#day 31: cali dies!
cinquecolonnemagazine · 3 months
Giorni della merla: il proverbio sarà rispettato?
Secondo il proverbio, i giorni della merla dovrebbero essere i più freddi dell'anno. Le antiche credenze popolari, con la loro saggezza che deriva dai ritmi della terra, sanno vedere in questi ultimi giorni del mese i germi di quella che sarà la prossima stagione. Vediamo, allora, cosa ci attende in questi giorni e nei prossimi mesi. Le tradizioni contadine Tante delle nostre credenze attuali hanno origine dalle antiche tradizioni contadine. Il mondo contadino, così legato ai cicli della terra, conosce l'importanza del mese di gennaio. In giorni in cui i campi sono ricoperti da neve e brina e tutto sembra tacere, il lavoro della primavera, in realtà, è già iniziato sotto il suolo. Il periodo che va dalla fine di gennaio all'inizio di febbraio rappresenta un primo passaggio verso la primavera ed è per questo che nell'antichità in questo periodo si celebravano riti propiziatori. Si chiedeva alle divinità raccolti abbondanti e questi potevano essere assicurati da determinate condizioni meteorologiche. I giorni della merla, che cadono dal 29 al 31 gennaio, e la Candelora, 2 febbraio, erano cruciali in tal senso. Il proverbio sui giorni della merla Non a caso alle due ricorrenze sono legate dei proverbi che sfidano non solo il tempo ma soprattutto il cambiamento climatico. Una leggenda narra che, gli ultimi giorni di gennaio, una merla bianca decise di proteggersi dal freddo con i suoi cuccioli nel comignolo di un camino e che dopo tre giorni ne uscirono tutti colorati di nero per la fuliggine. Dunque tradizione vuole che in questi giorni il clima sia piuttosto rigido e a dirlo c'è anche il proverbio: “Se i giorni della Merla vuoi ben passare, pane, polenta, maiale e fuoco del camino per scaldarti” Nella tradizione, però, c'è spazio anche per un'eccezione e a dirlo è un altro proverbio: "Se i giorni della Merla saranno freddi, allora la primavera sarà bella; se sono caldi, la primavera arriverà in ritardo". Che tempo farà, quest'anno, nei giorni della merla? Previsioni meteo per i giorni della merla A conclusione di un mese caratterizzato da temperature al di sopra della media, eccezion fatta per brevi periodi, i giorni della merla non sembrano mostrare alcuna inversione di tendenza. Per tutta la settimana, l'Italia sarà invasa dall'anticiclone africano che assicurerà bel tempo e temperature miti. Al Nord, le temperature scenderanno fino ad arrivare intorno ai 10° mentre al Centro e al Sud si attesteranno intorno ai 12/15°, valori al di sopra della media stagionale. Prevista, inoltre, nebbia in Val Padana. Anche se di notte le temperature subiranno cali importanti, non ci saranno grosse gelate. Tutto fa presagire, allora, che in questa settimana non faremo largo uso di sciarpe e cappelli e che, nella prossima stagione, dovremo sempre avere con noi l'ombrello. In copertina foto di PenjaK da Pixabay Read the full article
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leonstamatis · 3 years
the thing about writing a lengthy fic that is, in essence, a comprehensive history of the boston flowers and the moab/hellmouth sunbeams, is that you get to season six and you just lose your mind a little bit every single scene
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91percentpynch · 3 years
false god - kevaaron au pt 5
long time no see because i was in a writing block and that sucks but i‘m back and ready to break our hearts <33 thanks to argyro for helping me figuring out what happens here
i listened to false god by taylor swift cuz the angst??? love it!!! anygays this is from kevin‘s pov, i hope it makes sense and i hope you like it <33 stay safe, drink some water and always remember only racists, trump supporters, transphobes and homophobes skip meals!!
to check out the other parts click here
Aaron wasn‘t gone for too long when Kevin‘s phone rang
He didn‘t have the energy to pick it up, just to stare it down as if some kind of magic or his sheer will power would make it stop, let him be alone with his thoughts
But obviously that didn‘t work, it never did
The phone kept ringing, slowly driving the striker mad, slowly taking his sanity.
It would be the fifth or sixth missed call that would make him get up to answer the phone
„Nicky? Hi to you too. You do realize he isn‘t my responsibility and that he broke up with me and that I don‘t really have to go there. I don‘t own him shit. He made my life miserable. He probably deserves whatever happened to him“ was what Kevin wanted to answer, was probably what he was supposed to say. But deep down he knew it was not true, that Aaron never ruined his life. Made it better, made it it bareable. Made it worth living, not just existing. Made it more than Exy and Vodka.
After a few moments of silence that felt like an enterinity Kevin settled for a simple: „Which hospital?“
„OH DIO MIO GRACIAS, MUCHAS GRACIAS. ESTÁ EN EL CHICAGO HOSPITAL“, Nicky replied in Spanish. Something the Latino only did when he was either very emotional, very drunk, very angry or all at once.
Kevin didn‘t have it in him to tell Nicky that he still did not speak Spanish, he understood the hospital and that was enough. For now.
„I‘m on my way, call you later and Nicky? He‘s going to be fine. It‘s not your fault. You‘re a great mother to them, the best I‘ve ever had the pleasure to meet. Now calm down, go to Erik and take a nap. You don‘t have to come, he‘s with us. We got this. Do you want to talk to Jeremy while I go to check up on Aaron?“
„Sí“, was all Nicky had to say. Voice thick with tears.
„Absoloutly“, Jeremy replied and took the phone from Kevin.
„Mi corazón, escúchame“, was the last thing Kevin heard as it hit him. Aaron was in the hospital. Right after Kevin refused to listen to him, right after Kevin refused to let him explain himself. It was Kevin‘s fault. If Aaron died, he would have killed him. He was basically a murderer. His breathing came out uneven, his lungs didn‘t get enough air. He knew that he needed to breathe, but breathing was hard and he was weak.
Jean noticed Kevin having a panic attack when he came to check up on him. „Day, listen to me. Breathe. In... And out... In.... And out... In... And out“
Kevin‘s breathing got better, slowly but steadily.
„It‘s my fault“, the striker whispered.
„It‘s not, Kevin. It is not your fault. If you don‘t want to go there, you don‘t have to. He is not your responsibility“
„Hypothetically if Jeremy was to break up with you and you‘re hurt and sad and blame him for your misery when it‘s more the lack of him that makes you feel that way and his sister or brother or mother or whoever would call you and hysterically asked you to go look after him cause his family is stuck on another continent and the only other person who could call refuses to take the phone cause they‘re too busy doing their boyfriend, would you not go cause he is not your responsibility anymore? Because Aaron is my Jeremy. Just like Jer saved your life and made you see that live is indeed worth living, Aaron showed me the same“
„I don‘t think I would surive Jeremy leaving me, you‘ve always been stronger than me. Should I give you a ride?“, Jean whispered.
„It‘s not a thing of strenght Jean, it‘s an addiction. It used to be alcohol that made me forget, made me feel light and free and carefree. I drank and drank until I couldn‘t live without it anymore. And then I met Aaron, I tasted him, I smelled him and he chose me. Me? What did I have to offer him? A boy broken and raised by Exy. All I can offer is Exy. Nothing more. Until he made me see that it was wrong, that I am more than that. And he might have broken my heart and yes I might still love him even though he will never feel the same but I cannot not go there. I have to. I have to be there for them, the way he was always there for me“
„Get your things, we‘re going to the hospital“, Jean replied, unable to put his emotions into words.
So Jean and Kevin left for the hospital while Jeremy tried to calm Nicky down with softly whispered Spanish words.
As they arrived at the hospital Kevin stormed in there.
„Aaron Minyard“, was all he was able to say. Too many memories were connected with hospitals. Too many memories he would much rather just forget.
„Name?“, the nurse said in a bored tone.
Kevin just put a finger on his cheek.
„Kevin Day? I can‘t let you to him, only family and spouses“
„What if I sign something, we take a nice selfie and you tell me where he is. You see I‘m basically family. I‘m the closest and the others can‘t be here until at least tomorrow evening and we don‘t want the poor guy to be all alone and confused, do we?“, Kevin said with his press smile and shining eyes. He knew the charme he had on females. It was just not useful for him as he never really was into that. He never was into anyone but Aaron, to be fair.
„I could lose my job for that“, the nurse replied, her eyes wandering from his eyes to his lips and up again.
„I‘m sure I can offer you something that will you let me to go see him“, Kevin replied with a wink, being disgusted by himself that he even thought about all the possiblities this woman could ask him to do with her.
„Room 21, second floor, station E. You clearly care about him, if anyone asks it wasn‘t me“, she smiled at him. „Besides I always liked Moreau more, I‘m sure we can think of something to do while you are with the boy“
„Sorry“, Kevin whispered to Jean as he ran down the aisle trying to figure out where Aaron was.
The hostpital was a mess of busy nurses and angry doctors, but nothing could stop a determinded Kevin Day. No one. Not even Andrew Minyard.
After what felt like forever he made it to the room, kicked the door open and walked with three long strides to Aaron.
„You fucking idiot, what have you done?“, he whisper-shouted, holding back tears while taking in Aaron‘s sorry state.
„I don‘t need your fucking pity“, Aaron replied, exhausted.
„Did you tell them you can‘t have morphine? Because you might relapse, i mean you already did but we don‘t want it to get worse. And this is not pity, this is Nicky yelling at me in Spanish cause you‘re in the hospital and he‘s in Germany and I‘m the closest to you and he does not want his son to be alone“
„Andrew didn‘t care to come, did he?“, Aaron whispered into his pillow.
„Andrew does care about you he‘s just shit at showing it, that fucking asshole“, Kevin replied softly. „C‘mon what have you done Minyard?“
„Car accident, not that it‘s any of your fucking business“
„How are you?“
„Fucking great, I should let a truck drive into me more often. Very freeing. Very calming“, Aaron said sarcastically, avoiding Kevin‘s eyes.
„A truck. Drove into you?“, shock made Kevin‘s Irish accent stronger.
„Not that you would care“, Aaron‘s voice was barely more than a whisper as he turned around, back to Kevin.
„Aaron first of all I can see you naked ass and not that I wouldn‘t mind the view and I‘ve seen it often enough but the nurses don‘t have to see that too. And secondly of course I care. I always did. Always will“
Blushing Aaron turned back towards Kevin.
„Why wouldn‘t you listen to me if you care so much? You‘re exactly like like Andrew, you guys only ever care when I‘m about to die or do something that doesn‘t sit right with you. Never about me as a person. The conecept about me maybe, but me? Me as a person? No one cares about that“
„You are Aaron Minyard. Born on the 4th of November, 8:31:45 am. You grew up in California in the house next to Nicky. Nicky and you were always close and you didn‘t have many friends because of your mom. Your mom might have abused her and I might hate her for that but you still love her and I get that because on some fucked up level I still care about Riko. You are allergic to cats, peanuts and house dust. You have a freckle right on your right hip, under your navel, from under your left eye over to the nose to the corner of your right eye. You like it when you are hold when you can‘t sleep but you hate showing affection in public. You were 13 when you started exy, because it gave you an escape, but you had to stop because the bruises from your mother‘s beating got to obvious. So you started getting into medicine. You borrowed every single book on medicine you could find and read it at night, always hidden from your mom. You had to have straight As or the beatings would be worse. Your mom did go out to have ice cream with you when it was especially bad. That‘s why you hate ice cream so much, especially vanillia because it was her favourite. Your secret hobby is skating. You feel free when you do it. You want to live at the coast, but not close to Cali, never back to Cali. You want Andrew to notice you and you hate how easily he let Neil in because obviously deserve it more and I get that. You tried drugs to escape, to see what was the appeal. Your uncle never helped you but he brainwashed you into believing he did. You grew up very religous and in an extraordinary homophobic household, you watched your cousin and only friend getting shipped away because he was different, not right, so you confinced yourself you were different. Heterosexual. When in reality you knew since you were 15 that you preferred guys. You liked girls as well. At least you thought but it‘s so much more complicated. Actually it isn‘t. You‘re asexual, you do however like the feeling of sex. You think the process is disgusting, but you still like the feeling. It has to be the right person though. It doesn‘t matter wether it‘s a boy or a girl or something else entierly, all that matters are the feelings the person makes you feel. It took you years to accept that you are not wrong, that you wouldn‘t have to go away like Nicky. You apologized to Nicky. You thought you had to be against their relationships, because that‘s what they made you believe. Old habits die hard. But you got over it and I am very proud of you. You sleep with a teddybear or with another person that cuddles you because the thought of being alone scares the living crap out of you. Your favourite flowers are sunflowers because yellow is a happy color. You hate sweets, you prefer salty snacks. You prefer coffee black, like your sould. You use sarcasm and humor as your coping mechanism. You stole my history books because you love history as well. You also love art but you don‘t think you are good enought to become an artist. You would love to work at Jean‘s studio but you are afraid to ask. You and Jean used to be friends but you cut him off and isolated yourself because your anxities and insecurities took over you again. Sometimes you have depressive episodes, in these you crave drugs more than normally. You want to stop it, you really do but somehow your brain tries to tell you you need it. You would love to have five dogs. An Irish Red Setter, an Irish Wolfhound, a poodle a big one though, a labrador and a golden retriever. You also want to adopt at least two kids. You don‘t want any child to go through what you had to go through or Andrew. So don‘t you dare tell me I never cared for you. Because I do. I listen when you tell me things. I remember every single time you came to me, black out drunk, crying and telling me you‘re worthless. Because every single time I wanted to tell you you aren‘t. You are a wonderful human being and I don‘t understand why I wasn‘t enough for you to stay but I will not let you tell me I never cared about you. Because that‘s some fucking bullshit“
Kevin didn‘t even notice the tears running down his cheeks. It‘s been a while since he was that emotional, since he let his walls down and dared to show emotions.
„You really did listen“, was all Aaron had to say.
„Why wasn‘t I enough for you?“, Kevin replied, voice thick of tears, Irish accent strong.
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bubblegumchaos · 4 years
Trans Day of Remembrance
Notes: why is the occupation included? Cause I used this source: https://transrespect.org/en/tmm-update-trans-day-of-remembrance-2019/ The source also includes cause and circumstances of death, so at your own risk.
331 of our trans and gender nonconforming siblings died this year worldwide. They were overwhelmingly people of color. They were as young as 14, as old as 60. They were from all walks and places in life.
They died for being different from the "norm."
Remember them. And do fucking better.
1 Juliana Ferreira
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/10/2018 Location of death: Mandaguaçu (Brazil)
2 Ciara Minaj Carter Frazier
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/10/2018 Location of death: Chicago (USA)
3 Danielly Ferraz
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 03/10/2018 Location of death: Serra (Brazil)
4 N.N.
Age: 50 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/10/2018 Location of death: Rosario (Argentina)
5 Gabriela Ramos Menezes
Age: 19 Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender Date of death: 07/10/2018 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
6 Monse
Age: 35 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/10/2018 Location of death: Toluca (Mexico)
7 Janet
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 09/10/2018 Location of death: San Luis Colorado (Mexico)
8 Regina Denise Brown
Age: 53 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 10/10/2018 Location of death: Orangebourg, South Carolina (USA)
9 Lorrane da Silva
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/10/2018 Location of death: Porto Real do Colégio (Brazil)
10 Pitiele Edleuza Prado
Age: 30 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 13/10/2018 Location of death: Serra (Brazil)
11 Marisa Sánchez "Haitianita"
Age: 30 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/10/2018 Location of death: Punta Cana (Dominican Republic)
12 Dipika Uprety
Age: 26 Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 16/10/2018 Location of death: Pahichan (Nepal)
13 Patricia Aylen Molina
Age: not reported Occupation: other Date of death: 16/10/2018 Location of death: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
14 Jessica Gonzaga
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/10/2018 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
15 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/10/2018 Location of death: Salvador (Brazil)
16 Carol Machado
Age: 27 Occupation: other Date of death: 18/10/2018 Location of death: Xanxerê (Brazil)
17 Laysa Fortuna
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 18/10/2018 Location of death: Aracaju (Brazil)
18 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/10/2018 Location of death: Cancun, Quintana Roo (Mexico)
19 Karoline Mendonça da Silva
Age: 31 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 22/10/2018 Location of death: Santo André (Brazil)
20 Robertha Welmont Moraes
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 22/10/2018 Location of death: Maringá (Brazil)
21 Yuri Vanesa Salazar López
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 22/10/2018 Location of death: Buga (Colombia)
22 B. Alves Gonçalves
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/10/2018 Location of death: Presidente Médici (Brazil)
23 Robertinha
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 25/10/2018 Location of death: Macaíba (Brazil)
24 Lorhany Kalarhary
Age: 29 Occupation: other Date of death: 29/10/2018 Location of death: Querência (Brazil)
25 Sheila Brites Bodago
Age: 33 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 29/10/2018 Location of death: Amambai (Brazil)
26 Dja Santos
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 29/10/2018 Location of death: Codaja (Brazil)
27 Maria Cecília
Age: 35 Occupation: other Date of death: 31/10/2018 Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
28 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/11/2018 Location of death: Perak (Malaysia)
29 Natacha de Oliveira
Age: 34 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 02/11/2018 Location of death: Reriutaba (Brazil)
30 N.N.
Age: 38 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/11/2018 Location of death: Taiping (Malaysia)
31 Brenda Zarik Sifuentes Andrade
Age: 36 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/11/2018 Location of death: Trujillo (Peru)
32 Estrella
Age: 42 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/11/2018 Location of death: San Antonio La Isla, Estado De Mexico (Mexico)
33 Elisângela
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/11/2018 Location of death: Vitória da Conquista (Brazil)
34 G. Souza Rodrigues
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/11/2018 Location of death: Hortolândia (Brazil)
35 Flávia C.
Age: 44 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 09/11/2018 Location of death: Morada Nova (Brazil)
36 Raphaela Souza
Age: 34 Occupation: other Date of death: 14/11/2018 Location of death: Vitória da Conquista (Brazil)
37 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/11/2018 Location of death: Natal (Brazil)
38 Ruiva
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/11/2018 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
39 Fanny Aguiar
Age: 34 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 15/11/2018 Location of death: Montevideo (Uruguay)
40 Flávia de Oliveira
Age: 37 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 18/11/2018 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
41 Karla Lopez Laureano
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 18/11/2018 Location of death: Trujillo (Peru)
42 Gabriella Torres
Age: 30 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 20/11/2018 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
43 Perlita de Guerrero
Age: 38 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 22/11/2018 Location of death: Acapulco, Guerrero (Mexico)
44 Nahomy Alexandra López Orellana "La Pepita"
Age: 15 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/11/2018 Location of death: Sacacoyo (El Salvador)
45 Fábia Ju Dias
Age: 17 Occupation: other Date of death: 26/11/2018 Location of death: Manhuaçu (Brazil)
46 Mikaela Africana Sanhes
Age: 41 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 26/11/2018 Location of death: Salvador (Brazil)
47 Rajni
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/11/2018 Location of death: Gurugram (India)
48 Tydi Dansbury
Age: 37 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 28/11/2018 Location of death: Baltimore (USA)
49 Duda
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 01/12/2018 Location of death: Marabá (Brazil)
50 Karliane Vitoria Rodrigues
Age: 21 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 04/12/2018 Location of death: Taguatinga Sul (Brazil)
51 Luisa Fernanda Hernandez
Age: 37 Occupation: employee/clerk/civil servant Date of death: 04/12/2018 Location of death: Leon, Guanajuato (Mexico)
52 Nancy de Monza
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 05/12/2018 Location of death: Milan (Italy)
53 J.C. Pereira de Lima
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/12/2018 Location of death: Itanhaém (Brazil)
54 Keanna Mattel "Kelly Stough"
Age: 35 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/12/2018 Location of death: Detroit (USA)
55 N.N.
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/12/2018 Location of death: Villa Nueva (Guatemala)
56 Jéssica Dimy
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/12/2018 Location of death: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
57 Victória Landeiro
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 09/12/2018 Location of death: Rondonopolis (Brazil)
58 Scarlety Mastroianyy
Age: 33 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 10/12/2018 Location of death: Londrina (Brazil)
59 Manuel Luna
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/12/2018 Location of death: Morelia, Michoacan (Mexico)
60 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/12/2018 Location of death: São Vicente (Brazil)
61 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/12/2018 Location of death: Parnamirim (Brazil)
62 N.N.
Age: 32 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/12/2018 Location of death: Klang (Malaysia)
63 Gabi Blak
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/12/2018 Location of death: Brasilandia (Brazil)
64 Scarlett Cedeño
Age: 19 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 14/12/2018 Location of death: Cali (Colombia)
65 Marilin
Age: 32 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/12/2018 Location of death: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
66 Valquiria
Age: 47 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/12/2018 Location of death: Imperatriz (Brazil)
67 Litzy Hurtado
Age: 24 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 17/12/2018 Location of death: El Alto (Bolivia)
68 N.N.
Age: 23 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/12/2018 Location of death: Guerrero, Abasolo (Mexico)
69 Márcia Rodrigues Pereira
Age: 29 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 20/12/2018 Location of death: Camapuã (Brazil)
70 Gaby
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 23/12/2018 Location of death: Playa Del Carmen, Quintana Roo (Mexico)
71 Jéssica Bracamonte
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/12/2018 Location of death: Veron, Punta Cana (Dominican Republic)
72 Denisse Hernández Rivero
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 26/12/2018 Location of death: Tixtla, Guerrero (Mexico)
73 Nicolly Banks
Age: 26 Occupation: artist Date of death: 28/12/2018 Location of death: Uberlândia (Brazil)
74 Valentina Herrera Guzman
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 28/12/2018 Location of death: Cali (Colombia)
75 Melissa Brunely
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 28/12/2018 Location of death: Linhares (Brazil)
76 Rogéria Paiva
Age: 46 Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 29/12/2018 Location of death: Maracanau (Brazil) Cause of death: shot
77 Sabrina Santos Vidal
Age: not reported Occupation: other Date of death: 31/12/2018 Location of death: Taperoá (Brazil)
78 Devora Montolio
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Maimón (Dominican Republic)
79 Mikinho Lima dos Santos
Age: 33 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Lajeado (Brazil)
80 N.N.
Age: 39 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Klang (Malaysia)
81 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Gravataí (Brazil)
82 Laura Muñoz Arcila
Age: 39 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/01/2019 Location of death: Cali (Colombia)
83 N.N.
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/01/2019 Location of death: Quintana Roo (Mexico)
84 Carla Girón Lodoño
Age: not reported Occupation: artist Date of death: 06/01/2019 Location of death: Tulua (Colombia)
85 Dana Martin
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/01/2019 Location of death: Montgomery, Alabama (USA)
86 Hande Şeker
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 09/01/2019 Location of death: Anatolia (Turkey)
87 Amy Griffiths
Age: 51 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 14/01/2019 Location of death: Worcestershire (UK)
88 Alka
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/01/2019 Location of death: Tatapani (India)
89 Sussy Montalván
Age: 50 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 17/01/2019 Location of death: Copiapó (Chile)
90 Sheilla Prado
Age: 28 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 20/01/2019 Location of death: Tubarão (Brazil)
91 Quelly da Silva "Jeninha"
Age: 35 Occupation: seller/merchant Date of death: 21/01/2019 Location of death: Campinas (Brazil)
92 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 14/01/2019 Location of death: Tamaulipas, Reynosa (Mexico)
93 Yara Serena Camargo
Age: 17 Occupation: other Date of death: 22/01/2019 Location of death: Recife (Brazil)
94 Nashley Delgado Segovia
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 23/01/2019 Location of death: Aldama (Mexico)
95 Jésica Benevidez "Nicky"
Age: 36 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/01/2019 Location of death: Parana (Argentina)
96 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/01/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
97 J. da Silva dos Santos
Age: 20 Occupation: other Date of death: 25/01/2019 Location of death: Camaçari (Brazil)
98 Aysla Souza
Age: 19 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 25/01/2019 Location of death: Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
99 Pamela Sandoval Ramírez
Age: 38 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 27/01/2019 Location of death: Chimalhuacán (Mexico)
100 Mirna Antonella Di Marzo
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 28/01/2019 Location of death: Salta (Argentina)
101 Jehangir
Age: not reported Occupation: artist Date of death: 29/01/2019 Location of death: Jatta Ismail Khel (Pakistan)
102 Ana Paula da Costa Ribeiro
Age: 53 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/01/2019 Location of death: Tramandaí (Brazil)
103 Ellie Marie Washtock
Age: 38 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 31/01/2019 Location of death: (USA)
104 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 01/02/2019 Location of death: Kohat (Pakistan)
105 "La Joha" González Leal
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/02/2019 Location of death: Maracaibo (Venezuela)
106 Camila Diaz Córdova "Aurora"
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/02/2019 Location of death: San Salvador (El Salvador)
107 Laly Heredia Escobar "Sonia Laly"
Age: 36 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/02/2019 Location of death: La Matanza (Argentina)
108 Mellyssa Rodrigues dos Santos
Age: 36 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 04/02/2019 Location of death: Piracicaba (Brazil)
109 Miriam Rivera
Age: 38 Occupation: artist Date of death: 05/02/2019 Location of death: Hermosillo. Sonora (Mexico)
110 Daniele Azevedo
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/02/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
111 Fabi Cortes Morales
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/02/2019 Location of death: Las Chopas, Veracruz (Mexico)
112 Lolita
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/02/2019 Location of death: Sonsonate (El Salvador)
113 Miúda
Age: 30 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 11/02/2019 Location of death: Niterói (Brazil)
114 Kayla Alves
Age: 22 Occupation: other Date of death: 11/02/2019 Location of death: Nova Ipixuna (Brazil)
115 Meg Duran
Age: 33 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/02/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
116 Samira Morena
Age: 25 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 16/02/2019 Location of death: Sorocaba (Brazil)
117 Rajathi
Age: 38 Occupation: religious leader Date of death: 18/02/2019 Location of death: Thoothukudi (India)
118 Nathyelly Cruz
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 21/02/2019 Location of death: Uruaçu (Brazil)
119 V. Barbosa de Aquino
Age: 35 Occupation: other Date of death: 21/02/2019 Location of death: Palmas (Brazil)
120 Minerva Rubio
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/02/2019 Location of death: Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico)
121 Verito
Age: not reported Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 22/02/2019 Location of death: Quito (Ecuador)
122 Mirlla Vasques Arcanjo
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 23/02/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
123 N.N.
Age: 49 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/02/2019 Location of death: Castellón de la Plana (Spain)
124 Aghata
Age: 25 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 25/02/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
125 Ana de Lima
Age: 40 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 26/02/2019 Location of death: Pacatuba (Brazil)
126 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 26/02/2019 Location of death: Guaiúba (Brazil)
127 Thais
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 27/02/2019 Location of death: Carapicuiba (Brazil)
128 Pamela Arenceli
Age: 40 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/02/2019 Location of death: La Matanza, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
129 Maxim Brizuela
Age: 22 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/02/2019 Location of death: La Matanza, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
130 Laura Gentle Argueta
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/03/2019 Location of death: Rotan, Isla De La Bahia (Honduras)
131 Brigitte Galván
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 03/03/2019 Location of death: Yucatán (Mexico)
132 Maylla dos Santos
Age: 29 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 04/03/2019 Location of death: Coari (Brazil)
133 Pamela
Age: 21 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 05/03/2019 Location of death: Santa Luzia do Pará (Brazil)
134 Maria Paula Murillo Reyes
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 05/03/2019 Location of death: Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
135 La Mariposa
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/03/2019 Location of death: Ciudad del Carmen (Mexico)
136 Flavia Santana
Age: 35 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/03/2019 Location of death: Anapolis (Brazil)
137 Perla
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/03/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
138 Renata Spencer
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 09/03/2019 Location of death: Tepeji Del Rio, Hidalgo (Mexico)
139 N.N.
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/03/2019 Location of death: Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)
140 Nazab Abid Shaikh
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/03/2019 Location of death: Maharashtra (India)
141 Pollita Ruiz
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/03/2019 Location of death: Jiutepec, Oaxaca (Mexico)
142 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/03/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
143 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/03/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
144 Zaira Betancur
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 14/03/2019 Location of death: Bogotá (Colombia)
145 Caio Dantas Monteiro
Age: 24 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/03/2019 Location of death: Angra dos Reis (Brazil)
146 N.N.
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/03/2019 Location of death: Alcaldia Gustavo A. Madero, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
147 Mara da Silva
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 17/03/2019 Location of death: Mossoro (Brazil)
148 Alessandra
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/03/2019 Location of death: Buritis (Brazil)
149 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/03/2019 Location of death: Merida, Yucatan (Mexico)
150 B.J.P.
Age: 28 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 20/03/2019 Location of death: Cancun, Quintana Roo (Mexico)
151 Lara
Age: 24 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 23/03/2019 Location of death: Belém (Brazil)
152 N.N.
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 23/03/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
153 Fabricia de Moura Lima
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 24/03/2019 Location of death: Goiânia (Brazil) Location of death: Villanueva (Honduras)
154 W. Adalí Hernández Rápalo
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/03/2019 Location of death: Villanueva (Honduras)
155 Celaya Méndey Yelada
Age: 19 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/03/2019 Location of death: Aguadulce, Veracruz (Mexico)
156 Junu
Age: 33 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/03/2019 Location of death: Kathmandu (Nepal)
157 Amma Hajjani
Age: 80 Occupation: other Date of death: 26/03/2019 Location of death: Sindh (Pakistan)
158 Marisol Montenegro
Age: 64 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/03/2019 Location of death: Puerto Montt (Chile)
159 Ashanti Carmon
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/03/2019 Location of death: Fairmount Heights, Maryland (USA)
160 Paty Santos
Age: 36 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 30/03/2019 Location of death: Manaus (Brazil)
161 Patricia Rafaela dos Santos Camargo
Age: 24 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/03/2019 Location of death: Maringá (Brazil)
162 Claudia Vera
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/03/2019 Location of death: Independencia, Lima (Peru)
163 Jazzaline Ware
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 31/03/2019 Location of death: Memphis, Alabama (USA)
164 Crysllaine Guedes da Silva
Age: 21 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 01/04/2019 Location of death: Juazeiro do Norte (Brazil)
165 Eduarda Albuquerque
Age: 22 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 03/04/2019 Location of death: Angra dos Reis (Brazil)
166 Barbara
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/04/2019 Location of death: Itabuna (Brazil)
167 N.N.
Age: 34 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/04/2019 Location of death: Jacareí (Brazil)
168 Shalu
Age: 35 Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 05/04/2019 Location of death: Kozhikode (India)
169 Sandrielly Vasconcelos
Age: 24 Occupation: other Date of death: 06/04/2019 Location of death: Boa Vista (Brazil)
170 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/04/2019 Location of death: Franca (Brazil)
171 Kasandra Solórzano Romero
Age: 49 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 08/04/2019 Location of death: Huila (Colombia)
172 Brenda Plaza Vallejos
Age: 42 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/04/2019 Location of death: Valaparaiso (Chile)
173 Marqueza
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 09/04/2019 Location of death: Campo Grande (Brazil)
174 Malaj Islas
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/04/2019 Location of death: Puerto De Veracruz, Veracruz (Mexico)
175 Juju
Age: 38 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/04/2019 Location of death: Sapezal (Brazil)
176 Ainee Khan
Age: 35 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/04/2019 Location of death: Sindh (Pakistan)
177 Sabrina
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 13/04/2019 Location of death: João Pessoa (Brazil)
178 Kenia Hilton
Age: 28 Occupation: other Date of death: 15/04/2019 Location of death: Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico)
179 Claire Legato
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 15/04/2019 Location of death: Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
180 Nina Surgutskaya
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 15/04/2019 Location of death: Kursk (Russia)
181 Tamara
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/04/2019 Location of death: Ciudad de Mexico (Mexico)
182 Becky
Age: not reported Occupation: owner of beauty shop/hair salon/bar/shop Date of death: 19/04/2019 Location of death: Minatitlan, Veracruz (Mexico)
183 E. dos Santos da Rosa
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/04/2019 Location of death: Paraná (Brazil)
184 Jessica Gómez Rúa (Pajarita)
Age: sex woker Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/04/2019 Location of death: Bucaramanga (Colombia)
185 Natalia Delgado Rubio
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 21/04/2019 Location of death: Irapuato, Guanajuato (Mexico)
186 Haji Noori
Age: 45 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/04/2019 Location of death: Jhansi (India)
187 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 22/04/2019 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
188 Rica Reyes
Age: 25 Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 23/04/2019 Location of death: Cebu (Philippines)
189 Rayssa dos Santos
Age: 28 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 23/04/2019 Location of death: Caucaia (Brazil)
190 Catalina Casquete Holguín (Cata)
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/04/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Cuenca, Provincia Guayas (Ecuador)
191 N.N.
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/04/2019 Location of death: Salamanaca, Guanajuato (Mexico)
192 Yaritza Angélica Millones López
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/04/2019 Location of death: Buenos Aires (CABA) (Argentina)
193 Jasmynne Fontile de Brito
Age: 21 Occupation: other Date of death: 30/04/2019 Location of death: Guarapes (Brazil)
194 El Choco
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/05/2019 Location of death: Chihuahua, Chihuahua (Mexico)
195 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/05/2019 Location of death: Grajau (Brazil)
196 Melissa
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/05/2019 Location of death: Bacabal (Brazil)
197 Larissa Rodrigues da Silva
Age: 21 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 04/05/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
198 Heart Pontanes
Age: 20 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 06/05/2019 Location of death: Malabon (Philippines)
199 M. Dantas da Silva
Age: 33 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 06/05/2019 Location of death: Guariba (Brazil)
200 Yara Souza
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 10/05/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
201 Luana
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/05/2019 Location of death: Maranhao (Brazil)
202 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/05/2019 Location of death: Uberlandia, Minas Gerais (Brazil)
203 Talia Silveira Pacheco Santos
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 12/05/2019 Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
204 Gökçe Naz Saygi
Age: 39 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/05/2019 Location of death: Antalya (Turkey)
205 Natalia
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/05/2019 Location of death: Mexico City (Mexico)
206 Dulce
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 14/05/2019 Location of death: Alcaldia Benito Juarez, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
207 Bibiu
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 15/05/2019 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
208 A. A. Silva Costa
Age: 34 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/05/2019 Location of death: Mineiros (Brazil)
209 Alana Ferreira
Age: 34 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/05/2019 Location of death: São Paulo (Brazil)
210 Angela Paola Fajardo
Age: not reported Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 18/05/2019 Location of death: Mixco (Guatemala)
211 Muhlaysia Booker
Age: 23 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 18/05/2019 Location of death: Dallas, Texas (USA)
212 Michelle 'Tamika' Washington
Age: 40 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/05/2019 Location of death: Philadelphia (USA)
213 Thaylla Rodrigues de Moura
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 19/05/2019 Location of death: Campo Grande (Brazil)
214 Jesusa
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 20/05/2019 Location of death: Fortin De Las Flores, Veracruz (Mexico)
215 Reva Desai
Age: 38 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/05/2019 Location of death: Mumbai (India)
216 Paris Cameron
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/05/2019 Location of death: Detroit (USA)
217 Britany
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 26/05/2019 Location of death: Misantla, Veracruz (Mexico)
218 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: other Date of death: 26/05/2019 Location of death: Old Hyderabda City (India)
219 Gala Estefanía Perea
Age: 19 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 26/05/2019 Location of death: San Isidro de Lules, Tucumán (Argentina)
220 Elaynne Marques
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 27/05/2019 Location of death: Lucas do Rio Verde (Brazil)
221 R. Adelso Rodriguez Alonzo
Age: 24 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 28/05/2019 Location of death: Usumatlán, Zacapa (Guatemala)
222 Jahy Bianchini
Age: 20 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 30/05/2019 Location of death: Cachoeiro de Itapemirim, Espírito Santo (Brazil)
223 leleco
Age: 30 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 30/05/2019 Location of death: Lucena (Brazil)
224 Rosinha do Beco
Age: 63 Occupation: seller/merchant Date of death: 30/05/2019 Location of death: Morro do Chapéu (Brazil)
225 Rose
Age: 50 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 31/05/2019 Location of death: Jaboatão dos Guararapes (Brazil)
226 Johana Medina León ("Joa")
Age: 25 Occupation: other Date of death: 01/06/2019 Location of death: El Paso, Texas (USA)
227 Chynal Lindsey
Age: 26 Occupation: other Date of death: 01/06/2019 Location of death: DallasTexas (USA)
228 Fabiola
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 02/06/2019 Location of death: Quimistan, Santa Barbara (Honduras)
229 N.N.
Age: 22 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 03/06/2019 Location of death: Barranquilla (Colombia)
230 Miranda Pilar Ruiz
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/06/2019 Location of death: El Empalme (Ecuador)
231 Mayte Castro Anay
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/06/2019 Location of death: El Empalme (Ecuador)
232 Cecelia Cranko
Age: 48 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/06/2019 Location of death: South Orange, New Jersey (USA) (USA)
233 Chanel Scurlock
Age: 23 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/06/2019 Location of death: Lumberton, California (USA)
234 Layleen Cubilette Polanco Xtravaganza
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/06/2019 Location of death: Rikers Island, New York (USA)
235 Shakira (La Moy)
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/06/2019 Location of death: Choloma, Cortés (Honduras)
236 Pamela
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 10/06/2019 Location of death: Maringá (Brazil)
237 Alex Milkovich
Age: 19 Occupation: other Date of death: 10/06/2019 Location of death: Nytva (Russia)
238 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/06/2019 Location of death: Queretaro (Mexico)
239 Zoe Spears
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 13/06/2019 Location of death: Fairmonut Heights, Maryland (USA)
240 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 14/06/2019 Location of death: Municipio Coatzintla, Veracruz (Mexico)
241 Nahara
Age: 43 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 16/06/2019 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
242 Maycon Clebes dos Reis
Age: 22 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 16/06/2019 Location of death: Coromandel (Brazil)
243 Dafne Yilmaz
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/06/2019 Location of death: Afyonkarahisar (Turkey) (Turkey)
244 Pollyane Weneck
Age: 22 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 16/06/2019 Location of death: Coromandel (Brazil)
245 Lohane (Jasmine)
Age: 21 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 17/06/2019 Location of death: Palmares (Brazil)
246 Monica Devain
Age: not reported Occupation: artist Date of death: 18/06/2019 Location of death: Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)
247 Doris Hernandez
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/06/2019 Location of death: Guadalajara, Jalisco (Mexico)
248 Brooklyn Lindsey
Age: 32 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/06/2019 Location of death: Kansas City (USA)
249 J.P. Moreno
Age: 36 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 25/06/2019 Location of death: Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz (Mexico)
250 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/06/2019 Location of death: Multan (Pakistan)
251 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/06/2019 Location of death: Multan (Pakistan)
252 Maya
Age: 19 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 01/07/2019 Location of death: Khyber Pukhtunkhwa (Pakistan)
253 Jessica
Age: 23 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 02/07/2019 Location of death: Araguaina (Brazil)
254 Antonia Laínez Larios
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 03/07/2019 Location of death: El Negrito, Yoro (Honduras) (Honduras)
255 Santi
Age: not reported Occupation: artist Date of death: 06/07/2019 Location of death: Puerto Cortés, Honduras (Honduras)
256 Shakira Fernandez de la Hoz
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/07/2019 Location of death: Medellin, Antioquia (Colombia)
257 Bessy Michelle Ferrera
Age: 40 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 08/07/2019 Location of death: Comayaguela (Honduras)
258 Carly
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/07/2019 Location of death: Oaxaca, Oaxaca (Mexico)
259 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/07/2019 Location of death: San Luis, San Luis Potosi (Mexico)
260 Lucia Barrera
Age: 36 Occupation: artist Date of death: 14/07/2019 Location of death: Parana, Entre Rios (Argentina)
261 Angie Digiacomo
Age: 38 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 17/07/2019 Location of death: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
262 S. Medina
Age: 48 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 18/07/2019 Location of death: Salta (Argentina)
263 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/07/2019 Location of death: San Luis, San Luis Potosi (Mexico)
264 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 12/07/2019 Location of death: Alcaldia Xochimilo, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
265 Denali Berries Stuckey
Age: 29 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 20/07/2019 Location of death: North Charleston, North Carolina (USA)
266 N.N.
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/07/2019 Location of death: Nagrakata (India)
267 Sandy
Age: not reported Occupation: owner of beauty shop/hair salon/bar/shop Date of death: 24/07/2019 Location of death: Chilpancingo, Guerrero (Mexico)
268 Bubba Walker
Age: 54 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/07/2019 Location of death: Charlotte (USA)
269 Muskan
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/07/2019 Location of death: Multan (Pakistan)
270 Nadia
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 27/07/2019 Location of death: Multan (Pakistan)
271 Tracy Single
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 30/07/2019 Location of death: Houston (USA)
272 Kiki Fantroy
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 31/07/2019 Location of death: Miami, Florida (USA)
273 Jordan Cofer
Age: 22 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/08/2019 Location of death: Dayton, Ohio (USA)
274 Pebbles LaDime “Dime” Doe
Age: 24 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/08/2019 Location of death: Allendale County (USA)
275 Rosalinda Pérez Berigüete
Age: 37 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/08/2019 Location of death: San Juan Maguana (Dominican Republic)
276 Gabriele Oliveira
Age: 21 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/08/2019 Location of death: Belo Jardim (Brazil)
277 Karla Fernanda Silva
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 05/08/2019 Location of death: La Maná, Cotopaxi (Ecuador)
278 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/08/2019 Location of death: Tecoman, Colima (Mexico)
279 J. A. Cermeño Medina
Age: 31 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/08/2019 Location of death: Caracas (Venezuela)
280 Angi García "La Gata"
Age: 40 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/08/2019 Location of death: Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas (Ecuador)
281 Alondra García
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 08/08/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
282 Aylin Hernández Gómez
Age: 34 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/08/2019 Location of death: San Cristóbal de las Casas (Mexico)
283 W. Félix de Oliveira
Age: 29 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 11/08/2019 Location of death: Maracanaú (Brazil)
284 Sara Miranda de Souza
Age: 41 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 12/08/2019 Location of death: Frutal (Brazil)
285 Abril Navarro Salazar
Age: 26 Occupation: waitress/waiter/bartender Date of death: 15/08/2019 Location of death: Alvaro Obregon, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
286 Nathacha Ruby Flores
Age: 26 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 19/08/2019 Location of death: Quito (Ecuador)
287 N.N.
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/08/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
288 Aline da Silva
Age: not reported Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 20/08/2019 Location of death: Arcoverde (Brazil)
289 Kate Maikelly de Jesus Barbosa
Age: 14 Occupation: other Date of death: 21/08/2019 Location of death: Teixeira de Freitas (Brazil)
290 Ashley
Age: not reported Occupation: activist/movement leader Date of death: 22/08/2019 Location of death: Huajuapan De Leon, Oaxaca (Mexico)
291 Daniela Martinez
Age: 53 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 22/08/2019 Location of death: Cicuco (Colombia)
292 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 24/08/2019 Location of death: Iztapalapa, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
293 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 24/08/2019 Location of death: Acapulco, Guerrero (Mexico)
294 Hani
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 26/08/2019 Location of death: Mansehra (Pakistan)
295 Roberta "Xirrara" Rodrigues
Age: 44 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 30/08/2019 Location of death: Inhumas (Brazil)
296 Sana Khan
Age: 16 Occupation: artist Date of death: 30/08/2019 Location of death: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan)
297 Brigitte Escalona Escobar
Age: 21 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 31/08/2019 Location of death: Caracas (Venezuela)
298 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 31/08/2019 Location of death: Santiago (Chile)
299 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/09/2019 Location of death: Ziguatanejo, Guerrero (Mexico)
300 Andra Mora López
Age: 26 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 03/09/2019 Location of death: Tequendama (Colombia)
301 Bailey Reeves
Age: 17 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/09/2019 Location of death: Baltimore (USA)
302 Bee Love Slater
Age: 23 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 04/09/2019 Location of death: Clewiston, Florida (USA)
303 Victoria Santos Falcão
Age: 25 Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 05/09/2019 Location of death: juina (Brazil)
304 Yuri Gabriel Castro Farias
Age: 20 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 06/09/2019 Location of death: Fortaleza (Brazil)
305 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
306 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua (Mexico)
307 Ana Paula
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Jiutepec, Morelos (Mexico)
308 Carolinne Dias
Age: 27 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Santa Maria (Brazil)
309 Nemer da Silva Rodrigues
Age: 37 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 07/09/2019 Location of death: Santa Maria (Brazil)
310 N.N.
Age: 33 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/09/2019 Location of death: Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
311 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 10/09/2019 Location of death: Cartagena (Colombia)
312 Ja'leyah Jamar
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/09/2019 Location of death: Kansas City (USA)
313 Shokir Shavkatov
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 13/09/2019 Location of death: Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
314 Luana Piovani
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/09/2019 Location of death: Senador Elói de Souza (Brazil)
315 Bruna Torres
Age: 26 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 15/09/2019 Location of death: São Carlos (Brazil)
316 Reena
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 16/09/2019 Location of death: Baiyapur (India)
317 Elisha Chanel Stanley
Age: 46 Occupation: other Date of death: 16/09/2019 Location of death: Pittsburgh (USA)
318 Jessa Remiendo
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 17/09/2019 Location of death: Bolinao (Philippines)
319 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 17/09/2019 Location of death: Dushanbe (Tajikistan)
320 Emmanuelle Agostinho da Silva Barros "Manu"
Age: 25 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 19/09/2019 Location of death: Santo André (Brazil)
321 Leandro Parra Hermosilla
Age: 15 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 19/09/2019 Location of death: Coyhaqye, Aysen (Chile)
322 Médely Razard
Age: 15 Occupation: other Date of death: 20/09/2019 Location of death: Itaquaquecetuba (Brazil)
323 Bruna Surfistinha de Freitas
Age: 26 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 20/09/2019 Location of death: Chorozinho (Brazil)
324 Itali Marlowe
Age: 29 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 20/09/2019 Location of death: Houston, Texas (USA)
325 Paloma Barreto
Age: 38 Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 21/09/2019 Location of death: Avilés (Spain)
326 Mhelody Polan Bruno
Age: 25 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 21/09/2019 Location of death: Wagga Wagga, New South Gales (Australia)
327 Itzayana López Hernández
Age: not reported Occupation: not reported Date of death: 22/09/2019 Location of death: Alcaldia Alvaro Obregon, Ciudad De Mexico (Mexico)
328 Yoselin Martín Velasco
Age: not reported Occupation: hair dresser/stylist/beautician Date of death: 28/09/2019 Location of death: Ciudad Modelo, Valle Del Cauca (Colombia)
329 N.N.
Age: not reported Occupation: sex worker Date of death: 28/09/2019 Location of death: Registro (Brazil)
330 Chhaya
Age: 35 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 29/09/2019 Location of death: Durg (India)
331 Júnia Franco
Age: 34 Occupation: not reported Date of death: 29/09/2019 Location of death: Uberlândia (Brazil)
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paoloxl · 5 years
Report morti sul lavoro nei primi 7 mesi del 2019 Purtroppo nulla è cambiato rispetto ai primi 7 mesi del 2018, registriamo un leggero calo del 3,5% rispetto allo spaventoso 2018. Rispetto ai prime sette mesi del 2008, anno d’apertura dell’Osservatorio l’aumento è del 13,3%, altro che cali coi quali non fanno indignare gli italiani. Noi i morti sul lavoro li registriamo tutti e non diffondiamo solo le denunce che arrivano all’INAIL, che non sono rappresentative delle morti sul lavoro in Italia. Sono in questo momento complessivamente 445 (compresi i morti sulle strade e in itinere) e 412 sui luoghi di lavoro. È l’agricoltura il comparto con più morti sul lavoro con oltre il 30% di tutti i morti sui Luoghi di Lavoro, di questi ben 93 sono gli agricoltori che sono morti schiacciati dal trattore, le percentuali sono sempre le stesse da 12 anni in tutti i comparti. L’edilizia ha un leggero decremento per la crisi che c’è nel settore, ma le cadute dall’alto in questo settore sono sempre tantissime, l’autrasporto è un altro settore con tantissime morti sulle strade: in questo settore ci sono i guidatori di automezzi di tutte le categorie. I morti sul lavoro dai 60 anni in su sono oltre il 20% di tutti i morti sui Luoghi di Lavoro. anche i molto giovani sono numerosissimi a morire per infortuni. Gli stranieri morti sui luoghi di lavoro sono stati 47 e rappresentano l’11,6% di tutti i morti sui luoghi di lavoro.  Vogliamo che si comprenda bene la situazione. Noi registriamo un leggero decremento del 3,5% delle morti rispetto ai primi 7 mesi del 2018, ma partiamo da un numero di morti enormemente superiore da quello che diffonde INAIL attraverso le denunce arrivate a questo Istituto. questo mese si conclude con 4 morti sui luoghi di lavoro anche il 31 luglio. Carlo Soricelli curatore dell’Osservatorio Indipendente di Bologna morti sul lavoro http://cadutisullavoro.blogspot.it
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advictoriams · 5 years
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same.
1. What is your name?
“Hey! I'm Claire. Most folks just call me CJ, but Claire's fine too.”
2. Do you know why are you named that?
“Well, CJ is short for Claire Janelle. My mom and dad really dug the name I guess."
3. Are you single or taken?
"I'm seeing someone.”
4. Have any abilities or powers?
"Consumate professionalism and a whole lotta gumption? But seriously, I know my way around electronics and anything mnechanical, plus I'm pretty handy with a camera, so...”
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
“Uh, sure buddy, I'll uh just get right on that.”
6. What’s your eye color?
“Like an amber color?.”
7. How about your hair color?
“Turquoise. And I love it!”
8. Have any family members?
“My family didn't make it when the bombs fell."
9. Oh? How about pets?
“Dogmeat's my little buddy.”
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
“Eh, we'd be here all day and I'd like to keep this thing as positive as I can.”
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
“Photography. I've always loved photography. Also. I'm wondering if Travis could use an extra hand over at Diamond City Radio. I've got a ton of pre-war vinyl he can have. Perfect condition too."
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
“Comes with being a Brotherhood soldier. I never intentionally try to though.”
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
“Again, it comes with the territory. However, contrary to popular opinion, the Brotherhood Of Steel doesn't kill civilians, humans OR ghouls."
14. What kind of animal are you?
“Oh boy! I don't know! Lemme think about this one okay? "
15. Name your worst habits?
“Smoking, probably. Don't worry. I know how bad it is.”
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
“My mom before she died, but in this new world around me, gosh. Captain Kells. He's the glue that holds the Prydwen together. I think sometimes Arthur... I mean, Elder Maxson would be kind of lost without him. Danse, obviously. That guy is one tough s.o.b. Wicked sense of humor, and I'm proud to call him the closest thing I have to family here in this new Commonwealth. And Nick. I think I may have adopted him as my grampa.”
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
“I'm actually demisexual. I just don't really feel that kind of attraction, unless y'know, there's an emotional connection.”
18. Do you go to school?
“I did, unfortunately I didn't get to finish my degree in Broadcasting.”
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
“I mean, I guess one day. Sure, but right now I'm just happy exploring what uh, Arthur and I have.”
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
“Oh gosh, I wouldn't know.”
21. What are you most afraid of?
“Failure, losing those I care about. Oh, and Radscorpions.”
22. What do you usually wear?
"Okay, so when I'm on duty I normally wear this."
Tumblr media
"And when I'm in civilian gear, so. Days off, that kind of thing, it's this:"
Tumblr media Tumblr media
"Hope that helps."
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
“Slocum's Joe Donuts. Any flavour.”
24. Am I annoying to you?
“Kind of. But, hey, I've got a little downtime before I start work.”
25. Well, it’s still not over!
“Uh... Okay?.”
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
“I don't know, I don't really think class is all that relevant these days, honestly. No matter what Ann Codman would have you believe, ”
27. How many friends do you have?
“I mean, I have enough friends, it's about quality, not quantity, and the friends I do have, I love dearly."
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
“Eh, pie's fine.”
29. Favorite drink?
"Okay, so non alcoholic, a good strong coffee or an ice cold Vim. Alcholic, however, a neat Bourbon and Vim. Arthur... I mean... Elder Maxson tried with Nuka Cola, but it just doesn't have the same taste.”
30. What’s your favorite place?
"It was, before the war down on Venice Beach. I mean, I'm a Cali girl at heart, and I kind of wonder how much it's changed in 200 some years.”
31. Are you interested in anyone?
“I am.”
32. That was a stupid question…
“Only a little.”
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
“The ocean if it weren't so irradiated and full of Mirelurks and all kinds of nasty stuff. Could you imagine sharks now? Holy crap!”
34. What’s your type?
"I don't really have a type, I just like who I like.”
35. Any fetishes?
“Uh... That's a little personal.”
36. Camping or outdoors?
“I always take camping supplies, sometimes I go on camping trips up to Maine with Danse, go Gulper hunting, Fog Crawlers sometimes. It's a lot of fun.”
Tagged everyone in this post same applies if folks have more than one.
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The rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people..
The lovely @castianityislife02 tagged me, thanks hun
1. Drink - Coffee
2. Phone call - my hubby
3. Text message - my mom
4. Song you listened to - Sing for the Moment by Eminem
5. Time you cried - Last week
6. Dated someone twice? - Yes
7. Kissed someone and regretted it - Nope
8. Been cheated on - Nope
9. Lost someone special - Yep
10. Been depressed - So many
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - Thrown up no, drunk yes
Favourite colours
12. Royal Blue
13. Royal Purple
14. Forest Green
In the last year have you…
15. Made new friends - Yes
16. Fallen out of love - No
17. Laughed until you cried - Yes
18. Found out someone was talking about you - Oh yeah
19. Met someone who changed you - Maybe but in a good way
20. Found out who your friends are - Yes
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - Just my husband
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - All of them
23. Do you have any pets - A cat named Dexter and a fish named Herme
24. Do you want to change your name - Nope
25. What did you do for your last birthday - Stayed home and had dinner with my family
26. What time did you wake up today - Which time, officially like 9:30
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - Watching Sim videos on youtube while hoping my kid would finally crash. He did not
28. What is something you cant wait for - To move this summer
30. What are you listening to right now - My husband being gross
31. Have you ever talked to a person named tom - Yes, he’s my friends baby daddy.
32. Something that’s getting on your nerves - People who make noise when they eat. Or loud breathing
33. Most visited website - Tumblr  and youtube
34. Hair colour - Magenta, violet, navy and some colors in between
35. Long or short hair - Long hair
36. Do you have a crush on someone - Always
37. What do you like about yourself - My hair and lips and my sarcasm
38. Want any piercings? - No I’m good with the holes I was born with
39. Blood type - A-
40. Nicknames - Mom, mommy, Sunny, Sunny Day, wife, babe
41. Relationship status -Married to a nerd
42. Zodiac - Capricorn
43. Pronouns - She/her
44. Favourite TV shows - Supernatural, Roseanne, The Walking Dead
45. Tattoos - None yet but soon
46. Right or left handed - Right
47. Ever had surgery - No
48. Piercings - Nope not even my ears
49. Sports - I don’t play but I love to watch hockey
50. Vacation - I’ve been to Cali a few times and Utah
51. Trainers - Um none
More general
52. Eating - I don’t do that during daylight hours lol
53. Drinking - Still coffee
54. I’m about to watch - More Sims. I’m watching a let’s play series
55. Waiting for - My ride to show up so I can go to my nieces birthday party.
56. Want - a new home, some tattoos, my son to be happy, a smut fic worthy sex life
57. Get married - Been there, done that, bored now
58. Career - Mom and writer. Maybe one day a nurse
Which is better
59. Hugs or kisses - Ugh please don’t touch me
60. Lips or eyes - Lips
61. Shorter or taller - Taller
62. Older or younger - Older
63. Nice arms or stomach - Arms
64. Hookup or relationship - Relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - Hesitant
Have you ever
66. Kissed a stranger - no
67. Drank hard liquor - Yes
68. Lost glasses - oh yes
69. Turned someone down - Yes turned out to be a really good call
70. Sex on first date - No
71. Broken someones heart - Yes 
72. Had your heart broken - yes
73. Been arrested - nope
74. Cried when someone died - very much so
75. Fallen for a friend - Married him
Do you believe in
76. Yourself - Most of the time
77. Miracles - Yeah
78. Love at first sight - no
79. Santa clause - no
80. Kiss on a first date - no
81. Angels - yeah
82. Best friend’s name - Pri @the-pri-experience
83. Eye colour - Green
84. Favourite movie -Dawn of the Dead the 2004 remake
85. Favourite actor - Stanley Tucci, I love his wit
Tagging: @tardisspeedsterfanfiction @mrswhozeewhatsis @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @chelsea072498 @littlegreenplasticsoldier @meteoraangel @river-alice-wolf @goandsavemyunicorn
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cutehwangs · 6 years
85 questions 🖤
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people!
@dolansdaily @dolanspizzawifi @ethxndolan @eteeweeteeeee @grayson-dolans-dangly-earring @g-e-dolan @ethangrantdolxn @thedolanbabes @toocutedolan @tidsoptlmist
Sorry if you’ve already been tagged!
Thanks to @xxohmydolantwinsxx 💫
1. Drink - Tea
2. Phone call - Dad
3. Text message - my sister
4. Song you listened to - dead, Madison Beer
5. Time you cried - Cant remember 🤷🏻‍♀️
6. Dated someone twice? - nope
7. Kissed someone and you regretted it - no
8. Been cheated on - no
9. Lost someone special - no
10. Been depressed - yes
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up - Two days ago!
favorite colors:
12. Red
13. Green
14. Orange
In the last year have you:
15. Made new friends - Yep
16. Fallen out of love - no
17. Laughed until you cried - Definitely
18. Found out someone was talking about you - yeah
19. Met someone who changed you - no
20. Found out who your friends are - yeah
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list - nope
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know irl - most of them
23. Do you have any pets - 2 dogs, a rabbit and a guinea pig 😻
24. Do you want to change your name - Nah
25. What did you do for your last birthday - big night out with my family and friends
26. What time did you wake up today - 11 am.
27. What were you doing at midnight last night - watching a movie with my mam
28. What is something you can’t wait for? - a big festival this summer 🤙🏼
29. What are you listening to right now - Andrea russet on YouTube 😂
30. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - yes
31. Something that’s getting on your nerves - lazy people!!!!
32. Most visited website - Instagram 100%
33. Hair color - black
34. Long or short hair - long
35. Do you have a crush on someone - not atm
36. What do you like about yourself - If I want something I work hard for it
37. Want any piercings - Yes.
38. Blood type - No idea
39. Nicknames - laur or lol
40. Relationship status - single ✌🏼
41. Zodiac - Leo 🦁
42. Pronouns - she/her
43. Favorite TV show - dynasty
44. Tattoos- not yet 😏
45. Right or left handed - Right
47. Ever had surgery - yep
48. Piercings - My nose 4 times in the same place 😂 and my ears
49. Sport - None
50. Vacation - Cali 🌴
51. Trainers - yes?
More general:
52. Eating - pancakes
53. Drinking - Tea
54. I am about to watch - Netflix
55. Waiting for - School to be over forever😫
56. Want - to travel the world
57. Get married - definitely
58. Career - in the fashion industry
Which is better:
59. Hugs or kisses - Hugs
60. Lips or eyes - eyes
61. Shorter or taller - Taller
62. Older or younger - Older
63. Nice arms or stomach - arms
64. Hookup or relationship - relationship
65. Troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
Have you ever:
66. Kissed a stranger - no
67. Drank hard liquor - yep
68. Lost glasses - no
69. Turned someone down - yep
70. Sex on first date - nope
71. Broken someones heart - not that I know of
72. Had your heart broken - yes
73. Been arrested - no
74. Cried when someone died - yeah
75. Fallen for a friend - unfortunately 🙄
Do you believe in:
76. Yourself - yes
77. Miracle - yes
78. Love at first sight - not sure
79. Santa Claus - Nope
80. Kiss on a first date- yes
81. Angels - 🤷🏻‍♀️
82. Best friend name: Ava
83. Eye color - Blue
84. Favorite movie - Clueless 💅🏽
85. Favorite actor - can’t think of one 😩
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seungmin-mp3 · 6 years
92 Truths
92 85 truths??? tag
RULES: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you; at the end choose people to be tagged
tagged by @wonderlings ashlyn is really out here being the only one who tags me in things anymore lmao I love you
1. drink - water 2. phone call - gendy!! we had a jazz show on friday 3. text message - my brother 4. song you listened to - outro:wings 5. time you cried - thursday
6. dated someone twice - not even once 7. kissed someone and regretted it - nope 8. been cheated on - here’s to it never happening to me 9. lost someone special - yes :’( 10. been depressed - I don’t know??? 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - unless you count drinking milk then no lol
fave colours
12. periwinkle blue 13. scarlet (one of my phase colors) 14. beige (another phase color)
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yes!!! shoutout to my newbies and the newest additions to the marimba line ;) 16. fallen out of love - ?? I dunno 17. laughed until you cried - yes and Iove it 18. found out someone was talking about you - probably 19. met someone who changed you - 100% yes 20. found out who your friends are - sure did 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - don’t have a fb
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - I literally only made it to have a business account on insta (which is @julievstudies btw) 23. do you have any pets - no :/ 24. do you want to change your name - I wouldn’t know what to change it to
25. what did you do for your last birthday - I cried and watched beauty and the beast
26. what time did you wake up today -  like at 8??? 27. what were you doing at midnight last night - knocked out bc I’ve been out all day for two days in a row 28. what is something you cant wait for - graduation!!! and college!! 30. what are you listening to right now - jenn im (I love her so much) 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yup
32. something that’s getting on your nerves - people who don’t accept their responsibilites 33. most visited website - youtube all the way 34. hair colour - dark brown with natural gold highlights but also darker on the underside?? I’m  not sure how to explain it 35. long or short hair - long, about halfway down my back 36. do you have a crush on someone - no 37. what do you like about yourself - I’m committed to the things I love 38. want any piercings? - a second ear piercing? 39. blood type - I really don’t know which sucks bc I really want to know 40. nicknames - Julie is my primary 41. relationship status - single as hell 42. zodiac -pisces 43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - avatar the last airbender, stranger things, asoue 45. tattoos - none 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - for my tonsils 48. piercings - ear piercings 49. sport - none like the band kid I am 50. vacation - haven’t been out of cali but I’d love to see the world 51. trainers - my white adidas :)
more general
52. eating - i had dennys today 53. drinking - water as always 54. i’m about to watch - the mc jin bangtan bomb 55. waiting for - my calc test grades 56. want - I want to have more good days 57. get married - yes!! 58. career - research in biology
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs but that’s a pretty biased answer 60. lips or eyes - eyes 61. shorter or taller - both 62. older or younger - older people make me feel safe but younger people make me happy so?? 63. nice arms or stomach - asldkfgs (arms) 64. hookup or relationship - relationship 65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no 67. drank hard liquor - a hard no 68. lost glasses - thank god no I’ve only had them for less then a year 69. turned someone down - yes 70. sex on first date - first date who? 71. broken someone’s heart - probs not 72. had your heart broken - yeahhhh 73. been arrested - no 74. cried when someone died - yep 75. fallen for a friend - no
do you believe in
76. yourself - hardly 77. miracles - definitely 78. love at first sight - in a sense?? 79. santa claus - no lmaoo 80. kiss on a first date - depends 81. angels - yes, have you met Dazzle?
82. best friend’s name - my gf Erika!!! @mist-lightning-snap 83. eye colour - brown with flecks of green 84. fave movie - as of now, ladybird 85. fave actor - my queen my love my life Emma Watson
tagging with much love @sentimentalschadenfreude (and Erika if you want!)
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Meteo oggi: il grande caldo continua a colpire l'Italia
Meteo oggi: l’anticiclone africano è tornato a consolidarsi sul Mediterraneo e sull’Italia, andando a coinvolgere anche Francia centro-meridionale, Svizzera, Austria e Germania meridionale. Il nostro Paese torna quindi a vivere l’ennesima ondata di calore dell’estate, che dai settori più occidentali si estenderà gradualmente a tutte le regioni. Tuttavia questo episodio sarà meno intenso e soprattutto meno duraturo rispetto al precedente: probabilmente avrà il suo apice nelle giornate di venerdì e sabato. A partire da domenica, infatti, il caldo inizierà ad attenuarsi ad iniziare dal Nord Italia e dalle regioni adriatiche del Centro, poi a seguire anche nel resto del Centro-Sud. In questi giorni di dominio dell’alta pressione africana le precipitazioni saranno limitate a locali episodi di instabilità pomeridiana sui rilievi. Poi, nel corso del fine settimana - affermano i meteorologi di Meteo Expert -, l’atmosfera diverrà più instabile al Nord, con numerosi rovesci o temporali non solo sulle zone montuose ma anche in pianura. Nella prima parte della prossima settimana, stando alle attuali tendenze dei modelli, l’atmosfera dovrebbe rimanere instabile con effetti anche al Centro-Sud. Meteo per il fine settimana PREVISIONI METEO PER LE PROSSIME ORE Tempo in gran parte soleggiato e stabile con clima molto caldo in tutto il Paese. Durante il pomeriggio temporaneo sviluppo di nuvolosità cumuliforme sulle aree montuose associata a locali rovesci o temporali di calore sull’arco alpino centro-occidentale, nelle zone interne della Sicilia e, in forma più occasionale sui rilievi della Calabria e del sudovest dell’Abruzzo. Caldo in intensificazione, specialmente al Centro-Nord: temperature massime diffusamente oltre i 31-32 gradi ma con punte fino a 37-38 gradi nelle zone di pianura lontane dalle coste. Venti deboli a regime di brezza, con locali ma comunque modesti rinforzi di Maestrale intorno alla Puglia, da est sul Canale di Sardegna. Mari calmi o poco mossi, eccetto il basso Adriatico che resterà localmente un po’ mosso. PREVISIONI PER DOMANI, VENERDÌ 5 AGOSTO Tempo prevalentemente soleggiato e caldo. Nel corso della mattinata tendenza ad aumento della nuvolosità cumuliforme nel settore alpino dove, da metà giornata, aumenterà il rischio di locali rovesci o temporali. Addensamenti cumuliformi in sviluppo, durante il pomeriggio, anche lungo la dorsale appenninica enei settori montuosi delle Isole, con la possibilità di occasionali e brevi acquazzoni o temporali di calore nel settore compreso tra il basso Lazio e la Calabria e sui rilievi orientali della Sicilia. Temperature stazionarie o in leggero ulteriore aumento: massime generalmente comprese fra 32 e 37 gradi, ma con punte di 38-39 gradi in pianura padana e nelle zone interne delle regioni centrali tirreniche. Venti deboli a regime di brezza, con locali rinforzi da est o sudest nel Canale di Sardegna. Mari: calmi o poco mossi; localmente mossi solo i canali di Sardegna e d’Otranto. PREVISIONI METEO PER SABATO 6 AGOSTO Al mattino residua nuvolosità sparsa al Nordest con tendenza a locali rovesci lungo le Prealpi centro orientali e in Carnia; inizialmente soleggiato nelle altre regioni su tutte le regioni. In giornata aumento della nuvolosità cumuliforme nei settori montuosi del Nord dove saranno probabili locali rovesci o temporali. Occasionalmente, tra il pomeriggio e la sera, potranno essere coinvolte le vicine aree di pianura del Friuli e della Lombardia orientale. Addensamenti in sviluppo anche in Appennino, nelle aree interne tirreniche e insulari, dove non si possono del tutto escludere isolati temporali di calore, più probabili nel settore dell’alta Toscana e tra l’Irpinia e la Sila. Primi cali nelle temperature su Triveneto, est Lombardia ed Emilia; altrove temperature senza grandi variazioni. Massime generalmente comprese fra 32 e 37 gradi, ma con punte di 38-39 gradi nelle zone interne e tirreniche del Centro. Venti deboli e a prevalente regime di brezza, salvo temporanei rinforzi nelle aree temporalesche delNord. Mari calmi o poco mossi. Read the full article
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aint-ships-a-wonder · 6 years
Rules: Answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
Tagging: @ethxndolan @dolanslife @dolanfics @dolxntwixs @california-grethan @ whoever wants to I can't remember anyone else sorryyyy
1. drink - Water
2. phone call - mom
3. text message - dad
4. song you listened to - Crossfire by Stephen
5. time you cried - less than an hour ago I'm a mess
6. dated someone twice? - nope
7. kissed someone and regretted it - yes
8. been cheated on - nope
9. lost someone special - yeah
10. been depressed - still am lmao
11. gotten drunk and thrown up - nope
fave colours
12. BLUE
13. Grey
14. Pastel yellow
in the last year have you…
15. made new friends - yes
16. fallen out of love - never been in it
17. laughed until you cried - yes
18. found out someone was talking about you - yeaj
19. met someone who changed you - yeah
20. found out who your friends are - yup
21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - oui
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - Ehh most of them
23. do you have any pets - two of em
24. do you want to change your name - kinda?
25. what did you do for your last birthday - ate tacos and went to see Coco(cried like a lil bitch)
26. what time did you wake up today - 7:30am?
27. what were you doing at midnight last night - sleeping
28. what is something you can’t wait for - turning 18
30. what are you listening to right now - my brother watching Yu-Gi-Oh! like a total weeb
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - idk
31. something that’s getting on your nerves - my other brother refusing to take a shower after being his pants
32. most visited website - google?
33. hair colour - dark brown with blonde highlights
34. long or short hair - long
34. do you have a crush on someone - Ethan Dolan
35. what do you like about yourself - I prioritize other people
36. want any piercings? - kinda?
37. blood type - idk
38. ‎nicknames - Lily, Lil, Assclown, Mailob
39. relationship status - single
40. zodiac - Sagittarius
41. pronouns - they/she
42. fave tv shows - One Day at a Time, Riverdale, End of the F**king World
43. tattoos - none
44. right or left handed - right handed
45. ever had surgery - small one
46. piercings - on my earlobes
47. sport - volleyball
48. vacation - Mexico? I wanna go to Cali or UK
49. trainers - what does this even mean
more general
52. eating - nothing
53. drinking - nothing
54. i’m about to watch - myself clean cause my mom is coming home
55. waiting for - my weight loss
56. want - books, money
57. get married - maybe?
58. career - surgeon or pediatrician
which is better
59. hugs or kisses - hugs
60. lips or eyes - eyes
61. shorter or taller - taller
62. older or younger - older
63. nice arms or stomach - both
64. hookup or relationship - Eh relationship
65. trublemaker or hesitant - depends
have you ever
66. kissed a stranger - no
67. drank hard liquor - no
68. lost glasses - yea
69. turned someone down - oui
70. sex on first date - non
71. broken someones heart - idk
72. had your heart broken - LMAO yeah
73. been arrested - no
74. cried when someone died - duh
75. fallen for a friend - yeah I'm a ho
do you believe in
76. yourself - not really
77. miracles - yea
78. love at first sight - *attraction. Love is an illusion
79. santa claus - no
80. kiss on a first date - Eh maybe
81. angels - yeah
82. best friend’s name - Kennedy and Maria
83. eye colour - dark brown
84. fave movie - 10 Things I Hate About You, Bright, The Corpse Bride
85. fave actor - Chris Pratt hands down
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covid19updater · 4 years
COVID19 UPDATES: 07/14/2020
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US: Quest Diagnostics says its average turnaround time for #COVID19 tests is now 7 or more days for non priority 1 patients
India: India is now reporting close to 30k per day... with 1.4 billion people I'm not sure that's wild weasel, but given they're doing less testing than most sub-Saharan African countries the number could be 10x that.
Arizona: 3 Arizona teachers who shared a classroom got coronavirus. One of them died LINK
Florida: ALERT: Doctors in #Florida give dire warning. “#Miami is now the epicenter of the #pandemic. What we were seeing in #Wuhan 5 or 6 months ago, now we are there,. per Dr. Lillian Abbo, U of Miami infectious disease specialist
California: "we are on the border of going to red..." Los Angeles' Mayor hints that he could bring back a complete "stay at home" order...if conditions don't get better. He's color coded alerts. We're at orange now. Red is the highest level.
Mississippi: Governor- Over the last two weeks, our hospital system has started to become stressed to the point of pain. We are seeing the early signs and effects of it becoming overwhelmed. We had to suspend elective surgeries again. I’m not one of these guys that immediately dismisses any idea that challenges the expert status quo talking points. I’m pretty skeptical by nature. That’s healthy. But herd immunity is not anything like a realistic solution in the short or mid-term. I wish it was. Unless you’re willing to go without hospitals after a car wreck or heart attack, we need a different approach. Right now, despite mixed messages at the beginning, it seems like masks are the best bet. They’re a hell of a lot better than widespread shut downs. Please wear one! 
US: ‘I Can’t Keep Doing This:’ Small-Business Owners Are Giving Up LINK
Missouri: Drone video shows crowded house party where at least 5 tested positive for COVID-19 LINK
Texas:  TX: Abbott Says No to Shutdown, Tells Judges to Enforce Mask, Gathering Orders Instead LINK
World: Coronavirus: Heart scans of more than half of COVID-19 patients abnormal, scientists find LINK
RUMINT California: I wanted to post this for boots on the ground info. I am in So Cal and as of this afternoon's Gov Newsom's closure announcement, I decided I was going out to top up supplies. What I found was pretty sobering in Sam's Club. Produce section - the refrigerated section was practically empty. Produce that need no refrigeration is low. Meats were at 50%. Paper products are gone again. Seafood section freezer 50%. Dairy 60%. I think disruptions are happening but there's a media black out. If people didn't heed the last 3-4 months as a warning shot, they will be assed out. There's not a lot to go around and they're not gonna let the panic happen again. Society is fragile from the last riots. They're not going to clue anyone on the shortages anymore. To each his own. I took pictures to give my brother a forewarning so he can top up too. Just wanted to share. I know that if things are wonky here in Cali, Dominos will start falling everywhere else
UK: Leicester lockdown set to be extended as its coronavirus rate is still too high
California: San Francisco officials share dire COVID-19 projection for hospitalizations, deaths LINK
Argentina: Mystery as 57 Argentine fishermen test positive for coronavirus despite spending 35 days at sea and testing negative before they left LINK
Florida: Florida reports 9,300 new cases and 132 deaths, a record. Testing is down and the positivity rate is headed back up.
World: Discussion of virus strains. LINK
US: Alabama +40 DEATHS - RECORD. Florida +132 DEATHS - RECORD Arizona +92 DEATHS - 2ND WORST MARK
World: New understanding of the damage of SARS-CoV-2 infection outside the respiratory system LINK
Israel: Israeli Data Show School Openings Were a Disaster That Wiped Out Lockdown Gains. Of 1,400 Israelis diagnosed with COVID-19 last month, 657 (47 percent) were infected in schools. Now 2,026 students, teachers, and staff have it, and 28,147 are quarantined. LINK
Texas: A new round of mass testing is spotlighting another surge in coronavirus infections at Texas prisons. One prison has more than 750 inmates with the virus currently. At four lockups, more than 25% of inmates are actively infected.
US: U.S. Testing Czar Rebuts Trump, Warns of Rising Virus Death Toll LINK
Oklahoma: Record 993 new cases in Oklahoma, hospitalizations up 9.1% in past day to highest level since March 31
China: WHO team arrives in China to investigate virus. WILL NOT VISIT WUHAN LAB where virus was kept/modified/created. (You can’t make this stuff up...)
US: ‘It’s a hell show’: The truth from a doctor in the COVID-19 trenches LINK
World: UPDATE on airborne—newest aerosol study (CDC journal) indicates that coronavirus is persistent and stable up to 16 hours in the air! Typical air exchange every 20 min to 4 hrs, depending on ventilation. But up to 16 hours is worrisome
World: 10 Million Students Worldwide May Never Return to School Due to COVID-19 Pandemic - Report LINK
Texas: Texas reported 10,745 new cases today with 18.4% of tests positive and 87 new deaths. That's a new high for cases.
US: U.S. President Donald Trump says he holds China "fully responsible" for concealing the coronavirus and "unleashing it" on the world
Texas: As of today, the trauma service area that includes Galveston and Beaumont has ZERO open ICU beds.
World: Baby girl born with Covid-19 offers the 'strongest evidence yet' that the virus can be caught in the womb as doctors find traces of the infection in her placenta
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reggae-vibes-com · 4 years
Stay At Home - The Lockdown Mix
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In these days of social distancing, staying at home as much as possible or even total lockdown, it's good to focus on things that can bring happiness in one's life instead of letting negativity taking over. The power of music is one of the things that shouldn't be underestimated as it can bring joy and happiness in one's daily life. And thus here's something to fuljoy; "Stay At Home - The Lockdown Mix", featuring 46 tunes with mainly 'Home' or 'House' in the title, which are selected from Reggae Vibes Crew's collection. 1. Anthony Malvo feat. Redrose & Mikey Spice - Heaven Is At Home 2. Cocoa Tea - Come On Home 3. Ras Shiloh - Coming Home 4. Ras Teo - Father House 5. Addis Pablo - In My Father's House 6. Alaine - Make It Home Again 7. Busy Signal - Trading Places 8. Luciano - Going Home 9. Jahmel - Home Sweet Home 10. Derajah & Pakito Wilson - Ina Di Yaad 11. Cerassie Tea - Yad Home 12. Cali P - My Home 13. Dennis Brown - Stay At Home 14. Papa Tads - Pack Up And Go Home Boy 15. Half Pint - Mr Landlord 16. Black Crucial - Mr. Vincent 17. Michael Palmer - So Far Away From Home 18. Leroy Smart - I Am Going Home 19. Wailing Souls - Fire House Rock 20. Kenny Knots - Going Home 21. Tony Sexton - Coming Home 22. Emeterians - World Is Home 23. Jackie Mittoo & Soul Brothers - Home Made 24. Ken Boothe - Home Home Home 25. Delroy Wilson - Won't You Come Home 26. Windel Haye - Haunted House 27. Freddie McKay - Picture On The Wall 28. Bob Andy - Ive Got To Go Back Home 29. Freddie McGregor - Homeward Bound 30. Sugar Minott - A House Is Not A Home 31. Bunny Lye Lye & Queeny D'Empress - Come On Home 32. Romain Virgo - Wanna Go Home 33. Sanchez - Longing To Come Home 34. Nadine Sutherland - Coming Home 35. Kristine Alicia - Come Home Natty 36. Phillip Fraser - Coming Home 37. Iba Mahr - Travelling Home 38. Jesse Royal feat. Patrice - Waan Go Home 39. Protoje - Glad You're Home 40. Lisa Mercedez - Come Back Home (Netflix & Chill) 41. Lady Genius - I'm Coming Back Home To You 42. Puma Ptah - Home 43. Zamunda - Coming Home 44. Tom Laing - Come Back Home 45. Ras Attitude - Trodding Home 46. Miriam Simone - No Place Like Home Read the full article
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jane--thors · 4 years
Show edit
toilet baby/lily/buck fired and rehired
rollor coaster/
chims car accident/truck/surgery
plane crash        
on the second day of recovery and clean up several crews from texas, new mexico, and  arizona to help including the 126 from texas.
buck and judd meet as the 126 is leaving and reconcile and buck cooks a big breakfest for judds crew
judds crew leaves that morning and buck gos into work/indian wedding/bobbys story/buck notices that bobbys story sounds familiar but cant figure out why
-    -        
buck goes on a date with abby
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full moon weirdness
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hot balloon
-    -        
abbys mom dies and she leaves
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buck meets eddie and is imeadiatly pissy because he reminds buck of ///////// which sets   ssssssssssssssssshim on edge then the two bond over pulling a bomb out of a mans leg
-    -        
drunk girls and earthquake begins
-    -        
earthquake fallout/ eddie with his kid makes buck see him closer to nathen then //////////
-    -        
post earthquake cookout
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maddie and athena ride along
-    -        
dosed brownies
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ghost call
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buck gets bucked
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-    -        
-    -        
chim begins
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-    -        
doug dies
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neighbor hood boom
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oceans 9-1-1
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mail bombs
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truck bomb
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bucks injuries
-    -        
buck heals but also gets word that billy was involved in the death of franks family and that billy was beaten half to death by frank but dissapeared before the authorities got there.
-    -        
buck is cleared for duty but later that night he collapses due to a blood clot in his lung aggravating his old wounds(scar tissue in his leg and lungs)
hes rushed to the hospital and treated.
When he wakes he is told that the blood clot was due to the screws in his leg most likely
buck stays under observation for three days and is told he can go back to work.
Bobby tells him that he cant be cleared due to the clots.
Buck is upset as he is put on light duty and then transferred to the
then athena trys to help and invites buck to dinner buck points out that his new test cleared him for duty and asks when he can come back to work.
Bobby tells him that he isnt coming back since bobby cant be sure that buck is serious about his job
buck is hurt and leaves
buck is extreamly upset and gos to a bar to get drunk.
At the bar he airs hi work issues to jason a cop who begins talking about his hard case
the cop is trying to take down a lawyer who was abuseing his clients
buck offers to help
between the two it is decided that theyll meet early the next day
the next day jason buck and the station chief meet
it is decided that buck will file a fake lawsuit  and record everything the lawyer does {he uses dirtycops for info on those that his clients are sueing and once he wins a case he attacks the cleint and forces them to hand over ther money}
buck finds out that the man works with [OWENSWIFE] and points out that he be able to get her involved
[owenswife] is brought in and agrees to help placing devices around their offices
buck files
the 118 freaks
two months later they have enough evidence to take the lawyer down so buck ‘drops’ the case and the chief gives him his job back
buck comes into the station and the 188 is frosty to him
he plays nice since he gets it, he hurt them
that night he gos home to his apartment and downs a glass of tea not knowing that it was drugged by ,,,,,,,,,, who takes the opurtunity to attack buck when he cant fight back
the next day buck is late because he went to the er and got a kit done and gave a statement
bobby reams him and puts him on scut work
the team ets called out and eddie hangs back to ‘supervise’ buck (he noticed something is wrong with him)
buck feeling dizzy heads to clean the showers
eddie finds him ten minutes later passed out and burning up
eddie rushes him to the hospital where its found that he was having an alergic reaction to the drug ,,,,,,,,,,, gave him.
Eddie stays with him ad asks what the hell is going on
buck tells him that he cant tell him everything but that his exlawer had attacked him for dropping the case and turning down the 6mil dollor settlement and that he drugged him.
Eddie though still mad about the lawsuit is pissed and takes buck home.
Bobby calls upset that they left early
eddie tells bobby that something happened that he cant disclose but that hes handling it and expects bobby to trust him in this.
Bobby is worried but agrees to it and gives them both the week off
eddie gos back inside and finds buck asleep on the couch haed in chriss lap as the boy pets his hair.
Eddie puts buck in the bed in the spare room and tucks chris into his own bed.
The next day eddie keeps trying to help buck
buck pulls him to the side and asks him to not make a big deal out of things / that he just wanted to forget about the incident.
Eddie agrees but cant help himself so buck makes him go back to work
that day jason stops by bucks apartment and tells buck that,,,,,,,,,, was arested and is not an issue for him any longer since he pled out to get a lesser sentence
{owens wife} sues the lawyer for the money he had stolen frome her firm and its granted
she puts it all into and account for buck. She shows up to bucks apartment and meets chris (buck introduces her as his mi’ada)
she ends up cooking for them both
eddie comes by and also ends up eating
when buck is teaching chris about the meal [owens wif] made she pulls eddie to the side and makes him swear to take care of her son before heading to her house
buck heads to bed while eddie takes chris home
four months after the case was dropped buck is on a different shift then eddie
buck is off that day while eddie works so buck takes chris to see a movie but finds that its sold out
chris is upset so buck takes chris down to the peir to cheer him up
the tsunami hits
buck looses his grip on chris in the first wave but gets him back and keeps him safe
chris falls in the water and dissapears
buck spends the rest of the day looking for him
at 8:30 hes dragged to the va hospital by a concerned civilian
the docs try to get him treated but he sneaks out grabs a radio from an abandoned fire truck and heads back out
he finds chris at 11:30  pretty briused and tired but not scared
buck is astonished to see that chris is holding a 3 year old old baby
buck dosnt want to risk the children be moving them so he settles for checking them over while routenly calling out over the radio for help
he checks chris over first
he has bruises all over and his right knee is dislocated
buck realligns the knee and wraps it in his over shirt
then he checks the baby over only to go deadly still
the baby a girl is his baby nadia right down to the hetrochromia she got from nathen
the baby is unharmed
buck asks  chris how he found the baby
chris found her alone floating in a carseat
he took her out of the carseat cause “babies arnt supposec to sleep in carseats carla said it was bad for them”
buck finally geta station on the line not the 118 but itll do
he gets them to drop him at eddies abuales as she can get chris help
pepa takes chris buck abula and nadia to the hospital and while she sees to chris buck walks two blocks to the 118s house and grabs nadias paper work from his locker(kept there for safe keeping) then he returns and cheks nadia in
both kids are released that night and buck takes everyone to his apartment
(peppa dosnt want to be alone scared of looters)
finaly buck get eddie on the phone and tells him everything leaving out nadia
the 118 is still working but will be off soon
buck calls judd and is surprised to  find out that hes in cali with grace visiting graces father
judds there withen an hour and is estatic over nadia being alive and to happy to question it
but buck is concerned but decides to ignore it
after everyone catches a nap 2:00am to 6:00am buck gets everyon (peppa abuela chris nadia judd and grace to the station)
while abuela and grace occupy chris and keep an ey on nadia
judd peppa and buck cook tons of food that  judd delivers to nearby hospitals
michael shows up with karen denny harry and may in tow
harry denny and karen join abuelas group
while micheal joins judd and may joins buck
the 118 gets back at 9:00am and are stuned at how buck is handleing things
buck meets them at the door and insists that they shower and clean up before they go up since the kids are up therewhile they shower buck gives them a rundown of chriss health which freaks out eddie but buck points out that the boy is fine and is siting with eddies abuela and is practically crowing about finding nadia
eddie asks who nadia is and buck tells them that shes his daughter and that hes been looking for her for THREE years and SOMEHOW chris found her in the midst of a damn tsunami
hen makes a joke about his luck and eddie asks if shes ok
“yeah chris kept her safe and sound” buck then points out that peppa and abuela came to the station cause they were worried about looters but that chris is bribeing her with baby time and jokes that {buck}he’ll have to share his daughter to avoid causing drama
which makes everyone laugh
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1-57 >:3333
u think i wont bicth 
1. sexual orientation: bi
2. what im really bad at: hrnngh..viddy games,,
3. skipped 
4. best first date: uhhh i always thought a carnival would b a super cute first date!! 
5. description of my self esteem: not great?
6. best friend’s name: jeremy!! i love him a whole lot
7. favorite book: cracked or speak! i also really like as i lay dying
8. skipped
9. description of my best friend: the best, an angel, my soulmate, love love love wow what a great guy
10. favorite animal: uh a lotus mantis!
11. someone i miss; @seasaltvamp @whiskeydicking @ghost-catt
12. skipped 
13. what i did yesterday: went to school, napped, played the rest of tlg
14. greatest achievements: i won a debate in my book club in 7th grade once
15. description of who i dislike the most: he looks like a fucking over cooked spaghetti noodle but a fascist 
16. favorite songs: atm uhhh fior di latte by phoenix,so small by harley poe, and volcano by swans
17. skipped 
18. what i find attractive in the preferred gender: well i lov girls n uhhhh wow i just really love girls they’re all so perfect n ethereal 
19. pets: 2 dogs n 2 fish! my dogs r midnight and thumbelina and my fish r mokey and seraphim
20. favorite ice cream flavor: i dont like ice cream :o
21. where i want to be right now: @seasaltvamp‘s house
22. worst thing someone said to me: uhhh my dad used to tell me no one but him would ever love me so? probably that 
23. places I’ve visited: well i live in cali n ive been to washington, oregon, washington dc, n texas!
24. i’ll love you if: ur kind n i think ur funny! 
25. future plans: uh go to college n become a mortician hopefully!!
26. an internal conflict i have: yeah
27. what im doing tomorrow: going to school n then going to lunch w some friends 
28. what i want to be when i grow up: a mortician!
29. most embarrassing moment: i got sick in front of a crowd of ppl at school last year n it was terrible
30. two insecurities: uhhh my intelligence n the way other ppl perceive me
31. if i won the lottery: i would pay my mom’s debts n then buy all my friends st nice n then maybe buy my family a nicer house
32. skipped
33. favorite thing about myself: uhhhh my sense of humor?
34. pet peeves: ppl who r mean 4 no reason n also when ppl touch my things w out asking
35. bands ive seen live: oh geez uh my chemical romance, neon trees, black veil brides x4, sleeping with sirens, pierce the veil, nevershoutnever, falling in reverse, escape the fate, chelsea grin, cage the elephant n metallica (i was GROSS ok)
36. kids in the future? how many?: none
37. my idea of a perfect date: idk as long as we both have fun n its gay??
38. what im really good at: super mario bros. 
39. skipped 
40. where i would like to live: in the us, washington, whidbey island specifically and uh outside of the us germany or mayb sweden?
41. nicest thing said to me: a psychic in san francisco told me my aura was the most beautiful she’d ever seen n she offered me a free reading
42. do i like where i am now?: er no
43. what can i hear right now?: the rain plus my music
44. relationship w/ siblings: has its ups n downs
45. biggest worry: being a burden to those i love
46. something im waiting for: uh the ear stretching kit i ordered a couple days ago!
47. relationship w/ parents: mom; great dad; non existent 
48. something i shouldve said a long time ago: uhhhh le?
49. last text message received: “omg”
50. last text message sent: “sounds good”
51. what i hate about myself: lmao
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53. words that upset me: parabola and restaurant 
54. what i hate most about school: i go to an american public school, whats not to hate
55. what im wearing: my g way shirt tht i tie dyed n blue n white pj pants
56. last thing i ate: ramen
57. last thing i drank: cherry dr. pepper
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