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C-Kan, MC Davo & DHARIUS – Theatre of the Living Arts – Philadelphia, PA – September 18, 2022
Photos by Nick Bruno © 2022
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zapatadesigns · 11 months
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calamardo-guapo · 2 years
This is my Jojo self insert for a medical AU called "joestars Anatomy"
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stand user: Wayne L-Gente
Very similar to under world, living on a video will force its victim into a location that the stand user desires to. It acts as a timeless panel where the world will stand as some kind of reality show. Because the user only likes to use it for their own entertainment.
In this place, until you die you get to scape (unless there's more people, in that case, everyone must die to leave).
The memories of the victim will be affected almost all the time by [WRITE THAT DOWN] another stand from a user called Enya.
When the victim enters this dimension created by LOAV, and brainwashed by WTD, they will act depending on the reality Enya wants.
After leaving the range of both stands the person will come back to their dimension, thinking that what just happened was a bad dream.
Wayne gained their stand during their time on jail after Killing a few contestants on a TV show they were hosting. Finding enjoyment on this, they went mad with this power. Forcing people to get lost or play against big animals and die in the most miserable ways.
No one knows why but the stand can take up to 60 people in one dimension.
Since the area is timeless,is like stopping time. But not a actually, since Wayne can observe and watch everything in real life. Even death contestants can watch what is happening inside LOAV's dimension.
Living on a video is a song by Trans-x sang in both French and English
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renskirenegade · 1 year
God is enough, but Sunday is not
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bloggin-by-zia · 1 year
5 Reasons To Pray.
•Prayer directs.
•Prayer changes you.
•Prayer invites the help of the spiritual realm here on earth.
•Prayer strengthens you.
•Prayer brings peace and comfort.
via. Dr. Dharius Daniels
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zyaatulip · 8 months
"The people we love don't benefit from the love we feel, but the love we show."
via. Dr. Dharius Dhaniels
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jartitameteneis · 7 months
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Si de verdad amas a una mujer
Si de verdad amas a una mujer
Harías todo por ella.
Viajarías a la luna por hallarle.
Irías a la atmosfera para dejar caer gotas lluvia en sus cabellos y le dirías al sol que se los seque.
Cuando amas de verdad a una mujer
Le mostrarías un eclipse lunar y le dirías que es momento de cambiar.
Que las primaveras se ven mejor desde agosto.
Que los inviernos están en los árboles, jamás en su pelo y que le harías el amor a través de la vía láctea.
Que del dolor si hay retorno, pero nunca del amor.
Que el sol es más cálido si lo miras en sus ojos.
Que te enamoraste de una estrella fugaz sin cicatrices.
Que si no la tienes a tu lado se te acaba el mundo y cuando la miras Dios creo tu mundo en un instante y no en siete días.
Que eres el viento elevando sus pies del suelo.
Que no hay café sin ella.
Que una buena peli se mira a su lado.
Que ella es poesía y tú solo un tonto poeta enamorado.
Que sin ella no existe el amor, ni la pasión, ni poemas a quien escribir.
Inclusive tu…
Es por eso que si de verdad amas a una mujer. Harías todo por sujetarle.
Te harías adicto a una canción que te la recuerde.
Que las sabanas son más frías si no está a tu lado y cuando esta se vuelven un infierno.
Que la lluvia en una ventana se mira mejor abrazándola.
Que las mejores vacaciones son en sus brazos.
Que un beso de sus labios te saben a versos y que sus pechos son el mejor lugar donde tú has dormido.
Si de verdad amas a una mujer
La vida es un milagro
Y que vale la pena vivir…
Si es con ella.
-Dharius Vidal
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l0st-files · 1 year
some of you are waiting to hear apologies from people who are not self aware enough to even realize their wrong -Dharius daniels
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DHARIUS – Theatre of the Living Arts – Philadelphia, PA – September 18, 2022
Photos by Nick Bruno © 2022
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disgoustd · 2 months
La verdad me convenciste y ahora sé que eran mentiras.
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justeunlama · 9 months
« … N'aie vraiment pas peur ; N'aie pas peur d'aimer
Partir en guerre sans armure
Riez encore pour rien.
Pleurer pour être heureux, et pas pour n'importe qui.
« …Nous avons le temps de quitter la tasse de café à moitié vide, le livre de poèmes à moitié ouvert. Ouvrez la porte et sortez de la maison.
"... N'ayez pas peur d'ouvrir les yeux et de regarder votre angoisse assis sur un banc. Pendant que vous vous éloignez en sirotant un sorbet au citron.
"... N'ayez pas peur de garder vos préjugés dans un tiroir. Pendant que vous essayez un manteau de foi. La foi qui est le médicament de l'amour.
"... N'ayez pas peur d'arrêter de parcourir le monde. De rester et de vivre dans son regard.
"... Essayez la géométrie de ses baisers. Oubliez la grammaire de ses vers. Parce que si Neruda était encore en vie, il voudrait sûrement l'embrasser, et non écrire un livre.
"... Alors... N'ayez pas peur.
"...N'ayez pas peur de laisser s'échapper des papillons de votre ventre. Laissez-vous guider vers elle par les lucioles sur sa peau.
"...Sentez la poésie, l'orgasme et la bière. Écoutez de la trova, des poèmes et des soupirs. Pendant que vous écrivez sur elle. Vous êtes en elle.
"...Donnez-lui le titre de reine et non de princesse. Laissez un trèfle à quatre feuilles dans un tiroir, et faites-lui des armes. Votre amulette.
"...Pour enfin comprendre, que tu as découvert le sens de la vie quand il t'embrasse lentement. Pour t'en peindre.
"... N'ayez pas peur d'aimer sauvagement, de la baiser tendrement, car vous découvrirez qu'un vagin et un cœur ont les mêmes degrés Celsius. S'ils sont caressés avec amour.
-Dharius Vidal
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said7taliban · 7 months
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Said Taliban😎"Amantes Nómadas"
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❔Me Pluma de nuevo recurre Tus ✍🏻Curvas
📜Un viaje Infinito equipado con ❔mis "Runas"
✍🏻Nos separa simplemente una
📜Orilla de Cristal
❔Tu amor la traspasa con un paso ✍🏻Casual
📜Sois una “EmperaDiosa” en un ❔Recipiente Mortal
✍🏻Heredera de una Belleza de un tribu 📜“Ancestral”
❔Somos “Nómadas” viajeros del ✍🏻Odio y El Amor
📜Sanadores de “Cicatrices” que ❔suspiran del Dolor
✍🏻Desorientado en un Desierto de 📜"Represalias"
❔Tus “Besos” me guían y el Mapa ✍🏻son mis “Poesías”
❔Deseo tener contigo una ✍🏻"Historia" cada Noche
📜Brindemos con Pasión hasta ❔que el Ocaso se “Emborraché”
✍🏻El que quiere que nos separe
📜Será un “Mártir” Suicida
❔Yo seré tus raíces y vos me ✍🏻“Fruta Prohibida”
📜Por ti le Arrancaré el Alma al ❔“Diablo”
✍🏻Se alguien intenta solamente
📜tocarte un solo “Pelo”
❔Sin vos ame lado me pierdo enel ✍🏻mismo Atajo
📜Lágrimas frías que despliegan ❔en cada “Reflejo”
✍🏻Por Siempre serás el plácido
❔Sensaciones “Sinápticos” en un ✍🏻corazón Polémico.
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michael-murphy0420 · 9 months
"...Sedúceme como si fuera la última vez
Como si fuera la última noche de nuestras vidas
Sedúceme con esa mirada de niña perversa
E incita a mi mirada lasciva a conocer tu mundo
Muéstrame como poco a poco te desprendes
De tus prendas como también de los tabúes y prejuicios
Déjame ser la última porción de las cenizas en tu hoguera
Sedúceme…Deja que apague con mi lluvia seminal
Tú incendio y rocié de ella las aceitunas que descansan
En tus tetas…
Sedúceme llévame a la gloria de tu entrepierna deja
Que como un cansado viajero descanse en tu oasis
Y no muera en un desierto.
Sedúceme pídeme que entre en ti, como viejas poesías
Que he leído por ahí.
-Dharius Vidal
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bloggin-by-zia · 8 months
How to develop a mindset for more via Dr. Dharius Daniels - “I’m not Greedy, I’m Hungry” sermon 🩵
1. Mindset for more
More requires an attitude adjustment. The scripture communicates that God advances a persons life, head first. The first thing he moves is your mind by giving you a mindset for more. You are wherever your mind is. Do not be conformed by this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
2. Maturity for more
We don’t only need a mind that wants more, we need a heart that can handle it. Whenever you get more of anything, you get more of everything. For example: You don’t get a promotion without pressure. You don’t get more notoriety without getting more criticism. You need a degree of maturity to be able to handle the backsides of those blessings.
3. A Method for more
The more doesn’t happen magically. It comes through methods, ideas and strategy. Pray for God to give you a plan.
4. Make room for more
May God make unexplainable eliminations in your life. When God removes certain things or people from our life, he wants to do it preemptively. Meaning, he wants to do it before you see why it needs to be done. There’s a level of more that no longer allows you to manage high maintenance relationships. You need people in your life that want you to experience more, even if they know things between you need to be adjusted.
5. Make noise for more
Don’t wait for more to arrive for you to be glad, your gladness before it arrives is an expression and indication that you believe it’s coming. Become a person of praise. Give thanks constantly. Practice mindfulness. You can’t praise without getting your mind full of what’s praiseworthy about God. Live a life of gratitude and thanks giving. Gratitude is the seed for more. God gives more to the grateful. Be grateful for what is already done.
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zyaatulip · 11 months
Public Journal Entry Two
In todays journal entry I decided to compile a list of what has helped me remain consistent with my relationship with God:
Regularly watching online sermons. You'll find a wide range of pastors that deliver great messages on YouTube. My personal favourite is Dharius Daniels. This is the link to the first sermon I watched that got me hooked: https://youtu.be/LTU7EXmF5HI
Waking up early to read a devotional/bible every morning (sounds like a lot but gets easier with time. Plus, it's a great start to the day. The devotional I read is called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young)
Having a worship playlist that speaks to you. https://music.apple.com/za/playlist/me-god/pl.u-xlyNEylIJv8PEvy?ls
Frequently journalling. This is another thing that takes time to get used to but is a great way to get your thoughts in order. Pour your heart out onto that piece of paper and speak to God. Write about your plans, use it to take down notes when watching sermons, write down the bible verse that stands out to you that day and ponder over it. Also, writing is a great way to not only help you reflect but also manifest.
Remember that prayer can be done orally, mentally or written. So choose what works for you and believe that God hears you because he knows our hearts. Lastly, I know it's overwhelming but please remember that you don't have to perform well in order to receive God's love. In fact, a performance will pull you away from him. Shift your focus from your performance to his presence. Your responsibility is to be receptive to his unconditional love.
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