#diesa caebrek
dicewillsuffice · 3 years
Look at her!
Sure is dead!
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dicewillsuffice · 3 years
SO I am very loved and @oldearthcartography helped me make a new Diesa token for our friday game cause of her domain/diety change and I absolutely adore it. It's so pretty!!
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dicewillsuffice · 3 years
SO Diesa, my cleric in our friday game got a new diety and moving to the twilight subclass! Which has been very neat
I need help finding songs for her playlists! The general aesthetics but also things about like transitions, rest, making things okay? Idk I'm bad at this but yeah shoot me any song recs!
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dicewillsuffice · 4 years
Sometimes you gotta use divine intervention to get cool crafting materials into the bag of holding
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dicewillsuffice · 3 years
Cute asks: Diesa: 1, 8, 11, 12 ; Papaya: 3, 5, 8; Bryya: 1, 6, 9
1. How does your OC get the comfiest? Do they wrap themselves in a blanket? Do they build a pillow nest? Do they make a nice cup of cocoa or tea?
Diesa didn't use to really seek out being comfy-she can fall asleep in full plate and sleep just fine, why bother? But lately she's been getting a leaning habit. Feeling the warmth and support of someone next her is nice.
8. What little nice things does your OC do for others? Do they keep any of them secret?
Not one she can do anymore, but for a long time part of her morning routine was blessing Sleater's bow while everyone was getting ready for the day. I think she's also been regularly doing maintenance on everyones armor since they began traveling together.
11. Where is your OC’s favourite place to spend time? Is it a nice peaceful park bench? A library? Or a bustling café?
She likes the garden at their house a lot. It's pretty and relaxing. Although she knows she wasn't needed, she is proud of the work she put in to help make it.
12. If your OC is sad, what never fails to cheer them up? Cute pictures? A sweet treat? A hug?
Diesa is the type to work through it to keep her mind off it, usually sparring or something else physical
3. What is your OC’s favourite kind of weather? Do they like watching it rain? Do they prefer a gentle sunshine? How would they spend the day with this weather?
Papaya is fond of sunny days with a nice breeze, ideally taking a nap
5. What is your OC’s favourite childhood memory? Why?
When she and Marzanne started Papaya's garden. She enjoyed getting to help figure out what they were going to plant, and having a place that was hers. I think originally it was just going to be the garden and Papaya would have kept staying with Marzanne until she was older, but she really latched on to having her place and after a while of Papaya insisting on staying the night there Marzanne gave in and they made her house too.
8. What little nice things does your OC do for others? Do they keep any of them secret?
Papaya is constantly feeding people. In addition to regular meals, I think she just about always has snacks on her and offers them up at the slightest indication someone would like one.
She also waters Lizzy's tulips everyday and makes sure to keep them healthy,and clean up the crows nest while she's up there.
1. How does your OC get the comfiest? Do they wrap themselves in a blanket? Do they build a pillow nest? Do they make a nice cup of cocoa or tea?
Bryya is comfiest wrapped in her furlined cloak in front of a fire.
6. What does your OC think is the cutest thing in the universe? Kittens? Baby plants? Something else?
Brrya actually really likes kids-she has a lot of extended family back home so as soon as she was old enough not to need a babysitter, she was the babysitter. She thinks it's cute how much they enjoy being tossed in the air.
9. What little things make your OC happy? The sunset? Eating a nice meal? The smell or beauty of flowers?
Bryya likes when people smile or laugh, especially if it's someone she cares about
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dicewillsuffice · 4 years
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@softbutchtaako found a wonderful picrew with great beard options so here’s a Diesa.
The picrew: https://picrew.me/image_maker/263035
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dicewillsuffice · 4 years
Diesa: 🎡 AMUSED; Papaya: 👐 SURPRISED ; Anyone: ☕ RELAXED ☘ HOPEFUL,
Diesa was reluctant to bring up the diamonds. The coin didn’t bother her. But it reminded her of the ones they’d wasted on her- bringing with it a wave of anxiety and guilt.
Standing, she felt a weight to her bag that wasn’t there before. A quick glance confirmed her suspicions, and she turned a warm smile at the only one who could’ve pulled it off- that must have been where she snuck off that morning. Although she could argue otherwise, Diesa couldn’t have forgotten that many diamonds, and wouldn’t leave them in a pocket so inaccessible.
“Thank you, Mal.”
She stood up straight for a moment, wiping the sweat from her brow. She was sure the gardeners and stoneworkers would have done just fine without her, perhaps better without her getting in the way, but it was nice to go back to some simple hard work. She wanted to do something physical, she’d be too anxious otherwise, but the workshop wasn’t finished yet either and she didn’t want to go too far from her friends. Luckily, they had obliged her when she’d asked to be put to work, and she was thankful to let it push her thoughts away.
A small gasp escaped her as she went to take the first bite. It was as tasty as it looked, which she was happy about. But she hadn’t expected it to be so cold! Papaya glanced up at Boda next to her, but she didn’t seem surprised or bothered. To be fair, Boda tended to be a little cold herself, so maybe she didn’t notice it? Papaya hummed happily and went back to her iced cream. It was sweet and fruity, and she liked it very much, even if she had to rub the warmth back into her lips after.
Papaya woke by the sun, like most mornings, at least when Honey or Marzanne didn’t wake her sooner for one thing or another. Honeydew was nested in a pile of cushions beside her, but as Papaya moved to get up, Honey shook herself awake and began to preen. The sunlight had settled across her bed in a delightful way, and for a second Papaya was tempted to curl back up. She stretched lazily and considered breakfast for a moment, thinking about the bread she’d baked the night before and what she’d harvested that week.
I hope the strawberries are ripe!
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dicewillsuffice · 3 years
Diesa: 💕— What makes them feel connected to their partner? 🖤— Random romantic headcanon 🔪— How would they react to injury/misfortune befalling their partner? Do they feel at fault? 💧— Random angst headcanon
💕— What makes them feel connected to their partner? 
I think Diesa needs some physical contact. She’s not quite used to it, but she’s starting to get into the habit of sneaking it in. Leaning on someone, reaching for a hand or a shoulder, letting a touch linger too long. It’s nice.
🖤— Random romantic headcanon
Diesa has little to no concept of what romance really is/means to her. She's not close to her parents, but they were never really a romantic couple, at least in front of her. And Kilvar never talked about it so. It just wasn’t ever on her radar? 
She strikes me as ace and demiromantic, so what she has heard about romance since she left home hasn’t helped her much either.
Although she’s starting to recognize that how she feels about a certain someone is a bit different then her other friends (progress!), she doesn’t really get what it is or what to do about it. 
🔪— How would they react to injury/misfortune befalling their partner? Do they feel at fault?
Her first reaction is practical- she’ll do whatever she can to help. Luckily, at least with injuries she can usually do something about it. But once she’s done everything she can, the anxiety rushes in. She absolutely blames herself, it’s just how her brain works. She’ll get buried thinking of every little thing she could have done to prevent it, or if there really wasn’t any just the pressing guilt that it should have happened to her instead. 
💧— Random angst headcanon
She’s pretty obviously having a rough time right now. She’s usually pretty quick about wrapping things up so she at least seems okay for her friends, but she’s extra shaken up right now and hasn’t been able to pull out of the shock of it. We’ll see what happens!
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dicewillsuffice · 4 years
Highlights of tonight's session:
Convinced the moon elf refuges who didn't trust us for good reasons to let us help them
We got to hit something
Got some SWEET magical items including a Belt of Stone Giant Strength for Diesa
Overall a fantastic session! We did cool things, got cool things. Who can ask for more?
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dicewillsuffice · 5 years
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dicewillsuffice · 5 years
Diesa: 1, 4, 17, 20, 22, 35, 23, 36, 44 (I am hongry for character lore)
1.  Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?
Yup! She used to be very close to her older brother Kilvar, who’s less than a decade older (the gaps between her other siblings are much wider). But she hasn’t gotten to talk to any of her family since she gave up her life as a weapon smith and armorer and left home
4. Has your character ever witnessed something that fundamentally changed them? If so, does anyone else know?
The first time she met a follower of Dylina, who was making small clockwork toys for children. Diesa had just finished her apprenticeship as a smith and had never been exposed to the idea of making something just for fun. Only Kilvar knew, as he was with her at the time.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?
Not quite a toy, but she was very happy when Kilvar made her a miniature “warhammer” as a kid. She would spar with him a lot
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
She used to compare her work to other smiths a lot, but when she started crafting for the sake of it grew out of this habit. Now she gets annoyed with people who think that only skilled crafters should be making things and thinks a lot of smiths need to stop being so stuck up.
22. What does your character like in other people?
Diesa likes people who help others and creative people
35. How does your character behave around people they like?
When around another crafter, she loves to talk about their work or fiddle with projects together. 
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
Very selfish people or people who are stuck up about their skills as a crafter
36. How does your character behave around people they dislike?
She’ll try to kick some sense into them, or get annoyed and leave them alone
44. How easy or difficult is it for your character to say “I love you?” Can they say it without meaning it?
Diesa cares about a lot of people an awful lot, but love isn’t something she really thinks about in any sense (romantic, platonic, familial or otherwise). I don’t think she’s ever said it, or really had it said to her either
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dicewillsuffice · 5 years
D&D PC Master Post!
For the curious or for ask memes!
Currently active:
Blair Varian- A changeling rogue and guild artisan. She specializes in the arts of weaving and embroidery, and is pretty handy with leather and jewlery as well. She grew up travelling with her guild, and learned to fight as part of the guard. She throws daggers cause she's horrible with a bow or crossbow but too squishy for in your face combat. She known to have a large amout of daggers on her (prefers to have at least a dozen) gets very sad when she starts to run out
Diesa Caebrek- A smith and a tinkerer, and cleric of Dylina, the laughing crafter. She enjoys her craft in itself, But also strives to create things to ease the lives of others. She enjoys traveling and tries to help people wherever she ends up. She's easygoing and optimistic, always believing the best in others. This sometimes gets her into trouble when others take advantage of that, but she knows her way around a warhammer and is just as confident in her ability to get herself out of such a mess.
Some others:
Miris- a Kitsune wild magic sorcerer. She grew up in the fey wild, seperated from her family at a young age in an accident. Luckily, the fae who found her were kind. She later found a way to the material realm by accident and now travels, exploring a world quite different from what she's used to. She's playful and chaotic.
Viol and Willow Goodearth- Viol is a kenku bard, and Willow a halfling fighter. They are very close and fiercely protective of eachother. In general they're both cheerful and outgoing. Viol is really sweet and Willow can be very headstrong. They have a love for music and like to preform together.
The Goodearth's are a family of innkeepers. The Honey Heart Inn was near a major trade route, which brought in plenty of customers. They quickly adopted the small kenku child their daughter brought home. She grew up there, helping out with the inn. Willow taught her to play the viol, which she loved so much they decided to name her after it.
After learning she couldn't talk normally, Willow sat with her for hours, saying as many words and phrases she could think of, "If you don't have your own voice, we'll just have to share mine!"
Poppy- a Nezumi (ratfolk) artificer (Archivist). She grew up in a rather small town. When she was a child, an elderly artificer moved into town and opened a library. She also taught classes to the children of the town, teaching them to read and write, about history and science and magic and the world around them many would never explore. Poppy spent hours and hours in the library, learning as much as she could and eventually became her apprentice. She's always been curious and creative and took well to the magic of artificers. She carries with her a small silver locket- if you open it, you'll see it's actually a miniature music box. It was a gift from her master.
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dicewillsuffice · 4 years
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Tried to get some nice photos of Diesa’s dice today
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dicewillsuffice · 4 years
Diesa is a dwaren space heater
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dicewillsuffice · 4 years
what diesa sleeps in and what animal she would be!
Diesa can basically sleep in anything. She's definitely slept in her armor a few times, although she takes it off when she has the chance at an inn or something. She'd probably just sleep in whatever she was wearing that day.
Animal was really hard?? I'm thinking maybe a Tortise, cause you know big shell and slow?
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dicewillsuffice · 5 years
Out of all of my dice
I found one (1) that fits my new character's color pallet. If anyone has suggestions for light blue (not aqua/turquoise) or silver metal dice let me know!
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Meet Diesa Caebrek! She's a dwarf forge cleric! A smith and a tinker, she enjoys her craft in itself but also strives to create things to ease the lives of others. She enjoys travelling and tries to help people wherever she ends up. She's easygoing and optimistic, always believing the best in others. This sometimes gets her into trouble, but she knows her way around a warhammer and is just as confident in her ability to get out of such a mess.
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