#destiny's story has never been easier to follow and it's never been more clearly delivered than it is now with seasonal stories
thefirstknife · 2 years
I've seen talk about what's the final Nightmare and people have been saying more times than I can count that it's going to be Cayde.
And I'm baffled. Have you seen the literal first intro cutscene into the season proper? The one where Caiatl refuses Eris' help but then we see Caiatl being haunted by the Nightmare of Ghaul?
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And have you also played the game at all this week and heard Ghaul taunting us in post-Containtment voice lines? For example this one and this one and this one and--
I'm totally cool with people having their own HCs and AUs, but so many people have legitimately started throwing around guesses and thinking how it might be Cayde that I'm just wondering if there's any engagement of braincells at any point? Like, we're not talking obscure lore, this is first setup cutscene and in-game voice lines during the main seasonal activity.
This is your Cayde Nightmare content. That's it. Please for the love of everything, move on.
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thebluelittlewitch · 3 years
It's been almost a week since the dark lord has been defeated, the ninja have been too busy helping citizens of ninjago rebuild the damage done by their last battle.
Dareth was heading towards his dojo carrying repair equipment when a hooded figure approached him.
"Excuse me sir I was looking for someone, do u know where I can find a person by the name of Lloyd garmadon?"
Dareth tried to get a look at the mysterious person but his carriage was getting in the way.
"Oh Lloyd, yes I know him"
"Do you need help with that?"
"Oh yes, thank you very much, Lloyd is helping me with stuff in my dojo come with me I'll show you where he is"
"Thank you"
"And if you want my autograph don't be shy to ask, I am quite popular"
The stranger kept quite.
"Not much of a talker eh? It's ok most people are left speechless when they see me"
The stranger continues to say nothing.
After a long moment of silence the dojo is finally within sight, they both enter and put the equipment on the ground.
Dareth grabs the stranger and rushes to the other room.
"Here he is my friend! Lloyd garmadon, thy green ninja!"
Lloyd left what he was doing and went to greet the stranger.
"Oh hey, big fan?"
"Something like that"
The stranger takes grip of Lloyd's neck pining him against the wall.
"But I think "your worst nightmare" is more accurate"
Dareth rushed to help Lloyd.
"Don't worry green ninja I'll sav-"
The stranger delivered a punch to Dareth's face dropping him unconscious.
Lloyd kicked the stranger away and got ready for a fight.
"W-who are you! And why are u here?"
The stranger took off their hood to reveal themselves.
"my name is Morro, and I am here to defeat you"
In a blink of an eye Morro has already reached Lloyd punching him with great force sending him out the window.
"Yeah everyone says that, too bad you'll be the one getting defeated!"
Morro follows Lloyd outside the dojo.
"We'll see about that"
Morro tried to land another hit on the boy but luckily Lloyd was able to block the hit.
Lloyd tries to punch him but Morro disappears before his eyes.
" what the-"
He feels a grip on his shirt and a force pulling him to the ground.
" too slow"
Morro kicks Lloyd in his chest pinning him to the ground.
"Wu should have trained you better"
Lloyd was crushed by the weight on his chest but his surprise allowed him to get out a few words.
"Y-you know sensei wu"
"Life is full of surprises"
Desperate Lloyd tries to use his powers against Morro, unfortunately the man managed to jump away before getting hit.
Lloyd took a deep breath now that he can breath again.
"H-how do you know sensei wu?"
"So you wanna bring powers into this? Fine whatever you want"
A strong stream of wind started blowing at Lloyd, he tried to grap onto something to not fly off.
"What's going on!"
"Didn't dear sensei wu tell you about me? How sad I guess he wants to forget about me"
The wind kept getting stronger and stronger, Lloyd could barely hang on.
"Why do you wanna fight me so bad"
"Because you weren't supposed to be the green ninja, you're simply too weak! That title should have been mine! WU SAID THAT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN MINE!"
"That won't be the case when I get rid of you!"
The wind gets stronger once again and Lloyd's grip loosen sending him flying, but at the last moment he manages to hold on to the side of a building.
"Woah there buddy why don't you calm down"
"I AM TELLING THE TRUTH! I NEVER WANTED TO BE A NINJA LET ALONE THE GREEN NINJA! I- I....I just wanted to reunite with my father"
Morro took a step back as the wind got less intense.
"I wanted to spend time with him it didn't matter that he's evil, I always dreamed of destroying ninjago with him, but then uncle wu took me under his wing and teached me to be good"
"You think you can stop me with a petty story? Wu also took me under his wing years ago, he told me- no convinced me that I am the green ninja.... ONLY TO CRUSH MY DREAM THAT I'VE WASTED MY LIFE FOR!"
The wind is now faster than ever the air streams began circling around Morro forming a tornado.
"He then went on to choose YOU as the green ninja! He really thought a street rat would be a better fit for the green ninja than me!? LOOK AT ME! I AM FAR MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU!"
Morro's expression changed drastically, it was a mix of surprise and confusion,
Lloyd didn't believe his eyes but Morro looked .....hesitant?
"W-what do you mean he didn't choose you?"
"Wu doesn't choose the green ninja! The golden weapons do"
Morro returned to his senses,
He blamed wu so much he had forgotten about the golden weapons.
"Oh yeah those"
The wind got strong again.
"I don't think he should have relied on those stupid things, clearly it made the wrong decision"
"Did you forget that I defeated the dark lord? I don't think it made a half bad decision"
"I do remember that, I also remember that you allowed the dark lord to come here and destroy half of the city, if I were the green ninja like I should I would have defeated him before he could harm anyone!"
"And don't you think that you are also causing harm right now?"
Morro paused for a moment and looked at the buildings around him,
His powers where destroying them even more.
"Morro! Calm down let's just talk"
He finally gives in,
The wind stops and Lloyd is finally able to stand without having to hold on to anything.
"Look I am sorry you didn't become the green ninja, but that doesn't mean your work has gone to waste you can still do good, green ninja or not"
"Easier for you to say, you're thy green ninja"
"Hey look! My friends also wanted to be the green ninja but they're ok with just being regular ninja now"
"They didn't want it as much as I do"
"They did! They never wanted anything more than to be the green ninja, but by time they accepted that none of them was the green ninja, they realized that they didn't have to be the green ninja to be special"
"Humf, dump"
"Morro, the green ninja is just like you said, a title it's doesn't correlate to you being the best in fact I am the worst green ninja ever"
"I would have been a better choice"
"Exactly! You are more fit for being the green ninja! But fate choose me, fate can be annoying and confusing sometimes but maybe fate had better plans for you than being the green ninja"
"Like what?"
"That question is yours to answer"
"Now you're talking like wu"
"Ugh, I know I'm also freaked out"
"...... fine, I guess I won't be defeating you.... today"
"Good to know"
"But I'll come back! So you better be ready"
"I will"
Morro then felt a grip around his neck and a weight pushing on his back.
"POWERS OF THE KOALA! Quick Lloyd run I'll hold him off"
"Dareth it's ok he's not gonna hurt anyone!"
"Get of me or you're gonna be the exception"
Dareth jumps off of Morro's shoulders.
"Heh fine but it's not because I'm scared! I am just listening to Lloyd"
"Yeah sure...... hey Lloyd, can you do me a favour?"
"What is it?"
"Don't tell wu that I was here"
"He..... he thinks I am dead, I wanna keep it that way..... I am not ready to face him yet......"
"Don't worry your secret is safe with me"
" Thanks, and if you ever get in trouble you can really on me, I am the only one who's allowed to defeat you!"
"Heh ok"
"And you can rely on me too!"
" Thanks Dareth, I'll consider it"
" I gotta go now before anybody sees me, a big tornado is kinda hard to miss"
"Will I ever see you again?"
"Only time will tell"
"You can come take a picture with me whenever you want!"
Morro ignored dareth and stormed off.
Now that he's not dead set on becoming the green ninja he needs to figure out what he wants to do now.
Whatever it is he's not going to fail this time.
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youngster-monster · 4 years
if you must leave
You have learned to appreciate Illidan as you fought at his side against the Legion; you have seen how dedicated he is, how much he sacrificed for the survival of Azeroth. Although what little you know of his story comes from secondhand accounts and rumors, you know most of this stubborn will to see this war to its end was born from his love for his brother and childhood friend. It seems like the least you can do to make sure his last words are heard by the people he holds dear.
The first message you deliver is for Tyrande, most of all because she is easier to find than the elusive Archdruid. You’re surprised she lets you listen to it with her; less so to hear the genuine affection in Illidan’s voice when he says his goodbye to her. If you cry a little, when, no one needs know.
She doesn’t hear it. She doubts his sincerity — waves off the whole matter like he’s nothing but a footnote in her life. The meeting leaves a bitter taste in your mouth.
Malfurion is harder to find, but the melancholy expression when hearing his brother’s voice makes the search worth it. He, too, lets you listen to Illidan’s message; you have a hard time not fidgeting when it mentions Tyrande. You remember her reaction, and wonder if she truly deserves the trust and admiration Illidan clearly holds for her.
Once again you find yourself annoyed by the way the message is received. Malfurion’s regrets, although genuine, seem to be about what Illidan has become rather than his fate, and like Tyrande he sneers at his actions and quickly moves on to more important matters.
You are far from being Illidan’s friend, but suddenly you wonder if anyone really is.
Unnerved and a little sad, oddly enough, you travel to Mount Hyjal as asked. The sight of the Well of Eternity steal your breath — it always does. Magic makes the air sparkle, like a thousand glitters in suspension above the water; you have traveled to the other side of the universe and yet here is the place you find the most otherworldly of all.
You sit here, on the shore of the lake, and look down at the crystal in your hands. It’s still glowing faintly in the light of the Well, not empty yet.
You have handled your share of magical artifacts in the past. Carefully, you coax a third message out of it.
Okay, this time you absolutely cry. You bawl like a baby, because you’re dumb like that. Illidan isn’t even dead, by the Light, and still the fact he entrusts you with the fate of a world he has sacrificed so much for— it’s almost too much.
Damned feelings, getting in your eyes like that.
But the crystal isn’t empty yet. It’s faint, but you can still feel the magic here. Illidan only mentioned three messages — why wouldn’t he say anything about it?
Maybe there’s no one to hear it anymore.
The thought is a painful one to say the least. Illidan has so little people dear to him he left you a last message. That one of them would die—
Giving in to your curiosity, you discard the three other messages and reach for that secret fourth one.
“I’m sorry,” It begins with. Illidan’s voice sounds so soft, so low, like he’s in pain or close to unconsciousness, you feel like you’re intruding on something far more intimate than before. “I’m—” A sigh. “Light, Kael, I’m so sorry. I have nothing to say that could make up for what I’m about to do. I swore I would come back when I left but— it’s always been my destiny to put an end to Sargeras’ crusade. I know I won’t come back from that fight.” A pause, long enough for you to wonder if maybe that’s it. Then, even softer than before, “Please, forgive me. I love you.” Another pause. “I love you.” He sounds choked up, but the message stops before he starts crying.
Illidan never mentioned a fourth message. Maybe he didn’t want you to know about it. Maybe he was scared of what that ‘Kael’ might think of it.
But here’s the thing: he tasked you to bring the crystal to the shore of the Well of Eternity only once you’ve delivered all the messages, but there’s still one there, mentioned or not, and you’re starting to have an idea of who it’s supposed to be given to.
Seems like there’s a last stop on your journey after all.
Silvermoon is beautiful, golden and resplendent despite the dark clouds gathering in its sky. There’s a storm brewing — you can only hope to be safe from the downpour.
Lor’themar ought to be more surprised by you barging in his throne room, but he has seen you do worse things to more important people. Also, you think that maybe he never quite realized he’s supposed to be the leader of an entire people, which would explain his lack of care for things such as etiquette.
“You're back. What do you want this time?” He asks, slumping in the throne, which is the only actual seat in the room. He looks exhausted; guess the end of a war isn’t such a peaceful business.
“I’m looking for a ‘Kael’,” You say, showing him the crystal as you do. “I’m pretty there’s only one of those, and I don’t care how or why he’s there. I just want to be done with this.”
You haven’t had a break for what feels like forever, but you can’t rest until you’re done with this.
Lor’themar doesn’t even bother to look shocked. He sighs, so hard it makes his shoulders slump, and heaves himself out of his chair
"Rommath!" He calls. There's the sound of something breaking a few doors down the corridor, swearing, then an irate, "What?"
"Someone’s here to see him!"
Rommath immediately pokes his head into the corridor. His hair is smoking. He visibly deflates at your sight. "Oh. It's you."
(You have a pretty good idea of who he was hoping for.)
You follow him through the corridors of the palace in complete silence. It doesn’t take long for you to lose tracks of the twists and turns, the stairs you climb up and down. This place is a bit of a maze as it turns out, at odds with the clean architecture the blood elves usually prefer.
You wonder if it was built this way for aesthetic reasons, or if they’re just trying to hide what’s at its heart.
Rommath stops in front of a single door, knocks three times on it and waits a moment before pushing it open. He gives you one last unreadable look before waving you inside.
It’s a laboratory, of some sort, the kind that seems to naturally grow around mages and alchemists whenever they settle in a room for longer than a few days. There are papers scattered over every flat surface, scorch marks on the walls, runes painted on the stone floor, vials and magical ingredients in precarious piles.
And in the middle of that organized chaos stands a blood elf, dressed in simple robes with long golden hair that’s starting to escape the braid it’s tied in. He’s scribbling over a piece of parchment hovering at eye-level with one hand and holding a still-bubbling vial of something purple and sparkling in the other, muttering under his breath.
“You have a visitor.”
That distracts him from whatever he’s doing. He puts down the vial, waves the parchment away on one of the piles and tucks the quill behind his ear as he turns around. You’re not as surprised as you probably ought to be when he finally faces the two of you.
Kael’thas Sunstrider was rumored to be dead, but his body was never found, and there are statues of him scattered around the city.
His face doesn’t fall when he sees you, but he can’t entirely hide his disappointment. Like whatever he was expecting was just confirmed, and he regrets being right.
“Well. Hello there.” He gestures at you to approach, face carefully neutral as he undoes his braid and rolls down his sleeves. “What do you want?”
You step closer and wordlessly hand him the crystal. He takes it gingerly. Behind you the door closes quietly as Rommath leaves the room.
He doesn’t look at you when he asks if you’ve listened to it.
“That’s how I found you, yes.”
He nods mutely. “Then I guess there’s no point in making you leave, is there.”
You want to say there absolutely is a point, but the message is already playing before you can voice that thought.
It’s interesting, in a voyeuristic kind of way, to watch Kael’thas’ face softens at the sound of Illidan’s voice, then crumbles at his words. His fingers tighten around the crystal, threatening to break it, and when Illidan’s voice fades he ducks his face down, hiding it behind the curtain of his hair.
He doesn’t say anything for what seems like a very long time.
“Thank you for bringing this to me,” he says, voice strained with the effort of keeping it level. Despite that he still sounds choked up, and it breaks halfway through his following sentence. “May I keep it?”
You nod without a word and step back hurriedly. For a second you stand with your hand on the door handle, watching him frozen still in the middle of the room, staring at the crystal the way you would stare at the blade that just went through your chest.
Despite all the horrors you’ve faced, this is what prompts you to flee the room. The Legion is one thing, but you draw the line at watching him cry.
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absolutiions · 4 years
´   ・   .   ✶   ⧼    madchen   amick,   non   binary,   she   &   they   /   fucked   my   way   to   the   top   by   lana   del   rey   +   eyes   the   color   crimson   and   hands   stained   in   crimson,   too.   victim   of   the   underworld,   you   are   not.   you   came,   not   to   sit   silent   at   his   side   as   dutiful   wives   do,   but   to   whisper   in   his   ear.   pouted   lips   smeared   ruby   stoke   the   flames   of   his   darkest   impulses   and   his   deepest   desires.   you   are   the   conqueror.   you   are   the   queen.   and   may   god   have   mercy   upon   anyone   who   underestimates   this   :   because   you   will   not.    ⧽   ━━   don’t   look   now,   but   that’s   ATHENODORA.   the   TWO   THOUSAND,   FIVE   HUNDRED   &   TWENTY   TWO  (   varying   physical   )   year   old   GIFTED   VAMPIRE   has   been   here   in   seattle   for   three   minutes,   and   is   considered   a   member   of   the   VOLTURI.   they’ve   always   been   MACHIAVELLIAN   &   INDOMITABLE,   but   i   guess   this   town   just   brings   out   the   worst   in people   ;   apparently,   they’ve   been   way   more  INSOUCIANT   &   SUPERCILIOUS   than   usual.   it   wouldn’t   surprise   me   if   they   knew   what   was   going   on.   click   HERE   to   check   out   her   stats.
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they   told   you   that   you   were   a   nobody,      so   you   became   the   QUEEN.   (   now   everybody   knows   your   name   )
SECTION ONE OF THREE : background / human era. trigger warnings for talk of pregnancy, death, abuse
born circa 502 bc, in a little village that has no lasting name nor impact in ancient greece. 
five of the children born to her parents survived to adulthood, and since she was the last one... it is almost like, her whole life, she has been suffering from younger child syndrome. who knew !
she very literally grew up in a diff time, so when i say she wasn’t rly close to any of her siblings, i don’t mean it in a like... horrible way. it’s not a reflection of character. they just didn’t have a tight sibling bond, though she loved them greatly. 
same w her parents. they were unexceptional people who lived unexceptional lives, and though she was grateful for, u know... their creation of her - they were not close. they did not, in laymans terms, have the lorelai and rory gilmore dynamic. 
her whole family were content to live their dismal lives, and... tho athenodora did not vibe, she, again - grew up in a diff time. of course she dreamt of more. of course she prayed to the gods for something better. but she was achingly aware of the fact that no such future would ever exist for her. such is life in 400 whatever bc, bumfuck, greece.
she was just barely eighteen when she was married to athanasios, to secure land, or smth, because those were the times. of course it was something like that. 
he was... fine, at first. a little small minded ( that wasn’t the ONLY thing that was small, haha ). he, like everyone, was content to live the same old life, and athenodora just... wasn’t. she had been raised on stories of grandeur, and her parents had thought she would settle for the regular - it should not have been a surprise that she didn’t want to, but gods, did she try.
she never loved him, she can safely say ; but she wished that she did. for a long while, athenodora thought it would be easier, and thought that she could do a lot worse. unfortunately... she cld not.
their lives were meant to follow a certain pattern. they had gotten married, and now he would work all day, make them money, tend their land. she would stay home. cook. clean. raise the children that they were sure to have. athenodora was capable of almost everything expected of her, except for the most important part - she couldn’t seem to give him children. not strong sons. not beautiful daughters. 
at first, he told her that it was fine. 
after a year or so, he still told her that it was fine, but she could see in his eyes that it wasn’t.
two years after this, he called her the ancient greek version of defective for the very first time - and things only got worse from there.
he had always been a perfectly fine husband, until he was not, and athenodora had always wanted to love him, until she did not. she prayed to the gods every morning and night, to give her what her husband so desired. to give her that which would make her life better, even if she knew it would not heal the wounds already caused.
sometimes the gods r not dicks. a miracle! she becomes pregnant, aged twenty four ( i kno it sounded like she was a crone but again please remember the times ). she always thought it was just what was best n only athanasios would care, but , wow... suddenly. she cares. she has never felt this level of love with anything, until now.
but, tragedy :// straight white men ( idk, i just feel like her husband was the root of all evil ) are not so easily satisfied. who wld have guessed he wld continue to be an abusive asshole even after his wife succeeded in getting pregnant? i bet i shocked u all. who wld have guessed that a huge part of his problem wld end up being that suddenly, athenodora clearly cares abt something - and it isn’t him. again. got you all!
over the course of her pregnancy, he becomes, for the first time, a real threat to her - or maybe, athenodora simply never took him seriously until there is another person to think of. either way, she TRULY fears him and what he’s capable of by the time she gives birth, and after he makes some passing remark abt their baby, she yeets the FUCK out of there in the middle of the night, eirene ( baby ) only a handful of days old. she takes what she can carry and nothing more, and she... makes it pretty far, thanks to the kindness of strangers. you love to see it.
she settles somewhere ( she considers to be ) far away, and she makes up a good story : her husband died in a war ( there were probably a lot of time, i dont know ) and she was widowed, left to care for their young daughter alone. i know. its really original. they didnt have tv shows back then to rip stories from though.
stays in a hovel on the edge of their village. think the shittiest home you’ve ever seen and then make it shittier. there are rumors about her being a witch, and she kind of appreciates them, because it keeps kids out of her yard. and shock of all shock : in spite of being... u know. a woman. and not very skilled. she finds a very hot ticket job - working for the very wealthy volturi family who live on the other ( opposite ) outside of town, but like, in a considerably better home, obviously. 
honestly, i don’t kno what the ancient greek equivalent of that secretary in new moon is, but that’s the vibe we’re going for, here. she’s like, a chambermaid or smth. and she makes a tidy little sum. doesn’t question her weirdo bosses that much. doesn’t know what anemia is because im p sure it wasnt discovered by then, but presumes they have it.
and maybe, just maybe, it’s the finesse of the century : or maybe, just maybe, it is destiny. in no time at all, she has caught the eye of the volturi’s most eligible bachelor(tm) : caius volturi. many another worker is made upset by this fact, as athenodora is very quickly alotted VERY special treatment as the apple of his eye, which includes, i don’t know... hand delivered baskets of pomegranates, a nicer home and in due time, the simple pleasures of the flesh.
so that’s pretty neat. and life’s pretty fine. she feels like an ancient greek sugar baby, and honestly, isn’t that all she’s ever deserved? she’s got some nice digs ( i don’t think she’d have called them that ) and a man who worships the ground she walks on and who spoils her with pretty things, and most importantly : she is taking care of her daughter, who i absolutely didn’t forget about. eirene is the literal light of athenodora’s life, and everybody knows it. if i say jean valjean and cosette vibes, can we all pretend we get it?
and then it goes to shit. as things do.
her daughter is fourteen years old, when her father finds them ; and she doesn’t know, she never knows, if he was seeking them out or whether it was all DUMB luck. regardless of it all, he is stood inside her home, his breath coming in angry half pants, and athenodora is convinced that this is it. that her end has come. that her freedom is over. she dies, she thinks, or she returns back to the house that was not her home with him. these are her options. 
she tells her daughter to leave. she stops him from following. when she is shoved and her head hits the table, she is aware of the option he has chosen for them more than all else - but the gods, or perhaps, just one - intervenes.
until this night, athenodora had never known the truth of the volturi. but when her beloved saves her from athanasios, she sees him for what he is. she UNDERSTANDS. and she isn’t frightened. she should be, for sure, she should be running as fast as she can - but all she can think in that moment is that she is free now in all the ways she has never been... and caius, her love, is something so much larger than this life. 
for the first time, the godhood that athenodora has always dreamt of is within her grasp. she makes him promise that once eirene comes of age, he will make her into the same creature that he IS. she makes him swear a solemn oath, and he who has been so infatuated by her for so long cannot argue.
four years. this is all it takes, and then eirene is eighteen - capable of standing upon her own two feet. athenodora leaves her everything - all the gifts she has ever been given, all the wealth accumulated, the home. everything she will not need, once she is gone. and she says a final goodbye.
caius turns her himself. the greatest gift he could ever give her.
and reborn, athenodora is MORE than everyone in her life could ever dream of being. she is the queen of the underworld, the goddess of death. she is all of this, and more. at his side, she finds GREATNESS. and once she had it, athenodora decided she would never again be without. 
SECTION TWO OF THREE : volturi era.
became cool. became powerful. very emma frost of her, rly 
didnt rly care for the rest of the coven outside of caius but sometimes u gotta hang w scrubs 
didyme dies sometime after her turning, and that kind of fucks everybody up
not so much her bc like i said she didnt rly care but... caius b frightened of losing her, i guess
kind of throws a spanner in the works 
she spends a lot of time ‘locked away’. not , like, literally ( bc that’s gross! ) but... caius takes over protective to the extreme
uses this time to harness her power and fuck
not always in that order
also spends a lot of time telling him he deserves to b leader
deserves to b the new aro
who needs powers?
not u, caius
go kick their ass baby i got ur flower-
( he doesn’t go kick their ass but man she wishes he wld )
she’s genuinely devoted to him, however, as much as it sometimes seems as if she’s using him as a means to an end
she DOES do that with a LOT of people, but caius... that’s her baby! her darling! her sweetie pie! fuck everybody else in this house caius, she respects YOU ! 
she jus wants to see him be the best there ever was, and he’s.... p... happy to giv her everything she wants, so their dynamic is actually p equal 
we love to see it
anyway lots of years happened and now she’s here
seattle sucks -athenodora’s official review
but she’s fucking SICK of aro’s shit and thinks her 2020 birthday wld be the best time for an official change of pace
obviously aro can read minds so he knows athenodora has high aspirations but he has learned his fucking lesson w killing ppls mates, i guess
lucky for her!
that’s all i got
athenodora is an ungifted vampire in twilight canon, but to that i say : fuck ya chicken strips. in equinox, she be special. her power is life force manipulation, in a pretty unique ( and dare i say ) way.
she was a forty two year old woman, when she was turned. she had lived a life, and she had the MARKS to show for it. but the very first time that she drank human blood from the vein, athenodora realized that she was not as unexceptional as she had always been lead to believe she was. vampires do not change. they’re frozen in time, like statues, portraits, photographs... and yet, before caius’ very eyes - athenodora did what no other vampire could. mere seconds passed, and suddenly ; she was stood before her beloved, decades younger. it lasted as long as her thirst was sated, with her age returning to her as her eyes darkened once more. and it happened all over again, when next she fed. 
over time, she’s come to understand it well enough. she has a particular love of younger humans ; those in their twenties, and thus, physical primes. she thinks that is, in part, down to her gift ; she seeks these out to drink from because when she feeds, she’s not simply drinking their blood, but also, their life force. she’s taking theirs to add to her own.
like many gifted vampires, she has spent time learning what she can of her gift, and learning whether there is some other way to apply it. it took almost two thousand years, but eventually - athenodora discovered that with a touch, her fingertips to their skin ( and a great deal of focus ), she could render another changed, also. it lasts for only a short amount of time - an hour, maybe a little longer, depending on how strong she is. but it works. and it makes her think that, in all her unlimited time : she might just be able to do even more. be a danger. manipulate life force in a way that can DESTROY. she’ll keep on working on that for as long as she lives. 
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ecotone99 · 4 years
[SF] A College Admissions Essay From The Future President Of The World
Dear Mikirken State University Admissions Board,
For my college entrance essay, I have chosen the three prompts:
Why should we choose you for Mikirken State University?
Tell us an experience that humbled you.
What do you hope to accomplish at Mikirken State University?
I hope to prove with these essays that I am MSU material and will be a unique and valuable contribution to the MSU student body… and humanity.
Why should we choose you for Mikirken State University?
I have a 3.4 GPA, my SAT score is 1350, and I am the proud son of a hard-working single mother.
But my most important qualification is that I will become the first president of the world.
That is to say, that sometime in the year 2062, I will be inaugurated as the first president of the United World Order, a democratic, federal government with jurisdiction over the entire Earth.
Why do I know about my destiny?
Although I don’t have the full story, I have preened this information from the hundreds of time travelers who have visited, stalked and harassed me since my birth.
That might sound unusual, and it is.
At least, it is for normal people.
However, for People of Historical Interest (POHI), it’s quite regular. In fact, every POHI from the Egyptian King Narmer to the 24th century Cyber Warlord Bob has been swarmed by curious, fact-finding time travelers.
You might also think it’s strange that the time travelers have told me so much about my history. The truth is, they’re not supposed to reveal themselves as time travelers or tell me anything about the future.
But time travelers, while being generally intelligent people, are so enthusiastic about meeting historical figures that they tend to let things slip.
When I was four, our mailman would deliver mail three times a day and regularly ask if he could join us for breakfast in our home.
My mother assumed he was romantically interested in her, but it quickly became apparent that he was more interested in her parenting. What she fed me, what books she read to me, if I showed any traits that might facilitate my future greatness, etc.
He was writing a book.
They’re always writing a book.
When confronted with the fact that the post office had never heard of him and his uniform was clearly made of a chrome-colored, synthetic fiber unknown to modern science, he confessed.
Since then, my mother and I have become adept at spotting time travelers. They almost seem relieved when they’re exposed, admitting their professions, but adding that they cannot reveal anything about the future or risk dire consequences for the timeline and humanity’s destiny.
But slip-ups happen.
When I was nine, a woman asked me what influence the U.N. declaration of human rights had on my understanding of Neo-Gramscian International Relations theories.
I asked, “why?”
She said, “because you quote the declaration in your inauguration speech as first President of the United World Order in 2062.”
That’s when I knew.
Since that embarrassing slip-up, it’s been easier for me to collect information about my future self and explore why I would make a great MSU student from the perspective of Post-Doctorate level historical analysis.
In the future, I will lead a band of highly-talented individuals to save the planet from the worst effects of climate change, mitigate the chaos and violence caused by depleted world resources and unite all nations in the greatest endeavor ever taken to end war, forever.
Although I’m not the most brilliant POHI or the strongest, I have a high degree of honesty and moral courage, or so I’m told, and yet I am strangely evasive.
I will be regularly compared to Abraham Lincoln, although my place in history is closer to that of foundational leader like George Washington, speaking from a strictly American historical perspective.
Also, my favorite subjects are math and biology.
Tell us an experience that humbled you.
This answer is also related to the time traveler/future president of the world thing.
My college prep tutor told me that I needed to show a variety of experiences in my essays, but seeing as that tutor is also a time traveler in disguise, I have decided to write more about this particular aspect of my life.
I also realize that being a POHI with a constant retinue of time traveling observers hardly seems like a humbling experience.
Certainly, my mother has taken enormous pride in my future. She has used it as affirmation her all-bran breakfasts are the cornerstone of a healthy childhood. Time travelers seem reluctant or unwilling to dissuade her of that idea… unfortunately.
Nevertheless, many conversations have been disturbing.
Most travelers come from the years 2130 (roughly the year time travel was invented) through 2180. But I also get people from 2200 through 2240, a period where my legacy becomes “problematic.”
During my rise to power and administration I made (or will make) several compromises and had a variety of moral blind spots that were perfectly acceptable, or at least overlooked, until the year 2200, when citizens of the first world order start to “wake up.”
These moral failings include not recognizing Kurdistan, the Basque Country, Tibet, Somalia and France as independent states within the global federal system.
Supposedly, that’s due to the racism and ignorance of my “America-centric perspective.”
I also blocked amendments to the global constitution that would grant human rights to cyborgs and genetically enhanced humans. That backwards view will lead to a century of discrimination.
Time travelers tell me about these problems regularly with almost no observance of temporal law. I suspect that many of them hope to change the timeline, and maybe they have.
Whereas other time travelers are looking for the keys to greatness, these people are looking for the seeds of evil.
They hate bran.
My mother doesn’t like those travelers and tries to shoo them away whenever possible, but they keep coming. They argue a lot with historians that praise my administration. Sometimes, they’ll even start fist fights.
I used to argue with them too.
I’d become defensive and scream. Tell them they wouldn’t even be alive without future-me.
I’ve grown. I recognize their pain and try to listen now. They’re right to be angry or even hate me, because I could have easily made their lives easier by a simple admission of their humanity.
But I didn’t (or won’t).
These historians have made me realize that I’m not perfect, and I never will be.
How I come to forget these lessons in the future is beyond me. I suspect that I will be forced to compromise my morality for some sort of greater good.
I don’t know.
But I’m the only person who regrets something they haven’t done yet.
What do you hope to accomplish at Mikirken State University?
As you are probably aware, Mikirken State University currently ranks towards the bottom of universities nation-wide. There are almost no notable alumni or programs with significant acclaim.
I’m sorry for my honesty and the arrogance of this observation — but why would the future president of the world want to go to your university?
This application was inspired by one time traveler from the year 2567.
You see, after the year 2240, I stop being a POHI with such an emotionally controversial legacy and I start becoming a stale subject of academic interest.
I still get visitors from past that year, but they usually stay hidden, my failings and victories too distant to be provocative.
One morning, a dirty old man burst into my bedroom. His eyes were blood-shot and crazy. His hair hadn’t been washed in some time and he had a long, wiry beard.
He made no attempt to disguise himself for our time. Instead, his clothes were dirty and as grey as his beard.
I thought it was a time assassin, but before I could even scream, he held his hand to my mouth and pleaded with me to hear him out. I figured I had no other choice.
He told me that in his era, the government I founded is gone. The world is suffering from a terrible, man-made blight that’s left billions to starve to death. Competing cults have turned people against each other and freely destroy the world’s technological infrastructure and kill off engineers and scientists.
War and nuclear destruction envelope large sections of the planet. The ideals of justice, equality and freedom are taboo. Even the words used to describe them are being expunged from the future global languages.
The man told me he had saved the last known time traveling device and used its last charge to come talk to me.
He knew that in his distant past I prevented the horrors his world faced. He and his followers had come to worship me as their last hope for fixing a broken world.
And after telling me every detail of his time, he asked what I would do to heal the planet.
I said, “dude, I’m only 12.”
It wasn’t the answer he was looking for.
I never saw him again, and I’ve never seen a traveler from after 2567.
That doesn’t mean civilization was wiped out. It could be that my legacy was cleaned from history or time travel was banned or many other possibilities.
But getting back to the question — why MSU?
Right now, your institution may not be the best. And it won’t become significant in the next century. Or the century after that. Or the one after that.
Nevertheless, by 2567, it will be the last institution of higher learning left on the entire planet (at least, as far as that man knew). It’s from your university that that desperate man made his journey.
To be precise, he traveled from the basement of science center, which still exists in 2567.
I didn’t have an answer for him when I was twelve, but I plan on spending the next four years looking for one and leaving it for him.
I’ve been told (indirectly) that my college years don’t actually matter. There’s no record of my experiences during those years, and I will one day confess to being kind of idiot during this future time.
And so, I am not interested in a specific program, a career track, or even a degree.
I only hope to answer that one man.
I have included these essays along with my transcripts and other application materials.
Thank you for your time and consideration, and I hope to speak with you soon about my joining the student body.
Go Mavericks!
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