )#006 :   (  alberto ship: mattia romano ;; mixnmuse  )#006 :   (  alberto ship: princess melody ;; mixnmuse  )#006 :   (  alberto ship: clementine ;; timberfell  )#006 :   (  reed ship: alberto scorfano ;; timberfell  )#006 :   (  reed ship: hiro hamada ;; timberfell  )#006 :   (  reed ship: luca paguro ;; mixnmuse  )#006 :   (  reed ship: mattia romano ;; mixnmuse  )#006 :   (  alistair ship: the warden  )#006 :   (  alistair ship: keyleth of the air ashari ;; fatesrolled  )#006 :   (  alistair ship: suhad aden ;; miscxllany  )#006 :   (  cullen ship: the inquisitor  )#006 :   (  cullen ship: suhad aden ;; miscxllany  )#006 :   (  dolores ship: mariano guzmán  )#006 :   (  dolores ship: nanaboozhoo ;; trixterhero  )#006 :   (  dolores ship: tadashi hamada ;; timberfell  )#006 :   (  dolores ship: dawn betterman ;; mixnmuse  )#006 :   (  isabela ship: tadashi hamada ;; timberfell  )#006 :   (  isabela ship: elsa ;; fatesrolled  )#006 :   (  isabela ship: rapunzel ;; mixnmuse  )#006 :   (  isabela ship: kimiko tohomiko ;; cauterisen  )#006 :   (  fei fei ship: luca paguro ;; timberfell  )#006 :   (  fei fei ship: hiro hamada ;; timberfell  )#006 :   (  fei fei ship: giulia marcovaldo ;; timberfell  )#006 :   (  fei fei ship: mirabel madrigal ;; miraclestitch  )#006 :   (  honey ship: tadashi hamada  )#006 :   (  honey ship: gogo tomago  )#006 :   (  honey ship: fred frederickson  )#006 :   (  honey ship: wasabi  )#006 :   (  honey ship: kimiko tohomiko ;; cauterisen  )
0 notes
minijenn · 3 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: The Croods: A New Age
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So back when I watched the first entry in The Croods series, I was actually pretty plesantly surprised. But believe it or not, this movie managed to surprise me even more, because not only is it good, its actually, like... really good?? Shocking, I know, so let's get into why I think that.
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We rejoin the Croods as they continue on their quest for a new home, eventually crossing paths with the Bettermans, a much more "advanced" family that's just a little more evolved than they are. Initially disliking the chaos the Croods bring to their family and their home, the Bettermans devise a plan to get rid of the cavefamily, while convincing Guy to stay, as his family was friends with the Bettermans and they see him as a perfect match for their daughter, Dawn. From there, well, damn a whole bunch happens, with lots of twists and turns I wasn't expecting as these two incredibly different families buck heads and learn to accept each other.
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So yeah, the plot here is pretty solid and very character focused, which is probably why I liked it so much. Like we really do just have so much emphasis on character interactions and dynamics here, with some really great standouts being Dawn and Eep's friendship (they're lesbians, harold) that could have just as easily been a jealous rivalry for Guy, but isn't, the eventual epic bromance between Phil and Grug, Ugga and Hope initially hating each other but eventually coming to terms with each other, Gran just being The Character Ever, and so much more. There's a lot going on here, but there's so much to like about it! I'm impressed!
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So yeah, speaking of the characters, I already liked the Croods family in the first movie, but they're even better here. Grug is still the typical overprotective dad trying to keep the family together, but he's way less overbearing about it than he was in the first movie. We also see some good progression in Eep and Guy's relationship, and I think they're a pretty cute and solid couple! The Bettermans are also a lot of fun! Phil and Hope start out as sort of selfish, manipulative jerks who just want the Croods out of their lives, but they go through some pretty solid development and learn to appreciate the Croods and welcome them into their home. Dawn is also a lot of fun, a girl who has spent her life living on the safe side, so of course, she readily takes Eep up on the offer to have some fun the first chance she gets.
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The movie doesn't have much in the way of an antagonist, aside from the punch monkeys, which are a pretty funny final act obstacle for the families to overcome. Really though, the conflict here really does center on the friction between the Croods and the Bettermans, and the film does such a great job of developing that friction and naturally bringing both families to a good place with each other.
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The humor here is also a lot better than the first movie's. Sure, there's still a handful of grossout jokes here and there, but a lot of the jokes here just come from the characters being themselves (like I said, Gran is a standout for the Crazy Old Lady trope, and also, a total badass in her own right). I think that tends to be my favorite kind of humor with Dreamworks movies, when the jokes lean on these characters reacting to situations in their own unique, humorous way.
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The animation has also been stepped up here quite a bit. The character designs look better somehow, and the movement they have to them is very fluid. The film is just bursting with color throughout, with set pieces that are just as creative and pretty to look at as the first film's. The music was pretty average, but I'm fine with that because I was so impressed with everything else.
So yeah, Croods 2. Who could have guessed this was a surprisingly great movie? I certainly didn't, I went into this movie with the barest expectations possible and came out having thoroughly enjoyed it. I earnestly recommend it for anyone who's looking for a fun film with a good story and great characters. It may just surprise you, like it surprised me.
Overall Rating: 8/10
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Previous Review (Trolls World Tour)
Next Review (Spirit Untamed)
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Thoughts: Joel Crawford Is *Not* Directing KUNG FU PANDA 4
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Not too long ago, a Swiss Universal movie slate was making the rounds... KUNG FU PANDA 4 was on there, as the movie is - and has been - scheduled for release on March 8, 2024. The slate curiously listed Crawford, who directed PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH and THE CROODS: A NEW AGE, as director.
He is not directing KUNG FU PANDA 4, per a recent interview with him and LAST WISH co-director Januel Mercado... Perhaps whoever made that slate up in Switzerland made a little mistake. It happens, we're all human.
This seemed somewhat fitting, though... Crawford took over both the CROODS and PUSS IN BOOTS sequels, and him being handed the torch for KUNG FU PANDA seemed right.
THE CROODS: A NEW AGE was originally set to be directed by Chris Sanders and Kirk DeMicco, who wrote and directed the first film that came all out the way back in 2013. We're actually inching right towards its 10th anniversary, which makes me wonder... Where does the time go? And, #2, will we get some sort of CROODS 3 announcement to commemorate? Their CROODS 2 was set for various fourth-quarter 2017 release dates for a good while, until DreamWorks had their rough week in January of 2015... When they - in response to the box office performances of several movies released over the previous few years - shut down a whole studio (Pacific Data Images), rearranged their slate, and cancelled multiple in-development movies. THE CROODS 2 managed to hang on... But then... The Comcast acquisition happened a year later. Changing heads, changing administrations, projects killed in transition... THE CROODS 2, a sequel to a movie that made nearly $600m at the worldwide box office, was *surprisingly* one of those movies... It was on the grounds that, supposedly, the crew just wasn't feeling it.
This allowed Chris and Kirk to move on to other things, namely the 20th Century-released THE CALL OF THE WILD for the former (it's actually a pretty solid old school adventure movie worth checking out, even if the dog being CGI is a bit iffy for you), and Sony Animation's VIVO for the latter. (I dug VIVO as well.) THE CROODS: A NEW AGE was confirmed to be back in development in September of 2020, with Crawford taking over directing duties, making his feature directorial debut. Crawford had no involvement with the first CROODS, but was a story artist on all three KUNG FU PANDA movies, and was also a story artist on SHREK FOREVER AFTER... So he had some SHREK in his resume when being given the PUSS IN BOOTS assignment. More on that in a few...
Crawford worked off of a story from Sanders and DeMicco, though, and it seems like it was more or less the one they were developing for their 2017 CROODS 2, just with some changes here and there. There was a pencil test for the movie done by none other than James Baxter that leaked online about a few weeks before DreamWorks announced the revised CROODS sequel was back on track, and it seems like it was more or less what we got... Just a little different. The girl in the pencil test is presumably an earlier version of Dawn Betterman, she is a lot more modern-looking. It's as if the Crood family had stumbled upon a family in the 1950s. The duo were quite involved, all things considered, but just didn't direct. If anything, Crawford kind-of semi-rebooted THE CROODS... A franchise that was only one movie and a 2D-animated Netflix TV series at the time. This gave the caveman family comedy a fresh coat of paint, if you will, and it really worked out. Crawford's approach was noticeably different from Sanders and DeMicco's. Those who were onboard with Sanders/DeMicco missed that touch, those who weren't all that fond of the first film found the sequel to be a significant improvement. I personally really like both for those reasons, they both bring something of their own to this very base-level concept.
So that brings us to PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH. Previously, that was set to be a much different film, a sequel titled PUSS IN BOOTS 2: NINE LIVES & 40 THIEVES. An Arabian Nights adventure, it was to be directed by the first PUSS IN BOOTS' director, Chris Miller. He also directed SHREK THE THIRD alongside Raman Hui. In early 2014, DreamWorks had it pegged for a holiday 2018 release, until that bad week in January happened. It got removed entirely from the release schedule, but was still in the works per Antonio Banderas in an interview months later. The Arabian Nights movie got thrown out along the way, and after the Comcast acquisition of DreamWorks, Illumination founder Chris Meledandri started to get involved with the SHREK franchise and would have a hand in determined its future. There's something kind of amusing about that, by the way. Melendandri, prior to founding Illumination in 2007, was an executive producer on the first few Blue Sky films, of course that includes ICE AGE. I was rewatching ICE AGE a little while ago, and am watching the sequels for the first time (I'm over a decade late!), and that first ICE AGE is very similar to SHREK. In that, it's a big, annoyed, cynical guy with an itch to scratch, and an annoying smaller critter being a pain in the ass for most of the journey. Even as a kid back in March 2002, sitting in the theater, I caught that right away, like "Hey, this is a lot like SHREK." There's a similar vibe in Disney Animation's BROTHER BEAR, to go off on a tangent: Big teen bear Kenai, annoying little bear cub Koda... It's also set at the end of the Ice Age. There are mammoths in it. Coincidence is such a funny thing.
Anyways, where was I going with that? Oh yeah, ICE AGE. Similar to SHREK. Chris Meledandri was exec producer of ICE AGE, and went on to exec produce the next three Blue Sky movies (ROBOTS, ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN, HORTON HEARS A WHO!) before setting up Illumination... Chris Meledandri, after Comcast's acquisition of DreamWorks, becomes more involved with the SHREK franchise in particular and not DreamWorks as a whole. PUSS IN BOOTS Dos was announced once again in early 2019, with Bob Persichetti attached as director. This was *hot* off of SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE, which he was one of three directors on. Persichetti, appropriately, was head of story on the first PUSS IN BOOTS. Seemed liked the best choice possible, but he appears to have had no part in THE LAST WISH, only a - presumably - archival recording of him voicing the "Oooh" cat, who makes a brief cameo in Mama Luna's place. I wouldn't be surprised if the film embracing a more SPIDER-VERSE-inspired stylized look and feel was his idea, coming off of that very film.
But I sense a pattern here, of sorts. Crawford breathed, with the help of his crews, a new life and zest into both THE CROODS and SHREK. It looked like he could've done that for KUNG FU PANDA 4... But, he said in that recent interview that he's not directing, and he's interested in playing around in the world of SHREK some more, which *could* imply that he is directing the fifth SHREK movie, whatever they decide to call it. He's not working on anything at the moment, that there are original ideas to pursue (his resume is currently two feature sequels, it'd be cool if he pitched a wild and fun original movie of his own, but he was also being quite vague.
KUNG FU PANDA 4 has at least one director, but for whatever reason, we don't know who that is just yet. The movie has got to be deep in production if it is coming out next spring. Sometimes with animated movies, we know who is directing. Right off the bat. But some studios, or their distributors, just say "So-and-so, coming out sometime in 2024!" That's basically all we heard about KUNG FU PANDA 4 since last year... It was a tweet that the movie was happening, an image of Po, and a release date of March 8, 2024. Keep in mind, this date sandwiches the movie in-between ELIO (a Pixar film, 3/1/2024) and SPIDER-MAN: BEYOND THE SPIDER-VERSE. (3/29/2024)
Does Jennifer Yuh Nelson, director of KUNG FU PANDA 2 and 3, return to helm the sequel? She has been supervising director on Netflix's LOVE, DEATH & ROBOTS, so I'd imagine she's been busy. Her last feature film, as director, was a live-action flick called THE DARKEST MINDS. Without googling, I think it was a Y-A movie? Hey, you wanna know something funny about Jennifer Yuh Nelson? She got her start as an assistant animator on... Various Golden Films/Jetlag animated fare. You know, those movies based on public domain stories that were cranked out in the early '90s to capitalize on the Disney adaptations? Yeah! She's credited on things like Jetlag's 1994 CINDERELLA and their 1995 ALICE IN WONDERLAND movie. She later graduated to TV shows such as SPICY CITY and SPAWN, was a storyboard artist on the film DARK CITY, and then started her DreamWorks tenure as a storyboard artist on SPIRIT: STALLION OF THE CIMARRON. Her first assignments being in Golden Films "fool the granny at the dollar store" movies goes to show... You gotta start **somewhere**!
KUNG FU PANDA 3's co-director, Alessandro Carloni, could be a candidate. Already heavily involved with the first two films, and several other DreamWorks hits, was director of the ill-fated ME AND MY SHADOW... He'd be great, but what's he up to now? Directing THE FOURTEENTH GOLDFISH for Skydance Animation, apparently. He was supposed to direct their debut film LUCK, but John Lasseter apparently - true to form - kicked him off the movie; or changed it up so much that Carloni decided to walk away from it. But yeah, that's apparently what he's up to, so I think that rules out KUNG FU PANDA 4 for him...
Maybe, on the off chance, the directors of the first movie came back. Or at least one of them. Mark Osborne, John Stevenson... Osborne previously worked on THE LITTLE PRINCE. He was - as far as I know - directing ESCAPE FROM HAT for Netflix. Previously a Blue Sky project, it entered production in 2018. Not a peep since... Was this a casualty of Netflix's ongoing animation purge? Stevenson recently worked on a short called MIDDLE WATCH, and is helming a picture called THE ANT AND THE AARDVARK, for - apparently - a 2024 release. So he's out of the question.
Who else could it be? One look at KUNG FU PANDA 3's story credits could give one a rough idea. I see that a lot of the time in animation, folks who were involved with films on the story artist/storyboarding level get graduated to director for the sequels. Barring Crawford, it could be any of these people...
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Or someone whom we would not expect whatsoever... I wonder why they're quiet on this... And also that RUBY GILLMAN: TEENAGE KRAKEN movie that's supposed to open 3 1/2 months from now... And whatnot. DreamWorks is like super-secretive with what's coming, these days, to the point where you don't officially hear a thing until... Maybe 3-4 months before the movie in question releases! I like that, though. Kinda. It's like guessing games. It reminds me of the early 2000s when you only knew what maybe the next 1-2 Pixar movies were when a new one was around the corner.
All I know is, I was quite shocked when KUNG FU PANDA 4 was announced a while ago. I know that the third movie collected over $540 million at the worldwide box office, and that in the world of American feature animation, it's never really over. SHREK 5 is coming, TOY STORY 5 is coming, FROZEN III is coming, ZOOTOPIA 2 is coming, there's a third LEGO MOVIE in the works despite the 2nd mainline movie flopping at the box office. It never ends, and if it ends in a way where a sequel absolutely *can't* be made without some serious retconning? Like HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON: THE HIDDEN WORLD? Oh, easy, do a streaming series set in the modern day that's well past Toothless' passing... Or do a goddamn live-action remake then. Anyways, yeah, these things don't end, but with the way KUNG FU PANDA 3 wrapped things up... I didn't know where it could go from there, though that new series - THE DRAGON KNIGHT - exists. I haven't watched it, I don't have Peacock. Is it any good?
I love the KUNG FU PANDA movies, personally. The first one is particularly resonant for me, because I see a lot of my autistic self and my life in Po himself, and the second film always makes me an emotional mess. I wrote extensively about that elsewhere. I was initially kind of ho-hum on KUNG FU PANDA 3, but the more the first two clicked with me, the more I found a lot to love in the third movie, even if it is a little uneven to me... But a fourth one? I love this world, the characters, the kinetic action that came with each movie, and everything else. If DreamWorks' artists really push the stylization we saw in the third film and beyond, we could be in for a real treat. Bring it on, I say!
Who do you think could direct KUNG FU PANDA 4?
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jesterbots · 3 months
eep in my mind is a polyamorous bisexual. she's femme who is dating a butch nb lesbian and guy (guy). he identifies with whatever the newest label he learns is. eep supports this. dawn (lesbain) and guy (guy) are friends but they arent doing anything with each other. mrs betterman is getting perved on by granny
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Eep and Dawn in RED AND BLUE
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thelaughingmerman · 1 year
I really like Croods 2 but there's some story aspects I wish they would have focused more on. (This is NOT a Croods or Croods 2 negative post so like if you die hard hate the franchise I literally don't care).
- They took a more comedic and light tone for this film which is fine however it needed a little more emotion to balance it out. The movie opens with Guy as a child seeing his parents for the very last time. And then transitions to Eep narrating which is an abrupt change in tone and confusing for the audience I feel since the opening establishes Guy as a focus but then the narration establishes Eep as a focus. Which is a little confusing imo.
- The entire premise or idea of the Bettermans trying to take Guy so Dawn has someone to connect to should have been cut entirely. Instead they should have elaborated more on the Bettermans relationship with Guy and his family since it's established they all knew each other. We can keep the conflict of them trying to keep Guy but just make it about them trying to take him and lock him away to keep him safe. Because they thought he was dead too so like of course they don't want a repeat.
- I don't deny the Bettermans didn't like Guy and his family the expressions on their face when they realize it's him and when Hope gives him the photos says as much. However far from that because they spend so much time being manipulative and condescending and NO time talking to Guy we can't really feel that they care about him at all.
- in that same vein Dawn and Guy never talk which is weird because of course if they were inseparable as kids theyd be stoked to catch up. And I'm sure they wanted to give Eep time with a new friend but again were focusing on giving the movie emotional weight. At the very least I think most of Eeps conversation with Dawn at the top of the tree could have been Guy and Dawn.
- The movie points out similarities between Phil and Grug but in a comedic fashion. No one points out the biggest similarity which is they're both willing to lock their children away to keep them safe (Like Eep said, the gate is Dawn's cave). I think if Grug pointed it out that'd help really solidify his growth from the first film carried over to this one.
I've got some more thoughts I love the movie of course. I am glad that they gave everyone something to do other franchises I love struggle with a large cast but I feel if they narrowed the focus and had a small b plot with a whole group we could have had a more cohesive narrative.
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