#die lorelei
lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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Die Lorelei / The Lorelei
Artist : Albert Ludovici (1820-1894)
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sherbertilluminated · 1 month
The silly part of my Liberal Arts College education is that I can disguise my neglect of one subject's homework as an "interdisciplinary approach." For example, I'm taking the geophysics and seds component of my Geology major this semester, and also talking a course on German-Jewish writing in the 19th century. So if I'm prioritizing studying geophysics over sedimentology I can go on Tumblr and say stupid things like:
Er sieht nicht die Felsenriffe Er schaut nur hinauf in den bemerkenswert hoehe Schichtung und bewunderdert sich, mit welchen tektonischen Kraeften solches entstanden ist
And then the waves devour me.
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excalibur97531 · 1 year
The Lore-Ley or song of the Loreley is a poem by Heinrich Heine from 1824, which has the legendary story of the Loreley, the beautiful maiden leading to the demise of ships with her singing, as its subject. It was spread primarily with the melody composed by Friedrich Silcher in 1837, which is considered an expression of Rhine Romanticism. In the poem, some see Heine's confrontation with Romanticism. He used motifs and means of representation from Romanticism and folksong to ironize them (through accumulation and exaggeration, also through exaggerated pathos) and in this way to distance himself. The combination of vanity, seductiveness and transience points to the revival of vanitas motifs in Romanticism.
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lorenzlund · 1 year
Schön Men(-)As(s)
*(This is) Harry’s Stil, Your Style Your Personal Statement!, Sean Penn, Michel Obama, German Baracks, Barack Obama, Michel Jack’s Son, Michael König ist Deutscher, der deutsche Michel, ‘Michelle Ma Belle’ singen plötzlich selbst die Beatles. Italiener singen: ‘Bello Tschau!’ Das Lied handelt vom Tod eines Partisanen. Durch die Übersetzung durch Hannes Wader wird das Lied schnell auch unter Deutschen bekannt!
Chor aus Schülern u. Schülerinnen der privaten Musikschaule OPUS aus Prenzlau singt: Ol’ Man-’R-if-er und ‘Over the ‘Ar-in-Bow’/male Degen, begonnen wird dabei mit intensiven Entspannungs- und Dehnübungen, u.a. von Schulterbereichen und Kaumuskeln.
‘Eine Spezialoperation, jedoch kein Krieg!’, laut selbst dem russischem Präsidenten! 
Inhaltlich liegt er damit vielleicht sogar richtiger als andere!
“Michelle wirkt so jung, mit jedem Tag wirkt sie jünger!” (Barack Obama)
Und auch er hätte dann damit recht!
*Genaue Gründe warum auch der russische Präsident das so tut führt er keine an! Das muss man so auch erst gar nicht: der Begriff erklärt sich quasi von alleine! Vor allem liest man folgenden Liederausschnitt, er stammt aus auch dem amerikanischen Liederschatz:
Ol' man river. That ol' man river. He don't say nothin' But he must know somethin' Cause he just keeps rollin'.
... tired of livin', but I'm scared of dyin'!
getting weary, sick of trying!
Get drunk And you land in jail.
Deutschland steht in direkter Gefahr eines gemeinsam durchgeführten neuen Großangriffes seitens der Allianz oder früheren Allierten! 
Man will schlicht schon viel früher durch einen gemachte Landgewinne von sich für alle Zeiten auf diese Weise absichern!  Damit aber gibt man sich längst nicht bei ihr zufrieden, in Zukunft hofft man auf auch noch weitere! Fast immer aber passiert das nur sehr verdeckt! 
*Unverkennbar auch die beständigen Tricks aus der gemeinsam dafür bereitgehaltenen Vorrats- oder Schatzkiste, zu denen man erneut  dann wieder auch greift, und selbst Diplomaten direkter Nachbar-Staaten innerhalb Europas tun das so dann erneut wieder auch, gemeinsam mit dann wieder zum Teil sehr weit wegliegenden auch. Nie aber wird direkt darüber gesprochen, trifft man dabei durch Zufall vielleicht einmal sogar erneut auch auf einen der heutigen Bewohner Deutschlands und/oder den heutigen Deutschen mit auch dessen Ehefrau!
Als Haupt-Beweggrund dafür sucht man sich ausgerechnet! wiederholt  angeblich sehr schlechtes Verhalten des anderen aus früheres, man führt moralische Gründe an dafür, warum man das so kann und vielleicht sogar auch darf!!
“Erwin: Gefangener unter Hitler wie Stalin!!”
Erwin, mit Nachnamen Jörris, trat mit 16 dem Jugendbund der Kommunisten Deutschlands bei 1928. 1932 verbreitete er Flugblätter: ‘Hitler bedeutet (automatisch) Krieg! Er wurde dann 1933 verhaftet, kam in Untersuchungshaft, wurde 1934 entlassen, floh und imigrierte danach in die Sowjetunion, wobei ihm die inzwischen illegale KPD Deutschlands half, womöglich tat er es sogar eigens in deren Auftrag. *Jedenfalls laut Inhalten dieses Plakates, welches ich heute an einer Berliner Häuserwand erneut hängend vorfand und anschließend darin las. (Im Gebäude selber befanden sich ein Lokal und Begegnungsstätte der oder von extremen alternativen Linken, so war u.a. auch die Frontex erkennbar hier sehr unbeliebt, Feministinnen hielten in ihm ihre regelmäßigen Treffen ab oder waren hier ebenfalls willkommen, genauso wie Leute, die irgendwann selber auch nach Europa emigriert waren, frühere Flüchtlinge also, gegen Nazis hatte man klar etwas und gegen deren Mitanwesenheit vielleicht in dem Lokal, jedenfalls laut ein paar auch noch weiteren Fensteraushängen und deren Inhaltenl!! Man könnte also sagen, es waren heutige Nachfahren von Kommunisten, wenn auch ein paar sehr moderne mit gelegentlicher geäußerter Kritik am bestehenden System sogar auch selber, sogar härscherer, welche in ihm verkehrten und die es wohl auch gemeinsam als solches betrieben! Fans oder Anhänger der Kommune!)
“In der Folge lernte Erwin dann die stalinistischen Schauprozesse kennen und glaubte sich von auch ihnen distanzieren zu müssen! Darauf schickte man ihn nach Swerdlowsk in einen Betrieb, er sollte sich dort bewähren”.
(*Von Herbert Wehner erhielt er dann den Vorwurf, er habe dem Nationalsozialismus selber nicht genug Widerstand entgegengebracht, was wohl aber erst später so geschah, auch das ist im Plakat so mitenthalten, es informiert uns auch darüber.)
1937 erfolgte dann die nächste Verhaftung, diesmal durch das NKWD, der ihm gemachte Vorwurf lautete, er sei heimlicher Spion der Trotzkisten, Erwin kam ins Gefängnis von Lubjanka!!
Im April 1938 erfolgte dann seine Ausweisung durch die Sowjetunion zurück ins Deutsche Reich. Erwin wurde direkt der Gestapo übergeben! Diesmal blieb er bis Februar 1939 inhaftiert.
1940 dann seine plötzliche Einberufung zur Wehrmacht!
Er war dann bis 1941 an der Ostfront, geriet aber in sowjetische Gefangenschaft, nach Kriegsende wurde er nach Ost-Berlin entlassen, dort aber sehr schnell wieder verhaftet durch die frühere sowjetische Geheimpolizei! Sein genauer Verbleib danach ist etwas unklar, es geht aus dem Papier nicht einwandfrei hervor, die Rede aber ist von Schönhausen in Berlin, erst 1950 wird er dann zu 25 Jahren Zwangsarbeit in Sibirien durch einen Richter verurteilt! Er war dann in den Lagern Workuta und Retsch, wurde 1955 im Zuge der “Heimkehr der 10.000″ erneut nach Ost-Berlin entlassen, kehrte dorthin zurück!
“Deine übergroße Schnauze sie soll dir in Sibirien zufrieren!!” (der damalige Richter zu ihm, so das Plakat)
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theraedar · 1 year
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Oh right i should probably show yall lorel’s mom concept LOL, she’s a composer/pianist..music runs in the family.....
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nocnitsa · 10 months
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rarilight · 11 months
Original Crimson Lips Drabble - Gentle
Figured I should start using their original names lol Lady Lorelei = Luna Lenore = Rares ----
For as long as Alicent had been Lady Lorelei’s secretary, ‘gentle’ was a word she’d never think to use for the Lady. Even kind felt a difficult word to describe her with, because though she was kind, this was only shown in her actions, not in her appearance. 
Frankly, the only time she’d ever seen the Lady have an emotion beyond ‘serious’, ‘skeptical’, or ‘nonchalant’ was when she was making a sly dig at someone, or when addressing the children of the Sapphire’s workers. 
That changed one night, though. 
Having forgotten something at her desk, a weary Alicent quietly stepped into the Sapphire’s main lobby sometime after midnight when everyone was asleep or otherwise occupied with overnight clients. 
She quickly grabbed what she’d forgotten from her desk, only to scowl upon noticing someone had left the lounge lights on. She made her way towards the lounge to turn them off, stopping dead in her track at the door at the sound of someone humming a lovely, gentle melody. 
Tiptoeing now, she quietly opened the door and peered in to find Lady Lorelei like she’d never seen her before. 
There she was, one of the most feared women of the city, sitting on a couch as she held the still-shattered Lenore with an arresting tenderness, her chin resting on the younger woman’s head. 
It was she respectfully stepped away that Alicent heard the humming stop long enough to hear her employer speak. 
“You are so very loved, moondrop,” she said. “By so many but none more than I.” ---
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businesscasualart · 4 months
My family got sick after New Years and I gave into my minor germaphobia and fear of getting sick. I started taking every measure to not get sick. Then I got sick.
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empty-dream · 2 years
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“Shirou, do you want to live? No matter what kind of life form you’ll become, no matter what shape you’ll hold, do you want to live?”
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come-along-pond · 2 years
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Lorelei Evans
↳ in Stranger Things S1.
s1 s2 s3
Lorelei was worried. More than worried - scared. Will Byers was missing, Lorie usually babysat him, but her sister was in town - and Jonathan said he'd look after him and -
He's gone, and she wants to find him. It's good that there's a certain 'party' of DnD players, who she knows are also looking.
Thing is, she hates horror movies.
Lorelei gif credits: x
taglist: @lilac-lemonade @witchofinterest​ @reggiemantleholdmyhand-tle @arrthurpendragon @nikolai-lantsv @sentineljedi @stanshollaand @foxesandmagic @guardiansofheroes @eddiemunscns @eleanorstulip @decennia @cantfighthemoonknight @dancingsunflowers-ocs @void-words
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masterporky · 10 months
♤💜♤ Lorelei stared at Pokey from the shadows, casually observing him. Although she did wondered about one thing: where are this kid's parents?
Maybe they should try to ask him about it, or try to mimic the voice of someone it knows could help, or something else??
She took a breath, before yelling in a near-perfect impression of Jeeves' voice, "Hey kid! Where's your parents?"
~ @corrxptedmaskedone
Pokey jumps at the unfamiliar voice, quickly looking around for it's source.
He had been out on a walk, desperately trying to find anyone who could help him, anyone who just had a glimmer of hate in their heart, anyone who was suffering just a bit more than normal.
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He was currently at his weakest, and he wasn't prepared to be confronted by someone he didn't know. They could try to fight him or something.
But they were just asking him where his parents were... Maybe he could try to spin this in his favor somehow...
"I don't have any...!" He said back, pulling his coat tighter around his body.
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nixotinix · 2 years
Hello to new heartless fans! Welcome to the club, there is no escape <3
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(^ a Lorelei piece I like to justify the post)
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bergsmotiv · 2 years
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Der Rhein - Die Loreley
The Rhine - The Loreley
Le Rhin - La Loreley
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emomanswhore · 1 year
Don’t even look at my recent post 💔
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the way i’m cleaning off my spectacles rn so i can have 20/20 vision on whatever you have as your recent post 💔💔💔😟👓🤏🏽
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beef-bakery · 2 years
The Lights Are On
Rating: Luz Noceda x Amity Blight - 2.2k words - SFW
Synopsis: In which Amity confesses first, not without mishap, of course
Notes: differs from canon, started as a character study and progressed wildly, not well edited, a certain someone—ahem—has ballet and hasn’t gotten around to editing the whole chapter (even though the season ended today??), part one of four, will be uploaded to ao3 once someone edits it all
Next Part / Read on AO3 / Playlist
Amity pressed the palms of her hands against her eyes and groaned, leaning back in her chair. Nothing she wrote sounded right. It was funny; she could write essays, pages and paragraphs of analyses, deep dives into coven-separated magic infrastructure, and yet she couldn't manage something so simple!
But what was it? Amity knew what she was trying to say, just not how to say it. Poets did it all the time, eloquent declarations of love that they belted from rooftops, but that wasn’t Amity. She wasn't some cheesy poet gushing over their sweetheart, taking every chance to remind everyone around them that ‘I’m in love!’ Maybe if she was a bit braver, a bit bolder, Amity could take that chance, announce to the world she liked girls. And not just any girl, but a beautiful, strong, independent witch who could charm anyone given the chance!
But Amity was sure she would be private surrounding her love life. The only thing she was boastful about was her academic standing, but that had been drilled into her by Odalia. She was slowly realizing that that wasn't really her. She wasn't someone who wanted to put others down with how much better she was. That was—not a Blight thing, per se, but—definitely an Odalia thing. Even with her friends Amity tended to be more standoffish, choosing to observe rather than socialize. Maybe that's what made Luz so enticing.
She wasn't like Amity at all. She wasn't afraid not to be liked, or to get things wrong; in fact, she seemed to thrive off of trial and error. Luz took every opportunity that was presented to her and dove straight into it, putting her best foot forward and doing it fearlessly.
If Amity hadn't been so ticked off the first time she met Luz, she would’ve been impressed. She’d neve met someone so sure of what she wanted and not afraid to take it.
Moreover, Luz was open with her affection, hugging Gus and Willow, talking animatedly about how much she loved her mom without regard for her volume; Luz was the pinnacle of public displays of affection. Platonic or romantic, nothing screamed private about Luz Noceda.
That's probably why this was so hard. Amity, a private and uptight student, was planning to confess to Luz, the lively, carefree witchlet who captivated the entire student body. How could she successfully court such a perfect person?
Should she do it in a way she would like being confessed to? A private, intimate setting, a heartfelt note—read by her admirer, of course—and a gift of flowers to end the night? Or should she do it in a way she thought Luz might like? A public confession with a big display of passion? A smoke spell set off at sunset reading, ‘I like you!’ or something just as sappy and sweet?
The furthest Amity had gotten was deciding that she would need to write a note, whether to recite or place in Luz’s locker. She needed a safe, surefire way to express her feelings that she couldn’t ruin.
Amity had thought about quoting some lame and cheesy Bonesborough poet—that’d be something Luz would like, right? But that didn't seem quite Amity enough. She didn't want her confession to be a cheap copy of someone else's words, written for anyone.
But maybe that was it. Amity couldn't write anything good enough for Luz so maybe… Amity just wasn't good enough for her.
Amity huffed out a sigh of frustration, pushing her chair out and standing up to stretch. The vertebrae of her back clicked into place satisfyingly, sufficiently lubricating her spine and righting her stiff posture.
“Where are you going, Mittens?” Edric asked as Amity passed him and Emira in the kitchen. The twins were making some sort of concoction, presumably supposed to be edible, but from the smell… Amity wouldn't say that it was going to taste good.
“Just out for a walk,” Amity replied.
“Be safe!” Emira called out after her.
“Don't do anything I wouldn't do,” Edric added.
“I’d never do anything you would do.” Amity said. A gasp of indignation could be heard right before she shut the door, and Amity stifled a giggle at the thought of Edric’s goop-covered hands reaching up to clutch at imaginary pearls in offense.
The Boiling Isles wasn't as bad this time of year. The weather was clear, boiling rain storms were sparse, and the overall temperature was acceptable. Amity walked aimlessly, letting her body take her where it wanted to go while her mind wandered.
Funnily enough, it led her to Luz’s house. Amity hadn't even realized she was headed that direction until the beak of Luz’s house demon was way too close for comfort.
“Hiya Luz’s friend!” He chirped.
“Uh, hi,” Amity said, trying to ignore all the physical boundaries he was violating in order to stay on good terms with Luz’s family—that is, if a house demon could be considered family.
“Whatcha doing here?” The house demon—Hooty, was it?—began winding around Amity, trapping her in a loose circle.
“I'm not really sure myself,” Amity sidestepped, desperate to maintain her personal space.
“Well, Luz is inside, I could get her for you—”
“Oh, no you really don't need to do that—!”
But Amity was too late, Hooty was already screeching with his temple-throbbing voice, “Luz! You have a special guest!”
It felt like all of Amity’s hair stood on end when Luz appeared in the window.
“What is it, Hooty? I'm busy,” Luz leaned out the window and held her hand over her eyes, squinting at Amity.
Amity waved awkwardly. “Hi, Luz!”
Luz only squinted more, not recognizing Amity’s voice. Or not hearing it, that was probably a more viable option. Luz leaned out further and toppled out. Thankfully, Hooty had fast reflexes, maneuvering his body with a fine dexterity Amity wouldn't’ve expected from the owl-worm-bug-demon-thing.
“Oof,” was the sound that came out of Luz’s mouth once Hooty deposited her at Amity’s feet. “Oh! Hi, Amity!”
“Hi Luz,” Amity parroted, her words turning to ash in her mouth.
“Well I'll leave you special friends to it.” Amity cringed at Hooty’s choice of words, and was only further humiliated when he winked at her, retracting himself back into the door.
“That was unfortunate,” Luz chuckled softly.
Amity felt the blood rise to her cheeks as she barked out a laugh. “Yeah! Definitely! I mean us? Special friends? Ha! Maybe you should get your owl fixed.” Amity could tell she was overcompensating with her word choice, and could see it reflected in Luz’s face.
“Um…” Luz looked back at Hooty. “I meant me falling out of the window.”
“Oh yeah! Yeah, that was unfortunate,” Amity laughed loudly, feeling the tips of her ears redden with embarrassment.
“You’d be surprised with how often that happens,” Luz laughed, rubbing the back of her neck.
“That’s happened before?” Amity’s eyes were wide enough to draw attention away from her red face.
“Yeah! You won't believe the first time it happened…”
Just like that, Luz set Amity at ease. It was wondrous, the way that Amity fell into comfortable conversation with her. She never felt this comfortable, not even at home. Her parents were more focused on her academic standing, and the twins were always closer with each other than they were with her. Her friends weren't like this with Amity, not like Luz was.
But maybe it was just in Luz’s blood. Amity had seen Luz win over even the coldest witches with only a smile and a dumb pun. Maybe that was over exaggerating, but Luz could still get anyone in her corner with just the slightest persuasion.
There was no way someone like Luz would ever go out with someone like her. Only talented magically and academically… socially, Amity was a freak. Without her status as a Blight, she was nothing more than another silent prodigy.
With that, Amity’s heart sank. How was she ever going to work up the courage to ask out someone so cool and sociable? She’d have to compete with everyone for Luz’s heart.
“Hey Luz?” Amity blurted, stopping abruptly. While the two of them had been talking, Luz had led Amity on a walk through the woods surrounding her house.
“Yeah?” Luz blinked, turning around.
“How would you ask someone out?” Amity asked nervously, kicking a pinecone with her foot.
“Oh—!” For the first time since they’d met, Luz was at a loss for words. “Well, do you like this person?”
“Yeah,” Amity kept her eyes trained on the forest floor, “a lot.”
“Well I’d say do something meaningful. It doesn't have to be big or flashy, just something you know—er, think they’d like. If you don't know what they’d like.” Luz offered.
“What would you like?” Amity asked, finally having enough courage to pull her gaze away from the floor to glance at Luz, who was pointedly looking anywhere but her.
“Um, like what I’d do or what I’d like done for me?” Luz’s eyebrows drew close.
“Both,” Amity said quickly, hoping Luz hadn't noticed her slip up.
“Well, I’d take them somewhere special, private, I mean, no one wants to be publicly rejected—and it’s just tone deaf to pressure someone to accept affections just because they’re in public... sorry I’m getting off topic.” Luz laughed softly. “Um, but it would preferably be somewhere nice. I’d probably prepare a speech of some sort beforehand…” Luz paused, blushing.
“What is it?” Amity asked, curious.
“Well, I'm getting ahead of myself, but I was just thinking that if it was my dream confession, I’d want my partner to do something like in…” Luz covered her face, saying something unintelligible from between her hands.
“What was that?” Amity asked, leaning in.
“Something like in thegoodwitchazura,” Luz mumbled.
“What?” Amity leaned in closer.
“Something like in the Good Witch Azura,” Luz nearly shouted. Amity recoiled back, rubbing her ear with one hand. “Oh! Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Amity assured Luz, who rubbed the back of her neck sheepishly. Amity gestured for Luz to go on.
“Like in book three,” Luz said, talking animatedly as she picked up her pace, walking faster. Amity nearly had to jog to keep up. “When Azura accidentally ruins the confession between Celeste and Aelia when she stops Celeste’s assassination, it’s just so romantic!”
“Stopping an assassination?” Amity asked, puzzled. It was going to be awfully hard to win over Luz if stopping a murder was a part of her dating criteria. Would she have to stop Luz’s assassination or was stopping an homicide in general enough to qualify as a potential suitor? If it was the former, did that mean Amity had to hire a hit-witch to stop this possible murder?
Luz’s laugh interrupted Amity’s spiel, loud and clear in tone. It was almost heavenly, the way it vibrated through Amity’s ears like the finest music.
“No!” Luz giggled. “I mean like Celeste’s confession!”
“Oh,” Amity said lamely, feeling dumb.
“It’s just so romantic to me, the idea of sneaking in to see your crush and confessing? I would die!” Luz laughed giddily, rocking back and forth, her body expressing the excitement that was too much to handle internally.
“Wow!” Amity said, her eyebrows rising to meet her hairline. Seriously? She needed to sneak into the owl house in order to win Luz over? “Your future partner is going to have to jump through a lot of hoops.”
“Oh, well that's just my dream confession,” Luz smiled sheepishly, “realistically, I’d appreciate anything, really. As long as it was genuine and meaningful, it’d mean a lot!”
“That's good to hear,” Amity laughed softly, relieved, “really takes the pressure off…” She mumbled.
“What was that?” Luz asked.
“Oh, nothing!” Amity felt a blush spread across her cheeks.
“Alright,” Luz said, “well, what do you think?”
“About what?”
“What you’ll do? What’re you gonna do?”
“I'm not sure yet,” Amity laughed awkwardly. The silence that proceeded stretched for what seemed like hours, but was realistically only a few minutes.
“Oh!” Luz stopped suddenly. “You should probably head home,” Luz gestured to the setting sun, “don't want the parents to get mad!”
“You’re probably right,” Amity agreed with a sigh, “I should get back before I get in trouble for staying out too late.”
“Do you want me to get Eda?” Luz pointed a thumb backwards. “She could fly you back on her staff.”
“No, it's okay,” Amity shook her head, “I can walk.”
“If you say so,” Luz waved goodbye and turned to leave.
“Oh wait, Luz—” Amity reached out for Luz’s sleeve, accidentally pulling her close enough to touch noses. “Sorry,” Amity stepped back, avoiding eye contact as her cheeks burned.
“It’s okay,” Luz stuttered, mirroring Amity’s body language. “What did you want to say?”
Amity took a deep breath, “I just wanted to say I had a nice time talking to you today—not that talking to you other times isn't nice—” Amity closed her eyes, inhaling sharply through her nose, trying to gather her bearings. “I just meant I liked today.”
“Aw, Amity,” Luz pulled her in for a hug, “I like talking to you too!” Luz gave Amity one last squeeze before letting go. “Better get home before you get in trouble.” Luz turned to walk away but thought better of it, turning back with a wink. “Bye Amity!”
“Bye Luz,” Amity said, breathless.
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starfoam-archive · 2 years
“So what does the word “jape” mean, anyway?” It’s just another Tuesday (it is Tuesday, yes?) at the facility, and for good behavior, 049 was allowed to resume his studies on non-human patients. Today it’s... actually, she doesn’t know what this used to be at this point, only that it has more stitches than skin. Ah well, they never promised it’d be glamorous here. “I thought it meant... tomfoolery, or silliness, but you always make it sound much more serious.”
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