#deanerys x reader
lolitastories · 10 months
Chapter 17 is the last part of the story. I will be making cut ends on the stories here and there. You are more than welcome to send me ideas on what you want to see from these characters. Its not my best work but hopefully it will get better as I start writing more. 
Thank you to all the people who have enjoyed it and I hope you continue to read my writing. 
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trindad2k · 28 days
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Sam Carpenter x Gn!Reader
● Sam só consegue dormir ao seu lado.
Palavras: 450
Gatilhos: Menção a assassinato, facas e sangue, pesadelos, insônia, e um fluff no finalzinho :)
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Os olhos de Samantha pesavam a cada segundo que passava, o barulho irritante das engrenagens do relógio em sua parede era o único barulho que ela escutava pelas últimas três horas. Essa era mais uma das madrugadas em que ela não conseguia dormir.
Junto com os sonhos vinham a lembrança dos gritos, o sangue escorrendo pelo chão, a adrenalina a flor da pele, um sentimento de falha, caos, perdição. É assim que ela se sentia, perdida no meio de tantas tragédias acontecendo todos os dias, sem ninguém para oferecer ajuda.
Todos a julgavam, lembravam de acontecimentos passados, traziam consigo as memórias nada agradáveis que ela se esforçava tanto para esquecer mas que sempre voltavam para assombrar sua mente todas as noites. Se sua visão focasse em um canto específico Sam jurava que podia ver uma figura coberta por um manto preto da cabeça aos pés, segurando uma faca que brilhava com o leve fecho de luz que saia da janela que ela nunca mais pensou em abrir.
Ela sentia que aquela figura chegaria mais perto, tão perto ao ponto de ficar cara a cara com a vítima, e a esfaquearia sem piedade alguma, arrancaria sua cabeça, faria todos os tipos de maldade possíveis e sairia ileso, assim como os outros, em direção aos outros cômodos.
Ela imaginava a criatura entrando em seu quarto, deixando sua cabeceira branca decorada com respingos vermelhos. Samantha não aguentava mais, ela não era capaz de ficar sozinha naquela cama, apenas acompanhada dos seus própios pensamentos terríveis, abraçada ao seu travesseiro molhado de lágrimas como uma criança assustada.
Suando frio, Sam se levanta em direção a porta e sai do seu pequeno inferno, trancando a porta inúmeras vezes. Ela anda com dificuldade pelo corredor até chegar em seu quarto e adentra o local com pressa.
Você dormia calmamente, Sam andou até o seu lado e olhou para seus olhos fechados de maneira delicada, como se você vivesse em um mundo paralelo ao dela.
— Ei… Acorda… — Ela sussurra, observando quando você abre os olhos logo em seguida, se deparando com uma latina de olhos inchados ao seu lado. — Posso dormir aqui? — Você confessava que era estranho ver uma mulher tão valente parecendo tão frágil ao seu lado, com mãos trêmulas apontando para o outro lado da cama.
Sem dizer uma palavra sequer você se move sobre o lençol, deixando um espaço para que Sam deitasse confortavelmente. Sem pensar duas vezes ela entra debaixo da coberta e se aconchega em seu peito, escutando apenas as batidas do seu coração.
Não tinham mais figuras, gritos, sangue ou o barulho irritante do relógio. A verdade é que tempo parava quando ela estava com você, no lugar que deveria estar.
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A/N: Oioi! Perdão por qqlr erro, eu escrevi bem rapidão antes q eu esquecesse a ideia.
Caso algm ache algo parecido por ai isso foi inspirado num one-shot da Deanerys!! (não é tradução nem adaptação viu)
Qqlr ideia só mandar aqui :))
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Guys, gals, and other pals(Samira main mode on), I need your help! I'm DYING to write something for GOT, but I have a list of character that I can write, but I can't choose which one should do.
These are the characters that I'll do:
All women
Joffrey (It can be a good challenge)
Khal Drogo
THEON GREYJOY (I love him sm)
If someone isn't listed, then just ask bc I can make exceptions.
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28. Pretend relationship with 25 and Danearys Targaryen please?
{ These days my inspiration was totally kaput and I’m not writing a lotfor this blog, I’ve been very absent.
So I have no idea for fanfictions and drabbles, so I tried writing somesimple headcanons. }
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Actually, I don’t imagine Daenerys having a faking relationship withsomeone especially in this period of war and hostility. No time for love orfun, it’s really the worse time to fall in love.
Daenerys is not the kind of person who would lie to someone and she isalso hard to love, it takes time before someone can truly impress her becauseshe’s very fierce, she’s the queen of dragons and so she cannot get impressedso easily. It’s a hard game to play, you need a lot of luck, patience anddetermination but she will know how to reward your effort.
We have to say Daenerys also has so many pretenders and maybe she shouldsay you are her S/O because she does not want to be bothered by them and youactually are really glad, you don’t feel offended, you are honoured to helpyour queen any way possible.  
You are her counsellor and friend, you are one of the several slaves Daeneryshas released and you’ll be forever thankful to her for this, you’d give yourlife for her sake and you’d do everything for her. At the end, you fell reallyin love with your queen but never confessed your true feelings since you arestill a slave and she’s a royal, how can she love somebody like you.
Anyway, Daenerys always treats you like her equal, you’re her great friendand companion, she has a deep affection for you and that’s why you are alsoallowed to stay alone with her, brush her hair, have private conversation withher and also help her to take a bath. Not everyone has this honour.
“You look really peaceful when you’re asleep.” You often complimentsher, you likes adoring her but she’s so used to listen to compliments becauseshe always receives them but she likes hearing them from you. On that occasion,you were observing Daenerys while she was sleeping and you didn’t know she wasactually listening to you. You were so embarrassed, she did not say a thing,she giggled and then you smiled. At least, she didn’t take your comment bad butshe was glad having a loyal friend like you.
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dany-is-my-queen · 4 years
Hello there guys! I want to start writing for Daenerys Targaryen if you are interested, I’m new in doing this so please be patient and kind with me, I really believe I can make good stories for you so I’m accepting your requests! Feel free to ask about me(:
It happens that I have a lot of time right now, I thought it’s a good idea. (I’m only gonna write for female reader, maybe in the future for more characters such as Sansa Stark)
English it’s not my first language, so I’m sorry if you see a misspelling, I’ll try my best for you. If you can help me with reblogging this post it would mean a lot.
Lastly, I want to say to all the people that takes the time to write for us, that you are amazing! I really enjoy when you upload something new, your creativity is remarkable.
So welcome to my blog! I’m looking forward to see your requests and questions ❤️
Stay safe. Btw my name is Kenia :)
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Hello! I'm so glad I found another Marco simp (I mean we all simp for a certain character (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞)
If its not so much, can I request Marco reacting to his and their (fem)s/o child wanting a sibling (●’◡’●)ノ. I was sure as hell marco will be a tease about it ʕ •́؈•̀ ₎
A/ N: hey love! Yes I simp fo him all day ! d^.^b OMG did you just read my mind :0 I was planning on doing something like this in the future. This was meant to be my dear! Also I felt a bit weird no giving the child a name so I did Daenerys. I will gladly do so. Enjoy babe <3
Marco x Fem Reader: Siblings
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"Mommy hurry up." your daughter tugged your hand up the hill.
"Daenerys slow down no need to rush." you said as your 4 year old pulling your hand.
"She is just excited yoi." humor appeared on Marcos face as he watch his happy 4 year old pulling his wife up the hill. There was a meteor shower tonight this will be the first time to experience as a family. You placed the blanket down the sun already set. The stars filling up the night sky.
"How long does it last the shower?" Daenerys asked as she plopped between you both.
"I'm not sure but we will find out." You smiled brushing your fingers through her blond hair.
"Oh daddy guess what." she said
"What is it baby bird yoi?" he looked down at his daughter with a smile.
"I saw Emits new brother today." she said.
"You did." his playful tone matching his daughters. Marco was the one to deliver the baby a few days ago.
"Yes Emit was saying he was going to teach his brother all sorts of different things that's so awesome." she giggled. "Daddy can I have a brother or sister or both?"
Marco eyes popped open a bit wider. Did his daughter just ask for a siblings? Marco looked you and you couldn't believe what you just heard. "Really Deanerys yoi?" confirming with her.
" yes I want to teach them what I know. It does get lonely a bit playing by myself at times." she said. She stood up she was still smaller even though Marco was sitting down her hands reached for his face giving his an Eskimo kiss.
"Me and your mother will talk about it more okay?" kissing the tip of her nose.
"okay." Daenerys eyes looked at Marcos but then eyes widen as she started to see the flashes of lights in the sky. "so pretty."
Marco looked up "well would you look at the yoi." his daughter curled up next him as they both watched together.
You looked at them both another baby. Just the thought of another baby got you thinking. You did miss Daenerys as a baby her chubby cheeks melted your heart. The way you used to cradle her in your arms. Seeing her small figure as Marco used to have her lay on his chest.
Later that night Marco put Daenerys in her bed tucking her in kissing her forehead he close her bedroom door. He made his way in tothe room. "So about what Daenerys said yoi." Marco said closing the door to your guys room got in the other side of the bed.
"She wants a sibling." you unpinned you hair tousling it just a bit.
"What do you say babe." Marco said. You seen that face and that face you knew too well. "we should give her one we don't want them far apart in age. We shouldn't wait anymore yoi." he smirked. his hand bringing you on top of him his hands rubbing your outer thighs . Biting the bottom of your lip. "_______ I want you to have my baby (yes yes I will) " He said in a love husky voice "what do you say yoi."
"Yes" you were blushing lowering your face closer to his. Just hearing him saying those words made you a bit hot and bothered.
" Yes to what?" he pushed your strap down your shoulder. His fingers brushing your collar bone. He wanted to hear the words come out of your mouth.
"I want you to fill my womb with your seed." your flirtatious look did it for him.
"Your wish was my command yoi." Marco responding both of your bodied pressed against one another.
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wlwfanfictionss · 3 years
im working on some Natasha x reader and Wanda x reader fics atm, but if you have a request pls send them my way :)
I write for:
-Natasha Romanoff
-Wanda Maximoff
-Robin Buckley
-Hermione Granger
-Luna Lovegood
-Raven Reyes
-Octavia Blake
-All the girls from Euphoria
-All the girls from Wynonna Earp
-Sansa Stark
-Deanerys Targaryen
But you can always request with another lady and if i have watched the movie or show ill probably write it.
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asherlockstudy · 5 years
Impressions of AGoT
I just finished reading A Game of Thrones, the first book of A Song of Ice and Fire series. I'm writing down some quick thoughts on it, intending to gather the differences and similarities of the plot and the characters compared to those of the show. This is mostly for my attempts to speculate how similar or not the ending Martin dreamt is to the D&D's one. It's good for any of you who haven't read the books yet but are interested in it.
The POV characters were the worst possible for me. You get all the Starks but Robb and Rickon, including Catelyn and Jon, and only Tyrion and Deanerys out of everyone else. A little bit of a yawnfest for me personally.
I like the way GRRM writes overall but, you know, I wouldn’t die for his writing style. I’m mentioning this because George criticized JK Rowling’s books in the past and, well no George, you’re not on the level of criticizing other renowned authors yet.
For real, his sex paragraphs are cringy. Thank god there are not as many as in the show. 
This must have been one of the most densely structured plots I’ve read, meaning there’s literally no filler paragraph, let alone chapter. George only writes what is essential in order to push the plot forward. So far at least. I both like and dislike that, if I’m making any sense.
I like the concept of the PoV chapters although jumping from one character and one sublot to another in every chapter without connection can get tedious and confusing at times.
The first series did one hell of a job at adapting AGoT. You almost don't need to read the book because nearly everything is exactly the same. Only in the last chapters I started noticing minor differentiations.
One basic difference between book and show is that, listen, George obviously cares for the themes of prophecies and omens and dreams and God signs and religions. They are in most pages of the book and in my opinion they made for the most interesting reading, perhaps because I already knew everything else.
Now that I know, the fact that Jon is Lyanna and Rhaegar's son was freaking obvious throughout the book . It seems D&D were not geniuses for answering George's question about Jon’s parentage correctly. Maybe it would take me longer to suspect it had I not watched the show beforehand but still. Very easy.
Book Ned and Catelyn are very close to the show's, only much younger. Their obsession with honour (while great of course) makes them tiresome characters. Ned repeats all the time what is right or should be done. They are the same but somehow more boring than the show characters. Ned is also OBSESSED with Jaime, whom he mentions in like every paragraph and hates him like he would hate a giant muddy worm lying in his bathtub.
Sorry to say that but Arya is super boring so far. Her chapters had the least symbolic meanings and she's more of a naive child in the book. Maisie gave her swag. They also don't look much alike.
Sansa is the most shallow and annoying little bitch you can imagine until her last couple of chapters. She is emotionless, cares about nobody except boys and men whom she values exclusively based on looks. If you hated early show!Sansa, well you should see book Sansa! In the last two chapters that admirable almost frightening inner strength of hers starts shining.
Book!Jon is on the verge of crying and throwing a tandrum in nearly all his chapters. Actually Kit Harrington did a good job because Jon is always sulky and brooding. Kit made book Jon a little more mature which was a welcome change. Aside from the true parentage implication, the book does not indicate he is an important or fateful character until his last chapters, where it is only hinted.
Bran is truly the character who seems to have fate's mark on him but all this comes from his dreams and a few thoughts of his climbing skills. Otherwise he is just a boy of his age.
Book!Tyrion is almost the same with show!Tyrion but lacks Peter's charisma. He is not as likeable as show!Tyrion without doing anything worse than his TV version though so far. He is extremely selfish which however makes sense with the family he's raised in. It's openly discussed that he might not be Tywin's true son.
Show!Deanerys is one of the most boring characters for me yet I found her book chapters increasingly interesting. She starts as a naive kid and in my opinion ends up a disturbed kid already by the end of the first book. With what she's been through it makes sense. I dislike that George gives her attributes of a fully grown woman, even though she is only thirteen. All the ordeal with the bloodmaegi, Drogo's and her son's death and the birth of the dragons is chilling. However, her troubled mind is much more obvious than in the show. It's like she progressively takes Viserys' place after his death. Her last chapters are easily the best part of the book.
Book!Tywin is still Charles Dance, only painted gold apparently.
Book!Cersei is less likeable than show!Cersei, can you believe? She doesn’t seem to be as clever either. She also must look quite different than Lena’s Cersei. Cersei does not appear often.
Jaime... This is the funniest thing about the book. First of all, Jaime is basically not in the book. He makes it to like three - four appearances at most. Meanwhile, every other page mentions him at least once. Everyone’s like omg Jaime Lannister the most terrifying warrior ever the strongest man in the universe the KINGSLSAYER (x 47648264 times) the golden lion etc.......... and then Jaime appears 4 times and just embarrasses himself in front of the whole realm. Honestly, I’d say being caught having sex with his sister by his host’s son is nowhere near the only embarrassing thing that happens to him. He’s an ultimate failure but one that shines unrealistically golden and glimmers silver in the night. Yep, that’s Jaime Lannister. Wtf George. Honestly, Jaime’s failures and inadequacy compared to the way he’s described by other characters is ridiculous and really funny. I can’t wait to see how George turns this around in the next books. Despite that, the positive thing is that apparently George wants the readers to expect things from Jaime, despite crushing their expectations so many times in this book. He also has a shitload of subtextual symbolic implications about him, even though he appears for so little. 
P.S  People “break fast” like you wouldn’t believe
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Updated New Mobile Masterlist
X reader imagines
Game Of Thrones
Jon Snow
I’m sorry
Jon Snow x Reader
When Jon leaves for the wall he leaves everything behind including his lover what will happen when they reunite during the battle bastards but she is married.
What had to be done ft. Robb Stark (*Smut*)
Jon Snow x Reader x Robb Stark
Robb and his wife are unable to have children but need an heir. Jon is more than happy to help the young couple out.
Robb Stark
What had to be done ft. Jon Snow (*smut*)
Robb Stark x Reader X Jon Snow
Robb and his wife are unable to have children but need an heir. Jon is more than happy to help the young couple out. 
I am truly the luckiest man
Robb Stark x Reader
Robb and his wife spend a few moments together with there children and Robb realizes just how lucky he truly is.
Happy Ever After
Robb Stark x Reader
Robb and his wife have been trying to have a child for a while with no luck. They decide to give it one more try. That try turns into three babies.
The Start Of Something Beautiful
Robb Stark x Reader
Robb discovers some new feelings for his best friend.
Both Of You Or None Of You Ft. Theon Greyjoy (Smut)
Robb Stark x Reader x Theon Greyjoy
Robb and Theon are in love with there best friend. She is in love with both of them and can’t decide who she loves more.
Robb Stark x Baratheon Reader
The princess is betrothed to Robb Stark. She expects him to be like her father but one day she confronts him and is pleasantly surprised by his response.
I made it home
Robb Stark X Reader
Robb Stark’s best friend goes South with Ned and the girls. She is imprisoned  by Joffrey. Robb is told she was executed alongside his father. The hound helps her escape and she finds her way back to his camp. What happens when they’re reunited?
Romeo and Juliet
Robb Stark x Lannister Reader
In this World War II AU. The readers older brother introduces her to an American Soldier Robb Stark and his friends. She hates him and all his men because they’re the enemy but she is proved wrong when she spends time with her brother, Robb, and a Canadian soldier Theon, and an English soldier Jon. U.S’s Robb Stark and Italy’s Y/N Lannister fall for each other. What will happen to the two ill fated lovers? Will they be happily ever after? Or will they mirror Romeo and Juliet a little too much?
Sansa Stark
Saved me
Sansa Stark x Bolton Reader
The reader helps Sansa escape from her older half-brother Ramsay. When Jon and his men capture her to execute her after the battle of the bastards. Sansa free her and the two reunite.
Eddard Stark
Second Chances
Eddard Stark X Lannister Reader
After Catelyn’s death Ned vows to never wed again. What happens when the king forces him to marry Robert wife’s sister.
Daenerys Targaryen
I want to ride a dragon (*smut*)
Daenerys Targaryen x Reader
Daenerys and her best friend get drunk one night and upgrade their relationship.
The curious Little Dragon Ft. Sandor Clegane
Daenerys Targaryen X daughter reader x The Hound Sandor Clegane
Daenerys daughter arrives at the dragon pit with her. She runs off and meets the Hound.
Serving yer (serving you) (*Smut*)
Daenerys Targaryen x Reader x Khal Drogo
Khal Drogo calls for the pretty slave Y/N to pleasure him. Daenerys catches wind of there rendezvous. She joins in on the fun and they have a smutty night together.
Sandor Clegane
The little wolf and the hound
The Hound/Sandor Clegane x Stark Reader
Eddard Stark’s eldest daughter escapes Kingslanding with the hound.
The Curious Little Dragon Ft. Daenerys Targaryen
The Hound/Sandor Clegane x Daenerys Targaryen’s daughter reader x Daenerys Targaryen
Deanerys daughter arrives at the dragon pit with her. She runs off and meets the Hound.
I Choose You My Puppy sequal to the curious little dragon
The Hound/Sandor Clegane x Targaryen Reader 
After Daenerys dies her daughter becomes queen. Every queen needs a king. Her closest companion and her personal guard The hound is there with her every step of the way. Sandor Clegane has fallen for her and she has fallen for him. What will she do?
Tormund Giantsbane
I have fallen in love with my enemy
Tormund Giantsbane x reader
All there lives children are told scary stories about the Wildlings. What happens when a Northen lady sides with Jon Snow and meets the wildings, more importantly, Tormund Giantsbane. What happens when she befriends the free folk king and falls for him
Set You Straight (*smut*)
Tormund Giantsbane x reader
When Tormund and his lover go to her sister’s wedding and she spends the night flirting with Jon Snow. Her night ends in an argument and a sex-filled night.
Oberyn Martell
Lost and found
Oberyn Martell x Niece/Adopted daughter of Tyrion Lannister reader
One of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen’s children survived. There youngest daughter Y/N. She has been raised by Tyrion Lannister as his bastard daughter. What happens when your actual mother’s brother comes for you. What happens when he falls in love with you.
Cersei Lannister
You Deserve Better
Cersei Lannister x Baratheon Reader
Robert’s sister has fallen in love with the wife he mistreats. One night the lady has enough and goes to comfort the queen. The king’s sister comforts Cersei and they become friends until one night after Robert mistreats his wife again and the reader goes to her rescue once again and they admit there shared feelings.
Joffrey Baratheon
I see you
Joffrey Baratheon x reader
Joffrey has been friends with the reader since they were children. One day there attacked and Joffrey leaves his betrothed Sansa Stark for dead. His best friend sees Joffrey as a monster and decides to avoid him. What happens when he comforts her. Will their true feelings come out? Will their friendship end forever?
Ramsay Bolton
I love you
Ramsay Bolton x reader
Ramsay’s new bride just found out about her pregnancy when she is attacked. Her husband rescues her and confesses his love for there family.
You are mine (*Smut*)
Ramsay Bolton x Younger half-sister
Ramsay’s younger half-sister meets a suitor. Ramsay doesn’t like his secret forbidden lover spending the day with her possible husband so he shows her who he belongs to.
How did I get so lucky (*smut*)
Ramsay Bolton x Younger Half Sister
Ramsay and his younger half-sister have been together for years. Their father leaves and they finally get married and share a love-filled wedding night.
Too Little Too Late Ft. Theon Greyjoy
Ramsay Bolton x reader x Theon Greyjoy
Theon Greyjoy left his lover that was carrying there baby when he went to the  Iron Islands. The night before he left they got in a huge argument. She left and met Ramsay Bolton. They fell in love and got married. Ramsay has raised her son as his own after all these years. What happens when the reader’s husband returns home with the father of her child as a toy. What happens when she can’t stop thinking of the memories.
Theon Greyjoy
That Should Be Me
Theon Greyjoy x Stark Reader
Theon Greyjoy cheated on his betrothed Y/N Stark. She gets engaged to another lord. What happens when he relives there memories. Will he go after her? Will he let her go? (Based on the song That should be me by Justin Bieber)
Safe Haven
Theon Greyjoy x reader
Theon Greyjoy is sent by Eddard Stark to fetch the men the King sent to serve Ned Stark’s army from Kingslanding. Needing a good lay he headed to a brothel recommended by one of the soldiers. The reader was working her first night there and Theon was her first client. Theon saw how nervous she was and talked with her. The ward realized she was not happy, safe or here by choice. What will he do? Will he take her? Will he leave her?
Too Little Too Late Ft. Ramsay Bolton
Theon Greyjoy x reader x Ramsay Bolton
Theon Greyjoy left his lover that was carrying there baby when he went to the Iron Islands. The night before he left they got in a huge argument. She left and met Ramsay Bolton. They fell in love and got married. Ramsay has raised her son as his own after all these years. What happens when the reader’s husband returns home with the father of her child as a toy. What happens when she can’t stop thinking of the memories.
Both Of You Or None Of You Ft. Robb Stark (Smut)
Theon Greyjoy x reader x Robb Stark
Robb and Theon are in love with there best friend. She is in love with both of them and can’t decide who she loves more.
Khal Drogo
serving yer (Serving you) Ft. Daenerys Targaryen (*Smut*)
Khal Drogo x Reader x Daenerys Targaryen
Khal Drogo calls for the pretty slave Y/N to pleasure him. Daenerys catches wind of there rendezvous. She joins in on the fun and they have a smutty night together.
Dean Ambrose
I see the way you look at her
Dean Ambrose x Reader .
Dean and the reader are dating but the reader decides to break up with him after she sees that he is in love with Renee Young.
I only have eyes for you (Sequal to I see the way you look at her)
Dean Ambrose x reader
The reader has won the Raw Women’s championship from Alexa Bliss and is celebrating in the ring when her Ex- Dean Ambrose comes out. The lunatic Fringe congratulates her and then proposes. What will she say?
Jealousy looks good of you (*Smut*)
Dean Ambrose x reader
Dean and the reader meet up with reader’s best guy friend. Reader and her friend are quite flirty and Dean takes off. She goes after him. When she walks in the house Dean shows her that jealousy looks good on him.
Seth Rollins
Do you think that low of me
Seth Rollins x reader
Seth Rollins and his on-screen girlfriend/friend with benefit gets pregnant and then avoids him. One day he confronts and she admits the news. Will they get together? What will happen to the two now that they know they’re expecting?
Brie Bella
Age Doesn’t Define Us
Brie Bella x Reader
Brie has a girlfriend that is five years younger than her. It was a bad week for the two but Brie proves how much she loves her and cares for her through it all. First there was the hate in the internet, then a sleazy guy at the nightclub and last but not least Charlotte flair at Brie’s work.
13 Reasons Why
Justin Foley
You can’t blame yourself
Justin Foley x reader
Justin’s girlfriend gives him a little comfort after he breaks down from his guilt about Hannah’s suicide.
Sons Of Anarchy
Jax Teller
I am so sorry but you can’t leave us you can’t leave me I need you
Jax Teller x Winston Reader
Jax and Opie’s little sister got together after Tara’s death. They were together for a year when the reader finds out Jax slept with Wendy. The reader goes to leave Jax when he proposes. WIll she leave? Will she say yes?
I have made a lot of mistakes but your not one we are not one
Francis x Stuart Reader
When Mary takes off Francis and her sister fall in love. Mary returns and a bunch of madness occurs including her and Francis’s marriage. Feeling betrayed the reader doesn’t talk to Mary, Francis, or Lola until one day Francis and Kenna forces her to talk with him. He admits to loving her more than his wife. What will happen?
My Queen
Maximus Boltagon x Amaquelin reader
Queen Medusa’s little sister and Maximus were together when he took over Attilian. He brought the princess to the throne room and told her their family abandoned them. He asked the reader to marry him an be his queen. What did she say?
Fp Jones
Serpents Stick Together
Fp Jones x Younger (Legal) single mom Fogarty Reader
Your a young single mom returning back to Riverdale to your sick mom, younger brother, the southside, the serpents, all of your old friends including the former serpent king Sheriff Jones. You both discover some feelings for one another. Will you act on them? Will you ignore them? Read to find out?
Logan AKA Wolverine
Love At First Sight
Logan AKA Wolverine x Summers Reader
Havok and Cyclops little sister and Logan fall in love at first sight
The Originals
Niklaus Mikealson
A pleasant surprise (smut)
Niklaus Mikealson x reader
Klaus and his lover were turned into vampires together. They have loved one another for centuries. Klaus makes a mistake with a certain werewolf and gets her pregnant. The reader is upset but she forgives the original hybrid and they make love. But she gets a pleasantly shocking surprise.
Multi Chapter fics
The Dark Truth
Chapter 1: Fireworks
Scarlett Blossom x Winter-Rose Jones (Platonic)
Scarlett and Winter-Rose hear an unidentified bang that ends life as they know and kick starts there journey to discover the dark truth of Riverdale
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Do you want
A threesome between Khal Drogo x Targaryen (deanerys older sister) reader x Deanerys Targaryen
The legimate daughter of Robert and cersei married Robb but now that her husband is gone she is pregnant and wants revenge on her family
So it begans the next chapter to the dark truth
Scarlett and Winter start back to school and they think things are starting to go back to normal or as much as they can with Jason still being missing until Jason's body is found in sweet water river
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New Mobile Masterlist
X reader imagines
Game Of Thrones
Jon Snow
I’m sorry
Jon Snow x Reader
When Jon leaves for the wall he leaves everything behind including his lover what will happen when they reunite during the battle bastards but she is married.
What had to be done ft. Robb Stark (*Smut*)
Jon Snow x Reader x Robb Stark
Robb and his wife are unable to have children but need an heir. Jon is more than happy to help the young couple out.
Robb Stark
What had to be done ft. Jon Snow (*smut*)
Robb Stark x Reader X Jon Snow
Robb and his wife are unable to have children but need an heir. Jon is more than happy to help the young couple out.
I am truly the luckiest man
Robb Stark x Reader
Robb and his wife spend a few moments together with there children and Robb realizes just how lucky he truly is.
Happy Ever After
Robb Stark x Reader
Robb and his wife have been trying to have a child for a while with no luck. They decide to give it one more try. That try turns into three babies.
The Start Of Something Beautiful
Robb Stark x Reader
Robb discovers some new feelings for his best friend.
Both Of You Or None Of You Ft. Theon Greyjoy (Smut)
Robb Stark x Reader x Theon Greyjoy
Robb and Theon are in love with there best friend. She is in love with both of them and can't decide who she loves more.
Robb Stark x Baratheon Reader
The princess is betrothed to Robb Stark. She expects him to be like her father but one day she confronts him and is pleasantly surprised by his response.
I made it home
Robb Stark X Reader
Robb Stark’s best friend goes South with Ned and the girls. She is imprisoned by Joffrey. Robb is told she was executed alongside his father. The hound helps her escape and she finds her way back to his camp. What happens when they’re reunited?
Romeo and Juliet
Robb Stark x Lannister Reader
In this World War II AU. The readers older brother introduces her to an American Soldier Robb Stark and his friends. She hates him and all his men because they're the enemy but she is proved wrong when she spends time with her brother, Robb, and a Canadian soldier Theon, and an English soldier Jon. U.S's Robb Stark and Italy's Y/N Lannister fall for each other. What will happen to the two ill-fated lovers? Will they be happily ever after? Or will they mirror Romeo and Juliet a little too much?
Sansa Stark
Saved me
Sansa Stark x Bolton Reader
The reader helps Sansa escape from her older half-brother Ramsay. When Jon and his men capture her to execute her after the battle of the bastards. Sansa free her and the two reunite.
Eddard Stark
Second Chances
Eddard Stark X Lannister Reader
After Catelyn's death Ned vows to never wed again. What happens when the king forces him to marry Robert wife's sister.
Daenerys Targaryen
I want to ride a dragon (*smut*)
Daenerys Targaryen x Reader
Daenerys and her best friend get drunk one night and upgrade their relationship.
The curious Little Dragon Ft. Sandor Clegane
Deanerys Targaryen X daughter reader x The Hound Sandor Clegane
Deanerys daughter arrives at the dragon pit with her. She runs off and meets the Hound.
Sandor Clegane
The little wolf and the hound
Sandor Clegane x Stark Reader
Eddard Stark's eldest daughter escapes Kingslanding with the hound.
The Curious Little Dragon Ft. Daenerys Targaryen
The Hound Sandor Clegane x Daenerys Targaryen's daughter reader x Daenerys Targaryen
Deanerys daughter arrives at the dragon pit with her. She runs off and meets the Hound.
I Choose You My Puppy sequal to the curious little dragon
The Hound Sandor Clegane x Targaryen Reader
After Daenerys dies her daughter becomes queen. Every queen needs a king. Her closest companion and her personal guard The hound is there with her every step of the way. Sandor Clegane has fallen for her and she has fallen for him. What will she do?
Tormund Giantsbane
I have fallen in love with my enemy
Tormund Giantsbane x reader
All there lives children are told scary stories about the Wildlings. What happens when a Northen lady sides with Jon Snow and meets the wildings, more importantly, Tormund Giantsbane. What happens when she befriends the free folk king and falls for him
Set You Straight (*smut*)
Tormund Giantsbane x reader
When Tormund and his lover go to her sister's wedding and she spends the night flirting with Jon Snow. Her night ends in an argument and a sex filled night.
Oberyn Martell
Lost and found
Oberyn Martell x Niece/Adopted daughter of Tyrion Lannister reader
One of Elia Martell and Rhaegar Targaryen's children survived. There youngest daughter Y/N. She has been raised by Tyrion Lannister as his bastard daughter. What happens when your actual mother's brother comes for you. What happens when he falls in love with you.
Cersei Lannister
You Deserve Better
Cersei Lannister x Baratheon Reader
Robert's sister has fallen in love with the wife he mistreats. One night the lady has enough and goes to comfort the queen. The king's sister comforts Cersei and they become friends until one night after Robert mistreats his wife again and the reader goes to her rescue once again and they admit there shared feelings.
Joffrey Baratheon
I see you
Joffrey Baratheon x reader
Joffrey has been friends with the reader since they were children. One day there attacked and Joffrey leaves his betrothed Sansa Stark for dead. His best friend sees Joffrey as a monster and decides to avoid him. What happens when he comforts her. Will their true feelings come out? Will their friendship end forever?
Ramsay Bolton
I love you
Ramsay Bolton x reader
Ramsay's new bride just found out about her pregnancy when she is attacked. Her husband rescues her and confesses his love for there family.
You are mine (*Smut*)
Ramsay Bolton x Younger half-sister
Ramsay's younger half-sister meets a suitor. Ramsay doesn't like his secret forbidden lover spending the day with her possible husband so he shows her who he belongs to.
How did I get so lucky (*smut*)
Ramsay Bolton x Younger Half Sister
Ramsay and his younger half-sister have been together for years. Their father leaves and they finally get married and share a love-filled wedding night.
Too Little Too Late Ft. Theon Greyjoy
Ramsay Bolton x reader x Theon Greyjoy
Theon Greyjoy left his lover that was carrying there baby when he went to the Iron Islands. The night before he left they got in a huge argument. She left and met Ramsay Bolton. They fell in love and got married. Ramsay has raised her son as his own after all these years. What happens when the reader’s husband returns home with the father of her child as a toy. What happens when she can’t stop thinking of the memories.
Theon Greyjoy
That Should Be Me
Theon Greyjoy x Stark Reader
Theon Greyjoy cheated on his betrothed Y/N Stark. She gets engaged to another lord. What happens when he relives there memories. Will he go after her? Will he let her go? (Based on the song That should be me by Justin Bieber)
Safe Haven
Theon Greyjoy x reader
Theon Greyjoy is sent by Eddard Stark to fetch the men the King sent to serve Ned Stark's army from Kingslanding. Needing a good lay he headed to a brothel recommended by one of the soldiers. The reader was working her first night there and Theon was her first client. Theon saw how nervous she was and talked with her. The ward realized she was not happy, safe or here by choice. What will he do? Will he take her? Will he leave her?
Too Little Too Late Ft. Ramsay Bolton
Theon Greyjoy x reader x Ramsay Bolton
Theon Greyjoy left his lover that was carrying there baby when he went to the Iron Islands. The night before he left they got in a huge argument. She left and met Ramsay Bolton. They fell in love and got married. Ramsay has raised her son as his own after all these years. What happens when the reader's husband returns home with the father of her child as a toy. What happens when she can't stop thinking of the memories.
Both Of You Or None Of You Ft. Robb Stark (Smut)
Theon Greyjoy x reader x Robb Stark
Robb and Theon are in love with there best friend. She is in love with both of them and can't decide who she loves more.
Dean Ambrose
I see the way you look at her
Dean Ambrose x Reader
Dean and the reader are dating but the reader decides to break up with him after she sees that he is in love with Renee Young.
I only have eyes for you (Sequal to I see the way you look at her)
Dean Ambrose x reader
The reader has won the Raw Women's championship from Alexa Bliss and is celebrating in the ring when her Ex- Dean Ambrose comes out. The lunatic Fringe congratulates her and then proposes. What will she say?
Jealousy looks good of you (*Smut*)
Dean Ambrose x reader
Dean and the reader meet up with reader's best guy friend. Reader and her friend are quite flirty and Dean takes off. She goes after him. When she walks in the house Dean shows her that jealousy looks good on him.
Seth Rollins
Do you think that low of me
Seth Rollins x reader
Seth Rollins and his on-screen girlfriend/friend with benefit gets pregnant and then avoids him. One day he confronts and she admits the news. Will they get together? What will happen to the two now that they know they're expecting?
Brie Bella
Age Doesn’t Define Us
Brie Bella x Reader
Brie has a girlfriend that is five years younger than her. It was a bad week for the two but Brie proves how much she loves her and cares for her through it all. First there was the hate in the internet, then a sleazy guy at the nightclub and last but not least Charlotte flair at Brie’s work.
13 Reasons Why
Justin Foley
You can’t blame yourself
Justin Foley x reader
Justin's girlfriend gives him a little comfort after he breaks down from his guilt about Hannah's suicide.
Sons Of Anarchy
Jax Teller
I am so sorry but you can’t leave us you can’t leave me I need you
Jax Teller x Winston Reader
Jax and Opie's little sister got together after Tara's death. They were together for a year when the reader finds out Jax slept with Wendy. The reader goes to leave Jax when he proposes. WIll she leave? Will she say yes?
I have made a lot of mistakes but your not one we are not one
Francis x Stuart Reader
When Mary takes off Francis and her sister fall in love. Mary returns and a bunch of madness occurs including her and Francis's marriage. Feeling betrayed the reader doesn't talk to Mary, Francis, or Lola until one day Francis and Kenna forces her to talk with him. He admits to loving her more than his wife. What will happen?
My Queen
Maximus Boltagon x Amaquelin reader
Queen Medusa's little sister and Maximus were together when he took over Attilian. He brought the princess to the throne room and told her their family abandoned them. He asked the reader to marry him an be his queen. What did she say?
Fp Jones
Serpents Stick Together
Fp Jones x younger (legal) single mother Fogarty Reader
Your a young single mom returning back to Riverdale to your sick mom, younger brother, the southside, the serpents, all of your old friends including the former serpent king Sheriff Jones. You both discover some feelings for one another. Will you act on them? Will you ignore them? Read to find out?
Logan AKA Wolverine
Love At First Sight
Logan AKA Wolverine x Summers Reader
Havok and Cyclops little sister and Logan fall in love at first sight
The Originals
Niklaus Mikaelson
A pleasant surprise (smut)
Niklaus Mikealson x reader
Klaus and his lover were turned into vampires together. They have loved one another for centuries. Klaus makes a mistake with a certain werewolf and gets her pregnant. The reader is upset but she forgives the original hybrid and they make love. But she gets a pleasantly shocking surprise.
Multi Chapter fics
The Dark Truth
Chapter 1: Fireworks
Scarlett Blossom x Winter-Rose Jones (Platonic)
Scarlett and Winter-Rose hear a unidentified bang that ends life as they know and kick starts there journey to discover the dark truth of Riverdale
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The deanerys targaryen x sister reader x khal drogo threesome smut won so expect that by wensday at the latest
don't worry for the ones that voted for the Robb stark angest that will be wrote and posted shortly after the smut
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