#deaf representation
aurhia · 3 months
I was interested in Echo because deaf and hard of hearing rep, good or bad, is rare, but I was not expecting it to hit me as hard as it did.
I'm doing an episode a day so I just watched the first episode tonight, and, avoiding spoilers, there's some scenes where she's a kid and her family just... signs with her. It's just the way they communicate.
No one's screaming at her for being "defective" and smacking her for "ignoring" them. No one refuses to sign with her because learning it is "inconvenient." She doesn't not learn sign because no one will learn with her or take her to classes. It's accepted and it's not a big deal. Her relationships with other people are not centered around how much of an inconvenience her being deaf is for them. She isn't tasked with salving the feelings of others over their annoyance and having any reaction she may have to their rudeness and presumption be invalidated. Her existence isn't predicated on making herself smaller to lessen her inconvenience to hearing people.
And I've been sobbing for the last hour over it. Contrasting this radical acceptance to my own childhood after the illness that robbed me of 75% of my hearing, well, I've got a lot of unprocessed childhood grief to cry out, I guess. How different would my life be if even ONE person had been like, "Oh, you can't hear well enough to understand me fully? Let's learn this together so we can talk to each other properly. You're not defective now, this is just a different way to be and you're not alone."
I hope there's no little kids watching it because it's so violent, but I hope some of the teens or young adults who are maybe in a similar position to what mine was, I hope they see this, and realize that they deserve better. You are not broken. You deserve to be accepted as you are, and for people to meet you halfway. And if people find that inconvenient, that's their problem, not yours.
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olsenmyolsen · 6 months
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master list
dark master list
Post Hawkeye (Deaf Female Reader X Kate Bishop)
Summary: Your cute new friend Kate learns ASL for you.
Word Count: 4.4K
Content None I think... just cuteness.
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Two weeks ago, Kate Bishop saw you across the library.
She had just finished classes and was rushing to pick up a book she needed for an essay she HAD NOT started when she saw you.
She hadn't seen you around before, and Kate was instantly mesmerized by how your cute face scrunched as you kept your head low to read. Kate couldn't take her eyes away, and she got to see your smile when you enjoyed a particular moment of your book.
Kate loved seeing your smile and how your eyes lit up.
Kate looked at her phone and truly needed to find the book and leave now or never. But on that day, Kate Bishop was feeling bold. Blame on the need for a certain thrill since Clint took her off Hawkeye duties to focus on school, but Kate started walking towards you.
You, however, never saw or heard her coming. Not when she tripped over her own feet. And not even when she stumbled sitting down next to you.
You had no idea Kate Bishop existed.
Maybe you would have if you had your aids in, but they made you feel embarrassed and inadequate, something you've struggled with for years. Something a certain someone would help you with in time. But, for now, you choose to go without them 99% of the time.
So when Kate started with a simple greeting, that turned into an overcomplicated rambling where she gave you numerous unwanted compliments.
You didn't hear it.
In fact, you didn't even look over to the now slummed-over pretty girl with the blue-grey eyes until she slammed her head on the table in defeat.
The vibrations of the repeated knock of the head against wood alerting you.
You put a bookmark in your book before closing it to look around, hoping maybe someone lost their friend because you had no idea why she was sitting at your table.
But at last, no one had lost the captain of the archery team. So you waited for her to look up, hoping to get an answer, and when she did, you're lucky your mouth didn't drop open.
She was gorgeous. Stunning actually. You had no idea why she was sitting here, but now you didn't want her to leave. You were about to lift your hand when you saw her eyes open in shock before her pink lips started speaking a hundred miles per minute.
Too fast for you to keep up.
You tried to get her to stop, but before you knew it, the last thing you saw was her black ponytail bouncing away.
You didn't know what to make of the last two minutes, but there wasn't much you could do. So, with a frown and shrug of the shoulder, you returned to your book. Wishing you got a chance to say anything.
Exiting the library, Kate Bishop was red in the face. You had just sat there ignoring her as she tripped over all of her words and called you beautiful and babe within two sentences. She didn't know what was wrong with her. She wanted to stab herself with an arrow. Badly!
Kate shook her head because that wasn't even the worst part.
The worst part was when you finally looked at her. You acknowledged her. Kate was already embarrassed enough. So she apologized and claimed that she would never bother you again.
But yet here she was two weeks later. Spotting you from across the library just like before.
"Go!" Kate felt a nudge on her arm from her friend Laura Kinney—a fast friend of Kate after transferring from Canada a year prior.
Kate looked back at her friend. "Stop that! I'm not going." Laura rolled eyes. "You talked about this one chick not stop-"
"No! I talked about how I embarrassed myself once! You're the one who keeps bringing it up!"
Laura shook her head and nudged her friend again. "Go! She's cute, and if you don't go, I will." Kate turned her head to her friend, surprised, but saw that maybe her friend wasn't kidding. "Ugh." Kate turned back to look at you. "Fine! Okay! I'll try again!"
"Good luck!" Laura called out, knowing Kate would need it. Kate sent a thumbs up and did her best to calm her nerves. "Just apologize and don't ramble," Kate whispered to herself as she reached your table.
However, before Kate could do anything, you closed your book and turned away from Kate to put it in your bag—the action meant nothing to you. But to Kate, it would appear you didn't want anything to do with her.
That thought was further cemented when you got up without looking at her and started walking away.
Without realizing it, Kate began to walk after you.
Her walk turned into a quick jog when her brain finally caught up to what was happening. She was right behind you when she said: "Excuse me! Hi!"
Yet you kept walking.
Okay, the library is busy, and maybe Kate could've spoken up a bit louder, so she tried again, HOPING that you weren't actively trying to get away from her.
"Hi! Sorry to bother you, but I..." She trailed off when you kept moving forward, keeping your head staring straight ahead at the library's exit doors. Kate was growing embarrassed and did the one thing she could think of.
She ran ahead and turned around, stopping you in your tracks.
"Hi!" Kate breathed out with a wave, coming face to face with you for the first time. You looked up from her lips, surprised at who was standing in front of you.
It was her!
Hi. You waved back with a questioning look to Kate's beautiful eyes before looking down to her lips—something Kate noticed.
"Sorry to bother you, but I don't know if you remember me but..." That was all you caught reading her lips before Kate started speaking quicker and quicker than you could process.
In your defense, even Clint Barton, an Avenger, said Kate had more speed talking than Captain America did running.
You held your hand up, shutting Kate up. She looked at you with curious eyes and waited to hear your voice, but instead, you started signing.
I do remember you.
Kate immediately felt embarrassed. She knew very little to almost nothing of what you were saying.
She promised Clint she would start learning when he began teaching, but for someone who helped save the world, he could still be stubborn. But now The Archer regretted not learning ASL.
Kate awkwardly smiled, making you smile back, in turn, causing Kate's face to flush red. You caught it. While looking at one another, you both thought the other person was beyond cute.
"I'm sorry," Kate spoke slower than she usually would. You tilted your head as she continued. "I don't know ASL."
You made a flat smile and nodded. Most people didn't. So it wasn't surprising that the first new cute girl to talk to you in some time didn't know it either. It just meant it would be harder to forget her when she inevitably didn't want to make the effort.
But you had never met Kate Bishop till before this moment. You didn't know that she was just as stubborn as her mentor but a thousand times more annoying when she needed to be. She wasn't going to give up.
She was going to learn for you.
She was going to speak to you.
Kate watched you nod and go to walk away, but she stepped in front of you again. "Wait!" She held her hands up and quickly pulled out her phone, handing it to you. You took it as it sat on the New Contact screen and looked up with furrowed brows. "Please?" Kate asked, making you nod and blush.
Kate watched your fingers fly over the keyboard before you handed it back. You watched Kate smile and try not to laugh at your contact name: Y/N 👂❌
You bite back your own laughter. Having been used to not everyone being comfortable with something you lost at a young age.
Kate looked up to see your smile and finally broke laughing. Her pearly whites were on display until she closed her mouth and started typing in her phone.
A few seconds later, yours buzzed in your pocket. Pulling it out, you looked up and smiled. The text read: "Hi Y/N. I'm Kate Bishop 🏹!" You nodded and made that her contact name.
"So Kate Bishop... what can I do you for?"
You typed and immediately regretted sending because you sounded like someone who was a boring attorney. But Kate found it kind of charming.
You looked down from her as the three dots popped up and down, but nothing happened. You looked back up at Kate, who was nervously biting her lip.
"You ok?" You typed to Kate, who stopped biting her lip, avoided your eye contact, and replied: "Yes. Sorry!" But Kate wanted to say more. She wanted to say: "I was going to ask for your number earlier, but we kinda blew through that quicker than I imagined. So now I don't know what to do?! Do I ask you out now? Is that allowed? Would you say yes?! You don't even know me!?"
But Kate didn't say that. Instead, she wrote: "I tried talking to you a couple of weeks ago because you seemed like a really cool person. Which you are! Ugh sorry. This is so embarrassing as I type this, but I wanted to know if you wanted to be friends? 😅"
Kate added the emoji, hoping to relieve any awkwardness. And it did. But Kate asking you to be friends wasn't where you thought this was going.
Truth be told, it wasn't.
But Katherine Elizabeth "Kate" Bishop wasn't going to ask you out over text. She was going to ask you face-to-face, and she didn't want you to read her lips to make it happen.
Yet you didn't know that. All you knew was that a cute, friendly girl was choosing to seek you out and wanted to get to know you. So you smiled and nodded to Kate, whose eyes lit up. "Great!" She audibly yelled, earning a fury of looks from people around.
But a smile from you.
"Sorry." You read Kates lips as she looked around at people shaking their heads and looking away.
Kate looked down at her buzzing phone to see a message from you. "Maybe we should leave the library. Are you busy rn?" Kate froze as she looked at the words on her screen. She was supposed to be courting you. Asking you out in time. Were you flirting? No. This is just what friends do. Hang out! The two of you were now friends! Right?
Kate's turmoil-struck brain could only process so much so fast before she decided to actually look at the time and realize, yes, she was supposed to be somewhere right now. Kate sent you a frown. "I actually should be on my way to archery practice."
That made a lightbulb go off above you. That's why she wanted her name like that in your phone. You thought Kate was being cute and was saying she was Cupid or was sent by Cupid or something. However, her being on the archery team made a lot more sense. You felt silly for thinking it was the former. But you pressed on.
"I have a free period right now. Can I come?"
Kate looked up from her phone and nodded with glee. "I'd love that!" Kate yelled once again, earning glares from everyone else in the room, but the two of you paid them no mind as Kate started leading the way.
On the walk, Kate and you enjoyed one another's company while also learning about the other one. It was new and slightly awkward but adorable to any outsider looking in. Like when you asked Kate if she took up archery because of the Hunger Games, she laughed and said no. She did it because she was saved by Hawkeye during the Battle of New York.
The very same battle you lost your hearing.
But Kate didn't know. She would in time.
Not right now.
The conversation about Hawkeye led to the two of you talking about your favorite Avengers. Kate's being obvious, and yours surprising her.
You said Natasha Romanoff—the Black Widow.
When asked why, you just sadly shrugged before replying through text: "The Avengers were all great. Most of them were role models. But none of them looked as good as she did in her uniform." You laughed to hide the tears in your eyes.
But Kate saw, leading you to type: "Plus, I bet she gave the best hugs." Kate smiled at that and could agree. Her and Wanda Maximoff probably gave the best hugs.
Where was Wanda, by the way??
Kate's phone buzzed, bringing her back. "Sorry... I could give actual reasons, but I don't want to cry right now." You smiled and swallowed the lump in your throat when Kate looked over at you.
Because Kate could relate, she had only gotten to hear Clint share less than a handful of stories about The Black Widow, and each time, they ended with the man in tears.
"I have a friend who's the same. It's okay." Kate sent back to you, making you feel better before you asked her if she had read Scott Lang's book, to which she said not yet.
Meanwhile, it was in your backpack.
Three weeks from now, she would borrow it and read the chapter dedicated to Natasha and cry.
As you and Kate walked up to the field holding practice, you had Kate lead you to a spot where you could safely watch from. Unbeknownst to you, the other girls around you were friends or girlfriends of the ladies on the team. So when people saw you walk up with THE Katherine Bishop, everyone started talking in hushed whispers.
But not that you knew.
However, you couldn't lie. Watching Kate's arms and fingers hold and mess around with something that's basically string and wood never looked so hot. On top of that, the shy, awkward, almost annoyingly cute girl you had become quick friends with didn't exist anymore. When the arrow flew from her fingers, she was confident, cocky, and dominant.
Also, she was easily the best of the team. Hot.
The warmth rising in you hit a tipping point when she pointed at you and then to the bullseye on the target before mouthing, "watch this." You expected Kate to turn and look to where she was shooting, but she didn't. She looked straight at you and let the arrow go. Your eyes went from Kate to the target.
The girls around you erupted into a mixture of cheers, shock, and jealousy. They all turned to you, confusing you before you saw a couple of them smile and point back to Kate as if they were praising the two of you.
You're fairly certain you saw the word "girlfriend" being thrown around, but you just shook your head and waited for Kate to come to your rescue.
Over the next couple of months, as the season of spring was winding down to make way for the heat of summer, you and Kate had only grown closer. Your friendship had turned the two of you into being the best of friends.
Often being mistaken for girlfriends.
A mistake that always left you and Kate blushing but never saying how awful it would be if that was the case.
It was like there was a silent understanding. Kate knew what she was waiting for, and you were too nice and kind to even think about jeopardizing what you two had.
It was expected that if one of you was around, the other one had to be within ten feet. And this was true—most times. But there had been times in the past where if you woke up in the middle of the night after passing out while reading, you'd discover Kate gone. Her bag and clothes would still be there, but she was just gone. Well, herself and... her archery equipment.
That part confused you.
You wanted to bring it up to her. Because for one reason, whatever she was doing was making her exhausted. You could see it on her face better than anyone. She was tired mentally and physically. You didn't like seeing her like that.
The other reason is that it hurt you to see someone you cared about lying to you. You hated it and didn't want to hate the girl who started holding your hand on your walks across campus. The one who never missed a bullseye for you. The same girl who decided to read The Hunger Games instead of just watching the movies for you.
So when you couldn't bear yourself to bring it up to her, you decided to wait up and catch her.
Kate had no idea you had started to catch onto her. But it's not like Kate enjoyed sneaking around. Well, she did, but that was when she was chasing bad guys and doing some recon. But she hated it when it came to you. Sneaking around behind your back felt wrong, no matter the cause.
So, as Kate quietly picked up her bow and quiver, she looked over at your sleeping form and made a motion with her hands.
You didn't see it as you faked sleeping. But if you did, you would've understood why Kate was being sneaky.
Kate turned away from you and took a few steps towards her window. Kate opened it and reached back behind her when suddenly you flicked on the light in the bedroom of her dorm as she looked ready to jump out of her window. A labeled arrow prepared to fire.
Kate slowly lowered the bow and turned her head to you. You stood wearing her high school archery t-shirt and a pair of black shorts.
Kate couldn't help but smile. She loved seeing you in her clothes.
And you loved seeing her in yours, but right now, that was the last thing on your mind as Kate sheepishly said: "It's not what it looks like."
You threw your arms up at that and ran up to her, smacking your head as if to say, "what the hell are you doing?"
Kate sighed and knew that now was the time to say one thing or the other. Or maybe both?? Kate weighed her options before gently placing her bow on the bed you two had come to share. As friends of course.
You watched Kate let go of the bow before her hands found their way to yours. Taking them from your hips.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." She started as you watched her pink lips speak. Tilting your head at the words she spilled before she softly let go of your hands to unzip her purple hoodie.
You gasped and covered your mouth when you saw what she was hiding. You looked from her guilty eyes back to her purple suit. Kate watched you step forward and raise a hand to her hip. The touch making her stomach flip while two of your fingers danced along the edge before gliding up the lining of the suit before they floated away.
Kate missing your contact already.
You couldn't believe what you were seeing. But yet, it made sense.
You'd been to enough practices to know the only match for Kate with a bow and arrow would be an Avenger. You looked to Kate's downward face and put your finger on the underside of her chin. Lifting it up. Her eyes meeting yours. You weren't mad. Well, you were, but if anything, now you were just shocked.
Are you Hawkeye? You signed without realizing it.
Yes. Kate signed ba— KATE SIGNED!
You took a step back in awe. Did that happen? You swallowed and stared at the girl, holding back a smile dressed in a purple superhero suit. Slowly, you raised your hands and, with a deep breath, signed: You can understand me?
Yes.Kate signed the exact same way as before, surprising you once again.
She was communicating with you in ASL. Your best friend- someone you cared for- No someone who you loved was signing!
Tears were threatening to spill as you ran into Kate and wrapped your arms around her. Your head burying its way into her neck. Kate wrapping her arms around you, holding you tight.
As Kate held you, she heard your sniffles and felt a few tears spill from your eyes. Kate bit her lip to keep her eyes from spilling.
It was then she decided she would keep the night of surprises going. So, after some time, she patted her hand against your back and removed her hold from you as you moved back to look at her. Your eyes were a little red, but Kate could see what was holding in them.
Kate smiled and started moving her hands. Since I met you, I've been learning ASL.
Your mouth dropped. With who? You could've asked me!?
You would've loved to teach Kate. But it had to be done this way.
Kate didn't answer you. Instead, she pulled out her phone and went to a secret photo album you had never seen before. Inside were pictures of her with Lucky, a family, some friends, and lastly... Clint Barton.
You looked up from the phone to Kate and back to the phone—Full-on, yanking it from her hands. You zoomed in on his face and then Kates before sliding through other pictures of the two of them together. A lot of them were unflattering pics of the grown man while Kate smiled brightly. But then there were some where Clint smiled and posed ridiculously for his mentee. You laughed and smiled at each one, including the ones of his family surrounding Kate.
You swiped once more, and a video automatically started to play. You felt the vibrations in your hand but couldn't make anything out. However, Kate knew exactly what was happening in the video.
It was Kate's first ASL lesson months prior. But that didn't start till ten minutes in. Instead, what was playing right now to the room was Kate in the video going on and on about this new friend of hers named Y/N. Kate mentions that you are the reason that she wants to learn sign language.
Slightly and purposely offending Clint.
"Okay, so let's say I manage to teach you, and you manage to learn, then what?"
Clint asks in the video.
"Then I ask her out."
Kate replies.
You looked up from the video to Kate. Asking why she is blushing, Kate takes a step closer to you and asks for her cell phone back. You place it in her hand. She hits the button on the side before putting it in her pocket.
I learned for you.
You watch Kate sign and mouth simultaneously, the feeling of wanting to cry from pure happiness returning. Why? You asked Kate as you smiled.
Kate lifts her hands and stops. She starts to sign but stops again.
The Archer breathes in and out.
Because ever since I met you, I've wanted to do one thing. Kate waits for you to nod back to her. I- Y/N... Y/N, do you want to go out?
She signs with a nervous smile.
Together? Sometime, like on a date. A real date! One where we dress up and go out on the town, not just eat junk in my-
You surprised Kate by jumping into her arms. Cutting off her ramblings in ASL. Kate barely had time to register to catch you before she felt just how soft your lips were.
Kate closed her eyes and melted into you. She marveled at the feeling of your smile as the kiss deepened. You pushed further into her and felt butterflies flutter inside of you at what you've wanted for so long.
Kate felt the same and would vow to always hold you closer than anyone ever could as she pulled you into her. Taking you all in.
Eventually, air had to return into your lungs.
You blushed harder when you and Kate separated. The heavy breathing between the two of you being the only noise in the room.
Yes, you signed when Kate placed you onto your feet. "You want to go out? With me?" Kate said, knowing you were watching her lips. But maybe she was wrong when she saw you shake your head no.
You moved back a bit as Kate kept her arms around your body.
I want to be your girlfriend. 
Kate looked at you, making sure she saw that right. "Girlfriend?!" She asked with a glint of hope. You smiled and brought your lips to hers as you nodded before moving your hands down to hers. Taking them off your body and placing them in yours as you moved them.
You kissed Kate again as she traced her fingers over your left hand, discovering the pinky and index finger were raised. She moved from your index finger down to your extended thumb.
She pulled back and looked at your hand watching it move towards her.
Kate brought her hands up to your face and quickly kissed your lips before she moved onto your cheeks and nose, forcing a giggle out of you.
When she let go of your head, she looked into your eyes and said with an unmistakable smile: "I love you too. I love you so much!"
Kate wrapped you into her arms and held you close before she could feel you patting her back.
When she let go, you smiled and asked: So girlfriends?
Kate nodded.Girlfriends.
A million more questions ran through you as you stood in Kate's arms. But before you could stop yourself, you started with: Oh, and Kate... You laughed and signed to her before continuing. Since I'm dating Hawkeye, do I get a cool name?
Kate laughed back and raised an eyebrow. "Sure! What would you want to be called?"
You tucked your bottom lip into your mouth as you thought. An action making Kate pull your lip out of your mouth with her thumb before bringing it to her lips, almost frying your brain to the point that you nearly didn't say your answer. Bullseye.
"Why is that?"
You shrugged but hid behind an innocent smile. Your eyes briefly darting to Kate's closet before looking back to Kate.
Because I want to be the only thing you can stick your arrow in.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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yennao · 8 months
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I was recently reminded of a manga I read when I was like 14. As I am now 22, I read it again. And y'all lemme tell you it still slaps. If y'all haven't read Gangsta., You absolutely should. (provided you are not too young, cuz oh boy is that shit rated M for a reason)
Edit, color:
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jameswyerford · 6 months
cheongah could have chosen to be jealous and petty over the fact that yichan doesnt like her back (yet) and instead she accepted it and decided to put her feelings aside in the name of friendship like the thoughtful and mature person that she is
i personally think she deserves the entire world but thats just me
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yelena-belovas-gun · 3 months
Don't You Dare (Maya Lopez)
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Summary: One day, when you walk in on Maya interrogating someone, you show a side of yours which even she has never seen before.
Maya Lopez x shapeshifter!female!reader Note: Reader is slightly chubby, but that's not an affecting factor in any way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Don't walk in on something you don't want to see.
Something both you and Maya had established when you both first started dating. However, as you got more involved in her mafia work, that rule got more and more flimsy by the day.
Especially today.
You were a very gentle person by nature, despite being a shapeshifter. Maya had to admit that everything about you was soft and gentle. From the way you were built to the way you signed, there was a certain amount of care and lightness to the way you existed in general.
Recently, Maya found a traitor in her midst. Whichever now-former Tracksuit was stupid enough to do so was now in front of her, being beaten up by the other members of the crew.
"Stop," she signed, her brow raised. "Let him go."
The man was bruised, bloody, and beaten in to the point where he would've probably died if she hadn't asked the others to stop. She stepped in front of the traitor and signed, "What exactly were you thinking? That you wouldn't get caught?"
Ivan, her new second-in-command, translated for her.
The man's face contorted, giving away that he was frowning. As he spoke, Ivan translated appropriately and a bit hesitantly as the man replied, "This mafia needs a capable leader."
"Capable?" Maya asked, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. "Elaborate."
"You can't hear a damn gunshot from right next to you, how will you manage a mafia?" The man asked. "You're running on luck."
Maya was about to smack him in the face, but Ivan signed for her to stop. You were standing at the doorway, with what looked like murder in your eyes.
"Y/n, please, the rule-" Maya signed, looking at you pleadingly, but you stopped her.
"The rule can go fuck itself in the ass," you signed, looking more furious than ever.
Maya's eyes widened at the way you signed so aggressively. It was the exact opposite of how you usually spoke. Your hand movements were always calm and fluid, like a gentle stream which formed the words easy on her eyes. But now your movements were sharp and quick as a blade, and your normally smiling eyes held a glimmer which even she hadn't seen in the last two years of dating you.
You spoke, while Ivan translated. When you moved through the crowd of men, they immediately stepped back, scared for their lives, in all likeliness.
"What did you just say?" You asked the man, glaring at him. Maya stepped back, now intrigued. She found this side of you to be very interesting and a bit turning on, to be honest.
"I said that she can't even hear a gunshot from next to h-" before the man could finish his statement in all its disrespect, you grew sleek claws on your fingers and slashed them down his face, earning a scream of agony.
Maya couldn't hear it, but she could definitely see the volume of it.
"How dare you," you hissed, grabbing him by the collar and shaking him so hard that one of his lose teeth from the prior beating fell to the floor with a soft 'tink'. "How dare you disrespect a woman of authority with such disgusting words?"
"She ain't my boss!" He scoffed, but immediately regretted it when you bared your teeth, having morphed them into the sabre teeth of a lion. It made your gums ache and burn, but it was worth seeing the pain on his face.
"She ain't your damn boss, but she sure as hell's got more personality than you ever will," you hissed. "Apologise to her right now, or I swear to god, you will regret it."
"Never! I don't need to respect some mute woman, she can't even hear what I have to say!" The man protested, lamely. Clearly he wanted to keep the macho façade up, but it was getting harder under each passing second beneath your gaze.
"Fine," you rolled your shoulders, stepping back. "But you won't be able to breathe till I hear you apologise."
In a second, a huge kodiac bear stood where you had once been, and it terrified the man, to be frank. You grabbed him by the neck and tossed him up before slamming him down into the ground with not even a fourth of your newfound strength. However, it was enough to keep him gasping for air and struggling under your paws as you pressed him down harder.
You never used your powers to hurt others. You'd either turn into a cuddly panda to give Maya comfort, or into a chimpanzee to get something from the top shelf. But you never shapeshifted to inflict harm.
You opened your jaws wide and bit down hard on his shoulder, making the bone nearly shatter under your iron bite. He cried out in absolute agony, and screamed out a loud, 'i'm sorry', when you decided to let go of him. You let him breathe again and unhinged your jaws from his shoulder, which now looked beautifully broken and dislocated.
You felt a gentle hand on your arm, which stroked your earthy brown fur affectionately, and you looked down to see Maya smiling up at you. She moved her hand away to speak, "Calm down, my love."
You breathed and shifted form back to a human, but your teeth, as usual, stayed sharp and pointed, and it hurt your mouth a lot. Blood from when you had bitten the man stained your teeth and lips, while your fingers had more blood beneath them.
"He'll give you the answers you want, now," you smiled. As Maya came in to kiss you, you kept her back with a gentle push to her shoulder. "No, kisses right now," you signed, before winking and gesturing at your bloodstained mouth.
To compensate, she pressed a quick and shy kiss to your forehead before you glared at the now whimpering traitor and walked out.
At home, you were exhausted. However large or small your animal would be, you'd always feel deadly tired after shapeshifting. So you were laying on the couch, just scrolling through your phone with the lights dimmed slightly to be comfortable on your sensitive eyes.
You heard the door close, and felt Maya kiss the top of your head.
"You got your answers?" You signed, looking up at her with a smile.
She arched a brow at you, "Are we not going to discuss what happened earlier? The bear thing?"
You felt your ears burn red with a bit of shame as you sheepishly signed, "I lost my cool, I'm so sorry. He disrespected you and I got a bit annoyed..."
She chuckled and signed with a playful twinkle in her eye, "'Annoyed'? You got furious."
"Shut up," you blushed. "It wasn't like me, I'm-"
Before you could sign 'sorry', she grabbed your hands. She wanted you to pause for a moment. She carefully moved her hands away from yours and signed, "It was genuinely the hottest thing I have ever seen you do. And imagine, I have seen you naked."
You blushed a bright red at her words, and signed back, "Maya, what the hell?"
She giggled softly and replied, "I've never seen you lose it before. Why did that happen?"
"Because..." you paused, hands stilled in that one position as you slowly signed out the right-ish words for how you were feeling, "...I care about you. A lot. And it hurts me to see some stupid man disrespecting you when you've worked damn hard to gain the power you have today. It hurts me to see you go through so much every single day, and men like that just...dismissing you because of one thing you lack."
Maya watched you patiently, waiting for you to finish. This was one thing you loved about her; her willingness to listen, even if she couldn't physically do so. She always made sure you knew you had her attention, and would accordingly respond to you.
"I can handle myself," she smiled, "but I appreciate how much you care about me. You looked adorable, by the way."
"I'm sorry, though," you signed, looking down a bit ashamed.
"Don't be," she signed, before gently tilting your head up by putting a hand under your chin. You noticed how close she was to you. You could se every detail of her face, from the way her brows were so perfectly arched, to her deep brown eyes holding every emotion that even words couldn't describe, and to her soft lips, which were now curved into the slightest of amused smiles.
"Aggressive or not, you stood up for me, and I will always appreciate that," she signed, her eyes gleaming a bit with genuineness. "I love you so much, and it warms my heart to see how much you care about me."
You didn't reply as the words from her elegant hands didn't just strike a chord within you. It composed a whole symphony.
You grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a tight hug, tucking your face into her neck as you mumbled. She didn't need to see your hands moving to know what you had to say. You'd whispered those three, four words against her skin enough number of times for her to judge the way your lips moved, and how the vibrations felt against her skin.
"I love you too."
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the echo trailer came out today
please watch and boost!!!
mod ali
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tilin-forever · 3 months
Hi everyone, hope you all are doing well <3
I just wrote my first fic ever for @mcytphysicaldisabilityweek Day 2: Deafness/Hard of Hearing (please don’t mind that I handed this in literally at the last minute my time zone like a school assignment haha)
Summary: “Tallulah loves how the red poppy stickers on her hearing aids match her red toque. She loves how she can take them off if things get too noisy for her sensitive ears. She doesn't mind being hard of hearing...most days.”
As someone who is profoundly deaf in both ears (I wear a cochlear implant), I was inspired to write this, a lot of which is based on my personal experiences! While I am pretty positive about being deaf (hey, its a fun fact I get to share at icebreakers haha), I wanted to write more about what it's like being deaf without having grown up with ASL (which happens more often than you think, about 90% of deaf kids are born to Hearing families) and that comes with some communication downsides.
I am not a 100% about the characterization, but I wanted to submit this before the day is over. I was also inspired by this wonderful fandom, you guys are all so sweet <3
I am hoping to write a followup/parallel fic for FitMC about being deaf as an adult, anyways, hope you enjoy <3
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hollywoodoutbreak · 3 months
As a young woman who is both deaf and an amputee, Alaqua Cox would seem to be an unlikely choice to star in a Marvel Cinematic Universe series. But she made a huge impression playing the role of Maya Lopez -- a.k.a. Echo -- on Hawkeye, and she was given a spinoff series, Echo. And her co-star on the show, Vincent D'Onofrio, said she's one of the most incredible actors he's ever worked with.
Echo is currently streaming on Disney+.
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mxltivxrse2020 · 1 year
petition to make OMITB have a Theo centric episode every season and that episode number will always be 7 bc in both season 1 & 2 episode 7 always had Theo play a big role 😩 can I get a hell yeah?
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mannyblacque · 7 months
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Only Murders In The Building S3 E7 "CoBro"
The return of Theo Dimas!
Also, did everyone catch that Anchorman easter egg? Sex Panther!
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ihaveaweirdidea · 8 months
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seokdongchul · 6 months
yoon cheongah, ha yichan and a sign language class
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jameswyerford · 6 months
this episode of twinkling watermelon had me in actual tears
i dont think you guys fully realize the impact and importance of this scene
if you deny access to sign language to a deaf kid (specially if they were born deaf) and force them to use oral language exclusively, you are taking away their chance to learn their language, their chance to express themselves, their chance to grow and evolve as their own person and their birth right to access language, knowledge and education
eungyeol was so fucking on point for it and he is by far the best character of the entire drama
you see i will shit on this drama if needed (even if i like it) but i assure you i will point out as well the stuff they do get right
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yelena-belovas-gun · 3 months
Intruders (Maya Lopez)
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Summary: Kate's inside Maya's apartment...but doesn't know the risks.
Maya Lopez x fem!ring fighter!reader
Warnings: Blood, fighting, wounds, soft Maya.
Note: i've tweaked the hawkeye scene for plot convenience, heh. Anything can happen in a fanfic <3
Taglist: @splat-tasha (dm or comment to ask to be in the general taglist <3)
You were, frankly, exhausted. You'd only just gotten back after winning a few fights, making your easy money, and you just wanted to curl up in Maya's arms to sleep off the pain.
Your knuckles throbbed, and your body pulsed with each movement, as if hating every single ounce of your weight as you dragged yourself towards the bathroom.
However, just as you were about to get into the shower, you noticed that Maya's alarm system had gone off.
Your senses heightened the way they always did before and during a fight. Your vision sharpened, muscles tensed as you paused unwrapping your hands and put the white cloth over your knuckles again.
Kate had alerted Clint about someone keeping tabs on his family. She was so engrossed in looking for the rolex that she didn't notice the muscled woman coming up behind her.
The second the last syllable of 'get out of there' had left Clint's lips, you caught Kate in a chokehold, constricting her airways with your strong forearms.
She elbowed you in the ribs and sprang back, only to be punched in the face by Maya.
"Hi, baby," you signed, ducking as Kate swung at you. You deftly hit her in the stomach, sending her reeling, so Maya could slam her against the wall.
"How was the fight?" Maya casually signed, parrying another blow from Kate.
"Good," you smiled, looking offended when Kate punched you in the mouth. Maya handled that one by grabbing the girl and throwing her into the bookshelves, making you scowl at her in irritation.
You suddenly stepped out of the way when an arrow whizzed into the apartment, aimed at you. A man, who looked about 45, leapt into the apartment to battle you.
You spat out blood, rolled your eyes and squared up, adjusting your stance.
Clint aimed a punch at you, knowing arrows aren't close-range weapons. You ducked and caught his fist, flipping him over your shoulder. With a loud 'thud' he hit the ground, and you pinned him there, twisting his arm behind his back.
"I've been a playground bully before," you seethed as he struggled, "Why're you here?"
"None of your business, really," he flipped you off of him and kicked you in the gut, making you wince as he hit your already aching ribs.
You scoffed, "It's my business cause this is mine and my girlfriend's apartment!" You ducked another blow and hit his nose, not even wincing at the contact. "So tell me, why?"
He didn't answer your question, he only groaned out a loud "Kate!" which resulted in you getting clobbered on the back of the head with a book.
"OW!" You scowled, leaping off of Clint to attack Kate. You signed at Maya quickly, "Him, now!"
"What the hell are you two doing here?!" you grunted as your fist connected with Kate's jaw. She retaliated with a kick to your abdomen and a punch to your ribs, before responding.
"Visiting," she grumbled, shouting in pain as you slammed her against a wall, knocking the wind out of her.
"What part of 'stay away from Maya' was unclear?!" You exclaimed, taking a lovely knee in the groin. You didn't have balls, yes, but by every merciful god, it still hurt like a bitch.
The second you heard glass shattering and the sound of someone escaping, you let go of your combatant, and smirked, "Better follow your mentor, little puppy," you wiped off the blood from your lips.
Kate rolled her eyes and followed Clint via her zipline, and you had to collapse on the couch to catch your breath.
Maya lay beside you, her head in your lap as she breathed heavily. She laughed a little and signed, "Did you win?"
You nodded and smirked, "Five fights,"
"Aren't you sore?" She frowned, sitting up. "Five fights isn't nothing."
You shrugged, "I'll be fine. Not something I haven't done before."
She rolled her eyes and put her hands out. You sighed and gave her your wrapped hands, waiting for her to undo the fabric and inspect your wounds. Her eyes widened at how bruised and bloody your knuckles were.
"Are you dumb?" She asked, looking a bit worried and mad. "I've told you not to put in for so many fights."
"Maya..." you gave her a pleading look. "Don't scold me..."
She sighed and motioned for you to get up. "Take a bath," she signed. "We'll sleep."
You nodded and quickly went to bathe, washing off all the grime, blood, and sweat off of your body. You used Maya's body wash, even though you knew she liked her own stuff. You genuinely liked her scent, and having it on your skin was a thousand times better.
"Why did you use my body wash?" She asked after she'd pressed a soft kiss to your head when you exited the shower.
"I like your scent," you shrugged, sitting on the bed. "Let's sleep?"
She smiled, sliding into bed beside you. She gently pulled you closer to her by your waist, and pressed gentle kisses against your neck to ease your body.
She slowly rubbed small circles into your arms with her fingertips, finding the goosebumps on your skin to be alluring and adorable. She kept giving you small neck kisses, with each brush of her lips on your skin making a muscle ease till you were absolute putty in her arms.
“I love you,” you signed sleepily, not really bothering to check if she saw you. You realised she had when she hummed against your neck slightly, making you giggle.
She slowly signed while embracing you, “I love you too,”
So there you both slept, nonchalant about the fact that your house had gotten broken into.
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franticvampirereads · 1 month
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This was a lovely read. I liked that we got an expanded look at how hearing loss and deafness are treated differently. And how Kohei is mentoring someone with a similar hearing loss as him. I liked that we got more of Taichi being an absolute disaster, bust still being so sweet and understanding of others. I also loved that Taichi was so willing to fight for better treatment/accommodations/services for Kohei and other hard of hearing people like him. One of the other things I really enjoyed about this manga was that these boys were so stubborn about admitting their feelings! They we both being dumb about things and trying to protect the other, but when they finally admitted they liked each other? I just turned into a puddle of goo. This one is getting four out to five stars and I can’t wait to read the next one.
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daaedoodles · 9 months
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her heart skipped a beat.
elizabeth’s eyes were really pretty up close and… was she smiling at her?
and who the hell catches a person when they fall off something other than in hallmark movies?
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