#did we actually fill that other TARDIS with daleks
being-of-rain · 2 years
Thoughts from my Classic Who watch, season 17.
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Thank god for Douglas Adams. Doctor 4 and Romana 2 were my favourite Tardis team when I watched the series for the first time as a youngun because of the way they were on the same wavelength, joking their way through the universe. From what I understand Douglas Adams as script editor was a large part of creating that characterisation, especially in Destiny of the Daleks which is filled with that sort of attitude and which Adams apparently did large rewrites for. Without the humour I really wouldn't care much for the story, but with it there's a lot of moments to enjoy. I say "Oh look! Rocks!" a lot.
City of Death was the story my brother and I watched the most as kids because we kept borrowing the DVD from our town's library. I hadn't watched it in years and years, and for this watchthrough I saw it with friends! Which was a lot of fun. I forgot just how much of it was shots of the cast running around Paris, they really wanted to show off their location filming. And hey, it was pretty location filming, so I can't blame them. I also love Scaroth's design, he's great. The Count and Countess Scarlioni are just fantastically enjoyable villains in general, between Pirate Planet and this Adams must be the best villain writer in Doctor Who. Oh and I always laugh at "Duggan!! ...I think that was possibly the most important punch in history."
The first episode of The Creature From The Pit is definitely one of the most episodes of all time. The Doctor gets attacked by tumbleweeds. K9 suddenly has a wildly different and upsetting voice. Romana avoids getting killed by just acting like she can order people around and it works. The Doctor knocks out some guards with a sneeze. It's called The Creature From The Pit. The rest of the story has it's ups and downs. All the astrology talk was fun. The way Romana was sometimes written as a generic companion who panics and needs the Doctor for everything was not (some writers just really didn't get her). K9 gets used as a bazooka sometimes which is hilarious. The way Erato's translator used people's larynx to communicate was cool as heck. And it's interesting how the final episode wraps up the villain of the story 5 minutes in, and introduces a different problem for the climax.
Nightmare of Eden had some cool ideas in it, but I'm not sure how well it communicated them. I don't know if I just wasn't paying enough attention, but I couldn't get a grasp of what and who was on which of the two ships. I guessed that the professor man was the villain of the story, but I didn't predict the other starship pilot was as well. It kind of made sense though. I think. Maybe I should rewatch this one 😂 not soon though, I wasn't That invested in it. The Doctor vanishing because he was pulled onto the wrong ship in the separation was good use of cliffhanger in the plot. But the way he got back to the right ship was hiding right behind one of the bad guys in a tiny tiny shuttle, which was hilarious. Video game guard levels of peripheral vision.
The Horns of Nimon is great actually. The hilariously bad/over the top acting is so much fun to watch. Soldeed steals the show obviously; his death scene is iconic but he acts that way in Every Single One of his scenes, it's magnificent. Romana is finally written like she's at the same level of competency as the Doctor again, even her own sonic screwdriver, and I think her outfit in this one might be my favourite Romana outfit (which says a LOT when you're talking about Romana's outfits). It's a shame Shada didn't get made because more Douglas Adams is never a bad thing, but this was still a nice note to leave the season on. (By the way, I didn't end up watching Shada as part of this watchthrough. Any of them.)
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Doctor Who Television Entries Mega Re-Watch Thoughts...
It has been a couple of weeks or so since I completed this and I realised I didn't get around to adding my thoughts so here we go...
Rules: Every available episode of Doctor Who from 1963 to the present MUST be watched, including episodes where animation or archive footage has been used to fill the gaps. Of course missing episodes are by definition missing and had to be skipped. (NO I did not include Dimensions in Time, I already have enough enduring childhood trauma from watching that the first time, thanks.) How long did it take: We started in mid November and re-watched the 2023 Christmas Special on 28th February this year. Favourite Doctors: Two, Three, Twelve, Fourteen (I am not saying Four because it's too obvious that Four is considered one of the highlights of the entire show, but personally he's never been my favourite though I do appreciate him!)
Doctors Unexpectedly Enjoyed: Six, everyone tells you his era is bad and yes...it's not great, but going back into his era with this frame of mind meant I had low expectations and it was actually fun? Doctors Unexpectedly NOT Enjoyed: I love David Tennant and am a huge fan but going back to his era with my fangirl goggles having aged 15ish years I have to say Ten is not as great as I remember. In fact I loved Fourteen so much because he felt like what Ten should be? I also found Eleven pretty difficult to revisit and I was shocked about it.
Doctors Who Get to Skip my Judgment: Eight (because I haven't really got into Big Finish yet) and Fifteen (not seen enough of him yet, but he seems fun.)
Favourite Companions (Unsurprising): Jamie, Sarah Jane, Ace, Donna, Bill
Favourite Companions (Surprising): Tegan (as a wee girl I found her loud/annoying), Peri (see previous comment about Six, also she did suffer from "for the dads" a bit), Clara (I admit the first time I watched her episodes, I fell into the "she's a Mary Sue" way of thinking), Graham (Thirteen's era is generally treated harshly hence including him) Companions unexpectedly NOT enjoyed: I feel a bit harsh for this but...Amy and Rory. I love Eleven's era overall but I can't explain it, I feel how I feel. Favorite TARDIS Teams: SO many but special mentions to Two, Jamie, Zoe & Four, Sarah Jane, Harry & Nine, Rose, Jack & Ten, Donna & Twelve, Bill, Missy, Nardrole.
Favourite Master: Tied between the OG Delgado and Michelle Gomez. Favourite Other (Regular) Enemy: This is a difficult one because all of the regular enemies have great episodes, good episodes, ok episodes and absolute stinkers. But other than The Master I have to say there's a reason the Daleks endure, a lot of The Doctor's other enemies just seem like they're picking parts from Dalek lore and trying to twist it into their own. That said, until too much was revealed about them the Weeping Angels in the Modern era were a great concept. A Serial/Episode I'd recommend: From Classic Who there's so many but a personal favourite is Horror of Fang Rock (it's very self-contained and you don't need to know much about Doctor Who, great 70s era horror serial) and I'm going to be a Modern Who Cliche and recommend Heaven Sent (you might be confused on the lore or what's going on, but Capaldi's performance is phenomenal.)
Thoughts on the TV Movie: Paul McGann deserved better! Would I recommend doing this: ONLY if you are already familiar with Doctor Who and like Doctor Who a lot. The Classic Series can be quite difficult to vibe with if you are not used to the different pacing, the low-budget aesthetic and the different demands from the actors/characters. Emotional moments tend to flicker out quickly. Also the missing episodes in One and Two's era are a challenge. I think a whole re-watch for the Modern Era is better if that's what you're familiar with...but if you want to tackle Classic Who either start with Three (it's a great entry point) and watch recommended serials from One and Two OR you can just pick one recommended serial per Doctor and see if you like that particular incarnation. You need to keep in mind that it's something ridiculous like nearly 800 episodes of content, you're going to potentially be doing this a loooooong time. We burned through it so quickly because we'd watch a few episodes in the evenings and weekend mornings.
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madmarkinabox · 6 months
Regrettably, the actual first four episodes of the very first season are not yet available for streaming. The son of the writer of the first drafts is throwing a major hissy fit over what he feels he is owed, and as such, has refused to allow the BBC to stream them. So we can't take a look at An Unearthly Child yet. With that said:
Season 1 The Daleks: The Dead Planet
Off we go! Slowly! This is a story I'm already familiar with, thanks to the abridged version we saw in the first Peter Cushing film, Dr Who And The Daleks. I'll try not to talk about the films too much, much as I do like them. Now I wasn't sure how to approach reviewing the first Doctor's stories. Do I review each story as a whole, or bit by bit, since each episode has its own title? I decided on the latter, until they start becoming episode 1, episode 2, etc. Having left the Stone Age, the TARDIS lands somewhere with extremely high radiation levels, which the crew fail to realise having left to explore too early. We find ourselves exploring a petrified jungle bordering a huge city which shows no sign of life, and the Doctor is itching to explore, but Susan is convinced there's something out there in the jungle. Circumstances force the crew to head into the city, and when they separate, Barbara comes face to face with unseen terror... This is a rather slow one, but has some pretty solid worldbuilding as we see the state of Skaro without being told necessarily how it got like this. The characterisation is unusual, as the Doctor is merely a kooky, slightly grumpy old man who's dragged Susan and her teachers off on a time and space hopping adventure. He's no leader here, Ian seems to be looking to fill that role as the voice of reason, the straight arrow, the solid 60s man. Susan and Barbara fill the stereotypical classic companion roles here. They ask questions, point out the obvious, get in trouble and need to be rescued, and later companions are also there to make the Doctor look very clever, but Susan handles this part quite well herself, without being annoying about it. The highlight of this one for me is probably the famous cliffhanger as Barbara is backed against the wall by something we can't see, but has a probing mechanical arm, and we fade to black on her bloodcurdling scream. What must people watching this originally have thought? 60 years on, we know the overall name of this story, we know what a Dalek is, we know their deal, but the British public had never seen one before. What did they think was on the other end of that arm? Did ANYONE know what was about to be unleashed? We're off to a good start though. Join me next time as we meet The Survivors.
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rowanthestrange · 2 years
I like what Chibnall is doing with the New Year’s Specials of making them all one cohesive Daleky story, but because they’re so separate from everything else and my memories aren’t reinforced by theories and gifsets constantly, I remember sod all about them.
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discoscoob · 3 years
Praise Him | Loki x Female Reader
Loki (Marvel) x Doctor Who
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Getting tired of the tension on his ship, the Doctor threatens to take you all home if you don’t go on an adventure with him but the TARDIS gets thrown off course and you end up trapped in a hotel where the personal fears and bad dreams of every visitor are hidden behind each room.
Part Twelve | Part Fourteen | Chapter Index
Words: 8.8k
Warnings: death and angst
Read on AO3
A few days had passed since your argument with your auntie and you had spent the whole time avoiding her. Loki knew all the perfect places to hide in the TARDIS, which he had found when he was avoiding you after the Dark Ages. The pair of you had been enjoying each other’s company completely undisturbed, until the Doctor grew tired of the tension on his ship and called an intervention in the control room. 
 “This can’t go on any longer. I am taking you all on an adventure.” The Doctor had said once he managed to gather you all together.
 “Thanks but I’d rather not.” You attempted to decline, you didn’t mean to sound rude towards the Doctor, you realised he was only trying to help and you appreciated that, however you couldn’t pretend everything was okay while Donna kept scowling in Loki’s direction the whole time.
 “You can all either come on this trip with me or I can take you all back home right now, your choice.” The Doctor shocked all three of you with an ultimatum, knowing none of you would want to give up the freedom of space and time travel and return to your mundane lives. 
 The Doctor also knew that you had to consider your relationship with Loki, where would the Doctor take him, what was ‘home’ to Loki? Would he return him to Asgard or would he take him back to Earth with you? Technically he was still on the run from the TVA and staying put on one planet would likely only make it easier for them to track him down. You knew you couldn’t risk getting separated from Loki just to avoid the awkward tension with your auntie.
 “You can’t do that!” Donna argued against the Doctors ultimatum.
 “She’s right, it’s not fair.” Loki agreed with Donna who scowled at him as soon as he spoke up.
 “I can. This is my ship and I can decide whether or not I will allow you to stay on it.” The Doctor threatened to display just how serious he was, practically daring any one of you to call his bluff. “So what will it be? An adventure or home?”
 “Fine.” You were the first to yield, Loki and Donna looked at you with surprise but they knew that going home wasn’t an option. “We’ll go on an adventure.”
“Brilliant!” The Doctor celebrated his small victory with himself, “this might be exactly what you all need.” He optimistically assured the three of you as he pulled down the handbrake and sent the TARDIS into turbulent flight.
 You all leaned over the brown wooden bannister of a red carpeted stairwell to look up and down at the many floors above and below you, the distinct scent of a hotel filled the air. So far your interest hadn’t been spiked and from the looks of it, neither had Loki’s or Donna’s as they wondered what sort of adventure could have been found on a seemingly abandoned hotel on Earth. 
 The only one who seemed excited was the Doctor, who enthusiastically bounced up the stairs with a wide smile on his face, but it didn’t usually take much to impress the Doctor.
 “This could be the most exciting thing I have ever seen!” He said with genuine delight and you thought even that was a bit of an overreaction even for the Doctor, as he ran almost two flights above you.
 “What’s exciting about an empty hotel on Earth that looks like it has a three star trip advisor rating at the most.” You asked, already wondering if you could call it a day and return to the TARDIS.
 “Because, my friends, this is not Earth.” The Doctor told you as he leaned over the bannister above you all. “This has just been made to look like Earth. The craftsmanship involved... can you imagine?” 
 He ran back down the stairs towards you, now he had managed to grab your interest as you all wondered where you actually were.
 “Then where are we?” Loki asked as the Doctor ran passed you all and you automatically followed after him, you were stood in front of the TARDIS which stood between two rows of stairs on the stairwell, against a wall. 
 “I don’t know, something must have yanked us off course.” The Doctor vaguely answered. “Look at the detail on that cheese plant!” He gasped as he stroked and sniffed the leaves.
 “Why would someone mock up an Earth hotel?” Donna asked.
 “Colonists perhaps,” the Doctor suggested as he turned back around to face you all. “Trying to recreate a home away from home, like when ex-pats open English pubs in Majorca. Whoever did this I am shaking their hand or tentacle or paw or... fin.” The Doctor trailed off.
 “Have you seen these?” Loki spoke, drawing your attention to a bunch of framed portraits which were neatly lined along the walls above, below and alongside each other in thin gold frames.
“Look at the labels underneath. Commander Halke, defeat. Tim Heath, having his photo taken. Lady Silver-Tear... Daleks, I hope there aren’t any of those here.”
 “You have encountered Daleks?” The Doctor looked at Loki with interest. 
 “Not personally, but they’re always attempting to invade the nine realms.” Loki answered while you and Donna kept looking at the portraits and reading the labels.
 “What do they mean?” You wondered out loud. 
 “I don’t know. Let’s find out!” The Doctor was already running away in search of the lobby before anyone could ask anything else.
 When you reached the abandoned reception desk of the hotel lobby, you could hear elevator music quietly playing on repeat and the Doctor hit the gold service bell, immediately giving you flashbacks to the TVA and when you looked around you realised the hotel had a strikingly similar dated decor. 
 You screamed and jumped back with fright when two strangers leaped out from around the corner with a battle cry. One of them, a woman dressed in blue hospital scrubs, swung a broken off chair leg at the Doctor, who managed to duck out the way just in time. The other one, a man with a head of messy curls and wearing thin silver framed square glasses, held a lamp upside down and waved it around wildly in front of him.
 “What was that for?!” The Doctor cried as he moved behind your auntie for protection, while Loki was already pulling you behind him. 
 “Blimey, chill out!” Donna shouted at them.
 “Why are you swinging about a chair leg?” The Doctor shouted from over Donna’s shoulder.
 “Who are you?!” The woman in scrubs demanded.
 “We’re back in reception.” The man next to her commented and you noticed the way his voice trembled as he looked around with wide eyes and you suddenly felt very uneasy.
 The woman in the scrubs hesitantly stepped towards all of you and looked at each of you in the eyes.
 “Rita, be careful, yeah.” The man told her.
 “Their pupils are dilated. They’re as surprised as we are. Besides which, if it’s a trick, it’ll tell us something.” Rita told the man as she returned to his side.
 “I’m the Doctor,” he said as he calmly stepped around Donna, “these are my friends,” he extended his arm towards the three of you and introduced each of you by your names. 
 “You with the glasses-“ The Doctor approached the curly haired man.
 “Howie.” He introduced himself.
 “You sounded surprised to be back in reception. Why?” The Doctor ask.
 “The walls move, everything changes.” Howie answered.
 “The corridors twist and stretch, rooms vanish and pop up somewhere else. It’s like the hotel’s alive.” Rita continued.
 “That’s quite enough of that.” The Doctor stepped towards the old radio and flicked the switch to turn off the repetitive elevator music.
 “And it’s like huge, with, like, no way out.” Howie added.
 “Have you tried the front door?” You asked.
 “No, in two days it never occurred to us to try the front door. Thank god you’re here!” Rita sarcastically answered and you frowned. 
 “Right. That’s not good.” You heard the Doctor say and you looked in his direction to find he had pulled the front doors open only to reveal a white brick wall completely blocking the exit. He walked over to a pair of shut curtains and pulled them open to reveal no window just another brick wall. “Definitely not good.”
 “It’s not just that. The rooms have... things in them.” Rita explained.
 “Things? What sort of things?” The Doctor asked.
 “Bad dreams.” Rita answered hesitantly, almost like she was certain he wouldn’t believe her. 
 “Doctor, I think we should leave.” Loki suggested.
 “I already told you, there’s no way out.” Rita reminded him.
 “We have a ship.” Loki smugly smiled. 
 “Wait, how did you two get here, then?” The Doctor asks the pair.
 “I don’t know, I just started my shift. I must’ve passed out, because suddenly I was here.” Rita answered.
 “I was blogging, next thing, this.” Howie said.
 “So people are being snatched from their lives and dropped into an endless, shifting maze that looks like a 1980s hotel with bad dreams in the bedroom.” The Doctor concluded.
 “But you have a ship, we can finally leave.” Howie pointed out, sounding relieved.
 “Yes we do, follow me.” The Doctor once again sped off back towards the TARDIS and the rest of you rushed behind to keep up. “We’ll all get into the TARDIS, I’ll do a planet-wide diagnostic sweep and then I’ll return you back safely to the exact moments you got snatched away...”
 The Doctors voice trailed off as he stopped in his tracks in front of an empty space where the TARDIS once stood. He held his arms out and felt around like he was checking it hadn’t somehow turned invisible but you could tell there was absolutely nothing there.
 “Don’t tell me the TARDIS has gone.” Donna sighed.
 “Okay.” The Doctor muttered, still stunned.
 “Where is it then?” She asked.
 “You told me not to tell you.” The Doctor turned around looking genuinely confused.
 “Don’t get clever with me.” She warned him.
 “What’s a TARDIS?” Howie asked.
 “Our way out. And it’s gone.” Loki groaned. 
 Suddenly you heard the elevator music from the lobby begin playing again by itself and the uneasy feeling spread deeper through your chest.
 “Okay. We all just need to remain calm.”
The Doctor could sense how you were all on edge, “Rita, are there anymore of you?”
 She glanced at Howie and down the stairwell before she looked back at the Doctor, “Joe, but he’s tied up right now.”
 “Doing what?” The Doctor asked.
 “No, I mean he’s... literally tied up.” She clarified.
 You all slowly entered a large room, one by one, that was filled with round tables covered in white cloths. Around each table, there sat identical creepy ventriloquist dummies, their chins lifted up and down as they all laughed.
 Once you all entered the room, their laughter subsided, leaving you in complete silence. Slowly their heads began to turn by themselves, as they followed you with their large, vacant, painted on eyes. 
 You felt as though you had been dumped straight in the centre of a horror story, the eerie atmosphere of the room sent dreadful shivers through your spine and quickened your heart rate.
 Loki had immediately sensed your trepidation and secured his arm around you as a form of comfort as he whispered in your ear reassurances that they were just puppets and could not hurt you and he would keep you safe. You had leaned into Loki’s hold in pursuit for more of his comfort. 
 Neither of you had noticed the way your auntie was observing your interaction from behind the pair of you, for once she wasn’t looking at you with judgement but with contemplation instead, Loki’s behaviour seemed natural and genuine, she still didn’t trust him but she appreciated the way Loki had managed to sooth you.
 In the centre of the room, a dazed man sat at one of the tables, with rope across his chest which restrained him to his chair. He stared blankly ahead, as if he hadn’t even noticed anyone enter the room, as the Doctor tentatively approached him.
 “Hello. I’m the Doctor.” He introduced himself.
 “You’re going to die here.” Joe answered bluntly.
 “Well, they certainly didn’t mention that in the brochure.” The Doctor muttered. “Is Joe there? Can I have a quick word?”
 “Oh it’s still me, Doctor, but I’ve seen the light. I lived a blasphemous life, but he has forgiven my inconstancy, and soon he shall... feast.” The way Joe spoke reignited the shivers down your spine.
 “You’ve been here two days, what’s he waiting for?” The Doctor asked as he pulled out one of the chairs and sat opposite Joe.
 “We weren’t ready. We were still raw.” Joe smiled.
 “And now you’re what? Cooked?” The Doctor guessed.
 “If you like. Soon you will be, too. Be patient. First, find your room. There’s a room here for everyone.” His eyes shifted over to you, as did the dolls heads and you shuffled closer into Loki’s side. 
 “Nothing else matters anymore. Only him. It’s like these things.” Joe looked around at the puppets which surrounded each table. “I used to hate them! They make me laugh now.” Joe began laughing to himself.
 “Gottle o’ geer! Gottle o’ geer!” Joe cheered as his laughter increased and the dummies began joining in again, their slack jaws chattering up and down.
 “You should go. He’ll be here soon.” Joe told the Doctor.
 You had all returned to the reception, the Doctor had managed to find a stack barrow, to wheel Joe around in while keeping him tied to his chair as the Doctor went over his plan.
 “First, we find the TARDIS. Quick thing before we go. If you feel drawn to a particular room, do not go in, and make sure someone else can see you at all times.” The Doctor instructed.
 You ended up searching through the hallways of the hotel, they were decorated with a red floral carpet and white floral wallpaper, all the numbered doors to the different rooms were white and between each door there was a wall lamp, which kept the hallways bright, since there were no windows to let in any natural light.
 You and Loki walked side by side at the back of the group, Rita was pushing Joe in the stack barrow, by now he had some duct tape over his mouth to quiet his nonsensical ramblings. The Doctor lead the group at the front and Howie was muttering to Donna about his theory on how whole thing was a conspiracy, she didn’t appear convinced but she just smiled and nodded before she stepped on ahead to walk beside the Doctor.
 You suddenly heard a school bell ring as a man stepped out of one of the rooms in front of the Doctor, dressed in a white vest and white shorts with a whistle around his neck.
 “Hello?” The Doctor spoke.
 “Have you forgotten your P.E. kit again?” The man yelled, the Doctor had no answer as he glanced around in confusion. “Right, that’s it, you’re doing it in your pants!” 
 With that the man stormed back into his room and slammed the door behind him, the Doctor looked around at all of you in silence and you realised that must’ve been someone else’s bad dream.
 “Hey! Don’t!” The Doctor shouted as he ran past you and Loki, you both jumped out the way and watched as Howie opened one of the doors to a room before the Doctor could reach him.
 Once the door swung open you heard the sound of girls laughter.
 “Oh look girls, it’s H-H-Howie.” You heard one of them tease, causing the others to burst into giggles.
 “What’s “loser” in K-K-K-Klingon?” Another added encouraging another round of laughs. 
 “Shut the... d-d... the- the door!” Howie told the Doctor as he began backing away and the Doctor quickly slammed it shut as Howie stood behind him, nervously pulling the sleeves of his striped hoodie over his hands. “This is just some... m-m-messed up CIA b-b-bullshit, I’m- I’m telling you.” 
 “You’re right, keep telling yourself that. It’s a CIA thing, nothing more.” The Doctor told Howie as he put an arm over his shoulder and encouraged him to keep walking down the corridor and you all continued to quietly follow. 
 You felt as though you were walking around in circles as every hallway looked exactly the same, the same carpet, the same wallpaper, the same wall lamps and doors. There were no signs which told you what floor you were on, the only thing which was different was the numbers on the front of each of the doors.
 There was a dip in the ceiling, which ran along the top of the corridor, it looked like a beam, the Doctor ran his finger over it to trace some large scratch marks that had been left behind. While Donna stopped and bent down to pick up some small notebook sized pieces of paper which she had found on the floor. You glanced over her shoulder to look at the words scribbled in pencil which were written over it.
 Loki had fallen to the back of the group and he slowed as he passed one of the doors, until he was stood in front of it. Everything in him was screaming at him to walk away but he couldn’t, it was as if he were stuck, as the urge to open the door before him overpowered him. 
 Hesitantly he lifted his hand, which had begun shaking, to the doorknob. He was overwhelmingly curious about what his bad dream might be, many nights he had been plagued with nightmares of being back at the sanctuary, tortured by The Other. He wondered if that’s what was waiting for him behind his door, or perhaps it was Thanos himself, come to kill him just like in the projection the TVA had shown him. 
 No one noticed as Loki pushed his door open and peaked inside his room, to find the last thing he expected, it was empty. Apart from two single beds against the wall, a table between them with a lamp on top of it, much like a normal hotel room, there was nothing. Loki drew his brows together, he wasn’t sure whether he should’ve been relieved or worried. 
 Loki retreated and stepped back into the hallway, as he gently pulled the door back shut he glanced at the number on the front of it to find it was room 13 and he narrowed his eyes. 
 You had turned around just in time to see him with his hand on the doorknob and you called his name as you ran towards him.
 “Loki, don’t go in there!” You grabbed his arm and dragged him away from the door.
 “It’s too late.” Loki mumbled as his eyes remained on the door and you put both your hands on the sides of his face to force him to look at you.
 “What did you see?” You asked him and he slightly shook his head.
 “It’s okay, you can tell me.” You encouraged him, believing he was trying to protect you.
 “No, I’m not lying... there- there was nothing.” Loki told you, you could see the genuine confusion in his eyes and you realised he was telling the truth.
 A sudden growl grabbed everyone’s attention, it was a low and thunderous sound that could only come from a dangerous beast. Joe began squirming in his chair as he tried to break free from his restraints as the growling grew closer.
 “Okay, whatever that is, it’s not real, yeah?” Donna asked the Doctor. 
 “No, no, I’m sure it isn’t,” you heard him assure her, yet the way he was backing away betrayed him, “but just in case, let’s run away and hide anyway, in here.”
 The Doctor encouraged you all to pile into one of the rooms, some of you got separated, while you, Loki, Donna and the Doctor entered one room, Rita and Howie ran into another, abandoning Joe in the middle of the hallway.
 When you looked into the room, you saw two stone statues of angels with their faces hidden behind their hands as if they were crying.
 “Oh god. Okay, whatever you do. Don’t blink.” The Doctor ordered you all as he stared with wide eyes at the stone statues in front of him.
 “Why not?” You dared to ask.
 “They’re Weeping Angels, they can only move when they’re not being observed, a single touch from one of them will make you disappear forever.” The Doctor quickly explained to you and your eyes began to burn as you stared at the stone sculptures in front of you.
 The light of the room began flickering off and on, every time the room was plunged into completely darkness the light came back on to reveal the angels had moved closer. Now they had removed their hands from their face as they reached out for you with their mouths open wide to reveal sharp teeth.
 Your pulse raced as you backed yourself up against the wall each time they came closer, you wanted to scream but you were too frightened, your eyes watered from the sting of forcing them open too long and you clung on impossibly tight to Loki’s arm.
 “Why haven’t they got us yet?” The Doctor asked once the angels stopped coming any closer.
 The Doctor bravely stepped forward, while the rest of you remained against the wall.
 “Doctor, be careful.” Donna warned him, as he reached his hand out towards the stone angel but once he touched it, nothing happened and the Doctor sighed with relief.
 “They’re not real. They would’ve got us by now. They’re not real. Just someone’s bad dream.” The Doctor turned around to assure you all and each of you slumped against the wall in unison, as you let your eyes finally fall shut, you wiped away the moisture that fell from your tear ducts, as your eyes watered heavily to replenish their irritated and dried surface. 
 From the hallway you could hear the growls grow closer, as they were accompanied by heavy footsteps. On the floor, where light from the hallway leaked through the gap of the door, you saw the shadows of the beasts legs as it stomped past. You held your breath as you tightly closed your eyes and you felt Loki’s arms tighten around you.
 The Doctor quietly stepped up to the door and spied through the peephole, but quickly jumped back when the beast banged against the door from the other side. 
 “Oh dear.” He glanced nervously at the rest of you before he returned to the door to take another glance through the peephole. “I think it’s going after Joe.”
 He watched as Joe managed to struggle free from the ties which bound him to the chair, as he stood and held his arms out wide at his sides, with a large smile on his face. 
 “Come to me. Come to me.” He welcomed the beast. “Praise him.”
 Suddenly it fell silent and you all glanced at each other, wondering if it was safe to leave the room yet. The Doctor was the first one to step out of the room as he looked up and down the empty hallway, the only thing left behind was the chair, the stack barrow and the ties which were left discarded on the floor. The Doctor looked to the top of the hallway just in time, to see Joes legs disappear behind the corner, as the beast dragged him away.
 “Leave him alone!” The Doctor shouted as he ran after him. As you all ran out the room after him, Rita and Howie emerged from the room they had hidden in. 
 Once you all turned the corner, you found the Doctor crouching beside Joe, who was perched in a kneeling position against the wall, his head lulled lifelessly and his vacant eyes stared at nothing, as the Doctor patted at his cheek. The look on the Doctors face as he solemnly glanced back up at all of you, told you everything you needed to know. 
 The Doctor and Loki had managed to carry Joe’s body to one of the hotel’s bars, where they rested him on the floor and covered him with a white cloth from one of the tables, while you and Donna wedged chairs underneath the handles of all the doors in an attempt to stop anything from getting into the bar where you sought refuge. 
 The only sound that filled the room was the ear piercing whistle of an old kettle coming to a boil, as Rita made cups of tea for you all and Howie quietly sat at one of the tables by himself.
 “What exactly happened to him?” Rita asked the Doctor as she approached him with two cups of tea in her hand, one of which she handed to him. 
 From where you sat on a nearby table, next to Loki, you listened in on their conversation. 
 “He died.” The Doctor answered plainly as he held his mug full of tea in front of him.
 “You are a medical Doctor, aren’t you?” Rita checked, “you haven’t just got a degree in cheese-making or something.”
 “No! Well, yes, both, actually.” The Doctor answered. “I mean, there is no cause, all his vital organs simply stopped, as if the simple spark of life, his loves and hates, his faiths and fears were just... taken.”
 “So you believe this to be a fake alien hotel?” Rita pointed out. “I heard you talking when you arrived.” She confessed after the Doctor silently tilted his head, wondering how she knew that. “Look, it’s no more ridiculous than Howie’s CIA theory or mi... or mine.”
 “Which is?”
 “This is Jahannam.” She stated.
 “You’re a muslim? You think this is hell?” The Doctor asked curiously and Rita nodded.
 “The whole ‘80s hotel thing took me by surprise, though.” She added.
 “All these fears and phobias wondering about, most are completely unconnected to us, so why are they still here?” He asked her as if she had the answers.
 “Maybe the cleaners have gone on strike.” She joked which made the Doctor laugh.
 “I like you, you’re a right clever clogs. But this isn’t hell, Rita.” The Doctor told her.
 “You don’t understand, I say that without fear. Jahannam will play its tricks, and there’ll be times when I want to run and scream, but I’ve tried to live a good life and that knowledge keeps me sane, despite the monsters and the bonkers rooms.” She explained before Donna approached the Doctor, holding in her hand the pieces of paper she found on the floor earlier.
 “Doctor, look at this. I found it in a corridor, I forgot I had it.” Donna told him as she handed over the pages to him. The Doctor took them in his hands and leaned against the table you and Loki were sat at as he read the scribbled writing on the paper out loud.
 My name is Lucy Hayward and I’m the last one left. It took Luke first. It got him on his first day, almost as soon as he arrived. It’s funny, you don’t know what’s going to be in your room until you see it, then you realise it could have never been anything else. I just saw mine. It was a gorilla from a book I’d read as a kid. My god that thing used to terrify me. The gaps between my worships are getting shorter, like contractions. This is what happened to the others... and how lucky they were. It’s all so clear now. I’m so happy. Praise him.
 “Praise him.” Howie repeated from where he was sat, grabbing everyone’s attention. 
 “What did you just say?” The Doctor asked.
 “Nothing...” Howie innocently answered before he looked like he was fighting against himself as the words rose to his tongue. “Praise him.” He said again before he slapped his own hand over his mouth. 
 “This is what happened to Joe.” Rita told you all, as Howie rose from his chair and began to pace back and forth.
 “God, it’s going to come for me now.” He worriedly muttered to himself.
 “I won’t leave you, I promise, you have my word.” The Doctor swore to him.
 “I don’t want to get eaten!” Howie grew more anxious.
 “Howie, calm down.” Rita tried to tell him.
 “He’s going to lead the beast right here.” Loki said.
 All their voices jumbled together as the spoke over one another, before the Doctor raised his sonic screwdriver in the air and it emitted a shrill sound which rung through your ears, you quickly covered them with your palms and everyone fell silent.
 “Thank you.” The Doctor said once everyone had stopped talking.
 “Don’t you see? He will lead the monster right here!” Loki was the first to speak.
 “What do you suggest?” Rita turned to him and Loki silently looked around at everyone, until his eyes fell on you.
 “We have to keep ourselves safe and find the TARDIS,” he told the room, “tragic though it might be, now is not the time for sentiment. The beast is coming for Howie and if we all remain here it might take us too.”
 “Of course you’re thinking about yourself.” Donna snidely commented. 
 “I’m thinking about the safety of your niece, actually.” Loki corrected her and she frowned regretfully. 
 “It’s okay, I’ll stay with Howie. You take the others and go.” Rita offered. 
 “No. We stay together.” The Doctor said with finality. “Howie, any second now, it’s going to possess you again. When it does, I’m going to ask you some questions. Please try to answer them.” 
 The Doctor sat Howie down at one of the tables and you all sat down opposite him. The Doctor tapped his fingers on the surface of the table as he waited for the possession to wash over Howie again. You noticed it seemed to have come over him when his eyes widened and he gasped in a breath of air. 
 The edge of Howie’s lips lifted into a smile and he raised his large brown eyes to look at you all from under his dark eyebrows, the sinister look unsettled you.
 “Howie, you’re next! We’re all so jealous, so tell us... How do we get a piece of the action? Why isn’t he possessing all of us?” The Doctor baited him.
 “You guys have got all these distractions, all these obstacles. It’d be so much easier if you just it let go, you know, clear the path.” Howie explained, his demeanour completely changed, he became lucid and relaxed.
 “You want it to find you? Even though you know what it’s going to do?” You asked. 
 “Are you kidding?” Howie asked you directly. “He’s going to kill us all! How cool is that?!” 
 The Doctor abruptly stood up and you did too, followed by Loki and then Donna and Rita as you huddled into a group with your backs turned to Howie.
 “It’s as I thought. It feeds on fear.” The Doctor whispered. “Everything, the rooms, Lucy’s note, even the pictures in reception, has been put here to frighten us. So we have to resist it. Do whatever you have to, cross your fingers, say a prayer, think of a basket of kittens, but do not give in to the fear.” He instructed.
 “Guys... where’s Howie?” Rita asked and you all turned around and looked at the empty chair where he was once sat.
 “My master, my lord. I’m here! Bring me death!” You heard Howie’s voice faintly cry from the stairwell.
 “No!” The Doctor yelled as he ran out the exit of the bar, in search for Howie, Donna and Rita followed after him and you followed after them, ignoring Loki who called after you.
 Somehow you all got separated as you ran through the corridors in search for Howie and each other. Rita had said that the corridors twisted and stretched, it likely did this on purpose. You found yourself alone in one of the empty hallways, the door at the end of it called to you. Number 7. Without moving the wall slid closer to you, until all you had to do was reach out your hand and turn the doorknob to find out what awaited you. 
 You know you shouldn’t have, you really tried not to, but you couldn’t help yourself as you slowly pushed open your door and glanced at what was inside. 
 Your eyes widened when on the edge of the bed you saw a dark figure, the only light in the room was the one which leaked through from the hallway, but you recognised it immediately. The figure haunted your dreams often as a child, it became less frequent as you grew older until you had forgotten about it completely. The nightmares used to petrify you, often you would wake in the middle of the night screaming and your mother would have to come running into your bedroom to comfort you and tell you it was just a bad dream. 
 You yelped when you felt someone yank you away from the door, before they slammed it shut.
 “You shouldn’t have done that.” Rita told you. “What did you see?” 
 “Nothing.” You said defensively, you didn’t want to explain it, “I didn’t see anything.”
 Rita could easily tell that you were lying, but she didn’t call you out on it, respecting the fact you didn’t wish to share your bad dream. 
 “Come on.” She urged you, taking you to find everyone else.
 As you ran through the endless maze of corridors, you eventually ran into Donna, all three of you remained together until you turned down a corridor and found the Doctor standing in front of Howie’s body which was presented in a kneeling position against the wall, just like Joe’s had been. 
 The Doctor silently stared back at the three of you, regret evident in his eyes at the fact he was unable to save his life. Just as you began to wonder where Loki was, he appeared at the other end of the hallway, as soon as you saw him you rushed towards him. He pulled you into his arms without hesitation and planted a chaste kiss on the top of your head.
 The Doctor was walking up the stairwell, having just returned from the bar where he and Loki had placed Howie’s body alongside Joe’s and put another white table cloth over him. He had decided he needed to go for a walk, he was beginning to feel the pressure of time running out and if he didn’t come up with a plan soon he was going to lose all of you.
 As he walked up the stairwell, he ran into Rita, who was walking in the opposite direction. 
 “Rita! How are you?” He greeted her, “not panicking, are you?”
 She shook her head.
 “Good. That’s very good. Because I’m on the verge of getting us out of here.” He assured her, despite the fact he wasn’t entirely certain if he actually was.
 “Why is it up to you to save us?” Rita asked him. “It’s quite a god complex you have there.”
 “I brought them here.” He told her, “I didn’t really give them a choice in the matter. I threatened to take them back home and take the freedom of all of time and space away from them if they didn’t join me on one adventure. How much safer they would’ve been if they had’ve decided to go home.”
 “All of time and space, eh?” Rita grew interested.
 “Oh, yeah. And when we get out of this, I’ll show you, too.” He promised her, before his eyes landed on a security camera above her head and he smiled as he suddenly got an idea. “Right down to the smallest detail. Got you, Mr Minotaur.”
 With that, he ran off down the stairs and Rita was left staring at the security camera. Curiously she stepped up the stairs and stood right in front of it as she looked directly into it.
 “Praise him.” She smiled as she closed her eyes.
 Loki studied you as you both sat in silence at one of the tables in the bar, you had been quiet ever since you reunited after you all got separated. He understood you were frightened, even he was too, but there had been a change in you and it didn’t take him long to figure out what it was.
 “You’ve seen your room, haven’t you.” Loki quietly said as he took your hand in his to get your attention. 
 You had been staring into nothing and you rapidly blinked as you zoned back in and looked at Loki, his face was filled with nothing but concern for you as you silently nodded before dropped your head in shame.
 Loki placed the tips of his fingers under your chin and gently encouraged you to lift your head. 
 “What did you see?” He asked you.
 “There was a figure sat on the bed,” your eyes gently filled with tears as you retold Loki of the nightmares that plagued you as a child. “I’m next, aren’t I? It’s going to come for me. I’m sorry, Loki. I’m so sorry, I tried to resist it, I’m sorry.”
 Loki tenderly shushed you as you began to cry and pulled you into his chest, where you sobbed into the front of his shirt as you let his comforting warmth and scent surround you, never wanting to leave the safety of his embrace. You whined as Loki pulled back and he left a soft kiss on your salty lips before he took your face in his hands and wiped away the tears which ran down your cheeks. 
 “I won’t let anything happen to you, I promise. I will do whatever it takes to protect you.” Loki swore to you, before he let you hug back into him as he tried his best to sooth you. 
 Unbeknownst to the both of you, Donna watched on from the doorway to the bar, she had missed the part where you revealed you had seen your room and only caught the pair of you as Loki promised to protect you, she was beginning to believe that he truly meant it.
 After Loki had managed to calm you down, you decided that you should go find the Doctor, Donna had revealed herself to the both of you once you exited the bar and to your surprise she didn’t have anything to say about you and Loki.
 “Where’s Rita?” You asked your auntie when you realised she wasn’t with any of you.
 “Maybe she’s with the Doctor.” Donna shrugged.
 Donna joined you on your way to find, Rita and the Doctor, she remained silent the whole time and didn’t even send any hostile glances in Loki’s direction when he took your hand in his, you were slightly confused but didn’t question it as you were just grateful that she was giving the pair of you some peace.
 You were walking down a corridor when you heard the Doctor’s voice, from behind a door that was wedged open slightly and you rushed through it with Loki and Donna close behind you.
 “What’s going on? Rita’s disappeared.” You told him once you entered the room, you saw all the black and white TV’s in front of the Doctor, which displayed live security footage and you noticed he had a phone to his ear, while on one of the TVA’s Rita looked directly into the camera as she, too, spoke into a phone from one of the bedrooms which she had brought out into the corridor.
 “Rita. Rita, please. Let me find you.” The Doctor urgently pleaded. 
 “Stay where you are.” She ordered him. “Please, let me be robbed of my faith in private.”
 “Listen, Rita. Go into the room, lock the door.” The Doctor instructed her after he saw the beast walk by on the security footage displayed on one of the other TV’s and saw it was closing in on Rita.
 “I’m not frightened. I’m blessed, Doctor. I’m at peace.” She told him. “I’m going to hang up now.”
 “No, Rita, Don’t!” The Doctor begged.
 “Goodbye, Doctor.” Rita spoke directly into the camera, it was almost as if she was looking right into the Doctors eyes. “Thank you for trying.”
 “Rita! Rita, please!” The Doctor shouted, but he knew he couldn’t hear her as she pulled the phone from her ear and placed it back down on the receiver. The Doctor still hadn’t removed the phone from his own ear, as the dial tone and his useless pleas were the only sounds that filled the room.
 “Doctor, it’s too late.” Donna gently told him as she slid the phone from his hand and returned it to the receiver, the Doctor couldn’t tear his eyes away from the security footage as a large shadow began to loom over Rita and she smiled. 
 “Doctor!” Donna called after him as he abruptly stormed out the room. You jumped when you heard the sound of glass smashing and tables being thrown over, as the Doctor unleashed his emotions, you knew he had grown close to Rita during their short time together. 
 Watching the beast take her had only made it all the more real, as you realised that was your unavoidable fate. You looked up at Loki, your vision blurred as moisture gathered in your eyes, he had vowed to protect you and you didn’t doubt he would but you were trapped here with no way out, even the TARDIS had disappeared, you knew that the odds were not in your favour and that realistically you didn’t have long left.
 You, Loki and Donna quietly sat at one of the tables which the Doctor hadn’t flipped over in the now trashed bar. As the Doctor paced around in front of you all, desperately trying to figure it out.
 “It preys on people’s fear and possesses them. But Rita wasn’t afraid, she was brave and calm. Maybe it’s something to do with the people, some connection between you that will tell me how to fight it.” 
 “Yes. You keep saying that, but while we wait, people keep dying and she will be next.” Loki criticised the Doctor and you looked at him with wide eyes as he referred to you.
 “No, you won’t let that happen.” You told him, as you took his hands in yours. 
 “I know, darling, I know.” He turned to you in his chair, “don’t worry, I won’t let anything happen to you.”
 “You saw your room?” Donna realised.
 “I’m sorry.” Your voice trembled as you spoke to her and she instantly rose from her seat to pull you into her arms and shushed you.
 “You’ve nothing to be sorry for, you’re going to be okay.” She assured you.
 “Oh, no. Oh, no, no.” The Doctor mumbled. “It’s not fear. It’s faith.” He realised.
 You pulled away from Donna as you watched the Doctor have an epiphany.
 “Not just religious faith, like Rita’s, but faith in something. Howard believed in conspiracies, that external forces controlled the world. Joe had dice cufflinks and a horseshoe pin on his tie. He was a gambler. Gamblers believe in luck. They all believe there’s something guiding them, about to save them. That’s what it replaces. Every time someone was confronted with their most primal fear, they fell back on their most fundamental faith. And this whole time, I’ve been telling you to dig deep. Find the thing that keeps you brave. I made you expose your faith and gave it exactly what it needed.” The Doctor said with regret.
 “What about me?” You asked, “What does it want from me?”
 “Your faith in Loki.” The Doctor answered. “That’s what brought us here.”
 You all fell silent and Loki realised that the one thing putting your life in danger was your faith in him. Which meant if you died, it would be his fault, he concluded in his own mind.
 “But why do they lose their faith before they die and start worshipping... “it”?” Donna was the first to break the silence.
 “It needs to convert the faith into a form “it” can consume. Faith is an energy, the specific emotional energy the creature needs to live.” The Doctor explained. “Which is why at the end of her note, Lucy said...”
 “Praise him.” You said.
 “Exactly.” The Doctor nodded, until his eyes widened when he realised you weren’t finishing his sentence for him, you had began worshipping the beast.
 “No.” Loki said to you, having realised the same thing. “Please, no.” He pleaded as he took your hands in his own.
 Suddenly you began to hear a distant growl and the sound of heavy footsteps from the floor above. The beast was coming for you.
 “We have to get her away from here.” The Doctor announced and Loki urged you out of your seat as you all began to run out of the bar and back into the endless maze.
 As you ran through the corridors with a tight grip on Loki’s hand, you heard the footsteps coming closer behind you, until when you glanced over your shoulder, you finally saw it chasing after you.
 You slipped your hand free from Loki’s and turned to face the beast, you thought it was beautiful and you didn’t understand why you were ever running from it, you wanted to welcome it and the glorious death it would bring you.
 But you felt two pairs of hands dragging you away, you tried to fight against them but they were stronger, as Loki and Donna both pulled you along the hallway, away from the beast which was quickly catching up to you. 
 “Over here!” Loki shouted towards the Doctor when he saw door number 13, “it’s my room, there’s nothing in here!”
 The Doctor pushed open the door and Loki and Donna pulled you into the room before the Doctor slammed the door shut and leaned his weight against it in an attempt to keep the beast out. 
 “What do we do now? We’re trapped.” Donna looked to the Doctor, Loki turned to him for answers as well, as you crouched to the floor with your back facing everyone.
 Suddenly the beast slammed against the door, trying to get through, but the Doctor continued pushing his weight against the door trying to keep it out.
 “You have to destroy her faith in you,” the Doctor told Loki urgently, as the beast kept beating against the door. “It’s the only way you can save her.” 
 Loki swallowed as he felt his throat tighten and he lowered his eyes to you where you knelt on the floor with your back to him, another hit against the door from the wild beast behind him urged him to step towards you, until he crouched by your side.
 “Loki, it’s happening, it’s changing me, it’s changing my thoughts.” You told Loki, still believing he could save you.
 Loki fought back his tears, throughout his entire life he had been told to control his emotions, despite that, he had never been very good at it, but now your life depended on it and he tried to remain as emotionless as possible. He gulped down the lump in his throat and controlled the tremble in his voice, so it wouldn’t give him away as he spoke.
 “I can’t save you.” Loki told you and he felt the first unbearable rip in his chest as you looked up at him with wide, frightened eyes, expecting him to be your hero.
 “What? No, you can. You promised.” You desperately encouraged him.
 Loki had to momentarily divert his gaze to stop himself from breaking. He masked it as a bored sigh as he wiped his palm down his face before he looked back towards you, ensuring that his eyes lacked any of the adoration, trust and love that he held for you in his wounded heart. Shadows cast over his eyes, making them darker in the already dimly lit room as he stared at you from beneath his eyebrows. The only time you ever recalled him looking at someone like that was when he confronted Cassandra, back then the look had sent shivers through your spine, but now it made your chest cave as you wondered what you had done to the person you love to make him look at you like that. 
 “I lied.” Loki lied. “I tricked you. I’m the God of Mischief, it’s what I do best, and you fell for it so easily.” 
 “You’re lying. It’s not funny.” You shook your head, refusing to believe him, your faith in him remained strong. Loki decided to try another tactic which caused a sick feeling to stir in his stomach, but he had promised he would do whatever it takes to protect you and he wasn’t going to break his promise, even if that meant he had to make you hate him.
 “You should have listened to your auntie,” Loki continued. “She was right, I’ve been lying to you this whole time. I wasn’t controlled by the mind stone when I attacked New York, I brought death and destruction and enjoyed every second of it.” 
 “No, stop.” You pleaded as you began to sob, “why are you saying this?” You tried to hold onto him but he shoved you away as he stood up straight above you and you grovelled at his feet, clinging onto him and your belief in him for dear life, like it wasn’t the one thing endangering it. 
 By now the beast had managed to overpower the Doctor and the door was wide open. It’s shadow loomed over you and Loki realised that if he was about to lose you forever, he would rather it be in the way where you survived in the end. He had to truly hurt you.
 “I told you a made up sob story and you fell for it, like a fool... or perhaps you were just so desperate for some affection, you didn’t care who it came from. I’d expect nothing less from a pathetic human such as yourself. You asked me once if I thought you were a worthless creature,” Loki noticed the monster finally stopped in his tracks half way into the room, as you finally let go of his legs and began to shuffle away from him, dreading what he was going to say next. Loki knew that this was the final blow that would completely shatter your faith and trust in him and save your life. So with his heart already torn in to shreds, he prepared to reach into his chest and rip out the broken pieces of his heart and throw them away, destroying any chance of it ever being put back together again after this. “Truth be told, I think you’re the most worthless of them all.”
 With that the beast collapsed to his knees and you scrambled to your feet to get away from Loki as you looked at him with so much betrayal, he had to avoid your eyes to stop himself from breaking down right there in front of you and start begging for your forgiveness.
 You rushed to your auntie for comfort, while the Doctor crouched by the creatures side as it let out it’s final breaths.
 Once it was dead, the hotel around you began to collapse like a house of cards, you were all left unharmed as everything around you vanished into nothing, until it revealed that you had been on a spaceship this whole time as you were surrounded by futuristic electronics and a round window which revealed the vast vacuum of space and a nearby grey planet. The ship was quiet and it seemed to be abandoned, but you weren’t going to stick around long enough to double check as you finally saw the TARDIS, stood in the far corner of the dark room. You wanted to get as far away from Loki as possible, so as soon as you had laid eyes on the Doctors ship, you had ran towards it and disappeared behind its blue doors.
 It was then that Loki realised why his room had been empty, it was in his room where he had lost you, and that was his biggest fear.
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Breathe ~ Doctor (part 1)
A/n: So I had a FANTASTIC idea and had to write it. The first part is all of the experience with 9 in one part. I so hope you enjoy this introduction, and allow it to take you on a journey with me that I have been having far too much fun exploring.
Word Count: 11,000+
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Rose Tyler had three people in her life that were a constant.
Her mother, first of all. The woman might be a little annoying from time to time, gossiping and being pushy and demanding and wasting money on parties and dramatics. She was a good woman though, with a large heart. She had, after all, raised Rose by herself and the girl had come out brilliantly.
Then there was Mickey. Mickey was Rose's boyfriend. He was... cool, I guess. There was definitely more to him than others cared to dig for. Even he himself didn't know his full potential, and it put a stopper on him quite a bit. He was fine enough, and obviously cared for Rose, but he tended to be a bit... distracted, and oblivious. Desperate, maybe.
Y/n sure didn't approve of him, but as Rose's best friend he had long since learned to accept the man. Y/n was very good at filling in the spaces where Mickey lacked. He was attentive and listened to Rose talk for hours. That was perhaps the biggest reason he didn't like Mickey too much. Rose complained a lot. Y/n fancied himself an artist. He and Rose had met when he'd tried to do street art to get some attention, but it was more hussle than it was worth. The best thing that came out of it was his friendship with Rose.
There was something odd about Y/n, Rose was sure. The man was usually very open and honest - unless it came to any and all talk about relationships. Rose had long since stopped asking, but others hadn't. Every time his love life was brought up, he clammed shut and got very bitey. No one was sure why, but it happened every time without fail. His reaction didn't get any more or less violent, either. No one could wear him out or get him to snap. He just got tense and irritable until you stopped talking, and then the mood was usually ruined the rest of the day.
It was a silver lining, though. Otherwise Y/n was extremely pleasant and had no problems talking about other peoples' relationships or love lives. Y/n never encouraged Rose to be single or to dump Mickey - as long as everyone was happy, you could talk about anything in your life without any back lash. Rose got along and they didn't talk about it and that was that.
Then the Doctor happened.
Rose and Y/n didn't lie to each other. They'd formed a friendship on if you didn't want something known, you didn't mention it until you were ready to talk about it with a level head. No matter what, they didn't lie. They just kept their mouths shut. So when the Doctor entered Rose Tyler's life and her mom took up the phones like usual and Mickey ran off to the bar to watch the game, Rose pulled Y/n into her room and told him everything.
"No," Y/n mumbled. It wasn't that he didn't believe her. Rose Tyler wasn't insane, and they didn't lie to each other. He knew that, logically, if she said it, it was true. That didn't stop the fact that his mind rejected what she was telling him.
"Yes!" Rose gushed, nodding eagerly. "He's got this weird screw driver, except it's got no head, just a little light at the end. And mannequins - they moved. He's the one that blew up my job."
Y/n allowed him a second to process that before responding. Rose stayed silent as well, waiting for him to speak again before she said more. "And he said his name was what?"
"The Doctor. Sounds like a mad man, huh?"
A sort of amused snort came from Y/n then. "No shit." He shook his head. "Hold on, I need air." They began to walk out when the doggy door suddenly blew in. Y/n and Rose both jumped, before Rose yelled something at her mom about not nailing the flap shut like she said she would. But when Y/n kneeled down, he picked up nails off of the ground, holding them up for Rose to see. "I think she actually did, Rosey."
The two locked eyes and then both gazes shot to the flap as it suddenly moved again. Rose went to stick her head down there but Y/n wasn't having any of that. He nudged her with his foot, grabbing the bat by the door he had insisted the Tyler's kept at the ready. Two women living alone needed some way to protect themselves. Not necessarily a man - no woman NEEDED a man, even Y/n knew that - but something. Now it came in handy as he hefted, swinging the door open as Rose scrambled to her feet behind him.
A man stood there. He wore a leather jacket and had an odd expression on his face. "Hello," Y/n greeted, unsure.
"Hello," the man responded back. He lifted a long, odd object and pressed a button, running the object down Y/n's body as if... scanning him.
It clicked in Y/n's brain far too quickly. The thing glowed at the end that was pointed at Y/n, and it made a buzzing noise. The man was weird and smiled too wide. Even the leather jacket was there. "You're the Doctor."
The Doctor's smile grew. "Normally I have to introduce myself. It's usually a bad sign when someone knows my name, but you're not made of plastic so I can't imagine what I'd have to be worried about. Are you made of plastic by chance?"
"No," Y/n answered calmly. He was processing Rose's story at hyper speed now. It only made sense that a man like this would be attached to a world where plastic came alive and tried to kill you. The night seemed bright around him. There was something odd about his presence, like seeing cartoon and live action mixing between characters and background. The Doctor didn't belong here, and it was obvious in every move he made.
The Doctor nodded. "Suppose I'll be on my way then."
"You will not," Rose spoke up, grabbing the man's arm around Y/n and pulling all of them. "I have questions and this time you WILL answer them."
That simple action changed the lives of Rose Tyler, the Doctor, and everyone they cared about so much that none of them would ever be able to go back. Honestly though, none of them would have it any other way. Except maybe Jackie.
"Doctor?" Y/n turned to the other man, who hummed without looking over. The Doctor's eyes were trained on the end of the world. As were Rose's. Y/n couldn't keep looking. Something had stuck in his head. Something that made him even more sick than the sight of an empty planet being consumed in a universe that had long since been done with it. "The woman before. She said something about your planet. Something about you being impossible."
The Doctor got a very dark look on his face then. "I suppose I am rather impossible." He shrugged, obviously trying to keep it light.
Unfortunately, Y/n's curiosity was insatiable. It was something the Doctor had come to appreciate about him. Until now, maybe. "Well, I'm the last of my kind." He paused but when Y/n's expression grew only more earnest, he shared more. There was something about Y/n that pulled at the Time Lord. Made him want to talk. Talk about things other than just science and time and language and culture and history and such. Something that made the Doctor want to talk about himself. "A very long time ago, there was a war. A war between my people, and those knows as the Daleks." He paused, getting rather somber. "We won...” he swallowed. There was an unspoken, at a cost.
Y/n found himself with more questions, but felt none of them appropriate to ask. "I'm so sorry." Rose turned then to see Y/n take the Doctor's hand. Y/n had always been affectionate, but only with people he was rather attached to. With strangers, Y/n was usually quiet and reserved. Until he was sure someone could handle his prying questions and blunt honesty that so often got him in trouble if he didn't check himself around the right people.
Perhaps it was the fact that the Doctor was a lot like that as well that Y/n had taken to him so quickly. Whether it was that or something else, Rose was glad the two men were getting along. She was also glad there was someone smarter than Y/n in the room. The boy had asked so many questions and gotten so many answers that he had quite a bit of knowledge more than normal people. He was no genius like the Doctor, nor was he hyper intelligent or anything. But he could outmatch Rose and Mickey, and they often went to him when they needed something spelled or math done that they couldn't mentally do quick enough.
Rose suddenly saw something else though. Past the similarity and the comfort and the peace the men found in each other. The Doctor looked back to Earth, and Y/n continued to look at the Doctor. It was subtle, and it wouldn't have been noticed if Rose wasn't already looking. But she had. Y/n finally looked away fully, but there was a look in his eyes that Rose had never seen before.
What was that about?
"What was that?" Rose demanded when the left the room, parting from the Doctor.
Y/n seemed taken aback. "What was what?"
Rose wasn't sure how to describe it. An odd look? A weird new air about him? There was something different when Y/n looked at the Doctor and Rose couldn't understand it. "With you and the Doctor?" She tried to clarify.
That only seemed to confuse Y/n more. "What are you talking about? Holding hands? I do that with you and Mickey all the time, and I'm not even Mickey's biggest fan."
Rose rolled her eyes so hard that Y/n almost laughed. "You looked... different."
Y/n was quiet a long time. Rose almost thought he wasn't going to say anything. That she had found something he wasn't ready to share. But then he did speak, even if it was soft. "He's different, the Doctor. Not just because he's alien, though... perhaps that is it." He sighed. "He's lonely. He's so lonely, Rose. Can't you see it? In the way he empathizes with loss and grief. The way he looks when you mention his name or his planet or the TARDIS or your family. When he was watching you watching Earth die, like he could see... something else. He told me something. Something that makes me think... he might have watched his own world be destroyed, like we did today. But it wasn't empty, and his species hadn't spread out and integrated and evolved. They just died, and left him all alone."
For a second, it was quiet. "You see it, don't you?"
A nod was all Y/n gave at first. He didn't need to say anything, but he did anyway. "He looked the way I did when I got the news back then. When I found out. He gets that exact look."
Suddenly Rose looked very sad indeed. "Well. Now you both have someone, eh?"
A small smile tugged at Y/n's lips. "Yeah, here's to that at least."
The man turned at his name, only to be tackled by the shorter blonde that had become known as his best friend. "Rose," Y/n whispered, clinging to her. "God I thought you were dead for sure. I - what happened? I lost you guys and then..." He looked sick. "There was so much light and-"
"We're all okay," the Doctor reassured. "That's what matters."
Y/n turned on the older man. "Now you listen here. That's NOT all that matters. Because she damn well could have not been and I wasn't there to protect her. Or you! What would I have done if either of you had died and I was up here sitting on my thumbs like an idiot?"
The Doctor was taken aback by Y/n's outburst. When the man turned and stormed off, Rose was the one to step up and explain. "I'm sorry, Doctor. He's rather protective of those he cares about." She bit her lip, giving the Doctor the impression there was more she wanted to say. He waited for her to speak, and after a while she did. "When he was young, Y/n saw something terrible. His childhood wasn't normal. I mean, you think life is pretty rough on most of us, but Y/n's had it worst than most."
"What happened?" The Doctor asked quietly.
Rose sighed. "His parents had always been pretty distant, but they were mostly good. They did what they needed to do and let him free when he wanted to be. But, well, they were.. angry. The fought a lot, and it didn't help that his dad was a fan of alcohol. His mum... well she was a fan of lots of things other than that, none of them good for you. One day, she came home high. She wanted something... I can't remember what. His parents fought over it until... his mum pulled a little too hard. His dad slipped and knocked his head really hard on the floor. He died. His mom panicked and..." Rose swallowed. And no further words had to be said about it. "Y/n was on the couch the entire time watching. He ran. Was on the streets for a long time doing lots of things. Working as best he could while keeping his head down until he turned eighteen and was free of the system. Found us right after that. He watched his parents destroy themselves and spent a long time alone after that because he couldn't stop the fighting." She scoffed. "His words of course. Not his fault people fight. He was only twelve."
The Doctor seemed to be thinking about something. Something that didn't seem to be sitting right with him. "Does he have any other family?"
"Loads. He used to have a very big family. No brothers or sisters, but lots of aunts and uncles and cousins and the such."
"What happened to them?" The Doctor looked at Rose, as if searching her mind for something he desperately needed.
Rose stalled a few seconds. "A lot of the same, really. Not so much murder, but... well, his parents got their habits from their families, and between that and regular life? Not as many are as strong or as resourceful as Y/n. They ran off or got addicted to something or..." She shrugged. "He lost all of them at some point."
The Doctor nodded. "I see. Well, this is settled. Let's go somewhere more fun." His tone changed but the mood didn't. Rose let it drop though. Y/n didn't mind Rose answering questions like this for people he was comfortable with. He actually preferred it, so that wasn't her worry. The Doctor had drawn a silent line though. She didn't know what it was blocking her from, but she decided to let the whole topic drop just in case.
Perhaps it was what Y/n had said about him and the Doctor being the same.
She hoped they weren't too similar. It was bad enough knowing Y/n's story, she couldn't bare another like it.
Y/n had been staring at the building that had just gone up in flames for a very long time now. Rose and the Doctor had been celebrating, but Y/n sat there quietly, on the pavement, staring at the building like he was waiting for it to undo the carnage that had been caused moments ago.
"So what's on your mind?" The Doctor had plopped down next to Y/n, smile small. He'd gotten used to Y/n's mellow mood. The boy wasn't hyper like the Doctor. He didn't get off on exploration. What drove Y/n, it seemed, was saving people. And a life like this took its tole on people who wanted to save everyone. People like Y/n. So, the Doctor had learned to check in every once in a while. Every time he did, he was never disappointed. Even when Y/n seemed to be hurting, he was never negative about it. He could accept a success. The things he did think though put the Doctor on a path that had him mulling for days. In a good way. He and Y/n got into a lot of very stimulating debates this exact way.
Today wasn't about debates for Y/n.
"I know they were going to destroy the world and stuff. I'm not sad they're dead. We won and they've been stopped and all of humanity and Earth has been saved. That's great. The way we did it was rather impressive too." He chuckled, but there was obviously more he was thinking.
"But?" The Doctor prompted.
Y/n shrugged. "Wiping out an entire family. I mean, their species isn't normally like that, are they?"
"No," The Doctor answered slowly.
A bitter sweet smile rested on Y/n's lips then. "Do you think they were raised to be like that, or is blood thirst genetic?" It was a sarcastic question, so the Doctor didn't answer. There was a moment of quiet before Y/n shook his head and sighed. "Doctor, would you prefer I didn't travel with you?"
That was not the thing the Doctor had been expecting Y/n to say next. "Why would you ever think I didn't want you along with us?"
Another moment where Y/n struggled with how to form his thoughts and feelings into words passed before the boy finally figured it out. "I like this life. I really do. I like being around you and Rose and watching you guys have your fun. But sometimes I feel like... a bit of a downer."
The Doctor chuckled. "Honestly Y/n, you're the first person in a very long who sees the truth to things. As much as we cling to our victories, you're real about them. You handle everything with complete understanding, even with your limited knowledge. You have empathy even for beings who would have killed you without even remembering your face. You have pity for monsters and you feel for species the rest of your kind would rather kill than have a civil conversation with. Rose is fun and she matches my energy and I appreciate that. But you ask the questions I've been waiting for someone to ask for centuries. Your kindness is quite refreshing. You get it."
Y/n smiled. "So you want me along?"
"I will always want you along, Y/n. As long as I can have you along," The Doctor answered without hesitation. "You're no downer, I promise."
It was that moment that something changed for Y/n. Rose saw this too, but not in the moment the two men shared now, but after. Y/n and the Doctor had unlocked something in each other in that conversation. A kind of connection where even as everyone cheered, all the pair had to do was look at each other to know that in all the sweetness around them, the other understood the slight bitterness they felt as well. As much as they wanted to end evil, they also both felt the loss of any soul they couldn't save. Taking a moment to mourn with each other seemed a relief for both of them.
It was something Rose couldn't feel. She saw things pretty straight forward. Bad people needed to have an end to them. And she wasn't wrong, but the compassion that had come to Y/n and Doctor after having their families and lives taken from them and living far too long by themselves, they had a unique ability to give a moment of silence even for enemies who were twisted by things out of their control. Who couldn't be shown the light.
They bonded over it so much that Rose felt herself being left behind.
Y/n and Rose still told each other lots and cuddled when either needed comfort. The Doctor and Rose still had lots of fun and laughed at each others jokes and had that same sense of humor that came only from adjusting to and enjoying the life they both lead. They were all friends. But Y/n and the Doctor had something else. Just a little something more. Just enough that Rose saw the change and began to think that there might be something major she didn't know about the man who called himself her best friend.
"Something's off."
Rose and the Doctor looked over at Y/n, whose eyes were slowly and carefully scanning their surroundings with narrowed eyes, as if searching for proof that his hunch was solid. "What is it?" Rose asked gently, moving closer so they didn't have to talk around the people in the crowd they had been moving through before Y/n had stopped dead.
The dynamic between the trio had very early on become clear. The Doctor was the brain, coming up with the plans. Rose was the second in command. She was stuck to the Doctor's side and they worked in tandem, being unbroken and often sliding along the same wave length. Y/n was the heart. When Rose and the Doctor got stuck on a mind path, or got distracted, or veered a little too right of what was right, Y/n was the one to shake things up to give them a new perspective, or to help either of them if they needed it. Y/n was a comfort and a friend. He was also very intuitive. Where the Doctor sought things out, and Rose seemed to stumble on information she found, information seemed to find Y/n. He just had a good gut guiding him.
So when he said something was up, at this point, he was never questioned by his companions.
"Earlier one of the girls said that people are chosen to go up to the higher floors. That there's a prize. They go up and something happens and then they never come back."
The Doctor nodded. "I was thinking about that too."
Y/n shook his head. "Did you notice that it's incredibly hot in here? I mean, why? It's obviously not ideal - it makes the people here uncomfortable. It's slight discomfort, but still. Why keep a bunch of people in a super heated room? What's on level 500, air conditioning?"
It was made to be a joke, but the comment seemed to spark something in the Doctor. "You know what, that's an excellent point." He stood straighter. "Fun's over. Where's that friend of yours, Rose?"
The blonde looked around. "He was... just behind us."
"Grand," Y/n grumbled sarcastically.
The Doctor chuckled a few times. "Took the words right out of my mouth." As he said it he looked over at Y/n, his eyes flickering to Y/n's lips. He looked away quickly and Y/n missed the moment altogether. The two continued cracking jokes toward Rose about the man both of them had been increasingly annoyed with, but Rose wasn't responding.
Because she had seen where the Doctor's eyes had landed, and her mind was working a million miles an hour to put this together. It's not that the concept of men liking men was foreign to her, just rare. One that wasn't her first thought for sure. But as Y/n and the Doctor got closer and closer on a very emotionally intimate level, Rose was noticing the building tiny moments that wouldn't mean anything alone but meant everything put together.
She smiled to herself. Rose Tyler had a plan, and not just about Satellite Five.
"You wanna talk?" Y/n offered quietly.
"Do you?" Rose shot back.
Y/n wasn't sure what to do with that. "I always want to talk with you, Rose."
The blonde jerked her body to turn and face Y/n, a determined look on her face. "You know Y/n, how about this. An exchange of honesties. For every truth you tell me, I will tell you one in return. And your truth has to equal mine, so if you want something meaningful then you have to give something like that first."
Y/n paused and then nodded. "Sounds good. Do you want me to start?”
"No, actually," Rose decided. Y/n motioned for her to go ahead, so she did. "Watching my dad die was not great, but I'm glad he wasn't alone after all. It was kind of... a relief, actually. Some closure. I got to say goodbye. I got to hold his hand." She offered a weak smile. "Now your turn."
Unsure of what Rose was aiming for, Y/n thought for a second for something he hadn't told her recently that could be as profound and unexpected as that. "This whole life of ours gives me purpose. I feel like I matter, which is something I haven't really felt until now. I know I had people who cared about me and worried about me and expected me home every night, but I always craved to make a difference and finally having that has been like a dream come true. Even though I get a little melancholic... all the time, it's just because I get stuck in my own head a lot and think too much. I actually really like what we do."
Rose nodded. Even though it had been a tad mild compared to hers, it was less what he had said and more the fact that he'd said it. Y/n struggled to communicate positive emotions, often overthinking the negative ones and voicing those because he needed second opinions and insight. Acknowledging positive things didn’t require a second opinion or input, just a congratulations, and since when did he get that just for traveling with the Doctor and finding purpose without looking like some sort of arrogant dick? It might not have been as profound as Rose's truth, but it was equally meaningful.
"I love Mickey and my mum of course, but I don't think I'll be ever to leave this life and be okay with it. I think that I might end up breaking up with Mickey because he deserves better and that thought terrifies me."
Y/n pursed his lips. "Can I just-"
"No comforting or additional thought. We can discuss later. Right now, truth. State it."
"Okay," Y/n sighed. "Uh, relationships in general terrify me." It sort of slipped out and both of them hesitated. Y/n never talked about this sort of stuff. It was the only thing he never talked about, even with Rose. She expected him to clam up but after a second, he just kept going. "I'm scared of falling in love and having my heart broken. I know some things are worth it, and people glorify love so much and I crave it, I really do, but... I've lost so much. I don't think I'd be able to handle it if I really fell for someone and then had to lose them. I'd rather make friends and family than that nonsense. It would hurt to lose them, but in a different way, and there would still be the thought that you would always be that person's friend or family if you get separated or part ways or whatever. Like we'll always be each other's friend, I think. Even if we got to a point where we couldn't be friends anymore. If I left this life behind, or one of us died or-" He sighed. "But when you break up with someone, they move on. They date other people, and do intimate things with them. They love and connect in just as intimate ways as you used to, and eventually they forget you and replace you. I couldn't handle that. I won't."
Rose let out the breath she'd been holding. She'd been too scared to breath, in case it shattered the moment she'd been waiting to happen for years now. "I understand." She took his hand. "Have you... ever been in love before?"
Y/n shook his head. "Not yet." He paused and Rose felt the weight of those words. Not yet. She could imagine Y/n clinging to his heart as the Doctor got closer and closer, his smile ever wide and his charm ever sparkling.
Rose's shoulders sagged a bit. "What will you do if it ever happens?"
"Ignore it." The words were too quick and solid. They came across as desperate. Insistent. In that moment one thing was clearer than anything else in the world. If Y/n wasn't in love with the Doctor already, he would be soon. He was falling hard, and he was falling fast, and when he landed it was going to hurt. They were suddenly both terrified about it.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" The words were hysterical. Y/n's hands shook and his eyes were wide and his skin shone with sweat. His hair was messier than usual and his clothes were disheveled, like he'd rolled down a long hill or gotten in a fight or something.
The horror of what was happening in that moment settled over Rose and the Doctor in a truly terrible way. It was in the ringing in their ears and the horrible, bitter taste that was suddenly in their mouths. "Y/n-" the Doctor began.
"No," the man answered in a very final tone. One that let them know there was no room for question or doubt. He had been touched by the child. He had been infected, and he refused to infect any of the others.
A new friend, Jack Harkness, jogged over at the commotion. "What's happening over here?"
"Doesn't matter," Y/n answered solidly. "We need to move on."
Rose let out a sound that neared a choked sob, except she wasn't crying. She just looked to be in pain. "You- you can't! Y/n-"
Y/n took a few deep breaths. He had made the mistake. In his idiocy, he had gotten between the kid and Rose, and now he was here. The child was far back and they'd had time to get away, but Y/n had touched him and that meant only one thing. "Rose, we don't have time for this." He was near breaking down, and he begged her to see that. He couldn't spend the time before he died losing it. He had to help as much as he could. He had to make a difference. He had to-
"You know, you don't have to do anything, Y/n." Y/n and the Doctor looked at each other. His lips were parted and his eyes were desperate. He wanted to help but... he didn't know how. "You can stop. We would understand. You - you probably don't have much time left." His face crumbled, like he finally understood the meaning behind what he was saying. "You don't have to come. Spend it doing something else. Get yourself some food maybe. There's bound to be something in the TARDIS. Pick a bed, and stay there. We'll keep you comfortable after... after this."
A soft chuckle came from Y/n then. "You know, I'm going to die." The group got deathly quiet. "Maybe that's not true. I'll be alive. I'll be something worse than dead. I'll be brain dead. Forever." He shook his head, his breathing becoming shallow. "But right now, I'm still me. And I want to do something before I stop being me, Doctor. I want to do all I can. I want to do everything, but all we have time for is making sure whatever is happening to me never happens to anyone else ever again, okay? Can I spend my last moment with you?" He was looking right at the Doctor. Not at Rose, which would have made sense as they were practically siblings with the way they acted toward each other. Not even Jack, who had been having fun flirting with everyone - especially because Y/n wasn't anywhere near as hard to get as Rose or the Doctor. Y/n looked at the Doctor, and begged to die by his side, and Jack and Rose looked at each other because the need that Y/n had to steal all the time he had left to spend with the Doctor of all people... it said something Y/n was not ready to find the actual words for.
"Of course you can," the Doctor whispered.
And he did. Y/n was there as they reached the not-bomb that was actually some sort of alien ambulance. He was there when they saved Nancy and gathered the troops. And when it came time, he left too.
"Nancy, take Rose to where you cut the gate. And take this!" He tossed his sonic screwdriver at Rose and she caught it.
"I ought to go as well," Y/n spoke up.
The Doctor looked confused by that. "No I need you here. I promised you'd-"
"Doctor," Y/n interrupted. He took a shaky breath. "I can feel it coming. Soon I'm going to be one of them. Mindless, and coming after you, and you won't be able to stop me. I will kill all of you. Make you just like them." His face darkened. "Like us." He shook his head and Rose and the Doctor looked at each other, trying to find the answer in each other that neither of them had. Y/n steeled himself. "So this is goodbye."
The Doctor stood there for a few seconds. Too many seconds. He was trying to say something, but didn't seem to be able to. "Y/n?" The man answered to his name, and the men locked eyes. "Do you remember the first time we ever set out, and you told me... you told me that Rose was the most important person to you? You joked that no one would ever be that important to you, except someone who would be... special." He let air out of his nose. "You were special to me. More special than most people."
Y/n smiled, fighting tears. "You are special to me too, Doctor." He looked away. "I'm sorry our journey ended so early. I think... I think it could have been special, too."
Then there was nothing else to say, so he left with Rose and Nancy, the three of them booking it to the fence. Y/n stepped through and watched as Nancy and Rose fixed the metal so he wouldn't be able to get back in.
"Did you mean it?" Rose asked, looking at her best friend for what could very well be the last time. "That I was important to you? And that the Doctor was special enough to be just as important?"
The silence stretched for too long. Rose wasn't sure if it was painful to talk with that thing pushing its way up Y/n's throat, or if it was his human fear that kept his lips sealed, but Y/n didn't say anything for a very long time. The fence was sealed and the women stood before he finally spoke. "Do you think differently of me?" He rushed to add, "I know it's obvious. I saw the way you look between us like you expect us to lose our minds and make out right there. I see the way you and Jack looked at each other before too. Like you were watching a romance movie that had a sad ending. One you didn't expect, or think fair. I'm not as subtle as I like to think I am."
Rose scoffed. "You think I think differently of you because you're in love with the Doctor? Why? Because he's an alien?" She narrowed her eyes. "Or because he's a man?" Y/n looked away. "Y/n, you're my best friend. After all we've been through with the Doctor, you're practically my brother. I have been waiting ages now for you to admit your feelings for him. I didn't know until we started traveling, but it doesn't change the fact that you're there for me more than anyone else. You protect me and care about me. Your heart is bigger than all of the universes put together, and you bleed gold - I swear to god. You and the Doctor... you give him something I don't think anyone ever could. You understand something I can't wrap my head around. The way you mourn even the worst of us, because you see potential. The way you can do that, but still stop evil and remove yourself from harm because as much as you pity people who destroy themselves and others, you also won't tolerate their destruction. You're one of the most amazing men I've ever met, and don't think I'm just saying that because you were my first boyfriend.” It was a reference to When they’d first met; Y/n had pretended to be Rise’s boyfriend to get a creep to go away.
Both of them laughed at that, tears falling down their faces. "I remember that." Y/n slipped his hands in his pockets and the mood dropped again. "In another world, Rose, I wouldn't have ever left your side. I really do love you. And even if I am feeling... things, for the Doctor." His eyebrows came together. "You were always my first priority. I just know that he cares about you, too. He has your back, but someone needs to have his. Someone who really understands. And... you get distracted sometimes. But that's okay, because you always have my back, so we watch each other like that." His voice broke as he continued, "Had." Y/n and Rose locked eyes. "You watch him for me, alright? You two..." He laughed again. "I know you two are like me and him. I know he'll never admit it in a million years, but you two. It's subtle and quiet and innocent, but I can see it. I see it in the way he says your name, and the way you trust him. If you don't end up happy because of me I'll come back from the dead just to kick your asses."
Tears fell harder down Rose's face as she laughed again. "You're an idiot."
"Your idiot," Y/n replied without missing a beat.
Rose's expression fell. "How am I supposed to go on these journeys without you? Go back home and face my mum, who needs you around because you're the only one who'll listen to her gossip without giving her an ear load in return? Who will tell Mickey off now that I'm so different and we-" She choked on her words. "You can't go, Y/n."
"I don't want to..." His vision blurred and the pain that had been rising steadily came in full force now. Y/n leaned against the fence, bending at the middle a little bit as his other hand rose so his fingers could wrap around his throat. "I'm sorry, Rose. I- I-" He began sobbing, but stopped as it made the pain worse. "I'm- m-" He shook his head. He didn't want to hear himself say it... Then the thought occurred to him that the people might be trapped in their heads. Conscious and aware, but out of control. Would he see the face of every person he condemned to live like him? Would he sit there and see them and have to touch them anyway? Every single person until... until what? They didn't die. He wouldn't die. He would turn person after person until they were all brain dead and trapped just like him. "Rose."
"I'm here," she whispered, her voice haunted. "I'm right here, Y/n."
Y/n closed his eyes. "Run. Please - PLEASE don't see me like this. Don't see me- m- mummy-" The word forced itself out of his mouth and he whimpered, flinching upon hearing it. Rose made a sound that was half groan and half whine. This was hurting her. "Rose, Ru-" And then he looked up and locked eyes with the girl who had become his sister, and he thought of her and the Doctor before everything went black.
When he woke up again, he was somewhere new. He expected to see himself marching toward his friends, condemning them to death. He expected to see someone else about to be wrapped in his deadly clutches perhaps. But all he saw, instead, was a lot of lights and people and a blue beam with something large and cylinder in it. He saw his hands next. He reached them up to touch his face and they answered him. His face was skin. It was smooth and a little warm. There was no leather or metal. He wasn't wearing a gas mask.
"Y/N!" He turned in time to be rammed into by a smaller blonde. Her hair went into his face and he felt both panic and relief.
"You- you can't touch me. Rose what have you done?" He demanded rather harshly.
She shook her head, her body shaking as she sobbed. "You're cured, Y/n. You're all better. The Doctor - he figured it out. A brilliant man, he is. Truly brilliant."
Allowing himself a moment to process that, Y/n stayed quiet and just hugged Rose for a second. Once it did settle, though, he needed to know something. "Is the Doctor okay?"
"I'm perfectly fine." Rose and Y/n parted, turning their gazes to land on the Doctor himself. The man was grinning, his eyes light up with joy.
Y/n grinned back. "Guess you're not getting rid of me that easily, Doctor."
"Wouldn't have it any other way," the Doctor replied. He slipped his screwdriver in his pocket. "On we go, then. There's one more thing we have to do before we can celebrate." And just like that, Y/n was okay and not dead and they were all together. Things had been said that they were ignoring for now, because none of them could acknowledge them. Not yet. Right now, they had more important things.
At least that's how they reasoned it. Easier that way. Much, much easier.
"I'm sorry, we'd be sending you to your death?" Y/n demanded.
"Yes," the Slitheen responded.
The Doctor turned to face the man who looked about ready to blow a circuit. "Y/n, I know how you feel. Trust me, I do. We all do. But-"
"No buts!" Y/n argued. "She just wants to be free! Her whole family was killed and she had to run away or die with them. Can you imagine what it would be like to have to run, knowing everyone you care about would be gone? Being helpless to save them, because you messed with the wrong planet? Because you do what you always did. What you were TAUGHT to do?"
That seemed to hit a chord with the Doctor. "It doesn't matter, Y/n. It doesn't!" The Doctor shot again when Y/n went to argue. "She would have killed everyone here without a second thought. What are we supposed to do? She almost destroyed this entire planet for a bit of money, and then AGAIN just to get off of it and go somewhere else. Every single life on Earth, GONE, because she wanted a lift somewhere else."
Y/n looked away. "I can't do this one with you, then. I- I know it's necessary. I know you have to do it. I can't sit by and let you though, so I'm going to leave." He turned on Margaret then. "If you hurt him, I will destroy you, do you understand me? These people are MY family, and if you hurt them I will hunt you down and I tie you up and stick a needle in you and I will pump your body full of vinegar - do I make myself clear?"
Margaret looked scared... and a little impressed. "Yes sir." She looked to the Doctor as Y/n walked away. "You found your soulmate, eh?"
The Doctor didn't answer as far as Y/n knew. It was a relief to know that even if the Doctor had responded, Y/n hadn't been there to hear it.
He did manage to stay away a very long time. He only came back when the Earth under his feet began to crack and the lights went crazy and the sky began to glow and everything began to shake. He couldn't stay at home when things were going to wrong. When Rose and the Doctor and Jack could be dying. So Y/n raced back to the TARDIS, reaching it just as everything began to calm down. He pushed open those doors, praying that it wasn't the calm before the storm and the world was about to end.
When he opened the doors, he saw something he wasn't expecting. Te Doctor stood, Rose and Jack on either side of him, an egg in his hand. "What's that?"
Grinning, the Doctor hefted the thing as Y/n entered the TARDIS, closing the doors behind him. "This is Margaret." When Y/n was rightfully confused, the Doctor explained. He recounted the nights' adventures up until Margaret had looked into the heart of the TARDIS and had reverted to what she was now. "She told me..." The Doctor looked at Y/n with a soft look in his eyes. "She told me to tell you thank you. Before she died."
Y/n smiled to himself. "Well, she's welcome." Then he turned away. "Now, let's get her home shall we?"
"You want us to face those things with guns? There are six of us."
"Actually," The Doctor piped up. "Rose, Y/n, can you help me strip these wires? The faster we do it the sooner I can get this done."
"Uh, sure," Rose agreed, heading over to where the Doctor was crouched.
"Four of us," the woman corrected herself. Y/n hadn't caught her name yet. He made a mental note to do so when they gunned down the Daleks together later. Because he had seen something in the Doctor when he asked for help. Something that made Y/n suspicious.
"Five actually." Everyone looked at Y/n in surprise. "If we're arguing our need for time, Rose can help here and I can help keep those things from getting here for as long as possible. Maybe-" He stopped himself. "Maybe I can take down enough to make them not a threat at all." It was a joke that fell short, but one that made everyone offer at least a small smile. The Doctor went to argue, and that's when Y/n got serious. "I can't stay up here and strip wires when people are dying, Doctor. I won't."
The Doctor seemed to have pain in his eyes. "I can't stop you, can I?" He was begging Y/n. Desperately pleading for him to stay there. To do as the Doctor wanted him to.
This time, Y/n wasn't going to though. His arm was still bleeding and his other leg had a limp from his game. Y/n had looked death in the face twice now and avoided it. He figured he was on borrowed time anyway. Even if that wasn't true, Jack had saved Y/n's life. He had been the one to find Y/n and pull him out of that game right before he died. If they were all going to die anyway - or, at least, most of them - he would be by Jack's side to repay that debt. "You can't."
Once again, the Doctor and Y/n exchanged a look they both believed would be the last they shared. Ever since Y/n had been turned into one of the empty people when they met Jack, the Doctor had been significantly more protective of Y/n. Y/n was a man though and had been staying firm when he made his mind up, no matter how much the Doctor tried.
"Not at all?" The Doctor tried again.
Y/n smiled. "You know, Doctor. I've been pretty obedient until recently. I didn't stray too far or wander off, because I chose to stay behind and let you know where Rose had gone and that she was okay. Or that she wasn't. I did what you wanted me to. And then I died, and I realized that there is more important thing to life than sitting back and letting you take control just because you know more than I do. This is my choice, and I'm making it."
After a second, the Doctor nodded and Y/n took off with Jack and the others, headed to face the Daleks with a bunch of guns.
Y/n did help some. He watched each and every person on the Station die, and he ended up pressed against a wall with Jack at his side and Daleks charging the pair without hesitation. He had lost. But he had helped, even if it wasn't nearly enough to make a difference.
"Go ahead and warn the Doctor they're coming," Jack ordered. He spoke again before Y/n could argue. "I'll hold them off. I know you don't want to, but the Doctor needs warning, and I... I don't want see you die. Not again."
Pain flared in Y/n's chest then. "You're a good man, Jack."
"Thanks, but we don't have time for one of your goodbye speeches." Jack scoffed at himself. "You know, I did always want one though."
Y/n laughed, tears in his eyes. Why did he always end up here? "How about I give you a kiss on the cheek and you can return it later? I can give you that goodbye speech another day, when we have time."
Jack paused, and then nodded. "I'd like that." So Y/n kissed him on the cheek and then ran when the Daleks turned the corner, feeling his heart drop when the tell tale sign of death hit Y/n's ears in the form of Jack's scream. They'd both known this was what was going to happen. Y/n would never get that kiss, and Jack would never get that speech, but it had been nice that they'd parted holding onto that impossibility. Y/n hoped it had been what Jack was thinking when he died.
Unfortunately, Y/n didn't have much time to lament about it. "Doctor!" He ran into the room, stopping in the doorway. Y/n knew about the delta wave, and he knew what was about to happen. He knew why the Doctor had wanted Y/n and Rose to stay. Y/n had gone though, and now he was going to die with the rest of them. He wouldn't have it any other way. First, he needed to say something though. "Doctor, last time I faced death, I said something that we never talked about again. But we've had even more time together now and after all the regret I had last time, I- I can't die again without telling you-"
"I know," the Doctor said, interrupting. "I hate death confessions. I always have. It's not fair, you know. Telling me something like that and then running off and dying before I can do anything about it."
Even now, the Doctor was making jokes. Dear lord. "I came back, though. And you didn't do anything about it." Y/n huffed in amusement. "You never would have, huh?"
The Doctor swallowed. "This would always been the end, Y/n. At the best, you would have gotten older. You would have moved on. I can't... I can't."
Y/n nodded. "I know. I understand. I really do, Doctor. And with Rose too - I can't imagine that ever getting settled. But I need you to know-" But Y/n didn't get to finish his sentence, because there was that horrible sound and Y/n's scream and then everything went black. Except this time, he wasn't unconscious.
He was dead. Y/n was dead. As dead as it gets.
Death and Y/n didn't see to get along though, because only a few minutes later Y/n was gasping back to life, scrambling on the floor. He was disoriented and confused, but he saw a bright light and heard distant but familiar voices.  He crawled around to get a better view without the large silver things he couldn't quite focus his vision on just yet. What he saw was Rose Tyler and the Doctor and the TARDIS. The Doctor kissed Rose and a light, far brighter than Y/n had seen anything be, traveled between the two of them and Rose fell.
"Doctor?" Y/n croaked.
The Doctor turned in surprise to see Y/n on the floor. "You were dead."
Y/n shrugged, his head spinning. "I feel... sick now. Just sick." His eyes fell to Rose. "I- Is she dead?"
"No," the Doctor reassured. "We need to go though. Come along, will you? We have lots to talk about." Y/n nodded, wobbling to his feet and then into the TARDIS as the Doctor scooped Rose up and set her on the floor of the TARDIS. He began to pilot the ship and as it set a course for what Y/n assumed was London, the Doctor turned on Y/n. He looked a little shaken. The glowing seemed to be moving under his skin, shimmering. But now it didn't seem beautiful, as it had before. It seemed wrong. Definitely dangerous. "Explain yourself."
"I... don't know."
The Doctor looked at Rose. "Ah." He looked back. "It seems I'm the one who has explaining to do." Again he glowed and the Doctor teetered, wincing in pain. "A... lot of explaining, it seems."
Y/n, worried and very confused and a little terrified, nodded. "Get on with it then. We don't have all day."
"Well... I don't," The Doctor agreed. "But I will. Or... you will, with someone else."
Y/n's breathing got heavier. "Doctor-"
"Y/n," the Doctor interrupted, moving close and taking Y/n's face between his hands. "Beautiful, empathetic, caring, protective Y/n. You've gotten your goodbye speeches, let me have mine."
And then the Doctor kissed Y/n, just like he had Rose. Except there was no light or glow, just a kiss. When they parted, it was because the Doctor groaned in pain. A pain that seemed to be growing. "Doctor?" Y/n rushed, scrambling to help the man stand.
The Doctor didn't ever get to say he loved Y/n back, but that kiss had said enough. It didn't really matter though, because it was then that Rose woke up. Then that everything would change forever. Not too much, but plenty enough. The Doctor changed. Changed into someone more controlled and reserved. Someone who couldn't express emotions as well as he could before. Y/n had changed too, though he didn't know that yet. He had changed into someone the Doctor couldn't accept.
To say, things were about to get really fucking complicated.
"He says that the yellow girl and her companion have the blue box, so they are the only ones able to speak for this planet."
"You can't," Harriet Jones, now Prime Minister, insisted.
"Someone has to be the Doctor," Rose began.
Whatever she was going to say was cut off by Y/n stepping forward though. No one questioned it. This entire time, Y/n had been the one who had seemed to have any idea on what to do. He didn't have much more a grip than Rose did, but what he did have was just enough that everyone seemed to naturally be stepping back to give him the reigns in the Doctor's place. Y/n stepped up and faced an alien race he had no idea how to defeat with no fear on his face. Maybe it was that the man had died twice now, or that his friends were in danger and nothing made Y/n more hostile than facing down people who threatened his friends. Y/n was different than the boy that had agreed to come along on a journey of a life time to make sure Rose was safe. Not so different that he didn't have mercy, but different enough that he not only didn't tolerate people who were willing to harm others, but he was willing to destroy them for the greater good. To protect those who could not protect themselves. That didn't stop him from pitying wasted life, but it did stop him from hesitating.
"Why do you want to kill humans?" Y/n demanded. The Sycorax leader faced Y/n down, but Y/n didn't step back even a little bit. He said something to Y/n, and the agents by Harriet translated.
"He says humans are simple and meaningless. They need to be conquered. They-"
"Now you stop right there," Y/n interrupted. Everyone behind Y/n and everyone in the crowd seemed to react to that. The people in fear, and the crowd in anger. It seemed no one liked that Y/n had interrupted the alien leader that was perfectly capable of killing. But Y/n didn't care about that. He needed to think, and he needed time to do that, and he was absolutely not about to let this monster conquer his planet without fighting back. He didn't know much or think as fast as the Doctor, but he could figure it out. He could figure SOMETHING out. Because he had to. "This planet isn't filled with a bunch of idiots. We may have a few bad eggs. We may make choices that are so incredibly daft, but we're incredible as well. We learn and grow and continue without being stopped. We defy death, even. We defy logic and reason. We're harder to wipe out than a hoard of roaches. We stick around and fight back. You can try your hardest to pin us under your thumb, or kill us off when we refuse, but it'll never be over and even if you do win this battle. Even if you do take this planet now. We will come back in such force that you will wish you had never made the mistake of messing with us. And it may not be now. It may not be in a decade, or several, or even a century. But it will happen, as it always does. And when it does happen, you will fear us."
"You want to be big? Then I will show you how small you are." Too late they all realized the Sycorax had spoken in English. Too late, because he flicked his staff and like a whip, a coil of electricity shot out and attached to Y/n's chest. He screamed and fell to a knee and his friends screamed behind him, but when the electricity left, Y/n was... fine.
Chaos erupted from the crowd. Y/n stood slowly, even his friends behind him whispering in chatter that sounded... fearful. What had just happened?
"SILENCE!" The Sycorax screamed. The crowd begrudgingly went hush, but a small voice from behind Y/n spoke up still.
"You should be dead. I watched him kill them with that- that- staff. You should be dead."
"And I'm not," Y/n brought up rather pointlessly. He sounded far more calm than he meant to though, so there was that.
The Sycorax leader stumbled back in obvious fear. Y/n stood taller. "That's impossible."
"It should be," A voice that was growing familiar spoke up. The small crowd behind Y/n parted and there stood the new man who was the Doctor but also wasn't. That man strutted forward, an expression on his face that was sort of bitter sweet, but leaning more bitter. "It doesn't sit well with me either, if I'm honest."
"Took you long enough," Y/n mumbled under his breath.
"Better late than never," the man shot back. And that was when Y/n saw the Doctor. If a bit more rude and quicker to respond... still the Doctor.
Long story short, the Doctor handled things as he always did. After Y/n's show of immunity to the Sycorax's one hit kill staff, there wasn't much work to do. There was calling the bluff of what turned out to be blood control, which couldn't go as far as the Sycorax said it could. And then there was the sword fight that was brought about by some law or another, but also threatened to happen because if the Sycorax leader didn't agree, the Doctor would "release" Y/n on him. It ended with the Doctor victorious, and Sycorax ship sailing off as the humans left all returned to the ground with the TARDIS.
Then, as they were running away, Harriet Jones shot them down with a beam from a group she called Torchwood, and killed them while their backs were turned.
"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?" Y/n roared, rushing to the smaller woman. Harriet was suddenly shaking, faced with a man who seemed to be repelling death like it was a light cold and he had work to get to. "They were running away!"
"They could come back," she insisted rather quietly.
"They couldn't," The Doctor argued, standing just behind Y/n, at his side. "The fight - it was agreed. I won, Earth is free from them."
Harriet scoffed. "He attacked you the second you turned your back, and his people will surely do the same." Y/n flared but Harriet seemed to find her courage then. "You weren't there, Doctor. And you will not always be there. Y/n did a very good job of taking your place, but he won't always be here either. One day we will be faced with an enemy we cannot take down with a simple sword fight, and you may not be there to help."
"I should have told them to run from the monster," The Doctor sneered. "I should have told them to run as far and as fast as they could, because the real monster was sitting there, waiting for the moment to strike."
Harriet solidified herself. "I was there when that staff killed two good men. Right in front of me, and I could do nothing to stop it. I won't be helpless ever again. I have people to protect."
There was quiet for a moment, and then the Doctor stepped in front of Y/n, who had been stunned by such stupidity and selfishness that he was struck dumb. "You know, humans are so simple. I can end you entire career without lifting a single finger. I could do it without much trouble. Without even lifting one finger, all your hard work. Gone."
"Stop it," Harriet demanded, that fear from before returning.
"Six words," the Doctor stated calmly.
"Stop," Harriet hissed, coming undone by his terrifying calm.
"Just six words." And then he moved... but not to Harriet. He moved to the last man left that seemed to work with Harriet, and he leaned close and whispered something in the man's ear. Then he leaned away and turned around and walked away, hands in his pockets and face empty of regret or emotion in general. Harriet panicked behind them, begging the Doctor and the man the Doctor had spoken to tell her something. Anything. But she never got her answer.
Not in the way she wanted.
When they were away from her, Y/n rounded on the Doctor. "I'm still alive, and she said I shouldn't be."
The Doctor sighed. "When Rose looked into the heart of the TARDIS, she... brought you back. Honestly, I knew, and I saw, but I was in shock and in pain because I was dying and I was too scared to leave you behind. Far, far more scared of losing you than I was of what you had become."
Y/n looked as if he'd been slapped. "What do you mean, what I've become? You don't want me anymore?"
"That's the thing isn't it?" The Doctor sighed. "Rose doesn't even know. She forgot everything. And you weren't alive to see it. To get back to me, to us, she looked into the heart of the TARDIS. Like when Margaret became an egg. She looked and she gained immeasurable power. Power over time and space, completely. Over life, even. All she had to do was set your existence through out all time and space, and you're alive. But she didn't know how to hone it, so now you'll... probably always be alive. You can't die, I'd reckon."
"At all?" Y/n squeaked.
The Doctor shrugged. "There's no knowing for sure unless we test it, but if back there means anything, I'd say that no, you can't die. I'd even bet you can't age."
Y/n let out a breath. "So I'll be this age, alive, forever?"
"I'd say so," the Doctor confirmed. There was a moment of silence. "I feel guilty."
"Why?" Y/n asked, looking up from where his eyes had dropped.
A soft sigh escaped the Doctor then. "I'm glad of it." Y/n rose a questioning eyebrow, and the Doctor continued. "I've never been able to be really with someone before. I knew they'd go eventually. They die or move on or grow too old for this life, or get torn up by the life style or they're stolen from me. You... you're different, though. Humans age and get old, but I regenerate. I mean, a relationship like that would be one sided. Eventually I'd be alone again. But you don't age, or die, and I'm sitting here in a  predicament where I just so happen to be in love with you." He released a breath, as if the words had been weighing him down. "It's so much easier to say that knowing I may actually not lose you."
Slowly, a smile rose to Y/n's face. "Well, if you don't already know I love you too I might have to kick your ass right here and now."
The Doctor released a shaky sort of laugh. After a second, he looked away, his smile fading. "Y/n, there's something you need to know about me."
Y/n sucked in a breath and released it again sharply, his hands fidgeting. "What about?"
"I've had a lot of companions, and I  have lost every single one. Rose and you aren't the first, even though you two are... different." He shook his head. "But I had something real before this life. I had a family. I was a father. A husband. I had a life. And it was all taken from me."
For a second, Y/n didn't seem to know what to say. But then he found it, and whispered very gently, "Doctor, I'm weird. I don't... I don't fall in love, really. It's unusual for me to do so. I've only ever fancied one person other than you. I've never taken much to romance and it's never seemed important to me. Like you, the first person I felt like this for... they understood this feeling too. Their father died in a war and mother in childbirth and they spent their whole life being passed from person to person and never having a family or a home. This isn't my first time, though I will say that it is my second. I do know one thing though. If you need time to work this out. If you need something I can't fill... What I mean to say is, I'm happy when you're happy. I'm not asking you to marry me, or start a family with me or whatever. I'm not asking for an immediate serious relationship. Just because we feel the way we do about each other doesn't mean we have to limit ourselves to those feelings. I know you've felt love like this many times, and I know that... you may feel it again in the future, or even now." He shrugged it away. "I know this is going to take time. But I want you to know that I'm not going anywhere. Ever, it seems. That you can count on. Everything else... As long as you come back to me at the end of the day, I don't care about everything else."
And then the Doctor did something splendid. He kissed Y/n. And Y/n did something even greater. He kissed back.
It was a great kiss. One of many. Because this journey? It had only just begun!
Male readers: @sheepfather​
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harmony88 · 3 years
Okay so I saw your post yesterday from journey's end where you said something about how the Doctor wants to snog Rose when she says she built the dimension cannon to come back to him and I just want to read your take on that PRETTY PLEASE!
Oh, anon! How lovely if this had been reality! Let's just say it is. Ask and you shall receive :) Also put this on Ao3 (I'm sure its been done before but this was too fun)
He knew hugging her was going to feel like coming up for air. The amount of times he’d imagined this moment was astronomical and overwhelming, and even so, he was entirely unprepared for what it would feel like to actually hold her again.
He’d come up with a million scenarios. Dreams about falling into the parallel world by accident and scooping her back up and then escaping with mad laughter, holding hands just as the walls were sealing off again; visions of somehow finding her on a beach in this reality with her hair smelling of sea salt and sand. In those, he would wrap her up in a hug that made them both dizzy, and of course, he'd spent an absurd about of time coming up with silly daydreams of just casually stumbling across her in a coffee shop, making some flirtatious comment  that was much too simple for the heartache they had both been through.
Not entirely unlike what he'd said to her today, he supposed, as he had laid dying in her arms.
Long time no see.
It had been far too long. But, by some miracle or utter cleverness, here she was. Her chest was pressed against his, her lips were on his shoulder, kissing him and also breathing him in, and he just held her. The very thought of letting go was more than his hearts or soul could bear, so he didn’t, instead he opened his eyes and looked at Donna, who was giving him a coy smile full of relief and joy. So much swam between their eyes in that single look, and he knew without her having to say that she was thinking about that day so long ago, standing in a wedding dress, watching him try not to cry.
And he knew that right now, she was bloody happy for him.
Her name was Rose.
“I missed you,” he said without meaning to Rose's ear, and his eyes pulled away from Donna to look at her as she loosened her grip around his neck. He swallowed hard, because she was already too far away again and he was already falling, losing himself to her sweet honey scent and beautiful eyes, and the longer he looked at her the harder it was to imagine they’d been apart for as long as they had.
He didn’t know how he’d survived, and he refused to even think about having to go through it all again, not when she was finally here, and when her hands came to rest on his chest directly over his hearts, Jack averted his eyes, noticing the way the Doctor’s eyes seemingly widened.
"I'm starving," he said, looking at Donna. "And if we have to keep fighting today, we should -"
"Right, yeah, we should," Donna said, but neither Rose nor the Doctor noticed when they left and headed to the galley. They were just staring at each other, and when he exhaled her name, his breath brushed her cheek.
“I missed you, too,” she whispered, and he nodded, smiling a little at her before he pulled her back into a hug, and this time he realized they weren’t being watched. So his hands, which he’d made sure to keep on her upper back before, fell to her waist, forcing her breathing to hitch a little, a sensation he could hear just as much as he could feel, and it was intoxicating. “I missed you so much.”
He stayed silent, but his lips pressed onto her hair, and his fingers debated about slipping under her shirt and her leather jacket, but the moment he realized that's what she was wearing a sense of dread filled his entire body, and he let out a shaky breath when he decided to keep them where they were. “Do me a favor?” he asked quietly, and she nodded. “When this is over, I want you to throw away every single leather jacket you own.”
“What?” she asked, pulling back a little and raising her eyebrow at him. “Why?”
“It reminds me of...saying goodbye,” he said softly, wearing his hearts on his sleeve for the first time in years and he found himself utterly terrified by it. But she just bit her lip and cupped his cheek, and she looked down at her jacket.
“Funny,” she began. “It reminded me of you.”
His face softened, and when her eyes looked up to his, there was a tenderness in them that was making his breathing feel sharp and painful. He just let his Adam’s apple bob as he tried to accept those words, and she stepped closer to him, her eyes never leaving his face as he brushed his hand across her arm, feeling the tangible evidence that she was here, in the flesh and in leather, and he fought the urge to kiss her forehead.
He lost, and before he knew it he was tasting her skin, savoring the sweet concoction that was Rose and sweat, and her hips buckled into his. She let out the smallest moan when she did and his hearts began to speed up, and suddenly she felt too far away again.
He touched the leather jacket, and they both remembered.
You were fantastic. And do you know what?
So was I.
They were so close, so beautifully close, and he started to lean down, ready to kiss her, ready to just give in because he was simply tired of fighting this and he supposed there was some truth to that stupid saying about how distance makes the heart grow fonder, when the TARDIS sounded an alarm and everyone’s attention snapped to the console. He grabbed her hand, not about to not touch her, and they ran over to take a look at what was going on. Jack and Donna were there, too, and whether or not they actually ate their snacks or had been listening at the door like petty teenagers didn’t matter at all as they read the readings, and Jack stiffened.
“What the hell?” he asked.
“Something is looking for us," the Doctor said.
“There’s a massive Dalek ship at the center of the planet,” Jack said, looking at the screen. “They’re calling it the crucible. I guess that’s our destination.”
Rose and the Doctor shared a glance, but Donna was trying to play catch up, and she looked back down at the controls. “You said these planets were like an engine. But what for?”
“Rose,” the Doctor said, a thrill running through him completely at the fact that he was able to do that and look at her face while he did. She bit her lip, probably thinking the same thing. “You’ve been in a parallel world -”
He made sure to smile with his eyes at her at the word ‘been’, because it was the past, and it wasn’t true anymore, because here she was, perfect and pink and yellow and in the damn flesh, and she smirked a little, realizing that was a game he was going to continue to play and she was certain of it. He’d make it light hearted and fun, of course, but she knew and he knew that really, he would say it as a reminder that he wasn’t dreaming.
She squeezed his hand.
“That world is running ahead of this universe. You’ve seen the future. What was it?” he asked.
“The stars were going out,” Donna told him instead, remembering suddenly, and Rose glanced over at her. She nodded.
“One by one,” she added. “We looked up at the sky and they were just...dying.”
He stared at her, waiting for her to continue, and she began to look at her feet. She couldn’t wait to tell him this, she'd thought about it so much, but she wanted to do it alone, and right now they had...well….a few too many people. But he needed to know and time was running out, so sod it.
“Basically we’ve been building this, erm. This travel machine...This, dimension cannon, so...well - so that I could…” she tried to say, but she could feel Donna and Jack’s eyes on her and it made her hesitate. The Doctor’s eyes darted to her lips before they found her eyes, and his face was hard to read, though there was the ghost of a smile tugging on his lips.
“What?” he whispered.
He needed to hear her say it.
“So I could come back,” she mused, and he gave her a classic grin, full of teeth and his clicked jaw, and she couldn’t help but notice the way his hand found hers again. He hummed happily as she rolled her eyes, because they could both feel the flirty banter lingering in the air. She bit her lip as he continued to smile like an idiot at her. “Shut up.”
She was teasing, but her voice became a little breathier than it had been, the way he was looking at her was simply too much, and his smile fell, his tongue tapping the back of his teeth as he suddenly had this hungry look in his eyes that she’d never quite seen before, and she stopped breathing when he spoke next.
“Make me.”
His hearts were pounding, and her face, which was a little shocked at first, suddenly became determined, and neither cared nor remembered that Jack and Donna were there as she grabbed his lapels and pulled him to her. He wasted no time. She was lonliness' remedy, the thing he craved more than the air in his lungs, and his mouth was on hers before he could process it.
She cried out when he pushed her against the controls, tongues lapping and hands cradling her waist like they were before, only this time his fingers slipped beneath her shirt, dancing on her skin and leaving a trail of goosebumps behind them, and Jack stared in shock. Donna blushed and then turned away, walking over to Jack and making him step aside as well, because they both heard the panting that was starting to stir from both of them, and they figured if the world was ending, they should at least get this.
So they slipped back into the other room for as long as they could.
“Up,” the Doctor groaned.
“What?” she gasped, shuddering when his lips found her neck.
“Your legs. Put them up. On the seat,” he ordered, nipping a little at her. She laughed and kissed him, but she did what he said and groaned when he suddenly rubbed her in just the right spot with his thigh, and that leather jacket they’d debated about was being unzipped. "Oh, I missed you."
“Doctor,” she whined, and he just nodded.
“I’m right here,” he whispered. “I'm not going anywhere.”
She nodded, letting herself be spellbound for another moment, but her eyes caught sight of the monitor and she tried to pull away.
“We have….the planets, we -” she tried to say, but his lips were on hers again, and he sucked on her bottom lip. She whimpered.
"So?" he whispered, and she sighed.
“We can’t...not right now, we -”
“Yes we can,” he growled. “We can. I don’t care. I want you. I don't want to have to wait, the universe always makes us wait and I'm tired of it.”
Her jacket was nearly pulled completely off as his kisses grew more frantic, hot and wet and needy and full of so much guilt, perhaps. Guilt for losing her, guilt for not finding her first, and she rocked into him, making him cry her name as he slammed his hands on the console.
But the TARDIS still had her wits about her, and just as they began to tear each other's clothes off, making it so his suit coat was completely unbuttoned, she shifted and threw them both to the ground.
Rose winced when her shoulder hit the grating and he looked at her worriedly. His pants had a bulge that hadn’t been there a moment ago, but before they could yell at the TARDIS or resume what they were doing, the Old Girl jolted again, and he pulled Rose to his chest.
“Are you alright?” he asked.
“Yeah, you?” she said, and he nodded, standing up and helping her to do the same. Donna and Jack were back in the room, looking a little nervous, and everyone knew the storm was getting closer.
“In that parallel world, you said something about me,” Donna whispered, looking at Rose. The Doctor looked at Jack, who was smirking and pointed down to his pants, and he just made a face.
“Don’t start,” he muttered, and Jack just beamed.
“Didn’t know you had it in you,” he teased, but Rose was looking at Donna carefully, and when she slipped her hand out of the Doctor’s to walk to her, he panicked.
“Rose, come here,” he said, unable to stop himself, and she stepped back so her side was touching his.
“The dimension cannon could measure timelines -” she began, and the Doctor gave her an adoring smile, wanting to ask her so many questions about it he could hardly stand it. She just nudged his side. “It’s weird, Donna, but they all seemed to converge on you.”
“But why me?” she gasped, “What have I ever done? I’m a temp from Chiswick!”
The TARDIS jolted again, knocking them all down, and the Doctor’s hands were securely on Rose’s waist as they stood back up. His hearts were pounding, and they all stared at the door. The scanner beeped.
“The Dalek Crucible,” he whispered, and for good measure, he kissed Rose’s hair. “All aboard.”
He looked at the hand in the box for a fraction of a second as they headed toward the door, because he’d seen a version of this timeline that he was just desperately hoping was not about to come true. But if it did, he'd try to be okay with that.
He'd try.
21 notes · View notes
Home | Part Two
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Pairing: 13!Doctor x Daughter!Reader, Graham x Reader (platonic)
Summary: while the fam are away, you and the Doctor have a mother/daughter bonding day
Word Count: 
Warning: none?
A/N: as always spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :)
Part One | Masterlist
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The control room was unusually quiet. 
Living on the TARDIS for the past month with The Doctor and her three human companions, you’d gotten used to the sound of constant conversation. That’s why you liked going for your morning swim in the TARDIS pool room, it gave you a chance to get away on your own for a while. It’s not that you didn’t like being around them, its just after travelling alone for so long it was a shock to the system to now be travelling and living with four other people. 
Walking closer to the central control panel, towel in hand catching the water droplets falling from your post-swim wet hair, you spot The Doctor down in the hatch under the floor messing with various glowing wires. 
“What are you doing?” You ask, making her jump and she hits her head. “Sorry” you apologise, stifling a giggle as she rubs her hand against the point of impact on her scalp. 
“Just some basic maintenance on the old girl, making sure she’s ready for our Doctor Daughter bonding day” she says with a massive grin as she climbs back up on the main deck and closes the hatch. You look at her slightly confused.
“But, what about the others? Where are they?”
“Dropped them back on Earth while you were swimming. I do that every so often, give them a day to check in with friends and family and do whatever it is humans do. Usually get bored and travel 24hours ahead to pick them back up again but not this time. Me and you are going to have fun. So what do you want to do?” 
She stares at you expectantly like an excited puppy and you just look back at her, bewildered. 
“um…” you look around the TARDIS as you try to think of something to say and something catches your eye. A small tank full of liquid bubbling away and floating in the liquid… a severed hand. “What the…? Why do you have a hand in a jar?” You ask, making your way over to study it closer. 
“Oh that? I got into a sword fight with the leader of the Sycorax on Christmas Day and he cut off my hand. It grew back though. Anyway-”
“No hang on. That is not enough information. I want details. Who are the Sycorax? Why were you fighting them on Christmas Day? Do you even celebrate Christmas? How did your hand grow back? Why did you keep the old one?”
“It’s a long story”
“That’s fine, we’ve got a whole day. This is what I want to do today, I want to stay in the TARDIS and listen to your stories”
“Really? All the planets and galaxies we could be exploring and you want to sit here listening to me?”
“Absolutely! You’ve had such fascinating lives, I want to hear about them. All the planets you’ve saved, bad guys you’ve fought, people you’ve befriended. Everything… Please?”
She studies you for a moment then smiles, taking a seat on the steps.
“Fine. Make yourself comfortable, we’re going to be here for a while”
— — — — 
Almost three hours passed in the blink of an eye. You weren’t just listening to the Doctor talk, you were imagining it all. In your mind you were right there with her, fighting Daleks and Centurians and all sorts. But it wasn’t all fighting. She also told you about the fun times she’d had with past companions. She was just finishing telling you about a woman named River Song. 
“Wait… so, you're married?!” You exclaim
“Technically yes, but it’s complicated”
“You married the daughter of one of your companions…?”
“Like I said, complicated. Anyway-” she changes the subject “did I tell you about the time a woman in a wedding dress appeared in my TARDIS? One minute she’s walking down the aisle, the next minute she’s here. She actually ended up travelling with me for a bit, great woman Donna”
“Donna? The same Donna who was with you when I was created? That Donna?” 
“Yeah thats her. I forgot you two met”
“I loved Donna! She was so kind to me, I thought about her a lot actually while I was travelling. Can we visit her?”
The Doctor’s eyes suddenly fill with sadness and for a moment you think…
“Oh, did she-? Is she…?” You ask awkward, not quite able to bring yourself to finish the question. The Doctor looks at you confused before realising what you're asking.
“Oh! No! No no, she’s alive, she’s fine. She’s back on Earth with her family, married now too. She’s happy”
“That’s great” you breathe a sigh of relief “then why did you look so sad? You scared me!”
“She doesn’t remember me. She can’t ever remember me, or she will die.” 
“I, I’m so sorry” you whisper sadly
“She saved the universe and she has no idea.”
“What happened?” You ask but when The Doctor looks at you you realise she might not want to talk about it “I’m sorry you don't have tell me-”
“No it’s okay. She touched that” she gestures to the hand in the jar “and absorbed Time Lord DNA. She was human, but had the mind of a Time Lord. All that knowledge, it’s too much for any human. It was overwhelming her, killing her. So I went into her mind and erased it all. The knowledge, the adventures, me.”
“I don't understand. You went into her mind? How?” 
“Time Lord trick”
“Can I do it?” You ask and she studies you for a moment, thinking. 
“I’m not sure. Maybe. Try it” 
“Try it now. With me.” She turns her body to face you and takes your hand, bringing your fingers up towards her face. “Focus. Empty your mind, and focus on trying to see mine.”
She gently pushes your hand till your index and middle finger are pressed against her temple and instantly your eyes close as you feel a strange sensation wash over you.
“I see a long corridor, lined with open doors” you describe
“That’s it. Choose one and look inside” she instructs quietly
You do as she says, and go to a door. You peek inside and see The Doctor with the fam, dressed in old fashioned clothes dancing with people you’ve never seen before.
“That’s the time we met Mary Shelley and Lord Byron. Strange night” 
You laugh and she tells you to try another door. You do and this time you see a man wearing a bow tie and a fez waving a mop around. 
“Ah that was when I exploded the TARDIS, creating a big bang to reset the universe.”
“Wait, that’s you? What are you wearing?!” You laugh and she gets defensive.
“Hey, bow ties are cool!” she protests
“I was talking about the fez”
“Also cool- just shut up and go to a different door”
You walk further down the corridor and stop at a door when you spot a man you recognise. Your father. He’s sitting on the floor cradling another wounded man. You hear him shouting at the man to regenerate, but he dies. You step away from the door as the Doctor sobs, clutching the dead mans corpse. It’s hard to see him like that.
“I’m sorry you saw that, I should have shut that door” the present Doctor says and you remove your hand from her face, opening your eyes to look into hers.
“Who was that?” 
“The Master, another Time Lord.”
“Another Time Lord? There are more? Can we visit them? Ooh, can we go to your planet-”
“Why not?! I want to see where you grew up, meet your family-”
“I said no” She says more firmly, startling you as she abruptly stands up and walks away “end of conversation”
“This isn’t fair! I’m one of them I have a right to meet my relatives!” You protest.
She spins around to look at you with such anger in her eyes you barely recognise her.
“No you don’t! You are nothing like them and I will never take you there so just leave it!”
She goes to the TARDIS control and starts fiddling with buttons before reopening the hatch she was working in this morning and climbing back down. She restarts working on wires and you silently watch her for a few moments before getting up and walking off down the TARDIS corridor to your room. You curl up in your bed and try to block out the Doctor’s harsh words. Instead you imagine what the other Time Lords and their planet would be like. It’s not long before you drift off into a light sleep. 
— — — — 
You're awoken not long later by the sound of the TARDIS engines, signalling that you were travelling. You rush out of your room back to the control room in time to see the fam coming back on board. The Doctor greets them in her usually cheery way but you cant help but feel hurt that she jumped forward to pick them up early. So much for Doctor Daughter bonding day. You quickly turn on your heels and go back to your room before anyone spots you. But someone does. 
A few moments later there’s a knock at your door and Graham pokes his head in.
“Alright cockle?” After the mix up during your first meeting Graham had actually become like a father figure to you and you found yourself confiding in him a lot. “What are you doing?” He asks when he spots you packing your few belongings into a backpack.
“Leaving. She clearly doesn’t want me around so-”
“Wait! What are you talking about?! Y/N stop!” He grabs your hands, stopping you from packing anymore and forcing you to look at him “What happened?”
“I asked her to take me to her planet, introduce me to the Time Lords. She got angry and shouted at me and then she skipped forward to pick you guys up early because she doesn’t want to spend time with me.” Your voice cracks slightly and you look away. 
“She does want to spend time with you Y/N, she’s just… awkward. Listen, we’ve all asked her multiple times about her home and every time she either shuts us down or changes the subject. She’s very private about all that stuff”
“But I’m her daughter! I’m the one person she should want to share that stuff with. Instead she told me that she’ll never take me there because I’m not a Time Lord.” You take a deep breath “What if she’s right? What if I’m not a real Time Lord? What am I?”
Graham sighs and shakes his head. 
“I don't know love, only you can answer that. And you know what, who cares if you're not some fancy shmancy Time Lord? I don’t. Ryan and Yaz don’t. We love you just the same, because you're amazing.” He places his hands on your shoulders and looks right into your eyes “You're Y/N! And that’s more than enough” he smiles at you.
“Thanks Graham” you give him a small smile “sometimes I wish you were my real dad” 
“A boring old man like me? Nah you don’t” he laughs “you unpack that bag and join us when you're ready okay?” 
You nod and he leaves the room. You replay his words in your head and sigh, unpacking your stuff again. When you're finished you head out into the control room and spend the rest of the evening chatting to Yaz about what she got up to with her family. 
— — — — 
The next morning you get out of bed early and get ready for your daily swim. You walk down the quiet corridors towards the pool room. The fam are still asleep at this time of morning so the TARDIS is nice and quiet. When you reach the pool you're surprised to see The Doctor stood waiting for you. She looks at you with an awkward apologetic smile as you walk over to her. 
“Never seen you in here before” you state emotionless.
“I want to show you something” 
“In the pool?” 
“No. I knew you always come here every morning and I needed to see you before the fam wake up”
“Okay?” You shrug
“Come with me” 
You follow her back out of the pool room and to the control room. She walks to the TARDIS door and steps out. You stop when you reach the door, cautiously looking out at where you were. 
Before you was a planet unlike any you’d seen. But it was on fire. The sky burnt orange as dark smoke rose from what was left of the buildings. You looked at The Doctor with confusion. 
“Welcome to Gallifrey. Home of the Time Lords” she holds her hand out to you and you take it, stepping out onto the dusty burnt ground. 
“This is your home?” 
“What’s left of it. It was destroyed.”
“By who?” You shake your head, unable to believe what your eyes are seeing.
“The Master.”
“Why? Why would anyone do this?” You feel your heart sinking the more you take it all in. Even though you’ve never been here before, it hurts to see it like this. 
“I don't know” she replies honestly, as she notices the tears filling your eyes “This is why I didn’t want to bring you here. I didn’t want you to see this. Not because I don't think you're a ‘real time lord’ or because I don't want to spend time with you”
You turn to her shocked, how did she know-
“Graham” you whisper to yourself
“He told me how upset you were. And then he told me off for causing it. I’m sorry Y/N. I shouldn’t have snapped at you, I shouldn’t have taken this out on you. It’s not your fault. And you're right, you do have a right to know who you are, and where you come from. I will try to be more open with you.”
You look into her eyes and smile at her as you pull her into a hug. After a moment she pulls away and smiles back at you.
“Take as long as you need here then come back inside, okay?”
You nod and she walks back into the TARDIS, closing the door behind her. You turn back to look at the planet before you, taking a few steps closer. You take a seat on a small mound of burnt grass, bringing your knees up to your chest. You fold your arms over your knees and rest your chin on them, staring out at the planet imagining what it would have once looked like. 
“Beautiful isn’t it” an unknown male voice beside you. 
You look startled at the man who is now sat next to you. 
“Who are you?”
“Me? Im the one who created this masterpiece. You can call me… Master”
Then suddenly everything is dark. 
Part Three
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summerstardust · 4 years
the master just can't get over the idea of the reader actually being in love with him and he's scared he's gonna hurt her x dh if possible but to be honest with ya, I'll take any master or any sacha character x THANK YOU XX
Thank you for the request! I’m sorry that it took longer than expected. I hope you enjoy this! 💜
Kidnapping Dates
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary: The reader is The Doctor’s companion, but The Master keeps kidnapping the reader in order to get close to them.
Warnings: nothing that I know of(feel free to correct me)
Word Count: 4797
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The Master stalked the cold, rainy streets of New London on New Earth. He was there to gain more information about The Doctor for his next scheme, or, at least, that’s what he told himself. Because every time The Doctor was in view, instead of analyzing her every move for weakness, he was trying to secretly look past her and her other companions to get even the tiniest glimpse of you. You and The Doctor’s fam were walking in the middle of the town’s main street with The Doctor leading the herd. The Master was finding it difficult to continue to follow you and the conversation while hiding behind ventures and their carts, trying to lure in tourists. He was certain that he looked insane, tarnishing his ego, but he hadn’t seen you properly yet. He hadn’t seen you in so long and just had to see you. You were cocooned within the herd of companions, as if they knew that you were the favored prey. They had adapted into doing that, keeping you hidden, you were always that target of The Master’s kidnappings, so they always kept you protected and in eyesight. Except for The Doctor who seemed more inclined to show off than to express overt worry. You always blamed her social awkwardness. Nevertheless, The Doctor continued her tour speech of the area.
“Actually, believe it or not, this is the fifteenth Earth since the original. So we are actually walking on the New New New -” The Doctor continued to rattle off a string of ‘new’s until her point was reached. The Master scoffed at her ridiculousness, how she was always like this, trying to impress Humans with nonsense. He grew even more aggravated when he finally saw your face and how amazed you looked, with bright and shiny eyes filled with wonder. He couldn’t wait for the opportunity to finally get you alone, so he could kidnap you. He ventured to think that maybe one day he could make your eyes shine like that because of  something he showed you, but he quickly abandoned that thought, ignoring its meanings and returned to focusing on the task at hand.
The form of the fam loosened slightly. You were still in the middle of their protective circle, but the form was stretched out between two vendor carts. You were still too well guarded for The Master could make a move. But as he planned, an eruption of screams was heard from down the street, coming closer and closer to The Doctor, her fam and you. The Master had enlisted the help of an emerging villain who was recently wronged by The Doctor to interrupt this adventure. He trained them in ferociousness in turn for the monster to not hurt you. He made that caveat very clear. 
The monster, a disgusting beast with long sharp teeth, and even longer sharper nails, ripped through the crowd of people, wounding the ones not fast enough to get away. The Doctor now turned protective, keeping you and the fam behind her outstretched arms. She explained the monsters' race, and how they were usually peaceful, despite their deadly appearance, but you barely followed her ramble, too overcome with the shock of your ruined outing. She vocalized her confusion of this monster’s out of character behavior. This caused the monster to lunge forward, swiping at The Doctor. He screamed a jagged cry before speaking of how The Doctor, in an act of self heroism against the Daleks, caused the death of his family by giving a self aggrandizing speech pleasing for peace instead of actually acting to solve the disaster that was occurring before her. After explaining his story, the monster lunged again. The Doctor yelled for you and the fam to return to the TARDIS, and after some arguing, you eventually agreed. 
It should have been simple, finding the TARDIS, but with the fearful crowd running each and every way, the task was suddenly harder than before. When you and the fam started out your return trip, you had your hands clasped tightly around Yaz’s and Ryan’s hands respectfully. They dragged you through the crowds and you were quite thankful. The crowds seemed to double in both number and fear, it reminded you of when The Doctor took you to the running of the bulls in Spain. One side of the crowd surged, curving into an alleyway, and dragging Yaz away from you. Your hands were roughly ripped apart. Graham, who was also dragged with that moving crowd, cried out for Ryan to keep you safe and to stay together while he went to search for Yaz. Neither you nor Ryan remembered where the TARDIS was located, the crowds and screaming and running made it even more impossible to recognize any possible indicators that the two of you were headed in the right direction. Another wave of scared people serged, dragging you away from Ryan, brutally ripping your hands apart. You both screamed to each other and screamed at the crowds to stop, but it didn't help. You continued to be pulled into the moving currents of the ever shifting crowds. 
Eventually they died out, leaving you in a dark alleyway, too dark for the day time. You crept around anxiously, you had no idea if The Doctor had stopped the monster, it could have been anywhere. You still tried to look for the TARDIS, even though you didn’t believe that The Doctor would park her anywhere near a dark and dingy ally like this one. The sound of a glass bottle skirting over cobbled streets distracted you from your search, causing you to turn around and see where the noise came from. You thought it could be the monster. As soon as you did this, you regretted it. You felt a syringe plunge into your neck. The effects were practically instantaneous, making you so weak that your knees gave out and your vision became fuzzy. Someone caught you, even in your daze, you could tell that they were strong, as they picked you up bridal style and carried you with perfect ease. Your head hung limp over your capture’s arm and before your eyes finally closed due to heaviness, you saw the shadow of the individual carrying you. They were shorter and wearing a long coat and cuffed pants. If your hunch was correct, you knew exactly who was kidnapping you, giving you some semblance of relief that it wasn't some random person doing this.
It took you a while to actually come to, but in your anesthetized sleep you had wonderful dreams. You didn’t know if that was just a side effect of the anesthetic, but they were welcomed and calming, given the circumstances. You first felt how ridged your body was, it was clear that he tied you up, he tended to do that, so you weren't surprised, but that didn’t subtract from the fact that the combination of the sedative and rope ties made you incredibly sore. You groaned when you moved your neck from its hanging position, despite not wanting to encourage your kidnapper’s behavior. When you opened your eyes, you saw him crouched at eye level before you, with gleaming brown eyes and a wide smile. He seemed genuinely happy, he always did when he kidnapped you. 
The Master kept doing this. You’ve asked on many occasions why he felt the need to kidnap you. If he kidnapped you as a part of his latest plan to “destroy The Doctor”, you could understand his motivations, but he kidnapped you, seemingly, for fun. The two of you shared banter and jokes, more than you did with The Doctor, if you were being honest. When he first kidnapped you, you were understandably angry and uncomfortable and scared. You were not present when the fam met O or when they went to Gallifrey and fought the Lone Cyberman, but from what the fam and The Doctor described, The Master was one to be feared. Which only caused confusion when he offered you tea and biscuits and even a spare room, if you promised not to get in trouble, as his torment, then, for his best enemy lasted longer than he imagined. That was many kidnappings ago, and you had taken him up on the offers of tea, biscuits, and a spare bedroom on many occasions. But with each new kidnapping, you were never able to get to the bottom of why he acted this way to you. You had your assumptions, sure, but you wanted to hear his reason.
“So why are you kidnapping me this time?” Disgruntled and tired from the sedative and the rope that wasn’t too tight around you, but still uncomfortable. 
“Why else would I kidnap one of The Doctor’s little pets? To torment her senselessly! It’s quite fun!” He leaned forward excitedly, almost bumping your nose. He always spoke very close to people’s faces, you thought that he thought that this act would make him more intimidating. It might have worked at first, but you were too used to it by now.
“I’m not her pet!” You growled at him, invading his space, as much as you could given the ropes tying you to the chair. You were more upset that he used a rougher rope this time than his comment. You were comfortable enough with yourself to not give into The Master’s teasing.
“Oh, really now?” The Master moved back and eventually stood before you, making you look up to him. Sometimes you hated his childish dependence on power dynamics, you were frankly too tired, with the remains of the sedative still in your system, to care about dynamics. You wanted a comfortable bed and rest, not rough ropes digging into your wrists and sides and ankles and The Master’s fragile ego.
“Prove it.”
“I’m sorry, I can’t. You see, I have these ropes restraining my movements, so I won’t be able to punch you in the face. As you know, she abhors violence. I don’t think that the others would want to disobey her, but I don’t really have that much of a problem with rebelling against The Doctor’s quote unquote wisdom”
“So you’ll kill. Was not expecting that! Maybe The Doctor only keeps you around to change you, like how she constantly tries to disrupt my life and change me.”
“I never said I would kill. I’m not like you, so don’t compare me to you. And I’m not like The Doctor, or the fam, or any of her other companions, either, so don’t compare me to them. I’m me and I just won’t hesitate to protect myself when threatened.” The Master pretended to have not liked what he heard you say, but, quite the contrary, what you had said was an example of the reason why he liked you. You weren’t like him. You weren’t like The Doctor. You weren’t like the other humans that hopelessly followed The Doctor like lost puppies. You were something new. 
You had a fire of independence and a passion for justice that exceeded The Doctor’s. Where she had to try to be kind or nice, reminding herself with catchphrases and mantras, you never did. The Doctor often failed to register the fine line between justice and cruelty, you never did. Maybe that is why she, truely, kept you around, and why The Master really wanted you beside him. Keeping him from going to extremes like when he destroyed Gallifrey. The Master liked trouble, but he was growing a bit tired of constantly running away from all of the problems he caused with no sense of peace. Perhaps you could have been his peace, but he knew that the damage was done and he had inflicted too much pain to be deserving of any peace. If he kept kidnapping you, he could still keep you safe and in his life, even if it wasn’t to the extent he desired.
The Master turned, leaving your comment hanging in the air, and went to inspect something on his TARDIS monitor and leaving you with your thoughts. You weren’t exactly positive that you could hurt anyone, and you were afraid that he knew that. You wanted to protect people, protect peace and innocence. But you tried to think back to when you were left to fend for yourself in a dangerous situation, and you couldn’t locate a single memory. The Master had always been there, kidnapping you away from danger. You were thankful for that, you were quite privileged compared to The Doctor’s other companions who had to deal with fear and adrenaline and wounds and attacks and loss. You were always safe in The Master’s TARDIS with plenty of foods and blankets and warm drinks. 
When you really thought about it, you understood how much he did for you. He clearly cared about you even though he would profusely deny it, and you couldn’t deny that he was attractive. If he was villainous, he wasn’t villainous to you. You saw how he possessed an aura of sadness like The Doctor’s, they were both so lonely, but The Doctor had companions. You wondered who The Master had, then you realized that he only had his TARDIS and you, if you counted the kidnappings, which you assumed that he did. When he thought you weren’t looking, you saw the sadness that pooled in his eyes and the soft touches he would give when controlling the console, almost apologetic for his outbursts. You saw how he was willing to be more vulnerable to you, at least by his standards of vulnerability.
After a long silence, briefly interrupted by TARDIS beeps and wheezing and The Master’s grumbles and mumbles about whatever was on his console monitor, you spoke up again.“Really, what goes on in that dumb head of yours?”
“I am not dumb.” He grumbled, trying to fix something on his console monitor, whatever was on was really troubling him. You would have asked him, but you preferred to taunt him.
“Yes, you are!” You spoke in a sing-songy voice, knowing that it would aggravate even more. It worked, he finally turned back toward you.
“How, pray tell, and I dumb?” He crossed his arms in front of himself, leaning against the console. You preferred having his attention on you.
“Because, if you wanted to go out on a date with me, this badly, you could have just asked.” His mouth fell open slightly. He knew that you were smart and observant, but he thought that he was being discrete. He quickly regained composure, smirking cheekily, trying to ignore his growing vulnerability and to take back the power of the situation. But you just stared right back, not giving into the power of his eyes. You swore that he was trying to hypnotise you into submission, to make you forget your allegation, but you fought back every time he poked your mind.
He continued to stare at you, slightly uncomfortable that you kept standing up against him instead of quivering and flustering before him, but he knew that if you did that, he wouldn’t like you as much as he did. His eyes bored into yours, trying to intimidate you, intensifying his gaze and his hypnotism, but you refused to back down and submit. You saw his eyes grow slightly warmer before he quickly turned back toward the TARDIS, his shoulders tensed. He gripped his console, eyeing the monitor. He spoke again, after a strained silence, still agitated.
“I’m growing tired of you. You will find that ridiculous blue box just around the street corner.” The Master flicked a few switches, causing the ropes that held you to drop and at the snap of his fingers, the TARDIS doors opened instantaneously. “Now run along to The Doctor before I decide to keep you locked in here forever.” You slowly got up and walked to the doors, still stiff. Before you exited The Master’s ship, you turned to get one last glimpse of the strange Timelord. 
“You know, if you were to, hypothetically, ask me out on a date… I wouldn’t say no.” You leaned against the TARDIS, and she gave a reassuring hum above you. You weren’t quite sure if it was because of your comment or the sudden physical act.
“Why?” He was questioning and hopeful, with an aura of playfulness in his tone.
You shrugged in a way to indicate subtleness, but only to disguise your intense feelings for the man before you, “I don’t know. You don’t seem as bad as the others say you are. At least, not to me.”
“As you pointed out, I kidnap you constantly.” He couldn’t help but smile at your innocence and naivety. He could not understand how you could still see him as someone decent, despite his evil acts.
“Yeah, but it’s always a part of a scheme to kill The Doctor and her fam, while I am safe and tucked away in your ship away from danger, or it’s right before The Doctor is about to get us into a dangerous situation, when I’m stolen away by you. I would put money on the fact the right after you took me, a monster attacked the fam, and you kept looking at the monitor to check and see whether or not the threat was gone.” The Master didn’t say anything, only smiled bittersweetly at you, after you smiled and waved him a goodbye. The Master snapped his fingers again, closing the doors when you fully exited his TARDIS, mumbling a soft “Until we meet again, Y/N.”   
The Master watched you leave on the console monitor, when you returned to The Doctor, he flew off to drift amongst the stars in order to plan for his next kidnapping of you. But when coordinates randomly appeared on the data screen of the console, he grew distracted from his task. He thought that maybe he deserved a break from torturing himself by dangling something he could never have before him, maybe he deserved a little trouble at the moment. The Master, strangely, did not know the place, but the message was sent from an old partner in a small overthrow of a corrupt dictator. The partner had thanked The Master profusely, but he was only in it for the money and to see the dictator, who angered The Master at a banquet, finally and horrifically murdered.
The Master freshened up a bit and followed the coordinates to the meeting place. He strolled out of his TARDIS, confident and excited for a new evil scheme. However, The Master’s face fell in disappointment when he saw The Doctor leaning against her blue box. The Master grumbled and rolled his eyes, quickly turning back to his ship. He was not in the mood for another lecture from The Doctor, he had experienced too many of them in his life.
“Why do you keep kidnapping Y/N?” The Doctor’s voice caused The Master to halt. Even though he wanted to just fly away and leave The Doctor questioning his actions, he couldn’t resist talking about you, but he couldn't allow his best enemy to know. He marched up to The Doctor, trying to be threatening.
“Because seeing the look of fear in your eyes, Doctor, brings joy to my very dark life.” The Master turned to leave, again, even more annoyed with The Doctor’s interference.
“Are you sure that it's my pain bringing you joy? Because from where I’m standing, it looks like Y/N is the one sparking joy in your dark life.” The Master froze in shock. He thought that there was no way for The Doctor to know his true feelings for you. He assumed that The Doctor was too dim catch on to is, admittedly, uncharacteristic behavior. He knew that you would never tell her of the feeling you, correctly, presumed he had for you. He knew that you found the banter quite fun and that you enjoyed his company, as he did for you. If you didn’t, you would be kicking and screaming during every encounter, but the two of you were always polite.
“I have no idea what you are referring to, Doctor. I think your mind is growing emotional due to extended time around Humans. Have your pets been making you watch rom-coms?”
“Oh, just admit it, Master. You like Y/N. I know for a fact that they like you, too.” The Master turned around again, he did not want The Doctor to see his pleased face, but his happiness faded when he realized that the two of you could never be together. For so many reasons it was impossible. He thought that it was simpler to break your heart now then to wait for one of his enemies to kill you or you to die of old age while he remains young. 
“Don’t you understand?! Oh! What am I saying?! Of course you don’t understand!” His rage took over him as he turned back to The Doctor.
“Understand what?” The Master just wished his best enemy would drop the subject.
“Y/N can never live with me on my TARDIS, can never be my companion, and can never love me! It’s a big enough risk for me to love them! All of the damage I caused, all of the people I’ve killed whose families want revenge, all of the people who want to see me dead, they will go after Y/N, they will hurt and kill them, just to get to me. I can never allow that. You take so many risks with your pets, Doctor, but I refuse to put Y/N in that much danger. So I will remain their strange protector, keeping them away from the danger you threaten to put them through” The Master gave up trying to explain his position to The Doctor, massaging his brow with his hand.
Throughout this discourse the two Timelords had, they had moved and circled each other. The Doctor had allowed you to listen in on the entire conversation via the TARDIS’s listening devices, and instructed you to exit her ship when she indicated. After The Master had made his declaration of love you wanted to exit then and run to him, but stopped at the doors, watching the scene briefly. You thought that The Master was going to attempt to explain himself further, but but stopped himself multiple times, he suddenly surged back towards his TARDIS. This time he was fully intent on leaving and never coming back. You rushed out of the doors, the TARDIS making no attempt to stop you, as you ran to The Master and wrapped your arms around his torso, you could feel him tense in your arms. You couldn’t see his face, but you assumed that he was regretting following the coordinates. He eventually relaxed, but softly placed his hands on your arms and pushed them away from his body. 
“I can’t. I can’t do this to you.” He refused to face you, still walking determinedly to his TARDIS, “I would be allowing you to sign your own death certificate. I can’t let you kill yourself for me. I’m selfish, but I refuse to let the only light of my life perish because of my wants.” You grabbed his hand forcefully, stopping him from moving. You tried to turn him around to face you, but he stood as still as a statue. You elected to move to his side, resting your chin on his shoulder. Your hands were still clasped tightly around his one. You wanted to make this conversation as private as you possibly could, you could see The Master’s agitation and uncomfortableness at being so vulnerable.
“I want this. I want you, Master.” He finally looked at you, his eyes big and round and sad, tears were threatening to spill out.
“I can’t. I can’t. I would be killing you. I would corrupt you. My selfishness will bring your end before it was ever supposed to happen, all because I want someone to love me.” He continued to mutter self deprecating comments about how this was impossible. You hated seeing him like this. You understood that he had thousands of years of past trauma and he should have the opportunity to be open, but in this situation, when you knew that you could ease his pain and he refused to listen to you, all you wanted was to slap his self depreciation out of him. 
You abruptly tore your hands from his and cupped his face, planting a soft kiss to his lips. You moved to pull away, as you had an important statement to make to The Master, but he placed a firm hand on the back of your neck, deepening the kiss. You ventured to think how awkward The Doctor must be feeling at this sight. The Master must have been able to see into your mind, because as soon as you thought of The Doctor, he increased his attack on your lips. The two of you parted when you needed to catch your breath. You rested your forehead against his as he cupped your face, occasionally running his hands through your hair affectionately.
“Master, I know that you believe that you are doing your best to protect me now, but from my perspective, I know that you would never have gotten involved with me if you had any doubt about whether or not we would make it out together. I know that you protect me, as you have before. I know that you will care for me. And I know that you will find a way to combate my human biology and lifespan. I believe in you. I believe that you love me. Now you just need to believe me and believe in my love for you.” You tried to look him in the eye, but he skirted your gaze, electing to close his eyes in an act to engrave your words into his memory. He pulled you into a bone crushing hug suddenly, one arm pulling your torso tight against his, the other wrapped around the back of your neck. Your nose rested between the collar of his purple coat and his neck, and you breathed in his scent of warm smoke and cold mint, a juxtaposition that was very him. You didn’t know if this was the last moment you would ever see him this intimately or ever again and you wanted to remember every nuance you were allowed the privilege of knowing. 
The Master thought long and hard about his possible relationship to you. He wondered if it was worth it, given that you were Human and he was a Timelord, but you were keen to The Master’s ways. As soon as he saw you, he began drawing up possible plans of extending your life. He had been so wrapped up in his mind about all of the futures the two of you could live, and now he had the opportunity to live out some of those futures. I believed you. He believed your love. Despite how shocked he was about his feelings for you and yours for him, from this moment forward he refused to be without your love and support. He eventually pulled back, still holding you. You couldn’t read his face and grew even more fearful that you would never see him again.
“Please don’t leave me, Master.” You tried to hold in tighter, to plead for your futures, but The Master pulled your hands away from his body to hold them in his hands.
“As long as you don’t leave me, Y/N.” The Master broke into a genuinely happy smile when he saw the relief that spread across your face. You hugged him again, and he picked you up and spun you around a couple of times. The both of you giggled excitedly. 
“I guess it's a good thing I made you pack before this then.” The Doctor spoke up when you and The Master separated. Both of you had forgotten that The Doctor was there watching your confessions of love. 
The Doctor was fully supportive of your budding relationship with The Master. She helped the two of you move your suitcases and boxes of souvenirs into The Master’s TARDIS and gave you an emotional goodbye, along with a goodbye to the fam, and a promise to call and text frequently. Once settled and happy in your new home, all you could do was smile until it hurt and hug The Master, too excited about the future and your love for the Timelord to fully comprehend the risks of your new relationship. But at this moment of bliss, the risks were worth it.
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moonah-rose · 3 years
Defrosting Grumpy Three (a Season 8 meta)
I keep thinking about how Season 8 of Classic Who is almost like the first one the show has to a ‘season long arc’ that I don’t feel gets talked about enough. Obviously everyone knows it as “the one where the Master is in every story” but I feel like there is a subtle character arc for the Doctor in this season as well which is tied to the two main characters introduced in the first episode; the Master and Jo Grant.
I’m not the first one to point out that out of Three’s five seasons; this is the one where he’s at his most grumpy and short-tempered. I know a lot of people point to this season as reasons for why they don’t like Three and I totally get that, he’s a real git sometimes, in particular the first and last stories. There are moments where he’s asking for a slap and, no, I’m not talking about him claiming to be buddies with Chairman Mao and a Tory MP. Because I would’ve thought it was obvious that he drops those names purely to gain trust of these people who don’t trust him (at least that’s my headcanon because it doesn’t fit with the anti-capitalist, anti-pollution, anti-imperialist writing). Just him being constantly ungrateful to the Brigadier, snapping at Jo, or just being childish in the most ‘kid throwing a tantrum’ way possible.
But it’s easy to get why. By Season 8 he’s been trapped on Earth for we can assume at least a year. New Who fans who’ve seen the Power of Three and saw how crazy Eleven went when he tried to stay on Earth to study the cubes just for a few days/weeks know the Doctor can’t stand staying still, especially in one time and place. In his first season he could be short-tempered but slightly less so. In Spearhead he’s quite polite and motivated, though that could be the most pleasant form of Post Regeneration Trauma he’s been through. Plus he had Liz, who you can see he immediately clicked with. A fellow genius who finds herself out of place or treated a little unfairly as a female scientist surrounded by men, both of them willing to sass the Brigadier when he deserves it. He also still keeps trying to fix the TARDIS, as if convinced this won’t be as permanent as the Time Lords intended.
But by Season 8 (or you could say even before that, in Inferno) his attempts clearly haven’t succeeded past slipping into a terrifying parallel universe, and now cabin fever is setting in. And Liz, his science bud, has gone off and left. And while it’s sad we didn’t get a goodbye between the two of them, her passing remark towards the Brigadier about the Doctor just needing someone to pass him test tubes and fill his praise kink maybe implies that, at least from Liz’ POV, they weren’t as equals as Three thought, or she didn’t feel that fulfilled working with him, even if she did appreciate him as a friend. 
So enter Jo to replace Liz, who is everything Liz wasn’t. Liz had to study and work her way to her position; Jo is a spoiled girl who got to play spy by sheer nepotism. She failed A level science and doesn’t have the same sharp-wit he and Liz shared. Three is mean to her even before she introduces herself as his assistant when she only tries to help, and doesn’t hide his disappointment when she tells him. Perhaps it might also be that she reminds him of his companions before Liz; she’s cute and perky like Zoe and also loyal and determined like Jamie, even though she lacks Jamie’s physical strength and Zoe’s genius. Still, she’s young and he might not want to put her in danger the same way he nearly lost his previous young companions many times in the War Games.
When Three goes to the Brigadier to try to get rid of Jo, the Brig is far more smug than in the previous season, as he seems to have worked the Doctor out by this point. Their little moment at the end of Inferno where Three insults him and tries to escape only to then come back with his tail between his legs acting all buddy has shown him who Three really is; that this whole grumpy shtick of this is just a defence mechanism while he’s so out of his depth. I like to think the Brig hoped Jo would soften him up, to bring out the compassion that was more overt in his previous incarnation, as well as just pass him test tubes and keep tabs on him. His knowing smile when he watches Three try and fail miserably to fire her seems to prove his point.
In the same story we also have the Master showing up for the very first time. He was created to be the ‘Moriarty to the Doctor’s Holmes’. These kind of ‘foil enemies’ that pop up in so many stories, where you have a villain who is supposed to be a perfect match in intelligence or skill to the hero, are more often than not presented as ‘what the hero could have been’ if they chose to be evil rather than good; the Master is no different. And even though it’s not established until the next season that the Doctor and Master used to be friends, there’s clearly an underlining fondness in their banter which hints at past feelings as well as mutual respect. It says quite a lot that Three is more relaxed and friendly during his conversations with the Master half the time they talk than he is with the humans he’s meant to be saving, or even his own close friends. Because, for all their moral disagreements, the Master is his own kind and his only link - other than his broken TARDIS - to the rest of the Universe. 
In almost every story of S8, after the Master has revealed his evil scheme only for the Doctor to point out how it will backfire on him, they have to work together or form some kind of alliance of convenience. In Claws of Axos, the Doctor outright pretends to betray his friends and elope join forces with the Master to escape, only for it to be a trick in order to defeat the Axons. But considering Three’s attitude in this season, it’s a very convincing act as much to the audience as to the humans. And then in Colony in Space, the Master offers the Doctor half-ownership of the Universe....and the Doctor clearly hesitates! Yes, the Master tempts him with the persuasion of ruling ‘in the name of good’ but Three has to take a moment to remember what a slippery slope that line of thinking is. He’s so tired of being trapped, sick of being leashed by the Time Lords, that the Master comes along as a devil on his shoulder at his most vulnerable point. Considering the last story involves the Master summoning the actual Devil (or close enough) and is also where Three’s temper seems to be at its peak seems all too fitting.
It’s also interesting that the Master’s greatest fear that appears in the Mind of Evil is an image of the Doctor laughing maniacally over him. It’s the closest we get to an image of Dark!Three in the show. To contrast; the Doctor’s greatest fear isn’t the Master, it’s the eruption from Inferno. Seeing the Earth swallowed by flame - not because of an outside force like the Daleks or Cybermen, but by humans themselves. It’s easy to imagine him wondering why he even bothers with them when they’re their own worst enemy.
(Side note; apparently the Evil Overlord in the Inferno parallel world IS the Third Doctor, according to the Expanded Universe, though I haven’t read up on this. We were robbed of seeing Pertwee play an evil Doctor.)
So while this is going on and the Master is playing his games with the Doctor while also tempting him, intentionally or not, to the ‘dark side’, we also have Jo at his side. And Jo takes all of the Doctor’s snapping and mood swings like a pro, and is very quickly overwhelmed with a lot of the stuff she’s faced which that she didn’t know she was signing up for - being hypnotised, captured by aliens, taken to alien worlds in the far future etc. She screams as most companions did at that time, but because it is what you would expect from a girl fresh out of school and throwing herself into something she clearly didn’t properly prepare for. The Doctor has to save her a lot, more than often because she tried to help only to get herself captured. As much as he does warm to her - because he’s not immune to how adorable she is - it serves to prove his point. Even when he finally gets to leave Earth for a day, she’s too frightened to want to leave the TARDIS. What good is she to him?
Now she continues to prove she has her uses. She has her escapology skills which get them out of a few tight spots. Depending on the writer, she can turn into an Emma Peel-esque agent capable of self-defence and subterfuge. And she’s always patient with the Doctor, no matter what mood he’s in, and extremely loyal. She’s also kind and compassionate with every side character she comes across. There seems to have been a backlash to these kinds of qualities in female characters in the past twenty years or so, what I like to call the Cinderella critique, where if a woman is kind and generous more so than smart, sassy and sword-wielding she’s seen as ‘weak’. Jo is always there at the Doctor’s side when he’s managed to get hurt or knocked out (Three took a lot of naps, anyone else notice this?). Even after he does whisk her away to another planet and nearly don’t make it back, she could easily throw her job away if it was too much, but she sticks with it because you can see that she wants more than anything to be useful and do good for her world - it would be another two season until she found what her own passion was with being an environmental activist but this is where she wants to start.
But it’s not until the end of S8 that we see Jo’s greatest strength and how it saves Three when every other defence he had was gone. He’s spent most of that story chastising her for believing in magic and superstition, as well as anything else he can find to snap at her for like criticising the Brigadier even though he does the same thing all the damn time (this could be seen as a ‘I can insult my bro but you can’t’ moment but it’s still not pleasant). But when he learns the Master is preparing to sacrifice her, he runs in to save her despite knowing it’s a suicide mission. He also gives a cold exchange to the Master when told he’s a ‘doomed man’. 
Oh I’m a dead man! I knew that as soon as I walked through those doors so you better watch out! I have nothing to lose, do I?
It’s a telling line that, behind all his patronising and abruptness, he’s reached a point he doesn’t feel he has anything left to keep going. He’s lost his freedom and his knowledge of time travel; but he’ll die before letting Jo die or letting the Earth burn again. When Azal claims the daemons gave humans knowledge, Three responds: Finally he’s turning his anger on the one who deserves it to save the one who has been his friend, even at his lowest points, for the past several months, while still showing his disappointment in what he’s seen of humans living amongst them:
You gave them knowledge to blow up the world and they most certainly will. They can poison the water and the very air they breathe. 
When Azal appears, he nearly makes the Master’s greatest fear come true by offering his power to the Doctor instead. And the Doctor looks horrified, immediately doing a Jon Snow and refusing it. Unlike when the Master offered him power before, he doesn’t hesitate for a moment, even though Azal’s powers could probably get his TARDIS working again in a snap. He looks almost scared at the thought of possessing something like that. Perhaps his dark persona in that other world became that way because he did take such an offer?
Azal prepares to kill the Doctor for refusing his offer, which is where Jo saves the day by offering her life for his. A lot of people dislike this ending for the idea of the villain being destroyed ‘by the power of love’ more or less, but this was a lot less common a deus ex machina as it is in New Who. The Doctor explains how it works when they’re free as:
Azal could not accept a fact as irrational and illogical as Jo being prepared to give up her life for me.
Three says it as he’s just as baffled, if also amused, by it as Azal was. Why would Jo give up her life for him? Compare that with when Ten has to give up his incarnation to save Wilf, how he rants that Wilf isn’t important but he has ‘so much more’ to give. Even the Doctor wrestles when it comes to sacrificing himself for others sometimes but Jo did it without a seconds thought, made even more illogical given Three’s often harsh treatment of her. But one thing that is obvious is that Three’s grumpy face is gone; he’s smiling for the rest of the episode, looking at Jo with quiet heart eyes, and letting her drag him into the maypole dance, conceding that she was right and there is ‘magic’ in the world. 
Much like Rose was the companion Nine needed after the Time War to enjoy seeing the Universe again and appreciating life, Jo serves a similar purpose in S8 in that she gradually reminds the Doctor through her actions of the strengths in being brave, kind and selfless. She and the rest of the UNIT family are there to remind him of the goodness in humanity and that we’re always learning and trying to improve; as Three says to Azal that ‘they need a chance to grow up’. Jo is the angel on his shoulder to contrast the Master as his personal devil; right down to having her dressed in the sacrificial ‘virgin’ garb opposite the Satanic Master to cap the season off.
Three still has his sour moments after this but he’s far less cantankerous going forward and sweeter towards Jo especially, praising her bravery and learning in future, just as Jo also grows more confident in her abilities and enjoys her adventures with him. He seems far more relaxed on Earth and less desperate to get away because of the people he has around him that make it worth staying around for. Three’s morals and loyalty to humanity might not have been so firm had Jo not been there to ground him, especially with the Master constantly there almost holding out a hand to him offering freedom and excitement. Like all good companions, she saves the Doctor as much as he has to save her, in more ways than one, which she doesn’t get nearly enough credit for. And it’s what adds to the heartbreak of her eventual exit because of the effect she had on his life.
It’s just one of my favorite tropes when a character gets better and softens or becomes kinder not because they had to ‘change for someone else’ but because they were inspired by them, especially if it’s the person they underestimated the most.
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riversofmars · 3 years
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Answers at last! Well, I saw answers... :D
Chapter 7: So We Meet Again
The Library, 52nd Century
“Sorry, am I interrupting something?“ A male figure appeared in their midst. Dark hair and beard, stout frame, he took a twirl, looking around, delighted at the surprise and shock on everyone’s faces.
“It’s can’t be…“ River mumbled, trying to catch up with what was happening. How did he get in here? He was not part of the memory.
“It’s been a while, Professor Song.“ He turned to face her with a wide grin, baring his teeth.
“He’s not the Doctor, is he?“ Anita spoke slowly. She had learned enough about Time Lords during their extensive research to understand about regeneration and River had shown her pictures of all her husband’s faces. That man was not one of them and even on first impressions, he seemed in no way similar to the man she herself had met. He certainly didn’t look at River like someone would look at their wife, he looked at her like she was prey.
“The Doctor? Oh, don’t be ridiculous.“ He nearly burst out laughing as if it was the funniest thing he had heard all day. “Been there, done that, just wasn’t my cup of tea.“ His voice turned to a snarl, it seemed to change ever so slightly; he shushed himself.
“No, this is another Time Lord.“ River said, balling her hands to fists, trying to maintain her composure.
“Of course you get it, you’re clever like that.“ He mused, tilting his head. “I’m difficult to forget, didn’t we have he best of times.“ He interrupted himself, his voiced higher and more excitable. He smirked with a mad sort of glee in his eyes. “No, no, shut up, it’s my turn now!“ His voice turned normal as he snapped angrily. Anita and CAL exchanged confused and worried glances, fearing they might be dealing with a mad man. River, however, already knew for a fact that they were:
“You’re the Eleven.“ She circled around the room slowly, coming to stand protectively in front of CAL and Anita. She didn’t know whether he was really here or just a projection, but she couldn’t take the risk. She had to keep them safe. They had no idea who they were dealing with.
“The Thirteen, actually, but who’s counting.“ He retorted graciously and took a little bow.
“Must be getting pretty crowded in that head of yours.“ River hummed and in response, another personality emerged:
“Long time no see, Ms. Song.“ His face contorted into a grin.
“Hello again, Nine.“ River remained calm. She knew it was the best way to deal with them.
“I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure.“ His voice turned higher, almost feminine.
“Twelve?“ River could only guess, as it was the regeneration of his she hadn’t met before.
“Shut up, the lot of you.“ The Thirteen regained control of his personalities. “Sorry, this is not how I was going to introduce myself, best foot forward and all that, but they’re just so excited to see you again. The Six, in particular, is very eager but we’ll save that for later.“ He smiled apologetically.  
“What are you doing here? How did you get in?“ River decided to ignore the games and cut right to the chase. She glanced to CAL, hoping she was paying attention. If they found out how he got in, they surely would be able to get rid of him as well. She would have to regain control of the computer.
“Seven hacked the system, child’s play really; and now I can see why.“ He smirked at CAL who took a fearful step back and Anita put a protective arm around her. “I’m not really here, of course, just a projection, but I liked the personal touch. Better than talking to a screen, you know?“ River felt a little better for knowing he wasn’t actually part of the artificial world of the Library core but hacking the system was just as bad. Who knew what else he was planning on doing?
“So you’re responsible for this?“ Anita concluded gesturing around to the woman and child that had stopped moving. She hadn’t really followed who exactly he was but it was was blatantly obvious that this scary vision was his doing.
“It’s from the Matrix.“ River stated and the Thirteen grinned:
“Indeed. I didn’t really have the means to play it. I needed a bigger computer, something able to convert it. And I needed someone who’d be able to interpret it.“
“So you used the Library, a computer big enough to handle Matrix data.“ River was beginning to understand. They weren’t her memories that had bled into the artificial reality. It was data the Thirteen had fed into the system. In turn it had helped her unlock her own memories of what she’d seen in the Matrix. “What is that memory? What’s the story behind it.“ She asked, drawing his attention back as he seemed momentarily distracted. Not by his other personalities, for once, but seemingly by something outside.
“A missing puzzle piece.“ He answered briefly and gave a dismissive wave with his hand. “Now we best get going.“
“What?“ Anita asked confused while River remained silent, her mind racing. What was he planning? She knew better than to underestimate the renegade Time Lord.
“The shadows will be back in a moment.“ He explained in an off-hand sort of way. “Get your coat, Professor Song. Oh wait, you haven’t got a body to put it on.“ He laughed, then disappeared.
“River…“ CAL reached out for River’s hand but she grasped into thin air, River was gone as well.
Glasgow, 2021
“So this is where you went once the Daleks were gone?“ Ryan asked Jack as they started walking further into the underground building.
“Had to go say hi to Gwen here and she filled me in on what’s been going on. I’ve been out in the universe too long it seems. Time to look after the home front.“ Jack explained with a determined nod and Kate smiled:
“We’re glad to have you, Captain.“
“How many people have you got here.“ Graham looked around, marvelling at the size of the place. It could have housed a hundred easily and there was an erie quality to it with how quiet and seemingly empty it was.
“Not as many as you’d hope. Friends of the Doctor’s it’s quite an exclusive club, but it’s not quantity, it’s quality.“ Kate answered leading the way.
“So how do you know the Doctor?“ Ryan asked Gwen who was walking alongside him.
“Only met him briefly, during one Dalek invasion or another. Honestly, it all blends together.“ She chuckled.
“Ms. Cooper is one of Torchwood’s finest.“ Kate interjected and Gwen sighed:
“And only remaining member…“
“Hey!“ Jack took offence and elbowed her.
“You don’t count, you’re off doing other stuff all the time.“ Gwen slapped his shoulder affectionately and carried on to explain: “I have been trying to rebuild the Torchwood Three hub as well, seeing as it’s closer to home, but it’s slow progress.“
“Torchwood, like UNIT, is like an agency, is it? To ward of aliens?“ Graham asked, trying to wrap his head around it.
“In a nutshell, yes.“ Kate nodded as she lead them down some stairs. “If you come through here, I will introduce you to the rest of the team.“ The steps opened up into a large room. “I know it’s late but they have been waiting up for you.“ They reached a big communal living and working area. There were several tables, desks, computers and such and amongst it all: four people.
“Mr. O’Brien, Mr. Sinclair, let me introduce Dr. Martha Jones and Mr. Mickey Smith, two of UNIT’s finest field agents and former travelling companions of the Doctor’s.“ Kate gesture towards a couple who were lounging on a sofa, currently devouring a Chinese take away with great enthusiasm.
“Nice to finally meet you.“ Martha smiled at them warmly and Mickey, his mouth full of food, couldn’t speak and just gave a wave with his chopsticks. They got up to shake hands as the group approached.
“Likewise, I guess.“ Graham managed an awkward smile as well. During their travels with the Doctor, they had never really stopped to think how many more people had taken trips in the TARDIS before them. It was strange to think that there were other people out there who would understand what it was like, experiencing the vastness of the universe like they had.
“And these are the Osgoods, the scientific hearts and minds of UNIT.“ Kate carried on and gestured to two women, apparently twins, who were sharing a work station. They simultaneously looked up and smiled in greeting.
“I’m Ryan, this is my granddad Graham.“ Ryan introduced them. “We don’t usually do, like, formal…“ He looked around the room awkwardly. This was a lot more official than he was used to. “Like if you don’t mind, first names are fine.“ Graham nodded in agreement.
“Petronella.“ One to the Osgoods smiled.
“Petronella.“ The other Osgood smiled.
“So… you two have the same name? How do we keep you apart?“ Graham asked, confused, wondering what their parents had possibly been thinking.
“You don’t.“ Kate answered in amusement. “That’s the whole point.“
“Right.“ Ryan decided it was best to just accept that. They had just been recruited into a secret organisation to fight of extraterrestrial threats and entered what looked like a very fancy underground bunker… identical twins with the same names really wasn’t top of the weird-list right now.
“Care for some Chinese?“ Mickey offered. They had ordered way too much as usual.
“Don’t mind if we do.“ Graham grinned since they hadn’t had time to eat before setting of on the long drive. He had been eyeing it up, hoping that was where the evening would be going.
“Ma’am, if we might have a word…“ One for the Osgoods demanded Kate’s attention as everyone else settled down to eat.
“What is it?“ The UNIT chief asked and walked around the desk to be able to look at their computer screens.
“We have found another two bodies.“ The other Osgood answered, pointing something out on the computer and Kate frowned:
“Same MO?“ She asked, leaning closer.
“We fine-tuned the algorithm, running through police data bases and found two matches.“ Osgood confirmed.
“Greater London.“ The other Osgood answered. “Pulled out of a lake. It was fortunate that a couple was walking nearby and spotted movement by the water. Otherwise they wouldn’t have been found for weeks probably.“
“Captain?“ Kate looked up to Jack who was currently recounting to Gwen, Martha and Mickey how he had met Ryan and Graham. “Two for pick up.“ She announced.
“On it, will be back in a flash.“ He gave a dazzling and apologetic smile to the others and came to join Kate and the Osgoods. “Just tell me which morgue they’re in and you’ll have them on your slab momentarily.“ He looked at the screen and skimmed the report.
“So… not just people disappearing from time, murders too?“ Graham asked, listening in.
“This is not your garden variety homicide, I’m afraid, Mr. O’Brian.“ Kate retorted thoughtfully. “You’ll see when the Captain returns with the bodies.“
Jack gave a nod and engaged his Vortex Manipulator.
Orbit around the Library, 52nd Century
“Here we go.“ Jenny slipped her hand into her wife’s. She had a bad feeling about this but it couldn’t be helped. They had come out of hyper speed a few minutes ago and had fallen into orbit around the Library.
“A whole planet full of books?“ Yaz couldn’t help but marvel at the sheer size of it. The idea of having every book ever written together in one place was overwhelming and beautiful.
“And shadows that can kill…“ Dorium couldn’t help but point out. The idea that a world so beautiful was forever lost made Yaz’s heart feel heavy. What a waste.
“Right, here’s what we’re going to do: your UV grenades, Strax: our best bet would be to send one down ahead of us.“ Vastra looked to her butler who grinned with excitement as he proudly presented the grenades. “We arm ourselves to the teeth with torches and such. We won’t have to stay long. Just contact the Professor, ask our questions, fill her in, and be on our way.“ Vastra gave her wife’s hand a reassuring squeeze and looked around the room into determined faces. “Strax, Jenny and I will go.“
“I want to come, too!“ Yaz insisted immediately, she thought herself just as capable as any of them and she didn’t want to be left behind.
“That’s not part of the plan.“ Vastra shook her head.
“I have been in tight spots with the Doctor as well, I can handle myself.“ Yaz retorted, frustrated.
“I don’t doubt that but someone needs to teleport us back. Mr. Maldovar sadly won’t be able to.“ Vastra pointed out. She had no doubts about Yaz’s ability to hold her own but they needed someone to stay behind. She refused to be split up from her wife and Strax was best placed to handle the weapons equipment. It was the logical solution. “We all have a job to do and we need you to keep us safe from up here.“ She carried on to explain.
“Fine.“ Yaz huffed after brief consideration. “Doesn’t mean I like it though.“ She could see her point but she still felt like she was being sidelined.
“We will be back in no time.“ Vastra assured her.
“Right, let’s get this over with… before I change my mind.“ Jenny sighed feeling anxious. She ran her hand along the hilt of her sword despite knowing it would be useless against shadows.
“Oh, well that’s a surprise.“ Dorium pipped up, drawing everyone’s attention.
“What is it?“ Vastra frowned, confused.
“There is an incoming transmission! Someone in that Library is trying to reach out.“ Dorium explained quickly. He closed his eyes, trying to focus with the help of the communications chip connected to him.
“How do they even know we’re here?“ Vastra asked, worried. That didn’t feel right.  
“Beats going amongst the shadows, doesn’t it.“ Jenny pointed out and Strax huffed in disappointment:
“I have been looking forward to this for hours…“
“Put it on screen.“ Vastra ignored his complaint and turned to the large screen at the front of the ship. Yaz turned Dorium’s box around so he could see as well.
“River! River! Where are you!“ A small girl appeared on the screen, looking distraught. She couldn’t be older than ten years old, taking everyone by surprise. “Who are you?“ She demanded to know before any of them could get over their shock. Her eyes jumped between all of them. Her message clearly hadn’t been meant for them.
“I’m Madame Vastra, these are Jenny Flint, Strax, Yasmin Kahn and Dorium Maldovar. We mean you no harm.“ Vastra raised her hands appeasingly, trying to reassure her. What was a little girl doing in the Library? And why was she looking for River Song? “You were calling for River, I can only presume you mean Professor Song, we’re here to talk to her.“ Vastra carried on, hoping to explain and gain her trust. She seemed scared.
“You’re too late.“ The girl sobbed, getting more upset.
“What?“ Yaz asked, with a frown. They all exchanged confused glances.
“She just left, I was trying to reach her but it drains the power, so much energy…“ The screen flickered. There was a blip in the transmission, it wasn’t stable.
“Hang on, hang on, you’re in the computer?“ Vastra asked to clarify.
“I am the computer.“ The girl answered, taking a deep breath, trying to calm herself. She was not as little as she looked. “I’m CAL.“
“And Professor Song, she’s not with you anymore?“ Jenny deduced and her heart sank. This was the one eventuality they had not been prepared for.  
“She was taken.“ CAL confirmed, nodding, wiping her tears away.
“By whom?“ Vastra gripped the back of the pilot’s chair and dug her claws into the fabric. Wherever they turned, it seemed as though they were one step behind.
“A Time Lord.“ CAL answered, after brief consideration, seemingly deciding to trust them.
“What did he look like? Did he give a name?“ Yaz asked quickly.
“He called himself the Thirteen.“ The girl said quickly, as the transmission stalled again. “I’m sorry, I can’t maintain this much longer. Why are you looking for River?“
“We’re friends of the Doctor’s. There are some terrible things going on out in the universe and we need to talk to her.“ Vastra rushed to explain.
“Please find her, he… “
The connection broke and for a moment, there was stunned silence.
“How is that possible?“ Yaz turned to the others, slowly finding her voice again. “You can’t just, like, download a consciousness onto a USB stick or something…“
“Don’t underestimate Time Lord technology…“ Vastra mused, mulling over what they had learned. This was far worse than facing the Vashta Nerada. They had fallen another step behind in a race in which the goal posts seemed to keep moving.
“We need to find her.“ Jenny said, shaking her head to herself. If only they had been a little earlier, they could have prevented this.
“Who’s the Thirteen?“ Yaz looked around the room, hoping for an explanation. Was this another of the Doctor’s enemies she didn’t know about?
“Doesn’t mean anything to me either, I was hopeful you might have come across them?“ Vastra retorted with a frown as they exchanged confused glances. They had each assumed the other would have the answers but the alias was familiar to any of them.
“Oh no…“ Dorium mumbled, drawing everyone’s attention.
“Can you shed some light on this, Mr. Maldovar?“ Vastra asked, turning his box around to face them again.
“I’ve heard of a Time Lord that goes my numerical designations… The Nine, the Ten, the Eleven… depending on which regeneration he is on…“ He answered slowly. The reluctance in his voice gave them all pause.
“Stands to reason this is a new regeneration then?“ Yaz nodded, relieved that they weren’t completely in the dark after all.
“Why change the name though with every regeneration? Must be quite… disorienting, mustn’t it?“ Jenny asked.
“He is a very unique case…“ Dorium hummed thoughtfully.
“How so?“ Vastra could already tell she wouldn’t like the answer but she asked anyway.
“From what I have heard, he suffers from a strange affliction… called regenerative dissonance. While the Doctor and other Time Lords retain a sense of self and just change their appearance, he becomes a new person every time and when he regenerates, the other selfs are still present.“ Dorium revealed. He had never actually met them but he had heard enough stories to make sure he never would.
“Like a schizophrenic?“ Yaz asked, unsettled. That didn't sound like the kind of person they wanted to be dealing with.
“Anything else you can tell us, Mr. Maldovar?“ Vastra asked and Dorium gave a wary smile:
“He is a thief, a killer and utterly mad.“
“Do you always leave the door open like that? Anyone could wander in.“ The Doctor found the Master leaning against the console as she reached the control room. Dark hair and beard, stout frame, he hadn’t regenerated, just looked a little worse for wear.
“Master…“ Her voice was barely above a whisper. All sorts of emotions boiled up in her: Disbelief at finding him alive. Worry for having him inside her TARDIS. Hate for all the things he had put her through.
“Hello, Doctor.“ He smirked pushing off the console to step closer. “Nice of you to finally show up.“
“How are you not dead?“ It was the most prominent question on the Doctor’s mind.
“Dying is for other people, dear.“ The Master laughed at how ridiculous that notion was.
“How did you survive the death particle?“ She pressed through gritted teeth as they started circling each other slowly. She was assessing her option for subduing him.
“Did you really think the Cyberium would let its host die?“ The Master’s grin was patronising, as if the answer had been obvious.
“Is it still inside you?“ The Doctor hadn’t even thought about the Cybermen AI that resided inside the Master. She had assumed it dealt with, just like the Master themselves but she should have known they wouldn’t be that easily destroyed.
“Nah… Fizzled out.“ He gave a dismissive wave with his hand. “The effort of creating a force field to protect me was a bit much… Plus, I expelled it and electrocuted it until it stopped moving. I was getting fed up of sharing my memory space.“ He snickered and the Doctor couldn't help but feel a little relieved; one thing she didn’t have to deal with at least.
“You’ve been here this entire time?“ She questioned.
“Where was I gonna go? I destroyed everything! No TARDISes, no space ships left… I did start fixing up a TARDIS but turns out your death particle wiped out the organic components in there as well. I’d have to grow a new one but where to start when every living thing has been destroyed!“ He started rambling in a maniacal sort of way, snapping with increasing anger.
“How long has it been?“ The Doctor asked, hoping he had at least suffered in the meantime. She wasn’t proud of it but after everything he had done to her, she felt he deserved it.
“Oh… a few years, blink of an eye. Ten, twenty? Not sure. Anyway, nice of you to turn up.“ He smirked and his eyes flickered to her reaching for something on the console. “Oh no, you don’t!“ He snapped and pointed the Doctor’s own sonic at her. That’s when she remembered leaving her coat; what a stupid thing to do. And to leave the door unlocked… “So why are you here, Doctor?“ He asked as she raised her hands appeasingly.
“To see if you’re still alive.“ She answered slowly.
“Well I am. What difference does it make to you?“ He snarled.
“And you haven’t left Gallifrey?“ She carried on, hoping to at least get her answers.
“I already told you, are you going soft in the head?“ He snapped.
The Doctor remained silent, unsure how to respond. Should she believe him? Did he have reason to lie? But why would he be back here if he had managed to escape in the meantime?
“And what’s this, Doctor?“ The Master demanded her attention again and held out another item he had found in the pocket of her coat: the green prayer leaf.
“Give that back.“ The Doctor exclaimed, quick to anger. She tried to snatch it off him but he pulled away, putting the sonic between them again.
“Oh, is it personal by any chance?“ He hummed, delighted.
“Give it here.“ The Doctor’s voice turned low and threatening. In her mind, she ran through the possibilities of what the Master could do with her sonic in here. There was so much sensitive technology, a blast at the wrong thing and they could either be thrown into the vortex or explode.
“A prayer leaf from the Gamma Forests if I’m not mistaken… traditional gift for a child… tell me, Doctor, are congratulations in order?“ The Master was quick on his feet as always.
“That’s none of your business.“ The Doctor bit back.
“I take that as a yes. But where is the little devil? And where is the wife?“ He asked feigning surprise. “I presume it is the Professor’s child, isn’t it? Not a little bastard born out of wedlock?“
“Hand that over.“ The Doctor demanded again, holding her hand out.
“No, I think I’ll keep it for the time being. Return it to the little one myself… Like Maleficent taking a gift to little Aurora. Why don’t we go see them.“ He suggested circling around towards the console but the Doctor didn’t move away, instead she stepped right up to him. “Come on, Doctor, I know how much you like your Disney movies. That was funny.“
“Where is he?“ She demanded to know, ignoring his giggling.
“Who?“ The Master frowned.
“My son!“ The Doctor practically yelled, losing her temper at last.
“Ohhh so he is missing? Let me guess, someone took him while you weren’t looking?“ The Master grinned and the Doctor couldn’t tell whether he was pretending not to know anything or if he really didn’t. “Was he getting ice cream across the street and a stranger snatching him away?“
“Don’t play dumb with me, Dorium saw you, you have something to do with this!“ The Doctor wasn’t thinking now. Anger and pain were overshadowing her rational thoughts.
“Dorium? Doesn’t ring a bell…“ The Master shrugged, unimpressed.
“You told him about the Timeless Child, that’s how this whole thing started!“ The Doctor yelled and gave him a shove.
“The Timeless Child? Why would I tell anyone about that dirty secret? Give you all that power? Elevate you? I don’t think so, that secret died with the Time Lords and it’ll die with you.“ The Master spat, suddenly furious as well. They were done doing their dance and playing games.
“You and me are the only people who know about it and I sure as hell haven’t told anyone!“ The Doctor snarled stepping into his personal space again. She wasn’t scared of him anymore. He had no power over her.
“Why would I tell anyone?“ The Master seemed genuinely disbelieving of her accusations. “I killed everyone that could possibly have known about it. And I’m gonna kill you, too.“ He jabbed his finger at her.
“You just try.“ The Doctor pressed through gritted teeth. “Where is my son?!“ She shoved him again and he stumbled backward.
“I haven’t got the faintest idea.“ The Master laughed and the Doctor could tell he was speaking the truth. It threw her for a moment, until a more horrifying idea occurred to her: What if she was just enabling this whole series of events to start? What if she was the reason the Master managed to get off Gallifrey? What if this was how he found out about her child, about Dorium, about the whole thing?
So, just to clarify, the Thirteen (well their previous regenerations), plays a huge part in the Eighth Doctor's audios but you really don't have to know them to (hopefully) follow this story. I fully intend to write it like he's a new character and weave all the information necessary into the plot as everyone else, the Paternoster Gang in particular, learn about him. Originally, I intended to just use Time Lord OCs but as I thought about it, I realised how pointless that would be seeing as there are so many interesting Time Lords in the extended canon. So, if anything is difficult to follow, please let me know! <3
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apples-r-rubbish · 4 years
Institute (13th doctor x reader) Part 3
Summary:  The Doctor decides to drop in a few times to check up on you Word Count: 2.1k AN:  This is mainly filler, I need to edit part 4 and Because I feel nice (and to make up for this) it’s coming out within the next hour or so :) -L x Warnings: death mention Tags: @startrekkingaroundasgard @penguinwithitsarseonfire
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It had been months since The Doctor had seen you. After having a particularly awful encounter with a dalek in late December, she decided she had to visit you, to give you some updated information. When she exited you were sitting in your chair, legs pulled up to your chest, silent tears slipping from your eyes.
“How do you manage to get it in the same spot every time? Is it something you’ve practiced or is it coincidence?” You asked, not giving her time to say hello. You were wearing jeans a crumpled t-shirt, you had clearly been here a while, and it was late, wine was on the desk a half drunk bottle on the desk
“My expert flight skills and mainly luck. What’s up? What’s wrong?” She asked anxiety clear in her face as she rushed to you, cautiously wrapping her arms around you
“My girlfriend and I split up. She’d been cheating on me,” You explained. A small pang of jealousy hit the doctor. 
“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend- or well did- sorry timelines again,”
“Future you met her once, I mean it doesn’t really matter now. Where are we now?” You said stopping the conversation abruptly pulling out a notebook from your desk, “you’ve visited me after 40s India, and modern day Norway,” You frowned staring at your notes
“Done all that, got a few more on your end however, but you’ll soon find out. You keep notes?”
“Of course. River basically threw a notebook at me and told me it was best. If we’re out of sync we have to compare.” You replied scribbling down something. 
“What’s the date? I realise I never ask,” 
“New years eve, 2019 at quarter to midnight if you must know,” You frowned checking your watch “and I‘m sat in my office crying, wine drunk about a girl who really doesn’t care about me,”  You laughed bitterly taking another sip from the wine bottle. She frowned and snatched the bottle from your hands 
“That’s quite enough of that,” she remarked “It’s new years eve, you’re not sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. C’mon we’re watching fireworks,” she dragged you out of the chair by your hands to one of the many floor to ceiling windows in your office. Her hand was warm, not overly smooth but not rough either.  Most of London was visible from your windows
“Me liked the view, she liked London and she knew that she’d be handing the position to myself most of the time so, I was allowed to design the office,” you smiled at the memory 
“How long have you worked here?” she asked as if the question had been on her mind for months
“5 years, put straight in this position, Me found me, insisted I was necessary to the plan, important enough to be involved. We’re a skeleton staff, less than 100 people- 1 institute,” you explained 
“You are important. You’re important to me,” she insisted, remembering her hand was in yours “you’re my friend and I care about you and your feelings,” 
You laughed at that, “Why do you put up with us all? I never understand it,”
“I like you all, you’re kind and funny and passionate. You all want to achieve so much, you aspire to be better,” she looked away from you, her eyes lighting up as she spoke. As you opened your mouth to say something the ominous looking counter flashed up on big ben. You whispered the numbers, as the seconds drew nearer.  She pressed a hand against your face, “3...2…” you were cut off by the feeling of lips on yours. You stayed that way quietly for a moment, breathing heavily, as the celebratory fireworks went off behind you.
She pulled away, “Sorry if I crossed a line, I just know it’s a thing humans do,” She gave a small sweet smile, as if she’d known exactly what she’d done. 
“You didn’t cross a line it’s ok,” You said and then hesitated “But I know you, you do this, you’ll get in that blue box and fly away. But it means next time we might sync so can I get in that box with you.”
There was a comforting silence between you both, “we’re running in different directions, and at some point we might get on track,” You said,
She pecked your lips again, “Soon, I’m sorry.”
“I know, I’ll hold you to that,” You said with a wink as she backed into the TARDIS.
It had been a handful of weeks since the doctor had seen you, she was returning on an adventure with the fam “Sorry fam, got to drop that off at the institute,” referring to the alien tech, they’d taken from a recent adventure. 
“You want an excuse to see her don’t you? See if your timelines are aligned yet,” Yaz sighed at the doctor, she tried to deny it  but both Ryan and Graham nodded at the other woman, 
“Fine, i want to see her, especially after new years, just want to check in on her,” She explained with a slight annoyance to her voice. She flipped a few switches before landing, in your office as she usually did, same spot as always. You were laughing with your girlfriend, or in her timeline, former girlfriend. The other woman was sat on your desk, pressing a kiss to your lips when the doctor strolled out of her TARDIS, “So exciting thing, we found some alien tech that we think- sorry am I interrupting something-” She rambled turning her head, a edge to her voice that was unexpected, the others filled out the ship after her making similar awkward expressions. 
“Christ, can you give us a warning? Have you learnt to do that through our complex timeline?” You laughed, a heavy blush evident on your cheeks “This is my girlfriend. Babe, this is the Doctor,” You smiled, waving your hands between the two of them, she cringed at the nickname. Your girlfriend went to introduce herself, the doctor shot her a sharp glare remembering new years eve, before turning to you, “where are we up to?”
“Uh, you’ve just told me about 17th century witch trials,” You said trying to remember off the top of your head
“Good, that was a fun one,” She smiled at the memory, before, placing the alien tech in your hand, her hand lingering on yours for a bit too long, “Get one of the archive staff to lock that away, you might need it at some point. Maybe, depends, better to have it just incase, it’ll keep you safe, if I can’t be there,” 
“Ok thanks, we’ll get someone on that right now,” You replied, professionalism clear in your voice and face. You felt colder to her, she had forgotten what you were like in the early days. She nodded at you, before turning on her heel, restraining herself from wrapping her arms around you.  She extended a hand to your girlfriend, to which she accepted. The Doctor leant in and whispered “I know what you’re doing, cheaters get what’s coming to them,” She then plastered a fake smile before turning into the TARDIS after giving you a genuine smile. Team TARDIS followed behind her, giving small goodbyes and polite waves to you and your future ex partner. 
“Well that could have gone literally miles and miles better,” Graham frowned, after the ship had taken off
“Yeah, doc, you should have seen your face it was fun- wasn’t funny actually- Ow,” Ryan said between Yaz hitting him on the shoulder trying to help the situation
“Look, she doesn’t even know about new years because it hasn’t happened yet so it’s not like she can help it and saying that to her ex probably wasn’t the best route,” 
“She also kisses me when the institute gets attacked, which is about a month after new years, which is two months after this,” She turned to Yaz anger heavy in her voice “What would you have done in that situation? Hm? What would any of you have done? Exactly. Don’t criticise me when you have not been in situations like that, because it has happened to me far too many times for me to take advice from any of you!” she shouted her final words anger bubbling over the surface finally, as she scraped her hands down the console, in another attempt to knock something nonvital off of it. A pin could have dropped in the TARDIS and everyone would have heard it, “Look, I’m sorry, I keep thinking about her on that planet and I think it’s my fault, and I can’t stop it. I’m just worried, I care about her, and I don’t want to see her with anyone else and I don’t want to see whatever is coming, not on that planet especially,” 
“You never said, what planet it was,” Ryan said unexpectedly 
“It doesn’t matter, it isn’t important.” She frowned quickly “Look, new adventure, got a planet picked out and everything,” 
The familiar wheezes filled your office. You pulled out a handgun you kept in your desk drawer and pointed it at the doors unflinchingly, the doctor stepped out cautiously, “Tell me what I said to you, in this office when the cyberman attacked the institute!” You shouted at the woman
“Tell me!” You snarled locking the gun, not blinking
“You- You said you should keep wine in your desk, for when we synced again, and you said we should go on a date,” She stammered out. You lowered the gun and out it back on your desk
“Sorry, issues with the Zygons again. Bonnie and Oswald stepped up and helped though, helps to be cautious considering we didn’t have some of their new abilities on file. Gun was fake anyway before you shout at me, just needed to be sure,”  You said kicking your feet onto the desk
“What are we up to on your terms?” She asked avoiding your previous statements 
“The cyber incident was the last time I saw you and that was about 5 months ago. You?”
“Dropping tech off, saw your ex, a month ago for me,” She said taking the seat opposite 
“So we’re even then? Finally, nothing sneaky, just us in my office,” 
“I think so. Unless one of us is lying but we both know better than that,”
“Good,” You replied pulling out a bottle of wine from your desk drawer “5 months, that’s been in there, just incase,” 
“Yeah, well I’d prefer the date,” 
“Are you flirting?” 
“Maybe,” She smirked
“Watch it old man. Don’t want you having a heart attack trying to keep up,” You laughed,as you stood and grabbed your jacket, “I believe we promised each other a date.”
London was warm unsurprisingly, given the time of year. The bar was empty given the fact it was a Tuesday, you ordered a drink for yourself and some juice for the doctor, “I guessed and said apple because I figured you did not want alcohol,” you said taking a seat at the table she had picked. 
“I could love it, you never know,” She replied,  you proceeded to offer her your drink, she took a sip and made an odd face “Ok nevermind then, I take it back,”
“In my defence, your new face might have liked it, not my fault I didn’t know,”
“Definitely not for me,” She stuck her tongue out after her comment. You talked for hours despite the glares of the slightly annoyed bar staff, telling stories of space travel and times long gone, or the times yet to come
“I’ve never visited victorian england, I imagine it would be nice. Those were always assigned to someone else,” You said suddenly 
“We could go if you’d like, another date, sightsee and do a bunch of touristy things, meet the queen, I’m sure she wouldn’t recognise me with this face,”
“I feel like it’s somewhere I'd like to go to before I die, like I’d save it for a bucket list, a sort of time bucket list,” You rambled. That was a sobering reminder for the doctor, the way you looked at her, a bittersweet happiness in your eyes and a knowing smile, a different version of you compared to the one in front of her.
“Travel with me, please.” You gave her a look “I know what you said, but we’re finally synced up again, what’s the worst that could happen. I doubt they’d notice you gone, you essentially just sit in your office and try to avoid boredom all day, you might as well travel.” 
“Fine, you aren’t going to drop it until I agree so yes, I’ll travel with you,” You said finishing what was left of your drink, she had already stood up a giddy smile clear on her face. The Doctor pulled you to your feet, “c’mon, need to do some maintenance on the TARDIS and we’ll meet up with the others and go somewhere.”
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an-american-whovian · 3 years
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- An American Whovian Reviews: 'Revolution of the Daleks' by Chris Shitnall.
• The Story Thus Far.
When we last left the Doctor she was partaking in one of the WORST Doctor Who episodes of all time. Turns out she's had, like, a billion regenerations -- and started off as a cute lil' black girl who got experimented on by some crazy TimeLord lady. Makes about as much sense as an asshole on my elbow.
I digress, after that whole REVEAL -- the Doctor is arrested by everyone's favorite space rhinos and sent to space jail much like Rick Sanchez at the end of 'Rick & Morty' season 2.
(Just not as good.)
• Recap.
The story starts off with a reminder of an even shittier story 'Resolution' in which the Doctor and "Fam'" defeat a Dalek with spare parts from a microwave. (Fuck you, Chibnall.)
Anyways, back to now: some people have the leftovers of that one Dalek in some facility. This one dude is tasked with transporting it and stops fer a hot cup of coffee -- which he chugs. (That's a thing.) Shortly thereafter, turns out he got drugged by the barista and she's, like, "Bitch, this is my truck now."
• I Loved that Show.
Curtis from 'Misfits' and Mr. Big from 'Sex & the City' meet up with some lady in which he hired some folks to "roleplay" as rioters. (I can't make this up.) He's, like, "Check this out -- I made these robots that can subdue rioters." (Where was he during the attack on the Capitol!?) Actually, Curtis from 'Misfits' supposedly made them from scratch.
Somewhere Davros is rolling in his chair.
• Political Disintrigue.
Mr. Big and the lady are in cahoots. I don't care.
• Elsewhere.
The Doctor is in jail serving her sentence and eating space brownies. She's got a Weeping Angel, Sycorax, Ood l and the Pting as neighbors. (Everyone loves call backs.) Laying on her cot she does her best quirky Matt Smith impersonation when she here's a-knocking.
• Elsewhere, again.
We cut to the Fam' back on Earth. Yaz is living in a house that's a TARDIS in disguise; whilst Graham and Ryan could care less about what happened to the Doctor. They're, like, "Yaz, you gotta move on. However, someone leaked that footage of the roleplaying rioters versus a Dalek on DailyMotion -- so we should do something about that."
The lady and Mr. Big meet up, again, this time in some forest -- fer more expository conversation. I still can't be bothered.
Later, the Fam' just tracks down Mr. Big, like, it's nothing. Fortunately fer him, he has has guards -- and they shoo off the Fam'.
• Slammer Buddies.
The Doctor sees a Silence and then, say wha'!? Captain Jack is there to break he Doctor out with some doohickey he snuck up his ass. Turns out it's a giant hamster bubble that let's them break out of a MAXIMUM SECURITY SPACE JAIL! I hate this shit . . .
It's great to see Captain Jack, again, but this isn't worth it.
Only 18 minutes has passed. Fuck me.
• Exposition Earl.
Curtis from 'Misfits' is talking to Mr. Big and he's, like, "Dude, did you know there's, like, DNA samples inside that old casing you gave me!? Well, I took the time to clone it! I call it Squiggly."
Curtis from 'Misfits' cloned a Dalek. Fuuuuuuck.
Mr. Big is, like, "Yo, get that abomination out of my face and burn it!" -- which Curtis from 'Misfits' hesitantly obliges. Psyche! Squiggly takes mind control over Curtis from 'Misfits'. Who didn't see that coming!?
• Elsewhere: Part 3.
The Doctor and Captain Jack SOMEHOW just get back to the TARDIS like it's nothing. Fer some reason the Doctor is a bit of a jerk to Jack eventhough he just got her ungrateful ass out of Space Prison.
She's, like, "I gotta find my REAL friends." and meets back up with the Fam'. Yaz gets wet and Jack flirts with Graham. Turns out the Doctor has been gone fer a little less than a year. Cool. They get straight to the point and are, like, "Daleks are back. You know, the same aliens that tried to conquer Earth in series 2 and 4. Oh, no one remembers that?"
Fuck you, Chibnall.
• Hilarity ensues.
Squiggly somehow has a giant facility with other Dalek clones in Japan. Where the fuck did they come from!? Who knows -- and who cares.
The Doctor confronts Mr. Big and he's, like, "I'm 3D printing Dalek casings. It's cool, tho'. There's nothing inside of them. It's not, like, there's a facility in Osaka, Japan with a bunch of Dalek clones waiting to fill these up.
Speaking of which, Yaz and Jack are in Japan and they have a cringey convo about life with the Doctor. Rose and Sarah Jane's talk in 'School Reunion' this is not.
There's still 40 minutes to go.
After their heart to heart -- Yaz still has the audacity to insult Jack. She's fierce!
Anyways, guess what they find!? GUESS WHAT THEY FUCKING FIND!? The Dalek clone farm. Like, we weren't already shown this before. They even do a "Dun-Dun-Dun!" reveal fer this shit.
• Facepalm.
Fer reasons unbeknownst to me the Doctor takes Mr. Big along to Japan -- you know, fer reasons. All the while, we cut to scenes of that one lady introducing Daleks to the public. No one still remembers series 2 and 4 -- or any other time Daleks have been on Earth.
At the same time, Jack and Yaz get attacked by a bunch of other Squigglies and I'm getting mad hentai vibes.
The Doctor, still back on the TARDIS, has a half hearted conversation with Ryan and tells hims it's, "Four minutes to Osaka" -- eventhough there's 50+ years of the TARDIS landing places INSTANTENOUSLY!
Ryan is, like, "Yea, I kinda prefer being back home than traveling in the TARDIS and seeing all of time and space. By the way, how'd 'The Timeless Children' go fer you?"
The Doctor is basically, like, "The less said about that -- the better." I tend to fucking agree.
Four minutes are up and Jack has and orgasm when he sees the TARDIS materialize eventhough he was just on it not too long ago.
• Git 'er Done.
Everyone's reunited along with Mr. Big as they confront mind controlled Curtis from 'Misfits'. We get more exposition as to how these Squigglies were cloned and what they eat. The big revelation is that they eat humans -- and I still can't be bothered to care.
Somehow the cloned Squigglies can teleport to those empty Dalek casings and proceed to wreck havoc to the masses. I will NEVER grow tired of Daleks massacaring people. "EXTERMINATE!"
(I finally have a non ironic smile on my face.)
Squiggly kills Curtis from 'Misfits' and the only one to give a shit is Mr. Big. The Doctor tries her best at a, "I am the Doctor and I save people!" speech which falls flat. She's got a plan, tho'!
She beeps up real Daleks -- and she's, like, "These REAL Daleks are gonna kill those fake Daleks! It's okay if they come -- fer REASONS they wont kill any humans. Just these fake Daleks. The story demands it."
• Invasion of the Dalek Snatchers.
We finally get the revolution in "Revolution of the Daleks". The real Daleks are, like, "Y'all, mother fuckers, are impure!" All the while, Mr. Big is, like, "I like these real Daleks. I wanna be friends with them -- you know, 'cause I'm a bad guy. Take me to yer leader." (That last bit was a direct quote.)
The boys leave the girls behind to go destroy the Dalek ship. We get some more poorly written dialogue.
Mr. Big tells the real Daleks about the Doctor -- which they should've been already privy to. Luckily, Jack informs the Doctor about Mr. big's treacherous ways and she's got another trick up her sleeve! All the while, Jack and the boys blow up the Dalek ship and the Doctor reveals her ruse. She sucked the Daleks into the spare TARDIS that Yaz was living in and has it collapse on itself.
Aren't TARDIS kind of, like, living creatures? They've been known to have a consciousness. Whatever.
• The Home Stretch.
Fer REASONS Mr. Big is considered a hero. Captain Jack is, like, "I'm out and I'm gonna go find my Torchwood friends. Fuck you guys."
Ryan is, like, "Yea, no more trips fer me either. I wanna stay home and play football with me mates and eat fish and chips." Graham agrees, too. So it's just Yaz and the Doctor now. I'm excited fer that potential porn parody.
Then we get a call back to 'The Girl Who Fell to Earth' and Ryan trying to ride a bike. I forgot that was a thing. They babble about facing off alien threats on Earth and fer other REASONS Grace shows up a, like, a fucking Jedi Force Ghost. 😂😭🤤
• The Good, the Bad and the Fugly.
The best I can say about this story is that Doctor Who, aesthetically, has never looked better. The Daleks inside and out were REALLY well done; and I fucking love the look of the TARDIS traveling through the time vortex. Unfortunately, that's it about it.
This was god awful. Maybe in time I can rewatch this in a it's so bad it's good capacity; but I won't be doing that any time soon. Chibnall has lost his goddamn mind.
Why is everyone so mean to Captain Jack!? I don't fucking get it. Graham and Ryan wanting to leave the TARDIS just 'cause they're, like, "Meh. It's been done.? Why is Mr. Big in this, at all!? Also, somebody fire that composer! I'm tired of his ambient noises.
Seriously, this was bad.
Zero stars.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Doctor Who: Why Does Everyone Keep Forgetting the Daleks?
A scene that did not appear in New Year’s Day’s Doctor Who Special, ‘Revolution of the Daleks’.
PRIME MINISTER JO PATTERSON: …and so I introduce to you, our new, fully automated defence drones!
JOURNALIST (RAISES A HAND): Hello, Jeff Typeface, Daily Exposition. Sorry but, um, isn’t that just a Dalek?
PM: A what?
JOURNALIST: A Dalek? About twelve years ago they transported the entire planet through space then rounded humans up in the streets and exterminated them?
PM: Hmmm. Doesn’t ring a bell.
ANOTHER JOURNALIST: Yeah, and a few years before that a bunch of them came flying out of Canary Wharf?
PM: Sorry, I’m completely drawing a blank.
JOURNALIST: Come on! They murdered one of your predecessors!
PM: Excuse me, but you can’t honestly expect me to remember every single British Prime Minister that suffered a violent death over the last two decades. We all know this job has the life expectancy of a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher.
PM’S ADVISOR: Actually, Prime Minister, talking of your predecessors, Winston Churchill did try this exact same plan with a very similar looking contraption during the War, and I hear that went badly.
PM: I mean, I’m sure I believe you. I’m just saying this is all news to me.
JOURNALIST: Very well. Moving on, how will these “Defence Drones” help us deal with the Covid-19 pandemic?
PM: See, now you’re just making words up.
Doctor Who has always been a series that points and laughs at fans who want to try and piece together a consistent continuity across all its stories, but even by Doctor Who standards, forgetting an entire global invasion barely more than a decade ago (y’know, just before most of the show’s viewers were born, you absolute fossil you) might seem like a stretch.
Of course, the real reason Jo Patterson couldn’t remember the Daleks is that unlike say, the MCU, where weirdness layers upon weirdness to create a world that almost counts as alt-history, Doctor Who is, on some level, always reaching to be set in “our” universe. The key conceit of the show is that you might turn a corner, find a blue box, and suddenly be whisked away through space and time to a world of adventure. Which doesn’t really work if the British town squares of the Doctor Who universe all feature memorials to the victims of the Daleks and diet pills have to be tested for Adipose DNA.
But at the same time, Doctor Who just loves a great big Hollywood space invasion, and making these two core ingredients of the show mesh is a nightmare for continuity.
Let’s, for instance, take a look at the life of recently departed Doctor’s companion, Ryan Sinclair.
Life of Ryan
Ryan was born in 1998 or 1999. As a child, he attended Redlands Primary School at around the same time London was hit by a “terrorist attack” when shop windows dummies started shooting people. A year later a spaceship crashed into Big Ben, although this was later dismissed as a hoax. That Christmas Day, when Ryan was around eight years old, every human with O negative blood got up in a trance and went and stood on a tall building while a gigantic spaceship hung over London.
Still Ryan is a kid, he doesn’t watch the news, maybe nobody in his family is O negative and let’s face it, news of a lot of this stuff probably doesn’t get as far as Sheffield.
However, even in Sheffield he would have seen the regular “ghost shifts” that appeared all over the world, and at nine years old he would have been traumatised to have his home, like so many others, invaded by Cybermen before they all got sucked away by something.
His family make the wise decision not to turn on the news that Christmas, so he doesn’t hear about the “Christmas star” attack, or later that year a hospital being teleported to the moon, and while he probably remembers grown-ups getting very excited by Harold Saxon getting elected, fortunately most of his tenure as Prime Minister was erased from history.
Read more
Doctor Who: Which New Doctors Are Now Canon?
By Chris Farnell
Doctor Who: the genius of making the Cybermen an ideology
By Chris Farnell
Ryan would have noticed when CBBC was replaced by a giant eyeball shouting that “Prisoner Zero Has Escaped”, and, shortly after turning ten, he definitely would have noticed when the entire sky was set on fire to prevent a Sontaran invasion.
And then of course, the Earth was teleported across space, planets filled the skies, and Daleks roamed the streets rounding people up. He would have been about the same age as future astronaut and Mars colonist, Adelaide Brooke at this time, and she was profoundly affected by the experience.
After that it’s possible the government may have rounded up him and his classmates to offer up to the 456.
To round the year off, Ryan actually turned into Harold Saxon for a bit. This was probably, on balance, the worst Christmas of the lot.
2011 was largely uneventful except that nobody could die.
Ryan went on to see the Tenth Doctor light the flame at the 2012 Olympics, was briefly into that whole “mysterious black cubes” craze before they got banned for some reason, and while he was in high school the entire Earth was covered in dense forest overnight but that disappeared, and nobody ever mentioned it again. The Cybermen invaded again. Then, not long after Ryan left school, the entire world was taken over by a species of really gross looking mummified monks who claimed to have always been in charge, before they also disappeared overnight.
Not long after that, Ryan met the Doctor for the first time and was shocked, shocked, to discover that aliens exist.
Cracks in Time
Steven Moffat did give us one handy explanation for why nobody in Doctor Who remembers the Dalek invasion, or the giant steampunk Cyberman that invaded Victorian London, and probably much more. In ‘Victory of the Daleks’ the Doctor tries to persuade Winston Churchill that using his own force of Daleks to secure the country was a bad idea, and he turns to Amy, who would have seen that invasion, to back him up. She has no idea what’s he’s talking about.
Later it’s revealed this is because the TARDIS explodes, destroying the entire universe with it. The cracks in time left by that explosion erased all kinds of events from history, including, handily, anything that would cause the human view of the universe to deviate too far from the real-world status quo.
Of course, that does leave some problems. Adelaide Brooke, again, clearly remembers the Dalek invasion and it was a moment so formative and influential on her eventual Fixed Point In Time that even the Dalek she saw (who, I remind you, was working on a plot to destroy literally all existence) didn’t dare exterminate her because of its influence on the timeline. And since it’s not implied the crack in time could bring anyone back from the dead, it does make you wonder what history says happened to Harriet Jones (former Prime Minister) and all the many others killed by the Daleks.
But maybe you don’t need a giant retconning Crack in Time?
Because while the Doctor has often waxed lyrical about humanity being indomitable, creative, and curious, there is also a lesser innate human quality the Doctor sometimes mentions: our absent-mindedness.
The Forgetfulness of the Daleks
As well as the Dalek incursions in ‘The Stolen Earth’ and ‘The Army of Ghosts’, there was another Dalek visitation of Earth in the ironically named ‘Remembrance of the Daleks’, which was set in 1963. During this adventure then-companion Ace points out she doesn’t remember anything about Daleks invading in the 1960s. The Doctor replies, “Do you remember the Zygon gambit with the Loch Ness Monster? Or the Yeti in the Underground? Your species has an amazing capacity for self-deception.”
Likewise, nobody remembers dinosaurs invading London, or the other time shop window dummies came to life and started killing people, or when the Earth encountered its exact twin. Without any cracks in time hanging around, Doctor Who falls back on an old staple of fantasy and sci-fi- that humans just ignore anything that doesn’t fit into their worldview.
As we’ve already mentioned, this turns up a couple of times in the new series as well. In ‘In the Forest of the Night’, the entire planet is overnight covered in forest for reasons that we’re not going to go into too closely because that story’s a bit of an embarrassment to be honest. As the forest disappears at the end of the story the Doctor says it will be forgotten outside of fairy stories, because that’s “a human superpower”.
It can even work two-way. In ‘The Lie of the Land’, the entire Earth is taken over by the gross-looking and mysterious “monks”. Using a psychic link, the monks convince humanity that not only are they humanity’s generous benefactors, but also that the monks have always been here, guiding human evolution. This is of course a lie, as the monks are actually one of the very few aliens not to have guided human evolution at some point.
After the Doctor does his thing and the monks’ statues are torn down, someone passes by the ruins of one and wonders what it was. Already, people are forgetting.
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Which, if you think about it, is a Doctor Who story in itself. Imagine being an alien visiting Earth. Humanity must seem like the Silence, but in reverse- as soon as they stop looking at you they forget you exist. The Doctor really ought to take a look at that some time.
The post Doctor Who: Why Does Everyone Keep Forgetting the Daleks? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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