celestiall0tus · 5 months
"Take me to your only garden
I wanna see the world you've found
Sit me underneath the trees
I wanna see what you believe"
-Believe, Tales of the Forgotten
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This is "Yet, Love" by Delphyne (cw: bullying, homophobia, queerphobia, alcohol mention, suicidal thoughts mention)
[ Video Description: Several people in a school classroom, performing the song live. ]
It's a song about growing up queer, and it really speaks to me. It's a submission for Tiny Desk, so please consider listening, sharing, and giving it a thumbs up and commenting if it speaks to you. <3 (Lyrics are in the video description.)
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witchofthesouls · 1 year
I’m thinking that Megatronus Prime’s Titan’s name is Delphyne or Python.
Both names have ties to the mythology of Delphi: depending on the source that it was a female or male, a sea-serpent or a land-dragon born of Gaea was tasked to be the guardian to the oracle of Delphi, and was slain by Apollo.
Seems fitting and has enough obscurity for a Titan to sleep deep, down beneath seafloor < for what is metal but refined earth >
So an exhausted Titan beyond eons reawakens to see a cyberformed Earth -not a repeat of Cybertron, but a metal Earth; and sees her Prime’s remaining descendants that managed to summon her by mistake or pure coincidence.
-Cyberformed!June and Jack exists-
Delphyne: Well, alright then, these two are mine now.
-cue the Autobots and Decepticons screaming-
Delphyne gives preference to settle on coastlines: a wide variety of resource acquisition and keeps the massive trees in line of sight.
She will not move further inland. She does not care there more Energon mines. There’s plenty of food here. And you damn fools aren’t ready for that level of chaotic revelry and ritual madness inherent in this planet.
(Side note: Delphyne has gone native; and she already dedicated herself to a chosen Prime, she ain’t listening to another one anytime soon.)
Megatron and Optimus Prime are outside: ...
Delphyne: *angry Titan noises*
It becomes a daily ritual that June coaxes the Titan to let a few other Cybertronians inside.
Much to their amazement, there are living metallic and organic plant-life that had gone extinct on Cybertron and Old Earth; there seems to some... crossbreeding.
Delphyne is highly pleased that her Prime’s descendants have some ties to animals and plants.
Some of the trees, like the Copper Trim-Bitters are Big and Mean.
They’re aggressive; or more like Delphyne is aggressive.
On multiple occasions, multiple copper vines slap Megatron.
Optimus is on thin ice, the roots lift to trip him and moss makes itself extra slippery.
Predaking has become leery and doesn’t want to go inside after various doors and windows attempted to trap him.
The oceanic Titan likes the dragon, she wants to keep the dragon.
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The faceless characters of today is Delphyne from The Vexations of a Shut-In Vampire Princess
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c7hunhxeni · 1 year
Amazing girl with perky pointer sisters gets pleasure of deep mouth job Bisex hunk fucks babe and sucks dick Thai Model Big Boobs Young Ebony Teen Girl Gets Naked and Plays For Tipper Boy do Grindr pediu para dar uma aliviada na boquinha Sexy Maid Daisy Stone Devours Monster Cock Of Boss Masseuse gets facialized Cute amateur skinny teen at a fake casting got smashed Young teen in her first threesome with mom and dad (amateur compilation) big ass tranny Nikki Vicious Fitness
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sillyfairygarden · 11 months
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get lulupilled ^^ (characters r from my oc universe!)
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avengerphobic · 7 months
the reason amadeus and delphyne broke up is because she unhinged her jaw and tried to swallow him and he was really not into that
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kmkibble75 · 1 year
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I felt like it was time for another Random Superhero Project, so here's Delphyne Gorgon -- she first appeared in The Incredible Hercules no. 121 in 2008 and has been a love interest for Amadeus Cho. I tried to braid her snakes, but failed.
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beetlekord · 1 year
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haunterelle · 1 year
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Happy birthday to my blue son Delphynes! He's very excited to try his first burger.
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antibigotwhumpblog · 9 months
Delphyne Introduction- Divine Right Of Kings
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(Picrew 1) (Picrew 2)
In a world where angels and demons are born of Earth along side humans, and they have to prove their worth to get into Heaven, Delphyne is a registered demon of the Hell Divinity.
Noone was kind to demons, not even demons. They live their lives pitted against everyone and each other just for their survival because their magick and life force is feuled by choas ensued. The opposite to angels who lose life force the more sin they commit.
Shes a feral cowgirl demon. Not an ounce of nurture behind this girls eyes when the chips are down. While idealistic, she has accepted the species cannot live together, and the war will end with one on top.
When she's not an assailant for hire, she enjoys painting in her ranch house, and riding her horses. Or thinking unholy things about her childhood friends-to-enemies rival.
(Read Here)
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celestiall0tus · 5 months
hello again!! I love the way you draw Kagami, so could you draw her for your requests?
Oh absolutely darling
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A Kagami for every occasion. Couldn't decide on just one, so you get all (minus Separate Worlds)
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Writers: Greg Pak, Fred van Lente
Artist: Dietrich Smith
Incredible Hercules #128
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witchofthesouls · 10 months
Fic title: High tides, low hopes
One, a G1-fic with melancholic Thundercracker with very dark musings on the turn of the Grear War after several years reawakening upon Earth.
Shockwave had kept his promise: Cybertron remained the same after four million wretchedly wasted years.
Thundercracker watched because what else could be done. The same vicious dance between in motion, much the waves crashing upon the shore: Starscream’s mercurial tongue, Shockwave's dismissal over non-essentials, and Soundwave's looming presence all orbiting Megatron and his obsessions.
No one was immune to it.
Not even the Autobots were free of their new yokes. Prime eventually bowed the humans' ridiculous whims - the Avatar of Primus' will allowing exceptions to longstanding clauses to an organic species smaller than a mini.
It was shameful.
No matter what then happens. No matter who gained the final victory in the slow, dying attrition. Here they were, scavenging on a planet in the middle of a dead zone for the barest of scraps to survive as their homeworld laid dead.
Two, TFP-fic from a Titan's POV. Either Megatronus' Titan (side note: I'm getting fond of the name Delphyne), sleeping beneath the ocean, waiting for age after age to be recalled by her beloved Prime that Fell or his descendants, or even Quintus' Titan (name stricken from all records and purposely damaged and modified against their will by their Prime's own creations), who was locked away in the Abyss after a massive failure of an invasion campaign by the Quintessons on a much younger Earth, and eventually reawakened by another Prime of Megatronus' blood.
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poisonhxart · 2 months
#ophpov 14: delphyne.
▸ tw: cobras, máscaras.
08 de janeiro de 2024.
O Império era uma vergonha. A cada dia que passava, Arianrhod sentia isso de maneira mais intensa e de maneira mais raivosa. Era o que Blake uma vez tinha brincado sobre: era uma metalista porque estava a cada dia mais perto de explodir como um vulcão – só faltava ser capaz de moldar a lava. Atualmente, faltava também dominar devidamente seus poderes.
Os últimos dias haviam sido tão exaustivos que a sensação que tinha era de que vinha caminhando incessantemente como Atlas: carregando o peso do mundo nas costas. O cansaço chegava a um nível em que ela simplesmente sentia dores por todas as partes de seu corpo. Doía para dormir, doía ao se sentar, doía até mesmo ao respirar, em momentos específicos. Isso poderia ser facilmente sintoma de um novo burnout ou simplesmente a fragilidade advinda com a oscilação de poderes. De tudo o que poderia ter acontecido a si mesma no final do último ano, o corromper de seu sangue com cinábrio havia sido, de longe, a pior; a terrarium tinha convivido por tanto tempo com a Essência dentro de si na mais perfeita ordem que ter seus poderes descontrolados como estavam só conseguia deixá-la ainda mais frustrada – e esse sentimento poderia ser facilmente comparado ao de dez pessoas que perderam um voo importante. A intensidade era a mesma, e cabia dentro de uma única pessoa que mantinha as expressões perfeitamente controladas, na tentativa de que ninguém mais enxergasse isso.
E era doloroso. Isso porque para quem a conhecesse bem, ela estava visivelmente afetada por sentimentos que não gostava nem um pouco, por uma ira tão intensa que se não calculasse bem cada passo que dava, acabaria por estremecer o chão como antes já havia acontecido. Arianrhod odiava o descontrole, sobretudo o próprio.
Por outro lado, contudo, não é difícil de imaginar que isso poderia ser algo bom. Por muitas vezes ela tinha tocado naquele assunto em específico com algumas das pessoas mais próximas. Era uma decisão com peso imensurável. Uma das consumações mais claras de sua posição naquele governo de merda. A terrarium estava cansada de sua própria enrolação, cansada daquela cama de gato de possibilidades que surgiam à mente de maneira natural, como resposta a sua própria natureza cautelosa. Havia sido cautelosa por tempo demais e o tempo atual pedia ações rápidas; a sede da Ordem das Sombras havia sido descoberta, um rebelde havia sido morto na rádio, a própria Essência havia se rebelado contra seus filhos e nada estava mais sob controle. Ela sentia como se estivesse dentro de uma bexiga voando perigosamente perto de uma agulha, agulha que seria o estopim de tudo. Deveria estar pronta.
Estava mais próxima que nunca de estar pronta.
A placa dourada refletia a luz do abajur. Com tudo fechado em seu quarto para evitar olhares indesejados, três da tarde parecia-se com o breu da madrugada. Havia já alguns dias que a ideia permeava a mente e o êxito dos últimos testes havia sido de grande incentivo para que seguisse com a ideia inicial.
Arianrhod nunca havia sido a melhor artesã, apesar do gosto natural para coisas feitas com suas próprias mãos. Sabia fazer o básico: consertar uma joia, moldar uma tiara, moldar um colar. A tentativa daquela vez era muito mais ousada, contudo. Necessitaria de uma concentração maior, de precisão maior, de muito mais ajuda da própria essência que, nos últimos dias, apresentava mais falhas que qualquer outra coisa. Ainda assim, não desistiria.
E não desistir, as vezes, era a melhor decisão que se poderia ter.
Magia era uma coisa curiosa, sobretudo quando atrelada aos sentimentos. Que a metalista estava furiosa não era novidade para absolutamente ninguém que a conhecesse bem, mas que sua fúria estava moldando algo que considerava tão bonito, isso sim era surpreendente. Talvez fosse o olíbano que queimava perfumando todo o quarto ou o instrumental que alcançava seus ouvidos num maior estado de imersão, mas assim que as primeiras ondulações surgiram no ouro para dar um toque final à criação, Arian se viu segurando a respiração por dados instantes.
As pequenas serpentes douradas envolviam a face da máscara e a depender da magia nelas inserida, continuavam se movendo mesmo quando o outro já não era mais tocado. As medidas dos olhos e as saídas de respiração haviam sido feitas com o cálculo perfeito de seu próprio rosto e ao se aproximar do espelho mais próximo, erguendo a máscara até que a prendesse na pele, o vislumbre da imagem obtida revelava não mais Arianrhod, mas uma nova versão secreta de si mesma: Delphyne, uma filha de Gaia, um monstro... e um membro da Ordem das Sombras.
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cyfaredd · 4 months
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@theabyssalmuses asked: ☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning? 💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to? 😨 FEARFUL - when scared, do they go into "flight" or "fight"? ( For Delphyne?) 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! | open
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When she was trapped with the cult she was forced to be a morning person — she'd wake up when they told her to or be punished for it in increasingly worse ways. As their 'priestess' she had no other choice but to comply. As of arriving at Rhodes Island though she's found that she much prefers to sleep in until after noon if possible && generally, given the knowledge of her past some people have, they don't complain and note she seems a lot happier with that arrangement.
Growing up she was taught to be selfless to the point that she, even now in Rhodes Island, will give up anything that she wants to others without a single word of complaint. Delphyne will never ask for anything and never argue when someone else wants what she has. For those who are more selfish or otherwise heartless it makes it incredibly easy to exploit her weakness to get whatever they want out of her. She'd be unhappy with it but it's also unlikely she'd ever actually tell anyone. For those who are much kinder though they'd likely find it concerning how willing she is. Adler in particular is trying to teach her to stop but it's difficult to undo so many years of conditioning.
Neither, Delphyne instead will freeze && then try to appease whatever or whoever it is that has scared her. It was the best way for her to deal with people in her past && it's a reaction that likely won't ever truly change.
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