#dita ness aot
favficbirthdays · 4 years
Happy Birthday
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Dita Ness (20/09)
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fallenrazziel · 3 years
Are these horses going to go the distance? I scan around me and I see animals already exhausted. These are not trained soldiers, but carnes that have been sent to the slaughterhouse. Like us, I think so...
Dita Ness, Levi Chronicles (Les Chroniques de Livaï, par fallenRaziel), chapter 502
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riaimm · 4 years
let’s appreciate these minor characters, starting with
Dita Ness
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“I won’t let a rookie face that thing alone, it’s now or never!”
He didn’t hesitate to put himself in harms way for Armin and to protect the formation, if only they were more informed on this expedition. So many amazing characters wouldn’t have died.
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commander-hanji-zoe · 4 years
Reassuring you - Part 2
Hey I know I’ve been a bit absent this past week, i’ve got loads of stuff I’m working on but sadly none of it finished (a lot of it is 50% there). Had real lockdown blues and also getting super anxious about the new state of equilibrium we’ll have and just generally feeling overwhelmed. 💔 But today I decided to get this written and it’s made me feel a little better, I hope it helps some of you too :) These are quite a bit shorter than the essays I wrote for Erwin, Levi, Mike & Hange. 
Today I’ve written about Moblit, Nanaba, Ness, Gelgar & Rico ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
Moblit is an incredibly good judge of character and knows exactly how to read people.
So when he sees you looking nervous/worried and a little too alert he recognises what you’re going through.
Is cautious when he approaches you not wanting to startle you or be too overbearing. He understands that sometimes when people are feeling low the last thing they want is to be crowded by others - but he also wants to let you know he’s there for you if you need to talk or can give you space for now and come back in a bit.  
He walks up to you from the front, again not to startle you. He’ll clear his throat and when you make eye contact he’ll offer a small smile, “Hey just wanted to let you know I’m here if you need to talk.” 
He wants to give hugs but knows it can be too much so they’ll be a reassuring pat on the shoulder, a slightly more awkward smile and a pause while he waits for you to respond.
If you need space, he’ll come back later with a drink each and just sit with you on the grass while the two of you talk things out. He can relate to a lot of what you’re going through and hearing that makes you feel better. Moblit is someone you can easily sit in silence with and it never feels awkward, it’s just pleasant to be in his company like home.  
And if you feel like you don’t belong (in the cadets/scouts wherever you chose to join) he’ll let you know that you’re not alone in that. That many cadets feel somewhat lost and join to find a home, a family, but often it can be confusing - he too had suffered with the same thoughts and nightmares. Being in Hange’s team and finding his place by their side really helped.
Nanaba is a sweet heart and the best big sister to anyone who needs her to be just that. 
If you’re not yourself during training exercises or when you’re around others, she won’t ask you then for fear of embarrassing you in front of the others. Rather she’ll wait till the training is over, if you seem to be struggling a little or looking like you’re going to cry/making clumsy mistakes she might call it a few minutes early or ask Mike to take over while she takes you to the side.
Whatever has happened she’ll listen without interruption, acknowledging what you’re saying as you speak so you know she’s taking in your every word.
Is really good at calming people down when panicking, helping with breathing exercise and grounding. 
Will take you somewhere quiet but also neutral, so away from others or anything that reminds you of the experience you’re worried about.
Reassuring back rubs/hand holding etc. (if you’re happy with physical contact) if not Nanaba understands and will reassure you with words which she is exceptional with, sometimes it’s like poetry with her. 
Like many of the others will tell you a story about when she was younger and in love with someone. She made a mistake which very few apart from her closest friends know about and it still occasionally haunts her. 
Hearing someone so strong and determined talk about something that made them feel how you are now makes you feel a lot less silly for feeling that way as well as less alone. 
Like Nanaba, if he notices in the class room or during training that you’re not your usual self he’ll do his best not to draw attention to you, picking on the other cadets instead.
When you go to leave the class room he’ll ask to speak with you quickly, “Everything okay?”
There’s something so friendly and genuine about Ness it’s hard not to like him or to open up to him. A day before you’d never have imagined speaking to him about the personal things you ended up telling him, but it turns out he’s one of the easiest people to speak to.
He’ll smile often, it’s not condescending or gloating, it’s just pure kindness that radiates from him.
He may not be as good at advice as some of the others, or really know what to say apart from that time heals and in a few days you’ll feel different. Or that someone else you know is bound to make a mistake or do something embarrassing in the next 24 hours that will distract you and anyone else who knows what you did. It makes you feel better. 
When you’re done talking he asks if you’d like to visit the stables with him and help groom and feed Charlotte as well as some of the other scout horses. It’s really relaxing and a perfect distraction to the chaos that’s going on inside your head. 
Ness tells you that whenever you’re feeling like this, you’re always welcome at the stables or to come and give him and the others a helping hand. 
He also tells you a few things he has done (some in the not too distant past), pranks played that went wrong, embarrassing moments when asking someone out on a date. The stories make you giggle. 
Not the best at reading other people as he gets a little too wrapped up in his own mind sometimes. It doesn’t mean he doesn't care but he isn’t as observant as others, so if you want to talk to him about something you’re going to have to be blunt.
Will at first laugh about it, possibly making a joke at your expense. It isn’t meant to be cruel, he’s trying to help you see the funny side of it but you probably won’t see it like that. What’s worse is that even if you do react badly, he’ll probably repeat it several times and exaggerate, hoping that you’ll see the funny side eventually. He also knows if he stops talking he’ll have to address the awkward silence which is bound to open up. 
However, when he realises just how upset you are over what’s happened and that you’re still not laughing he’s the kinda guy who will apologise and then continue to apologise for making you feel worse, saying sorry way too many times than is needed. But he will be genuinely concerned and want to reassure you that it was a joke with best intentions.
Afterwards he’ll give you what will probably be a really awkward hug.
Offers to get you a drink (of course he does) so you can go somewhere and talk further. Whether you’re in his room, by the river or in a bar, once he’s had a few drinks he starts to open up, confessing this is how he deals with his own issues.
But Gelgar, for his awkwardness and poor way of dealing with things at first, he recognises the situation and while he opens up to you he doesn’t try to make it about himself, he’ll always bring it back to you and how he can help.
Just listening to him talk does help though and the fact he has opened up to you means something.
Pragmatic to the core - like Levi she may seem a little harsh at first and try to get you to snap out of it and focus on the bigger picture. 
Who cares if you embarrassed yourself in training/asking someone out - come tomorrow they’ll be someone else to talk about and more important things to worry about. 
Again it isn’t that she doesn’t care but she’s seen so much and many incidents where others have made mistakes which have cost lives. 
But, she tells you, the thing is you can’t dwell on it. If you did you’d drive yourself mad.
She tells you this from experience (she kinda looks sad when she confesses this) and in opposite fashion to Gelgar, will make a joke at her own expense to try and make you feel better.
After the initial slightly cold approach she will soften a little and apologise, patting you on the shoulder and letting you know she’s always there if you need to talk.
She understands that it’s not as simple as ‘just cheering up/forgetting about/stopping worrying’ etc. but she tries to put things into perspective while equally letting you know your feelings are valid and sometimes it’s okay to feel like this. 
Reminds you that we all learn from our mistakes and that is how we grow as people. 
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reluctant-heroes · 4 years
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Dita is a member of the Survey Corps and he takes his career seriously. Still, he is kind-hearted, having an affinity for horses and a compassion for the new recruits. He is losing his hair, and seems sensitive to this fact, often opting to wear a bandana.
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shinyumbreon929 · 6 years
Hey, guys
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You think this is Dita Ness' horse?
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fallenrazziel · 3 years
Les Chroniques de Livaï #502 ~ TREPAS, ME VOICI (juin 846) Dita Ness
L'histoire de Livaï comme vous ne l'avez jamais lue. ​Le personnage le plus populaire de L'Attaque des Titans, le soldat le plus fort de l'humanité… Qui est-il vraiment ? Qu'a-t-il dans le coeur ? Qu'est-ce qui a fait de lui ce qu'il est ? Je me suis mise en devoir de répondre à ces questions en vous livrant ma propre vision de sa vie, de ses pensées, des épreuves qu'il a traversées, ainsi que celles des personnes qui l'ont côtoyé, aimé, admiré, craint, détesté. Si j'essaie le plus possible de respecter le canon, quelques libertés seront prises sur les aspects de sa vie les plus flous. Quelques personnages seront également de mon invention. Livaï, un homme que l'on croit invincible et inatteignable… Est-ce bien sûr ? Jugez-en par vous-mêmes. 
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Il faut forcer l'allure, mais je sais aussi que les civils à pied risquent de se faire distancer ! La formation que nous tenons depuis des heures doit rester intacte, autrement, les titans viendront faire joujou avec ces gens. Ma petite équipe tient encore le coup mais si l'escouade d'élite pouvait nous prêter main forte, ce serait pas du luxe !
Que dis-je ? Elle doit sans doute faire face aux pires dangers à l'arrière en ce moment. S'ils arrivent à nous protéger ce côté, on peut espérer semer ces monstres sur la plaine. Enfin, s'ils n'ont pas trop faim. Je ne suis explorateur que depuis peu mais je sais déjà que nos ennemis sont plus imprévisibles qu'il n'y paraît. Ils peuvent vous courser des heures sans se lasser ou bien passer vite fait à autre chose s'ils sont distraits.
Est-ce que ces chevaux vont tenir la distance ? Je scrute autour de moi et je vois des bêtes déjà fourbues. Ce ne sont pas des soldats entraînés, mais des carnes qu'on a envoyées à l'abattoir. Comme nous, je crois bien... Le peu de repos qu'on leur a octroyé n'a pas suffit, mais on ne pouvait pas s'autoriser davantage ! Ils sont sur nos talons, j'entends le son de leur pas tout proche ! Je fais signe à mes camarades ; il faut aller plus vite ! Oui, je sais qu'on risque de les faire crever mais regardez devant ! Ils ont déjà pris de la distance, il faut les rattraper et ne pas laisser d'espace entre nos rangs ! Et derrière comment ça se présente ?
Je me tourne sur ma selle tout en donnant des talons et constate que la queue de la cohorte suit encore le mouvement. Des gerbes de gaz embrument tout l'horizon au nord et j'espère alors que les nôtres s'en sont sortis, qu'ils vont nous rejoindre... Chaque combattant va compter dans cette expédition, même les recrues. Mais c'est à nous d'y aller si ça tourne mal... Mais n'importe quoi, tout va déjà mal là ! Il est plus temps de se lamenter ! Forcez l'allure, encore un peu !
Les chevaux des civils n'en peuvent déjà plus, je le vois bien. Je dois me retenir de ne pas passer au galop de phase trois, car personne, ni hommes ni bêtes, n'y survivrait. Quel poids à traîner... Je porte mon regard au loin et aperçois des éclats de lumière, comme des explosions ; des détonations aussi. Ca combat devant ! Le flanc droit est attaqué ! Ca veut dire qu'on va en avoir notre part aussi, à tous les coups ! Je prépare mes lames, teste mes gâchettes et serre les dents en priant pour que les chevaux tiennent assez longtemps pour nous sortir de cette nasse. Ca me fait du mal de les voir souffrir mais... je dois faire passer la vie des hommes en priorité !
Les gars, placez-vous à l'extérieur pour intercepter les ennemis qui se présentent ! Gardez la position quoiqu'il en coûte ! Mais il arrive, ce signal, ou quoi ? On devait se déporter vers la forêt pour servir d'appâts aux titans ! On y est toujours pas ?
Nous entrons dans un nuage de poussière qui me fait suffoquer. Ca sent la poudre... Merde, notre visibilité est réduite et le vent ne souffle pas assez pour chasser cette purée ! Cela doit être l'arme secrète du capitaine Hanji ! J'espère que ça valait le coup de l'utiliser, parce qu'autrement, nous sommes cuits ! Ca me pique les yeux... mais j'essaie de les garder bien ouverts afin de pas louper l'alerte. Il y en a dans le coin, je le sais. Montrez-vous, allez, saletés !
Là, je le vois. L'énorme visage qui troue le brouillard et se tend vers moi, toutes dents dehors. Mon coeur manque deux battements... On peut jamais s'habituer à ce genre de chose. Le titan est agrippé au sol des deux mains ; il lui manque une partie du visage, et son sang macule ses cheveux sales ; un oeil pend sur la joue décharnée. Mais il continue de sourire, comme si ça ne voulait rien dire. J'en reviens pas d'avoir le temps de noter tout ça. Cette vision, que ce soit la dernière ou non, me suivra jusque dans la tombe.
Une clameur s'élève derrière moi. Je me tourne vers les civils et lit la panique sur leurs visages figés. Leurs cris éperonnent les chevaux mais les fait aussi aller dans tous les sens ! Arrêtez, ne criez pas, vous allez les affoler ! Ils ne connaissent pas les titans ! Mais c'est trop tard... Plusieurs d'entre eux ont perdu le contrôle de leurs montures et les laissent se précipiter vers le danger, plongeant dans le nuage de poussière qui ne veut pas retomber ! Stop ! Pas par là ! Il y'en a d'autres par là !
Merde, je dois y aller ! Je décolle de ma selle, les lames en avant, et cherche la nuque de cette vision de cauchemar qui essaie de m'atteindre, toujours rampant à terre. Toi, tu seras une proie facile ! Disons que je vais te faire le bonheur de t'achever ! Tes petits copains là-dedans m'inquiètent bien plus que ça ! J'ai à peine fini de me donner du courage que c'est fini. Je dois vite m'occuper des autres ! Keuf keuf, si cette purée pouvait dégager !
Je ne perçois que des ombres à travers la brume ; des hurlements aussi. Des bruits de mastication, d'engloutissement... Ils se font bouffer... Non... Des chevaux se dirigent vers moi, au pas, légèrement sonnés, sans cavaliers...
J'en ai pas encore fini ! Les gars, vous êtes avec moi ? On a le reste de la cohorte a protéger ! Si c'est la dernière chose que nous faisons, faut que ce soit fait avec honneur et dignité ! Donnez votre coeur ! Je me frappe la poitrine et pars à l'assaut des ombres gigantesques qui barrent le passage des fuyards.
Je n'ai que peu d'espoir d'en réchapper... et l'admettre me donne encore plus de force.
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riaimm · 4 years
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Let’s see how many we can find, Petra, Günther, Eld, Lynne (?), Gelgar, Mike, Nana, Moblit, Erwin ofc, Dita Ness
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Shadis, Sasha...where are the rest of Hange’s squad?? ISAYAMA WHAT THE FUCK WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY
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reluctant-heroes · 4 years
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Dita is a member of the Survey Corps and he takes his career seriously. Still, he is kind-hearted, having an affinity for horses and a compassion for the new recruits. He is losing his hair, and seems sensitive to this fact, often opting to wear a bandana.
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