himbos-hotline · 3 months
yall guys better read my new fic when its published and i better get so many comments and reblogs cuz im looking into my own childhood trauma for this...
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scatterpatter · 5 months
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Watching 2 headmates latch onto each other has been... Interesting these past few weeks
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
Amnesia Chapter 1 - Lost
Summary: On the way back home from a supply run, Freyu finds an injured and sick human girl on the road far from help. With no one else around and no other choice, she decides to take the girl, Omega, home and care for her until she's well enough to tell her where her family is, despite the nagging suspicion she has that Omega has been abandoned or orphaned.
Word count: 6.5k
Warning: Blood, mentions of blood, injury, child injury, sickness, infection, infected wounds, trauma, nightmares, swearing.
A/N: I'm rewriting most of the chapters of this au because going back and reading them again, I just don't feel good about them, I feel like now that I know where the story is going I can write them better. I have other fics from about a year ago that I still feel really good about, the first ~13 chapters of this au is not those. It will follow along the lines of what those 13 chapters were story wise, but it will be better and less, I dunno, clunky and awkward.
I'm doing rewrites and continuing the story at the same time, and I switched to using Google docs instead of my notes app, quick memo handled like, 4-5k+ words on a single note, but ot would get laggy and hard to write on, I guess notes apps aren't for fic writing, who knew?
Also, I've decided to give Omega a mutation(or two, they go together) of her own.
Amnesia link here.
Freyu covered her eyes from the downpour of rain as the winds grew stronger. It was late and she was heading home from a supply run to town, and she lived a ways out.
Maybe I should've rented a speeder… nah, it would've gotten all gunked up with mud. She'd have to simply walk home. She would be fine, cold didn't bother her much as a Pantoran.
A small shiver went up her spine, though not from the cold, it felt like someone was watching her. She made a quick glance behind her at the settlement she was leaving behind. The lights were on in most homes, but other than that, the streets were empty, as usual for a rain season storm. She passed the odd feeling off as just a reaction to the rain, nothing more.
Things had been odd the last few months, the clone wars had ended, but she'd felt something dark and powerful before the news was even given. And there was news of humans going to worlds and telling them that they would be joining the New Galactic Empire. She had a feeling that they'd be coming for the Massanii sector soon.
Lightning flashed out in the distance, she stopped and waited for the thunder that would follow. She still got the uncomfortable feeling of being followed. She checked and, again, no one was there.
Despite the looming presence of the Empire moving in on her homeworld, Freyu was faithful that something would be worked out that allowed her sector to retain its autonomy. The Massanii sector had never been a part of the Republic and it was powerful enough to protect itself from the crime and spice lords of the Outer Rim. The major exports were foodstuffs, medicine and local artisan crafts, the population wasn't overly large but it was enough to discourage the unsavory types from hiding out on their worlds and the government was extremely well functioning.
It wasn't a back-water by Rim standards. It was a nice and relatively peaceful place to live, though it had its share of dangers.
Freyu was shaken out of her thoughts by an instinctive nudge forwards pulling at her mind.
Is there something up ahead? She wondered, glancing around for anything out of the ordinary amongst the orange grasses.
She didn't see anything and decided to shrug the feeling off. While her instincts were usually right, they weren't always correct.
She continued walking until she heard soft, raspy breathing that rattled with each breath taken. She stopped and glanced around, there was still nothing on the road around her and town was far behind her now, anyone from there wouldn't have been able to catch up so fast. Massii Grass rustled to her side, she spotted a trail of flattened grass a few feet away from the road, whatever was there hadn't made it to the road before collapsing.
If it was an animal, she could easily rehabilitate it, but if it was an animal it would likely attack her. She got her hold out blaster from her bag and set it to stun, if she needed it, and walked into the tall grasses.
While she had expected an animal of some kind, she hadn't expected to see a human child collapsed on the ground and curled into itself. She holstered the blaster and tentatively approached the kid, a girl if she had to guess.
She was in just terrible shape, her clothes, which didn't look like they belonged to her in the first place, were torn up and worn out, caked with mud and other stains. Freyu could see the girl's shrunken sides through all the holes in her clothes, she could see her ribs very clearly. She must not have eaten in weeks.
The girl was absolutely covered with cuts, scrapes and bruises, some looked a few weeks old and didn't seem to have healed right. There was necrotic tissue around a particularly nasty wound on her upper arm, it looked like a grazing blaster shot, it was almost certainly infected.
There was a fresh mess of scratches on her shoulder blades, they were still bleeding a bit. Freyu was confident she knew where those were from, the kid must've run into one of Massanii's grassland predators. She was surprised the kid was still alive, though maybe the predator had decided against eating or finishing her because of the infections she had, she must've smelled like diseased food.
Speaking of disease, the girl also looked sick, Freyu crouched down and gently felt the girl's forehead. Shit, she was burning up with a fever. Freyu spotted matted clumps of blood in the girl's dirty blond hair, her careful hands felt around the skull for any signs of inflammation or fractures. She felt an old wound on the back of her head that her hair was stuck to with dried blood, it was definitely inflamed, maybe infected too, and it looked like it still hurt.
Freyu didn't hear anyone else, the world was quiet outside of the howl of the wind and the falling of rain.
It was honestly a surprise she was even still alive.
A cough returned her attention to the girl laying in front of her. She was a little surprised to see wide brown eyes staring at her. Well, one and a half eyes, the right eye was swollen and purple. Freyu felt the girl's fear, it was an intensity of fear she remembered feeling herself not that long ago.
Pity pulled at her when the girl pathetically tried to move away from her. She painfully remembered being this terrified at a similar age. She held her hands up in a show that she wasn't a threat
"No no, it's okay, I'm not gonna hurt you. It's okay." She said softly, finding the right words and tone for this situation for once.
The girl didn't look like she trusted her, but she stopped moving around. Freyu could still feel the anxiety and panic swirling inside of the girl.
Should I try to…? it might be good to establish a connection… I might be able to monitor her better if I do… but then we're connected and no one- Stop. This isn't the time for that. She needs help. Freyu made up her mind and reached out to the girl through the Force.
She made contact and sent a wave of reassurance to the girl. To her surprise it worked, she felt some of the girl's anxiety leave. Connections always were my thing. She thought.
The girl allowed her to get closer, and now that her head was up, Freyu could see a nasty bruise on the side of her face. She wanted to ask, to know how this kid ended up in such awful condition, but she needed to get this kid some help. Maker, her condition was awful, she didn't doubt that the girl would have died had she not heard her.
"Hello there, ad'ika, I'm Freyu O'asisk, I'm going to help you, okay?" She told the girl.
She nodded slowly, Freyu could feel the last of her energy leaving her quickly.
"Can you tell me your name?" Freyu asked.
"'m Omega…"
"Alright, Omega, I'm going to take you to my house and I can fix you up there. I just need you to stay awake for me, it'll only be for a little then you can sleep all you want. Got that?" She asked.
Though Omega nodded, Freyu wasn't sure she had really heard. But that wasn't important. She took her coat off and wrapped it around Omega's small form to keep her from getting wetter, she gently lifted Omega up and cradled her in her arms, she suppressed a flinch when Omega's hands brushed against her sides.
Ignore it, Freyu. She scolded herself.
She spotted two muddy toys in the ground after she picked the girl up. With a quick check to ensure no one would see, she Force lifted both toys, a Tooka doll and repainted clone trooper dall, into her bag so she could wash them later.
Omega shivered and pressed her wet, feverishly hot, yet shivering body against Freyu's naturally warm dryer one. Freyu patted the girl's back and gave her a little squeeze as she booked it back home.
"You're gonna be okay, Omega." She promised.
Freyu felt like her brain finally decided to catch up with her when she was in the middle of treating the scratches on Omega's back.
What the fuck did you just do, Freyu? She groaned at herself.
She took a step back from the modified table she'd put Omega on to tend to her, it was the best she had at the moment. She pinched her nose and grumbled, she just had to think about that now, she couldn't think about it when she was done?
Sure, she had taken a random child she found into her home on a whim, a severely injured child, but she'd done worse. And all she was doing was fixing up the kid so she didn't die and could go back home.
If she has a home.
Freyu glanced at the now unconscious girl. It certainly seemed like she'd been abandoned at some point to end up this way. If she was abandoned then there'd be nowhere for her to go and no one looking for her.
Or someone else could be looking for her.
She quickly brushed that particular concern off.
She breathed in deep and focused as best she could. She still had work to do.
She flushed the wounds, applied antiseptic and, where needed either stitched cuts or reopened half healed ones to flush and then stitched up again. Some of the smaller wounds she healed herself, she also took the edge off the girl's sickness.
Next was that blaster wound.
She changed gloves and grabbed a scalpel. She didn't have the time for the slower methods of removing necrotic tissue, and she could stimulate the new skin growth herself. She started cutting the dead tissue away with as much precision as she had.
She finished, changed gloves again for sterility, and healed the new wounds removal had caused. She had removed virtually the entire scab and scar tissue. It would be easier, and safer, to give the area a new start, and she'd give it a kick start herself so it wouldn't hurt as much when Omega woke up.
She got up and went to one of the med cabinets to search for a disease tester, it would tell her what kind of sickness Omega had and she'd be able to treat it better. This med cabinet was just a closet her family had stored the less frequently used medical equipment in. There were other drawers and cabinets in this room that had all sorts of medical junk, and of course there were bacta and quick healing supplies hidden all over the house.
Freyu made a small sound of victory when she found the tester. Now all I need is a blood sample and- she stopped mid thought. The extended, fresh needle glinted in the bright light of the room.
"What are you doing, Freyu? You can't just take a blood sample without permission!" She chastised herself.
"But I need one to figure out what's wrong with her. Fuck!" She kicked the wall in frustration.
She looked between the test in her hand and Omega, the kid was shivering from her fever. She sighed and took Omega's limp arm, she felt along it for a vein she could draw from. Omega was very anemic on top of everything else. Freyu was able to get enough blood to run the test despite that setback.
As it ran, she finished wrapping the injuries and started thinking of a better place to monitor Omega. The couch in the upstairs living room could fold out into a bed, and she could easily set up the proper equipment. That would have to do.
Soon, Omega was sleeping in the makeshift bed with an IV and monitoring systems hooked up. Freyu had changed Omega's torn clothes into some old clothes of hers and tossed the ruined ones out, so the kid was probably the cleanest she'd been in a while.
After disease treatment, Freyu figured she'd done as much as she could for Omega at the moment. She left the girl sleeping to take care of what she had been doing before she found Omega.
She unpacked her bag, set everything in the proper place and grabbed something to snack on while she waited for the quick meal she'd lazily put in the oven to be done.
She was fucking starving. And tired. I must have been doing that for hours! What time is it? She stretched and rubbed her sore back. She glanced at the clock, fuck, it was morning. The sun would be rising in a few hours. She wouldn't get much rest, so why bother trying?
And her head was buzzing with questions, sleep would be nearly impossible and frustrating anyway.
It was silent, as always, when she ate. The silence had once been forgien and unsettling to her, though she was now more accustomed to the quiet and the small sounds of her house running, it was still unwelcome. She adjusted her hearing implant to shut out the ringing she'd get if she just took it out. She ate her food slowly, she didn't feel hungry despite knowing she was.
Her mind was preoccupied with questions on how Omega ended up here, in this sector of the galaxy, and in such terrible condition. Omega being a refugee was a possibility, but the sector's refugee and displacement management would have treated some of her injuries if she was with them for any length of time. Her best guess was that Omega was either a runaway or she'd been abandoned. She highly doubted Omega had any family, or if they even cared enough to go looking for her.
"What am I going to do with her?" She sighed and rested her head on the table.
The last time she'd been in charge of someone else… it hadn't gone well at all. Freyu didn't know if she could even try taking care of, being responsible for (getting attached too) someone again. She wasn't sure if she could handle something happening again.
She definitely did not want Omega to see what happened when she got… upset.
She could do some digging and try to find some place for Omega to go that would be safe, or get Omega back home once she was conscious enough to tell her where that was.
A frightened shout from upstairs had Freyu bolting out of her seat and running up there. Blaster in hand, she scanned the room, her eyes unhindered by the darkness. There didn't appear to be any threats yet, she couldn't feel any other presence, and the security system would have alerted her long before anyone could get inside.
Another shout came from behind her where she'd set Omega's bed up. She'd assumed it was Omega who'd shouted, but the girl wasn't awake.
The monitors showed her heart was racing and her temperature was raised again.
Oh. Nightmares.
Freyu flinched, she knew the stress and pain of nightmares all too well. Seeing Omega, who was just a kid, like she'd been, suffering in such an inescapable way, it hurt her. It twisted her stomach and squeezed her heart.
She went to Omega's bed and sat on the empty side next to her. Omega was thrashing as much as she could with all the wires attached to her. Freyu leaned over her, one hand on Omega's forehead, the other holding Omega's free arm down.
"I'm sorry Omega, I know how much it hurts. But I can fix that for you." Freyu whispered softly.
You don't have to go through what I did.
She gently pushed into Omega's mind and quieted all the chaotic, disorganized noise that was causing the nightmare. She caught glimpses of the chaos.
A marshy field. The coppery scent of blood. A Duro shooting someone. Alone in a strange but familiar place. People in armor fighting. The harsh smell of blaster exhaust. Alone and hurt. The armored people getting hurt, dying. On the run, and all alone. None of it made much sense, was clear on details, or came in the right order.
Freyu focused and shoved it all back so it would leave Omega alone for a time. She calmed herself and tried transferring that to Omega as well.
She pulled back and stroked her finger down the bridge of Omega's nose until her vitals returned to normal. It worked.
Freyu felt a soft smile on her face as Omega settled into a peaceful slumber. The poor kid would probably be out for a few days as her body recovered. She got up to leave and do something with the rest of the dark hours before getting to work, but she found Omega's hand had grabbed hers, and she wasn't letting go.
I suppose I'm keeping her. Freyu chuckled to herself and resumed her previous spot next to Omega.
"Don't worry Meg'ika (mando'a: little Omega), you'll be safe with me." She promised, hoping she could keep it.
Omega woke up very slowly, her brain taking a long time to register that she was awake.
The first thing she noticed was how dry and warm she was. The last time she'd been warm… well she couldn't exactly remember the last time. Something warm and sticky covered her right eye, it wasn't hurting as much as it had been the last time she was awake.
Pale light was coming in through a half open curtain.
She was in a large room, with a staircase going down by the far wall, and a short staircase going up on the wall to her side. There were two doors next to the smaller stairs, one on either side. The smaller stairs lead to a hallway from what she could see.
The realisation she had no idea where she was or who she was with hit her like a ton of bricks. Panic spiked and the beeping she'd only now noticed went faster.
She was on some sort of bed, there was a fuzzy blanket over her. She felt the press of patches and bandages all over her body. Something was wrapped around her head.
For a reason she didn't understand, this filled her with more panic. She didn't like the feeling of all the things attached to her.
She looked around for her things, she remembered having something with her. She found an IV drip set up into her, it stung when she moved and her whole body started aching and hurting.
A door opened somewhere in the house and steps came up the stairs. Omega flinched and curled into a small ball.
"Meg'ika! You're finally awake, I was starting to get worried." That voice was barely familiar to her, Omega peeked out.
A young Pantoran woman stood at the top of the stairs. She had a kind, worried expression, she looked friendly. Despite that, Omega flinched when she was approached.
"Here, I washed them while you were out." A Tooka doll and repainted clone trooper doll were held out to her.
She recognized them as Lula and Poppy. She seized both and held them close, they were warm and soft and carried a sweet scent.
"Are you feeling better?" The Pantoran asked her.
She was checking some… uh, thing. Omega felt like she should know what it was but she couldn't remember, her dull headache got worse. The Pantoran had moved into the light and Omega got a good look at her.
She had chilly blue skin, which contrasted with her warm golden eyes. Her pastel purple hair was messily tied into a single braid that reached her waist. The hair around her face was loose and tucked behind her ear on the left, and pinned back on the right and- Is that a scar?
On the right side of her face was a mess of magenta red scars, there were scars from above her eyebrow to her jawline, one scar crossed onto her cheek and was very close to her eye. The scars covered the area where an ear would be, but there wasn't one, not even the opening of an ear canal. It looked like her head, no, her skull, dented in there as if a chunk had been cut out.
There was a bit of her ear left though mainly where the top of it would be and it was just barely noticeable. Something akin to a hearing aid stood out amongst the scars. A few scars continued past what she could easily see and were concealed by hair.
On that same side of her face were golden tattoos, on her cheek they were petal shaped, two groups of three and one of two, and there was a pointed curved line that went from above her eyebrow, over her eyelid and down to her jaw, it had two abrupt turns.
"Your fever's gone down in the last couple of days. I'd say you're doing better Ad'ika." The Pantoran told her.
Omega nodded, she didn't feel as awful as the last time she'd been awake. A shape pain hit her stomach, she grimaced as her stomach churned and attacked her.
"You must be hungry, c'mon, I've got something cooking now." The Pantoran stopped her IV drip and detached her from everything, then held her hand out.
Omega hesitated, but something about the Pantoran made Omega inclined to trust her. She took the offered hand, and received help in getting up. Her legs were wobbly and weak.
"My name is Freyu, in case you forgot." Freyu gave her a warm smile as she led her down the stairs.
The name did register with Omega, and she started to recall her meeting with the Pantoran.
She was sat down at an expertly crafted wooden table, it looked old and well used, but still strong. It looked like it could fold out to fit more people, there was just one other chair though. A small cup was slid over to her with a spoon in it.
Omega pocked it cautiously, it was thick and gelatinous.
"Uh, what is this?" She asked Freyu.
The Pantoran was preoccupied with something cooking on the stove, it smelled good. She gave a quick glance over her shoulder, Omega was still extremely emaciated, but she was doing better after four days of treatment.
"That's some medicine, it'll kick start your digestive system and get it ready for food. You're not going to like it though, it's very bitter." Freyu told her.
Omega took a curious spoonful, and gagged at the foul taste, the bitterness assaulted her tongue. She swallowed with difficulty and washed the spoonful down with the water that had been provided to her, or, she'd thought it was water but it had a slimy syrupy texture and tasted bitter too.
"Right, that's also medicine, here's some water." Freyu set a mug down.
"Don't drink from anything that's in a clear glass, it's not water or it's not meant for you. Mugs are for water. I should've said that sooner. I forgot." Freyu told her.
Omega nodded and readily accepted the water. It took her a while, but she got all the bitter medicine down. She felt its effects as her stomach settled and digested the medicine.
She watched in wonder as Freyu shook a pan and flipped whatever was on it, catching it and spraying a handful of spices onto some of it. A sweet scent came from the oven, and there was a pot of something simmering on the stove.
Omega zeroed in on a bottle sitting in an open cupboard, there were other bottles with it, she recognized a few as pain relief, and one was for headaches. Freyu grabbed the bottle she'd first laid eyes on and took two pills out. She popped them in her mouth and downed it with a sip of water. She noticed Omega staring and showed the bottle to her. The label showed it was prescribed by the 'Massanii Sector Health Care System' whatever that was.
"It's medicine." She explained before putting it back on the shelf and closing it.
Omega had questions, but she got the sense Freyu didn't want to talk about it.
A small plate was set in front of her with some kind of thinly sliced, crunchy meat and a sweet smelling pastry.
Freyu had a plate of her own, it was bigger, the meat and pastry were the same but the meat was seasoned, and she had some purple plants on her plate. Freyu picked up one of the plants and pulled off a leaf, then she ate it.
"You can't have this, it's poisonous to humans." She explained when she noticed Omega's staring.
Omega looked back to the food sitting in front of her, it smelled really good. And she was hungry. She took a bite and it was the best thing she'd ever put in her mouth.
"How long has it been since you last ate?" Freyu asked when she'd finished her food.
Omega wiped her mouth, she couldn't really remember the last time she ate, anything really. It was all a blur up until a few weeks ago.
"I don't know, I can't remember." Omega shrugged.
"Well, lucky for you, that's over." Freyu smiled at her.
It made her feel nice, and warm. Her starving stomach rumbled happily as it finally had something to digest. The sound of rain falling was a soothing pitter patter, everything was calm.
"Uh, miss Freyu, where am I?" Omega asked.
"Massanii, it's in the Outer Rim, and you don't need to call me "miss", I'm only like, seven years older than you." Freyu told her.
"Oh, okay. I'm not sure where Massanii is? Isn't the Outer Rim big?" Omega wondered.
"It's near the edge of the Outer Rim, about as far out as Pantora, little further in terms of distance from the core, but it gets a lot more trade and travel than Pantora, it's not part of the Republic, or it wasn't, I dunno what's with that Empire business. So Outer Rim but not obscure and powerless." Freyu shrugged.
Omega's head felt weird. She'd heard about Pantora before, she'd been there she was sure, but for whatever reason, she just couldn't recall it.
A sharp pain struck her head.
Strange sounds and people exploded into her mind, she didn't recognize any of it and it was so loud and it hurt! She grabbed her head and shook it to dispel the frightening images.
"Omega? Omega, what's wrong?" Freyu asked.
"I-I don't know!... i-I'm seeing and hearing things… Things I don't remember or know about… why, why's it happening? It hurts!" Omega cried as her headache became worse.
Freyu acted fast and was at the girl's side quickly, she gently turned Omega to her 
"Whoa, it's okay Omega, it's okay." She tried to comfort the distraught child.
It didn't work too well, she must've been out of practice.
"Freyu make it stop! Please make it stop! It hurts! It hurts!" Omega cried into Freyu.
Freyu patted her back sympathetically as the girl wrapped her arms around her. Externally, Freyu was calm and quietly understanding. Internally, she was fucking pissed over such a young child suffering in such a horrible way.
"Sh, sh, sh, it's okay, I'll make it okay, I'll make it stop." She whispered softly into Omega's ear.
Freyu placed a hand on either side of Omega's head and pressed their foreheads together. She calmed herself internally to not cause any more distress, and started humming. She pushed into Omega's mind and silenced the chaos and unending confusion and screaming, pushing it to the dark, blocked off corner of Omega's mind. That sort of blockage, she recognized it, it was keeping anything that could cause extreme stress back.
So she's got some form of amnesia. Freyu concluded.
She didn't know which kind, what caused it, or how permanent it was. An examination could be conducted once she was asleep. But she had bigger problems right now.
Omega was still very upset, she sniffled and rubbed at her nose. Freyu let Omega take as much time as she needed to calm down, she could wait.
"Are you better now?" She asked once the sniffles had stopped.
Omega only nodded, unable to speak just yet. Freyu rubbed her back then scooped her up, letting her rest her chin on her shoulder.
Fuck she's light. She had to get this kid more food.
"I'm gonna bring you upstairs so you can get a nice shower, I'll check how you're healing and then you can go back to sleep, you still look very tired, how's that sound?" Freyu said as she climbed the stairs.
"Will you stay by so it doesn't come back?" Omega asked timidly.
"Of course I will Meg'ika. I'll be there whenever you need me." Freyu told her.
She set the shower up for Omega, and left to get her a change of clothes and the necessary wrappings and bandages for Omega's wounds.
Freyu found an old pair of fuzzy orange and yellow pajamas in one of the storage bins downstairs. They were about Omega's size, a little bigger, so they had probably been hers at one point.
Something caught her eyes as she was leaving, the name on the box.
In bright and happy yellow coloring, Jicelli loved yellow, it was her favorite color. Jicelli begged that she get all the yellow hand me downs for when she was big enough for them. Freyu let out a small laugh at the memories of catching her sister trying to steal their older brother's stuff.
She never got big enough for these.
The pleasant memory was spoiled by the bitter thought. She frowned and pushed it aside, there wasn't time to think like that.
She went back up and waited for Omega to be done. She ended up going in and helping the girl with her hair.
Freyu parted the hair covering Omega's wound to check on it, it was healing well, and looked a lot better now that the area around it had been cleaned. She brushed out the tangles and knots in Omega's curly blond hair, Omega fidgeted slightly every now and then.
When that was done, Freyu checked her wounds, the smaller scrapes and scratches had mostly healed by now, the cuts on her back still looked painful, she made a note to get Omega a pain relief before bed. The wound on her arm was still raw looking, it was doing well.
A little too well. Yes she'd given the healing a kick start, but it shouldn't be at this faze so fast, especially with the condition Omega had, and to a lesser extent was still in. Her body hadn't, and now hardly had what it needed to start serious healing efforts, she shouldn't have been this far along yet. It wasn't a natural human thing… that was another thing to worry about.
Freyu put the thoughts aside, once again, and continued tending to Omega. She rewrapped all the wounds that needed it.
"You've healed up well considering you're still sick, some wounds need more time so go easy on your arm and try not to hit your head." Freyu instructed as she wrapped Omega's arm.
Omega tugged at the edge of the slightly too long sleeves, the house she was in looked like it had been lived in by more than one person, but Freyu was the only one here. She wondered what happened to the others who lived here.
"Does anyone else live here?" She asked before thinking.
"No, just me." The response was a bit delayed, Omega didn't put much thought into that.
"Did anyone used to live here with you?"
There wasn't an answer to that question, Omega glanced over her shoulder, Freyu looked upset now. Angry.
"Did… something bad happen?" She asked cautiously.
Freyu glanced down at her, her hard expression softened and she smiled softly.
"Obviously something happened," Freyu flicked the hair around her scar, "But it doesn't matter anymore." She said.
She led Omega over to her bed, the windows were closed but she could hear the rain on the roof.
"I'm gonna need to hook you back up so I can monitor you, are you okay with that?" Freyu asked.
An instinctual hint of hesitation arose from the back of Omega's mind. She could feel wires tapped to her skin, she felt uncomfortable. Freyu rested a hand on her shoulder.
"Do you have a problem with it? It won't be too many, I just need to monitor your vitals while you're asleep." Freyu comforted.
"o-Okay…" Omega nodded and sat so she could get hooked up.
You don't want her tossing you out, don't be too much of a burden. Omega told herself sternly.
Freyu briefly glanced away from her current task, the harsh thoughts passing into her head had been a bit surprising, more so the content than it happening. She would need to take care of that problem on a later date, Omega was yawning and looked very tired.
She finished and tucked Omega into the makeshift bed.
"Have a nice rest." Freyu patted Omega's head gently.
She turned the lights out and went downstairs to the greenhouse.
Freyu rolled a smooth stone over the desired section of the plant. She stopped when the leaf was squishy, tied it off and cut what she'd worked on.
Sweet smelling sticky goo leaked out, she squeezed it all out into a bowl, split the drained leaf open and scraped until just the leaf skin was left. The scraped bits went into a different bowl.
She turned to the large pot over the burner. She stirred the simmering mixture, under the gray foaming surface, the liquid was a light pink, as it should be. It had a bittersweet and citrusy scent.
She took the liquid she'd extracted and heated it on the other burner until it had a syrupy look then she poured it into the mixture. She stirred for a few minutes until it became more viscous, then she left it.
She plucked one blossom from the vines that wrapped around the entrance to the greenhouse, and took a handful of dried petals from the dry storage. The dried petals were placed in a mortar, the blossom was plucked and the fresh petals were set aside to be dried and used later. She crushed the dried petals into a powder, then forced the pollen and nectar in the blossom stem out before squeezing the sap out, the stem would also be dried.
She mixed until it became a smooth, thick paste, she chuckled, who knew such a little flower could have so much liquid inside of it? She checked the pot, and it was at the perfect time to add in the paste.
The rich maroon colored paste mixed in with the now teal liquid, she waited until the chemical reaction between the ingredients caused little explosions of green, then she stirred until it became a calming light green.
She took it off the burner to cool, and got the jars and charts ready. She couldn't remember how much each person needed or when their refills were, and how much would go to the local pharmacy for the life of her. So she had an extensive list that was copied onto paper and backed up with several holo text replacements.
Now that work was done, what she could do with her biggest pot being occupied, her mind was free to wander over the ramifications of her discoveries.
She sighed. Her examination while Omega had been asleep had come with troubling news.
Omega did have amnesia, dissociative amnesia, though she wasn't sure if it was general or localized yet. Omega hardly remembered anything up until a few weeks ago, so that pointed to general, but everything around a certain point was just fuzzy, that certain point in her memory was blocked off, possibly due to a highly traumatic experience, and that pointed to localized.
Either way it was amnesia caused by trauma.
Dissociative amnesia wasn't permanent, recovery from it was possible but, Freyu wasn't sure if that was such a good thing. It was trauma causing this, and Freyu knew that damage first hand. Something extremely bad had happened, so maybe she'd be better off if she didn't remember it?
That left her with the question of what she would do with Omega.
She couldn't just turn Omega over, the kid needed more than the currently overstretched refugee system could give her. She could only assume that Omega was abandoned or orphaned, so that left her with no one in the galaxy who cared about her.
And there was Omega's oddly quick healing, the fact that she seemed to be fighting her infection off without much medical aid, and obviously, the fact that with her blood loss, infection and sickness, she should've been dead, for a while at least. There was definitely something going on with her. That plus the very real possibility of someone chasing Omega led Freyu to a troubling conclusion.
There was a chance that Omega could have escaped from experimentation. She'd heard about some attempts to make naturally born enhanced humans during the war, from both sides.
There were factions in the Republic that didn't like having to rely on the specially modified, enhanced clones to fight, or aliens for tasks less suited to a human, so it made sense that they'd tried to change a human to be better.
The C.I.S. council would have been interested in that too, the C.I.S. civilian government not so much.
Even if she tried, Freyu knew she wouldn't be able to stop her mind from racing with theories and questions and jumping to some absurd conclusions. She figured, from her limited knowledge on the new Empire, and that it had previously been the Republic, if whoever had a hand in a sort of project like that was still alive and had a position within the Empire, they would be interested in getting their "runaway experiment" back. Likewise if the project was one of the C.I.S.'s, then the Empire would be interested in the results and advancements.
So, Omega was either an escapee of some kind of human experimentation, abandoned or orphaned. It could be all three, but for now, until she knew more, Freyu was going to place her bet on the orphaned or abandoned options. Shitty as they were, they were better than the first. But what to do with her?
Freyu bit her lip in thought, she could just let Omega stay? There weren't any other good options for her, and it wasn't like she wouldn't enjoy having someone around, bringing life back into the big empty house, she absolutely would. But she was afraid of the possibility that something bad would happen once she got attached to Omega. Afraid the kid would get hurt beyond her abilities to heal, and she just couldn't… she couldn't go through that, not again.
Well then, I just won't let her get hurt like that. I can keep her safe as long as she needs.
Yes, Freyu met Omega for less than a day(she was unconscious for most of this so that time doesn't count) and was ready to just let this kid live in her house.
Now let me info dump about my favorite blue girl!
Freyu makes medicine and remedies from plants and other natural ingredients and compounds like toxins, most of them are from Massanii cause the plants there have a high healing effect and can be mixed into more powerful heals. She knows how to get compounds to interact to create a desired result, she can also make some toxic stuff so she's a bit of a toxicologist/chemist in addition to being a healer. She also works with animals, she's really good with them so she's also the first choice to go to if something is wrong with an animal.
For the pills Freyu takes, they are basically space adderall because she's got a Pantoran equivalent to ADHD.
And Freyu has moderately severe hearing loss in her right ear, normal voice level conversations are very hard for her to hear, because of the damage to her general ear are and the resulting stitch up surgery since nothing could reverse the damage and having a canal would be a risk, her ear canal was covered, so sound is muffled too.
She's got a hearing aid/implant, it's kinda both because there's a cybernetic part that actually goes into her skull and connects with her ear drum in the least destructive way, and can't be removed(the implant part) then there's the actual hearing part which fits into the implant part cause there's nowhere else for it to go. It works so she can take out her hearing aid but still blockout any excess noise in that ear, cause she's got tinnitus in that ear too. The hearing aid was made by one of her brothers and she knows how to make another if one breaks.
So her right ear is all sorts of messed up. On the bright side, she can use the hearing aid to pick up on things she normally wouldn't be able to.
And don't worry, I've done my research on dissociative amnesia.
I like this a lot better than the original chapter one, it's much, much better. Don't go looking for the og, it's bad, I'm not gonna link it. I'm hiding that. I'm not sorry.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you! VJS out!
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crykea · 2 years
Wow I just lucked out for the first time in like 2 years and won the "soft fizzy stoned instead of paranoid' jackpot yes
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systemofthestars · 1 year
Hey! Any traumagenic systems want to be friends? I need more friends who like get it.
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koszmarnybudyn · 4 months
Link is right being a lego would be terrefing, i want soneone to make custom minifigs now though. (Insert and autistic love lego joke here)
The meat pile is giving the Flesh like real bad.
They were like rolling for stuff or something and i was like "oh maybe they wont forget hermie now" but then i remembered hes gone...
I really like the x-box item, its very funny.
Yes i was right daddies used to have office workers and stuff.
No im not sad about the Oaks definitly.
Matching revolvers T^T
Oh is anyone making troll sonas of dndads charakters? Feels like someone should, havent watched trolls 3 yet tho, or the second so for now it wont be me :(
Remember early season 2 when we only theorized about code purple? That was cool
Fuck that sparrow -henry dialouge hurtttt.
Ohhh so that how everyone forgot that's cool.
"we've all killed people at this point, i guess" said by lego link. Yeah they all did, they're all just kids, and they saw/killed so many people :(((.
I thought they we're consoling normal not dude, fuuuuckkk this hurts.
God that conversetion, i want like 20 angsty fanfic that make me cry now please
Link acknowledging the firefighters yesss!!!!
All the angst its sooo good, we needed this conversation!!!
I wanna scream this is all i wanted, this dialouge is amazing, like yesss!!!!!!
Being a teen is all about this. Also im choosing to see the "maybe we can't fix this" as a global warning metaphor.
God link... he's really dissocitating.
Normal take some space up dude, you deserve this. I love link but like dude read the vibes.
Kurwaaaaaaa... Fuck willy fuck of you little shit, motherfucker....
Yeah smite that dickhead!!!!
Wait the teens are technicly one though, so all of them should be in heaven rn
Fuck off willy, hope he dies.
Im not okay.
Gosh the ending song is a banger.
I wonder how much of season 2 is left. Im gonna miss these kids a lot...
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thexspiral · 8 months
Whoever told you you need to have blackouts between switches and dissocitive fugue to have DID was lying to you by the way.
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princesstokyomoon · 5 months
...i dont rememebr opening the post maker....
guess im more dissocited than i realised
gfdi king why did you DO this
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nightowltribe · 1 month
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Ramble about our therapy journey
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Seeing a lot of talk of diagnosis had me reflecting on our time with our first threapist, the one that we had been trying to work on seeing as a system (the one that recognised us as a system but not qualified to make the distinction of OSDD or DID), but while trying to build trust with him to get the alters with the more delicate trauma to go to therapy he made a suggestion that broke all trust we had and made continuing to see him useless as we were putting up walls to protect us as we felt he was no longer safe.
There were other things that was building up to that end already such as him pushing for constant progress to goals and when we wouldn't be able to make any progress to those goals more than two weeks consecutively he'd get frustrated with us, him pushing us to do EMDR when we said we felt like we needed more time and making us feel like we were being difficult when we couldn't do things like it was needed for EMDR (I'm fairly certain that we can't make use of that therapy), and him telling us he'd help us make new routines and hold us accountable and then backtracking and implying we aren't taking therapy seriously when we couldn't make and maintain new routines on our own.
What was the final straw is when talking about how we felt as a child hearing the frequent yelling matches our parents would have daily, we always felt like it was our fault our parents fought even when we couldn't point at anything we'd done as being the reason for the fight. We had even told him of the one time that we HAD been the cause of a fight when telling our father about the day we had with our mother and something we said is what started the fight, this just made the guilt we felt when hearing our parents fight so much worse because that was proof to us that we were somehow the cause of all the fights.
We were opening up about a very vulnerable and sensitive trauma only to be told by him that that way of thinking is very narcissistic and self-centered, both of those things have negative connotations to us and we felt like he had told us that we were bad just for believing that we were the cause of our parents' unhappiness (something we learned later is absolutely normal for a child to believe in a volatile family dynamic and not at all narcissistic or self-centered). The alter that holds the traumas of that age was very hurt and felt misunderstood and we all suddenly felt unfairly judged and patronized, and we felt like any further opening up about our trauma would just erase the progress we'd been able to accomplish on our own.
This wad supposed to be a trauma informed therapist, someone that was experienced in trauma, and some one experienced in 'lesser' dissocitative disorders; how can he be experienced with that but not understand what is common in childhood trauma?
We had explained how we come to believe that we had depression (confirmed), anxiety (confirmed), CPTSD (diagnosed as PTSD as CPTSD is not yet official), childhood trauma (confirmed many times over), experienced dissociation (confirmed but not diagnosed by request from us to avoid any discrimination), and had a system (had been recognized but not diagnosed as he wasn't qualified). This we had been able to piece together with very heavy self-reflection and guidance from legitimate online sources, and we've been able to make more progress on healing by doing system work ourselves and seeking therapy for our traumas as a singlet with our current therapist.
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plushipaws · 3 months
Any systems havs like tiny alters bc ive been sorta meditating to go deeper into headspace and my sort of. Alterwho knows things secret from me took me into a tunnel and it had one o these in it
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Tiny bean baby fox. I am a fox in headspace as well. It seemed like it was sad and desperate for attention but i didnt have a mind ready connection w it like i do most alters but im finding i dont have that with a lot of newly discovered alters until we work at removing dissocitive barrier by talking to each other ans i learn what trauma they are holding, but idk how to talk to a baby bean. I curled around it and licked it tho and it got a bit older like getting fluffy fur but still very little
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starclawz · 8 months
is this normal? (A little bit of a vent, sorry) (you don't have to read/answer if you don't want)
Whenever something bad happens I just switch to this innocent, scared, confused child. I don't know what to do or whats going on and I just feel like I'm five years old again and I don't know why. My entire thought process just completely changes... and stays like that until I know it's gonna be okay. It's weird and confusing. It feels like I just become a different, younger, person or something
Is this normal or a symptom of a dissocitive disorder? You seem to know about that stuff
Again, sorry for venting, I feel obligated to apologize... sorry
First, please don't apologize, I'm here to help. I'm always here to lend a hand or just listen, you don't need to apologize.
Second, this is a possible symptom of a dissociative disorder, but it also could be age regressing (Which is involuntary, iirc)
I'm sorry this happens to you, and again I hope this can help you a little bit. I advise researching into involuntary age regression and such, if you need
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himbos-hotline · 2 months
hi!! hihi I just wanted to say i commented on your fic yesterday too but you’ve fully rotted my brain with kenny as a did system (from one system to another, it’s hard to find good plural hcs for characters :/) so if you wanted to share any hcs or anything here that’d be so cool!!! :3
OKay okay so like!! I am also filled with brainrot
And when I tell yolu that I am totally right about kenny omega having DiD I mean I am competely right! For those that don't know what DiD is it stands for dissoctive identity disorder [formally known as MPD or mutiple personality disorder] affects about 1.5% of the population and its an trauma disorder formed during the early childhood stage [between 2-7 years old.] It is regularly caused by any cause of severe trauma [sexual/emotional/physical ect] combinded with the obvious stress that going through that stuff causes. Extreme childhood trauma causes the brain to fracture before the child can gain and/or form a connected sense of self being, this disconnect continues and every part of distinct "personality" becomes more and more disconnected and dissociated and slowly start to form their own existence and behaviour, thus becoming "parts" or "alters" or "headmates" that exist to protect the child as they grow and go through trauma rather than the child going through said trauma alone.
MPD was renamed DID in 1994 since it is a dissociative disorder [as well as a posttraumatic stress disorder] instead of a personality disorder. DID is often catagorised/explained as
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(image description: A screenshot from a website that reads:"it is a disorder characterized by the presence of two or more identities or personality states that recurrently take control of the individual's behavior accompanied by an inability to remember important personal information … it is a disorder characterized by identity fragmentation rather than a proliferation of separate personalities")
Alters can take different forms, introjects [alters based on media- yes this can also mean real people], non human alters [things like animals, based on objects, demons and angels - this is common in DID systems since a lot of us that I have interacted with have religious trauma /told we were possessed]. anything really. Alters normally form for a job [for example, Hangman in our system is a caretaker, meaning they exist to take care of the body/headspace. Kenny in our system is a companion, which means he exists to be a friend] Switching [mostly involentary changing from alter to alter] can cause amnesia and theres three types of dissocitive anmenia:
Localized: meaning you cannot remember specific events, times, places
Selective: you can't details/events of a specific timeframe
Generalized: This is the least common type. You can’t remember anything about your identity and life history.
So how is it diagnosed and how does it relate to one Kenneth Omega? well looking at the DSM-5:
Two or more distinct identities or personality states are present, each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self.
This is probably the most strongest bit of evidence with Kenny having DID. Theres him; Kenny omega. the bright blue eyed, blond haired, dorky smile kenny who sings tina turner and drinks from bottles weirdly and wears onesies. The kenny we see during the early BTE, the days in DDT, vaguely around the same time with his early tagteam with Hangman. You know Kenny omega! we LOVE kenny omega!
And then we have the cleaner. That dark, evil hurtful one who doesnt care about anyone or anything just winning. that heartless, cold man who wears Kennys skin like a cloak. The first real time we see the cleaner [at least, in my opinion. and since this is my headcanon, my opinion is law /lh j] is just after Kota moves up to the heavyweight devision, leaving Kenny alone. He instantly turns into that coldhearted, empty soulless almsot killing machine whose so addicted to winning because thats the only thing that shows that he exists. With his black dyed curls and dark sunglasses and wild eyes. Theres, no Kenny omega left. Only the cleaner. Goofey in a way thats soulless, kind in a way thats manipultive.
If you need any proof that Kenny fucking LOOSES it before him and Kota reuinite. Just look at his eyes after he betrays AJ styles to become the leader of bullet club because theyre totally normal [lying through my teeth]
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Also just this moment right after the formation of the elite, Kenny being the first one to drop the two sweet, almost like somethings just switch off in his body, the half open eyes. The twisted smile that looks almost like hes in pain? yeah...
Amnesia must occur, defined as gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events.
There isnt much like,. spoken about evidence about this at least what I can recall off the top of my head. Theres a few little bits where Kenny doesn't seem to recognise or remember bits about himself, his friends. The moment that I can remember off the top of my head, that makes me feel a little insane. If when Kenny and Hangman get their first wrestling figures. Kenny asks if Hangers figure has his "baby blues" to which Hanger replies "my eyes are green." Sure it could just be a little slip of his tongue, Kenny wrapped up too much in the excitement of having hi8s own little figure. But him and Hangman have known each other for *years* at this point. Wouldnt kenny remember something as trivial as hangmans eye colour? especially when hes right in front of him.
The person must be distressed by the disorder or have trouble functioning in one or more major life areas because of the disorder.
*agressively gestures at kenny omega* you think tha man functions?!
okay thats a little mean, and painfully honest. But I could go more deeper into this and I might because I do in fact, have problems when it comes to thinking about Kenny Omega. But theres two places where Kenny fails at existing and functioning. And thats his own health and relationships. We all know about his fucked up relationship with Kota Ibushi, its documented in enough essays and video essays and enough fanfic to not only sink a battleship but to also keep me awake at night. But the one I really wanna focus on because [suprise suprise, the hangkenny shipper wants to focus on hangkenny] i think its the biggest showing of his inability of function with relationships is his one with Hangman page:
Its..rocky to say the best, lowkey controlling at worse. and neither of them are really to blame. Kenny is struggling with the constant fighting between Hangman and the Bucks. Especially in this video [big thanks to @jacedoe Mars ily so much!!] Where the bucks are fighting over him with hangman and Kenny is litearlly being pulled from pillar to post. Not sure who to go to, much like a child dragged from parent to parent in a divorce. And you see him go from, midly tired and aching to upset and unable to control his emotions but at the same time so emotionally shut down that he just walks away after hugging the bucks.
Kennys relationships, romantic or otherwise shift and change so quickly that its almost like, he doesnt want to be loved, doesnt get it and thats exactly what it is, I personally think Kenny doesnt understand what love IS. He doesnt know what its really meant to feel like, like deep down hes never sure what it is. Hes never had it as a child.
AKA growing up with Don Callis, he mentions in his promo during all in that Don made him only focus on hockey, never having a birthday party/never being allowed to keep friends. that sounds like phycological/mental abuse to me. It sounds like mental abuse because it is. One of the most common malipulation practices for mental abuse is seperating people from anyone who can help them or see that its wrong. Now look at just how many times the Bucks have tried to show Kenny that Don is a peice of shit or that Jericho is only using kenny for his own uses before Kenny can be thrown away.
Callis also constantly putting Kenny down is also a sign of mental abuse. The half jokes when he smiles and pats Kenny on the shoulders afterwards why he just sits there...tell me thats not abuse.
The biggest, showing of the fact that Kenny went through abuse because of Don is the "vitimans." an uncessary and more then likely uncomfortable and invasive procedure on a child while Kenny hopes that itll bring him a little scrap of love? Its all a part of dons plan to keep kenny in the public eye but ulimately his.
what im saying is Kenny omega growing up with don callis, suffered horiffic mental and physical abuse [weve seen him hit Takeshita, so kenny would be no different] and thats impacted his ability to form and make relationships.
The disturbance is not part of normal cultural or religious practices.
I have nothing for this point, not knowing Kenny yknow. personally.
The symptoms cannot be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (such as blackouts or chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxication) or a general medical condition (such as complex partial seizures).
Kenny doesnt drink or suffer from any blackouts as far as we know nothing worse than vertigo. again this is only that we know so like, I could be wrong
also just, this tweet from Kota, because who knows kenneth better than his golden lover?
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[disclaimer: this is only distinctly talking about kayfabe. This headcanon isnt law and its all for fun, please dont send me hate asks.]
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secondhello-moved · 2 years
Moony with osdd is like, us wanting to have a main charater who casually has a dissocitive disorder nd said disorder isnt like. All the charater is, Its something thats just a factor of him! While with Story, Story is like our way of depicting our personal struggles with DID that we hardly see spoken abt or shown. Theres stuff with Story's DID thats also done to show just, casual life with it but yah! Thats our guys..
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petra-creat0r · 2 years
A few more questions about your Undercult au if you don't mind: Where was Kid before properly meeting Asriel? (In Royal Guard, normal citizen, etc.) Also, did they have any thoughts on the ruling situation pre-pacifist? I think I also saw a Sans design for Undercult somewhere, so out of curiousity, where does he fit into the au? Is he a friend of Toriel after she fled to the Ruins?
A normal citizen living in Snowdin. He idolized Undyne and Papyrus like in Undertale, however was too young to join the Rebellion. He met Asriel shortly after the Monsters were freed. His thoughts were perhaps scewed a little bit as he was a kid and didn't understand much, however since he idolized Undyne, leader of the Rebellion, he didn't like Azeria.
I think I did post Undercult Sans at some point, however he's a sentry like in the game. Helping out the Rebellion. He knows Toriel from the Ruins door he practices knock knock jokes on. Other than that, he as well as Papyrus and Arial have a bit of a traumatic past as their father, Dr. WD Gaster aka Goopster, became kinda corrupted I guess and betrayed everyone by joining Azeria's side as their attempted right hand (Azeria likes to egg him on and doesn't like him that much).
I have it planned that Sans represents/has DID, Dissocitive Identity Disorder, however I'm holding off on that until I can do more research and am able to understand the condition properly.
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ttransthirteen · 10 months
i just typed up a full paragraph about my dissocitative identity disorder and deleted it. youre fucking welcome
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spaceykatie · 6 years
I’ve been trying to put words to my dissociation to better understand it, so I threw on some headphones and wrote down whatever came to mind. It is unedited and very raw but it put so many things into perspective for me and I hope it does for you too. 
“It’s like you’re swimming in the ocean. You see a wave coming at you in the distance, but you aren’t afraid. It’s nothing you can’t handle. And then it hits you. You didn’t have enough time to breath before you were completely engulfed with water. The shore is suddenly so far and you don’t have enough air to make it back, but the surface isn’t safe. There is no air left for you. This is it. How could you possibly survive this? You stop struggling and decide to enjoy your last few moments before you drift away. As you close your eyes you find yourself lying in the sand. The sun is shining down on you. You are warm and dry and safe. Nothing can hurt you anymore. It isn’t until you open your eyes again that you realize none of it is real. You are not drowning, you are not on the beach, and you are neither safe or in danger. It’s all in your head.”
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