#death implied
As a bit of a psa I thought i'd share some things i've seen going around relating tot he current horrible disaster.
-Everyone is using the Titanic tag for this tragedy, but the tragedy has nothing to do with the titanic itself.
The company is called Oceangate, and the submarine is called the Titan.
I just figured i'd spread that around in case more people wanted to tag those things. Right now tumblr is thinking the titanic film is trending, without really indicating that this is because of a tragedy in the making and not something like a film reboot.
-I've seen a lot of posts celebrating the submarine's disappearance and the fate of those aboard. . This is a bad thing. These are real people who are suffering though some of the worst horrors imaginable, and I wouldn't wish that fate on my worst enemy. We should at least have some respect for them as people.
Like, there's a 19 year old on that submarine. Could you imagine their friends? Imagine learning there's a good chance you'll never see your friend again, and then seeing a bunch of posts celebrating the submarine's disappearance?
That is disgusting.
(Yes, billionaires are bad. There's certainly a discussion to be made about the ethics of Adventure Tourism, and the lives that are risked in that industry. However much like the titanic, not all the victims here are the Elite and Wealthy. )
-Theres a lot of jokes about the way the ship is built/constructed. and that is a interesting horror show in and of itself. Like the entire thing feels like something i'd read about in a horror parody about the dangers of greed.
That said, I wanted to note that controlling a ship via a video game controller isn't actually that unusual/strange. It's the fact that they used a third party controller known for having unreliable bluetooth and frequently breaking, that's the problem. It kinda implies the company was potentially cutting corners, or at least gives that sort of bad look.
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rorotoru · 8 months
The only one who didn't learn the lesson.
Alt text for video in the division below.
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blinkpen · 7 months
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you don't know how hard nobody's gonna find you (the same moment in two planes)
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
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Today's update be like
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wreckrinho · 4 months
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I've been watching a lot of Steven Universe recently.
Gumball doesn't feel alive And his body is slowly looking more and more like a corpse
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dirtylittlemuffin · 6 months
Day 27. Blender
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cya for day 28
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qtubbo · 2 months
Pepito’s just a baby just a baby I tell you, you can’t do this to a little pepito 😧
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insanelyadd · 7 months
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31 Doodles Of Halloween Year 10 | Day 3 | Death Of A Doll Maker
OOOH! I am so excited to share this one. It's a redraw (an actual redraw this time) of one of my favorite pictures I've ever made, which is based on a song by my favorite band, Creature Feature. This song is an instrumental, so everything in this image is based solely on the title.
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
Mandela Prophet AU: Buried Memories
Adam has another nightmare. A nightmare about events he wished he had forgotten about.
TW: Body horror mentions, blood/gore, death implied
Notes: Around 1300 words, so. pretty damn short compared to my other fics. Got this idea randomly and thought it would be funny to write a little something so. yeah! this thing!!!
 5:23 AM
           Adam was lying on his side, his body barely covered by the blankets draped over him as he was spread across his twin bed. He silently slept, his eyelids twitching slightly as his body shifted around on the mattress. He could barely get comfortable; despite how many times he fluffed his pillows or put more blankets on, he felt uncomfortable in his own skin on a good day and feeling like everything hurt at worse. However, the discomfort was minimal, meaning that when Adam heard his bedroom door creak open, his attention would snap to it instead of the internal unrest he felt.
           Adam’s eyelids flicked open, glancing around the dark bedroom before he looked towards the door, seeing a figure duck out of the way, into the hallway. Adam’s breath hitched as he sat up in bed, throwing the blankets off of him and staring into the oddly pitch black hallway. He swallowed hard, his clammy hand grasping the front of his white T-shirt as if it would give him any comfort. He shifted, planting his bare feet onto the carpet before standing up, his eyes staring into the inky blackness in complete silence. Maybe it was Sarah; getting a midnight snack or something, and Adam was getting restless for nothing. Either way, Adam found himself approaching the door slowly, noticing that the parasite in his chest was oddly calm despite his increasing heart rate.
           Adam walked out into the hallway, looking to his right to see Sarah’s bedroom door, noticing that it was closed. He could hear faint snoring from the other side of the wood, his brows furrowing when he realized Sarah was still asleep.
           Adam felt a chill run up his spine as he turned towards the other side of the hallway, two white dots where his pupils were reflecting through the darkness. He saw a figure quickly disappear into the darkness, with no light coming into the hallway aside from the moonlight from Adam’s bedroom, as if the hallway went on forever into the blackness of the void. Adam glanced back at Sarah’s bedroom door all before turning back and taking in a deep breath, walking into the darkness, after the voice he heard just out of sight.
           The hallway went on longer than Adam knew it should have. Every time he thought he reached the end, it only stretched further and further. The carpet beneath his feet turned into cold concrete, with a thin layer of water on top of it. The temperature dropped with every step forward, soon feeling as if Adam would freeze within a matter of seconds. Adam could see his lukewarm breath cloud in front of his face, though despite the cool air, he didn’t shiver or even acknowledge it. He was too focused on the voices he heard in the distance.
           “But Adam, if you walk down those stairs, you’d be joining her…” A familiar voice spoke, making Adam’s heart sink. Adam wanted to speak back, but his words were stuck in his throat, unable to be choked out. Adam shook his head, turning back to retreat into his bedroom before he was stopped. He looked forward, his breath becoming heavier when all he saw was a wall in front of him.
           “And if by some miracle you come back out, I don’t think you’d be yourself.”
           Adam turned back around towards the voice to see a door, stained near the bottom with a red substance Adam didn’t even want to think about. Adam’s mind was going too fast for him to even start to question what was going on before he reached towards the doorknob, jerking his hand back as soon as he felt the ice cold metal on his fingertips. He took in a shaky breath before grasping the handle and pushing the door open.
           Cold winter air and snowflakes hit his face as soon as the door opened fully, Adam’s tired eyes widening at the sight in front of him. He stepped outside, his bare feet hitting the snow cloaking the ground of the field, leaving footprints behind. Adam looked around, seeing that the doorway led into the field in between Bythorne and Mandela, seemingly attached to no building or hall. Adam’s heart filled with dread as he walked forward, seeing all too familiar sights.
Adam’s eyes fixated on the car sitting on the side of the road, its doors open and the right blinker flicking on and off. He looked into the vehicle, seeing blood staining the dashboard and splattered against the windshield. He turned towards the road in front of the car, seeing the puddle of blood freezing onto the asphalt. He stared at it, feeling a slight twitch come from his chest before he heard the voice again.
Adam walked around the car, staring into the field before freezing, though not due to the cold. His arms dropped to his sides as he stared into the dark field, his eyes dilating to see further. Standing in the middle of the field was a man, standing with his arms straight down, his pose stiff and odd, like a mannequin. He was wearing a white sweatshirt underneath a black leather jacket, along with blue jeans and snow-covered red high-tops. However, through his teary eyes, Adam could see that his clothes were covered in snow, freezing the blood running down from the stump where his head would have been.
“Jonah?” Adam choked, feeling a pressure in his chest, not from the parasite that called his body its home, but the overwhelming dread building within his very soul. Jonah didn’t respond, standing as still as a statue, thick coagulated blood dripping onto the pure white snow below his feet. Adam stumbled backwards, tripping over his feet before swinging his body towards the doorway, only to see that it was no longer there. Adam’s breathing picked up speed as he looked back at the car, letting out a yelp when he saw Jonah’s headless body standing in the beams of the headlights. Adam couldn’t look away from Jonah’s body before he glanced towards the other side of the field, eyes widening when he saw a bird-shaped shadow rapidly flying across the ground. Adam shook his head, ignoring the tears streaming down his face as he turned the other way and ran.
           He sprinted into the forest by the field, ignoring the intense feeling that something was directly behind him. He felt a pressure building in his chest as he ran, ignoring the burning he felt inside and the inhuman laughing he heard from above the trees. The branches of the trees bent like arms, creaking and cracking on both sides as Adam ran through the thick forest. He kept stumbling over his feet, pressing his arm against his stomach and grimacing as he felt the shifting of half-formed limbs inside of him. He was sobbing; all before he fell to his knees, unable to keep moving as the pain inside of him became unbearable.
           He turned onto his back, staring up into the inky blackness of the night sky before he saw something come into view; Jonah, staring down at him as his cold blood dripped onto Adam’s chest. Adam’s mouth hung open, feeling mandibles scratching at his inner cheeks as he spoke. “I-I’m sorry.” He squeaked through the tears, the pain, and the overbearing guilt. “Jonah…I’m s-sorry.” Adam’s bloodshot eyes gazed at Jonah as his body shook, all before he shut his eyes tight, hoping it would all end.
           Until he found himself on the living room floor.
           Adam awoke drenched in sweat, no longer feeling the bitter cold of winter nor the cold blood dripping on his chest. He felt the burning in his chest continue and the parasite press against his back as he laid on the floor hyperventilating. Adam could feel it; it was wanting out at that very moment, skipping over the five minutes of agony and getting to the point. As his ribs shifted and the parasite clawed at his back, he turned onto his stomach, sobbing as he realized he had no time to warn Sarah.
He just hoped him screaming in agony would be enough of a warning for her.
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balladetto · 4 months
     Once, when Link was even smaller than he feels, he'd knocked his shoulder out of its socket in a terrible fall.
     Terrible in that he'd cried about it, ashamed and at the then-height of pained, not that it was a particularly horrific tumble. He'd just landed wrong, he remembers someone telling him — frantic and almost apologetic in their reassurance. Too much has happened for him to reconstruct a face for the memory, but Link can still recall the stutter in their words. You're g-gonna be okay. Y-you're gonna— gonna be f-fine.
     And he was. Someone had gone to fetch a healing fairy while others came to keep him company. It'd been the right shoulder, burning at the joint and numb all the way down to his fingertips, but he'd found a spot of hurt he could grit his teeth through; then breathe through; then eventually speak through. By the time the fairy was brought over, Link had been so deep in the rhythm of holding himself together that he'd nearly slapped her away when she broke it.
     He remembers her, he thinks, the most out of everything. There's a distinct clarity associated pain will give you with any recollection. She was rose-pink, a little darker than he was used to, and she'd bristled when he whimpered through a fresh wave of tears and pushed at her with his pinky.
     "Stop that," she'd said. "Bones aren't easy, you know. It'll only hurt for a pinch, it has to for me to fix it. You're already being so brave! Can't you be brave a while longer?"
     Outside the memory, Link lays crumpled on cold tiles, eyelids like crushed butterfly wings and the cave of his chest barely moving as he looks up and up and up. He thinly wonders, for a fixing like this, how long he'd have to keep being brave for.
     Neither of his shoulders took the landing this time, but he knows many things are wrong with both of them. By extension, many things are wrong with all of him. He should take stock, a part of him understands. He'd like to take stock, another part realises, if only he had the capacity to. Each breath shifts the slivers and splinters his bones have shattered into. Agony twists through every vein like a replacement for the blood he imagines paints his trail from platform to windows to the far below floor. He can't feel his fingers, which twitch as if to grip something — his left hand, mangled, rests as if in graveyard dirt.
     There is no amount of searching in this sea that will land him in a place where this might be bearable.
     "Link!" Navi yells, a trilling bell that drowns out the sound of dying. His heart threads an extra thump, like he still has it in him to be scared alongside everything else, before it fades back into a whisper of a pulse. She wheels above him in panicked, powdery circuits: hair to boots and back. "Get up! You have to get up!"
     He does. He does have to. Link doesn't get to think he's gonna die now. He doesn't get to be tired enough — small enough — for that. He draws a rattling inhale, head practically cracking open with how the air presses against its seams. He's sixteen. The world will end if he's nine. He's sixteen, sixteen, sixteen.
     He chokes on liquid rising in his gorge, coughs it up, and closes his eyes when gravity brings the blood down in blotches on his skin. It's— really gross, and that's such a mundane thought in the face of what he has to reckon with that his chest starts spasming with strangled laughter instead.
     Navi, he replies in his head, 'cause that's all he can do. He traces over more names: Sheik, Zelda, Saria, the Sages, the Kokiri, the list goes on as his voice dips into hitching, searing gasps. It's an awful thing to realise — that's all he can do. Link has to get up, has to be Courage, has to be more than what he is.
     And he can't.
     Sound drifts down from above, mocking. Cruel. It's a laugh getting louder and louder, and Link prises his lashes apart with the sheer will borne from a unique dread. A kind of fear, if you felt it not in sensation, but in the dizzying spiral that is the certainty of where this will all end.
     A kind of fear — and a kind of fury.
     Link is nine, thrown to the ground, battered and muscles stinging with a magic he tastes as something crackling on his tongue. He glares up at the tall man on the tall horse, smouldering so brazenly with protective, frustrated outrage that he shakes with it. He is not unafraid of the sneer that answers him, but he does not look away.
     Link is nine, broken over the ground, near dead and stuck in a body he's tried to make his. His eyes are cold as he watches Ganondorf descend, burning with tears dyed red from failure. The brand on his left hand glows, resonating with a magic he no longer has the nerves to feel. Navi doesn't leave. There are a thousand things he wishes he could scream.
     Large fingers fold around the wrist of his gauntlet, deliberate in their ignorance of the softness a joint that bent must be afforded. As his arm is lifted, the pain dragged along every passing second like some horrible, continuous song-note that eclipses even his fears, he pretends none of the noises coming from him are his and thinks everything that could mean: I hate you.
     He thinks everything that could mean: I'm so sorry.
     The man raises his other hand, palm closing in, and Link forces another entire earth on the child he can't be even here — even now. He does not look away. Navi, oddly muffled, rings something wordless.
     Link waits for the end of this story.
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The potential of combining Marble Hornets and Soulmate AUs drives me up the WALL with thoughts like:
- MH Soulmate AU where you can feel when your Soulmate is near. Tim has a sinking feeling as to why he keeps getting that same feeling around the Hooded Guy but he’s scared to admit it to Jay. He’s not even sure he can believe it himself— surely that’s not Brian?
- MH Soulmate AU where you get symbols on your skin representing your Soulmates. Alex can’t see Brian’s Sunflower, Amy’s Needle And Thread, or any of the other’s Soul Marks anymore. A big circle with an X through it now covers each and every one of them, and he knows in more ways than one, he’s tied to this creature who haunts him.
- MH Soulmate AU where the name of your enemy and your lover are written on each of your wrists, but you don’t know which is which. Brian jokes with Alex about how funny it is that the two most impactful people in his life have the same name. He now knows, years after the fact, that they are one and the same.
- MH Soulmate AU where you get the ability to see color only after you fall in love but it goes back to grayscale when that person dies. Tim, who has been enjoying his life of color ever since he fell in love with Jay while hotel hopping, hears a gunshot from inside Benedict Hall and watches the color bleed away and goes back to being gray.
- MH Soulmate AU where the symbols representing your Soulmates on your skin become scarred over when your Soulmates die. Jay one day wakes up sometime after the Summer of 2006 and realizes that two of his Soulmates marks have been scarred over and desperately tries to get back in contact with everyone because he doesn’t know who to grieve.
- MH Soulmate AU where tattoos of flowers representing your Soulmates bloom on your skin after you meet them and stay forever. Tim gets a compliment on the beautiful tattoos covering his body from an old lady who remarks how lucky he is that he not only has so many Soulmates, but has met them all at such a young age. Tim smiles as earnestly as he can, and doesn’t tell her that none of them are alive anymore.
- MH Soulmate AU where marks appear on your skin only after you meet your Soulmate. The cast gets together one day and shows theirs off, happy that they’ve found Soulmates, whether they be romantic or platonic, in each other. There’s one Tim has that he doesn’t like to talk about however— an O with an X through it. They don’t pry— not all Soulmates are good ones after all, just impactful. But in the coming weeks, one by one, they’ll all wake up with identical marks on their skin but without the slightest idea of who they came into contact with to make it appear.
One day, Alex will see it up close, and shudder at the sight of the Operator’s faceless head and colorless skin with a complete lack of marks. The Operator has no Soul Marks and will never have any, as it only takes and marks others as it’s own.
- MH Soulmate AU where your Soulmate’s scars appear on your own body. Jessica doesn’t know why Tim wears a scarf all the time until she catches a glimpse of a jagged scarred-over cut on his throat. She doesn’t ask of course, but she wonders, and sometimes wishes she could bring it up and finally have someone who understands her. Because there’s a scar over where her heart would be that she instinctively knows it’s Amy’s and knows it’s the reason why she’ll never see her again, and she thinks Tim would understand that better than anyone.
- MH Soulmate AU where the names of your Soulmates are written on your wrist but are crossed out when they die. Brian, in his shack in the woods, gently traces over the crossed out names of Sarah Reid and Seth Wilson and vows, no more. And yet, it is easier said than done, because the name ‘Alex Kralie’ is written in mocking, looping letters on his skin but it is the reason he hesitates, even when he has a gun pressed against Alex’s head, because thinking about even Alex’s name being crossed off too makes him feel more sick than he’d like to admit.
- MH Soulmate AU where Soulmates feel each others pain, and when Alex brings a block of cement down on the Masked Man’s leg, Jay cries out in agony right alongside him.
There’s just. SO much potential there for tragedy, canon divergence, Hurt/Comfort, fluff, and horror alike. They’re all so inter-connected and having a physical representation of that is so GOOD, y’know?
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asktsp · 2 years
You should try narrating for a woman named Chell. You’ll need to be well versed in physics though, and a certain robot might vie for attention
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Not quite what I expected from that...
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Since you liked my last welcome to hell post... there's more!!
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magatronn · 3 months
‼️sort of book 6 spoilers‼️
‼️implications of death
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
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wreckrinho · 3 months
Okay, Sorry, I have no idea what this is
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I don't know, really, I really just...I don't know, I'm not well. I'm not fine at all!!! Lol! I just need to give up, I just need some time, I can't do it anymore, I want to but I can't, I don't want this pressure on me
This drawing is not complex, it is not beautiful, it is not supposed to be cool!, please don't, I don't know what I'm doing, I want to
I am not well
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