#diabolik lovers fanbook
46snowfox · 2 years
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Para responder a la duda de todo aquel que ha escuchado que CB y DL tienen una conexión, pero las historias les parecen demasiado distintas.
En la sinópsis de Carnelian Blood traducida por mi amiga y admin de la página de facebook, @sugar-lollipop , se menciona tanto a lo fundadores, una enfermedad que los exterminó y al banmaden: "Hay un recuerdo peligroso que no debería haber sido recordado. Un bello Cardenal una vez trajo una calamidad a los residentes que vivían en el abismo del Makai/Inframundo. Existe un ominoso/abominable relieve de algo deteriorado descubierto en el Pandemonium/Banmaden por los Fundadores que estaban orgullosos de su poder/gloria en el Makai. Una enfermedad que provocó la extinción de los Fundadores/Ancestros"
Durante el capítulo V del manga de Carnelian Blood se hace mención de los clanes Adler (águila), Vibora (Víbora) y Volf (Lobo). Sumado a esto, en el capítulo del manga que venía con el primer fanbook se menciona que los cinco miembros de EROSION pertenecen a estos clanes, siendo Toxin y Yoru lobos, Neight y Byakuya águilas y Creha una víbora. Además, en el capítulo VII aparece un vampiro, el mismo que se lleva mencionando desde la sinópsis de la historia de Carnelian Brecht.
El vampiro que aparece en el manga y convierte en uno de los suyos al protagonista no es nadie más y nadie menos que Karl Heinz. En el capítulo VIII del manga se le ve jugando ajedrez con una especie de sombra que muy probablemente se trate de su buen amigo Sócrates.
En el segundo CD drama principal de EROSION se da a conocer que los miembros de la banda no solo han sido enviados a Japón, sino que a la ciudad ficticia de Kaminashi, en donde también reside el elenco de Diabolik Lovers. En este mismo CD se hace mención de la academia Ryoutei, a donde asisten los vampiros y fundadores, ojo, no es la misma academia a la que asisten los cinco hermanos, pues ellos van a Hoshiin.
En el tercer drama se vuelve a mencionar la academia, debido a que alumnos de estas asistirán al festival escolar de Hoshiin, al final del CD también aparecen 3 de los hermanos sufriendo un ataque al sentir la presencia de un vampiro que casualmente resulta ser pelirrojo.
Como un último punto, en el primer volumen de EROSION WITH YOU la protagonista de la saga afirma haberse criado en la iglesia de Kaminashi, lugar conocido por ser donde se crío Yui, aunque los recuerdos de esta chica no son de fiar.
Para finalizar, todos estos puntos son aquellos que demuestran que efectivamente esta historia ocurre en el mismo universo que DL, sin embargo, no deja de ser un spin off, por lo que es una historia distinta, con personajes ajenos al elenco de la saga original y que no tiene por qué llegar a mezclarse con la historia de ellos, así que no hay que sorprenderse por si llegan a mencionar poco y nada a los vampiros y fundadores sádicos.
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lovebatty · 2 months
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“Every person, no matter what, is unique. And so will their love. Mine, will remain in writing.”
An amateur poet, journalism student. With a huge heart and a vast thought!
VA: Shimazaki Nobunaga.
The first child of a separated couple in Mexico. Romantic is a young man that, at first glance, seems like an self-centered, strict and dedicated student. He’s usually described as a «nerd» since he gives greater importance to his achievements than his actual relationships. He hides under a mask of arrogance and pride to hide that, actually, he’s a rather sensitive, timid boy who has some difficulty and is afraid to open up to other people because they will notice that he’s not as «ideal» as he seems to be.
Romantic studies a lot and every day he stands out for being intelligent, smart, analytical and observant, which is why he got the highest grade in Mexico’s national exams. That guaranteed him a place to become one of the lucky ones to go as exchange students to Japan, in which he would continue with his studies and a future journalism project. However, ever since he came to the Sakamaki manor, Romantic’s life as well as his personality have been deformed into a more sadistic and utterance one.
Rejet’s Itou.
His appearance gives him certain airs of a perceptive «few friends» guy, but at the same time a cute clumsy one? It's almost impossible to hate him considering how gentle he can be and how practical his daily life is. That’s something I really like about him and, in part, the air we wanted to give him when creating his character.
The Illustrator Satoi.
He’s a very serious character, so I made sure his design is well-defined as well, which gives him that touch of a model student. I also put many accessories on show, some even not so self-evident and attempted to specific a few charm giving him those huge pink eyes and a endearing smile. Furthermore, I think what stands out the foremost is his pink beanie, that covers much of his hair and makes him distinctive from the most characters up till now.
Race: Human?
Grade: 2nd Year High School Student at Ryōtei Academy
Age: 18
Length: 165cm
Weight: 56 kg
Blood type: O
Birthday: June 25th
Zodiac: Cancer
Favorite food: Pomegranate
Hobby: Reading
First row: neutral, blushing, smiling.
Second row: happy, serious, confused.
Third row: surprised, worried, nervous.
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“Oh, are you asking me about my preferences? Well... I’ll be happy to answer your question. ♪”
✓ Keep in mind my boundaries.
✓ Someone who will look after me without neglecting himself isn’t bad.
✓ The perfect amount of possessiveness.
✓ I like silly men, in a good way.
✓ You must have goals and desires.
If you want to win Romantic’s heart, you must have to be on his level and get his attention. He’s a sweet and polite person who is willing to give his best to anyone he deems worthy. Take care, since somebody like him seldom excuses...
Admin’s comment 🧚🏻‍♀️
I may edit this when I already have Romantic’s full sprite, however I still wanted to upload it due to a request❕ㅤ(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
If you like it, please consider giving this post a fav, reblog and why not, even follow me❕ As always, thank you so much for reading. Have an amazing day.
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“Cada persona, pase lo que pase, es única. Y también lo hará su amor. El mío, quedará en escribir.”
Poeta aficionado, estudiante de periodismo. ¡Con un corazón enorme y un pensamiento vasto!
VA: Shimazaki Nobunaga
El primer hijo de una pareja separada en México. Romantic es un joven que, a primera vista, parece un estudiante egocéntrico, estricto y dedicado. Generalmente se le describe como un «nerd» porque le da mayor importancia a sus logros que a sus relaciones reales. Se esconde bajo una máscara de arrogancia y orgullo para ocultar que, en realidad, es un hombre bastante sensible, tímido, que tiene algunas dificultades y tiene miedo de abrirse a otras personas porque notarán que no es tan «ideal» como parece.
Romantic estudia mucho y cada día se destaca por ser inteligente, sagaz, analítico y observador, razón por la cual obtuvo la nota más alta en los exámenes nacionales de México. Eso le garantizó un lugar para convertirse en uno de los afortunados en ir como estudiantes de intercambio a Japón, donde continuaría con sus estudios y un futuro proyecto periodístico. Sin embargo, desde que llegó a la mansión Sakamaki, la vida y la personalidad de Romantic se han deformado hasta volverse más sádicas y expresadas dependiendo de sus decisiones.
Itou de Rejet.
Su aspecto le da ciertos aires de chico de «pocos amigos» perspicaz, ¿pero a la vez simpático y torpe? Es casi imposible odiarlo considerando lo amable que puede ser y lo práctica que es su vida diaria. Eso es algo que me gusta mucho de él y, en parte, el aire que quisimos darle a la hora de crear su personaje.
El ilustrador Satoi.
Es un personaje muy serio, así que me aseguré de que su diseño también estuviera bien definido, lo que le da ese toque de estudiante modelo. También mostré muchos accesorios, algunos incluso no tan evidentes e intenté especificar algunos encantos propios, dándole esos enormes ojos rosados ​​y una sonrisa entrañable. Además, creo que lo que más destaca es su gorro rosa, que cubre gran parte de su cabello y lo distingue de la mayoría de personajes hasta el momento.
Raza: ¿Humano?
Grado: Estudiante de segundo año de preparatoria en la Academia Ryōtei
Edad: 18
Longitud: 165cm
Peso: 56 kilos
Tipo de sangre: O
Cumpleaños: 25 de junio
Zodíaco: Cáncer
Comida favorita: Granada
Pasatiempo: Leer
Primera fila: neutral, sonrojado, sonriente.
Segunda fila: feliz, serio, confundido.
Tercera fila: sorprendido, preocupado, nervioso.
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“Oh, ¿me estás preguntando sobre mis preferencias? Bueno... estaré encantado de responder a tu pregunta. ♪”
✓ Ten en cuenta mis límites.
✓ Alguien que me cuide sin descuidarse no está mal.
✓ La cantidad perfecta de posesividad.
✓ Me gustan los hombres tontos, en el buen sentido.
✓ Debes tener metas y deseos.
Si quieres ganarte el corazón de Romantic, debes estar a su nivel y llamar su atención. Es una persona dulce y educada que está dispuesto a dar lo mejor de sí a quien considere digno. Ten cuidado, ya que alguien como él rara vez deja pasar excusas...
Comentario del admin 🧚🏻‍♀️
Puede que llegue a editar esto cuando ya tenga el sprite completo de Romantic, sin embargo, aún quería subirlo debido a una solicitud anónima❕ㅤ(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
Si les gusto, consideren darle a esta publicación un fav, rebloguear y, por qué no, incluso seguirme❕ Como siempre, muchas gracias por leer. Qué tengan un maravilloso día.
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Route; Full Masterlist
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001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Haunted Dark Bridal [WIP]
002. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood [WIP]
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS Lunatic Parade [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Chaos Lineage [WIP]
001. DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu [WIP]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Character Song [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood [WIP]
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, More Blood [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS Limited V Edition [WIP]
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Bloody Bouquet [WIP]
009. DIABOLIK LOVERS Eternal Blood [WIP]
010. DIABOLIK LOVERS Para-Selene [WIP]
011. DIABOLIK LOVERS Grand Edition [WIP]
013. DIABOLIK LOVERS Born to Die [WIP]
001. Official Tweets [WIP]
003. DIABOLIK LOVERS Visual Fanbook [WIP]
004. DIABOLIK LOVERS Anime Official Fanbook [WIP]
005. DIABOLIK LOVERS More, Blood Official Fanbook [WIP]
006. DIABOLIK LOVERS Vandead Carnival Official Fanbook [WIP]
007. DIABOLIK LOVERS 5th Anniversary Book [WIP]
008. DIABOLIK LOVERS Short Stories [WIP]
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Source: DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, BLOOD Official Visual Fanbook
Release date: 2013
Huge thank you to @keithvalentinex​ for providing the raw scans!
Q1. When was the series’ sequel decided on?
A: Around the time the first game ‘DIABOLIK LOVERS’ was released in stores. We were fortunate enough to have already received news of an anime adaption at the time, so at some point we played with the idea of creating a fan disc to go along with it. However, if possible we wanted to hype up the series even more in anticipation of the anime’s release, which is how the production of a  ‘DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, BLOOD’ series came to realisation.
Q2. Did you plan on introducing a set of 4 new characters during the early phases of development?
A: The initial draft we received from Rejet-sama mentioned four characters. We figured that with that amount, we could pack it into one game and create an equal amount of content as we did for the Sakamaki’s, so we proceeded with said idea. At one of the first brainstorm sessions, we casually dropped the idea of creating a game with 6 Do-M characters... (lol) However, that would stray too far away from the core concept behind ‘DIABOLIK LOVERS’, so it obviously got rejected. (lol)
Q3. How did you go about writing the characters’ dialogue and actions?
A: I believe that the previous installment can be regarded rather groundbreaking within the genre of otome games. However, the boys coming across as too strong to the point where it would prevent someone from delving deeper into their character is something we reflected upon. We wanted to make up for that this time and created this game with the intend of exploring them even further.
Q4. What did you struggle the most with while writing the script?
A: This doesn’t apply solely to the script, but the fact there are so many romanceable characters in this game is what made it so difficult. However, we did not want there to be a difference in quality between the different characters’ routes. Despite our strong wish to please the playerbase, it made the distribution of time very difficult. The writers would first pen down the script, then Rejet-san would do the proofreading and make adjustments and then pass it on to us. However, reading a script while playing a game or simply reading it on paper is still different, so we were making minute changes down to the very last minute of development. We ran through the same process for the last game, but this time around, the total amount of content was just very large. We once again felt the struggle of putting in so many characters to choose from. However, we did this to create an even better game, so it was worth the struggle. 
Q5. Which character caused you the most problems while writing the script?
A: All of the Sakamaki’s. The four Mukami brothers who make their appearance in this installment may be Vampires, but they were once human just like the heroine, so in terms of emotions, they tend to sympathize with her more. As a result, it only makes the Sakamaki’s seem even more like they are the villains of the story. While this may seem obvious given their original setting of being both ‘Vampires’ and ‘extreme sadists’, it makes it very easy for the otome game element as well as the feelings they end up developing for the heroine to be lost, in which case they would no longer be the six brothers we wanted to deliver. Therefore, it was very difficult to convey to the player that the love they harbor for the heroine eventually makes them change, while still preserving the sadistic tendencies which stem from their nature as Vampires at the same time. The player base has spent quite a bit of time interacting with these brothers, and I am sure it was not always easy, but I hope said message was delivered to those who played our game.
Q6. Is there a character who underwent drastic changes compared to the last game?
A: All of them are still the same at the core, so my impression of them did not change depending on the scenario. I believe minor changes were done to the way some of the characters are drawn, but personally I perceive each character as a mix of both their previous and current representation. 
Q7. In this game, each section is divided into a ‘Situation Part’ and ‘Story Part’. Could you explain your intentions behind this?
A: When collecting feedback on the previous game, we received many complaints about the different chapters feeling inconsistent and all over the place. However, we always intended ‘DIABOLIK LOVERS’ to be a game in which the player gets to enjoy these different kind of ‘situations’, so without losing this part of the enjoyment, we figured we had to make the plot progression easier to grasp, which is how the current structure was implementend. To make it even more clear to the player, we divided it into two sections and gave each of them a title, changing the names as well. 
Q8. What are parts which have greatly improved or parts you want us to focus on in comparison to the first game?
A: To ensure the player gets to enjoy the development in the heroine and characters’ thoughts and feelings, we applied small adjustments till the very last second. We hope that the people playing the game will take notice of this as well. 
Q9. Why do you think the series has received such a great amount of support?
A: I believe the impact of the ‘Do-S Vampire’ concept, Satoi-san’s eye-catching illustrations and the charm of the cast who voices the characters all play a big part in this. Furthermore, I also believe that the simultaenous announcement of both drama CDs and a game which took place during the early stages of development had a large influence as well. We were able to make a smooth transition from the release of the CDs to the release of the games, which made it easier for the fans to follow along with the franchise. We truly are grateful for that!
Q10. Were there any ideas you wanted to incorporate in this game, but were unable to do in the end?
A: This game features the same selection segment as the previous one in which scenario’s 1 ~ 6 raise your love meter, while scenarios 7 ~ 10 raise the SM meter. However, we implemented the distinction between the ‘situation part’ and ‘story part’ this time, so it might have actually been even more enjoyable if the situation part raises the SM meter instead...I think. Those kind of features may vary depending on the vision of the director and staff members, so I would like to use this experience to think of various possible routes for future installments, as well as to settle on an end product which is fitting for the franchise. Furthermore, this may seem like a task without an end but I believe that the voicing plays a big factor in delivering the story. It is a vital element of conveying the message you want to tell, in a way that whether or not the player understands the plot is often highly dependent on the voice work. Every time I find myself wanting to perfect this, but it is difficult to supervise all of it just by myself...However, there’s always next time, so I’d love to squeeze in the time to thoroughly check this!
Q11. Do you have any more games planned for the series at present? Would you personally like to create more sequels?
A: We do not as of now, but if there is a strong demand for it, we might just be able to develop another game. Personally I would like to make a stereotypical ‘fandisc’ but the very first thing that comes to mind with those is a 'sweet, romantic story’ so I do struggle a little envisioning how that would play out with a cast made out of nothing but intense characters. 
Q12. Please leave a message for the fans.
A: Thanks to the support we have received from all of you, we were able to create so much content for this franchise. I put my heart and soul into this game, so I sincerely hope that many people will enjoy it. Your impressions and encouraging messages are a great motivator as well, so I am eagerly awaiting those! The series may deliver new installments in the future, and to ensure that you all can continue to enjoy ‘DIABOLIK LOVERS’, we will continue to try our hardest together with Rejet-san, so we’d be happy if you could send us your heartfelt support. 
Sakamaki brothers: The final few chapters of Ayato’s route left a strong impression on me. I couldn’t help but wonder if somebody could truly be that stubborn and in denial about their own feelings, insistent on calling the girl they love ‘a prey’ till the very end. I felt so frustrated when the heroine’s feelings just wouldn’t get through to him, tears welled up in my eyes. 
Mukami brothers: The part which gave me the most goosebumps during the development stages has to be Ruki’s Manservant Ending. Takagi Sakurai-san did a magnificant job portraying his silent madness, it was truly wonderful. Second place would be Azusa’s brute ending, even though I knew how the story would go, I still ended up feeling a little depressed by it, so please be careful when you play this scenario...
Who would you choose in these situations? What’s the developer’s opinion?
S1. To sleep together with?
Best: Subaru, I feel like he has a good sleeping posture.
Worst: Subaru, he might not move around much in his sleep, but it’d still be uncomfortable and narrow in that coffin, huh? 
S2. To go on a trip together with?
Best: Shuu, I’m sure he’d just loaf around the lodge all day, so I get to enjoy the trip in whichever way I want!
Worst: Laito, I’d rather keep my distance from him. 
S3. To eat together with?
Best: Kou because I’m sure he’d happily gobble it up.
Worst: Kanato, I feel like the food would be lacking in nutrients.
S4. To study with?
Best: Ruki, I think he’d do a good job explaining everything accurately.
Worst: ???, honestly all of them...
S5. To go on a date with?
Best: Yuma, I actually think he would make for a great boyfriend.
Worst: Shuu, because everything would be a chore to him...
S6. To play a video game with?
Best: Ayato, he just seems like the type of guy you can always have fun and make some ruckus with.
Worst: Reiji, he seems super fussy.
S7. To play sports with?
Best: Shuu, I don’t really like exercising so...I’ll go with the person who seems unlikely to exercise in the first place.
Worst: Ayato, I don’t like exercise after all...
S8. To go on a drive with?
Best: Ruki, I’m positive he would look handsome behind the wheel.
Worst: Azusa, it’d be bad if his bandages were to get stuck around the steering wheel or the gear stick...
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[Spolier] Diabolik Lovers - 5th Anniversary Book
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rillianeriver · 2 years
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I purchased these books these books last December and I was given an update about its estimated time of arrival (3rd week of February). If I'm lucky I might get my items before March. I'm really curious about this Otomate Summer 2014 Fanbook, hopefully it has some pictures (I prefer more pictures than Japanese text as I can't read them).
I'm also excited about some packages coming by next week, I bought a few stuffs locally. I was even surprised to find a light novel (Japanese text) in Shopee so I got it despite it being battered (having yellowish pages and creases).
I'm also eyeing an art book in Mercari but because it has creases, I'm having second thoughts. It's cheaper than the one in Suruga-ya but my OC mind is giving me a hard time deciding. I wanted to really buy that art book though.
I'm also excited for my stuffs coming by April which mostly Animal Crossing related. Those have been sitting with bae for a long time and finally he can give it to me (he lives overseas and we can finally meet).
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jealousjulian · 3 years
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—Diabolik Lovers Moreblood Fanbook
My scans
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everything-laito · 3 years
Hello, I wanted to say thank you for all the work you have done. I was just wondering that do you know if the drama cd's that you posted are compiled and mirrored somewhere like google drive, Mega or Mediafire? I was wondering where I can find more Diabolik lovers content like fanbooks, illustration books and other downloadable contents if there are any?
Oh of course, anon! I like doing this stuff and compiling all this :)
As for drama CDs, I have them all downloaded personally on my hard drive, however I do have a directory to my entire CDs page (however tokutens are not added yet) which you can find in my masterpost on my pinned post or on my desktop version, or on this link! However tokutens of Laito’s is on @vampiretsuki ‘s masterlist of all Laito things here!
I know most of the links I have on mine have accessible audio last time I checked. As for fan books etc, check Tsuki’s masterpost, you can find them on the link I sent, but it’s under “part three.” She has stuff compiled of all the boys!
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bakustark · 4 years
alright so, i know i’m supposed to be answering the remaining asks on my inbox, but i just had to write some headcanons for Laito’s original character designs. apparently he was supposed to be BLOND AND A HIPSTER?? I—
Instead of going all “mou, bitch-chaaan” it’s “sup, hoe?”
Calls his brothers “homies”
They fucking hate him
Has a YouTube account, posts videos of himself backflipping off things while yelling “PARKOUR” and pranking his brothers
“Yui, come watch me backflip off the roof!” “Laito-kun nO—”
Quotes vines on the daily
Wears fingerless gloves with each and every outfit
Smokes pot on the school’s roof
Has a mood ring on his pinkie because “it’s fancy”
Likes to dip his chicken nuggies in chocolate fudge
Mixes blood with Red Bull
Listens to Panic! At the Disco or something
Sings at the top of his lungs at like 3pm and binges anime
His brothers will not get any sleep
He ignores each and every single one of his traumas
If he doesn’t remember, it didn’t happen
Reiji: [is lecturing him]
Laito: [opens book] it says here that you’re a bitch
Subaru’s his favorite brother
He puts stuff on top of Shuu when he’s sleeping (cushions, books, chairs, plates—)
His hobby is finger painting but like with his TOES
Has dance battles with Kou
Karlheinz’s Greatest Disappointment™
Throws eggs at Richter
ALWAYS has a green Uno reverse card in his pocket
Loves to cosplay, but it’s always some shit like this:
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His idea of the perfect date is APRIL 25 BECAUSE IT’S NOT TOO COLD OR TOO HOT—
All in all, he’s both the worst and greatest thing Karlheinz has ever created PERIOD.
thanks for coming to my ted talk
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milkmateartist · 6 years
tTagged By: @keanrt
Rules: answer 30 questions, tag 20 blogs
Nicknames: Milk, Milkmate, Milkmaid, douchebag vampire wanna be boner 
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Virgo 
Height: 5′3 or something like that
Time: 4:40 am
Birthday: Sometime in September
Fav. Bands: Pendulum, Starset, Breaking Benjamin, Skillet, Cash Cash, Evanescence, Within Temptation, Infected Mushroom, Vocaloid (?), One Ok Rock
Fav. Solo Artist:  Amy Lee (Evanescence)
Song Stuck in My Head: Listening to Danganronpa 3 Opening - Dead or Lie, but for a song that gets stuck in my head easily.. beep beep im a sheep....
Last Movie I Watched: Zootopia 
Last Show I Watched:  Danganronpa 3 
When did I create my blog: not sure how to check but my last post is April 2014. 
What do I post: mostly art and asks I respond to, maybe an occasion reblog of something like this if I’m bored
Last thing I googled:  clip studio change color of folder
Do I have any other blogs: https://askcreek-craig-and-tweek.tumblr.com/ and also one that went into hiatus lonnggg ago: http://askdota2.tumblr.com/
Do I get asks:   yup
Why I did choose my URL:  it was milkmaidartist at first and then pron blogs were like “can i see some milk” and “o so u like milk huh” so I changed it to milkmate :P
Following: 140
Followed by: 4,118 on this blog, 5,729 on my ask blog
Average hours of sleep:  X + Y = 8 hours combined in 2 days, 3rd day,  17 hours straight.
Lucky number:  maybe... 6 or 9 or 7? 
Instruments:  Played trombone in elementary school :P  Tried violin, but I probably play the keyboard and mouse the best Hahahah
What I am wearing:  My Room Attire which consists of Blue bathrobe and Razor Kraken Headset.  - the attire i mostly do my art in XD
Dream job:  making otome games
Dream trip:   hot tub, KFC colonel in his wrestling attire, tokyo penthouse, amazing nature, scuba diving and seeing coral reefs
Favorite food: KFC
Nationality:  asian
Fav. song:  Crush by Pendulum or Starlight by Starset
Last book I read:   Diabolik Lovers Fanbook
Top three fictional universes I want to join:                 Harry Potter (cuz magic and shyit)                Subnautica (i love sea monsters)                Fire Emblem (seems lit)
Tagged 20 blogs:  (Im only tagging a few 20 is too much DX)   @ribbon-puff @brightstarblogs  @little-shite-trash      @mountainsmountainsmountains  @chickenbet   @the-eyeless-dog   @p-aurisan   you don’t have to do it if you don’t wanna btw
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➡️Come check out our full range of otome goods!
Here is a small selection of interesting items...
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➡️(Character Song) Uta no Prince-sama Idol Song Ranmaru & Ai [Limited Edition]
Introducing a special CD of the duets and solos by the "Uta no Prince-sama" senior idols!
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➡[set](Artworks) Code: Realize ~Future Blessings~ Official Visual Fanbook [w/ Button Badge x2, animate Limited Edition Set]
Beginning with concept art illustrations by miko, the fascinating points of the game are explored in full through never-before-released rough sketches, line art, loaded-with-production-secrets developer interviews, and hints and tips! The cover art was drawn especially for the occasion by miko!! Our animate limited edition sets come with a set of two button badges created from the cover art drawn especially for this visual fanbook: Arsène Lupin and Abraham Van Helsing!! This is a limited edition item, so the promotion ends as soon as stocks run out. Get your orders in quickly ♪
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Featuring the cast of:
Shu Sakamaki: Kosuke Toriumi Reiji Sakamaki: Katsuyuki Konishi Yuma Mukami: Tatsuhisa Suzuki Kino: Tomoaki Maeno
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➡️(Album) A3! Game - Mini Album A3! First SPRING EP
Here we have a mini album featuring the Spring Unit of "A3!" - the game where you get to raise hot actors! The cover art has been especially drawn by super popular illustrator Ryou Fujiwara! This CD is a collection of music by the Summer Unit used in-game!
We are getting more goods in regularly, so keep an eye on our store, and feel free to let us know what kinds of titles you'd like to see us add!
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46snowfox · 2 years
Hola snow! Veo que subes traducciones sobre Erosion xxxx y yo la verdad no sé bien de qué va, me podrías hacer un mini resumen de la trama? Sé que está medio relacionado con DL y toda la cosa pero no sé de qué va, me sería de gran ayuda y podría apoyar tus traducciones :). Igual, gracias por todas tus traducciones! Me encantan 💗
Holi! En este punto parezco la CEO de Erosion en español(?
Lo que tiene que ver con Diabolik Lovers es que la historia sucede en el mismo universo, mismas razas de demonios, misma ciudad en el mundo humano (Kaminashi) y que Karl Heinz aparece. Eso es todo.
La historia sigue en el manga a Carnelian Brecht, un joven alemán talentoso capaz de realizar facilmente todo aquello que aprende, ya sea medicina o música, etc. Su vida aparenta ser "normal" pero da un giro cuando conoce a "cierto hombre" (vampiro).
Por su parte la historia de los CD dramas sigue a los cinco miembros de la banda EROSION XXXXX, quienes son los "hijos" de Carnelian. Ellos viajan de Alemania a Japón para debutar como banda de Rock y buscar "algo" por orden de su padre. Los primeros 3 CDs dramas de ellos sirven para conocerlos y una vez en el CD del álbum se topan con la protagonista femenina de la historia, con quienes van a interactuar en la saga de CDs individuales "EROSION with YOU". En estos CDs se explora la relación de los chicos con la protagonista y se va descubriendo de a poco un tema que la saga viene mostrando desde los primeros CDs, que es que ellos tienen sus recuerdos alterados.
Eso es básicamente lo que es la trama sin dar demasiados spoilers. También está el caso de que según la sinopsis aparentemente Carnelian es el creador de una enfermedad que aniquiló a demonios (muy probablemente el endzeit), pero en los diez capítulos del manga no se ha visto nada al respecto. De hecho Rejet se ha esmerado en ir dando información con cuentagotas.
Como dato extra, los cinco miembros de la banda pertenecen a distintos clanes de demonios (información sacada del capítulo del manga que viene con el primer fanbook). Toxin y Yoru son lobos, Neight y Byakuya son águilas y Creha una víbora. Los cinco hermanos son "quimeras" debido a que Carnelian modificó sus cuerpos para hacerlos más fuertes.
Edit: De paso dejo Link al masterpost de mis tradus de Carnelian Blood
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Kou VS Tsukinami Carla
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Source: Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Official Visual Fanbook
Release date: 2015
Disclaimer: Both sides portray the same story, but from a different perspective. The first story is written from Kou’s POV, while the second portrays the events from Carla’s POV.
The art room after school. I’m here keeping her company during her drawing practise after she asked me to model for her.
At first we were spending a fun time together, so how did things turn out this way?
“What has brought you to the art room without my permission? Come here at once.”
The smile fades from her face and while her lips curve downwards, she lowers her head slightly.
“What’s wrong, M-neko-chan? Come on, just ignore Carla-kun and let’s continue, okay?”
“Did you not hear me? I told you to come here.”
She puts down her pencil and shortly after starts walking towards him while turning away from me.
“Hey, hold up. You’re kind of troubling M-neko-chan and I by suddenly showing up like this.”
“This is none of your business. Well then, let us go.”
When he puts one hand on her shoulders, I noticed how she would flinch in response. I’m sure she is afraid of him.
I have no doubt in my mind that he is forcing her to bend to his will. In that case, I should save her.
“M-neko-chan, I’ll protect you. So...Don’t worry and come back here, okay?”
When I say that, she desperately attempts to flee back to the safety of my arms as well. However, it is a Founder we’re dealing with. It won’t be so easy.
“Are you both trying to oppose me? If that is the case, you should regret your own actions.”
Since she had turned towards me with her back facing his way, I doubt she noticed.
I realized he had extended his hand towards her neck, and immediately rushed to their side, but I failed to make it on time. 
I witnessed how he would lift her into the air by her neck, before she was dropped to the floor once more. I instantly ran over to her, lifting her into my arms.
Even while struggling to catch her breath, she calls my name.
“It still hurts, right? You don’t need to force yourself to speak.”
I talk to her with a soothing tone in an attempt to put her at ease.
“I’m sorry, Kou-kun.”
When I hear her apologize, I wonder if she knew this would happen from the very beginning. Then why didn’t she try and rely on me?
While the thoughts run wild inside my head, anger wells up from within. I felt like it was stupid to rack my brain over it.
“Say, did you come with me despite knowing this might happen?”
“I mean...I thought I would trouble you.”
“Ahー That’s fine, honestly. I think it’s much weirder how you nearly went with some other guy when I was right here, you know? That’s why...I have to punish you.”
“You...What are you planning?”
“Just wait and see.”
After speaking those words, I placed a gentle kiss against her nape before sinking in my fangs, all while showing off to Carla. 
Perhaps I should just done this from the very start. I will make sure he won’t leave my side, not through fear like Carla did, but by giving her pleasure.
“Fufu...You’ve got that dreamy look in your eyes, M-neko-chan. No more going with Carla-kun, okay?”
If I do this, she has no other choice but to fear and obey me, right? 
ーー End. 
“I’ll protect you. So...Don’t worry and come back here, okay?”
I felt disgusted by Kou’s statement. What exactly can you - some powerless Vampire - do to protect this woman? 
While I find it ridiculous, when I look her way, I realize that after obeying my commands earlier, she had now began to struggle in my grip.
I wonder if she thinks I will let her go if she puts up a fight? A truly short-sighted belief.
“Are you both trying to oppose me? If that is the case, you should regret your own actions.”
I suppose he understood that she was in danger from observing my movements. Kou comes running our way while shouting, but it is already too late. My fingers curl around her throat, as I squeeze down and lift her into the air.
“Does it hurt? I doubt you will be able to talk for a while now. If you understand, then keep quiet and heed my commands.”
Once she nodded in confirmation, I immediately loosen my grip as she tumbles to the floor. Since I did not hold back while strangling her, she is still gasping for air. While clutching onto her throat with both hands, she drops to her knees before collapsing.
“What are you doing!?”
While saying that, Kou hugs her close as she lies there collapsed by my feet.
“It still hurts, right? You don’t need to force yourself to speak.”
I nearly find myself scoffing at the ridiculous scene unfolding in front of my eyes.
“...Oh how laughable you humans are.”
“You don’t feel anything while you treat her like that!?”
“What makes you think I would? She is nothing but prey in my eyes after all.”
If it was not for the exceptional blood pumping through her veins, I would not bother with her, let alone harbor any sort of special feelings towards her.
She should know what she means to me as well.
When I glance back at the duo, I notice how Kou leans in towards her nape.
“You...What are you planning?”
“Just wait and see.”
He places a kiss against her skin, before piercing it with his fangs right in front of my eyes.
“Oi! What are you doing!”
“Fufu...You’ve got that dreamy look in your eyes, M-neko-chan. No more going with Carla-kun, okay?”
“You, move out of the way.”
I move to their side, pushing Kou away from her side before forcing her to look up by tugging onto her hair.
“You know what happened to you just now, do you not? It seems like you are still in need of some disciplining.”
Today I will take my sweet time to re-educate her and ensure she will not to go to some other man’s side ever again.
ーー End.
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Sakamaki Shuu VS Sakamaki Subaru
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Source: Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Official Visual Fanbook
Release date: 2015
Disclaimer: Both sides portray the same story, but from a different perspective. The first story is written from Shuu’s POV, while the second portrays the events from Subaru’s POV.
On my way to the living room, I could hear hers and Subaru’s laughing voices.
“What do you want, Shuu?”
After noticing my presence, Subaru glares at me while speaking up. He must be thinking something along the lines of...’Don’t bother us’, I suppose.
Completely ignoring and walking past him, I take a seat next to her and decide to use her lap as a pillow before beginning my nap.
“Why don’t the two of you continue your chat? I’m just gonna lie here.”
“Oi, Shuu! The fuck you doin’!?”
I pay no mind to Subaru’s noisy howling and simply close my eyes before starting to listen to the melody coming out of my earphones.
“I’d feel a little bad about waking him up though...”
“If you don’t like this, you have to tell him! If you won’t, then I will!”
Right as I got comfortable, their voices disrupt me. I wonder if Subaru’s trying to be her knight in shining armor.
No, he’s most likely jealous because deep down, he would love to rest his head in her lap like this as well, yet he fails at even approaching her most of the time.
“Pipe down. I missed the best part.”
As soon as she apologizes to me, Subaru’s glare intensifies. It must be such a drag to become so desperate for one chick, I’d rather not bother. Ignoring Subaru as he sits there unable to do anything, I speak up to her.
“More importantly, I’m thirsty, you know?”
“I’ll get us some drinks then. Do you want something too, Subaru-kun?”
“...Y-Yeah. Sure.”
“I’ll be right back then. Just wait here.”
I grab her arm as she attempts to get up before pulling her close and sinking my fangs into her bared shoulder.
“No need to grab a drink when there’s one right here.”
I open one eye to glance at Subaru while holding her chin in my hand, making sure he gets a good look at her face. 
He falls for my taunt and approaches to try and halt me in my tracks.
How interesting...I purposedly slurp louder as I continue to suck her blood.
“Cut it out! She clearly doesn’t like it!”
I wonder what makes him think that? Seeing as she doesn’t even attempt to fight back, it’s obvious this was what she wanted all along.
“Oh? The one who doesn’t like it isn’t her...But you, no?”
I doubt he realizes the kind of look he has on his face right now. It’s the kind of face that shows he wants a taste of her blood as well.
“She’s the one who said she’d get us a drink. Besides, you’re thirsty as well, aren’t you? Look.”
As soon as she calls his name, Subaru loses all self-control and begins to indulge in her blood as well. 
I couldn’t help but let a chuckle slight at that sight. I figure this sort of thing doesn’t hurt once in a while, especially since I don’t have much else to do. 
Quietly approaching the duo, I crouch down besides them and bring my lips towards her leg.
“Are you happy to have Subaru suck your blood? ...Don’t forget I’m here as well though.”
I doubt she can still hear me while already lost in pleasure, but while whispering those words, I continue to leave my marks across her body, one after the other.
ーー The End.
“How long are you gonna stay like that?”
I wonder if she perceives the current situation as normal?
While sitting in my armchair, I call out for her, seated on the big couch right across.
“I’m talkin’ ‘bout Shuu snoozin’ away in your lap!”
Right as I realized that Shuu had joined us in the living room, he began to nap using her lap as a makeshift pillow as if it’s the most normal thing to do.
It’s not like we were having a serious talk or anything, but Shuu still feels like a nuisance as my eyes keep on trailing down to him lying there on her lap.
“I’d feel a little bad about waking him up though...”
“If you don’t like this, you have to tell him! If you won’t, then I will!”
“Pipe down. I missed the best part.”
Why is she apologizing? If he wants to listen to his damn music that badly, he simply shouldn’t have come here, end of story. 
Besides, she should just ignore him since he joined afterwards. As I watch their conversation, I feel myself grow agitated.
“More importantly, I’m thirsty, you know?”
“I’ll get us some drinks then. Do you want something too, Subaru-kun?”
While lost in said thought, she suddenly includes me in the conversation.
“...Y-Yeah. Sure.”
“I’ll be right back then. Just wait here.”
The smile she shows me while saying that, disappears almost instantly after.
As she tried to get up, Shuu suddenly pulled her his way, sinking his fangs into her fair skin right in front of my eyes.
“Cut it out! She clearly doesn’t like it!”
I rush to their side, trying to separate them, but Shuu continues to indulge in her blood. That’s when I also catch a faint whiff of her sweet blood.
Despite being tempted by the scene unfolding in front of me, I somehow manage to tug her my way.
“She’s the one who said she’d get us a drink. Besides, you’re thirsty as well, aren’t you? Look.”
“...! I’m sorry.”
As soon as she speaks to me with her cheeks flushed and gasping for air, I tear the other side of her shirt to expose the other, still unmarked shoulder.
“Fuck! Don’t give me that look!”
After saying that, I began to suck her blood like a madman. As I grab hold of your hand in the process, I can tell she lightly squeezes back. When I see you lost in pleasure from the feeling of my fangs, I can’t help but want to do more.
“Are you happy to have Subaru suck your blood? ...Don’t forget I’m here as well though.”
After Shuu speaks those words, he crouched down by her legs and I could tell he began to suck her blood. 
I feel irritated that he still wants more even though he is the one who got a taste first earlier.
Before giving her a chance to look down at her legs, I plunge my fangs even deeper into the same spot I already left a mark earlier.
“Don’t get distracted now. ...Only ever look at me.”
While looking at Shuu who sucks her blood in a smug manner, I continue to leave my own marks on her as well.
ーー The End. 
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Sakamaki Laito VS Sakamaki Reiji
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Source: Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Official Visual Fanbook
Release date: 2015
Disclaimer: Both sides portray the same story, but from a different perspective. The first story is written from Laito’s POV, while the second portrays the events from Reiji’s POV.
I spotted a napping Bitch-chan on the couch.
“Oh dear, Bitch-chan~? I wonder if you’re hoping I’ll assault you by sleeping out here in the open like that?”
I whispered those words in her ear, but receive no response in return. While considering myself lucky, I reach out for her skirt.
“Haah...How deprived are you to make a move on a sick person? ...I am appalled. Please excuse me for a second.”
When I look behind me into the direction of the voice, Reiji is standing right there. After curtly asking for permission, he presses his hand against her forehead. He confirms something before a sigh slips past his lips as he lightly shakes her body.
“Why did you keep quiet about your fever? ...I shall escort you to your room. Come on, get on your feet.”
As Reiji extends his hands towards her, she smiles softly. The way they are acting as if they can’t even see me standing here, somehow puts me in a really bad mood. 
“Heeh, I didn’t know you could make that face, Reiji.”
Obviously sarcastic and overly forced, I pretend to be genuinely surprised, which earns me a cold glare in return. Exactly. You shouldn’t leave me out.
“What exactly...do you mean?”
Without answering his question, I glance over at Bitch-chan instead. I find her slightly sweaty skin to be irresistibly alluring as I run my tongue across her nape, her body flinching in response. 
“I’m sure you’ll recover from this cold in no time if you sweat a bunch, you know? So come on, hurry up and take off your clothes, Bitch-chan~”
After she already sat upright, I pin her down onto the sofa once more before starting to strip her out off her clothes.
“How ridiculous. Let go of her.”
As Reiji-san whispers those words in frustration, he attempts to free her from my grip. He pretends to be a gentleman, but it’s so obvious he just wants some alone time with my Bitch-chan instead...
“Don’t move, Bitch-chan. ...Nfu~ I’ll suck all those nasty germs from your body, so keep still, okay?”
I make quick work of her clothes before tracing my tongue across her sweaty skin. Bitch-chan looks so cute, cheeks bright red while her frame twitches and shakes.
While waves of ecstasy wash over my body, I notice how she extends her hand towards Reiji to seek for help. At the exact same time, another fun game pops up inside my head.
“I’m sure having two people tend to you instead of one would speed up the process even more, no?”
I squint my eyes in a taunting manner and chuckle, noticing how Reiji’s breath would hitch.
“That is utter nonsense. ...However, it would be highly troublesome if you were to collapse on me.”
After giving a sarcastic remark, Reiji would lift her face and thrusts his fangs inside her throat. Hmー How unexpected. He’s actually on board with this...Perhaps I made a mistake stirring him on like that.
“Nfu~ Bitch-chan, focus on me as well...Okay?”
I press my lips against her plush thigh before slowly sinking my fangs inside. Perhaps it is due to the fever, but it looked to me as if her consciousness was already fading as she failed to speak up, having her blood sucked both from above and below.
“Perhaps your temperature won’t go down like this after all.”
When I look into her dazed eyes filled with bliss, my body shakes with excitement. Let us start this fun game which can only be enjoyed with three people. We’ll gently nurse you back to health, okay, Bitch-chan~?
ーー The End.
“Oh dear, Bitch-chan~? I wonder if you’re hoping I’ll assault you by sleeping out here in the open like that?”
As I turn around at the frivolous voice echoing from a distance, I spot a resting figure on the couch. My feet instinctively start walking into their direction.
“Haah...How deprived are you to make a move on a sick person? ...I am appalled. Please excuse me for a second.”
When I press my hand against her forehead, I can immediately feel her warmth. It seems a little above an average body temperature. She most likely has caught one of the common viruses going around.
“Why did you keep quiet about your fever? ...I shall escort you to your room. Come on, get on your feet.”
Supporting her shoulder, I slowly lift her body before extending my hand. When I do, she smiles at me while whispering a quiet ‘thank you’ which only I hear as my expression subconsciously softens up.
“Heeh, I didn’t know you could make that face, Reiji.”
The obviously fake surprised tone of his voice immediately drops my mood once again.
 “What exactly...do you mean?”
I glare at the guy standing there with the most nasty, sarcastic smile imaginable on his face, before posing him said question. However, Laito looks her way without answering, burying his face in her nape. Her body jumps up at once, only further fueling my anger.
“I’m sure you’ll recover from this cold in no time if you sweat a bunch, you know? So come on, hurry up and take off your clothes, Bitch-chan~”
After I helped her get up, Laito once again pushes her down onto the couch. I watch closely as he hovers over her and makes quick work of her clothes...
When I do, I eventually lock eyes with her as she looks at me with pleading, panic-laced eyes and flushed cheeks.
With her face is beet red as she gasps for air, unable to speak up due to the fever, she vaguely resembles...
“How ridiculous. Let go of her.”
While trying to give myself a wake-up call from my own ridiculous thoughts as well, I turn towards Laito to scold him. Tugging her hand, I attempt to pull her away from him as his face twists with pleasure.
“Don’t move, Bitch-chan. ...Nfu~ I’ll suck all those nasty germs from your body, so keep still, okay?”
However, Laito skillfully dodges, forcefully ripping open her clothes. Perhaps the fever and embarrassment are to blame, but her skin seemed even more flushed than usual, like a sweet temptation. 
As my breath hitches while I try to stop myself from having such thoughts, the pleading look in her eyes causes something to well up in the pit of my stomach.
“I’m sure having two people tend to you instead of one would speed up the process even more, no?”
Laito looks at me, his lips curved upwards into a taunting smirk. I do not understand his ulterior motives, but he must be having one of his filthy ideas again. However...
I quickly glance her way instead, seeing how she still seems to be seeking help from me while weakly fighting back. She is puting faith in me in this situation. If this does not mean she sees herself as being mine, then what does?
“That is utter nonsense. ...However, it would be highly troublesome if you were to collapse on me.”
I put my hand underneath her chin and lift her face, agreeing to Laito’s offer while seeing myself reflected in her eyes. At once, her expression changes into one of dispair as I am overcome by a sense of bliss. I truly never grow tired of her.
I then buried my fangs in her throat. Also with the intent of healing her...
“Nfu~ Bitch-chan, focus on me as well...Okay?”
Laito happily sinks his fangs into her thigh before slurping her sugary sweet blood. It does somewhat feel like I played right into his hands...But well, I suppose it is fine.
“Perhaps your temperature won’t go down like this after all.”
I will continue to gently nurse you back to health, as you drown in the heat...
ーー The End. 
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Ruki VS Mukami Yuma
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Source: Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Official Visual Fanbook
Release date: 2015
Disclaimer: Both sides portray the same story, but from a different perspective. The first story is written from Ruki’s POV, while the second portrays the events from Yuma’s POV.
With the book in my hands still turned open, I gaze at the TV.
Yuma’s disrupting presence as he sits next to her does cross my mind, but I do not let it show on my face. 
On the screen which she watches with her full attention, a movie is playing about a gravely ill young girl and a doctor who tries every option available to him to cure her. 
While watching this cliched story unfold with a cold expression on my face, a thought emerges in the back of my subconsciousness. 
Would I be capable of doing something for another person? Would I ever find myself growing utterly desperate for the sake of just a single individual, just like the man in this movie? 
While lost in thought, my gaze involuntarily shifts to her, as I go against all of my principles and start to ponder.
...If she were to be the young girl in this movie, what actions would I take? Would I be able to save her? 
Since she is a human, she should fear death. In that case, if she were to become a Vampire like me, she would be freed from this fear of one day meeting her end.
I hear a small grunt which snaps me out of my trail of thought. I can tell she is crying even without looking at her face. 
Seems like the movie had ended at some point. Not only did I break character by showing interest in some wordly movie, but I ended up putting her in place of the movie’s protagonist. 
“Wouldn’t that shit get cured from eatin’ Sugar-chan?”
“That is impossible if you think logically.”
I subconsciously reacted to Yuma’s carefree statement. Of course, I know that Yuma was only saying that as a joke as well. 
However, perhaps it is because I replaced the protagonist with inside my head, but my tone sounded quite harsh.
As respectively human and Vampire, our vision on death is different. That being said, life is not easy for either of us.
“...Being alive comes with a lot of pain and suffering...”
When I look at her while she continues to sob quietly, she seems somewhat dazed, as if the movie is still lingering inside her head.
I can only assume that this tale embraces something only a human can comprehend.
“...They say that one’s soul weighs 21 grams. Did you know?”
When I pose said question, she lifts her head to look at me.
“Heeh, I see...I wonder if that’s heavy?”
I have trouble answering her question. However, I could definitely declare the weight of her soul in particular.
“Livestock, your soulーー”
Your soul should be heavy. She has a definite value after all. Without being able to finish my sentence, I am interrupted by Yuma.
Looking at Yuma as he states a soul weighs the same as five sugar cubes, her eyes start to glimmer.
The feeling which quietly wells up inside of me as a result isn’t rivalry towards Yuma. I simply did not like how she seems to have forgotten who she belongs to.
“Lemme suck yer blood. I’ll suck ya plenty to make up for all this time ya kept me waitin’!”
Yuma restrained both of her wrists as he purred. She looked at me to seek rescue, but those teary eyes of her only lured me in instead. 
“To find out the weight of your soul, your blood is the best way.”
I gently lift her chin, locking eyes with her.
“I’ll teach you one more time who you belong to.”
I was the only one reflected in her eyes, which twitched either out of fear or anticipation. 
ーー End.
I wonder how long it has been since I sat down next to her?
“Come on Sow, open yer mouth.”
Even if I bring Sugar-chan to her lips, she won’t even bat an eye. 
“Want me to thrust it in there again, huh?”
This time I try to force her to look my way, but she grabs hold of both of my wrists and attempts to break free. On top of that, her eyes remain glued to the television screen.
“This is an important scene, so hold on for a bit.”
I get the same response again. I don’t think I’ll able to able to understand what’s so fun about these kind of tearjerkers. 
If you’re wondering why I’ve remained seated next to her regardless, that’s because there’s one other person present in the living room right now. I want to avoid leaving her all alone with Ruki, who was sitting a few inches away from us on the couch.
Since she didn’t seem to be in the mood to entertain me at present, I had no idea what to do now that my hands had let go of Sugar-chan.
When I glance at her face after hearing a soft sniffle, tears were pooling in the corners of her eyes.
I wonder how she can cry this much from some movie about a girl who is gravely ill? 
“Wouldn’t that shit get cured from eatin’ Sugar-chan?”
“That is impossible if you think logically.”
It was meant to be more of a nonchalant remark, but Ruki immediately responded in his usual fashion.
“...Being alive comes with a lot of pain and suffering...”
Ruki gazes off into the distance, speaking those words as if he seemingly just came to a realization.
Even though I had been sitting here messing with her, her mind seemed to have been fixated on the television screen this whole time. Knowing I’ve been kept waiting for some stupid movie triggers my temper.
“...They say that one’s soul weighs 21 grams. Did you know?”
My thoughts get interrupted by Ruki’s sudden statement.
“Heeh, I see...I wonder if that’s heavy?”
The Sow looks up at him with reddened eyes.
If Ruki starts to ramble about the weight of souls now, her attention will be completely on him. First that darn movie and now Ruki, huh...!?
“Livestock, your soulーー”
“One Sugar-chan weighs ‘bout four grams...Which means a soul is give or take five Sugar-chans, huh? That’s lighter than I thought.”
“Wow! You make it so easy to understand!”
She smiled at me after I blurted out those words on a whim.
“Well, your blood is way more delicious than Sugar-chan tho.”
When I say that, I suddenly get an overwhelming craving for the blood pumping through her veins. This sensation which is unlike anything else became vivid inside my mind once more through my own words. The desire was further spurred on by the relief when she finally looked my way, as well a sense of fulfillment from winning over Ruki.
“Lemme suck yer blood. I’ll suck ya plenty to make up for all this time ya kept me waitin’!”
While saying that, I tightly grab hold of both of her wrists with one hand. Those slender wrists are within my grasp in no time.
“To find out the weight of your soul, your blood is the best way.”
While I purr, Ruki lifts her chin with a dissatisfied expression on his face, looking straight into her eyes. 
I’d love to tell him to back off, but I’m sure that having Ruki and I suck her blood simultaenously will make her blood all the more delicious. 
While imagining how interesting that could be, I plunge my fangs inside her fair skin.
ーー End.
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