#do i want to see what would happen if he did become a sexyman like the onceler?
loredwy · 10 months
Good evening
Im here to show you all how normal I can be about comics I read (not normal)
Today, I will talk about Im the Grim Reaper, comic made by @/Graveweaver! (here in tumblr)
And this essay will contain reasons why you should vote for Scarlet, Chase and Brook in the @friends-to-lovers-tournament. So even if you dont read all this text because its way too long, please DO IT. FOR ME.
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Disclaimer: The following paper will be based in my headcanon of the three of them being a little polycule. Therefore, although it will describe actual content from the comics, they will be as unreliable as I can be <3
Disclairmer 2: This will contain SPOILERS, and even though I will be mentioning which chapters the spoilers are from when I show screencaps, I recommend stopping to read the comic if you think it sounds interesting, for you to not get spoiled too much.
So to put you all in context (tbh you can skip this all because I wrote a bit too much), the story goes about what Satan calls Grim Reapers, which are human souls he chose to work for him, sending sinners to hell by killing them. Reapers, however, are not regular humans, as their bodies are 'meat puppets' Satan made to put their souls into, along with demons that give them their reaper powers.
Our protagonist, Scarlet, reacted to being told she was sent to hell as anyone would: 'WHAT DID I DO', accompanied by multiple other questions like why she couldnt remember her past. Because of this, her past becomes a goal to achieve, wanting to discover what she could have done and why.
In the process, she encounters a detective (?) who, recognizing her appearance because of Scarlet's corpse, started suspecting she might be related to the mistery of her death. Which was true, although he didnt expect in which way tbh. -> they teamed up, decided to fuck around and find out
Then later on, investigating some of Scarlets memories, they ended up encountering the city's mafia. Which, funnily enough, had a reaper with them. Why? Because the reaper was way too entertained posting stuff in their blog he didnt want to go find sinners (canon).
Now, were reapers ever against each other? Not really? They have the same boss. So Chase, as the tumblr sexyman he is (<- questionable), convinced Brook of joining them and kill sinners who actually had done bad crimes.
Are you still there? I know I might be boring yall by just telling you the context, but I swear its important to understand (?)
But my point with this post is show you how over time, they start showing how much they care of each other on their own ways, Chase x Scarlet having the advantage because of them becoming closer before Brook joins. Having a confession (?) and everything. But even then they didnt dump Brook at all 🤩
[Spoilers of episodes 47 and 55-57]
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Up to this point, not only do the three of them live under the same roof (because Brook and Scarlet were homeless), but bond over their shared circumstance of being partners in crime (literally).
And because there are lots of fights in the comic (?) we can also see the extent at which they would go for each other. Including, but not limited to, sacrificing themselves (because comic readers are destined to suffer) 🥳.
But how much did they sacrifice themselves may you be asking? Well, if Im remembering correctly... Scarlet might have died about 3 times? I might be confusing some with the times she just got brutally hurt or severely traumatized, but lets say its around that number: just to save Chase and Brook <3 (different occasions). She even LET GO of her PAST to save them, which she wanted to know so bad before, to know herself better. She's honestly both impressive and scary by how much she could do for those she cares lol. In Brook's case, he almost gets doomed for eternity to save Scarlet, and im pretty sure he didnt escape fully from that (but hey, Scarlet is fine <3). And Chase... 👁👁 situations happened. Lets be honest tho, Chase was an emo child, like, what he did had to be dramatic as fuck 💔, otherwise it wouldnt have felt like a Chase thing. He was a theater kid, im sure. He is a Batman kinnie. That should tell you enough.
And hear me out, because im not crazy. THIS PEOPLE. They, who live thanks to drama and edgyness. Are you telling me it wouldnt be fucking easy for them to just explode out of anger and break up, and like, get to be enemies or something.
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[Spoilers of episode 70, 80 and 110]
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Anyways :3
Even if they dont win is ok, but if you got to this point read the webtoon its really good 👍
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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(vote for Scarlet, Chase and Brook....)
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scorpionyx9621 · 3 years
Do you think Jason Todd fandom is kinda toxic? Because it seems like NO MATTER what DC do, there'll always be complains. Forget the bad adaptation like Titans. Even Judd Winick cannot escape the criticism with how he potrayed Robin!Jason. They just never satisfied.
SORRY, IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND TO THIS. I just moved from Washington D.C. to Seattle, which, for my non-American friends, that's 4442km away. And I DROVE THERE ALL BY MYSELF. And now I'm trying to find new work in a new city and trying to stay mentally healthy and positive. Life is exciting but hard and scary.
As someone who was a fandom elder with V*ltr*n. I've seen some of the worst when it comes to fandom behavior. I'm talking people baking food with shaving razors and trying to give them to the showrunners. I'm talking leaking major plot details and refusing to take it down unless they make their ship canon (I am looking at you, Kl*nce stans) For the most part, DC Comics has had a decades-long reputation of treating their fans like trash and not caring what they think so from what I've seen, we all just grumble and complain in our corners of the internet about how we don't like how X comic portrays Jason Todd.
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The challenge with Jason Todd is that he's your clinical anti-hero, the batfamily's Draco in Leather Pants, he's a jerkass woobie, and on top of all of that, he's a Tumblr sexyman. It's a perfect storm for a very fun but frustrating character to be a fan of. It doesn't help that every writer decides to re-invent the wheel every time Jason comes up so his canon lore is confusing at best and inconsistent as a standard.
I guess starting with a general brief on who Jason is and what is uniform about him with every instance he's appeared in comics/media.
Grew up in a poor family in Gotham with a dad who was a petty-mid-level criminal, and a mother who dies of a drug overdose.
Survives on the street on his own by committing petty crimes and potentially even engaging in sexual acts to keep himself alive.
Is cornered by Batman and taken in after Dick Grayson quits/is fired
Becomes the second Robin, but is known for being the harsher, more brutal Robin.
Is killed by Joker after being tortured, but somehow comes back to life and regains senses through the Lazarus Pit
Resolves himself to be better than Batman by basically being Batman but kills people.
Where there has been a lot of conflict in the fandom is the fact that Jason Todd is not a character that is written consistently. DC Comics loves to go with the narrative that Jason was "bad from the start" and was the "bad robin" when, yes, he has trouble controlling his anger, but he also still is just as invested in seeing the best of Gotham City and trying to be a positive change for the world as any other DC Comics hero.
Where I get frustrated with the fandom is its ability to knit-pick every detail of a comic they don't like while completely disregarding everything that makes the comics great and worth it to read. My example being Urban Legends. To which most people had pretty mixed reactions to. I was critical of the comic at first but as it went along I ended up really liking it. I have a feeling DC Comics went to Chip Zdarsky and told him he had 6 issues to bring Jason back into the Bat Family, and honestly he didn't do a bad job. Did it feel rushed? Absolutely. I wish there was more development of Jason and Bruce's characters and their dynamic as a whole. However, where I see a lot of people being angry and upset with Urban Legends is that they feel Zdarsky needlessly wrote Jason as an incompetent fool who needs Bruce to save him.
Whether or not that was the intention of Zdarsky is up to debate. However, and this may be controversial, but I don't think he wrote Jason Todd out of character at all. For as fearsome, intimidating, and awesome as Red Hood is. Jason is a character who is absolutely driven by his emotions. Why do you think he donned the role of Red Hood? As a response to his anger towards The Joker for killing him, and towards Bruce for not taking action against The Joker and for seemingly replacing him so quickly after he died. Jason didn't care about being the murderous Robin Hood or for being the bloody hammer of justice against N*zi's and P*d*ph*les. He only cared originally about making The Joker and Bruce pay. It wasn't until he trained under the best assassins in the world and realized most of them were horrific criminals who trafficked children and were p*dos that Talia began to realize that the teachers that she sent Jason to train under started dying horrific and painful deaths.
The entire story of the Cheer story in Batman Urban Legends was started because it finally forced some consequences upon Jason. Tyler, aka Blue Hood's father was a drug dealer who gave his supply to his wife and kids. And when Tyler's father admitted he gave the drugs to Tyler, it immediately made him fall within the self-imposed philosophical kill-list of Jason Todd. And Jason, well, he proceeds to kill Tyler's father. When this happens, Jason is in shock. Tyler's dad fit the bill to easily and justifiably be killed by Jason. We've never seen Jason having to deal with the consequences of being a murderous vigilante on a micro-level. When Jason realizes what he's done in that he's murdered Tyler's dad, he's shocked. He tells Babs the truth. He does a rational thing because he's in shock. He doesn't know what to do, he never has had to face the consequences of his actions as Red Hood and now the gravity of befriending a child as a vigilante hero who kills people just set in when he killed the father of the same child he was just introduced to.
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(Oh here's a little aside because it had to be said, Jason would not have been a good father or a good mentor to Tyler and absolutely should not have been his new Robin. Jason is a man who is in his early 20's (not saying men in their early 20's can't be good fathers at all) who is a brutal serial killer using the guise of a vigilante anti-hero to let him escape most of the law. the complications of having the man who murdered your father adopt you and make you his sidekick are way too numerous for me to explain in a long-winded already heavy Tumblr essay post. There's a reason why we don't advocate for a story where Joe Chill adopted Bruce Wayne or one where Tony Zucco took in Dick Grayson.)
The next biggest argument is that they feel that Jason is giving up his guns as a means to just be invited back into the Bat-Family. To which I will tell anyone who has that argument to go actually read Urban Legends. Already have and still have that argument? Please re-read it. Don't want to? That's okay, I will paste the images from the comic where Jason specifically says that he doesn't want to give up his weapons for Bruce and his real reasoning down below since the comic isn't exactly readily accessible.
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Jason gave up the guns because he felt the gravity of what he had done and knows how it'll effect Tyler. Thankfully his mom is alive and in recovery. But Tyler doesn't have a father anymore. And Jason killed Tyler's father. It may have been in accordance to Jason's philosophy, but it was a case where it blurred the lines. Jason Todd isn't a black and white character, just very dark gray. He doesn't kill aimlessly like the Joker. If you are on Jason's list you probably have done something pretty horrific, and also just in general, being in his way or being a threat to him. Mind you, in early days of Red Hood and the Outlaws (Image below) Jason almost killed 10 innocent civilians in a town in Colorado all because they saw him kill a monster. That being said, Jason isn't aimless in his kills.
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(Also can we just take a moment to appreciate Kenneth Rocafort's art? DC Comics said we need to rehabilitate Jason Todd's image and Kenneth Rocafort said hold my beer: It's so SO GOOD)
That being said, the key emphasis in the story of Cheer asides from trying to introduce Jason Todd back into the Bat Family and give an actual purpose for him being there, other than him just kind of being there ala Bowser every time he shows up for Go Kart racing, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, and the Olympic games when Mario invites him, is that Jason and Bruce ultimately both want the same thing. Jason wants to be welcomed back into the family and to be loved and appreciated. Bruce want's Jason back as his son and wants to love and protect Jason. Both of these visions are shown in the last chapter of Cheer while under the effect of the Cheer Gas. It's ultimately this love and appreciation they both have for each other that helps them overcome their challenge and win.
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Jason Todd is a character who, just like Bruce, has been through so much pain and so much hate in his life. The two are meant to parallel each other. While Bruce chose to see the best in everyone, giving every rogue in his gallery the option to be helped and give them a second chance, hence why he never kills, Jason has a similar view on wanting to protect the public, but he understands that some crimes are so heinous they cannot be forgiven, or that some habitual criminals are due to stay habitual criminals, and need to be put down. But at the end of the day, the two of them both try to protect people in their own ways.
I am aware that through the writings of various DC Comics authors such as Scott Lobdell and Judd Winick, the two have had a very tumultuous relationship. And rightfully so, I am by no means saying that Scott Lobdell writing an arc where Bruce literally beats Jason to within an inch of his life in Red Hood and the Outlaws, nor Judd Winick's interpretation of Under the Red Hood where Bruce throws the Batarang at Jason's neck, slicing his throat and leaving him ambiguously for dead at the end of the comic is appropriate considering DC Comics seems to be trying everything they can to integrate Jason back into the family. That being said, a lot of these writings have shaped the narrative of Jason and Bruce's relationship and have an integral effect on the way the fandom views the two. It doesn't help that Zdarsky acknowledged Lobdell's life-beating of Jason by Bruce at the very end of Cheer by having Bruce give Jason his old outfit back as a means of mending the fence between the two of them. That does complicate a lot of things in terms of how they are viewed by the fandom and helps to cause an even greater divide between the two.
Regardless, I want to emphasize the fact that Jason Todd is a part of the family of his own accord. Yes, he's quite snarky and deadpan in almost every encounter. However, Jason is absolutely a part of the family and has been for a while of his own will. There's a great moment in Detective Comics that emphasizes this. Jason cares about his family because it is his found family. Yes, they may be warry about him and use him as a punching back and/or heckle him. At the end of the day, we're debating the family dynamics of a fictional playboy billionaire vigilante whose kleptomania took the form of adopting troubled children and turning them into vigilante heroes. Jason Todd wants a family that will love and support him. This is a key definition of his character at its most basic. This was proven during the events of Cheer and is being reenforced by DC Comics every time they get the opportunity to do so.
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Now, none of this is to say that I hate Judd Winick. I do not, I don't like the fact that in all of his writings of Jason, he just writes him as a dangerous psychopath, and Winick himself admits to seeing Jason as nothing much more than a psychopath. Yet Winick is the one who the majority of the fandom clings to as the one true good writer of Jason Todd because 'Jason was competent, dangerous, smart' Listen, friends, Jason is all of that and I will never deny it. However, what I love about Jason isn't that he's dangerously smart of that writers either write him as angsty angry Tumblr sexyman bait or that they write him as an infantile man child with a gun. There's a large contention of this fandom that has an obsession with Jason Todd being this vigilante gunman who is hot and sexy and while I definitely get the appeal. It is very creepy and downright disturbing that all of you hyperfixate on his use of guns and ability to be a murderer. It is creepy and I'm not necessarily here for it.
What I love about Jason Todd is that despite all of the pain, all of the heartache, all of the betrayal, and bullying, and death, and anguish. Jason Todd is one of the most loving and supportive characters in all of DC Comics. Jason has been through so much in his life, but he still chooses to love. He still chooses to see the bright side in people. Yes, he takes a utilitarian approach and chooses to kill certain villains, but at the end of the day he wants to see a better world, and he wants to be loved. It takes so much courage and so much heart to learn to love again after one has been abused or traumatized. I would not blame Jason at all if he said fuck it and just went full solo and vigilante evil. He has every right to, but he still chooses to be with the Bat Family of his own accord. That's something that I see a lot of in myself. I have been through a lot of trauma and yet I try to be a better person myself in any way that I can. It is extremely admirable of Jason to allow love back into his heart when he really doesn't need to. He kills and he protects because he has this love of society. It may have been shaped by anger and hatred, but Jason has found his place amongst people who love him and value him. I think Ducra, from Red Hood and the Outlaws put it best in the image given below.
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To end this tangent, I love Jason Todd and all of his sexy dangerousness, but it's far more than that. As much as Jason may be dangerous and snarky, he loves his family without a shadow of a doubt. I look up to Jason Todd because despite all of his pain and all of his trauma, he still choses to love. Jason Todd is a character who is someone I love because despite all of his flaws and having a very toxic fandom, he still serves as a character filled with so much heart and so much passion. I wish more writers would understand that. But for now I will live with what I have. Even though the fandom may be vocal about it's hatred for his characterization, I choose to love Jason regardless because he is a character who chooses love and acceptance regardless of his pain. Jason Todd is by no means a good person in any sense of the word. He has easily killed upwards of 100 people by now. He is a character who is flawed and complex but ultimately is one who powers forwards and finds love and heart in a place from so much pain and anguish. That is what I love about Jason Todd. After all, to quote a famous undead robot superhero, "What is grief, if not love persevering?" Jason Todd chooses to love despite all of the trauma and pain and grief. Yes, he is hardened in his exterior, but inside there is a man with a lot of love to give and someone who deserves the world in my eyes.
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All the Unique Asks with whomever is on the brain rn?
Oooo ok ok! I think I might go with Spamton! Recently moved him to the romantics list so I gotta give him a lil attention!
Might be a bit long too so its gonna b under the cut!
phantasmagorical - what is your favorite fantasy involving your f/o? this can be either sfw or nsfw, but please specify.
This isn't the right blog to get all suggestive content lmao. So...hm. Honestly half of my daydreams with him involve us either hanging out [just in general rlly] or going on a picnic. Picnics are nice but I enjoy the softcore content of random locations for us to just walk and talk in!
endive - if, under the circumstance, you were able to treat your f/o to a single, beautiful day without a budget, what would it consist of?
Oh that's...hm I'm not sure. I'd feel like he'd be more inclined to spoil me! Take me out to dinner, spend a day going clothes shopping, all that junk y'know? Ah, he'd take me to the fair just so we could ride the ferris wheel too, he's a real romantic lmao
limerance - gush about your f/o, no limits… but the catch is, gush as if its a message directly to your f/o.
[Sweetie Honey] Babe, love of my life [APPLE OF MY EYE!] You know you get my digital heart thrumming everytime you compliment me, everytime you lay your eyes on me and look at me so lovingly I just know I could [Never Give You Up!] Even tho you're the [Slimey Bastard!] who got thrown into my garbage can and proceeded to insert yourself into my space I'm glad [very very] much so that it happened. [BUT BUT] like in the sense that we got to meet and not that you were [Thrown out in the prime of your life!] That part sucks.
au courant - describe in detail or provide an image of your favorite outfit your f/o has worn. if they only have one outfit, find, draw, or make an outfit collage online of something you’d like to see them in.
Ah, I'm don't have the energy to do this one but to me he's got the turtleneck suit combo, it's great.
ubiquitous - how popular is your f/o in the fandom? do you think the fandom treats them well?
They kept making jokes about him becoming the next Tumblr Sexyman and then he did.
foofaraw - do your chosen aesthetics line up well with your f/os? meaning, if the two of you were to say, decorate a home, would your chosen styles clash or compliment each other?
I'd like to think our aesthetics compliment eachother!
fanfaronade - what would your f/o say when bragging about you to others?
He says some weird shit sometimes [implies that I don't] but he enjoys having me...I don't wanna say on display or...like showing me off but he does that sometimes. He has a wide variety of [Mature Audiences Only!] Compliments...and normal ones but regardless he's very vocal about how he feels about me.
ineffable - describe your f/o in only aesthetics. you can make a moodboard, or perhaps describe them with colors, songs, scents, unique words (; no explicit or literal details, if you can help it. be indirect. paint a picture.
This took awhile! It's been a bit since I've made a moodboard lmao
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serendipity - how did you first discover your f/o, or your f/os source material? how did you feel when you first saw your f/o in your source material?
Ah I've been into Deltarune since it first came out
And truth be told literally the second he came on screen I was like
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butididnottried · 4 years
I’m still waiting for season four. And five. And more. I know that after third season and some recent revelations bigger or smaller part of fandom is, at slightest, disappointed. Or even just angry and done with this whole thing. Honestly, season three was just one big downhill.
I still want  to know whats gonna happen to Claudia. She and Soren had probably the best story arc last season, and while Soren plotline is pretty much done, there’s still so much ahead of Claudia. Will she roll depper into darkness,will she go insane, will she see the truth and resist to Virens influence, will she become Aaravos puppet or will she somehow outsmart him. That poor girls had such hard time behind her and is now at such low point, and now her plotline can go literally almost everywhere. I want to know.
Right now i’m not really interested in Viren. Like, what to do with him now? At the last scene he was really worried about his bug pal, and by that, worried about his connection to Aaravos. Aaaand... idk. I think that Viren will be still very dependent on our blue bastard sexyman, but let’s be honest, i think that for probably everyone is obvious that Aaravos is going to be more interested in Claudia. So what to do with Viren? Idk, he can throw a tantrum out of jealousy and go back to Katolis?
Aaravos. I’m a simple woman with simple needs, and i just want more Aaravos. Gimme my blueberry starman, my lovely handsome and beutiful bastard. Maybe let him to take off pants and give him some dress, or robe, or something flowy. Buuut do not turn him into cliched cackling evil villain. Pretty please.
More dragons. They’re racist assholes and i have no sympathy for those war criminals, but the designs are top notch and i want to see more of them. Just for aesthetics.
More magical animals. For aesthetics.
More elves in different clothes. For aesthetics.
Earthblood and tidepo... tidebound elves. I don’t want, i just need to see them animated. These ones that we saw in “Callum’s spellbook” are nice and pretty and dandy, but their aesthetics do not match up with the rest. But they’re just designs and projects and they totally would look different when animated.
I’m really curious what’s gonna go out of this cocoon that starbug wrapped itself into. But seriously, at this point i fell like if it’s gonna grow and morph into new body for Aaravos and he somehow is just going to copy? transfer? his own self into this new body i will be like... oh ok that happened :/.  But uuuh whAT the HeLL is in THis coCOON?
And the most important thing. There is nothing more crucial than this. The most significant topic of all. Etharis husband still did not get back to him.
👏 GIVE 👏 ETHARI 👏 HIS 👏HEART 👏 BACK 👏 you bastards. He can’t be leave like that. ): Ethari, Runaan, my sweeties, i’m so sooo sorry that they’re treating you both like that. #freerunaan 2k21
Overall, i think that if we will get fourth season it would be released next year. Comic “Through the Moon”, set between seasons, will be released in middle september, so, most probably they would announce next season somewhere around that. There’s a possibility that it would be released shortly after the comic, but i doubt that. There’s this post circling around tumblr explaining how long it takes to made an one animated episode of average lenght, and if i remember it correclty it was... even half a year? So yeah, there’s also a high possibility that fourt season is still in production. Netflix is just keeping it in secret because, idk, they want to keep us nervous? Expecting?
But whatever, i’m still waiting. I hope that creators would prove us all wrong and they will do a decent job with resolving all these issues. Or they already did. Seriously, if you consider how looks production of animated series, you know that creators can’t really react to any criticism and change probably almost nothing. And personally, i think that they shouldn’t give up to pressure that fandom is putting on them. Untill creators fucked up real bad.
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ecmlol · 5 years
Noah fliped Jude on to the bed and thought jude is going to keep him in the gym because of their sex life. Jude is a bit like a Great Dane he thinks he’s a lap dog. Someone that you can easily man handle. Lucky for Noah he a bit bigger then Jude is and a little more muscle bound. Don’t get him wrong he wouldnt change Jude for anything in the world. He loves a challenge and Jude’s Chihuahua mind set is a challenge.
It was Jude turn to smile at noah as he watch noah fish out ever tie that in their suit case.
“ remind me to get some zip ties when we get back to LA will you”noah said
“ zip ties hummm.”Jude says as he is a bout to flip over.
“ no you don’t “ noah says to Jude . Noah goes to get a towel so Jude can lay on because he already knew he was going to make a mess he can see the start of precum.
Noah puts the towel down.He was laying on Noah side of the bed. He learned his lesson from the last time.
“ go a head and flip over. “He ties his arms above  his head and then shoves a pillow under the towel.
“You better gage me because I’m not changing hotels again noah.”jude say
“If you want me to gage you you’re going to have to be about to tap out.” Noah say
“No need Noah”
“Then how will I know when you want me to stop”
“You won’t . I trust you not to hurt me noah”Jude said
“I love you too much to not know when it becomes to much or even take a chance of it jude.”Noah say.
Jude’s trust was a huge turn on for Noah.
Jude rolls his side to look at Noah.
“You really mean that don’t you?” Jude asked
“I’m not doing my job as your husband when you ask me question like that.” Noah says.
Noah leans down and kisses Jude long and hard.
Jude moans and smiles.
“Maybe I should just spend the next few minutes just kissing you.”Noah says
Jude frowns and Noah playful smack Jude ass.
Jude smiles and bites his lip
“You are addictive. I can’t get enough of those lips” Noah says
Noah kisses Jude again.
Noah pulls away and just stares at Jude.
He was waiting for Jude to make his eager noise that Noah loves so much.
“ I hope so.”Jude says
“ you my sexy Mr are my drug of choice , my home and sanctuary.” Noah says before kissing Jude.
For the next 10 minutes Noah’s kisses lick and bites every spot that he knew Jude likes.He even founds a few new ones. By the time Noah was done Jude is puddy in Noah hand.
“What should I do next?” Noah Sit back and studies Jude blissed out body.
“ what ever you want”jude says in a complete relaxed fashion.
It semi rare that Noah has seen Jude this relaxed. The only time he ever does see him relaxed is when he’s naked and he’s just been fuck but that hasn’t happened yet but it’s about to.
Noah smacks Jude on the ass and then grabs his legs and pulls him to the edge of the bed. Noah doesn’t think he was ready because Jude yelps a little and for a second he tries to hold on to the bed frame.
“ no you don’t” noah say and then smacks Jude’s ass.
Noah smacks Jude’s ass like a rapid fire pistol and then he was inside thrusting as fast as he could jude was caught off guard and Noah knows it by the noises he just make.
“ maybe gage you was a good idea” noah say as he grabs a left over tie and puts it in Jude’s wide open mouth.
Jude is stretched out with his long legs in the ground with Noah inbetween pounding away.
With a loud crack of Noah hand coming down on Jude’s ass Noah cums.
Noah takes a second before he pulls away and flips Jude over. Jude tied arms came down around him. Jude spits out the ties with a lazy smile on his face.
All Noah could do was nod and smile as Jude wraps his long legs around him. Noah laughs after his head finds Jude’s chest
Noah starts to reach in between them when Jude says no.
“ untie me first and I’ll take care of you.”Jude
Noah nods and up ties him.
Noah falls back on to the bed and watches Jude starts to straighten up the bed. He even got him a bottle water and opened it.Is that a hotel version of making a guy a meal after great sex?noah wonders
“Thanks hon”
“Hon?” Jude says
“Baby?”Jude frown
“ love?”jude arches his eye brow as he tosses the cum filled towel on the floor.
“ your royal highness the ruler of my heart? If you like that you don’t know the definition of a pet name”noah says
“ haha”jude says and he bring a warm towel to wipe him and Noah off.
“Fine I’ll call you adorbs”noah say
“Noah really”Jude says
“Fine Fine my bossy bottom”
“I top too.”jude says
“ once in a while you do. Do you even really enjoy it?”noah asks
“Not really”Jude admits.
“I’m not much for bottoming so that works”
“ you were my first” jude say quitely
“Really?” Noah says with fake surprise
Jude is finally finished cleaning up. He lays on Noah side of the bed and tucks himself in beside noah who puts his arm around him.
“ so have you had any first with me?”
“First husband first desktop sex”
“ that’s it?”jude asked
“First proposal “Noah says hoping jude would open up a little .
“My first successful man I have been with”Noah say he didn’t want jude to get weird he wanted him to stay relaxed.
“ first time having sex in a air shaft. First time babysitting someone that’s not my sister. Noah added
Jude rested his head on Noah pillow. He never knew what mind blowing sex was wait he thought he knew what mind blowing sex was but today he found out that he had no clue what it was.Jude alway thought it was just the physical aspect of sex that made it mind blowing. Jude figures out it’s much more then that. Even in sex Zero was closed off to him. There were things he would do and wouldn’t do like giving head.Yes zero was his biggest cheerleader but he would never reassure Jude when it came to their relationship. The closes he ever did was call himself wifey in a joking fashion behind closed doors but he was never serious when he said it. Being with someone like Noah who rarely hides anything has taught jude so much about being in a real relationship. He went from zero introduce him as the evp of the devils to a guy that called him his boyfriend and now his husband proudly. Hell jude wouldn’t be surprise if Noah had a t shirts made that says “property of Jude kinkade “and “property of Noah kinkade” made for them. The way noah loves jude is just amazing to Jude. Jude would never admit it to anyone that the teasing Noah does before sex it’s great. It’s like part of the foreplay for jude. Foreplay went from biting a lip to a hour that’s counting all of Noah’s teasing and trash talking. Noah’s playfulness is refreshing and surprisingly a turn on to jude.
“ hey why so serious for muffin?” noah asked
Jude grabs a pillow and wacks Noah with it.
“ hey man down” noah laughs
“ very fun not every part of you is down.”jude says
“ I’m half staff because of your bang up clean up job. If I handled you that much you would be slightly hard to.”
“ I have to get all of the cum of” Jude says
“Enough about my cum talk to me buttercup” noah say smiling
Jude gives him a diedpan look.
“ hey I’m not going to stop until you pick a name sexyman. Sweet pea ? Baby boy? Noah frowned at the last one.
“ ok ok hubby but they are all so sweet sounding.
“ I like hubby”noah says
“ I’m not going to call you that again.”jude says
“ why not I am your hubby aren’t I? Your not embarrassed by me are you? Noah says
Noah’s words hit Jude in the center of his chest. The pain was almost physical to Jude. It was like someone kicked him in the chest or someone saying Jude was sale the devils for a dollar and a box of m&m’s.
Jude pushes away from Noah.
“Jude?”noah says confused.
“I can’t believe you said that to me.”Jude says
“Well what am I supposed to think you didn’t introduce me to the mean girl at the mall you won’t call me hubby you don’t want me to announce it on my blog..”Noah asked
“Noah I could never be embarrassed by you I couldn’t do that to you. I’m sorry for ever making you feel that way. I never ment to make you think that. I’m not use to all of this openness with anyone noah”Jude says.
Jude sits up and looks down at Noah.
“ I have been someone’s secret it’s not fun I would never do that to you.”jude say
Noah sits up and puts his hand on Jude bare back. He kisses the back of Jude’s head and rest his head on his shoulder.
“ what can I do to make you not thinking that about me.”Jude asked
“First I need a bag of mint m&m and you need to let me blog for a few hours of my choicing. I promise your mom and the rest of your family won’t be involved.”noah says
“That’s it?No billboard or grand gesture?”
“What can I say you loving me is as it is a pretty grand gesture in my book.” Noah says
Jude turns and looks at noah like he grew a three eye.
“What?”noah says
“ that’s how I feel about you loving me I’m surprised “jude say
“Why? Your smart determined gorgeous you have your self 80 percent together your sweet hard working and ,lovable like you had two big eye and walk on four leg and have a tail for days.”
“ so I’m your puppy?” Jude says with a shy smile
“More like my big ass Great Dane.”noah says with a smile.
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