#demon lord at work
gotticalavera · 5 months
AU ZukAang
Demon/Spirit Zuko x Exorcist-Monk Aang
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[Screenshot of the comics "Imbalance" and "Azula in the spirit temple"]
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anna-naray · 2 months
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I spent February 14 with the company of my beloved Sulfus!My valentine of this 2024 🔥❤️
I have a feeling that this concept will become my new obsession. Prepare yourself >:3
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How Inosuke's face reveal should've happened
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pippuns · 1 year
Qiong ding disciples succeed in deaging SJ. YQY loses his mind in every direction they never knew he could be so mentally unwell
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[PART 1]
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movielosophy · 1 year
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till the end of the moon  | He’ll definitely return
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smittyw · 16 days
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drew these as a cooldown yesterdy & decided to post bc i dont give a care plus they make me laugh. number one dungeon lord campeón del mundoooo (más patético del mundo) who tf left their demon baby unattended guys i dont think this is normal
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ferahntics · 7 months
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Prepare to face the wrath of my terrible power!
A power far beyond your so-called gods!
(( I implore you to listen to Ninetails' battle theme, PLEASE ))
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tenebrisdivina · 6 months
Darkness and the Demonic Divine Part 1
(I am speaking from my own investigations, experiences and gnosis of this)
I would like to speak about darkness; as an energy, as a “place”, how it applies to the demonic divine and how it can show up. This is a bit dream-like, gnosis woven in here, to try and conceptualize and convey the energies I am speaking to in tangible human language form.
Many paradigms say that darkness is the opposite of light and that “one cannot exist without the other.” This is not something I feel to be accurate or true. Darkness existed before light came into being (as is the case in many world mythologies as well) and will exist after light fades; and this has always been. It does not need light to exist. Darkness in this case can be synonymous with chaos, the primordial void, the creative cauldron, or womb-tomb - depending on how it is seen. Darkness can also drift into more internal and internal realm philosophies and notions as well. As an energy Darkness is vast. Light in a sense, is what splits the darkness and can be used to differentiate- to categorize and put things into boxes- like conscious and unconsciousness (this aspect of it would be on a psychological level or light/darkness ideas).  Darkness exists in many ways and different spaces. Darkness is not merely the inverse of light and does not simply exist to “balance” things out. This dichotomy that quite a lot of human philosophy the duality- is not something that is applicable to otherworlds, realms etc. Darkness can also speak to dark matter, space itself and other such theories in existence. Darkness as an energy and  “place” is very complex, it can include things humans consider “evil” (but aren’t actually; energy it is neutral and evil is mostly a human morality judgement bias- this is a nuanced discussion for another time though). Darkness also includes things relegated to the shadows of human consciousness, the unknown, primal layers, primordial layers, the night, the void etc. There is also natural darkness; in this instance the natural darkness found in humans and darkness in nature itself- among other types.
There are different types of darkness it is not just a conglomerate energy, different flavors if you will. And yes, the “light” of consciousness can be beneficial to engage with in some instances with the darkness, but I find it need a more expansive approach then how consciousness, logic etc is usually engaged with. Shadow work is a good but complex example of this. To understand the different types of darkness (via energetic feeling rather than what is “seen” via the mind) is another. There are certain dangers that hide in the light and ones that hide in the darkness. Trying to approach true darkness as merely an inversion of what is found in the light is very limiting, as so much more exists in the darkness. Darkness also encompasses all that is unknown (incomprehensible to the “light” of consciousness) but also the unknown that exists beyond personal perception. It is both within and without. This is quite difficult to actually put into words to conceptualize (given the nature of darkness itself) and is most often alluded to in metaphor. Because it is more about energy then what human words convey and often language is not enough, nor is the human mind able to fully grasp this- as by its very nature to truly remain in the dark is to avoid the light of the conscious ego mind.
Demonic Divine Darkness
I have noticed that most who speak about the demonic divine online tend to have a kind of immature understanding of the demonic divine and darkness. There seems to be a tendency with the demonic divine to take a kind of “rhp” (somewhat neopagan narrative in a sense) perspective and paradigm of the gods and apply it to demons.
By this perspective I mean that - the gods/demonic care about you specifically, about all you troubles/ wants and needs- that what the gods/demonic divine do, trials in your life, what the gods/demonic “ask” of you is specifically for your benefit, ideas of “fluffiness” almost and oneness/unity. That the gods/demonic care about humans specifically and wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt humans. That the gods/demonic are approached and interacted with in basically the same way you would another respected human ie that the cultures, laws, social norms, functioning and beliefs that apply to humans are applied fairly automatically to the gods/demonic.
It is almost like transposing directly neopagan “rhp” like paradigms and understandings of “deity/spirit work” of how it is in paganism generally onto the demonic divine. Taking something from the “light” in a sense and placing it upon beings of darkness and expecting it to work the same way.This is never to say that the demonic divine should not be respected and treated well etc, but that its more nuanced then just taking something that worked elsewhere and applying it directly and expecting the same outcome and interactions.
A couple of examples of this: Lord Rosier for example is the Dark Lord of love (He is not the only DL with this domain though). Many people equate love with romantic relationships or what humans understand as love. And yes that is part of His domain- but He actually presides over all forms of love. This includes more “unsavory” things to human consciousness, like love of war, love of violence, love of the taboo etc, love to obsession and all the more “unhealthy” aspects of it too; it isn’t just happy fluffy romantic love that is in His domain. Love is much vaster than what the general human populace understands it to be. Lord Rosier also presides over and is knowledgeable about love to the point of obsession and madness even. As such He can be called upon for baneful work in those directions, or help healing from it. This is the darkness that demons carry and delve into.
With “love” as an example of the demonic divine domain-there is nuance to this. Take obsessive “love” or other harmful forms of love for example; these things can be (nuanced again) unhealthy and damaging. While these areas are technically within the domain of what love is; what the Lord Rosier and the Demonic Divine actually deal with; is the divine level of this. Whereas dangerous obsession or narcissistic self-love etc (the point that it is damaging to other people- but I’m not delving into the nuance of it here) is more on the level of false darkness- and what Lord Rosiers energy is actually attuned to is Divine energy and divine darkness- not false darkness.
And this is true of all Dark Lords their domains and who they are, what energy they actually “represent” and preside over is the pure divine darkness level. Pure energy doesn’t mean it’s either good or bad- energy is neutral. Similarly just because something is divine or pure for example does not mean it is always or even has to be either good, healthy or needed for humans. And this is also a nuance that is often missed; the idea that all divine is and “has to be”  good for you.
Another point for example is with Lord Lucifer. I have noticed that some have referred to Him as very loving, kind, caring etc and almost “fluffy” in a sense, and only seem to mention this-as though this is all He is. Lord Lucifer whom I connect with, has never been nice or fluffy and He does love but it is on a completely different magnitude to how love is generally understood in humans. He can be utterly brutal in this as well. Of course; people connect differently and are not likely connecting to the same being even, but it kind of comes across as trying to “tone him down” to suit what people (their egos) are comfortable with or make Him “more accessible”. Which to my eyes is verging on disrespectful. Demons are not “fluffy,” and honestly it does not suit every practitioner to work with them- specifically because of the level of divine darkness They are and exist at. They also do not need to be toned down for the masses, and They work with who they choose, and those who feel called and drawn. This is not to say the demonic divine may never act like that, but to suggest that they predominantly do- is missing a whole lot of Them. This is of course a nuanced discussion though.
Truly working with (pathworking with) the demonic divine is fundamentally different from working with pagan gods. How the demonic divine work and interact with practitioners differs in quite a number of ways because the demonic divine’s viewpoint and approach is different.
To take a fundamentally “light” based paradigm and place it on these beings is doing a disservice to practitioners because it is putting the Demonic Divine in a box and missing out on a large part of Their magnificence (which lies in the Darkness- after all They are beings of darkness). Trying to pierce the divine darkness with light, often scatters and reflects the shadows it doesn’t really make for a better connection to the divine darkness.
Differences between Pagan deities and Demonic Divine in workings
Pagan gods tend to be specifically interested and invested in humans and their lives and this world/earthen realm. While they do not need humans to exist, they are mythologically tied to humans and this realm. Most of their mythos is linked in some way to human life or understanding- creation myths for example. Their myths which could also be read as allegories for humans to understand how to function well amongst each other, stories, and examples of humanizing the divine. The Demonic Divine are not interested or invested in humans in the same way that gods are (on the level I connect with, but also in general). To assume that Demonic Divine care about humans in the same or similar ways (people’s everyday lives, minutiae, and mundane matters etc or even the more extreme version where the demonic are treated like a wish granting vending machines or they exist specifically for you and your desires) is distorted and not aligned the truth of it, nor of who They are. This isn’t to say that the demonic divine don’t “care” at all etc They can choose to and sometimes do, but its not the same way as gods do and its nuanced.
Also I think it depends on what level you get the demonic on as to how much They care; about the practitioners’ themselves, day to day lives and mundanity and more generally- about a wider humanity. For example; more “earthen level” demons may demonstrate more caring about humanity as a whole then say the otherworldly demonic I connect on. I don’t find the Demonic Divine to be as “invested” in the functioning of the (inner) and earthen realms, the way pagan gods can be. For example the Demonic Divine I connect with have no connection to seasonal nature on the earthen or inner realms. Given that the demonic divine are beings of darkness; in Their auspices and domains They also carry the darkness of these areas; which is much more expansive than what most people are aware of. Demonic Divine beings and Their domains do encompass the darkness in ways that are not bound by what humans find societally acceptable or even in ways that human minds and consciousness can truly comprehend.
The further away from the human realm one gets when exploring or connecting to these beings- the less human judgements  and biases even matter and honestly the more dangerous it can become. And in the vastness that is Darkness; it is also not just divine demonic energy, there are other divine dark energies that are not demonic. And there many types of darkness as well.
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artwork by Carlos-Quevedo
(Part 2 of this post can be found here, Part 3 here)
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yanban-san · 1 year
So I've been asked a few times what I think the eldritch boys look like- Or more specifically, for a visual reference of them- Thing is it's a very... individual thing for what y'all see them as? That said, I'm going to try to put a face to the boys- I'm not a good artist by any means, but I've uh- I've tried! And here's Lord Kudari sdfh I am going to go hide in a hole now
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tswwwit · 10 months
been rewatching gravity falls and this got me thinking-
would dipper allow bill to possess his body at least once? :0
Only if it were necessary for something! Dipper might trust Bill enough to use it for a limited amount of time if he has to, but no good could come from letting him joyride.
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unironicallycringe · 1 year
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show-off hits door with sword and thinks it makes him look cool
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bluevelvt · 5 months
hey obikin enjoyers, why are we all getting catholic priest kink disease? not against it but what is going on
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why-bless-your-heart · 4 months
I will not respond to bad-faith comments I will not point out mistaken premises I will not mock I will not argue I will simply not!
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bunbunsa · 2 months
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This short tarot reading is important to me. It's a collective message from Lord Azazel for anyone it resonates with. I posted it on tiktok only but recently I felt the need to share it here, too.
Cards: The High Priestess, Ace of Pentacles, Page of Wands in reverse.
Suppressing that part of you hurts. You're afraid of showing the world your feminine side in fear of what society may think of you. You believe you'll conceal it all your life.
You’ll make it. You’ll be free of your worries and the boundaries the world set. Happiness will come your way in the end. Nothing stays the same forever.
Waiting is the toughest part when change is needed. However you choose to present yourself or act at the moment, it’ll all work out.
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eclecticwitchuniverse · 8 months
Hello, from what I saw you have contact with lord leviathan. He recently contacted me and I started working with him, I would really like you to give me some recommendations and tips on what he likes. Also what bands and songs do him like? And your experience working with lord leviathan. thank you :)
General things the Emperor Likes :
Some things I've found Lord Leviathan likes are water, doing your shadow work, meditating with him, taking showers or baths as an offering to him, dark chocolate, letting yourself feel your emotions freely and not bottling them up, whiskey, ocean scented things, blue and black candles, lavender and eucalyptus to name a few. The list goes on...
Music :
Now for music in my experience he mostly vibes with classical music and music that's more calm and not very loud. He also likes music that can help you express your emotions through whether it's loud or not.
My experience :
I've had very good experiences working with him so far. He's always here when I need him and he always has an eye on me. He's a very supportive and non-judgemental deity. He's very wise and any advise given from him is to be taken seriously, he's always 10 steps ahead. He's very reserved and quiet most of the time and he likes communicating through divination. His energy is VERY heavy and it can't be ignored. While working with him you probably won't avoid doing your shadow work at some point. As an autistic person who's also highly alexithymic he has helped me a whole lot with emotional understanding which I'm very grateful for. He's a deity who'll definitely call you out on your bs and is extremely honest and blunt. He's also great at keeping you grounded.
Hope you have an amazing journey with Emperor Leviathan 🫶
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moeblob · 1 year
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I named the plot "guess I'll marry the demon lord?" and I realized if I wanted a lengthier title it could be "I could conquer the world if I had ADHD medicine but I don't so I became a trophy husband instead". And then as I'm giving him various background traits I realized one little piece of information would make everything make sense. He's from Florida.
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