#dnd player
canadian-witch · 11 months
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A commission for @luna-tf2 Thank you so much <3 Commissions open!
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yolosguide · 1 month
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Can't get enough of strangly vines ya know? They've got it all worked out, big ole plants with a talent for throttling. Anyway, you can have these. I think.
MORE!!! https://www.patreon.com/yolosguide
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beansintrenchcoats · 5 days
disabled/cpunk people who know my fandoms talk to me plz plz plz plz pretty plz
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impsemporium · 2 years
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Plot-hook NPC
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goblinkingvinny · 4 months
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My dnd oc!! And her husband :)
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jamesthepigeon · 6 months
Finnally filled out my dnd character sheet/s at dnd club, tis official now, tee hee tee hoo ... 🪱
The second drawing close-up, to the bottom right, is a mysterious demonic beast, great at combat, and a companion to Francis [my character]. She comes in the form of a great stallion, her name is Cinnamon ... :]
[im saying this here bc im not sure if its clear enough in the pic, lol]
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estellaedgewater · 19 days
Day 22 of writing until I finish my book.
Dnd day is always an exciting day! Let the inspiration flow
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foreshvdowing · 2 years
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wild beyond the witchlight
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craigofinspiration · 1 month
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it’s beautiful 🥹
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meroaw · 1 year
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oc symbolism meme with Opal!
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chaoclub · 2 years
A beginner's guide to planning a DND campaign
If you're staring at a blank page and have no idea where to start... here's some tips on what you should be doing!
First thing's first: You need to start with your players. It may sound obvious, but it's going to make your campaign feel much more natural. Get a concrete number of players, and make their character sheets and backstories. If you don't have time for character sheets, simply learn their races, alignments, and classes. (There are tons of good guides out there on that info and how to choose!)
It's always good to know these things beforehand so you don't walk into your first session and realize all your players chose the same class or race, too.
Once you have your basic information, jump to the very end of your campaign and answer the final question: What is the end goal? What is the final thing that your players will be working towards? An example I'll use is the defeat of a crime boss. The campaign will end when the characters defeat the BBEG (big bad evil guy). But it doesn't have to be a BBEG- maybe the end goal is to find a missing relic or loot a dungeon. For the sake of this I'll be using "BBEG" to describe the final boss, but keep in mind that you don't need a real character to oppose your players.
Once you know the endgame, start again at the beginning and figure out where your players tie into it. Why are they trying to defeat the BBEG? This is where you look at the player's backstories and alignments. Maybe one of the characters lost their family in a house fire and lived as an orphan in a religious temple; you could say that your BBEG, the crime boss in this case, was the one who started the fire because the character's parents were in debt to him. And maybe another player has a past shrouded in mystery and a lawful-neutral alignment, making them the type of person who can't stand injustice. Maybe a third player doesn't have any ties, but is simply along for the ride with the party.
Don't worry too hard about this, though: most players don't need a motive to start attempting to dethrone your BBEG once they get a whiff of adventure.
Work your way forward, then. But be careful with how much you plan, because your players don't know what the plot of the story is, and they can entirely throw away that plot if they feel like it. Don't plan seven sessions into the future, just write out some ideas.
For example, begin with your first event, location, or clue. It should be unavoidable, like a murder or disappearance of a prominent figure, or in their faces like a large "WANTED" poster with their faces on it in the middle of the bar the campaign begins in. Begin with a good hook that catches their attention. Let them begin by exploring the town or room, talking to a character or two, and then drop the inciting incident on their heads.
Build this way until you have an outline of plot points. In our example, let's say we start with a sudden death of a very old member of the city council. Then the next plot point is the discovery that it's been a murder. Then the next comes when the characters are offered payment in return for discovering the killer. Then the next is a threatening note written in blood, hung on a character's bedroom wall with a knife. Then the players find a lead by analyzing the odd spelling of a certain word.
The story continues on like this. Notice how these plot points are, for the most part, not triggered by any actions a character makes. That gives you, the DM, a way to push your players back on track when they get distracted by a side quest that you didn't plan for. (Of course, let them have their fun, but not for longer than a session or two without advancing any of your story arcs!)
You'll find as you build the plot points that an idea for the locations start to form. Which shops there are, where the players will spend their time, etc.. Now you can begin to plot out these things and make a simple map of the area.
Finally, plan various monster encounters, NPC encounters, artifacts, quests, and discoveries! Your world should feel like a real place when your players interact with it.
This is an easy cheat, too! If your players go into a shop and- for whatever reason- end up in a fight with the shopkeep, you can simply pull out a pre-written NPC sheet and begin!
Same with monster encounters, quests, and discoveries. You don't need to write the details about every little tiny thing in your world... but you want it to feel like you did. From a tiny amulet hidden under a creaky floorboard to a mineshaft infested with tiny monsters, your world will feel rich wherever your players step if you've prepared things that can be used in multiple situations. (Plus, it makes them feel smart when they think they found a secret... when in reality that "secret" didn't have a location attached until they rolled high on an investigation check for a room you just made up.)
My last piece of advice is the one that's the most important: Do not fully plan your campaign... ever. You should not decide small details that won't matter for several sessions unless they're plot-relevant.
So, move with your players! Sometimes, a player will make a guess in the dark about some random NPC or a closed store, and it's so good that you decide to use it. Plan each new session after the previous one ends, keeping in mind your predetermined plot points (which are also, surprise surprise, subject to change!)
The real trick is that your players don't know what will happen three, two, or even one sessions into the future. If you change a part of the plot, they'll have no way of knowing. So have fun! Run wild, add and subtract as much to the plot as you'd like, and prepare to be driven up the wall by your players.
Good luck!
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introspectres · 11 months
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The last of my ttrpg charms are finally here and up in my shop. Presenting: Loot Keeper, Esteemed Note Taker & Homebrew Connoisseur! [shop link]
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yolosguide · 3 months
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Aldekor's home is a bit of a fixer-upper but trust me when I say, the energy there is positively electric!
---Seek the eye of the storm on...Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/yolosguide
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If I had a quarter for how many sets of dice I got this Christmas after telling my family I liked dnd (among MANY OTHER THINGS) I would have $1.25
Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened five times.
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impsemporium · 2 years
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You will ask
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goblinkingvinny · 4 months
i’m having so much fun honestly fr; give me ideas of how to draw her in the comments
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