#death drive
Some thoughts about things on Bang Bravern… (bit long, sorry)
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Why do I clock the German major general Heidemarie as a lesbian?
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So what if “ga-ga-pi” is some kind of a code, similar to Morse code or the binary code? Lulu has her “ga-ga-pi.” The other Deathdrive has its “ga-ga-ga. Pi-ga-ga-ga-pi. Pi-ga-ga-pi-ga.” The sequence is different in order to convey another meaning. The only solution is how to interpret it. Or perhaps, I am just overthinking.
So what are the Death Drives?
From the series’s glossary:
Death Drives : A mysterious mechanical life form that suddenly attacked the earth. Their goal is to achieve the best "death" that each of them wants. They came to this earth around all the galaxies in search of an existence that will fulfil their wishes.
Those drives sound like a part of Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis’ theory, the theory of pleasure principle (Lustprinzip).
Did Masami Obari, the director, turn to the Austrian psychoanalyst to gather the blueprint for his latest work?
(I know that Freud doesn’t have many fans among the Tumblr folks. But he “is” my neighbour. After having seen “Freud’s Vanished Neighbors” and read an article that the Viennese didn’t accept him as part of the community because he was not born in Austria and had Jewish family, and was still referred to as “Zugeraster,” a derogatory term for an outsider, he earned my respect and like everyone who was born centuries ago had other mentality that was not at all fitting in the modern era.)
Deathdrives, or death drives, in Freudian psychoanalytical universe, mean Thanatos, Todestrieb in German, is a term that describes: the drive toward death and destruction, often expressed through behaviors such as aggression, repetition compulsion, and self-destructiveness.
From Freud’s book, “Beyond the Pleasure Principle” :
Our departure point was the great antithesis of life drives and death drives. Object-love itself shows us a second such polarity – that of love (affection) and hate (aggression). What if we succeeded in connecting these two polarities, what if we succeeded in tracing one back to the other! We have always acknowledged a sadistic component in the sexual drive; as we know, this component can develop a life of its own and turn into a perversion that dominates a person's entire sexual life. It also occurs as a dominant partial drive in one of those forms of organization of sexual life that I have termed ‘pre-genital’. But how could we possibly suppose that the sadistic drive, which aims to harm its object, derives from Eros, the preserver of life? Isn't it altogether plausible to suppose that this sadism is actually a death drive that has been ousted from the ego at the instance of the narcissistic libido, and as a result only becomes apparent in conjunction with the object?
So you have the enemies, the Death Drives, ready to destroy the humans, and Bravern on the other with the quality of being the Eros. The sentient robot’s ethos is to save the humanity first. All the while obsessing with his pilot, Ao Isami. Obsession and kindness overlapping.
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@whypolar analysed their names, then doing some googling of the meanings of both Isami and Lewis’ names, it seems the two share the same description. Yours truly is not at all a Japanese language expert, this website suggests that Isami has 21 variations in kanji.
勇 means "bravery, courage."
Brave - Showing courage and strength in the face of danger or difficulty.
Daring - Willing to take risks and try new things.
Strong - Having great physical or mental power.
Courageous - Having or showing courage in the face of danger or difficulty.
Resolute - Firmly determined to do something.
Soldier - A person who serves in an army.
It describes Isami’s personality perfectly!
Lewis, on the other hand…
From the celebrated author of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll, to lauded actor Daniel-Day Lewis, a boy called Lewis is in good company! Lewis is of German origin and means "Renowned warrior." It has many variations in Latin, French, and Gaelic languages that all point to the same sentiment of “strength” and “courage”. With the name Lewis, you can hope to instill your baby boy with a fearless optimism for life.
All three of them—Bravern, Isami and Lewis—are “strong and courageous.”
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chipsncookies · 2 months
Superbia is a pacifist samurai (also Superbia appreciation post 💖)
Apparently Obari confirmed Superbia is a pacifist
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I rewatched ep 2 and it's true, Superbia mostly fights by kicking and incapacitating the TS, cutting their limbs but avoiding the cockpit.
He did try to shoot some nail? beam twice but failed
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At the end of the fight every TS pilot who fought Superbia survived. It's true Bravern saved them, but Superbia had plenty of chances to kill them earlier, and he chose not to
The purple guys are less discerning though and just shoots down the helicopters. Rip heli pilots 😭
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Regarding the samurai theme, i noticed that in Superbia's scenes he often has samurai music playing. Heck, his fight with bravern is basically a samurai duel
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Adding on to this, in ep 7 we also learn he does zen meditation 😭 maybe this is why he's unfazed by the waterboarding lolol (on top of well... Him being a robot). He also asked his enemy's name (Bravern) in an old-fashioned samurai way.
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So the samurai theme is pretty well established, even though i completely missed it on first watch
Also, please look at his info from the official site
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I love that they just copied the info box from the humans lol 🤣 Despite representing Pride, he's down to earth and respects his enemies. Idk what 'to promote' means but he hates despicable things, and he wants a honorable death. This shows when even though he's desperate, he didn't force Lulu to come back to him and let her go after he realised she has a soul of her own.
He also doesn't look down on humans, he gave Lewis a chance to ride him even though they didn't end up being compatible. I guess this is why he became an ally fairly quickly!
These are details I've never noticed before, but after rewatching I've come to appreciate 🥹💖😭 i love Superbia so much!!!
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dionysian-sadness · 4 months
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Baurdillard on Crash by Cronenberg.
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wkaseke · 5 months
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vintage-tigre · 10 days
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orphelinedean · 1 year
i love that supernatural is a death-driven story. death pushes the characters forward. mary's death obsesses john and makes him a hunter. jess's death pushes sam back to "the life". dean dies, but john trades his soul and dies in his place. john's death, in turn, pushes sam and dean closer and deeper in the life. sam's death makes dean trade his soul and get dragged to hell. I could literally go on and on and on
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fuzzyghost · 8 months
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frostedmirror · 22 days
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AU design of Superbia
苏泊比亚(Superbia),负责掌管傲慢的死亡驱动(Death Drive)。
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vermilliongrey · 1 year
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gynoids-over-androids · 4 months
CREATION is female whether it's reproductive, artistic or technological. To be female is to create. To be male is to destroy.
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junksterrr · 2 months
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junodream || Death Drive
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grandpasessions · 1 year
If we act on the basis of enjoyment rather than the good, this does not mean that we can simply construct a society that privileges enjoyment in an overt way. An open society with no restrictions on sexual activity, drug use, food consumption, or play in general would not be a more enjoyable one than our own.
That is the sure path to impoverishing our ability to enjoy, as the aftermath of the 1960s has made painfully clear. One must arrive at enjoyment indirectly. A society centered around the death drive would not be a better society, nor would it entail less suffering.
Rather than continually sacrificing for the sake of the good, we would sacrifice the good for the sake of enjoyment. A society centered around the death drive would allow us to recognize that we enjoy the lost object only insofar as it remains lost.
Enjoying What We Don't Have Toob McGoober
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alephskoteinos · 4 months
I am coming to the belief that Erotism illustrates the death drive specifically not as the desire to abandon one's own life but as a quest for knowledge.
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gemdowner · 1 year
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The Death Ball Dealer
(Inspired by an edit from @travistchdown)
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marsh-jello · 1 year
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unimpressed by @harpoetica s fuckimg,,, radio thingy??? northys have news for you!!!
@emanatelight and me gotchu covered , photo credit goes to @thelastoftheenglish-roses
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five-forsilver · 1 year
Sleep well? - A
eh. pretty funky dreams but that's a vibe, yk? getting on with my day like I didn't just watch myself get brutally murdered in my dreams is my vibe
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