#de mim
crtter · 15 days
Incredibly amused by this one upcoming anime that has a foreign girl as one of its main characters and she looks like your average token anime foreigner (white, blond haired, blue eyed, you know the drill), except she’s Brazilian. First time I ever see a blue-eyed blonde Brazilian character in literally any piece of non-Brazilian made media. If my grandpa was still alive I’d give him a call to congratulate him on the representation win.
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luffyttaro · 10 months
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satoru 🤝🏻 @lioncourtie = geto's slut
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max1mus · 9 months
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⠀ ✿𝅼 ㅤ 〖⠀미셸 〗⠀·⠀ ⠀finge :' que⠀!⠀﹠⠀⠀cê⠀?⠀tava⠀.⠀louca
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kiwicidios · 1 year
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      𓂂  𝆬   ˳ 🎀🍰      、   𓂂 ◌ 。 ︎
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doriedson73 · 8 months
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idollete · 1 month
acho que ta faltando uma representatividade das lobinhas diga ai juju do tumblr 🎤 quem que ia gostar de uma lobinha timida e ia amar provocar a coitada enquanto fala e faz ELA falar as coisas mais sujas do mundo so pelo prazer de ver ela ficando com vergonha
🎤🎤🎤🎤🎤 esse é o meu local de fala
FERNANDO CONTIGIANI & ENZO VOGRINCIC!!!!!!!! i know for a fact que esses dois adoram provocar, principalmente quando a leitora é envergonhada assim. no começo, eles acham uma graça. é claro que vão chegar nelas, vão ser mansinhos, cavalheiros como todo mundo sempre diz que eles são, vão dar uns beijinhos super castos no começo que só com o tempo vão ficando mais quentes. até aqui eles quem oferecem e falam tudo, perguntam se você quer ir pra casa e você sabe o que isso significa, porque só é tímida, não besta né. só que quando eles chegam lá, eles se transformam. vão te pegar pelo pescoço e dizer que você é bonitinha demais pra ser tão desesperada por pica assim e dizem "por que é isso que você é, né? desesperada. me deixou subir até aqui por isso, porque quer levar pau a noite toda" e te fazem repetir tudo isso, vão te fazer repetir que você é sim carente por pica, que é uma putinha, te fazem implorar, dizer as palavras mais sujas que conhecem "diz, mas diz assim, ó, 'por favor, destrói a minha bucetinha', bem vadiazinha, do jeito que cê é" (E DIGO MAIS, eles são a cara do corruption kink beeeeeijos!!!) (e eu meio que imagino o fernando fazendo a leitora se esfregar no sapato dele rsrsrsrsrsrs)
MATÍAS RECALT!!!!!!!!!! manas, ele consegue ser ainda pior, porque ele diz assim "porra, imagina só se alguém te vê assim...a menina boazinha que, na verdade, é uma puta quando quer levar pica. cê é sempre tão piranha assim? se for, eu acho que até me apaixono, mas só se você prometer que sempre vai fazer essa carinha de quem tá doida pra dar e não sabe como pedir" ele faz questão de constantemente te lembrar que qualquer outra pessoa ficaria chocada se te visse daquele jeito, porque você morre de vergonha disso. E OUTRA. ele é cruel, enquanto você não fizer o que ele quer, ele não te dá nada, vai te dizer pra se esfregar no colo dele e dizer o que quer, porque enquanto não falar você não goza, não. ele NÃO TIRA O SORRISO DO ROSTO EM MOMENTO NENHUM!!!!
eu também imagino o simón, mas em um cenário MUITO específico. que é um que ele pega a irmã do amigo dele (porque esse homem é o maior canalha aquariano nato que já existiu) e tudo tem que ser muito no off porque ela é a princesinha da família, mas o simón vai fazer essa garota falar as maiores atrocidades do mundo e ainda vai dizer que se ela pedir com jeitinho, ele dá um jeito de aparecer no quarto dela de madrugada só pra comer ela de novo
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cupcek · 1 month
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𓈒ིུ por quê apenas 'Amigos' ?
Isso nem faz sentido ❦🩰 . .
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ཐི Amigos & apaixonados ཋྀ 🥟 ꒰ ͟͡ || ͟͡ ꒱
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jaemskitty · 2 months
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Tão Dengosa — Kim Doyoung
gênero: smut
wc: doyoung!bigdick | subspace(?) | sexo desprotegido | size!kink | daddy!kink | agegap | degradação(?) | acho que isso é uma base.
n/a: doyoung se você não fosse um canalha sonso o que você seria?
Cada grunhido choroso seu era capitado pelos ouvidos do mais velho, o incentivando a ir cada vez mais forte, mais fundo, mais rápido.
Doyoung olhava no fundo dos seus olhinhos aguados e via ali um universo de coisas, sabendo o quão insana você estava; longe.
— Puta burra...— Ele sussurrou e impulsionou o quadril para cima, contra suas reboladas. — Shhh...— Te ouviu soluçar e quase gritar com aquele movimento proposital, e se perdia em seu aperto extremo contra o próprio cacete.
Doyoung desaparecia e ressurgia em seu ventre a cada estocada, deixando você completamente bobinha e hipnotizada enquanto mirava aquilo, aquele pau que te fodia e te empalava. Te preenchia e te machucava todinha por dentro. Kim Doyoung era um desgraçado.
Essa era a verdade.
Não conseguia pensar em mais nada a nao ser rebolar e tentar cavalgar naquele homem embaixo de si. Estava fraquinha, molinha, cansada e ofegante. Era uma bagunça de gemidos e lágrimas, aquele arrepio subindo desde os dedinhos dos pés até a sua nuca.
As grandes mãos de Doyoung agarraram-se em sua cintura e quase chegaram a fechar, detalhe esse que te deixava tonta, tomando impulso e você sabia o que aquilo significava; era seu fim.
— D-doyoung...P-papai, por favor...— Entre lágrimas e ofegos tentou alguma coisa conexa, mas não sabia sequer quantas vezes havia gozado ao redor daquele pau que te enchia.
Tão duro e profundo em sua bucetinha. Estava tão sensibilizada que qualquer movimento do Kim seria seu fim mais uma vez naquela noite.
— Por favor o quê, bebê? Me chama outra vez, vai...— Beijou seus lábios e o puxou entre dentes devagar, engolindo um solucinho seu. Doyoung queria te devastar.
— Pa-papai...— Suspirou e tentou soltar qualquer mísero som. Qualquer coisa que te desse uma liberdade.
Contraiu-se inteirinha nos braços do maior e porra, ele era enorme. Você era só uma garotinha desesperada em seu colo, empalada e suadinha. Esbanjando chororô se agarrou em Doyoung.
— Papai...Papai...P-papai por favor...N-não consigo...E-eu não posso...É d-demais...Ahn! — pornograficamente choramingou no final, desesperada, se acabando no pau daquele homem. Encostou a testa no ombro forte do mais velho e ouviu o sorriso nasalado do mesmo, e então se molhou inteira outra vez.
— Porra...Que bagunceira...— Te assistir revirar os olhinhos enquanto lágrimas escorriam e sua bucetinha o apertava era surreal, bem como ouvir os soluços. É, era esse o ponto que ele gostava de chegar antes de te encher de porra.
Com um sorriso ele te abraçou o corpinho, fechando os braços fortes ao seu redor como quem pega uma boneca de pelúcias, deitando então suas costas contra a cama e não desgrudando os peitos daquele abraço.
— Shhh... — Foi tudo o que se lembra de ter ouvido antes de se perder em algum lugar muito longe, suplicando por favor para sabe-se lá o quê.
Doyoung se enterrava em seu interior quentinho como se você pudesse dar conta de tanto, daquilo tudo; e você não podia.
Chorava como uma bebê levando aquela surra de pica que nunca havia levado. Todavia seu papai sabia o que era bom pra você. Suas perninhas balançando a cada investida e os barulhos molhados mesclados com os grunhidos graves de Doyoung e seu choramingado foram mais do que suficientes para que ele viesse.
O homem em cima de seu pequeno corpo então te puxou ainda mais pertinho, como se fosse possível, enfiando-se o mais profundo que conseguia e fora de si ele tocou-lhe o colo do útero e ali esporrou tudo o que tinha e o que não tinha.
Doyoung era possessivo. Com uma mordida entre seu pescoço e ombro ele sentiu cada sensação fodida daquela gozada.
A respiração pesada e os grunhidos ainda eram combustíveis para você, que mesmo inconsciente, ainda de olhos abertos o corpinho reagia com espasmos e arrepios.
— T-tão cheia... — Quase babando você sussurrou, longe.
— Tão dengosa...— Ofegante ele sussurrou, entre um sorriso e outro beijando sua testa suada demoradamente.
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macsoul · 1 year
Essa sou eu
Estou te mostrando todos os meus lados, espero que os melhores te façam querer ficar e que os piores não te assustem e te façam querer fugir, você até pode, mas espero que não desista de mim.
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mymainwastoocluttered · 2 months
Favor não comer a "casca" do panetone, os únicos nutrientes que você vai achar ali são os do câncer de estômago.
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mel-loly · 1 year
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redrobibin · 1 month
um abraço a todos os tugas preocupados com os resultados destas eleições <3
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scaravie · 5 months
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♡𝅼 🦢˚ㅤ ݂ㅤ ㅤ ֹ ⋆ ﹙la vaguelette﹚
nous pardonneras-tu, ô chère mère?
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xolilith · 4 months
[02:31] Hard to Love - JJH
Jaehyun permanece de olhos fechados naqueles instantes, o peito sobe e desce numa respiração calma e ritmada, embora o peso extra sobre seu peito. Seu corpo deitado sobre o dele respira igual, calmo, silencioso. Recuparam-se do êxtase anterior, do ato íntimo.
Estar deitada sobre ele daquela forma parece muito mais íntimo do que minutos atrás. Mais do que nua, está vulnerável. O pensamento te faz se mexer, incomodada. De repente, quer se livrar dos braços que a rodeiam. Entretanto, a voz que carrega uma ponta de graça, apesar do teor sério e baixo, preguiçoso, te detém.
– Não se mexa.
Você murmura uma falsa mentira, tenta justificar "você tá suado".
– Não. – Nega. Questiona. – Já quer fugir?
Você respira fundo, encolhe o corpo, envergonhada por ser pega. Não tenta sair mais. Jaehyun usa uma das mãos para alisar o perímetro da sua lombar, lento, permanece em silêncio mais uma vez antes de retomar.
– Eu sinto como se nós fôssemos um único corpo, assim, estáticos. – O Jung justifica. Indaga – Você não gosta?
Você torce os lábios numa linha fina, receosa em responder.
– Eu não sei se gosto.
Jaehyun não se sente incomodado com a resposta.
– Por que?
Você respira fundo, fecha os olhos. Jaehyun... Jaehyun era tão desconcertante com essas perguntas, com as sensações além do desejo. Desconcertante. Parecia querer demais.
– Parece demais. – Pigarreia. – Você quer muito, Jaehyun, e eu não posso te dar tanto.
Finaliza, baixinho, como se fosse um segredo.
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wisteria-lodge · 6 months
For  *spooky season.* I suspect this will be easier than sorting the heroes, who tend to be reactive while villains are very clear about what they want and what exactly they’re going to do to get it. Let’s see if this ends up being the case. 
I go into a lot more detail about this character analysis system here, and talk about the move away from the HP terminology here. But here are the basics: 
BADGER ~ Loyal to the group.
SNAKE ~ Loyal to yourself and your Important People.
LION ~ Subconscious Idealist. Ideals are linked to feelings and instincts.
BIRD ~ Conscious Idealist. Ideals are linked to built systems and external facts.
BADGER ~ Connect with the group. Make allies, work steadily and well. Be whatever the situation calls for. If you find a locked door, knock.
SNAKE ~ Connect with the environment. Notice things. Tell people what they want to hear. If you find a locked door, get in through the window.
BIRD ~ Collect skills, knowledge, tools, personas, useful friends. If you find a locked door, track down the key or learn to pick the lock.
LION ~ Be honest, be direct, speak your truth. Either the obstacle is going down or you are. If you find a locked door, kick it in.
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So. I know that in Snow White the Queen's Thing is Vanity, but.  The ‘Vain Villainess’ trope is about the fear of becoming less powerful in a world that only values you for your looks.... which doesn’t actually seem to be her issue? The Queen seems pretty darn unchallenged in her universe. That’s almost part of the problem - there’s an addiction/obsession/paranoia flavor to the way she’s constantly checking in with the Mirror.
I don’t think the Queen is actually obsessed with Snow White’s beauty. I think she’s obsessed with her innocence, her “heart” (that’s literally what she asks the Huntsman to bring her, Snow’s heart in a box.) Snow White isn’t just the “fairest” as in the prettiest, but the fairest as in the most fair-minded, the most honorable. The presence of Snow, with her optimism, kindness, and trust is an existential threat, proof that the Queen is going about things all wrong. Her power definitely has a edge of sadism: She forces Snow to wear rags (none of the other princesses wear *rags.*) And I’ll be haunted by this image of the Queen’s dungeons forever.
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So even though my first instinct was to go Hedonist Snake primary for the Evil Queen, that’s not right. She’s not focused on enjoying herself. She doesn’t seem conscious enough of her own desires to be a Bird, and Exploded Lion is possible… but I’m going with Burnt Badger. An obsession with being “Fairest of them all” seems to suggest a group-focused, External-facing primary, and I absolutely see how the extremely UnBurnt Badger Snow White would really get under a Burnt Badger’s skin. 
Obviously a Bird secondary. The Evil Queen is Mad Scientist coded, even has a literal evil laboratory. The “Old Crone” plan features a transformation, a costume, and is very much an Actor Bird persona.  
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While she does seem to get some sort of sadistic pleasure out of controlling Cinderella, the Wicked Stepmother’s main motivation is her daughters. Her daughters kind of suck, but that doesn’t actually matter. The Stepmother is going to make sure they get that happy ending, with all the targeted loyalty of a Snake Primary. There’s a Badger secondary in there too, which you can see in the way she’s… subtle. The Stepmother takes away Cinderella‘s privilege bit by bit… but never actually goes after her directly. She manipulates her daughters into doing her dirty work (like the way they tear up Cinderella’s dress) so she can always maintain plausible deniability. She’s prim, she’s proper, she’s Lady Tremaine. Dark Courtier Badger, all the way. 
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This Queen’s thing is that she’s childish. She wants what she wants NOW. Doesn’t matter if it makes sense, doesn’t matter if it’s impossible. The Queen of Hearts functions as both a lesson to Alice (authority figures don’t always know what they’re talking about) and as a warning (this could be you if you don’t navigate the transition to adulthood properly.) I see a very young Glory Hound Lion primary in the way she forces everyone else to cheat so she gets the emotional reward of winning the croquet game. I also want to attribute the Queen of Hearts’ extremely short fuse to her Lion primary - she acts on what she’s feeling the *second* she starts feeling it, and never questions this. Also she's a Lion secondary. There’s no plan. She lives in Wonderland. She’s living moment to moment.
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Unlike the Queen of Hearts, Captain Hook does not seem to be *of* the magical land he lives in. He is this outside force trying to impose order on Neverland, leading the only rigid organization there and constantly tying up/imprisoning the main characters. Hook is also the only one th threatened by the concept of time (the ticking crocodile.) *Peter* will never grow old. But somehow Captain Hook will? Or feels like he will? Tradition also says that the actor playing Wendy’s controlling father should play Hook as well, so there's definitely something about toxic order or toxic control going on (the Disney film uses the same voice actor in both roles.) So in the world of Peter Pan, Hook/Father becomes representative of adulthood/society/the Man. That makes him an Authoritarian Badger primary, defined by his organizations.
For his secondary - Hook’s not much of a planner. He’s most effective while he is talking an angry Tinker Bell into helping him, and in that scene he’s charming. He flatters her, pivots according to what he thinks she wants to hear, and while Courtier Badger secondary is possible, I think this feels more like Snake. (I also think you have to be some kind of Improvisational secondary in order to hold your own against Peter.) It makes sense - Hook has to be appealing and seductive as well as threatening, because that's kind of what adulthood is.
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Maleficent’s feels socially slighted in a very *abstract* way. She doesn’t seem to have an emotional response to either the other fairies OR the King and Queen OR Aurora. Her curse doesn’t have anything to do with with her social standing, or her power, or her role in the kingdom. We actually don’t know what Maleficent’s deal is. Maybe by not inviting her to the christening the kingdom has broken some important Rule of hers. Or maybe she’s just torturing people because she’s bored, and this is a fun Project. (That is her plan with Phillip after all, and this image will ALSO always haunt me.)
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But either way, she’s a Bird primary. The only question is if she’s more of a System-Building Bird, or a Project Bird. 
Unusually for such a cold villain, I think I want to give her a Lion secondary. She’s patient, and her plans take place over long time-frames, but the plans themselves are direct - “When your daughter turns sixteen, I will kill her.” Done. Also, when Maleficent is threatened, she turns into a giant dragon who certainly does not plan, and her goons (while useless) are very loyal. So another point for Inspirational secondary.
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Cruella wants a coat made out of Dalmatian puppies. That’s  it. So I'm putting her in the same category as Hannibal Lecter, someone doing this for the *art,*  the ~*~aesthetic~*~ of the thing. But unlike Hannibal, nothing about Cruella is cold or considered. I don’t think she’d be able to tell you why she wants that Dalmatian coat apart from “It’s fabulous, darling.” So instead of going Bird primary (the typical Weird Villain sorting) I’m saying she's a Lion. Cruella seems to have an aesthetic-based morality: "fabulous" and "non-fabulous," instead of "good" and "bad." She’s a Fay Lion primary, like Jack Sparrow.
Her secondary is harder. She definitely has goons, but they’re useless, and don’t seem to like her much. She doesn’t plot or face-change. She clearly likes Anita and doesn’t like Roger, and never bothers to mask this. Cruella first tries to buy the puppies - then sort of seems surprised when this doesn’t work? Honestly, the main impression I get from her is that she’s… not trying very hard. She only really starts to care right at the very end, when she’s driving with wild hair and crazy eyes, as her roadster falls apart around her. I’m going with Lion secondary to reflect that tendency she has to operate at either 1% or 100%.
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Madame Mim has a sort of a professional rivalry going on with Merlin, and dislikes that Wart calls him “the greatest wizard in the land.” So of course she challenges him to a wizard duel. She wants to be the best, she wants to win… and that’s all there is to it. So we have another Glory Hound Lion primary. 
It’s very clear that Madame Mim loves transformation. She switches between her different faces as many times as she possibly can over the course of a single conversation. Notably, she has a sexy version of herself that she uses to charm people into doing what she wants… and there’s no reason she couldn’t wear that all the time. But she doesn’t want to. Mim gets a lot of joy out of her fluid Snake secondary, and when she’s not solving a problem she just wants to chill out in Neutral. 
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Prince John’s motivation has a couple of  layers. Obviously, he’s a *little* bit too excited about taxing on the citizens of Nottingham… but that’s because he’s overcompensating. His main visual design element is a crown that doesn’t fit. He’s not King John, he's Prince John, only in charge until his other (better) brother Richard comes home from the Crusades. That’s why he’s so easily flattered - he’s incredibly insecure. But his conflict isn't with Richard, exactly. It’s really... mommy issues. Everything John does is to please Mummy (an off screen-character.) Very Exploded Snake primary. 
Secondary is hard because John is incompetent. He mostly solves problems by pointing the Sheriff of Nottingham at them. It’s a running joke that he doesn’t actually listen to his advisor Sir Hiss, who generally has the right idea but isn't a suck-up. I guess John does lay kind of sophisticated traps for Robin Hood?  They don’t work, but the intent at least is Bird. So I guess I would have to go with that - a pretty incompetent Bird secondary. 
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Unlike Madame Mim and Merlin, whatever Basil of Baker Street and Ratigan have going on does not feel like a professional rivalry. Technically Ratigan is plotting a coup… but he spends approximately 85% of his on-screen time entirely focused on Basil. They are at least ex-friends who now hate each other (and it’s really easy to read them as straight-up bitter exes.) Even his hatred of being called a “rat” seems to be linked to Basil - that's an insult Basil uses, implying that Ratigan is motivated by hedonism and ego, and not by the purity of the puzzle the way that Bird Primary Basil is. Really, he’s criticizing Ratigan for having a Snake primary motivation. 
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Ratigan is very obviously a very loud Bird secondary. He loves lists, he loves Rube-Goldberg devices. He’s based off Professor Moriarty, it's Snake Bird all the way down.
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So Ursula wants to take over, be the new monarch of the sea… which is usually a Glory Hound Lion motivation. But there's the implication the she's doing this to specifically screw over Triton... which would make her more of a Snake. Ursula also has a *very* hedonistic approach to life, something you often see in Snake primaries with small circles. It's just her and her “babies," the eels Flotsam and Jetsam. He eels also seem very emotionally important to her, as far as villain minions go. This could be another example of Snake primary loyalty.
I don't know, I just think a Lion primary Ursula would be angrier, more of a Scar. She’s doing her own thing, an makes use of an opportunity that falls into her lap. This is structurally a story about King Triton (who has the big emotional arc and the most character change) so it makes sense that she is specifically a Triton villain, and Ariel was just unlucky enough to get in the way.
I'm actually going to say Bird secondary for Ursula. I agree that she gives off Snake secondary *vibes,* and absolutely might model or perform it for fun. But the way she wins over Ariel is by spouting facts very fast and very confidently, then getting her to sign a bad contract. It’s a Corrupt Lawyer beat more than anything. Vanessa, Ursula's alternate form, is more an Actor Bird transformation (Wicked Queen style) and less a Snake secondary playing around (Madame Mim style.) Vanessa is Ursula's version of Ariel - she even speaks with Ariel's voice - and that's a Bird secondary approach. When Ursula‘s plans start falling apart, she doesn't pivot. She starts looking very Lion secondary - exactly like Bird secondary Ariel does when she’s overwhelmed.
Double Lion -  Queen of Hearts, Cruella De Vil
Lion Snake - Madame Mim
Snake Bird - Prince John, Professor Ratigan, Ursula
Snake Badger - Wicked Stepmother
Badger Snake - Captain Hook
Badger Bird - Evil Queen
Bird Lion - Maleficent
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duckolojikal · 7 days
what if we were witches living together in our castle sleeping in the same bed
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