Today is one of those days where I wanna sleep and never wake up.
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
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[ID in alt.]
quite the walk
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greengrape69420 · 11 months
in my despondent birdwatcher era
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evilhorse · 1 month
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Scooby Apocalypse #35
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olivish · 3 months
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gay-snow-white · 1 year
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“My reality is that I’ve been depressed. And I have been for a very long time” 🌈
Digital, me, 2023
Trying my hand at painted portraits and working on subtle but intense expressions using paint alone. No colour picking either. From my favourite show I rewatch instead of showering.
My eyes hurt and I need a blindfold for the next few weeks.
Crit welcome~
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carpenoctem99 · 5 months
in these years, I've noticed a bunch of things that weigh me down. things that burden and intimidate me to my roots. things because of which I'm not true, not even to myself. things because of which I don't even know myself. things that implore me to give up, things that bring up the grisly incidents that I keep running from. things that tear me apart, break me down, rip my skin away with every second of authority. things that fabricate who I am in the eyes of the others, things that impose me to dwell in the dark depths of misery. things that isolate me from myself, if there was one that I ever perceived.
I'm scared of being judged
I'm scared of being left at the end
I'm scared of being lonely
I'm scared of not being validated
I'm scared of messing everything I touch
I'm scared of what people think of me
I'm scared of being hurt and suffering in pain once again
I'm scared of committing to things I crave because I self-doubt
I'm scared of promising people because I don't trust myself
I'm scared of not being new cause people get bored
I'm scared that if people got to know the real me, they'll leave me and run away
I'm scared of not being good enough
I'm scared of getting attached to people
I'm scared of letting people down
I'm scared of being a pushover
I'm scared of trusting people because I can't trust myself in the first place
I'm scared of not achieving what I want
I'm scared of being bad at things and accepting defeat
I'm scared of hurting people who love me
I'm scared of never getting to know myself
I'm scared of not being able to give the people I love the things they deserve
And I'm so tired of being scared and letting things out of my grasp and jeopardizing everything
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furtherwestward · 2 months
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howifeltabouthim · 7 months
For three weeks I'd been bursting into tears so often it became a phenomenological question: at what point should we still say 'crying' or instead describe the moments of 'not-crying' as punctuation marks in a constant state of tears?
Chris Kraus, from I Love Dick
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monkmain · 6 days
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Stun lizard
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It’s a red lizard that shoots stun spears instead of spit glob things
stun spears are spears that don’t do any damage but instead stun whatever creature they hit and keep them stunned until the spear is taken out.
the only way to tame these things is to feed them predator corpses killed by a rotflower (Excluding predators that exceed the lizard’s own mass).
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So apparently the ravenous rotflower isn’t a real thing it’s only in tsuki odyssey
that’s kinda sad but like that also means I can make it do whatever the fuck I want sooooo
every cycle in every region except for the triplets, three random creatures with 1 or more health are chosen to be infected by the rotflower.
Each creature has a chance to be a “set ambush”, meaning the rotflower will attack if you get too close to the corpse. On the other hand, an “unworthy ambush” is when the rotflower doesn’t attack when something gets close to the corpse.
each infected creature dies the instant they leave their shelter, so a creature that has died next to a shelter is most likely a rotflower ambush.
each creature killed has a separate chance to be a set ambush, as listed here:
any lizard(excluding stuns)- 90% any vulture- 20% wasps- 40% any spiders- 70% any other ambush predators- 10% everything else- 55% (Rotflowers do not kill stationary enemies like stowaways and monster kelp or enemies with more than 99 health)
depending on the rotflower’s energy stat, the radius you need to be in to get ambushed ranges from 100 (1.00 energy) to physically touching the carcass (0.00 energy). When an ambush is initiated, the rotflower will burst from the nearest solid tile and clamp down on the unfortunate creature. The rotflower only ever incapacitates, so as long as you are holding a spear or rock you can reliably escape quickly.
after dropping you, the rotflower will be temporarily stunned for a short time. This time depends on their stat total, with the highest possible total being 6.00 (1.00 in every stat) and the lowest being 0.00 (I don’t actually know if 0.00 in every stat is actually possible but if it is that’s what this is).
the total is then multiplied by 10, and the resulting number is the number of frames the rotflower will be stunned for. However, if it is hit by anything during this stun, it will immediately end the stun and resume hunting normally.
rotflowers have 3 health, but can be insta-killed by stun spears and are afraid of stun lizards.
Anyway, once killed, the rotflower will explode violently in a matter similar to a singularity bomb. The body will evaporate completely, and whatever it had killed for the ambush becomes viable to feed to a stun lizard (as long as it is a predator).
oh also rotflowers have little feet to run around with and can climb on all interactable surfaces
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transcendentalmaggot · 2 months
I received my final denial for SSDI. My work credits have now expired since my injury and subsequent unemployment. I’m still working with DVS to find work but they believe I may be too disabled. What an absurd nightmare. I have absolutely no words and no where to turn to.
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willard-herman-art · 7 months
Life isn’t worth being alive for—
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ask-cloverfield · 1 year
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howlingblaster · 8 months
Its been a whole year without new images of gerard way’s thigh and calve meat
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caffeyn · 11 months
No amount of food can heal this despondency.
No amount of love can fill the emptiness within me.
I don't think I could be helped by a genie.
They call me a meany.
Without knowing my adversity.
Why does problems seems to come without pausing.
They say because I'm outstanding.
If this is the case then I don't want to be exceptional anymore.
I'd willingly become the person who'd drown himself in liquor.
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gracieselm · 1 year
when the sun ceased to serve its warmth,
when rain doesn't feel tranquil anymore,
when leaves, and flowers withers,
how do you find the will to live?
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