#debating on whether im gonna hand caligraph everything or use a mixture of hand drawn art and typing
countess-of-edessa · 3 years
i am making myself a like....catholic almanac i guess modeled off of medieval books of hours (but idk if the little hours of mary or the divine office will actually be in there so i can’t call it that) and im adding a section for useful prayers like grace before meals, st. anthony for lost things, demon related prayers what other ones should i add
my list of things im putting in so far:
🍇 church feast days (including hdos)
🍓 psalms of degrees
🍶 the seven penitential psalms
🫖 Litany of Saints
⛲️ Office for the Dead
🌊 hours of the cross
🌾 divine mercy chaplet
🍒 stations of the cross
☀️ Marian prayers
💌 rosary prayers in latin
🌻 important prayers (for lost things; for purgatory; for nighttime; against demons ; act of contrition)
🌙 night prayers
🍄 examination of conscience
🕊 prayers for favorite Saints: dymphna, Faustina, Maria goretti, Jadwiga, perpétua and felicity, Dominic, Thomas more, blessed Jose, jp2
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