#doesn't change the significance of what ROBYN saw though
mylordshesacactus · 3 years
Honestly, Robyn’s naked fear and vulnerability when Watts gets dragged out--that visible realization of exactly how little protection they have anymore--adds a whole new layer to how fast she jumped on a grenade for Qrow the next time we see her.
Like, in our first check-in with Robyn, she’s pacing, she’s ranting, she’s scared but mostly furious. Pure, unfiltered Robyn Hill, no reason to hold anything back now.
And then Watts gets a rifle butt to the face and is dragged off without a word.
And then he’s brought back having visibly been tortured.
And in the interim, Robyn has shifted gears. In part to try to get through to Qrow, yes, but...it’s also a front that we’ve seen her use before in the face of the enemy. It’s the “Clover! Maybe you can help me understand...” voice. It’s “Are you lost?” “Now where’s the fun in that?” It’s a facade. A smirk and a taunt to hide what she’s really feeling, to get under her opponent’s skin, to help her wheedle out the truth while any external barbs just glance off that mask like water off a duck’s back. Banter rather than debate.
(We see her lower that mask intentionally, show Qrow the same earnestness and genuine vulnerability that she showed in her election-night address; very deliberately setting aside the front, just for a moment, to share her real feelings. The Robyn Hill Comedy Hour wasn’t just to keep morale up; it’s how she operates in the field. While she’s under threat.)
Watts gets brought back, clearly having been tortured...and without missing a beat, the first thing Harriet does is approach the next cell with intent, and start in on Qrow.
And Robyn instantly pulls aggro.
Away from Qrow--who Robyn knows very well is already extremely emotionally vulnerable to the kind of accusations being thrown at him by the AceOps. Qrow, who already hates himself. Qrow, who already kind of wants to die.
It’s not because she’s not afraid or, despite comments I’ve made in the past, because she doesn’t realize the danger. She knows. She’s known for a while.
She fires up the cocky smirk and the sarcasm and deliberately drags Harriet’s attention onto herself anyway.
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itsclydebitches · 4 years
I see a lot of people saying Ironwood doesn't care about Mantle because he never bothered to upgrade the security for them and left a giant hole in the wall. While those are fair assessments I'll concede to, what about RWBY+? They never told Ironwood that he should update security. They went along with the Amity plan. And what about Robyn? She spent supposedly days stealing supplies from Ironwood and Amity, but she and her Happy Huntresses didn't use any of that to fix the wall?
It’s really a two part issue: 
1. We simply don’t have enough information about the situation. How and why was Watts disgraced? Did people have reason to fear him or did he just generically screw up somehow? How significant was his work to security? Was anyone actually able to improve on it? What does “updating security” even mean in this case? Do we know that Ironwood didn’t make improvements in the year following the Fall of Beacon? Do we know that Watts didn’t just get around any additional measures because he’s a genius? Would updating what they currently have put everyone at risk in any way? How long would this take? What kind of manpower and training do you need to achieve it? And remember, everyone thinks he’s dead. How is he a threat anymore? On the other side, why in the world are “fix wall” resources supposedly the same as “build communication tower” resources? How exactly was the wall breached in the first place? Is it a waste of resources to fill it up if a few grimm are just going to knock it down again tomorrow? Basically, we know very little about what’s going on. Rather, RWBY relies on buzz-words to generate a simplistic conflict. There’s a fight over “resources” but no one lays out what kind, what precisely they’re for, why we can’t use something else to at least temporarily fix the wall, why Robyn didn’t do what she set out to do once she had said resources, etc. Because (again) laying out these details would mean either a) coming up with reasons for why Ironwood is actually a horrible person for not doing X, Y, and Z (which is hard) or b) admitting that oh, it makes sense that he wouldn’t take the time to change access information for a dead man. If a cousin of mine passes and I get access to their Facebook info, it’s not a first priority of mine to make sure that they can never access it again on the off chance they resurrect. And, you know, updating an entire city’s security is a little different than changing a login password. Especially when you’re trying to keep them safe from grimm and an evil queen. Messing with the security created by a guy who you believe is dead simply isn’t high on the priority list. 
2. Then yes, we’ve got the fact that though Ironwood is in charge he is not solely responsible for coming up with every idea and shouldering every bad outcome, especially when surrounded by those who insist they’re his equals. Robyn wants to be a leader? Then lead. Find a way to actually help as opposed to stealing things when you don’t even know what they’re for. And then, it seems, not using them for the noble reason you stole them in the first place. RWBYJNR wants to help people? Then try to do that! They actively undermined Ironwood at every turn and then stood there pissed that he hadn’t found perfect solutions to both the Amity and the Salem situation, without bothering to try and come up with solutions themselves. Ironwood thought he’d figured out a way to beat Salem. They didn’t bother to correct him. Ironwood needs resources, they don’t try and come up with an alternative. Ironwood suggests they stop the project altogether, they insist he keep going... while also still criticizing him for what he has to do to achieve it. If they thought the hole was so important then at least attempt to think up a way to fill it. If they thought security was so important then maybe ask if it’s been updated and, if not, why? How might we achieve that? I don’t see why Ironwood should be held accountable for not foreseeing every insane scenario (two “dead” villains come back to wreak havoc on the city) while everyone else gets a pass.This entire volume was the equivalent of the group yelling at one individual to fix everything, right now, perfectly, and then getting mad when he failed to do so due to inaccurate information on their end, shit options, and basic human mistakes. Which is precisely what we saw in Volume 6. “Why haven’t you found a way to defeat Salem?” the group asks Ozpin, doing nothing to try and find a way to defeat her themselves. “How dare your plan to defeat Salem have downsides,” the group says to Ironwood, doing nothing to try and alleviate those consequences. They want to be treated as leaders but so far have done very little to actually try and improve situations. RWBYJNR remains quite happy to foster that responsibility off onto someone else.
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