#dead bird and pro masks
luxaofhesperides · 1 month
if you give a ghost a trauma: a parody fic
read on ao3.
Danny wishes to be sent someplace he could have a better family. Unfortunately, that lands him in a Gotham where tropes are made reality to the extreme. He really just can't catch a break. (or: a dcxdp parody fic where i make danny the only one able to see how bizarre things are. this does not help him in any way.)
. . .
“We’re gonna get you!” Maddie Fenton, a Bad Parent™ cries as she shoots her gun at Danny, her half dead son.
“No!” he wails, flying around as he dodges the shots. “I wish my parents weren’t trying to capture me for Evil Science Reasons! I wish I had a better family!”
“Lol, done,” said Desiree, snapping her fingers. 
Danny only has time to say Uh-oh before he’s sucked away into a magic portal and spit out into a dark and dreary city. In just the one second he’s there, before he even hits the ground, he hears gunshots, screaming, and the wailing of police sirens. Then he hits the ground and groans, releasing his ghost form to go back to being a human. 
“Where am I?” he asks himself, getting to his feet and looking around. The alleyway he’s in is empty and full of garbage just scattered around. Wherever he may be, it clearly needed to invest more in its sanitation department. 
He spots a fire escape on the side of a building and uses it to climb onto the rooftop, a totally normal course of action. Then he stares at the city, glowing with the street lights and neon business lights and a spotlight with the shape of a bat in it glowing on the clouds. 
“This might as well just happen,” Danny says, “My life is already so weird anyway.”
He stands there for some time, at a loss of what to do next. The wind is cold and brings with it a promise of rain, and from the looks of the dark clouds above him, it’s going to rain soon. Danny needs shelter, fast.
“Hey, kid, you okay?” says someone who snuck up behind him.
Danny shrieks and jumps, nearly going over the edge of the roof.
“Woah!” the person says, grabbing his arm and pulling him back to safety. “That was close!” 
Danny blinks up at his savior, then squints. This guy’s definitely not normal, since he’s wearing a domino mask and a lightly armored black suit with a blue bird emblem stretching across his chest. 
“Way to nearly kill him, Nightwing,” says a new person, dropping down onto the roof from the sky. This new person wears red and black, a pair of bandoliers crossing over his chest. 
“Well, I saved him, didn’t I!”
“Um, hi,” Danny interjects. “Thanks for grabbing me before I fell, but who are you?”
“You don’t know who we are?” blue bird asks rather incredulously.
“Do you think I’m asking just for fun.”
Red and black steps in with a smile. “I’m Red Robin, that’s Nightwing. We’re vigilantes trying to keep Gotham safe.”
Danny makes an educated guess that the city they’re currently in is Gotham. Not a city he’s ever heard before, but what does he know?
“Okay,” he says. There’s really not much else he can say.
“You never answered my question,” Nightwing says. “Are you okay?”
“Oh, yeah, just fine. No idea where I am or how to get home, but it can always be worse, you know?”
“Did you get lost?” Red Robin asks, pulling a holographic computer up from his wrist. Tucker would kill to get his hands on something like that. Danny wonders if he can get his own as a souvenir. 
“Something like that, yeah,” he replies. Another few gunshots ring out loudly through the streets, closer than they were before. Danny flinches, then ducks down a little, looking back towards the street apprehensively. “Um. You guys gonna do anything about that?”
The two vigilantes shrug, as if that’s an acceptable course of action. And then a hand shoots up and grabs the edge of the roof by Danny’s foot, making him jump in the air. Nightwing catches him yet again and moves him away from the ledge. 
A red helmet, leather jacket wearing guy built like a pro-wrestle hauls himself up the roof easily. There are guns tucked into holsters on his thighs and a red, block bat stuck on his chest. 
“Should I be concerned,” Danny says blankly. 
“Nah, it’s just Red Hood,” Red Robin replies, “The only person he ever tries to kill is me.”
“Cause you’re a replacement. And also, get over it, that was ages ago We’re good now. I haven’t even had a Pit Rage episode in months!”
“So the bullets you shot at me last week were just for fun?”
“Yeah, and they were rubber, so it’s not like you would have gotten hurt.”
Danny takes a few steps closer to Nightwing, hiding behind him. He’s getting bad vibes all around from that guy. 
“Tch,” a new voice says right behind Danny, making him flinch. A young boy with a sword steps out from behind him and joins the crew of vigilantes just hanging out on the roof. “As if he’s even worth that much attention.”
“Hello to you too, Demon Brat,” Red Robin says.
“How many of you are there?” Danny asks. “Don’t you need to like, protect the city?”
“Batgirl and Spoiler are working on it,” Nightwing says.
“We’re doing what?” another voice says, and a energetic blond girl dressed in purple armor hops onto the roof, tucking her grappling hook away. Following her is another person in all black, face fully covered, with stitches covering the mouth portion to make it seem as though they can’t talk. The person leaves the blond girl behind to head straight to Danny, making him take a few nervous steps back. 
“Dead,” she says, poking his chest with a finger.
Is that a threat? It feels like a threat. 
“No?” he tries. 
“What are you talking about, Batgirl?” Red Hood interrupts. “We all know the only dead person here is me.”
Everyone promptly groans, telling him to shut up about it and go one night without mentioning his death. 
Okay, that seems concerning! Is he another halfa? Is he like Vlad? Danny’s going to be so mad if he got dropped into another world directly into the hands of another Vlad. 
“You’re dead?” he asks, leaning away from Batgirl as she pokes him once more. 
“Same hat?” Danny tries, squinting at him.
“The fuck?” is the answer, which tells him that he probably doesn’t know what Danny’s on about. There’s still a 6% chance that he’s just lying to make Danny look like a fool, though. 
6% is more than 5%, which means it’s enough for him to just act on instinct and walk right up to the gun-wielding Red hood. He tries to consciously use his ghost sense, which is an odd feeling that reminders him of the moment before he hiccups. 
A light blue mist wafts out his mouth. 
Yep, the rumors are true: this man is dead.
“Once, again,” Red Hood says, “The fuck?”
“Seconded,” Nightwing adds.
“Third!” Spoiler joins in. 
Danny takes a page out of Batgirl’s book and pokes Red Hood’s chest. It’s very solid, only hard muscle, and reminds him a bit of Dan. That’s never a good sign. Something about Red Hood is making his skin crawl though, a sense of wrongness that sets alarm bells ringing in the back of his mind. 
“Did you come back instantly when you died?” he asks.
The white lenses of Red Hood’s helmet turn neon green. “Why the fuck are you asking me that.”
“Just checking. The green I’m seeing right now is making me think you’re a halfa.”
“What’s a halfa?” Red Robin interjects.
“An unlucky soul like me,” Danny responds, distracted. He lays his palm flat against Red Hood’s chest. The vigilante holds still, as if frozen, letting Danny do as he please. The ectoplasm he feels in other ghosts is usually calm, made unique by the personality of the ghost it belongs to, but it doesn’t roil and try to hurt the host like the ectoplasm in Red Hood is doing. 
He pulls back and looks around at the circle of vigilantes surrounding him. “Can anyone answer how he came back? Where did he even find this must rotten ectoplasm?”
“Pit,” Batgirl helpfully answers.
“Pit,” Danny repeats. “Like a pit of death? Toxic sludge? Landfill pit gone evil? What am I working with here.”
“Lazarus Pits,” the little one with the sword says. “How do you know about them?” He then pulls out his sword and points it at Danny, ignoring the way Nightwing hisses Robin, no! 
His name is Robin? Isn’t that just Red Robin’s name? Did this Robin have a color added to his name as well? 
“I literally don’t, but if it’s green and weird, then it’s probably ecto.” He turns back to Red Hood. “I’m gonna take care of it now.” And then he shoves his hand into Red Hood’s chest, ignoring the alarmed shouts from the other vigilantes. They try to pull him away, but Danny goes intangible, making their hands fall right through him as he gets a good grip on the ecto, sending his own out in a steady stream to chase the rotten flow towards his hand, then yanks it out. 
It’s green and goopy in his hands, steaming slightly in the air. “Ew,” Danny says. “That’s nasty. You were just living with this inside you?”
Red Hood doesn’t seem to hear him. 
Red Hood takes off his helmet and stares at the rotten ectoplasm in Danny’s hand. Nightwing approaches him cautiously, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“Hood? You doing okay? How are you feeling?”
“It’s gone,” Red Hood answers, shocked. “The Pit Rage. It’s gone. I haven’t felt this clear headed since before I died.”
“That must have sucked,” Danny says empathetically, then shakes the nasty ecto off his hand. It lands on the roof with a wet splat. 
Once again: ew.
“How did you do that?” Red Robin asks, crowding into Danny’s space. Batgirl slides up behind him, trapping him between them. 
“Did you not just watch me yank it out? It was easy. Anyways, y’all got jobs to do, and I got places to go. So I’ll see you never!”
He tries to fly away, but only manages to get a few feet before he’s pulled down by multiple people grabbing at him.
“What is going on here,” A low, gravelly voice demands. Yet another vigilante appears, gliding out of the shadows. This one is much bigger than everyone else, cloaked in darkness, with a helm that has two little ear things poking out on top. 
“Batman,” Robin says, “This meta cured Hood of his Pit Madness.”
“I see,” Batman replies, looking Danny over. “Are you an orphan?”
What the fuck. Who just asks that?
“Are your parents well?”
“Sure? My mom was pretty energetic while shooting at me before I came here.”
“You do not have to be unsafe in your home again,” Batman says, grabbing something out of his tactical fanny pack. “You can live with us instead.”
He holds out fucking adoption papers.
Danny backs up as fast as he can, shaking his head. “Oh, no! No you don’t! I did not trade one fruitloop for another!”
“No new brother?” Batgirl asks sadly. 
“Definitely not,” he insists. “No thank you! I’m fine as I am and fully plan on going home.”
Batman frowns. “You said your mother was shooting at you.”
“Yeah, and? The food in our fridge comes to life every meal and we have to fight it. This is normal for us. Chill out and put those papers away.”
The entire crew of vigilantes seems very put out with Batman obligingly puts the adoption papers away. 
“Yeah, I’m done here. Go back to protecting the city. I’m just gonna… go.”
Danny doesn’t wait for them to say anything else before flies away, remembering to go intangible this time. He soars through the polluted streets of Gotham, weaving between tall buildings made with dark stone and decorated with gargoyles. It’s all very dark and dreary, which means Sam would love it.
She would not be loving the pollution, though. Danny certainly isn’t. 
“I wish I could go home,” he says loudly, looking up at the sky expectantly. 
No magic portal appears to yoink him back. 
“I wish I was at home again, and not here!”
Desire does not appear to help him out. She leaves him stranded in Gotham, pouting at the sky until he gives up and flies down to sit on a new roof and angst about his situation. Hopefully this time a gaggle of vigilantes won’t bother him.
Resting his head against his hands, he sighs. Then again, and again, loudly. “Man, this sucks,” he says to himself.
“What’s got a kitten like you so down?” someone says behind him.
“I’m so tired of random people sneaking up behind me on rooftops,” he informs them without turning around. If they wanna talk to him, they gotta got to him, not the other way around.
“Ah, ran into the Bats, did you?”
They’re called Bats? But only two were Bats. None of the other vigilantes fit the theme. That’s just lazy and inconsistent. They should rebrand to something better.
The person walks over and sits down next to him. Danny glances over and is startled to find a woman in a leather body suit, with a hood that has cat ears and googles with an orange tint. 
…Is everyone in this city just dressed strangely at all times? Is this the normal fashion of Gotham?
“What’s wrong? Cat got your tongue?”
“Sorry, didn’t mean to stare. Who are you?”
The woman laughs. “Oh, so you haven’t heard of Catwoman?”
“Nope. No clue who you are.”
“Well,” she purrs, “A pleasure to meet you. I’m a thief.”
The dots connect in his mind. “Like a cat burglar!”
“Yes, like that.”
“Man, this city is wild and I come from a place that deals with ghosts on a daily basis.”
“So what are you doing in a place like this? Gotham isn’t kind to newcomers.”
Danny sighs, yet again, and tilts his head back to look up at the cloudy, starless sky. “I made a dumb mistake and got sucked into a magic portal that spit me out here. I have no clue how I’m going to get home.”
“Do you have a place to stay?”
He glares at Catwoman. “I’m not open to being adopted. I’ll just eat any papers you send my way.”
“I wasn’t planning on it,” she reassures, “I have no interest in being a mother. But I have a spare bedroom if you need it, and I wouldn’t mind teaching you a few tricks of the trade. It’ll be fun, messing with Batman.”
Ah, so she’s doing this for Trickster Reasons. Danny can respect that. 
And he also doesn’t have any other options. Considering how much gun violence and general violence he’s hearing in this city, he’ll probably be killed an embarrassing number of times just from trying to find a place to sleep on the streets for one night. Between cold, dangerous streets with storm clouds hanging heavy over his head or a guest bedroom in the home of a thief with a theme, there’s really no choice.
“If you don’t mind me hanging around, I’d really appreciate having a place to sleep until I figure out a way home.”
“Come along, then! I was just about to turn in for the night.” Catwoman stands up, stretches, then takes hold of the whip on her waist and snaps it out. She takes a running leap off the building, then throws her whip out to wrap around a billboard to swing across the street. 
Danny watches her go, then follows her lead, flying behind her, ready to catch her just in case. But Catwoman moves with ease, clearly experienced in recklessly moving through the streets, and makes her way to a highrise apartment with no trouble at all. 
They land on a balcony just as the sky rumbles with ominous thunder. Another second later, and the clouds open up and heavy rain begins to fall. 
Catwoman throws the door open and they both scramble to get inside before they get drenched. The lights flick on, revealing a stylish modern apartment, filled with art pieces and ornamental bonsai trees. A few quiet cries come from corners of the room, and then cats appear, one after another, moving around Danny’s legs curiously before turning to Catwoman. 
“That was a close one,” Catwoman says conversationally as she takes off her hood and googles, revealing her face. Her pixie cut is messy and her eyes are bright and sharp, just like a cat’s. “I suppose since we’re going to be working together from now on, that we properly introduce ourselves.” She holds out a hand for to shake. “Selina Kyle. I look forward to the trouble we’ll cause together.”
Danny stares down at her hand, then takes hold of it. Looks like he’s going to be a thief! Well, it’ll be a fun story for later. 
He doesn’t want his name attached to his new life of crime, though. And, he figures, this is a fresh start. New life, new name. There’s one that pops into mind immediately, and he latches onto it, ready to step into the world of crime. 
“Call me Neal Caffrey,” he says, shaking her hand. “I’m ready to start when you are.”
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trying414 · 11 months
Maribat Prompt
This was titled post-idea, and i literally just copy-pasted my note, so thats why theres the crying prompt thing at the bottom.
Also, none of this is meant to be offensive or anything. I wholly support all genders/sexualities. And I'm pro-choice. So if this is offensive, I'm so sorry, and please let me know (gently, im sensitive) so I can try to correct myself ❤️
Damian ladybug, Marinette black cat
"Father, I have acquired a kitten. I'm keeping her. She's MINE." (Stake his claim so no adoption occurs. But also the kitten joke because he loves animals.)
"Holy shit, it's hereditary." (I've definitely seen this line with Mari being a cat, but she's always with a bird. Not a bug. Which is fun for the cat-who-got-the-canary plays, but not what I'm going for with this idea.)
He can become red bird or something, I don't know. He can't be ladybird. I know that would relate, but he's not a lady.
Maybe he does it just to spite people
And take down sexist, discriminating assholes
He might
His brothers would laugh, but they would get behind the cause
It would seem so out of character
But he would enjoy trolling people
Maybe the bats mention ladybird strategically
People are looking for a female
And then as soon as one starts talking shit, BAM!
(Those two lines were a reference to a play I was in when I was in high school and they fit perfectly 😂)
😘 drink your respect women juice, kids
And accept all.
Oh my God, though.
I know this started as damian, but could you imagine dick or Jason? Maybe even Tim. I feel like damian is just the least likely to pull this shit.
"Ladybird is a dude wtf"
Cue fake tears "I'm TRANS you PRICK"
he's not, but he supports whole heartedly and that will teach them not to assume one's gender
Suddenly, gothamites have united for Trans rights. Pride month is bigger than before. And gothamites protect their own. Someone says shit about their "Trans" bat? Oh FUCK no. And all the Trans gothamites finally feel represented. Whichever batbro is playing that part takes pride in helping them feel represented. He may not be Trans himself. But he knows how important it is to feel like you matter.
Bonus if it's Jason because he lived on the streets. He knows what being Trans and unaccepted can do to people, whether it be murder or suicide or rape. He's seen them turn to "hormone therapies" found on the street because they can't afford proper medical help or their family doesn't support it and the drugs are a bad batch or laced with something or not even the correct drug at all, and the next thing he knows, they're addicts or dead. Fuck yes he's going to represent.
Give him a more tragic backstory. Maybe he had a trans friend on the street that wasn't accepted by their family. Maybe he tried to help them get the drugs or tried to talk them out of it (having seen his own mother). And they died for it. So when he has the opportunity to represent, he takes it. No one knows if he's mtf or ftm. Maybe he's nonbinary or genderfluid (though I'm pretty sure that's not trans? I could be wrong. And if I am, please gently correct me. I want to learn, not be attacked.) Hell, maybe he's nb or genderfluid outside of the mask. I don't know. I don't think he would be trans, if I'm being honest. The only one I think I could really see as trans is Tim. Though, I'm sure there are great ways to spin Jason as trans, and no hate on that. Just not for this au (though if someone wants to run with this idea and make him trans, I have no problem with that, and I will happily read it 😊)
Fuck, I just wrote a whole goddamn prompt 😭
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thestormkitten · 1 year
The Nature Trail: Part 3
Author Note: Welcome back to the final part of this sweet little story. 
If you’re new here... this is part three to this.. part 1 and this... part 2
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: cursing, fluff, angst, reader is quirkless, somewhat heated moment
The following days were a blur for you. You left the apartment you shared with Midoriya. Mrs. Walters had an apartment above her bakery that she would rent to you for free if you helped her during the holiday and rush seasons. You avoided social media not wanting to see any more pictures of Bakugou with his new fling or be there when news got out that you and Midoriya were no longer seeing each other.
You changed your lunch with a coworker for a later time. You knew Bakugou was going earlier so you would go later so you could avoid those intense red eyes with everything you could. 
Yet, the trees of the trail were lackluster even with their fresh spring greenery. Even as birds hummed and more people began using the path in the warmer weather you felt like the trail you once held so dearly was dead. Yet, you walked it everyday as if you were visiting a grave of a deceased loved one. You tried to find happiness and comfort in the memories but you still felt a growing emptiness in your chest. 
“Time, my dear, it’s all you can do,” Mrs. Walters told you one evening while you worked beside her after hours. You helped make a large birthday cake for a child’s party. “With time you’ll find your happiness.” 
You hadn’t told her about Bakugou, you weren’t even sure if she knew that you knew each other. So, you assumed she had meant Midoriya. 
You just nodded and continued to mix the batter. 
“I’m thinking of getting some weekend help around here!” She carried on cheerfully. “You wouldn’t mind someone else down here would you?” 
You smiled to yourself at her kindness and consideration of you. “Of course not Mrs. Walters. You do whatever it is you have to do!”
 Weeks had passed since the hero gala and Bakugou searched endlessly for you each day on the trail. He went back to his usual time hoping to catch you. He even found himself waiting outside the door hoping you’d see him. He just wanted to apologize and wish you a happy marriage to Deku.  No matter what he wanted or what he thought you deserved it wasn’t his decision and after a very long night of puking, and a very deep hangover he knew he just needed to give a real apology. 
Of course he kept his promise to introducing Hana to Denki, the pro hero Chargebolt. Within a week they were making headlines about being the new hottest couple. At first tabloids ridiculed her for sleeping with Bakugou then moving right to Denki, but those rumors died away as the next big scandal came up. 
Nothing had been said about you and Deku since that night. Nothing minus speculation on ‘the big day’. Reporters tried to get more details from Deku, but he replied no comment. 
A couple of months passed and it was the beginning of summer before the top pros came home. Congratulating their rising heroes on the work well done. Best Jeanist even offered to sell the agency to Bakugou. The new rankings would come during the Fall Hero Awards and rumors were that he was set to be in the top of the chart. 
Everything Bakugou could have ever wanted was coming true. He was going to be a top hero maybe even number one! He was going to have his own agency. He was making the name for himself that he had spent so many years perfecting. Yet, he didn’t feel excitement. 
He just felt empty. He felt like the mask he wore for the world was cracking and he had to keep gluing it back together. He wanted so badly to be able to take that mask off like he had done with you so many times for so many months as you walked beside him. 
He tried to find comfort in the nature trail. He tried to let the memories fill his chest and keep him warm. Sometimes it worked. Sometimes he felt fulfilled as he let the images of you touching trees and gazing at the branches take over his walks. 
One afternoon he was called over by his favorite bakery owner. 
“Boy get over here!” She called to him. He smiled to himself and strolled over to her door. 
“Whatchya need, Granny? You got something you need carried up the stairs for ya?” 
“Tch!” She shooed her hands at him dismissively. “You’re so brash! Can’t you help a sweet old lady out without all the lip?” She started back into the bakery signaling for him to follow her. 
“Yeah sure. When you find me a sweet old lady to help out let me know!” 
Her laugh echoed through the shop. She always enjoyed her banter with Bakugou. It made her feel like she was talking to a younger version of herself. She saw his hard exterior, but also felt his warm heart. 
“I was wondering if you could help me some on the weekends!” She circled the counter and started wiping down the surface as she awaited his response patiently. 
Bakugou balked at the request. He had a lot on his plate nowadays. He was about to be named a top hero and he was going to have his own agency soon too. He had so many things on his plate he didn’t have time to help at the bakery on weekends. 
“Just for a couple of weeks while I find a real replacement,” She said calmly as if she could read his mind. He started to wonder if Granny had a mind reading quirk. 
Bakugou thought about it for a moment. He glanced over his shoulder at your office building. His hopes of seeing on the weekend weren’t high as he never saw you on the weekends before so why would now be any different? He looked back at Mrs. Walters as she busied herself waiting for his answer. 
“Alright fine! Just for a few weeks!”
 You woke up early one Saturday morning to the scent of fresh baked croissants from the bakery below. Mrs. Walters told you in passing a couple of nights ago her new weekend helper would be starting. They must have gotten in early to start baking for the Saturday morning rush. 
You walked over to your window and saw the old Jeep parked in front of the building. You saw that Jeep often and wondered who it belonged to. You always liked the idea of riding in one of those along the countryside in the summer. It was the perfect time of year. You hoped the owner enjoyed riding in it at much as you imagined you would. 
Your black cat, Pepper, hopped up into your lap as you sat by the window and gazed out it longingly. The warm coffee in your hands and the sun beaming over her inky black fur made you feel at peace. For the first time since you moved into your new home you felt totally serene. It would be a good day you told yourself. 
You didn’t go down to the bakery until a little past 8. You knew that Mrs. Walters wouldn’t mind you sneaking down to grab a croissant before she opened. However, since she had a new worker down there you wanted to let her finish showing them the opening tasks before you interrupted. 
You snuck down the wooden staircase that led right into the kitchen. No one was in the area, you assumed they were out front tending to the first few customers of the day. You saw the croissants spread out along the island. They smelled delicious and looked equally as good. Even better than usual you noted. You swiped one off the tray and left a few bills on the counter.
A bit of your Saturday morning ritual; you would grab whatever pastry she was making for that morning, drop some money on the counter with enough for tip and go back upstairs. It was an unspoken agreement you had with her. Actually you had a lot of unspoken agreements that just seemed to work. 
You pulled the pastry apart and took in the warm scent as it filled your nose. These smelled perfect. They were light, buttery, and perfectly golden brown. You put the first half in your mouth and began to walk back up the stairs. 
“Oi!” A gruff voice burst through the door and made you stop in your tracks. “You gotta pay for that!” 
You knew that voice. You could have picked it out anywhere. You turned around and there he was Bakugou Katsuki wearing a black apron and a black cap to tame his wild blonde spikes. 
“Y/n?” His nose scrunched up in confusion. “What the fuck are you even doing here?” 
You were so stunned to see him that you let the pastry just hang from your mouth for a moment. Then when you realized what was happening you reached up and pulled it from your lips. 
Bakugou didn’t miss the missing ring on your left hand as you pulled the pastry from your lips. 
Mrs. Walters told him she had a tenant upstairs, but she never mentioned it was you. 
“I’m sorry. I left money on the counter. Mrs. Walters always just accepts it.” You pointed to the cash you had left. 
“Yeah? Well, she never mentioned it to me. So...” He couldn’t find the right words. “Well, uh enjoy,” He uttered and started to turn around again. 
This was literally the moment he had waited for. He wanted to see you, to apologize, but he didn’t expect to see you living above the bakery alone with no engagement ring anymore. He wasn’t prepared. He didn’t expect it. 
Then, you, sweet gorgeous, you spoke first, “It’s delicious!” 
A smirk crept across his face. He knew they were delicious. 
“Tell Mrs. Walters this is the best batch yet!” 
He turned to you with a twisted expression. “Psh! That Granny isn’t even here today. I made these myself!” He gestured to the dozens upon dozens of pastries before him. 
“You made these? All by yourself?” Your eyes got wide and you looked back at the pastry in your hand with sheer shock. “I didn’t know you could bake!” A genuine smile broke out across your face. It delighted you to learn a new fact about him even in the tense state that was your relationship. 
“Oh, I can bake, I can cook, I even fold my own underwear,” He joked dryly. You burst out into a laugh. One that he longed to hear again. He even chuckled along with you. 
Then a feeling of bittersweet washed over you and you couldn’t stop your tongue. “Well, Im sure your girlfriend loves it.” 
“Hah? I don’t-“ He was cut off by the bell of the front door. “I really want to talk to you. Can I-“ His eyes shifted around trying to figure out what to say next. 
You had been avoiding this man for so long. You had originally been sure you wanted nothing to do with him. You didn’t want to open anymore old wounds. Yet, when presented with the opportunity you blurted out, “I’m off all day. Do you want to talk when the store closes?” 
“Uh yeah! That sounds, good. Yeah we close at-“
“2. I’ll come down around 3? So you can get cleaned up?”
He nodded and let a small smile tug at his lips. “I have to go, I’ll see you soon.” He turned to walk away. 
You ran back up the stairs, nervous. You had no idea what to expect from your talk. You weren’t sure, but the spark between you two was still there.
You paced your small apartment a million times over. You looked at your outfits trying to get ready. But then you had to remind yourself that you weren’t going on a date. Why did it feel like you were getting ready for a date though? You had to shake the thought from your head and went with jean shorts and a flowly crop top tank. It was one of your favorite outfits. 
Three rolled around and you went downstairs. The shop was quiet and sparkling clean. You looked in the front and he was nowhere to be seen. You went back out the back entrance and rounded the front of the building. Was he standing you up? Were you once again going to look like a fool? 
Just as anxiety began to settle into your chest you saw the Jeep you had been gawking at pull up. Out of the drivers side door emerged Bakugou. 
“Hey, Princess, sorry, I got done a little early and wanted to run a quick errand.” He walked around the side of the car and opened the passenger side door. “Let’s go for a drive.” 
You hesitated at first. You didn’t always feel comfortable getting into someone else’s car. Yet, when you looked into his red eyes you just felt secure. So you smiled and hopped in. 
“What’s your flavor of music?“ Bakugou opened his Spotify and flipped through his playlists. 
“Wanna do a blend list?“ You smiled. He scoffed, but nodded immediately sending you a link to join a blend list with him. 
The mix of your songs was different and at the same time electric. You both listened to the same pop punk songs, but your list also featured pop songs and his heavy metal. You didn’t talk as you drove through the countryside. You watched as you saw the water glistening and stretching for miles welcomed you. The mountain side that the Jeep hugged was vast and intimating, but you wouldn’t have had it any other way. 
You didn’t ask where you were going you trusted him. It was about a 30 minute drive before he pulled off the road the sign at the entrance read “The Green Trail”. He got out and came around to your side and opened your door for you. 
He wore a black tank top that was no doubt underneath his T-shirt he wore for work at the bakery. For the first time since you met him you really noticed how toned his muscles were and how they flexed with each movement. You knew he was in shape, but in that moment you started wondering just how in shape he was. 
He offered his hand to help you out of the truck. When you hopped down he settled his hand on your waist to keep you balanced on the uneven ground. 
“Ya like nature trails?” He smirked already knowing the answer. 
“Oh you know…I can go for one every so often,” You joked back. 
You began walking along the new path. This one was different than the one back home. It was on the side of a mountain, the trees that loomed over you were so much taller, and their branches touched each other high above your head. You stared up at the leaves that grazed each other. It was like they held hands to keep you cool from the summer sun. You looked over at Bakugou and wondered what it would be like to hold his hand. Then you quickly shook the thought from your brain. This wasn’t a date.  
Bakugou admired you as you looked up at the trees. He knew you’d appreciate this trail. It was one of his favorite, just a little to far from the city for daily walks. He watched the sparkle in your eyes and wondered what you were thinking about. 
The silence while peaceful ate away at Bakugou. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his cargo shorts and finally broke the silence. “I wanted to say I’m sorry.”
“For what?” You hummed as you let your fingers graze the low branches as you walked by. 
“For try to get between you and Midoriya. I shouldn’t have said those things. And I shouldn’t have ignored you. You’re a good friend.” 
You didn’t stop, but you did turn just a bit to look at him. His shoulders were up by his ears and he glanced down to the side. His cheeks burned red. He didn’t need to tell you for you to know that apologies were hard for the explosive hero. 
“It’s honestly not your fault. Izu-Midoriya… was controlling even if he didn’t mean to be. You were right about what you said. I do wish you didn’t ignore me though. Cause yeah I think of you as a good friend too.” 
Bakugou’s ears burned. You weren’t living with him anymore, you didn’t wear your ring, you were calling him Midoriya instead of his first name it all solidified his prior suspicion, you weren’t with him anymore. It made his stomach twist with anticipation. 
“What happened between the two of you anyways?” He asked eyeing your bare left hand. 
You looked down at your hand and then tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. “I don’t know. When we first met it was so exciting ya know? I met someone so handsome and kind. When he told me he knew how I felt being quirkless I was thrilled. He promised to protect me. Then, I don’t know, it become possessive. He thought I was embarrassed by being quirkless or afraid of the world. I realized he didn’t really know me at all.” 
“How do you feel being quirkless?” Bakugou pressed on. 
“Fine. I guess. When I was younger I thought  I was some sort of freak.  Or that I wasn’t special. Then, I realized I had my own talents and passions. I realized I was happy just being me.” 
Bakugou smiled to himself and nodded in agreement. 
The walk continued in a moment of silence. Your words washed over both you as you felt the relief of being heard. He was always so good at making you feel completely heard. 
“So, are you seeing anyone?” You looked at the ground. You thought you might know the answer, but the whole day was taking turns you hadn’t expected. 
“Oh right! No. No I’m not not.”
“What happened with Hana?” You eyed him carefully. Suddenly in this summer heat you actually felt a little cold. 
“Wha? Nothing. I was so drunk that night she just made sure I was ok then she asked if I would introduce her to another friend of mine.” 
“But the-“
“Yeah tabloids. You can’t read that shit! It’s not real!” He scoffed. 
You reached the end of the trail it spread out to a clearing that overlooked the valley. It was gorgeous and out in the distance you could just barely see the city. 
“Woah,” You felt breathless. The colors, the wind, the shining sun all melted into a perfect moment. 
“I know. I told ya it’s my favorite.” He stood next to you shoulder to shoulder. His arm brushed up against yours. He pulled his hand out from its pocket and turned it palm up in front of you. The large hand waited patiently for you to meet it halfway. “Promise, I won’t explode nothing.” 
You smiled and let your hand settle into his. He laced his fingers with yours and ran a thumb over the back of your hand. Your hands were so smooth and his so scarred and rough. It was the contrast he had always enjoyed to his own. 
You both looked out at the scene in front of you for a moment longer before he spoke again. 
“I was thinking. Maybe I can show you how good of a cook I am. I bought some groceries and if you’d like I’ll make you dinner tonight,” He stated shyly rubbing the back of his neck. 
“I’d like that.” You smiled peacefully, but inside your were screaming. This really was a date. A date you had no clue you were even going on until about five minutes ago. 
You watched Bakugou work in your kitchen. You were honestly a little impressed with how comfortable he seemed to be. You had never pegged him as being a cook. Yet, the hulking blonde didn’t cease to amaze you. 
“Like something you see?” He grumbled. Bakugou could feel your eyes on the back of his head. You sat at the counter of your breakfast nook watching with hungry eyes. It smelled so good you couldn’t wait to try. 
“I mean that curry does look good!” You commented. 
“Ha! Im sure after eating whatever it is that you’ve got in this freezer anything looks better.” You flushed. You weren’t the best cook, but you made due. He peered over his shoulder at you. “Alright,” He turned around with the spoon in his hand, “come on, let’s try it.” He learned over the counter towards you offering the spoon to your mouth. 
You opened up and he let the sauce wash over your tongue. It was spicy and lovely. The sensation warmed your whole body not to mention the slight embarrassment you felt letting someone else feed you. 
He watched as your lips closed around the spoon and your eyes fluttered close as you enjoyed his cooking. He loved seeing someone else light up from his food, but with you it went just a little deeper. You looked so angelic letting your brain work around each flavor you tasted. He loved that in a world where everything seemed rushed you were just taking your time. 
When your e/c eyes popped back open and sparkled at him his heart began to grow. Then you licked your lips and smiled. 
“It was delicious!” You grinned. Suddenly, Bakugou was keenly aware of how close the two of you were. You leaning over the counter and him on his elbows slowly moving forward to be closer to you. He looked at your eyes and then back at your lips. 
“I am glad you like it,” He whispered barely loud enough from any one who wasn’t only inches away from him to hear. Luckily you were just close enough. 
“I do, I really do,” You squealed back. Piercing red eyes burned a hole right into your soul. You could see every speck of color in them. You had never noticed the very faint freckles that dotted his nose. 
“Yeah,” He mumbled, “me too.” 
The cord snapped you stretched just a little further closing the gap and kissed him. You kissed over your kitchen counter and over the dirty spoon. You practically crawled onto the counter to get more of him. The scent of burnt sugar filled your nose and you just wanted to be pressed closer to him. 
All of his senses were on fire. The taste of the minty gum you had chewed on the way home, the smell of your soaps, the feeling of your lips on his. It was all too much. 
He dropped the spoon and pulled away from your kiss. Immediately, you protested but halted once you saw him come around the counter in three long strides. He approached you with parted lips, wrapping muscular arms around your waist and letting his lips crash into yours once again. He pulled you up from your spot at the counter. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. Kissing him wildly and letting your tongues interact and explore each other’s. He hooked his hands under your thighs and squeezed firmly. He loved the feeling of your plush thighs between his rough finger pads. The electricity between you was so hard to deny. 
When you finally pulled away, breathless but still in his arms he looked deep into your eyes and smiled a true genuine smile. One that almost no one ever saw out of the man. 
“Hey, I really like you,” He mumbled and pushed his forehead to yours. 
“I really like you too.” You settled in his arms feeling safe, welcomed and love for the first time in a very long time. 
Summer came and went and fall was well on its way. You let your new relationship with Bakugou grow as it meant to. Everyday he would meet you for lunch and you would walk your usual path. Things felt natural and unburdened. 
He grazed your bare back and helped usher you into the building. Tonight you wore another curve hugging gown, it was black, strapless and satin. You matched Bakugou’s signature black on black attire. 
“You look amazing by the way,” He leaned in and spoke against your hair. 
Dread filled your belly. This was the first event since the tabloids found out you and Midoriya were no longer together. He told the press after you told him about your new relationship with Katsuki. You just weren’t sure how they’d react to you being with another pro hero. 
When you entered the building the press went insane. They shoved mics and cameras in your face. Yet, Bakugou did his best to shield you from all the commotion. 
“Dynamite! Rumor has it you’re going to be revealed as the new number two! How do you feel?” 
“In-fucking-credible,” He said with a squeeze to your hip. 
“How did you meet y/n?” 
“It’s a secret.” 
“Y/n are you and Deku still friends?” 
“We have a good relationship still. Yes.” You looked over at Midoriya who was standing with his own date. He smiled and nodded at you. 
“Who’s better in bed, y/n?” Your cheeks flushed you knew that question was coming. 
“Get out of here with that! But me!” Bakugou put a large palm in the face of the reporter who asked that question. 
You blushed again thinking of how he really did rock your world better than anyone else ever had. 
“Y/n, last question! What’s your quirk?” 
You immediately felt uneasy. Your eyes glanced at Bakugou by nature. You knew you didn’t need his permission, but he nodded giving it anyways. 
“Actually I’m quirkless.” 
The reporters fell silent. They stared at Bakugou and back at you, then back to Bakugou.
He gave his signature smirk, pulled you close to him and said just barely loud enough for the reporters to hear, but plenty loud for you to hear, “That’s my girl.”
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golfgolyo · 1 year
Tumblr media
Catch a throatful from the fire vocal
With ash and molten glass like Eyjafjallajökull
The volcano out of Iceland
He'll conquer and destroy the rap world like the white men
Learnt from a pro as a mentor
Started with a bird nest and burnt it to a cinder
That'll get the party kicking
Plus your little charred body smelted like chicken
As the dollar continues to lose momentum
He need land from murdered Indians that represent 'em
Gold is up, urging all thugs
Trade in y'all chains for cash and splurge it on drugs
A more secure investment
Food and water, a couple of gallons for your cutest daughter
And thank him as a Yankee fellow southerner
Don't forget the general rank, 'Ello guv'nor
'Ello, guv'nor?
'Ello, guv'nor
'Ello, guv'nor!
'Ello, guv'nor
Ha ha ha! Ah ha ha!
Vocals spill over like the rolling hills of dover
Or the Gulf Oil Disaster if preferred you're after
Depends on your status or your stature
Whether you benefit from the prior or the latter-er
Get the fatter check split
How much for 100,000 tons of Correxit
Selling Chinese half-priced seafood
Prices like a real nice street dude
Who can knock the most dead birds out of the sky
And then spread a lie, and say he know why? Bet
Get the machine, blame it on the fireworks
Cleanup, y'all know when to send the wire, jerks
Black teeth still snack on sweets
And get stacks with the qui bon qui
They used to sell CD's
Now they got fake weed, seeds burning trees, it's potpourri
Buyer beware, had to tell this one liar, "Sire, be fair"
At least untie her from the chair while I'm here
I hate play lovin' her, JJ for Governor
'Ello, guv'nor
'Ello, guv'nor!
'Ello, guv'nor
You can leave on your mask
I don't mind
I like you as you are
Ah! That will cost you extra!
Ah, haha
'Ello, guv'nor
1 note · View note
sethmacenzie · 2 years
So I don’t know if you will see this @eva-white-11, because I can’t tag you, but you inspired me to do this entire post about Tokoyami, so this is for you and everybody else who loves him. Also this ended up with me noticing some wonderful writing parallels with Tokoyami and Hawks that I had to put in here. This is neither pro nor anti Hawks, this is simply an analysis of what is given.
I talked about quirk discrimination in regards of Spinner plenty and I have called Tokoyami “non-threatening”, to which I got asked how I can think that he’d be seen like that, seeing as ravens and crows are generally regarded as a bad thing and Dark Shadow is very demonic.
While both birds are associated with a lot of positive traits, such as intelligence, adaptability, partnership, foresight and transformation they are also often regarded as something sinister in the western world. Especially in the association with the famous plague masks they tend to be seen as a sign of death.
This is in stark contrast to Japanese culture, where crows are seen as something positive. Aside from the fact that the crows are playing a huge part in keeping cities rodent free, which is notable mentioned in Tokyo the mythological creature of the Yatagarasu (eight-span-crow) has a very positive background.
The three-legged crow is a creature that appears in multiple mythologies through East Asia, the Japanese Yatagarasu is a sign of rebirth, heaven, rejuvenation and divine intervention. Seeing as they clean up after death, especially being seen on battlefields eating the dead, which not only is a sign of the battle ending and something new beginning, it has also the practical effect that the bodies of the dead are being broken down preventing potential health threats to the living.
Tokoyami’s name comes from Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto a deity with similar heavenly background, to be precise: the moon. The name Tsukuyomi having meanings as “moon bow” or “moonlit night” “looking, watching” even “reading”. Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto is the brother of Amaterasu, the sun goddess of Shinto, and to cut a long story short: he killed another goddess, his sister got angry so she moved to another part of the sky, splitting night and day. And looking at Tokoyami’s actual spelling we get “everlasting darkness”, which fits rather well with the deity and his quirk.
His first name Fumikage’s spelling also litereally means “step, to walk through shadow”, being a direct recall to both darkness and his quirk Dark Shadow.
So Tokoyami’s name is based on the darkness, the night and the moon, but in natural manner, rather than a threatening one.
If we’re looking at Dark Shadow he’s often associated with the Enerna, a monster made of smoke and darkness that can take human form that was most likely born from the imagination of Toriyama Sekien, but that generally fits Dark Shadow rather well. And Toriyama Sekien works are known to have great influence of the public view on mythological creatures, even though his works were mostly parodic.
And because HK is a huge Marvel & DC fan, I’m going to mention Raven from DC and Venom from Marvel real quick.
Raven is a young heroine from DC Comics, usually part of the Teen Titans, which has to keep control over her powers because they otherwise can get very dangerous if unleashed. Aside from the power similarity she also has a very dark, Goth appearance, can have her body taken over while she sleeps and obviously has a direct bird relation through her name.
Venom an Anti-Hero from Marvel on the other hand is a symbiont mostly partnered with Eddie Brook, although he’s had quite a few other hosts including Peter Parker and notably Flash Thompson. In both cases there is a deep emotional connection between Venom/Eddie and Dark Shadow/Tokoyami and both can be a direct life threat to other, especially if their host is attacked.
All in all I think in bnha Japan Tokoyami has a far more positive view through his appearance as if he lived in the bnha western world, seeing as in our real world crows are seen as something darker in contrast to Japan.
Tokoyami seems more like a “night crow”, something new, something from above, something better, but instead of the sun, the light he is in the dark, the night, the shadows, but that doesn’t make him bad at all.
This would be a direct contrast to Hawks, who stands for light and the Icarus tale of flying to close to the sun.
Hawks is out in daylight with his sunny demeanor, flying like a bird wanting to be free like one. But behind this is a very dark history of abuse from his parents, of the hero commission using him and of the very controlled murder of Twice.
This is a direct contrast to Tokoyami. He is more grounded because of Dark Shadow, because he has to be careful, he needs to keep control over his powers because he could accidentally hurt someone if Dark Shadow went rouge, as seen in the forest. He is the one who saves Hawks; he kept the PLF at bay and fought Re-Destro all because he kept control over Dark Shadow.
Hawks did not lose control over himself when he killed Twice, which was on purpose, he used control something that is essential to his student and savior Tokoyami to take a life, and this is just a wonderful contrast between the two of them.
Hawks took Tokoyami in as a student because “they are both birds”, but Tokoyami is the next generation of Hakws, a better version, all while being in the dark shadows in contrast to flying into the sun.
Oh and apparently he got called a Myna in the light novels, which depending on who it came from might be a huge insult or a great meta joke, because some mynas are considered talking birds, aka they can reproduce sounds, including human speech (so far only seen in captivity).
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 18/?
Word Count: 2.5k
Author's Note: Y/N - your name, A/N - any name (your best friend's name)
Warnings: Mentions of court, mentions of Jason's injuries, swearing, No beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
Jason walked out in a few minutes, just in his boxers. She looked at him before letting out a slight laugh at the absurdity of it.
"Don't laugh, you're the one who tore my clothes."
She sighed, "And you're going to have to go home in torn boxers, Bruce is going to kill you."
"God, don't remind me," he said before sitting beside her.
She laughed, "You could just not go home?"
"I wish. But I have a life. You have a life."
"It's unfortunate, isn't it. Can't spend all day with you but you're all I want to do."
"Thank you, I really tried," she thought, "You remember how I seem to have a fascination with vigilantes?"
"Yes, why?"
"I remembered why. So, when I was in high school, graduating year, I had law class. I was bored, so I did law, don't question it," she laughed. "Anyway, in my law class, they split us into groups. Specifically, Pro-Justice-League-Association and Anti-Justice-League-Association."
"Pro and Anti?"
"Yeah, apparently it was relevant? I guess the JLA doesn't use conventional methods to get evidence? Don't care though. Anyway, I was on the side of Pro, obviously."
"Wait I'm not done! By the end of the class, I had debated every member of the Anti team and converted them. It actually introduced me to the Robin-Forums, which is just smack dab full of conspiracies."
"Oh my god? You don't know those? You're all over them. Some people are convinced you're Kid Flash, some are convinced you're Robin, it's crazy."
"That is crazy but seems funny. What about my family?"
"Someone in my class posted "Why Clark Kent is Batman: An Essay" which has like, 20k likes? It's very popular."
"Well, I swear he isn't Batman. He's just very fond of the night."
"That's what I said, but that man is convinced otherwise."
"You would know if any of us were vigilantes. We're not good at hiding secrets."
"I'm sure you have your secrets, I just find it funny people think you have time to be Kid Flash."
"People spend all their time worrying about me, when will it end?"
"Ha! That's fair. Tabloids running your name probably doesn't help the conspiracies."
"I remember one of my ex-friends from high school mentioned me being Kid Flash, I was so confused, I guess it makes sense now. I'm going to have to show everyone that. They'll get a kick out of it."
"I bet they would. I'm waiting for the day I'm on it as someone who's a hero. Hoping they say I'm Wonder Woman or something. I think it would be funny."
"You get Miss Martin because everyone thinks you're too beautiful to be human."
"Aw. That's so corny that I hate it! Well done."
"Thank you. I learned it from Dick."
"Of course you did."
"Where else would I learn it from?"
"If you're genuinely asking, the internet, probably."
"That's fair. That's completely fair. I think Dick learns a lot of his lines from the internet, honestly."
"Oh yeah, there's no way he comes up with everything on his own. No way."
"So, what other dumb stories do you have?"
"Well, I think my sister is either a vigilante or really, really, weird."
"You think your sister is a vigilante?"
"Okay so, she's a businesswoman. No big deal, right? Wrong. She's always out, more often than she has to be, she's always spending nights away from home."
"That doesn't mean anything."
"Okay well Adrianna, Aria, whatever you want to call her, she's being suspicious."
"I'm sure you're looking too far into it."
The Night Jason Was Stabbed.
Aria clutched the scythe in her life hand. She had failed. She had worn her best dresses that she could hide beneath her capes, she had drugged him, she had stabbed him 6 bloody times, and he had still survived!
She was angry. She walked up to the Red Hood on his time off while he was catching a drink, looking stressed. She didn't care if he accepted her offer to go to her room, she just cared about that moment. The one where she could slip in the crushed-up pills and no one would stop her.
And she had done it. She waited until after he chugged the whole drink to strike. He was stumbling around, like an idiot. She hit his head with the back of her blade, knocking him to the ground where she proceeded to stab him 6 times in his right side.
She kissed his forehead before leaving, which required her to removed her mask a bit, saying "Goodnight, sweet Prince," before running into the darkness.
But the blue one, Nightwing. He got to the Red Hood before he could die. And she was pissed. All that hard work, just for him to not even die.
The scythe was still bloodied from the Red Hood. Her lips were still warm from his forehead. But now, he had possibly seen her face! Her plans were foiled every way when of her goblins came up to her.
"Ma'am, your weapon."
She passed it over without second thought. She wanted it rid of the blood of a living man, she wanted it soaked in the blood of a dead man.
Her plague doctor mask fell a bit as she began to tear up. She had failed. She had never failed at knocking "Heroes" down a peg.
Call it crazy, but she knew the fights between her and the Red Hood were far from over. She even felt as they'd grow closer.
As she looked at the walls covered in the photos of the vigilantes of the world, she knew this was only the first battle. The war was hers. They didn't know what was going to hit them.
But there was an issue. Her sister, Y/N had become close with one of the Waynes. She needed the Waynes to get to the "Heroes" which meant possibly hurting her sister.
"I hope I'm looking too far into it."
She wasn't.
One night when they were both 17, it was just Aria and Y/N in the house when Y/N was awoken by a loud crash from the downstairs window.
She went to investigate, bat in hand, to find her sister, stumbling over the coffee table. Bleeding out and clutching her side from the blood. Stabbed.
Y/N took no hesitation to take care of Aria. Stitching her up like they had as kids when Y/N would sitch up Aria after shut cut herself on skates, or if Y/N ran straight into a car.
Those images still dance in Y/N's mind to this day. Something was up with the way that her sister had a mask, a long bird-Esque plague doctor mask. A cloak. Knives. Guns. A scythe.
The best outcome would be her sister was attacked while LARPing in the park. The worst? She was a villain. Midway? A hero of the night, a vigilante. Anything was better than a villain.
If only she knew the pain Aria had caused her until this point. The fact that Aria was the one who drugged and tried to kill Jason. The pieces of the story were unravelling in front of everyone's eyes, they just needed to connect them properly.
Aria had a plan. Kidnap her sister and her lover's family. Get ransom. Get them hurting. Locate the "Heroes". The only issue was that Y/N would recognise the cloak, the mask. She knew the get-up.
Aria was not about to redesign her entire outfit for the sake of not alerting her sister. She figured it would be unlikely that Y/N would focus on the cloak when she's being used for ransom money.
Or at least she hoped. She wasn't certain her plan would even work. Breaking into the Wayne Manor, after one of the kids had been stabbed, in a mugging was going to be difficult.
They had employed security, something that was never common at the Wayne Manor before this moment. She was upset. If only her sister had met the Waynes before the stabbing.
Then she thought.
Red Hood is a Wayne?
It made sense, sure. They got stabbed at the same time. But was it reasonable? She didn't know. Why would an 18-20-year-old be a vigilante? He couldn't even legally drink?
She thought it didn't make sense. That the Red Hood was never, could never be the Wayne kid. But if he was, what could that mean?
She was certain he wasn't. But the thoughts swirled in her mind as if beckoning her to come to the conclusion.
She was crazy, she knew that. She was obviously crazy, she became the villain, the opposite of her twin in every way. She was insane. Arkham would like her. But there was something about the Red Hood being a Wayne that kept coming back to her. Haunting her like the night she was stabbed by Green Arrow back in Metropolis.
She was on their radar. They knew her. They would come to get the Waynes.
She knew the Justice League Association knew of her. But the people didn't. This stunt would make the people know of her.
The name Hour will ring through the streets of Gotham. The streets of Metropolis. Smallville. Anywhere she could get her hands on. She would begin her reign of terror.
No one could stop her now.
Jason had left after Bruce had called him. She assumed he needed to work or one of his siblings did a dumbass move. It was upsetting that they couldn't spend every moment together, but she knew that it was par for the course with Jason.
She was bored. She didn't have a job, her parents paid her bills if she focused on school. But she wasn't something to do, a reason to be having down days. She knew school gave her this, but it wasn't like it was every damn day.
A job would be every damn day. Hopefully. A reason to do so much in her life.
She figured she could work at Wayne Enterprises. But she didn't want to be that girl. The one who's fucking the CEO and is subsequently untouchable. You can't befriend her and talk sit, she'll tattle.
She wanted to be a normal working person. A colleague, not a boss.
Wayne Enterprises was a last resort for her. If she couldn't get hired anywhere else, she'd go apply thee. You don't fuck company property, she thought.
But she also thought fucking Wanye Enterprises "Property" was fun. and no one was really going to stop her, not even Bruce. Even though Bruce tried to lecture her and Jason, there was only so much he'd do. Barbara and Dick both worked at Wayne Enterprises and hadn't been reprimanded for that.
And obviously, they were having sex. They had been together for a while, Jason said.
Which, obviously they were having sex if they were together for that long.
She scrolled a little while for jobs, marking down a few she'd look further into. Not really anything exciting, she was still young, 1st year in college, a freshman. Not many prestigious places would hire someone her age. Especially while they're still in school.
There were only unpaid intern jobs in her field. And she wasn't about to fuck with not getting paid, even if it was her line of schooling. She didn't think it was worth it to put all of your efforts into a job that you weren't getting paid for.
A lot of kids thought her way, including her sister. Both of them grew up thinking that getting paid for work was necessary, her parents had always told them that. Even if her parents had strict religious views, they would still back her up if someone wasn't paying her, even if they fell out.
She thought if Bruce felt the same, that kids should be paid for what they do. He figured he did since he employed all of his kids once they were old enough to work at Wayne Enterprises.
She noticed Lexcorp, who had recently put up a building in Gotham, was hiring. She thought it would be funny if she went to work for her boyfriend's dad's competitor. She was tempted.
Worst comes to worst, she'd be a Lexcorp employee.
She, of course, would have to dress up for these interviews, and she had the clothes to do so, but she didn't, per se, want to wear them.
She also didn't want to go outside when trials were still raging. So, she figured she'd call Christopher's parents about getting him a lawyer and then scroll the pages for shopping. His parents finally had the time to deal with their son, because Christopher didn't want to interrupt his parents with him being an idiot.
She dialled.
"Hello?" his mom asked.
"Hey, Laura. It's Y/N."
"Y/N! Sweetheart, we've been wondering about you ever since, you know."
"Yeah, yeah. We can talk about it later I swear. So, I already told you about what Christopher did, right?"
"You did."
"He needs a lawyer, the man is pressing charges."
"Well, that's stupid. He has no right."
"Apparently he does."
"We'll get Christopher a lawyer. But how are you, darling?"
"I'm okay. Could be a hell of a lot better. I have faith in the court system."
"We're all worried about you, kiddo. You've wrapped yourself up in a lot of a mess recently."
"I know. It's weird. But I swear I'm strong enough to pull through, you've known me for what, 13 years? Give or take? I know how to handle myself."
"That doesn't mean we can't worry."
"I know, new city, new people. I swear behind the scandals I'm in that I actually have friends."
"I assume we'll meet this Jason eventually?"
"Eventually. We need to find the time between court dates, work. Adulting."
"You don't have a job?"
"Jason does. And I'm thinking about getting one to pass the time."
"Working to pass the time is a new thing, fascinating, you kids are."
"Nothing can make sense of all these things I've done, I know."
"Those sound like song lyrics."
"Sometimes songs are the best way to get all your thoughts compiled into one place, you know. I starred as Katherine Howard, Laura. I know how to convey emotion through art."
"I know. That's still one of the performances Metropolis holds on to, you know."
"I wish they didn't. But it is what it is."
"It's a good performance, kiddo."
She laughed, "Anyway. You get onto that lawyer. Christopher needs it right now."
"I will. Be safe. We love you."
"I love you lot."
Click. She thought about Christopher, and the bullshit he went through to save her.
She brushed the thoughts off and pulled out her journal. Scribbling down her sister's bird mask. She couldn't get that off of her mind. She could have sworn her sister made the thing out of actual bone.
It was like she threw a steampunk aesthetic into a plague doctor. She was certain there was more to it that she didn't know.
Literally Aria LMFAO
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naokik1016 · 3 years
S/o with a quirk similar to his | Part Four
Hawks flew around the city, in search of her. The stars illuminated the sky as he passed them, but they started to fade away as the rays of the sun peeked over the horizon.
Hawks: Dammit, the sun’s coming up...
He landed on the balcony of our shared apartment and entered to a empty feeling that rested in the filled, yet empty space. Keigo sighed and walked around, checking if anything was out-of-place or possibly stolen. 
The winged person sighed and flopped on the bed when he finished looking throughout the apartment, half of the sun was now above the horizon and shined brightly in the room. Keigo grabbed your pillow and hugged it tightly, your scent was still clinging to it quite well, he held it tight to his chest, a mere tear slipped from his eye.
I woke up in Dabi’s room again, but this time, Dabi was in a slumber, his arms around me and our legs were tangled. I felt very uncomfortable, but then the door opened, revealing Toga, she peered at me with her bright amber eyes.
Y/n: Can you please help get him off of me?
Toga: Only if you help me with something after..
I thought about it, then sighed and agreed. The blonde girl smiled and walked towards me, she lifted Dabi’s arms away from me, and I untangled my legs from his. I get off the bed and thank the girl, but she only walked out so I followed her out, softly closing the door after.
We walked to where the bar was and see Kurogiri, a reptilian-like person, and a masked person by the bar.
Toga: Morning Spinner, morning Compress, morning Kurogiri~
Mr. Compress: Morning Miss Toga, morning to you too, Miss (pro hero name)
Kurogiri bowed in response, while Spinner glared at me, I averted my gaze away from the male and sat down on one of the bar stools. Toga placed herself next to me and she spoke to me with a hushed voice so the tv that showed the news on it, would blur her words out.
Toga: So, I have a plan to at least get you out of here, but I need your blood to do so
I gave an uneasy look to the girl, she realized and gave a small run-down of her quirk. I swallow anxiously, thinking over my thoughts.
Toga: It’s fine, we don’t have to do it right away, just wait for a few days
Kurogiri: Toga, what are you planning?
Toga: Nothing Kurogiri, nothing at all~
Toga looked at me and winked, I gave an uneasy smile and rest my head in my hands. Suddenly I tense up when a pair of arms were wrapped around my small waist.
Toga: Hey burnt toast, finally decided to wake up?
Dabi: You weren’t by me when I woke up...
I stay still, scared that Dabi might hurt me for leaving him, but instead he kissed my cheek and sat next to me. Toga’s face twisted in disgust, I did the same, but mentally.
Dabi: Anyway, I kinda miss how we played chibi-chan...
Forgiveme- I froze, then look at Dabi with wide eyes, my head was full of questions of how he knew my childhood nickname.
Dabi: Follow me..
He got up and walked back to his room, I waited a little, then got up and exited the bar. I walk to Dabi’s room, sidestepping Shigaraki in the hallway and entering the room, the male was sitting on his bed.
Dabi: Come here, I won’t bite
I edge closer to the bed and sat down on the edge of the bed. Dabi sighed and pulled me closer to him.
Dabi: Anyway, chibi-chan, I’m a little sad that you don’t remember me, your little friend back in school, when we used to talk to each other at recess, or play around with our quirks...
I thought hard and long about my childhood, then it occurred to me
Y/n: T-touya...?
Dabi/Touya: Hey, long time no see
Y/n: B-b-but how? Your family said you died a long time ago
Dabi/Touya: Oh, well Touya did die a long time ago, now I’m known as Dabi..also, baby, I loved you for quite a long time, more than that stupid bird brain has...
He ended his sentence with a scowl present on his face, then looked down at me. I was in utter shock, I refused to believe the man was, my dead childhood friend.
Y/n: If you loved me back then, then why haven’t you came back....
I ask quietly, my tone lowered.
Y/n: I understand that you wanted to get away, but why haven’t you come back to me?
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writteninkat · 3 years
iv - carnival tickets
word count: 2,246
warnings: mentions of blood and dead animals
"I'ma break you off, let me be your motivation"
Today was the day you and the rest of class 1A can finally try out their hero costumes. You smiled, looking at yourself in the mirror, giving yourself butterflies as you do so.
Your hero costume was a simple black bodysuit type. Garters attacked to the clothing helped keep your thigh high boots up. The top covered your entire arms, hands and fingers- you designed it this way so your palms wouldn’t be littered with callouses given that you deal with weapons like swords and scythes every time you use your quirk.
The bodysuit is a title neck type that showed off your shoulders. Your costume is finished off with a full face black kitsune mask with glowing blue paint around the eyes, it makes up the whiskers as well as a little nose of a fox.
You keep it up on your head, not wanting to put it on unless you're engaging in combat.
You close your locker, joining the girls who are hyping each other up in what they’re wearing. You all step out of the changing area and you can’t help but feel giddy as you approach your teachers, excited with the activities for today.
Everyone begins freaking out at the site of All Might- which you don’t get at all. He’s blond, has a freakish smile and a built body. So what? “Who’s he?” You whisper at Mina who looks at you as if you’ve grown two heads.
You sigh, “Who’s he? And why is everyone freaking out about him?” You ask again and Mina gives you that same look, but much worse. She’s acting as if you’ve just asked a very stupid question. “That’s All Might.” She answers, tone unusually calm and soft.
“I meat who is he?”
“The number one hero.”
You furrow your brows, gaze scanning the man who’s busy talking in front of the awestruck class. You tilt your head to the side, “That’s your number one pro hero?” You ask, pouting.
“You sound a lot of things- underwhelmed? Disappointed? Dissatisfied?” Bakugou says from behind you, the look in his eyes catching you off guard. You pause for a moment, choosing your words carefully to make sure you’re not offending anyone who’s within earshot.
“You look up to him?” You ask and he raises a brow at you as if you’ve just asked the most obvious question in all time. “He’s been my hero since forever. I look up to him more than anyone in the world. He’s my inspiration and the one of the biggest contributors to my dream go being a hero.” Your eyebrows lift in shock, you’ve never heard nor seen Bakugou respect a person so much. And by the looks of Mina, Kirishima and Denki, they haven’t seen this side of him either.
Your heart breaks as you return your gaze to the number one hero in front of you, smiling sadly. You don't know how or why, but your judgement tells you that the seven-footer man in front of you isn't all that powerful- not anymore at least.
"Here's the breakdown. There will be four teams of two- half of them will be heroes and the other half will be villains. The hero team can win in two ways; you can either capture the villains or retrieve the bomb. The villain team wins if the hero team is unable to do any of the tasks within the time limit." He explains quite clearly and thoroughly.
You feel your heart beat against your chest, you're feeling very giddy. Your excitement causes Bakugou's lips to twitch upwards, carving out a soft smile to which he hides almodt immediately so no one can see him.
All Might pulls out a draw lots box, letting fate decide which teams everyone belong to. You end up being teammates with Aoyama and Mina who you happily greet.
Everyone is asked to stay inside a monitoring room to watch and observe their classmates in battle. When All Might announces Bakugou and Izuku's team being up first, you don't think before walking up to the blond and placing a hand on his shoulder. He turns his head to the side, raising an expecting brow.
"Good luck out there." You smile softly to which he scoffs at. "I don't need luck to win." He punches his palm as he sets of his quirk, "I already know I will."
You roll your eyes, walking towards Izuku to wish him good kuck as well before following the class to the monitor room. Your eyes scan over the wall of monitors, finding it closely similar to the monitor room your house has back in the US.
As you watch Bakugou and Izuku in battle, it's clear to see that there's something going on between them. There seems to be a conflict between them that you can't quite point and as much as you wanted to ask Bakugou about it, you decided to wait until he'd tell you.
Why on earth do you think he'd tell you?
You shake your head and clear your stupid thoughts, stepping away into a corner and sitting down to mentally prepare yourself. As you try to meditate, you don't realise how much time has went by until you're being called by All Might for your turn.
You scan the room but don't spot an angry blond nor an angel look-a-like green haired boy. You pout, hoping to at least see thosep pretty vermilion eyes before the activity.
As you take your steps towards the building, a small smile stretches across your lips when you see Bakugou's familiar back towards you, only for it to smile when you see just how upset he looks like.
"C'mon, Y/n! We're the villains right now we can't be late!!" Mina calls out to you, waving her hand up. You look back at Bakugo one last time, your gazes catching each other before you step inside the building, pulling your mask down to cover your face.
"Hey Mina? Can you let me take charge of our group?" You ask as the three of you make your way towards the room where the fake bomb is. "Alright! We'll be at your command!" She salutes to you a little too enthusiastically to which you chuckle softly at, making sure to smile with your eyes to make sure she sees you're smiling despite the mask covering your face.
After All Might makes sure each teams' statuses are a go, he commences the activity. "Alright. What would you like for us to do, captain?" Mina asks. You stay quiet for a moment, summoning two katanas in each of your hands. You move them around, making sure your wrists are loose and flexible before actually using them.
"You guys can stay still and guard the bomb." You say, adjusting your gloves before turning around to face the only entrance and exit of the room. "I'll have to go and hunt me some heroes."
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"It's been a few minutes since they started and when Y/n suddenly disappeared like that. What do you think the villains are planning?" Tsuyu asks, eyes on the screen as the class continues to search for you in every monitor in the wall, but to no avail.
"I've been seeing a few mice here and there. Do you think that's Koda's doing?" Kirishima asks, to which Denki asks back, "Are the mice you see dead or alive?"
Kirishima furrows his brows at the blond, about to explain how the mice are alive but stops himself when he looks back at the screen and sees the mice he was looking at just a few seconds ago was now dead, body sliced in half. He checks the other monitors as well and his confusion rises even more at the sight of multiple dead mice all over the floors.
"Time is ticking, heroes. You better get to the bomb or if this was a real life situation it'd have blown up by now." All Might says into the mic which puts pressure on the two boys.
The class watches in anticipation as the two steps into a wide and open room, somewhere similar to where Bakugou and Izuku were fighting in a while ago.
"No one's here." Sato states, turning around. "Then, there should only be one room left-"
"Leaving so soon, heroes?" You ask, body leaning on the closed door with one foot pressed on it and your arms crossed across your chest.
Sato and Koda raise their guards, stepping into a fighting stance as theylook at you with such focused eyes. You chuckle, "Your little friends running around the building were pretty hard to find. Not to mention there were quite a handful of them which caused me to reach my speed quirk's limit."
"So it was Y/n who sliced all those rats? But we didn't see her at all. There were no movements in any of the cameras." Sero points out, confusion evident in his face. "Well, she did use her speed quirk. And if what she stated was true, then she'll be no longer to use that quirk of hers, at least during this fight." Iida voices out.
"Two guys against one girl? Isn't that too unfair for her?" Mineta asks, receiving a growl from Bakugou. "If you think her being a girl puts her at a disadvantage you're wrong. If you wanna be a hero, it doesn't matter what your gender is, as long as you're strong."
Despite being in a foul mood, Bakugou still found himself wanting to fight for you. He didn't like the thought of people lookibg down at him, but he found it weird how he preferred it when people not look down at you instead.
"Come on boys. I'll keep this quick and short for you so we can end this activity already." Fingerless boxing gloves appear in each of your hands, they're black but with neon blue accents. You get into a fighting stance, "I really hate sweating."
Sato charges at you, throwing a naive punch at your way to which you dodge easily- scoffing. What was he trying to do, intimidate a little child? As you moved your body to the side, dodging his immature punch, you punch him in the gut, eyes on Koda as you do this.
You hear Sato wheeze before his body falls to the ground. You crack your knuckles, walking towards Koda who begins to panic, using his quirk to call in all sorts of birds and squirrels.
"Koda, this is as scary as being chased by a street gang of kittens." You say, stepping towards him. You step to his side, bringing your hand up to his forehead and flicking it, the contact causing him to tremble before losing consciousness.
Your mother's body guard taught you this- it was a skill he said that most assassins he worked with knows about. He never clearly explained to you how to do it, but as long as your opponent had the slightest bit of fear for you, it will end up working. For Koda's case, he looked like he was about to piss his pants, so it worked out a little too well for you.
"Y/n's team wins this round." All Might announces as the rest of class 1A stands behind him, unsure of what they had just seen.
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As the day comes to an end, you learn from Kirishima and Mina that Bakugou has been feeling off since the fight lately. "We tried to stop him from leaving, but he just wouldn't listen. Izuku went and ran after him too. If you go now you should be able to catch up to the both of them." Urataka explains, setting the stack of books she's carrying on a desk.
You run out of the classroom, jumping down flights of stairs to get to the entrance of the highschool as quickly as possible. By the time your eyes finally caught sight of the two boys, they were already talking with each other.
"I wasn't hiding my quirk from you. It was given to me by someone else, recently."
You raise your brows, quickly hiding yourself from the both of them. You place a finger gently on your lips as you stared at the floor, listening as Izuku explained to Bakugou.
The next thing you know it, Bakugou was now yelling at the green haired boy. He sounded so upset, as if he wanted to cry. It was clear as day that the blond didn't like losing, not to anyone and especially not to Izuku.
You took a peak, eyes widening as you see Katsuki Bakugou looking so vulnerable with tears in the corners of his eyes, his brows knitted from being so upset with himself. He walks away, slouching as he wipes his tears with the back of his hand.
You step out of your hiding spot, Izuku's expression growing nervous when he sees you. "O-oh hey, hey Y/n! I didn't... ummm... did you..." He looks down, scratching the back of his head. "Did you hear something?"
You stare him down for a moment, unsure of what to answer before sighing. "I'm not going to say anything to anyone nor ask you about it. But I will tell you this." Your words causes Izuku to look up at you in anticipation. "The second you master that power of yours, you have to fight me with everything you've got. Alright?"
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Bakugou grumbles to himself, kicking at a rock, watching as it rolls into a canal. He huffs, annoyed. "I'd tell you you look ugly when you're mad, but then I'd be telling you you look ugly everyday." You yell at him from behind, causing him to turn around.
"School isn't over yet." Bakugou furrows his brows as he watches you make your way towards him. "And yet here we are." You point out, smiling as you put your hands behind your back.
He sighs, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. "What do you want?"
You take out two pink carnival tickets from your pocket, shoving it at his face and waving it in front of him. "I've always went to this carnival with my mom back in the US and I'm feeling kind of homesick. I accidentally bought two tickets too so now you gotta go with me."
You begin to pull at him to which he pulls back, a bored expression resting on his adorable face.
"No." He grunts.
You smile at him, "I wasn't giving you a choice."
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karasimpno · 3 years
{Day 16} Till There Was You | Bokuto Koutarou x Reader
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Pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x Gn!Barista!Reader
Genre: coffee shop AU!! the MSBY jackals are in town and a certain wing spiker has his eye on YOU
WC: 1.8k
Warnings: none!:) fluff!
⍋⋆*❅。. 25 days of fic-mas mlist .。❅*⋆⍋
There was love all around but I never heard it singing. No I never heard it at all -  till there was you. —Till There Was You; The Music Man (music and lyrics by Meredith Wilson)
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“Hey, hey, hey!” the ace called out, walking up to the booth you were tucked into at the coffee shop where you worked.
“You’re late!” you teased him with a smirk as he came to stand by your table.
“You’re right,” he said, grinning wickedly, taking your hand and pulling you out of the booth. “I should have asked you out sooner.” He pulled you to your feet, all energy and eagerness, but stopped you short, his face inches from yours. You held your breath, captured in the moment. Bokuto, seemingly exercising all of his self-restraint, slowly leaned in and planted the softest kiss to the side of your cheekbone. The feeling of his lips on your skin shot a tingle through your cheek and you felt heat rise to your face. Slightly flustered, you pivoted.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have agreed then, if it was so obvious I’d say yes!” you teased, resisting the urge to entwine fingers with the pro volleyball player who had come in to visit your coffee shop every day for the past week.
The MSBY Black Jackals were in town for a training camp and extended tournament—you had learned that on the second day an impressive group of four men came into the small, poorly-lit coffee shop. This week your boring barista job had been spiced up by the orders of a tall, masked man with thick, dark curls (a small black coffee); a much shorter man with tangerine-orange hair who was almost half the size of the first (large decaf iced green tea, one sugar); a sharp-looking, clearly athletic man with two-toned hair (medium americano); and the broad-shouldered, golden-eyed sweetheart in front of you. He was by the far the biggest talker of the group even at 6:30am—you caught his attention immediately; he had looked a little dumbstruck, locking eyes with you when he first entered the desolated coffee shop, then quickly shaking his head and zooming over to you at the register with an enthusiastic hi! His friends had trailed in groggily behind him and it wasn’t until they caught up with him that he realized he actually didn’t drink coffee, and that he was only here to be with his friends. Blushing, he had stepped to the side to let them order, leaning against the display case (which you had to clean later) and elbowing the fake blond when his order came across as snippy in his morning attitude. But his eyes never left your face the whole time. You had wondered if he knew he was being so obvious, but he was really cute so...you didn’t mind. Something about the way his hair stood up stock-straight made his bone structure pop and you caught yourself sneaking glances more than once.
You hadn’t talked much to the athletic strangers that first day, not expecting the same group to return the following morning.
“Welcome back!” you had greeted as they walked in, feeling unusually cheery despite the dour expressions of the two tallest gentlemen, clearly not morning people.
That was the day that Bokuto finally introduced himself. He struck up a conversation with you, telling you about what he and his teammates were doing in town and asking you a little about yourself.
That same afternoon, you were quietly delighted when he returned by himself to buy a deli sandwich, explaining that he was on a lunch break from the training camp being hosted in the gymnasium across the street. The coffee shop was dead as ever and his bright smile had lit up the place. With a charming near-bashfulness, the owlish athlete admitted that he had also swung by because secretly had wanted to see you again too. His earnestness was so alluringly wholesome.
The next morning, he had come in alone, informing you with a grin that he had offered to grab drinks for the rest of his friends.
“That’s awfully kind of you, seeing as you never order anything for yourself,” you had said, side-eyeing him with a playful smirk as you made the first drink. “I wonder what could have—”
“When do you get off work today?” he blurted, too eager for his own good. You cleared your throat, fighting back a smile.
“I get off at noon today—”
“Oh shoot, we’re still in practice then!” Bokuto’s face had turned on a dime, his eyebrows drawing together and a shadow crossing his features. You had to resist the urge to reach across the counter to console the customer you’d met only a few days prior.
“—but Friday I’m completely off...” you continued. Bokuto lit back up and beamed at you again.
“Oh! Friday we just have a morning game then we’re supposed to rest!” his golden irises almost seemed to sparkle. “Do you wanna...maybe walk around downtown together after the game? I saw there’s this really cool river walk past the stadium—maybe I can buy you coffee?” he asked, full of enthusiastic energy. “You’re just...so cool! And I wanna spend more time with you!”
Your answer was an easy one, and it made him smile all the bigger at you, which warmed your heart. He was really such a sweet guy, and you did enjoy talking to him. It was a whirlwind, but every morning when he came in to order the same three drinks, his bright smile made your day, and you found yourself smiling a little more too throughout your shift, the empty coffee shop not seeming so dismal anymore. The three days leading up to your day off only built your anticipation to spend more time with him.
You had thought about going to see his game on your day off, but you decided you didn’t want to see him in action because it might make you unnecessarily nervous for the date. And so you waited at the coffee shop as you had agreed.
But then he had to go and just about knock you off your feet with that sweet, surprising little kiss to your temple, and you were flustered and nervous and....
“I’m sure you pick up baristas in every city you go to, you jetsetter,” you teased in response.
“Oh...oh no, Y/n, you don’t think I’m being insincere, do you?” he asked anxiously. His genuine concern startled you.
“Oh! Oh no, no, not at all! Sorry, I was just teasing,” you assured him, nudging him with your elbow, and you could practically see the relief in his golden eyes. He was so sweet.
“No,” he continued. “I don’t really... I dunno, I find it hard to approach people sometimes,” he admitted as the two of you walked out of the coffee shop where you had met.
“You??” you asked, bewildered that someone so outgoing could struggle approaching anyone.
“Yeah, I mean no, like don’t get me wrong, most people—I love being around and they make me really happy, but....When it comes to people like you I just...” he trailed off, looking away as you shot him a sidelong glance, sinking onto a bench along the river walk. “What about you?” he asked, energetically taking the seat beside you, his focus razor-sharp as ever. “You don’t seem to have many people to talk to at the coffee shop—I mean, I’ve never seen anyone in there and you always work alone. But... I don’t know, don’t you wish you had more people to see?”
You considered the question for a moment.
“Honestly... I kind of hate my job. It’s just pouring coffee and mixing drinks and.... Usually I actually prefer it when no one comes in. That way I can at least do things I want to do, like read, or work on my book but...I—” you trailed off, gazing toward the churning river alongside the path.
“What?” Bokuto asked.
“No, it’s just I...” you pinched your lips together with your teeth, feeling the familiar heat rise to your face again. Your heart beat just a little bit faster knowing those golden irises were on your face. “I used to feel that way, dreading when customers would come in, but it’s like.... Ever since you’ve showed up I don’t really...I don’t mind so much. In fact I actually kind of like it?”
“Oh yeah?” the corner of his mouth quirked up and he puffed out his chest a little. “Is it because you’re looking forward to seeing me?” he asked, half-teasing and half-genuine. He boldly grabbed your hand, resting your joined hands on his thigh and idly playing with your fingers, his eyes still on your face. Your heart skipped a beat and you couldn’t hold back the smile on your face.
“I mean,” you smiled bigger, “that’s part of it, for sure, but.... It’s more than that. It’s like...I appreciate the time more. It’s like you make me look at things a different way. Like—like for example, when you were pointing out how well-painted the birds and flowers in the mural over the sugar stand were—I had hardly even looked at it before! I’ve worked here for over a year and I had never even noticed something so obvious. And beautiful. Or on Wednesday, when you came in during lunch, and you did that goofy dance to the song on the radio—you made me laugh and actually enjoy the dumb station they make us play for once.” Bokuto was still listening intently, his thumb grazing over your knuckles. “It’s like, you just make me see things a different way, because of how you see them.” His eyes lit up in a way you hadn’t seen before. “I know, I’m being corny—”
“No,” he interrupted, his expression intense. You searched his eyes and felt yourself relax again, happy to be with the dork who had pursued you all week.
“You just sort of change my outlook. And I really like that about you,” you admitted, your tongue feeling heavy in your mouth. You two shared a moment of comfortable silence. Bokuto couldn’t believe that he’d made someone as wonderful as you...happier. Just because of him.
“Will you come to my game tomorrow?” he asked.
“Oh, I uh—” you hadn’t thought about it. You had nothing against it, now that you two had officially spent time together outside of the coffee shop, you just hadn’t thought about it.
“I—I love spending time with you and I just...I wanna know if you being at a game might be like me being at your coffee shop. You make me wanna play my best for you!”
You smiled. How could you say no to that face?
So you didn’t.
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A/n: I was so worried about this one y’all!! It’s such a beautiful song for my beautiful baby boy. Give it a listen here! I was really inspired by the dialogue in the musical about the protagonist being someone who moves around a lot and instead of that being a shady thing, it’s an opportunity for wider perspectives! Anyway I just love Bokuto and would love to sing this with him....enjoy!!
taglist: @izagraceee @musicgetsmeoutofbed @azo-musxas @tsumurai @ghostlydiamond135 @animeboysimppp @starshaped-raindrops @harokat
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heroesforsaken · 3 years
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𝕃𝕠𝕒𝕕𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝔸𝕝𝕝 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 𝕠𝕟 '𝔹𝕃𝔸ℂ𝕂 𝔹𝔸𝕋'
(  lana condor. she/her/they/them. demi woman. twenty-three. dc. )  would you look at CASSANDRA CAIN roaming around the avenger’s tower! they’re supposedly BLACK BAT and work with THE BAT FAMILY, identifying as a ANTI-HERO. they ARE NOT around here often, so i wonder what’s got them here today. it’s been said that they’ve been acting off for THREE MONTHS, so maybe it has to do with the tower. lets just hope the new york times doesn’t have much to say about them in the future.
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name: cassandra cain
age: twenty-three
faceclaim: lana condor
alias: black bat
highly skilled hand-to-hand combat + martial arts
peak physical condition
able to read body language and anticipate the next move
alliance: the bat family
threat level (out of ten):  7/10
history file: here
notable changes from 2012 to the timeline they were pulled from:
i do cherry pick certain canon vs others, so if you have any specifics don’t be afraid to ask. i do ignore the birds of prey movie, and stick primarily to the comics. i do also portray cassandra as hoh and wearing hearing aids as she deems necessary. 
last memory before ending up in nyc, 2012:
taking off her mask after a long day
how are you feeling? physically and mentally.
“i’m fine.”
where are you living? the same place you lived in 2012, or displaced to a random apartment? explain to the best of your ability.
“i’m not where i was in twenty-twelve, but i didn’t have much of a home back then, so i don’t think thats much of a surprise. i’m just making do right now.”
what do you think we should do about the situation at hand? try to go back home? the original mission of stopping thanos? rewrite the entire story?
“i don’t care about thanos, i care about getting back to gotham. focusing on the past will only make things harder.”
what will you do about the situation at hand?
“ whatever it takes. ”
is there anything that you think needs to be done?
“we need to go home”
if need be, would you be willing to team up with the government and shield to recoup and help the situation at hand?
“no way in hell.”
what are your worries?
“that we got stuck here. that people that should have stayed dead won’t.”
what do you think are the pros about this situation?
“for me? none... for others... that depends on what they want.”
anything else?
“are we done?”
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Shigaraki x Todoroki!Reader; The Masl
Shigaraki x Todoroki! Reader; The Mask
Enjoy the series! one two three four five six seven
“I was hoping you would come.” Overhaul held her in his arms tightly by her waist, receiving growls from the other villains. “Let her go bitch.” Shigaraki growled as Chisaki just smiled, still holding the masked-girl tightly to himself. “Why? We’re all going to the same room... Let’s go.” Dabi nudged them towards the room at the end of the hallway, walking with Shiro held on his waist to where he was basically carrying her. 
“Hmm, so tell me cutie. Why can’t you take your mask off? It’s only just us villains here.” He smirked as she just shook her head, trying to laugh it off. “Oh, no. The mask doesn’t come off. It’s kind of my thing.” Shiro smiled back, but that just had him give her a glare as she entered the large group with the rest of the room. “Don’t try to be funny. Take. Off. The. Mask.” He insisted, but before Shiro could say something back, Dabi pulled her out of his tight grip and pulled her to his side.
“Oh, I see what’s going on here. You don’t have to listen to them dollface, you’re perfectly safe with me.” Chisaki lied as you sat down in the only chair left, the one between Shigaraki and bird face. Oh fun... You sat down, and immediately watched his hand grip the arm on your arm protectively, sending chills up your back. This man scared you, but what could you say? You had acted so tough to Shigaraki, and now you were going to confess to being utterly terrified by Overhaul and his perverted and creepy actions? This was probably how most villains acted, so she would just have to get over it for now. Right? 
“We’re all here, so I think we can start. Here’s the blueprint of UA, and where all of the teachers will be during the attack. If we plan it right, we can attack All Might and have Eraserhead and the rest of 1-A on the other side of the school...” As Dabi droned on and on, you felt Overhaul’s eyes staring at you the entire time as he leaned closer and closer to you as the minutes passed. When Dabi ended, he was almost on top of you. 
“Anyways, any questions Chisaki? Besides you obsessing over our new recruit, anything else we need to do here, because we’d all like to leave before midnight.” Shigaraki asked, sitting down in his chair, but leaning towards you just a bit to where you only noticed. Why? Was he worried? Why did he care? Of course not.
“Don’t see it as obsessing. She’s beautiful, powerful, and I happen to be quiet interested in her.” Chisaki began stoking his hands through her hair slowly before being tugged away by Shigaraki, who kept one pinkie up at all times. “Tomura, I’m warning you. You shouldn’t touch her with those destructive hands of yours, someone’ll get hurt.” Overhaul grinned, meeting eye contact with the curly-haired man. “You keep touching her and you’re the one who’ll get hurt.” Shigaraki grabbed Chisaki’s shirt and pulled him close to where the two were head-to-head. “Is that a challenge?” Chisaki asked, grinning before Dabi pushed the two grown men away from each other. 
“Stop thinking with your dicks and get over yourselves. She doesn’t want a crusty or a bird legs. Come on Shigaraki, we need to get back before the cops fill the streets.” Dabi protectively grabbed Shiro’s arm, pulling her out of her seat and away from the two grown-ass men fighting in the corner. As the League began walking out of the room, Overhaul pushed Shigaraki away and brought a walkie talkie to his lips.
“Mimic, now. She’s in the hallway.” Shigaraki’s eyes widened, realizing what was about to happen. “Dabi!” He screamed to the raven-haired man down the hallway before turning to see a hand reaching out and grabbing Shiro by the arm, pulling her through the wall into an empty room and closing the opening behind her, sealing her in.
“No! No!” Dabi screamed, running to the wall and beginning to blast fire to it, fire beginning to spread throughout the walls and hallway. “Chisaki you’re going to regret that!” Toga screamed as her and Twice began to run towards the man, only to be stopped by another man who appeared from behind the door in a plague gas mask, making their movements extra slow in mid air. “Enough of you two.” He murmured, punching them into the wall painfully. 
“Watch it!” Dabi screamed, coming up from behind the guy and punching him in the back of the head, sending the guy to the floor unconscious. 
As the room filled with blue flames, smoke, and anger, the three men began fighting to the death. “You bitch! Get back here!” Shiro could hear from the other side of the wall, as she sat there, trying desperately to find a way back. “No! No!” She yelled desperately, finding it hard to breathe with the lack of oxygen. “Please!” She screamed, before feeling a bit woozy. She recognized the use of gas used to put people to sleep, which she wasn’t going to allow. These walls couldn’t be possibly indestructible, could they? 
Using her quirk to it’s full potential, she managed to use the ice to blast through one of the walls. As she stepped near the opening she had managed to create, sudden intoxicating smoke and flames appeared around her. The fire couldn’t hurt her due to her quirk, but the sudden heat and smoke filling her lungs made it hard to function. 
As much as she knew she shouldn’t she needed to take off the mask. She held it in her hands and began running, following the sound of screaming down the mysterious hallways. Just a few hallways down, Dabi and the other two were battling it out. Shigaraki had already disintegrated the table, his own shirt accidently, and was now trying to punch the fuck out of Overhaul with Dabi’s help. “Go to hell!” Dabi grabbed Chisaki by the throat and pinned him to the floor, holding him by the shirt. 
“Tell me where she is! I swear, if you did something to her I’ll kill you!” As Dabi was about to pound his fist into Chisaki, the smoke began to pour through Dabi’s eyes, allowing Chisaki to slip from under him. “Oh yea? What can you do if you’re dead?!” He screamed, lifting a steel pipe from the stairs and whacking Dabi in the back of the head, sending him to the ground.
“And you!” Overhaul grabbed Shigaraki by the throat and began to lift him off his feet before throwing him to the ground, Shigaraki’s skull hitting the hard floor beneath him. Unknowing to both of them, Shiro was watching from behind the corner far down the hallway, terrified. Overhaul grabbed the knife from his pocket and began to pierce it into Shigaraki’s leg, receiving an agonizing scream from the blue-haired man.
 “Look at you and look at me! How do you think you can do anything right? Your quirk was meant to destroy, while mine can destroy and bring it back even better!” Overhaul stabbed Shigaraki multiple times before laughing loudly. 
“You, one slip-up and you could destroy anyone in your life. Oh wait, you already have Tenko!” Overhaul laughed as Shigaraki’s eyes widened. How did he know his real name, or his past?  Shiro slipped her mask back on, before preparing to attack. “I’m going to make your death as slow and painful as-” Shiro jumped up before sending a spike of ice down the hall towards Chisaki, piercing him through the chest. Woozily, Shigaraki watched as the white-haired girl ran to him worryingly. 
“God, you look awful.” Shigaraki commented, looking at her beautiful face covered in dust, her eyes bloodshot from the crying and smoke irritation, and of course the crying. “Well you don’t look very handsome right now either Mr. Hot Stuff.” Shigaraki grinned at her snarky self, so happy that she was okay. He would kill himself if something had happened to her.
“D-did he hurt you?” Shigaraki asked as she knelt next to him, smiling. “Don’t worry about me. You’re going to be fine, let me just-” Shiro stopped talking as her mask fell from her face, the strap on the back having melted from the extreme heat around her. As Shiro’s face was revealed to Shigaraki, he couldn't help but gasp as he began to back up from her. 
“N-no! No, there’s no way you’re... you’re her!” He screamed loudly and fearfully, hating that he was in such a vulnerable position in front of... Endeavor’s child. “Did you plan this with him? Are you going to try to kill me?” He asked as tears built up in his eyes, unable to believe his bad luck. The one girl he had fallen for had been a pro hero’s child. He had invited her into his home too, and had trusted her. Heck, he had protected her from such a creep as Chisaki. 
“Tomura.” She whimpered, tears beginning to stream down her face as she watched him try to get away from her. “Please. You’re... hurt.” Shiro began to walk towards him, which ended up in fear building up in his eyes even more. “Not another step woman! You come near me, you die!” Shigaraki screamed, raising all five of his fingers towards her, causing her to back up. 
“Please Tomura, it’s me.” She cried, tears streaming down her face. “You’ve got to believe me, it’s always been me.” Tomura began to settle down, replaying all the memories of her in his head. She had a high kill count, was brought to the League all bloody and bruised up, and had just saved him just now from Chisaki. There was no way that it all was the same girl... unless. Shigaraki pushed himself onto his feet weakly, and began to walk towards her. 
She froze, afraid that he would try to hurt her. But again, this was Shigaraki. He wouldn't kill her right there at that moment, right? Shigaraki stopped right before her, one of his hands gripping the mask that had slipped onto the floor. He raised it to her face to show only her hair, and bright blue eyes. God... it really was her.
“It’s really you.” He whispered to himself, unable to comprehend what was happening. “Y-yea.” She began to answer, before Shigaraki fell into her body, unconscious from the blood loss. “Oh god... oh god, oh god, oh god.” She whispered to herself before lowering him to the ground. Ripping parts of her shirt and jacket off, she used the tears as bandages to put over Tomura’s wounds before running to Toga and Twice, who had fallen asleep under the slow actioned quirk. She froze the back of her mask together, and placed it back on her face as she shook the two awake. “I need you guys to help me.” 
She recruited Toga and Twice to carry Dabi back to the lounge, while carrying Shigaraki herself. She watched her two friends carry away her brother before turning to an unconscious Chisaki on the ground. Lighting a single flame on her index finger, she touched his hand and stepped away. “Shiggy, let’s go.” She smiled, picking him up bridal style and beginning to walk away. 
“I’ll burn the same hands you touched me with, so you can never touch me again.” She murmured to Chisaki’s body, before following her friends outside. So... Tomura knew her identity. Should she tell Dabi, or would he just freak out? Tomura had smiled at the end, so was he alright? 
Obviously he felt freaked out, lied to, and maybe a little betrayed, but she hadn’t done anything wrong. Right? Of course not, just keep her alive. Plus, the way Shigaraki had looked at her had been with a smile, and maybe a bit of happiness. Did he think she was pretty? Heck, the world thought she was pretty, but did he? After all, he was the only one that mattered to her. 
“So Senpai, what happened when we were knocked out?” Toga asked when they finally walked inside, drying themselves off from the light drizzle outside. “Oh nothing much, I just was able to kill Chisaki and save the two guys from him. All in a days work, am I right?” Shiro grinned as Twice high fived her. 
“You did good kiddo, not bad for our newest member.” Twice grinned, setting the two guys on the table. “Oh my god, what did you guys do now?” Kurogiri stepped into the main room from the hallway to see the four kids, blood splattered, unconscious, burnt, and beyond exhausted. 
He looked them up and down, seeing how part of Shiro’s clothes had been burnt or torn up, how Shigaraki was bloody and unconscious, how Toga and Twice was limping and had footprints on their shirts, and how Dabi looked beat up with bruises up and down his arms. “My, you guys are pieces of work sometimes.”
Comment below if you’d like to be added to the taglist, or if you just liked the story!
Taglist: @debbiehehe @pnkcts @league-of-bnha @lilcura1209 @x-a-delama-x @bish-ima-clown @axerrri @fearsome-perfect-beauty-eren​
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spider-dude · 3 years
|| @amcricanidiot​ ||
Say what you want about the tight suits most heroes sported, they had their pros. One nice thing about spandex, namely the masks, was that they held wireless earbuds in place. An unintentional boon. Especially for someone swinging through New York twenty stories above bumper-to-bumper traffic. These musical modern marvels weren’t going anywhere, they were snug and secure. A random playlist droned out the whistling of the wind that tore past with each swing.
Another night of patrolling with only a few muggings in between dead air. Peter relented and began the trek back home. My disappointment is immeasurable and my night is ruined. Meme away the pain, disassociate from reality to numb the festering fear of being nothing more than Queen’s version of a Mall Cop. Eugh. Paul Blart was a look, for sure, just not for him. Don’t get it wrong, it was good that nothing terrible was going on but some nights made it hard to justify his worth. 
Slipping his phone from his jacket, the young hero mindlessly slung webs and let his body shift to auto-pilot while one hand dedicated itself to scrolling through social media. It was unfortunate that someone hadn’t been filming to capture Spiderman webbing a nesting Pigeon and not the stone pillar it sat upon, causing both to plummet. Gravity was a bitch. Yells and squawks rang out in discordant harmony. Stuffing the phone back into his hoodie, several webs were tossed out before one made purchase and violently jerked the hero, nearly pulling his arm from his socket. Call it falling with style. Expressive bug-eyes on the red mask popped open in sudden realization as he reached the vertex of his downward swing. 
This was going to hurt. 
Yanking the webbed pigeon into his arms like a feathery yo-yo, Peter had enough time to turn so his shoulder took the brunt of his body meeting the side of a brick building. The pain that lit up the nerves in his arm was a small price to pay to keep an innocent, winged bystander from the same fate. This wasn’t Angry Birds. 
A weathered awning sat over the entrance to some hole-in-the-wall pizzeria acted as a fabric spiderweb and caught the felled brunette. Wheezed symphonies consisting of groans and swears colored the evening as the rough impact forced the wind out of his lungs. He struggled to breathe in while holding the floundering pigeon away to lessen the effect of its furious pecks and screeches. 
Don’t swing and text, kids, or you could end up like Spiderman.
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justinstolemybike · 5 years
sigh. season 3. here we are. 
i watched the first five episodes and... i felt so uncomfortable. it was bad. not all bad but... pretty bad. so bad, that it wasn’t enjoyable for me and i didn’t care to watch it all the way through, so i read other spoilers and i am not sure if i will watch the final season. but with it being said that i did not watch the whole thing, this can’t be a full review. so, here comes my first glance. spoilers obviously. 
instead of weaknesses and highlights, lets just say likes and dislikes. likes first.
- tyler’s storyline. last season, i was skeptical of how they would handle his rape and emotions about it, but i am relieved they gave his character proper care and devin druid did a magnificent job. my only gripe is that i wish they had him do something other than boxing to channel his anger. like, i understand why he would be learning self defense but i would like to see him do something less violent?? 
- jessica’s reclaiming of her body. at first the whole intro to the sex toys was weird but it actually was really touching (no pun intended) to see jessica begin to love her body and love sex again after what she’s been through. also, female masturbation is so underrated. nice to see it encouraged. know your bodies, ladies. 
- the classic jensen tour. i’m surprised they still allow him to do the tours. like, none of the exchange students from the last time reported him? oh.
- chloe and the abortion. as a character, i don’t care for chloe, i’m sorry. she’s not a character to me, just a plot device. also, she gets no cookies for lying for bryce in the trials (i know abusers and victims have a twisted dynamic and that’s why that happened but nah chief) but i do like how they showed that some pro-life clinics will mask as abortion clinics and manipulate women into coming and trying to get them to keep their babies. totally real and fucked up.
- bryce was held socially accountable (kind of) and i think that makes an interesting point about rape culture. in the real world, jail doesn’t scare men in power because they can buy their way out. they don’t care about women and what they feel, obviously. what’ll really fuck sexual assaulters up is when they have no friends and no one likes them. that’s what they (kind of) showed with bryce this season. and he died which, yes fucking rad awesome wow.
- i know that justin also had a kind of darker storyline (with seth, i think? you can tell me if i’m wrong but don’t be rude) but he was a lot of the comic relief it appears and brandon flynn was great at it.
- alex and jessica broke up. hallelujah.
- justin is a abuse survivor. makes sense with his background. 
- monty died too AND went to jail. cool amazing beautiful.
- tony is still ferociously loyal and apparently there was a scene where clay and tony said they loved each other. rise clony. rise up from the ashes.
- “i write fanfiction” - clay jensen.
-ani. ani, ani, ani. i can understand why people find her annoying and she was probably the biggest reason i was uncomfortable watching but i didn’t hate her. she just... didn’t make sense. the things she did,the things she said, how she was involved and everyone just takes to her and loves her immediately, no questions asked, no buildup necessary... none of it felt natural or believable. a new girl comes in and it’s just a coincidence that clay gives her a tour and she decides to go up to jessica and says shes amazing and lives in bryce’s house and connects herself to the house of horrors that is the tape club (which was so dumb on the tape club’s part by the way, as she could have snitched and destroyed them all) instead of just finishing out her high school career in peace considering she moves around a lot and she starts college in a year and half and probably won’t talk to any of them after that. no, she’d rather potentially go to jail for a bunch of fucking strangers and criminals and rapists. sure, okay.
and for someone who just fucking got there to basically insert themselves in the traumas of these kids and make things worse in some respects and do some fucking shitty things (not listening or caring when she heard about bryce being a GODDAMN RAPIST, accusing jessica of SLEEPING WITH HER RAPIST, accusing clay of being the killer, yelling about chloe’s pregnancy in the street, the list probably gets longer) and think they’re allowed to pass judgment when THEY JUST FUCKING GOT THERE. LIKE, WHY IS SHE SO INVESTED? WHAT DOG DOES SHE HAVE IN THIS FIGHT? DOESN’T SHE NEED TO STUDY OR SOMETHING? WHY IS THIS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING ELSE SHE HAS GOING ON IN HER LIFE?
now, i get what the show was trying to do here. they wanted another, fresh perspective/narrator and i guess a love interest for clay (a wayyyy too convenient love interest, ‘she loves robots and drawing and not minding her business too! swoon!). but they could’ve had both of those things without adding someone to the payroll. honestly, i don’t think they needed a narrator at all but if they really wanted one, they could’ve added an ACTUAL ADULT detective, with no biases so they can be completely reliable to the audience and their investment would be justified. for love interest, yall already know how much i love and miss sheri. she could check clay without sounding patronizing and had chemistry with him and actual nice, romantic history. she could have been his second cop and they could have reconnected and become a couple and... we could’ve had it all, rolling in the deeeppp. 
it’s like with ani, the show wanted to kill two birds with one stone but they missed them both and i think the backlash on her character says it all. i’d just like to remind everyone to give the actress who plays ani respect and courtesy because it’s not her fault. 
- was it just me, or does it seem like the tape club has learned nothing from what they went through? they’re still keeping secrets and trying to hide shit and keep it all inside and i’m like..... but.... this behavior is what got ya’ll fucked up in the first place? and i totally understand it’s about protection and whatever but.... it also feels like an excuse to not be held accountable for wrong doing. like, alex killed bryce. although he had all the reasons to do it and i’m glad he’s dead, he killed someone fam. that’s not okay. and his dad is wrapped up and it’s just... i just... i dont know. then, there was the whole “let’s not tell on tyler so he doesn’t go to jail” thing and i have mixed feelings about that. i think they should’ve turned him in and got clay’s mom to rep him for rehabilitation and therapy instead of a jail sentence. they’re hiding the guns and trying to trust tyler and luckily that worked, but how long? what if someone fucks with him again and it’s too much for them to help him with? 
- speaking of help, clay needs it. oh my god, does that boy need it. they were so focused on getting tyler professional help but, clay’s out here putting guns to his head and having night terrors. he needs therapy more than anyone. honestly, what i would have liked to see, wayyy back in s2, is as soon as justin saw that, he wouldve went to clay’s parents and got him back on his meds and seeing a counselor. he’s been through so much trauma and guilt and he’s tired of his own fucking hero complex. it’s enough man. 
- they tried to have their cake and eat it too when it came to clay stopping tyler from shooting up the school. they tried to be like, clay shouldn’t have done that but oh, he was so brave and what a great guy he is for doing that. no, that doesn’t work. clay should not have confronted tyler in that situation. period.
- zach was disappointing because i agreed wholeheartedly when he said that they should have called the cops but... he didn’t. he was blaming them for letting tyler go free but he was too. damn, zach.
- it’s like they give clay a new lackey every season and.... ok, i guess.
- i also thought it was kind of weird that after everything they’ve been through, they still walk on eggshells with each other? like i guess because now we’re dealing with murder but... i would think they would trust and care for each other a lot more than to accuse each other and spy and interrogate and not just simply ask... like... this season made me not understand the tape club’s relationship. like are they friends? allies? allies trying to be friends? friends out of necessity? do they know? 
- bryce does not deserve to be humanized. that’s all.
- monty does not deserve to be humanized. that’s all. also, it’s so disappointingly predictable that he’s closeted. 
- the new characters (ani, caleb, chloe, winston, cyrus ) i still don’t care about. plot devices, all.
i may edit and retract some things, should i decide to watch all the way but i’m tired.
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violetfeathers · 4 years
Heat (Hawks X F!Reader)
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I have never posted anything on tumbler before so let’s just leave this here and hope other’s enjoy my bullshit trash mind too.
Pairing: Hawks x reader
Words: 7.7k+
Genre: smut, some story build fluff smut at least? rut/heat
Rating: Explicit, 18+, NSFW
Warnings: breeding, submissive, choking, some blood at the beginning, some fluff
Blood erupted from your lips as you coughed, the coppery taste making you cringe and want to heave again as you absorbed the injury of the civilian in front of you.
The small hole in your abdomen slowly started to close, the man staring at you in awe as you had to pull down your black lower face mask to expel your own blood though you appeared as if you weren't worried in the slightest.
Never said my quirk was pretty.
You happened to be in the area during an explosion of a nearby factory and thankfully there wasn't many people injured, which made it easier to take on the responsibility of most serious wounds like the pipe that went through a man's side and the chunk of another's leg that was seared off.
Your quirk was super regenerative and gave you the ability to take on the injuries of others to heal at a rapid rate. Obviously you couldn't bring someone back from the dead or replace entire arms or legs, but you could repairs holes in organs or mass injury depending on what you yourself could survive.
The down fall was experiencing most of the pain of whatever you absorbed, making you weaker and more unsteady depending on the situation until you ultimately passed out. A super powerful quirk yet you wanted to just help people like a normal everyday hero while also volunteering at hospitals rather than boast since newly moving to Hosu city.
You were usually too busy with cases and trips around the area for interviews or coverage, so you remained a small rising pro hero who was only twenty that the public was still learning about and mostly unaware of.
Your eyes kept on a friendly tinge despite the crimson liquid that coated your lips, tone breathy as you inquired about the man you front of you. "You okay, sir? Any other injuries?"
He shook his head in silence, barely able to comprehend how you were still upright. You nodded, standing and helping him to his feet as well. "There is an ambulance over there, make sure to talk to them and the officers just in case. Have a good day and be safe!"
You were gone before he could say another word, your hooked chain wrapping around a broken piece of wall and dragging yourself up to where you heard panicked voices getting closer the further your swung and jumped up with a small wince.
You were greeted with the sight of an older man, his entire stomach coated in blood as he laid next to a familiar red winged pro hero who was trying to calm the death fearing male down with a calming smile.
Holy shit that's Hawks
You couldn’t let yourself be starstruck as you heard the famous pro talking to the man, his tone friendly and upbeat to try to keep the man’s focus.
"We'll get you out, you just gotta trust me." Hawks assured, the remnants of his feathers twitching slightly as he eyed the amount of blood with worry. He wanted to lift the man out, but had already used a lot of his feathers to get out other victims around the fires of the explosion.
His eyes glanced over to see a smaller woman that looked unfamiliar, your hero suit just black with dark grey accents that clung to your form with pouches and a long chain wrapped around your waist.
Your eyes trailed over to man as you neared, your voice soft but urgent as you began to formulate how this would go. "What are his injuries?"
Hawks blinked, surprised by the woman who was talking at him like he wasn't one of the top pro heroes and immediately taking charge of the situation the moment you entered.
"He.. He had a large pipe in his stomach-"
"Anything else other than this large injury?"
Hawks feathers ruffled as you cut him off, but watched as you peeled back the crimson soaked shirt of the man in front of him to look at the size of the wound.
"Burns and scrapes." Came his curt reply, his eyes narrowing on you as you pressed your hands into the civilian's before a beautiful smile made it’s way to your already bloodied lips. His heart skipped a beat at the sight, your scent finally wafting over to him and curling around him in a sweet embrace.
You were too busy wracking your brain with your own state as you smiled at the man below you, knowing that he wouldn't make it to hospital in time. "You're gonna be just fine sir, you gotta trust a hero's word after all. Especially the number two's." Your kind gaze then darted up to the popular hero's surprised one, your smile turning into something more bashful but informative.
"When I'm done, you can leave me and get him out. All I ask is that you come back for me, I'm just gonna need my own help out of here though. Sorry for the bother that this is gonna be!"
Before Hawks could even question what you were even talking about, your joined hands glowed a bright gold just like your irises while the wound on the man's stomach began to illuminate as well before the glowing was cut off, the man gasping at the instant release of his pain.
The bird pro was in shock, his eyes feeling like they deceived him until he heard a cough come from the mystery hero. Blood poured from your lips, your eyes squeezed shut as you curled an arm around your stomach with your black hero suit darkening as the newly formed hole in your stomach gushed out dark red liquid.
Hawks instantly was at your side, his hand resting on your upper back with frantic look to his golden orbs.
"What are yo-"
"T-the man, Hawks. Please."
The winged hero swore under his breath, a feather hastily hooking into the back of the man's shirt and carrying him off without hesitation much to your surprise.
You coughed again with blood splattering out onto the concrete below, your eyesight blurry as your words came out croaked and raspy sounding. "I'll b-be fine. Quirk's healing-" You could barely get out the explanation before your vision started to fade, your words sounding more far away by the second.
Hawks scooped you up into his arms, his feathers returning to him as much as he could that weren't damaged to help form steps that let him jump down from the high up broken floor they were on. "Hey, stay with me, dove. Your quirk is healing, yeah? So, you're gonna be fine right?"
His words had a twinge of worry to them despite his lighter tone, catching the twitch of your lips as a shaky smirk made it's way to your face. "Y-yeah, I'll be- fuck. F-fine. Regenerative p-power. Call my agency."
Hawks felt himself relax but only slightly, his feet landing on the ground as he let out a deep breath. "Alright, what agency are you under?"
He was met by silence, his golden eyes darting down to see your face slack as you passed out in his hold and let a groan slip from his lips.
"Well shit."
And that was how you met Hawks.
He thankfully was able to use his own connections at as his agency to find out that you were recently hired at a smaller group on the outskirts of Hosu, surprising him that such a mind boggling quirk was hiding under the shadows of such an unknown agency. He even liked your hero name, 'Death Defy'.
He immediately asked you to come work for him the moment you awoke with the bird man standing over you with a look of fascination.
Which you initially declined.
Because why trust a man you have never met despite his status? You were still unsure of what the world of hero networking was like and it was intimidating to just immediately be okay with working under such a top hero.
You soon found out that Hawks was a persistent man when he had his eye on something though.
A few months went by of randomly running into him out on the field and at your favorite coffee shop, the man now visiting your little caffeinated gem daily around the same time as you at the end of weekly jogs.
He could tell you were not used to the attention, finding out along the way about how you became a hero in your small town despite having merchant parents who ran a grocery store. You had a mutated quirk that was almost godly, one that your parents hide away for years claiming you to be quirkless due to the fear of people come to take you away.
He found it admirable that you had decided to pursue the life of a hero regardless of your safety once you could make the choice for yourself, ignoring your parent’s pleads to just live a normal life. You were fully aware that people would try to take advantage of you or worse, but it was the risk you were willing to take to help as many people that were within your reach.
He almost wondered what the Commission would have done if they had known about her, but he was grateful to meet you just the way you were.
At first you were confused by the interest the winged hero had taken into you, not opposed to his attention at all but you found yourself more lost to be in the presence of such a charismatic man more and more often.
Then your confusion turned into a friendly fondness. His witty banter and flirty attitude growing on you more than you expected, finally causing you to take the plunge to accept his offer.
The charming smirk you got was seared into your memory, your hero life changing drastically from that day on.
You moved closer to his agency, thankful that Hawks offered quite a generous pay to get yourself a decent apartment. Your schedule was more filled than before, answering more calls to disaster scenes and more dangerous encounters to save more people than you ever had.
You felt enlightened and worn to the bone, but it was something that was thrilling to your very core. You wanted to help people and accepting the position at the number two hero's agency had you feeling more useful than ever before.
Speaking of the number two hero, you figured he would stop going out of his way to see you once you agreed to his offer, but you found yourself seeing him more than ever.
He would still see you at your coffee shop, the two of you now having a ritual of sharing a table to chat about everything and anything. He called upon you in a lot of missions too, even if it was precautionary, saying you were more useful than you gave yourself credit for. You swore the blush on your cheeks could be seen through your black face mask.
Time passed and your feelings for the man grew, everything about him drawing you in like a magnet no matter how hard you tried to focus on you hero career. He was charming and flirty sure, but he couldn’t contain the flustered fluff of his feathers at your teasing or the accidental brushes of you hand. He seemed as engaged with you as you were with him, but it was too intimidating to take the plunge and possibly ruin your relationship. 
It was around Spring when you found yourself at the agency late on a Friday night, letting out a deep sigh as you finished your last report.
You figured you were the last one around based on how quiet it had been outside your office for the past two hours. You clicked off your desk lamp as you stood and picked up your stack of files, grabbing your bag to throw over your shoulder on your way out.
You locked your office door and place the files in the tray outside your doorway when you heard something from down the hall towards Hawks' office.
You furrowed your brows as you walked towards the door, noticing that it was nearly all the way latched shut as a whimper caught your attention. It sounded almost pained, causing you to fling open the door with a worried expression, your (e/c) eyes catching the blonde haired crimson winged hero hunched over in his desk chair with a pained look on his handsome face.
"Hawks? Are you alright?" You asked while not noticing the way his body shuddered at your voice, his wings puffing up slightly as your scent wafted into the room as you entered.
His eyes snapped up to yours in a bit of a panic, being in the same mindset as you and expected his agency to be empty by now. "(Y-Y/N)?" His voice was husky and breathy, trying to deal with the flood of heat that seemed to painfully make it's way through him.
He never wanted you to see him like this. He hadn't been keeping track of time of his body's signs of his impending rut, his body and mood all of the place. His hunger almost insatiable for the past few days until, well, this.
All he wanted was to lay low in his office until nightfall then try to sneakily fly back to his penthouse, nest, then ride out his painful week with as much dignity as he could muster.
And right now he felt like the world wanted to see the bird man burn as he watch you round his desk to kneel at his side with a concern look on your pretty face.
"Do you need me to heal something? What's going on?" You asked urgently, your hand going up rest on his flushed cheek and frowning at how heated he felt.
He leaned heavily into your touch, his breaths coming out in pants as his golden eyes opened to practically melt into yours as his lips were barley able to form a reply. "N-no, this isn't somethin' you can fix, dove. You n-need to go."
You frowned further, your eyes narrowing in confusion on the obviously flustered male as you pressed on. "I can't just go with you looking like this! Keigo, please, let me help."
A soft crooning of chirps met your ears, your eyes widening as Hawks felt his face flushing further as he moved away from your touch hastily in response.
"L-listen. This is really embarrassing to deal with and I don't want to creep you out so please let me just deal with this by myself. I promise I'll be okay." He assured you, forcing himself to try and not keep the memory of you on your knees in front of him tucked away for later use.
You could hear rather desperate tone he was barely able to conceal, your eyes taking in a hardened look as you stood your ground. "No Keigo, you can trust me! I don't care if it's embarrassing, just tell me what's going on."
He almost groaned at the commanding tone of your voice, shivers erupting all over his skin at the determined look to your gorgeous face. He blurted out the words before he could process it, not realizing the effect you already had over him due to your scent and his needy nature.
"So you know my quirk is avian in nature, yeah? It's because of that I g-gain some stupid bird traits and habits. Nesting, preening, showing off, possessiveness, and all of that boils down to having a... rut."
".....A rut?" You echo, your eyes searching his as he grit his teeth and forced his hands to remain curled into his own hero jacket to prevent him from reach towards you
"I basically get painfully horny on and off for a week straight. My dumb body wants to do the animal thing." He bluntly drops, hanging his head as he squeezes his eyes shut in mortification of his own words. He wasn't a shy man by any means, but he liked you. He had spent so much time getting to know you and didn't want something like this to make it weird between the both of you. Which is why his eyes snapped open at your next words in disbelief.
"Oh... Well, can't you call a girl to- uh, fuck silly for a few days?"
A pained laugh left his lips at your words, his musical chuckling making a flush settle on your own cheeks as you bashfully glance down from your blunt reply.
Once he caught his breath, he opened his mouth again and tried to not breathe in more of you and your warm energy that called out to him almost teasingly in his clouded mind. "I wish it were that simple, but this is something super, uh, personal? I want to get very connected to whoever I would do this with and I have... never done it with anyone before." He admitted.
"Fuck- sorry that sounded really insensitive, huh? I thought-" He interrupted your apology with a pained wave of his hand, not blaming you for your suggestion at all. "Its fine, I just need to get home. Your, uh smell is kinda driving me wild."
You flushed further, your lips parting in surprise before looking guilty. "I'm sorry-"
"A-again, it's fine. You just scent is just so damn-" He whimpered again, a soft cooing leaving the back of his throat as his body leaned towards yours subconsciously. You bit your lip, your own thighs tightening together at the subject at hand.
Is it bad that I like that he is affected by something as simple as my smell?
You felt embarrassed that your mind was even allowing itself to imagine what it would be like under him, moaning like a bitch in heat while he railed into you. Here was your boss technically that you were thinking about, images of him fucking you in so many ways wanting to flood your mind as he was so vulnerable in front of you. You had pressed him when he already ask you to leave, but you couldn’t help yourself as you wanted to offer any assistance at all to him. 
“Do you need help getting home? I could drive you- wait you said my smell is bothering you...” You realized a bit late about his admission from before, your heart aching for the man in front of you. “You have never had help with this? That must be so painful, I wish I...” You trailed off, your face getting hot at your own implication of your words, wanting to just bury yourself at your own mess up. 
It wasn’t like you crush was surprising, you were just a simple small town town girl who moved to a bigger city in hopes of helping people to be thrust into the arms of a handsome hero.
But you were never obvious in your affections towards the man, always trying to maintain a friendly relationship while telling yourself that any female wouldn’t blame you for letting you heart get away from you at the sight of his sexy charming smirk or his impressive speed and control over his quirk. You had spend almost a year with the man now, you honestly thought about him more often than you should have.
He was way more than just his gorgeous looks, with his kind nature and his witty personality. You knew there had to be a side of him that was hurt and damaged, catching glimpses of far away looks and sad frowns sometimes, but you wanted to learn more about him. To become closer to the man in front of you because you really had come to care for him. Which is why you felt like such a fool for risking that with blurting out your horny thoughts without thinking.
Meanwhile when you scolding yourself for your words, you didn’t see the way his wings fluttered at the implication you left hanging in the air.
She wishes she could what? Does she want to- even with knowing what I'm needing right now?
He couldn’t hold himself back, his eyes searching yours desperately as his mouth opened with a pleading heat to his words. “Would you? You- fuck, you barely know what this is. It’s really a lot and I don’t want you to feel pressured but-” A whining chirp left the back of his throat as he gripped at his chest, practically cooing in pleasure as you instinctively move in closer to him. 
“I really want you.”
You felt your heart skip a beat, your underwear immediately growing damp at the lust coated words that seemed to drip off his tongue. The blonde just asking was him inadvertently telling you he wanted to get closer to you, making your chest flutter at the knowledge of him caring for you like you did for him. You felt like you should give it more thought, but your mind started to grow muddy with your own arousal as you swallowed quickly before answering with a breathy tone. “Tell me what to do.”
A beautiful groan left his lips as he suddenly stood with your eyes catching the sight of his hardened bulge before pulling you to your feet, backing away from you with a pained sigh and a shake of his hands. 
“If you are serious about this, meet me at my place. My pheromones could cloud your judgement since we’re so close together.... I n-need to get more comfortable and want to p-prepare just in case you do want to do this. Get some of your own clothes and things, I won’t let you leave my place if you come. Literally. I’ll text you my address, m-maybe look up what this is too. Just to be sure.”
The window was opened without further waiting, you watching with a flustered gaze as the crimson winged hero fly off into the distance.
You had some things to go do.
You exited the elevator, walking forward towards the only door on the floor with a fluttering nervousness in your stomach. You thanked the gods that he wanted to prepare, giving you time to get a shower and shave yourself bare after a sweaty work day. 
Thankfully you hadn’t taken a day off since starting to work for the winged pro along with it being the start of a weekend you surprisingly had off as well. So you gathered up multiple outfits along with toiletries, approaching the door of Hawks with a a pounding in your ears. You had taken his advice to look up what his rut would entail, blushing scarlet at the mention of breeding and protectiveness one would feel. 
You knew he probably didn’t expect that of you, thankfully you were on the pill anyways. So it wasn’t like you couldn’t indulge on the basic instinct of it all though.
When you knocked, it was barely ten seconds later the door swung open rapidly making you jump slightly at the sight of the blonde male in front of you.
He looked a bit more, well, feral that you remembered. His eyes were almost molten in color, his chest barely hidden by a black tank top with sweats hanging low on his hips. His dirty blonde hair looked damp as well, his eyes raking over your form in a baggy shirt under a black jacket and shorts with a duffel bag over your shoulder. 
“(Y/N), I’m so glad you came.”
He tugged you in immediately, grabbing your duffel bag from you before gesturing for you to follow him after you kicked off your shoes at his door. He knew the moment he touched you for real, he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back anymore, so he kept his contact brief with trying to get you situated, wanting you to be as comfortable as possible. 
“Sorry for the delay, I had to wait for the taxi for a bit...” You answered back shyly, your hands nervously fiddling with your jacket’s zipper as you entered his room. You knew in the back of your mind where this was going, but you couldn’t find it in yourself to be so confident in the presence of such a attractive and stunning man like Keigo. 
“No- no you’re fine. I was preoccupied for a bit at least.” He answered in a husky tone, walking over to set your bag on a bench at the end of his bed. You felt yourself nearly drip at the effect his damn voice had on you, your eyes distracting you by finding the sight of his gigantic bed covered in pillows, blankets, towels, and other articles of clothing stuff along the nest-like structure. You honestly wanted to coo at the sight, it being adorable to you as you turned to see him looking back at you with a soft gaze. 
“Do.. do you like it? I know it’s kinda odd...I mean, it’s a pile of random shit that I like basically.”
You look at him while being slightly surprised at his hesitant tone, never knowing the cocky suave man in front of you to seek approval so openly. You wanted this to be a good experience for him as well, so you gave him a sultry grin as you nodded your head. “Of course, Keigo. I adore it. Very comfy lookin’ If I say so myself!”
The cooing chirps that answered made your heart warm, wanting nothing more than to be closer to Hawks after hearing his cute noises. Your feet were braver than you felt in the moment as you walked toward him, your fingertips trailing over his chest to wrap around his neck as his body shuddered under your touch while his fingers began to dig into your hips. 
He couldn’t take it anymore, your scent felt like it was engulfing him as he tugged you closer and smashed his lips against your soft ones. You moaned in the back of your throat, your bodies pressing together as the heat of the situation began to rapidly escalate faster than either of you had expected. His tongue entered your mouth smoothly, his taste already seeming unfairly addictive as he dominated the kiss so easily that had you feeling breathless already. He felt you grind slightly against his thigh, his cock twitching as the thought of what was to come. 
His lips left yours, his cheeks flushed making the black accent marks around his eyes stand out in the dimmed lighting of the room. “Please, can I fuck you?”
You nodded in response, already having made your decision by coming here in the first place. But the desperation in his tone had you gushing at the thought of having him buried deep within you. You knew what was to come and you could hardly wait to feel him touch you, hoping that it was better than you imagined and dreamed of.
He slid the jacket from your shoulders, you not resisting at all as he let the clothing drop to the floor and worked on your remaining clothing. He appreciated that when he helped you remove your shirt that you went without a bra, the sight of your perky nipples making a whimper leave his lips as he immediately dipped his head down to catch one of the buds between his teeth. 
You let a high pitched cry leave your lips, not expecting his nipping bite but didn’t complain in the slightest. Your quirk gave you a higher pain tolerance than many and despite your small innocent demeanor, you honestly liked it rough.
The crimson winged man noted your reaction as he sucked the areola into his mouth, his tongue swirling soothingly around your skin as he palmed your other breast. He couldn’t control the growl in his throat as he suckled against you sharply, drawing another whine to leave your throat as you felt your fingers shake as they wove into his blonde hair. You tugged at the strands in need as he hooked his arm under your ass and around your waist as he moved you to his bed. 
“Fuck- please, Keigo!” You moaned out, barely able to keep your eyes open as you stared forwards with such a sight like Hawks hovering above you as you raised your hips up as he understood and quickly slipped you bottoms off to leave you completely bare beneath him. 
He soaked in the sight feel of your soft skin under his, his eyes drinking in your body as he tugged off his own clothes knowing that he wouldn’t be able to last much longer. He honestly wished he could hold back long enough to go slow with you, but he was painfully hard and straining to feel you wrapped around his dick. 
He wasted no time as his slid his index finger along the folds of your pussy, groaning as he shoved his face in the crook of your neck to bite and suck harshly at the sensitive skin. You moaned more as he finally pressed a finger inside of you slowly but smoothly, the stretching comfortable as you began to grind you hips against his finger when it began to start thrusting into you. The speed increased steadily, his finger curling in just the right way to make you see a flash of white and a static to run over your skin in pleasure.
“O-of course you’re good at this.”
“Oh dove, I’m no where even close to started.” 
His grin was feral as he scooted down to hover his face over your freshly shaved pussy, breathing in your slick as you both could hear the lewd sounds of your sex every time his finger entered your spasming cunt. He groaned, the fingers of his free hand digging into your thigh to hold you open for him as he leaned close enough for you to feel his breath on your clit. “You smell delicious, my lovely bird. Can I-”
You cut him off in with an impatient whine, your eyes darkened in lust. “You don’t have to ask, Keigo. You can do whatever you want to me.”
Without another word his tongue slipped into your quivering pussy, his groans vibrating against you and causing you to gasp loudly clutch at his hair desperately as he drank from you. 
“You’re delicious, dovie.” He muttered, his tongue swirling back into your entrance and making you moaned loudly then tug at his hair again with a heavy flush settling on your skin. You felt your orgasm approaching faster than you though possible, your noises becoming more desperate as you tightened your grip in his messy locks. He shoved two fingers into you, curling them and rocking them into you harder and faster as your cries grew louder. 
“Hawks, I-I’m gonna- Ah!” You moaned loudly as he responded by quickening his pace, sucking your clit into his mouth and nibbling at the harden pearl while his pressed his fingers against your g-spot in just the right way.
Your crash had your body shuddering, Keigo removing his fingers to replace them with his mouth as his tongue scooped up as much of your essence that he could. Your hips circled from the over-simulation, the wings of the pro twitching and ruffling at every lapping of his tongue.
He moved to suck the rest of your cum from his fingers once he had thoroughly cleaned you to his liking, your chest heaving from the amazing feeling before giggling almost drunkenly as he flipped you onto your stomach. He smirked as he pulled your hips up and watched you immediately get into position by raising yourself onto your elbows since you were still slightly shaky. 
"I never expected you to be the type who would be so eager." He cooed teasingly as he shifted his knee to spread you further apart for him, the tip of his cock weeping at the sight of you so glistening and open for him.
You shot him a seductive grin over your shoulder, your own lidded gaze committing his flush state to memory as you drank in his chiseled torso and broad shoulders. "I have been dreaming of fucking you since I started working for you, so of course I'm a bit needy."
He groaned at your words, his wings seeming to shudder as he gripped himself and rubbed against your dripping slit. "Yeah? You wanted me for that long? You could have had me so much sooner, (Y/N)."
This earned a whine from your lips, your legs shaking in anticipation as you felt the engorged head of his cock grind against your gushing sex.
"I d-didn't think-" You were cut off by you own pleasure gasp, biting your tongue as you felt him enter you slowly without further teasing. 
“This c-could have been happening for so long now. Feeling you so wet and ready for me.”
He was thick and long but not uncomfortably so, the tip kissing your cervix as he bottomed out inside of you with a surprising gentleness to his touch despite the shaking of his fingers as they dug into your hips.
You could feel him holding back, waiting for you to adjust to his size until you sped up the process by grinding back against him teasingly.
A choked groan left his lips at sensation of your rippling warm walls hugging him so tightly, his talons digging into your skin as his hips stuttered against your own with a pained whimper leaving his own lips. His heat started to flood his body, near torturous as he tried to not rush you. "Please (Y/N), I can barely keep myself from-"
"Keigo, I'll b-be fine so move."
He couldn't take the pleading tone of your sweet voice, his teeth grinding together as his self control practically snapped.
His hips slammed into yours, a high pitched moan leaving you at the sudden movement before he began an almost brutal pace. His cock dragged against the walls of you cunt, the drool worthy friction sending you into a whimpering heap as he thrusted against you harder and harder.
You couldn't help yourself as you tried to grind your hips back in time with his, the male above you smirking at you for being so desperate for him. He found himself pausing at times to grind deeply within you, almost mockingly to remind you of starting the teasing.
"Fuck, Keigo-- Harder!"
His golden eyes soaked up you form, watching the way the flesh of you ass rippled every time his hips rutted against yours roughly like you begged for. He leaned over your body, feeling the primal need to mark you as his as his chest came to rest on your back as he rubbed his scent on you.
"You sound so good, dove. Let me hear you." His growl next to you ear had you practically on the edge of your second orgasm, eyes rolling back as his hand wrapped around you throat to drag you to bend towards him creating a pretty arch to your back. "H-Hawks-"
A choked cry was torn from you lips as his fingers tightened around you windpipe, his hips still slamming against yours at a nearly inhuman pace. "P-please! Fuck me, fill me up! Gods breed me!"
His pupils blew out in desire, your words having their intended affect as he felt his cock twitch at the thought of filling you. He knew he couldn’t last long after hearing such erotic things spilling from your lips.
"Fuck! I'm gonna make you mine, fill you over and over with my fuckin’ cum!" He snarled into your ear as his pace increasing somehow, releasing your neck to rub messy circles on your clit to drag you down with him. "I want you to cum with me, (Y/N, now."
You cried out at the extra simulation, your eyes practically crossing as you felt your release bubbling over. You had never orgasmed on command before, feeling the shake of you body as it spasmed under his hold.
He let out loud pleasured groan, slamming his hips into yours deeply to spill himself inside of you as he large red wings fanned out widely before curling around you both. He felt his cock getting milked by your needy pussy, practically clamping down on him as he let himself rest inside of you for a moment to catch his breath as well as bask in his connection to you.
A soft cooing noise was heard from the back of his throat, turning your head with a dazed well-fucked smile as he flushed at your state below him. You felt his soft feathers brush against your skin as he slowly sat up.
"You're adorable, Hawks." You murmured, shivering as he pulled himself out of you, your eyes immediately darting back to see his cock for the first time and felt you mouth practically water at the sight of it still hard as hell. "And sexy."
He felt his ego get stroked by your words, knowing that he cared more about how you viewed him more than anyone. He was honestly still in disbelief that he even had you here, willing to be with him and wanting to be close to him in such a way.
"All yours now, dove." He replied with a wink, about to move off of you to get a washcloth when you turned suddenly enough to startle him. In a jumble of limbs and feathers, he found himself stunned as you straddled his hips with a devilish curl to your lips. 
He immediately felt his dick twitch at the sight on you hovering over him, his eyes meeting yours as you began to speak with a lust dripping tone. “You know, Hawks, I noticed something quite interest about your rut~.”
He felt him shudder as her fingers trailed down his chest before moaning lowly as you wrapped your fingers around his cock to position the tip at your messy entrance. “W-wait dovie, I’m really sensitive but if you give me just a min-”
He couldn’t find it in him to make a move as you sank down onto his length with a breathy moan leaving your own lips as he felt the mixture of you both starting to drip onto his pelvic bone and thighs you began to grind against him easily. 
His crimson wings tried to feebly curl at the sensation, his eye squeezing shut as a dark red flush settled over his face at the over-stimulation as his breath began to leave him in heavy pants. He thought you weren’t going to continue talking as he tried to reach up and grab your hips once he adjusted to your heat once again. 
That is until one hand snatched his wrists to hold them above his head.
He felt his breath stutter as your free hand went to his wing, curling your fingers into the plume of soft feathers firmly but mindful in case he reacted poorly to such a change of positions as you leaned down to whisper in his ear. 
“I got you, pretty bird~ I wasn’t finished speaking.”
His reaction was beautiful though, a sharp gasp that turned into a lewd moan left his lip as his wings trembled at your surprising actions and seductive tone. He continued to grind up against you in response at such an unexpected turn of events. Your own eyes drank the sight of him looking so desperate beneath you as you began swirling your hips while you watched his face contort in pure pleasure at your ministrations. 
You knew you read about males becoming dominant, which you could easily see him doing, but he also seemed like he was equally as needy, wanting to establish something deeper and emotional. He was acting soft and gentle, which you never would have taken him for in the bedroom. 
Your mind connected the dots with his crooning noises and more thoughtful and almost bashful behavior at times since finding out about his rut, wanting to test if your theory was correct. 
“You are way more submissive, aren’t you Keigo?”
He choked out a groan, wanting to buck up against you until he felt you sliding up his length as you dragged him tortuously slow from your warm moist heat before dropping back down onto him roughly. He threw his head back with cry leaving his lips, a victorious smile forming on your lips as you began to set a steady pace of riding him in a slow and sensual manner.
You ignored his pleading to go faster for a while, enjoying the way he crumpled easily under your touch and was practically begging you to fuck him senseless as he tugged at your hold feebly. You knew he could overpower you easily if he truly wanted, but he seemed tamed under you.  
You only began to increase your pace when he was bucking back up against you with his cries got louder leaving his lips, wanting to soak up the sight of such a powerful man at your mercy. “Please, (Y/N) I need to touch you, please-!” 
You kissed him suddenly, the blonde male immediately opening his mouth and moaning as your sweet tongue danced against against his. He felt himself getting close until you suddenly stopped bouncing on top of him, your hips slowing to a grind again that had him whimpering against your lips as you pulled away from him to move the hand from his wing to grasp his chin in a firm hold. 
Your (e/c) orbs seared into his, the man melting into your touch as he felt more of your slick gush around his cock that made his eyes roll slightly at the feeling. 
“Be honest when answering my question and you can fuck me to your heart’s content. You’ll get to fill me up as many times as you want and use me like your own personal toy.”
He nodded quickly, his wrists tugging at your grip as he wanted nothing more in the moment than to just keep fucking you until you both were unable to move. “Fuck! A-anything! Whatever you want, please!” 
Your lips couldn’t help but curl further at the sound of his needy voice, but decided you had your fun. “How long have you wanted to fuck me, Hawks? How long have you wanted to fuck the pro hero, Death Defy?”
You were barely able to hide your surprise as the answer left his mouth immediately with no hesitation or shame. 
“Since I h-heard you laugh the first day after I found your coffee shop. I loved how your laugh s-sounded  and you looked so sexy in your tights-”
You let go of his wrists, the blonde man wasting no time in pushing you onto you back while rolling his legs under himself to hook your knees to press them back into you as his hips started to piston into yours again at a break neck speed. 
“God, I love your pussy so much-”
It was all so smooth, your head spinning at how he was able to get you under his spell again so easily, moaning loudly as your cunt was stretched from such a delicious angle that he was able to achieve as he pounded into you.
His breath was puffing out over your ear, heating you as he lost himself in the feel of your body as his hips blurred at his motion. The slaps of skin on skin echoed along the moans and grunts heard from you both. “Keigo fuck-- your cock is so good!”
When you felt him shift into the position that head you seeing stars you felt yourself talk, though your words felt almost like they were an echo in your own ears. “Gods, I’ll never want anyone else! I love you!”
You thought you had kept your words in your mind safe where they belonged until you felt his hips stutter against yours, his answering moan making your body shake as he began to thrust deeply into you almost with a purpose. His golden orbs locked onto your dazed ones as he knew he couldn’t last much longer.
“Christ, I love you, (Y/N)!”
You were felt yourself come undone as he pounded into you harshly, crying out as he continued to rail into you for another moment before bottoming out and filling you up as deeply as he could. 
Both of you panted at the buzz of energy that still hung in the air, both staring at the other in a surprised high as they tried to process how the sex had went from amazing to otherworldly in just one attempt. 
You wrapped your arms around the crimson winged male, pulling him down with a low whine in your throat as he rested his body against yours while holding his weight off you a bit still. You just wanted the closeness, pressing your lips to his sweaty shoulder as he shivered slightly at the feeling along with the gentle squeeze of you around his cock as he had to pull out of you. 
He turned to press his lips to the side of your neck, smirking as he felt you shiver still under his touch.
“So, you love me?” He asked, his eyes glinting as he watched the pretty flush on your face darken while suddenly growing more bashful in the afterglow. 
“I-I mean, I f-feel like I do but don’t let that sca-” Hawks pressed his lips to yours soft ones to cut you off, parting after leaving you breathless once again with a soft look to his eyes and a adoring smile on his face. “I said it back, dove. Your confidence should stick around a bit more.”
You felt like you were in bliss, Keigo coming to gently rest in arm under your breasts with his wing covering you like a blanket before he broke the silence that started to settle over you.
“.....Ready for another go?”
“Fuck yes.”
14 notes · View notes
eosiadusk · 3 years
11, 19 and 4 for Prometheus? 👉👈
Why hello sunglasses fellow, I never get anons, this is nice! I already did 4 so-
11. Who or what was your inspiration when creating this character? How does it show? This can be visual, backstory, personality, anything.
As a homebrew everything, Pro took a while to put together, counting the current session as development, I would say around 6 months of on and off tweaking of the subclass and such, so he has become a hodgepodge of inspiration
A) I really wanted to make a golden plover aarakocra ever since I first saw the little guys B) I don’t like playing wizards but I did want to play a necromancer at some point C) I also had the urge to play a paladin after watching Dimension 20′s Crown of Candy. There was just something about Sir Keradin Deeproot that I fucking loved, especially his interactions with Lapin. So my first draft of the character was a mix of those two
After that, I got really invested in No Straight Roads specifically of Tatiana Quartz and Neon J. These two both fall into my favorite character archetype: old asshole who adopts kids and I think that stuck to Pro like glue. Plus a sprinkle of my own trauma and boom, a burb
19. What bit of character development are you proudest of? What bit so you wish hasn’t happened? Is there any development you’re still waiting for?
Yeah, this is far more in the “needs more development” category, get the bird therapy. Since Pro is very closed off, it takes time, but having a good crew helps. The last few sessions were chock full of small things I peppered in (the hesitation to go into the burning house but the willingness to do it for Bliss anyway, attempting to be there for Nirelle and Bliss the best he could, letting Deanery hug her) but I think his response to the fight and Wendell’s “take off your mask then” is the best one so far.
Normally if Wendell had said what he said about Promethus’ personal space and boundaries earlier in this campaign, Pro would have cussed him out and left outright. Instead, she was able to take a step back even after having the teammate he’s closest to bring up the idea of revealing the physical manifestation of her worst insecurities and traumas, especially after having an absolutely terrible week, and then be able to be a bit more open afterward? Growth. And also mental breakdown but he's got Notir to yell at now and she can’t get mad back because she's dead so that will help. Pro admitting both to herself and to another person that he is terrified of religious zealots and realize that she also hurt Wendell by going back on his promise is a step toward the comfort level she has only had with Warjaw.
I think Pro is going to be a bit uncomfortable around Wendell for a little bit, avoid stepping on toes, but that's better than being outright hostile. A wall has been put back up but its a small one. What happens next all depends on if Pro decides to fly over it or if Wendell comes and knocks it down before she’s ready.
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tsukoyomi-fumikage · 4 years
Manifest (MiriTama)
Mirio X Amajiki
Prompt - Amajiki’s quirk is manifest... Do you think if he ate someone, he could use their quirk? That’s what Overhaul was wondering too... (CONTAINS DARK STUFF)
Tamaki's breaths picked up at the footsteps coming down the corridor - slow, harsh and the only sound apart from the anxiety attack he was suffering through. It was ricocheting off of the walls and clean floors, sounding louder than they really were.
"Manifest is an amazing quirk you know."
He was here, at the door, peaking his face through the bars, mask protruding into the room. Amajiki tried to shuffle backwards, but the chains didn't allow it. His hands were bound together and had a metal clasp on, and his legs were in the same boat, just not tied together. SunEater couldn't even see his fingers at this point. He figured early on that it was so he couldn't use his quirk - so why was OverHaul so immersed by it now?
"It would be a shame if we didn't test it's full potential, isn't that right SunEater?"
Biting his lip to avoid crying out in fear, he looked away from the door, towards one of the walls, focusing on a large dent in the plaster. The metal hinges creaked with age as the hatch was taken off and the door opened a bit, allowing the leader of the clan to step inside. OverHaul wasted no time slamming the door behind him, making the indigo-haired boy jump in shock.
"I really wish you'd speak to me." He almost purred, walking up to the student, crouching down at his level, gazing into his eyes. "You should also try looking at me. Avoiding eye contact is a bad sign of being a guest." He teased.
Indigo eyes met gold orbs, and SunEater couldn't help the terrifying squeak let out at the dead look he was being given. A hand slapped his face harshly, jolting the head and moving it with the force of the hit. Amajiki hid the whimper, quickly correcting himself and sitting straight once more. "Speak God-Dammit!" OverHaul snarled, grabbing a fistful of his hair, tugging on it so their faces met - though the mask proved some difficulty being even closer, the villain didn't mind, slamming his head backwards into the wall behind him, making a large dent in the plaster. "You're not fucking mute are you?"
Now he understood why the room was littered with cracks. "N-No."
The hand released - he let out a sigh of relief. "That's good to hear." The brunette was probably smiling under the bird mask. "Sit tight, my little elf." A tug on the ear made him flinch awkwardly - his ears, believe it or not, were actually really sensitive. "I'll be back with something to eat for you - can't have you going hungry, no?"
Tamaki had barely been in this retched place for ten seconds, and now he was being fed? Surely they realized once he ate, he could use said food to fight out of his restraints and escape? Something sticky was running down the back of his neck, making him shiver and stop thinking momentarily. He rubbed his neck against the wall, turning his head to see what it was in the dim lighting.
It was blood - of course.
Mirio growled in frustration, banging his fists angrily on the table in front of him until his hands phased through. His body was shaking in horror of what had happened to his best friend.
Midoriya was next to him, standing quietly, not judging him in the slightest whatsoever. "We'll find him." He assured the older teen, brushing back some of his green hair behind his ear. "We won't stop till we do."
"You don't get it, Izuku." Togata's voice was raw with pain. "This is my fault - if I hadn't run up ahead and stayed with the group, we could have avoided all of this."
The first year student sighed, shaking his head as if to object. "It isn't." He said quietly. "If anything, it's our faults." Taking the blame onto himself was something Midoriya did quite well - this time he really felt as if it was his fault however. His lip quivered. "Amajiki-San told us to go on, but we should have realized the villains quirks were the opposites of his from the de-briefing. Besides-" Izuku looked into his eyes deeply. "-you saved Eri. Amajiki-San would be proud."
LeMillion gave a small chuckle. "How about we say we all messed up?" He tried, blue eyes clouding up with unshed tears that he refused to let fall. Midoriya smiled shakily.
Resting his eyes for even a second was a bad decision. The door practically broke being thrown open, and a cheery-looking villain came waltzing in, carrying something that definitely smelt uncooked and disgusting before he even looked at it. "Bon appetite." He giggled, placing a plate down on the floor.
Amajiki must have been here longer than he thought - he could no longer use his quirk since all the food he'd eaten earlier had passed through his system. The guard had no worried look upon him as he undid the restraints before jogging out the room, laughing like a maniac.  
Crawling sluggishly over to the plate, he glanced down on whatever they'd decided to feed him. It looked to be some form of meat - raw though. Luckily, eating raw food was better than eating cooked when it came to his quirk. SunEater didn't normally go raw however, but this was an exception.
He picked up a slab - it still had blood on it, making him feel queasy. Rather than retching up stomach acid and making his throat sore, he quickly took a bite, and the taste was... indescribable. Gagging, he pushed on, taking another small bite before coughing violently, putting the food back, getting on his hands and knees, trying to control the heaves.
"Does it taste nice, SunEater?" OverHaul was back, peaking through the bars, not willing to open the door this time. "I wonder what it tastes like." He pondered, totally unfazed at the near-vomiting teen. "I've never eaten human flesh before."
Amajiki died a little in those few moments. "W-W..." His voice left him, he raised a hand to his mouth, willing the 'food' to come back out. "Why?" He cried out in horror.  
"I wanted to test a theory." The door was opening again, but Amajiki didn't look up, trying to focus on not throwing up - it would be a sign of weakness, one he couldn't afford. The feet were moving towards him. "The man you ate had a quirk. I just wonder if you can use it now?"
It was sick - disgusting - what OverHaul had done to him. Tamaki fought his building rage at the violation of his own quirk. Standing up shakily, he tried to defend himself this time, but the nausea in his stomach made him clench his gut instead. "You're cruel." He sobbed out in agony, widening his eyes as the villain charged forward, bringing up a fist to punch at his already sore stomach.
Feeling the hand connect with his stomach was enough to make him winded, and he reached out a hand, begging, just begging, for the humans quirk to appear, for this to end, to be left alone. Nothing came out of his fingertips or arms. OverHaul slammed his knee into his stomach, and SunEater couldn't hold it in, keeling over and vomiting on the floor violently.
The man left him there, untied and curled in the fetal position, too weak to get up anymore; SunEater allowed himself to break in the dim room, facing away from the door, shaking in fear and utter terror.
"You've got an idea of where he is?" Mirio couldn't help but break out in a happy smile, looking at Nighteye, his mentor, with a more relaxed gaze than he had at all in the past few days.
The Pro-Hero glanced at the blond man. "Yes." He said slowly, pushing up his glasses. "But only an idea. You are more than welcome to tag along."
The student nodded vigorously. "Anything for Tamaki." He almost stated. "I'll help Bubble Girl gather some people immediately."
A tutting noise awoke Tamaki from his dreamless sleep filled with an anxious mind and pain-filled body. His eyes shot open, and he shakily lifted himself up by his elbows, prepared to fight, to try and stop the punches firing down on him.
However no punches came, no shouts, no yells and no pain. A hand grabbed his wrists simply attaching the cuffs back on them, moving to his legs and shackling them too. Tamaki thought that was it, but his eyes widened when a muzzle was placed over his head, like he was some animal. "N-no!" He whimpered, but he could do nothing more than jerk his head around. A hand tugging on his hair stilled him.  
"You don't get to choose anything, SunEater."
The door slammed shut again, and Tamaki brought his cold hands up to his face. The metal rubbed against his skin, and he pressed his face against the cold object, sighing shakily. "Mirio." He whispered out, voice broken and cracked. "Please help me."
OverHaul was taken care of, being hauled out of the room beaten and bloodied by Aizawa and his scarf, the Pro-Hero's eyes a deep red, angered, yet calm with his fluid movements. "I'll wait outside, go find SunEater."
Mirio couldn't contain his anger at the savages in front of him, but he breathed deeply, using his quirk to pass through corridor after corridor, room after room, finding villains running away, finding dead bodies littered around the place, finding nothing until finally.
A door, in the corner of the long corridor - he'd almost missed it, and that tore at his gut. he might not have found his best friend because of his stupidity. Stopping the use of his quirk, he walked down the rest of the way, finding the door had some bars on it, and he peaked inside.
His eyes widened. "N-No more." Came the voice from the inside. "Please..."
"Hey, hey." He said softly, braking through the door, kneeling down to his friends slumped body. There was blood everywhere, and a pile of vomit in the corner. A plate of something foul sat nearby. His throat tightened at the colour of the object - it was the same as the body of one young man he'd passed, whom was missing a slab of his ribs. "It's Mirio, Tamaki, it's me."
There was a muzzle on his friends face, and his hands and feet were bound tightly. Amajiki was shaking violently against the shackles. Using a knife he'd brought that was made specifically for his quirk, he picked at the locks as quickly as he could with one hand, the other taking the muzzle off and stroking the blood-stained hair softly. The teen flinched under his hand, and his heart shattered. "I've got you now." He spoke ever so quietly, finally getting through the restraints, lifting the skinny boy easily into his arms. "It's going to be okay."
The walk back through the halls was painfully slow - every moment took a toll on Tamaki's body, and he was sobbing with terror. "You have to take me back." He pleaded. "He'll kill me if he finds me here."
"No he won't. EraserHead has him in custody, it's okay."
"A-Are you sure?" His voice was tiny and almost childlike.
"Positive." Mirio smiled, but his mind was screaming at how wrong everything was, and how much healing his friend would have to go through. "I helped him take him down myself."
Togata sighed, placing down some apple slices on the coffee table, looking to his left at the teen curled up on the sofa, stomach and the back of his head wrapped in bandages. "Are you sure you don't want some? It's only apple." He promised.
Mirio's eye felt wet when a deep sob was drawn from his friend. "He made me eat someone, Miri'." He shook his head violently, curling up and pressing his chin to his knees. "I was so disgusted, but I couldn't throw up and I couldn't do anything!"
LeMillion came over, softly approaching his friend, sitting down besides him, rubbing his shoulder comfortingly until the boy unlatched from the fetal position, burying himself into the crook of his neck. "I know." He said simply. "This'll be a hill for us both to climb." He confessed quietly, smoothing over tension in Amajiki's back. "But I'll match you step by step. We'll get over this eventually."
"I wish it never happened." Tamaki sobbed.
"I do too." Hearing his friends choked sobs brought tears to his own eyes, and he felt them running down his face. He didn't wipe them away however - he needed Tamaki to understand that he would be with him, in tears and in spirit. "However, this is what we've got instead." He tried not to be harsh with his wording, but he probably could have done better. "Let's do this. The sooner you're healed, the sooner you can meet Eri. She's bound to put a smile on your face."
SunEater inhaled shakily. "I can imagine." He whispered tightly, hand grasping his best friends shirt, fingers wound in the fabric like it would keep him safe if he held on. "I'd l-like to try and ea-eat something now..."
Mirio ended up having to cut the skin off the red apple, the crimson colour too much for the recovering hero-in-training. But he ate, and all was silent and well as they watched an old cartoon from their childhoods. Amajiki was falling asleep on his shoulder, relaxed and at peace at last. It really did put a smile on Togata's face, to have his sunshine back and all together. Or well, mostly.
He would heal, Mirio was certain. If he didn't though, the student couldn't blame him, and would learn to love the new Manifest-quirk user that was his best friend.
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