#destinul coroanei
booksoanahasread · 3 years
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Destinul coroanei de Evelyn Skye 
It’s well past midnight and I’m pretty tired, I have Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift stuck on repeat in my head. I’m here to tell you that this is a great duology and you should really read it. I loved each book. 
This second book was gut-wrenching, watching Nikolai be influenced by his mother’s dreams for him was infuriating. I loved the magical elements and the possibility of revolution present. The whole book was written with such artistry that you just sit down looking at it for a couple minutes after you’ve finished it. 
The setting was just as brilliant as the previous book.The author truly did her research and her descriptions were completely mesmerizing. At times I felt as if I were in Saint Petersburg in the 1800s, utterly lost in the streets and happy. 
Vika was once again fabulous and a sweetheart. I adore her, she truly just wants what’s best for the empire and for her friends. She cares so deeply about others and she is willing to accept others’ apologies when she deems fit. The way she constantly tried to encourage girls in the city was inspirational. 
Her refusal to believe that Nikolai had truly changed irreparably was based only on hope. There is a Romanian proverb that goes something along the lines of: hope is the last one to die. It is clear that Vika adheres to this principle. If she could, she would force everyone to get along. 
The irony of the ending was the fact that Vika was unconscious and became the reason for everyone coming together. Something in Nikolai shifted when she saw her plummet from her place in the sky which led him to talk to Pasha trying to save her one last time. 
Nikolai was the most aggravating character in the novel because the reader knew how good he could be, you knew his potential. It was frustrating to see his fall from grace, to see him slumming it with whoever he deemed useful enough to carry out his plans. It became painful to read his chapters, knowing that his former self would be thoroughly disappointed in him. 
Pasha was so broken and he was trying to heal throughout the novel. It was phenomenal when he finally realised his potential for being a compelling and merciful leader. Though he had made many mistakes, he did try to bear the consequences of his actions as best he could, no matter what. He clearly wanted everything to go back to what had happened before the Crown’s Game. 
I loved watching all the characters interact, especially with the added subplot of the possibility of Renata changing people’s tea leaves and therefore their destinies. I think it was well-played and enticing. The whole plot was wonderful and captivating.
My favourite scene has to be the epilogue where we can clearly see the trio in good terms. The coronation of Pasha was beautifully depicted, the intricacies so clearly thought-out. The use of magic and the collaboration of Nikolai and Vika was wondrous. As I was reading this scene, I had the Wildest Dreams cover by Duomo playing and it was quite possibly the best song to fit. The unification of the three was something the reader could only hope for, could only dream of. It was only possible in our wildest dreams. 
I highly recommend this series and I hope more people read it. I haven’t seen many people who’ve read these books and I can only dream of talking about this series with someone who loved it just as I did. In any case, please read this series, you won’t be disappointed if you’re anything like me. 
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news24hrou · 6 years
Iohannis: Regele Mihai a simbolizat speranţa unei Românii renăscute şi libere
Regele Mihai a simbolizat speranţa unei Românii renăscute şi libere, la care românii nu au încetat să aspire şi va rămâne în amintirea poporului român ca un mare om de stat, a declarat luni preşedintele Klaus Iohannis.
“Onorăm cu profund respect memoria unei mari personalităţi a istoriei noastre – Regele Mihai I. Loial patriei şi naţiunii sale, el a purtat pe umeri o grea domnie în momente foarte dificile ale istoriei noastre. Obligat să înfrunte tirania, prin actul de la 23 august 1944, Mihai I a servit cauza libertăţii şi democraţiei, apoi, opunându-se cu dârzenie acaparării ţării de comunişti, a dovedit curaj şi simţ al datoriei. Destinul său tragic se confundă cu destinul din veacul trecut al poporului român. În lungul său exil, Regele a simbolizat speranţa unei Românii renăscute şi libere, la care românii nu au încetat să aspire. (…) Regele Mihai I va rămâne în amintirea poporului român ca un mare om de stat”, a subliniat şeful statului, în plenul Camerelor reunite ale Parlamentului.
“Fie ca amintirea Regelui Mihai să rămână veşnic în inimile noastre!”, a adăugat preşedintele.
La ședința solemnă participă Preşedintele Klaus Iohannis, principesa Margareta, Custodele coroanei regale, şi Patriarhul Daniel .
Pe ecranul din sală este afişată o imagine a Regelui Mihai.
http://ift.tt/2iRgUkH http://ift.tt/2iOSLe6
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