#definitely do not identify with any of this at all whatsoever
eamour · 1 year
table of contents ⌵
1 ⋮ forewordㆍdefinitionㆍexamples
2 ⋮ state of knowingㆍstate of lack
3 ⋮ changingㆍmaintainingㆍfalling outㆍbeing aware
4 ⋮ misconceptions
5 ⋮ advice
before we dive into this post, we first need to define WHO you are. you are pure consciousness. you are "I AM", the phrase that states just that — being nothing but awareness. your appearance — just like a state — is what you embody. a malleable physical object that can be changed through imagination. you aren’t the state itself. the state is your costume, your clothing, something you choose to put on and off. the moment you identify your "I AM" you turn your pure, unconditioned awareness into conditioned awareness.
a state is an attitude of mind, a state of experience / consciousness / identity / awareness / imagination with a body of beliefs which you live by. a collective of several thoughts that all refer to one state. you identify yourself with it by saying: "i am…". there are infinite states into which you as an individual may fall, therefore your "i am…" can be anything. thus you manifest through states. what you are conscious of is a thought, an assumption, a bunch of statements that declare one and the same thing, leading to one and the same state. no state is greater than another. but the state, the attitude of mind to which you most constantly return to, constitutes your dwelling place. it's the state that manifests into your 3D reality. depending on what state you are in, it determines your actions and thoughts.
as you are always expressing a state. we wander through states all the time, several times a day. as there is an infinite amount of realities to be aware of, you choose which state it is that you want to dwell on. you can simply pick which state you want to embody and persist in it. persisting in a state is no different than persisting in an assumption. in fact, it's the exact same since a state equals the plural of assumptions.
you always express a state of either having or not having your desire. here are some examples:
state of self-pityㆍstate of self-confidence
state of povertyㆍstate of wealth
state of anxietyㆍstate of calmness
the state of the wish fulfilled
you will hear this phrase a lot as it was coined by neville goddard. being in "the state of the wish fulfilled" simply means that you identify with the version of yourself who has their desires and is aware of that. it's a generic term that says that your wish has been "fulfilled". "fulfilling the inner man" — another term coined by neville — means to be in the state of the wish fulfilled.
example: being in the state of the wish fulfilled could mean being in the state of having your desired apartment.
the state of lack
the state of lack is the opponent to the state of the wish fulfilled or the state of knowing (both mean the same). a state of lack states that you have not established the belief that you have your desire — in other words — that you have not fully adapted to your desired state. acknowledging, realizing, noticing and pointing out that you don't have your desire in the 3D indicates that you do not have it in the 4D either.
example: being in the state of lack could mean being in the state of not having your desired apartment.
changing a state
how do you enter a new state? how do you leave your old state? through belief. you must believe in your state. whatsoever you desire, believe you have received it and you will. the thoughts of you must be accepted literally as they will be fulfilled literally. if you can believe and persuade yourself that things are as you want them to be to the point of actually moving into the feeling of knowing they are true, they will be felt and seen in your world. you must feel (=know) your desires are already realized, that they are already true, for the truth of any concept is known by the feeling of certainty that the thought is true.
in steps
1 ⋮ choose the state you want to occupy.
· · · become clear about what it is that you want to have or who you want to be.
2 ⋮ decide and accept that you have it.
· · · embody the person who already has what you desire. by doing this, you are either living in the end or in the knowing aka living in the state of the wish fulfilled. moreover, you are fulfilling yourself in imagination and enter your desired state.
3 ⋮ remain in the state of knowing by persisting in it.
· · · don't pay attention to opposing thoughts and flip them if needed. persist in staying in the new state until it becomes natural to you.
maintaining a state
you can move into any state, but you might not remain there since a state is made up of a body of beliefs. if you spend the day thinking from a certain point, a certain body of beliefs, the chances are that you might will fall asleep the night occupying the same beliefs.
your maintenance of a state is defined by resistance — in other words — the amount of opposing thoughts you have. you will know when you aren't occupying a state anymore as soon as you get doubts, negative assumptions or thoughts that make you question if you are still inhabiting that state.
meaning, you maintain a state by persisting. this does not mean that you keep going back to the wish fulfilled but rather stay faithful to your whatever you have mentally accepted in imagination.
the same way you have shifted your attention to an undesirable state, you can shift your attention right back to the state that you want to focus on.
falling out of a state
what if you think you have fallen out of that state already? you don’t just magically "fall out of a state". you will know when you aren‘t occupying your desired state anymore once you face resistance. once you start to question the fulfillment of your desire and the rightful embodiment of your state, you inhabit a new state — the state of doubt aka not having your desire aka lack. not thinking of your desire anymore — although you have accepted it to be true — doesn’t necessarily mean that you have stopped being in the state of owning your desire. an accepted thought, an embodied state, does not have to be remembered all the time. do you recall all the things that you own already? exactly, you don’t!
don’t condemn yourself for the state into which you have fallen. if you don’t like it, move into another. don’t feel sorry for yourself, because if you do you will make the state a habit and remain there. remember, the states into which we fall cannot mar or in any way deter our immortal self who fell.
knowing which state you are in
your physical reality will always give you evidence to the thoughts you have accepted to be true. what you see and what you do not see determines the state you are in. why? because manifestation happens instantly. your inner conversations create the external world you are currently living in.
misconceptions of states
1 ⋮ your state does not consist of emotions. emotions have no influence over your manifestation, how you will manifest it, etc.
2 ⋮ you are always in a state, whether you like it or not. it's not a method. you cannot "use" or "apply" it. you don't choose to not be in a state - just like you can't choose that your assumptions don't manifest or that you can magically "stop manifesting". you are always expressing yourself, you are always manifesting. call it assumptions that manifest or states that manifest, it's the same. the idea of states only serves the purpose to demonstrate the law in a more simplified way, trying to make you control or monitor every single thought / assumption of you less.
3 ⋮ therefore - both - thoughts and states manifest as they are the same. thoughts that end up being materialized in your external world have become assumptions accepted as true aka new beliefs. they represent the state you are currently in. it all comes down to belief, not the thought itself, not how many times you repeat an affirmation, but if you believe it to be true.
4 ⋮ having said that, methods do not manifest. you do. your state does, the collective of thoughts.
5 ⋮ you might not enter a state right away after just "intending" to enter it. you enter a state once it feels natural to you and once you have fully accepted it to be true to you. remember, manifestation is instant. your state — if rightfully persisted and thus believed in — will be immediately reflected in your 3D.
6 ⋮ persistence does not equal repetition (aka affirming).
if you will think you have your desire and remain conscious of the state long enough to make it natural, as the thoughts flow from you, they become a natural part of your body of beliefs, and the world will proclaim your desire. your state of occupation will naturally change.
walk in the state until it becomes natural. the moment the feeling is natural, your desire is yours!
with love, ella.
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aihoshiino · 1 month
chapter 143 thoughts!
remember when tokyo blade was the longest most drawn out arc of oshi no ko. remember when that was our metric. i want to go back to those blissfully innocent days.
This chapter falls in line with a lot of other chunks of the Movie Arc where as a standalone tidbit of the story there are things about it that I like but taken in the greater context of everything around it, I have decidedly more mixed feelings on it. This is very much "chapter 123… 2!" with all that statement implies. If you liked 123, this will probably be like crack cocaine for you but if you were hoping for a more concrete resolution to what's going on with Aqua and Ruby then you're probably in the same boat as me in terms of coming away feeling frustrated.
Lacking resolution aside, I did really like a lot of what we got in this chapter, both in terms of the twins' relationship and as individual characterisation for them both. Immediately what stood out to me was Aqua's avoidant response to… well, basically everything Ruby says up to a point. It's funny to remember that he was the one who called Ai out on avoiding important conversations and yet here he is doing the very same thing. Like mother like son, huh?
Ruby's first line is also interesting. It definitely makes sense for her to fear a separation from Gorou given that it's basically happened twice now, but her specific fear that if she doesn't affirm his existence it will simply vanish implies a certain lack of security in his presence that I think is very interesting. We haven't really gotten enough time in Ruby's head for me to really dig into what that means for her, but I'm putting a pin in it nonetheless.
Aqua's response here also lines up with my prediction last chapter that we were heading for a rejection. Even if indirectly, he spends most of this chapter trying to turn Ruby away and shut her down without actually addressing her proposition, which I really don't blame him for lmao. Free my boy. Even when he does finally give Ruby an inch, so to speak, and start playacting as Gorou, it doesn't feel at all like a sincere moment of self expression. He's indulging her with a facsimile of their old dynamic, sure, but the actual words he's saying aren't particularly encouraging.
Of course, that's not how Ruby sees things. Or rather… That's not how Sarina sees things. She spends more or less this entire chapter with no stars in her eyes whatsoever. This makes a very interesting contrast with Aqua who, even in the moments that he identifies most strongly with his past self, never loses his stars. In this chapter, "Gorou Amamiya" is never anything more than an act for him but Ruby seems to have entirely returned to being Sarina, at least in this space.
Aqua snarks about her mental age not changing and I think this is truer then you might assume - I do think Ruby goes through a bit of a regression in this chapter and I mean this in an entirely value neutral sense. If you've ever returned to a place or people that defined a certain period of your life, it's very easy to find yourself slipping back into the mindset and behaviours that characterized you at that time. The quickest and easiest example of this is probably a person who lives on their own going back to their childhood home to spend the holidays with their siblings and parents. For better or worse, a return to old dynamics means a return to that old headspace - and that's just for regular people without any reincarnation baggage in the mix.
Ruby's experiences as Sarina have always been extremely foundational to her as a person and at least as of the private audition, she is characterized as seeing herself equally as both girls. So in a situation like this where she's finally getting to see and talk to Gorou again, it makes sense for "Sarina" to have taken the lead here.
As I've talked about before, this difference in how they individually view their reincarnation and how it affects their sense of self is always something that's had the potential to cause friction between the twins and we see it here, I think. The two of them aren't quite on the same page.
That said, this is a sweet conversation. It touches on the unique position the twins are in to give each other closure in a way nobody else really can. That said, it does feel really weird that this talk just… never happened before? I guess you could argue that this is a make or break point for their relationship and it took them being really pushed to have this honest of a talk but even then, I can't think of any real reason it didn't come sooner other than "the author didn't want it to happen yet".
i do have to ask though. where did aqua get those glasses. has he been wearing contacts this entire series and we never knew??
The question of to what degree the twins should be considered the people they were before their reincarnation has been a pretty consistent subject of debate in the fandom, particularly as pertains to Aqua. Wherever you stand on the issue though, I think Aqua is right when he says the Gorou Sarina wants him to be is a person who no longer exists. Too much time has passed and way too much has happened. Even removing reincarnation from the equation, there's not a person on this earth who's the exact same as they were 20 years ago. Living changes you just as much as dying does. Even if some intrinsic, unchanging core still exists, his experiences as Aqua Hoshino have changed him way too much for the "Gorou Amamiya" Ruby wants to see to be anything more than a performance.
more absolutely goated expression work from Mengo, btw: that wonky, rueful smile when Aqua first takes off Gorou's glasses. Sooooo good.
It's also just so so good to finally get some insight into what's going on with Aqua after he's been out of focus for so long. It's also really fantastic to finally see him let his walls down a bit and admit to some of the turmoil rolling around in his head. I think this is part of why we see him slip back into a single white hoshigan here; while the stuff he's saying here is concerning, it's honest. Possibly the most honest Aqua has been for a good long while and him finally letting himself be vulnerable with someone he trusts could be a really good positive step for him.
I say could be because… well, I don't think Ruby quite has a handle on how to help Aqua here. She's not even thinking of helping Aqua after all; she addresses him (in the Japanese text) as 'sensei' over and over to an almost excessive degree. Not only that but her responses to him are a little…
The core of this talk between Aqua and Ruby is the idea that Gorou-as-Aqua has changed in a way that leaves him unable to perform the role he once played in her life, while Ruby argues that nothing has changed. And like… to a degree, both of them are right and wrong. Gorou's core values are something Aqua inherited from him and they continue to drive him. But it simply isn't true that nothing has changed. Like I said up above: twenty entire years of living changes a person even before you factor in the trauma of Ai's death and everything Aqua has done to himself and other people in the name of avenging her. But this is something Ruby is unwilling or unable to see.
More great paneling work from Mengo: When Sarina hesitantly asks if 'Sensei' likes her, there is a very pointed beat panel of Aqua's face with his eyes hidden before he pops the Gorou act back on and goes 'uhhh yeah sure'. Once again, we see 'Gorou Amamiya' as avoidance and insincerity at least in the context of this chapter. It's an act Aqua is half-heartedly putting on but to Ruby-as-Sarina, this is the miracle of their reunion happening again before her eyes. And if they're 'Gorou' and 'Sarina' right now, what happens next shouldn't be a surprise.
And… this is the part of the chapter where I stop having nice things to say. Because believe it or not, I don't mind the kiss and I think in the context of this chapter, it makes a lot of sense and it helps to have had the story finally, explicitly lay down that this is 'Sarina' pursuing 'Gorou', at least from Ruby's POV. I also really liked the framing; that clashing of tones returns again, with the double spread shoujo looking kiss ruined by Aqua's pin-eyed look of alarm and dismay. This is the moment of tension breaking transgression the series has been building up to for over 140 chapters…
And we immediately cut away from addressing it. For at least one more week. I'm going to be really honest… this fucking infuriated me! It feels like an implicit admission that this is going to be needlessly dragged out even longer even though we finally had the perfect opportunity to properly address and solidify what is even going on with Aqua and Ruby right now. It feels like cynical reaction bait. It feels like a roided up version of 123 - throwing AquRuby shippers scraps so they'll keep reading while also avoiding undeniably canonizing an incest ship to not scare off the wider audience. My man has created the Schroedinger's Cat of incest. Is the guy in the box nailing his sister or not? Well gosh, you'd better tune in next week and maybe you'll find out!!!!
In short, the lack of resolution just sucks and the fact that it really seems like we're just leaving things there and moving on to something else makes me want to scream. The Movie Arc has been such an unfocused mess for so many chapters now and this really just takes the cake. Like… remember when this was supposed to be about Ai? Remember when this was supposed to be about finally digging into her past and her private life? If half the stuff in the script is just made up then why am I even supposed to get invested in what's going on in the movie in the first place?
At this point, I just desperately want this arc to be done so we can move on. Say what you will about Tokyo Blade's pacing, but at least that was focused and cohered with itself on a week to week basis. The Movie Arc by contrast feels so far removed from any of the ideas we started with that I have no clue what to expect or anticipate from it going forwards or if I should even bother to try.
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tired-hellowl · 2 months
here' a comprehensive list as to every problem I have with the current *unecessary characters known as 'Glitz and Glam'
Do they expand the story/worldbuilding in any meaningful way? Do they explore a new hidden dynamic/past conjunction with a differing character and is that explored meaningfully? What was the point of having them animated when Mammon can portray the same level of humiliation/degrading/on stage lack of positive reinforcements. 😐
I'm so sorry but I view these characters as necessary garbage that caused some animators arthritis via too many patterns, not enough screen time to have meat and potatoes worth of dialogue, or really any pretense within the story whatsoever and yes this extends towards every female character on screen but let's not worry about that !!! Even if they are IMPLIED to be from the ring of envy-a color or ring we haven't seen nor meaningfully conveyed to the audience that it even is possible to go in/exists- it isn't conveyed to the audience well enough besides the visual implication of colors???? Instead of having shitty b-plots that go nowhere via Stolas and Blitz goofing off in seeing stars, Moxxie and Millie getting C-plots for no reason, or loona getting a rabies shot- all of that time could have been exploring hell, going to different rings, focusing on other characters besides the main 5, literally I would prefer a quiet episode like BoJack Horsemans 'Fish out of Water'where we can actually see the personalities of the main characters be appreciated and shown to us but that's never gonna happen :/
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What I've been worried about is not even the on screen racism/out of touch 'rap/hip-hop parody' leaves a terrible taste in my mouth, if that isn't enough then the sexualization/implication of an incest type dynamic and nothing else besides fetish bait with these characters constantly grabbing one another and not really acting like siblings moreso someone who has never had siblings attempting to write sibling banter and failing terribly :/
Why do you have a problem with 'Klown Bitch' it's so catchy! Uhm, no??? I feel bad for anyone who attempts to defend helluva/hazbin as good modern musicals let me grit my teeth in silence as to the glorification over white people dominating black culture
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Pictured above is very old concept art about twin characters and its the same hairshape viv kept to transfer over to glitz/glam- despite clearly being over designed and way too much going on Alá vivzie style. It just goes to show she recycles even from herself and not every design is always new hot and fresh :/ AND SPEAKING OF CONCEPT ART-
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Also also don't forget salems' concept designs thst got passed even though they loon toony, loony, clown enough, and definitely majorly way easier to have animated besides the mess that is the current design meta ???
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Love how you can clearly see the silhouettes being so easily identifiable comparably towards the actual amalgamated mess that is their current limbs attempting to hold onto their toothpick body for their head.
All this screams to me is viv using the artists thst try to come onto helluva and they try their best with what their given, viv only picks the best bits SHE thinks is worth her time rather then thinking about the audience or animating anything else besides overglorified white people rap 🤔
Also the episode literally presents its full internalized misogyny/racism within this episode because vivzie herself literally admitted to typing into script with a full chest that
'Women just ain't funny'
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. . .
why present misogyny within the series if you as a creator aren't willing to tackle the subject matter? Why write about it or present it as if you're smart over including the joke in your script when it isn't even funny because it just further pushes women out of the entertainment/comedy business which mind you IS ALREADY VERY WELL MALE DOMINATED SO PUTTING OTHER WOMEN DOWN TO PUT YOURSELF UP ISNT HELPING YOUR CASE VIV???
So then what was the point of adding female clowns if all you were going to do with them was make fun of them out of their expense and then profit off of the fact that they are incest coded????????????
?????????Are we watching the same fucking series????????
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buryyourdoves · 1 year
Writing Jewish Characters (what not to do, according to one jewish gal on discord) (a probably incomplete list):
(For reference, because I say it a few times: goyische = not Jewish, or relating to non-Jewish things/culture/etc)
Many of these are things that some Jews do irl for various personal reasons, and that is 1000% valid and fine!! This is in no way dragging any Jew’s life choices whatsoever. When it comes to representation, there is a huge skew in one direction: the Jew-ish, bacon cheeseburger-loving, Xmas-celebrating, modern Jew whose nagging, kvetching Jewish family comes up for a special holiday or life event episode and is never heard from again. The implication is that Jewish traditions don’t fit modern people/society and that a non-Jewish audience can’t connect with a Jewish character who remains close to their cultural roots. All that to say, this piece is all about representation, not necessarily irl accuracy.
Jewish characters don’t have to be “religious,” and definitely not in the way you might conceive of a religious Xtian character. But being an irreligious Jew doesn't inherently mean they won't follow any Jewish rituals or holidays. It’s a culture as much as it is a religion, and there are a million reasons an atheist Jew (not an oxymoron!) might follow any of these rituals/rules, including but not limited to cultural heritage, community, and religious family/friends <3
Eating treif (aka never-kosher food like pork and shellfish):
They don’t have to keep kosher (altho that would be a very welcome change just one (1) time ksdjg), just don’t make them actively not kosher. I know it feels super innocuous to talk about Erik Lensherr grabbing a bacon egg and cheese from the bodega, but it sticks out to me every time because it is, in itself, a statement. If that's a statement you want to be making, think about why. What are you trying to add to this Jewish character by giving him bacon, or shrimp, or a cheeseburger, etc etc. And is it something you think is a positive addition, or is the implication just that not eating bacon is silly, or outdated, or only something super duper religious Jews could ever want to do? If so, maybe skip the shrimp. It’s a tiny thing that can really make a big difference.
True bonus points: actively have the character keep a semblance of kosher. A simple, 2-second choice for a character to turn down a bite of their coworker’s pork fried rice because they’re Jewish feels SO NICE to read in an ocean of Jewish characters eating treif.
A lot of media codes Jewish characters by drawing attention to the fact that they’re eating bacon, even though they “shouldn’t.” Very little media codes Jews by having them leave the cheese off their burger.
(And if you do write them eating non-kosher, a friendly reminder that Jews who don’t keep kosher don’t think about how disappointed their mother would be everytime they bite into a piece of bacon. They just eat it lol.)
Interfaith parents/“half-Jews”:
I feel it necessary to reassure with this one in particular that there is nothing wrong with this, and both matrilineal and patrilineal Jews deserve representation. This is common enough irl and if they identify with the Jewish side of their heritage to consider themselves Jewish, that’s great! Variety is the spice of life. Once again, I want to emphasize that I am not making any judgments on irl Jews in any of these complaints.
This is only up for representation discussion because this feels like another trend in media and fandom, where it seems like one parent is Certified Not Jewish™️ almost as an excuse to…have Jewish characters not have to be Jewish except in name. Interfaith families are almost always shown mainly celebrating Xtian holidays, with a tiny nod to Judaism: agiant Xmas tree with a menorah to the side, or an Easter episode with a throwaway mention of Passover (if anything). Mainstream media especially will do either this, or have both parents be Jewish and the main character be such a ~disappointment~ to their parents for being less so, and of course falling into lots of icky stereotypes along the way.
Basically just, don’t not write interfaith characters, but be careful with them. Please don’t use interfaith characters as your reason excuse to let them do the Goyische Stuff, like celebrating Xmas. And speaking of…
Christmas (derogatory):
My opinion on Jewish characters celebrating Xmas, my prayer hands and shameless begging, is just…please don’t do it. I get it, plenty of irl Jews participate in Xmas activities or even celebrate it with their friends and extended families, that’s fine, absolutely no judgment. But without getting into the whole shebang of christian hegemony and the myth of secular Christmas, that’s already EVERYWHERE. Almost every tv show, every movie that has Xmas in it, if there’s a Jewish character, there’s a solid 98% chance they celebrate Xmas too. Maybe even LOVE it. Maybe there’s even a confused goyische friend going, “aren’t you Jewish?” and the Xmas-loving Jew happily informs them why that doesn’t matter, or how actually only their dad is Jewish (and he loves Xmas too so woo!) so they get to do the whole Xmas shebang and maybe have a lil menorah off to the side for the token representation.
Jews who participate in or celebrate Xmas exist, but this is a reminder that those who don’t also exist, and they are not remotely uncommon. And we don’t feel deprived for not having had Xmas, I promise. Go against the grain! For lols you can even have your Jewish character be half clueless about Xmas traditions because he never had them! Ben Grimm who has no idea what a garland is and at this point he’s too afraid to ask. There’s so much you can do with it and have fun with in a way that still keeps your Jewish blorbo unassimilated <3
There Was Only One Jew:
Most content has one (1) Jew and that’s that. It’s almost like there’s a rule that there can only be one (1) Jew per friend group. If you have more than one Jewish character, then slay! More Jews are always welcome, and the more you have, the more leeway there is, imo. It feels less egregious for, e.g., a Jewish character to loooooove shrimp if you’ve got another in the story who’s never touched it in his life and never plans to. (Although, when deciding which characters to do this with, consider making the more observant one your main, instead of relegating them to the background and/or parental characters.)
In Summary…
Thanks for reading!! There’s no one way to write Jewish characters, but I hope this helped give you something to think about! I’m always happy to answer questions if you want to learn more. You can also check out the Jewish and Judaism tags on the Writing With Color blog if you want to hear opinions from other Jews. (Not affiliated, just love their blog, haha!) These are just my thoughts on these things after reading a lot of Jewish characters (canon or headcanoned) in fic. 😊
B’hatzlacha! <3
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beemovieerotica · 5 months
I will never get over the absolute dumpster fire of when the dsa (democratic socialists of america) streamed their congressional sessions online and the rest of the internet found it
it was like if you asked the most ill-intentioned centrist to write a comedy sketch of the worst problems with the left but this was an actual real life event that occurred and was broadcast to thousands of people and the alt-right fucking loved it
like going beyond the moment when someone was accidentally misgendered and then made a scene on the senate floor screaming at the moderator, there was this whole thing about the same people taking up too much time at the microphone raising points of contention, and so they had to come up with a solution to it
and instead of being like...okay, if you've already spoken a lot of times today, sit down please. they went "so we're going to do this thing where the people who are the most marginalized can cut to the front of the line to speak first."
oh boy.
they instantly had to employ a moderator to stand by the line to break up arguments and order people in the most un-biased way possible which as you can imagine is kind of fucking impossible.
multiple follow-up rules had to be made like "okay so if you have an invisible disability or invisible facet of marginalization then please pull the moderator aside and disclose this so they can order you correctly---" which is a whole additional can of worms and did not end well
what basically happened was that there was a slew of the same-looking white able-bodied cis men and women showing up at the microphone first anyway, which kind of prompted the question...what did any of this do...? but this my friends was instantly answered when the vast majority of these people then announced as soon as they got up to the mic: "I have autism." like, opening line. I Have Autism.
and the inevitable follow-up to this from critics was "wow, they all have autism which makes them stupid" instead of considering, hey maybe self-important people will use any reason to claim that they deserve more attention and more of a voice, and autism can definitely exacerbate this when you can't read the room and identify that maybe you should uhhh let the person in the wheelchair who is in line behind you speak up on disability issues when there's limited time? bro?
it was genuinely so astounding and the icing on the cake was every moment they had to tell people to stop applauding or making any noise whatsoever (AT A POLITICAL ACTION MEETING?) because it was "triggering" to some people like. how do i say anything about this without sounding like a dick.
but i mean it very sincerely when i say that this is what happens when people do not engage in real life social spaces, when they base all of their politics on hot takes on tumblr or twitter, and when you let an extremely small vocal minority who assumes the most bad-faith readings of everything that is ever said to them, determine the trajectory of an entire political movement. please tell me this isn't the best alternative we have to the broken two party system.
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yourtongzhihazel · 10 days
Red Sails wrote a wonderful article about this before I could finish writing this so definitely check it out its far more in depth than this lol
I am a trans woman. As of writing, almost exactly 5 months on HRT. However, I present mostly masculine. I'm not even fully out of the closet. I have a weird voice that I'm very sheepish about. I go by my preferred name and pronouns with some and my deadname and old pronouns with others. I don't pass whatsoever and I also don't have any surgeries, even if I may want some in the future. Do these facts (internal contradictions, if you will) invalidate my identity? It shouldn't. Being a trans woman isn't a checklist of have dones and have not dones. Transitioning isn't done instantly. I could declare "I am a woman", yes, but we all know that in greater society and outside of certain small groups or the internet, I have to change things about me, physical or not, for me to enter the political-economical position of woman in general and trans woman in specific.
This is, of course, an analogy. An imperfect one, yes, but one that demonstrates the changing of one mode of production to another. To go from capitalism to socialism and then to communism is a long and arduous process. It will be a different process for each country the same way transition is different for every trans person. Mistakes will be made, and mistakes of people in the past can help guide my transition in the best way I see fit for myself, just as the DOTP of a country learns from its own and others mistakes to guide their respective nations towards socialism and communism. When time comes, I will be able to fully shed my past identify and people will see me for the identity I have chosen for myself; I will have transitioned. When time comes, when enough internal and external contradictions within a country has been resolved, they will have advanced to the next stage of socialist development.
SN: AZ46
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theprinceofliones · 15 days
(Again, for those who can't fucking read, this is MY OWN PERSONAL headcanons and NO ONE ELSE'S! You do not have to agree or like my own personal headcanons, but please respect them thank you besties 🤪)
(ALSO! I will say that there are some flags that I made sure to look up and research to make sure everything is accurate! But, if something on here is NOT accurate nor used correctly, I'd love it if you guys could let me know and keep me educated! Thank you!)
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My boy is transfeminine and a PROUD bi-mlm (bi w/pref for men) icon 🥰 While he was born with male pronouns, he's very feminine leaning but doesn't really mind any pronouns used for him, so he's a little agender as well. He's found that he is attracted to both genders but most definitely prefers men (COUGHS LANCELOT COUGHS).
2. Lancelot
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GAAAAAY!!!!! This is a one hundred and twelve thousand percent GAAAAAAAY man right here. But, in saying that, he's is ALSO aromantic as he has an extremely hard time forming a romantic bond with another person whatsoever. Sure, he'll go out and have fun with other guys from time to time, but he's never felt any romantic feelings for another, everything is just purely sexual whenever he has these 'encounters' (...enter one Tristan Liones. and Lancelot's whole world is flipped upside down).
3. Percival
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AAAAA Percy my beloved 🥰 my boy is proudly Pansexual! He'll find himself being attracted to anyone no matter how they identify! All that matters to him is what's in your heart. But, he's also demisexual as he very rarely forms sexual attraction to those around him. He DOES have a big fat ginormous crush on Naisens though! Although he doesn't really realize it lol.
4. Gawain
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GAWAIN MY BUTCH LESBIAN ICON!!! She's VERY much into women and women ONLY! She's never had an attraction to men, in fact she thinks that the whole world would be better if there were only women (oml same queen). She's not a very feminine leaning lesbian which is why I assigned her the butch lesbian flag! She prefers to present more masculine-like as she wants to be seen as strong and dominant, but does not identify nor use male pronouns.
5. Naisens
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That kid is non-binary all the WAAAAY and Nakaba PLEASE you have the chance to do the funniest thing ever and make it canon with Naisens PLEEEEAAAAAASE. Post-time skip Naisens uses they/them pronouns and dresses more neutral to not assume either or any gender. They're also pansexual! Any gender, any sexuality works with them as long as your name is Percival LMFAO
Part 2 will come soon! I want to try and do as many characters as I can! Stay tuned and I'd love to hear your guys' OWN headcanons as well!
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cathchicken · 1 year
Little guide on the celestial being races in my ToH AU
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The Messengers are considered the lowest class of celestial being. They do not possess a physical form, and are only capable of interacting with the two realms through the mirror realm. They are very knowledgeable, and are considered the scholars of the celestial realm. They thrive off of obtaining new information and being able to spread it around the realm, hence their name “Messanger”. They are very bird-like in appearance. Compared to the other races, they are on the best terms with the Collectors (which isn’t saying much), thanks to their shared interest in preserving knowledge.
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Royals, contrary to their name, do not partake in a monarchy whatsoever. The origin of their title isn’t known by any others besides the Collectors (who refuse to share that information), but many speculate it is because of the scarcity and fantasticalness of the race itself. Royals embrace both tradition and change, and often act as mediators under societal conflicts. This makes them decent leaders. Most Royals can be easily identified by their sense of justice, but other Royals choose to live more frivolously, and often take the physical forms of other celestial creatures. Overall, Royals are definitely the most abstract and diverse race. Many poses either slight to extreme mammalian motifs, such as dogs or cats. The Collectors do not like the Royals, for whatever reason…
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Warriors are very literal in their nature: natural born fighters. Not magical powers, just pure and raw physical combat skills. Royals and Warriors get along very well, as Warriors agree to protect a Royal’s community through friendships among leaders. It is rare to see a Royal lead city without Warrior guards. Warriors each are born with their own unique skill set and weapon preferability that they go through trials at a young age to discover. Once they do, around an age comparable to 12 year old humans, they are ready to immediately begin an mentorship with an elder Warrior (they must not be related). Their bodies have sharp, pointy patterns, and whilst being fairly humanoid compared to the other races, have hints of dragon/wolf features, which are reminiscent of their powerful abilities, but also strong and loyal hearts.
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Not too much to say here, since you guys probably already know the collectors deal… collecting things… and stuff… but I’ll go over their general relationship with the other races: The Collectors, even compared to the other celestial beings, have a mysterious society and seemingly infinite knowledge. The other races, while complex themselves, can’t even being to comprehend what and why the collectors do what they do, and thanks to the Messengers slight relations, are only very afraid of them. Not just their power, but their seemingly deranged, or just, too immaculate mental states. They generally don’t bother the other races, besides that one apparent conflict with the Royals in the past. For now, the other races live in peace, but try not to think about what the collectors may be up to in the background. Most of the collectors have a very human-like appearance, which I think works well with the animalistic motifs of all the other races. Just like other animals on earth, they are aware of humanity’s presence and impact, but couldn’t comprehend what we are really up to all the time. Truly a terrifying reality.
As mentioned before, there is a final fifth race that I have yet to reveal, as I haven’t worked on them very much yet. But I hope this suffices for now :)
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goldsrc-hl1 · 8 months
And I think the fact that sienna, the white fang civil rights leader who actually cared about the cause but was willing to use violence to achieve it gets killed off and her worldview barely gets acknowledge
Also I think crwby straight up compared the white fang to the black panther movement/organization?
Wether we want it to or not the show did initially frame the white fang subplot as violence vs non-violence
Plus ghira getting mad tgat adam killed a member of a lynch mob because “this is why they think they can” tells me ghira is on sone level focused in what humans think of Faunus,
Not helping that ghira gets put in charge again without having changed whatsoever
I hate to say it but intentionally or not, the idea that an oppressed minority need to “prove themselves” in any way to their oppressors is kinda racist, it’s at least problematic
Heck it’s a double standard “that we see in the real world as well” that Faunus can be branded like Adam or killed in mines like ilia’s parents to by humans like Jacques, yet humans as a whole don’t need to “prove” they aren’t him,
Because, quite frankly, most humans are entirely permissive of what Jacques and the SDC do
Yeah, Sienna's worldview is barely acknowledged. That's part of the failure to discuss racism and if responding to it with violence is justified or not.
Barbara Dunkleman, who is not a writer, said this
Barbara Dunkelman: So if anybody needs, like, a comparison for what the Faunus are in this world, it’s kind of like if you’re in the 1930s, or 1940s, whatever, and it’s like, the way African-American people were viewed.
Someone else (I can’t identify the voice): You mean like 50s and 60s, like Civil Rights Movement and stuff?
Barbara Dunkelman: Yeah.
Faunus are related to the American civil rights movement. They're certainly not viewed as poorly as African American people were viewed in the 50s and 60s, but they are still viewed and treated poorly and it is still based off of the American Civil Rights movement.
It's not 1:1 Black Panthers though. Sienna KINDA reminds me of them but not too much, Adam definitely doesn't.
The only time it was framed as violence vs nonviolence was in Blake's talk with Sun about why she left. As mentioned, that talk is about why she left, not what the White Fang is doing now. Even as early as Volume 1 and 2 it was clear that the White Fang wasn't fighting for equality.
Blake: The White Fang is hardly a bunch of psychopaths. They're a collection of misguided Faunus.
Weiss: Misguided? They want to wipe Humanity off the face of the planet!
Blake: So then they're very misguided. Either way, it doesn't explain why they would rob a Dust shop in the middle of downtown Vale!
Roman: I'm glad you asked, "Deery"! Now, I'll be the first to admit, humans... are the worst. Case in point. So, I understand why you would like to see us all locked away, or, better yet, killed!
So yeah, the White Fang was always an organization dedicated to just killing and hurting humans. In the past, it fought for equality, which is shown in Volume 1 through Blake's backstory, but it's never states that the White Fang currently fights for equality. The reason Blake left is that she didn't want to take part in the violence anymore (she never says they were wrong to resort to violence though, she just personally didn't want to be the one pulling the trigger), but the goal of the White Fang is no longer equality, as evidenced by Weiss and Roman.
You may say Weiss isn't well informed, which is true, but if she was wrong, why didn't Blake correct her? Roman is literally speaking at a White Fang rally when he says the line cited above, so he clearly knows what he's talking about.
Onto the next point...
Ghira wasn't upset that Adam fought back, he was upset when it got lethal. Ghira has a point, by killing humans, you're giving the humans an excuse to hate you more, regardless of how justified it was. It's something you wanna avoid at all costs. It's unfortunate, but it's the truth.
Ghira is put in charge of the White Fang again, only after he assembles an entire army to stop a terrorist attack in the making. I think it's pretty clear that he's past all the solely peaceful stuff.
The message is that the Faunus need to dispel racist ideas by proving them incorrect. I don't see how that's racist or problematic. Minorities should play a part in proving racist ideologies wrong.
Bear in mind that the Faunus aren't "proving themselves" as in repenting for past mistakes and whatnot, they're "proving themselves" as in "your racist idea that the Faunus are all murderers and terrorists is wrong." No Faunus apologizes for how the White Fang treats humanity. The whole thing is basically a big "you're blatantly wrong" to racist generalization that is extremely hard to ignore.
I don't see how it's racist to promote minorities proving racist ideologies wrong.
Humans in the show already prove that they aren't like Jacques by literally arresting him. They don't condone his exploitation. Hell, his own daughter doesn't condone it.
Most humans are, but by proving racist ideas wrong, the hope is that they will become less racist and ultimately oppose Jacques.
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bell-system · 26 days
Its been said before (and probably more eloquently) but I do think any discussion about how self-dx is "problematic" is meaningless until the systems under which diagnosis exists stop being ableist, racist, fatphobic, etc-- I would much rather, for example, that a person identify with the plural community and then later decide that they're a singlet, than have more parts of the plural community face trauma, oppression, prejudice, humiliation, etc from doctors just to 'prove' they're 'really plural'.
Setting that to the side-- I'll get back to it later-- the current process of medical diagnosis itself often includes people who are ostracized from parts of the plural community online.
The main schism between people who are anti self-dx and those who are not (at least as far as plurality goes...) is that those who are against self-dx have a misguided belief that there is a criterion for diagnosis that a patient must have early childhood trauma-- a criterion not present in the DSM in the first place. Though the 'early childhood trauma' theory of dissociation is the most supported and most likely theory for disordered, diagnosable plurality, that doesn't mean that that theory will in all cases be correct, in the same way that a similar chain of events could happen to two people and leave one traumatized for life and the other fine after a few months.
Its true that in many cases, disordered plurality has potential correlation with traceable traumas from early childhood, but that doesn't mean that all cases of even disordered plurality specifically come from trauma (and, of course, since disordered plurality comes often with memory problems, even if there IS a trauma it is likely the memory of it is obscured or inaccessible, and the people who are now experiencing plurality-related distress may not believe that trauma exists), and this is something reflected in the fact that the DSM only looks for current symptoms and experiences, and does not question the traumatic history of a patient whatsoever in screening for dissociative disorders.
Its provable that non-disordered forms of plurality exist (integration - both into a single being, and the more modern definition of the memory gaps and conflicts that cause distress being reduced), whether those forms come after a period of disordered plurality, or if, in some cases, a collective never experiences a clinically significant amount of distress, its scientifically and anecdotally recognized that these forms of being exist.
It is also true that many forms of plurality (even forms that do cause significant distress) are difficult or impossible to discover or diagnose. In many cases, the dissociation experienced by nature is intended to hide/conceal itself as a form of protection, which categorically makes it significantly more of an ordeal to discover-- and even more of an ordeal to have clinically recognized to the degree of an official diagnosis.
Going back to my original point about the system of diagnosis, its also objectively true that massive parts of medical institutions (psychologists and psychiatrists, doctors and other health practitioners, and insurance companies) have implicit and explicit bias against so-called "rare" or "severe" disorders, behaviors, and experiences. Even if there were a hypothetical person who fit EVERY criterion for DID in the DSM, and experienced a provable trauma at an early stage of development that could be connected directly to their experience of dissociation, and was conscious of their dissociation, there's still many cases where they would be completely reasonable to not pursue a diagnosis-- because of prejudice in the medical system, fear of reduced chances of employment, societal ostracisation, a lack of safety in their situation of living, the desire to not be institutionalized-- I could go on.
The truth is; we don't know enough to say for certain the cause of plurality in every or even any case, and it seems much more valuable at least to me to create a community built on a basis of curiosity about different modes of existence than it is to create one functioning on a system of suspicion and gatekeeping.
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skullsnbruises · 2 months
Hello welcome back to my autism decided today was the day I’d finally work on NAW and so here’s the FIRST FUCKING CHAPTER!!!
[Ao3 Link]
Taglist: @poprockpanda @brick-a-doodle-do @local-squishmallow @dingbatnix @data-expunged-0 @da3dm
Noms Are Weird
[2248 words] [full tw list on ao3]
Tommy had the misfortune of being born right into the first generation of giants integrated into human culture. Which for him, meant all sense of a previous culture and country he could’ve shared with other giants was a far fetched fantasy now, unlike his father, Phil’s, life. This didn’t mean anything to the blonde growing up, until teenage years brought hormones and odd feelings. Not those feelings, weirdo.
The types of feelings that burrow deep into your soul, and stomach, and gurgle and squeeze anxiously. The type that make you realize how dumb you fumble around and how much space you take up as a giant in the small world around you.
Hyperawareness. Discomfort. Some secret third thing Tommy spent the majority of his time trying to identify now. It was an odd sensation that came up anytime he was around, or thought of, a human.
He didn’t dare bring it up to anyone, worried in the back of his mind what it could be. He wasn’t stupid. There were stories and fears about how giants sometimes ate humans. That’s something Tommy definitely didn’t have any mixed feelings towards whatsoever, nope! It wasn’t like every moment he came into contact with his peers at school, his stomach churned hungrily and intrusively snuck thoughts of slipping them into his mouth- not at all.
But just in case, Tommy decided it was best to isolate socially from humans. Completely ignore and avoid them, because that’s definitely healthy and the right way to cope.
Clumsy, uncomfortable Tommy stumbled through the hallways, rushing his way to the last class of the day.
The only luck Tommy had was his school being more developed than when Wilbur was taking classes. The blonde’s school was actually suited for giant students and housed them comfortably.
But now the teen had made it to the class, stupid math. He carefully stepped past the front side of the room, which seated the human students, and made his way to relax in his own seat.
Classes could snugly fit about three giant students each, while dozens of humans could fit. Meaning, if you didn’t like your same-sized peers, you’re not only a giant blemish to the humans, but to the giants as well. That was typically Tommy.
In math, he was sat beside Punz, and only Punz. He was a senior, contrasting Tommy’s being a freshman.
The brief consideration passed Tommy to try and make friends, though Punz had a cold hard face that told him he was not at all interested. So, of course, Tommy struck up conversation with the platinum blonde.
“AYUP, how do?”
Punz gave him a bewildered side glance, before fully turning, expression clouded in disgust at the very fact Tommy was even acknowledging him.
“Who,” Punz bared sharpened teeth, “are you?”
“They call me Tommy,” he nodded, “most people say I’m annoying, but only at first, nice to meet ya, what’s your name, mate?”
Punz’s expression returned to normal; normal being incredibly bored and done-with-people looking, but still.
“Punz,” he answered. Tommy smiled, despite already knowing from the older one's reputation that spread like wildfire around the school.
Punz. He was a monster. Every giant stereotype Tommy could really think of was true for him. Loud, brash, violent. Punz was the type to start fights and he was certainly strong enough to have people wishing themselves dead. Tommy heard Punz had once broken someone’s arm! He was a threat of a giant, strong and cruel. And Tommy was all the more concerned with befriending him.
It was simple, having friends was good anyway. But having someone tough on your side always played to one’s advantage. As well as the fact Punz was a cold person who needed a heater to warm him up, metaphorically. If Tommy could be that, letting the giant trust someone, he’d consider himself having done a good job. Plus, softening Punz would do all the much to push giantkind in the eyes of acceptance.
Maybe Tommy was considering too much.
“You’re staring.”
“WHOOPS,” Tommy laughed it off nervously, “Sorry, big man, sometimes a boys gotta stare, ya know?”
“…What are you talking about?”
Tommy continued to chuckle, playing off his discomfort, “Ay, big guy, maybe we could spend time together after school, yeah?”
The giant’s nose curled and the word ‘no’ was on his lips, but a sudden thought took Punz aback, and he softened his face again, “Actually, I was spending time with some friends after school, you can come,” there was something dark in that invitation, but Tommy couldn’t detect it.
“Hell yeah!” His voice was a bit loud, the teacher hushed him.
Tommy smiled and quieted, flashing his toothy grin to Punz before focusing on maths.
As much as Tommy was a klutz and a social embarrassment, he still wanted to try with giants. Humans were completely out of the picture; his feelings and intrusive thoughts messed him up too much to bother, but at least he could talk to giants. They were on the same level, literally, and he felt all the more comfortable just in their presence than the small little breakable creatures that were humans. It was too dangerous to allow himself by them. And Tommy would avoid humans, he swore upon it, for his and their sakes.
Class went alright, and Tommy kept serving one liners and quips to Punz to butter him up. He really wanted the older one to like him. It meant so much with every giggle and small twitch of the corners of Punz’s lips he caught. The blonde didn’t think he’d be able to stand being an extrovert with no friends.
Maths was over soon enough, and the two giants parted ways, walking down the giant sized hallway to their lockers. The humans walked along a small, lifted up, walkway that was guided by a railing. They were high enough that they walked the same height up to an average giant’s chest. The school feared if they were waking down too low, they’d be stepped on, so everything for humans was raised more or less.
The freshman tore his gaze from the small walkers. He didn’t want to tempt the nagging urge anymore than it already ached. It was a foggy sensation that was trying to overtake his logistics, that settled unkindly in the back of his head. Stupid foggy feeling, ruining his high school experience.
The blonde met his locker shortly after leaving the class, as the hallways for giants were quite short and twisted in loops around previously human-built rooms. Tommy input his combination, fumbling slightly with recalling the exact numbers, before swinging open the door. Inside was nothing but his backpack, blue and plain. He’d meant to decorate it with patches, pins, and whatever else he could get his claws on, but had yet to do so. He ignored that his wish was to do so with human friends.
Tommy slipped the bag over his shoulders and walked back through the hallway. Slight anxiety met his mind when he realized Punz never told him where he’d be waiting for the younger.
It didn’t matter, as Punz turned the corner immediately, a duo of giants behind him.
“Hey, ready?” Punz offered a clawed hand.
Tommy beamed, “Yep!”
“This is Quota,” The brunette one raised a polite hand, “And Jake,” The one with glasses smiled, baring teeth.
He’d seen these two as passersby in the hallway before. He knew every giant’s face at this point, by how much staring he’d accidentally done. It was easy though to know every other person of giantkind, considering they were still a minority, especially in this school.
“Hello!” Tommy tried his best to make a perfect first impression, grin wide as day with an outstretched hand to give out handshakes. Quota shook his palm firmly, but Jake denied the contact. Tommy cringed internally, but coolly played it off.
Punz nodded to the three of them, “Let’s get going.”
Tommy nodded back, bold expression all proud of himself and totally not lame looking. The two giants beside him gave glances and turned away.
As the group made their way along to the front entrance of the school building, Tommy found that the rest of the giants were taking small glimpses over on the railings where the humans were walking. Tommy swore for a second he caught sight of Jake licking his lips just for a split moment, and his heart sank in the way of the possibility they might, too, understand this cruel feeling inflicted upon him.
It was a great deal of time later they had spent just walking and chatting, casual topics, that Tommy’s legs were just starting to pang after having used them for so long straight. He was about to speak up and protest, when his complaints were shot down by Punz taking lead talking instead.
He said, “Here we are,” And Tommy looked up to see the movie theater. Shit, he never brought money to school, they were gonna have to pay for him. How much more awkward could the teen get around his peers?
The group piled into the theater, and Tommy bashfully peered down to the floor, embarrassed to admit that he couldn't afford anything. Before he could say a word, again, Punz was first to open his mouth, “I’ll buy everyone’s tickets. Tommy, you’re new, want popcorn?”
Tommy blushed, “Uh, yes.”
“Are you the kind that likes lots of butter…?” The question was so simple, but felt like if he ‘got it wrong’ he’d be kicked out of the building quicker than he joined the trio.
So honest it was, he wasn’t Honest Tom for no reason (nobody called him that).
“Painfully buttery.”
“My man,” Punz approved, and as he handed over the money and was given the striped bag, he gave the honor of buttering it to Tommy, who absolutely slathered that delicious yellow all over the little buds of delight. Hell fucking yeah.
Jake and Quota got their candies, which Tommy politely asked not to have (he already felt guilty spending Punz’s money on popcorn and a ticket), they all made their way deeper into the building. Punz had bought them all tickets to whatever the only giant starring movie there was. It was rare to see a movie even about giants without them being demonized, so supporting them when they were correctly shown in the media must be important to Punz. Tommy respected that.
Tommy had the important job of carrying the popcorn in and they filed into the room, where they took their seats around the back, where the giant sized seats were. Jake scrunched up his nose, pushing his glasses up at the same time.
Punz groaned, “Don’t you hate that we’re stuck back here?”
Tommy was being stared at, “Y-yeah!” He didn’t have that strong of an opinion, but it must matter to Punz a lot. Jake and Quota seemed to profusely agree.
Quota echoed behind him, “It’s not fair that we’re treated like ‘others’, look not a single human even wanted to see a movie about giants!”
Tommy hadn’t noticed. Now that he was looking at the dozens of rows of empty spots, he realized the situation. At least, he thought hopefully, now he wouldn’t have to worry about the mind-numbing sensation of the ‘desire to eat people’ thing, which he totally wasn’t dealing with behind the scenes.
“It’s disgusting,” Jake curled his lip upwards, “How are we meant to trust the narrative of ‘accepting, welcoming’ humans when they don’t acknowledge we even exist?”
“You’re right…” Tommy felt uncomfortable in the knowingness. Like it was some type of poison traveling down his throat to be so hyperaware of a human’s discomfort with the idea of him. It made the odd intrusive thoughts seem even worse. How evil was he for wanting to eat those who turned their back on him?
Punz lifted his soda, “To giants, and each other, the only ones we can trust.”
Jake and Quota cheered with Punz, and a duo of giants that were also in the building smiled at the scene. Tommy reluctantly joined, afraid of sticking out like the sad, sorry, red thumb he was.
It was a few previews in, and a human entered the building, to every giant’s surprise. Punz jeered at the poor thing as she walked in and chose a seat closer to the screen. She whipped around all nervous, but ultimately ignored Punz’s distasteful choice of words.
Tommy suddenly felt like a stranger to his own skin, tenfold of what he normally experienced. It was like he wasn’t even in his body, viewing from a distance outside himself. It was nauseating, and so he excused himself away to the bathroom, leaving the bucket of buttery popcorn there with his new friends. If he could call them that, yet.
The giant felt sick, tumbling his way into the stalls, he bent over and kneeled there. Over the toilet, he just sat on his knees, and waited. It was a few minutes ticking slowly and painfully by, that nothing ended up happening. He was thankful at least, his breath wouldn’t be rotten when he got back to the trio, but the sensation of dizziness and the urge to vomit didn’t let up. It lessened slightly after a dozen more minutes, and Tommy felt fine enough to stand once more.
He couldn’t explain what had just happened. Something about the way Punz was cussing out that human for what seemed like merely entering the room disturbed Tommy greatly. He’d have to ask about what that was for at some point, if he planned on even making friends. It was starting to seem a little foreign to him. Maybe he was in the wrong for thinking like that, though. He should, as Punz said, support his fellow giantkind. It was only fair.
As he abandoned the bathroom, Tommy slowly made his way back to the theater room, begrudgingly tracing the striped walls as he walked.
Upon turning the corner into the room, the first thing Tommy realized is that the human was gone. He hoped that she hadn’t ditched the movie over Punz’s jeering.
Tommy reached the back of the room with the giant seats, and took his place beside his new friends like he was before. He didn’t notice the way Punz proudly displayed his hand upon his stomach, which was being pushed against furiously, acting like he just had a wonderful feast, meanwhile the popcorn was untouched.
The movie had since started, and was about a third into it when Tommy sat back down. He felt bad for missing so much of what Punz had paid for, but the platinum blonde didn’t seem to mind.
“Psst, Tommy,” Quota whispered over, “We’re gonna ditch this place, the movie is awful anyway.”
Tommy made an audible ‘oh’, and stood as the trio did, making their way out of the building and down the next few streets.
Punz explained, leading the group, “We’re going over to my house.”
The blonde nodded back, “Oh, uhm, I might go home actually. I wasn’t feeling that great back there, uh…”
Punz huffed, “After school tomorrow?”
“Yeah! I can do that,” He smiled brightly, happy they’d still accept him even if he left right now. Maybe he wasn’t the total loser he thought he was, and actually proved he could make friends with people, specially, the scariest giant who might have a secret soft spot. Tommy vowed to find that special little spot, and worm his way into Punz’s heart.
He waved a giddy goodbye to Quota, Jake, and Punz, as he turned and headed the opposite direction, down and over a good amount of streets. He eventually made his way to Allen Drive, where his house was. The bright wooden shingles welcomed him home as entered through the front door. It was a tiring and long day, and even though dinner smelled good in the kitchen,
Tommy took instead to upstairs, where he flopped onto his bed. The cushion caved beneath his weight, and happily accustomed to his body laying there. It was incredibly comfortable, the sheets, blankets, and pillows all piled around him. Tommy sighed out, happy how the day had ended up. Maybe tomorrow, he’d successfully join a social group with Punz and the gang, and learn how to be a person like everyone else.
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asexual-society · 5 months
Hi! Since the world "asexual" is mostly used as an umbrella term for the whole spectrum, do you know if there is a term/microlabel that describes someone who experiences NO sexual attraction at all? I would like to have a term that would explain how I feel but can't think of anything :(
The word for that is asexual.
Yes, "asexual" can be and is used by people who fall elsewhere under the ace umbrella (often for ease and simplicity, a bit like queer, and they may or may not use another label as well), and I'm not denying those people the label at all! but asexual is not solely used as an umbrella term. Personally, I experience no sexual attraction whatsoever and I am asexual, I am asexual because I do not experience any sexual attraction.
Let's be real here, the predominant use and understanding of asexual as a label in outside the community just describes someone who does not experience sexual attraction at all. The fact that we regularly get asked by acespec people if they can call themselves asexual (the answer is yes) is proof of that! In the community we use the definition "little to no sexual attraction" (and also note we still use "no sexual attraction" in that definition) in order to be inclusive of those people on the ace spectrum or under the ace umbrella who identify as or with the label, or just prefer to use it, not to exclude those asexual people who experience none at all.
Hope this helps?
~ mod key
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ace-sher-bi-john · 1 month
Info On My Identity:
Romantic - Pan Greyromantic and/or Cupioromantic, Romance Favorable
Greyromantic because while I can't really say for sure if I've ever experienced romantic attraction before, I have experienced crushes, or rather squishes, before. They could have been purely aesthetic or platonic attraction, I think my brain is like holding out hope that I might actually be able to experience romantic attraction. As amatonormative as it sounds. It's mostly because I'm going to attempt to seek out a romantic relationship someday once I've finally "got my life together" whatever that means, and I would feel super guilty for the person I date if there's zero romantic attraction there on my part...
Cupioromantic perfectly describes me, as I want to participate in romantic relationships and get married someday, despite experiencing little to no romantic attraction. The reason I haven't used this label until now is because I read that some people in the aromantic community don't like it as an identity label due to it technically describing a behavior that you can control (whether you get into romantic relationships or not) rather than a feeling that you can't control (whether you experience romantic attraction or not), and it's seen by some in the community as reinforcing amatonormativity. I didn't want to upset people if using cupioromantic was wrong. But it's not. Cupioromantic is a valid identity, if anyone needed to hear that. I will be using cupioromantic from here on out, along with the other labels I use.
Up until now, I've been using romance favorable to describe that sentiment. That still applies, I am a romantic, despite being aromantic. The aromantic only applies to the type of attraction I experience, and has nothing to do with my desires.
I also use pan to describe me on top of all that because the few times I've had squishes, I've had them on both men and women. It felt more like the "genderblind" version of pan attraction as it was more about thinking they were adorable and liking their personality without gender coming to the equation at all. Going by this logic, I feel like this could also apply to nonbinary, trans and cis people of all gender identities. It doesn't matter to my brain whatsoever.
Sexual - Asexual, Sex Averse/Sex Favorable (depends on the day)
I identify as asexual. Although whether I'm sex-averse or sex-favorable depends on how I'm feeling each day. Ever since I opened myself up to reading explicit fanfics my brain has become more open to the idea of at least giving sex a try. It still sounds a bit icky sensory wise, but I think that if I tried it with someone who I trusted to respect my boundaries, I would be comfortable with giving it a go. Obviously I won't try it if I'm not 100% comfortable. Although I do want to have kids one day, and this is the "cheapest" way to do it. I'm not affording adoption, sperm bank or test tube baby on a preschool teacher salary lol.
Gender - Genderfluid and depending on the day I identify as either woman or gendervoid. Sometimes I feel like both describe me at the same time.
I was assigned female at birth, and I still very much identify with being a girl. I love presenting in a feminine way, I love traditionally feminine things, feel most comfortable using she/her/hers pronouns and feel confident in my body. But I've always felt a slight detachment between myself and other women. Whenever issues affecting women come up, my brain would always think like "Oh that's not good, I'm sorry that's happening to them" as though it doesn't affect me, despite the fact that I'm a woman. I have almost a dissociation between women and me even though I belong to that group.
I really thought about gender identity to see if I identify with any of the other gender identities out there, and every time I've always come back from it with "Definitely still cisgender woman, but with a hint of nonbinary". I didn't identify with the nonbinary part of me because I didn't want to lie about my identity if I'm actually a cis girl. But then, when a transphobic classmate jokingly asked me what my pronouns were, I came to the realization that I don't really care. I will always be most comfortable with she/her, but they/them and he/him and even neopronouns don't feel wrong on me. They feel neutral. I wouldn't feel uncomfortable being referred to by any of them. After a bit more research, I found the agender identity and it certainly described me, but it didn't really feel quite right either. Then I found gendervoid and it felt perfect. Gendervoid and agender basically mean the same thing, not identifying with any gender identity and feeling like you don't have a gender. But gendervoid specifically describes feeling like there's a void where your gender identity should be. That describes the dissociation from any gender identity that I experience a lot of the time. But I still identify as a girl as well.
Genderfluid still doesn't feel quite right, but it does describe me feeling both identities together.
Anyway that is everything that you need to know about my identity for now. If anything about this changes, I will probably make another post explaining it :)
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xxlovelynovaxx · 1 year
Term Coining Time:
This is for when you defy the efforts of people to box you in with neatly delineated labels that don't overlap, as if they were putting you in a house with a manicured lawn and a white picket fence.
You may use the label bi lesbian, bi gay, straight gay, or similar. You may ID as queerhet due to another identity queering your heterosexual attraction. You may identify as a traumaendo system or endogenic in the increasingly used meaning of "not fully formed from trauma" instead of "not at all formed from trauma". You may identify as a manwoman, a nonbinary man, nonbinary woman, or nonbinary manwoman.
You reject that these identities are inherently mutually exclusive and let your garden of dandelions riot across multiple yards. You refuse the idea that anyone but every individual using the label defines it - and accept that any use of the label not explicitly intended to do harm therefore becomes a part of the definition. You break down pointless fences and reject the idea of labels as property with boundaries and ownership altogether.
You refuse the concept that things like gender (especially manhood), system origin (especially traumagenesis), heterosexuality (in the context of other queer identities), and more, inherently taint an identity when present in any amount to the point of locking you out of identities that don't and can't inherently exclude them.
When someone says "words have meaning", you respond "the meaning we make of them". When someone says "that meaning matters", you say "people matter more than words, because words aren't alive and we are".
It's almost a hedonistic approach to labels - that they are here for our use and pleasure. It rejects prescriptivism at a fundamental level. It rejects a claim to a "right" to restrict the definition of a label or indeed to have any entitlement to its meaning once coined.
And it assumes good faith if there is room for any benefit of the doubt whatsoever.
I coined this specifically after dealing with the same shit for ID'ing as bi lesbian and a traumaendo system and multigender.
The one and only negative experience I have ever had with a supposedly inclusive system as a partially traumagenic system is when I was told by the coiner that being even a little bit traumagenic locked me out of the endogenic label, despite a self-contradictory origin in which I am simultaneously entirely traumagenic, partially traumagenic and entirely nontraumagenic. Because origins aren't that simple.
And no, I don't mean individual headmates, I mean our system is all of those. Plurality is more complicated than some systems would like to admit.
This was after being repeatedly harassed over the bi lesbian label and our multigenderness, so it came to a head there, but it's really all the same shit.
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fae-morrigan · 3 months
Swing the bat swing the bad swing the bat (talk about kid Jon in fanon)
Alright anon which one of my friends trying to get me in trouble are you? However, now that I've been asked directly to cause problems, I am obligated to. By law.
Kid Jon, as he's portrayed by fanon, namely supersons fans and shippers, has not ever existed in canon.
Guiding questions: What identifying traits does kid jon have in canon? How are they then represented in fanon? Furthermore, when de-agers talk about what traits kid jon has that they "miss" now that Jon is older, are those traits actually absent, and/or, were they ever present whatsoever? What causes this divide?
Well, we can get a hint right away what people seem to think has been taken away, based off his most popular ao3 tag:
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Hm. Alright. I can sort of understand where this came from- Jon is, largely, a very positive person. He's the son of Clark Kent, of course. He uh, smiles a lot! He's yknow, a happy kid. And compared to Damian, who is often written especially by Tomasi as being a brat, he is pretty nice.
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(someone give this kid contact lenses im shaking jesus christ.) But the thing is... this is DEFINITELY not all he is. In fact, to say Jon Kent is a "ray of sunshine" in the sense that he is always positive and innocent and sweet isn't just only doing a surface reading of the texts he appears in, but is in fact ignoring LARGE swathes of texts both in Supersons books and outside of it. Let me give you a montage of all the time Jon engages in what I have dubbed "rabies mode".
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This isn't even the full compilation I have on just this computer. Menace to society.
Kid Jon canonically being a bit of a strong-willed hothead who often is the one to throw hands with Damian specifically almost never comes up in fanworks. A huge portion of kid jon art is largely him being overly positive and uh, clingy with Damian, and the only time I really seen this more hotheaded aspect of his characterization be mentioned by kid jon fans is when theyre complaining how its seemingly absent in adult jon characterization. Its uh, its not, by the way. He's still like this. he just has more impulse control now, because hes.. yknow, an adult.
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(that one from beast world was from a comic released TODAY. Honestly most of Jons attitude shows up around Bruce, which is hilarious and probably my favorite thing about TT writing Jon)
Here is the thing, though, and here is the point where I start giving proper analysis of Jon as a character, fanon treats these two sides of Jon as disparate when they are in fact deeply connected.
This is pretty common in fanonization. Two elements of a character's personally will be isolated from one another, without any recognition to the fact that these two elements are part of a greater whole. A good example is Dick Grayson and how you have one (much larger) camp leaning full-assed into his goofy silly side and the other camp insisting no actually hes grimdark and gritty and real. He's both of these things, and both of these things stem from the same place!
So, how do you explain these two aspects of Jon in a way that actually makes character sense?
Well, we can start right from his parentage, honestly. Jon Kent is the son of Clark Kent and Lois Lane.
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(Lois being consistently left out of or mistreated in Jon fanworks is another topic for another day but know, supersons fans, i see how you treat the moms of both these characters and I despise you for it).
On the surface level, Jon gets his more positive 'happy' side from Clark, and his more impulsive side from Lois. But this is also a simplification- rather, whether it manifests as being hopeful and kind or as impulsive and brash, Jon's actions always stem from a sense of righteousness and morality that both his parents instilled in him. The same thing that is the root of all Clark and Lois's actions, be they productive or not, is the same spark that lives in Jon. Hope and Truth.
To drive my point home, here is Clark being impulsive, and here is Lois being kind.
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Jon is a character who, much like his parents, follows his heart. That was half the appeal of the supersons dynamic, that much like with superman and batman, jon was the heart and damian was the mind and then they shared these traits with one another as they grew closer. Now, I'm going to talk a bit about how specifically fanon jon is almost characterized in the context of his relationship with Damian. I am going to say some things that will make people upset.
Lets get the big one out of the way... Damian is not only no longer Jon's most important relationship, he... never was.
Damian and Jon are friends. Best friends, yes! I like their friendship a lot, I actually like it more post-age up. They remind me a lot of me and my friends!
But Jon's got other people who matter to him more. He was never that 'clingy friend' who's obsessed with Damian that's often presented in fanworks- often its the opposite, with Damian showing up to bother Jon! And i'm not going to mention Jay here, I don't need to say that Jay is one his most important relationships, I've already gone into plenty of detail on how Jay is currently Jon's guiding beacon. And Jay wasn't around for Jon's childhood, I'm talking about Kid Jon here. I'm actually talking about Clark. Why does nobody who makes fan content of kid jon ever want to talk about Jon and Clark?
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I would argue, actually, that the same duality that is presented with Damian's characterization, being torn between the Bat and the Demon, is a similar dynamic that Jon experiences with Clark.
Its just that rather being torn between his mom and dad, he's torn between his human needs that Clark tries and fails to meet, and the part of him that wants to live up to expectations as a Super. A divide between his human and kryptonian halves, that is only enhanced by the worst parenting mistake Clark ever made: Not telling Jon from the getgo that he is Superman.
(But that's another rant you'll have to unlock with another ask.)
Jon is a character who does not exist to enhance Damian's story, as fanon often treats him. Rather, he exists in conflict with the Superman mantle, as the mantle that Jon aspired to as a kid is now the mantle that, as an adult, is breaking him. Jon is not a character prop in someone else's story- he is rather a manifestation of Superman's theme of legacy.
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Jon represents, even before the age up, the places where Clark's approach to being Superman have been lacking. This is especially prevalent in the Black Dawn arc from Tomasi and Gleason's Superman, which is probably the single most important moment in kid jon's characterization. Jon is the future- and he is a living reminder, even before the volcano, of the places Clark has fallen short.
And this isn't even getting into how this expanded upon post-age up.
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This is the part where I drop the core thesis of my analysis: The real reason why Kid Jon doesn't work in fanon is because you cannot look at Jon just within the context of the fun parts of his childhood and understand him fully. The age up, and Jon's more complicated emotions and motivations, are all continuations of themes that were introduced in the background of the 'fun' parts, and theme is character.
Character is the vessel through which a story's theme is delivered. If you do not engage with the themes of the text you are picking characters from, you will inherently misinterpret them. This is why the divide exists between Jon and fanon Jon, as well as the divide between his two most notable traits. Because none of these traits I've listed, none of these relationships he has with other characters, none of them exist without the burden of the themes the stories they are in present. The themes of legacy, of familial hurt, of what it means to be a paragon, a hero. The examination of what happens when being a hero gets in the way of being someone's parent, and the painful reality of what happens when who you become gets in the way of being your father's son.
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Fanon Jon is portrayed, frankly, as a dumbass. A happy ray of sunshine who exists to be Damian's sidekick (or lover if youre really delusional). If not that, than an impulsive idiot who needs to be saved from his impulses by Damian. He does not have a complicated relationship with Superman- he is just Superboy, Clark's son, and all of that is well and good and has never once put Jon in mortal peril. He's the golden retriever to Damian's black cat, and he's never experienced a Bad Mean Thought in his Entire Life.
The truth is far more interesting. Jon Kent, kid or not, was never a ray of sunshine. He is the storm clouds in the distance Clark can't bring himself to acknowledge- and he is, whether or not anyone likes it, the future that the present has created. And he fucking knows that.
And he was that long before Bendis and Taylor saw that, too.
Post Bibliography! Not in Alphabetical Order, What Are You, My Professor?
Superman (2016) By Peter J Tomasi & Patrick Gleason DCEASED: Hope At Worlds End by Tom Taylor
Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent by Tom Taylor
Superman: Son Of Kal El by Tom Taylor
Super-Sons (2017) By Peter J Tomasi Challenge of the Super-Sons by Peter J Tomasi
Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League: Superman by Tom King (?!?!?!??!?!??!?! I FORGOT HE WROTE THIS. WHAT THE FUCK)
Action Comics (2018) By Phillip Kennedy Johnson (the goat) Superman: Lois & Clark by Dan Jurgens
Titans: Beast World by Tom Taylor
A special shout out to the Jayjon discord server, namely @aubster249 and @ultfreakme, for being the people who largely helped me form this analysis and perspective, as well as conversating with me regularly about this sort of thing to affirm I am not in fact insane for finding all this stuff weird.
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craycraybluejay · 3 months
I notice this trend where there's just "the 'leftist' version of old conservative rhetoric"
It's racist to find specific race-related traits (like common stuff for a given ethnicity or race or whatever) attractive and it's also racist to date someone of a different race because What About The Power Imbalance. Which sounds (to me) really similar to "interracial marriage is bad." And ikik I'm speaking from a place of white privelege and I'm open to criticism ab not personally knowing how certain shit works but like. I'm pretty sure the concept of segregating love and marriage is pretty racist. My main question there is why is it ok to find common features from your own race attractive but not another one. And in general I find this weirdly prevalent thing among young leftists where it's immoral *in general* to have a type in dating and sex and whatnot. If you like skinny girls you're feeding into bad beauty standards. If you like fat girls you're a gross evil fetishizer. If you like long hair on a woman you're too traditionalist and if you like short hair you're some strain of chaser and blah blah blah (and vice versa with men).
Or like. Old conservatives think it's bad to marry someone in a different socioeconomic class because muh status purity. But leftists do the exact same shit with talk of power imbalance. Y'all WAY too comfortable imposing strict rules on random people's relationships. Tankies gonna tank I guess.
Or self-proclaimed "leftists" same as conservative evangelicals talking about how sexual or violent (or sexually violent) acts depicted in film, videogames, books, etc. will make you act them out in real life and/or are immoral simply because the depiction is gross or tasteless in their opinion.
Or how any woman is always oppressed by any man, ignoring any intersectional analysis whatsoever about factors other than sex or gender. Conservatives think this should be the case and leftists (usually) claim they think otherwise but both sides seem to forget that sex and gender aren't the end-all-be-all of the oppressive hierarchies in society.
Or the whole "I got mine" rhetoric where, even with the supposedly more tolerant and open-minded left, that leftism and seeking of progress stops as far as it doesn't personally affect you or your circles. You know, like conservatives. "What's the point in defending psych survivors or paraphiles or youth or other people who it's socially accepted to hate and/or harm?" Do you hear yourself. Do you hear how lazy you sound and how quick you are to jump on the bus to throw other groups under. Leftists fought and still fight for your right to exist as a queer person and your right to be of an ethnicity that isn't the majority in politics or in your country and your right to being treated fairly in the workplace and you won't fight? You think the tide of progress is done? You jump on the bandwagon now to scream at people you hate for being too weird and too different and bad but believe you me; progress has Already Lost the moment vulnerable groups are allowed to be acceptable targets to wipe out, imprison, assault, abuse, etc. It's not a slippery slope fallacy; it's written in ink and blood- the blood on EVERYONE'S hands for letting it happen. They're writing in official documents who they're going to come for one by one. You let them take an inch, they'll take a mile. They'll come for you and yours too, you can fucking count on it. "Left" nowadays is synonymous with moderate. Nothing too crazy, of course the gays are fine but god forbid someone identifies as catgender or some shit; they should definitely be treated badly lol. This definitely won't come back to bite me in the ass.
There are so many parallels you can draw between political ideologies once you realize all people have some serious history to read up on and reflection to do. And it's hard to blame the ignorant ones who DO want to do the right thing but we have to stay alert, stay angry, stay willing to change ideas and reimagine movements. Sometimes some blame needs to be placed. But the reason it's hard to blame is because we are all so busy trying to survive in such an unfair and brutal world that most people don't have the time and privelege to spend doing the research and inner work to stay on top, to really understand politics and how important they are to how we live our lives. They say we have a CHOICE in how the machine runs but we are the ones made to run it, and are any of us actually given the ability to make those choices fully informed? There is no break from it; from work, from war, from death and chaos and division. And even if there was, we're so heavily propagandized and all cogs in machines.
But even if you don't get it yet, if you don't have time to actively pursue the research and all that, you have to TRY to be the best you can be. You can't take time off work to flesh out your life, let alone your political knowledge. That's ok. I know. No blame there, and if there is it's on your boss, it's on the way things are. But when someone comes to you you gotta use those critical thinking skills and try to do good by people. Don't turn the other cheek. Don't accept certain forms of oppression believing that if this is allowed they won't come for you instead. Don't be coming after easy targets. Just take a breath, think how you'd feel if you were that person, and be kind. Choose to be different, to extend your sympathy even to those you don't like. There is no such thing as a world without people you don't like. Look past yourself and always be willing to learn and change. Even if you don't have the ability to facilitate that on your own; life will give you many situations where you can choose how you act. Choose wisely, because what you do matters.
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