#do not perceive this because even i don't know what this is ⚫_⚫
regarderdesfilms · 2 years
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RATING: ⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚫⚪⚪⚪ [ 7/10 ]
SEASON PLOT: In the third season, Joe and Love are married and raising their newborn son, Henry, in the Californian suburb of Madre Linda. As their relationship dynamic takes a new turn, Joe continues to repeat the cycle of obsession with a burgeoning interest in Natalie, the next door neighbor. This time, Love will flip the script to ensure that her dream of having the perfect family will not be torn away so easily by Joe's compulsive actions.
BRIEF SUMMARY: Have you ever watched something that felt so exhausting and you know this could easily be solved if someone did something super simple? I felt this way towards this season. That doesn't mean this was not entertaining, but it was so exhausting. I understand to have a show Joe and Love would need to stay together but I would have preferred divorce after the second episode. I rate this a 7/10 because it was so draining to watch, and it felt very stressful in comparison to the other two seasons which kept you on the edge of your seat. This season just felt like a harder pill to swallow but the characters, entertainment value, and story do make up for the stress.
Keep reading below for a more in depth review! Mentions of s**c*d* below and heavy spoilers.
This season truly could have been solved if the two of them weren't so obsessed with staying together. Love could've done better than a man who actively tried to kill her, but she saw herself in Joe. Joe could have left because he didn't love her and it would've ultimately been better for everyone involved, but he had a fear of her killing someone. I think that's where my apprehension for this season is coming from. It's utterly exhausting to watch a couple constantly try to work on their marriage.
The breaths of fresh air from this show never come from the two main characters this season. In comparison to the last season, Love and Ellie were the breaths of fresh air. This season, seeing Love and getting to know her in her darker unhappier times is very different in comparison to how we knew her in season two. Which, of course, probably has to do with the fact that Joe is monologuing what we see and how we perceive it. The breaths of fresh air are hard to come by, it's usually by the people Love befriends or our librarian, Dante. This season felt so weighted, and it makes for a harder time if you're looking for an easier watch. It's still very easy to be hooked in, the entire ordeal of watching two murderers trying to live in a suburban life of marriage when they don't have a connection. It's just a weighted watch.
I'm going to hop into some character reviews, because I think the characters are what make this show so likeable rather than the plot. This plot repeats over and over again with different variables (location, love interest, situations) but the characters are what creates this.
JOE GOLDBERG: I think it makes most sense if we started with Joe. I disagree with people when they say Joe got better. He did try to absolve most of his situations without murder but when he turned to his obsession again, he killed. He killed Marienne's ex and poisoned Love. So all of his talk about not killing ever again for Henry ends up being bullshit, because he found a way to excuse it. For you, Marienne. It did feel like he was going to improve but would Joe Goldberg really be Joe Goldberg if he did improve? He found his soulmate, there's nothing he wouldn't do for his soulmate. Even if that means going against a promise to not kill anyone for his son. Now, this doesn't mean I dislike him I just find his inner monologuing very intriguing to listen to since we had episode after episode of Joe ridiculing Love for her murderous impulses (which isn't great they're both terrible people) but he does the same thing? He hates seeing himself in someone else, and he'll forever do anything he can to say I'm not like that when he is. I was hoping to get more Joe and Henry interactions. I think humanizing him more than he was trying to already do would've been better and given a heavier disappointment when it came for his murder turns to occur. We didn't get many interactions, and we rely on flashbacks from his past to make us feel like he's a real person with feelings. Joe didn't behave well this season, as he does with every season, he's just good at tricking us into believing that he's valid for doing what he does. What was incredibly difficult to understand is why Joe had such a problem with Love. I understand he wants to love someone normal, but he isn't normal. No one normal is going to accept him. Love isn't in the clear either but it just felt like he talked so much about a soulmate when they both share the same fears and love the exact same. Like I said, he didn't like seeing himself in Love but it just felt like a kick in the shin when he couldn't come to terms with himself about how they're the same. He never will. He will never get better.
LOVE QUINN-GOLDBERG: Watching her gave me grey hairs. She's incredibly impulsive, but hates when people call her impulsive. She did deserve better than Joe, but she took that out against the wrong people. Natalie did not deserve to die. Natalie is a subject of Joe's obsession and Love impulsively killed her and punished her for her husbands doings and Love's impulses is where my problems with her characters lie. Like Joe, she refuses to look at herself and admit her faults. Her impulses. Buying that bakery, sleeping with Theo (multiple times), killing Natalie, hitting Gil over the head, making Sherry and Cary choose who shoots one of the other, hitting Theo over the head, etc. It's just a really hard watch because the both of them are so annoying with their refusal to reflect and be like oh this is who I am. She should have left Joe, and I don't know why she didn't? Neither of them trusted each other right but she literally said I don't know if you're going to kill me. I wish the writers just allowed them to break up because it's quite obvious all of us are like: "Girl? Leave???? Never get with him in the first place??? Use your Quinn money and disappear." I'm not in any shape or form blaming her, and I understand it's a plot device for the third season but my goodness it's just insanity to me that she even stayed and TRIED to make this marriage work when her husband had no interest in it and she even admitted she doesn't even like him. I think the writers could have made something work with this. In my opinion, Love is the hardest character to watch. I do admit I cried when she texted Forty, and he appeared in the bath. Her grief process is very hard to watch, even if it does really irritate me when they call Henry Forty. I've read enough AITA posts about calling a baby the wrong name. Overall, I'm not blaming her for anything about Joe being Joe. I just found it interesting that as we got to know her she quickly frayed from being this breath of fresh air in the second season to this dark character that steadily went down a decline.
THEO ENGLER: I am not understanding why everyone is hot and bothered about this guy. Especially in the scene where Love fantasizes about him while her and Joe are having sex I had a full body cringe/ick. And you know what? It's for good reason I'm having a full body cringe/ick and not understanding. It's because he's an immature 19 year old , and that's just not my pace which is good because he's written well. He's a problematic fave for sure, I don't think I'd watch the show for him again, I'm definitely going back to be gaslighted by Joe but he does make this season very enjoyable. He's very cheesy, emotional, he's a mess. He likes Love because she's a mess. I will say I did find it very sweet when he thought Joe was abusing her and offered to run away with her but he was easily manipulated by Love to tend to her errands to make sure she got away with the worlds sloppiest murder. I think his character is, undoubtedly, always coming from a good place. He acts out because he wants attention from his busy father but he takes care of his father. He got kicked out and still thought of Love first, to run away with her and protect her. He put himself in a risky situation for her, and I'm not saying Love and Theo would have been a good couple because they wouldn't have. Her easy going nature only complemented his immaturity because she's so easy going, it would have sizzled, but I think he knew what we knew: that she deserved better and someone who would have appreciated her. So, I can't say I dislike Theo. I'm not having a huge crush over him like other You watchers but to each their own.
MARIENNE BELLAMY: Well, she's certainly very pretty. I think Joe likes her because she's a replica of his own past, someone who will understand. Love is a replica of the worst parts of him that he doesn't even like to face. Joe doesn't like to face these much either, since they're all told in flashbacks but he can admit these things. He can admit that oh I've been in the system because of xyz. He can empathize with Marienne, and Marienne can empathize with him. I think he really likes her because this is the version of himself that he sees. Marienne, herself, outside of the character development (if we can call it that because he does regress for her which isn't her fault of course) makes me sad. Her uptight version of herself is her coping mechanism and it's very saddening to me to know that she's struggling alone through this under the torment of some man. She deserves better, maybe not a Joe Goldberg special, but better for certain.
The rest of the characters aren't important enough to me to write notes for but primarily, this cast was very diverse and it made Madre Linda seem very lively in comparison to the way Joe made the suburbs seem so lifeless. I was watching this more for characters than I was for plot, hence my 7/10 rating. I feel like a more interesting plot would have been if Love and Joe broke up rather than trying to make an obviously doomed marriage try to work. I feel like after 3 episodes they should have broken up, and I think Love could have kept up with Joe to see his behaviors if he found someone new and Joe would have to balance being a father and keeping whoever he is interested in safe from Love despite them being separated. I feel like it would have been interesting to have Love stoop down to his level, and Joe can finally see why he dislikes Love so much. He still didn't register by the end of this season that he dislikes Love because they are exactly the same. They kill for whoever they love to keep them. If the writers upped the ante, maybe he would've realized, and maybe this would have ended differently. It could have been possible too since we are just now finally getting to know the real Love. Money is tight in the Quinn family due to the divorce proceedings, so she'd have to do the dirty work herself. I don't know, I'm just thinking out loud.
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