#dilf kim doyoung
lisired · 1 month
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yani, 22, she/they
⤷ 18+ blog primarily for long nct fics. masterlist below. no requests.
⤷ revehae is my side blog where i write evil little stories that normal people will find off-putting.
⤷ JOHNNY SUH, 13.6k
All things love and commitment are feared upon by you. You keep a tight crew and let few people in, cynical of other’s intentions and leaving a trail of broken hearts in your wake. If you break other people’s hearts first, they can’t break yours. And yet, it was all too easy falling for Johnny, digging yourself into a depthless hole of love. But he is no exception to your heartache games.
⤷ JOHNNY SUH, 9.1k, 1/4 of the Temptation series.
Your best friend’s dad is a smoking hot dilf seeking vengeance after you’ve spent the past couple of years teasing him, but it seems that you can’t handle a taste of your own medicine.
⤷ LEE TAEYONG, 14.9k
After three years away from Miami, Taeyong is finally ready to return to the city. He left a world behind here, but most importantly, he left you. And being invited on a friendly get-together trip to a beach resort gives him a little too much time to resume unfinished business between you both.
⤷ NAKAMOTO YUTA, 7.4k, 3/4 of the Temptation series.
Nakamoto Yuta and his rings have caught your eye. In an effort to seduce your professor, you decide to take your best friend’s advice and change your wardrobe. You’re given an advantage when Yuta’s son asks you to tutor him, and it’s like Satan is handing you opportunities on a silver platter - but at what cost?
Born into the underworld, crime was all you’d known your entire life and was practically in your blood - murder, drugs, money, power, and everything in between. In spite of your father leading one of the two major gangs that dominated Asia, you managed to keep safe. But all that changes once the rival gang has bad blood to settle with your father, and suddenly a vendetta’s being pursued against you.
⤷ KIM DOYOUNG, 8.9k, 2/4 of the Temptation series.
When you were nineteen, you could only dream of meeting Kim Doyoung in his sheets. Behind his back you watched all the movies he starred in, wanting nothing more than to be the one he touched whenever a sex scene came on. So when the opportunity surfaced four years later after you’re casted together in the same movie, you didn’t hesitate to snag it - even if it meant hiding from his wife, your father, and the public. And even if feelings developed.
Every single night before bed, you play your royal husband, Jaehyun, a song on his grandfather's piano as a distraction from the ominous sounds you hear. To the public, you're all smiles, but discreetly, you're a slave to your suspicions. Though it seems the more you pry, the more secrets you start to unravel.
A year ago, wedding bells were ringing and you were screaming, “Yes!” at the top of your lungs. Last Christmas, you were supposed to be wed under a mistletoe. This Christmas, company finds you in the form of your ex-fiancé that broke off your engagement after you’re both inconveniently trapped in an elevator.
Three years ago, you had a summer fling with Jung Jaehyun, and what was simply sex turned into more after you caught feelings for him. Then, you find out he has a girlfriend, and decide to call it quits. Three years later, he's back in town, trying to come back in your life, and most importantly trying to come back into your heart, but you're a little hesitant to let him.
Your brother, Johnny, hates Jaehyun and has never told you why. Although you intend on leaving it alone, unforeseen events thrust you into a forbidden love affair with Jaehyun. In between hookups and stolen kisses, you have to bury your feelings for Jaehyun around your overprotective older brother.
⤷ MARK LEE, 10.4k, 4/4 of the Temptation series
The apartment next door to yours has been vacant for months. No one had gone in or out, not until your new next door neighbor moved in two weeks ago. Mark, a slightly older guy who prides himself on his patience and willpower with a penchant for control. But when you make it clear you’re resolved to wither away the things he values most, Mark decides he’s down for the challenge, determined to put a leash on your unrestrained behavior - and most importantly, finally shut you the hell up.
⤷ MARK LEE, 19.9k
Two months ago, you and Mark called it quits and haven’t spoken to each other since. As per tradition, your respective friend groups gather each Christmas eve to keep the peace, but this year somebody has a different plan. And the new chick on Mark’s arm isn’t the worst thing to happen.
⤷ MARK LEE, 25.7k
A lifetime worth of adversity had brought you to Bloodlust. You joined them to escape your history, but with Mark Lee - an undercover narcotics agent with a secret to keep - comes the threat of being forced to confront your past. Old wounds are opened, but scars heal.
You’re going to kill him. You swear, You’re going to kill him. how did Liu Yangyang accidentally tell Lee Donghyuck—your greatest enemy—that you think he’s hot and that you’ve been in a dry spell recently? Now you have to avoid the inevitable confrontation, and worst of all, deal with the most stubborn person alive (who ironically thinks that you’re the most stubborn person alive).
Thirst for exhilaration and a stupid dare brings you, your boyfriend Haechan, and your friends to the eerie camping grounds of Chimera - the name of a town rumored to be occupied by a number of vengeful, lurking spirits. But nothing is as it seems in this ghost town.
⤷ LEE HAECHAN, 25.5k
After breaking off your engagement to your fiance, you move to Los Angeles to pursue a modeling career. There in the fairytale land where stars go to shine you meet Haechan, an aspiring photographer with a penchant for mischief and flirtation.
upon accidentally finding a video of you and your boyfriend haechan doing some very sexual things, jisung knows that he shouldn’t watch it. he knows that it would be an extreme invasion of privacy, but he’s unable to control himself when he sees the thumbnail. so he settles for only watching 30 seconds. except, 30 seconds turns into 30 minutes, and by then he’s buried himself too deep into a life-changing situation—or in which jisung’s terrible at keeping secrets.
Five years ago, you left your hometown and ex to recreate your identity in California. Now, you're a staple of the fashion industry and on the front cover of magazines everywhere. Your hard work has paid off, but when you realize that you might be pregnant, you have to decide whether you want to be a full-time model or a full-time mother.
In a world where humans and demons are separated by earth and the unknown, you’re curious about the creatures that most mortal beings are too frightened to investigate. More specifically if they can please you sexually. As they say, curiosity killed the cat.
⤷ LEE HAECHAN, 11.1k
Cupid is not on your side, it seems. He’s made you fall in love with the worst possible person ever, AKA your best friend, AKA the man who still eats tootsie-pops—willingly. And frankly, it feels like the damn candy has a better chance of dating him than you ever will.
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kissgirly · 1 year
O clube dilf para garotas virgens — DoJaeJung.
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Gênero: gangbang!au, um pouquinho de angst.
Contagem de palavras: 2.5k
essa fic contém: smut, daddy issues, dojaejung dilfs, sexo sem proteção, corruption kink, size kink.
Todos os personagens são maiores de idade.
SINOPSE: Os homens te conheceram ainda jovem, a diferença de idade era nítida, mas nem isso te impedia de ser a boa garotinha dos três. Doyoung, Jaehyun e Jungwoo sabiam que as coisas não eram fáceis em casa, então assumiram cuidar de você melhor do que seu pai jamais fez. 
Prometeram cuidar, amar e respeitar a garotinha frágil deles.
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É complicado dizer como tudo isso começou, troca de olhares, a proposta dos três e agora está aqui. Deitada no sofá, cercada por três homens mais velhos que te confortam, havia saído da casa dos pais alguns minutos atrás, escutado coisas que não queria, principalmente da parte do pai que nunca cuidou de você realmente. O dia no trabalho também foi estressante, era como se as pessoas sempre depositassem ódio em você mesmo que por algo pequeno. 
Mas eles estavam lá, sempre estiveram. 
Secaram tuas lágrimas, abraçaram teu corpo e de alguma forma, acalmaram teu coração. E mesmo não sabendo ao certo o que realmente aconteceu, estavam lá para te cuidar, você era a menininha deles, a garotinha preciosa e nada nem ninguém iria atrapalhar isso. 
Em minutos, sentiu o corpo mais leve. Os pensamentos bagunçados viraram apenas o conforto dos homens. Após uma tarde de chameguinhos, foi em direção ao banheiro, após um banho quente, o cheirinho de sabonete e creme hidratante se tornou mais forte quando a menor se aproximou dos homens, os fios macios estavam soltos e levemente úmidos, por deixar algumas gotinhas caírem durante o banho. A garota engatinhou no meio dos homens e suspirou, relaxando sobre o sofá, colocando uma série qualquer para te distrair. Quando viu Doyoung voltando da cozinha com um pedaço de bolo do seu sabor favorito, algumas torradinhas e um suco para o café da tarde. 
Todos se juntavam a você, sentaram no tapete felpudo e comeram na mesinha de centro. Conversando sobre os mais diversos assuntos, era ali onde sentia amor. Finalmente poderia sentir que pertence a algum lugar.  
— Come tudo, minha princesa. Se quiser mais, pede pro papai tá bom? — Doyoung comentou, você assentiu com um sorriso no rosto, aquilo era um alívio pra eles. Te ver chorar era como se uma parte dos três estivesse quebrada. 
— ‘Tá muito gostoso! Obrigada Dodo, você é maravilhoso. 
O tom doce aqueceu o coração do coreano, se levantou um pouquinho apenas para deixar um selar sobre os lábios de Doyoung. Os homens te mimaram demais, Jungwoo te enchia de carinhos, Doyoung enchia sua barriga e Jaehyun te fazia rir com suas histórias.
E assim a noite foi chegando, subiram para o quarto e ajeitaram a cama com várias almofadas e cobertores quentinhos. Doyoung encostou o corpo na cabeceira e você deitou por cima dele, com Jaehyun e Jungwoo dos lados, sentia carinhos por cada cantinho de seu corpo. 
— Sinto que estou começando uma nova fase… Com tudo que aconteceu. 
— É, minha linda? E você está se sentindo bem com isso? Ficamos preocupados quando chegou aqui… — O Kim mais novo questionou, acariciando uma de suas coxas.
— É uma sensação estranha. Normalmente eu não sei lidar muito bem com mudanças repentinas, preciso me acostumar com a ideia de que meus pais não querem me ver nem pintada de ouro. Não que eu já não soubesse que isso iria acontecer, mas… — Deu um suspiro — É complicado, ainda me sinto confusa. Não sei exatamente dizer o porquê disso tudo.
— Você já é uma adulta, tem toda liberdade para tomar as suas próprias decisões. Ficamos orgulhosos de saber que você agora consegue impor seus limites. E mesmo se não conseguir, estamos aqui para te aconselhar quando for preciso. Meu docinho. — Disse Jaehyun, com um sorriso doce nos lábios. 
— Tenho liberdade para tomar minhas próprias decisões?
— Sim, claro que tem. Nós somos seus donos, mas nem tanto! 
Aquilo te deu uma abertura, depois desse dia que se sentiu tão amada pelos homens. Precisava urgentemente expressar o tamanho desejo que sentia. Ainda era virgem e queria ser tocada e desejada tanto quanto desejava os mais velhos.
— Eu… Eu queria uma coisa, mas eu teria que convencer vocês primeiro e eu não sei se vão deixar… — Um bico formou-se em teus lábios, encolhendo o corpinho e abaixando o rostinho. Os homens se entreolharam, já sabiam o que você queria, mas precisavam da sua iniciativa para poder dizer apropriadamente. 
— Diz pra gente, linda. O que você tanto queria?
Num momento de coragem, encarou os homens e disse com todas as letras.
— Quero que vocês tirem minha virgindade.
O olhar de desaprovação dos três te deixou intimidada de certa forma, seu corpinho era pequeno para os três e nunca havia tentado algo mais íntimo com nenhum deles. Eles gostavam assim, completamente limpa e pura.
— Eu… Ai, poxa… Eu não deveria ter dito isso. 
Escondeu o rosto com as duas mãozinhas, pegando o cobertor quentinho e se cobrindo inteira, da cabeça aos pés, como se fosse uma criancinha. Aquilo tirou uma gargalhada dos homens, que rodearam seu corpinho coberto e abraçaram aquele montinho quente. Sentia-se como uma pequena coelhinha em meio aos lobos famintos.
— Como pode uma garotinha tão adorável falar uma coisinha tão pervertida assim? — Questionou Doyoung, que retirou o cobertor de seu rostinho que já estava vermelho — Minha garotinha não vai se sujar com esses pensamentos impuros, não mesmo. Você é nossa princesinha, hm? 
Doyoung ditou com o rosto próximo aos seus lábios, tomando a iniciativa de virar levemente seu rosto para o ladinho e te beijar de forma doce, você tenta intensificar, porém, falha. Ele não permite.
— Você vai agir como uma vadia suja, garota? — A voz soou séria, nunca havia falado nesse tom contigo, mas para falar a verdade, gostou disso mais do que deveria. Pressionou uma das coxas contra a outra, um ardor no íntimo denuncia a excitação nas palavras do homem. Que desceu o olhar para suas coxas que se remexiam, aparentando não acreditar naquilo.
Jungwoo ria divertido, achava graça do teu jeitinho.
— Nunca teve um pau metendo nessa buceta na sua vida, você realmente acha que vai aguentar nós três? Parece piada. Nem nossos dedinhos você recebeu, garotinha burra. 
Todas as palavras direcionadas a você, eram como um gás para sentir o íntimo pulsando molhadinho.
— Argh… Quer saber? Tchau pra vocês! 
Quando pensou que poderia escapar dali, Jaehyun te puxou pela cintura. Sem conseguir avançar, apenas encarou o homem, que estava com uma feição muito séria.
— Onde pensa que vai? 
As orbes brilhantes de Jaehyun pareciam entrar na sua alma, voltou a sentar na cama como uma garotinha obediente. Com o olhar penetrante dos três homens, se encolheu novamente.
— Tira a roupa. — O Jung quebrou o silêncio, se juntando com os três homens e retirando a própria camiseta. 
Se levantou, ficando de pé sobre a cama, segurou pela barra da sainha rodada descendo pelas coxas devagarzinho, numa quase provocação aos mais velhos. A blusa fininha foi retirada logo após, mostrando os peitinhos e o biquinho pontudo. Ficando apenas com a calcinha cobrindo sua parte mais preciosa.
— Tsc… Sem sutiã, gatinha? Com os biquinhos assim… Caralho, garota! 
Jungwoo grunhiu, se aproximando do seu corpinho e dando uma carícia sobre as bochechas gordinhas da garota. “tão adorável, tão gostosa…” ditou baixinho, antes de abocanhar um dos seios, tirando um gemidinho tão dengoso da sua parte que surpreendeu os três.
Foi ajeitada sobre a cama, ficando encostada sobre a cabeceira, as perninhas abertas com a bucetinha marcando o tecido, molhadinha. 
Os três silenciosamente entraram em um consenso, se quisesse realmente ser fodida, teria que implorar. Mostrar a menininha suja que é, bem no fundo, sabiam que você não passava de uma vadiazinha desesperada. O lobo na pele do cordeiro, era isso que você era. A falsa carinha de inocente não enganava nenhum dos homens, eram mais velhos e mais experientes, sabiam como lidar com vadias igual você.
Doyoung se juntou a Jungwoo, abocanhando o outro seio, os dois sugaram de formas diferentes, confundindo sua cabecinha tonta. Jaehyun, por sua vez, usou os dígitos para dedilhar a bucetinha molhada. Você fechou os olhos e mordeu o próprio lábio, tentando deixar nenhum gemidinho escapar. 
— Fala pra gente, minha linda… O que você quer, hein? — Jung ditou ameno, a voz doce e baixa te questiona e você não sabe muito bem o que dizer, está confusa e molhada, molhada pra caralho.
— Eu quero… Argh, por favor, me fode! Eu… Eu só quero vocês, a porra de vocês escorrendo, me deixa cheinha! Eu quero! Por favoor! — Os homens praticamente te comiam com os olhos, ao perceber o olhar, as bochechas queimaram, cobriu os seios — Isso não é justo… Eu estou toda pelada e vocês estão vestidos?
Aceitaram o pedido, retirando as camisetas e as calças, num movimento rápido. Logo percebendo as ereções contra o tecido das cuecas. Agora, sentiu mais do que nunca o corpo esquentar diante dos homens. Os corpos delineados, ombros largos e a pele reluzente, eram praticamente um espetáculo. 
— Você quer ser fodida por três homens, é isso?
Doyoung replicou, se sentando ao seu lado e puxando seu corpo, grudando suas costas contra o peitoral definido. Descendo as mãos por seu corpo, seus seios, abdômen, coxas… 
— Se quer ser fodida por seus donos, precisa se preparar primeiro, certo?
Assentiu, tentava não pensar muito pois sabe que se parar pra pensar no que estava fazendo, seria a maior loucura que cometeu em toda sua vida.
Jaehyun espaçou suas pernas o suficiente para que retirasse a calcinha, encarava o íntimo com água na boca, não demorando para aproximar o rosto e tocar a pele macia com a língua, afundando dentre as dobras.
Apertou os olhinhos e sentiu o corpo esquentando, aquela sensação era surreal de boa, a língua habilidosa rodeava suas dobrinhas e tocava no pontinho doce. Era indescritível, os gemidos dengosos saíram naturalmente de seus lábios e eles gostavam assim. 
— Não sabia que era barulhenta assim, minha linda… Quero ver quando ficar atoladinha de pau. 
Jungwoo dizia as palavras descabidas sem um pingo de vergonha, e ainda falava num tom doce e ameno. Já tinha os bicos do seio vermelhinhos e agora, estavam num tom marcado. Era delicioso ter os toques te maltratando dessa forma.
Agarrou nos fios do Kim mais novo, aquilo era demais pra você. A bucetinha pulsava ao redor dos lábios de Jaehyun e os biquinhos doloridos por Jungwoo. Sentia falta de Doyoung, mas nem imaginava o que o outro estava prestes a fazer. 
Mas seu ápice estava tão perto… Seus sentidos parecem mais aguçados, nunca recebeu tanta atenção ao mesmo tempo, estava desesperada para durar mais tempo, precisava disso. Mas os lábios dos homens eram tão gostosos que, em pouco tempo, sentia o tremor sobre as coxas. Estava ali, bem na frente dos homens, seu primeiro orgasmo estava próximo. 
Foi quando Jaehyun adicionou dois dedinhos à sua entrada apertada que finalmente sentiu o ápice do desejo. Os olhinhos lacrimejando escorriam junto com sua intimidade, Jaehyun estava completamente molhado com sua excitação. Era gostoso demais, muito mais do que nos seus sonhos.
— Jae… Jaehyun… — Estava perdida, levemente tonta, o Jung se distanciou e te deixou sentada sobre a cama, Doyoung seria o próximo.
Conseguia ouvir os grunhidos dele, mas quando viu o pau para fora, pulsando e com a glande inchada por você e com um Kim se tocando de um jeito tão gostoso, sentiu a boca salivar. Era levemente rosado e bem grande, não caberia tudo e você sabia, mas por ele poderia se engasgar como quisesse.
— Se quer tanto agir feito uma putinha, então vou te deixar uma putinha bem treinada. — Sussurrou com uma das mãos apertando suas bochechas. — Abre a boca. 
Você separou os lábios devagar e logo teve a glande invadindo, era amargo, meio salgado. Mas a pele era tão macia que algo te fez querer colocar tudo de uma vez na boca, tendo uma reprovação de Doyoung antes mesmo de fazer. Segurou seu rosto gentilmente e passou a estocar devagar o comprimento em seus lábios. Os dentes rasparam de leve algumas vezes, mas por ser completamente inexperiente, o homem achou uma gracinha seu rosto o encarando. 
— Você gosta de sorvete, minha linda? 
A pergunta te pegou de surpresa, mas concordou com o pau atoladinho nos lábios, o que deu um leve tremor no pênis do mais velho. 
— Então chupa o papai igual você toma um sorvete bem docinho. Se fazer gostoso eu te dou uma recompensa depois.
Nem mesmo depois de assistir milhares vídeos de sexólogas, nada poderia te preparar para um momento desse, queria agradar o homem. Mas ao mesmo tempo tinha um leve medo de ser horrível no que fazia, então só seguiu seu instinto, usou a mãozinha para bombear o que sobrava e passou a sugar devagarzinho. Fazendo movimentos de vai e vem, deixando tudo bem babado, estava toda bagunçada por culpa dos homens, mas sinceramente? Nem se preocupou com isso.
Tentou seu melhor, até sentir Doyoung te segurando pelos fios de cabelo e estocando o caralho na sua boca, engasgou algumas vezes, mas quando parava para se recuperar, já queria o homem de volta. Os gemidos eram deliciosos, e assim se prolongou, até sentir o pulsar da glande e o líquido escorrer sobre sua língua.
— Limpa tudo, vadia. Limpa a bagunça que você fez, hm?
A voz grave ordenou, você obedeceu no mesmo instante, lambendo todo o comprimento e retirando a porra do cantinho dos lábios. 
Estava exausta, se deitou sobre a cama e fechou os olhos por um momento. Era como o paraíso, mas uma atenção especial estava faltando alí. 
Jaehyun e Jungwoo ainda pulsando por você, enquanto se esbanjava em Doyoung, entravam num consenso onde Jungwoo iria ser o primeiro a te foder. Mas você, inocente. Ainda nem sabia do que tanto conversavam.
Não seria uma tarefa fácil, você era uma garotinha virgem intocada e apertada pra caralho. Provavelmente, teria problemas em entrar dentro de você, dolorido como na vez que Jaehyun meteu os dedinhos. 
Sentiu o quadril envolto pelas mãos de Jungwoo, ele era delicado mas forte ao mesmo tempo, um homem cuidadoso. Não poderia ter pessoa melhor para fazer isso por você.
— Se sente cansada, meu amor? Estamos pegando muito pesado com você?
— Não… Não estou. Nunca estou cansada para vocês.
Adorável novamente, para Jungwoo você era uma gracinha da cabeça aos pés e iria fazer de tudo para cuidar de você da melhor forma possível, para que se sentisse bem no primeiro momento onde teria um homem dentro de você.
Desceu as mãos para suas coxas, acariciando a parte interna. Usando a pontinha dos dedos para espalhar o meladinho do seu interior, grudou os corpos e penetrou devagar. Estava atolada e se sentia cheia demais, os dedinhos dos pés se curvaram e os olhos se apertavam, Jungwoo esperou se acostumar para passar a te estocar fundo, não muito rápido. Deixava gemidos sofridos escaparem, o barulhinho dos íntimos se chocando ecoava sobre o quarto.
Enquanto sentia o olhar penetrante dos homens em si, Jaehyun já se tocava e grunhia baixo, seu corpinho molinho com os toques era a definição do prazer, tal qual seu rosto que esbanjava o tanto que gostava daquilo.
Apertava o membro do Kim, que por várias vezes agraciou o quão apertada estava. Ele estava perto, você também, tamanho prazer que te levou ao ápice de forma deliciosa. Ele veio segundos depois, retirando o membro e jorrando porra em suas coxas, junto com Jaehyun, que escorreu sobre a parte dos seios.
A sensação de dar prazer para os homens te trouxe sensações maravilhosas, as pernas tremiam e a garganta ainda doía, se sentia suja, desejada e finalmente livre. Era amada por três homens, amada o suficiente para te fazer escorrer de formas incríveis. 
Seu corpo foi acariciado até se recompor totalmente, dormiu por alguns minutos no meio dos que te cuidam tanto, dos que prometeram (e cumpriram) te cuidar, amar e respeitar a garotinha deles.
para todo sempre.
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nota da autora: é minha primeira gangbang au, ela ainda não foi revisada então perdoem os erros, mas mesmo assim espero que gostem bastante!
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lavenderbexlatte · 2 years
kinktober 2022 masterlist~
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one nsfw oneshot per day, for the month of october 🎃😈
day 1: marking - 🐹 minatozaki sana day 2: cuckholding - 🌕 moon taeil & 🐻 lee donghyuck day 3: aftercare - 🐺 bang chan day 4: overstimulation - 🐼 jeon jiwoo day 5: size kink - 🐱 johnny suh day 6: dollification - 🐝 lee jooheon day 7: degradation - 🐺 im changkyun day 8: masturbation - 🐹 han jisung day 9: collaring - 🐱 ten lee day 10: dilf - 🐻 qian kun day 11: mommy kink - 🐰 kim yongsun day 12: breathplay - 🦙 hwang hyunjin day 13: uniform - 🐰 lee hoseok day 14: body worship - 🐸 yoo jeongyeon day 15: pregnancy - 🐇 seo changbin day 16: hate sex - 🐰 kim doyoung day 17: cockwarming - 🐆 mark lee day 18: public sex - 🐻 son hyunwoo day 19: praise kink - 🦕 xiao dejun day 20: daddy kink - 👑 matthew kim day 21: virginity - 🐰 choi soobin day 22: face sitting -  👑 park jihyo day 23: striptease - 🐥 lee felix day 24: orgasm control - 🍑 jung jaehyun day 25: restraining - 🐱 lee minho day 26: exhibitionism - 🐙 nakamoto yuta day 27: gags - 🦊 choi yeonjun day 28: edging - 🐥 dong sicheng day 29: pet play - 🐰 im nayeon day 30: gangbang - 💚 nct 127 day 31: breeding kink - 🐶 kim jungwoo
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chanelysz · 6 months
amg você poderia escrever um smut com doyoung!dilf + leitora!brat que se odeiam, se provocam, mas há uma tensão sexual inegável
oii, gente! voltei :)
essa aks tá guardadinha há meses pq eu tava doida pra escrever com ela. não sei se ficou do seu agrado anon, mas tentei dar uma mudada no cenário. é isso, beijinhos <3
?who is he?
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🩸!!cenário meio problemático, taboo, sexo por telefone, masturbação femXmasc, daddy kink, você bem putifera que ama humilhação, doyoung!hardom, sexo por telefone, exibicionismo, totalmente hardkink, bloodkink, rapeplay?¿ 🩸
o quão errado era se atrair pelo seu vizinho?
a resposta é simples: nenhuma!!
mas, vejamos bem. kim doyoung não era só seu vizinho muito mais velho, como também era um manipulador.
trabalhava na polícia, chegava tarde em casa - as vezes ao amanhecer - e todos do bairro confiavam nele. qualquer mera semelhança de perigo corriam bater na porta do delegado Kim.
babaquice. você pensava.
outro dia uma mulher da mesma idade que seu vizinho bateu em sua porta, achando que um bandido havia invadido sua casa, mas, oras, na verdade era só ela querendo que ele a ajudasse com os problemas de "mulheres mais velhas"
a questão é que mesmo ele sendo uma pessoa dócil com os outros, era diferente com você. seu pior pesadelo. preferia estar no inferno que perto do Kim.
mas claro, ele ainda era lindo e sarado. fazia suas caminhadas pela manhã, no quintal dos fundos cortava os troncos sem camisa, ficava bronzeado com muita facilidade. sua boca enchia de saliva e sua língua pinicava dentro da boca, já que na real ela queria mesmo era estar lambendo toda a barriga cheia de gominhos e apertando os braços grandes.
só que toda essa boniteza se vai quando uma mensagem chega ao seu celular.
"se divertiu ontem?"
você morde o lábio quase os sentindo sair sangue. sentada na cama, com o baby Doll vazando suas coxas, você dobra as pernas quase sentindo um fogo se acender. como podia ser tão influenciando por alguém tão sujo?
era mais uma das mensagens do Kim para você. ele começou a fazer isso três meses atrás, quando ""sem querer"" te pegou brincando consigo mesma pela janela de seu quarto. já recebeu até mesmo fotos suas em posições comprometedoras que ele tirava e te mandava para te irritar e consequentemente te chantagear com tudo isso.
mas você não se fazia de difícil, porque certa parte não era mentira que você fazia isso de propósito, mas nas primeiras vezes realmente não havia notado seu vizinho te espionando por quase um mês inteiro.
"se você viu com seus próprios olhos, porque está perguntando?"
"é difícil se segurar nesta idade, não, é?!" ele pergunta "lembro-me de fazer isso várias vezes ao dia"
pensar nele se dando prazer, com a boca aberta e os olhos fechados, gemendo grosso com a voz forte... mas que merda! ele era um idiota manipulador e infelizmente, você adorava isso.
adorava a sensação de perigo. de ser pega pois ele mandaria as fotos para seus pais. a diferença grande de idade entre vocês te deixava zonza. mais velho, mais experiência, mais fogo na cama. mais tudo na vida de uma adolescente que sente tesão 24h por dia.
"você brincava muito com as garotas da sua idade naquele época?"
questiona, doce. gostava de conversar coisas sujas com ele, mas se odiava por saber que amava isso. sabe também que não vai passar disso. conversas perversas e sigilosos. não teria coragem de fazer algo com ele sendo virgem. tem medo dele! medo dele não parar mesmo quando pedisse pois o pau grande estaria machucando a sua buceta virgem e intocável.
"eu era um viciado em pornografia. me masturbava sempre que podia, mas nunca cheguei a tentar com ninguém as coisas que assistia. por isso demorei para comer alguém."
"o que isso quer dizer?" morde as unhas, batendo os cílios ansiosa. levanta-se da cama e vai até a sua janela - que dá diretamente para seu quarto - mas encontra tudo escuro e fechado. se entristece pois queria tirar uma migalha de atenção do mais velho. contudo, volta para a cama.
uma mensagem chega.
"minhas tendências sexuais não são normais, boneca."
a outra vem em seguida.
"você se toca com tanta delicadeza. suas expressões são dóceis, seus pés se curvam de um jeito fofo com as meias brancas e seus choramingos são a coisa mais gostosa que eu já ouvi. se eu te pegar algum dia, te faria sangrar."
a fisgada entre suas pernas começa a aumentar, quase tirando seu fôlego. os bicos dos seios duros feito pedra e a respiração quase suga todo o ar do quarto.
"o que te faz pensar que eu não aguentaria?"
desce a mão livre pelo seu pescoço, sentindo sua pulsação a mil.
"você chorou quando tentou colocar um dedinho em você. na vez que tentou brincar com a porra de um pau de borracha nem se quer tentou enfiar pois já sabia que não iria conseguir aguentar o tamanho. sua buceta é pequena e apertada."
e antes mesmo que você consiga pensar em algo para responder, uma ligação chega.
você fixa o olhar na tela e lê o nome que não esperava ver. ele queria que você atendesse.
"vamos, atenda!"
a notificação diz.
com, não só o dedo, mas também o corpo trêmulo, você aceita. leva o telefone até a orelha e espera. espera. espera. mas nada vem.
escuta a respiração pesada dele do outro lado da linha e finalmente alguma coisa sai pelo auto falante.
"achei que deveríamos conversar dessa forma esse tipo de assunto."
grossa. quente. grave. tudo que há de masculino neste mundo Doyoung tinha de sobra. não só a estrutura, como a voz, o jeito de agir e até mesmo de pensar.
mesmo com medo, nervosa e apreensiva, você força a voz a sair da sua garganta. se ele havia ligado não iria perder a oportunidade que algo há mais acontecesse.
"mas já conversávamos sobre isso." retruca. o fôlego aumentando e o coração quase pulando para fora. seu corpo nunca havia chegado a uma ansiedade feito essa. de querer correr uma maratona e ainda ter ar o suficiente para atravessar um rio.
"você é uma graça..." mesmo com a paisagem tenebrosa, sua voz era acolhedora e calma. mas ainda sim era sua. e isso te acalmou, por algum motivo. "vou te fazer uma pergunta, mas quero que seja sincera." engoliu grosso, aguardando. "no que pensa quando se masturba?"
é claro que seria esse tipo de pergunta. com Doyoung não era nada simples, adorável ou amigável. ele era o monstro da vizinhança, só que só para ti.
não havia o porque mentir para ele. já havia visto você colocar os dedos na sua buceta e se contorcer, se exibindo. o que seria falar algo sobre sua imaginação perto de tudo isso?
"promete não me julgar?"
"prometo, querida. vamos lá, pode dizer." te incentivou.
"eu me imaginando na cama, quieta, distraída de tudo, enquanto um estranho, sem rosto, porque ele está vestindo uma máscara preta, entra no meu quarto, e me vê ali, toda boba, inocente e burra. sem noção de nada; com uma pijama curto..." você não se aguenta e acaba arrastando a mão pela sua barriga, descendo e descendo mais, massageando a cintura, arranhando perto do peito, descruzando as pernas e sentindo a quentura. sua voz fica mais manhosa, necessitada. "... da cor preferida dele. azul bebê. minha bunda pra cima, chamando a atenção total dele com o pano enterrado dentro dela; percebendo que eu estou sem calcinha."
consegue sentir a respiração antes calma dele, totalmente irregular. escuta barulhos de panos e de um zíper. uma agitação brusca que antes não havia. ele geme rouco do nada, te assustando e te deixando ainda mais excitada. você estava gostando disso, e ele mais ainda.
seus peitinhos estavam doloridos, excitados e necessitados de atenção. levou o polegar até um deles, massageado lentamente o bico com certa delicadeza, fazendo isso no outro. mas sem querer acaba gemendo, porém, depois de tudo isso não está mais nem aí. poderia gritar o nome do seu vizinho muito mais velho agora mesmo.
"e você toda burra nem iria reparar nele ali, querendo fazer o que bem entendesse..." a voz dele se faz presente, tomando a história na rumo que ele queria. você relaxada, deitando totalmente no colchão, puxa a calcinha de lado, sentindo um fio de lubrificação grudar nos lábios de tão molhada. pousa um dedo do seu clitóris inchadinho, e sem nem mesmo mexer, escuta os barulhinhos molhados. morde o lábio e de delícia com o próprio toque.
"ele chega perto de você, com muita vontade de te puxar da cama pelos pés, e só socar o pau dentro de ti." você manha, choramingando, imaginando a cena. escuta um barulho molhado vindo do outro lado, o barulho do cinto como se alguém estivesse batente a mão nele várias vezes. vai e volta. vai e volta.
ele estava se tocando também.
"mas ele sabe que tem que ir com calma. você é uma menina boa, intocável e sensível. ao invés de se tocar com raiva, você rebola nos seus ursinhos de pelúcia e no travesseiro, devagar e toda linda. sempre coloca esse dedinho dentro da boca, como se soubesse chupar um pau, tsc. você precisa de alguém pra te ensinar, não precisa, minha linda?! hm?! porra!!"
ele acelera os movimentos, assim como você e geme mais alto, xingando. te deixando doida de tesão e morrendo de vontade de gozar.
"sim, sim, preciso." soluça, chorando. as lágrimas descem pelos seus olhos e molham as bochechas vermelhas.
"sem nem perceber você cederia para ele. deixaria ele colocar o pau nessa sua boca pequena, te deixar cheia de porra na cara, nessa carinha linda de princesa. certeza que você deixaria ele te comer do jeito que quisesse. adoraria tirar sangue de você. dessa buceta virgem e apertada sua."
as pernas tremem mais. pode sentir, está quase lá.
"me diz, amor, como você iria chamar ele enquanto estivesse sendo fodida igual uma putinha?"
você não pensa. não consegue. então solta algo que não imaginaria dizer logo para a pessoa que mais odiava.
"papai... chamaria ele de papai." envergonhada, cobre o rosto no travesseiro.
"isso, isso. papai. o papai que vai comer essa bucetinha e deixar ela toda vermelhinha de tanto levar pau. vai ficar tão sensível, neném. eu vou amar acabar com você, porra."
ele estava acabado igual você. precisa gozar, mas tudo estava tão bom que não queria acabar. "papai vai te chupar, acalmar essa buceta necessitada de carinho. quero tanto sentir seu gostinho, princesa!"
"papai, por favor... eu posso..."
tenta, mas não vai. a frase não vem porque só de pensar em chegar la te dá um nó na barriga.
não consegue terminar, mas ele já sabe o que você quer.
"gozar? minha menina quer gozar?"
"s-sim! por favor!" chora, desesperada. já não ligando pelo barulho ou vechame que está passando.
"goza, mas goza imaginando eu socando o pau forte em você. e você chorando desesperada, porque não sabe quem tá fazendo isso com você, mas tá adorando. porque você é uma putinha e burra. que adora o sujo, o incomum, feito eu! fomos feitos um para o outro."
acelerou os movimentos, perdendo o fôlego por alguns segundos, faltava muito pouco.
"você foi feita para mim. toda minha."
e você chega lá. treme toda, chora tanto que quase seca. não consegue nem mesmo encostar em nenhuma parte do corpo de tão sensível. fica lá, sem saber o que fazer.
então se dá conta. ele gozou? ele gemeu ou algo assim? porque não ouviu nada. você era a única que escutava gemendo e chorando, maluca com tudo isso. olha para o celular, mas assim que seus orbes olham para a tela. a ligação é desligada.
você sorri e coloca o telefone de lado, se cobrindo, feliz e abençoada por ele ter te ligado mais uma vez. mais uma vez realizando suas fantasias doentias e podres.
porque a verdade é que o homem mascarado e até mesmo o vizinho delegado era uma farsa. a pessoa que te ligava quase sempre na verdade estava no cômodo ao lado do seu, te vendo por um pequeno buraco da parede, te fazendo gemer e gozar gostoso como sempre fez.
Doyoung não podia ser nenhum personagem, mas era o padrasto safado que amava a enteada fofa e muito mais nova.
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2jaeh · 1 year
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Last Summer / Kim Doyoung 
Genre: smut, angst 
word count: 16k
f! college student reader, aged up! Doyoung, slight badboy!Jaehyun and fwb!Jaemin
warnings: dilf!, age gap, old money fic!, cheating, affair, public!, unprotected, daddy!, alcohol!, blackmail!, gaslighting?, multiple smut scenes, let me know if I miss anything. 
A five week business vacation with a bunch of elite families, filled with gossip, rumors and people doing anything to climb the social ladder. But through all the chaos the last thing you suspected was a whirlwind romance with your friends father. 
appearances: college friends : Haechan, Jaemin, Chenle, Sungchan, Jaehyun 
aged up! Johnny and Kun. 
A/N: hello! its author SIN here! I haven't wrote a monster fic since FREAKS but im here for old money Doyoung after so many requested a full fic of Country Club. Sorry i've been so IA i hope you enjoy this one !
It was that time of year again and you and your mom were being dragged to one of your father’s business vacations which entailed around five weeks of your summer at your family’s world renowned resort. Now anyone else would be joyous that they’d be spending a luxury vacation at the hot spot for celebrities in the Summer, but now entering your twenties, and spending almost every summer of your life at this place, you figured it had lost its wow factor.
“Why couldn't we go to the Maldives or Greece like normal families” you groaned, slipping into a cashmere sweater that matched with a pair of capri pants and tennis shoes. You watched your  mother frantically  order the resort employees to prepare the bungalow to her liking until her eyes rested on you.
“Darling I thought I told you to throw those tacky shoes out” she sighed, coming over and giving you a tight squeeze, “and…you can go to Greece on your next semester break okay ? right now we need to mingle with your father’s investors, big smile!”
You gave her your best fake grin before returning back to your room and exchanged your shoes for a more high quality taste. You had no idea why your mom was being so particular about your dress code  being it was only day one and the more important guests only ever arrived in the second week.
You folded your arms and returned back downstairs to the lounge area when a familiar face completely caught you off guard.
“Jaemin!” you squealed, running into the toned man’s arms as he lifted you into a tight hug and engulfed you with his Givenchy perfume. Jaemin, your friend or rather fling whom you actually met via one of your father’s parties, was the son of a very big tech company CEO and your father’s current favourite golf buddy.
Mr. Kim Doyoung, the most handsome man you'd ever laid eyes on.
Jaemin released you from the hug and you took the opportunity to smile at both Mr and Mrs Kim as they briefly greeted you before returning to the conversation with your parents. You watched as Mr Kim pushed his glasses up as he laughed at some joke your father supposedly told, his gummy smile broke his stoic character and for a second you almost forgot your surroundings.
“Quite the surprise hey” Jaemin snapped you out of your trance and you quickly nodded. “You guys never do summer vacation, what's the special occasion ?” you questioned the dark haired man.
Jaemin chuckled and shrugged. “Dad said there’s a huge investor visiting this time and he doesn't want your dad to fumble any business proposals.” You hummed and looked back at the parents and watched your dad enthusiastically show Mr Kim around.
“Hey Doyoung it's a win win hey” your dad boasted, “our wives are happy, our kids are happy and we get to have a rematch of that golf game you cheated me out of last month.”
“Cheated?” Mr Kim smirked, “are we still running with that ?”
You gulped at his cockiness. Yes this was wrong. Entirely wrong because this was your friends father for fuck’s sake, but you’d been crushing on him for years, way before you met Jaemin. You hated to admit it but Mr Kim was your first real crush.
It all started on the night of your 18th, when he came to the party on his own because he and his family were going to leave on a business trip the next morning. He only stayed about 20 minutes, most of it was spent talking to your father and then he came over, introduced himself and placed a gift in your hands before planting a sweet kiss on your cheek.
“It's Viviene Westwood, your dad said you’re a big fan” His voice was so light and smooth. “My son starts at the same university as you next year, I hope the two of you can help each other out.”
And with that he said his goodbyes and you’d only see him at very special events after that. He did attend your 21st this year, but you and Jaemin had already established a friends with benefits situation and you decided that crushing on a man twice your age who now happens to be your fling’s father was not the path you were seeking.
“Do you think I’d have to sneak into your room every night ?” Jaemin pinched your side and you playfully pushed him before bringing your arms around his neck.
“Honestly our parents are going to be so blackout drunk every night im sure you could walk straight into my room and do whatever you want” you bit your lip and Jaemin smirked in return, enjoying the challenge.
The first two days were pretty much uneventful even with Jaemin railing you into your bed the very first night. Luckily for the two of you your dad managed to get the Kims’ the bungalow right next door and Jaemin made good use of the maintenance ladder and your balcony.
You were grateful you had Jaemin around until the morning you heard a voice you wished was in your head. The voice you thought you’d only hear when University resumed.
Lee Haechan.
“Jaemin hurry up, my arms are killing me here” You heard him say as you stepped out on the balcony to oversee the commotion. Your uni friend, well rather Jaemin’s, was standing outside their bungalow with luggage that definitely exceeded a five week stay which meant that it was likely computer equipment.
“What are you doing here ?” making sure your voice was definitely unwelcoming. “Wow y/n way to be hospitable to your good friend” he dropped his bags and clapped sarcastically. You watched the workers scramble for the luggage as Jaemin stepped outside to greet his very annoying friend.
“His parents kicked him out for the summer” Jaemin looked up apologetically.
“Can't say I wouldn't do the same” you scoffed while Haechan stuck out his tongue. “My boy and I are going to build a gaming pc, you know good old fashioned bonding” Haechan threw his arm around Jaemin while your poor friend knew you weren't in the slightest happy about this new arrangement.
“Great” you sighed, “hope you two lovebirds have a lovely vacation.”
“You can join us, you know, it's really fun.” Jaemin tried to look hopeful but he already knew you'd rather eat dirt than spend more than two hours with Haechan and build a damn pc on top of that.
You unenthusiastically waved them off and returned to your bedroom and threw yourself on your bed ready to dive into a solemn state until you heard a voice coming from downstairs.
His voice.
You tiptoed down the wooden stairs and you saw Mr Kim sitting at the corner bar with your father both adorning golf wear and engaging in conversation when your father quickly noticed your presence.
“Hey sweety, you're not hanging out with Jaemin today ?” he said while taking a sip of his scotch whiskey.
You groaned while approaching the two men, making sure your attention was on your father and not Mr Kim. “Haechan is here and they're going to spend the entire vacation building some stupid pc” you complained with a pout and your ears perked when you heard Mr Kim chuckle.
“Sorry about that, Haechan can be pretty persistent and I just wanted to help his parents get him out of their hair for a bit” Mr Kim smiled sweetly and you could tell he was genuine with his apology. “If you're bored why don't you come out for a round of golf, make sure your dad isn't cheating.”
“Uhm I don't want to impose…” you began to say and your dad quickly jumped to his feet and threw his arm around you. “My angel will be the best judge I can assure you!” he squeezed your shoulder, “go get ready sweetheart we will leave in 20.”
You stood under the caddy’s umbrella shielding yourself from the blistering summer heat as you watched Mr Kim and your father tee off on the fifth hole. Most of the banter was inside jokes they had going on and honestly you almost regretted joining their session until you saw how immaculate Mr Kim was at playing golf. His form, the way he stuck out his tongue slightly as he concentrated on his next shot and ofcourse how accentuated his muscles were through his golf gear as he swivelled his body every shot.
The heat wasn't that bad after all.
“Sir you have a call at the front desk” the caddy held the phone up for your dad to receive it.
You watched your father’s frown turn into a wide smile signalling it was either a big investor or one of his work buddies. “Hey Doyoung Johnny is here, i'm going to check him in before our wives make a big deal about his sudden appearance” your dad chuckled and hung up the call.
“Ah yes the wives biggest enemy, i'm surprised he actually showed up” Doyoung rested his hands on his golf club. “He didn't bring…her…did he ?”
Your eyes followed Mr Kim’s to your fathers and your dad quickly shook his head as he began handing his equipment to his caddy.
“Oh you know he wouldn't do that, gosh imagine what the investors might think.”
Now this story you were definitely clued up on thanks to Haechan practically interrogating Johnny Suh’s nephew, Sungchan. Mr Suh was a high end lawyer and had been working with your father’s circle of friends for years. He was a prominent figure, anyone and everyone fell in love with him and that's exactly how he got into trouble.  You're not sure of the timeline but according to Haechan Mr Suh had an affair with a young divorcee who’s case he’d been working on. Almost everyone expected his career to plummet after the news broke but it just made him more popular amongst young naive women who thought they too could bag the richest newly divorced big time lawyer.
Your mom couldn't stand him especially because she and the other wives were friends with his ex wife. But your dad never bothered since he’d always say that his ex wife was a gold digger and would have ‘ran him dry’ eventually. Surprisingly Haechan noted that Sungchan was also more than happy to know that his uncle was finally free from that woman.
There’s two sides to every story you guessed.
“Are you really leaving in the middle of the game ?” Mr Kim sighed, “this isn't just an excuse to get out of losing again is it ?”
Your father scoffed and waved his hand. “Oh please we are picking this up tomorrow, but for now why don't you get a little practice with my daughter ? she's got a wicked right swing!”
“Dad I don't think-”
“Let's do it.”
You turned to face Mr Kim who was now holding out his golf club to you as a stunning smile spread across his face. You swallowed hard as your father zoomed off in his golf cart and left you alone with just Mr Kim and the unattentive caddy.
“Mr Kim I'm not the best player so-”
“Hey my rivalry is with your father not you” Mr Kim waved his hand and grabbed a bottle of water. “I’ll go easy on you.”
You refused to be a stuttering mess so you tried your best to concentrate on the task at hand. It should be easy since there’s nothing the two of you could really talk about besides your father or Jaemin.
Oh you hoped he wouldn't bring up Jaemin.
You took your first swing and honestly like you expected it wasnt that grand. You turned to him apologetically while he let out a charming chuckle before joining you on your walk to the next hit.
“You're too tense” he commented and tapped your shoulder. “Since we're just practising, how about I coach you and next time you can win against your father.”  
You watched as he consulted the caddy on the perfect golf club and watched him stroll back over to you and replaced the club you clutched in your hands. The next movement almost had you weak at the knees as he slowly moved behind you and placed his slender fingers on your shoulders and squeezed lightly.
“Relax y/n” he calmly said in your ear. He may have been thinking this was just a friendly exchange but God your mind was thinking very different things. Vile almost absurd things. You nodded and did as he said, exhaling deeply while your heart was practically beating out of your chest.
“It's all in the hips you know” he said before clearing his throat, “May I ?”
You nodded again and within seconds his hands were on your waist. It was all very PG but anything he did always felt erotic. You kept your concentration on your posture making sure he wouldn't pick up on your strange behaviour but every touch, every breath coming from behind you felt like electricity.
“Now be gentle, allow your body to lead you to the shot rather than the strength of your hit” He continued and stepped back to watch you take your next shot.
The next shot was better but again you were no Lydia Ko. Mr Kim however seemed to be a perfectionist because yet again you were given another club and his hands returned to your waist. This time it felt a little different. You felt his breath against his neck and his hands were a lot more firmer as he guided you to redo your shot. “Now I know you can do better than that” His voice was low and you felt a sensation develop between your legs. You had no idea how you let your impulses get the better of you but you allowed yourself to arch your back a bit until your ass pretty much grazed against his crotch. You know it was evident too because you heard him suck in a deep breath but you didn't dare turn around.
“Like this..?” you managed to say and heard him hum before slowly stepping away and allowed you to take the shot.
Surprisingly that one was the best you had all day and it even ignited excitement out of you as you jumped in celebration, completely forgetting what had happened a mere seconds ago. “Oh my God did you see that ?!” you squealed and turned to face Mr Kim who had been chewing on his bottom lip before it turned into a sweet smile.
“I knew you had it in you, you're a natural and a quick learner” He held his hand out for a high five but as your hands collided, his fingers entangled with yours and your eyes met his in probably the most intense unspoken exchange in your life. You had no idea what was going on in his head and you were unaware that his thoughts mirrored yours. He had no idea why he did what he did and his head swarmed with so many unresolved questions.
This was his friend's daughter. His son’s college friend.
The caddy called the two of you up to drive over to the next hole and you both silently jumped in the backseat, hoping the situation was just an awkward exchange and nothing more. The drive was bumpy and unusually long. Both you and Mr Kim opted for looking in the opposite direction until the caddy hit the brakes causing Mr Kim to quickly shield you from impact.
“God what the fuck?” Mr Kim cursed and you mentally hated that it gave you another reason to find him attractive. There was no hope at this point.
“S-sorry sir there was a rabbit crossing the path” the caddy looked up into the rear view mirror and you swore you saw fear in his eyes. Mr Kim sighed and muttered that it was okay and to keep moving but as the trip resumed you realised his arm was still draped across your lap.
You adjusted your seating which pushed your tennis skirt higher and now his hand was exposed to your thigh as you waited to see what his next move might be. Mr Kim cleared his throat and you almost gasped when you felt him squeeze your exposed thigh before the caddy finally came to stop.
“I need you to go to the front desk and get more water and please let them know that the rabbits are roaming free on the course at this hour, it's quite dangerous for everyone involved” you watched Mr Kim tap his resort card on the payment machine and watched the caddy leave  you and Mr Kim completely alone.
“What do you study again y/n ?” Mr Kim asked casually as if nothing suspicious had happened all day and set up his next shot. You wiped the beads of sweat forming on your head. “I…study accounting Mr Kim.”
His chuckle made your eyes narrow as he took an effortless shot and turned around to face you. “Call me Doyoung, you do call Kun by his first name don't you ?” his new demeanour confused you. Was he just being friendly all this time and you were mistaking it for something else ?
“Yeah well Kun has been my dad’s friend for ages so-”
“So am I a stranger then ?” he poked his tongue into his cheek, “I guess we have to work on our relationship then.”
Mr Kim, Doyoung gestured for you to set up your next shot. Seeing as you were unsure of his intentions you decided to test the waters again. What was the worst that could happen anyway ? Him peacefully rejecting you would actually solve a lot of your current problems.
“Can…you help me again ? I kinda forgot the posture thing” you battered your eyelashes at him and you watched as his jaw tightened for a brief second before he nodded and came over to his usual position. You wasted no time in pressing back into him but this time you turned your head slightly to see his reaction.
“W-what are you doing y/n?” his low voice sent a shiver down your spine.
“What do you mean, I'm just..playing golf” you replied innocently and you heard him chortle in amusement. You felt his fingers press into your hips as you practically settled in his crotch, a bit proud that you had him a little flustered.
“You’re…a very naughty girl” he hummed as he straightened himself and allowed his fingers to dance on the band of your skirt.
You sighed and hummed in agreement. “I know Mr Kim and it seems like you're not so innocent yourself.”
Doyoung raised his eyebrow at your snarky comment yet mentally cursed his inability to keep his arousal in check. He was in dangerous waters but his head was too clouded with how this was about to play out for him to think about any consequences right now.
“Are you saying that this….exchange has you a little excited as well?” he queried and you felt absolutely delirious with lust.
“You can find out for yourself if you want” you curved your back a bit standing like an open invitation for him to do as he pleased. You expected him by now to at least lecture you that the two of you were out in the open and this whole ordeal was just absurd but instead he carefully stood behind you as your hands tightened around the golf club and his fingers ghosted its way up your skirt.
Doyoung’s breath was deep and steady as he caressed the skin of your inner thighs before taking his index finger and grazed it over your soaked panties. You heard him groan at your wetness while you bit down on your lip at the contact. You thought it would stop there but you almost collapsed when he pushed your panties to the side and allowed his long cold digits to feel your arousal.
“Fucking hell” he cursed as his other hand held onto your hip to keep you steady.
“Mr Kim…please..more” your voice quivered, not sure what you were asking for exactly but whatever was happening couldn't end right now, not like this.
Doyoung was completely immersed in how wet you were for him. He loved how your folds felt between his fingers and you were like putty in his hands. You gasped when he inserted a finger into your core and he heard him groan once more this time in frustration.
“Youre so fucking tight, id ruin you sweetheart” his words were like venom in your ear as he continued to finger you at an agonising pace.
Euphoria quickly came to an end when you heard a golf cart and it was Doyoung’s caddy returning from his errands. Doyoung quickly wiped away his hands and the two of you stood innocently as the caddy jogged over.
“Sir, they are requesting the both of you back for brunch” the caddy spoke and immediately began collecting the golfing equipment and packed the cart. You looked up at Doyoung trying to search his face for what all of this meant and whether it might happen again but he returned back to his stoic self. His eyes never met yours and he was silent and to himself the entire way back up to the resort.
If you thought your crush on him before was dangerous, well you've just entered a new territory.
By the time you washed up and arrived at the restaurant your father had picked for lunch you noticed everyone was already settled in. Doyoung sat right next to his wife and chuckled along with your father, Mr Suh and your father’s long time friend Qian Kun. Doyoung glanced up for a millisecond but returned to the conversation as if nothing had ever happened on the golf course.
“Darling, what took you so long ? Doyoung said you guys arrived two hours ago” your mother embraced you before one of the waiter’s pulled out your chair next to Jaemin.
“I had to take a shower” you pressed your lips into a smile and looked over at Doyoung, “It was extremely humid down there.” You watched his fingers twitch around his wine glass but it wasn't enough of a reaction for anyone else to notice. Your eyes drifted to Mr Suh who flashed you a friendly smile that you forcefully returned back before leaning into Jaemin.
“Why the hell is he here ? I thought our mothers hated him” you questioned as Jaemin rubbed the small of your back.
“Apparently his ex wife had been cheating on him too, way before he started his affair” Jaemin popped a cheese cube into his mouth. “Yeah right that’s what he wants everyone to believe” Haechan chimed in and you weren't going to admit it but you definitely shared his sentiments.
You looked up and noticed that Sungchan, Mr Suh’s nephew had also joined the trip as well as Kun Qian’s son, Chenle. You weren't too familiar with Sungchan despite him being in the same university as you but you knew Chenle really well. The two of you practically grew up together.
“I thought you were going to Dubai for the summer” you took a sip of your white wine while the ash blonde boy shook his head and sighed.
“Yeah I thought so too” he scratched his head, “My mom convinced my dad to come to the resort this year for the big networking party, God are they not tired of doing business ?!”
“Who else is gonna pay for your trips to Dubai ?” Haechan mused and Chenle rolled his eyes. “Whatever,” he retorted, “What are you even doing here anyway Lee Haechan? I thought your parents were going to London.”
“They went without him,” Jaemin snickered, earning a shove from Haechan.
“I would've done the same,” Sungchan added.
“That's what I said” you giggled and Sungchan gave you a thumbs up while Haechan erupted in a long groan.
“Face it, without me, you losers wouldn't have any fun” he pouted.
For a minute you too had completely forgotten about Doyoung, lost in the childish banter of your friends until the memory flashed back and you felt your stomach turn. There it was. The guilt was finally settling in as Jaemin squeezed your thigh under the table while he entertained whatever conversation they were now engaged in. How could Doyoung just sit there, as if nothing had ever happened. Was what he did just something to overlook?
You couldn't have been more wrong as Doyoung’s thoughts were completely scattered from the very moment he saw you in your tennis outfit. He was engaging in conversation but wasn't really retaining any information. He couldn't help himself but to steal glances at you from the other end of the dining table. Doyoung thought he was being subtle enough until he felt a tap on his shoulder from none other than Johnny Suh.
“Gonna take a smoke break, wanna join ?”
Doyoung stepped onto the balcony that overlooked the pool area as he twirled his red wine in his glass and exhaled deeply.
“Doyoung Doyoung Doyoung, you dog” Johnny blew a cloud of smoke into the sky as he erupted into laughter, “I didn't think you had it in you buddy.” “What are you talking about?” Doyoung muttered, leaning against the marble balustrade. Doyoung’s eyes shifted to the window making sure no one was paying attention especially since Johnny’s voice was the equivalent to a megaphone.
Johnny took a step closer with a smirk spread across his face,  “Doyoung, do you know who you're talking to ? I am the King of reading the room, especially when it comes to sneaky glances at your good friend’s hot daughter.” Doyoung’s jaw tightened again and he looked back into the restaurant before gulping down the last of his wine.
“I don't know what youre talking about,” he answered coldly.
Johnny narrowed his brows and cleared his throat, “Okay so she walks in, directs a very weird innuendo at you after you two played golf alone all day and you two have been eye-fucking each other for the past half hour.”
“Would you lower your damn voice ?!”
“So it's true ?”
Doyoung ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and pulled Johnny aside. He had no choice but to come clean but luckily for him Johnny would never ever spill the beans on his adultery seeing as Doyoung had been hiding Johnny’s string of affairs for ages. Yes there were more than one and no his now ex wife and all his friends have no idea about them.
“She baited me” Doyoung wet his bottom lip, “came up to me like a fucking minx and I-”
“You fucked her on the golf course ?” Johnny asked amusingly.
“No,” Doyoung deadpanned, “I…used my fingers for a bit but the caddy interrupted.”
Doyoung hated the smug look that spread across Johnny’s face and honestly actually explaining the situation only made him feel more guilty. He was the older, more mature one; this was entirely his fault and not yours at all.
“That’s your son’s friend oh my God you're worse than me” Johnny grinned and Doyoung turned back to look at you in a hearty conversation with his son and your friends. Johnny was right. This was so much worse than whatever he has done, but he could end it right here right now.
“It’s not going to happen again, I made sure to get my point across to her very quickly” Doyoung chewed on lip.
“Oh please, you said your wife hasn't given you any in a long time and I still have the divorce papers you filed for last-”
“Throw them away” Doyoung cut Johnny off.
“What ?!” the taller man exclaimed.
“There’s no need, I'm not going through with it” Doyoung replied calmly despite his thoughts still scrambling about both his marriage and you. Johnny ashed his cigarette and shook his head as the two of them entered the restaurant.
“Whatever man, all I know is that just a small taste of that kind of adrenaline doesn't go away that easily.”
Doyoung slipped back in his seat and put on his best smile but Johnny’s words still stuck with him like a thorn in his side.
Would he be able to stop ?
A few days had passed since the golf course incident and you were grateful that your dad had been entertaining his friends on his own as they attended seminars and did God knows what until late hours of the night. It was one of those nights where all the parents had gone out to one of the bars at the resort and you and your friends figured you’d also drink the night away.
“God Sungchan I swear if you don't finish your drink I will push you into this pool” Haechan threatened as the younger boy grimaced at the taste of his 8th drink of the night. Honestly having all of them around this year wasn't that bad because usually you'd either be babysitting your parents or drinking with the resort staff.
You sipped your cocktail and danced along to the music blaring from the poolside bar in your Miu Miu two piece wrapped in a mesh skirt. Jaemin threw his arm around you and you could tell by his slurred words and sloppy kisses that he was needy.
“Are you not fucking Haechan tonight ?” you rolled your eyes.
“Don't ever say that again” Jaemin groaned while his hands ghosted over your thighs and moved to grope your ass.
“Ew get a room” Chenle spat and you sighed. As much as you’d love to get railed right now you couldnt stand that this arrangement with Jaemin only worked when he was in the mood rather than it being mutual. You already knew he’d be in your room for the night and you won't see him the entirety of the next day unless you were out looking for him.
“Yeah totally not in the mood doll” you pried his hands off your figure and took a sip of your drink, “you should call it a night, don't want to be hungover when you have a pc to build.”
Jaemin never bothered to argue back. He knew how stubborn you could be and honestly he needed to get Haechan back to the bungalow before he ended up swearing at the bartenders. You waved off Jaemin, Haechan and Chenle who went along since his accommodation was on that end anyway while you took care of Sungchan.
“You all good there buddy?” you joined him on one the loungers as he gulped down his third glass of water.
“I'm alright, sorry i'm still getting used to the whole alcohol thing” he smiled sweetly.
You giggled and tutted in response, “don't force yourself if you don't want to, Haechan may think he is the boss around here but trust me he’s a pushover.”
Sungchan nodded shyly until you saw his eyes perk up. You followed his gaze and from all people in this entire goddamn resort in walks Johnny Suh and Kim Doyoung.
Just great.
“Hey Nephew” Johnny greeted, his face absolutely red indicating he was definitely more drunk than his dear nephew right now.
You looked up at Doyoung briefly who just stood awkwardly while Johnny babied his nephew, smothering him in hugs and compliments. Sungchan stood up and stabilised his uncle, praying he wasn't going to be stubborn about heading back to their bungalow.
“Come on Uncle Johnny, time for bed” Sungchan held him by his waist while Johnny pinched his cheeks and coddled the younger boy.
“Doyoung isn't my nephew just the cutest ? He's the cutest right ?” Johnny slurred as Sungchan bid his farewell to you and guided Johnny back to their bungalow.
You wasted no time in making sure there were no awkward silences and grabbed a new drink from the bar and began heading down a dimly lit path. You couldn't look at him. Especially since he had ignored your existence for most of the week.
“Where are you going ?” he questioned, as you heard his footsteps follow close behind.
“To the beach, leave me alone” you replied carelessly. Did he expect you to respect him as your father’s friend after the stunt he pulled ?
“You are not going to the beach in the middle of the night drunk and on your own” he lectured, still following you down the path until the two of you reached the white sandy area that met the moonlit shore.
He watched attentively as you turned around and removed the mesh skirt as you soaked in the moonlight and the salty sea breeze.
“You're not my father Mr Kim” you groaned, “I can do whatever I want.” “Do your parents know where you are right now ?” Doyoung questioned as he shook the sand that filled up his sandal.
You walked over to one of the beach recliners sighing that the umbrellas were all down and sat down your drink on the table. “My parents think I'm at the overnight spa, smart of me don't you think ?” you smirked as you struggled to open the umbrella that was twice your size.
Doyoung massaged his temples before walking over and helping you open the umbrella before taking a seat on the opposite recliner. He knew he was doing the right thing by taking care of you while you were acting recklessly, but a part of him wondered if being around you in that scantily clad bikini and the amount of alcohol running through his veins and yours, was a good idea.
“What are you drinking ?” Doyoung watched you take a sip of your cocktail as you laid back in the recliner and crossed your legs.
“Rum and Coke” you replied, handing him the drink.
You were amused by how much he drank, and watched as he set the glass aside and shook his leg anxiously while his entire body tensed up.
“For someone who told me that I'm too tense you're really one to talk” you commented and pointed to his fidgeting fingers and anxious leg. Doyoung quickly took notice of his actions and gathered himself. He turned his focus to the dark sea, while you studied him wondering what the hell was going through his head right now.
“You know any normal married man would be back home laying next to his wife after a drunken night” you sighed and Doyoung’s eyes quickly darted to yours.
“I'm here to make sure you get home safely,” he said in a calm tone.
“Oh please” you scoffed, “you had no idea I was out here until you guys stumbled across us at the bar. Mr Kim it seems like you love to keep your distance from your wife regardless whether I'm here or not.”
Doyoung’s jaw tightened at your words. He knew you were not  taunting him because everything you mentioned was pretty much how it's been for the past few months in his marriage. Most of the time he met with your family on his own and your father had always commented on how divided the two of them had become after Jeno had turned 18.
“Its probably why youre so needy too, when was the last time youve even fucked anyone ?”
“Is this a joke to you ?” Doyoung retorted, “Do you not see how wrong this is ?”
You rolled your eyes, finishing the last of the drink, and sat  it back on the wooden side table.
“Honestly I dont,” you shrugged, “I did at first ofcourse, hell Ive been wanting to fuck you since my 18th birthday but now that I know youre miserable  in your marriage I dont see the harm in it.”
Doyoung pondered on your words and of course he was miserable but his reasoning for coming onto you wasn't because he needed a quick fix. God he saw beautiful women at so many investor parties but nobody had him riled up like you did. For him though it was your 21st birthday, when you wore that Elie Saab sequin dress and you carried yourself with such poise and class that he’d never taken notice of before. There was always a mystery surrounding you and with that neverending curiosity he disciplined himself into keeping his distance.
That was until a few days ago.
“You’ve been wanting me since then ?” Doyoung asked in that low voice that always hit the right spot.
You pushed yourself up from the recliner and stood up to hover over him. Doyoung’s eyes dragged over your body until his eyes locked with yours as you placed your thumb under his chin.
“Oh Mr Kim I fantasise about having you every…single..night” you mused and with that you pressed your lips against his and sighed into the passionate kiss. Doyoung quickly pulled you into his lap, his lips never leaving yours as you straddled him and immediately gripped onto his dark locks.
“I'm not going to be able to stop this time y/n” Doyoung groaned into your neck as you pushed your body further down into his lap, already feeling his hardened member against your clothed core.
“Don't stop…please dont stop” you moaned into his kisses as he grabbed your ass and buried his face into your chest, littering your collarbone and breasts with kisses. You both knew that taking your time would only raise concern so you were in agreement that it needed to be done as soon as possible.
You fiddled with his dress pants as he unbuttoned his shirt revealing the very toned body you were suspecting. God the sight of him alone like this could've made you orgasm. Doyoung quickly pushed down his pants and then suddenly pulled away.
“Fuck…Fuck!” he cursed.
“What is it ?” you looked around thinking one of the employees was lurking around.
“I don't have protection. '' Doyoung looked up at you and bit down on his lip.
“God i'm on the pill please just fuck me already” you whined and returned your lips to his desperate to regain the momentum you had earlier on.
“Are you sure this is okay sweetheart ?” He asked once again his voice filled with concern. God the age difference thing was really showing right now because everyone around your age was careless and dumb. Any guy in their 20s (and probably Johnny Suh) would be ecstatic to know they'd be able to do it raw.
You found his concern endearing.
“Do whatever you want Mr Kim, I just need you inside me” you whispered and Doyoung literally felt dizzy with ecstasy at your lewd words. He quickly responded by pushing aside your bikini bottom and rubbed circles on your clit before entering two digits into your core, preparing you for what's to come.
You were so lost in the magic he was putting in his fingers that you almost gasped at the difference when he inserted his member inside you. He was much bigger than you imagined and the biggest you ever had. He was right when he said he’d ruin you.
“Oh my fuck-” you moaned in his ear as Doyoung guided your hips to ride him. He wasnt sure if it was the impromptu fuck, the lack of sex he’s had recently or the girl on top of him right now but it was a fucking hell of a experience. You moved your hips roughly against his, expertly making circles with your hips as you built up your orgasm. Doyoung’s moans were like music to your ears as he groaned according to your movements as his nails dug into your thighs.
“Doyoung im-”
“Is my angel close hmmm” he hummed and the pet name just inched you closer to your high. Doyoung moved his hand to the front so his thumb had access to your clit, stimulating you until you were ready to give in. Doyoung watched in awe as you beautifully threw your head back and came so hard on his cock that he wished he could do it again almost immediately.
You rode out your high and to Doyoung’s surprise you removed yourself from his lap and settled between his legs. Your hand grabbed hold of his member as you looked up at him and pumped his member.
“You know, so you don't have to stress about coming inside me,” you brought your face down to meet his tip, “well coming inside me in a different way.”
Doyoung leaned back in his seat and grabbed a fistful of your hair as you went to work on his length. He knew he wouldn't last long, not with already fucking you and now with your tongue skillfully pleasing him. You hollowed your cheeks as your hand met your speed and the grip on your hair signalled that he was close.
“Fucking hell” was all Doyoung could say when he finally released in your mouth and with heavy eyes watched you swallow every bit of him.
“We should get back before they close up the bar” you said, straightening up your hair and outfit.
“Yeah we should” Doyoung agreed and buttoned up his shirt and tucked himself back into his pants. God he wished he could at least help clean you up and lay in bed with you but unfortunately that could never be on the agenda. He honestly had no idea what to say or what to do. The two of you walked in silence until you reached the bungalows, making sure to stay in the shadows just in case anyone was awake at this hour.
“Well good night I guess” you folded your arms, slightly embarrassed that regardless of what you said you still felt a pang of guilt and jealousy that he still  wasn't yours for the night.
You were about to walk off when Doyoung grabbed onto your arm and turned you to face him. He placed a kiss on your forehead and then a softer one on your lips.
“Meet me tomorrow at the squash court at 2:30,” he whispered as his thumb stroked your cheek, “Only if you want to though.”
You nodded and smiled up at him before finally parting ways and leaving both of you revisiting one of the most incredible nights of your life.
The next morning you took your time to get ready, completely avoiding the voices of your hungover parents downstairs. You knew they'd pester you about where you were, what time you got home and most importantly who was the last person you were with last night.
That was the last thing you needed to be questioned about.
“Princess are you done pampering up, we're going to the gym” you heard Haechan’s grating voice call from outside your balcony. Of course you still had to pretend you wanted to hang out with them today but it just gave you a better alibi to showing up at the squash court. You quickly slipped into a cute Ralph Lauren polo shirt and bike short set and doused yourself with your Chanel no.5 before heading out to meet your friends.
“God I can smell you a mile away” Chenle dramatically coughed as the five of you strolled down to the fitness centre.
You sighed and stretched your arms above your head, “It's called perfume, you should try it sometime” you teased and the boy stuck out his tongue in return.
“Hey did you get home okay last night ?” Sungchan tapped your shoulder looking down at you sheepishly, “I needed to get Uncle Johnny home before he decided to extend his drinking hours.” You waved your hand and hooked arms with the taller boy, giving his bicep a tight squeeze as you stepped into the air conditioned wellness centre.
“It’s all good I went straight home anyway” you lied.
You and your friends were already welcomed with green juice, herbal tea and smoothie selections by the staff while you scouted the area for where you might bump into Doyoung. The centre was quite vacant, I guess not everybody could recover as fast as your family and friends as drinking to your limits never delayed the schedule of the next day. You walked through the essential oil aroma of all the various spa treatments until you finally reached the gym and caught your first glimpse of Doyoung laughing along with the rest of the parents.
God he looked extra hot today in just a pair of black track pants and a fitted white tee.
“Dude your uncle is jacked” Haechan gaped at Johnny Suh who was walking around in just a pair of training shorts, his sweaty toned body on display for everybody. God knows why. It's not like you didn't think he was hot, you would be stupid to think otherwise, but Mr Suh was never your type. He never had the sex appeal that Mr Kim had.
“Hey kids!” your dad waved as you all strolled over to join the gathering. You put on a friendly smile as your mom already pulled you into her side and gushed to the other mothers about how thankful she was to have a daughter or something along those lines. Your mother spoke but you avoided Mrs Kim’s eyes completely, while flashes of last night kept running through your mind.
“How about you gym buffs finish up and we’ll meet for lunch later” Mrs Qian spoke even though she knew her husband would rather join in on spa treatments than play any form of sport.
“Why are we doing sports on a vacation again ?” Kun Qian sighed as Johnny shoved a racket in his hands. “Come on now Kun, you gotta look good for Mrs over here” Johnny winked as Mrs Qian giggled shyly. Johnny Suh was truly a menace for any married woman.
“Well I'm guessing you're going to sweat it out with the boys” your mom fixed the headband on your head and sighed, “My dear daughter thrives on competitive sports, especially when it’s beating her own dad in them.”
“Not this time honey, I'm feeling lucky” your dad ended with his infamous catchphrase before he’d probably rage quit later on.
“Alright so I’ll be playing basketball with the fit young guys” Johnny threw his arms around both Jaemin and Chenle who both looked enthused by this idea. “Sure then I guess Kun, Doyoung, y/n and I will head to the squash courts” your father saluted Johnny as he began making his way to the back of the gym where a row of brightly lit squash courts lined up.
“Are we playing singles or doubles ?” Doyoung asked as he grabbed a baseball cap to push away the loose strands that fell over his forehead. He was pretty composed for someone who was literally fucking you raw on a beach a few good hours ago. You wondered what was going through his mind now that you showed up to his invitation.
“Doubles, my daughter and I verse you and Kun” your father called over an employee to bring over a few iced bottles of water. Your father suggested a round with each opponent and tally the score after.
Everyone agreed to the plan and you had your first round with Kun who was a pleasant opponent that always complimented your serves no matter how lazy they were eventually becoming. You liked Kun. He was such a good husband and father that you believed he truly set a standard for men everywhere. You always wondered how he even dealt with your father and his erratic friends but clearly it never bothered him.
“I'm going to talk your father into a quick foot spa before we get onto the next round” Kun said cheekily and you smiled sweetly as the two of you stepped into the hallway for the opponent swap.
“Did she go easy on you Kun ?” Your dad came over and high-fived you while Doyoung rolled his eyes. “Well you'd have to bet that she destroyed Kun after the beating I gave you” he said, the cockiness yet again in his voice drove your arousal.
“We both did just fine” Kun snapped back, “I'm just going to rest up a bit before the next round if you are planning on drinking tonight again.”
“Okay old man,” your dad conceded and followed Kun, “You guys coming with or going on with the game ?”
Doyoung waved his hand, “I know you two will never come back and I need to get my fitness in, go ahead.” He waited until the hallway was clear and followed you inside one of the courts in silence. There was tension in the air now that he was finally alone with you.
As soon as he was certain the two of you were alone Doyoung backed you up against the corner of court, a blind spot from both the entrance, hallway and the cameras above. He exhaled deeply as he grabbed onto your thigh, pushing your legs apart and settling his own leg in between for you to nestle on his toned thigh. His slender fingers ghosted up your body until his thumb brushed over your pouty lips, awaiting to meet his.
“I thought about you all night” he whispered before leaning in and peppered kisses along your jawline. He smelled exquisite, and  you had no idea that you were already unconsciously rubbing your heat up and down his thigh.
“Why’d you ask to meet here?” you whimpered into his touch, “we could get caught very easily.” Doyoung silenced you by pressing his lips against yours passionately, moaning into the kiss as he slipped his tongue inside and wrapped his hand around your neck ever so delicately.
“I thought I’d be able to control myself in a public setting and we could sneak out after, but I can't help myself” Doyoung pushed you harder onto his thigh and snaked his hand around you to grab onto your ass. He seemed way less in control than the first two times you two were in a situation like this. It was so out of his character to be the one to initiate such intimacy especially when his family were literally just a stroll down the hallway.
Doyoung had worked himself up to the point you thought he was going to recreate the golf incident  but something quickly brought him to his senses and he immediately stepped back and neatened himself while his eyes shifted to the entrance of the court.
“What’s going on ?” you frowned and looked into the empty hallway and back to the man who just had his tongue down your throat a few seconds ago.
“We cant do this, what the fuck this is just..its too much!” he was pacing the court and biting on his nail as if sanity had just hit him.
You groaned in frustration and gained some sort of composure before approaching the older man. “Are you serious right now ? you can't just do that and then tell me youre chickening out” you spoke in a low voice obviously frustrated that he was still so indecisive regardless of what had happened last night.
“Everytime I see you it's like I throw away my morals and then reality just…hits me” Doyoung frowned and his words really pissed you off, rightfully so.
“So what am I huh ? someone you can use until reality just hits you ?” you snapped back feeling your face heat up, “I have feelings too you know and I thought I made it very clear last night.”
Doyoung became stoic. You watched him grab a racket and ball from the floor as he got into position on the other end of the court.
“Let's Play” he said in a cold tone.
“Youre fucking unbelievable” you cursed and pushed open the clear door making your way back to your bungalow and as far away from Kim Doyoung as you possibly could. You hated that for him it was purely just physical and you had to deal with the emotional side to all of this. You had no idea how much you liked him until his attention drifted from you, until he was showing some affection to his wife or when he was just purely existing in the same space as you.
You hated it. You absolutely hated having feelings for Kim Doyoung.
You spent most of the day locked up in your room, catching up your best friend on the whole ordeal to which she just said ‘find someone new to fuck with and get over it’. It was easier said than done. Jeno was completely out of the question seeing as he was the son of the man you were trying to get over. Most of the employees were annoying frat boys and you weren't sure if any man would be able to satisfy you the way Mr Kim did.
“Honey get ready, we're having dinner at the Greek place tonight” your mother called from downstairs and you inwardly groaned. What was with these people and doing almost everything together. Sighing you got ready anyway because missing a dinner would not only have your parents nagging you about it you’d also be letting Doyoung know that the quarrel you had earlier was a lot more serious than you wanted him to think.
You needed him to know that you didn't care and you were going to be the one to move on. Pulling out your Versace black cocktail dress or the revenge couture collection as your friend calls it, you made your way  down to dinner making sure to keep your head up high and your attention off Mr Kim entirely.
You hoped.
“You guys finally made it” Johnny Suh’s voice boomed from the grand table that was set up on the fairy lit private deck at the back of the quaint restaurant. You began making your way over to your friends when you noticed an extra man had now joined the festivities and boy was he something.
He looked around your age, dressed in Prada with his hair slicked back which emphasised his sculpted face with the prettiest set of dimples you'd ever seen. His eyes immediately locked with yours as you took the seat across him and his lips curled into a friendly smile.
“Good evening everyone” you greeted and Sungchan quickly cleared his throat and gestured at the man seated next to him. “y/n this is my older brother Jaehyun, Jae this is y/n” he introduced the two of you and the man reached over the table to shake your hand.
“You're the infamous y/n then” he smiled, his voice was low and utterly charming.
“Infamous ?”
“Well,” he shrugged, “the beautiful heir to this luxurious resort, best believe you're talked about.”
You blushed at his words ignoring the irrelevant comment from Haechan and continued getting to know Johnny Suh’s other nephew, a true god sent distraction from Kim Doyoung. The two of you spoke for hours. You learnt that Jaehyun was an up and coming actor, and his family were in the textile industry. His hobbies were photography and collecting vinyls from his favourite artists all the way down to his great grandfather's favourites. You also learnt he frequented Milan for fashion shows, and it was his favourite city in the world. A place he already offered to give you a personal tour of.
“You know I heard that he goes to Milan just to fuck these old rich women” Haechan whispered as the two of you snuck around the back of the resort for a smoke.
“Why would he need to, he’s too rich to be a sugar baby” you rolled your eyes and drew in the freshly lit cigarette.
“Bro is just a milf hunter, it gives him bragging rights and those cougars love it” Haechan grabbed the cigarette from your fingers and brought it up to his own lips. You peaked around the corner and watched as Jaehyun conversed with the rest of the men, laughing along with their jokes. He looked so innocent compared to the perverse things you were now hearing about him.
“Probably runs in the family, streets already calling him Johnny Suh’s prodigy” Haechan ashed out the cigarette and used a tester cologne to mask the smell.
“God he is so hot though, you think he could retire milf hunting for just one night ?” you smirked as the two of you made your way back up to the restaurant. Haechan gave you a pat on the back as he followed your gaze back to Jaehyun.
“If he’s anything like his uncle he probably already fantasised you underneath him during dinner.”
All the scandalous chats with Haechan and the obvious flirting with Jaehyun completely grabbed your attention from Doyoung and you almost forgot about the argument earlier on. You took the opportunity to steal a glance but to your surprise his eyes were already on you and he barely bothered to look away. His stare was dark as he twirled his whiskey glass in his hand and ignored the conversations that were happening around him.
“Honey the girls and I are all packed and off to the overnight spa” His wife interrupted his stare and he gave her a sweet smile and never bothered to share his plans for the night. That's the kind of relationship they had. No questions, no suspicions, just a facade for the friends and family that everything was perfect.
The ladies said goodbye to their tipsy husbands and thanks to your white lie that you already spent time at the spa the previous night you got away scot free from the outing. Haechan, Chenle and Sungchan decided to hang out at the arcade with Jaemin following close behind, seeing as you hadn't paid him any attention thanks to the appearance of Jaehyun. Which meant it was just you, Jaehyun and your father’s friends still lingering around the restaurant and bar for the rest of the night.
“So y/n what do you guys do for fun around here ?” Jaehyun shot back the last of his drink and leaned back into his seat looking so goddamn inviting.
“Well,” you held up your glass, “we drink, we play sports nobody cares about and we complain about our embarrassing parents.” Jaehyun followed your eyes to your father doing his best impression of what looked like the moonwalk and chuckled.
“Hey he’s pretty good!” he mused while you shook your head and stood up.
“You wanna get out of here?”
You and Jaehyun strolled around the empty courtyards as all the restaurants started packing up for the night. The summer night finally began cooling down and Jaehyun’s body seemingly got closer as the two of you walked around aimlessly.
“Why don't we take a little pitstop?” Jaehyun smirked and pulled you behind one of the restaurants where both of you were out of sight to onlookers. You could tell he was an expert in these circumstances, he definitely was a man who always got what he wanted.
Consensually of course.
“I heard something about you” you bit down on your lip as he began giving you butterfly kisses along your jaw and down the nape of your neck. Jaehyun hummed as you felt him smirk against your skin. “Hmmm and what did you hear about me ?”
“That you’re a milf hunter” you giggled as he licked the weak spot he found just under your ear. Jaehyun pulled back and an amused smile spread across his face. “A milf hunter ?” he repeated your words as if it was the first time he was accused of such.
“I mean I generally meet older women,” he added, “but I don't actively search for….milfs.”
“So I'm not just a second choice for tonight then ?” you mused, pulling him back to your body by his half buttoned dress shirt. Jaehyun licked his lips as he stared down at you and his large hands massaged your thighs while you moaned in his touch.
“I came all this way after Sungchan sent me pictures of you guys hanging out, baby i'm here because of you” Jaehyun lifted your face to bring you into a deep sensual kiss that figuratively and literally had you weak at the knees. The kiss was amazing but it was still sub par in comparison to Mr Kim. Jaehyun was a lot like the guys you've met at country clubs and student events. They were all drop dead gorgeous but lacked the experience, the class you craved. The type that came natural to someone like Kim Doyoung.
God you were thinking about him while another man, your rebound was practically worshipping you right now.
“You wanna come back to my place ? my uncle won't say anything” Jaehyun asked in between breathy kisses while he tried to hike your dress up for better access.
You ran through the pros and cons of the indefinite possibility that Johnny Suh’s big mouth might spill your escapades to your father despite his nephew trusting him this much. The only pros you could think of were getting fucked by Jeong Jaehyun and possibly getting over Mr Kim.
While you were in a mini dilemma Doyoung’s mind was a mess. He obviously couldn't let go of how you had left him at the squash court earlier and secondly how you spent the majority of your night with Johnny Suh’s promiscuous nephew. He downed another round of brandy, wincing at the taste while his friends fooled around on the roulette tables.
With a free night away from his wife and the happy hallmark family agenda Doyoung assumed it was finally the night to let loose. But all he could think about was you and where you were right now. What were you doing ? Did you not want him anymore upon meeting Jaehyun ?
“Need a top up ?” Johnny tapped Doyoung’s shoulder and the dark haired man nodded and held out his glass. “Hey you good ? my man you’re free tonight be happy!” Johnny cheered but his smile turned into a frown when Doyoung just appeared more stressed than usual. “Hey is this about..” Johnny turned to look at your father, making sure he was at a good distance from the conversation, “y/n ?”
Doyoung nodded and Johnny sighed.
“It happened, we went too far and now all I can think about is my wife and my son,” Doyoung sighed, staring at the brown liquid in his glass. “I truly fucked up.”
“You know what's fucked up ? you and this trainwreck of a marriage” Johnny scoffed, irked at the fact that he had to have this conversation about his friend’s failed relationship once again. “She is not the reason your marriage is not working, honestly she has nothing to do with your marriage regardless.”
“I know I know” Doyoung responded and sipped his drink, “I just cant get her out of my mind.”
“My advice is spend actual time with her, not these little sneaky one hour sessions and see how you feel after” Johnny suggested and Doyoung was quite surprised that the advice Johnny had given wasn't a total waste of time.
“If you're genuinely interested in another woman, it will make signing those divorce papers much easier, that's all i'm saying” Johnny concluded and topped up his own glass with the remainder of brandy.
“What about her family, Jaemin God what would everyone say if-”
“We will get to that when it's serious enough” Johnny interrupted before Doyoung dug himself into more worries. “For now just figure out if you're finally ready to call it quits.”
Doyoung decided to take a walk to clear his mind and ponder on the advice Johnny had given him earlier. He knew very well that his marriage was pretty much doomed a few years back but he hated that he stuck around to the point where he felt guilty to be the first one to bring up a divorce. What was even worse was that during a conflict over dinner some time back Jeno had come up to him and told him he’d be okay if it happened and it was better than both of them pretending to be happy for other people.
It was that very conversation that prompted Doyoung to have the phone call with Johnny, ready to begin the divorce  process but his sudden interest in you made him retract it. He felt insane. Careless. He made himself believe that he was only interested because he was unhappy in his marriage.
But of course that was never the case. You were different.
Doyoung stepped down into the courtyard and just as he was about to retreat he caught a glimpse of your figure that was partially lit by the overhead light of the restaurant. You were up against a wall, pinned against it by Jaehyun as he ravished your neck with kisses and you grabbed onto him for dear life enjoying every second of it.
Doyoung felt his body heat up at the sight of you with another man. He had never experienced that amount of jealousy and just pure anger up until this moment. Did he have a reason to be ? no. Could he have walked away and allowed you to do whatever you wanted seeing as you weren't his ? yes.
Was he going to ? not likely.
“Sorry, uhm Jaehyun ?” Doyoung cleared his throat causing you and Jaehyun to quickly move out of the shadows and gain some composure. Doyoung’s presence made you roll your eyes as Jaehyun approached his uncle’s friend unaware of the tension between the two of you.
“Oh hey Mr Kim” Jaehyun grinned and Doyoung’s jaw tightened as he took in your lipstick stains all over Jaehyun’s swollen lips and neck.
“Your uncle…He is looking for you…probably needs help getting back home seeing as Sungchan is preoccupied at the moment” Doyoung reported as his eyes briefly met yours.
Jaehyun looked back at you and shrugged. “Hey my offer is still open” he winked and gave you a quick peck on the cheek before moving his lips to your ear, “if you still want me just knock on my bungalow.”
You watched him say his goodbyes to Doyoung before quickly disappearing into the resort in search of his uncle and began your own journey home before you were interjected.
“y/n..” he held onto your wrist as you looked up at him.
“What ? you want to take over from where Jaehyun left off hmm ?” you raised your eyebrow, “you want to use me for about twenty minutes and go back to your happily married life ?”
Doyoung chewed on his bottom lip and exhaled deeply. “Look,” he began, taking a step forward, “I apologise for making you feel that way but please understand that was never my intention. I would never hurt you or purposefully disregard your feelings y/n” he loosened his hold on your wrist and caressed your cheek.
“A Lot of it is overwhelming but I've never done this before and  you're not just some random hook up y/n, believe it or not I actually like you” Doyoung’s words made your cheeks heat up, not completely sure how to react to his confession.
“Now listen,” he continued, “I had time to think about it and If we're both on the same page that it's not just a physical attraction then I want to spend time getting to know you better.”
“But how would we-”
“I managed to get an extra room up at the hotel away from the bungalows and I'll schedule myself free time for ‘business meetings’ throughout the day for us to hang out” He answered by pulling out a hotel keycard as evidence.
“How did you get a room isn't it at all suspicious that you're not at your bungalow ?” you frowned, still trying to process everything he was suddenly offering you.
“Y/n, me sleeping in a different room let alone a different suite altogether than my wife is not all that surprising to anyone around me” he admitted as he stuffed the keycard back into his pocket.
“If your little white lies work as well as you say they do then this should be a breeze right ?”
Your head was muddled and you wondered if he was being genuine about getting to know you or just stringing you along until he had another guilt trip fiasco. You needed some type of leverage to not only save your feelings but to also prove that he was in this for real this time.
“If you change your mind and for whatever reason decide ‘this is too much’ during the rest of the vacation  i'm going to come clean to both your wife and Jeno” you folded your arms and stood your ground.
“Sure, you have every right to” Doyoung answered, quicker than you expected him to. “Even though I will be going through a divorce in the possible future, if there is truly something between us, I'll sign the papers as soon as the vacation is over.” His words gave you goosebumps. He was absolutely serious. He was ready to go all in ?
You looked up into his almond eyes and nodded. “Deal.”
The next two weeks were probably some of the best moments of your life. Not only could you indulge in mind blowing sex with Doyoung but the two of you started to develop a genuine emotional relationship through your scandalous affair.
“What’s with this obsession with Greece y/n ?” Doyoung brushed the wet hair from your face as the two of you soaked your naked bodies in the spa bath of his hotel room.
“I love Greek mythology” you shrugged, “from the time my dad took me over there in elementary school, I had a school project on a Percy Jackson book” you giggled.
“I didn’t care much for the fantasies of Percy Jackson until I saw the real thing in Athens, it took my young breath away.”
Doyoung listened to your little story as he always did while watching the water droplets cascade down your shoulders and disappear into the soapy water. He finally felt relaxed for the first time in God knows how long.
You noticed you were babbling on and turned around to face him, giving him a cheeky smile.
“Are you daydreaming about screwing me while I was talking about a treasured memory ?” You raised your brow and Doyoung chuckled.
“Well I wasn’t thinking of it until you mentioned it just now”
You pulled him into a deep sensual kiss as you settled into his lap and sighed as he wrapped his delicate hands around your waist. Doyoung moved his lips down to your neck and nibbled on the sensitive skin, smirking when you moaned out his name. He loved hearing you praise him.
“Baby let’s move this to the bed” he whispered into your ear before pulling you out of the tub and quickly dried the two of you up before carrying you over to his bedroom.
“Someone wants to take his time tonight” you hummed and Doyoung gave your thigh a quick smack, ordering you to get on your stomach.
“That ass has been grinding up against me for the past hour and I can’t help but want to get a piece of it” his words made you wet in an instant as you slowly arched your back, giving him what he wanted.
Doyoung’s fingers danced across your spine and with his index finger he pressed into your core, sticking his tongue in his cheek as you already begged him for more. “Does my Angel want a little more?” He asked innocently as his second finger came in contact with your clit.
“Please more” was all you could say and Doyoung granted your wish, pushing two digits into your core and feeling your core clench around him. You loved when he took his time but you hated that you couldn’t last long when he did. You were already feeling an orgasm building way too early and quickly reached for his fingers and pulled away.
Doyoung chuckled darkly behind you and realised you weren’t going to hold on for long tonight and began lining up his member and pushing deep inside you. He sighed as you let out a gasp and gripped onto the bed sheets as he moved in and out of you in a brisk movement.
“That feels so good Mr Kim” you mewled, knowing it drives him insane in the best way possible when you refer to him formally in this type of setting.
Doyoung grabbed a fistful of your hair as he pounded into you. Your back arched in the best possible way for him to find your sweet spot. You were going delirious with ecstasy as his cold fingers moved to your throat and squeezed lightly. He was a professional in knowing what made you weak at this point.
“Come for me my Angel” Doyoung spoke between strokes and you could hear in the strain of his voice that he was close too.
Doyoung bit down on his lip as he watched you draw circles on your clit to help you finish. You were completely fucked out and he loved looking at you weak under his touch. Your pants became faster and Doyoung held on a little longer so you could cum all over him before pulling out of you and brought your mouth to his tip.
“Open up pretty” he swiped his thumb over your quivering lip and slipped his throbbing cock into your mouth until he finally came undone. Doyoung watched you swallow every bit of him until he was completely cleaned up and he stroked your head in satisfaction.
“Good girl.”
The next day you had plans with all the moms while Doyoung attended a few meetings with his friends. Everything was finally running smoothly until what you had feared most had already begun stirring.
Jaemin got a text from his mother to retrieve her ipad from his father’s suite, where she assumed it would be considering her husband only hired the suite for work related activities. Jaemin showed his identification to the hotel and headed up to the room until he realised that he didn't have keycard access. Mentally cursing himself he pulled out his phone in order to text his father until he heard a trolley park behind him.
“You need access to your dad’s room bro ?” the young bellboy smiled and held up the employee master key.
“Yeah thanks man” Jaemin nodded and watched the boy open the room for him and disappear down the hallway.
Jaemin stepped into the apartment and he immediately had an unsettling feeling fill his chest. From the unmade bed to the alcohol and chocolates spread across the coffee table, this looked a whole lot more than a ‘work suite’. Brushing it off knowing his parents have their issues anyway Jaemin began searching for the ipad. He slumped into the couch and looked in the crevices until he pulled out a very interesting piece of material.
“What the fuck ?” Jaemin murmured as he inspected the lingerie until the set started looking familiar to him. There was no way he thought. His heart began racing as he looked around the room once more and everything started to make sense. Your favourite chocolate, your favourite champagne left on the table. There was a new edition of Vogue magazine laying on the floor, the same one he saw you with at the pool the other morning.
Jaemin felt lightheaded. Who was he mad at more? Was it you ? the girl he was sleeping with just before the summer break or his father. The man that raised him and the man he respected. He was angry but reality hit when he realised he couldn't react.  He couldn't  cause a scene amongst the hundreds of socialites that could probably ruin his university reputation. This was how their lives worked. Everything needed to get buried before anyone outside their circle found out.
Jaemin sucked in a deep breath and left the room in silence. He needed to discuss this with the only person who could bury this messy affair.
His father.
While you were blissfully unaware of the shitstorm that was about to come, you happened to bump into Jaehyun and Mr Suh in one of the conference room lobbies. Both of them smiled down at you giving you an uneasy feeling that you couldn't explain.
“Looking for someone?” Johnny Suh smirked annoyingly.
“M-my father” you lied, “where is he ?”
“I think I saw him head over to the pool bar with Kun” Jaehyun draped his arm over your shoulder and escorted you very far from a confused Kim Doyoung who had just joined his friend Johnny Suh. The more you seemed to converse with Jaehyun the more awkward things had become. Since the night you made out with him you ofcourse cut it off after your deal with Doyoung, but you wondered why Jaehyun never bothered to question your sudden disinterest in him. He just moved on. You greeted him during dinners and said goodbyes when he left, that was about it.
“So where do you disappear to at odd hours during the day y/n ?” Jaeyhun brought you over to a table, pulling your chair close to him.
“You expect me to hang around Haechan and friends ? no thank you” you scoffed and Jaehyun stuck his tongue into his cheek and shook his head.
“You never answer my question sweetheart”
“Is it any of your business ?” you raised a brow and you hated the smug smile that spread across Jaehyun’s face. Him getting you heated probably got him off or something.
Jaehyun leaned in and you caught a whiff of his overpowering Tom Ford perfume. “I know you’re fucking Mr Kim so cut the innocent act” he smirked, enjoying seeing the fear that now filled your eyes. There was no point in denying since he probably found out from his loud mouth uncle who Doyoung admitted to letting in on your little secret.
“Like I said, that’s none of your business” you kept your cool, waving at a waiter to order something strong to keep your nerves down.
Jaehyun politely waited until your order was received and again leaned in close enough to make you tense up.
“Let me cut to the chase here y/n” Jaehyun began, “this little secret might be the juiciest story in the last few years and if it gets out your dad’s reputation, Mr Kim’s reputation…”
“Nothing is going to happen because no one is going to find out” you cut him off. Jaehyun raised his brow as if you just challenged him.
“Help me out and I’ll keep your dirty little secret” he leaned back in his chair and smiled as the waiter brought over your drinks. You glanced over Jaehyun, trying to figure out what he could possibly want when he practically had it all.
“Remember I mentioned that the only reason I’m here is because of you” Jaehyun sipped his drink, “well turns out there’s a lot of perks in dating the heir of this resort.”
“Oh really like what ?” You rolled your eyes at him.
“There’s this film I want to star in and the director is obsessed with wanting to come to this resort during these ridiculous networking vacations” Jaehyun explained, “Now I don’t have the power and neither does my uncle have a say as to who gets an invite, only your dad.”
You frowned as you tried following what he was getting at.
“Why can’t I just tell my dad to invite the guy why do I have to be dating you ?”
Jaehyun sighed and placed an arm around your waist. “Wouldn’t it be just romantic ?” He smiled, “y/n and Jeong Jaehyun met at her fathers resort and now she’s accompanying him to the Cannes film festival officially as his girlfriend.”
“You’re delusional” you rolled your eyes.
“And you’re fucking your boy toy’s father let’s not play the morality scale here sweetheart” he smirked and honestly you wished you could punch him in the face.
“Remember, your fathers entire empire could come crashing down” he added and you felt a shudder go down your spine.
“..how can I be so sure you won’t say anything after the festival is over?” You asked in a small voice. This felt like a dead end situation.
Jaehyun pulled out an envelope from his pocket and placed it on the table in front of you.
“My uncles a lawyer and I’ll make sure this little agreement between the two of us stays equal and authentic, no fine print.”
You couldn’t believe this was happening. One minute you were in paradise with Doyoung and now you’re in a law and order episode with Jaehyun. But you couldn’t risk it. Not for Mr Kim and definitely not for your parents. Image was absolutely everything in this socialite world and one little mistake could ruin it all.
“What were the two of you planning to do after he divorced his wife anyway ? Get married ?” Jaehyun chuckled dryly beside you.
That was another question that always kept you up at night. Yes he was going to divorce his wife and be with you but the two of you could never go public. Your parents would be livid plus the press would have a field day. You could be dropped in university for your actions, the sin count was endless.
Maybe there was no happy ending after all.
You signed Jaehyuns agreement and decided to retire to your bungalow before contacting Doyoung about everything that had just happened. This may even be the last night you could spend with him.
While you were wrapped in your own thoughts Jaemin watched as his father got ready for the dinner party your father was hosting tonight. Everyone was invited but Jaemin already felt sick to his stomach that he’d have to be in the presence of both you and his father.
“Dad, are you almost ready ?” He knocked on the door as he watched his father scramble for a necktie.
“Yeah yeah almost done son” Doyoung chuckled as he finally picked one out, “gotta look good for the last big dinner here.”
Jaemin leaned against the door frame as he watched his father spruce himself up. He actually never noticed how much his mood had changed since they had arrived. He was dressing nicer, he was smiling more and honestly just felt like his old self again.
Jaemin couldn’t stand that he knew the reason for his fathers happiness.
“Okay let’s head out!” Doyoung draped his arm over his son's shoulder as he met his wife at the entrance and they made their way over to the grand dinner party.
All the investors were there and it seemed like they kicked off the drinking festivities quite early as the restaurant was brimming with lively chatter and clinking of glasses. You decided that despite your sombre mood you’d still dress for the occasion and stepped out in a lacy Versace midi dress that you had been saving for the end of the trip.
“Hey y/n that milf hunter has been lookin- wow you look great!” Haechan’s eyes widened as he took a second to look at you.
“Thanks Haechan, who knew you’d be the least hated person on my trip this year” you nudged him playfully.
“Character development” he winked before realising what he came over for, “oh I was saying that Jae-“
“Hello y/n '' Jaehyun approached you in a Prada custom, you figured at this point he was probably sponsored since that's the only brand he wore the entire trip.
“Hi Jaehyun” you forced a smile as he gestured for you to take his arm. Your stomach churned as you watched him flash that gorgeous smile to all your fathers elite guests, all the older women gushing and giggling when he acknowledged their existence.
“What’s going on with your brother and y/n?” Chenle asked Sungchan who just shrugged as he was just as confused as the rest of them. Jaemin was especially confused. Could he have been wrong about the woman his father had seen ?
Doyoung was a bit distracted by all the guests but he managed to catch a little glimpse of you when you were being introduced to a board member by your father.
You looked breathtaking and he couldn’t wait to tell you that. He wished he could just steal you away just for a minute and have you all to himself. He wanted to pepper your skin with soft kisses and tell you how beautiful you were. He wanted to show you off to everyone here that you were his.
But Doyoung’s smile faded when he saw Jaehyun slip beside you and his hand was placed on the small of your back as he joined the conversation. Jaehyun was behaving differently. He was attached to your side and now he had the distaste of watching Jaehyun press his lips against your cheek.
“Whatever he is doing I am not involved” Doyoung snapped out of trance to Johnny's voice beside him. The taller man offered him a whiskey as they watched the scene from a distance.
“I thought you said he’s not interested in her,” Doyoung said as he winced at the taste of his whiskey.
“You know how these kids are” Johnny shrugged, “one day they’re fighting next day they’re fucking like rabbits.”
Doyoung shook his head at Johnny's crude words as he continued to observe the strange interaction. That was until Jaehyun had locked eyes with him and he sent him a wink.
God he knew.
“You told your nephew ?” Doyoung pulled Johnny aside who was still pretty much oblivious to everything that was unfolding.
“Told him what ?”
“What do you mean! You know what” Doyoung shot back the rest of his whiskey in frustration. “Johnny, did you tell your indecent moronic nephew about y/n and I ?”
Johnny thought about it for a second and then raised his hands in defence. “He must have overheard me on the phone or maybe I….mentioned it while I was drunk.”
“You’re unbelievable” Doyoung spat and shoved the glass into Johnny's hands before making his way out onto the terrace for a breath of fresh air.
Meanwhile you finally found an excuse to get away from Jaehyun who decided that his next target for the night was some film star from the 80s that he wanted as a mentor. You walked out into the courtyard and blew out a sigh of relief that you were finally free from that place.
You looked back and noticed Doyoung was making his way down from another exit, probably sick of this party as well. You were so happy to see him finally, he’s the only person you wanted to see tonight. Doyoung moved down a path that was dimly lit and away from anyone at the party and waited until you were able to make your way over to him.
“Doyoung” you practically ran into his arms as the two of you  embraced tightly under the moonlit sky. You didn’t want to let him go. Especially after everything that had happened earlier on.
“y/n what is going on?” He asked with concern as he studied your face.
“That bastard ugh” you cursed, “Jaehyun knows about us and now he’s blackmailing me into dating him for some film feature.”
Doyoung felt a burning sensation in his throat. Having someone like Jaehyun in on the secret meant it was done, it was over for everyone involved.
“Should I talk to him, what he says something after ? I could-“
“No” you replied, pressing your hands to his chest. “He made me sign an agreement that he wouldn’t say anything, as long as I do a few PR couple things for him.”
“This is my fault I should’ve never told Johnny I should’ve -“
“It’s not your fault” you cut him off again, “this relationship we have is complicated and after speaking with Jaehyun I realised that it’s going to be difficult regardless if he knew or not.”
Doyoung licked his lips as he figured what you were getting at. He never thought about how hard it would be to even start seeing you in your day to day life once he was a divorced man. Your father and him might ruin a good business relationship and opportunities for you could be removed based on what the public opinion would be.
“So this ends here then” he said defeatedly as he watched you fight back a few tears.
“I wish it could be different” you replied and looked up into his comforting eyes. Doyoung leaned down and pressed his lips against yours. The kiss was sweet and soft, it reminded you of the one night you were able to sleep over and finally fall asleep in his arms.
It wasn’t long until the kiss became intense, and Doyoung had you up against the stone wall pressing his body against yours as he ravished you with kisses. There was absolutely no way the two of you could sneak off so you were okay to get whatever little time the two of you had left. Doyoung pushed up your dress in a hurry as you undid his pants and got into a position that would give him easy access in the short space of time. Groaning as he entered you, Doyoung pushed your hair to the side and left open mouth kisses along your neck and jawline as he pounded into you, a few feet from your father’s dinner party.
“Doyoung I can't hold on any longer” you panted as you chased your orgasm. Doyoung planted a soft kiss on your cheek before quickening his pace and his soft whispers made you weak at the knees.
“Baby i'm going to fill you up and don't you worry this won't be the last time, I promise” he grunted until he finally released inside of you and quickly grabbed hold of your waist to help your balance. That was probably one of the best orgasms of your life and you wondered if you’d ever feel something  like that ever again.
“Did you mean it ?” you asked in a soft voice as Doyoung helped you neaten up.
“That it won't be the last ?”
You nodded and he cupped your face with his large hands, smiling down at you.
“It's tough right now, but after things begin to settle we can try going on a little private vacation, just you and me” he promised with a kiss on your forehead, “look at it this way, being apart for a while will just build excitement to seeing each other again.”
You chuckled and nodded once more, softly embracing him before realising it was probably time to get back to the party. As you walked away you felt a lump develop in your throat because while his gesture was sweet, you honestly had no idea if you'd see him like this again. Doyoung shared your exact sentiments and only said what he said to give you a piece of mind.
He watched you walk off and decided to go in the opposite direction to use an alternate entrance when he noticed Jaemin had been sitting slumped on the terrace chair watching him make his way over.
“Son, what are you doing here?” Doyoung cleared his throat and shoved his hands in his pocket to appear less nervous.
“Where were you dad ?” Jaemin deadpanned.
“I was..I was just-”
“How long have you been seeing y/n ?” Jaemin looked up at him and Doyoung’s chest felt heavy as his son looked at him with such disgust in his eyes.
“Jaemin what are you talking-”
“Look,” Jaemin cut his father off, “I went to your hotel room and figured it out, I didn't tell anyone and I don't plan to because I don't want to be embarrassed.”
Doyoung sighed and it felt like his entire world just crashed once more. From being a shitty husband the last thing on earth he ever wanted to be was a shitty father. He was selfish because he was unhappy in his marriage but not once did he consider how Jaemin would feel if, when he found out.
“I'm so sorry Jaemin, I really am and don't worry it started and ended on this trip” Doyoung tried to reassure the boy. “I made a huge fucking mistake because-”
“You wanted out of your marriage” Jaemin sighed and Doyoung nodded with guilt. Jaemin chuckled bitterly and looked off into the distance. “What’s more annoying is that Ive never seen you happier you know, I just assumed it was being away from the office.”
Doyoung listened intently as Jaemin shared his sentiments. “I cant believe the reason you had to suffer and stay in this awful marriage was probably because of me” Jaemin frowned and looked back at his dad, “Of course I hate that it was y/n but dad please live for yourself, I can't stand this person you have become in the last few years.”
Jaemin’s words surprised Doyoung but he hated that he didn't want him to think that you were the sole purpose for his new found joy. Being free was the root of his happiness and being with someone like you made him feel free.
“Look son, firstly us staying together was our choice and I apologise that you felt guilty for my change in character, that is not your fault and never will be” Doyoung reassured him and placed his hand on Jaemin’s shoulder, “y/n have ended what we have and shes with…Jaehyun now, don't worry about it okay?”
Doyoung would rather use Jaehyun’s blackmail to avert all attention all together and in turn that part of the deal seems more realistic and eventually everybody is happy. Almost everyone.
Jaemin felt a sense of calm that the affair was over and that you were moving on. He obviously hated Jaehyun but it was better to bury all of this and for it to never be revisited ever again.
“Okay cool” Jaemin finally said, “God I hate this resort.”
“That makes two of us.”
Back at the party you were practically on autopilot, doing the rounds of small talk with all of your father’s guests to distract your mind from Doyoung. This was what being a socialite was all about. Your lives were a mess just like anybody else but the media could only show the good side of it. The lavish parties, the power couples, the perfect children with the perfect grades.
That's all it ever was and will ever be.
The next day all bags packed you had your father’s closest circle had a grand breakfast then gathered in the lobby for the last goodbye.
“What a time huh?” Johnny Suh bellowed as he shook your father’s hand, “next time at the Maldives resort ?”
Were not fishing your drunk body out of the ocean Johnny” your father quipped as the two of them laughed in unison. You said your goodbyes to Chenle whose father was already rushing them into their car.
“Mr Qian is a true airport dad” Haechan shook his head.
“What is he late for ? He literally owns a private jet” Sungchan added.
You smiled as Jaehyun came over, you really played up the fake girlfriend thing because you had no idea what the psychopath was capable of next.
“Aw look at you, so sad to see me go” Jaehyun pouted as he moved a strand of hair out of your face.
“Hmm so sad” you gritted your teeth as you pulled him into a hug that involved a cheeky pinch to his side which only made him laugh. Jaehyun pressed his lips to your cheek and slipped his hand down to your lower back.
“Be a good girl now and I’ll be seeing you in New York next week” Jaeyhun smirked and made his way out with Sungchan and his uncle.
Jaemin shuffled awkwardly as it was now just your family, his and Lee Haechan. He watched as you and his father paid each other no mind as if nothing has or ever happened between the two of you. Doyoung tipped an employee that loaded their car and waited until his family had finished their goodbyes.
“Oh please do come to the next vacation, it was a pleasure having you” your mom hugged the Kims before Mrs Kim, her son and Haechan jumped into the vehicle.
“Yes Doyoung don't you dare go off and work in solitude like you always do” your father gave him a firm handshake.
“We shall see what the future holds,” Doyoung smiled before coming over to you. He almost felt like a stranger again with the way he stood his distance and held out his hand to you.
“I hope when you're not too busy we can play golf again” He smiled and you felt your heart flutter.
“I’ll let you know when my schedule is free Mr Kim.”
The End
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Bunny - K.DY
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Pairing: Kim Doyoung x fem!reader
Word count: 3125 words
AU/Genre: college!AU, roommate!AU, smut
Warnings: unneccessary astrology anecdotes, mentioned masturbation (f), porn, pet names (pretty girl, bunny), fingering, choking (f receiving), vibrator, yeah it's pretty vanilla for a yutasbellybuttonpiercing fic
A/n: this is just 3k words of me thristing over Doyoung's chest. Honestly, try to count how many times I mentioned it...
It's the seventh stressful week in a row and all you need is some release for the tension in your shoulders, your brain and your lower regions. Exams had been rough on you, seemingly thousands of assignments having such an iron grip on your every move that you couldn't even squeeze in a little wank – a little masturbation session – without missing at least one appointment or assignment, or skipping yet another meal.
You're horny, like, really horny, and it's not just your lack of orgasm that's giving you a hard time, it's first and foremost your new roommate. Kim Doyoung. There's no reason for him to be this good looking, literally no reason at all. His extraordinarily alluring exterior costs you much more than your last nerve. Too often, he steps through your shared living room (read: a small couch in the entrance area of your home), thinking that wearing only one (1) piece of clothing around the house is acceptable, making you completely lose your focus of the task at hand. Be it doing the dishes, checking your phone for mail, or worse, writing your thesis, you instead ogle his greatly defined pecs. Doyoung looks like the visual combination of an angel, a hot businessman and a young dilf. And his voice... you get the drift.
Currently, you're seated at your desk, fingers smashing into your mouse buttons and keyboard with such force that you're confused as to why the keys of the keyboard are not flying back at you and hitting you in the head because you punched them off the smooth plastic surface. With shaky hands, you drag the cursor over the screen and click 'upload' to turn in your last paper at the last possible second. A green slogan congratulates you that you've made it just in time.
With the most drawn out, dramatic sigh you get up, take about two steps back and fall down on your bed (reason for that are the immensely high rental prices in the area, forcing you to live in this cramped space that you call bedroom slash bureau slash dining room).
You're so exhausted that all u want is to sleep forever. It's like your brain immediately wipes out all of the information you've absorbed for your countless essays immediately, only to leave space for absolute nothingness that makes you relax into the mattress and fall into dream land.
A knock on your door wakes you about 5 minutes later.
You answer with a sleepy "huh?" and, of course, Doyoung's the one to open the door.
"I'll be out, might get late, don't wait for me with dinner, okay?"
As always, he looks stunning with his wide eyes that blink at you twice (probably just a little concerned with how you're lying halfway slipped off the bed), and he's so pretty and beautiful that you just want to paint him, but you don't because that'd be weird. And he has to leave, so you just throw him a weak thumbs up and he smiles before closing the door.
You don't even have time to decipher where he's heading. If he's going to the gym again, working out those incredibly voluminous pecs, his toned stomach or his wide shoulders, or going out to get some drinks at a bar, the alcohol causing his eyes to become a little glossy, cheeks tinted in the most perfect shade of dusted pink, just like that one time you guys had a wine night (read: three bottles of very cheap wine and one bottle of medium priced wine Doyoung stole from his parents the last time he visited scattered over the floor in front of your couch as you slurped the bordeaux red liquid from tea cups because you ran out of regular ones) a few weeks ago?
The way his eyes had gotten all lidded, gaze fanning over your face as he licked his wine-stained lips, his chest lifting oh so gently with every breath he dragged in- he had looked fucked out, honestly, and this made you wonder how absolutely gorgeous he would look underneath you with his thick cock deep inside you.
Great, now you're horny. Again. Actually, scratch that, you're constantly horny. At this point it's so bad that you speculate it might just be in your genes or something. Or maybe your eighth house is somehow connected with your ascendant, maybe you're a scorpio mars...
It's then when you suddenly realize: you are, in fact, alone. And you have free time, so there is literally nothing that could disturb you right now.
You get your iPad and open a porn site of your preference, briefly cringing at the suggestions displayed before typing something into the search bar that you would be absolutely terrified of someone finding out, then just get into it. You watch a few videos, look around a bit until you find something that satisfies your porn hunger.
Without taking your eyes off the screen, you reach out to your bedside table. Opening the second drawer, you pull out your vibrator. You're surprised that it still works and hasn't unalived itself because it hasn't been used in such a long period of time. You turn it off again, putting it next to you before pulling off your pants and panties, crawling under the blanket and letting your fingers brush over your folds.
Holy hell, it's been a while, is the first thing you think, dipping your fingertips into the wetness pooling at your entrance. It's almost embarrassing how fast you got wet, but so be it, it's not like someone supervises the quickness of your arousal anyway.
Or is there? – because the next thing you hear is another knock on your door. You freeze, aggressively turning down the volume of the porn, before asking who the fuck is knocking on your door.
"It's me again, plans've been canceled. It's raining." Doyoung steps foot into your room, eyeing your position under the blanket, iPad in your lap whilst you just look at him with a shocked expression.
The only thing your mind can form right now is '????'.
"Oh great, what are we watching?" Doyoung invites himself into your room, stepping over to your still half-naked (!) figure under the blanket. You turn off your iPad, turning in around and pressing it against your chest. The least you can hope is that he can't hear your thumping heartbeat through your chest.
"Nothing. I've never watched a single thing in my life. Especially not now."
"You want me to believe that? Come on, show me. I'm bored, let's watch it together." Doyoung snorts, getting onto the bed with you, pushing you aside so he can sit properly.
"Really, Doyoung, honey, you don't want that..."
"Why? Is it a drama?"
"Not quite..."
Doyoung looks at you, eyes narrowed because he still can't come up with a single thing you two couldn't watch together.
"Horror?" He tries one last time.
You shake your head slowly.
"So you just don't want to watch it with me?" He assumes, putting the puzzle pieces together, but just completely upside down, just plainly wrong.
"The thing I was watching just now, I wouldn't watch it with anyone."
"Not even your mom?"
"Especially not my mom!"
He furrows his brows. You can almost see the little gears turning inside his head as he tries to figure it out. Sighing, you decide to put this poor man out of his misery.
"I was watching porn, Doyoung."
He looks at you, eyebrows raised so far, if they went a little further, they'd melt in with his hairline. Then he blinks, once, twice, opening his mouth a few times, but then closing it again without saying something.
"P-porn?!" finally comes out.
"Why?" He looks so concerned that you just want to pet his head.
"Doyoung," your hand comes up to massage and rub over your forehead as you let your head slump forwards, sighing. You can't believe you have to explain this, "why do people watch porn? Hm?"
Finally, Doyoung connects the dots, realizing he's overstepped multiple lines just now, shimmying away from you, "ahh, I'm sorry. I'll just-" he thinks for a second, "porn, though, for real?"
"What's wrong with porn?"
"N-nothing, I mean, but-" He seems to be at conflict with himself, "now that I know that you watch this- isn't it uncomfortable for you??"
You shake your head, then sigh deeply as his worried facial expression hasn't faded in the slightest, "I don't care that you know I'm watching it."
"If it helps, I watch it too!"
"Thank you, Doyoung." You give him a tight-lipped smile as you pad his shoulder, nodding softly with closed eyes. "Now, would you-"
A vague gesture in the direction of the door should give Doyoung an idea of what you're implying, though he doesn't budge. You sigh again. Many lines have been crossed today, so why not make things clear.
"Doyoung, love, I'm stark naked underneath these sheets."
Doyoung's eyes flicker downwards, then back to your own, then he nods, "that's kinda hot."
Now it's your turn to blink at him, your usual self that never stops talking suddenly at a loss of words. Doyoung's gaze lays upon your hidden private parts a second time, this time much longer, assumingely fantasizing about what's underneath your cute floral-printed bedsheets. It makes you return the action, immediately locking eyes with something that looks suspiciously like a forming bulge –that or Doyoung's suddenly carrying palm-sized baseball-bats in his pants, and you highly doubt that.
Very little words are spoken until you find yourself caged in between Doyoung and your mattress, both of your shirts pulled off to have flown onto the ground somewhere, his breath fanning millimeters away from your lips as you don't dare to break eye contact. Your blanket is bunched up against the wall next to you, still hiding your vibrator from Doyoung's fiery eyes, and his fingers are dancing around your naked thighs.
You breath comes out shakily as Doyoung begins touching you, fingers parting your folds to run in between them, feeling you up and down and left and right, teasing you throughoutly before he pushes one of his digits inside. Your hands find hold on his biceps as your lids flutter shut, back arching right into his touch, a quiet sound of pleasure leaving your mouth.
Above you, you can practically feel Doyoung smile as he drags his long finger along your walls, stroking you gently before adding another, stretching you out slowly for what's to come. Your head wants to wrap around what's happening right now, but you're honestly too exhausted, too horny, and too touch deprived to voice any concerns or exorbitant excitement in your head, so you just enjoy it while it lasts.
"Wan' your cock, please", you hear yourself gasp as Doyoung angles a thrust of his fingers into your sweet spot, and keeps them there, massaging into the bundle of nerves.
"Yeah, does my little bunny want to get fucked?" Doyoung grins as you open your eyes to look at him and nod, and you're honestly surprised how well you're responding to the pet name.
Doyoung stretches you a little more before pulling his fingers out and his pants off. A single glance downwards and you have to gulp. Forget palm-sized. He begins stroking himself a little and you use the distraction to pull a condom from your bedside table, quickly opening the package with your teeth before handing it to him.
He rolls it down his thick length, your mouth starts salivating at the image of trying to fit your mouth around it when you suddenly feel him prodding against your hole, gently brushing his tip over your folds and clit, much like he's done before with his fingers.
Just before you can voice your impatience, he inches inside, slowly dragging his tip along your walls to fill you completely. A cry of pleasure that you'd be embarrassed about in any other situation slips from your mouth at the delicious stretch, a groan of Doyoung's follows suit as soon as he's bottomed out inside of you.
To your request, he begins moving, drawing his hips back slowly before pushing in with a snap, seemingly hitting every sweet spot of your body at once. You force your eyes to open again – though you don't even remember closing them – and take in Doyoung above you.
The way his pecs flex is incredibly arousing to you, and you reach out to stroke your palms over them, really feeling the way the muscle bulges under his soft, pale skin, then further down his stomach, your fingers sliding over the grooves of his abs, then to his sides to hold onto his small waist.
Doyoung hums out, approving of your actions, and you move your hands to his back, then up to his wide shoulders. There's just something about the way you've been thirsting about this man's body for, what, months now, and now you're finally having him, you can't miss out on the full experience of finally being able to touch his delicate form.
The speed and force of Doyoung's thrusts intensifies with every stroke, you feel so perfectly full with him inside of you. "I've wanted you for so long, Doie," you admit, head hazy with the way he fucks into you, a hand on your waist to hold you against him, "feels so good."
"You look so fucking pretty like this, bunny, even better than I imagined," Doyoung hisses, eyes rolling back as you clench around him, an orgasm creeping up on you way faster than you expected.
Your eyes fall onto where Doyoung holds onto your hips with his hands, the way his thumbs poke into the soft flesh of your midsection, his veins popping out due to the harsh grip he has on your body. All the times where you've appreciated his large hands coming back clashing down at your already weakened form, mind hazy as you speak your next words.
"Choke me, please," you whimper, hips bucking further into his motions.
"Ah, that's right, you like my hands so much. I've seen you stare at them so often, I can't even think of all the things you must've imagined them doing to you," Doyoung says, a chuckle in his voice that you don't even notice. Your eyes follow his right hand as it detaches itself from your waist to come up to your neck. Impatiently, you whine, his fingers softly graze over your skin before they wrap around your neck, not putting on any pressure yet.
You whimper, teeth catching your lower lip as you look into his eyes, a pleading look on your face, and he finally has mercy on you. A grin spreads over his handsome features as he presses down on your pulse point, slowly but surely pushing you into the mattress by your neck with his whole weight.
"Shit-", you bring out, eyelids fluttering as you struggle to keep them opened, walls clenching around Doyoung's length as he pushes into you harder and faster than before. The way your breath hitches in your throat seems to have an effect on him too.
"Don't you want me to use your toy on you?" The question catches you off guard, the lack of blood flowing onto your brain making you feel all tight and hot, not able to comprehend the situation. Doyoung chuckles again, "you don't think I didn't notice, right?"
As a response, you can only whine out brokenly, nodding your head as much as you can. Not soon after, you feel the pleasant vibrating sensation against your clit, making you press your hips even further against Doyoung and the toy. Doyoung seems to love your reaction, grinning above you almost crazily as his tongue flicks over his lower lip, "that's right, bunny, keep your eyes open. Look at me."
You do your best to comply to his request, the lack of oxygen catching up on you as you feel your ears ring gently and pleasantly, though all you can concentrate on is the way you seems to get tighter around Doyoung's cock, almost being able to taste your release on the tip of your tongue, and Doyoung's own crazy, lust-filled eyes.
"You're clenching so much around me, bunny," Doyoung groans above you, "I want you to cum for me, bunny."
And as he leans down, eyes not leaving yours, and presses his lips onto yours, it's over for you. All the stress and built-up from the past weeks crashing down on you within milliseconds, drowning you in the delicious depth of a long-awaited orgasm. Doyoung loosens his grip on your throat just in time, the blood rushing into your brain intensifying the feeling.
"Yeah, that's it," Doyoung moans, hips stuttering as he fucks you through your intense high. You feel like you could pass out from the impact, and you're glad that Doyoung pulls out as soon as you've stopped clenching around him, quickly discarding of the condom to stroke himself to finish on your stomach with a high-pitched whine.
"Holy shit," you confirm as soon as you're breathing's calmed down, turning your head to look at your roommate who's plopped down on the mattress next to you, equally as exhausted as you. He laughs at your expression, and a smile takes over you as well.
"Do you need to blow your nose?"
"No! I want to wipe my cum off you!"
"Oh," you grin, turning to hand him what he'd asked for, giving it to him so he can clean you up. The grinning doesn't stop even after he's done, and he turns on his side so you're facing each other.
"What," he asks, smiling himself. You take a few seconds to take in his tousled hair, blushed skin and lidded eyes, feeling giddy inside at the sight of his post-orgasm glow.
"I gotta be honest with you, Doyoung," you start, turning onto your back before sitting up, stretching your arms over your head, "that was the shit. I'm going to feel the need to do this again. Would you be okay with that?" You turn your head towards him and find him smiling at you, his perfect white teeth doing something to your heartbeat that you don't want to elaborate on right now.
"Yes," he grins before pulling you onto his lap, bringing your face to hover just mere centimeters above his own, "how about right now? Hobble on my cock, bunny."
You scoff, but are not able to hold back a grin, "I'm sorry, Doie, that's only hot when you're inside me."
© 2022 YUTASBELLYBUTTONPIERCING all rights reserved — please DO NOT translate, take, nor repost any of my works.
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cheolcam · 6 months
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↳ uma coletânea inspirada nas músicas da lana del rey.
↳ avisos gerais: dilfs, infidelidade, daddy kink, age gap (todos são maiores de idade), corruption kink e mais...
001. pretty when you cry – na jaemin.
"você fica tão linda quando você chora..."
002. norman fucking well – kim mingyu.
"você é uma graça, princesa..."
003. i love you – kim mingyu.
"você e minha namorada, são as únicas…" – continuação de norman fucking well.
004. fucked my way up to the top – choi seungcheol.
"me diz anjo, quem consegue tudo pra você hein?"
★ selecione a música – lee donghyuck.
★ selecione a música – yoon jeonghan.
★ selecione a música – suh johnny.
★ selecione a música – jeon wonwoo.
★ selecione a música – kim doyoung.
★ selecione a música �� jung jaehyun.
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doyozen · 1 year
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all members
nct 127 as dilfs
telling them your parents want to meet them
when they see someone flirting with you
calling them daddy
☆ ..
moon taeil
☆ ..
johnny seo
☆ ..
lee taeyong
☆ ..
nakamoto yuta
☆ ..
kim doyoung
bf!doyoung texts
☆ ..
jung jaehyun
☆ ..
kim jungwoo
☆ ..
markhyuck here
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tyongbrat · 1 year
Isso tava perdido nos rascunhos
the other woman - doyoung
Tem um leve daddy issues! Um daddy kink, uma coisa mais dilf doyoung.
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A primeira vez que ela visitou a casa da amiga foi no intuito de terminar um trabalho da faculdade, Liz era veterana e queria ajudar a amiga caloura com um trabalho...
— Liz, esses são os meus pais. - yuqi fez questão de puxar a estrangeira e apresentá-la aos seus pais. — mamãe, Liz é minha veterana, ela foi tão legal, sabe? Se disponibilizou me ajudar com algumas coisas que eu não entendi.
Liz sorriu tímida para o casal de coreanos a sua frente, seus olhos escondidos atrás de um óculos rendondo, a boca vermelha banhada em lip tint de morango, as pernas desnudas devido a saia de pregas rosa... E doyoung observou mais que o normal, deixou uma das mãos descansar no colo, engoliu seco sentindo a atração vital que surgiu junto com os pensamentos errôneos.
No passado doyoung ensinou algo valioso a yuqi, e agora ele se pegava pensando a respeito disso, na verdade ele pensava toda vez que recebia a vida indesejada de Liz em sua casa, lembrou das exatas palavras que dizia quando sua filha era menor: "yuqi, você pode impedir que um passarinho voa sob a sua cabeça? Você tem controle do passarinho?" E a voz da menorzinha era sempre "não, claro que não, papai" e ele continuava com sua analogia "isso, não pode! Mas pode impedir que ele pouse na sua cabeça, pode impedir que ele faça um ninho na sua cabeça"
E era assim que doyoung via a situação, não podia impedir de pensar a respeito da amiga da sua filha, mas podia impedir de concretizar aquelas idéias malucas sobre aquele passarinho bonito e esperto, que insistia em voar na sua cabeça.
Naquele dia em especial Liz usava mais uma sainha minúscula, o senhor Kim tinha para sí que em cada visita da mocinha sua saia diminuía um pouquinho, ele podia jurar que era de propósito – tente não pensar tanto sobre isso doyoung - ele repetia pra sí mesmo. Escorado na cadeira estofada do escritório, depois de encontrá-la no corredor, doyoung se encontrava sem concentração nenhuma, os óculos do homem estava incomodando, então ele os puxou do rosto, pousou sob a mesa e empurrou os pés juntamente com a cadeira, dando espaço para o seu corpo descansar.
Afrouxou a gravata, abriu dos botões da camisa cinza, esticou os braços, fechou os olhos e suspirou alto. Os olhos castanhos voltaram atormentar sua mente, era muito mais que uma forte atração, um dor quentinha, um nó na garganta atormentava o mais velho quando se pegava pensando a respeito de Liz, desde que doyoung descobrirá sobre a situação da garota no país sua cabecinha se perguntava como ela vivia ali, a verdade é que em uma das noites que a garota dormiu em sua casa os dois trocaram confidências.
— E o seu, pai? – doyoung arriscava olhar por cima do ombro, ele estava de costas para a garota, procurando um livro dentre os vários livros da biblioteca pessoal que possuía em sua casa.
A garota tinha o celular iluminando o rosto, os olhos fixos no celular, com a curta distância dos dois ela não se arriscava colar seu olhar nele, mesma que fosse apenas nas costas largas.
— Ele me abandonou quando eu era bem nova, sei lá, sabe? Acho que eu e minha mãe não fomos o suficiente para fazê-lo ficar... – E doyoung se virou rápido para encarar a baixinha, o rostinho vermelho de vergonha por confidenciar, um pouquinho de água salgada acumulada nos cantos dos olhos e pela primeira vez doyoung não pode impedir do passarinhos pousar.
Ele puxou a garota pequena nos braços, abraçou ela, uma das mãos ocupadas com o livro que ele procurava para ela envolvia a cintura, a outra puxou a cabeça de Liz contra o peito largo, ela segurava com todas as forças a camisa preta do homem, largando murmúrios baixinhos, um chorinho fino e triste.
— Eu queria ter a sorte de ter um homem como você, senhor Kim. - ela segregou baixo, o coração de doyoung se aqueceu, ele queria cuidar dela, ele sabia que se ela fosse dele então poderia mantê-la segura e nunca iria deixá-la.
Doyoung tentou mais uma vez afastar aquela memória, afastou os fios de cabelo da testa, espaçou as pernas. Do outro lado da porta os olhinhos felinos da estrangeira espiava o pai da amiga, ninguém podia culpa-la, doyoung era bonito, gentil, ele a tratava tão bem, fazia o coração e o meio de suas pernas aquecerem como braza.
Liz tentou ser silenciosa, ela nunca se insinuaria para ele, sabia que doyoung era casado, muito bem casado, apaixonado pela mãe de yuqi. Ela só queria poder fantasiar um pouquinho sobre ele, sobre um homem mais velho, que poderia ama-la, proteger... Perdida nos pensamentos, Liz empurrou a porta um pouquinho mais para ter a visão inteira do homem, e foi nesse momento, no meio da madrugada com todos dormindo que a porta a denunciou, rangendo mais alto que o normal e os olhos de doyoung captaram rápido os de liz, a pouca luz do corredor deixava doyoung apenas ter o vislumbre da silhueta da garota.
— Liz? É você? - ele a chamou impedindo que a garota saísse dali correndo para o quarto da amiga.
Liz tentou acalmar seu pobre coração, como ele sabia que era ela? Os batimentos cardíacos mais acelerados que normalmente, a menina empurrou um pouco mais a porta, entrando no mesmo cômodo que o motivo das duas fantasias.
A iluminação da sala de doyoung era um pouco melhor que a luz do corredor, os dois abajures ajudavam dar a perfeita visão do homem, doyoung parecia exausto, seus braços tencionados apoiados na mesa, uma das suas pernas insistia em bater contra o chão de levinho, os cabelos puxados para trás... Liz sentiu uma súbita vontade de apertar seus ombros, fazê-lo derreter em suas mãos, mas ela não podia, era errado.
— Senhor, me desculpa – ela não se aproximou mais, ficou paralisada na frente da mesa dele. — eu não queria atrapalhar, estava voltando do banheiro e vi algumas luzes acessas.
Doyoung vislumbrou pela primeva vez Liz sem suas saias de prega rosa, ela vestia apenas um babydoll rosinha de seda, pantufas da mesma cor nos pés e seus cabelos estavam sem os costumeiros cachinhos feitos com aqueles aparelhos que o homem não conseguia lembrar qual o nome.
— Gosta muito dessa cor – ele divagou dentro da própria mente e deixou escapar.
Os olhos escuros dele encarando os bonitos olhos castanhos dela.
— perdão? – Liz não conseguia entender, doyoung não estava zangando que ela atrapalhou sei lá o que ele estivesse fazendo, nem mesmo estava curioso sobre a mentira do banheiro, mas sim estava pensando sobre a cor que ela gostava de usar.
O homem deu a volta em sua mesa, se escorando na mesma, ficando cara a cara com a garota, Liz sentiu seu coração esmagar, como se a qualquer momento fosse pular pela boca e cair nas mãos do homem a sua frente.
— É que você sempre usa rosa, eu imagino que seja sua cor favorita. – ele cruzou os braços e se manteve escorado pela mesa.
"Fica bem em você" ele continuou falando, sem deixar que Liz pudesse responder, "estava mesmo indo no banheiro?" E as perguntas não pararam por ali, "eu deveria acreditar?"
A menina se sentia inquieta, a pulsação aumentando a cada questionamento, o homem a sua frente parecia saber o que falar para mexer com os sentimentos, ele sabia o que dizer, quando dizer..
Liz não queria se sentir assim, mas era inevitável não pensar sobre doyoung daquela forma quando ele apenas ele, e só ele a tirava de órbita apenas com palavras.
— estava curiosa sobre o que você estava fazendo...
Ela arriscou, não tinha nada a perder...
— E se eu estivesse em um momento intimido? – Liz sentiu seu rosto aquecer.
"Você ainda ficaria ali? Me espiando?" Doyoung sentiu seu juízo escorreu pelo ralo, ele não podia mais aguentar, ele não tinha forças e não queria...
— Eu nunca... – Liz tentou argumentar, entretanto as palavras se fizeram distantes quando o homem se aproximou o suficiente para descer uma das alças finas do babydoll.
Os dedos dele deslizaram a derme, a curta unha trazendo um leve arrepio, Liz suspirou baixinho, puxando os olhos do coreano para sí, ela era tão sensível, se derretendo com um carinho no braço, o rosto vermelho, os pelinhos arrepiados — linda 'pra caralho - ele pensou.
A falta de contato se fez presente, Liz sentiu o homem se afastar, ouviu o barulho da porta se fechando, mas o estado de torpor não deixou que os pés se descolassem do lugar em que estava. E ela pode sentir os toques que a enloqueciam aos poucos voltarem, doyoung afastou os cabelos do pescoço, puxou a cintura da garota para colar o corpo no corpo dele, o homem fungou o pescoço liso...
— o seu cheiro... - a voz arrastada fez com que Liz gemesse em resposta — deus sabe o quanto eu tentei, mas esse cheiro docinho me enlouquece — ele falava entre dentes trincados, raiva e tesão misturados.
— Senhor Kim... – Liz gemeu manhosa ao senhor as mãos dele puxando o resto do pano que cobria seu corpo, deixando cair nos pés, mostrando a nudez da menina, os peitos avantajados descobertos de sutiã, a calcinha minúscula branca enfiada dentro das nádegas... Doyoung se afastou do corpo dela apenas para apreciar com mais afinco as bandas durinhas comendo toda a calcinha, com um dos longos dedos ele puxou um lado o tecido fino para desatolar do local, depois bateu de levinho no local.
— doyoung, só doyoung. – sem aviso prévio ele desceu a calcinha pelas pernas da menina, se abaixando juntamente com o tecido, um beijinho foi depositado em uma das bandinhas da menina, em resposta ela levou a mão atrás do corpo puxando de levinho o cabelo de doyoung, e ele gemeu deleitoso, ela era delicada...
As mãos dele vagaram pelas pernas bonitas, empurram até a mesa, uma das mãos de doyoung subiram para as costas de Liz, fazendo a mesma tombar sob a madeira lisa, doyoung deixou a delicadeza de lado, espaçou as pernas dela com força e viu a menina escorrendo pelas pernas bonitas.
— Querida, você 'ta tão molhadinha – um dedo sorrateiro acariciou a fenda, Liz não podia ver, mas podia ouvir quando o barulho do dedo sendo chupado ecoou pelo cômodo. — gostosa pra caralho.
— Por favor, senhor Kim. – a garota só queria sentir Doyoung dentro de sí, lágrimas já se acumulavam nos cantinhos dos olhos, desespero em ser fodida por ele já podia ser notado pelo mesmo.
Ele não podia bater mesmo com vontade de espancar a bunda, ele não podia, então agarrou com força a carne entre os dedos, levantou-se, ficando rente ao ouvindo dela, afastando alguns cabelos que caiam na face dela
— Eu disse pra me chamar de doyoung, você não entendeu? – o corpo colado no pequeno corpo, prensando com mais força na mesa.
— papai – ela sussurou baixinho, os olhos se encontrando por breves momentos.
Doyoung pode sentir o pau fisgar nas calças apertadas, o coração pulsar dentro do peito, um sorriso lascivo escapou dos lábios dela, sua garotinha não era tão inocente, e doyoung sentiu o pau apertar cada vez mais, estava quase explodindo de tesão.
Em um ato rápido se livrou das calças, ficando apenas com a camisa aberta no corpo, se posicionou atrás da garota, melando o próprio pau com a lubrificação da menina, misturando com a própria lubrificação, doyoung se esfregou ali enquanto ela manhava em murmúrios, os nós dos dedinhos ficando brancos de tanto apertar a ponta da mesa.
Doyoung sorriu ao ver o quanto necessitada sua menina era.
— O papai vai dar o que você quer, amor. – dito isso ele se enfiou de vez para dentro dela, sentindo o pau buscar espaço na cavidade apertada, ouvindo um grito fino ecoar, um grito que talvez fizesse todos acordarem, mas naquele momento isso já não era mais tão importante quanto o prazer que os corpos ali naquele cômodo sentiam.
Doyoung deixou por fim a respiração que estava presa soltar, ele se mexeu de levinho, sem sair inteiro dela, sem pressa nenhuma, segurando os quadris ele fazia um vai e vem gostoso, suspiros compassados reverbavam da boca dos dois, e quando a velocidade já fazia necessária Liz se empurrou contra o quadril dele, arrancando um grunhido do homem, ele se meteu com mais força, fazendo o interior da menina contrair.
— Me deixa te ver por inteiro, doyoung. – e doyoung achou tão bonito o seu nome sendo gemido na voz manhosa.
Como se a única coisa que importasse naquele momento fosse o prazer dela, ele a virou de frente, colocando sentada na mesa, o corpo todo vermelho devido a pressão da mesa, a respiração descompassada... E ela o olhava com devoção, as pernas curtinhas enroscaram na cintura dele, puxando de volta pra o meio das pernas dela, as mãos dela agora estavam uma de cada lado do rosto dele, eufórica ela o puxou para um beijo, as línguas se roçando carinhosamente, as mãozinhas acariciando o rosto dele, sem cortar o beijo com uma das mãos doyoung direcionou o pau na entrada pulsante dela, metendo devagarinho, gemidos abafados pelo beijo deixaram doyoung com mais desejo dela.
E quando o ar se fez necessário eles cortaram o beijo, doyoung segurou ao lado das coxas dela mantendo ela firme, enquanto ela segurava nos braços dele com a cabeça encostada no pescoço, suspirando contra a pele dele, as peles suadas quase se fundiram em uma só, doyoung duvidava que já havia sentido uma sensação tão gostosa como aquela, o corpo queimando de dentro para fora, a cabeça dele também recostou no pescoço dela, naquele ósculo explícito os dois gozaram, ela acariciando, ele apertando...
— eu te amo. – ela sussurou contra a pele do pescoço dele, baixinho, envergonhada, doyoung palpitou pela última vez dentro dela com a confissão.
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atzsslut · 3 years
「1:56PM」 → In which you come to the house of the child you’re babysitting a little earlier than usual to fuck his dad, Kim Doyoung. Something you do quite often | smut
warnings | single dilf doyoung, doyoung is 35 and reader is 22, dilf x babysitter, degradation, manhandling, slight exhibitionism, slight dumbification, basically just pure filth.
author's note | do you guys like this dynamic or is it too much for you guys? i've been reading too many dilf fics... if you guys like it, tell me if you'd like more dilf fics!
smut under the cut, minors dni
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You swore that you hadn't ever felt this euphoric with any other man in your university. No, compared to Mr. Kim, who you called daddy, they were merely boys.
"D-daddy." you managed to spit out at an attempt to not drool out of your mouth, "Too mu—uch."
"Too much?" he replied in disbelief, almost in a laugh. Until now, you question how you got so fucked out so easily, but he remained stable despite being completely engulfed in your cunt.
Right now, as his son was still in school before you had to babysit him, and before Mr. Kim had to leave for a conference, you were getting fucked against the big window in his at-home office.
Definitely, you were still registering the feeling of his throbbing cock going in and out of your sopping hole. However, your mind went empty because of it. With your own wetness coating your thighs and Mr. Kim's thrusting continuously animalistic, the anticipation of when he would come back into you after pulling out was all you thought about.
Like a whore, not that you weren't already one to him, your tits and face were pressed against the crisp clean glass, awaiting to be seen by anyone who would pass by the backyard.
Mr. Kim bent forward, the sound of his skin slapping against yours amusing him, licking a stripe on your bare neck as your hair was wrapped around his left hand as the other practically gripped your hips. But what entertained him most was how you were still clenching around his cock—even after the seven orgasms beforehand.
"It'll be too much once you give me your safe word." he said through clenched teeth, directly into your ear, "Do you want to say your safe word pretty girl?"
"Nng-no." he slapped your ass as a sign that he wanted you to speak louder, "No! No, daddy! Please. W-we still have more time until your son—oh my god—gets h-home!"
"That's what I thought. 'Cause cock-sleeves like you deserve to be fucked stupid."
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mull3ts · 2 years
⚠︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | Smut, Dilf! Aged Up! Stepfather! Doyoung, Infidelity, Daddy Kink, Oral (f)
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Doyoung always liked keeping your best interest in mind, no matter what.
Doyoung liked you, and you liked him exactly as much—though, the attraction you had towards each other was probably a little more than a "like".
To describe it, he was planning to divorce your mother just after a year of marriage. As said, Doyoung kept your best interest in mind, all the time. Just like now!
Mr. Kim had suggested you take a break from studying as he himself took a break from meetings, emails, and other CEO business. You just didn't quite know what he meant by "taking a break".
"Hold still, baby," Mr. Kim slurred as his right hand pried your legs open, spreading them across the arm chairs, and the left spread apart the lips of your cunt all for him to see. "Daddy's gonna make you feel so, so good, baby." he winked, kissing your sensitive little clit.
Mr. Kim's eyes never seemed to leave yours, sending you a wink every time you'd meet his and look away.
You nodded, heat rushing to your face as all you could do is look down at him as his tongue worked along the slit of your cunt. Mr. Kim's lips wrapped around your clit and groaned around it earning a whimper from you. Chuckling at your response to him, his middle and ring finger slid inside of you, curling to hit your g-spot as he kissed the inside of your thighs, leaving soon-to-be hickeys everywhere. Your breath was ragged as his lips got closer to your cunt again. Instead of his lips wrapping around your clit, his thumb rubbed it in a circular motion.
His tongue met your clit once again, sucking on it harshly as his fingers quickened their pace.
"Feel good, angel?"
"Mhm," you agreed breathlessly, your moans rang throughout the room as you felt your orgasm inch oh-so closely to you.
"Da...Daddy m'gonna cum~" you cried out, your walls pulsing around Mr. Kim's fingers as you came. Your back arched in the chair you sat in, Mr. Kim thought you looked like you came straight out of his fantasies on that chair. "Good baby," he praised, lapping up the cum that oozed out of your pussy. Standing back up off the floor, he positioned your panties back into their original place on your skin.
There was a slight flush to his cheeks.
"Now get back to work, baby," he ordered, motioning to your forgotten about computer on his desk before landing a kiss to your cheek. "No," you whined, pulling him back closer to you by the belt-loops of his dress pants. "Wanna please you, too~"
Mr. Kim smiled at you before internally shrugging, letting you undo his pants as he stood in front of you.
At the same time, you kept his best interest in mind too.
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TAGLiST: @felixs-kithes @bestboylele @daegalfangirl @chitaphrrrr @aehyei @luvjeongjaehyun @if-i-like-i-reblog @sunshinedhyuck @yuthereal-mp4 @misa-misa-09 @pinkynana @count-your-shadows @yasmin-uc @chicagosbigboi @madame-viper @luvlyjaemin @hyuckhoon @doieclayed @jensdior @jayparkscockring @wonswondrland @3ranch @iluvjaehyunn @mmiikkaaaaaaa @alexameliamg @rdflare51 @bockhyun @wanchai-eggtarts @brattybunforbts @osamudizzy @marklexleaf @cheesy-gimb0ps @mnois @littleeelionn @rjhuang23
NOT ABLE 2 TAG: @nolovenow @ourfullsunhyuck @waspyharmony @doiedoi @cherrrysung @myuuchu
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lisired · 1 month
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pairing: actor/dad’s best friend!doyoung x actress!reader
genre/warnings: smut, dilf!doyoung, cheating, secret love affair, age gap (21+), minor impact play, loads of praise with a hint of degradation, protected and unprotected sex (dont be silly wrap ur willy), oral (f receiving), fingering, non-idol actor!au, yet another special appearance by mark lee, taeyong is mcs dad im sorry.
summary: When you were nineteen, you could only dream of meeting Kim Doyoung in his sheets. Behind his back you watched all the movies he starred in, wanting nothing more than to be the one he touched whenever a sex scene came on. So when the opportunity surfaced four years later after you’re casted together in the same movie, you didn’t hesitate to snag it - even if it meant hiding from his wife, your father, and the public. And even if feelings developed.
word count: 8.9k
a/n: 2/4 of the Temptation series. Feedback is appreciated!
Doyoung was doing what people called, “living the dream.”
More like he did an excellent job at convincing people he was. There was something humorous to you about the article concerning the allegedly perfect life of your co-star. It summed his life up as, “happily married with a child, thriving with a successful career in the entertainment industry, and age having yet to catch up to him.”
You supposed what they said wasn’t entirely false. Thirty-six years into his life, Doyoung was still fairly young. He had a beautiful wife, a beautiful daughter, and loved his job with a passion, but beneath all of that beauty was the ugly he had carefully tucked out of the public’s prying eyes. His marriage was more loveless and affair-filled than the show he put on gave away.
And you were a culprit.
The story was a long one. For you, it started when you were nineteen. That year was a grand one for Doyoung as he was getting booked left to right and it begun his legacy as “the actor with the steamy sex scenes.” You watched every single movie. Scene after scene, you wondered how he made something so hot look so realistic, and imagined being the one under him.
Little did you know, your dreams would come true four years later. When you were asked roughly two years ago to star alongside Kim Doyoung in an upcoming romantic drama by the name of Whisper, you couldn’t deny the opportunity. A part of you feared what your father would think of the role, considering Doyoung was a good friend of his, but you were relieved when he wasn’t bothered. He called it “the beauty of acting.”
It was too bad that everything you felt for Doyoung was unable to be faked. You were far beyond attracted to him, on a level that the public nor your father, should’ve, would’ve, and could’ve ever known.
A knock jerked you from your thoughts. Your father stood by the door, peering in as he announced, “Hey, love. Doyoung’s here.”
Fighting your smile was too hard. Now that you were going to star in a movie together you and Doyoung met up often these days, even though you no longer were in the stage of what he dubbed perfecting your chemistry (but all that ever meant was sneaking away into his sheets.)
It stung to wonder if he slept with all his co-stars. No wonder their sex scenes looked so natural, the emotion had to be raw.
Shoving the thought into the back of your head, you rose from your bed and replied, “Alright. I’ll be back tonight, love you.”
“Love you too, dear. Have fun!”
Doyoung was standing outside the front door when you arrived there. He smiled gently, outstretching his hand kindly and waiting for you to slip your fingers between his, which you did promptly. “Missed me?”
Oh, did you. With the movie being a priority for you both, there was never a large gap in between times that you saw one another, but your new-found attachment to Doyoung made every second seem to drag on. You woke up every morning and couldn’t wait to see him.
You groaned, “You have no idea.”
Doyoung chuckled. He opened the car door for you and once you were seated, leaned into your ear and whispered, “Why don’t you show me how much when we get home?”
There was no confusion on how he managed to persuade you into his sheets. On-screen and off-screen Doyoung was relentlessly sexy, and his voice alone sent shivers down your spine. You loved when he whispered dirty things in your ear like that. It was gentle yet hot, and made your whole body tense with desire.
“Y-yeah,” you murmured in your best attempt at feigning unaffectedness. Actor to actress however, Doyoung could see right through you. He knew you wanted him and it amused him how poor of a job you did at hiding it. 
On the way to his house, you tried to think of anything but the surge of arousal between your thighs. What you were meant to be doing was crafting impeccable chemistry. Doyoung was an actor known for his undeniable chemistry with his costars and the raunchy sex scenes that came from them, and you being his best friend’s daughter made you no exception to his streak.
You were to play the role of a mistress of an heir who had his life painted perfectly and was adored by his country. In reality, his marriage was complicated and brittle and he turned to a mistress to relieve himself of the things he couldn’t seek in his wife. It was almost amusing to you that the drama seemed to hit the nail on the head when it came to describing what your relationship had become. You’d be damned if anyone said the acting was anything less than extraordinary - all of the emotion was real.
The car ride came to an abrupt end with your thoughts. Doyoung helped you out of the vehicle and barely let you breathe when you both stepped inside his house. He was pressing you back against the door in a matter of seconds, lips targeting your neck as his fingers worked hungrily to undress you.
“Fuck,” you moaned softly. He was making you impatient. “How much time do we have?”
“The whole day if we wanted. Maya took Daphne to see her grandmother this weekend, and they’ll be gone until Monday morning.”
That sounded like heaven. With the feeling of Doyoung’s body on yours, you were relieved to know that you could savor it longer, without having to race to pleasure. You two had also been working actively on the movie a lot harder than it seemed right now, and these little sexcapades were like much-needed breaks.
As if he could read your mind, Doyoung teased as he slid your shirt down your shoulders, “Bet you like the thought of fucking me all day, huh? You want me all to yourself?”
“Doyoung,” you whimpered.
“Shh, don’t worry, baby,” he crooned, sweeping you into his arms and making a move towards the bedroom, “I’m gonna take care of you.”
It was almost telepathic. There was a mutual understanding between you both that went beyond sex, and that was how you landed yourself in this predicament in the first place; you understood his needs, he understood yours.
“I missed you, too,” Doyoung announced quietly as he pushed your panties to the side, helping himself to your pussy. “I’ve been thinking about you.”
You replied in the midst of a moan, “Thinking about me?”
“Mm-hm,” he hummed and leaned closer to your ear, “A lot. Thinking about you under me. On me. Thinking about how needy you are and get from the smallest things. Thinking about how cute you sound when I touch you and how shy you get when I tell you what I wanna do to you.”
His honesty would be the death of you. Doyoung was open yet tender in the way that he expressed things, completely unafraid of intimacy and letting you know that he wanted you. He never let you forget that he adored every aspect of your body, showering you in kisses and more often than not, praises in the form of whispers.
You were weak, and it didn’t help that at the same time he was telling you things that made your heart race, his fingers were also pacing in and out of you. He was no longer a want - you needed him inside of you, now.
“Fuck me already,” you cried, your patience dissipating rapidly.
Disapproving of your attitude, Doyoung delivered a smack to your thigh that made you cry out once more. “Where’s your manners?”
You had forgotten them - and anything that wasn’t the growing ache between your thighs, for that matter. It was safe to say that your eagerness had taken over you, although you knew Doyoung would give you everything you wanted as long as you behaved. He was always gentle unless you gave him a reason to be the opposite, and that was on rare occasions. But once he decided to show you no mercy, you were doomed. And you didn’t even want to think about not cumming.
“Doyoung, please fuck me,” you corrected yourself, adding for good measure, “I need you. So bad, it hurts.”
He hummed, satisfied. “Well we can’t have that, can we?”
Doyoung withdrew his fingers and whirled you around, hushing you with a kiss before you could whimper any complaint. All you could focus on was the taste of his tongue in your mouth, grounding yourself with his shoulders as the gesture had caught you off-guard. Meanwhile he was tugging your panties off, with help from you as you lifted your legs.
He cupped your pussy again and you moaned into his mouth before he parted and asked, “You want me?”
“Yes,” you replied a little too fast. “Please.”
“Then show me.”
It was obvious what he meant by showing him. He wanted you to ride him, and you weren’t one to argue. You’d take Doyoung in any position he was willing to try. You just needed him in you.
Doyoung was never too bent on specific positions, either. He was always the one in control, but he was firm enough in himself that he didn’t need to be on top to show power. Even if it was your body making the movements, it was him telling you what to do. Most of the time you had no problem bending to his will.
Right now was one of those times. You yanked down his boxers, discarding them onto the ground with your own underwear in a hurry and didn’t hesitate to reach out for his hard-on. With you already straddling him, you took the base of his dick in your palm, placing on him the condom he passed you then slid onto him.
The two of you moaned in perfect sync once you sank down on him. You could come up with several perks of fucking Doyoung, but one of your favorites was that no matter how much he liked to whisper, he was a vocal moaner by nature. Doyoung was a master at silencing himself whenever he deemed it necessary, however you loved when he refused to restrain himself and even more that he was unashamed; he loved expression through sex and pleasure.
He sounded like an angel, too. It felt like traveling through a portal to heaven whenever Doyoung moaned your name.
Doyoung asked once you had adjusted, “How you feeling, baby?”
“Good,” you sighed out in bliss. He was so deep inside you that you could barely breathe. “And full.”
“Of course. You take it like no one before you, baby girl,” he praised, and all the while you felt like the room was spinning.
Doyoung was indirectly stating that you were a better fuck than his wife. You didn’t like to think about Doyoung fucking other people when it wasn’t movies, but there was a reason that he was balls deep inside you right now instead of her. Everything that she could do, he realized, you could do better. Much, much better.
Deflecting the attention, you asked, “How do you feel?”
“I’m good too, baby. You’re so fucking tight,” Doyoung growled with zero hesitation. He was so fucking hot. You saw him barely fighting the utmost smug grin when you clenched around him.
He was better than anyone else before him too, in every fashion. No one had ever made your skin swelter the way Doyoung had. He said a word or made a bare touch and it was as though your whole body was consumed by flames. Somehow he made every moment feel as blissful as the first time, and every touch grazed upon your flesh by his fingertips lingered on you for days. Memories of what you’d done always replayed in your mind until you could have another taste.
Doyoung couldn’t be paid to keep his hands off of you. He steered you with a single hand clutching your waist and the other played to its content on your chest, bearing in mind that you always loved when he touched you there. Your body was a diamond to him - beautiful and precious, and he never got bored of you. Doyoung had seen you bare and naked an ungodly amount of times before, but each time he fell endlessly in love with it over and over again. He was utterly sure that he could never get bored of fucking you, and the feeling that accompanied it.
He pressed kisses to your neck, murmuring in between, “You ride me so good, baby.”
You were certain that you could explode. Doyoung had too much power over the entirety of your body. He made your pussy throb but your heart hammer, and sometimes he made you so nervous you wanted to cower. But there was nowhere - nothing to hide. You were both naked and exposed, skin to skin, uncovering your deepest emotions with the sex.
There was nowhere to run and you didn’t want to be anywhere if it wasn’t beside him.
The rest of the day dragged on like that - you and Doyoung fucking each other’s brains out, taking turns with different positions. You’d fuck, take a break to do something productive, then ultimately wind up having sex again. There was no self control when it came to either of you, you couldn’t keep your hands to yourselves. 
And frankly, you didn't want to.
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As an actress, maybe facades should have been second nature to you. You were the daughter of a director and sucked into the industry due to nepotism - it should have been practically flowing in your bloodstream. But you underestimated just how hard pretending you weren’t hooking up with one of your dad’s friends was.
Especially his best friend.
The reason your dad trusted Doyoung so much was because they were close, having known one another since before you were even a thought meandering in your parents’ mind. Your dad mentored Doyoung since he was nine years old until he didn’t need it anymore. That also meant he was around you often - around your entire family. Including your dad. Ignoring the rhythm of your heartbeat when he was around you and the uneasy tension between you became easier with time, but subduing the feeling completely was impossible. Much less possible when he found ways to tease you in secret.
You were at a party at your dad’s house and Doyoung had been unabashedly eye-fucking you all evening long. That alone made it obvious what he wanted, but it was all in the way he touched you too. Locking arms with you and grazing his hands against you seductivelyf when no one else was looking. It was risky, but you had to admit, it made it a little fun.
By the time the party was over though, you were sure all that lust had dulled into fatigue. Doyoung looked worn-out and gone as he rested on the couch, the last of your guests and unable to drive home because of how much liquor he’d consumed. That was what you overheard him telling your dad, at least. He insisted on getting an Uber, but your dad told him to take the guest room and some Aspirin in the morning.
Doyoung pulled your dad in for a brief hug. “Thanks, Taeyong. See you in the morning.”
“Of course,” Taeyong replied. “And go easier on the alcohol next time. You know you can’t handle too much.”
“That’s rich coming from you,” Doyoung teased.
With a laugh, your dad patted him on the back and wished him goodnight, then went to join your mother in bed. You peered from around the corner, suspicion bottling up in your chest. It was possible that he was, but you didn’t want to be faced with the disappointment of it being true.
Arms folded across your chest, you asked, “You really drunk, babe?”
For a split second, Doyoung had looked surprised to hear you accusing him of feigning his intoxication. Then it wore off, and he chuckled. He looked around the hallway, and once he confirmed that you both were alone, admitted, “You caught me.”
You were a bit shocked to know that he was sober, but not that he’d feign inebriety - that didn’t surprise you. If Doyoung was set on having something he’d stop at almost nothing to get what he wanted. He did a damn good job at fooling everyone, too. You were under the impression that he was drunk and only confronted him for your own sake.
“Of course,” you murmured, then pressed, “May I ask your motive?” you had already known, but for some reason you wanted to lay down some cards to see what move he’d make.
Doyoung saw right through you, however. He always did. He leaned in and whispered, “Don’t play dumb with me, baby. You know exactly what my motive is.”
And like always, that had you ready to drop your panties in a heartbeat.
“Meet me in the guest room in 30,” he commanded, then turned away in the direction of said room.
No more than thirty minutes later, you were in bed with him. This time he was the one hovering above you, and it made you feel as though you were being preyed on - a billion times more susceptible to anything that he desired to do to your body and you loved it. Doyoung was in full reign. He always had been, but something different sparked whenever he was constantly making the moves for you.
“Want it?” Doyoung asked in between short-lived kisses, ones that never felt like enough no matter how many he pressed to your skin because he was adamant on not applying enough pressure to result in marking you. Lord knew it was all he ever wanted, but it was too risky. Not only would your family grow curious, public speculation would grow about a possible love affair.
You breathed out, “Need it.”
Doyoung chuckled, yet every sign of amusement faded the very moment he prodded the head of his dick inside you. There was nothing but sheer pleasure swarming his face like gloomy storm clouds. Reminding himself that you weren’t necessarily alone, he bit his lip to suppress the sounds he was ever so tempted to make.
You, on the other hand, subconsciously leaned towards the careless side. This wasn’t your first rodeo, but the problem was that the experience never dulled the more you had sex; it did the opposite. Each time was better than the last and you struggled to hide how much Doyoung aroused you. Every single touch, thrust, and whisper had you falling apart at the seams. You simply couldn’t resist emitting even the quietest of moans and although Doyoung loved hearing you moan for him, he needed you to keep your voice to a minimum.
“Shh,” Doyoung whispered, cupping his palm over your mouth as he looked you dead in the eye. “Don’t want your daddy to know that I’m fucking you limp, do you?”
You shook your head in vehement denial. Although the walls were thick and the guest bedroom and your parents bedroom were on entirely different wings, Doyoung still didn’t want to get too comfortable unless the house was completely vacanted. You didn’t blame him. It was much better to be safe than sorry.
“Then stop being a brat and shut your mouth before I have to do it for you.”
That tempted you to fuck around and find out what that entailed, but you wouldn’t take the risk here. Instead you bit down on your lip and squeezed your eyes shut whenever he made a sharp thrust.
Other noises that were beyond your individual control made it all too obvious that you were having sex. The slight creak of the bed and the slapping noise of your skin joining together whenever Doyoung thrusted his hips into yours. All it would take was someone wandering a little too close in proximity to the bedroom to tell what was going on, but as forementioned, your parents were on the opposite wing. That made it easier to focus on Doyoung. The way his mouth fell agape in silent moans or his teeth dug into his bottom lip to conceal his pleasure. The way his grip on your waist tightened whenever you clenched around him. Whatever it was he did, you were completely entranced by his reactions.
Doyoung only mirrored your awe as he watched the way your cunt swallowed him greedily. He could see the print of his bulge flat against your stomach and it sent him into overdrive. If anything, he only began pounding you harder in spite of the noise, leaving you to grip the sheets for dear life and let your eyes roll back.
“Always so tight for me,” Doyoung growled. “Don’t I fuck you enough?”
You whimpered in response as quietly as you could, “I need more.”
“My greedy little slut,” he sighed out in bliss, hips seemingly rocking into you deeper as he fulfilled your wish. Something about him claiming you as his possession was exhilarating to you. You were his greedy little slut. “Gonna fuck you all night long, baby.”
God, you knew he could. It wouldn’t be the first time Doyoung fucked you right into the mattress round after round, until you physically and mentally tapped out - and it damn sure wouldn’t be the last.
Having sex with Doyoung was everything nineteen-year-old you dreamed it would be, and then some. The movies had nothing on the real experience. They were graphic and arousing, but having Doyoung hold and touch you already made you feel as if your head was in the clouds. He made you feel wanted with his kisses and praises directed to you specifically, and the sexual tension between you was practically as good as the sex itself. Every moment with him was intimate and there was nothing better than being able to say that you had the Kim Doyoung in your sheets.
Then there also wasn’t some big explanation. Doyoung simply fucked you good and gave you sex on the ceiling. He knew your body inside out and was your greatest vice. It was natural that you were inclined to come back to someone who fucked you better than anyone else.
Doyoung’s pace began to quicken yet his thrusts became shallower, and by then - after the multiple occasions that you’d spent fucking and sucking the life out of one another - you knew well enough that it was a signal he was close. To say nothing of the moans you could tell he was struggling to contain. You weren’t any better yourself, feeling the knot inside you tightening. Both your bodies were aching for a release. 
“Cum for me,” Doyoung exhaled, the drive of his hips fiercer than ever. He was breathless, yet still relentlessly digging you deeper into the mattress without an ounce of mercy.
If nobody heard the two of you going at it all night long, you were sure that there’d be suspicions now that you were going to be walking with a limp.
You cried when you came, “Doyoung!” Your hands scrambled for something to anchor yourself on, anything, the grip of your finger’s moving to claw at his shoulders. Doyoung grimaced and fought a grunt, but it was no secret to you that he was a sucker for a little pain.
Doyoung’s body reacted to yours, releasing into the condom with profanities, followed by the gentle grunt of your name the moment he felt the tightening grip of your walls. You loved when he did that. There was something about Doyoung moaning your name that made you want to finish him all over again, in spite of your sensitivity fresh after orgasming in his hold. If it were possible, you would loop the sound in your brain.
His hips didn’t stop rocking into you even after either of you came, savoring his high until it faded into the post-euphoria of his orgasm. He tossed out the condom, making a mental note to dispose of it properly before he fell asleep, then climbed back in bed with you. “You did well,” he whispered once he joined your side again, embracing you and kissing your skin.
You smiled. “Tired?”
“Honestly? It’s been a long night. I needed this, baby.”
You figured as much. He was fucking you like he worked a nine to five and had a week-load worth of stress to unleash in your pussy. That either meant he was exhausted beyond belief and wanted to sleep, or that there was plenty more where that came from.
“You wanna know what I’ve been thinking?”
Your ears practically perked up. Doyoung’s thoughts were either interesting or dirty - or a deadly combination of both. “What’s on your mind?”
“I wanna cum in you so damn bad.”
You had a feeling that tonight was a “there’s more where that came from” kind of night.
Doyoung finishing inside you was something that both of you fantasized about from time to time, maybe a little more often. There were risks, however you did your best to stay safe - Doyoung got tested immediately after he found out his wife was cheating on him, and you were on birth control. You didn’t know when the last time him and his wife had sex was, but you doubted it was any time after he started fucking you. The condoms were a force of habit.
“You’re clean, right?”
Doyoung nodded in an instant.
“Then, why don’t you?”
“Oh, baby,” he growled. “Trust me, I would right now if this was my house.”
You almost moaned when he did that. You were turned on all over again, but it wasn’t like you had reached the point of being turned off in the first place. Things worked like that with Doyoung.
“Condom, no condom, I don’t care. Just fuck me,” you whined, desperate to feel him between your walls all over again.
Doyoung wore a smug grin, climbing back onto you without having to be told twice. “Told you, I’m gonna fuck you all night long.”
And he did.
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Misconceptions were popular amongst the lives of famous people, and Kim Doyoung was no exception. The public saw only what he was willing to expose - showing off his family and thanking the world for his endless amount of awards. No one would have guessed that a man who seemed to have such a picture-perfect lifestyle would ever be having an affair.
You and Doyoung were a long story. It started after Doyoung realized his wife was cheating on him with a D-list celebrity. By then they already had been arguing here and there, most of it being her fault. He told you that the only reason they hadn’t gone their own separate ways was for the sake of their child.
And then you came along. Unbeknownst to you at the time, Doyoung had always been aware of your attraction towards him. He found it cute but never thought too much of it until you were both casted together in Whisper, and having to work with you on such a sensual movie made tension between you light up in sparks. It wasn’t long before he confronted you, and even less before you got a taste of what people raved about endlessly in articles and on social media. You weren’t the only girl wondering what sex with Doyoung was like, but you were one of the few who would ever actually get to know the experience.
And goddamn, was it a heavenly one.
It really made you think. You’d have to be an absolute idiot to cheat on the fucking Kim Doyoung.
Tonight was the long-awaited movie premiere. Years of filming Whisper made you feel somewhat emotional, maybe because you could relate to your character all too well. The movie was so suspiciously accurate that you caught yourself reflecting and comparing the circumstances. It was a hell of a coincidence, but you knew that there was nothing more to it with the affair occuring only sometime after you’d been casted.
“You look breathtaking in this dress,” Doyoung told you after the red carpet photographs.
“Don’t flatter me,” you murmured, pretending that there weren’t butterflies swarming in your stomach. Your attraction to Doyoung may have grown beyond physical; a little more limitless than you’d like to admit. But that was a story for another day and another time.
Then, he leaned in and whispered, “You gonna let me take it off you tonight?”
You were glad that there was no more press around since you were on the way to the theater. Otherwise people might have caught onto what was a sensual moment for you. You tried your best to feign unbotheredness, but Doyoung left you hot and bothered and you couldn’t hide it.
Your mouth felt dry. “Y-yeah.”
Doyoung was amused. You were easily shy sometimes, yet also no questions asked to his wants. It was always fun seeing the effect he had on you and messing around on purpose just to get a kick out of it.
“I’ll send you a location. Have Mark take you there.”
Mark was your personal Uber - and the only person who knew what was happening between you and Doyoung. Thanks to Doyoung wanting to have car sex one time a year ago and not checking if you were alone, you winded up having to explain your situation to Mark, but he was shockingly understanding. There was no fear or doubt with him and it was a relief.
Doyoung walked off moments later, planting the seed that was growing in your brain. Seeing him dressed up only watered it, you thought he looked just as breathtaking as you were to him. Now you were thinking about getting naked and screwing Doyoung at some random location, and you had no idea how you were going to get through the movie premiere.
The next few hours were probably the longest of your life. They were exciting however, with all the positive reactions and feedback on the movie from your peers. There was dinner and socializing and while you were enjoying yourself tremendously and extremely proud of how the movie turned out, you needed Doyoung on such a greater level that nothing could satiate.
When it was finally time to leave, you hopped in the car and told Mark the location Doyoung had texted you via iMessage. Other than someone who simply worked for you, you also thought of Mark as a good friend. He was closer to your age than he was Doyoung’s, and was always fun to talk to.
“You and Doyoung going at it tonight, huh?”
You laughed. “When don’t we?”
Mark shrugged. It was a good question that he didn’t know the answer to, but he knew that it was none of his business. Unfortunately however, he sucked at minding his own.
“I, have a question…,” he started, sounding hesitant as ever, which only made you curious.
Curiously, you urged him. “Go on.”
“You and Doyoung,” he continued, still reluctant, as if he was taste testing his words before he said them. “Don’t shoot me, but is it just sex? Or have you guys caught feelings?”
Naturally, you opened your mouth to respond, but quickly closed it when you realized that you didn’t have an answer. The simple answer was on the tip of your tongue - Yes. But your relationship with Doyoung was so much more complicated than that, and you hated to think about how he felt towards you. You had been trying to accept that you weren’t supposed to be anything but a pretty plaything for him to run to whenever he was fed up with his wife and needed some relief. Gradually, you were becoming okay with that.
Yet another part of you was hungry for more. That was always how you were. Whenever you got what you wanted, it still wasn’t enough. You were too greedy and insatiable, and desired all the things that were bad for you.
Mark added when he caught onto your silence, “Forget it if I’m being invasive. I just saw you smiling out the window and all bubbly when I mentioned him and I got curious.”
“No, it’s okay,” you replied, although you felt like melting into the leather seat. One way or another, you guessed that you’d have to confront your emotions eventually. “To be honest… I think I do like him. And it’s sick because I don’t want to, I shouldn’t want to, I shouldn’t want him. But here we are, and I don’t think he feels the same.”
“I think he does.”
That made you snort. “You’re just saying that.”
“No, I’m deadass,” Mark said without a trace of a smile on his face as you watched him through the rear view mirror. “Do you see the way he looks at you?”
“Like he wants to fuck me? Yeah.”
“Like he wants you,” Mark corrected. “Like you hung up each fuckin’ star in the sky by hand. I can tell you guys don’t just want to fuck each other. You seem to enjoy each other’s company and with all the times I’ve had to witness you two sucking each other’s tongues in the back of this car I’d be damned if there wasn’t something there.”
You sat there in silent shock. When you thought about it, maybe Mark was correct. You fell in love with how gently and lovingly Doyoung treated you even outside of sex, but you never got your hopes up. Maybe it was just him having the decency to treat you well. Maybe it was the bare minimum that you were swooning over.
But Doyoung went above and beyond when it came to you. He cooked for you whenever you stayed over and held you longer than he needed to. He took you places and bought you things you wanted yet never needed. He seemed to always put you first and was honestly the most selfless person that you knew. That was what you loved about him. He always went the extra mile.
Damn it. You really did want Doyoung.
Mark pulled into the driveway some moments later, and you were surprised to see that your destination wasn’t too far from the venue. It was a nice house with a gate that you told him the code to, and you wondered who’s name it was in and why you hadn’t gone here sooner.
“I’m sorry about what you see,” you responded, a little too late, but Mark didn’t seem to mind. It was understood that you needed a moment to reflect.
Mark shrugged without a care in the world. He smiled and said, “It’s alright as long as I get to see you happy. Now go get him.”
You smiled back. Mark’s words always felt like a pat on the back.
When you rang the doorbell, Doyoung opened the door for you, offering you no time before he swooped you inside and pinned you against the door. You squealed, cut off by his lips latching onto your mouth as he kissed you breathless. You were getting deja vu, recalling the last time that this had happened.
“I have a feeling you missed me,” you said once he pulled you away and let you breathe.
Doyoung pecked your lips, smiling softly against them. “Always.”
Your heart fluttered at the feeling. After your talk with Mark you were now hyper aware of all the little things about Doyoung that you loved, and his cute smile was one of them.
In your attempt to distract yourself from your heartbeat you asked, “Where are we?”
“One of my brother’s houses. He’s not here frequently, said I could use it for the night.”
Even as a wealthy celebrity who thrived off of nepotism, you never understood the rich’s obsession with buying house after house just to hardly live in them. But in this moment you were grateful because it meant that you and Doyoung were all alone, and you could be as loud as and do whatever your hearts desired.
“Oh, I see,” you purred, threading your fingers through his hair. “You must want me screaming my lungs off tonight.”
Doyoung nodded his head. “And that’s not all. I went and got tested again. I haven’t slept with her in a while, or anyone else for that matter, but I just felt like it. It came back negative. I’m clean.”
There were a billion thoughts racing in your mind, and then some. You were throbbing at the idea of Doyoung fucking you raw alone, but to have the opportunity being presented to you was something entirely different. You wanted it. Bad.
“Fuck, you really wanna do this?”
“I really wanna fuck you,” Doyoung said. Then something in him seemed to falter. “Actually no. I don’t just wanna fuck you. I wanna make love to you. I don’t care if it sounds corny, you’re my everything, baby, and I wanna show you that I mean it.”
It took a moment for what he was implying to sink in, but when it did, you were ready. “Show me, then,” you stared him dead in the eye. “I can handle it.”
“I know you can, babe,” Doyoung growled, then crashed his lips back against yours. In the same timeframe you were undressing one another as he aided you to a room, unraveling in the midst of heated fervor.
Your dress landed in a heap on the floor, soon followed by your underwear until you were both stripped bare. You felt exposed, but in an exhilarating way. It meant he was free to do whatever he wished to your body.
Doyoung pinned you to the comforter then went for your skin like he always did, as though showering your body in warm kisses was a natural instinct. Something still felt different. He kissed you slower, gradually making progress down from your collarbone to your thighs. Taking his time to peck your weakest spots. He was showing your body - showing you love.
“Fuck, I wanna mark you so bad,” he said randomly, taking you by surprise. Doyoung had never intentionally marked you, the two of you fearing being suspected, or even caught. “We should get away. Go out of town for a while so that I can mark you, until they clear up.”
You giggled and threaded your fingers through his hair. “Now how would we do that in the middle of promotions - press appearances and interviews?”
Doyoung sighed. “Let me dream.”
That made you giggle again, and Doyoung smiled to himself at the sound. He loved everything about you and tonight, he was determined to show you exactly how much.
“Mark me where no one can see, but you. My body’s for your eyes only,” you told him. Your relationship was committed. You couldn’t even remember the last time you had slept with another person and the very moment you started sleeping with him, you had no reason to want to be with anyone else.
“If I start now, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop,” Doyoung warned.
You shrugged. “Then don’t.”
Tonight seemed to be full of reckless decision-making, and you were tempting him to make another one. It would possibly be the least rash of all the others to come, so when you decided that you didn’t care, he concluded that he didn’t either.
Doyoung’s lips always felt good on your skin, but having him suck and bite on you was incomparable. You felt like a teenager in love for the very first time, infatuated with this newfound feeling and dreading the end. Your breath was hitching as his mouth blemished your stomach, an array of marks forming delicately. Heat suffocated your body as the room seemed to only grow hotter, and you wondered if it was all in your mind or if he felt it too.
You were practically covered head to toe in red blotches when he was finished with you. For a while Doyoung watched your chest rise and fall rapidly with a proud glint in his eye, evidently pleased with his hard work. And nothing felt better than having traces of him all over your body. It felt scandalous, but you liked it.
He rose up to lean in your ear and ask, “I’m gonna eat you out now. Is that okay with you, baby?”
You nodded without wasting a moment of time. It was more than okay if you were being honest, you were needy for him and whatever bit of him you could get.
Doyoung was straight to the action when he positioned himself between your thighs, and the contrast from his previous slow-paced actions gave you whiplash. Your mouth parted open in a moan and you fixed your hands back on his black locks, observing on your back how his tongue moved relentlessly against you.
It was dangerous that he knew your body’s ins and outs. Doyoung had a superpower where he could see right through you. He knew what made you tick. He knew exactly where to touch you and where you were most sensitive. He knew the difference between what felt just good and what left your skin scorching with desire. You suspected that there was a blueprint to your body engraved behind his eyelids. Then again, after two years of this routine - sneaking away to screw one another until your bodies ached and maybe sometimes a little longer - it made sense that he had learned how your body worked.
And god, Doyoung loved how it responded to his touches. Your body always trembled a little, your thighs wavering as you struggled to handle the pleasure. Your breath got shallow and he was a sucker for the little exhales you emit whenever he did as little as touch you. You always reached out for something to clutch with all your might to help support yourself. You were tight as a bitch and there was never a dull moment being inside you. His mouth was watering at the mere thought of going bareback.
You cried as you felt close, “Doyoung, baby, fuck.”
“Let go,” he cooed, then his lips were back on your cunt.
There was no need for you to be told twice. Your grip on his hair tightened as you orgasmed, uncontrollably bucking up and grinding your hips into his mouth. A shriek came from your mouth as you finished, but Doyoung didn’t look like he was done with you just yet.
“One more time,” Doyoung said. He didn’t look willing to be deterred, already set on his mission before the words left his mouth. Still, he added tauntingly, “Unless, you can’t handle it.”
You fired immediately, “N-no, I can take it.”
Your squirming body and fucked out face betrayed your words, as well as the tremble in your voice, but Doyoung grinned condescendingly at how eager you still were to take everything that he was giving you.
“Good girl,” he cooed. Then his mouth was set back on your cunt.
Although the first one worked like a charm, Doyoung had a new tactic this round - fingering you. His ring and middle fingers prodded you, toying with your clit until he was satisfied with your whimpers and stuck them in. All at once his mouth was sucking on you, his nose nudging your clit and it had you soaring through cloud nine. There was something about the way Doyoung made you feel that was incomparable to any other emotion ever evoked within you.
You were still sensitive from your last orgasm, so every move Doyoung made had you at least twice as blissed out. You couldn’t help but emit a cry of his name at even the slightest of contact, quickly becoming overwhelmed by pleasure. To make matters worse (better), Doyoung was like a storm and refused to let up. There was no other option than for you to take everything he was offering to the best of your ability, to prove that you could handle him just as much as you claimed. You weren’t one to tap out too easily.
The pressure was too much. Quicker than before, you were yet again close to imploding. His quite literally handy work was enough to shove you over the edge, and you barely had the chance to warn him before you were thrown over it.
“I’m…” was all you could say before you were screaming, body convulsing as your orgasm fell upon you once more. It was the second time tonight, but deep inside you knew that it was still far from the last.
Doyoung finally showed you mercy and pulled away this time around, lips all wet by the time that he was finished. There was nothing that you could say that would convey how you felt. You could only lie there in silence with your chest heaving at rapid speed as you tried to endure your daze.
“Think you can still handle it?” He asked with a smile.
You were offended that he doubted you. “Try me.”
He didn’t wait around. Doyoung was lining himself up at your slit in mere seconds and the feeling of his tip brushing against it was making you drastically impatient. Moments like this made days without fucking him feel like weeks.
Finally he pushed into you, at a pace so slow it was almost agonizing. Doyoung leant his head back with a moan at that very moment, adjusting to the feeling of your bare walls. You felt tighter, wetter and warmer, and he already felt as if he could bust. Especially when you instantly clenched upon his entrance. One round definitely wasn’t going to be enough.
“S-shit,” you moaned, a clear waver in your voice. There was nothing else that you needed to say - your body definitely gave away how pleased you were to feel him. Your head lolled back against the pillow and you sighed in satisfaction.
As his hips rocked back and forth, the thoughts inside Doyoung’s brains only developed more and more, all of them centered around you. For one, he thought that there wasn’t a single word that could describe how beautiful you looked underneath him. Moonlight snook past the curtains and glimmered on your exposed skin, highlighting your breast and face. The fucked out expression you wore on your face only expanded his urge to keep you up all night, rocking into you slowly and steadily to savor the moment. The marks he left on you also bathed in the moonlight. That was all it took for Doyoung to lose his mind.
Second of all, Doyoung couldn’t fathom why he waited so long to fuck you raw. Sex with you would always be amazing regardless of what either of you chose to do, but he knew it’d be a lie to say that he didn’t prefer it this way. From the looks of it, you felt the exact same.
Doyoung swooped you into a sudden kiss, effectively cutting off your moans. You instead whimpered into his mouth with pleasant surprise, kissing him back with the same passion. When he was satisfied he pulled back and murmured, “You’re so beautiful, baby.”
His praise was your poison. You were addicted to him, intoxicated by him, and even if it was wrong you wouldn’t have it any other way. All your worries vanished when you had Doyoung by your side. When he touched you, you couldn’t even think of anyone - or anything - else besides him. You were all about him, and there wasn’t a single other person that could make you feel the way that he did. There wasn’t anyone who could please or satisfy you just like Doyoung.
You liked that Doyoung didn’t throw words around either. When he called you beautiful, he showed you that he meant it. His fingers and lips scattered around your body, hands grabbing your breast as his mouth sucked more marks into any available space. He meant it when he said that once he started, he wouldn’t be able to stop. To him, there was no such thing as enough.
That’s when you realized you and Doyoung may have mirrored one another. Too much greed in your hearts to ever be satiated, and perhaps that’s why you were a perfect match. You could attempt to drain one another completely, milk each other dry, and still never exhaust.
“You’re mine,” Doyoung whispered between pecks. “Tell me you’re mine.”
You stammered, “I’m yours.”
Doyoung moved his hand to your clit, fingers rubbing to their content. “Again.”
“I’m… I’m yours! I’m all yours, Doyoung,” you cried. You had meant it. Your body longed for him. After two entire years of this, you felt like your body belonged to him.
Satisfied, Doyoung kept up his actions. You were clueless as to how loud either of you were being in that moment. The bed creaked some and there was a loud smack whenever his hips slammed into yours, but you were only focused on Doyoung. Beads of sweat collected on his skin yet there wasn’t a hint of exhaustion on his face; only pleasure. His bare, sweaty chest glistened in the moonlight, and you desperately wanted to mark him back. Just like he’d done you.
It was too bad that he had someone to come back to. He may not have had sex with his wife, but there were other instances where she was bound to see his body and it was too risky. The only reason either of you cared was not because he was afraid of her finding out that he was cheating back, but because there was a chance that she’d put the pieces together. All it took was a name and you would be in hot water.
That thought made something in you sullen, and you had to dispose of the feeling quickly.
“You’re mine, too,” you said. “Right?”
Doyoung reached for your hand and slipped his fingers between yours. “I’m all yours, I promise. You’re my one and only.”
That was enough to placate you. Doyoung belonged to you and you belonged to him, you didn’t care what the documents said. He was all yours.
Now you were approaching your climax, and by the death grip Doyoung was currently holding on your hips you could tell that you weren’t alone. His moans were getting louder and it wouldn’t be long before he was ready to bust.
“Breed me, Doyoung, please,” you begged. You had reached a point of desperacy, rolling your hips into his to match his thrusts as you chased your orgasm. “Breed me, breed me, breed me.”
“Fuck,” Doyoung groaned. You were driving him crazy. It meant everything to know that you wanted this just as badly as he did. “I’m gonna give it all to you, babe.”
Your vision clouded with nothing but white when you reached your climax, squeezing Doyoung’s hand for leverage. As your limbs shook, your mouth gaped in moans but your cunt tightened around Doyoung. That was the last straw for him, the last push he needed. His moans resounded throughout the room as his warm cum coated your walls, filling you to your brim. He came a lot, but you weren’t complaining. The feeling of his seed inside you was ever so quickly becoming one of your favorites.
When he pulled out, Doyoung proudly watched how his cum trickled from you. He wanted to do it over and over again. The clock on the nightstand read two A.M., and that’s when he knew that this night was going to last until the morning.
“Wanted this ever since I first saw you with Daphne. You’re so good with her,” Doyoung said, and you vaguely recalled the time he was talking about. He was trying to keep her entertained and you happened to be fairly good with children. “Knew I had to put a baby in you. I’m gonna breed you for real one day. I promise.”
“Doyoung,” you whined.
He didn’t stop. “You want that, yeah? You want me to fuck you full of my cum?”
“Please,” you begged. “Don’t stop.”
He grinned. There was no plan of stopping.
By the time Doyoung did finally stop, it was early in the morning and the sun was beginning to peak from the horizon. You giggled when he finally tapped out and fell beside you, and grabbed his face to kiss him on his lips.
Doyoung smiled. “I love you.”
You froze for a moment. “You mean that?”
“From the bottom of my heart,” he said, then added, “It’s gonna be okay. We’ll figure shit out. All that matters is I got you and you got me, and I won’t let anything come between us.”
It felt like there was a wait lifted from your shoulders. You weren’t free to love him whenever or wherever, but you were free to love him however much you wanted. That made it feel okay.
You pecked his lips again. “I love you, too. I’ll wait for us.”
Doyoung held you in his arms. He could only say that you were like a daydream to him, everything he could have ever wanted wrapped into one. There wasn’t one damn thing about you that he didn’t adore. You made his heart sing and dance, and he hoped his body said everything that words could not. There was no way he could explain what he felt about you.
You and Doyoung’s love was straight out of a movie. And this was only the beginning to your chase for a happily ever after.
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ncteaxhoe · 3 years
dilf doyoung (part 3-final)—
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pairing: kim doyoung x female reader
genre and tropes: smut, pwp, filthhhhh, dilf doyoung :D
warnings: 18+, age difference, dom-sub dynamics, dom! doyoung, sub! reader, bondage, fingering, hair pulling, oral sex (m), impact play, degradation, begging kink, daddy kink, orgasm denial, safe sex
word count: 3.7k
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
a/n: uhhhh i guess this the final part lmao. again it's just a lot of filth. but thanks to those who gave so much love to the first two parts 🥺. i have come to love this series so much idk why lol. hope y'all like this final part! and let dilf doyoung always be on your mind ;)
The sound of skin slapping and your muffled moans filled the room, as Mr.Kim pounded into you from behind. His hand pressed against your mouth so that people outside wouldn't hear you.
It had been three weeks since you started working in Mr.Kim's office in his core team. Your parents were proud of you since Mr.Kim owned a quite renowned firm. Little did anyone know that you had agreed to work here only so you could fuck Mr.Kim, and mainly why he had hired you and offered you such a good position. This was after all just an unspoken agreement.
A knock on the door interrupted you both but Mr.Kim didn't stop his movements.
"Fuck," he cursed under his breath. Since it was a bit after hours, you were not really expecting anyone to come here.
"Yes?" he called out, his tone frustrated.
"It's me." Your eyes widened at the voice. It was your dad, Johnny. You looked back at Mr.Kim, who seemed quite calm for such a situation. He quickly pulled out of you and zipped his pants. "Stay here princess, I don't want you to move."
You were lowkey panicking. "But—" you started, instead Mr.Kim just put a finger to your lips.
"I'll handle it, don't worry." You nodded at his words.
You watched as he walked towards the door, thankful that his desk was out of sight. He slipped out the door but you could still hear their conversation.
"You got someone with you, don't you?" Johnny teased him.
"Yeah, I'm kinda in the middle of something," Doyoung spoke in a pointed voice.
"Well lemme know how she is." You wanted the earth to open up and swallow you.
"Oh you don't wanna know. Anyways what is it? Something important?" The both of them spoke for another minute regarding their business and then you heard footsteps fading away.
Mr.Kim came back inside and put a manila folder in front of you on the desk, proceeding to unzip his pants again. You looked at him with wide eyes, still in the same position.
"Such a good girl," Mr.Kim complimented you for behaving, "and so you get a reward of watching me while i fuck you." He led you to the couch. He removed his shirt this time, knowing how mesmerized you became everytime by his bare torso.
"Eyes up here princess." He pointed to his face and with that he pushed inside you again for the nth time that day.
You looked up with a confused face as Mr.Kim's secretary slid an envelope in front of you.
"Your visa application," he said with a bored voice. When he saw your eyebrows furrow with even more confusion, he explained how Mr.Kim wanted someone from the core team to accompany him to Milan for a business trip and he chose you, quoting his words "gain new experience".
You were shocked, but you tried to control your emotions in front of your colleagues. "Thank you."
"He has asked you to stop by his office before the end of the day, to discuss about this trip," with that he left. You proceeded to open the envelope.
"Wow," you said to yourself, genuinely shocked at the news. But you were lowkey excited because this meant you and Mr.Kim would be alone. And that just seemed like an opportunity to fuck him. But you were still shocked that you would be taking a trip with him.
It was late when you knocked on his cabin door. You entered in to find him sitting at his desk looking through some papers, a pen in his hand and thin framed glasses sat on his nose. He looked up at you for a moment before resuming his work. Tentatively you sat down opposite to him.
“Um- Hi Mr.Kim,” you squeaked out, intimated by his strong gaze.
When he didn't reply to you, you continued speaking.
"What," you placed the envelope in front of him, "does this mean?"
At that he finally stopped writing and put down his pen. He removed his glasses and sat back in his chair. He looked at you and removed his tie, opening the first three buttons of his white shirt.
"It's a business trip Y/N," he got up from his chair and started rolling his sleeves up his arm, "and you're coming with me."
Mr.Kim was now standing next to you against his desk. You looked up at him with your eyebrows furrowed. "But there are so many other people more qualified than me."
Mr.Kim tilted his head and signalled for you to come in front of him. You got up and stood in front of him, a pout visible on your face. He leaned back on his arms a little bit and you understood that it meant for you to come closer. As if on cue, your heart started beating fast at the proximity. You looked at his exposed chest, too shy to meet his eyes.
"Princess, do you not want to come with me?" His fingers tipped your head up. You sucked your breath in when his face inched closer to yours.
"I never said that," you whispered.
"Good." Doyoung pressed his lips against yours for a moment and pulled back way too soon than you liked. He moved and went back to sit in his chair, leaving you all breathless. "I have to complete these documents to close the deal, so it might take time. But I expect to see you at home tonight," he said with a tone meaning the topic was closed.
"Ms. Suh," the airhostess greeted you. You smiled back at her and scanned the interior of Mr.Kim's airplane. It was indeed luxurious. No more than four reclining seats adorned the space as you entered the passenger area, which was separated from the other areas.
After contemplating for a bit you sat down in one of the window seats. You looked up to see Mr.Kim talking something with the airhostess at the threshold before shutting the door. A whiff of his cologne hit you as he settled on the seat beside you.
You couldn't help but stare at Mr.Kim as he relaxed into the seat, resting his head onto the head rest, letting out a sigh.
"What?" He turned his head just a little bit so he could catch your gaze.
"Nothing," you said and laid back in your seat as well.
Sleep came to you quickly, as you were travelling in the hours of the night. You didn't know what time it was though when you woke up thirsty. As you drank water, you glanced outside the window, it was still completely dark so you assumed it had been around two-three hours since you had fallen asleep. You looked at Mr.Kim who seemed to be sleeping as well.
One of those rare times when you saw him asleep beside you.
He seemed so peaceful that you almost didn't wanna wake him up. But he also looked extra hot in his shirt and hair slightly messed up at the moment that you couldn't resist touching him. And before you could think much, your hand was moving a couple of his greying strands back into their place. You let out a small gasp as the man in front of you opened his eyes and looked at you. But he didn't say anything, neither did he move. With almost fascination, you continued with your touches on Mr.Kim's hair.
Until he grabbed your wrist. Your eyes were wide with anticipation, his touch sending jolts down your arm. Mr.Kim pulled on your hand. You got up from your place and settled into his lap sideways, your legs dangling over the handrest.
"Mmm," Mr.Kim buried his face into your neck, "Y/N, why are you awake right now?" he rasped as his one hand caressed your thighs, going dangerously close to the apex. You let out a sigh as he kissed the sensitive spots in your neck. "Couldn't sleep?"
"Not really," you whispered back to him as you leaned more into his touch.
"Want me to help you sleep?" he asked you as his hand rubbed your inner thighs, fingers brushing just slightly with your clothed core. You could feel your panties getting wet already.
"Mmhm," you hummed in agreement.
At that Mr.Kim's hand slipped past the waistband of your pants and simultaneously your panties. You let out a loud sigh as his fingers drew teasingly through your slit.
"You like that princess?" Mr.Kim whispered in your ear.
All you could do was whimper at his question because he was now rubbing tantalising slow circles on your clit. He dipped one finger in your entrance and you buried your head into Mr.Kim's neck, your one hand clutching at the front of his shirt.
"Daddy please...," you squeaked as he inserted another finger, now picking up a pace. He curled his fingers and they brushed against your sensitive spots. You were too engrossed in the feeling that you forgot to control your moans. Mr.Kim halted his movements suddenly and pressed his lips to your head.
"Princess you do know we're not alone right?" he spoke against your head.
"Yes," you replied in a low voice, your breathing heavy.
"So why are you not quiet?" His hand which was rubbing against your back slid up into your hair and yanked your head slightly, so he could look into your eyes. You gasped and met his eyes, embarrassment written all over your face.
"Y-yes daddy." You bit your lip.
Mr.Kim took the opportunity to resume his actions. You buried your face even more into his neck, biting your lip to keep your loud moans in. His scent just overwhelming your senses even more. He put pressure on your clit with his palm and your grip on his shirt tightened.
"I'm so.. so close," you whispered. He fastened his movements and you couldn't help your low moans as you neared your orgasm.
And with another thrust of his fingers, you fell apart. Your hand left his shirt and instead held onto his hand to stop his still moving fingers inside you. Your thighs shook and closed around his hand, as you let the wave of pleasure take over you.
You watched as Mr.Kim pulled out his glistening fingers and put them in his mouth, licking off your juices off them. As if in a trance, you reached for his hand, pulling it towards you wanting to taste yourself off Mr.Kim. He let out a sigh when you sucked off his fingers, swirling your tongue around them.
Mr.kim took his fingers out of your mouth and got ahold of your hand. He guided it beneath you, towards his crotch.
"Now baby, you've given daddy a problem." A smile adorned your face as you palmed his growing erection, somewhat feeling proud of yourself.
"Well let me do something about it daddy." You gave him an innocent look as you got off his lap. And let's just say later on you had to bite down on Mr.Kim's shoulders so that your moans were not heard by everyone else present there as he plummeted into your pussy (welcome to the mile high club lmao).
You stepped down from the car in front of a building with great european architecture. Mr.Kim indeed had taste.
“Are we staying here?” you asked him.
“Yes we are.” He was standing beside you looking up at the building too. After a beat he asked you, “Do you like it?”
“Of course I do! Mr.Kim, are you even looking at this beautiful architecture?” You gazed with a half mesmerised eyes. Mr.Kim stared at your innocent face for a few moments, finding it somewhat endearing how you still called him Mister when you both weren’t alone. “Let’s go.” You linked your arm with his.
The rooms were something out of pictures. You had never visited europe before, just the united states with your parents. But what caught your eye was the hot tub. The window next to it situated such just enough that you could see outside at the city.
You heard footsteps approach, turning around to see Mr.Kim standing at the threshold of the bathroom. He stepped in walking towards you. Even though it was an exhausting travel, Mr.Kim still managed to look gorgeous. He pulled you towards him and moulded his lips with yours. You sighed and gave into him. You placed your hands on his chest and pressed more into the kiss. His tongue invaded your mouth, mingling with your tongue.
You soon broke the kiss for some air.
"Let's get some sleep princess." Mr.Kim pecked your lips, "I have to attend to a few things later." You nodded, feeling the sleep take over you.
When you woke up later, Mr.Kim had already disappeared. Nothing new, but you still let out a deflated sigh.
Even though you would have liked to actually attend the business meetings with Mr.Kim, he had left you a message to relax and have fun till he came back. And well, you were in Milan, and you had a free day ahead of. You had always loved exploring new places and so you decided to roam around that day. Time flew by quickly and you were back in the hotel. Mr.Kim was still not back so you figured he must still be attending meetings. Exhausted from going around, you didn't even realise when you drifted off to sleep while checking your phone.
You were woken up by some ringing on your door, opening it to see a staff standing with a shopping bag in their hand.
"This is from Mr.Kim and he's waiting for you downstairs in the lounge," they said and smiled at you before leaving you all curious.
You pulled out the two boxes from the bag and you opened one to see a beautiful black evening dress inside, with matching shoes and jewellery. The smaller one had you all flustered and smiley. It contained a pretty pair of lingerie. You saw a note along with them which just had "wear this" written on it and signed "doyoung". You smiled at Mr.Kim's gesture. He could be sweet sometimes.
Quickly getting ready in excitement, after twenty minutes, you were walking down the lobby towards the lounge. The lounge had dim lights comparatively, an overall rich atmosphere. A staff came over and showed you to where Mr.Kim was waiting for you. As you neared the table, you see his eyes scan your figure, a light smirk making its way on his face. Mr.Kim was in a dark shirt and a matching suit. His tied abandoned and the top buttons of his shirt unbuttoned. He knew how much it affected you when he did that. You smiled at him as you took a seat beside him on the sofa, his hand immediately wrapping around your waist and pulling you close to him.
"You look absolutely stunning Y/N," he said in your ear, making you giggle a bit.
"Thank you. You have a great choice in clothes Mr.Kim," you replied.
A singer was up on the mini stage, putting up a lovely performance. You ate along with wine and asked Mr.Kim about his day and about the meetings. Soon you were tucked into his side, and laying your head on his shoulder as you both silently sipped on your drinks, both having switched to whiskey now.
You felt contented for a while, with this man, who was like a dream to you.
Right now, you couldn't ignore the way his cologne made its way into your nose, making you all light headed. You rubbed your hand along his thigh. Thankful for the almost dark room with slightly dim lights and the table before you. Mr.Kim was all too familiar with your actions, so he spread his legs a little bit, giving you more access to his crotch. You rubbed your hand against his bulge and now had turned to press kisses on his neck.
"Princess, at this rate you're gonna get me hard here." He stopped you and you let out a whine.
"Daddy, I wanna touch you." You pouted at him.
"Let's go upstairs then?" He pressed a kiss to your head.
"No, I-" you stopped when you met Mr.Kim's dark gaze. Maybe going upstairs right now would be a better option.
As soon as you were in the elevator, you couldn't keep your hands off Mr.Kim, pulling him into a kiss, not caring that there were cctv cameras around. But he had enough of a mind to ground you until you reached your room.
It was Mr.Kim who grabbed you the moment you were in the confines of your room.
"Princess, you have been very impatient tonight," he all but growled into the kiss and all you could do was just moan as his hands gripped your waist tightly. He led you to the bed, pushing you onto it and getting in between your legs. He stopped for a second, drinking in the sight of you in front of him for a moment. You leaned up, taking leverage on your arms and moved your face closer to his. Your breath fanning his face. You kissed his cheek, moving and latching into his earlobe.
"What happened daddy? Aren't you fuck your little princess?"
Mr.Kim's hand closed around your neck, pushing you back into the mattress. Your lips parted from the sudden impact and lack of air. "I'm going to fuck you hard tonight and ruin you, you slut."
Mr.Kim couldn't care less as pulled up your hem and ripped off your panties. When you thought he was going to throw them off, he surprised you by taking your wrists and tying them with the panties. You had already been so wet, you could feel the dampness on the cloth around your wrists.
Mr.Kim was still fully dressed, except for his abandoned suit jacket which lied somewhere near the door. Surprised gasps left you when the man tore off your dress without much care and pulled it off you. Leaving you only in your bra. He knew how you loved it when he was rough. He licked his lips as he saw you press your legs together, trying to get some relief. But it shorted for a very little while as he pulled your legs apart and situated himself between them.
"This is for being impatient," Mr.Kim said and started rubbing his crotch on your bare wet pussy. The friction of his fabric over your clit had you moaning loudly.
"Daddy, please please please," you moaned and started bucking your hips into his. When he saw you were getting close, he suddenly stopped leaving you all eyes widened and breathless. "Daddy, why'd you stop?" Mr.Kim smirked at you and started rubbing again. He repeated it again and again after he had denied you almost four orgasms and brought you close to tears. It was the fifth time when you finally broke into tears and started crying.
"Daddy! Please I want your cock so bad. Please please daddy."
"You want my cock that bad huh?" He placed bites on your boobs as he rolled and pinched one of the nipples making you gasp loudly.
"Yes, your cock, only your cock daddy, please," you said quickly. Mr.Kim absolutely loved hearing you beg for him. He thrived off it. He could practically get off the sound of you begging for him over and over again.
He released his hand which was keeping your hands pinned above your head and you anticipated his next moves. You looked as he finally got up and took off his shirt. Feeling heat creep onto your face when you saw the wet stain on the front of his pants formed because of your arousal. Finally letting out a sigh of relief, when he freed his cock. He got back up on top of you but moved till he was hovering over your chest and his cock sat right in front of your face.
"Come on," he urged you and you immediately started licking him, swirling your tongue around and gathering all his salty precum on his tip before sucking the whole head in. Mr.Kim groaned at the feeling of your mouth around him, it was like your mouth was made for him. He started pushing his cock in further and you took him gladly, fresh tears spilling down the side of your face.
As much as Mr.Kim loved fucking your face, tonight he really wanted to fuck your pussy. You spread your legs as much as you could as Mr.Kim finally aligned his dick with your entrance and pushed in, your slick helping him slide in easier.
And fuck, did he mean when he said he was going to ruin you tonight. Mr.Kim had the stamina of an animal when it came to fucking. His hand wrapped around your throat as he fucked you into the mattress. "Such a whore, look at you." He felt so good inside you, his dick hitting your spot repeatedly. "Yes, yes yes," you could barely moan and you let your eye roll back into your head.
It was after you had come once that Mr.Kim turned you around, and fucked you from behind. He watched his dick disappear into your pussy, coming back glistened in your juices. His hands kneaded and spanked your ass a few times. "Fuck princess, you're gonna be the death of me." Mr.Kim pounded into you. He grabbed your hair and pulled onto it, making you arch your back even more. The sounds that left you were pathetic, some moaning, some crying, some screaming. Your pussy clenched around him continuously, earning more spanks.
"Fuck, daddy's gonna come princess." His pace increased, his hips slamming into you, making you forget everything around you for a moment and all you could feel was his dick going in and out of you. Your pussy felt so sensitive, but you just loved how he stretched you.
"Yes daddy, come in me. Give me your cum please please."
And he grunted as he came into you, his seed painting your walls white. Both of you let out pants as Mr.Kim rode out his high and came to a halt. You could feel his load inside you, it was so much tonight.
"Princess your pussy is absolutely heavenly." He rubbed your back and pulled out his cock, letting you relax down on the bed.
"You are so good daddy, I love your cock," you breathed out, as you felt his cum drip down your pussy and onto the sheets.
Blissfully fucked out of your brains by no other than Mr.Kim.
a/n: pleaseeeeee give feedback! and thank you for reading dilf doyoung <3
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blue-broken-heart · 2 years
16+ DoYoung X Fem Reader16+
L14R <-AO3 account
Normal: https://blue-broken-heart.tumblr.com/ask Anon: https://blue-broken-heart.tumblr.com/submit
Summary; Imagne; a DILF Doyoung his wife(you) getting a lil smooching in before he has to leave for work.
This Doh...but older...uk just some age lines and slightly duller skin(doubt he'd let that happen but uk):
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With this Vybe:
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Work starts;
!This Is A Work Of Fiction!
!This Is A Work Of Fiction!
!This Is A Work Of Fiction!
!This Is A Work Of Fiction!
Fuck- the white t-shirt, its v-neck pointing you to his body. You could only imagine how fit the younger man was. And how good he was to fuck a child into someone so young. Gods your stomach just tingled thinking about it.
Biting your lip as you crossed your legs to ease the tension. Seeing your husband stroll out the house. Making you roll your eyes as Doyoung kissed your cheek.
“I’ll see you later okay honey?” He mued, dressed so sharply in his suit. All black as usual even his undershirt. Hiding the nasty bruises from his sexy secretary. You knew what you were doing when you switched the folders on his desk.
The faint smile on your face as you moved your hands behind your back as Doh kissed you properly this time. Letting his tongue graze your lips hand moving to hold you to him as he sucked the moans from you.
His hand moved to toy with the band of your skirt. Despite it flowing to your ankles, he found a way to touch you. Pressing his leg between your legs pulling you back into the house. Pushing you against the wall at the side of the door. You wrapped your hands around his neck. Lightly rocking your hips on his leg before letting go at the sound of a door slamming loudly.
“Were you going to leave without taking HaeChan and Mark to school?” You laugh as you hear the pair arguing.
HaeChan was your son at home right now, his older brothers were in another country. HaeChan’s best friend Mark’s parents weren’t in town and didn’t trust him to stay alone so you took him in, after they left you were alone in the big house.
“I can’t believe their pretending they were in different rooms,” Doh laughed fixing his suit, moving to wipe the spit from his lips, “As if he doesn’t take after his mother, fucking up peoples hearing and pretending she doesn’t.”
“And who’s fault is it?” You scoff hitting his shoulder. Noticing the little smudge of lipstick on his lips, licking your thumb you moved to wipe it off as he started down at you.
Using his hands to tuck in the off the shoulder white blouse you’d been wearing. Letting his hands graze your underwear band as he returned it.
“Not my fault I married a size queen,” He laughed, his minty toothpaste making your eyes water as you pulled at your earring, seeing the two 18 year olds run down the stairs.
Frowning as HaeChan wobbled a bit at the base of the stair. Making Doh elbow you. Mark was such a cute boy, running to you as HaeChan glared over.
“Good Morning Mrs Khim! Mr Khim,” Mark smiled.
Watching Doh nod and check his watch, “Come on we’ll be late.”
.. I understand if you wanna yell at me after reading this....I'll take a scenario or request to make up for it <3 Requests:
Normal: https://blue-broken-heart.tumblr.com/ask Anon: https://blue-broken-heart.tumblr.com/submit
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johnsamericano · 3 years
Can do a fic about dilf doyoung is your Father's friend but u have a secret relationship with him them one day he got you preggo so u moved in with him plsssss also put a lot of smut shshshhshsh pls I hope you read this.
Hi there! My requests are currently closed but I can never resist writing dilf!Doyoung so you’re lucky. There's not THAT much smut in this because I wanted to make it as realistic as possible. Hope you like it!
warnings: dirty talking, sex, language, use of the name daddy, spanking, unexpected pregnancy, age gap.
“What’s the meaning of this invitation, Mr. Kim?” You inquired, walking past the front door with a gym bag hanging from your shoulder. “It's not every day you invite me to a private swimming party.”
“Very funny.” He welcomed you with a hug, his warm, naked chest pressed against your covered one. “Jeno’s out with his friends. He won't come back until tomorrow.”
“Aw, but where's the fun in that? I wanted to be with him.” That response earned you a slap in the ass, hard enough to serve as a warning not to keep testing his patience.
“Get changed. I'll wait for you in the hot tub.”
You locked yourself in the nearest bathroom, quickly yanking off your clothes to replace them with a baby blue bikini. You knew how much he loved the matching set, not as much as taking it off you, of course.
Wanting to make him wait for a while longer, you neatly folded your clothes and placed them over your sleeping wear inside the bag you'd brought with you.
“Took you long enough.” He was sitting inside the water, his arms spread wide as he gave you a less than amused look. “Come here.”
Despite how dominant he might look on the outside, he never managed to fool you. As soon as you were between his arms, your face was guaranteed to be covered with kisses from his soft lips.
“I missed you this past few weeks.” His wet thumb traced figures over your arm, avoiding looking into your eyes. “Why haven't you visited?”
Your fingers played with the small, grey hairs covering the nape of his neck.
“It's getting harder to hide it from Jeno, and I know if he ever found out, our friendship would be over. I don't wanna lose him.”
“He’ll find out, better sooner than later.” The look on your face must've given away your thoughts. “What? Did you think this was just something casual?”
“I mean...” His jaw dropped, arms falling into the water with a splash. “Look, you have to understand me. We started right after your wife left, I thought you were using me to forget her. And I didn't mind-”
“Using you?” Just a few millimeters and his eyebrows would be touching. “Have you always thought so low of me?”
“I want a future with you, y/n. Not just an occasional fuck but an actual relationship, and if you don't feel the same about me, then we might as well end things here.” This was the first time you'd seen him mad, with his whole face red from anger and the warmth of the jacuzzi, he looked as if he were about to explode.
“Of course I do. But it's complicated.” The red shade tinting his cheeks and ears, slowly faded. “No one would accept our relationship, for starters.”
“I couldn't care less about other’s opinions.”
In less than a second, his lips crashed against yours, hard. But there was a hint of sweetness in his wild movements, the way his hands caressed your back while his tongue worked its way inside your mouth aggressively.
“Already so eager?” He asked as your heat rubbed itself against his clothed cock. “Not here.”
The muscles in his legs tensed as he stood up with you still between his arms. He was strong, for a man of his age, of course.
“I’m afraid that I've been fucking you the wrong way, which might have been the reason for you to have the wrong idea about us.” Leaving a trail of water drops behind you, you climbed up the stairs leading to the second floor, where his room was located. “Scratch that. No more fucking, from now on, I'm gonna make love to you.”
“Have you always been this cheesy?” Your feet touched the floor as he removed his hands from below your thighs, slightly pushing you until the back of your knees touched the mattress.
“Don’t make me change my mind and spank that pretty ass.”
“Rude.” You let yourself fall on the fresh comforter, dragging him down with you.
“Take your clothes off for me, won't you?” He busied himself pulling down his swimming trunks while you struggled with the knot keeping your bra in place. “Such a silly, little girl. Can't do anything without her daddy, can her?”
“Please.” Even though you hated being humiliated, your core didn't seem to bother. His degrading words only caused your essence to form an even larger patch on your bikini. “Doyoung...”
“Fine.” His cock was standing proudly, his tip dripping with small beads of precum. “On your knees and turn around.”
He worked through the knots as fast as his trembling fingers allowed him to. His mouth was aching to say the special words he'd been keeping to himself for a while now, but he didn't have enough courage yet.
“Ready.” The straps fell down your arms, tickling the skin as they slid.
You took the last piece of your suit off, finally allowing your body to be consumed by the humidity of the summer evening. Doyoung was quicker to enter you than usual. No teasing, just lovemaking as he’d promised earlier.
“You’re so warm.” His lips were attached to your collarbone, sucking to leave a mark big enough for everyone to see. “Your little cunt takes me so well. No one else could make me feel as good as you do.”
With his hips pistoning your hole, your fingers found their way to the nape of his neck, dancing over the tender skin. The way you were looking at each other, so intimate and full of affection, had the words he'd been wanting to say rushing out of his lips.
“I love you.” His movements faltered as if waiting for you to give him any type of answer.
“What’s with that scared face?” You giggled, every inch of your skin flushed with embarrassment and desire. “I love you too.” He loved how young you made him feel, like a silly teenager confessing to his crush only to find out his feelings were reciprocated.
His thrusts resumed, this time slower, deeper, making sure you felt every single ridge and vein of his cock. His length caressed your walls oh so deliciously, bringing you closer and closer to your high. Until someone had to ruin it.
“Dad, where are you?” In a rush, Doyoung pulled out, not even noticing how his seed spilled out of your hole. Fear had taken over the pleasure.
“Get in the bathroom, he probably just forgot something. Don't worry.”
As he'd said, Jeno was quick to leave. Not even ten minutes later, Doyoung was back in his room, announcing Jeno’s little getaway got extended.
“So that means, you can stay for a while longer. Only if you want of course.” The bathtub was filling with warm water and bubbles he'd added. “Or we can go on our own trip, whatever you want.” You felt at ease between his arms, his heartbeat lulling you to sleep.
Who would've thought you'd be losing your mind a few weeks later because of the same man that had given you so much peace before.
“How could you forget to wear protection?!”
“Don't treat me as if I were the only one responsible for this situation.” You hid your face between the warmth of your palms, supporting the side of your head against the window. “Look at me, baby.”
You shook your head, tears starting to slip between your fingers.
“I’m here for you, darling. Whatever you want to do, I'll fully support you.” His thumb traced the shape of the shell of your ear.
“I don't know what I want to do.”
“We still have time to help you figure things out, okay?” There was a certain sadness to his tone, almost as if his hopes were vanishing.
He didn't want to get rid of it, but being pregnant was a burden that you'd have to carry alone as much as he tried to help. It was your choice and only yours.
“I want to have it, but I don't even have a job or economical support. My parents would kill me if they found out. And Jeno, oh boy, he'd have a heart attack.”
“You have me, y/n. And even though I can't do anything about other people's reactions, I'll always be by your side.”
Doyoung wasn't lying. He walked you through every step, even assumed part of the responsibility when talking to your parents, who didn't react as badly as you'd foreseen.
“Just make sure you're making the right choice.” They'd said.
Jeno was the last person to find out.
“Oh, hey y/n. Were you waiting for me?” He dropped the sports bag right in front of de door.
“We have to tell you something.”
“We?” The look on his face was almost comical as if life had been sucked out of his handsome features.
“Yes, we.” Doyoung laced his fingers with yours, tightly locking your hands together.
His father explained the situation calmly, making sure to use the right words to avoid scaring him away. By the time he was done, Jeno was just staring at you with an emotionless face.
“Jeno?” Your heart dropped at the thought of losing your friend. “Say something, please.”
“You want me to say something?”
There was a small, dramatic pause to add some tension to his words. But the mood lightened as soon as his eyes became crescent moons.
“Bold of you to assume I wasn't aware of your little relationship.” He giggled. “It's okay, guys. You're both adults and I trust you know what you're doing.”
“What the hell is going on?” Your thoughts slipped out of your mouth.
“Thank you, Jeno.” Doyoung mouthed, squeezing your shoulder.
“Man, I always wanted a little brother.” He walked up to you, wrapping his arms around you and his father's neck.
“I rather have a girl this time.”
“Should I call you mom?” Jeno teasingly asked, poking the back of your head.
“Try me.”
As you folded your clothes and placed them in your new closet, the sun started setting. The light sound of sizzling could be heard from the room, probably Doyoung cooking dinner.
“Y/n!” He shouted from downstairs. “Come help me set the table.”
“Coming!” You set aside the remaining boxes. There were not many clothes left to unpack, so you could finish after eating.
You tiptoed on your way downstairs, accomplishing to scare him with a surprise back hug.
“Stop, you could've burnt yourself.” He scolded, undoing your hug only to quickly pull you by his side moments later.
“Is it me or are you getting a little too overprotective?”
“Am not!” His eyebrows quivered like they did every time he lied.
“Really? Then why haven't we had sex ever since you found out I was pregnant?” Your hand teasingly traced figures on his lower abdomen, a little too close to the stove he was using.
“You’re gonna get burnt.” Once again, he tried to push you away, but your hand remained in the same position. “Baby...”
“Uh-uh, you're not gonna sweet-talk your way out. Why won't you touch me anymore? Have I lost my charm or something?”
“What? No!” He turned off the stove, completely turning to his side to face you. “I just don't wanna hurt the baby.”
“Bullshit. You know it's still safe to do it, you already had one son, for god's sake.” Your arms were crossed over your slightly swollen mounds. “I want the truth.”
“I’m telling you the truth...” There was no nervous quiver from his eyebrows, but his tone was less than convincing.
“The whole truth, Doyoung.”
There was no way out, he had to tell you what he'd been trying to hurry at the back of his head for weeks now.
“I can't stop thinking that the only reason we became official is because of this baby, and I'm afraid if you lose it, I'll lose you as well.” It seemed as if your roles had reversed, as if he was the youngest, the most immature.
“Idiot.” You flicked his forehead with anger, later pulling him into a bear hug. “Get those stupid ideas out of your little head or I'll have to slap them out of you.”
“Rude much.”
“I told you once before we found out about the baby...” Your lips were achingly close to his, ready to kiss those soft, pink pillows. “I love you.”
Your eyes were stuck on his lips, too busy to notice how his eyes started sparkling, the edge of them trying to contain his tears. After a while, you looked up, his nostalgic expression puzzling you.
“I’m sorry, it's the hormones.” He sniffled.
“That's not how pregnancy works, honey.”
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2jaeh · 3 years
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Country Club | Kim Doyoung
Genre: smut , daddy
Warnings: dilf! Doyoung, uni! Reader, RichAU,
Praise kink!, public, just DY being a hot rich dad tbh.
Author! SIN
Your father invited a friend to join you for your Saturday morning golf game, the catch was his friend and you have a very dirty secret.
A/N: admin SIN here! Sorry I’ve been IA, I’ve had so many commissions and I’m still working on the freaks prequel and another Yuta fic (help), so here’s a little smutty DY fic while y’all wait !
TAGS: @infnteen 🖤 thanks for the cute msg!
It was a cool morning and the smell of the wet freshly cut grass signaled the first rain of spring. You were up in your room, taking a break from university, and you found yourself longing for the Mountain View’s of the country club.
Thankfully mom and dad were aching to host a spring party for their friends and you were able to tag along with them to your summer vacation home. It had been awhile since you’d been here, and the last time you set foot on these grounds you were almost in trouble.
“Sweetheart dont you think the gardens look absolutely ravishing today” your mom marveled as you made your way downstairs in a white mini tennis skirt and a sky blue golf shirt.
“Absolutely mother” you smiled and placed kiss on her forehead before grabbing the pitcher of lemonade and poured yourself a glass. You stood in front of the clear glass sliding doors watching your father pace the lawn probably talking to a work friend on his phone.
“Mother I thought we were going to the golf course today, he’s not planning on working is he ?” You pouted, stuffing a blueberry muffin into your mouth.
“Your father will never miss a golf session dear” your mother chuckled, “just get your things together sweety your dad will be with you shortly.”
Sighing you downed the last of the lemonade and went to the shoe rack to find your white tennis shoes and asked one of the estates employees to load your golf bag into the golf cart.
Shortly after, your dad followed, a huge smile spread across his face as he noticed your cheeky pout obviously knowing what mood you were in.
“I’m sorry hun but work called, those varsity tuition isn’t going to pay itself now is it ?”
You rolled your eyes playfully and slipped into the golf carts driver seat and patted the seat next to you,
“Ok fine but I’m driving.”
The two of you made your way down the courtyard and into the country club’s entrance. The gravel road was covered by huge oak trees, placed strategically along the sides leading to the huge mansion at the end.
Your father directed you to the golf course and one of the gates men welcomed you in before all you saw in front of you was the bright green golf course.
“I’m feeling lucky today hun, I can feel it” your dad squeezed his fist while you let out a chuckle, “easy there Tiger Woods”
“Well I’m definitely going to beat Doyoung that’s for sure”
“Doyoung ?” Saying his name already brought you a flash of memories.
“Yeah you remember my work buddy Mr Kim right ? He’s here helping out with the party, he brought over his sons too” your dad spoke as you pulled up to the first hole.
“What about his....wife ?” You swallowed, as your mind raced back to last year’s Christmas lunch.
First and fur-most Kim Doyoung was the hottest dad at the country club. He was still quite young in comparison to the other fathers thanks to his choices of getting hitched way too early. Most people would describe him as helpful, responsible the kind of guy who genuinely helped out the people around him.
But you knew a very different side to him.
It was the evening of the lunch that you and a friend had snuck outside for a smoke, knowing your fathers would be tremendously upset with that action for their little girls. After your friend ran off to God knows where, Doyoung had emerged and the look on his face as he watched you drag in that cigarette was...something.
“You’re such a naughty girl y/n disobeying daddy like this” he said in a silky voice, taking the cigarette with his slender fingers and placing it to his own mouth.
You watched him in awe, pulling in that cigarette and exhale the smoke up into the sky like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
“Please don’t tell my dad Mr Kim” you had said in a high tone, surprising yourself at the hint of desperation in your voice.
“Don’t worry it will be our little secret love” Doyoung winked taking in another drag but this time he grabbed your chin and blew the smoke into your mouth. It felt intoxicating. But a sudden call from his wife had pulled you out of your fantasy and he disappeared, not seeing him since then.
Until now ofcourse.
“Oh your mother didn’t tell you ? Doyoung and Hani are divorced now, yeah she took off with some model and left him with the kids” your dad shrugged and greeted the caddy waiting on the course for him.
“Oh I see” you responded, placing a baseball cap on your head and watched your father tee off.
It wasn’t long until you heard another golf cart behind you as you began setting up your shot, wanting to look back desperately.
“Kim Doyoung” your father bellowed as you took your shot and turned around to meet your guests.
You noticed Doyoung had brought both his sons, Jeno a guy somewhat around your age and his little brother Jisung. It was quite surprising to see them outside when you knew they preferred to stay couped up in their bedrooms playing video games.
“Hey y/n, I didn’t know you’d be here too” Jeno shyly waved while Jisung inspected a golf club.
“Yeah I’m on spring break, so I decided to spend a bit of it here” you replied, moving a strand of your hair behind your ear.
Doyoung smiled at you innocently and held out his hand, “it’s good to have you back y/n” he said as you took his hand and nodded shyly. Doyoung returned to his conversation with your father and all you could do was stare at how gorgeous he looked today.
Dressed in white slacks, a navy blue polo shirt and black rimmed glasses, girls your age may not understand your desires but to you Doyoung was incredibly sexy to say the least.
He was well built too, his wide shoulders and small waist gave him a swimmer physique, it was all too tempting to know what he looked like underneath his attire.
“How about we mix the teams, you and y/n versus Jeno and I ?” Your dad suggested and Doyoung looked over at you briefly and smiled,
“You got yourself a deal, winner gets that Sauvignon Blanc you’ve been hoarding in your cellar” Doyoung chuckled and set up his ball for his shot.
You tried not to stare but God was it hard. You watched as his eyes narrowed on his target and his dark hair waved as he swung. Doyoung twisted his body posing as he watched his almost perfect swing lead his ball closer it’s target.
“Jeno get ya head in the game boy” your father grumbled as Jeno found himself lost in a game on his phone.
Jisung snickered as Jeno sighed and removed himself from his game to join the one he was supposed to be playing in reality. You could already tell that your competitive father immediately regretted his decision of swopping teams when Jeno’s swing only had the ball drop just a few feet away from him.
“I mean, that was a hit alright” You stifled a laughter.
“I’m not used to these golf clubs!” Jeno whined as his father tapped him on his shoulder, “A good player never blames the equipment son, y/n let’s head over to the hole shall we ?” Doyoung said jumping into his cart.
“Are we not waiting until we’re done ?” Your father grumbled still watching Jeno struggle with his form.
“Seems like we’ll be here all night if one team doesn’t get a move on” Doyoung pressed his lips together, hiding the smug smile that was beginning to form on his face,
“The caddy’s will make sure we’re not...cheating, let’s go win this y/n.”
You hugged your sulking father and hopped in the golf cart next to Doyoung, keeping your eyes on the path ahead of you.
From time to time you found yourself staring over at him, taking in that side profile as he casually maneuvered the vehicle over the greenery until you arrived at your destination.
“Shall we ?” Doyoung said, wetting his bottom lip with tongue and placed his cold hand on your exposed thigh.
You felt a shiver run down your spine, much like that night with the cigarette. You wanted more, you wanted to test just how far you could go.
And knowing that sneaking around in secret like this only made it more exciting.
“It’s going to be pretty easy to sink this” you pouted as you noticed your ball was just mere centimeters away from the first hole.
“You sound disappointed” Doyoung raised an eyebrow as he watched you set up your shot.
“We’re going to be quite far ahead of them”
“That’s not necessarily a bad thing”
You looked up at Doyoung who causally waited aside, watching you line up your shot. He wasn’t going to say it just yet, but he was definitely enjoying the view.
Sucking in a deep breath you hit the ball, but missed the target completely and felt your cheeks heat up when Doyoung lightly chuckled.
“Your form is correct you just hit it way too hard, here let me help you”
Doyoung dropped his club and made his way over to you as you got into position for your shot. Your breathing hitched when he stood behind you, a hand placed around your waist and the other on top of yours on the golf club.
You could feel his warm breath on your neck as he pulled your hips against his, bending you slightly over to feel a little more of you.
Your eyes fluttered up to where the caddy was, nervous that he’d feel some type away about this interaction but he was too invested in his phone to care.
“He’s not going to say or do anything, trust me” Doyoung whispered into your ear as you felt his hand tighten around your waist and pull your ass even closer to his crotch.
“Like this ?” You pushed your ass up to grind up against him, satisfied when you heard a small moan escape his lips.
You hit the ball and watched it sink into the hole in satisfaction. Doyoung pulled away from your body and clapped at your victory,
“Well done love” he praised and it made you rub your thighs together. You don’t know why but hearing him praise you made you so wet, all you wanted to do was be his good girl.
Doyoung’s turn was next and he easily sunk in his shot and before you knew it you two were already on your way to the next hole.
This time in the drive Doyoung had one hand on your thigh, squeezing lightly as he drove through the course casually. Finally pulling up to the next hole, you immediately got into position to tee off,
“Am I doing it right ?” You pouted back at Doyoung who stood a distance as he downed a bottle of water.
“You got this love, hey I’ll tell you what” Doyoung ran his fingers through his hair and unbuttoned the first button of his Ralph Lauren polo shirt,
“If you get this in with Atleast three shots I’ll give you a reward.”
You swallowed hard, your mind buzzing with what the reward could be. Shaking your head that was filled with fantasies you took your shot, surprised that it was a pretty decent one at that.
“Well done love, you must really want that reward” Doyoung mused, his small praises driving you into a frenzy once again.
Doyoung quickly took yet another perfect shot and the two of you hopped in the cart headed for the final stretch of the play.
Again not wasting anytime you took your shot and managed to complete the round in just two shots, immediately turning to Doyoung and gave him a dashing smile.
“Wow love, you did beautifully” he praised, coming over to stroke your back and sent your thoughts into overdrive,
“Let me finish up here and we can sort that reward out” Doyoung’s voice was filled with mischief.
Just like he said Doyoung finished his round quite quickly and went over to the caddy whispering to him before heading back to you in the cart.
“What did you tell him ?” You asked as Doyoung started the ignition and began driving on a slightly different, more secluded path.
“Told him not to follow us, and just meet us at the next hole” Doyoung pressed his lips together and you watched his eyes search for a spot that was hidden from passerby’s.
Doyoung stopped the engine and jumped out of the cart, quickly pulling you out and leaned your back against the hood of the golf cart. His eyes were dark and a smirk grew on his face as his fingers brushed against your cheek, over your chest and eventually landed on your thigh.
“You love to praised y/n, I’ve taken notice of that” he hummed and his fingers separated your legs slightly as it moved higher up your skirt.
“I want you to know how good I am” you fluttered your lashes at him, leaning back into the hood and licked your lips.
“You think you’re good ?” Doyoung chuckled darkly as his finger grazed your soaked underwear, “I think you’re a bad girl y/n, just so fucking bad.”
You bit down on your lip as Doyoung pushed your underwear to the side and pushed his index finger into your core. You threw your head back as Doyoung slowly fingered you, bringing his mouth to you jaw and kissed you gently.
“But you know a promise is a promise and you deserve your reward” Doyoung responded by inserting two more fingers in you, quickly using his free hand to cover your mouth before you moaned.
“I’m good...daddy”
Doyoung’s ears perked at the nickname and responded by moving his fingers even faster, pushing his large frame into yours as you began chasing your orgasm.
Just as you were about to come undone Doyoung removed his fingers and wiped your wetness on your skirt before pulling you into a hot and sloppy kiss.
“If you think you’re a good girl, how about doing something about this huh” Doyoung growled into your ear and grabbed your hand, placing it over his hardened member.
You immediately slipped down to your knees and unbuckled his pants, waiting to please him. Doyoung freed his member and looked down as you took him into your mouth, making sure every inch of him entered before slowly sucking him off.
“Fuck...that feels so good, you’re doing so good my love” he sighed, throwing your cap aside and grabbed tufts of your hair as you sucked him off in the middle of the country club golf course.
Doyoung began thrusting into your mouth until you felt him hit the back of your throat and he came undone, feeling every bit of him slide down your throat.
Doyoung brought you up and swiped his thumb across your lips before inserting it into your mouth while you sucked on it gently.
“You’re right, you’re such a good girl” he praised and began rubbing his member in between your thighs as you felt him slowly grow hard once more.
“Do I get a reward again daddy ?” You placed your manicured hands on his chest and looked up at him with barely innocent eyes.
“Ofcourse, anything for you my love” Doyoung mused and spun you around, bending you over the golf cart and dropped your panties down to your knees.
Doyoung pushed his member into your core and slipped a hand in front between your legs to stimulate you while he fucked you senseless. He placed a hand over your mouth once more, the last thing he needed was your father or his own damn kids walking in on this.
But he wanted to feel as much of you as he could and removed the hand from your mouth and slipped it under your shirt, giving your breast a squeeze.
“Don’t you dare make a sound my love, or else I’ll stop” Doyoung grunted as he heard your soft whimpers in his ear.
Doyoung felt himself getting closer again and pulled out, leading you to the seats of the cart and propped you up on it and entered you again. Your legs wrapped around his waist as you felt him twitch inside of you. Grabbing onto the seats for support you nodded at him, signaling that you too were close and Doyoung sped up until you came all over his member and he pulled out waiting for your mouth to return to his tip.
“Take it all in again my love, you’re such a good girl” he groaned, biting down on his lips and your mouth wrapped around him once more and felt his liquid run down your throat for the second time that day.
You finally cleaned up and Doyoung neatened himself before texting the caddy that the two of you were on your way.
“What’s the next reward daddy ?” You raised your eyebrow at him as you watched a smug smile spread across his face as he drove,
“Well after this game is over and you get yourself cleaned up, how about meeting for another reward daddys room ?”
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